#gabenath fanfic
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rayraygo1267 · 10 months ago
Heyyy Idk if U still active but I LOVE your Hesperia x Nathalie headcanons & I wanted to know if you could make a drabble outta one of them
I'm super into the fact that Hesperia is the spontaneous one so!! Drabble Yay or Nay?
Plus I binged Ur writing and ughhh I love it 💕💕
Greetings from Norway!!!
A Gabenath Drabble: A Creature of Wonder
Note: Hello! Hi! I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply to this! I’m so honored that you love my writing and my headcanons that really means a lot to me! Also I’ve heard a lot of great things about Norway I hear it’s very pretty there! Thanks for the greeting! 😊
Anyway I know this fic is a little longer than a drabble is supposed to be but I hope you enjoy it! 💓💕💓💕
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Rated: K
Word Count: 428
Summary: Hesperia drags Nathalie out on a midnight adventure much to her chagrin and anxiety but perhaps he can prove to her that this little outing was worth it for both her and someone else.
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“I don’t think you realize how risky this is,” Nathalie grumbled for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past hour.
The soft pad of Hesperia’s pointer finger met the bow of her lips.
She scoffed, a flurry of both slighted annoyance and poignant worry swarming through her. Her voice pitched to a slightly higher, reverent whisper.
“You can’t be out here! Bobbling about! Out in the open! You can’t—”
“Shh! Look…” Hesperia interrupted, his voice low, his gaze focused on something in the shadows of the forlorn alleyway.
The eeriness of this little secret midnight escapade left a tangle of knots in Nathalie’s stomach, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end.
She huffed as Hesperia gently set her down on the cool pavement, his hands remaining on her shoulders. She blinked, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness surrounding them.
She gasped.
It wasn’t obvious right away, but if she looked closely, she could see the outline of what looked to be a little insect… something white? A moth perhaps? Or…
“A kamiko?” Nathalie murmured, her hand instinctively reaching out for the little creature.
“Look closer…” Hesperia whispered, his lips grazing against her ear.
Nathalie’s brows furrowed. The kamiko’s wings fluttered quickly, but it did not take off. It was stuck, somehow trapped between two throngs of twisted barbed wire covering the security gate blocking one side of the alleyway.
“Oh, the poor thing…” Nathalie cupped her hands, leaning closer.
“How come it won’t come to you?” Nathalie asked, while trying to coax the kamiko forward from its mini prison.
Hesperia chuckled, his blue eyes glistening.
“This one isn’t attracted to me.”
Nathalie snorted and couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that comment.
“Oh, please, how can a butterfly not love a butterfly-loving man like yourself?” she asked, teasing.
Hesperia smiled, soft and fond.
“Because kamikos respond to emotions, especially strong ones like love.”
Nathalie’s face heated, but she covered it well with another eye roll, though she was distracted by the feeling of a soft, tickling flutter against her palms.
She looked down to see that the little kamiko had made its way into her hands. She smiled, her heart melting as she nurtured it.
“Oh, and look at that,” Hesperia mused, “he’s found a home… with you,” Hesperia paused, a smirk on his lips as he kissed her cheek, “just as I have.”
Nathalie grinned, pressing her lips to his. She opened her palms between their embrace and set the little creature of wonder free.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it! I also want to apologize again for how long it took me to get this out and also for any grammatical errors.
Again thanks for reading and I’m open to any and all requests!
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gabenath69 · 10 months ago
Thought I’d post this here too!
You might now Alice form my “Nathalie’s Lovers” fanfic. If you don’t, but are interested in a Gabenath fanfic, here’s the link:
(Warning; the first few chapters are badly written, but I promise it does get better)💜💙
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nigmoth · 9 months ago
GABRIEL, MY pookie.
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theredeyeswolf · 4 months ago
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I just published the end of the first art of my Gabenath story, "As the sun rises again." and I had to make some fanart to celebrate.
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tengo-sentimientos-saben · 1 year ago
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uptoolateart · 3 months ago
How the Heart Learns to Break Again
Chapter 3 Preview:
Emilie stared at him, the exhaustion lines on her face appearing to deepen. Then she returned her attention to Nathalie. ‘Amelie was just explaining that Felix will be graduating university this year. Isn’t that incredible? Only thirteen years old!’
Graduating university…. Incredible wasn’t the word for it. No wonder he looked so bored at these gatherings.
Colt snorted. ‘It’s not boredom. It’s arrogance.’
Nathalie’s face flamed. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
Amelie frowned – thankfully, not at her. ‘Colt. We’ve been over this.’
‘Yeah, we have, and I’m right, damn it. The boy is cocky as hell. Just because he’s some genius, he thinks he’s better than everyone.’
‘He doesn’t think he’s better than everyone. He just doesn’t fit in, that’s all.’ Amelie’s voice was tight, like she’d had to defend their son too many times. ‘Nathalie, you must relate to this to some degree.’
Nathalie froze. As much as she adored Amelie, the last thing she wanted was to be dragged into one of her marital disputes.
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celestiall0tus · 10 months ago
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 39 - How the Eagle Soars
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “Adrien, you have visitors,” Nathalie announced.
            Adrien paused his game and looked back at Nathalie. “Visitors? Who is it?”
            “Chloe and her little friends. Your father has permitted you to spend time with them for an hour.”
            Adrien perked up and ran out of his room down to the parlor. He rushed down the stairs to see Chloe, Zoe, and Sabrina. He grinned and hugged Sabrina first, then Choe. He approached Zoe, but she shot him a look that stopped him in his tracks.
            “What brings you all here?” Adrien asked Sabrina and Chloe.
            “We figured we’d swing by and visit since you’re on house arrest,” Chloe remarked in English.
            “Why are you speaking in English?”
            “Well, it’s Zoe’s birthday. I thought it would be nice for her if we spoke in English today, so she didn’t feel left out,” Sabrina answered in English.
            Adrien’s eyes widened as he turned to Zoe. “I didn’t realize it was your birthday. Happy birthday!”
            Zoe shot Adrien a side-long glance, then turned away.
            “Did I say something wrong?” Adrien asked.
            “Oh, no. Don’t mind her. She’s been in a mood since this morning. It’s why we’re out celebrating and why I have a favor to ask you,” Chloe said.
            “Oh? What is it?”
            Chloe motioned for Adrien to follow her away from the group. He followed as he glanced back at Sabrina, who kept Zoe company.
            “Could you keep an eye on her for this hour? I want to prepare a party for her at the hotel and need her preoccupied. She won’t explore the city on her own anymore, so I figured this was the next best thing,” Chloe explained, speaking in French.
            “Are you sure? Not that I’m complaining, but wouldn’t Alix have been better to hang out with Zoe? The two seem more alike and that they’d get along.”
            “I already tried. Alix is with Rose today on some sort of double date with Luka and Marinette.”
            Adrien winced. “Have you heard anything regarding that?”
            “Hard not to. I mean, it’s only been a few days and her whole everything has changed.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “I’ve had the misfortune of being stuck with her on patrol one night with another new member, Pom Pom. Anyway, she just gushes about her musician boyfriend and how much she loves him. I don’t buy it for a second. I still think she’s putting on an act for everyone. And I know for a fact that Death Noire doesn’t buy it either. Alix though, I’m not sure.”
            “That’s… not the best news, but something is better than nothing, right?”
            “I’d rather just be done with her. There’s no way she can change.”
            “Well, Lila did, right?”
            “Lila is not Marinette. Not like that’s saying much. Lila just keeps to her crowd of devote followers, eager to hear her next lie.”
            “That’s… that’s fair… I suppose?”
            “Anyway, Zoe. You’ll watch her, yeah?”
            “I guess?”
            Chloe squealed and hugged Adrien. “You’re the best! Come along, Sabrina!”
            Sabrina waved good-bye to Zoe, hugged Adrien, and followed Chloe out. Adrien sighed and turned to Zoe.
            “So, Chloe asked that we hang out for an hour. Fun, right?” Adrien explained in English.
            “If you are hoping to hide some secret plans, you’ll need to use a different language, Adrien,” Nathalie said.
            Adrien jumped, startled. “Nathalie? Where did you come from?”
            “I came to check on you and your friends only to find Chloe and the ginger gone, but the moody blonde is still here.”
            “Uh, well, Chloe wanted us to keep an eye on Zoe while she prepared a party for her at the hotel. It would only be for an hour, I promise.”
            Nathalie sighed. She turned to look at Zoe, but Zoe was gone.
            “Oh, no! Where she’d go? She couldn’t have gotten far, right?” Adrien panicked.
            “Relax. I’ll check upstairs while you handle downstairs. Go.”
            Adrien nodded and ran around the first floor as he looked for Zoe. He checked every room when he passed by a window and saw her down in the garden next to the statue of his mother. He put on his outerwear and joined her in the garden.
            “Zoe! There you are! I was worried when you disappeared,” Adrien called in English.
            “Yeah, well, I’m not fond of being pawned off to be babysat!”
            “But that wasn’t the case. Chloe just wanted to prepare something special for you for your special day.”
            Zoe rolled her eyes. “Oh, wonderful. Another party where I’ll be surrounded by a bunch of stuck up French pompous assholes. I can hardly wait to be openly judged in a language I can’t even understand for the millionth time.”
            Adrien opened his mouth, but stopped when he felt a chill run up his spine. He shuddered as he felt a million eyes fall on him. He glanced around afraid that he’d see Mayura, but there was nothing out in the open. He looked back down at Zoe and sighed. He sat beside her and stared at his mother’s statue.
            “Zoe, what’s wrong?”
            Silence passed between them before Zoe glared at him. “Why do you care?”
            “I guess several different reasons. You don’t seem very happy on a day that should be all about you. You haven’t really been happy since you came here. You seem to have moments where you are happy and playful, but I wonder if they’re all just an act, y’know?”
            Zoe’s eyes widened before she sighed. “How do you see it?”
            “How do you see through me when no one else does? How do you see the act when everyone just brushes me off as an American and disregards me?”
            “Because you remind me of Alix in how you act in some regards. It’s mostly the guarded front and never being quite happy. You even wear the same scowl she used to before everything happened in her life.”
            “How did she get through it all?”
            “I can’t exactly say for sure. I would like to think having friends and people that genuinely cared for her is what helped, but I’m the wrong person to ask since I’m not her. You know what they say, right? Ask not the sparrow-.”
            Zoe reached for her locket and gasped it. “How the eagle soars. Right. I suppose it was a bit much to hope for the ordinary to understand the extraordinary, right?”
            “I’m sorry, but I can offer something to you.”
            “Yeah? What’s that?”
            “An ear to listen. Something is bothering you, and it’ll do you no good to keep that locked away. That is something I know Alix would agree with.”
            Zoe shot Adrien a side-long glance, then sighed. “Fine. I guess if anyone is to listen, it would be you. If you must know, I’m not happy here. I don’t like being here. I’m away from my friends, my dad, my entire life. My stupid whore ass mother just decided, oh, hey, Zoe dear, you’re coming with me to fucking Paris. I try to fight against her, but she just dismisses me, has the staff back my shit, and throw me onto the plane with her. I never asked to be dragged here. I never asked to be surrounded by dickheads that spoke a completely different language. I didn’t ask for any of this.”
            “What about Chloe? And didn’t you seem to show interest in Alix?”
            “Chloe… is Chloe. She’s… I guess trying. I mean, most of her attempts are because of Sabrina giving her ideas. Which, I can’t completely complain as at least Sabrina is the one that thinks about me and trying to make me happy. And, Alix, I don’t know. She’s cool and she could crush me with her thighs, but I don’t know.”
            “I don’t understand. Why would you want someone to crush you with their thighs?”
            Zoe buried her face in her knees and screamed. “I’m not explaining that to you. You want answers, ask Chloe or Alix. Hell, maybe even ask that girl Alix is dating. I’m sure she’d happily tell you all about that.”
            “Rose? Does Rose upset you?”
            “No! I mean, a little. Fuck! Fine. I might like Alix a little more than the rest of you because she’s the closest thing to an American around her besides just me. The way she acts, her rebellious nature, everything reminds me of the kids I was surrounded by. Even reminds me of a few of my friends. And… and a girl I liked back in New York. And I just… I miss it.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened as he saw a reminiscent light glaze over Zoe’s eyes. “What was it like in the States?”
            Zoe stared off in the distance. “It wasn’t the best living, but it was fun. I was part of the theater crowd where the closest of my friends were. I did make other friends outside of the theater, but it was in theater I was happiest. To hit the stage with the stage lights on you, to know that you commanded everyone’s attention was intoxicating. Especially once you fell completely into character and lose all sense of yourself as you just enter the zone.”
            “And the girl?”
            “Huh? Oh, right. I met her after a performance. She was the older sister of one of my friends. A high school girl, the sister that is. I never made any moves or told her how I felt. I just… pined from a distance. Maybe it was for the best since now I’m stuck here.”
            “But there’s Alix, right?”
            “I don’t know. Alix is cool, but is it really her I like, or just the fact she reminds me of my crush?”
            “I… I wish I could answer that.”
            “Yeah, me too. Maybe then I could understand why I get jealous when I see Alix with that Rose chick. Maybe then I could make sense of why I acted like a fool when Chloe was shot down. Maybe then I wouldn’t get mad seeing others silently pining over Alix like I did over my crush. Why is everything a mess?”
            “Because you’ve been dragged to a completely foreign country and city that’s currently plagued by villains.”
            “Please. New York had its share of villains. I jokingly took the name Lady Liberty to fuck with the other superheroes that thought they were so much better just because they were adults. And I suppose that’s something I can appreciate about the heroes here. They’re all teens like me and I don’t feel like an outcast amongst them.”
            “Wait, are you one of the heroes?”
            “Kinda. I’m not really part of their team, but I still help where I can. Figured I could find a place with them, especially after meeting Bloody Bug.”
            “Do you like Bloody Bug?”
            “She’s someone I admire. I’ve heard all about her exploits and what she’s done for the victims with Chat Noir. It makes me wish we had a hero like her in the States.”
            “What do you think of the other heroes?”
            “Don’t know. I’ve only met Bloody Bug and Gallic Chick, but I know Gallic Chick is Chloe, so, y’know.”
            “Do you want to be part of their team?”
            “Maybe? I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but I’m not getting my hopes up.”
            “I’m sure they could use your help, especially against that Mayura woman.”
            Silence. “Hey, are you ok? I heard from Gallic Chick what happened.”
            “I’m not ok. I’m honestly terrified. Mayura was able to take control of me and I’m afraid of what she may do with that kind of power. Especially since this fan of mine assaulted me is likely working with Mayura.”
            “What? Why?”
            “I’m not sure. I just know it would be for Mayura’s benefit as she was able to create monsters from emotion. I saw her create the two out of fear. It could be that she’s feeding into Marinette’s obsession to later reap the harvest. If that’s the case, I really don’t want to be around when it happens.”
            “Because whatever is born of it will come for you?”
            “Yeah. Even if Marinette is putting on her own show that she’s moved on to her actual boyfriend. I’m really hoping that she has, but like Chloe, I do doubt it. I’m trying not to, but it lingers.”
            Zoe snorted. “Is this another reason you asked how I was doing? Are you afraid this Mayura will try to feed off my emotions?”
            “Oh. Well, shit.”
            “It’s not just you I worry about. I worry about Alix and whatever anger she may still harbor. I fear for Luka who is Marinette’s boyfriend. I’m concerned about Nino who was once Carapace but left the hero team because he feared Mayura. That’s not even mentioning everyone else who deals with their own demons that are easy pickings for Mayura.”
            “So, what you’re saying is that we’re all fucked. Is that right?”
            “More or less.”
            “Well, make me a promise.”
            “What’s that?”
            “Will you be my ear again? It was… nice to talk about this.”
            “Of course. It was nice to learn about you, Zoe. I’d love to hear more about your time in the States. It sounds fascinating.”
            “I’ll be sure to have better stories for you next time. There will be a next time, right?”
            “Count on it.”
            “Adrien. Zoe,” Nathalie called.
            Adrien and Zoe turned to see Nathalie standing near the door.
            “Adrien, your father requests your presence in his office immediately. For Zoe, Chloe and Sabrina have returned.”
            “I heard Chloe and Sabrina. Are they here?” Zoe asked.
            “Yeah. They’re here to pick you up. Perfect timing as my father wants to see me in his office,” Adrien explained in English.
            “Well, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
            “Yeah! Oh, and happy birthday, Zoe.”
            Zoe smiled and hugged Adrien. She trotted over to Nathalie, who escorted her inside. Adrien took a breath and headed to Gabriel’s office. He slipped into the room as he saw a girl with long brown hair standing in front of Gabriel. He tilted his head as he approached the girl and Gabriel.
            “Nathalie said you wanted to see me, Father?” Adrien asked.
            “Yes. You are aware of this Heroes Day the mayor is preparing for, yes?”
            “I do. Chloe also told me how the mayor commissioned the designers in Paris to make clothing lines based on the heroes.”
            “Correct. It should come as no surprise that I was amongst those designers. With this project, I needed a female model for some of the outfits.”
            “What brought this on, Father?”
            “A suggestion from Nathalie to appeal to men and women and general diversity. As such, I’d like you to meet Lila Rossi.”
            Adrien’s blood ran cold as Lila turned and smiled at him.
            “Pleasure to see you again, Adrien. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
            “Father, you can’t be serious! She was one of the girls that assaulted me!” Adrien snapped.
            “Yes. Nathalie mentioned that when she presented Lila’s portfolio. She would have been an immediate no, but seeing her connections with our city’s very own Bloody Bug, I was inclined to accept her.”
            “I know this is hard for you, Adrien. I do feel bad that side of me got out. I can be a little… promiscuous. Hopefully we can leave what’s past in the past, yeah?”
            “We’ll see, won’t we?”
            “We certainly will.”
            Gabriel cleared his throat. “With that out of the way, I will have separate photo shoots for the both of you. Lila, yours will be done outside in various parks while Adrien will have his photo shoots here. Understood?”
            “Perfectly. Right, Adrien.”
            “Yeah,” Adrien grumbled.
            “Good. Lila, I’ll have Nathalie escort you home. Adrien, head back to your room.”
            “Of course, Mr. Agreste. I’ll see you later,” Lila said as she left.
            “Father, I don’t like this. Can’t you hire someone else?”
            “It’ll be fine, Adrien. She came highly recommended from Nathalie, and Nathalie has never steered me wrong before. If you don’t trust me, trust Nathalie.”
            “Fine. I’ll be in my room.”
            “Wait, Adrien.”
            Adrien stopped at the door. He glanced over as Gabriel stepped away from his screen.
            “How are you feeling since the incident with that villain? Have you been comfortable? Are you worried at all?”
            “I’m… I’m managing. It’s not easy, but I’m managing.”
            Gabriel nodded. “Well, that’s good. Uh, if you should ever feel in danger, please come find me, will you? Or if you need to talk, I’m here. You know that, right?”
            Adrien furrowed his brows. “Y-yeah. Thank you, Father.”
            Adrien left the room and headed up the stairs. He paused as he glanced back and saw Nathalie slip into Gabriel’s office. He glanced around before he headed to the door, pressed his ear against it, and listened.
            “Nathalie, I’m worried. What if that Mayura woman strikes again? What if she takes Adrien away? What can I do? He’s here. He’s safe, but for how long?”
            “I wish I had answers for you, sir. However, as long as Adrien is here, he’ll be safe. You shouldn’t lose him like you lost Emilie.”
            “Emilie was my fault, but I won’t have Adrien be my fault too. I… I don’t think I could live with myself knowing I killed the two people I love most. I just… I need to think of something. I need to keep Adrien safe. I can’t lose him too. I just can’t.”
            “I’m not sure what you can even do, sir.”
            “I don’t know either, but I’ll think of something.”
            “Well, by your leave, I’ll-.”
            “Wait. Please, stay. I… I would like your company a little longer, Nathalie.”
            “Sir, I-.”
            “Please, call me Gabriel.”
            Nahtalie sighed. “Gabriel, we know how this will end. I’m happy to be here for the job, but it was never anything more. Besides, I’ve never been one to play second fiddle to anyone, especially the dead.”
            “Nathalie, please, I know a part of my heart will always belong with Emilie, but I… I can’t, won’t refuse that I need you. You’ve become more than just an employee. You’re a friend, confidant, and so much more.”
            “How much more I wonder?”
            Adrien furrowed his brow when things went silent from the occasional sigh. He moved and cracked open the door to peek inside. His eyes widened when he saw Nathalie and Gabriel kissing. He covered his mouth and ran from the office doors up to his room. He leaned against his door and slid to the floor. Stompp phased through the wall and stared down at him.
            “You look like you say a ghost. Or Mayura. Or both. Or neither? What’s up?”
            “I… I just saw my father kissing Nathalie.”
            “Oh, is that all?”
            “What do you mean is that all?”
            “I mean, I’ve seen them kiss before. Sometimes more.”
            “More? What do you mean?”
            “Uh, how did Bloody Bug put it? Uh, was it, paper snowflakes?”
            “I don’t know what that means.”
            “Uh, maybe for the best. Anyway, what’s the big deal?”
            “The deal is I thought Nathalie hated my father. Why are they kissing and in love?”
            Stompp shrugged. “Your kind is a strange one. Well, the human part of you.”
            “Should I say something? Should I do anything?”
            “Is there any reason you should?”
            “I don’t know. How am I? This is just… strange!”
            “Breathe, Adrien. It’s not the worse thing. Besides, the fact that they’d hiding it from you means they likely don’t want you to know. So, why not just pretend you never saw anything?”
            “I… I guess. Are you sure though?”
            “Nope, but it’s what I would do. It’s what I have been doing.”
            “Well, alright.”
            “There you go. Now, c’mon! Back to gaming. I want to see you beat this level.”
            “Stompp, it’s impossible. I’ve been at it for hours.”
            “Nonsense! Nothing is impossible. And if it is, you make it possible. Get to it!”
            “Fine. Not like I have much else to do.”
            “That’s the spirit. Let’s go!”
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silver-hibiscus · 1 year ago
Silver's Gabenath Fanfic Reclist
It's about time I made one of these.
Truth In a Lie by fleurjaune (@unecoccinellenoire)
The BEST gabenath fanfic of all time and I will defend it until the very end щ(゜ロ゜щ) It never fails to make me tear up, and I could read it over and over without getting tired of it, I am constantly hooked at everything that happened in here and more. It's very hard-hitting and emotional and digs deep into my chest and I could sing praises of this fic all the time. Rated M.
2. Calamity Dusk by 11JJ11 (@graaythekwami)
The first fanfic I have ever read for gabenath. In fact, I've read this well before I was ever in the gabenath ship. It's such a fresh take on the series and on gabenath in general that I find myself going back to it over and over again just to get that feeling in my system. The action! The drama! The suspense! It's just 😙👌! Rated T.
3. Birth by carolatavs (@carolatvs)
Every so often I say to myself, hmm, I would like to read Birth again. I would like to feel Gabriel's utter confusion again. I would like to see him struggle with Nathalie. I would like to read it and fantasize about hitting him round the head with a baseball bat ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Rated T.
4. After Irritation Do Us Start by ScribeofRhapsody (@scribeofrhapsody)
A late addition to this list since I last made one but this fic nestled deep in my chest and wouldn't let go. It's an episode on its own! There's a good intro, a good setup, and frankly well-executed battle scene, and that ending! That finale! I reread the whole fic just to get sucker-punched by the feels of the final parts. Rated T.
5. The Beginning of Goodbye by dishwater_blondie (@dishwater-blondie)
Yes, it's the whole series. Yes I meant all of them. Why not? This series is gut-wrenching, action-packed, devastating, and cathartic—there were many times in the series where I had to put my phone down to go scream silently and digest it all because it's that good. Rated G-T.
Other fics I highly recommend:
As we fall by MarysTulips (@marystulips) - Do you love vivid imagery and metaphors? Then this fic is for you.
The Choices We Make by meg13 (@megan0013) - I'm a sucker for babyfics, sue me.
A Wolf By The Ear by Anthemyst (@miraculouspaon) - An OG fic straight from ye olde days; it's a classic, is what I'm saying.
well, of course i've tried lavender by telmes (@telmes) - This is THE social media fic you all need to read.
Halfway Gone by onewakingworld (@onewakingworld) - By the power of hurt/comfort, we unite!
There's a whole lot of gems inside the gabenath tag on ao3 if you dig deep enough, so I hope this list of mine has helped you find some of them (and join me in screaming appreciating them all!)
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black--butterflies · 8 months ago
The legend of Empress...
Fanfic by me...
Part 2...
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Nathalie transformed...she felt much stronger now.
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She knew exactly what she had to do. She jumped out of the window and made her way to the eiffel tower.
When she reached there, she saw ladybug and cat noir on patrol. Gabriel was talking to them. He was probably explaining everything and confessing to being monarch.
She used the rooster miraculous to become invisible and walked up to them.
Chat noir's face was tear-striken as ladybug tried to comfort him. Gabriel was going to say something, but he stopped himself.
"Why?" Chat noir asked.
"I'm sorry Adrien, it was to bring your mother back...but now...uh...Can I talk to you in private?"
Nathalie stifled a gasp as Ladybug left them alone. Adrien was Chat noir?
Gabriel looked around to make sure they were alone.
"Adrien, I..I like Nathalie." Gabriel admitted.
Adrien...or rather...Chat Noir stopped crying. His expression changed from grief to excitement.
Nathalie didn't react. Gabriel just confessed. But she hated him now. She could take advantage of his feelings and akumatize him.
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
Okay, now I sort of want to know what Gabenath and Feligami fics you can recommend to someone who's new to those ships?
So fics that'll help to sell you on the ships...
I'll do Feligami first, there's really only one that I can think of that I think would help sell you on it. There just aren't that many fics for it yet. It's a side ship here, but a pretty prominent one, and one that gets all of its development WITHIN the fic, so I thought it was good for this. Also this is just a fantastic fic more generally.
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace. Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most. Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
Felix is a tricky character in here, with his motives and methods concealed - you don't find out what's going on with him until later on. That's true for most of the characters in this fic though who are ostensibly on Monarque's side, things aren't always as they seem.
So then Kagami gets close to Felix, trying to figure out what's going on with him...
I just love how the two of them mentally spar with each other, challenge each other, and protect each other, though Kagami also doesn't let Felix go too far. It's an awesome relationship!
As for GabeNath, there's a lot more fics for it, over a thousand in fact. But there's one series in particular that I'd recommend for it.
Butterflies Don't Speak by @fallingpapillon
Nathalie gets struck with an akuma. Her mind gets sent a year into the future. She starts to live her days backwards up to the day she was akumatized. Gabriel and Nathalie fall in love with each other backwards. For doctor who fans, you know the Doctor and River Songs? It’s like that but Gabenath and ACTUALLY reversed timelines and instead of “spoilers” its “butterflies dont speak”
There's actually two main fics for this, one following Nathalie's perspective, and one following Gabriel's, as both of them go through the timeline in opposite directions. It's a fascinating set-up to read, The two fics were originally published simultaneously, with readers seeing what happens at both ends of the year and then finding out what happened in the middle later on, so you might want to alternate reading chapters. I loved seeing how their relationship developed even when they were heading in opposite directions, had to watch the person they love drift away from them as they got nearer to the end of their own timeline, and the beginning of the other person's.
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year ago
A Gabenath Fanfiction: In The Arms Of A Hero
Note: Hi guys! So this fic is coming out super late! It was supposed to be released all the way back in the beginning of January but unfortunately my life got in the way. That being said it is out now and I hope it is still worth the read!
Rated: K+
Warnings: Minor Language
Word Count: 2,858
Summary: It is the night of New Year's eve and Nathalie is eager to spend it with the mysterious hero of Paris, Hesperia.
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The pane of the window was hitched open just a crack. 
Nathalie’s breath quickened, a shallow quiver in the air — an echo of the click of passing time ringing in her ears. 
From out in the distance, a boisterous reverberating clash ricocheted like a firing gunshot set ablaze. Spears of multicolored flying diamonds flared across the night sky, showering the dusky clouds in a vibrant flourish. Cries of both laughter and awe filled from the crowded streets below. 
Nathalie’s knuckles turned a tattering frosty white as she clenched the ledge of the windowsill…  anticipation weaving its way through her veins. 
She took a step back, blowing out a slighted breath, her lips pressed together —  time was running low. 
Her hand went to her back pocket, a desperate need and reverent worry rivaling her patience. 
Patience is a virtue, an all too familiar voice reminded her. 
She moved her hand back, fisting it to her side, her phone remained in her pocket, feeling as though it weighed a ton. 
A subtle pop rang out, quiet enough to be mistaken for the regular old creaks and rumbles of a running refrigerator or the humming of a heater — such things were common in an apartment such as this one, especially on a night like tonight when every little noise could blend in with all the commotion from miles away. 
This was the night that sparked a new beginning, a night that erased everyone’s blots of tick marks, starting them anew — a chance for everyone to have a clean slate. 
A fresh start. 
A New Year. 
A gloved hand grasped to the edge of the windowsill but in a centimeter of a sparse moment the silhouette of a man took formense in its place. In a swift motion the man came to stand before Nathalie as he slithered his way over the railing, his booted feet hitting the wooden floor with a soft thump. 
Rather than cry out in fear or shock - like perhaps a normal person would if a random man lept into their room - Nathalie blew out a sigh of relief, the corners of her mouth fletching up into a smile. 
“I almost thought you wouldn’t show,” Nathalie teased, deflecting with the taunting remark to shield the plume of worry that had been plaguing her from the inside out. 
A soft breathy chuckle filled the space between her and the mysterious man,“I wouldn’t miss seeing you.” 
Nathalie moved forward to close the window shutters, to obscure her cozy little sanctuary of a room from the outside world of prying eyes and scandalous whispers.
She switched on the light, which illuminated her bedroom into a golden shade and turned the outline of the man before her into an ethereal essence.
His silvery light hair crowned his face, though it was pushed back in a swivel to reveal his gentle cloudy-blue eyes and refined intricate features. From head to toe he was donned in a piercing dark violet coat of fabric that fluctuated against the bends and arcs of his frame. 
The protector of Paris, the valiant hero who fought against Shadybug and Claw Noir, the highest revolutionary against The Supreme. 
Just thinking his name alone made Nathalie’s heart melt in awe and yet thrum forebodingly in a condensed shiver. 
“Are you certain no one saw you?” Nathalie urged, her expression suddenly taking a serious undertone. She reached her hands out to rest them atop Hesperia’s shoulders, her brows knit  together in palpable concern. 
In the back of her mind she was almost positive that no one, not even nosy passers-by could've seen Hesperia hike up over her fence and behind the old maplewood tree that stood in front of her bedroom window. The inlook on her room was hardly visible due to her apartment being sectioned off — a  tiny fraction in the rest of the configured complex. 
Not to mention it was pitch black outside, though the vibrancy from the fireworks could’ve left Hesperia to be more evident in the crevices of the shadows…but even if he was spotted it would’ve only been for a mere moment, if that. 
Still there was that slim chance…that diminutive possibility and that alone was enough to fill Nathalie with doubt. 
If he had been seen — he would be captured — The Supreme would reign — and what Nathalie and him shared would be no more. 
A tremble racked down Nathalie’s spine, causing a flush of goosebumps to trek down her body, encasing her skin. 
Another powerful blast retched from outside, leaving majestic sparkles and pixels in the air, omitting the burning scent of humidified smoke. The growing throng of people rummaging from below let out a synchronized cheer and a warp of applause. 
Hesperia nodded at Nathalie, “I’m sure,” he chuckled again, the corners of his eyes crinkling, “scouts honor,” he pledged, lifting his palm up, a lopsided grin curling up his lips. Nathalie rolled her eyes at his nonchalant behavior, a huff on her breath. 
“Hesperia…” she scolded anxiously, tilting her head to the side. Her voice came out much more whiny and petulant than she would have liked, but her trepidation at the moment was too high for her to have regards for anything else. 
She couldn’t help but pout when she spotted Hesperia biting down on the inside of his cheek to prevent another burst of laughter from leaving his lips, but after a long pause he sighed, the humorous glow leaving his eyes. Nathalie felt a twinge of guilt for causing the grave change in his demeanor. 
“I’m sorry,” Nathalie murmured before Hesperia could get a word out. He stared down at her, his gaze as soft and gentle as the gleaming moonlight — the moonlight that was currently sliding across his angled cheekbones and the jut of his jaw. Nathalie swallowed, ducking her head against the pads of his chest, squeezing her eyes firmly shut. Her voice came out in a hushed chokeful whisper as she spoke up again. 
“I just can’t help but worry about you.” 
And yet despite her worries, Nathalie felt her shoulders ease as Hesperia twirled a stand of her hair around the curve of his index finger. He placed his thumb under the point of her chin, lifting her face up to his own. 
“I know,” he murmured, “trust me.” Hesperia’s expression turned sullen but Nathalie couldn’t help notice that the familiar stubborn gleam of hope that seemed to always be ignited within him never dissipated. 
“But I have to fight,” he pressed, his tone emulating determination, “I can’t just let Shadybug and Claw Noir run amuck all throughout Paris…I can’t just let The Supreme hold charge over society and the capabilities of the miraculous,” he sucked in a breath, “that isn’t fair — that isn’t just.”  
A soft tsk escaped between Nathalie’s teeth, a faint hiss on her tongue, her mind going blank as she watched her lover bleat out his heart of gold. It was quite noble of him to put up a stand like this — to risk his life for the greater good of others, even though most people viewed him as just as much of a threat as Shadybug and Claw Noir despite the fact that that couldn't be further from the truth. 
Even so, Nathalie couldn’t help but resent Hesperia’s commendable actions for she selfishly wanted him to not take any risks at all, the greater good of society be damned. Nathalie wasn’t a stupid woman, she’d done her research and she knew what went on out in the congested streets and marvelous land markings of Paris. 
She’d seen, just from catching sparing glances at her tv, Hesperia being beaten down, nearly being torn to shreds and twisted up by Shadybug’s ridiculous yo-yo and almost disintegrated to dust by Claw Noir’s ferocious cataclysm. 
Not to mention the fact that she wasn’t unheeding to the wounds and scars — permanent scars — that wavered down his arms and on the back of his neck, along with what she assumed was the rest of his body.
No matter how hard he tried to shield her from the reality of his life, it was a constant fog lingering over the grove of their relationship, one Nathalie never could escape from. 
With all this forsaken knowledge pent up inside her, Nathalie felt her selfishness was justified. 
Or perhaps it wasn’t but frankly…she didn’t care. 
She leaned back, her eyes still locked with Hesperia’s. 
“I know there has to be a fight, a resistance but I need to ask…” she paused, choosing her next words carefully. Hesperia waited, his lips parted as he breathed. 
“Why do you have to be the one to fight?” 
That swivel of selfishness was rearing its ugly head as the words fell from her lips but Hesperia didn’t even seem fazed, or rather he did, just not in the way she had anticipated. 
His eyes grew soft like condensed honey, his hand moving up to rest on the side of her face in a gentle shell against her ear. 
“Because I don’t want others to fall down the dark path that I once led…the path that The Supreme mentors…and I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if I let anyone else get swept up under their control.”
Hesperia bit his lip, his voice as soft as cotton as he spoke, the pads of his thumb caressing the skin under her eyes. A tender expression flew across his features and Nathalie didn’t even need to speak to know what he was about to say next.
“Like Shadybug and Claw Noir…” he sighed, “they’re just kids, dragged into this mess for who knows what reason and I…” he drew in a long poignant breath, “I want to help them…help them grow…help them change…before they go too far into which they can never return.” 
Nathalie nodded again, more for her own benefit rather than his. This conversation was one they had over and over it seemed, this constant weight on their shoulders holding them down. She couldn’t deny that he had a point…those kids didn’t deserve to be brainwashed by the lies The Supreme were feeding them, let alone do their bidding. 
Hesperia placed his lips to the tip of Nathalie’s  nose for a brief, perfect moment, immediately pulling her from her thoughts of The Supreme and of Shadybug and Claw Noir — and the miraculous. 
Nathalie’s eyes softened, her heart rate slowing. 
“Listen,” Hesperia murmured, his voice rumbling against her skin, as his lips grazed her ear. “Let us not fret about any of this tonight. Tonight is a night meant for celebration and that’s what we should do. You and me…” his smile brightened against the shadows in the room, “relishing our first year as a couple.” 
Nathalie felt the air leave her lungs, her jaw jutting out in a wallow of shock. A year? Has it truly been a year since the fateful day in which Hesperia and Nathalie crossed paths? 
“Are you serious? It’s really been that long?” Nathalie asked, skeptical, her brow raised. 
Hesperia laughed softly, his lips curling up into a rueful grin. “Really. Are you that surprised?” He leaned forward and poked her nose teasingly. Nathalie’s face crinkled, her cheeks grazing over with a flush.
“A year with a superhero huh?” She mused, smirking. She curled her hand around Hesperia’s cheek, her face inches from his own. She drew herself closer to him. 
That familiar flush of warmth and gentle feverishness of sun-kissed skin did not greet her though as she had expected — rather, space — air. She opened her eyes.
“Nuh, uh, uh,” Hesperia wagged his pointer finger in her face, arching his head back,“no kisses until the clock strikes twelve.” 
Nathalie’s jaw went slack and she felt her mouth downturn into the slump of a pout, her lips trembled due to the lack of kisses being placed upon them. 
“What?” She bursted out exasperated as she crossed her arms, “you can’t be serious.” 
Hesperia didn’t seem to share her bewildered sentiment, for he only threw his head back and laughed harder, almost manically at Nathalie’s expense. Nathalie was astonished to say the very least. 
“Oh come on now, don’t be ridiculous—“ she started. 
Hesperia’s pearly whites sparkled at her in a mischievous grin, cutting her off short. 
“Ridiculous, you say?” His hand flew to his chest, feigning offense, “I like to think of myself as quite the cultural and traditional man.” 
Nathalie rolled her eyes, “that may be true but regardless, I don’t see why we have to play into these silly traditions.” She grasped at his hand while she spoke, hoping that would emphasize her statement and convince Hesperia to drop all this nonsense. 
Hesperia leaned closer to her, doing a twirling motion to maneuver his way into her arms. She accepted him, wrapping herself around his waist. He leaned into her, the plait of his hair tickling her skin. He prodded her cheek with his thumb, pressing it to the corner of her mouth. 
Nathalie’s heart stuttered in her chest, seeming much louder compared to the shatter of firecrackers that some neighbor boys were sparking off next door.
“It’s not too long now…” Hesperia breathed, “just a few more minutes…” 
A minute could be an eternity when the one thing you crave is so close and yet still so far from your reach…
Nathalie groaned but she didn’t protest, she just kept her gaze focused on the man in front of her.
The man who saved her life.
The man who saved countless lives. 
The radiance of a swarm of colors that gleamed like rainbows danced across Hesperia’s features. Reds, purples, blues, all cascading across his face like paint. 
Nathalie didn’t think she had ever seen anything quite so beautiful. 
A minute remained
“This year will bring change,” Hesperia whispered.
“I know,” Nathalie murmured back.
She knew he meant that in more ways than one. 
While keeping her hold in his embrace, Nathalie turned the window blinds allowing her and Hesperia to have a glimpse of the last few moments of this chaotic yet miraculous year. 
“I won’t let The Supreme reign this year,”
Nathalie nodded.
If she was going to believe in anyone it was going to be Hesperia. 
“I’ll stand with you…” Nathalie said with conviction. 
She didn’t care if their lips weren’t touching, for she couldn’t imagine feeling any closer to him than to what she was feeling right now. 
Hesperia beams but there is a sense of grieving hidden in his eyes. 
“Even with the risks?”
Nathalie doesn’t even hesitate.
“Yes. Even with the risks.” 
She was in too deep now. She couldn’t turn back now. She wouldn’t turn back. 
It was all surreal.
A year of madness.
That neither Nathalie nor Hesperia would trade for anything. 
The cries of the countdown from the Parisians outside began.
The heat of Hesperia’s gloved hand was like a fire all in its own against Nathalie’s burning skin. 
“Nathalie…” Hesperia became glassy eyed. 
Both of their hands found one another’s faces and now it seemed they couldn’t be any closer. They could taste each other’s breath on their tongues.
How the time had flown. It was nearly impossible to think that Nathalie could have been bewitched by the great fallen hero that was Hesperia. 
And to think that he had fallen for her too. 
The fireworks from outside were mute. Everyone was waiting for the perfect moment, when the new year would finally be upon them. 
Nathalie’s eyes roamed Hesperia from head to toe. His miraculous, the brooch crowning his chest like a foreseen magnet that could be so easily removed — if she just timed it perfectly.
But she couldn’t. 
That wasn’t her place. 
It did not matter how much the curiosity and fantasies of Hesperia’s secret identity plagued her mind. 
She loved the man with the mask and she knew she loved the man behind it too. 
Perhaps this year she will find out the truth. 
Nathalie traced her thumb down Hesperia’s cheek. His blue eyes. His pink lips. 
Pop. Pop. Pop. 
Nathalie felt her heart explode along with the fireworks and firecrackers and sparklers that all went off in a perpetual unison around them. 
At last, their first kiss of the new year. 
One full of tenderness and excitement and promise. 
Hesperia broke away as the cheers died down but did not move an inch.
“Happy New Year my dearest Nathalie.” He panted, his eyes alight and misty. 
Nathalie let out a joyful cry, one that surprised both her and Hesperia. Her lips found his once again.
“Happy New Year Hesperia.” 
Hesperia giggled against her.
���I love you,” he declared between kisses.
“And I love you,” Nathalie affirmed back to him, her thumb resting on his bottom lip. 
She kissed him again, all her worries about The Supreme and the man that lies beneath Hesperia’s mask washing away and withering into a forlorn dust. 
The fireworks scorching off into the sky would never be able to overshadow the fireworks going off in their united hearts. 
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! And again I want to apologize for the delay on the release of this fic! Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it! And as always if you have any fic requests don't hesitate to let me know!
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averagelonelypotato · 5 months ago
fav thing ever is the whole concept of Nathalie not knowing any of Gabriel's villainous activities and but somewhat accepted that Papillon is a norm in her life now because he keeps on bothering her
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theredeyeswolf · 1 year ago
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Art for chapter 1 of my new Gabenath fic "As the sun rises again" available on ao3 and fanfiction.net.
English ver. "As the sun rises again"
Spanish ver. "Mientras el sol sale de nuevo".
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gabenathreversebang · 2 years ago
is she the reason?
This work was created for the GabeNath Reverse Bang. 
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Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 8724
Summary: The wealthy and popular Gabriel Agreste is struggling with his project for the upcoming art competition at his university. He knows the perfect person to help him, Nathalie Sancoeur, an artist whose work he admires. Gabriel wants her assistance, but there’s an issue; Nathalie can’t stand him.
Read the story here.
Look at the artwork here.
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uptoolateart · 1 month ago
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Chapter 7 Preview:
Nathalie stood rigid beside Gabriel in the secret lift. He pressed a button, and they started to rise – leaving Emilie in the basement.
The basement Gabriel had somehow installed right beneath their feet without any of them knowing.
When they emerged in his office, the last hour or so already seemed like some mad hallucination. Outside, the sun had come up, its rays fighting through the heavy curtains.
But they’d really done that. They’d really put Emilie in some high-tech coffin, and they’d really left her down there.
Now, they had to deal with the aftermath.
Read at Ao3
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logically-asexual · 1 year ago
cat noir finding hawkmoth inexplicably with nathalie on some rooftop at night and realizing he interrupted.. something.. and his reaction instead of immediately jumping to protect the civilian is to be like “🥺 but.. with him? but i thought… 🥺”
because to him he found his new mom practically cheating on his dad. even though they’re not even together. but. that’s what it feels like.
and he runs away almost crying while the other two are left there extremely confused.
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