#gabrielle charbonnet
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Disney Girls One Pet Too Many by Gabrielle Charbonnet
mid-late 1990s
My personal picture, I found this in storage :)
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maxtothemax · 10 months
hey remember in HAWK when we find out that hawk and the other kids at the orphanage have been repeatedly experimented on throughout their lives by a lab that is heavily implied to also be fucking with peoples memories. and then we also find out that hawk can't remember her early childhood, to the extent that she literally forgot her own name and her parents' faces, and we think, "oh! oh my god! i've connected the two dots!!" …and then nothing comes out of it?
james patterson and gabrielle charbonnet i am strangling you with my bare hands
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moonlightreal · 1 year
Circle of Three and Sweep
2001 was a good year for books.
In fact I think I picked up the first few Circle of Three and the first few Sweep on the same bookstore visit. They have the same basic plot: “Girl is drawn into witchcraft” but they approach it in different ways. Both of the series have interesting backstories, they were written for different reasons but have a lot of similarities, including similar issues.
If you liked The Secret Circle, both series will be right up your alley.
Circle of Three was written by author Isobel Bird to present real Wicca to teenage readers who have plenty of more fantasy-based books but nothing to show them what they might experience if they start studying Wicca. The story follows sporty Kate, studious Annie and rebel Cooper as they become friends and follow a year-and-a-day Wiccan study program they find at a local metaphysical shop. Each book focuses on an aspect of Wicca: tarot cards, psychic dreams, healing, dealing with Wicca's dodgy public image, and celebrating the Wheel of the Year. The series also focuses a lot on the community aspect of Wicca as the girls make friends with adult Wiccans, ask for guidance, and help others.
Sweep was written by author Cate Tiernan to sell a book series. The story follows Morgan as she falls for the hot new boy at school, finds out he’s Wicca, then finds out there aren’t just Wiccans there are also Blood Witches and she’s one too. Morgan deals with warring covens each led by a hot boy who may or may not be Morgan’s soulmate, discovering that she’s adopted since Blood Witches can’t have children with humans, and facing the evil that destroyed her birth parents. Most of the characters are teens, but Morgan also deals with the Council of Witches and a Seeker, empowered to judge witches who misuse their powers.
So they are very different series. In only one of them does someone get stabbed by an athame and fall off a cliff.
But they are also very similar series. Both describe rituals and magical tools, both have spells, both have plenty of boy-crazy from the lead characters, Kate and Morgan. Both are good. Both also tend to wobble annoyingly between magical realism and fantasy.
Sweep starts out with quite reality-based information about Wicca but veers off into Blood Witches by the end of the first book. Circle of Three starts similarly and even has one character refer to another as a “Buffy witch, they think Wicca is all about making supernatural things happen”… and then in the next book Cooper uses her psychic visions to lead the police to the body of a murder victim.
Which is… interesting. Isobel Bird meant the series to reflect her experiences in Wicca so is this the kind of thing that happened in her coven? Psychics offering help to detectives certainly happens, but whether any case has been solved based purely on their input is still very he-said she-said. Psychics claim to have done it but they might lie for fame and money, police departments generally say not but they might lie to keep their dignity or for obscure legal reasons. But psychics helping cops is definitely not a normal thing that will happen to any teenage Wiccan. And that’s only Circle of Three’s first voyage away from normality. The girls meet real fae and ghosts. Did Isobel Bird have a truly wild Wiccan life? Did she think the series would be better if she stretched things a bit? Or did the editor pressure her to spice things up? Who can say, but it does make the series read a bit strange as it tries to pick a lane between fantasy and magical realism.
And both series were written under pen names. Looking at the authors behind the names explains why the two series went the way they did.
Sweep was written by Gabrielle Charbonnet, who has written quite a lot under her own name. according to wiki, Charbonnet “participated in the editing of” the Secret Circle trilogy, which explains a lot—or would, but Tiernan credits Ann Bradshares of Traveling Pants fame for coming up with the idea for Sweep. I get the impression that a publisher thought a witch series would do well and several people contributed to ‘Cate Tiernan.’
Circle of Three was written by Michael Thomas Ford, a gay Wiccan man who mostly writes about gay topics. That’s why the pen name; the publisher didn’t think an authors name that leads to a whole lotta gay stuff would be good for selling a series for teenage girls.
Both series are 15 books long, and both were meant to be longer but had their plugs pulled when sales sank. Both series suffer from “some parts are definitely better than other parts”, as we all might expect from such long series! They also both have a certain amount of boy drama and general silliness, but they’re both great fun. Highly recommended!
After enjoying these two so much I keep my eyes open for similar series. There have been a few. Blue is for Nightmares and sequels were all right. The Daughters of the Moon series is great. Nonfiction author Silver Ravenwolf wrote a series about teenage witches and it was terrrrrible. There’s also a very obscure series called “The Circle” by Melaina Faranda, which could have been really good but the writing never quite got there and the series vanished into the mist after three maybe four volumes. Nothing ever quite matched the glorious series of 2001.
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vtgbooks · 4 months
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GABRIELLE CHARBONNET Princess A Room in the Attic 1995 Unbearable Sadness Death
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bunnygirl-titties · 1 year
I was tagged by @perfectwhispers 💋💖
Currently watching: HunterxHunter, Bob’s Burgers, RWBY, Hellsing Abridged, 90 day fiancé(pls don’t ask 😅)
Currently reading: Witch & Wizard by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet!
Latest obsession: Oh fuck there are sooo many things??? I don’t really have time to list all of them! But top 3 are
Jewelry making
I’m gonna tag: @softlittlethingamajig @kittengirlpaws @tiny-lesbian-dom @phoenixgirlpeen @lezpanic420 @asleepycowboy @fullmetal-undyne
(I’m so sorry this took so long I thought I posting it but it was sitting in drafts 😅😅😅)
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kinhagamer · 3 years
Resenha: Bruxos e Bruxas
Resenha: Bruxos e Bruxas
Imagem by Vitor Paiva in Deviantart A campanha de lançamento desse livro foi muito bem feita e interessante. Foi fácil desejar o livro todas as vezes que alguém comentava que a Nova Ordem havia chegado em sua casa. Finalmente pude adquiri-lo, então confira abaixo nossas impressões. Aprecie sem moderação, pois tomamos muito cuidado para evitar spoilers. História Imagem: by sundang in deviantart O…
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a-duck-with-a-book · 3 years
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REVIEW // Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard #1) by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet
I read the manga version of this book years ago and absolutely loved it, but I found the novel itself to be way too juvenile and boring. Nothing feels well-developed-not the characters, not the conflicts, and certainly not the world. The two protagonists wake to find that the New Order that has recently risen to power has begun to round up those they find oppose their ideals-including their family. They are separated from the parents, told they have magic powers, and thrown in a prison where they must run through a hallway full of violent dogs in the hopes of getting any food. The world is at war, and they are at the hands of sadists. Do we get any of their desperation and fear through the writing? No. Not at all, in fact.
// image: official cover at for the Witch & Wizard manga by Svetlana Chmakova //
Their constant jokes and witty retorts completely distort the tone of the book. The idea of an all-powerful government hunting down witches and wizards sounds terrifying, but all the protagonists do is act like snarky teenagers. If cringy one-liners were all it took to save the world, these two would have resolved the entirety of the plot in about one chapter. Here is Wisty's retort when a man hits her while they are imprisoned and awaiting execution:
When that bullying, cowardly freak smacked Wisty’s hand with his snake whip, I almost lunged for him. I was ready to fight to the death, whatever it took. Nobody hits my sister. Wisty bravely cradled her hand and watched him, her jaw set. I glared at this Visitor creep, trying to distract him. “Let me guess. No one loved you as a child. Or as an adult. Well, tough noogies!”
I know you may look at that and think "Sure, 'tough noogies" is a bit... dumb, but it's a book for younger audiences! Of course you can't be so hard on the dialogue." First of all, this is a YA novel, and we're all well aware that young adult audiences have read and are fully capable of reading serious, dark stories with violence and consequences (think The Hunger Games or even Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, which is technically a middle grade book and deals with similar heavy topics). There's really no reason why the two teenage protagonists need to come off so bratty and immature. The writing itself feels rushed and unplanned. It is choppy and inconsistent, jumping from conflict to conflict with way-too-convenient resolutions and no time for tension. The chapters are also incredibly short (a few were only two pages), and their frequently shifting POV doesn't really allow for any development between Whit and Wisty. Readers get whipped between the characters repeatedly as the POV shifts suddenly in the same scene. Everything is blatantly spelled out for the reader as if they are unable to understand the most basic action:
"The Matron and the guards were right behind us, halfway through the frozen dogs. So I rushed at the wall like I was a quarterback again—and I went right through the portal to the other side. But I lost my grip on Wisty’s hand. She just slipped away, screaming my name. I lost Wisty!"
You already told us she "slipped away, screaming my name", so there's no need to add that last sentence.
Overall, I was really let down with how the book handled an otherwise very interesting concept, especially since the manga did it so well. I'll leave you with this scene that really sent me:
Here, Whit and Wisty have just arrived at their first prison and begin talking to another inmate, who is 13.
“I’m prisoner number 450209A,” said the voice. “Trust me, there’s been no mistake. And they didn’t forget to read you your rights. And they aren’t going to give you a lawyer or a phone call. And your mama and papa aren’t coming to get you. Ever. And that’s a long, long time.”
At this point, I thought what he was saying was strange, as the Order has only been in place for a very short time and he's making it sound as if he's been here for nearly a lifetime and truly knows the ways of this particular prison. Then he adds:
“I’ve been here nine days—I was one of the first. But in the last three days, this rat hole has really filled up.”
NINE DAYS??? Why's he acting like a super hard prison inmate when he's been there for a bit over a week? I've had colds that lasted more than that.
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yesishipfaxsueme · 4 years
I'm so pissed at Hawk killing Clete.
Hawk (Pheonix because Hawk is a dumbass first name and JP and Gabrielle Whatever-the-fuck-her-name-is can suck it) survived getting stuck by lightning and damn near cut in half.
Max survived getting stabbed with a shiv and shot in the head.
I really fucking hate that the one named character that died in the book was the autistic-coded one.
Like I had several issues with the book that boil down to "it could have been done so much better" but damn, that pretty much was the nail in the coffin.
I didn't expect great things. I watched a review done by Piera Forde, but even that didn't quite prepare me.
I was so excited to see an autistic-coded change be not only allowed to display signs of autism without mockery or judgement, but be treated as incredibly intelligent, and then I started paying attention to how many times Pheonix states that she tuned him out, and they killed him, and shortly thereafter, Max (unaware that he's dead) calls him a "nimrod."
The moment I listened to that I was entirely ready to abandon my current writing project (also Max Ride-related, funnily enough) and spite-write the whole damn book.
I'm that pissed over that, and several other things to do with the book.
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Maximum Ride lost her fight to save the world. But from the ashes of the old world, a phoenix has risen. she calls herself Hawk.Hawk doesn't know her real name. She doesn't know who her parents were, or where they went. The only thing she remembers is that they told to wait on a street corner until they came back for her.
That was ten years ago.
The day that she finally gives up waiting is the moment her life changes for ever. Because the promise becomes reality: someone is coming for her.
But it's not a rescue. It's an execution.
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backlogbooks · 5 years
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This Again? Challenge | Day Five: A Darker Shade of Magic 
I’m just gonna keep going way into my past for these because it’s fun
As I recall, these books had a really cool magic system (and great characters!) but also showed the dark side of magic/life in a fantasy book 
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2020ya · 5 years
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by James Patterson & Gabrielle Charbonnet
(Jimmy Patterson, 7/6/20)
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Purchase from Indiebound
A story for a new generation of Maximum Ride fans! 17-year-old Hawk is growing up hard and fast in post-apocalyptic New York City . . . until a perilous destiny forces her to take flight.
Where is Maximum Ride?
Ten years ago a girl with wings fought to save the world. But then she disappeared.
Now she's just a fading legend, remembered only in stories.
Hawk doesn't know her real name. She doesn't know who her family was, or where they went. The only thing she remembers is that she was told to wait on a specific street corner, at a specific time, until her parents came back for her.
She stays under the radar to survive...until a destiny that's perilously close to Maximum Ride's forces her to take flight. Someone is coming for her.
But it's not a rescue mission.
It's an execution.
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sarcasrnspasrn · 4 years
okay did ANYONE else read the book series about the girls who kinned disney princesses or was that just me
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
Harry Potter Timeline
This is the timeline for my Harry Potter characters and the ones from @capeshifters
1922 - Nagini is born in Indonesia (date unknown)
1926 - 31st December Tom Riddle is born
Tom Riddle Sr. (Muggle) + Merope Gaunt (Pureblood)
1931 - 17th December Connor Montgomery is born in France 
Jonathan Montgomery + Gabrielle Charbonnet (Purebloods)
1936 - 23rd July Fedya Sergunya Preobrazhensky aka Fenrir Greyback is born
Muggle Mother + Pureblood Father
1937 - Ellie Spindleweed is born
1938 - Tom Riddle attends Hogwarts
1939 - Second World War Breaks Out
1942 - The Chamber Of Secrets Is Opened
1943 - Connor Montgomery Attends Beauxbaton
1943 - Tom Riddle opens the chamber of secrets and kills Myrtle Warren a muggleborn creating the first horcrux
1945 - Second World War Ends
1947 - Fenrir Greyback (Gryffindor) attends Hogwarts
1948 - Ellie Spindleweed attends Hogwarts
1951 - Connor is arrested for experimenting and killing muggles in the process. He is sent to Azkaban for a life sentence.
Somewhere between 1951 and 1981 - Connor becomes an animagus 
1952 - Fenrir gets bitten by a werewolf (22nd July 1952)
1953 - Willhelm Marble is born
1955 - Ellie Spindleweed finishes school
1959 - Sirius Black is born
1960 - Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew are born
1961 - Eleasar Cohen is born (3rd October)
Lurdes Cohen (Muggle) + Gil Cohen (Pureblood)
1962 - Belle Instance is born (6th June 1962)
John Instance (Pureblood) + Elizabeth Instance (Pureblood)
1963 - Sharleen Siemens is born (20th December 1963)
Ilias Siemens (Pureblood) + Kelly Siemens (Pureblood)
1963 - Willhelm Marble (Slytherin) attends Hogwarts
1964 - Augustus Rookwood is born (date unknown)
1964 - Fenrir bites Remus Lupin
1968 - Serafino Rosario is born
Pureblood Mother and Father
1968 - Lassie Young is born
1969 - Carlisle Eastwood is born (14th March)
Emmet Eastwood (Muggle) + Esmee Eastwood (Muggle)
1970 - Danny Fernandez is born (15th November)
Jacinto Fernandez (Pureblood) + Isabela Fernandez (Pureblood)
1970 - Willhelm Marble marble finishes school
1970 - Lucas Scale is born 
1971 - Willhelm Marble works in the Law Enforcement Departure in the Ministry
Between 1970 and 1981 - Willhelm Marble joins Voldemort
1971 - Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans and Peter Pettigrew attend Hogwarts
1973 - Belle Instance (Ravenclaw) and Eleasar Cohen (Slytherin) attend Hogwarts
1974 - Sharleen Siemens (Ravenclaw) attends Hogwarts
1974 - Lilo Young is born 
Muggle Mother + Wizard Father
1975 - Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew become Animagus
1975 - Solje is born 
1976 - Amelia Fernandez is born (29th February)
Jacinto Fernandez (Pureblood) + Isabela Fernandez (Pureblood)
1977 - Salvia Pepper is born
1978 - Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew finish Hogwarts
1978 - Sharleen gets pregnant from Fenrir Greyback (December 1978)
1978 - Serafino Rosario attends Beauxbaton
1979 - Lassie Young attends Hogwarts
1979 - Ben Chaplin is born (17th June)
John Chaplin (Pureblood) + Charlie Chaplin (Pureblood)
1979 - Pamina Siemens is born (7th September)
Fenrir Greyback (Halfblood) + Sharleen Siemens (Pureblood)
1979 - Hermione Granger is born (19th September)
Muggle Mother + Muggle Father
1979 - Leslie Woodstock is born (31st October)
Stan Woodstock (Muggle) + Elmira Woodstock (Pureblood)
1979 - Vortula Portocalos is born (20th December)
Costa Portocalos (Muggle) + Maria Portocalos (Muggle)
1980 - Eleasar Cohen and Belle Instance finish school.
1980 - Neville Longbottom is born (30th July)
Frank Longbottom (Pureblood) + Alice Longbottom (Pureblood)
1980 - Harry Potter is born (31st July)
James Potter (Pureblood) + Lily Potter (Muggle)
1980 - Belle Instance joins the death eaters
1980 - Carlisle Eastwood (Hufflepuff) attends school
1980 - Elesar Cohen begins his auror training
1981 - Lucas Scale attends Hogwarts
1981 - Sharleen Siemens finishes school
1981 - Lily Potter and James Potter are being killed by Voldemort (31st October)
1981 - Sirius Black confronts Peter Pettigrew. He “kills” Peter Pettigrew and is sent to Azkaban (2nd November)
1981 - Sharleen Siemens begins her auror training
1982 - Belle Instance kills a bunch of people and is sentence to life in Azkaban
1982 - Belle Instance meets Connor Montgomery in his animagus form.
1982 - Danny Fernandez (Slytherin) attends school
1983 - Eleasar Cohen becomes an auror
1984 - Sharleen Siemens becomes an auror
1984 - Lilo Young attends Hogwarts (
1985 - Danny Fernandez kills his ex girlfriend as an animagus by accident. He gets registered and Dumbledore and Snape keep it a secret.
1985 - Serafino Rosario finishes school
1986 - Lassie Young finishes school
1986 - Solje attends Hogwarts
1987 - Amelia Fernandez (Slytherin) attends Hogwarts
1987 - Carlisle Eastwood finishes school
1988 - Carlisle begins his auror training
1988 - Lucas Scale finishes school
1988 - Lucas Scale gets bitten by a werewolf in France 
1989 - Danny Fernandez finishes school 
1989 - Lucas Scale finds a werewolf clan (Fenrir’s clan)
1989/1990 - Lilo’s Mother dies
1990 - Danny Fernandez starts working in the ministry of magic
1990 - Ben Chaplin (Slytherin) attends Hogwarts
1991 - Hermione Granger (Gryffindor), Harry Potter (Gryffindor), Neville Longbottom (Gryffindor), Pamina Siemens (Slytherin), Leslie Woodstock (Gryffindor), Vortula Portocalos (Ravenclaw) attend Hogwarts
1991 - Carlisle Eastwood finishes his auror training
1991 - Lilo Young finishes school
1992 - The Chamber of Secrets is opened for the second time. Nobody dies but several students are petrified.
1993 - Sirius Black escapes Azkaban. 1993 - Salvia Pepper gets bitten by a werewolf and kills someone. She is sentenced for life in Azkaban
1993 - Solje finishes school
1994 - Amelia Fernandez finishes school.
1994 - Amelia Fernandez begins her healer training
1994 - The Triwizard Tournament takes place in Hogwarts with Beauxbaton and Durmstrang.
1994 - Voldemort comes back
1995 - Vortula is bitten by Fenrir Greyback
1995 - Danny Fernandez replaces Aurora Sinistra as Astronomy teacher.
1995 - Carlisle Eastwood successfully becomes an animagus 
1996 - A dozen Death Eaters escape Azkaban including Belle Instance and Connor Montgomery.
1996 - Salvia Pepper escapes Azkaban during the mass breakout
1996 - Sirius Black dies
Somewhere between 1996 and 1997 - Fenrir Greyback joins the order 
1996 - Start of the canon timeline
1997 - Albus Dumbledore dies
1997 - Ben Chaplin finishes school
1997/1998 - Amelia finishes her healer training. She is now a healer assistant.
1997 - The Second Wizarding War is in full force
1997/1998 - Sharleen Siemens dies (34 years)
1998 - Voldemort is defeated
1999/2000 - Hermione Granger finishes her last year in Hogwarts
1999/2000 - Neville Longbottom finishes his last year in Hogwarts
1999/2000 - Pamina Siemens finishes her last year in Hogwarts
1999/2000 - Vortula Portocalos finishes her last year in Hogwarts
1999/2000 - Leslie Woodstock finishes her last year in Hogwarts
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dreamsatdusk · 3 years
36 & 56 for book asks 🖤
36. Favourite YA novel?
I was going to say A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge although it looks like that may be considered middle grade instead.  Either way, it’s a very lovely book, beautifully written and with an intriguing setting and storyline.  I’ve enjoyed all the other Hardinge books I’ve read as well.  Even the ones set on earth (most of them are not) have such a unique look at the world.
I think Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter is more specifically YA and I loved that one too.  It’s WEIRD in a way that I’ve loved for a long, long time.  It’s set on earth, but there are bizarre things going on that in so many ways are just treated as…how things are?  In certain ways it reminds me of the Wayside School books I loved as a child. Vassa in the Night is set in New York City, but has Russian faerie tale influence, the most key one being the fact there’s a very dangerous all night convenience store called B.Y.s that dances on chicken legs *L*
56. What is the cheesiest book you’ve read?
Sunday at Tiffany’s by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet.  Patterson received the main billing on this, but I’m not sure who really wrote the bulk of it given some things I’ve seen since about his co-author approach.  
Patterson is the author of the Alex Cross crime thrillers, such as Along Came a Spider and Kiss the Girls.  Sunday at Tiffany’s is not aaaaaanywhere in that genre.  It features a little girl who has an imaginary friend, Michael.  Jane grows up and is not a happy woman, lots of issues in her life.  We also find out that imaginary friends are in fact real.  As in, it is a job that people have, people who are not human, but nevertheless exist.  Overall, the book is enormously cheesy and I finished reading it mainly out of a transfixed sense of horror.
The most hilarious part is, imaginary friends can eat whatever junk food they want and Michael does.  He turns human at the end of the story (he and adult Jane have fallen in love), which you learn when he collapses and is taken to the hospital because, as an actual human, the cumulative health effects of all the shit food he’s eaten for ages comes swarming in all at once and he needs…major heart surgery or something?  I vaguely recall the doctors being baffled that someone who looked the age he did could possibly have had a heart in such condition.
The best part about this book is I got my dad to read it afterwards by asking him if he’d like to read a James Patterson book I’d picked up, given he’d read the Alex Cross series.  Ohh, the aghast reaction after he read it :D We still wind each other up by reminiscing about that book.
Thanks for the ask!!
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maxtothemax · 4 years
Hawk Annotations
It’s been some days since Hawk came out so I figured I’d post my stupid annotations on here. Putting it all under a cut because, obviously, there are so many spoilers, and I had a lot to say.
Started reading: 7/6/20
The 10th Maximum Ride book
It just came out today and I just got it in the mail so let’s see what this dumpster fire is all about.
2 – well! the world building is already bad
3 – I do sorta like the narrative voice though
8 – there’s so much swearing. wonder whether she’s allowed to say fuck though
she says “feck”???
11 – how is there an even remotely functional government like 15-20 years post-apocalypse
13 – why’d she wait the extra half hour?
15 – “my kids” I’m going to assume this is more of a flock situation than a teen mom situation?
19 – so much exposition :/
23 – I’m really not invested in any of this. Ugh, and I have 400 pages to go… [well, okay, it was more like 375. My hardcover copy was long.]
26 – for someone who doesn’t care about her parents, Hawk sure does bring them up a lot
37 – oh, that’s probably Fang, isn’t it
39 – is that a fucking smiley face? [It actually had J in the narration. What??]
40 – “Anytime I heard the word ‘experiment,’ my ears perked right up” okay just call me out like that I guess
43 – that would make sense
46 – black lab coat? [the future of lab fashion?]
67 – hmm this is weird, I don’t like it
69 – she didn’t really seem like she was into that
72 – …but apparently she was?
78 – well that escalated quickly
82 – I don’t know how to feel about this
85 – has Max been in solitary for 10 years? What the fuck?? [It wasn’t solitary confinement, actually, just regular prison.]
87 – none of this world building makes any sense
101 – this is incredibly poorly written. Barely even follows the rules of reality
102 – It’s also very dark, edgy, “Life sucks deal with it” flavored and I’m not a fan
General note: this is reminding me of Witch & Wizard in all the worst ways. Especially page 105. [It’s been brought to my attention that Gabrielle Charbonnet also co-authored at least one book in that series, so that’s probably why.]
106 – Why does McCallum sound exactly like Trump? [The most shocking part of reading this book was finding out that Jimmy Patterson apparently disapproves of Trump.]
108 – so we’re not ignoring the “he was like a brother to me” thing?
109 – JP has torn this series apart so thoroughly. I hate him.
116 – Fuck this. You killed her after giving her maybe 2 minutes of page time. There’s nothing meaningful about that!! Nothing!!
119 – oH SHIT OKAY
121 – that didn’t make it any better, actually
Everything feels so pointless here
I don’t even want to read this but it’ll bug me if I don’t :/
127 – At least this book is better about describing characters
129 – HOW COULD HE POSSIBLY TELL?? Isn’t Ridley enough to prove it?
Side note: will we ever find out who Rose is?
130 – multiple sets of what now?
133 – HOW DO THEY FOLD TWICE???? [Their wings! Fold twice! How the FUCK does that work??]
138 – I’m sorry what
141 – Okay yeah McCallum is definitely a Trump stand in
145 – that’s not gonna happen
147 – I know Jeb is dead but I would be totally unsurprised if McCallum turned out to be Jeb. [Spoiler alert: he isn’t. Evidently Jeb’s still dead. Good for him.]
148 – Okay that line was actually good [the line was: “I’m Maximum Ride, you son of a bitch!”]
149 – Max ALMOST said fuck. Very nearly.
[God just let her say fuck, she deserves it the most]
153 – well this is fucked
154 – you’re not allowed to judge anyone’s names, you named yourself Hawk
160 – It doesn’t even really feel like the flock is older. Except Nudge, probably b/c she keeps calling Hawk “sweetie”
163 – why is Freak capitalized?
164 – “We try to keep the body count low. Part of our personal growth.” I’M SCREAMING NUDGE IS SO FUNNY
173 – OH SHIT
181 – Crismins? Did they change the word for Christmas?
183 – As usual, Nudge is the only one here who I respect
190 – Nudge would be an amazing mom
I’m actually so happy about Nudge’s characterization so far, I love her. Nudge stan for life.
[In the original series: Nudge who? I don’t know her.
In Hawk: Nudge is everyone’s favorite person.]
193 – “You want a wing! Find yourself a goddamn brain first!” that’s so fucking good actually
203 – Are you fucking kidding me
209 – savage
215 – this just in: horses aren’t real
Hey also where the fuck’s Angel? Did she finally start a cult or something?
221 – “he’d put his dad wings on” that’s… quite a phrase
When did Fang become such a hardass? [Edit: actually he was focused on rescuing Max so I guess that’s justified.]
225 – “eyeless Rain” are we doing the blind mentioning thing again? Really? [JP has a bad habit of traumatically removing characters’ vision and then always bringing up that they’re blind as though that’s their only character trait, and I for one think he should be banned from writing for that alone.]
234 – well that escalated quickly
237 – way to avoid describing Gazzy or Iggy’s wings lol
246 – seeing Max call Fang “my love” is very uncomfortable
247 – Okay, that’s cute. [Cutest scene in the whole book, actually.]
257 – Nudge does have curly hair!!! See!!! [@ Narae Lee: take some fucking notes.]
259 – Gazzy’s environmentally friendly bombs. He should make a business.
269 – “forking”? Excuse me sir this is [definitely] not the Good Place I’m sure you can just say fuck
271 – Oh god I don’t want to think about how old the flock is now
272 – These Ride girls are really prone to fainting I guess. Real convenient for transitions between scenes.
278 – I’m still so pissed that the flock was separated for ten years. Not even in a heartbreaking way—it just feels like there was no point to it
Also: how did they find out what happened to Rose? [Also: why use a random character you just made up instead of characters we already know? Hello? Wasn’t Fang’s gang still around post-apocalypse? Weren’t they all friends by then?]
283 – Oh god, is it Angel?
284 – YEP! And holy shit did Total have a kid or something?
285 – Okay so I was this close with the cult leader thing
287 – TOTAL’S ALIVE??? and remarried?? where is he? [I still want some fucking answers, James.]
295 – what the fuck is with the spelling here? Did Angel really just say “staaaahp”?? [As in “stop” but the 2010 internet way of saying it.]
Did she just say “LOL” out loud??
301 – this feels like when you’re in the car with a friend while they’re having an argument with their parents…
This all feels so pointless. The whole first series was about building a better world, and things somehow only got worse.
306 – wow it really doesn’t take much to set Hawk off
307 – you know what, Max is right
The fact that it’s been 10+ years and the flock still has to save the world is really dissatisfying. [It’s passed off as a “it’s what we do” sort of thing, but that shouldn’t be their fucking lifelong job.]
315 – Breaking news: Hawk is introduced to the concept of daddy issues
320 – wait when did Ridley get here??
323 – why are there so many mentions of wearing ponchos to hide their wings? [There have to be better ways]
333 – this was the only major spoiler I got but even though I had warning I’m still mad about it
355 – “Could that could be sky?” has to be the worst mistype I’ve seen in here
365 – Okay this is super uncomfortable
370 – “200 km per hour” I don’t know the metric system but I’m guessing that’s not accurate [it’s 125-ish mph so… I don’t know enough about flying speeds for this, okay, that’s the author’s job]
375 – How would Hawk know what a geocache is?
378 – so she’s just leaving him to die?
381 – okay, zero foreshadowing on that one
396 – so Pietro lived
397 – so actually everyone lived except for Clete :/
399 – “More Epilogue”??
Finished: 7/7/20
I… have no idea what to say about this one. It was a lot. Some parts were decent, others were boring, and it didn’t really feel like a “new generation” book, just an excuse to show the old flock as adults.
I was pleasantly surprised with Nudge’s characterization, and I really liked the “drop the Phoenix” scene, but that’s pretty much all I liked.
[Additional note: the book had no plot. Zero. Like… there was an attempt, but it didn’t really come together.]
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fortheflock · 5 years
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The cover is this again....
Here's a couple chapters of the new book... Not really sure what to think about it .
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