#Gives me gets bullied by their crush energy
entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 3 : Poor Summary of a Great Fic
Not one but TWO terrible summaries of the amazing fics from @pocket-ozwynn
If borrower's Game of Throne's was going on in the background of a an overly caffeinated twitch dream girl's stream while she panics over Geralt of Rivia's much smaller but equally handsome distant cousin.
From @pocket-ozwynn's amazing work Offline Valor
With one of the most interesting premises I've read in years, Oz does an incredible job at taking this wild premise and making it a truly hooking read. Despite the comical premise, the fantasy juxtaposed with such a modern environment works so incredibly well- especially with Oz's impeccable writing style. His ability to switch from fantasy to modern to a combination of the two is so interesting and exciting to read.
Oz is extremely talented with tone and Offline Valor exemplifies his skills incredibly well. There is such an incredible vibe that permeates the story, where theres almost a sort of implicit tension that seems to build around these two worlds colliding.
The two leads, Zelly and Rowan, are vastly different, yet their chemistry is so so good.
The golden retriever equivalent of a military dog becomes the World's Biggest Herbo by making herself a human shield for the Government-secret Geek Squad employee. Sparks fly (literally).
From Genesis Day
Genesis day is such a fun ride despite the general tension the plot consistently maintains. While there is a sort of building unease that something is about to happen, Oz still manages to make moments between characters feel fun and easy going- Alice and Freyja especially!
Genesis day to me as a reader feels akin to a love letter of to all those hours spent as a kid fantasizing about fighting Big Bad Monsters in an attempt to both do good and be good.
As an Author, Oz has such a fun ability to take these wild and almost goofy sounding concepts and turn them into not only an enjoyable read, but a beautiful read. He has a skill with prose and his descriptions often times read artfully- elegant and poetic, with ethereal imagery and flowery language. This man could write about taking out the trash and turn it into something magical.
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astrow1zar6 · 9 months
Astrology Observations- 013
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I notice Cap Mercurys think so maturely even from such a very young age. These were those kids that always wanted to hang around people older than them. They are old souls at heart and sometimes it’s harder for them to connect with more childlike energies. People their age can see them as boring because of their serious demeanor.
Leo Risings never like to show the sides to them that make them look bad in anyway. These people have big egos so any assumption from others that they aren’t anything but great can take a big toll on their self esteem. They come off so confident but most are really insecure & don’t think they are interesting so they tend exaggerate a lot of facts about them to keep people thinking they are really interesting and amazing. (U guys don’t need ti do that people already think you are before you even speak)
Capricorn risings always look so annoyed when people are speaking to them. Most of the time they are. They have very honest expressions and when someone says something stupid or uninteresting they are more willing to show their uninterested while most are just willing to smile and take it out of being polite. This is why they can come off as rude or snobbish but really the just don’t have time for bullshit. (I definitely think Wednesday Addams has this placement) many don’t know they are being rude but most don’t have the energy to be fake if they really don’t like what the others saying. Very Real people many mistake them for being Scorpio risings.
Venus in Scorpios were probably shamed a lot for their their sex appeal/drives. I notice these people have a very provocative vibe to them that causes a lot of ppl to sexualize them ( especially the women). I’ve seen women with this placement be virgins and still get slut shamed. People always assume they sleep with mad people even if it’s not true.
Moon in 5th housers are actually very secretive about their talents. A lot are so talented but most tend to keep their hobbies and interests to themselves unless they really trust you.
When someone with Venus in the 7th house likes you they will talk about their future a lot with you. This one guy had a big crush on me and would always joke about getting married and starting a life someday ( he made it sound as a joke but in a way I can tell he meant it). Also can be obsessed with weddings. I have a friend with this placement who says she’ll only wanna get married to experience having her dream wedding lol
Venus in 2nd house women always have people buying them things bro. They don’t even have to ask and men will be buying them expensive gifts or paying for their food or trips. Definition of pretty privilege.
Mars in Aquarius like very eccentric things in bed. It’s almost like they enjoy the opposite of what should be expected in bed. Like the women would like to take normally the male role in bed and vice versa a man with this placement could like a very submissive role. The weirder and more out of place the more turned on they get. Can also be really experimental they are willing to try anything once even if it’s outlandish.
Mars in Aries are usually natural athletes. They have amazing endurance and can become pros faster than most.
Virgo moons usually have bad stomach problems or eating disorders. They are also always giving unsolicited advice no one asked for. They feel this need to solve everything but it can come off as kinda judgmental.
Mars in Pisces are usually victims to bullying. They usually have a hard time asserting themselves and standing up so they get pushed around a lot easier by stronger more dominant energies.
Cap moons are always in denial of their feelings
Mars Square Venus synastry can be really awkward at times in a friendship. Theres this bizarre sexual and touchy tension usually that both aren’t fully comfortable with. The mars person can come off a little too strong and can treat the Venus as if they own them. This attraction can be one sided sometimes with the mars person wanting the Venus and the Venus getting repulsed and distancing themselves. I’ve seen the mars person get jealous if the Venus would hang out with others whether it be other friends or family. And if the Venus is dating someone else this can get really heated on the mars end. Venus will feel the attraction but I notice it’s not as strong.
Venus in 5th house synastry is soooooo flirty. These are those cheesy cringey couples that are always acting like little kids around eachother. It’s actually a really sweet placement. This person will be able to bring out your inner child.
Venus in Libras are always crushing on someone. They jump into relationships I think faster than people with Venus in Aries the only difference is that they can maintain longer term partnerships & don’t bore as quick (even if their feelings are a little superficial). They just don’t know what to do with themselves when they are alone.
Scorpio risings I notice get really strong reactions out of people (like Lilith/asc people) their words make others blood boil even if they really don’t say anything offensive or rude. Most people are jealous of their authenticity which is why a lot of Scorpio risings are quiet and not as willing to open up. People just hate on them so intensely for the littlest things. They also have this ability to know if people are genuine or not which can be intrusive to certain people causing intense reactions. They can see thru everyone’s mask which can make other feel uncomfortable to be around them. This is why they usually have few friends and the friends they do have are as authentic as themselves. Literal human lie detectors
Men that have a water sun with a water moon are BIG SIMPS
Cancer sun women will be passively rude to you if they don’t like you or are jealous of you. They won’t straight say it but they will say little comments in a nice way that’s actually really rude. Then usually play victim if confronted
Everyone’s crush in high-school was either a Scorpio sun or a Libra sun/rising. Tell me I’m lying
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nayatarot777 · 9 months
how do they view you? • love/crush pick-a-card
i don’t do love readings usually (because they’re just usually not of interest to me) but i’m trying to soften my heart so here’s a lil something for you guys 😂
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• pile one •
your person views you as someone who can be very verbally defensive or someone who can really hurt people with their words. the things that you say could be very harsh or damaging. i’m also seeing that they may view you as argumentative, whether this energy is directed towards them or other people. they do view you as very unattainable to them - perhaps because of all of this energy - but they also see you as extremely intuitive and psychic. you know things that not just anyone could see or know. they also feel like you’re quick to speak up for yourself when you realise that some bs is going on. and i feel like they recognise that situations that someone is trying to bully you in or play you in some way are the situations when you can get very vicious with your words. you’re quiet and perceptive for the most part until you need to defend yourself. there’s another card about you having very strong boundaries and being defensive - again, whether this is just with them or other people. this plays into the viewpoint of you being unattainable for them. you don’t play about your energy so when someone fucks with your energy you’re quick to put them back in their place and put up boundaries between the two of you. they view you as someone who doesn’t play around. i’m living for your energy, pile one, i’m ngl 😂. dark feminine energy to the fullest 👏🏾
this person might not know how to feel about you. they have multiple feelings about you that they can’t really make sense of. they also view you as someone who has many options in your love life. like you could have anyone that you want. and that’s probably from your high standards and your boundaries. because they know that you know this already. they view you as someone who’s emotions mix with their logic. they believe that if it doesn’t make sense for you to love someone - you won’t. it’s as simple as that. i feel like you guys aren’t the people who can easily be played because you won’t allow yourself to be played again and again by the same person. you have too much awareness of your worth and what you’re deserving of for that bullshit. they feel like you’re quick to cut off people who you’re romantically involved with if they try to play games with you. you’re not one of those people who settle for less than what you know you’re deserving of. you’re extremely loving. but you’re not a fool with your love. you rationally think about where and who you should direct it to. who deserves it and who doesn’t. so whoever’s coming towards you needs to come correct. periodddd 💅🏾
i love this 🤭
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
• pile two •
your person views you as extremely self-sufficient. self-sufficient in terms of your finances, physical stability, and/or your self esteem. they don’t view you as someone who relies on another person for anything that you know you can give to yourself. and even if you feel like you can’t give something to yourself in the current moment, you will find a way to get it for yourself. you could definitely be in a relationship with this person already. if so, then they feel like you’ve helped them to build a really successful life with you. you’ve made it easy to create a happy life, a happy home, and/or a happy family. for those of you who haven’t done those things with this person, then they view you as someone who they could have a really good relationship with. because they believe that you’re very good at teamwork. at working with someone to create stability. they may feel like your independence and your hard work to build stability for yourself is fuelled by a lot of pain and trauma. perhaps childhood trauma from when you didn’t have (or were prevented from having) stability and happiness growing up. for someone specific, this person knows about a divorce or a splitting of your family - whether this is your split or your parents’. and they believe that’s why you prioritise your self-stability and creating happy connections and spaces for you to thrive in.
you’re a go-getter, pile two. you have extremely strong masculine energy regardless of your gender. they view you as a creative. a visionary that will always go after your goals in the most efficient way possible. they also view you as a great leader. especially if you’re a boss/managers/in a position of authority at work. or if you’re the one who primarily runs things in your household. they just view you as someone who’s constantly knowing how to direct people to work together to create harmony in the workplace or at home. and if not, then they just view you as someone who has mastered self-governance (another thing that you could’ve been prevented from in the past). they view you as someone who has been through a lot in life. someone who has been hurt and beaten down repetitively. but you’re still standing and putting in the work to maintain yourself in life. you’re not someone who gives up despite all of the bs that’s thrown your way. due to all of your negative experiences and trauma, you’re someone with extremely strong boundaries. someone who’s very protective of self and of the people who you love and care for (such as your family). if any of you are parents, this person views you as a mama/papa bear 😂. they feel sorry for anyone who tests your kids lmaoo. they can tell that you’re someone who fights your hardest to defend your loved ones from the feelings and experiences that you’ve had to endure yourself. there’s a lot of respect for you from this person because of your history - and because you’ve accumulated so much self respect for yourself despite all of this.
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
• pile three •
just like pile one, your person views you as someone who knows how to defend yourself in arguments or from verbal attacks. there’s also something about you being stubborn with your beliefs or what you know. once you know something about someone or a situation, nobody can tell you shit. you stick to what you know and what you believe. you’re not easily manipulated. you’re someone who’s also an extremely hard worker. you’re viewed by this person as someone who’s focused on really perfecting your craft. maybe even a perfectionist as a character trait. and now i’m hearing “one track mind”. when you’re focused on something, you’re FOCUSED. they believe that you have a lot of places that you want to go in life, and it seems like you’re always moving forward onto the next thing to work on and perfect. they see you as someone who has the whole world in your hands and you’re not stopping for anyone.
they feel like they don’t know that much about you. like you’re secretive (whether this is purposeful or not). they can’t just guess your personality or what type of person you are with other people like they might be able to with others. they do view you as someone who’s extremely sweet and kind though. and this might surprise them in a way, because it’s not commonly seen from you - at least to them. there’s a masculine energy to you that has flickers of really feminine, sweet, loving energy - and that’s probably why they can’t make much sense of you. you’re extremely focused on work, it seems. or on your own personal development journey. they see you as someone who’s going after creating the life that you want. they can tell that you’re serious about your life. your person views you as someone with A LOT of potential. but not even just in terms of a relationship, but in terms of your life in general. they can tell that you go after opportunities - especially opportunities with work and money.
i had to pull more cards for you guys than i did for the other piles, and i really feel like it’s because this person barely knows anything about you. but they definitely admire the little about you that they do see.
find the extended audio reading about how they feel about you here on patreon
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cherrrydragon · 3 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ You make some major moves, risky major moves. “Yeah, I know. You’re not that easy.” You remove your hands from his shoulders and grasp his, lifting them off your hips. “Just like I know you’re trying to put a tracker on me.” You wretch the little device from his hands and crush it. “I’m not that easy either.”You pat his cheek. His expression doesn’t give anything away, but you know he’s annoyed his plans have been thwarted. “It was a good try though. You did your best.” You send a web to a nearby building, knowing that his eyes are scanning you to drink up every piece of information he can. You turn to him one last time before swinging away. “I’m just better.” pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: (attempted) bullying, you get a sword held at your neck (wonder whose fault that is), cursing wc: 6.5k
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The next school day goes by in a blur of lectures you don’t pay attention to. The only thing on your mind is patrol and the looming task of getting back home.
Lunch is a brief respite from the busyness of the day. You sit alone to better hear your thoughts. You’ve long gotten used to your super hearing, but it’s still as loud as ever. The lunch is pretty good today, yet no match for your increased metabolism. You’re just grateful that your suit protects you from a lot. Super healing isn’t that useful when you’ve got no energy to heal with.
Your pencil moves in repeated strokes, steady. You’ve been putting your sketchbook to good use.
You hear footsteps approaching, and raise your head casually. You can’t help but widen your eyes when you see Damian walking to you.
He puts his tray down and sits, perfect posture and all. His eyes scan your drawings. “What is it?”
You blink, looking down at your drawings too. “It’s a… personal project.” You give your best winning smile. “I like to make things.”
You subtly turn the page so the one with all the formulas and equations is hidden away, only allowing Damian to see the sketches of what your new and improved nanite chamber would look like. “You’re hurting my feelings. What can I do to gain your trust?” It’s no subtle attempt to direct his attention from your drawings.
“Unnecessary. Forget about yesterday, it is in the past,” Damian says. Yeah, right. It’s obvious he’s playing nice in an attempt to lower your guard, but whatever. You can play along.
You pat his shoulder, smiling at his grimace. “You’re really bad at making friends. Don’t worry about it, first impressions aren’t everything.”
You lean back, crossing your arms. “So, now that we’re friends, tell me about yourself.”
“We are not friends.”
“We’re not enemies either.”
“That does not equate to us being friends,” he growls.
“But don’t you wanna know about me?” You lean in close. “Y’know, ‘cause you’re–” Your voice drops into a whisper. “Robin?”
He shoves you away, somehow in a gentlemanly manner. “Do not joke about that.”
You cackle. “I will tell you something about me in exchange for something about you.” At his glare you say, “it’s the fair thing to do.”
“I’ll go first.” You sit up straight. “I work part-time at Carrie’s Cafe, I live in East End and I occasionally dabble in photography.” Where you work and live is something he no doubt knows already, and photography is a useless fact. Still, he can’t admit that.
You gesture at him. “Your turn.”
You’re pleasantly surprised when he speaks. “I enjoy spending time with animals. I have various pets.”
“What kind of pets?”
“The rules of our deal do not require me to elaborate further.”
You roll your eyes. “The rules of conversation do.”
“I hardly want to converse with you.” God, you forgot how much of a brat Damian is. It’s easier to find it funny when you’re not the subject of his brat-ness. He can tell you’re getting a bit irked, if the quirk of his lips is anything to go by.
You survey your surroundings. People are looking at the two of you. You figure you must be a sight. The elusive heir of Bruce Wayne and the new kid. There’s a group of girls staring at you spitefully.
“Aren’t we a pair,” you speak to Damian, not taking your eyes off the girls. “Me, awesome mysterious super hot new kid, and you.” You don’t gas up Damian, but you figure he’s better off without a bigger ego.
Damian looks to where you're staring, his lips turning in thinly veiled disgust. “We are not a pair.” The girls giggle behind their hands and flutter their eyelashes at him. He looks away. You gasp as you are hit with an idea.
“I just had the best idea ever.” Pointedly ignoring his hum of doubt, you continue, “we are in the perfect set-up for a fake-dating situation. You, the popular bad boy who wants nothing to do with girls, and me, the one person who will never fall in love with you. We agree to fake-date to get the girls off your back, but we end up falling in love and we kiss in the rain–” you pause, staring at his face. It’s full of disgust, and you burst out laughing. “I’m afraid you’re too easy, my friend.”
Your hearing picks up on stomping from across the cafeteria. The leader of the girl's little posse is making her way over to you. She’s real pretty, you’ll give her that. She’s forgone the vest of her uniform to show off her slightly unbuttoned top. You’re not ashamed to admit you are looking hard .
“Damian!” She squeals, rounding up to your table. She ignores the seats and sits on the table itself. “Are they bothering you? I can see that you’re uncomfortable.”
You lean back and cross your arms, waiting to see what Damian will do. You would’ve thought he would be more of a recluse, liked by nobody. Perhaps this older Damian has more charm than the ones you’ve read about. Or maybe only the girls of the school like him.
Damian sends you a look that says do not leave me to the vultures.
You raise your eyebrows as if to say not friends, remember? This has nothing to do with me.
“Victoria,” Damian greets. Victoria’s face lights up in satisfaction at the fact he knows her name. Oof, girl, have some standards. “I am fine. You need not concern yourself.”
“Oh, but I can see it on your face, Damian. You don’t have to save face for someone like them ,” Victoria looks you up and down. There’s no doubt she means to isolate you because you’re not a rich heir like the rest of them.
Damian’s about to speak up (in your defense? You doubt it) when you lean forward, discreetly pulling down your own collar. “Victoria, was it? Can I call you Vicky? Where’d you get your nails done?”
Victoria brings her hands to her chest, rubbing her fingers over her nails. “Oh– um. My… cousin. My cousin does nails as a hobby.” Her eyes are flickering from your face to your chest. You reach forward and grab her hand delicately, humming as you look at her nails. “These look really good. How much were they?”
Your eyes are boring into hers as you await her answer. Her mouth is slightly agape. Her hand twitches in your grasp as you let a breath fall onto it. She opens and closes her mouth a few times before she finds herself. “It-It surely costs more than you can afford.” She yanks her hand back and it falls to her side. She looks at Damian before looking back at you, and turns around and walks off without another word.
A grin graces your face, satisfied with your results. Looking at Damian, you raise your brow in question. “Well? How’d I do?”
Damian is staring at you, like he is truly seeing you for the first time. He blinks and shakes himself out of whatever revelry he’s in (you hope you haven’t given too much away…) and answers you. “It’s no easy feat repelling Victoria. I commend you.”
“Is that a compliment? Oh my God, have I thawed your frozen heart, Elsa?” The bell rings and he walks away before you can say more.
You find out Victoria's in your ballet class. You feel her eyes on you the whole period.
You practice figure drawing in art. You ignore Damian’s stare on you the whole period.
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It’s a cool night in Gotham. You’ve defended some homeless people being harassed, helped someone's cat out of a tree (you didn’t know that could actually happen) and helped an old lady home safely. It’s a pretty quiet night for Gotham, all things considered. The city moves on in spite of you, a maze of crime and corruption, but also of people worth saving.
You can’t help yourself and snap a couple of photos, for your eyes only. Anything that’ll make you feel like back home is good in your books.
watching behind you
You stand, straightening your shoulders. You’re sure the Bats know about your existence. Whoever it is, you’ll give them a scare first.
You lift your foot, letting it dangle off the ledge of the building. Their footsteps hasten to get to you. Gravity pulls you down. They’re running to you now. You spread your arms and fall.
A figure clad in black and red grasps the ledge, looking over, grappling hook in hand. They’re met with you, casually standing on the side of the building, defying gravity. “Looking for me?”
Robin makes room for you as you climb back up, crouching on the ledge once more. You stick out your hand. “It’s so nice to finally meet one of you guys. Big fan.”
Robin takes out his sword and holds it to your neck in one swift movement. “Tough crowd,” you mutter, clicking your tongue.
“Who are you and what business do you have in Gotham.” Straight to the point as always, Damian.
“My name is Spinnerette, nice to meet you!” You grab his hand before he can tug it out of your reach, shaking it. “And I thought it was pretty obvious, no? I’m in the saving people business, like you guys! That’s my business.”
“Children should not run around pretending to fight crime because they think it’s cool.”\
You huff. “Okay, one , the first robin was like, five. Two , how old do you think I am? Three , dude, I’ve been doing this for years.”
He tuts. “Is that right? How come I’ve never heard of you?”
You shrug. “I’m not from around here.” You’re not lying, that’s for sure.
The sword doesn’t move from your neck, and you sigh. Grabbing the sword makes an audible clink as it meets the metal of your suit. You slowly move it away from your neck, taking note of how Robin tries to meet your strength head-on, and failing to do so. Languidly moving, you invade his personal space. You throw your arms over his shoulders, making him sway side to side with you.
“You’re hurting my feelings, Rob,” you hum. You see his eyes squint through his mask. Dragging a claw down his cheek, you’re aware that you are completely indulging yourself right now. You should’ve swung away as soon as your senses alerted you to his presence.
Pretender, your brain whispers to you.
You will the thought away. “You know, some species of spiders eat birds,” you flirt.
“You have abhorrent ideas of flirting.”
“Cut me some slack, I’m rusty.”
“Some species also eat their mates,” he flirts back. Oh?
You grin, feral and hidden. “Ohoh, considering yourself my mate already, birdie?” His hands grasp your hips, pulling you closer. Chest to chest with him, you lean in, whispering “you like the idea of me eating you? Perv.”
“You jump to conclusions.” His cheek is against yours.
“Yeah, I know. You’re not that easy.” You remove your hands from his shoulders and grasp his, lifting them off your hips. “Just like I know you’re trying to put a tracker on me.” You wretch the little device from his hands and crush it. “I’m not that easy either.”
You pat his cheek. His expression doesn’t give anything away, but you know he’s annoyed his plans have been thwarted. “It was a good try though. You did your best.”
You send a web to a nearby building, knowing that his eyes are scanning you to drink up every piece of information he can. You turn to him one last time before swinging away.
“I’m just better.”
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“They call themselves Spinnerette,” is what Damian says as he enters the Batcave.
Bruce only sighs. He really shouldn’t be so surprised Damian went after the new meta. He turns around in his chair, facing Damian. He makes a ‘go on’ gesture.
“Their suit is made of some kind of metal. It is high-grade, something I’m not familiar with. The eyes of their suit react, like they mimic their expression. They can stick to walls and webs come out from a device on their wrist. They are intelligent and were able to divert my intentions to put a tracker on them,” Damian huffs.
He moves to stand next to his father. “They say they have been acting as a vigilante for years. They are also not native to Gotham.”
Bruce nods, “that narrows it down a little.”
“They were insulted by my insinuation that they were a child, so I assume they are at least in high school.”
Bruce types all the information in the Batcomputer, fingers flying across the keyboard. The results narrow down. Several databases appear on screen.
“If they are your age they could very well attend the Academy,” Bruce hums, hand over his mouth in thought.
“I have someone in mind already, but I will be sure to evaluate all my peers.”
Bruce smiles. “I’m surprised to hear you call them your peers.”
Damian’s lips twitch, walking out of the cave without further word.
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You’ve decided to put plans for the nanite chamber on hold for now in exchange for a far, more efficient use of your time. The battery will last you, you’re just being paranoid.
You’re going to pull a Tony Stark and create a new element.
Technically you’re just going to use the blueprints Tony put in your suit (thank you tony, we all say in unison) and follow them, but in this universe badassium isn’t a thing. 
A clean and powerful energy source, to power your way back home and for the world to use. You know what they say about leaving things better than when you found it.
You’ve changed your plans for one main reason; when Tony Stark made his new element, he also made a particle accelerator. 
It starts in your engineering class. You swipe as much material as you can, stuffing it into your backpack. Tony’s makeshift build took up his whole lab, and the one you found that landed you here was huge, so you’ll grab as much as you can.
Next is finding a place to work. Your apartment is a no-go, so you spend time off patrol to look for places. An abandoned warehouse could work in theory, but how many times has a villain used one for their operations? You’ll go without bumping into the Joker, thank you.
The problem is that you don’t know this city, so you make an impulsive decision. During classes, you spend time building a mini robot that will infiltrate and access the Batcomputer. You know Wayne Manor is equipped with state-of-the-art security, from reinforced structures to advanced alarm systems. It is very likely your little buddy will not make it out, but Karen only needs enough time to upload to the computer.
You spend your programming class calibrating Karen into W.E.B.B.E.R. (Karen comes up with the acronym, it stands for Wireless Enabled Bionic Bot for Exploration and Reconnaissance) instead of doing the assignment. You can easily do it later. If Damian notices how in your mind you’ve been lately, he doesn’t say anything. WEBBER is finished in three days. Now it’s up to you to get it past Wayne Manor's defenses and into the batcave.
You sit pondering on a rooftop during patrol. Damian is a hesitant option. You’re are certain he’ll notice if you stick a little spider robot on him. Red Hood probably doesn’t visit very often, for obvious reasons. You might be able to sneak it past Nightwing, but there aren't many places on that skin-tight suit for WEB to hide. Orphan is a hard no, nothing gets past Cassandra Cain. You groan into your hands. WEB’s little feet pat your mask.
“Perhaps it would be easier to infiltrate myself,” Karen suggests.
“There’s no way to get into the cave without authorized access, and that's if  WEB isn’t somehow destroyed as soon as it hits the property’s soil,” you sigh. “You could override its systems to get inside, but that’ll just put everyone on high alert.”
“Then perhaps we approach their civilian identities.” Karen pulls up security footage of a cafe that none other than Tim Drake likes to frequent. It’ll be risky, since Drake’s got a damn good keen eye. However, you’ll bank on the fact that that guy does not get as much sleep as he should, thus making him less aware.
“Thanks, K.” You hardly sleep that night.
You spend the weekend lingering at the mentioned cafe. After some hard thought, you’ve forgone a disguise. He’ll notice if you’re trying to hide your features, so you just have to hope and pray that you become another blurred face he sees.
“He’s walking your way, [Name].”
You take a deep breath as WEBBER crawls onto your shoulder. He’s wearing layers, so WEB will have an easier time staying hidden. The robot is light, you made sure. You walk towards him, keeping your gaze forward. If this doesn’t work, you’ll figure something out. You just… really hope it doesn’t come down to that.
As you get closer, you side-step out of his way and allow your shoulder to pass his, not touching, but almost. WEBBER hops onto him and scuttles into his breast pocket.
“I will make sure I am not seen.”
“I trust you, Karen.”
Tim Drake does not notice the little spider hidden in his clothes. He returns to Wayne Manor none the wiser. WEBBER clings to his back as he makes his way down to the Batcave. You watch through the little camera from your laptop. Your jaw drops.
Literally every Bat and Bird, former or current, is down there. Even Oracle herself is there. They’re all in civvies, so you suspect they’re just hanging out and chose the goddamn Batcave to do so.
“Just…” you sigh, already done with your spidey luck, “...keep going, K.”
WEBBER hops down from Tim’s back, scrambling across the floor. The mic you impulsively added picks up on conversation.
“I think you’re looking a little too hard into things, man.” It’s Duke Thomas.
“They just seem like the main character trying to find their way into the world. Rich dad sends his kid into adulthood all alone. They struggle to fit in under the guise that they have less money than their peers. ‘Woe is me’ type of stuff, y’know?” Stephanie Brown.
There’s a scoff. “They hold too much intelligence to have that kind of persona. They are able to direct less than welcome attention with careful words and persuasion. They do not pay attention in class, yet their grades are pristine. I’ve seen their drawings in their sketchbook when they are not looking, it’s filled with equations and ideas for ‘personal projects’.”
Is he talking about… you? That sneaky bastard, when did he peek at your notes!? Have you been that distracted at school?
“It says that their dad’s an inventor,” comes Barbara’s voice. She’s on the Batcomputer, WEBBER has been waiting for when she turns around or gets off to make its move. “They obviously get it from him, then. What, you think they’re building a world-ending weapon or something?”
“I think,” he grits out, “that they are a suspicious person, appearing at the same time our new spider friend did.”
Bruce hums. “It’s plausible.”
Barbara turns around, and WEB scuttles around the back of the Batcomputer. “If they are Spinnerette, It’s not like they’re performing any unwelcome actions. They’re just doing what the rest of us do.”
“Yeah,” comes Dick Grayson, “Bruce is only irked ‘cause he hasn’t gotten the chance to adopt them yet.” A round of chuckles is heard.
WEBBER plugs into the Batcomputer, and an alert pops onto the screen immediately. Barbara whips around, fingers flying onto the keyboard.
“Someone’s hacking into the Batcomputer.” Her words put everyone in the room at attention.
“Trace it,” growls Bruce. It’s a remarkable thing to be able to switch into his Batman mode like that.
Barbara throws up countless defenses, but Karen is an AI made by Tony freakin’ Stark , and you are his protégé.
“They’re bypassing all my shields, they’re getting in!” Barbara growls.
Tim and Bruce race to begin helping her, but your superspeed allows you to type faster than all three geniuses.
They watch as files are opened and downloaded into Karen’s system as she uploads herself. Info about the city, criminals and heroes alike are getting into ‘enemy’ hands before they’re very eyes.
“I can’t track them,” grits Barbara.
The room is silent as Karen finishes her job. Gotham’s protectors are greeted with a single pop-up.
It taunts them. Bruce slams a hand onto the table. “They have everything .”
“Time to get the hell out of dodge, K.”
WEBBER unplugs from the Batcomputer and scuttles to a hiding spot.
“How is this possible? They were able to dodge and counter all of my firewalls like it was nothing. B, what do we do?” Barbara runs a hand through her hair, stressed. It seems like whenever she visits she can never catch a break.
“Keep trying to find their trace, we’ll find them eventually.” Bruce turns around to see his kiddos standing straight, ready for orders. He looks at Damian.
“Do you think they have the capacity to do this?” He’s talking about you.
“They have a computer programming class. I will observe them to see if it’s possible,” vows Damian. You’ll have to be more careful from now on.
“I’ll ask Selina to keep an eye on them. I owe her a favor.” A few faces twist in disgust at what exactly Selina could have done for him to owe her.
“Suit up, be extra vigilant today. They may try to enact whatever plans they have.”
Nodding, they scurry to change into their suits. WEBBER hitches a ride on Tim again as he exits the cave. The robot hops off as soon as he leaves the manor's grounds. That’s your cue to suit up.
You quickly hop across rooftops and swing to WEBBERs location. Arriving at its location, you cradle the bot gently in your hands, running a finger across its back. “Good job, Karen.”
“There are many old tunnels from previous subways, they may lead to your new lab. I’ve also left a backdoor should we ever need to access their database again.”
You nod, webbing a nearby building to swing away. The city passes under you, bright lights from cars blurring together. You perform flips and twirls, you’re in a pretty good mood, all things considered. People point at you in recognition as you rush by. The people of Gotham are becoming familiar with their new friendly neighborhood spider.
You hop down into the old tunnel. It’s covered in cobwebs and dust. Looking around, you see that the station has not seen life in ages. Footsteps echo as you start down the tracks. The station you’re in right now is accessible through a hole, so hopefully you can find one that is completely caved in.
You hope the team doesn't miss you too terribly. You wonder if you’re even being looked for, and then immediately shake the thought away. You are being looked for. You’re certain that Tony and Miguel are butting heads right now about how to best find you.
The tracks end with a bunch of rocks collapsed onto them. It takes minimal effort to move them out of the way, you just hope you don’t accidentally cause a mini rockslide, or something. You side step the pile, entering the large area of the abandoned station. The walls are littered with aged graffiti. The stairs that normally would lead out are collapsed in. There’s vegetation growing about, so you’ll probably get them something to drink in order to not invoke Poison Ivy’s wrath.
“I believe this will make quite the suitable hideout,” chimes Karen.
She’s right. With some decorating this could be a real cozy place. “A little Spider Den,” you whisper. Your new lab.
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When you got home after finding the Den, you got rid of the monstrosity of cables from your gritty suit charger. If Selina Kyle is going to be poking around your apartment (because she’ll definitely do it while you’re gone) you want to appear as a normal person. You leave sketches of throwaway inventions, notes for class and random homework around the place.
May pipes up when she sees you leaving for work, “you look happy.”
You pause, thinking of your answer. “I… found what I was looking for.” It’s vague, but true.
“Since you’ve come here, you’ve always looked troubled,” hums May. “But lately you seem to be finding stable ground.”
You smile and nod, saying nothing as you walk out.
Sam greets you as you walk in. “How was your first week, scholar?”
You groan dramatically, “it’s terrible, save me oh great Sam,” you exaggerate. Sam opens their arms and you fall into them. “There, there,” they coo. “Was it that bad for real?”
“No.” Your voice is muffled in their arms. “I’m just really… bored.”
Sam bursts out laughing. “The little genius baby is stuck with their less than genius peers!” Sam’s voice has drawn out Carrie and Gar.
“Look who’s back! Thank God, kid. This place was falling apart without you,” Carrie says, grinning.
Gar crosses his arms. “Find your ‘rich future spouse’ yet?”
You chuckle, “not yet.”
The pair go off to get the cafe ready for opening, and you're still in Sam’s arms.
“I ever tell you about my own Sam back home?” You’re not sure why you’ve spoken up.
Sam raises a brow. “Don’t think so. You trying to share with the class now?”
Inside the dimly lit workshop at the Tower, you tinker away at Redwing as Sam stands over your shoulder.
“You’re hurting him.”
“He is fine, you big baby. I know what I’m doing.”
It amuses you how much Sam sees Redwing as a living thing. You’re told not to encourage it, but what’s the harm?
“The chip is just a little fried,” you say, angling so that Sam can see. “It’s an easy fix.”
Sam lays a hand on his chest, sighing in relief. “Thought we were gonna have to put him down.” You snort at his dramatics.
The workshop falls into silence as you tinker away. “What made you come up with Redwing?” you say, never one for quiet.
Sam’s face lights up. “I needed something that could give me an edge in the field without being too bulky. A mix of coolness and necessity, you know?” He pokes Redwings’ ‘nose’. “Plus, there’s that winning personality.”
“Personality, huh?” You think of Karen.
“Yeah, Redwings not a tool, he’s a partner.” There’s fondness in Sam’s voice. “He scouts, gathers intel, and watches my back.”
You hum in thought, realizing how similar Redwing and Karen are. “Sounds like the two of you are really close.”
“I like to think so.” The workshop is filled with chatter as the two of you work away the hours.
“Maybe another time,” you mutter, face squished into Sam’s chest. Sam drops the subject.
It’s another slow day at the cafe. You get that inkling that someone is watching you, but you see nobody. You wouldn’t be surprised if Damian is spying on you from the next building over. At least the cafe plays good music over the speakers. You hum the lyrics as you clean the countertops.
The door chimes as someone walks in “Welcome to Carrie’s, how can I help you?”
“Hey, you.”
You look up, meeting the very blue eyes of one Jonathan Kent. You can’t bring yourself to be annoyed. “Hey, you!” you echo, smiling.
Jon brightens up at your smile. “How have you been?”
“Good,” you hum. “I’m really good.” You are. Once night time hits, you’ll go to the Den and finally start on your plans to recreate Tony’s badassium.
“In fact, I feel so good that I’m gonna ask you this; wanna go hang out at my place after I get off?” One might say you’re indulging yourself. You say you’re trying to seems as un-suspicious to Jon as possible. When Damian finds out you have ties to him, he’ll ask Jon everything he knows about you, and possibly even ask him to survey you. Hopefully your front as a regular ole highschooler keeps him from figuring you out.
Jon blinks in surprise, stuttering, “w-well, sure. Yeah. Totally, why not? Just…” he pauses, “...I still don’t know your name.”
You smile. “Shoot, yeah. Sorry about that.” You straighten your posture, sticking out a hand. “I’m [Name]. [Name] Stark.”
You see the little twitch of his brow. Ah, so Damian has already told him about you.
“Nice to meet you, [Name]. I’m Jonathan Kent. Keep calling me Jon, though,” Jon says, shaking your hand.
You pull away. “So, a small vanilla latte for you, not-stranger?”
“You remember,” he chuckles. You nod. You feel his eyes on you as you make his drink.
“So,” you say as you hand him the cup. “I get off at five, see you then?” you feign shyness.
He nods rapidly. “See you at five.”
You count down the minutes until you get off from work. You swear you see some blue blurs rush by in the sky and wonder if it’s Superboy. Wonder if this Batman is more lenient to others operating in Gotham.
The sun has only just begun its descent into the Earth when you step outside. Your bag is thrown over your shoulder. You look around, Jon isn’t there. You doubt he’s the type to bail, so you lean against the front of the building. You busy yourself with some more Crossy Road to pass the time. Five minutes pass, when you sigh. Maybe you were too hasty.
You turn, seeing Jon running to you. His appearance is ruffled, his shirt is inside out and his hair is all over the place. He was definitely Superboying around.
“Did you run all the way here?” you offer as an explanation for his appearance.
He claims it. “Yeah, sorry. I got caught up in some stuff.”
You can’t help yourself, and reach up to tame some of his hair. “Looks like you ran through a high powered fan, or something.”
He mindlessly tilts his head to let you do as you please, looking at you. You don’t dare meet his gaze. “Ok,” you say when you’re satisfied with his hair. “Let’s go.”
He offers his arm and you take it. “I wouldn’t think a Gothamite would tell me where they live on our second meeting,” he says.
“They probably wouldn’t,” you hum. “I’m not originally from Gotham, though.”
He blinks. “You’re not? I thought you were.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” It means you’ve done a good job at fitting it. “But no, I’m actually from Queens. New York.”
He hums. “I thought the accent was a little different.”
May greets you as you walk in, widening her eyes when she sees Jon. You ignore her wiggling brows as the two of you make your way up. Entering your apartment, nothing looks out of place, but your trained eye can see the way your papers have shifted from their original position. So Selina Kyle did end up snooping while you were gone.
“This is me,” you say, arms gesturing to the apartment. Nari rounds the corner, meowing for your attention. “And this,” you lift Nari into your arms, “is Nari.”
Jon pets Nari between his ears. “Hi, Nari.”
You put Nari in his arms, ignoring his small protests. Nari looks very content in Jon’s big arms. You snap a picture for yourself.
“My friend is actually a big fan of animals,” hums Jon, looking down at Nari.
“Yeah?” He’s talking about Damian. “The one that goes to GA?”
He nods. “His name is Damian. Damian Wayne. Have you met him?” His eyes bear into yours, switching into that hero interrogation mode. You wonder just how much Damian has told him.
“Yeah, I got a couple of classes with him.” You sit down on your couch, leaning back. “He’s got a real unique persona.” Jon chuckles in agreement, sitting down next to you. “How’d you become friends with a guy like that?”
“Our dads know each other.” Right.
“Well, he’s pretty cute. That’s all I got to say about him,” you say, looking over and snorting at Jon’s expression. His eyes are widened, no doubt wondering if he should leave out the fact that you just said that when he relays the info to Damian later.
“Well, I got some popcorn and some movies on my laptop. You down?” Jon nods.
You spend a couple hours sitting and chatting as you watch a couple of horror movies. Jon acted brave, but you could tell he was just a tiny bit freaked out.
Now, you swing to your new hideout, now equipped with cute fairy lights and cobweb hammocks. It wasn’t hard to get power working in the place, just tedious. Seriously, the amount of rubble you had to clear was atrocious.
You pull up the blueprints on a digital interface via your suit. “Alright, Karen. Let’s get to work."
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When Miguel got an alert that you had been requesting assistance, he straightened up immediately. He had been running regular people errands, so he had to quickly stop by the HQ to suit up and get ready. From there he found out you had also contacted Peni, he started rushing. The other Spiderlings had caught wind of this, and demanded to tag along. Miguel and the kids entered a portal to your universe, and were immediately met with the large, inactive particle accelerator.
He hears Miles take a deep breath. It’s just like the one from his universe. You’re nowhere to be seen.
Lyla pops up next to him. “There’s been recent activity here. It was activated two times.”
“Two?” Miguel mutters.
He doesn’t get to dwell on it much, when some of the goddamn Avengers come barreling in. Iron Man, The Hulk (it’s just Bruce Banner right now, though) and Black Widow stand at the ready, looking at Miguel and the gang in apprehension.
“Oh, you’re my kids' little spider friends, right?” Tony’s voice is dry, feigning friendliness as if he isn’t pointing at them, ready to blast.
“We got an alert signal from [Name]’s suit,” Bruce explains, ignoring Tony’s betrayed stare.
“So did we,” says Hobie, analyzing the three.
Lyla tuts. “I’m not picking up their watch's signal.”
“[Name]’s tracker went offline, too.”
Miguel’s eyes scan his surroundings, settling on a pile of broken pieces on the floor. Broken watch pieces. He hears Pav and Gwen gasp as he kneels by it. “It’s their watch,” he explains to the Avengers, “the thing that allows them to multiversal travel.”
“Why is it broken.” Black Widow doesn’t phrase it as a question.
“Because someone must have broken it,” concludes Miguel. He straightens. “The watches are strong, it wasn’t an accident. Someone was here, with [Name].”
“Well now there’s nobody here, and [Name] is off the radar so where are they? ” growls Tony.
“The only plausible answer is that they’re in another universe.” Miguel looks at the particle accelerator. “Without a watch.”
The kids look sick to their stomachs. “Can’t we trace the signal from the accelerator?” questions Peni.
“Normally, I could,” chimes Lyla. “But… I can’t.”
“ Why not?” Miles questions.
“Okay, so you know that there are literally infinite universes out there. If each universe is a satellite and the watches, or the accelerator in this case, is a signal, then there’s only a certain ‘distance’ I can trace [Name]’s whereabouts.”
Gwen thinks she’s getting a headache. “So, what? She’s in a universe that’s ‘too far away’?”
Lyla nods. “In that sense, yes.”
“This is pointless,” huffs Tony, walking up to Miguel. “We are wasting time talking about technicalities, we should be looking for my kid.”
“Is there anyone you know who could’ve built this?” Miguel asks Tony.
“Nobody smart enough has it out that bad for [Name]. Unless it was another me or another [Name] there’s no one capable of doing this without someone noticing,” Tony pauses, looking at the spider variants before him.
Tony’s voice drops into a whisper, “could someone from another universe have done this?”
“If someone from another universe ended up in this one, why throw [Name] into a random one?” Bruce stresses. “They wouldn’t have any strife with Spinnerette.”
“Unless it’s a spidey villain.”
“What spidey villain is smart enough to do this? Doc Ock?”
Miguel interrupts, “it was activated twice, so one time was for [Name] entering it, and the other was for whoever broke their watch. They built this–” Miguel gestures to the giant machine, “–so they were obviously here for a while.”
“Only a fool would attempt a multiversal jump without certainty that they could get back home, so that means–”
“–they accidentally got stuck here,” finishes Tony, looking graver by the minute. 
“For who knows how long,” hums Hobie, now in thought.
“Trying to get back home, they build a particle accelerator–”
“–clearly their work is cut out for them, otherwise they would have come up with a much smaller design–”
“–they meet [Name], who would see this and automatically assume they’re a threat.”
“[Name] would try to shut it down, and our mystery guy gets desperate, because [Name]’s the one thing standing between them and their way back home.”
“The particle accelerator is already activated. They see the watch, recognize it as a multiversal travel tool and smash it–”
“–so that [Name] can’t find them–”
“–because they throw [Name] into another universe.”
“They go back home to their universe scott-free.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure how Black Widow’s unhappy with the development.
“In other news, I’ve got the trace of the other person who used the accelerator!” Lyla sings.
Miguel’s face scrunches. “If we don’t know which universe [Name] is in, I really doubt they do.”
“I’d still like a word with them,” Black Widow crosses her arms.
“Maybe later, right now–” Miguel turns to the Spiderlings. “–we should head back to HQ. We’ll send out an alert, every spider will look for [Name] when they can. We’ll search every universe if we have to.”
“Great, what do we do?” Tony asks, gesturing to his comrades.
“Miguel turns back to them. “You said [Name]’s got a tracker in the suit, right?” Tony nods. “We’ll need something that can latch onto its signal as soon as a Spider enters an Earth, no matter how far away they are. Can you build something like that? You can use tech from other universes if you need to.”
Tony nods, resolute. “You better get my kid back.”
Miguel nods. “We will.” A portal opens, swallowing Miguel and the Spiderlings.
“FRI, get the workshop ready and notify the others of the situation,” says Tony, turning around and making his way out of the warehouse. Nat and Bruce follow. “I want Strange and Wanda on this immediately.”
“Certainly, sir.”
Tony mutters under his breath, “I’ll get my damn kid back, alright.”
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notes: if you're female-identifying ur def vicky's gay awakening LOL
i'm not entirely sure is "badassium" is the canon name for tony's new element, i actually think i saw somewhere that it was the name fans gave it. either way "badassium" is what we rockin' with.
i hope my explanation as to why reader hasn't been found isn't too confusing. i didn't plan on having it kind of explained so soon but a group up spideys (who are all basically genius cuz they're SPIDERMAN) are bound to figure it out. also like that whole 'the spiders and the avenger' meeting scene was supposed to be in the last chapter but i forgot to add it LOL
also chatgpt came up with webbers acronym guys i am NOT smart enough for that.
damian: good job getting into their base of operations (apartment) now we can gather more info on them
jon, who just wanted to spend time w/ reader: oh yeah lol light work
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spennsrs · 3 months
spencer agnew x reader
reader is a new intern/assistant for the games department and her and spencer kinda hit it off
possible slow burn
spencer content <3 love you
↳˳;; ❝ fuckin' nerd ༊*·˚
here we go spencer nation this is for you and erm its somewhat slowburn ig.... no confirmation of relationship so yas... reader referred to using they/them <3
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first day jitters fuckin' sucked. [y/n] could attest to that.
they rub their hands on the front of their jeans, the material somewhat grounding them as they stare at the office building... okay, technically it wasn't their first day, they had been there yesterday to set their desk up and get somewhat acquainted with the games side of the office. they met alex tran, jacqi, even vida!
but a specific glasses wearing, kickstart drinkin' idiot (alex tran's words) wasn't there. spencer agnew.. or their boss, essentially.
[y/n] didn't know why they were so nervous. it's not like spencer was a scary guy, per say... maybe he was. shaking their head, [y/n] enters the building with a semi-confident grin on their face, entering the lobby... only to be met with another body. well.. more like colliding.
"oh shit, i'm sorry dude-" "my bad-"
[y/n] collects themself as they brush off their clothes, before looking up to an average height male with curly dark hair and round glasses framing his eyes. he was... cute, in a... kind of dorky, awkward nerdy best friend in some mediocre coming of age novel. they find themself staring and quickly before they start to talk.
"you okay? we bumped pretty hard into each other... usually, i'm paying way more attention, i guess, i'm so sorry-" "hey.. you're that new intern, right? holy shit, you are. [y/n], right? what a first impression... i'm spencer by the way."
fuck. shit. fuckin' shit. of course this was their boss. they just ran into their boss, on their second first day...
"uhm... yeah. i'm [y/n], the one and only, heh. listen, i feel terrible for what i did, i can make it up to you! buy you a coffee, extra work, whatever you need, i'm willing."
their words were met with silence from spencer, and for a brief moment, they thought they fucked up royally. completely. fired on the spot.
"first meeting, an you're already asking me on a date? bold moves, [y/n], but i'm not that easily swayed." spencer's lips tug into a toothy grin, a grin that holds a teasing and chaff, a grin that promises lots of fun jokes at work, a grin that promised to keep them on their toes, to keep their heart fluttering-
[y/n] can't help but snort with a raised brow, determined to give back the same sass. if this is what it was like working here, they could get used to this place. "in your dreams, boss man. workplace relationships never work out anyway." they snap back with a laugh, which makes spencer mirror the action.
"fair enough, fair enough. i'm just pulling your chain, welcome to smosh games. i think we'll get along just fine."
[y/n] likes to agree with that statement.
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only a week of working at smosh, and [y/n] was finding the place to be a second home of sorts.
alex t had quickly climbed the ranks of becoming [y/n]'s favorite person, almost like a brother figure of sorts to the newer employee. on the other end of that, spencer had grown to be [y/n]'s biggest enemy, bully, and pin in their ass.
in a loving way, of course.
the two of them would bounce off each other's energy, and could bicker for hours, and had even developed a bit of a joking beef in the office. this also led to a little.. club of sorts, smosh employees who were banking on spencer and [y/n] eventually ending up together. even mythical employees were in on this, thanks to trevor. (who would've known rhett and link would be the fan club's number one members)
of course, this had led to some unspoken feelings, at least on spencer's side of things. he refused to say a thing, workplace relationships and h.r and all that jazz or whatever. he also didn't want to seem creepy as their boss having a crush on one of the interns. the only person who actively knew about spencer's little... predicament was alex t, which kind of sucks considering how close alex was to [y/n]. so, all in all, he was fucked.
lost in his own thoughts, spencer made his way to the office kitchen to grab another kickstart when he notices [y/n] fiddling with... well, he couldn't give a shit. what mattered was [y/n] was here. he runs a hand through his hair as he approaches them from behind, a wicked grin on his lips before he gently pokes their side. the other's body jolts and spencer catches how their eyes go wide like saucers, before spinning to glare at spencer. he could tell the glare wasn't angry or upset really, but also the bubbling laugh kinda gave them away.
"hey, [y/n], whatcha doin'? anything interesting?"
the other scoffs and turns back to what they were doing, which spencer can actually see is them fixing their lunch as [y/n] releases a dramatic sigh. "i was peacefully making lunch, but now the duke of chaos himself is here."
"duke of chaos? i'm the god of chaos, thank you very much, goddess of idiocy." that earned him another friendly glare over the shoulder. this is what he adored about them. sure, they were really cute, and their laugh was like... the most beautiful song he's heard, and their hands were nice and soft and fit right in his perfectly-
spence, stop getting carried away.. right.
he adored [y/n] because they knew how to joke, how to have a laugh, to keep up with his rather snarky little comments. he really valued that in a friend or a partner, but for some reason.. playful bullying looked really good especially on [y/n]. well... [y/n]'s specific hair color looked good on them as well... and that new top - he knew it was new because maybe he overheard them talking to chanse about it - fit them perfectly, and their eye color fit them perfectly-
"anyone home in there? this is ground control to spencer agnew, do you copy?" .... oh shit, they had been talking. he stared at them with wide eyes, swallowing thickly. he felt something akin to a blush creeping up his neck to settle on his cheeks, and he knew they could see it based on the sly smirk that played onto their lips. "you're lucky it's me you're staring, y'know. think about that next time you gawk at women while zoning out."
"i wasn't-.. shut up, i wasn't gawking!" he definitely was gawking.
"you stupid fuckin' nerd. come on, we have a meeting to get to."
spencer could live with this, keeping the pretty intern a daydream away so they could keep a good work friendship with their inside jokes and their movie nights they'll end up having, spencer sharing his love for kickstarts with [y/n] who will complain but drink them anyway... as long as they were in his life, he didn't quite care what they were, or what other people thought of them. he couldn't care less if he gave his feelings away in the fleeting touches when they returned a pen they borrowed and how he made it linger, or how he stared at them like they hung the stars in the sky just for him... he didn't need a picture perfect movie ending...
all that mattered was he was their stupid fuckin' nerd, where they liked (or knew) it or not.
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olivianyx · 6 months
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Heyy all! I've been focusing on my senior professional medical year and it has been stressful. So here are some things I manifested effortlessly and a few things without me thinking about it. Long ass post ahead! ⚠️⚠️
1. Getting more pocket money than usual. Like my parents usually transact in my account like a $80 or $100 AUD per month. But in both feb and march this year, they transacted me $500 and $700 AUD! Plus! I occasionally find $10 or $50 cash in my classroom or on the streets sometimes (and they come lie next to my feet 😭) I'd ask everyone in my class if it's theirs, and they say no. What do y'all expect me to do? Like go and give it to the university management?? 😭 hell no, so i kept it lol.
3. My crush giving me hints that she's obsessed with me 😭 like she literally told me 'you're so sweet and caring, I've never met a person like this after my grandma' cus her grandma passed away recently and she was so depressed. She even had an eye infection, so she stopped coming to the uni. So i had to make sure she's alright, and met her everyday cus she needed someone real bad. Like she needed to talk to someone and get that thing bothering her outta her head. I was there all along whatever she was going through (don't come at me y'all, ik if we help someone they would say all these things but she's my crush lol so) She's also getting real close to me, like she tells me how annoying people are lol. She loves skin ship, physical touch, being clingy around me, and complimenting me 😭😭 so these are the hints 😭 like friends wouldn't do that right? Would they?? (My friends diss me right in front of everyone 😶)
4. I've always been the type to care too much for the silliest things, nowadays I don't really put my energy into it and become all anxious. My anxiety levels have completely gone down like I'm literally cool asf?? Even while being in public?? Literally yess
5. Manifested getting my hair coloured next week! and my mom permitted me! For my cousin's engagement in april, I wanna be there like the hot younger sister I am lol. I just wanna make my relatives and their kids jealous cus they made fun of me when I was younger (my younger self has been dreaming for this moment) so why not a revenge glow up?? 😭
6. Losing weight even though I eat like a pig due to my study stress. Like literally I ate a 5 course meal one day and lost 2 kgs the next day? (cus I randomly checked my weight for 2 days cus I had to submit my height and weight to the university student records)
7. Getting a natural blush on my face! Like it's such a game changer, I look like a movie star y'all 😭✋🏻
8. My teachers complimenting me for my discipline and high scores. As yk uni professors don't even give af bout students and they complimented me??
9. Getting into a new friend group! My old one was too toxic and they would always bully me (verbally) my new friend group is literally soo damn enjoyable! Like they're the cool kids of the year 😭 and now I'm one too!
10. As I mentioned in my older post that I'm moving into an apartment. We moved in and it was too difficult for me to sleep as the place was new and also there we're disturbances in the night time like stomping noises or playing loud music at night. So the neighbors there were too sweet that they introduced and comforted us that it's okay and if something's bothering us they'll take care of it. And they literally made the people who we're causing those disturbances to vacate out 😭😭✋🏻
11. My hair getting shinier! It was brittle before as I was severely anemic, now my baby hair is back and it's shining ✨
12. I overheard my parents conversing that they should make me audition for an entertainment company....like what? 😭😭✋🏻 when I asked them once years back they denied giving me a 4 hour lecture and now they wanna make me audition?? Like literally 😭 y'all watch me at the Grammy's (after 5 years lol)
13. Getting into the void on command or intention.
14. I literally get free foods everywhere I go 😭😭
15. I got free gifts from my uncle who's living in France! He works at a fashion company and he sent me perfumes and a few outfits (I can't reveal it I'm sorry)
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I've decided to respawn to my waiting next month. I'm still scripting how my waiting room should be... So it might take time for me. So till then I'm gonna be strengthening my self concept even more, and also getting more and more excited to be in my waiting room! I want my waiting room to be like a more like a sci fi movie and a princess fairytale combined 😭 (ik I'm weird). Like I just want my favorite anime characters to be there to help me script my DR ✋🏻 So I'm kinda in a more excited mode lately to script my waiting room! Will give you updates on how my waiting room will be in a future post! So until then take care, love you, byeeee byeeee!
- olivia 🤍
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171 notes · View notes
97keanu · 1 year
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Dave Lizewski x goth!Reader
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Premise: Dave sits next to you in History, he's been secretly pining for you for ages, but he's been too scared to ask you out since you're so pretty and your goth exterior is very intimidating for him. To his surprise, he and you are paired up to finish a history assignment this weekend. Truth is, you thought he was cute too...
Tags: 18+ characters/pining!Dave/extremely nerdy and loser!Dave/hard exterior soft interior!reader/reader who despite having a crush on Dave does NOT want to admit it(tsundere!reader)/Mutual pining/mini slow burn into eventual smut/virgin!dave/submissive!Dave + switch!Dave who ends up taking control/reader on top/oral(both parties)/face sitting/edging/no condom/raw/doggy/cuddling/aftercare
A/N: Finalized version 7/8/23, fully edited. I am glad so many of you liked this and I am hoping to return to this couple in the future!
Taglist: @lazyneonrabbitt
(Ask to be tagged in upcoming one offs of Dave if you'd like!)
Imagines of these two: here and here
Jennifer's Body AU reader x Dave here
UPDATE!!! Read the direct sequel here
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It's a normal Friday afternoon and Dave sits, staring out the window and daydreaming about this or that for his last class of the day. Class hasn't started yet, and what pulls Dave out of his daydream is you. You with your all black clothes, black lipstick and dark style. You walk into class as if its nothing, and every time you do Dave feels butterflies fill his stomach. He still can't believe how lucky he was to get sat next to you, even if he's way too intimidated to say anything to you.
You sit down next to him and you keep your face neutral. You know how mean this highschool has been about your style, so these days you hardly give them anything. And after you broke some jocks finger for trying to touch you in the 10th grade, people leave you alone for the most part. To your face at least. You know they probably snicker when you're not looking, but at the very least you can go on autopilot through out the day and go home to where you can really be yourself.
Dave has no idea about this, he thinks you're just the most confident chick in school, and he is in no way in your league, at all. It doesn't stop him from day dreaming about it though. He goes home and thinks about you at night, thinks about what it would feel like to actually ask you out. He's practiced saying it in the mirror a few times even, but when you sit next to him in class it's like he can't even make his voice say "Hello" let alone "Can I take you to the movies this Friday?". What kind of movies would you even like? God, its hopeless. He's doomed to sit next to you pining until senior years up and he never sees you again.
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Today you sit next to him as always, headphones blaring The Cure while you ignore the world. You do steal a glance towards the guy who sits next to you in History, and quickly glance away, your dark lashes fluttering. You try not to interact with him because you know if you do, it's going to be obvious you like him. You can't help it, something about the way he's obviously so flustered by you, his big blue eyes gazing at you behind those nerdy glasses, it does something to you. Something the other students would notice and probably pick on the both of you for. Imagine it, the social outcast goth girl and the loser nerdy boy? No way, it's something you're not willing to risk after being bullied from your last school. No, its better to not think about it. Keep your headphones in and look forward, pretend you see nothing.
Your history teacher begins class, so you put away your headphones and get ready to start class. As you put them in your bag, you catch Dave's eyes. He looks like he almost wants to say something to you, and you furrow your thin and arched brows, giving off a "why are you talking to me" energy without even trying to really. It's almost second nature at this point for you, and when you see his cheeks heat up, you feel your heart jump, a mixture of feeling bad for how you come off and a hope for what he might have wanted to say. His hand nervously slides his glasses back up, his big blue eyes blinking away in embarrassment, the words unsaid falling flat in the air and your history teacher gaining the attention of the class.
You turn from Dave, obviously conflicted about what transpired, even if it was brief. It was one of the few times you two interact, but somehow when you sit next to him for this hour long class, it's as if you are interacting. You can almost feel the space between you two, and the times when his foot or your leg gets too close, bumps, barely touches, it's almost electric. It truly makes it hard to focus on class at times, but for the most part if you really fixate on what the teacher is saying, you can get by. From the looks Dave gives you at the end of class usually, he didn't hold up as well for the most part.
"This seating arrangement really was a mistake..." You muse silently to yourself inside your head, a small sigh escaping your lips.
Your teacher begins describing the next history assignment for the weekend, it's supposed to be something about fake "interviewing" someone from the history lessons from so far, or something, you're catching about half of it, but you know they pass out a more detailed paper later.
Meanwhile, Dave is beating himself up for, once again, not being able to ask you out tonight.
"C'mon man, you should have just said it!" He curses himself mentally. "Worst she could say is no right? God...with her, she might actually bite my head off..."
He's practically sweating next to you, his hand nervously tapping the table between you two lightly. Your hand, inches away is trying to take notes on what the assignment is supposed to have because you absorb it better when you actually write it out. As well as an excuse to not focus on Dave's nervous fidgeting beside you.
Dave is biting the inside of his cheek trying to game plan if he can save this, ask you at the end of class, when the teacher says something that makes his stomach drop, but his heart flutter.
"Alright, so that's the basis of the assignment, however, I would like for you to work with your table partner outside of class this weekend and choose which of you will be the interviewer and the interviewee..."
"Holy shit!" Dave could practically jump out of his seat from excitement and fear. This means he doesn't even have to actually ask you out, now you two are forced to spend time together this weekend!
"Holy shit..." You think to yourself. You feel entirely tense, as if you need to run out of the room right this instant, and your cheeks are hot under your makeup. This means you have to spend time, alone, with Dave this weekend. The truth was, you weren't even dreading it because you hate him, even if you try to convince yourself that. No, the truth was...you didn't know if you keep the charade up if you were to spend that sort of time together. Surely, surely...he would notice the crush you had been building for him for the past few months...
The teacher dismisses the class early, letting everyone figure out how they're going to make time this weekend with each other. You could turn to stone, in fact maybe you have because to your surprise it takes Dave's squeaky, unsure voice to call you name to get you out of your trance.
"Yes...Dave?" You turn, almost ridgid, but trying to be neutral, if not kind. Dave is obviously shocked, this might be the most attention he's ever scored from you!
"Well, since we're paired up, I was uh..um..." His doe eyes dart down as he speaks, finding the right words. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school to work on it?"
You can't believe it, he wants you to come over, now? No way, you can't even hardly bring yourself to move from your seat, let alone find your way over to Dave's house. You find your head giving the smallest, most timid of shakes as you stare at him with disbelief of the situation.
"Oh! Uh yeah no it's totally cool.." Dave senses the rejection and is obviously red faced as he scratches the back of his head, moving those mop of gorgeous dark curls around. "It's so sudden, you probably have big plans for a Friday night, huh?"
The way he's so obviously trying to make this work begins to melt at your icy heart. You shake your head again and immediately Dave is trying to stammer out more, but you finally find your words and work everything out.
"No, that's okay, Dave, I actually, um... I could come to your place around 7pm if that's okay?" Your usually confident self feels a bit wavered as you ask. Dave's eyes shine so brightly you think he may burst, the color in his cheeks different than before.
"Oh, that's totally awesome! I'll give you my address!" He says, with unusually less attempts to speak than normal, he must be really excited about this. You gulp at the thought, and as Dave takes a pen and rips off a piece of notebook paper, you do the same. You write down your number, in case you two need to talk at all between now and then.
You can't help yourself, you put a little black heart next to your number. It's like something has possessed you, you can't even stop yourself. "God...this is just the start..." A part of your subconscious whispers somewhere...
If you thought Dave was over the moon when you agreed to come over tonight, he's downright estactic when he sees you pass over your number.
"This is...for me??" He stares at you, mouth agape, and doesn't even realize what a dumb question that was, but you can't help but find it endearing.
"For if I get lost or something comes up..." You trail off with reasons, but you know you truly just wanted to give him your number despite your reservations. Dave totally thinks the reasons are valid though, he scrambles to put his number on the paper he passed towards you with his address.
"Oh, that makes sense here, lemme just..." His tongue pokes out the corner of his mouth as he scrawls his number. He passes it back to you again, and your cheek heat skyrockets as you see he's also put a heart. He seems pleased with himself and shy about it at the same time, as if this is a secret between the two of you.
You begin packing up after that, and look at him with your lips pursed, unable to reciprocate all he's giving you right now. As you walk away he calls out.
"Alright, see you tonight then!" And you're almost sure the whole class has eyes on your back while you walk quickly from the room, eyes down. You just hope no one decides to dig their grimy fingers into the sliver of hope that this just might work out in the way you're terrified of...
The sky has started to turn dark, amber meeting violet in wispy clouds above. You're looking about for the address Dave wrote down, but his writing is comparable to chicken scratch. You find the house you think is his, and decide to text the number Dave also wrote extremely poorly underneath the address. You take pause, staring at the heart he returned on the piece of paper, and wonder if you should go through with this. It's not like you can just back out either, both your grades rely on this.
"It's just studying..." You breath out into the chilled brink of nighttime air, and text him you're here.
You are surprised how soon Dave is bounding down the stairs inside before opening the door with a big smile.
"You're here! Awesome, I just got pizza ordered, it's inside!" He does everything but pull you inside, he's so excited.
You feel some of your fears evaporate as you cross the threshold of his house. It's very homey, something your house always lacked. You feel like while its not pristine, it's meant to be lived in, a place where life goes on inside. You can't remember the last time you felt that way about a place, maybe your grandma's house, once upon a time...
Dave ushers you into his kitchen where he's got pizzas and snacks laid out. You can't help but feel like this is turning out more date than study when you see the set up. Your stomach builds with butterflies as you realize he's done all this just for you. You who has ignored him, at times being borderline mean, but of course you would have had to give him the attention he deserved to have truly been mean. That would have been more than you ever had given him by a mile. "Shit..." You think to yourself as you consider the situation.
"Yeah, I figured ya know, you might be hungry and it uh, it t-takes brain power to uh do a study...study date...." He stammers out as he sees your reaction, totally trying to wring out the study from 'study date' the way you do from a wet cloth.
You can't help it, you're flattered despite yourself. No one has ever been this kind to you since you moved to your new school in 9th grade. A part of you is desperate...desperate for this attention, for this connection you so clearly don't deserve. And with a sweetheart like Dave of all people. You feel a lump in your throat, but nod, agreeing with his words. His anxiety seems to have subsided as you do, and he beams a grin at you.
"Yeah! Here lemme grab this," he takes the pizza and a can of soda for each of you with ease. "And we can head up to my room to get started?"
His room. Oh god...
Your legs follow despite everything in you feeling absolutely undeserving of this kindness, your combat boots thunking on the kitchen tiles.
He takes you upstairs to his attic room and you are surprised. As much as it's a teenage boys room, it's also quite clean, and looks really comfortable. He sets you guys up on the bed and pats a place next to him. You settle down next to him, and he flips on a TV across from the bed. You wonder how you went from being here to study, to having pizza and movie.
"I just thought we might like to watch something while we eat..." Dave says in a nervous mutter as he sees your face.
"Okay..." You say, taking a slice of pizza and nibbling a bite. With all the butterflies in there, you don't think your stomach can hold much more than a slice right now. The two of you settle into his bed, munching on slices of pizza and watching some action flick Dave's put on...
After you two are done eating, Dave moves the food stuffs out of the way, and it's just the two of you on the bed. Somehow much more intimate now that there's not a pizza box between you two. You try to focus on the movie, but you can feel Dave glancing at you for much of it.
Dave can't help himself, you just looks so gorgeous, your dark eye make up is so sharp and bold, the thought of you taking control of him, of you pushing him into his bed and using him up keeps running through his thoughts. He even tried to jack off before you came over so he wouldn't be a total horn dog, but here he is, imagining what it would be like to lean over and kiss your black lips. God...he couldn't even ask you out properly, and the only reason you're here is because of the school assignment. There's no way you would be here otherwise. "I'm such a loser..." He thinks to himself, his eyes darting away from your face when you glance over and catch him staring. Instead his eyes land on your hand, laying in between the two of you on the bed, your finger nails black like the rest of your attire.
"Maybe if I could just..." He thinks, imagining himself being bold enough to take your hand, to test the waters to see if something was there. It would be enough that he could see if you have any interest, but wouldn't be as awkward as what he wants to do, which is lean over, take your delicate face in his hands and look you in the eye before kissing you as deeply as he can. Yes, holding hands would go over better than that, he has to tell himself. He feels shaky as one of his hands reaches up to push his glasses back into place, focusing himself to complete the task of holding your hand. The movie plays on...
After what seems like ages of Dave having an internal debate, he raises his hand slowly, deliberately, making a move towards your hand. You seem to be caught in the movie right now, the film is nearing it's climax as you two sit beside each other. If all goes wrong, he'll just pull his hand back and pretend he didn't mean to move it there. "Yeah, like that will work..." The voice in his head chides. It's too late now, he's already practically doing it, his hand hovering over yours before slowly dropping it down, the heat of his hand meeting yours, before softening into a hold.
You let out a small gasp, but don't pull your hand away. Dave is at a loss for words, he doesn't know how to explain it away, he IS holding your hand, and it's clear he doesn't mean it in a friendly way from how red his cheeks get. All you can do is stare at him right now, it's like time passes by in molasses, sticky and sweet. You can't believe it, he's really making a move on you...
What surprises you more is the fact that when your body catches up to your brain, you're moving towards him with fervor. Your other hand comes to the side of his face and you're crushing your lips against his. The movie is forgotten, as well as your inhibitions. Your lips tingle when they meet his, and you can't help yourself, somehow his small innocent touch has caused the dam you built inside yourself to stay away from him to collapse. You're working your lips into his like he's the air you breathe, and Dave is so caught off guard he's letting you, moving along with you as his guide.
"Oh my god, she's kissing me...I'm kissing a girl!" Dave thinks to himself, totally blown away, his eyes wide at first before melting into your kiss, his glasses only sort of getting in the way.
"God...I can't help it...he's so nerdy and sweet, I need to know what his body is like..." You think to yourself, your hands moving wildly into his mess of curly hair, gripping and tugging him into your kiss.
It's the type of kiss that almost hurts its so wanted.
You find yourself pulling away for a moment to catch your breath, and you see your black lipstick smudged both on Dave's pouty, plump from being kissed lips, as well as your own from the reflection of his glasses. You look as if you've totally given in, your eyes filled with a desire you've never seen before. You look back into Dave's vibrant blue eyes and see he's completely at your will.
"P-please...don't stop..." He whispers, those eyes of his pleading for you to continue. God, you want to fuck his brains out right here, and at this rate you think you will.
What surprises you next is Dave taking a bit of control, his own hands wrapping around your waist and bringing you on top of him, his hands grabbing into your gothic hair style, and your lips colliding once again as Dave let's out a whimper into your kiss. You can't help but moan back, the sound a dull vibration between your lips. Dave kisses sloppily, he wants you so bad and he's never kissed a girl before, that much is clear. You bite his lower lip to slow him down and take control, his body jumping from the bite, and where your legs straddle him you can feel his hardness against you as he bucks. God, he's like putty in your hands.
Dave can hardly contain himself, his hands roam your body freely, at some point one of his hands finds it's way under your skirt, gripping your hips and running along your stomach. He doesn't want to go too north or south without your permission, scared to run you and the pleasure you're giving him off. You can tell, and moan in a way that signals your frustration, before releasing your hands from where they're knotted in his curls and grabbing his wrists. You guide his hands underneath your shirt and sit up on him, letting him explore your breasts over your bra as you slip your shirt off and quickly discard it on his floor. As you look down, Dave's eyes are wider than ever, totally encapsulated by your body, his mouth hanging open and stained with your dark lipstick.
"God...you're so sexy..." He mumbles, not even sure what he's saying, just that he's in total awe of you. He's wanted this for so long he feels like he's accidently just convinced himself that you're really here, really doing this. It's as if you're a dream come to life instead of actually straddling him on his bed.
You reach back and undo your bra, the straps sliding down slowly before you pull your bra over your head, your breasts falling out. Dave doesn't need to be told to grab them, he's getting the hang of this. He feels the softness of your chest before exploring your nipples playfully. You smirk down at him as your hips ride him fully clothed.
"Would you like to taste them...?" You say slyly, almost savoring his reaction, knowing how excited he is. All he can do is nod eagerly and say 'Please'. You lean down and let Dave cup your breasts, pulling one of them to his mouth and sucking hungrily. He has dreamed of this moment, thought of it before bed with his cock in his left hand. He never thought he would actually be here, playing with your nipples in his mouth, switching sides so your other breast doesn't feel lonely.
You continue to grind against him, his already hard cock feeling as if he will cum just from you dry humping him. You can feel it twitching, aching to be released from his pants. You slide down his body, his mouth popping off your breast with a soft pop! before he gives out a whine that he wanted more. He looks down at you as you reach his pants, and playfully stare up at him with your devilish, make up smeared smile. Somehow knowing he's messed up your perfect goth make up is turning him on. He even finds himself imagining if he could ruin it more by cumming on your pretty little face. He wonders if you would ever let him and groans as you begin pulling his pants down and letting his cock free.
You're surprised not for the first time tonight, and not for the last. Dave's cock is huge! You had no idea this little nerd was packing so much heat, it's way longer and girthier than any cock you've seen up until now, and even putting your black manicured hand around it is making your hands look so small in comparison. Dave seems almost shy about his cock, he shifts nervously as you gaze at it, mouth slightly agape at his size, and Dave wonders if you don't like it.
"Is it...okay?" He finally squeaks out from nerves, and your eyes dart back up to his, dragging out of the trance the sight of his cock put you in. You begin to stroke him and nod.
"More than okay..." You say as you feel your cheeks heat up, your mouth watering just thinking about sucking him off. You hear Dave whimper out from your touch, his back arching into you, his hips bucking for more already. He feels so sensitive, as if your touch is too much.
"Please be careful...I don't know how long I can last..." He warns you, and the idea that you get to edge him until you want him to cum has your legs clenching from the wetness unraveling there. You can't believe how your body reacts to his, it's as if every little thing he does has your stomach coiled and shivers running up and down your body. You look him in the eyes as you place your mouth over the tip of his thick cock.
He closes his eyes in pleasure just from that, and you pause. You know you'll be doing a lot of stopping and starting, going so slow, just to keep him from blowing his load early. Dave is glad once again that he has already cum a few times today, if not he would have definitely came from you dry humping him earlier. He moves a hand to your hair, holding and petting you as you begin to go deeper, bobbing up and down in a rhythm that keeps him on his toes. He can't believe how hot and wet your mouth is, and you leave black rings on his cock as you go.
You suck his cock with purpose, finding out what gets him going very easily, and putting a stop to it before he goes too far. He's a whining mess, breathing hard and husky, his voice coming out in a quiver as he speaks your name, begging you. When you think he's had as much as he can take right now, your lips satisfyingly pop off his cock, and you look him in the eyes, his cock beside your sweet face.
"Now that I've tasted you Dave...I think it's your turn to taste me..." Dave's eyes are heavy with want, but they widen as he realizes what you're getting at. Truly, you can't even believe you're so eager for him, but you've fought it for so long you can't anymore. You know what you want in this instance, and your body isn't letting your brain ruin this for you. You take off your bottoms, leaving you naked before him, his eyes grazing your body with need.
You put your knees on either side of his face, and Dave looks up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes as he stares up from under your pussy.. You worried a bit if he would shy away from it, some men can be afraid of eating women out, especially their first time doing it. But Dave has literally imagined over and over what it would be like to have you sit on his face and to eat you up like his life depended on it. And he does just that.
Without having to give him any pointers, he grabs your hips and presses your pussy onto his face, his tongue going to town right away. He begins with your clit first, sucking the whole thing right away, and you actually have to cry out, your thighs almost crushing his head.
"Sensitive! Wait!" Is all you can say, and Dave seems to get the memo, beginning to swirl his tongue around your clit, playing with it before lightly lapping at it, sometimes with his tongue pointed, others with it flat and tasting all of you. Dave is grateful he ever cared to look up online how to do this properly, even though at the time he never thought he would ever get to use this knowledge.
You're surprised when he even begins to tongue your wet hole, playing with you there before dragging his tongue back up to play with your clit. He isn't perfect at it for his first time, and you likely won't cum from just this, but god does his tongue feel good down there. Dave is definitely not embarrassing himself in this catergory. He even presses your hips, pushing your pussy further on his face, practically suffocating under you from time to time, before releasing himself, his hot breath tickling your pussy. He looks up at you every so often with such a submissive look you can barely believe it. He loves being beneath you, you taking from him just how you like it. His cock is still hard and twitching, you reach back just to give it a feel and you can tell his cock has calmed enough you could probably get on top without him spilling in you right away.
"I want you inside me, Dave..." You whisper down at him, as you pull your pussy off him and he opens his eyes, completely drunk off your pussy, your wetness glistening on his lips.
"Anything you want..." He replies, his eyelids heavy and pleased with everything so far. He wants to make sure you're satisfied.
"In that case, I'm going to cum on your cock Dave...I need you to hold out til I'm finished..." You're voice is so soft, but commanding at the same time, which Dave is crazy for. You can see he's nervous about it still, worried he will disappoint and cum too early, but he nods with determination.
You move down, and position yourself over his red, hard cock. You look him in the eyes as you slowly lower yourself, his tip gliding in, stretching you out already.
"Fuck...." You moan out, your eyes closing as you take him inch by inch. He is completely enamored, watching you closely, and so confused as to how someone as hot and intimidating as you is fucking herself on his cock. You bite your messy lip as you find yourself struggling to fit him all, he makes you feel so full. When you finally do, you let yourself sit there for a moment and take it all in, enjoying the feeling of being so completely filled.
"God, Dave...your cock is so big..." You murmur out and Dave can't believe you think his cock is big, he never realized that, he knew it wasn't small but somehow he had convinced himself he wasn't that big either.
Eventually, you begin rocking your hips, moving up and down as you both gasp from pleasure. You use your hands to steady yourself on his chest while your other hand begins to touch your sensitive clit, working it until it feels amazing, heat flooding you.
Dave holds onto your hips and helps you move on him, sometimes going slower to stop himself. He wants to fill you up so badly it hurts, his stomach and muscles are so tight, his arm muscles clenching and showing themselves as his big hands guide your hips. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer by the minute.
"Dave, you're going to make me cum..." You whisper out as you begin to feel it. Dave looks at you with worry, and asks you something you forgot to talk about before getting wrapped up on the heat of the moment.
"If you cum, I'm going to cum...do we need a condom?" He says, his brows furrowed. You thank god you are on reliable birth control right now.
"It's okay, I have birth control, go crazy..." You say off handedly, not expecting much change in reaction.
Somehow, hearing you tell him to 'go crazy' starts something in him. He almost hesitates, but there's something he really wants to try. You can tell by the look on his face that he is planning something, and with a slight nod you silently tell him to go for it.
Dave quickly lips you off his cock and effortlessly tosses you onto the bed face first. You gasp out, the power dynamic shifting in that moment. You didn't know he was that strong...
He grabs your hips and ass and pulls them into his cock, easily slipping back inside your wet folds and pushing himself so deep you had no idea he could even do that. You moan out his name and grip the pillows beneath you, suddenly feeling like the submissive one now.
"Fuck, Dave..." You breath out and shudder as he fucks you so deeply you can hardly breath right. "I didn't know you could be this...dominant..."
Dave almost chuckles at your comment, but he agrees silently. Something about you letting him fuck you like this has emboldened him, he grips you harder, playing with your ass as he goes. Squishing and squeezing it, enjoying the feel of it in his hands.
You move so one of your hands can be under you, fumbling for your wet clit once again. You moan out Dave's name loudly as he fucks you deeply, your ass bouncing against his thighs with satisfying slaps. Dave can feel you clenching as you get closer, and it's so hard for him to contain himself. He wants to spill inside you so badly, his face scrunches up from the thought, he has to bite his lip to think of something else, even if it's the pain of biting.
"Please...I can't hold on much longer..." He says between heavy breaths and calling your name.
You focus, finding the sweet spot and so lost in his cock fucking you that suddenly your legs are locking up as your pussy clamps down on his cock, your climax spilling over the edge as you moan Dave's name. Dave pounds you harder as you do this, needing to to keep up as you clench around him so tightly it makes it hard to fuck you. Almost as soon as you reach your peak, Dave is thrusting his final thrusts into you, his cum welling up and shooting off inside of you, making a total mess of your pussy. You cry out as he does this and Dave groans loudly, his body shaking and his cock twitching as it finishes releasing.
When he's done, he stays there for a moment before carefully pulling out, his cum dripping onto the bed, and the tip of his cock so sensitive he has to rush to pull the end out so it doesn't hurt.
Dave doesn't even care anymore about being shy with you, he pulls you onto him and snuggles onto your hair, taking deep breaths.
"That was amazing...I can't believe you let me do that..." He whispers into your hair, he could almost cry from how emotional and raw he feels right now, but he holds it back as best he can, not wanting to cry during sex even though you wouldn't have held it against him anyways.
He holds you for a long time, and during that time you can't even speak, the afterglow of your breath and sweaty bodies speaking for itself. You never wanted to let Dave in, and now here you are, full of his cum and sore from his cock, while you lay naked in his bed, cuddling. You end up blocking out any negative thoughts, and realize that it was so worth it. You move and snuggle into his neck, petting his chest, and musing lightly into his skin.
"I'm glad I came over, Dave..." You end up saying, because that's how you feel about all of this. Dave pets your hair and laughs lightly.
"I'm glad you came over too..."
There's no way that history project is getting done tonight.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
what do you think about batboys/ feysand/ nessian with a mate that used to get bullied before they met, And one day they’re at ritas and she sees her old bullies and she freezes up. They notice and reader explains and they beat the bullies up, UGHH THE ANGSTT AND COMFORT👀🤍
Ex’s Are Assholes
Poly!batboys x reader
A/n: I went with the boys on this one bc they’d go feral if you ran into your old bully (I didn’t proof read this so sorry in advance for typos I didn’t have the energy)
Warnings: over protective bat boys and slight violence
For date night the boys decided to take you drinking and dancing at Rita’s. It wasn’t with the rest of the group, just you and your mates. And they promised you ice cream later so you were happy to go to Rita’s for date night.
You were just happy to have their undivided attention. Currently you were dancing with Rhys. He spun you, pulled you back into him so he could sway with you to the music.
Cassian and Azriel made their way back to you holding drinks for all of you. Cassian handed Rhys his wine and you your cocktail. As you danced around with them more Cass accidentally bumped your arm causing you to spill your drink.
“Oh, honey! I am so sorry. Let me get you another one.” He said in that sweet apologetic tone. You smiled at him kissing his cheeks. “Don’t worry baby, I’m gunna go get another.” You sauntered off to the bar shooting them a wink over your shoulder.
Approaching the bar you spot Marcy, your favorite bartender ever! “Hi y/n! Usual cocktail?” You gave her a big smile. “Yes please. Cass made me spill.” March smiled and shook her head as she made you another drink. “I’m out of your choice of vodka. I’m gunna go grab another bottle.” She said, walking out from behind the bar toward the back room.
As you waited by the bar you felt someone nudge your arm. You moved over a smidge to give the stranger room but you couldn’t shake the familiarity of their presence. Glancing next to you, you stop breathing. Your ex-boyfriend is staring down at you, wearing a smirk that made you squirm.
“Hi y/n.” He drawls clearly drunk. He tries to tilt your head up by your chin but you jerk away. This male was the last person you wanted to see. He treated you like shit throughout your relationship. He was verbally abusive and tried to turn your friends against you. Gaslighting you was his fucking hobby and when you had enough he played the victim.
You firm,y pointed a finger at him, “Don’t ever. Fucking touch me again.” Your voice shook a little, your eyes going wide as tears welled in them. You hated that he had this affect on you. “Come on sweetheart. You know you want me back.”
You were at a loss for words. The only thing on your mind was getting back to the safety of your boys and getting the fuck out of here. You turned on your heel and sped walked through the bar until you saw the back of Cassian’s wings.
You rant the last few steps, grabbing Azriel’s arm to try and stop your hands from shaking. You looked back at the bar and saw your ex walking toward you. “I want to go home. We have to go now.” Azriel put his drink down on the high top table they were standing at, gently holding your arms.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Your whole body was shaking at this point. Cassian and Rhys followed your gaze and saw the male drunkenly stumbling towards you. “Was he bothering you?” Rhys’ voice tense and dark. You nod. “He’s my ex.”
You let your tears flow down your cheeks and that sent Cassian over the edge. He stretched out his neck and cracked his knuckles. Az steered you into Rhys’ arms copying Cassian’s movements. Your ex finally made it to the table and clearly couldn’t read their mood.
He tried to walk toward you but Cassian caught his shoulder in a bone crushing grip. “She doesn’t want to speak to you. I suggest you leave.” He growled out. “Or things won’t work out so well for you.” Az added, his voice deadly.
Your ex tried to push Cassian and that’s all they needed. Azriel’s shadows restrained him and he struggled against the dark chains. “Take her home.” Cassian commanded to Rhys. “We’ll be there in a bit.” The two Illyrians led the male outside. The last thing you saw was the door slamming shut before darkness surrounded you and Rhys.
When light appeared again you were back in the living room of the Town House. You collapsed on the couch and began to sob. Rhys held you against him rubbing soothing circles on your back. “It’s ok. You’re safe now, it’s just us. No one’s going to hurt you y/n.”
Pulling yourself together you sat up and wiped at your eyes. Rhys scooted down the couch an inch to give you some space as you took deep breaths. “I hate that he got this reaction out of me.” You gave him a sad look which he returned. “I know darling. Sometimes we hold on to things without even knowing it. And it’s ok to cry about it, there’s nothing wrong with letting those emotions out.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, slipping your arms around his neck as he pulled you into his lap.
A few moments later Cassian and Azriel came in the front door. Their knuckles bloody and panting. You rose form the couch motioning for the, to follow you. You led them to the upstairs bathroom and pointed at the edge of the massive tub, “Sit.”
They followed your orders and waited with their hands resting on their knees. Rhys came to stand next to you handing you two cloths. You wet both of them and started wiping their hands. “You don’t have to do this y/n.” Azriel said, his voice softer than it was when you left him at Rita’s. You just shook your head and continued cleaning his scarred hands until most of the blood was gone.
You threw the cloth in the laundry bin, picking up the other to clean Cassian’s hands. When you were done you kissed them both on their foreheads, pulling them up and leading them to bed.
That night they squished you extra tight between them. Making you feel safe and secure.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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heeseung-min · 8 months
Another day another boring time for Sunoo. He rolled his eyes when his classmates being noisy than usual. Couldn't they just shut up for a second? It makes him wanted to shoot all of them so he can be at peace. His thought got interrupted when someone knocking on his desk.
"Hi Sunoo. Do you want to go eat tteokbokki together after school? We can have it at your favourite place."
Jung Jia. She is most popular girl in the school. But, she is famous for her looks only and she is also a bully. Sunoo saw her bully other students sometimes. He rolled his eyes and scoffed making the girl felt embarrassed.
"You- you don't want? To go with me?"
Of course Jia won't give up. She has been crushing on Sunoo for quite a long time so she doesn't want to let the chance go just like that. She is the most popular girl in school after all. She would not let Sunoo reject her just like that.
"Just get lost."
Sunoo's cold tone was enough to make the girl went back to her seat. Jia clenched her fists when her friends made fun of her. She hold herself from launching her anger on them. The class went silent when the teacher came in and some of them murmured when they saw a new student following the teacher.
"Alright class, this is Y/n. She just transferred here so I hope you guys will be good to her."
The teacher asked Y/n to sit beside Sunoo. She can see some of them flashed a genuine smile to her and she also could see some of them rolled and scoffed at her. Sunoo on the other hand was mesmerized. It's the first time someone caught his eyes. You are really beautiful. You smile sweetly to Sunoo and once again introduce yourself to him.
"Hi, my name is Y/n. What's yours?"
He knew from this moment he should make you his.
"Sunoo. My name is Kim Sunoo."
"Don't you think Sunoo has changed?"
One of the classmates asked to Jia as they were having lunch break. Jia looked up to them for more details on that.
"Don't you see he's been hanging out with Y/n? Hell, before this he didn't even want to talk with us. But now, look at him being smiley and giggly with Y/n."
Jia turned her eyes to the third table from them and saw by herself how Sunoo behaves when he's with you. She clenched her fist when she saw Sunoo put a strand of your hair behind your ear. What Y/n has that makes Sunoo stuck with her everytime. Jia couldn't hold her anger anymore so she left her friends who were still eating.
"Fuck you, Y/n. I will make sure you regret this."
You were sobbing and protect yourself from Jia and her gang. When you wanted to go to the library, you got pulled to an empty gym. There, you saw Jia was smoking while staring at you. Her friends were smirking at you and there you knew you were in danger. When you wanted to step back, you got hold by her friend.
"Don't go, doll. We want to play with you for awhile."
You got kicked from behind and a slap on your head. The slap was so strong it made your head spinning a bit. When you tried to move your body to the other side, Jia came in front of you and hold your face tightly.
"I admit you are cute. No wonder Sunoo likes you. But that doesn't mean I let you take him away from me just like that."
She started to pull your hair and dragged you everywhere. Even though you screamed and begging to let go, she didn't care and continue torture you.
"Awh doll. We just started, you can't back out just like that."
They started to tear up your clothes leaving some of your skin exposed. Jia captured your picture few times before showing you one of the result.
"I think some of the senior would like to try you after they see this."
You shouted and pushed Jia with a bit of energy on your body. Jia groaned when her butt fell hard on the floor. Her friends started hold you from both sides so you can't run away.
"Yeah I'm crazy and I want you to stay away from Sunoo."
Sunoo felt worried when you didn't show up. Both of you had agreed to study together at the library. However, it's been an hour now and you didn't even reply his messages or pick up his calls.
Once again he pressed at the call button and waited for you to pick it up. But after few seconds his call was forwarded to the voicemail. He sighed and turn off the call. But then, a message suddenly went in. Sunoo quickly opened it and hoping it was you.
Y/n❣️: Sunoo, sorry I had to go home early. Sorry for not telling you earlier.
Sunoo: No no that's okay. Are you okay, tho?
Sunoo waiting for your reply. You were typing but then you stopped. After two minutes, you replied his message shortly.
Y/n: I'm fine.
The next day, Sunoo didn't see you at the class. He texted you about that but you didn't say anything. He concluded you must be tired and sick so you don't have energy to use phone at all.
But, he became worried when you were absent for a week. The teacher even asked if anyone know what is happening to you but no one answer. However, when Sunoo saw Jia and her friends were giggling, he felt suspicious.
Sunoo was walking to your house. You never show him but he remember the route since he followed you quietly. It's not harming because he did that to protect you from danger. He climbed to your window and saw you were sleeping. Thankfully because of your clumsy ass forgot to lock the window, he could easily enter your room.
Sunoo was absolutely shocked when he saw bruises on your face. There were also on your legs and body. He was mad. Who dare to do this to you? Who dare to hit you?!! He calmed himself and went closer to take a look. Some of the bruises started to fade but Sunoo knew you were hit pretty badly. His thought were interrupted when he heard a notification from your phone. He took it and read the text that just got sent.
Jia: Are you scared to come to school? Come on, we were just playing with you.
Sunoo read every messages that Jia had sent to you and it made him boiled so much. That bitch touched you and hurt you. He will definitely teach her lesson.
He put the phone back on the table and went beside you.
"I will make sure they will rot to hell. I will make sure they get back what they did to you."
Weeks has passed and you finally got an urge to go to the school. You noticed Jia hasn't been texting you since a week ago so you thought that she finally has stop bullying you. The bruises finally faded but the trauma they caused to you was bad. You tried to report it to the teacher about them but the teacher didn't believe you instead saying it's what friends did. Since then, you isolated yourself at your home and didn't contact with anyone. You felt guilty mostly to Sunoo since he didn't do anything wrong but you didn't ever for once call or message him.
Your hands were shaking when you finally arrived in front of the class. You can heard the noises of your classmates from the outside. With a little bit of braveness, you pulled the door and went inside. All of your classmates went silent when they saw you and you started to get anxiety from the staring. You were walking to your seat until one of them shouted.
"Y/n, are you okay now? I heard Jia and her gang bullied you."
"Yeah, she is shitty for doing that."
"It's okay Y/n. It's finally over."
Over? What did they mean by that? You were surprised at how kind and worried they were. You wanted to ask but then the door got opened and Sunoo went inside instead. When he saw your face, there was a relieve expression on him. He quickly went to sit and hugged you tightly.
"Do you know how much I miss you?! You making me feel crazy!"
"I'm sorry, Sunoo."
Sunoo caressed your face gently. The kiss he left on your lips suddenly shocking you. All of your classmates started to cheer for both of you leaving you and Sunoo blushing so hard.
"Where is Jia and her friends?"
"Oh, they got expelled."
Sunoo said casually while munching on the food. You gasped loudly and looked at him for more details.
"Someone saw they were bullying you and they reported to the principal. It was difficult because you know her parents and Mr.Kim keep protecting her but eventually they lost and Mr.Kim and Jia with her friends got expelled."
You let out a sigh after heard what Sunoo said. No wonder you didn't saw your teacher. It was substitute that went into the class this morning. You suddenly crying at the thought that you finally free from the bullying. Sunoo wiped the tears that came out from your face.
"I'm here, Y/n. Don't hide anything from me anymore. Let me help you, okay?"
"Yes, yes thank you so much, Sunoo."
It doesn't matter if the thing that Sunoo said is half truth. What matters is that he finally got rid of what's bothering you and him. He didn't mind to kill anyone if it's for you. Hell, he already did that to Jia with her friends at the night they got expelled from the school. He can still remember the satisfaction from stabbing Jia many times on her body until he ended her life by stabbing straight to the heart.
"Your mother made a mistake by having you but it's okay. I did the favor for her."
He also can still remember how Mr.Kim begged him to not kill him that night. He was about to watch some porn videos until suddenly someone knocked on the door. When he saw Sunoo, he was going to lecture until he got kicked by him and Sunoo keep punching and kicking him until he became so weak.
"You ignored when Y/n reported to you about Jia. Why? Because that bitch sucks your cocks?"
"I'm-I am sorry-erghh!!!"
"Sorry won't change anything. It's okay, I will kill you so you can go to the hell together with Jia."
"I love you, Y/n."
"Love you too, Sunoo."
Ooooo damn😂😂😂 it's been a long time since I write yandere sunoo ahh it feels good reading it. Hope you guys enjoy it as well.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @huggyuvita @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @rowretro
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nicksbestie · 7 months
Hiii could i request a Johnnie Guilbert x gn reader where johnnie has a giant crush on reader and reader flirts w him and flusters him
Yes!!! This was so fun to write bc it's my first fic for this fanbase, so pls give me feedback!! and send in more reqs!! <3
Hallway Crush
word count : 1909
no warnings!
pairing : johnnie guilbert x reader
enjoy! <3
School had never really been Johnnie’s thing.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t good enough to pursue an incredible education, it was just that he didn’t normally have the motivation. He wasn’t dumb, he was incredibly intelligent, but he just didn’t have the energy to push to show it most days. He was the kid who always passed, very average but not stellar grades, but every now and then shocked his teachers and classmates with pulling out a top of the class grade. He would laugh and call it his magic trick if you ever asked him about it. However, music was his thing, and because of that, he took every musical arts related class that he could during his years in high school. 
He was a quieter kid, with a much more alternative style of dress, and because of both of these factors, he was a bit of a loner. He wasn’t disliked, per say, but he wasn’t popular, and he didn’t go out of his way to attempt to gain a large group of friends. He had a few friends his age who went to other schools that he saw quite often, and those were good enough for him. He didn’t see a point in trying to put himself out there, so to speak, when he was quite comfortable where he was. Quality over quantity, right? That, of course, didn’t mean that there weren’t times in his life where he wished that more people adored him like they do for a lot of the popular teenagers. 
Sometimes it helped to be more on the outcast-y side. He could get away with silent observation, learning things that nobody had any idea that he knew about. He was a kid people talked so much around, but not to. They weren’t worried that their secrets would be spilled or spread around in any sort of way because they didn’t believe that he had anyone to tell them to, or that anyone would believe him in the first place. But other times, he wished he had more of the school, or at least his grade’s, support. Like now, when he had a massive crush on the most popular student in the entire school. Maybe, if he did, he would have more of a chance. 
He tried not to think about it a whole lot. It wasn’t good for him to dwell on things, as he had learned early in life. It caused his mental health to struggle if he stewed on a specific negative topic for too long, and even though the topic of a crush isn’t inherently negative, the fact that he didn’t feel like it would ever go anywhere was. Being that he didn’t have a lot of friends at the school he was at, he wasn’t a stranger to staring looks and laughing sometimes. He wasn’t exactly bullied or picked on, but when people ran out of new, fresh, drama to talk about, it was easy for them to turn to the kid who was never really speaking to many people. 
He used music to escape his own head, and he always had. It had been a coping mechanism of his for so many years, before he was even old enough to realize what it was, or what had caused him to need it more and more. He was incredibly musically gifted, a natural talent within the dexterity of his fingers for guitar, and it was always a calming thing for him to partake in. Sometimes he wrote his own music, but most times when he just needed a quick release, he would pick a song that he had been resonating with lately and strum through it a couple times. He would get lost in the feeling of the music and the feeling of the strings underneath his fingertips. It was always a thing that caused him to completely lose track of time, and he loved it. It was always a perfect thing to enjoy something you were also so good at. It kept that passion for it alive.
The music room was where he went during his free time. He couldn’t drive, and luckily, his free periods lined up with the music free periods, so he could always be found in that room, playing something on his guitar in the back corner. He also went there during lunch, preferring to spend the time doing something productive for his music. He really wanted to go into a career in music, and he was working so hard to achieve that despite many of the struggles he was facing at the same time. He poured his heart and soul into every song, every piece, that he wrote, and even when he didn’t like the music very much, he was proud of his ability to be vulnerable and put it onto the pages. That had taken a lot of personal growth for him to realize that to put good songs and things that he was proud of into the world, he would have to bare parts of himself for view.
It was during this part of his day, lunch time, when he was sitting in the music room, playing on his guitar. He was the only one in the room, and like usual, he was sitting in the back, not wanting to disturb anyone who could potentially choose to walk in. And after about ten minutes of the lunch period going by, there was someone who walked in, and Johnnie wanted to curse all ancestors before him for this type of bad luck. It would be the one person that he wanted to see more than anyone else in the school, but at the same time, he wouldn’t have been able to really talk to without humiliating himself. Only his luck. 
He didn’t speak to you when you walked in, but he did offer a kind smile when you looked up and made eye contact, before looking back down at his guitar and continuing to work on his own music. You had stopped by the music room because you had a music project that had to be completed, but you weren’t very musically inclined, so you felt very grateful that you didn’t have to present it, only had to turn it in. However, you did still have to make an effort, but you didn’t have a guitar at home, so you were stopping by to use the ones in the music room. You only knew a couple of chords, but it was the most that you knew on any instrument, so it was your best option. All you had to do was come up with a simple melody, a short strumming pattern, and that would pretty much be it, but for someone who wasn’t great at music, that was harder than it sounded. 
And it sounded pretty bad. Johnnie would never have said that directly to your face, but if you had turned around and watched him in the back corner, you would have been able to see him slightly grimacing whenever a chord sounded particularly bad. He wasn’t judging, necessarily, he remembered very well when he had been playing the exact same way, and if he felt anything, it would just be sorry for you because he could see on your face how frustrating the chords sounding incorrect were for you. After about ten more minutes of this, he stopped playing his own guitar, quietly watching and listening to the chords you were attempting to play. He listened to a couple shaky renditions of them, and attempted to play them on his own instrument. 
As soon as he did, you turned around, noticing how he froze as soon as your eyes were on him. 
“No, go on. Please. That’s exactly what I wanted it to sound like. How did you do that?” 
Taking a leap of faith, he got up to move across the room, pulling a chair up next to you and reaching his hands out. 
“May I?” 
You handed him the guitar, nodding, intently watching the way that he adjusted it on his lap before beginning to play it again. 
“You’re not pushing the strings down hard enough, and your fingers are too far away from the fret. That’s why it sounds so… that’s what you need to fix for it to sound a lot better.” 
You laughed, gently taking the guitar back. 
“Sounds so bad, it’s okay, you can say it.” 
He smiled, a blush gently dusting his face. 
“I wasn’t going to say bad. I was going to say buzzy but I felt that might be slightly insulting.” 
You shook your head, taking his advice and focusing on repositioning your fingers the way he had instructed. Strumming downwards, a smile broke out on your face when the first chord sounded so much better. Confidence boosted, you moved to the next one, wincing when it sounded worse than the original. His kind expression didn’t disappear, and instead he moved closer, a question in his eyes before he spoke it. You attempted to hand the guitar back to him, assuming he was going to ask to hold it again for a demonstration, but he quickly cut you off.
“No, keep everything where you are. Can I touch you?” 
You couldn’t deny the fact that your heart was racing. Despite your opposite styles and aesthetics, you had always found the style that Johnnie wore incredibly attractive. It wouldn’t fit you the way that it did him, but it looked so damn good on him, and apparently, he was oblivious to that fact. You wouldn’t have called it a crush at first assumption, but maybe that’s exactly what it was. You hide those feelings, throwing on a cocky look and smiling at him. 
“What exactly are you asking for?” 
He stammered in defense before noticing that you were smiling at him, and the dusty pink that had been on his face now turned a much darker red, and he just shook his head, looking back down at the guitar, refocusing. However, you thought if you were going to be getting closer to finishing this project, you were at least going to have a little fun while you were at it, especially with such a pretty boy right in front of you. 
“Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you. I’d say yes regardless, though.” 
His head snapped back up, an unbelieving laugh slipping out of his lips. 
“You can’t just say things like that.” 
You smiled at him, motioning for him to continue what he was doing, and he did. He moved around behind you to adjust his arm on the guitar as well, and gently moved and applied pressure to your fingertips before telling you to try strumming it now. 
“Why not?” 
He shook his head, instructing you to test out the chord again before replying. 
“You just can’t.” 
The chord sounded wonderful in comparison to what it had sounded like thirty minutes prior, and you were so grateful for all of Johnnie’s help. His head was right next to yours, a gentle smile on his face, a little bit of pride, and a lot of blushing prompted your next question.
“Can I kiss you instead?” 
He turned his head to stare at you, nearly wide-eyed, shocked with the realization that this wasn’t a dream, it was actually happening. This time, he didn’t hesitate to reply. 
“Yes. That you can do.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
hi hi hello im back with my ‘raidon beef bs!! can i get kieran and mc having some sort of argumentative confrontation when mc first comes to blueberry that almost gets physical before the mc’s alpha koraidon very angrily gets kieran to back off? -🧃
Looking to Kieran, your eyebrows furrowed at the hateful gaze he was sending you, teeth gnashed together.
You could tell he wanted to desperately say something to you--for having the nerve to show up at his school after what you did to him back in his homeland.
He was shocked that you came to BB Academy at all, before he saw this as his chance to show you how much he's changed and how strong he became. He even permitted you to challenge the Elite Four directly, growing impatient as he was ready finally crush you in-battle.
You, on the other hand, were a bit irritated at this new "persona" of his.
As far as you're concerned, he didn't need to do all of this. He didn't need to be petty and cruel to innocent league club members who don't live up to his standards. He didn't need to dismiss his sister so rudely and act like she once did.
Of course, you feel bad about what happened in Kitakami. Maybe you could've told him about Ogerpon much sooner and let him have a few wins...but this was too much.
Now he was being a straight-up bully. And you utterly despise those types of people.
"You better not go losing to anyone until our battle." Kieran huffed.
"Pssh, like I'd ever lose.." You lightly scoffed, deciding to match his energy.
Although when you looked back at him, you could see a forced grin forming on his face, spreading from ear-to-ear.
It could easily rival a Gengar's.
"Good. I'm not a little kid anymore. And you'll know it when I show you how the best of the best battle." He vowed, turning on his heel and preparing to walk away.
"Kiki!" Carmine gasped in outrage. "You shouldn't talk to [y/n] like that."
You were about to tell her not to intervene, as you didn't wanna see the siblings' relationship fall into further disarray because of this, but what Kieran said next broke the straw on the Numel's back for you.
"Shut it, sis-"
"Look, you can be mad at me all you want. But don't you dare take it out on everybody else."
His scowl deepened as he stared dead straight at you. "What did you say?"
"You heard me. "You stepped closer to him in challenge, fed up with his attitude. "And you're right. You're not a little kid anymore....you're a spoiled little brat who's mad that he didn't get what he wanted. When are you really gonna grow up and stop this charade, huh?"
For a moment he looked genuinely shocked that you're talking to him this way, but then his eyes darkened. "Don't. This isn't some charade. You made me like this-"
"Oh don't give me that. I didn't tell you to act like a bully. You did that to yourself. I was only trying to enjoy a nice trip away from Paldea until you decided to put me up on a pedestal." The words kept spilling out, and you didn't care that he was fuming more and more by the second. "Then you accuse me of ruining your life??"
"Stop it.."
"I get it, you wanna be like me. You wanna do what I can. But at least I don't go around throwing tantrums every time I lose-"
"SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!!" Kieran suddenly turned around, hands grabbing the front of your uniform as he yanked you in close. His eyes were full of rage. "I'm through with being like you...I'm gonna be BETTER THAN YOU IN EVERY WAY!!! AND MAYBE YOU'LL KNOW HOW I FELT!!"
Although his screams initially startled you, and began attracting a small crowd, you tried your best not to show any fear.
But even so, this new side to him was terrifying to witness.
Maybe you pushed his buttons a little too much.
"Get your hands off me, Kieran." You warned firmly, gently grasping his wrists. "This isn't the time or place."
"In case it wasn't obvious, the battle court's right behind us. So it's the perfect place." He snarled. "And since you're so damn confident, maybe we'll just skip the Elite Four and get to the part where I kick--!!"
Before he could finish, one of the pokeballs attached to your belt popped open on its own, and from it emerged...
Not the one who was your traveling companion who loved sandwiches, but the other member of its species: the alpha, the paradise protection protocol's defender--and now a very pissed off lizard who was able to jump out of its pokeball without your assistance.
Carmine, Drayton, and the other students gasped as it assumed its Apex build and scowled down at the boy, growling.
Suddenly Kieran didn't feel so high and mighty anymore, as he let you go and took a step away. An uncomfortable feeling of smallness and helplessness overtook him upon staring up at the Winged King's hostile gaze, a hand reaching for his Dragonite's pokeball on reflex.
You were stunned this Koraidon came to your defense quicker than the other. It must've somehow sensed the bullying behavior radiating from your rival.
'I guess it takes one to know one..'
The standoff continued for a few more moments...
Before Kieran surrendered.
"Fine. You made your point. The time for our real battle will come." His gaze went to Koraidon, his expression now cold and devoid of emotion. "Don't think you can always jump out to defend [y/n] like this. You'll see who's stronger."
It only snarled in response, while you remained beside it and frowned. "Kieran-"
"Looking forward to seeing you climb the ranks." Was all he said to you before he finally left you alone, the tension in the air still heavy as ever.
"Thanks, buddy." You sighed, smiling a little as you stroked Koraidon's feathers. It relaxed its haunches, putting all four feet back on the ground so you could pet its snout. "Seems you've turned over a new leaf after all."
"Yeah..I can only hope he does, too.."
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lucid-loves · 8 months
I have a request for ghost a one shot where the reader is a member of 141 and she falls for him
You got it! ❤
Come a Little Closer
Pairing: Ghost x 141!reader (fem!reader)
Word Count: 5.3k, One-Shot
CW: strong language, fluff, bullying, slight mention of violence, one-shot, clear attraction
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: You have just joined the 141 and getting to know the boys has been a lot of fun. The only one that you seem to be having trouble getting close to is Ghost. It doesn’t stop you from having a crush on him or trying to catch his attention any chance you get.
Part 1 ~ Part 2
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“Welcome to Task Force 141! I’m sure that you will find this team much more fitting to work with given your skills.” Price congratulated you as he escorted you to the base’s leisure room. Many of the soldiers hung around there to relax with drinks, television, billiards, and other games. The 141 was no exception.
You had been struggling with your assigned team on base. Teamwork and trust wasn’t there. A lot of it stemmed from jealousy as you demonstrated much better skills then they had on missions. You usually ended up taking home all the glory. However, the full picture was that the others often made mistakes or overlooked things. It wasn’t your fault that you were a perfectionist when it came to your job.
They still tried to make your life on base difficult in petty ways. Trashing your room in the barracks, stealing your clothes while you showered, bumping into you on purpose. It was very clear that the team you were assigned to before was full of people that peaked in high school and thought that the military was an easy way to make money despite being intelligently average at best. 
Not you, though. You worked hard. You dedicated your time to getting better each day. You stuck to your work with maturity. Thankfully, Price noticed this pretty quickly when he was looking at recruit files. Nothing out of pity either since he didn’t know about the bullying. You didn’t report any of the bullying to anyone in order to keep peace and establish your maturity.
And now, you are reaping the rewards. Being assigned to the 141 team was a fresh start. When you walked into the leisure room, almost everyone looked up at you. Women didn’t often come into the room because it resembled something more like a man-cave. Beer bottles everywhere, sports usually on the TV, and a strong, masculine energy that often made women too uncomfortable to visit. 
You, on the other hand, found it exciting. You really wanted to hang with the big boys. Earn your place. Prove to everyone that you deserve to be on the base and a part of the 141 as their newest member. That started with getting to know your new teammates.
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost were surrounding a pool table, clearly in the middle of a game. Whoever was solids was getting absolutely destroyed. When Price and you got closer, they stood at attention. Price waved his hand, putting them at ease. “Men, this is our new member. She has incredible skills that are sure to add to our team’s strength. A sharp-shooter, highly intelligent, and great with hand-to-hand combat.”
You smiled brightly as you finally introduced yourself. It was time to make a great impression. Plus, you already felt like you could be yourself while doing it. “Y/n. Thank you for this opportunity. My condolences as well to you, Soap.”
Soap raised a brow in confusion, clearly not understanding what you were talking about. “Pardon?”
“Your loss. At billiards. What a brutal way to lose too. You might as well give up now and give Gaz the betting money.” You smirked, eyeing the expressions light up at your quick-wit and observation skills. Gaz and Soap were the only ones holding pool sticks. A couple bills rested on the side of the table. Their expressions before they noticed you and Price gave away who was winning and who was losing.
“Well, the newbie is sharp. You should listen to her while you still have your dignity, Johnny.” Gaz laughed, already accepting you fully into the team. Soap shot him a glare before turning to you with a mischievous look on his face.
“You think you can turn this game around for me, y/n?” He inquired, pool stick already being held out to you. Smiling like a kid on Christmas, you took the stick to play. 
Kyle was quick to protest Soap’s sly move. “That’s cheating! Don’t make her do your dirty work for you, Soap. Just take the loss, bruv.”
You fished your wallet out from your back pocket, taking out a few bills of your own to add to the betting pool. “How about this? If I can beat Gaz by starting off with Soap’s miserable disadvantage, I get all the money. If I don’t, then Gaz takes all.”
Soap and Gaz looked to each other, and then to Ghost who just sat in his stool, overlooking the entire game as their referee in a sense. He’s been watching the situation unfold carefully even since you walked into the room. You caught his eye when you entered. Not many women were working at the base in general, let alone waltzing into a presumed boys-only club like you have always belonged. Not only that, your deduction skills were sharp. Your smile was optimistic. You seemed to have no fear in any of the changes you were going through. 
Out of curiosity to see if you could put your money where your mouth was, he nodded. His deep, rich voice lit a little fire inside you as he finally spoke. “I’ll allow it.”
You took the stick from Soap and looked at the table, examining your situation entirely. Everything was considered as you planned your move. The position of your remaining balls, Gaz’s, even the weight of the stick in your hand. Doing the mental math, you carefully lined up a shot, your form perfect and deliberate. The margin of error wasn’t something to scoff at. You were a perfectionist when it came to your job, after all. This, you considered to be part of your job.
As you posed yourself on the table for the shot, Ghost couldn’t help but look over your form. Neither could most of the other guys in the room since women coming in was rare, but his opinion mattered the most. You were on his team now. He was going to be working with you nearly every day from here on out.
And damn, did you look fine bending over the table like that. 
You took a deep breath as you struck the cue ball, having it hop over Gaz’s stripe in front of it to hit the solids behind. From the force, the solids scattered, three of them sinking based on pure luck. You stood up from your position, satisfied from your play. Bewildered expressions looked between you and the game. “Your move, Garrick.”
And just like that, you earned more respect from your team. Price chuckled at Kyle’s nervous look, now realizing that he was probably going to lose all his money if your skills and luck withstood for the rest of the game. It seemed like he had nothing to worry about when it came to you. You fit right in like a piece of their puzzle.
The following several weeks have been a blast for you. You have gotten close to your team in a way that made the base feel more like home to you. They helped you train, gave you pointers, invited you to meals, and played all the games you wanted to play. Except, they no longer wanted to put money on the table lest you rob them blind.
The relationship between everyone was a breath of fresh air for you as well. No fighting, no bullying, no arguments. They clearly respected each other. They respected you too. There was teasing a lot of the time, but it was all out of friendliness and brotherhood. 
The only thing you were wary about was Ghost. You’ve caught him staring at you on occasion, his eyes giving nothing away once you noticed his gaze. He didn’t talk to you much either. But you knew that he noticed you. You knew when too, given that you were growing attracted to him.
Ghost has always been a legend around the base. He had impressive records of nearly every scoreboard around the training centers. Tales of his missions spread like wildfire each time he would return from deployment. The rest of the team was equally as impressive as well. Yet, there tended to be more of a buzz when it came to Ghost. Part of it was due to his expertise. Another part of it was the mystery of the skull mask he always wore. The last part of it was his physique. He was huge compared to a lot of the guys around here.
You were no exception to the admiration bandwagon. Seeing Ghost’s records and hearing the stories actually inspired you to hang in there with training. You aimed to be strong, resolute, and confident in work just as he is. However, that was purely a muse infatuation. Nothing more than looking at him as a prime example of what a soldier should be. Now, you began to see him differently.
It started with the little things. Subtle shifts in his body language, changes in tone when circumstances changed. You took notice of those things as a means to find a way into getting more friendly with him. As you continued to observe, however, you felt your body reacting more to his being. The way he towers over you with his massive frame. The way his muscles flex with each movement when you sparred. The way his fingers lightly brush against yours when you hand him completed paperwork.
There were moments of chivalry from Ghost too that never failed to make your heart hammer inside your chest. He’s caught you from losing your balance when you tried to reach for a file that was too high on a shelf a couple of times. His hands would instinctively grab your waist, pull you close to him, and anchor himself to stay steady from the force of your fall. He never failed to ask you if you were okay as well in that baritone voice you began to get butterflies from. It didn’t take long until he began reaching for things you needed for you after those instances.
Ghost has also taken up the habit of always opening the car door for you, making sure you could get your spot sitting in the middle without having to crawl over anyone. Even in instances of realistic training, having to rush into a vehicle as quickly as they could, Ghost always made sure the door was open for you to get in first. The close proximity to him given how small the backseat usually was contributed to your growing crush on him too. 
On the surface, Ghost never seemed to mind helping you out. Many of his new habits were taken upon himself once he began working with you. Yet, he still never really talked much to you and you could never decipher his staring. It made you worried that he was growing resentment over feeling like he needed to help you out with the mundane. 
Ghost still had a strong wall when it came to you. However, you were determined to break it down.
It was the first Saturday night back on base after a tense, two-week long deployment. For the first time, the 141 saw you in action. You picked things up quick, you followed orders to a tee, and you were spot-on with your sniper. It certainly helped the team get things done, but it didn’t stop the mission from being long and dangerous. There were a couple of medical scares, plenty of gunfire, and a few secrets revealed. It didn’t end until you put a bullet through the target’s brain.
So, the team wanted to decompress on their first Saturday back on base. They also wanted to congratulate you for getting the final snipe on the terrorist leader they were hunting. It was your first deployment with them, something that also deserved to be celebrated too. 
The team headed out to a nearby bar. A hole-in-the-wall kind of place that not a lot of people knew about. A classic place with an old-school jukebox, war-plane memorabilia, and a simple bar menu. After buying you your first couple of drinks, the men began to disperse to socialize and see if they could get a little lucky tonight. All except for you and Ghost who sat quietly at the bar, drinks in hand. The silence between the two of you was awkward at first. At this point, you have never been in a casual setting alone with him. You were either working with him or the rest of the boys were with you.
However, to say nothing would be a wasted opportunity. Even if being alone with him made you feel gooey inside like a school-girl with her first crush, you still wanted to know him better. Soap had given you good information about him to use too. 
Casually, you took a slow slip of your liquid courage. “Johnny says you have a good sense of humor.”
Underneath the mask, Ghost quirked a brow. He didn’t realize that you talked about him with his teammates when he wasn’t around. He wondered what else you talked about when he couldn’t be there with you. For now, he played along. “It’s dark humor. Probably not your cup of tea.”
When he looked at you, he saw a bright light. Clever, ambitious, brave. Ultimately sweet too. Along with him acting chivalrous for you, you have been considerate of him as well. You often brought tea to the team, but Ghost’s cup was always different. You always brought his favorite tea flavored exactly how he liked it. Everyone else liked theirs plain. He liked his with a little milk. 
You have also tidied his desk a few times after he complained about not finding something he needed. He never knew how it would get so messy. Before he knew it, his desk would look like a tornado ran through it. However, you would straighten it just enough for him to find what he needs. Enough to jog his memory of where he put it down without having to look through unfamiliar organization. 
In his mind, you were someone that needed to be protected for the darkness of the world. Starting with himself and his dark humor.
Still, you persisted. “Try me.”
Ghost looked at you for a moment, causing your heart to skip a beat. You could see him contemplating something. Fortunately, he let you have this one. After the past two weeks, you deserved just a little glimpse into who Ghost really was as a person. “Why don’t blind people skydive?”
“Why?” You grinned, eager to hear the punchline. Finally, you were talking with Ghost like this!
“Scare the shit out of their dogs.” He finished, taking a sip of his bourbon while waiting for your reaction. He expected you to scrunch your nose up in disgust or give a fake laugh just to humor him. 
Instead, he was graced with your genuine laughter. You actually found the joke pretty hilarious. “Damn, that’s pretty good! Alright, I got one for you. Why did Sally fall off the swingset?”
A small smile crept along his face as you began your own joke. “Why?”
“She doesn’t have any arms. Here’s another one. Knock knock.” You continued, not feeling at all discouraged by his lack of laughter at the first joke. The second half was always better.
“Who’s there?” He followed along.
“Not Sally.” You finished, earning yourself an honest chuckle out of him. This was the first time you have seen him smile and laugh. The sight made you feel warm and fuzzy. Slowly, the crush you had was turning into something more. You actually imagined a future with him for a second.
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, garnering your full, undivided attention just as he gave you his. “That was actually pretty funny. I’ll give you that one.”
Before Ghost knew it, his walls were crumbling down as you exchanged jokes and laughter with him. His own curiosity about you was turning into something that he didn’t think he would ever have for himself.
You and Ghost had been growing closer ever since breaking the ice at the bar. He felt more comfortable talking to you casually, you felt more comfortable asking for his help, and there was more peace within yourself as you learned that Ghost never harbored resentment towards you. He was just a little rough around the edges.
For some reason, that made him even more attractive to you. The thought that you have actually been able to get his guard down around you had you chipper than a songbird in the morning. You’ve been eating up his special attention too. Every time the team went out, Ghost and you would always find the time to talk. Just the two of you. It had you over the moon each time.
Despite your growing feelings, you kept them to yourself. You didn’t want to ruin the peace that you have so carefully inserted yourself into. You didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship with him as well. It took a lot of time to get to where you were at with him. Being open about your love for him wasn’t worth the risk.
However, it didn’t stop you from daydreaming. You often found yourself daydreaming about what it would be like if Ghost was your boyfriend. You haven’t seen his face yet or used his real name even though you already knew it. Yet, you knew that he was devilishly handsome and his name would feel incredibly on your lips. You wondered what kind of pet name he would pick out for you if he was the type. 
You even thought about what he may be like between the sheets. It was hard not to imagine it when you sparred, feeling just how powerful he could be when it came to getting what he wanted. 
Jesus, you were down so bad for him.
Your daydreaming continued as you showered in the community bathroom. It was late at night, most soldiers already turned in for the night. You had just gotten back from another great night at the bar with your team. Humming and bathing, you didn’t even notice the door to the bathrooms open up.
Once you were all done, you wrapped a towel around yourself and stepped out of the stall in order to grab your clothes. However, you were surprised to see that they were missing. This kind of thing hasn’t happened in a while. You nearly forgot that it did since you were having such a great time with your new team. 
How could your old teammates still hate you after being gone already too? To even go as far as to pull this kind of shit again?
You sighed in frustration, looking around the bathroom to see if the culprits were still hanging around. When you found no one, you tightened the towel around your torso and prepared to head to your room as quickly and quietly as possible. 
The barrick halls were quiet save for a few snores from behind locked doors. Your hair was dripping water along the beige tiles. The stone was cold under your bare feet. The halls seemed freshly waxed too. If you weren’t careful, you could genuinely fall and break your neck.
As you carefully made your way to your room, you could hear footsteps behind you. As soon as he called your name, your cheeks began to turn red in embarrassment. 
Ghost was taken aback by your appearance. You were in nothing but a blue towel, dripping hair creating a slipping hazard in your path. In and outside of work, you were careful to keep up appearances. You didn’t seem like the type to shower and walk the halls nude. 
It would be a lie if the only feeling he had was concern, though. At the same time, his feelings of attraction towards you began to stir. Something that has been getting harder to fight since meeting you.
You gave a nervous laugh, refusing to turn around to face him. This was mortifying. “H-Hey! I forgot my clothes back in my room. Guess I had one too many from earlier. My room isn’t much farther now. So. . . what are you doing here in this part of the barracks?”
From his jacket pocket, he pulled out a wallet. Your wallet. You haven’t even noticed that it was missing. “Found this in the backseat of the car. Figured that you would be missing it sooner rather than later.”
Now, you were hoping that someone would assassinate you to save you from embarrassment. Perhaps your white lie earlier was actually a little true. More importantly, it felt like Ghost was giving you no choice but to completely turn around. But, you couldn’t possibly face him like this. Face on fire, heart racing, breath shuttering. What started as a fun night was now one of your most humiliating ones.
“Thanks, Ghost. . . Do uh. . . Do you think you can hand it to me after I change?” You scrambled, trying to find the most graceful solution to your predicament. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Ghost avert his gaze and give you a nod, trying to give you as much privacy as he could given the circumstances.
Awkwardly, he followed you to your room, trying not to completely violate you with his eyes. It was difficult trying to determine what was enough distance to put between the two of you. Ghost wanted to be right next to you, shielding you from the world as you were obviously very uncomfortable. At the same time, he didn’t want to upset you by crossing a boundary. 
On top of that, he really wanted to see what was under that fluffy towel of yours. It was an involuntary thought, but he still felt horrible about it. 
Finally, you approached your room and took out the key that you made a habit of hiding in your shower caddy rather than with your clothes. However, it became apparent that despite having locked the door, it didn’t stop anyone from invading your space.
When you opened the door and turned on the light, you revealed a complete disaster. Bedsheets ripped to shreds, mattress stained with beer, personal belongings destroyed. Even family pictures that you so delicately framed on your walls were scattered along the floor, broken glass everywhere. Your dresser had been rifled with as well, all of your clothes ruined from various stains, rips, and wrinkles. 
Everything was damaged. All of it. And you didn’t understand why. It has never been this bad before. Why now?
When Ghost noticed that you haven’t walked into your room yet, frozen in a state of shock, he finally walked over. He nearly took a step back himself when he noticed all the damage. He’s never seen anything like this before. It made him upset immediately.
No, not just upset. Furious. How could anyone think this was okay? How could anyone do this to you?! Ghost clenched his fists and his jaw, trying not to explode with fury. At first, he wanted to make his anger be known for all the barracks to see. He wanted to call everyone out of their rooms and force a confession. He would then beat the absolute shit out of the culprit right in front of everyone.
However, that’s not what you needed right now. It’s probably not what you would’ve wanted either. Over the time he’s spent with you, he has realized that you preferred logical, calm, and peaceful solutions. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself or anyone else from calling attention to mistakes. You took care of things with grace. Yet now, you looked like you were going to fall apart. 
Ghost was quick to realize that this wasn’t a sudden attack based on your expression. This was something that you have been dealing with for a while. It just got to its worst tonight. If he had to guess, he would guess that you hadn’t just forgotten your clothes back in your room either. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were stolen.
The fucking bullies were gonna make you walk around the whole base naked. Ghost really wanted to kill someone now.
But first, he had to take care of you. Swiftly, he removed his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, covering you up as best as he could. Your attention trained on the disaster that was your room slowly began to shift towards Ghost as the warmth of his jacket seeped into your chilly shoulders. Gingerly, he draped wrapped his arm around you, using his body to cover you up even more. “Let’s go, love. I’ll take care of you.”
Needing comfort, you followed Ghost closely, not minding at all how close he was pressed to you as you walked side by side. His warmth was welcomed as you shivered from the chill of being nude and the shock of losing your valuables. With the pace you kept up with, it didn’t take long for the both of you to approach the door to a different room across the base.
Ghost’s room. 
He unlocked the door and ushered you in, making sure that no one saw you out in the hallways. Once the coast was clear, he closed the door and turned on the light. Compared to his desk, his room was pretty clean. His bed was made perfectly, his clothes were all put away, and his TV stand was free of clutter. The whole room smelled of him too. Teakwood, leather, and bourbon. 
You almost couldn’t believe it. You were really inside of Ghost’s room, a place that not even the other 141 men have ever been in. As you looked around, Ghost went through his dresser for suitable clothes for you. Soon after he began looking, he picked out one of his shirts and adjustable pajama pants to wear. “Here. I’ll turn my back.”
Silently, you began to dress in his clothes, your senses flooding even more with everything that was Ghost. The t-shirt and pants were large on your frame, but they were warm and soft. It covered you well enough too. As soon as you were done, Ghost turned back around. Once he saw you, it was like his breath was stolen straight from his lungs. He didn’t think that you would look so good in his clothes. As oversized on you as they were, he still found it perfect. 
He cleared his throat, regaining his composure at the sight of you. You yourself were feeling restless about being in his private space. The way he looked at you, the way he protected you, and the way he held you made you really realize that you definitely had more than a crush on him. You fell in love with him. 
With each gesture that he made towards you, you fell even deeper for him. You could hardly find the words to say back when he spoke so softly towards you. “Take my bed tonight, love. We’ll get you squared away with a new room first thing tomorrow.”
Not wanting to make you feel more uncomfortable than you probably already were, Ghost attempted to make his way out. However, you grabbed the back of his shirt, making him freeze. You couldn’t just take his space without at least sharing some gratitude. You were grateful, and he deserved to know it. Besides that, you saw this as more of an opportunity to be with him. You were getting greedy. “Thank you, Simon. But. . . do you mind staying? If you want to leave after I fall asleep, that’s fine. I just. . . don’t want to be alone tonight.”
At the sound of his name upon your lips, he melted. He could feel all of his insides heat up as you said his real name. As dangerous as it was now to be alone with you, he could never say no. Not when you asked him like that.
“Get into bed. I’ll turn off the light.” He agreed. Relief washed over you as he reached for the light switch and waited. As soon as you got into his bed, cozied up in soft, clean sheets, the room went dark. 
You could hear the shifting of clothes as he changed into something more comfortable. With the moonlight shining through the window, you could just make out his broad, bare chest, strong shoulders, and scars along his toned body. You hoped he didn’t notice you staring as he got changed, your gaze not even breaking once as he began unbuckling his belt. A part of you was hoping that he would crawl into bed with you half naked like that. 
After he threw on some pajama pants and a cotton t-shirt, he reached for his mask. For a moment, he contemplated taking it off. You were still in the room with him after all. Was he ready to show you his face, even in the dark?
Finally, he decided that he was. Not just ready to show you, but ready to pursue you too. You’ve earned everything from him. His respect, his praise, his space, and his trust. You even earned his heart as he realized that he had fallen for you. His bright light. The perfect puzzle piece in his life. It was scary how seamless you seemed to insert yourself right into his life and his team. However, he wasn’t going to take it for granted. You belonged with them. With him.
Whoever wanted to mess with that was going to face Ghost’s wrath. Starting tomorrow after he helped you get a new room.
Now, he removed his mask, revealing how right you were about him being devilishly handsome. His defined jaw, his perfect lips, his silky blonde hair. You could shower it all with kisses if you could. 
He got into bed with you after the mask was off, his body heat immediately warming up the bed. Still keeping some comfortable boundaries, Simon made sure to leave some space between the two of you. You didn’t mind it. You were just happy to have gotten this far with him. Perhaps having a romantic relationship with him wasn’t completely off the table after all.
When he finally settled in, you whispered good night. “Really, Simon, thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it, love. Just try to sleep tonight.” He humbly brushed off, his heart bursting at the seams with how sweet you sounded in your gratitude. He couldn’t seem to stop himself from calling you by the new, truthful nickname either. Something that your own heart couldn’t get enough of.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep, the comfort of Simon being with you like this much too nice to fight. Once he knew you were fast asleep, he began to try to rest as well. Eventually, he took the risk and wrapped his arms around you while he slept. He normally had a hard time sleeping. Nightmares usually kept him up. However, tonight was different. He felt more at ease with you even if you did make his heart race at the same time. For the first time in a long time, he managed to have a good night’s sleep.
All it took was to have you in his arms.
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han4el · 17 days
How I see the moon signs, as a cancer rising + leo moon
— Aries Moon
So insane... love it. I just never know what to expect from them. When I think I start to understand them, I discover a new layer to them, a new heatwave incoming, ready to melt any drop of hypocrisy, fakeness or illusions. Personally, I never had close friends with this placement, but I've seen them being very supportive with their close ones. Even if they sometimes say something rude or out of the pocket, it's usually good intended and they only say it if they think it's absolutely necessary (unless you're annoying to them, then they'll just straight up bully you).
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Random associations: PE competitions in middle school, angry apologies, crying and laughing at the same time, being mad at someone for being nice to you, being the life of the party for the "the life of the party" people, the best friend of the popular/famous girl, getting giddy with your pet after just yelling at someone, MOOD SWINGS, having a favorite person that shapes your personality more than you think, friendly bullying, loyalty, no bs, no cap, you get what you give, nothing more and nothing less, being remembered by that one friend who checks on you everytime you're struggling, night car rides, uncontrollably laughing in serious situations, red velvet cake, cinnamon, sharp eyeliner, messy hair, making a competition out of anything and getting mad at the fact that you're the only one taking it seriously, always trying to be the best, long-term friendships (like 10 years long), sunstrokes, nosebleeds, blacking out, tremors before fighting, mafia romance, russian models, dry red wine, learning how to fight just to defend yourself, fast life, being in a relationship with someone you low-key hate, fruity and spicy perfumes, enjoying burning paper as a way of releasing stress, feeling relaxed after getting someone else mad instead, forgetting to eat, mixing random pieces but somehow making the outfit work, being the only one who can pull off a piece of clothing or a specific style (usually it looking weird on other people), scratch marks after playing with your pets, having new big dreams every month, red hair, freckles, tanned skin, arm wrestling, boys teasing their crushes, the one who always gets in trouble.
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What I love about this placement: the commitment, ambition, devotion, the passion, the energy, the random bursts of emotions. If you need someone to inspire you into doing something, call these guys. They'll make you want to change your life 360° in one night (and most probably actually doing half of those things in one week). They're really good at just getting the sh*t done themselves. Unapologetically authentic and autonomous. The developed ones are actually very good at controlling their feelings and using them for their advantage. Maybe it's just me, but the aries moons I've seen had really pretty skin, usually with freckles. Oh and their noses are usually very pointy or just look that way. Their faces overall just seem very athletic. You might think they do sports even if they don't (they secretly do). Very serious about their purpose. Will never look at you again if you take their dedication for granted. Also, won't waste their time with you if they sense your weak morale, lack of self-awareness or if you don't really wish to change anything in your life. That's an ick for them.
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What I dislike about this placement: how fast they forget their old projects and sometimes ex friends (I know it's for their own good, though). Their impulsivity... they will look you in the eyes and say the most gut wrenching threat then forget completely about it 5 minutes later and act all weird if you remind them of it as if it's your fault that you made them "mad enough to behave like that". That loud a** voice in those situations when y'all REALLY have to keep it down 😭 also they're rarely empathetic, so don't run to them when you have a problem (unless you're bffs, then they'll fight whoever hurt you).
My experience with them: 6/10
I might make this a series. Tell me what you think.
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banj0possum · 1 year
Heyo! Hope you're doing alright! Firstly, sorry if this is too long... summary: yan oc reactions to male/gn reader with a high pain tolerance whose platonic affection language is rough housing (biting , headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps, aggressive bear hugs, or a good grip/squeeze. All of these forms of affection are done by reader with as much force as is allowed without actual damage and which reader happily reciprocates). Bonus, what're the reactions of rough housing intolerant yans when said reader starts trying to find someone else as an outlet for this affection need. Context: I saw the mini react to the affectionate chair wielding and had a thought. I am a very energetic and affectionate individual with folks I'm close with, and often times a gentle hug or soft touch just isn't enough to get across the energy and emotion or i just NEED something more grounding/comforting cause "yes this gentle hug is comforting my stress a little but i really REALLY need you to crush my soul and being back together with this next hug. Really trash compactor my body so i can feel whole again :) 💪". It's what i grew up with and what some of my friends encouraged/reciprocated (have definitely popped backs when giving each other hugs and once i popped someone's fingers when i was allowed a good squeeze). When soft affections aren't hitting right (and i have permission from my friend) I tend to turn to play bites (at whatever maximum safe pressure is allowed by the person being bitten), headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps (again, at a maximum safe force that is allowed), and harsh grips/hugs (again, whatever maximum safe force is allowed). It's really a grounding/comforting thing cause it allows me and my friend to destress, release energy, and also kinda reassures us that we're truly physically and emotionally there. It's definitely not something for all my friend circles and i usually turn to my high energy friend circles that have similar needs (and they come to me if they feel the urge as well). A good example is the time Friend A saw me out and about, shouted out my name and charged me full speed from 30 feet away. I tanked the brunt of their full body affectionate tackle and honestly? Was one of the happiest and closest i felt to my friend. Haven't done that in a while cause we got warned not to do that again by personnel lol. We usually try to meet up at parks (cause indoor places understandably don't like when a group of adults start rough housing) though it's hard to rn cause of the heat and stuff
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OCs w/ a Rowdy Darling
My OCs x GN Reader
THIS IS LITERALLY AMAZING !! you seem like a really cool person to hang out with ! id definitely let you give me a back popping hug >w< not sure if im strong enough to give you a hug as strong as that though hehe ^^" anyways heres the fic ! (´ ∀ ` *)
Adrian is literally the same as you. Every shove or punch or rough housing is a sign of affection.
You two probably rough house all the time ngl, and he loves it!
You're his energetic little lover and he's all for it!
You two might have gone to detention for rough housing to hard a few times hehe..
If you bear hug him, he'll try to hug you harder, it's like a competition to him!
Honestly, he sees everything as a competition. You push him playfully? He'll push you harder.. headbutts? You might get a slight headache after he's done..
He might be your boyfriend, but he's still a bit of a bully, but it's all in good fun! He stops if ever he notices you're getting uncomfy.
Not a biter though, but when you do it, he melts like putty!
He loves how strong and rowdy you are and that you're not afraid to express it, it shows how tough and confident you are!
He likes his gentle moments once in a while, but being able to love you in a love language you both share is so special to him <3
"Cmon babe! One more hug! I can take it!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is kind of impressed..
He's one of the best football players in his school and his little darling is biting and shoving and headbutting him, so adorable!
You remind him of a little goat, so excited and happy and lively!
Definitely makes him more protective of you because of how precious you are to him.
If you get to rowdy for his liking, he grabs you and traps you in a bear hug until you calm down or if you give him an even tighter bear hug than the one he's giving you.
Invites you to play a bit of football with him and his team.
But protection is key! He wraps you in all sorts of gear before you play, he knows how high your pain tolerance is but he still wants to keep you safe! and also he likes seeing you wear his helmet
Your body slams are praised not just by him but by his team, it's too cute!
If he catches you being your little rowdy self around anyone else, he'll get jealous fast..
He shoves you affectionately to get your attention.
"Heya baby! How's my little ram doing huh?"
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Valeth just thinks you're copying him in a way and is flattered.
Aweee, little mate is so strong and tough! He's so proud!
Encourages the behavior, as long as you don't hurt yourself!
He's much stronger than you so your affections don't do much, but you bet your ass he's putting his whole soul in pretending to get hurt.
Rough houses with you as if you were a little child play fighting, he loves playing with his little warrior!
If you do get hurt, he's putting all play fighting to a halt! He's checking up on you and making sure you're ok with the softest voice you've ever heard from an orc.
You might be fine but he's not taking no for an answer, you're getting some rest!
Love love loves your bearhugs! He tests your strength and lets you squeeze him as hard as you can!
Biting is met with kisses all over your face, it's what you get for being so cute!
Body slams are more like you latching onto him and trying not to fall off because of how large he is..
"Oh my little duckling can bite! How fierce! You're so strong haha!"
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Bo appreciates how energetic and lively you are, but please no rough housing ;-;
He doesn't want you to get hurt or hurt anyone else, even though you're perfectly capable of regulating how rough you can me, he's just a lil protective is all
He only allows bear hugs and squeezes, anything else is greeted by the time out corner (him trapping you in his arms in the bed until you give up)
"Now now hun, not so rough ok? I don't want you gettin banged up or anythin.."
Ribs is also a feral little man and absolutely loves that you're as rowdy as him!
You two love play fighting and biting affectionately!
He loves your headbutts! he returns them all the time
"Ahahaha! Again again!"
Soda tolerates it, he just appreciates that you're comfortable enough to rough house with him.
He's not the energetic type but he'll give you sleepy kisses and squeeze you back if you bear hug him
Doesn't bite but he likes nibbling on you
He's not as lively as you, but he loves reciprocating your affection!
"You're so strong hehe~"
Screw is scared
He is oddly aroused
He's also hopelessly trying to stop himself from called you sir or daddy or any dominant title because oh my god you are so awesome
He's looking at you with puppy dog eyes asking for your love and attention
Imagine him kicking his legs and rambling about you to the others
"H-hello si- dadd- (Y/N)! Hi (Y/N) heheh.."
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Wolfie loves how rowdy you are! he loves playing!
That's his way of telling you he loves you, but of course he's extra gentle when playing with you, he wouldn't wanna get his mate scratched up!
Loves rolling around and playing around with you, it makes him feel like a pup again!
Doesn't like you biting him though, you might get something icky in your mouth!
Licks you all over if you get hurt or get a little too rough to make you feel better!
Headbutts are rewarded with his big paws bopping you on the head like he's trying to pet you!
If he's tired and you're being your lively little self, he just takes you and sleeps on top of you so you can't escape.
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Dorik actually has a lot of brothers and sisters back in hell and you remind him so much of how they used to play around with him.
As much as he adores cuddling you close and doing gentle and calm things with you, he loves how tough you are!
Yes he moans when you bite him.
Everytime you're affectionate with him, he can't help but kiss you all over, you're just so cute!
Almost cries if you give him bear hugs, this man is touchstarved!!!!
He gives you his own love by wrapping his tail around you or rubbing his face into your clothes, chest, hair, anywhere! He loves how you smell so good everyday!
Shrieks if you body slam him, but somehow he's as solid as a rock, he didn't even stumble..
But he's all over you asking if you're ok.
"Master? My love? My darling are you alright?!"
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Kalva unfortunately doesn't like rough-housing, he's made it a rule that you can only mess around outside the nest!
But he adores your bearhugs and headbutts and bites, they're comforting to him in a way, it shows that you're close to him!
He headbutts you too, it's his way of asking for your love and attention.
For a while it was also how he kissed you since he didn't know how to do it properly yet.
He might indulge in your rough ways sometimes by jumping around and messing up his feathers on purpose, but you should promise to help preen them afterwards!
Nevertheless, he loves you to bits and just wants to keep you safe <3
"My mate is so excited! My mate is happy!"
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Jasper is scared for his life but in a fun way.
He never knows the next time you're gonna bite him or tackle him into a hug, it's like a game for you both.
He gets you back by surprise tickling you, it's pretty effective.
If he expects the biting, he definitely bites you too, kissing the area right after for extra measure.
Don't get me wrong he's absolutely flustered whenever you do it, but he gets used to it after a while.
But no rough-housing with him! He's fragile and might break something.
Legit asks you to crack his back if ever he's having back aches.
"Hey love, my back's a little weird again, can I get another hug~?"
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Viktor is surprised and a little intrigued.
Oh? My darling is so energetic, I love it!
If you ever try anything on him, he chuckles and 'punishes' you with kisses all over your face and cuddles you until you give up.
Your bites kind of freak him out
Like he's supposed to bite people! It's kind of weird having people bite him, it's a bit exciting..
"My my~ Is my little bat misbehaving again~?"
Garrick doesn't tolerate roughness at all.
You might get hurt! What if one of them reciprocates the affection and goes too far? He's not having it!
That is until you do it to him and he absolutely melts at your cuteness.
He goes from strict to 100% on board with your love bops
Refuses to bear hug you, he might break your spine because of how much he loves you!
"Remember to be careful my turtledove! And I love you!"
Silas is all in on your rowdiness, considering he's like that himself.
He's a mischievous little shit and loves play fighting with you.
Loves picking you up and spinning you around, making you hold onto him as you two giggle like young lovers together.
Always does this thing where he cups your face and shakes your head side to side, he says its because you're too cute and your face must be a mask because no one is that perfect!
Gives you gentle and soft kisses after your rough moments because he wants to make sure he didn't hurt you. He feels the need to remind you always how much you mean to him and how happy you make him feel.
"My little owl, so cute, so adorable~ I'll never leave you Darling~"
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Baron tries his best to keep you calm but you're just to fuckin adorable!
He's a cold hard assassin! Why is he smiling over weak little attempts to hurt him?!
Scolds you for rough housing but his heart breaks if you pout or if he hurts your feelings
Immediately says sorry and holds your hand tight to show he still loves you, he just doesn't wanna see you potentially hurt yourself.
If you're rough with anyone else, he's pulling you off and dragging you away whilst holding you in the tightest bear hug, his actions screaming out 'you're mine!'
Of course he denies it all, saying excuses like 'what if they think you wanna pick a fight?'
But you know he's just jealous that you're not giving him that attention.
Still doesn't tolerate bodyslams or bites but bear hugs, headbutts and squeezing his hand are highly appreciated. Highly
"How about we settle down now boss hm~? I'll run you a nice hot bath if you'd like~"
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Caspian is a wimpy little bitch and gets upset if you play fight with him.
He'll start whining for you to stop but like also whine if you stop giving him attention. (little shit)
Lives for your bear hugs! SQUEEZE HIM HARDER PLEASE!!!
Headbutts make him dizzy and otherwise just confused but he appreciates it and thinks you're trying to kiss him.
He'll pull you close and show you what a real kiss is like~
Bite him and he's flustered.
Like about to have a stroke and can't form a complete sentence flustered.
"Ohohoh~ Oh my~ H-how fascinating~!"
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Hallow loves playing! Wait what are you doi-
Gets the message (i think) and starts to play fight with you too, chasing you around the house and wrapping you up in his long arms to tickle you all over!
Pretends to be a scary monster and nuzzles his face into you once he catches you, imitating eating. That's what you get for trying to fight the big spooky Hallow!
Your headbutts and affections make him so happy he starts jingling from how much he's trying to hold back.
He loves roughing you up a bit too, but his little bops aren't so strong since he's made of cotton and love <3 <3 <3
If you're getting a bit too rough, he wraps you up and kisses you softly before letting you go once you calm down.
"You tired from lovin on me all day sweetie~? It's alright, I got a looooootta lovin left for you~!"
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Ashvan is terrified!
On one hand eeeeee so cute! He wants to return your affections so bad!!!
But also you might die???
He's a big guy, and he's aware of his size and strength, so he's pretty wary on how he handles you.
You're like a little porcelain doll to him! He'd be so sad if anything happened to you just because he wanted to express his love to you!
He loves your bops, but giving you a warm smile and a kiss is all he can do really.
He makes up for it in giving you gifts, helping around the infirmary, cuddling you at night, the little things.
He wished he was more gentle so he can do the things you do to him! He so wishes to hug you as hard as he can!
"S-so cute...I-I mean so uhm..strong and fierce haha! So not adorable and precious in every way possible! Yeah.."
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astrasrebloggedfics · 10 months
Saved Satoru Fics
Oral Fixation-Suggestive
Sugar Daddy!Gojo
Heart To Heart (post breakup interview)
Cling Boyfriend!Gojo
Cozy Boyfriend
Engagement Ring Pictures
Secret Admirer!Gojo
Boyfriend Tax
Seeing Unborn Child's Cursed Energy
Making Him Dinner
Getting His Wisdom Teeth Removed
Possessive (short)
Forgive Me?
Nepo Baby Gojo
Cuddles and nightmares
All Mine
Him Being Too Tall
If You Want, I Can Come Inside? (Wife!Reader)
Only Two Things Will Have Me
Wet Dreams (Highly Suggestive)
Simping For You
Megumi and Tsumiki making you breakfast
Telling Him You Need a Hug
Big or Small
Six Eyes of Satoru Gojo (Angst)
Wasted Summer (Angst, Sukuna x reader)
Husband!Gojo (Asleep with Megumi)
Y/n in the Multiverse of Gojo
Teasing Boyfriend
Confessing Their Crush
Three Times He Asked You to Marry Him (suggestive)
Seeing Your Baby's Cursed Energy
Reacting To You Being Pregnant
A River of Honey (highly Suggestive)
Is Crazy About You
If Only
Teen!Gojo Crush
More Teen!Gojo Crush
Dropping Everything for You
The Good (You), The Bad (Megumi), & The Ugly (Gojo)
When Someone Disrespects You
Ruined Orgasm
Cockwarming + Choking
Begging For a Drop of Breastmilk
Saving Himself-Virgin!Gojo
Gojo blindfold + Blowjob
Wolf Hybrid!Gojo
Pretty Baby
Pervy Roommate
Cam Boy Manwhore
Dad's Best Friend!Satoru
Actor!Gojo Biggest Fan
Pussy drunk!Gojo breeding
Random NSFW
Riding Him
Giving Virgin!Gojo Head
Sugar Daddy
Being Loud
I Wanna Show You Off (Suggar Daddy!Gojo)
Sealed With Satoru
Begging For You
Watching You
Things He Says in Bed
Sending You Videos
Riding Him
"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
Give it All Just To Hold You Close (Bully!Gojo)
Pregnancy/Baby imagine (mostly fluff)
Using His Infinity To Keep You From Feeling Him
Desperation (Ex-Husband!Gojo)
Breeding Kink
College!Gojo x Cam Girl!Reader
Cumming in His Pants
Son's Friend!Gojo x Milf!Reader
Needy, Desperate Gojo
His Jacket
Lovesick!Gojo (Short)
Virgin!Gojo (Short)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Combining two of my new loves into one as they're the perfect pair - Dismissive Yan and Chipper-Creep Darling
I fancy writing creep reader as that eerie silent stalker, and secretive about their deviancy and malice, but one who's loud and proud about it is just as good. Your smile is so pretty!♡ can I have your teeth if you die? Saw you in my dream like night... You look cute in red. Their smile is friendly, but not welcoming. How anyone can be around this horror of a human being is a mystery..... in comes their knight looking like the corpse of their dreams with that dead eyed stare.
Dismissive Yan is just that. Nothing phases or gets beneath their skin. Cry, scream, hurt or tell them how much you hate their guts and they wouldn't bat an eye. Simply ask if you're yet done and if you're ready to eat now - or are you just going to throw it in their face again. "Ok" and "Sure" is the bulk of their vocabulary. Life's a bitch and they just don't have the energy to care, but don't be fooled by how indifferent to reality they are. Belittle them all you want, but the second anyone talks about their darling they're slitting throats on the spot. A tyrant when it comes to those who get in their way - crushing their victim's fingers one by one beneath their heel with zero thoughts in their head.
Together, Creep Darling and Dismissive Yan seem incompatible on the surface. "Don't touch me in public, Y/n...." "Then smile! Come on, smile- I know you want to~" Creep doesn't respect their personal space and always trying to push buttons they don't have. Their Yan barely reacts on the outside, but touch their chest and their heart is racing. These two truly bond when someone makes fun of creep for their behavior - and their bully gets the shit beaten out of them for it. Teeth flying, bones broken. Instant heart eyes for that freak. While patching them up, creep darling goes on and on about becoming murder spouses someday. Yan only asks you let their hands heal first.
This lead to a full scenario where reader is some kind of protecting force for Yan. My first idea was a doll/robot they come across one day or is forced on them for their reclusive nature. Only problem is that doll has a nasty little bug... that gives them a taste for blood and pastel colors. "Smile or die!" ... What do you mean that's not how you greet a human?? They hang around Yan because they keep a roof over their head and their parts in peak condition. Humans are broken when they're sad so they have to rid the world of every miserable one way or another. Dismissive Yan never expresses any emotion so you can't do a thing but tease and push until they do. Unfortunately, you don't get that honor.
Ambushed one eve by people who didn't take too kindly to them either, you're knocked down first so you don't get in the way. When your systems reboot and you're ready to knock some heads, you wake up with the skulls you aim to crush already caved by the lead pipe that took you down and that weirdo standing over you. Boo - looks like they broke too. You guess you won't kill this downer, not with them crying over you like this. And for helping you out. The new eye they buy you better be top quality
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