#gala expo season 3
Gala Expo Season 3: Your Gateway to Real Estate Investment Opportunities
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In the dynamic world of real estate, staying ahead of the curve requires access to the latest trends, projects, and investment opportunities. Gala Expo Season 3 emerges as a beacon of opportunity for both seasoned investors and aspiring property buyers. This blog takes you on a journey to discover how Gala Expo Season 3 serves as your gateway to a world of real estate investment possibilities.
Unlocking a World of Properties
Gala Expo Season 3 isn't just an event; it's a window to a diverse portfolio of properties. From residential apartments to commercial spaces and luxury villas, the event showcases a wide array of options that cater to various preferences and budgets. Whether you're looking for a home, an investment property, or a commercial venture, Gala Expo Season 3 is a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be explored.
Spotlight on Emerging Trends
The real estate industry is in a constant state of evolution, with emerging trends shaping the way properties are designed and experienced. Gala Expo Season 3 shines a spotlight on these trends, allowing attendees to witness firsthand the innovative features, sustainable practices, and technological advancements integrated into modern properties. By staying updated on these trends, you position yourself to make informed investment decisions that align with the future of real estate.
Direct Interaction with Experts
One of the most invaluable aspects of Gala Expo Season 3 is the chance to directly interact with real estate experts, developers, and professionals. Attendees have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, seek advice, and gain insights from those who understand the nuances of the industry. These interactions provide a unique chance to ask questions, clarify doubts, and receive personalized guidance tailored to your investment goals.
Exploring Various Investment Avenues
Gala Expo Season 3 caters to a spectrum of investment avenues within the real estate sector. Whether you're interested in residential properties for rental income, commercial spaces for business ventures, or luxury properties for capital appreciation, the event encompasses a range of projects that align with different investment strategies. This diversity allows you to explore and evaluate options that resonate with your financial aspirations.
Gala Expo Season 3 is a gateway that opens doors to a world of real estate investment opportunities. By attending this event, you're not just exploring properties; you're gaining insights into trends, connecting with experts, and gaining the tools to make well-informed investment decisions. Whether you're a seasoned investor seeking to diversify your portfolio or a first-time buyer looking to step into the world of real estate, Gala Expo Season 3 promises to be an enriching experience that empowers you to navigate the intricate landscape of property investment.
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your-property-guru · 11 months
GALA EXPO SEASON 3: Redefining Real Estate
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GALA EXPO SEASON 3 is set to redefine real estate with a grand event featuring top 500 developers from across India, unveiling innovative residential and commercial projects. It promises unprecedented discounts and investment opportunities, making dreams a reality. Join this history-making journey to experience unmatched excitement and creativity, turning aspirations into tangible achievements. Contact for more info: +91-9310222541.
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Unveiling the Future: Gala Expo Season 3 - Your Gateway to Real Estate Excellence
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In the dynamic world of real estate, where innovation, trends, and investment opportunities are constantly evolving, there's an event that stands out as a beacon of knowledge, networking, and inspiration. Welcome to Gala Expo Season 3, an eagerly anticipated real estate extravaganza that promises to be your gateway to a realm of excellence, insights, and possibilities. Let's delve into what makes this event a must-attend for both industry professionals and aspiring homeowners alike.
A Fusion of Expertise and Vision
Gala Expo Season 3 is more than just an event; it's a convergence of minds that are shaping the future of real estate. Set to bring together renowned architects, developers, realtors, financiers, and experts from various related fields, the event is a melting pot of expertise and vision. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the industry's luminaries, gaining insights into the latest trends, innovations, and strategies that are driving the real estate landscape.
Unveiling Cutting-Edge Innovations
Innovation is the heartbeat of the real estate industry, and Gala Expo Season 3 is where you'll witness these innovations firsthand. From sustainable building technologies to state-of-the-art smart homes, the event will showcase a myriad of advancements that are revolutionizing how we live, work, and invest in real estate. Prepare to be amazed as you explore futuristic designs, energy-efficient solutions, and groundbreaking concepts that are shaping the cities of tomorrow.
A Platform for Networking and Partnerships
Networking is a cornerstone of success in the real estate sector, and Gala Expo Season 3 offers an unparalleled platform for forging valuable connections. Attendees will have the chance to engage with potential partners, investors, clients, and collaborators who can contribute to their growth and ventures. Whether you're a developer seeking funding, an architect searching for visionary projects, or a homeowner looking for the perfect property, the event's networking opportunities are bound to be transformative.
Empowering Homebuyers and Investors
For those aspiring to own a piece of real estate or looking to invest in properties, Gala Expo Season 3 serves as a treasure trove of information. With informative seminars, workshops, and presentations, attendees will gain valuable insights into market trends, financing options, legal considerations, and much more. This knowledge empowers both seasoned investors and first-time homebuyers to make informed decisions that align with their goals and aspirations.
Exploring Diverse Opportunities
Gala Expo Season 3 transcends geographical boundaries, offering a diverse range of real estate opportunities. From residential properties in bustling urban centers to serene countryside retreats, the event will showcase a spectrum of options to suit various preferences and budgets. Whether you're looking for your dream home, an investment property, or commercial spaces, this expo is a one-stop destination to explore a plethora of options under one roof.
Unveiling the future and offering a gateway to real estate excellence, Gala Expo Season 3 is not just an event; it's an experience that promises to shape perspectives, inspire innovations, and foster collaborations. As the real estate industry continues to evolve, this expo stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. Whether you're an industry professional, an investor, or a potential homeowner, mark your calendars and prepare to be a part of an event that's redefining the future of real estate.
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yahooben · 7 years
E3 Preview: What to expect from 2017's marquee video game expo
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The E3 video game trade show kicks of in Los Angeles, California Saturday, June 10. (image: ESA)
Hope you like video games, because your social networks are about to get flooded with countless tweets, posts, pics, hot takes, snarky asides and full-on rants about interactive entertainment. The reason? E3, otherwise known as the Electronic Entertainment Expo.
You’ve likely heard of E3 — it’s in its 24th consecutive year — but you might not know why the annual video game industry convention/circus is such a big deal. Focused primarily on upcoming games and hardware, E3 offers a glimpse into the strategic motivation of some of the world’s biggest entertainment companies. Microsoft (MSFT), Sony (SNE), Nintendo (NTDOY) and others parade their latest and greatest wares, hoping to drum up pre-orders, dominate headline, and ride a wave of gamer goodwill into the lucrative holiday season.
Here’s what you need to know about the most important video game show of the year.
When does it start, exactly?
E3 2017 descends upon the Los Angeles Convention Center from June 13 through June 15, though it unofficially begins a few days earlier with a smattering of gaudy press conferences from major players. This year Electronic Arts kicks things off with an event on Saturday, June 10, followed by Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft and Sony on Sunday and Monday. Here’s the official press conference schedule.
How big is it?
The size and scope of E3 has fluctuated over the years. After flirting with fire code violations in 2005 by letting over 70,000 attendees roam its halls, the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) yanked on the reins, moving the shebang to a series of hotels in Santa Monica and trimming the guest list to a tidy 5,000. Eventually they moved back downtown and the show enjoyed a sort of rebirth. Last year’s E3 had more than 50,000 showgoers, and 2017 will likely exceed that.
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Attendees at E3 2016. There were … a lot. (image: ESA)
Some 200 game makers will tout games big and small in booths at the cavernous convention center, but the show is much bigger than that. Twitch and T-Mobile will host an esports arena next door at L.A. Live. Game Awards producer Geoff Keighley will host developer chats, panels and demos at the fan-friendly E3 Coliseum, including appearances by the likes of Jack Black, Ivan Reitman and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Add in dozens of mixers, a handful of huge parties and an untold number of hotel suite showings and it basically takes over L.A.’s thriving downtown district for three full days.
Can I go?
Not if you didn’t buy a ticket. E3 2017 model is the first show to be open to the public. The ESA sold 15,000 and, as you can imagine, they’re all sold out.
But E3 has increasingly become less dependant on conventional on-the-ground reporting to get the word out. The major pre-show press conferences will all be streamed live at various sites (IGN, for instance) and Sony sold movie theater tickets for those interested in watching their gala on a big screen.
Sites like Youtube, Twitch and even Twitter will be streaming all sorts of coverage live from the show floor, including interviews with developers and live gameplay demonstrations. You might not be there in person, but it’s easy to stay informed.
So what big news should we expect?
That’s a super hard question, voice in my head, but here’s a handful of relatively safe predictions:
Microsoft’s Project Scorpio
E3 is often a launchpad for big new hardware announcements, and this year the stage belongs to Microsoft. Expect to get a pretty thorough demo of Project Scorpio, an upgraded version of the company’s One console and counter to Sony’s beefy PS4 Pro.
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Microsoft is expected to reveal its Project Scorpio console at E3 2017.
Though Microsoft launched the slim (and excellent) Xbox One S console last year, Scorpio is a different beast, packing even more power at what will likely be a significantly higher price. Microsoft calls the 4K-capable machine “the most powerful console ever built,” and indeed, recently revealed tech specs indicate a faster CPU and a GPU that’s nearly 5 times burlier than the tech found in a standard Xbox One.
We should get a final name, price and possibly release date for the system at E3, and Microsoft is expected to show off a few games specifically designed to take advantage of the console’s extra horsepower including a new “Forza” game maybe a new “Halo” collection.
Sony’s surprises
For the past few years, Sony has developed a terrific E3 rhythm by talking directly to gamers with huge announcements. They haven’t always paid off (where’s that “Final Fantasy VII” remake, or that weird VR game “Dreams”, or, um, “Shenmue 3”?), but a tight mix of both imminent and far-off software like “Uncharted,” “Horizon,” “God of War”, “Spider-Man” and “Days Gone” have endeared them to their fanbase.
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Sony is expected to bring us more information about its highly-anticipated ‘God of War.’
And we’ll see more of that this year. Expect a lengthier showing of the rebooted “God of War,” which wowed showgoers with its intense, dad bod approach to the bloodthirsty Kratos. We should also see “The Last of Us 2,” the sequel to one of the highest-rated games of all time, and perhaps an appearance by “Bloodborne II” as well.
Pricing changes in their PS4 hardware ecosystem could also be in the cards, and if you believe the rumor mill, that might include some sort of new PlayStation handheld to replace the company’s ailing Vita line. The company has excelled at surprising us at recent E3s, and that trend should continue this year.
Nintendo’s future
After stealing last year’s E3 with a booth dedicated to a single game —  “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” — Nintendo went on an absolute tear. They dominated smartphones with “Pokemon Go,” introduced the holiday’s hottest toy in the NES Classic Edition, and gave Nintendo new hope after the disappointing Wii U with the immediately successful Switch not to mention 2017’s best game in “Breath of the Wild.” Not bad a for a company most folks had written off just a few years back.
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Expect Nintendo to drop a boatload of new games on us at E3.
But gamer goodwill doesn’t last forever. The Kyoto giant has to prove to early adopters that the Switch has a long, healthy life ahead of it while convincing investors that they can reach beyond their die-hards to maintain the system’s impressive sales momentum.
To do that, the company will show off a wealth of Switch games, headlined by the system-selling “Super Mario Odyssey.” Beyond that, brace for the usual suspects: a new “Pokemon,” a “Mario” spinoff or two, some big Japanese role-playing games, loads of Wii U ports and, if we’re lucky, the long-awaited return of the “Metroid” franchise. And while the company has been treading lightly into the competitive waters of esports, an updated, HD version of “Super Smash Bros. Melee” for the Switch would be huge.
VR’s big push
There is a good chance you’re a VR skeptic. You have every right to be. After years of breathless stories about the new wave of VR, systems like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive arrived with exorbitant price tags, excessive cabling and a scarcity of truly compelling software. Those hurdles will eventually vanish as the hardware gets friendlier and the costs drop, but the VR revolution isn’t exactly happening overnight.
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We’re hoping to see a few interesting VR titles at E3.
VR game makers have moved forward largely undaunted, however, and we expect to see the fruits of their labor on full display at E3 2017. Sony will likely push its PSVR pretty hard at the show, perhaps with a lengthy demo of EA’s anticipated “Star Wars: Battlefront II” and other full-featured games running on the headset.
Bethesda also has a history with VR; rumor has it their VR version of its blockbuster RPG “Fallout 4” will make an appearance. Though neither Oculus nor HTC have formal E3 booths, games from VR developers on both platforms will be all over the place.
The VR dark horse at this point is Microsoft, who gave us a glimpse into their plans with the mixed-reality Hololens headset in 2015. They were mum on the subject last year, however, and the company isn’t planning a big Xbox-related VR reveal at E3. But Microsoft is more than just the Xbox — expect some big Windows-related VR/AR news.
More games news:
Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass will end your free time forever
‘Injustice 2’ review: Kneel before this sublime superhero fighter
How Microsoft is bringing VR to the masses
The New 2DS XL could be Nintendo’s best handheld yet
‘Middle-earth: Shadow of War’ lets you lead orcish armies — and destroy them
‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’ review: A new classic for a new generation
Ben Silverman is on Twitter at ben_silverman.
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Happy Leap Weekend, Memphis! Here are the five things you won’t want to miss, plus a “few” extras. Photo by Raphael Tenschert But first, be sure you didn’t miss anything on the blog lately: How To Celebrate Leap Day In Memphis (extensive guide for this Sat.) St. Patrick’s Day Parades + Parties 12 Concerts You Have To See This Month FOOD & DRINK: Tamboli’s Pizza & Pasta, Hustle & Dough, Charc Week, Memphis Winter Beers OK, here’s your weekend guide: 1. Trolley Night, South Main Arts District, Friday, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., free, all ages/kid-friendly Shops and galleries host open houses this Friday evening as part of the monthly “Trolley Night” celebrations. South Main Sounds hosts a songwriter’s night and The Vault will host musician Chris Johnson; Primas Bakery & Boutique is open extended hours with new boutique items and the Cossitt Library with the Memphis Chess Club will host chess games (including a giant chess board) at their Pop-Up location inside 409 South Main’s Puck Food Hall.  2. Leap Year Bar Crawl, Cooper Young, Saturday, noon – ‘til, free to attend, all ages (21+ to drink) Cooper Young hosts a Leap Year Bar Crawl starting at noon on Leap Day, February 29. Participating pubs: Cafe Ole, Sweet Grass / Next Door, Celtic Crossing, Aldo’s Pizza Pies – Midtown, and live music at Railgarten. It’s free to wander from bar to bar, just be sure to tip your bartenders. 3. Half Pints For Half Pints, Memphis Made, Saturday, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m., $50, 21+ Memphis Made taproom will host Half Pints for Half Pints, benefitting Peabody Elementary. Your ticket includes Memphis Made beer, wine, and food from Central BBQ, Sweetgrass, Mulan, Aldo’s, Hattie B’s, Celtic Crossing and Sunrise. There’s a silent auction and music by DJ Zac Ives. 4. Spillit Slam: Take the Leap, Ixora, Saturday, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m., $10, 18+ Spillit Memphis hosts “Spillit Slam: Take the Leap”, a storytelling competition, at the new local maker’s market in the Crosstown neighborhood, Ixora. It’s at 416 N. Cleveland St. (near the Hi-Tone). From their FB event: “If you want to tell your seven-minute story, you’ll drop your name in the bucket. We’ll draw up to ten names and each person has seven minutes to tell a story. At the end of the night, the audience will decide who the winner is.”  5. Sounds2Real Syndicate Presents: Guitar Heroes vol. 1 at Growlers, Sunday, doors at 7 p.m., all ages, $10 Six Memphis guitarists will come together under one roof to showcase the many unique styles of Memphis guitar. Featuring Derek Brasser Jr., Thomas O. Crivens, Jamaal Franklin, Ping Rose, Steve Bethany, and Paul Taylor, this show aims to create a collaborative space for guitarists (and fans!!) looking to talk shop and network. Looking for more live music in Memphis this month? Check out the monthly Listen Up! guide. Plus a few more ideas… Friday, Feb. 28 GiveCamp Memphis / Design for Good 2020 (through March 1) Memphis Farm & Gin Show at Renasant Convention Center (through Feb. 29) South Main Sounds Songwriter Night Live! Memphis Breast Cancer Summit at U of M Holiday Inn “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Disney’s Aladdin at The Orpheum Theatre – through March 7 family Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Weekend at Graceland – through Feb. 29 Firepit Fridays at the River Garden family, free I AM MEmphis at 3795 Frayser-Raleigh Road Left Unsung at Black Lodge Vive Le Smash at Brooks Museum Opening Reception for Studios: Keiko Gonzalez at Crosstown Arts free Heidi Walters Art Opening at Eclectic Eye Grizzlies v. Kings at FedExForum family HBCU Night at Grizzlies v. Kings at FedExForum Adam McClelland at Loflin Yard RuPaul’s Drag Race: Dine & Drag Weekly Watch Party! at Atomic Rose Bow Wow Bingo & BBQ at Central Ave. Summer Cassette Set at The Cove Free Entry Weekend Guest List at Tin Roof free Memphis Hustle v. Salt Lake City Stars at the Landers Center family Twilight Tours at Woodruff-Fontaine House  Training to Be a Memphis Aquifer & Water Educator Volunteer at U of M Art Reception: Jesi Lee at 5 S. Main Street Saturday, Feb. 29 – Leap Day! GiveCamp Memphis / Design for Good 2020 (through March 1) “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Memphis Farm & Gin Show at Renasant Convention Center (through Feb. 29) family Memphis Parent Camp Expo at the Pink Palace family Skate School at Society Skatepark family College Readiness Roundup Memphis at United Way Mid-South family Peanut Butter & Jam: Misti Rae and the Swing Set at GPAC family Make Your Own: Leap Day Origami Frog at the Metal Museum family Disney’s Aladdin at The Orpheum Theatre – through March 7 family Hamilton Eye Institute Race for Sight 5K at Shelby Farms family Memphis 901 FC v. U. of Memphis Tigers Pre-Season Match at AutoZone Park family (incl.  Collierville Animal Shelter Fundraiser hosted by Collierville Cares at the Quonset Madonna Learning Center Gala at Hilton East Half Pints for Half Pints at Memphis Made Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Weekend at Graceland Stravinsky’s “The Firebird” at The Cannon Center Memphis Hustle v. Salt Lake City Stars at the Landers Center family Grizzlies v. Lakers at FedExForum family Georgia on My Mind: Celebrating the Music of Ray Charles at GPAC Magic Carpet Ride with Trout Fishing in America at Buckman PAC, family Leap Year Bar Crawl 2020 at Railgarten Memphis: QueerAF! February at Black Lodge Sabato Sociale in the Enoteca! at Bari Spillit Slam: Take the Leap at Ixora Girl Scout Cookie and Beer Pairing at Casual Pint International Polar Bear Day at the Memphis Zoo, family Halal Food Pantry Distribution at  Masjid Al-Mu’minun  Mosque Leap Day Party! at Tin Roof Memphis Teen Takeover— Native Voices at Brooks Museum Mitchell Community Center- Dedication Celebration at 602 W. Mitchell Rd. The Music of Grover Washington Jr. at CrosstownConcourse East Atrium The Comancheros w/ FeverTree at Hi Tone Avon Dale at The Cove Style Is Confidence Workshop at Wild Nutrition Miss Gay Tennessee USofA at Dru’s Place Sunday, March 1 GiveCamp Memphis / Design for Good 2020 (through March 1) Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Bluff City Mafia Sunday Funday at Memphis Made Brewing Aquanet at Lafayette’s Music Room Family Metalsmithing: Copper Flower Centerpiece at the Metal Museum family Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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autonexa-driven · 5 years
10 Cars At Auto Expo 2018 That Will Launch By 2020
You can count the cars launched at the Auto Expo on your fingers, but there’s a big a list of cars which were showcased and are set to be launched in the country by 2020
The top-of-the-line version of the eco-friendly BMW is presented in its exclusive E-Copper Metallic at the Auto Expo 2018 and is scheduled to be launched in the country by the end of 2018. The BMW i8 Roadster, the i8 Coupe will be the halo of the brand “i” “They must be carriers of future technology, such as large rechargeable batteries, electric motors, small turbochargers, hybrid components and light-weight structures. Auto Expo Expected To Be Launched BMW kept the clipper doors and flight supports while making some changes to incorporate the removable cloth cap (which folds / unfolds in 15 seconds). The i8 Roadster is two pure seats, unlike the Coupé, a two-seat arrangement.
The BMW i8 Roadster contains devices similar to Coupe, but has obvious changes, mainly due to open configuration. The weight was increased by 60 kg due to reinforcements made in the carbon fiber structure, and additional mechanisms added to the extension protection and folding cloth roof. The larger 34 Ah battery, higher than the previous 20 Ah unit, improves the electric range only from 35 to 53 km. The compact drive performance numbers, consisting of a 1.5-liter 3-cylinder petrol engine and an electric motor, are 374 horsepower, with time from 0 to 100 from 4.6 seconds, 0.2 seconds slower than a coupe.
Honda is amazing
The second generation of the Honda Amaze is centrally located at the Honda booth at the Auto Expo 2018 and will be launched in India in early 2019. Honda says the second generation Amaze is based on a completely new platform, unlike the earlier model, which was based on the Brio platform hatchback. This allowed a larger wheelbase among other non-dimensional changes that should lead to better interior space.
The design is bolder, and the soft lines inspired by the hatchback of the old car are replaced by an almost muscular position like a SUV. Major changes include exterior headlamps with larger LED DRL, large chrome-plated chassis in the form of a “wing”, a clamshell head cover, a roof line with a slippery slope, a deep shoulder line in the side, large rear lights and a spoiler mounted on the lips. From the inside, the dashboard has been fully revised and conforms to Honda’s new design language used in other models such as the Honda CR-V and the Honda Civic.
Honda also confirmed that the new Amaze will also be offered with varying degrees of CVT diesel. We expect to introduce 1.2 liter and 4-cylinder petrol engines and 1.5-liter turbo diesel engines in the new Amaze engine with some modifications to improve efficiency and reduce emissions.
Hyundai Kona is the first Hyundai to offer its new Fluidic design philosophy: breaking the traditional Hyundai design for a strong design of love or hate. It will also be the first full EV electric vehicle Hyundai launches in India if everything goes according to plan. The network is in cascade, the high-DRL mode where the headlights are traditionally placed, the large headlights are placed down in the front fascia, the bold wheel arches and the rear design mimics the foreground, etc. It is the highlight of the new Kuna. The model exhibited at the Auto Expo Expected To Be Launched included a collection of characters inspired by Marvel Iron Man characters, with gray and metallic red paint alongside the iconic icon of the box in the spotlight.
Kia SP Concept
Kia offered a large part of its international collection at the Auto Expo 2018; from the 4-door flagship Stinger Pavilion to the Picanto Hatchback, Kia showed everyone what they could offer in their latest international market. The highlight of the Check Out the Top Cars of the Auto Expo show was the SP Concept, an introduction to a compact SUV that will be the company’s first product in 2019.
Kia SP Concept shows a new vision of Kia’s design philosophy, which traditionally uses many curves. Concept SP is more laminated, giving it an old look for SUVs rather than the intersection. Kia “Tiger Nose” are present, as well as DRL lamps placed on headlamps placed vertically. The design is quieter, and therefore closer to production, moving to the side and back; the window line with wrinkles in the rear glass chamber, the corresponding color ceiling and the high back lights will require minor changes.
There is no confirmation of the engines, transmission and transmission systems to be used by Kia SP Concept.
Mahindra Rexton
Mahindra introduced the SsangYong G4 Rexton at Auto Expo, and is expected to launch in India a new gala when launched in India during the holiday season. To be placed above the XUV500, the Rexton can be called the XUV700 and faces the Toyota Fortuner, Ford Endeavor and the like.
With a length of about 5 meters and a width of 2 meters and a height of 1.8 meters, Mahindra Rexton (or XUV700) will be on par with the seven-seater SUV. Features such as projector headlamps, 9.2-inch touch screen entertainment system, 360 ° camera, cooled seats, and electric rear door in Sang Yong Rikston, Mahindra can choose to keep many of them to convert to a value display in the section.
SsangYong offers a single diesel engine at Rexton, a 2.2 liter turbocharged 4-cylinder engine that develops 178 hp of maximum power and 420 Nm of torque. This can be brought to India with minor adjustments to improve efficiency or driving ability and pair it with a 6-speed manual transmission or a 7-speed automatic transmission. Mahindra is expected to install Rexton in India to maintain its competitive price.
Maruti Suzuki Future Concept — S
While the Check Out the Top Cars of the Auto Expo of the new Maruti Suzuki Swift could have been the focus of attention on the second day of the Auto Expo 2018, Concept Future-S was the one who stole the thunder on the first day. Below for the brand and also dictates the design direction taken by the company in the future in general.
Vertical position, high hood, wide body and high ground clearance for proper passage. Highlights include LED headlights, mixed mesh, long liner and front front bumper for the old semi-vertical school with few body lines. Future-S can create a competitor for the Renault Kwid, with the latest in Maruti Suzuki Alto sales.
Inside, Future-S features luxurious elements such as the chassis panels on the dashboard, a large central console dominated by a multi-circular circular display and a square direction. Based on the Heartec platform that also supports the Swift twin, the production version of Future-S can be run by new diesel and gasoline engines manufactured at home by Maruti / Suzuki.
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charlesccastill · 5 years
Gather, play, unwind, and explore on The Greenway this season
BOSTON– The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy announced the 2019 programmatic lineup on The Greenway, a season brimming with possibilities including new food trucks, fitness partners, events, and more!
Old friends and new visitors to The Greenway will experience a free and open public park, where over 450 FREE events will create opportunities to gather, play, unwind, and explore around every corner. This season will include a unique free musical performance experience from Celebrity Series, 100+ free fitness classes, and the return of festivals, markets, and play.
Discover flavors from around the world seven days a week with 36 food trucks and carts in the 2019 season of Greenway Mobile Eats. The news season of vending will begin on April 1 and offer a variety of affordable, unique cuisines across seven different locations along the park. We are excited to announce seven new vendors for 2019 including Boston SnoMobile, Caffé Pellicano, Daddy’s Bonetown Burgers, Hometown Poké, Melt, Say Pao de Queijo, and The Whoopie Wagon.
The Conservancy is thrilled to welcome back some of our favorite season-long partners, bringing enriching experiences to the our world-class park!
Coolidge on The Greenway will return for the fifth year with movie screenings on The Greenway on June 18, July 16, and August 13.
Boston Calling Block Parties are returning for their sixth season of live music, beer, and wine to Dewey Square Thursdays and select Tuesday evenings from mid-May through August.
Discover unique local artisan crafts at the Greenway Open Market from May to October every Saturday plus the first and third Sundays of the month.
Boston Public Market at Dewey Square on The Greenway will provide fresh and local wares every Tuesday and Thursday from mid-May until Thanksgiving.
The North End Music & Performing Arts Center will bring Jazz in the Park: NEMPAC Summer Concert Series to The Greenway weekly on Tuesdays in July.
The Asian Community Development Corporation, for the 14th year, will bring Chinese language kung fu films and movies about the Asian/American experiences to the park for Films at the Gate on August 23-25.
Covering a range of workouts and abilities, the Greenway Fitness Program will offer over 100 FREE fitness classes running from June through September as part of the Conservancy’s fourth year of partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts on Greenway Fitness. A full schedule of the 100+ free classes will be released in late May!
‘‘With new additions to our programming every year, we’re looking forward to a season full of experiences for families, visitors, and residents to explore and discover,” said Jesse Brackenbury, Executive Director of the Greenway Conservancy. “With private support and our extensive range of partnerships, we’re able to bring free programs for all ages to The Greenway.”
The Conservancy is delighted to announce a 2019 partnership with Celebrity Series of Boston’s Concert for One: 1 Musician.  1 Listener. 1 Minute of Live Music. Taking place in September, this public art project is part concert series-part social experiment that will produce thrilling, intimate free concerts on The Greenway  joining one listener with one local musician for 60 seconds.
A series of major festivals will take place on The Greenway in 2019, all free and open to the public.
The Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular will be returning to The Greenway this July 4 with Bloomberg for a live simulcast of this classic Boston tradition and sensational celebration.
Chinatown Main Street will return with the Chinatown Main Street Festival in early July and the Lantern Festival in early September.
The Caribbean One World Expo will be July 13, and the FIGMENT Boston participatory art festival will be July 27 and 28.
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England will bring back August Moon Festival on August 11.
Boston GreenFest will come to The Greenway for the first time in 2019 on August 16, 17, and 18.
The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund will return to The Greenway on September 11 for the 9/11 Service Project to Support Our Troops & Families, day to support active duty service members and veterans.
September 15 will be Sustainable Business Network’s Boston Local Food Festival.
The Conservancy is excited to announce this year’s play programming, with generous support from Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt and its Game On! Foundation. Youth play programming on The Greenway includes weekly sessions in Chinatown on Thursday evenings from May through September and a SaturPLAY series in partnership with the Asian Community Development Corporation’s A-VOYCE program from April to October. As in years past, the Conservancy will continue to work with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston and other youth organizations, hosting 14 Youth Adventure Days on The Greenway.
“The Greenway is the perfect place gather with friends, family, and out-of-town visitors,” said Keelin Caldwell, Director of Programs and Community Engagement. “From fresh, unique foods from our farmers market and food trucks to experiencing a yoga or spin class right in the heart of downtown Boston – there’s always something new to try.”
Two ticketed fundraising events will take place on The Greenway in June. At our Gala on The Greenway on June 6, we will honor Governor Charlie Baker for his leadership on behalf of the Greenway Conservancy since its inception. As a private citizen, Baker served on our founding Board of Directors and, as governor, his leadership was instrumental in creating the landmark 2017 multi-party funding agreement for The Greenway. Our event Co-Chairs are Alli & Bill Achtmeyer and Bob & Laura Reynolds; sponsorships are currently available. On the following night, June 7, guests will enjoy live music, performances, food, and beverages while supporting the Conservancy at our signature young professionals event, Glow in the Park.
The Conservancy’s full program calendar compliments all the The Greenway has to discover, from local drinkeries, contemporary public art, seven unique water features, and more! Organic lawns and gardens invite visitors to unwind, the Greenway Carousel at The Tiffany & Co. Foundation Grove will soon be spinning daily with a host of native New England creatures, and our free Wi-Fi network continues to stretch the entire 1.5 mile length of The Greenway.
Many events are still completing permitting and are subject to weather and schedule changes. Our calendar is available online and updates are available by following The Greenway on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and signing up for our weekly e-newsletter.
  from boston condos ford realtor http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/BostonRealEstateCondos/~3/4TKJDTP1lXY/
0 notes
demitgibbs · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Jan. 10 – Jan. 16
Thursday, January 10
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) and the Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association (GALLA) present its monthly networking program tailored for attorneys, judges and legal professionals and those who wants to market to them from 6-8pm at Atton Brickell Miami (1500 SW 1st Avenue, Miami). Join them for complimentary food bites and happy hour priced beverages. Free drawing of great prizes. This event is free and open to the general public. Pre and post luncheon, the Chamber will host its popular Marketplace Expo event in the foyer outside the ballroom. Close to 20 participating chamber member businesses will be on hand to create an exceptional networking environment.    
Friday, January 11
The Pub presents Menergy/leather and kink at 9:30pm, with this week featuring Dalton Hawg and Alejandro Skyman, and a 50/50 raffle for AIDS walk team Bear Bones.
Saturday, January 12
ArtsUnited, the local visual, literary and performing arts organization, celebrates its 20th anniversary with its annual month-long festival, ArtExplosion, Jan. 3 – 26. The festivities officially kick off tonight at 7 p.m. at ArtServe, (1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale), with an evening of art, fashion, music and entertainment at the ArtExplosion gala opening reception and Fashion Reaction runway show. Tickets are $15, including the reception, Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. A $25 VIP package includes a special reception at 6 p.m. with champagne toast and reserved seats for the Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. Tickets are available at ArtsUnitedFlorida.com.
My Friend Jimmy Cohen is having the Grand Opening of his New Day Spa: Jimmy Cohen’s Day Spa (3045 N Federal Highway, Suite #42) at 6pm. The event will feature food, wine, and product giveaway. Also, bring business cards as there are 2 gift basket raffles each worth over $1,000!
The Ramrod presents their monthly Underground Invasion (2nd Sat of every month) where its all about the music. This month’s guest DJ is Bryan Hukill.
Club Fort Lauderdale features their monthly CumUnion party from 3 to 7pm.
The City of Aventura presents Mike Super: Magic & Illusion at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center at 2 and 7 p.m. Mike is the only magician in history to win a live magic competition on primetime U.S. network television, Super was a finalist on America’s Got Talent, winner of NBC’s Phenomenon Live on Stage and was voted America’s Favorite Mystifier. Tickets are $35–$40 with $25 student tickets available at Aventuracenter.org, by phone at 954.462.0222.
Noche Latina Saturdays in the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents the final appearance of Estephania St Lords and Erik Lords as Miss and Mr. Noche Latina 2018.  The night will also star guest DJ Cubano Miik and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, January 13
The Pub presents Lady Fancy as Reba in concert at 7pm with the country queens Nancy Ross, Veranda Lanal, and Mitzi Ross.
Monday, January 14
The 16th Annual Miss and Mr. Noche Latina Pageant (Official Preliminaries to the Florida F.I. And M.E. Pageantry Systems) takes place today at Lips – Fort Lauderdale. The night will star Estephania St Lords & Erik Garcia Lords (Miss & Mr. Noche Latina 2018) as well as Kylee K Hunter, Noel Leon, and Carlos RB (Miss, Miss At Large and Mr. Florida 2018/19), as well as Noche Latina formers. Celebrating Anniversaries this year are: Jose Manuel Vega – 15 years, Francina A Holliday – 10 years, and Rolly Villaverde & Taina Norell – 5 years. Categories for Competition are: Evening Gown/Wear, Swimsuit, Talent and Q&A. Entry Fee for Contestants is: $100 from Jan 7-13 and $125 day of. Doors open at 8pm and the pageant starts promptly at 9pm with general admission $20 (includes a seat) and VIP seats $30 (best seats in the place)! For more information, to order tickets, or to sponsor pageant call 954-478-4587.
Tuesday, January 15
Johnsons is now open on Tuesdays for Industry Night where there is no cover and specials for customers that work in the industry. $5 cover after 8pm for everyone else.
The GFLGLCC (Gretaer Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce) presents their January Mixer at Costa Hollywood Resort (777 N. Ocean Drive) from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission is complimentary for GFLGLCC members and $10 for future members and includes one complimentary Reyka Vodka drink, complimentary Hors D’oeuvres, and happy hour specials. To RSVP email: [email protected].
Wednesday, January 16
ArtPalmBeach aims to provide a fresh new approach to traditional booth-style art fairs and takes place at the Palm Beach County Conv. Center (650 Okeechobee Boulevard West
Palm Beach) from today through Jan 20. This 22nd edition aims to connect exhibitors and collectors in dynamic new ways, introducing them to the broad spectrum of contemporary and modern art forms. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy new pavilions, engaging lecture series, film screenings, and compelling art performances.
This is HOT!
Since it won a few EMMY’s  including: Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series) I had been hearing a lot of buzz about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and finally a couple weeks ago I got Prime and binged Season 1. The following weekend I binged Season 2, and now I miss it so much! However, what I can do is recommend you all to watch it. If you are Jewish, or grew up in New York I promise you will love it! In addition to a great writing and storyline, the casting for this show is OUTSTANDING!!
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is an American period comedy-drama series, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, The series stars Rachel Brosnahan as the eponymous Miriam “Midge” Maisel, a housewife in 1958 New York City who discovers she has a knack for stand-up comedy.
It was renewed for a third season!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/09/whats-hot-south-florida-jan-10-jan-16/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/181876480690
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Jan. 10 – Jan. 16
Thursday, January 10
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) and the Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association (GALLA) present its monthly networking program tailored for attorneys, judges and legal professionals and those who wants to market to them from 6-8pm at Atton Brickell Miami (1500 SW 1st Avenue, Miami). Join them for complimentary food bites and happy hour priced beverages. Free drawing of great prizes. This event is free and open to the general public. Pre and post luncheon, the Chamber will host its popular Marketplace Expo event in the foyer outside the ballroom. Close to 20 participating chamber member businesses will be on hand to create an exceptional networking environment.    
Friday, January 11
The Pub presents Menergy/leather and kink at 9:30pm, with this week featuring Dalton Hawg and Alejandro Skyman, and a 50/50 raffle for AIDS walk team Bear Bones.
Saturday, January 12
ArtsUnited, the local visual, literary and performing arts organization, celebrates its 20th anniversary with its annual month-long festival, ArtExplosion, Jan. 3 – 26. The festivities officially kick off tonight at 7 p.m. at ArtServe, (1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale), with an evening of art, fashion, music and entertainment at the ArtExplosion gala opening reception and Fashion Reaction runway show. Tickets are $15, including the reception, Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. A $25 VIP package includes a special reception at 6 p.m. with champagne toast and reserved seats for the Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. Tickets are available at ArtsUnitedFlorida.com.
My Friend Jimmy Cohen is having the Grand Opening of his New Day Spa: Jimmy Cohen’s Day Spa (3045 N Federal Highway, Suite #42) at 6pm. The event will feature food, wine, and product giveaway. Also, bring business cards as there are 2 gift basket raffles each worth over $1,000!
The Ramrod presents their monthly Underground Invasion (2nd Sat of every month) where its all about the music. This month’s guest DJ is Bryan Hukill.
Club Fort Lauderdale features their monthly CumUnion party from 3 to 7pm.
The City of Aventura presents Mike Super: Magic & Illusion at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center at 2 and 7 p.m. Mike is the only magician in history to win a live magic competition on primetime U.S. network television, Super was a finalist on America’s Got Talent, winner of NBC’s Phenomenon Live on Stage and was voted America’s Favorite Mystifier. Tickets are $35–$40 with $25 student tickets available at Aventuracenter.org, by phone at 954.462.0222.
Noche Latina Saturdays in the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents the final appearance of Estephania St Lords and Erik Lords as Miss and Mr. Noche Latina 2018.  The night will also star guest DJ Cubano Miik and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, January 13
The Pub presents Lady Fancy as Reba in concert at 7pm with the country queens Nancy Ross, Veranda Lanal, and Mitzi Ross.
Monday, January 14
The 16th Annual Miss and Mr. Noche Latina Pageant (Official Preliminaries to the Florida F.I. And M.E. Pageantry Systems) takes place today at Lips – Fort Lauderdale. The night will star Estephania St Lords & Erik Garcia Lords (Miss & Mr. Noche Latina 2018) as well as Kylee K Hunter, Noel Leon, and Carlos RB (Miss, Miss At Large and Mr. Florida 2018/19), as well as Noche Latina formers. Celebrating Anniversaries this year are: Jose Manuel Vega – 15 years, Francina A Holliday – 10 years, and Rolly Villaverde & Taina Norell – 5 years. Categories for Competition are: Evening Gown/Wear, Swimsuit, Talent and Q&A. Entry Fee for Contestants is: $100 from Jan 7-13 and $125 day of. Doors open at 8pm and the pageant starts promptly at 9pm with general admission $20 (includes a seat) and VIP seats $30 (best seats in the place)! For more information, to order tickets, or to sponsor pageant call 954-478-4587.
Tuesday, January 15
Johnsons is now open on Tuesdays for Industry Night where there is no cover and specials for customers that work in the industry. $5 cover after 8pm for everyone else.
The GFLGLCC (Gretaer Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce) presents their January Mixer at Costa Hollywood Resort (777 N. Ocean Drive) from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission is complimentary for GFLGLCC members and $10 for future members and includes one complimentary Reyka Vodka drink, complimentary Hors D’oeuvres, and happy hour specials. To RSVP email: [email protected].
Wednesday, January 16
ArtPalmBeach aims to provide a fresh new approach to traditional booth-style art fairs and takes place at the Palm Beach County Conv. Center (650 Okeechobee Boulevard West
Palm Beach) from today through Jan 20. This 22nd edition aims to connect exhibitors and collectors in dynamic new ways, introducing them to the broad spectrum of contemporary and modern art forms. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy new pavilions, engaging lecture series, film screenings, and compelling art performances.
This is HOT!
Since it won a few EMMY’s  including: Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series) I had been hearing a lot of buzz about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and finally a couple weeks ago I got Prime and binged Season 1. The following weekend I binged Season 2, and now I miss it so much! However, what I can do is recommend you all to watch it. If you are Jewish, or grew up in New York I promise you will love it! In addition to a great writing and storyline, the casting for this show is OUTSTANDING!!
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is an American period comedy-drama series, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, The series stars Rachel Brosnahan as the eponymous Miriam “Midge” Maisel, a housewife in 1958 New York City who discovers she has a knack for stand-up comedy.
It was renewed for a third season!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/09/whats-hot-south-florida-jan-10-jan-16/
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Jan. 10 – Jan. 16
Thursday, January 10
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) and the Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association (GALLA) present its monthly networking program tailored for attorneys, judges and legal professionals and those who wants to market to them from 6-8pm at Atton Brickell Miami (1500 SW 1st Avenue, Miami). Join them for complimentary food bites and happy hour priced beverages. Free drawing of great prizes. This event is free and open to the general public. Pre and post luncheon, the Chamber will host its popular Marketplace Expo event in the foyer outside the ballroom. Close to 20 participating chamber member businesses will be on hand to create an exceptional networking environment.    
Friday, January 11
The Pub presents Menergy/leather and kink at 9:30pm, with this week featuring Dalton Hawg and Alejandro Skyman, and a 50/50 raffle for AIDS walk team Bear Bones.
Saturday, January 12
ArtsUnited, the local visual, literary and performing arts organization, celebrates its 20th anniversary with its annual month-long festival, ArtExplosion, Jan. 3 – 26. The festivities officially kick off tonight at 7 p.m. at ArtServe, (1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale), with an evening of art, fashion, music and entertainment at the ArtExplosion gala opening reception and Fashion Reaction runway show. Tickets are $15, including the reception, Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. A $25 VIP package includes a special reception at 6 p.m. with champagne toast and reserved seats for the Fashion Reaction show and awards ceremony. Tickets are available at ArtsUnitedFlorida.com.
My Friend Jimmy Cohen is having the Grand Opening of his New Day Spa: Jimmy Cohen’s Day Spa (3045 N Federal Highway, Suite #42) at 6pm. The event will feature food, wine, and product giveaway. Also, bring business cards as there are 2 gift basket raffles each worth over $1,000!
The Ramrod presents their monthly Underground Invasion (2nd Sat of every month) where its all about the music. This month’s guest DJ is Bryan Hukill.
Club Fort Lauderdale features their monthly CumUnion party from 3 to 7pm.
The City of Aventura presents Mike Super: Magic & Illusion at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center at 2 and 7 p.m. Mike is the only magician in history to win a live magic competition on primetime U.S. network television, Super was a finalist on America’s Got Talent, winner of NBC’s Phenomenon Live on Stage and was voted America’s Favorite Mystifier. Tickets are $35–$40 with $25 student tickets available at Aventuracenter.org, by phone at 954.462.0222.
Noche Latina Saturdays in the Ivy Dance Room and Patio at the Manor Complex presents the final appearance of Estephania St Lords and Erik Lords as Miss and Mr. Noche Latina 2018.  The night will also star guest DJ Cubano Miik and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, January 13
The Pub presents Lady Fancy as Reba in concert at 7pm with the country queens Nancy Ross, Veranda Lanal, and Mitzi Ross.
Monday, January 14
The 16th Annual Miss and Mr. Noche Latina Pageant (Official Preliminaries to the Florida F.I. And M.E. Pageantry Systems) takes place today at Lips – Fort Lauderdale. The night will star Estephania St Lords & Erik Garcia Lords (Miss & Mr. Noche Latina 2018) as well as Kylee K Hunter, Noel Leon, and Carlos RB (Miss, Miss At Large and Mr. Florida 2018/19), as well as Noche Latina formers. Celebrating Anniversaries this year are: Jose Manuel Vega – 15 years, Francina A Holliday – 10 years, and Rolly Villaverde & Taina Norell – 5 years. Categories for Competition are: Evening Gown/Wear, Swimsuit, Talent and Q&A. Entry Fee for Contestants is: $100 from Jan 7-13 and $125 day of. Doors open at 8pm and the pageant starts promptly at 9pm with general admission $20 (includes a seat) and VIP seats $30 (best seats in the place)! For more information, to order tickets, or to sponsor pageant call 954-478-4587.
Tuesday, January 15
Johnsons is now open on Tuesdays for Industry Night where there is no cover and specials for customers that work in the industry. $5 cover after 8pm for everyone else.
The GFLGLCC (Gretaer Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce) presents their January Mixer at Costa Hollywood Resort (777 N. Ocean Drive) from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission is complimentary for GFLGLCC members and $10 for future members and includes one complimentary Reyka Vodka drink, complimentary Hors D’oeuvres, and happy hour specials. To RSVP email: [email protected].
Wednesday, January 16
ArtPalmBeach aims to provide a fresh new approach to traditional booth-style art fairs and takes place at the Palm Beach County Conv. Center (650 Okeechobee Boulevard West
Palm Beach) from today through Jan 20. This 22nd edition aims to connect exhibitors and collectors in dynamic new ways, introducing them to the broad spectrum of contemporary and modern art forms. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy new pavilions, engaging lecture series, film screenings, and compelling art performances.
This is HOT!
Since it won a few EMMY’s  including: Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series) I had been hearing a lot of buzz about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and finally a couple weeks ago I got Prime and binged Season 1. The following weekend I binged Season 2, and now I miss it so much! However, what I can do is recommend you all to watch it. If you are Jewish, or grew up in New York I promise you will love it! In addition to a great writing and storyline, the casting for this show is OUTSTANDING!!
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is an American period comedy-drama series, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, The series stars Rachel Brosnahan as the eponymous Miriam “Midge” Maisel, a housewife in 1958 New York City who discovers she has a knack for stand-up comedy.
It was renewed for a third season!
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/09/whats-hot-south-florida-jan-10-jan-16/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/01/whats-hot-south-florida-jan-10-jan-16.html
0 notes
jeffreyrwelch · 7 years
Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events
Give your favorite furpup a fun holiday season by taking him along for the ride on these December 2017 dog events. Don’t get on his “naughty” list by ignoring him due to the hustle and bustle of the season. Notice an event that’s missing on our list? Let us know at [email protected].
December 2017 opening: Finally, dogs have a café
Boris & Horton dog cafe. Photography by tiffgifphotography.com.
New York City has everything, and now it also has a place to hang out, dog leash in hand with your beverage of choice, be it a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Father and daughter duo Coppy and Logan Holzman named the café Boris & Horton after their dogs. There will be a café side to get your drinks, pastries and sandwiches and a dog-friendly lounge side. Opens in December, so check out borisandhorton.com for updates.
All December: Who’s that Doggie in the Window
Macy’s Holiday Windows. Photography by Rob Schroeder.
Make Macy’s in San Francisco part of your holiday tradition starting today through the end of 2017. Once again, the department store will be home to Holiday Windows, where the San Francisco SPCA highlights different adoptable cats and dogs in beautifully decorated store window fronts. Last year, the SF SPCA adopted out more than 800 animals over the course of Holiday Windows 2016. Now that’s a holly, jolly thing! Go to sfspca.org/holiday for more details.
Friday, December 1: A Dog Day in December
Dogs get their own holiday party at the Midtown Mutts Dog Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring your pups to get a photo with Santa, enjoy a puppuccino, snag a goodie bag and participate in a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Midtown Association. Find more info on downtownindecember.com/dog-day-december/.
Saturday, December 2: National mixed breed day
Celebrate your mixed breed dog on December 2. Photography ©GlobalP | Thinkstock.
Celebrate by taking your special mixed breed friend for an extra-long walk or baking some yummy holiday dog treats (see page 12 of our December / January issue for recipes). Help other mixed breeds by donating time or money to a shelter of your choice. Make it a great day for your special dog!
Saturday, December 2: Holiday Dog Parade
Join this pup parade in Breckenridge, Colorado. Register at 3 to 3:45 p.m., partake in light refreshments and take lots of photos. There will be free Santa dog costumes for those who want to join in the parade and don’t have one. Parade starts at 4 p.m., marching from Main Street Station to the Blue River Plaza. Lighting of the town tree is at 5 p.m. Go to gobreck.com for more details.
Saturday, December 2: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Holiday Gala
Put on your holiday glitz, have fun and give back this season by attending a black tie gala dinner hosted by The Order of St. John in Manhattan, held at New York’s exclusive Metropolitan Club at 7 p.m. You’ll find cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent and live auction, all benefitting the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs. Get more details by emailing Dame Claire Burke ([email protected]) or calling 212-534-2676.
Friday, December 8: Pet Photos with Santa
Want to get a photo of Fido with Santa? Head on down to Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Maryland. Just give a small donation supporting the SPCA of Anne Arundel County, take a photo, enjoy a beverage and get into the Christmas spirt. Your dog’s photo can be taken on Santa’s lap or held by family members. Event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. More details on homesteadgardens.com/upcoming-event/santa-paws/.
Sunday, December 10: Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade
Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade. Photography Courtesy GSO Productions.
Jingle over to Southern California for The San Diego Union-Tribune Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade, presented by Blue Buffalo. Got a dog that loves the spotlight? Enter Fido into one of the many contests. Pet Expo is from 1 to 5 p.m., and the parade starts at 3 p.m. Get registration information and more at gaslamp.org.
Tuesday, December 12: Tuesday Nights at the Movie with Your Dog
Grab your pup and some popcorn and check out the Canine Film Festival Best Films of 2017, TBA blockbuster film and a sneak peek at Canine Film Festival 2018. Takes place from 6 p.m. on at the Cinépolis Movie Theaters in Miami, Florida. Go to eventbrite.com for more information.
Stay tuned for more from Executive Editor Melissa L. Kauffman on Dogster.com’s Dug Up at Dogster column and on social media with #DogUpatDogster. 
Thumbnail: Photography by dezy / Shutterstock.
Read more dogs and the holidays on Dogster.com:
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Watch Around the Holidays
How to Stop Diarrhea in Dogs This Holiday Season
10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Dog Lovers
The post Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
0 notes
daddyslittlejuliet · 7 years
Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events
Give your favorite furpup a fun holiday season by taking him along for the ride on these December 2017 dog events. Don’t get on his “naughty” list by ignoring him due to the hustle and bustle of the season. Notice an event that’s missing on our list? Let us know at [email protected].
December 2017 opening: Finally, dogs have a café
Boris & Horton dog cafe. Photography by tiffgifphotography.com.
New York City has everything, and now it also has a place to hang out, dog leash in hand with your beverage of choice, be it a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Father and daughter duo Coppy and Logan Holzman named the café Boris & Horton after their dogs. There will be a café side to get your drinks, pastries and sandwiches and a dog-friendly lounge side. Opens in December, so check out borisandhorton.com for updates.
All December: Who’s that Doggie in the Window
Macy’s Holiday Windows. Photography by Rob Schroeder.
Make Macy’s in San Francisco part of your holiday tradition starting today through the end of 2017. Once again, the department store will be home to Holiday Windows, where the San Francisco SPCA highlights different adoptable cats and dogs in beautifully decorated store window fronts. Last year, the SF SPCA adopted out more than 800 animals over the course of Holiday Windows 2016. Now that’s a holly, jolly thing! Go to sfspca.org/holiday for more details.
Friday, December 1: A Dog Day in December
Dogs get their own holiday party at the Midtown Mutts Dog Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring your pups to get a photo with Santa, enjoy a puppuccino, snag a goodie bag and participate in a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Midtown Association. Find more info on http://ift.tt/2jAP5wu.
Saturday, December 2: National mixed breed day
Celebrate your mixed breed dog on December 2. Photography ©GlobalP | Thinkstock.
Celebrate by taking your special mixed breed friend for an extra-long walk or baking some yummy holiday dog treats (see page 12 of our December / January issue for recipes). Help other mixed breeds by donating time or money to a shelter of your choice. Make it a great day for your special dog!
Saturday, December 2: Holiday Dog Parade
Join this pup parade in Breckenridge, Colorado. Register at 3 to 3:45 p.m., partake in light refreshments and take lots of photos. There will be free Santa dog costumes for those who want to join in the parade and don’t have one. Parade starts at 4 p.m., marching from Main Street Station to the Blue River Plaza. Lighting of the town tree is at 5 p.m. Go to gobreck.com for more details.
Saturday, December 2: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Holiday Gala
Put on your holiday glitz, have fun and give back this season by attending a black tie gala dinner hosted by The Order of St. John in Manhattan, held at New York’s exclusive Metropolitan Club at 7 p.m. You’ll find cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent and live auction, all benefitting the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs. Get more details by emailing Dame Claire Burke ([email protected]) or calling 212-534-2676.
Friday, December 8: Pet Photos with Santa
Want to get a photo of Fido with Santa? Head on down to Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Maryland. Just give a small donation supporting the SPCA of Anne Arundel County, take a photo, enjoy a beverage and get into the Christmas spirt. Your dog’s photo can be taken on Santa’s lap or held by family members. Event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. More details on http://ift.tt/2jAP8Zc.
Sunday, December 10: Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade
Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade. Photography Courtesy GSO Productions.
Jingle over to Southern California for The San Diego Union-Tribune Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade, presented by Blue Buffalo. Got a dog that loves the spotlight? Enter Fido into one of the many contests. Pet Expo is from 1 to 5 p.m., and the parade starts at 3 p.m. Get registration information and more at gaslamp.org.
Tuesday, December 12: Tuesday Nights at the Movie with Your Dog
Grab your pup and some popcorn and check out the Canine Film Festival Best Films of 2017, TBA blockbuster film and a sneak peek at Canine Film Festival 2018. Takes place from 6 p.m. on at the Cinépolis Movie Theaters in Miami, Florida. Go to eventbrite.com for more information.
Stay tuned for more from Executive Editor Melissa L. Kauffman on Dogster.com’s Dug Up at Dogster column and on social media with #DogUpatDogster. 
Thumbnail: Photography by dezy / Shutterstock.
Read more dogs and the holidays on Dogster.com:
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Watch Around the Holidays
How to Stop Diarrhea in Dogs This Holiday Season
10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Dog Lovers
The post Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
0 notes
buynewsoul · 7 years
Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events
Give your favorite furpup a fun holiday season by taking him along for the ride on these December 2017 dog events. Don’t get on his “naughty” list by ignoring him due to the hustle and bustle of the season. Notice an event that’s missing on our list? Let us know at [email protected].
December 2017 opening: Finally, dogs have a café
Boris & Horton dog cafe. Photography by tiffgifphotography.com.
New York City has everything, and now it also has a place to hang out, dog leash in hand with your beverage of choice, be it a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Father and daughter duo Coppy and Logan Holzman named the café Boris & Horton after their dogs. There will be a café side to get your drinks, pastries and sandwiches and a dog-friendly lounge side. Opens in December, so check out borisandhorton.com for updates.
All December: Who’s that Doggie in the Window
Macy’s Holiday Windows. Photography by Rob Schroeder.
Make Macy’s in San Francisco part of your holiday tradition starting today through the end of 2017. Once again, the department store will be home to Holiday Windows, where the San Francisco SPCA highlights different adoptable cats and dogs in beautifully decorated store window fronts. Last year, the SF SPCA adopted out more than 800 animals over the course of Holiday Windows 2016. Now that’s a holly, jolly thing! Go to sfspca.org/holiday for more details.
Friday, December 1: A Dog Day in December
Dogs get their own holiday party at the Midtown Mutts Dog Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring your pups to get a photo with Santa, enjoy a puppuccino, snag a goodie bag and participate in a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Midtown Association. Find more info on http://ift.tt/2jAP5wu.
Saturday, December 2: National mixed breed day
Celebrate your mixed breed dog on December 2. Photography ©GlobalP | Thinkstock.
Celebrate by taking your special mixed breed friend for an extra-long walk or baking some yummy holiday dog treats (see page 12 of our December / January issue for recipes). Help other mixed breeds by donating time or money to a shelter of your choice. Make it a great day for your special dog!
Saturday, December 2: Holiday Dog Parade
Join this pup parade in Breckenridge, Colorado. Register at 3 to 3:45 p.m., partake in light refreshments and take lots of photos. There will be free Santa dog costumes for those who want to join in the parade and don’t have one. Parade starts at 4 p.m., marching from Main Street Station to the Blue River Plaza. Lighting of the town tree is at 5 p.m. Go to gobreck.com for more details.
Saturday, December 2: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Holiday Gala
Put on your holiday glitz, have fun and give back this season by attending a black tie gala dinner hosted by The Order of St. John in Manhattan, held at New York’s exclusive Metropolitan Club at 7 p.m. You’ll find cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent and live auction, all benefitting the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs. Get more details by emailing Dame Claire Burke ([email protected]) or calling 212-534-2676.
Friday, December 8: Pet Photos with Santa
Want to get a photo of Fido with Santa? Head on down to Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Maryland. Just give a small donation supporting the SPCA of Anne Arundel County, take a photo, enjoy a beverage and get into the Christmas spirt. Your dog’s photo can be taken on Santa’s lap or held by family members. Event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. More details on http://ift.tt/2jAP8Zc.
Sunday, December 10: Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade
Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade. Photography Courtesy GSO Productions.
Jingle over to Southern California for The San Diego Union-Tribune Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade, presented by Blue Buffalo. Got a dog that loves the spotlight? Enter Fido into one of the many contests. Pet Expo is from 1 to 5 p.m., and the parade starts at 3 p.m. Get registration information and more at gaslamp.org.
Tuesday, December 12: Tuesday Nights at the Movie with Your Dog
Grab your pup and some popcorn and check out the Canine Film Festival Best Films of 2017, TBA blockbuster film and a sneak peek at Canine Film Festival 2018. Takes place from 6 p.m. on at the Cinépolis Movie Theaters in Miami, Florida. Go to eventbrite.com for more information.
Stay tuned for more from Executive Editor Melissa L. Kauffman on Dogster.com’s Dug Up at Dogster column and on social media with #DogUpatDogster. 
Thumbnail: Photography by dezy / Shutterstock.
Read more dogs and the holidays on Dogster.com:
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Watch Around the Holidays
How to Stop Diarrhea in Dogs This Holiday Season
10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Dog Lovers
The post Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events
Give your favorite furpup a fun holiday season by taking him along for the ride on these December 2017 dog events. Don’t get on his “naughty” list by ignoring him due to the hustle and bustle of the season. Notice an event that’s missing on our list? Let us know at [email protected].
December 2017 opening: Finally, dogs have a café
Boris & Horton dog cafe. Photography by tiffgifphotography.com.
New York City has everything, and now it also has a place to hang out, dog leash in hand with your beverage of choice, be it a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Father and daughter duo Coppy and Logan Holzman named the café Boris & Horton after their dogs. There will be a café side to get your drinks, pastries and sandwiches and a dog-friendly lounge side. Opens in December, so check out borisandhorton.com for updates.
All December: Who’s that Doggie in the Window
Macy’s Holiday Windows. Photography by Rob Schroeder.
Make Macy’s in San Francisco part of your holiday tradition starting today through the end of 2017. Once again, the department store will be home to Holiday Windows, where the San Francisco SPCA highlights different adoptable cats and dogs in beautifully decorated store window fronts. Last year, the SF SPCA adopted out more than 800 animals over the course of Holiday Windows 2016. Now that’s a holly, jolly thing! Go to sfspca.org/holiday for more details.
Friday, December 1: A Dog Day in December
Dogs get their own holiday party at the Midtown Mutts Dog Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring your pups to get a photo with Santa, enjoy a puppuccino, snag a goodie bag and participate in a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Midtown Association. Find more info on http://ift.tt/2jAP5wu.
Saturday, December 2: National mixed breed day
Celebrate your mixed breed dog on December 2. Photography ©GlobalP | Thinkstock.
Celebrate by taking your special mixed breed friend for an extra-long walk or baking some yummy holiday dog treats (see page 12 of our December / January issue for recipes). Help other mixed breeds by donating time or money to a shelter of your choice. Make it a great day for your special dog!
Saturday, December 2: Holiday Dog Parade
Join this pup parade in Breckenridge, Colorado. Register at 3 to 3:45 p.m., partake in light refreshments and take lots of photos. There will be free Santa dog costumes for those who want to join in the parade and don’t have one. Parade starts at 4 p.m., marching from Main Street Station to the Blue River Plaza. Lighting of the town tree is at 5 p.m. Go to gobreck.com for more details.
Saturday, December 2: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Holiday Gala
Put on your holiday glitz, have fun and give back this season by attending a black tie gala dinner hosted by The Order of St. John in Manhattan, held at New York’s exclusive Metropolitan Club at 7 p.m. You’ll find cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent and live auction, all benefitting the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs. Get more details by emailing Dame Claire Burke ([email protected]) or calling 212-534-2676.
Friday, December 8: Pet Photos with Santa
Want to get a photo of Fido with Santa? Head on down to Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Maryland. Just give a small donation supporting the SPCA of Anne Arundel County, take a photo, enjoy a beverage and get into the Christmas spirt. Your dog’s photo can be taken on Santa’s lap or held by family members. Event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. More details on http://ift.tt/2jAP8Zc.
Sunday, December 10: Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade
Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade. Photography Courtesy GSO Productions.
Jingle over to Southern California for The San Diego Union-Tribune Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade, presented by Blue Buffalo. Got a dog that loves the spotlight? Enter Fido into one of the many contests. Pet Expo is from 1 to 5 p.m., and the parade starts at 3 p.m. Get registration information and more at gaslamp.org.
Tuesday, December 12: Tuesday Nights at the Movie with Your Dog
Grab your pup and some popcorn and check out the Canine Film Festival Best Films of 2017, TBA blockbuster film and a sneak peek at Canine Film Festival 2018. Takes place from 6 p.m. on at the Cinépolis Movie Theaters in Miami, Florida. Go to eventbrite.com for more information.
Stay tuned for more from Executive Editor Melissa L. Kauffman on Dogster.com’s Dug Up at Dogster column and on social media with #DogUpatDogster. 
Thumbnail: Photography by dezy / Shutterstock.
Read more dogs and the holidays on Dogster.com:
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Watch Around the Holidays
How to Stop Diarrhea in Dogs This Holiday Season
10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Dog Lovers
The post Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 7 years
Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events
Give your favorite furpup a fun holiday season by taking him along for the ride on these December 2017 dog events. Don’t get on his “naughty” list by ignoring him due to the hustle and bustle of the season. Notice an event that’s missing on our list? Let us know at [email protected].
December 2017 opening: Finally, dogs have a café
Boris & Horton dog cafe. Photography by tiffgifphotography.com.
New York City has everything, and now it also has a place to hang out, dog leash in hand with your beverage of choice, be it a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Father and daughter duo Coppy and Logan Holzman named the café Boris & Horton after their dogs. There will be a café side to get your drinks, pastries and sandwiches and a dog-friendly lounge side. Opens in December, so check out borisandhorton.com for updates.
All December: Who’s that Doggie in the Window
Macy’s Holiday Windows. Photography by Rob Schroeder.
Make Macy’s in San Francisco part of your holiday tradition starting today through the end of 2017. Once again, the department store will be home to Holiday Windows, where the San Francisco SPCA highlights different adoptable cats and dogs in beautifully decorated store window fronts. Last year, the SF SPCA adopted out more than 800 animals over the course of Holiday Windows 2016. Now that’s a holly, jolly thing! Go to sfspca.org/holiday for more details.
Friday, December 1: A Dog Day in December
Dogs get their own holiday party at the Midtown Mutts Dog Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring your pups to get a photo with Santa, enjoy a puppuccino, snag a goodie bag and participate in a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Midtown Association. Find more info on downtownindecember.com/dog-day-december/.
Saturday, December 2: National mixed breed day
Celebrate your mixed breed dog on December 2. Photography ©GlobalP | Thinkstock.
Celebrate by taking your special mixed breed friend for an extra-long walk or baking some yummy holiday dog treats (see page 12 of our December / January issue for recipes). Help other mixed breeds by donating time or money to a shelter of your choice. Make it a great day for your special dog!
Saturday, December 2: Holiday Dog Parade
Join this pup parade in Breckenridge, Colorado. Register at 3 to 3:45 p.m., partake in light refreshments and take lots of photos. There will be free Santa dog costumes for those who want to join in the parade and don’t have one. Parade starts at 4 p.m., marching from Main Street Station to the Blue River Plaza. Lighting of the town tree is at 5 p.m. Go to gobreck.com for more details.
Saturday, December 2: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Holiday Gala
Put on your holiday glitz, have fun and give back this season by attending a black tie gala dinner hosted by The Order of St. John in Manhattan, held at New York’s exclusive Metropolitan Club at 7 p.m. You’ll find cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent and live auction, all benefitting the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s VetDogs. Get more details by emailing Dame Claire Burke ([email protected]) or calling 212-534-2676.
Friday, December 8: Pet Photos with Santa
Want to get a photo of Fido with Santa? Head on down to Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, Maryland. Just give a small donation supporting the SPCA of Anne Arundel County, take a photo, enjoy a beverage and get into the Christmas spirt. Your dog’s photo can be taken on Santa’s lap or held by family members. Event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. More details on homesteadgardens.com/upcoming-event/santa-paws/.
Sunday, December 10: Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade
Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade. Photography Courtesy GSO Productions.
Jingle over to Southern California for The San Diego Union-Tribune Gaslamp Holiday Pet Parade, presented by Blue Buffalo. Got a dog that loves the spotlight? Enter Fido into one of the many contests. Pet Expo is from 1 to 5 p.m., and the parade starts at 3 p.m. Get registration information and more at gaslamp.org.
Tuesday, December 12: Tuesday Nights at the Movie with Your Dog
Grab your pup and some popcorn and check out the Canine Film Festival Best Films of 2017, TBA blockbuster film and a sneak peek at Canine Film Festival 2018. Takes place from 6 p.m. on at the Cinépolis Movie Theaters in Miami, Florida. Go to eventbrite.com for more information.
Stay tuned for more from Executive Editor Melissa L. Kauffman on Dogster.com’s Dug Up at Dogster column and on social media with #DogUpatDogster. 
Thumbnail: Photography by dezy / Shutterstock.
Read more dogs and the holidays on Dogster.com:
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs to Watch Around the Holidays
How to Stop Diarrhea in Dogs This Holiday Season
10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Dog Lovers
The post Dug Up at Dogster — Don’t Miss These December 2017 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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This year in Memphis is packed with tons of fun events, festivals, and other things to do! Get excited, because here’s a huge list of major events so you can plan ahead for another amazing year in the Bluff City. You can use it to fill out your calendar, remind yourself to get tickets to things, or – best of all – help your family and friends plan out when to visit. Obviously, there are thousands and thousands of events and festivals in Memphis. These are just some highlights. Photo by Alex Shansky Click on the months below to skip to that month’s list of events.  January February March April May June July August September October November December January Grizzlies and Tigers basketball seasons continue 3: WWE Friday Night Smackdown at FedExForum 8-11: Elvis’ Birthday Celebration at Graceland 9: Grizz Bash at FedExForum 10: Elvis 85th Birthday Pops Concert with Memphis Symphony Orchestra at the Cannon Center 14-19: Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Broadway Show at The Orpheum 17: Science of Beer at the Pink Palace 17 – Feb. 8: Memphis The Musical at Playhouse on the Square 17-19: DreamFest Weekend 9 at 1884 Lounge 18: Spillit Slam at Novel Memphis 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at the National Civil Rights Museum 25: Chinese New Year Festival at the Rose Theater at of U. of Memphis 25: IRIS Orchestra Guest Artist: Conrad Tao at GPAC 26: Mardi Gras Ball at Minglewood 28- Feb. 1: International Blues Challenge on Beale Street 31: Tool: North American Tour at FedExForum February Grizzlies and Tigers basketball seasons continue Beale Street Music Festival lineup is usually announced during this month – I’ll post it! 1: Bluff City Polar Bear Plunge at Mud Island River Park 1: Harlem Globetrotters at FedExForum 4: Temple Israel Presents: An Evening With Jason Alexander at GPAC 5-9: The Play That Goes Wrong Broadway Show at The Orpheum 7: Tyler Perry’s “Madea’s Farewell Play Tour” at FedExForum 9: Celine Dion Courage World Tour at FedExForum 11: The Beach Boys at The Orpheum 14-16: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at The Orpheum 14 – 15: Opera Memphis’ Puccini Double Bill at GPAC 14 – 23: Ballet Memphis Winter Mix at Ballet Memphis 22: Vivaldi and Piazzolla Four Seasons at The U of M’s Harris Concert Hall 22-23: Collage Dance Collective Presents: RISE at GPAC 24: Ameripolitan Music Awards at the Guest House at Graceland 26 – March 8: Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum 28 – 29: Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Weekend at Graceland 29: Stravinsky’s “The Firebird” at The Cannon Center March Grizzlies and Tigers basketball seasons continue Memphis 901 FC Season begins at AutoZone Park TBA: Cooper Young St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Cooper St. TBA: 901 Popper Throwdown at High Cotton Feb. 16 – March 8: Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum 6: Post Malone Runaway Tour at FedExForum 6: The Orchestra Unplugged: Devil at the Crossroads at the Halloran Centre 6-8: Southern Women’s Show at the Agricenter 6-22: The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square 7: IRIS Orchestra Guest Artist: Anne-Akikio Meyers at GPAC 8-14: Memphis Black Restaurant Week 13 – 15: Elegant Southern Style Weekend: Spring Edition at Graceland 14: Grind City Coffee Expo at the Pipkin Building 14: 47th Annual Silky O’Sullivan’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Beale Street 15: 4th Annual Soulful Food Truck Festival at Clayborn Temple 15: America 50th Anniversary Tour at The Orpheum 16: Cher Here We Go Again Tour at FedExForum 16-20: Shelby County Schools Spring Break 17: Martin Lawrence “The Lit AF 2020 Tour” at FedExForum 18: Welcome To Night Vale Live at GPAC 20-22: Mid-South Con 38 at Hilton Memphis 21: Strauss, Tchaikovsky, & Shostakovich feat. Zuill Bailey at the Cannon Center 21: Germantown Symphony: 250th Anniversary Beethoven Celebration at GPAC 23 – April 5: Midtown Opera Festival  27 – 29: Memphis International Guitar Festival at The U of M 28: Let’s Brunch Memphis! Festival at Beale Street Landing 28: That Golden Girls Show: A Puppet Parody at Halloran Centre 28: Memphis Brewfest at the Liberty Bowl 28: Opera Memphis Presents Mozart’s Così fan tutte at Playhouse on the Square 28. MuslimMEMfest Festival at The Agricenter 29: The Millennium Tour (Ying Yang Twins, Bow Wow, Soulja Boy) at FedExForum April Grizzlies basketball season continues Redbirds baseball season begins (April 9) Peabody Rooftop Parties begin TBA: Memphis Farmers Market opens for the season TBA: Lucero Family Block Party at Minglewood TBA: Overton Square Crawfish Festival in Overton Square TBA: Memphis Made’s Hopped VI Fest TBA: Edge Motor Festival in The Edge District TBA: East Buntyn Art Walk TBA: Taste the Rarity at Wiseacre TBA: Down To Earth Festival/Earth Day Celebrations at Shelby Farms TBA: Mid-South Food Truck Fest at Liberty Bowl Stadium TBA: Rajun Cajun Crawfish Festival at Wagner Place (downtown) TBA: Beale Street Wine Race on Beale Street TBA: Africa In April Cultural Awareness Festival at Robert Church Park 1-4: Memphis Fashion Week 2-5: Memphis Comedy Fest 3-5: Art In The Loop on Ridgeway Loop Road 3-5: Twin Peaks 30: Official Fan Celebration at Graceland 6: Sista Strut 3K Walk in Cooper Young/Liberty Bowl 6-11: Charc Week Memphis 7-12: A Bronx Tale at The Orpheum 9: Memphis Redbirds Opening Night at AutoZone Park 11: Otis Redding III at The Halloran Centre 16: Lewis Black at Graceland Soundstage 17-19: Vintage901 Food & Wine Festival (various locations) 18: Condomonium at 1203 Poplar Ave. 18-19: Ballet Memphis’ Cinderella at The Orpheum 23: Live at the Garden 20th Anniversary Series Lineup Announcement 25: Shinedown at The Orpheum 25: World Championship Hot Wing Contest & Festival at Tiger Lane 25: V & E Greenline Art Walk in Vollintine-Evergreen neighborhood 28: Opera Memphis Presents Mozart’s Così fan tutte (reprise) at Playhouse on the Square May Levitt Shell Concert Series usually begins Redbirds baseball season continues Memphis 901 FC season continues Grizzlies basketball season continues Peabody Rooftop Parties continue TBA: Memphis Greek Festival TBA: Zoo Brew at Memphis Zoo 1-3: Memphis In May International Salute to Ghana 1-3: Memphis in May Beale Street Music Festival at Tom Lee Park 1-24: Little Shop of Horrors at Playhouse on the Square 2: Iris Orchestra Guest Artist: Nancy Zhou at GPAC 3: GPAC Youth Symphony Program at GPAC 7: 41st Blues Music Awards 9: MSO presents Rhapsody In Blue at the Cannon Center 13 – 16: World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest at Tom Lee Park 16 – 17: Cooper-Young Garden Walk 21-24: Bluff City Jazz Festival at the Shell 23: Memphis In May’s Great American River Run Downtown 28-30: Memphis Italian Festival at Marquette Park 29: David Crosby at Graceland Soundstage June Memphis 901 FC season continues Redbirds baseball season continues Peabody Rooftop Parties continue Levitt Shell Concert Series continues Grizzlies basketball season continues TBA: Juneteenth Urban Music Festival TBA: Craft Food and Wine Festival TBA: Mid-South International Festival TBA: Outdoors Inc Canoe and Kayak Race at Mud Island 2-6: Germantown Charity Horse Show 6: Feast on the Farm Gala at Agricenter 6: Memphis Flyer’s Margarita Fest at BOXLOT 11: The Dude Perfect 2020 Tour at FedExForum 13: Tour Dé Toast Memphis at the Pink Palace 19 – July 12: Something Rotten! at Playhouse on the Square 24: Journey and the Pretenders at FedExForum July July TBA: 3RDSPACE Memphis Art & Design Week TBA: WEVL’s Blues on the Bluff Independence Day Events (will be updated for 2020) Memphis 901 FC season continues Redbirds season continues Levitt Shell Concert Series continues Live at the Garden concert series continues Peabody Rooftop Parties continue June 19 – July 12: Something Rotten! at Playhouse on the Square 1-5: WGC-FedEx St. Jude Invitational at Southwind 11: Little River Band at The Orpheum 18: The Tableau of Natural Hair Expo 18: Mid-South’s Great Tomato Contest at the Agricenter 21 – 26: Come From Away Broadway musical at The Orpheum August Memphis 901 FC season continues Redbirds season continues Peabody Rooftop Parties continue Live at the Garden concert series continues Memphis Tigers Football begins TBA: Memphis Chicken & Beer Festival at Liberty Bowl TBA: Delta Fair at Agricenter 7-15: Elvis Week 2020 September Tigers Football season Memphis 901 FC season continues Redbirds season continues Live at the Garden concert series continues Levitt Shell Concert Series usually begins TBA:Delta Fair at Agricenter TBA: Millington Goat Days TBA: Zoo Rendezvous at Memphis Zoo TBA: Germantown Festival TBA: Mid-South Pride Parade & Fest 1: 901 Day celebrations around town! 10-12: Southern Heritage Classic Weekend 19: Cooper Young Festival 19: Makeda’s Block Party Downtown 24: Mid-South Fair in Southaven 24 – 27: Gonerfest 17 26: Elixir Cocktail Party at Hilton Memphis 27: Memphis Japan Fest at Memphis Botanic Garden October Memphis 901 FC season continues Tigers Football season continues Grizzlies and Tigers basketball season begins Levitt Shell Concert Series continues TBA: Mistletoe Merchants at Agricenter TBA: Memphis Food & Wine Festival TBA: Metal Repair Days at the Metal Museum TBA: Zoo Boo begins at Memphis Zoo TBA: 11th Annual Cooper Young Beer Fest TBA: MEMPHO at Shelby Farms TBA: Bartlett Festival 17: Agricenter Harvest Festival 17: Doobie Brothers 50th Anniversary Tour at FedEx Forum 21-26: Indie Memphis Film Festival 24-25: River Arts Festival 25 – 27: Pink Palace Crafts Fair November Tigers Football season continues Grizzlies and Tigers basketball seasons continue Hustle basketball season begins TBA: India Fest TBA: Memphis Flyer’s Crafts & Drafts TBA: Grilled Cheese Festival TBA: Greenway Soiree TBA: Santa Lands at the Pink Palace TBA: Starry Nights at Shelby Farms TBA: Downtown Memphis Holiday Tree Lighting TBA: Holiday Wonders at the Garden 13 – 15: Memphis Comic & Fantasy Convention December Grizzlies, Tigers, and Hustle basketball seasons continue TBA: Downtown Memphis/Beale Street Holiday Parade TBA: Stumbling Santa Pub Crawl TBA: Memphis Farmers Market Holiday Market TBA: Liberty Bowl TBA: Zoo Lights 5: St. Jude Marathon in downtown/midtown Memphis (streets closed…also stay tuned for the ILM Cheering Section info!) 31: New Year’s Eve on Beale Street Ed. Note: All information is correct at time of publication. Dates, times, and other information are subject to change at the discretion of the event organizers. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of every single event in Memphis, just an overview. Check out the calendar throughout the year and weekend lists of things to do (published every week) for more updates. Did we leave off your favorite events? Need to add a date? No worries, just submit it here, leave a comment, and I’ll add it to the blog’s calendar. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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