kevin102 · 3 years
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Wellness startup Bellabeat, which has primarily marketed its wearable health trackers to women, recently introduced Ivy, a stylish, comfortable health tracker with a long-lasting battery life, poised as a prettier version of a Fitbit. But the accompanying subscription “Coach” software supporting the new bracelet feels like it’s still in beta, which is concerning for a product aiming to offer health guidance to real-world users.
Over the past eight years, Bellabeat has established a track record of releasing wearable devices that look attractive enough to wear as everyday jewelry, like its Time smartwatch and Leaf health tracker. Ivy, launched this September, aims to be its most comprehensive product yet — tracking sleep patterns, heart rate, menstrual cycles, steps, hydration, activity, mindfulness and more.
As a simple health tracker, the Ivy succeeds in what it sets out to do, by tracking your sleep, heart rate and steps. Based on your daily achievements, the app gives you a wellness score. While it encourages you to exercise, it also encourages you to set aside time for daily meditations and other fun activities, which can range from reading to playing sports to going shopping. You’re also presented with a readiness score, which is calculated based on ongoing analysis of your heart rate, resting heart rate, respiratory rate and cardiac coherence read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Science has shown that fasting - that is, skipping certain meals and not eating for a set period of time - can have enormous benefits for your body, fitness, and health. The most common form of this meal schedule is intermittent fasting , a diet model where you can eat so much during certain hours (for example, between noon and 8 o'clock), such as skipping two meals one day of the week, stopping eat 24 hours.
So how does punctual fasting work? And why is it good for us? Here are four great benefits of fasting :
1.Burn fat
When you eat, your body processes it for hours afterwards. It burns the energy of what you have consumed, mainly the glucose in the blood or the glycogen in your muscles and liver, instead of the fat that you have stored. During a 'fasted' state, there is no food to use for energy, so you are more likely to draw energy from fat in your body. To speed up the process of burning fat, exercise! With glucose and glycogen in the background, your body will be forced to pull more energy from the only available source - fat from your cells.
2.Speed ​​up the metabolism
Restricting food for short periods of time can improve your metabolic health. Intermittent fasting is known to be more effective than long-term calorie restriction. It helps your body eliminate waste and toxins that habitually accumulate with food by cleaning your internal organs for a faster metabolism. Fasting is especially beneficial for those with slow digestive systems: it gives your belly and intestines a rest when you stop eating, helping to regulate your bowel function.
3.Improve eating habits
When was the last time you really felt hungry? For many, hunger pangs can be psychological cravings, rather than actual signals from the body. Fasting regularly can help change your attitude towards food, determining what your body really needs to function. You will feel really hungry in your stomach during a fast and when you eat, it will taste better than before.
4.Improve the immune system
The power of fasting was investigated by scientists at the University of Southern California, who found that taking a meal break for just three days can regenerate the entire immune system. Starving the body prompts stem cells to make new white blood cells to fight infection. Old or damaged parts of the immune system are eliminated during fasting, and studies have shown that fasting for 72 hours is enough to help cancer patients protect themselves from the side effects of chemotherapy treatments read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
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Add in 20 minutes of strength exercise. You don't have to spend hours in the gym or acquire expensive equipment to include strength training. Even light weight resistance training can help develop muscular mass and muscle tone.
Again, you may split up your strength training regimen into 10-minute chunks if it works better into your schedule.
Try including activities that are easy to do at home and require no extra equipment. Exercises can include: sit ups, push ups, tricep dips, lunges or side leg lifts read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
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Always include a fruit or veggie. Fruits and vegetables are low-calorie, nutritious foods that can help aid weight loss. If you make half of your meals a fruit or a vegetable, this will assist cut down on overall calories and aid support weight loss.
Choose a range of different fruits and vegetables each day. Try to aim for varied colors throughout the day as well. Each hue provides various important nutrients.
When you're cooking fruits and veggies, it is ideal to eat them raw. If you cook them, use just modest amounts of oil or fats such as butter. This will help keep the calories low.
Fruits and vegetables will also add volume and weight to your recipes. They assist make you feel like you're eating more, but keep the calories low read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Lose Weight Without Dieting
You want to lose weight without suffering the deprivations that a strict diet will subject you to. No problem! There are many ways to lose weight without even realizing that you are trying! See here the tried SHAPE "secrets" for weight loss without diet!
Schedule your meals
Set a timer to 20 minutes and aim to eat slower. This is one of the best habits to lose weight without a complicated diet plan. Enjoy every bite and make your food last until the bell rings. Slow meals will offer you great pleasure from smaller quantities and will trigger the hormones that make you feel full. When you hastily devour your food, your stomach does not have time to tell your brain that it is full. This leads to overeating. How will I lose weight? The express diet of the stars by Dr. Maria Psoma for weight loss in 2 weeks!
Sleep more, weigh less
An extra hour of sleep at night could help one lose 6 pounds in one year, according to research from the University of Michigan for people who consume about 2,500 calories a day. The research scenario shows that when sleep replaces inactive activities - and the usual unconscious snacking - you can effortlessly cut your calories by 6%. The results vary from person to person, but sleep can help in other ways as well. There is evidence that if you sleep less than 7 hours you have an increased appetite that makes you unusually hungry. How do I lose weight now? 15 diet tricks WITHOUT DIET (that the dietitian told us!)
Skip the bacon
Skip those two slices of bacon with your eggs in the morning or at the sandwich at lunch. This simple move saves you about 100 calories, which can mean 5 kilos less in a year. You can think of other ingredients, delicious and healthy for your sandwich: tomato slices, peppers, roasted red peppers, mustard with beans or a light goat cheese with herbs. See here simple ways to save 300 calories a day!
The soup is coming, the pounds are gone
Add a soup to your daily diet and you will be full with fewer calories. It can be minestrone, herbal soup or Chinese. Soup is especially useful at the beginning of a meal because it makes you eat slower and cuts your appetite. Add fresh or frozen vegetables to the broth and simmer. Avoid creamy soups, which can be high in fat and calories. Soup diet by Eleni Petroulaki: The complete 7-day plan!
Prefer whole grains
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and wholemeal flour are also part of your secret weight loss strategy. They will help you get full with fewer calories and can also improve your cholesterol. Today you will find many foods with wholemeal flour such as pizzas, waffles, cakes, pasta and bread. Whole grains and cereals: Learn about slimming carbs!
Put your mind in a yoga state
Women who do yoga tend to weigh less than others, according to a study published in the review Journal of the American Dietetic Association. What is the connection? Those who practice yoga regularly report a more "conscious" approach to food. For example, they tend to notice large portions in restaurants but eat only as much as they need to be full. Researchers believe that the calm self-awareness that develops through yoga helps people to resist overeating. See here which of the types of yoga helps the most in losing weight!
Take your "skinny" clothes out of the closet
Hang on in your bedroom or somewhere where you will often see an old favorite dress or one of those wonderful jeans that no longer suits you. This will keep your focus on the goal. Choose something that is only a little too close to you, so that you can win your reward in a relatively short period of time. Then bring to the surface a favorite outfit that is even tighter and work on your next, achievable goal. What clothes are slimming? The smart fashion tricks for a nice body WITHOUT diet
Use a tall, thin glass
Choose a tall, thin glass instead of a short, wide glass to reduce liquid calories - and your weight - without dieting. You will drink 25-30% less juice, soft drink, wine or any other beverage. Visual messages can deceive us and make us drink more or less. A Cornell University study found that everyone serves more liquid in a short, wide glass - even experienced bartenders.
Burn 100 more calories
Lose 4 kilos in a year without dieting by burning 100 extra calories every day. Try one of the following activities:
He walked 1.5 kilometers, about 20 minutes. See here how you will burn fat by walking!
Deal with the garden or plant flowers for 20 minutes
Trim the grass for 20 minutes
Clean the house for 30 minutes
Jog for 10 minutes
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kevin102 · 3 years
The ketogenic diet is no longer considered "controversial", since its benefits to our body weight and health seem to be many, according to experts who defend it. This is a very low carb diet, rich in good fat, moderate in protein, originally designed in the 1920s for patients with epilepsy. The researchers found that avoiding carbohydrates led to ketosis, a normal metabolic condition in which our body burns fat for fuel instead of glucose (carbohydrates), which helped significantly reduce seizures.
Low in carbohydrates, high in fat
Reducing appetite, blood pressure, insulin, triglycerides, treating acne, better performance, improving the gut are just a few of its benefits.
How does the ketogenic diet work?
When the body has depleted the glycogen in the liver, it produces ketones and uses energy from the fat stored in the fat cells, since of course we take in fewer calories than we need. Read also: How to make a ketogenic diet by counting macronutrients?
"How much weight will I lose?"
Usually with the ketogenic diet you lose about 1 kg of body fat per week. Of course, because for the first 14 days ketosis causes urination, the scales may indicate that you have lost more (extra 2 to 4 kg of fluid), but if you continue, you will find that you have lost fat! Excluding an entire group of foods sounds extreme - shouldn't we eat everything in moderation? Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients (along with fat and protein) in the diet,however, according to experts, we can live with small quantities of them. Although the brain works primarily on glucose, on the one hand the body makes the required glucose from amino acids through a process called gluconeogenesis, and on the other hand the brain can function more efficiently with ketones than with glucose.
See the ketogenic diet plan
Ketogenic menu for 14 days
Before you start ...
It is a good idea to take a magnesium citrate supplement (200 mg) every night to avoid constipation and cramps.
The first 14 days are the most difficult, because your body is trying to adapt, something that will happen in about 6 weeks.
After the end of 14 days - if you have a lot of weight to lose - you can continue the same diet for another 4 weeks (up to 6 months) and then enter the maintenance phase.
In the maintenance phase you will very carefully and slowly reintroduce the carbohydrates in your diet so that you do not regain all the pounds you lost.
Practically you add only 20 gr. carbohydrates per week and you notice changes in your weight.
What can the 20 gr correspond to? carbohydrates?
For example, in a small portion of fruit or about 1 slice of bread or 1/2 cup cooked legumes , pasta, peas or 2 tablespoons oatmeal or cooked rice or a small potato, etc.
Get organized! Make some essential dishes that will make the whole effort easier. You can also cook double quantities to consume them for 2 or more days.
A glass of lukewarm water with a little fresh lemon juice morning and night helps to excrete uric acid. In general, water is good for you! Try to drink 3 liters a day.
The ketogenic diet increases diuresis and you lose salts. Add enough sea salt to your meals (target 1 kg per day). If you do not replace it, you will feel fatigue, weakness, headaches and lethargy.
If you are hungry between meals, you can consume 1 kg. coconut oil or pure butter with a little cocoa and stevia or plain.
The secret behind the ketogenic diet is that it exploits the body's normal mechanism to use fat as fuel.
Also read: 3 myths you will hear about the ketogenic diet
Day 1
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with 100 gr. canned sardines in olive oil, 2 tbsp. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 125 gr. chicken leg cooked with 2/3 cup. roasted zucchini, 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat
Day 2
Breakfast: 2-3 egg muffins cheese, bacon or 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with 100 gr. roasted chicken leg, 2 tbsp. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 125 gr. sardines or anchovies baked in the oven with oregano and 1 tbsp. olive oil with 2/3 cup. greens sautéed with 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 3
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with 100 gr. canned sardines in olive oil, 2 tbsp. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 100 gr. beef liver with 2/3 cup. grilled mushrooms sautéed with 1 tbsp. butter.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 4
Breakfast: Toast with flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with 100 gr. ready smoked trout, 2 tbsp. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: Omelette (3 eggs) with 1/3 cup. spinach and 1/3 cup. mushrooms, all cooked with 1 tbsp. butter.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 5
Breakfast: 2-3 egg muffins cheese, bacon or 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Toast with flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella and 2 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 125 gr. minced meat burger only (not lean). Just salt the outside of the burger to make it juicy. Bake on high heat in a pan or grill. Accompany with 2/3 cup. boiled broccoli or zucchini or greens with olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 6
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Toast with seals-flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella and 2 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 2 chicken leg straws with 2 cups. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 7
Breakfast: Omelette (2 eggs) with 2 slices of bacon.
Lunch: Milk lamb leg cooked in oil paste with 2 cups. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 125 gr. sardines or anchovies baked in the oven with oregano and 1 tbsp. olive oil with 2/3 cup. greens sautéed with 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Also read: Low calorie or low carb diet?
Day 8
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with 100 gr. canned sardines in olive oil, 2 tbsp. raw green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 125 gr. baked chicken leg with 2/3 cup. roasted zucchini, 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 9
Breakfast: 2-3 egg muffins cheese, bacon or 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Toast with seals-flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of smoked salmon, 2 tbsp. cream cheese and a few slices of cucumber.
Dinner: Pork or beef steak (125 gr.) With 2/3 cup. broccoli sautéed with butter (1 tbsp).
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 10
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: 100 gr. canned crab salad in water, 2 tbsp. raw mixed green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: 125 gr. minced meat cooked with 2/3 cup. mushrooms sauteed with 1 tbsp. butter.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 11
Breakfast: Toast with flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Salad with boiled shrimp (100 gr.), 2 tbsp. raw mixed green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: Omelette (3 eggs) with 1/3 cup. spinach and 1/3 cup. mushrooms all cooked with 1 tbsp. butter.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 12
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Toast with flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella and 2 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 125 gr. sardines or anchovies baked in the oven with oregano and 1 tbsp. olive oil with 2/3 cup. greens sautéed with 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 13
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Toast with flaxseed bread cut in half with 2 slices of mortadella and 2 lettuce leaves.
Dinner: 100 gr. beef liver with 2/3 cup. grilled mushrooms sautéed with 1 tbsp. butter.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat.
Day 14
Breakfast: 2 chia and flaxseed toasts with 4 slices of mortadella.
Lunch: Beef steak (125 gr.) Grilled with 2 cups. raw mixed green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: Chicken leg baked in the oven (120 gr.) With 2 tbsp. raw mixed green vegetables (lettuce, baby spinach, arugula, valerian), 1/2 avocado, 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar.
Dessert: Jelly with sucralose sweetener served with 1 tbsp. whipped cream with 35% fat read more
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kevin102 · 3 years
Loss Weight 10 Kg A Week
How to lose weight fast: 3 simple, science-based steps
There are several ways to lose quite a bit of weight quickly.
Either way, most will make you feel unsatisfied and hungry.
If you don't have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up these plans quickly.
The plan that we offer you here will be for:
reduce your appetite significantly
make you lose weight quickly, without starving, and
improve your metabolic health at the same time.
Here we show you a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.
1. Reduce the intake of sugars and starches (carbohydrates)
The most important part is reducing the consumption of sugars and starches (carbohydrates).
When you do that, you will lower your hunger level and end up consuming far fewer calories.
Now, instead of burning carbohydrates for energy, your body will start to feed off stored fat.
Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels, which causes the kidneys to remove excess sodium and water from your body. This reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight.
It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (4.54 kg), sometimes more in the first week you eat this way, both in body fat and water weight.
This is a graph from a study comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in overweight or obese women.
The low-carb group eats their fill, while the low-fat group has restricted calories and hunger.
Cut back on carbohydrates and you will automatically start eating fewer calories and not starving.
Simply put, cutting carbs automatically causes your body to start losing fat read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Keto Diet
The Keto Diet
The ketogenic diet (or keto diet for short) is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that offers many health benefits.
In fact, around 20 studies show that this type of diet can help you lose weight and improve health.
Ketogenic diets can have benefits even against diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's.
Here's a detailed beginner's guide to the keto diet.
What is a ketogenic diet?
The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low-carbohydrate diets.
This diet involves drastically reducing carbohydrates and replacing them with fat. This decrease exposes the body to a metabolic state called ketosis.
When this happens, the body becomes incredibly efficient and manages to convert all the fat into energy. It also converts fat into ketones within the liver, which can supply more energy to the brain.
Ketogenic diets can cause reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increase in ketones, provides numerous health benefits read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Weight Lose 50 kilo
Losing more than 50 kilos is possible by making just two changes in your daily life
There are people who want to lose weight when summer comes thinking about vacations. And it is that nobody likes to go to the beach dragging extra kilos, especially when it is the time of year when we wear less clothes and when we notice the weight accumulated throughout the winter months. But there are those who dream of losing weight since they were a child, because they were always the 'chubby' in the class , because they were always overweight, because they were always the last of the class in gymnastics ... Children who suffer from obesity since they are little become , almost always, in adults who carry that excess weight when they grow up.
But having a history of being overweight does not mean that we are necessarily going to carry those extra kilos throughout our lives. Losing weight is possible, regardless of age , and the most important thing is to want to carry out that process. If we really want to lose weight , we can. And the proof has been provided to us by Palak Setia.
Lost 50 kilos
This young North American of Indian origin has explained to Men's Health how he managed to lose 50 kilos , a story in which the head has a lot to do with it. It all started when his parents called him on the phone: they were going to have a party for his silver wedding anniversary and he had to buy a suit, since everyone in his closet had outgrown him read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
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In confectionery there are some ingredients that are basic in the pantry, common to almost all preparations. Flour, sugar and eggs are usually the essentials, to which a fat is usually added. Butter aside, butter and oil are common in cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and cakes, but are they interchangeable?
There are many reasons to substitute butter for oil in baking: a vegan diet, allergies or intolerances, dietary needs ... or simply because an ingredient has been used up. But butter and oil behave differently and that is why it is convenient to be clear about some points before knowing how to substitute each product.
Why do we use fat to bake dough?
Butter, oils and other fats are used in pastry and bakery for various purposes, depending on the product to be baked. Its main functions include:
They soften the dough , softening the crumb by weakening the gluten and giving more cohesion to its internal structure. For example, a brioche has a tender, soft and light internal crumb, almost like a cloud, thanks to the high butter content.
They help the heat from baking to penetrate and distribute more evenly in the uncooked dough.
They favor browning and caramelisation , enhancing the aromas and giving a more palatable appearance.
They help to give moisture to the doughs, preventing them from drying out and making them juicier.
They help to extend the shelf life of already baked products.
Depending on the product used, they also add specific flavor and aromas
Of course, you can bake sweets and doughs without oil or butter , although normally these recipes do contain the fat from the yolk of eggs or nuts. There are also recipes in which pure fats are completely eliminated, looking for healthier substitutes that mimic the result; for example, avocado, banana or pulses.
Baking with butter
I've always had a fondness for butter, probably due to my Swiss family. It seems to me a fantastic product, like all the most artisan dairy derivatives. A good quality real butter is a delight and also works wonders in pastries and sweets.
Obviously it is an extremely fatty product and there has been a time of very bad press in favor of vegetable fats, but this has also changed. Without getting into nutritional issues - there are experts who have treated the subject much better - I defend its use and consumption always in a moderate way .
Baking with oil
In Spain I take it for granted that we use two types of cooking oils, olive and sunflower . They are interchangeable, considering only that the former adds aroma and flavor, while the sunflower remains neutral. Using one or the other will go according to taste and the recipe we want to make will depend on it; for example, for muffins I would recommend a very aromatic olive one, such as arbequina .
You have to avoid the mistake of choosing an olive oil marked as "mild"; extra virgin is always the best option . If what we are looking for is that it does not alter the flavor of the dough, it is better to choose a quality sunflower or corn read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Body Fat Rate Is Better
The percentage of body fat, nutritionists and trainers refer to the ideal amount of fat that the body should contain according to sex and age. Likewise, a person who is a professional athlete, sportsman or who exercises regularly, his percentage of body fat mass is lower than that of a sedentary person or with little physical activity.
To achieve the ideal fat percentage and have a defined body, in addition to reducing the amount of foods rich in fat and sugars in the diet, it is advisable to exercise regularly and increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods integral.
To calculate the percentage of body fat, the measurement of various body folds and circumferences must be carried out, which must be taken by a nutritionist, doctor, physical education teacher or another professional specialized in taking measurements of body composition. However, there are faster methods that can be used at home, such as the use of a bioimpedance balance.
How to calculate body fat
Body fat can be calculated in different ways, these are:
1. Anthropometric measurement
Anthropometric measurement is a technique used to know the body composition of a person, in which a nutritionist or certified health professional performs the measurement of some circumferences and folds in the skin in the regions with more body fat such as the abdomen, back , arm and thigh. For this, an instrument called a caliper and a tape measure are used.
Once the measurements are obtained, there are prediction formulas in which the values ​​of the circumferences and folds are used, thus giving an estimate of body fat.
2. Bioimpedancia
To calculate an estimate of body fat, bioimpedance balances can be used, which not only can indicate weight, but also the amount of water, muscle, bone mass and fat that the body contains. To do this, it takes into account the age, sex, height, weight and intensity of the physical activity that is carried out, and with this it makes an estimate of the fat, muscle and bone mass.
This measurement should preferably be done on an empty stomach and should not be done during pregnancy, after intense physical activity, during menstruation, or 5 days before or 5 days after menstruation, as the values ​​could be altered. See more about how bioimpedance works .
3. Other methods
There are also other methods but they are expensive and also give an estimate of the percentage of body fat, some of them are 3D body scanners, air displacement plethysmography and hydrostatic weighing read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
NuviaLab Keto
NuviaLab Keto is a unique formula because it contains exclusively natural ingredients that are not capable of damaging health:
Citrine reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Reduces appetite, body fat. Improve mood gradually.
Forslin expands blood vessels, accelerates the process of lipolysis. Increases the release of insulin. Supports the metabolism of fats.
Green tea leaves (extract) accelerate calorie burning and improve digestion.
Guarana seeds (extract) suppress appetite, slow down the formation of new fat cells. Supports lipid metabolism. Improves concentration.
Cayenne pepper fruit extract (extract) with anti-inflammatory properties simulates the production of digestive juice, controls weight. Improves the function of the digestive system.
Vitamin B6 normalizes sleep. Helps digest complex carbohydrates. Supports the fat burning process.
Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, reduces bad cholesterol. Accelerates the weight loss process.
Antioxidant BioPerine normalizes bowel frequency and helps nutrients to be better absorbed. Keeps weight under control. Supports the secretion of digestive juices.
The preparation contains a mixture of components that support the state of ketosis and contribute to weight loss, achieving better results read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Formula for weight loss
There are several ways to lose quite a bit of weight quickly.
Either way, most will make you feel unsatisfied and hungry.
If you don't have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up these plans quickly.
The plan that we offer you here will be for:
reduce your appetite significantly
make you lose weight quickly, without starving, and
improve your metabolic health at the same time.
Here we show you a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.
Reduce the intake of sugars and starches (carbohydrates)
The most important part is reducing the consumption of sugars and starches (carbohydrates).
When you do that, you will lower your hunger level and end up consuming far fewer calories.
Now, instead of burning carbohydrates for energy, your body will start to feed off stored fat.
Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels, which causes the kidneys to remove excess sodium and water from your body. This reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight.
It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (4.54 kg), sometimes more in the first week you eat this way, both in body fat and water weight.
This is a graph from a study comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in overweight or obese women read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Foods high in Globulin
Globulin is a serum protein found in the blood. There are four different types of globulin: alpha-1 globulins, alpha-2 globulins, beta globulin, and gamma globulin. If any of these types of globulin are lowered, health problems can occur. In some cases, globulins can be increased through a diet that includes protein-rich foods that are globulin-rich.
Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds are very nutritious. Not only do they contain a high level of globulin, but they also have omega fatty acids, vitamin E, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Hemp seeds can be eaten plain, baked in bread or muffins, put on cereal or granola, or in salads.
Soy is a legume that is well known for its nutritional benefits. Soy is rich in fiber, vitamin E, zinc, iron, and fatty acids among other nutrients. Soy is also versatile and is consumed in a variety of ways. Soy milk, tofu, tempeh, soy ice cream, and tofu are just a few of the ways you can eat soy for globulin.
Certain types of shellfish are high in globulin, including iron-rich shellfish, such as oysters, sardines, and shrimp.
Red meat
Red meat is a food that is rich protein and globulin. Red meats include beef, lamb, venison and bison.
Dried fruits and vegetables
You can also get globulin from eating dried apricots, plums, raisins, or peas. Nuts and vegetables are also rich in vitamins and other nutrients and low in fat.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are a source of globulin. All green leafy vegetables will provide globulin when consumed, but mustard greens, kale and spinach are particularly globulin-rich. They are also very rich in nutrients and particularly high in vitamins A and C.
Whole grains
Whole grains are a source of globulin, including whole grains and breads. Whole grains are also a source of fiber and iron.
Eggs are a source of globulin. Eggs are also rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, K, B6, and B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamine, magnesium, sodium, niacin, copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, and riboflavin read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Exercise Per Week Is Recommended
For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines:
Aerobic activity Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest spreading this exercise over the course of a week. To get the most out of your health and help you lose or maintain weight, at least 300 minutes a week is recommended. But even small amounts of physical activity help. Being active for short periods throughout the day can be beneficial to your health.
Muscle strengthening Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least twice a week. Try to do only one set of each exercise with a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after 12 to 15 repetitions.
Moderate aerobic exercise includes activities such as brisk walking, biking, swimming, and mowing the lawn. Vigorous aerobic exercise can include running, heavy gardening, and aerobic dancing. Strengthening muscles can include using weight machines, your own body weight, heavy bags, resistance bands or resistance rows in water, or activities such as climbing.
As a general goal, aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss, or reach specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more.
It is also important to reduce the time you spend sitting. The more hours you sit each day, the greater your risk of metabolic problems. Sitting for a long time can negatively affect your health and longevity, even if you do the recommended amount of daily physical activity. And some research has found that people who lost weight may be more likely to keep it off if they sit less during the day.
Do you have little time to exercise? Even short periods of activity offer benefits. For example, if you can't take a 30-minute walk during the day, try taking a few five-minute walks instead. Any activity is better than none. The most important thing is that you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Burn 100 Calories In a Few Minutes
Dance and burn 100 calories (or more)
Dancing is an effective way to burn calories in general. All you have to do is choose four or five songs from your playlist and dance to them with all your heart . This will translate into fifteen minutes of vigorous movements that will help you burn 100 calories in an easy way, while having fun, releasing tension and draining.
Climb stairs
Instead of taking advantage of any excuse to take the elevator even if you live in a first, start going up and down stairs whenever you get the chance. This simple exercise will help you stay active and burn several calories. In addition, it will help you to have a better physical condition if you do it regularly.
To burn about 100 calories you will have to go up and down for 10 consecutive minutes. Try walking up and down home, and if you live on a very high floor, use the elevator, but go down 3 floors early.
Do interval sports to burn more calories
Exercising is always a great idea to gain health and wellness in general, and if you do it at intervals, you will achieve your purpose in less time.
Interval routines are done in a short time and help burn a lot of calories and also reduce the risk of developing diabetes , according to an article published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness .
Among these routines would be:
Jumping jacks for 20 seconds.
Rest of 10 seconds.
Raise your knees for 20 seconds.
10 second rest
Jump rope for 20 seconds.
Rest of 10 seconds.
Note : keep in mind that in order to burn 100 calories you will have to repeat these exercises at least nine times read more...
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kevin102 · 3 years
Specific Weight Lose
The best weight management plan is the one you can stick with for life. That's a long time, so we'll try to keep these recommendations as straightforward as possible!
Make it a family affair. Ask your parents for help and support. The goal is for them to make diet or lifestyle changes that can benefit the whole family. Teens with family support tend to do better.
Watch what you drink. It's amazing how many calories are in carbonated beverages, juices, and other beverages you drink every day. By simply skipping a can of soda or avoiding sports drinks, you can reduce your daily calorie intake by 150 calories or more. Drink water or other unsweetened beverages to quench your thirst and avoid juices and sugary carbonated drinks. It is also a good idea to drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
Start with small changes. It is easier to be persistent with small changes than with drastic ones. For example, ditch the sodas or cut back on the portions of your meals. Once you've accomplished this, you can start making other changes, such as gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
Stop eating when you are full. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you feel satisfied. Eating more slowly helps because it takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize that you are full. Sometimes pausing before repeating can prevent you from eating another serving.
Avoid eating when you are angry or bored; do something else (a walk of a few blocks or going to the gym are good alternatives). Many people find it helpful to keep a journal of what they eat and when and what they feel. When you write all this you have to think twice before eating some cookies. Reviewing your journal later can help you identify the emotions you feel when you eat too much read more...
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