imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC day 9’s prompt is for artist to share a lil love via fanart, so I decided to do a bunch of sketches!
First up we have a scene from @reborrowing interactive story “Dust Prince”
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Then we have @entomolog-t Tamias from their story “finding strength”
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@clumsiestgiantess lil guy from “Freezing Weather” prompt story
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And last but not least @coffehbeans characters from their awesome mer story “Sinking Ships”
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entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 2: Bonus Prompt cause brainrot be rottin
More size shifter appreciation -
A size shifter with a great deal of control over their ability (the same way one would control their body- like yes you may "flinch" but aside from shock/fear/pain/exhaustion, your limb isn't going to move on its own) who is relentlessly simping over someone.
Like I'm taking that confidence that cannot be phased by rejection, baby I'd be so good to you, chasing after their love like a puppy dog kind of simping (A la Shoresy) and they are using the full breadth of their powers to aid in accomplishing this.
Did they just get their powers? Or did their love interest catch them in the act so its just like "welp, cats out of the bag, in for a penny in for a pound" ?
They're trying their darndest to fluster their crush. Growing large to lean over them- cue a cheesy pick up line about being a able to give a whole lotta loving. Maybe they say some goofy things trying to woo them like "Give me a chance baby, I'll change all your lightbulbs no step stool required. Please let me clean your gutters- who needs a ladder?"
Big, strong and tall isn't working?? They're shrinking down and playing the cute card "Baby, I can be your Teddy bear." Maybe they're ridiculously over the top- managing to hide themselves in gifts, or serving themselves up with dessert with absolutely atrocious pick up lines of being "such a sweet little snack"
Bonus points if the moment their love interest matches the energy they immediately just short circuit- shy flustered and completely smitten.
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might-be-tiny-gt · 8 months
G/T WAC Prompt 2:
Scenarios I Want To See More Often
**Cracks knuckles**
Oh baby get ready cause I’m about to freaking rant.
Shrinking: it is my favorite trope of all time. NO ONE UTILIZES IN ANY FUN WAY. Ok I’m sure there are but I hardly see it. Normally a shrinking scene in a fic or show or movie just happens then we move on. Worst off it happens off screen or while the character is passed out or something. Like yeah it’s good for tension but 0 fun points.
But enough complaining time for me to pitch ideas. First of all my favorite kind of shrinking usually happens in universe over the course of a couple minutes, maybe a few hours max if it’s written right. Why? Let me tell you why. Desensitization. If the scene goes on too long the audience and or the character is no longer freaking out over the actual shrinking happen. That being said if it happens over a few second then audience certainly doesn’t have enough time to invest in it. I think a few minutes in universe is the sweet spot.
What is the character doing as they’re shrinking? A lot of the time, especially in visual mediums, they just stand there and let it happen. Maybe they’re freaking out in their heads but that’s the most we ever get. No! GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO DO AS THEIR SHRINKING! What if they decide they need to climb up stairs as they’re shrinking? Will they make it? How much does it take to reach each step the smaller they get? What if shrinking is the solution to a problem? The character shrinks down maybe to hide from someone or something, are they prepping their hiding spot, trying to reach their hiding spot? Maybe they’re holding something that isn’t shrinking with them. Usually see this trope in Alice in Wonderland adaptations with the bottle she drinks staying the same size as she shrinks. Does the character notice it getting heavy? Do they put it down while they still can or drop it and see the aftermath of drooping said item as their shrinking?
What’s the shrink process like? Personally when I write shrinking I love to write it as sudden burst of shrinking rather than a straight forward one. I think it makes the scenario much more fun and chaotic. The character won’t know when they shrink each time, it just suddenly happens. Maybe they shrink an inconsistent size each time, the first time an inch the second time half a foot the third 4 inches, have fun with it. I also love when the shrinking can somehow be controlled. For example I love the idea of someone shrinking whenever they sneeze or hiccup. Like they’re gonna shrink no matter what but maybe if they can hold back that sneeze or hiccup it’ll give them just a little bit more time. Time for what? Something, anything! Open a door, Climb a table, call for help, anything! Also love when this specific trope has the character sneezing/hiccuping in rapid succession and instead of it combining into one burst it individual shrinks them each time. Side note: just have fun reasons/conditions that’ll cause a person to shrink. Every time person A sneezes they shrink or if they say the wrong thing they shrink, or their height is tied to something like a cursed candle that will shrink them when it’s lit. I want more creative scenarios for shrinking.
Another thing, I really like the trope of shrinking out of clothes, I just think it adds more chaos to the whole deal. I don’t like nudity though? It’s weird. Anyways, I like when people can creatively come up with ideas around that. I have a comic I drew in October where the person shrinking has a towel set to the side so when they shrink out of their clothes they have something to immediately change into. Obviously this doesn’t fit every scenario, if the person shrinking didn’t plan for it how will this problem be resolved. I’ve seen scenarios that have characters wear clothes under their normal ones specifically designed to shrink with them to give you the fun of shrinking out of clothes with none of the nudity. I appreciate ideas like that.
My friend @sucker-for-shifters suggested forced shrinking which is one of my favorites. Forced shrinking/not knowing why your shrinking is another one of my top their shrinking tropes! Let’s throw ideas shall we? I like when persona A is actively being shrunk by person b against their will and person A is putting up as much of a fight as they can. Maybe not physically but person A can be trying to keep a level head and not give the satisfaction of seeing them panic. Maybe A is readying the space for their inevitable fate or doing everything in their power to keep person B from capturing them when they get too small. Like it’s a super villain scenario and I think it’s so cool. Also like is someone shrinks cause they were tricked into doing something that triggers it. Drinking a weird potion, wearing an experimental piece of technology, reciting a spell. There’s a lot of ways to do it. Love the sub trope of the size shifter that is normal height then suddenly shrinks under certain circumstances and has to wait it out til they turn back to normal. No control over when or how it happens but can at least prepare for it.
I think I’ve said everything I wanted to on the shrinking trope. Share your shrinking stories or ideas, I’d love to see them.
Give me more tinies in G/t scenarios with super powers that aren’t size shifters. No hate to size shifters at all, love them to death. Just think it’s more fun for a tiny to have a random power that gives them an edge over their giant. Love Ant Man, but give me a tiny with super strength or that knows magic or that can duplicate themselves.
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G/tWAC has some prompts for writers and artists too (though most prompts are about reblogging fics or interacting with writers). It's been a pretty fun event so far
That's really sweet! I'm glad it's enjoyable for everyone, I hope those sentiments of shouting out your favorite writers continue after the event is over too (:
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glaizanews · 8 years
Kaninong mga lihim kaya ang mabubuking? G ba kayo sa twitter party natin later para alamin ang kasagutan? #SanggresOnTWAC http://pic.twitter.com/VdbptD3OaD
— TWAC Arnold Clavio (@TWACofficial) January 11, 2017
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imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC prompt day ten: shuffle your playlist and write a quick scene
I tried my best, I didn’t fully proofread tho so I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes
Song inspiration: Heroes by Emmy Curie
“Careful what you wish for” the dragon hissed. The young hero squirmed under her grasp and she dug her claws into the earth around him. He was clearly a fool, an inexperienced glory seeker, just like so many before.
Bunch of wannabes the dragon thought to herself bitterly. All she wanted was some rest. To hunt. To fly. To find a nice cave to call her own, but she never got more than a week of peace before some knight came galloping up to slay her.
and this one was no exception, his armor gleamed, new from the looks of it. Never used. He had moved clumsily in it, wielding a sword far too big for himself. Arrogance. “Didn't anyone tell you” she snarled as she lowered her head towards him, mouth parting, teeth gleaming with drool. “Heroes don’t get happy endings” the heat rose in her throat, ready to burn the idiot to a pile of ash.
his heart was thrumming under her palm, and she relished in the fear she’d inflict during his last moment. Then, he spoke, and her blood ran cold.
“Please” he whimpered. “I’m sorry” he stuttered. Normally she wouldn’t care. Normally she ignored the begging. But this was not the voice of a hero, nor a knight. Not a voice full of pride and arrogance but one filled with inexperience.
She calmed her flame, loosened her grasp only slightly to allow him more breath and then continued to lean down towards him. He yelped, screamed really, as her teeth came down around him. She gently pulled the helmet from his head. And staring up at her, blue eyes wide and wet with tears, was a child.
A man perhaps by human standards… but a young one even for them. “They would send a child to kill me” she hissed, flames once again warming her throat “Do they think of me as some lowly lizard, some easily dispatched pest” she was roaring now. The young man flinched and she reared back lifting him into the air so they could be eye level. She stared expectantly, she wanted an answer.
“O…of course not. They’ve put a bounty on your head. A huge one! Half the king's treasury even” he spouted.
The dragon clicked her tongue disapprovingly “and you seek to claim such a bounty”?
“Yes,” he whispered.
“So are you a fool, or do you have a deathwish”?
“I’m” he paused, considering his words “I’m desperate. I thought if I could complete this bounty, perhaps life would be different for me”.
“Well, life certainly is different when you're dead” she hissed, making him flinch. Her gaze softened, she lowered her claws and released him. He fell in a heap upon the ground, breathing heavily. “Perhaps consider that before you take any more risks, hmmm”?
He looked up at her, obviously surprised she was letting him go “I… I will”.
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entomolog-t · 8 months
Honestly, if prepping for GtWAC has taught me anything, it's that I need to keep a list of my favorite fics on hand because I'm sitting here wracking my brain like - "Oh man I remember that one fic with that one character who did that one thing" and cannot remember any specifics.
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entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 3 : Poor Summary of a Great Fic
Not one but TWO terrible summaries of the amazing fics from @pocket-ozwynn
If borrower's Game of Throne's was going on in the background of a an overly caffeinated twitch dream girl's stream while she panics over Geralt of Rivia's much smaller but equally handsome distant cousin.
From @pocket-ozwynn's amazing work Offline Valor
With one of the most interesting premises I've read in years, Oz does an incredible job at taking this wild premise and making it a truly hooking read. Despite the comical premise, the fantasy juxtaposed with such a modern environment works so incredibly well- especially with Oz's impeccable writing style. His ability to switch from fantasy to modern to a combination of the two is so interesting and exciting to read.
Oz is extremely talented with tone and Offline Valor exemplifies his skills incredibly well. There is such an incredible vibe that permeates the story, where theres almost a sort of implicit tension that seems to build around these two worlds colliding.
The two leads, Zelly and Rowan, are vastly different, yet their chemistry is so so good.
The golden retriever equivalent of a military dog becomes the World's Biggest Herbo by making herself a human shield for the Government-secret Geek Squad employee. Sparks fly (literally).
From Genesis Day
Genesis day is such a fun ride despite the general tension the plot consistently maintains. While there is a sort of building unease that something is about to happen, Oz still manages to make moments between characters feel fun and easy going- Alice and Freyja especially!
Genesis day to me as a reader feels akin to a love letter of to all those hours spent as a kid fantasizing about fighting Big Bad Monsters in an attempt to both do good and be good.
As an Author, Oz has such a fun ability to take these wild and almost goofy sounding concepts and turn them into not only an enjoyable read, but a beautiful read. He has a skill with prose and his descriptions often times read artfully- elegant and poetic, with ethereal imagery and flowery language. This man could write about taking out the trash and turn it into something magical.
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might-be-tiny-gt · 8 months
G/t WAC: Prompt 1
Post Your Comfort Fic
Super late to this, I know but better late than never.
Firstly wanted to shout out @creatorofuniverses Spirit of Adventure and its sequel Winter of our Discontent which I’m linking bellow
Any murder mystery lovers out there? These are the fics for you! The story follows Nettle a viri (basically a borrower) who can speak to ghosts. Imagine what happens when he gets roped into helping a bunch of cops with a case they thought was open and shut but is way more complicated than they could have ever anticipated. Add in Sheila, Nettle’s ghost friend AND BEST GIRL and you have a fun time.
Love rereading this one it’s just a fun take on the typical tiny gets found by human scenario and god I love Nettle so much. Like he’s tiny but he’s not gonna take shit from anyone, he has so much sass in him I love it. Please go read it!
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imber-rose · 8 months
Day 8: Share an unconventional character duo you'd like to see!
Ok ok ok I though way to much about this am came up with three different ones a think would be fun!!!
🦑 Mermaid/sea monster X Alien!
🐄 Cowboy X Dragon! (Especially like… dragons always steal sheep in medieval fantasy stuff, what if instead the cowboys have to fend em away from their cows!)
🩸 Sacrifice X Monster BUT… The monster is the small/tiny one
What do yall think? So excited to check out the other prompts for this one under the tag!
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imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC day 19: story chock full of fluff!
Gotta go with Not-A-Space-Aliens Watch Your Step there’s literally so many adorable moments that just had me absolutely melting into a puddle with there adorableness
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imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC DAY 11: a fic that gave you an emotional reaction
So like “Watch Your Step” has hit me a few times from glee to sadness, but the nightmare scene specifically in this chapter hit me like a gut punch as someone who has a lot of medical based fears 🥺
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imber-rose · 7 months
So I’m still new to the community and haven’t read a lot of angst heavy stuff as of yet, and I guess this is less… strait angst than just horror… but I hope it counts!
I also think this might be my second time mentioning Entomolog-t’s story INSTAR but it’s just… really good! And one of the stories that introduced me to the community so… yea go read it if you haven’t!
Also very much enjoying going through the WAC tags and finding recs for my TBR
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entomolog-t · 8 months
G/tWAC Day 4: Favorite Scenes
Mild spoiler warnings for The Stranding, Blanket, and Clumsy
(Nothing that's a huge plot reveal- just quite literally spoiling some amazing scenes)
I want to have a diverse spread of author's but theres NO WAY I can talk about favorite scenes without bringing up @belethlegwen again.
One of my favorite scenes is Mel's first time meeting Edmund, Bravest-soldier-in-the-ranks, Miller. The scene hits so well- A giant woman washing up on shore, the general sentiment of unease, if not outright fear from The Watch...
Then theres Miller.
Even without ineracting with him yet, Mel notices he's a bit different than the other men- with just this overall lack of hesitation when getting nearer to her. Brother is straight grinning like the lil big goon he is.
Belle does such a phenomenal job setting the scene. The expectations set, and swiftly subverted, the way she describes his actions and voice just beautifully showing he just is not scared. The goofy chemistry between the two just so wonderfully cuts the tension of the previous chapters, but without fully severing it. Things still feel uneasy, but Miller (as well as the wonderful Lionus) feel like a reprise.
“They’ve even got a name for soldiers like me in the company!”
“Oh?” she asked, placing the empty barrel down on the other side of him, and then moving her hand toward the freshly opened one. The other two men had gone back for the last two barrels from the cart and were rolling them towards her at speed.
“Idiots,” - Chapter 5 of The Stranding.
JAFGSFLKH- here we witness the birth of The Idiot Brigade😭 Every interaction with that man just has me cackling.
Next up is the the short that is the Literal embodiment of AJFHLkfhkfh by @bittykimmy13 / @kendsleyauthor
Never has a scene made me want to bark so much as the blanket scene???? If you haven't read it PLEASE don't let me spoil it for you because this is the juicest fearplay spice- I physically cannot restrain myself from keyboard mashing when talking about this.
What makes the blanket scene so incredibly good is just this fun yet high tension game of cat and mouse between Micah and Everly. Its this playfully predatory flirting that just gets the heart pumping and the mind flustered, and it just all cumulates with Everly trying to avoid Micah catching her while she dodges his hand under the cover of a blanket- with Micah just giving in and crawling under the covers to get her??
Lastly is an incredibly recent fic/short(?) (please let it be ongoing I love them your honor) by @clumsiestgiantess (Everyday I am thankful that my brainrot is apparently wildly contageous to @clumsiestgiantess) that just??? The perfect timing of the slightly angsty fluff?? *screams into a pillow*
Fen is a borrower who has been through some nasty events in the passed 24 hours (and frankly just in general) and is just trying his best. Alice is a human who's clear concern and care for others (along with her grades) is palpable. Together the pair have one of the most tender interactions I have ever read. Just FFHKFH- Its literal catnip and I want to roll in it.
“Are you ok?  You look sick.  If this makes you uncomfortable, I can put you back down.  You didn’t have to get on.”  It’s just like in the car — her blue-eyed gaze looking me over with genuine concern.  “I- I’m alright.”  She gently shakes her head.  “You aren’t, though.  You’re shaking.”  The gentlest pressure alights on my chest as a soft finger brushes up against it.  “And your heart’s beating really fast.”  Her touch is so soft — incredibly cautious like she’s holding something precious and delicate.  Maybe I am, to her.  It’s nothing like what I had imagined a human would feel like, nothing at all.
In a brief moment of weakness, my eyes tear up and I squeeze her finger closer, pressing my forehead against it.  It is absolutely terrifying thinking about where I am.  I’ve spent all my life believing it’s a place of certain death.  Why is it so comfortable? - Part 2 of this work of literal art
Just the word choice and pacing of this whole interaction? The dialogue is just so compassionate. And then there the action. GOODNESS. Alice taking her figure to his chest? FEN THEN TAKING THAT FINGER AND PRESSING HIS FORHEAD TO IT???
The line "Why is it so comfortable?"
I promise you- this scene made me audibly gasp.
The mix of such sweet and tender dialogue with that visual?? Gosh it had my heart racing like a lovestruck teen.
I highly recommend you all check these works (and these authors) out!
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