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aritks · 11 months ago
🦇🩷🎀🧛🏻‍♀️🕸️✨ .*º besties
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bobovegan · 2 years ago
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kanmom51 · 8 months ago
Spot the differences (again)
*This one has been sitting in my drafts for a while now waiting for me to finalize it. Much water has passed under the bridge since, but I still think it is relevant, maybe even more so now that 'Are you sure?' is about to land and this is the type of rhetoric we will be hearing a lot.
This post is a public service for all those that love to nullify Jikook interactions. Those that ot7-fy them. "JM is such a sweetheart, he loves all his members" or "JM is always so happy to see the other members, remember when..."
So yeah, I actually do remember when. And that is why I decided to bring them here for you to judge.
Let's put these two under a magnifying glass side by side why don't we?
RM joining JM in his birthday live.
JK joining JM in his Docu live
Thanks to cr./@jimimn for their amazing gifs, some of which I will be using here.
Start, why don't you, with JM's initial reaction.
JM literally lights up when he notices JK. He stops the video and calls out his name.
He's not happy.
He is overjoyed.
His face literally lights up.
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His whole body is reacting.
He is down right giddy.
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That whole body movement when he calls out to Jaykay again. His shoulders literally dancing - that is what I call a little JM happy dance, exclusively for JK.
When RM walks in JM is happy he's there. Happy. Not giddy.
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And may I remind you that this is JM's birthday live. So RM is popping in to wish JM happy birthday while he's on live. And as expected JM is happy to see him.
Happy and laughing for a sec and then manages, with ease, to have a full on conversation with RM, setting up a chair for him by his side. Expecting RM to join his live.
Yes, JM set up a seat for RM to sit by his side, all while he shooed JK away telling him to take the chair with him.
JM's first question to JK: "why did you lose so much weight?"
All while not being able to keep his hands to himself and going in for his chestie besties.
From the second JK walked in JM could not keep his eyes off him. It's like we were non existent, and he knew that, he knows that is what happens when JK is around during a live, hence him not having one with JK even though he has been asked to do one by JK multiple times.
And that is exactly the reason why JM told him "you can go now".
JM needed to stay in focus. Watching the documentary and focusing on that and us, the audience watching him watch it.
This isn't a person he didn't want to have around.
This is a person that while around would render JM unable to focus on the documentary and us.
So best he not be there.
Even while watching the documentary when JK wasn't there anymore, even then, when the part with JK recording Letter came up, JM wasn't with us.
We always talk about the JM effect, but when it comes to JM and JK, there is definitley a JK effect to be talked about as well.
So, RM comes in to see JM, and JM gives him a stool to sit on and join him. RM wants to take a pic of JM, and JM tells him to "take a pic of this", which is an AI generated elf JM pic he had on screen and that he was showing us himself just a second earlier as RM just came in.
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With RM JM is clearly happy that he joined him. They talk about RM's hair, about having to get a drink together, about JM doing his dance clips. It's a short visit, less than 2 minutes long, and yet they manage to actually form full sentences and have a somewhat meaningful conversation.
And then you have JK's visit, more or less a minute long and all you get is "you've lost too much weight my chestie besties are disappearing" (the second half of the sentence is what he wanted to say, didn't say it out loud but his actions most definitely told us everything, lmao), and "get out of here before I jump your bones", more or less.
Nah, but seriously. They couldn't even have a back and forth conversation. JM shy and unable to talk as JK approached, leaning back for JK to come closer to his mic and JK (for reasons unknown to myself) leaning further down (JK, that's not where the mic is at). JK dumb-founded by JM's weight loss comment and chest fondling, so instead, recovering as quickly as he could, he addresses us. And then JM is "you can go"... going in for a hug and JK is all "I'm sorry".
Now what is he sorry about exactly? Interrupting JM's live? Causing JM to be a total mess (which he totally was)? Or, being a total mess himself (which again, he was as well)?
As JK is leaving he tells JM to have fun with army watching the documentary, and JM again: "hurry up and go" physically helping him to leave.
I have never seen someone who was that excited to see another when they showed up (JM when JK appears) try to get rid of said other as fast and as hard as JM did with JK.
And yes, JK was saying I love you to army (well, that's what we were supposed to understand), but this was JM as JK was leaving.
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Why you so giddy giggly JM?
Is it because you were overjoyed by JK showing up? Was it because you know you malfunctioned? Or was it just because it was JK? Cause that is the effect he has on you.
You know what it brings me back to? The BTB of JM's SMF pt. 2 rehearsals and JK visiting him.
Not only how heavily edited it was but also the fact, and I did mention this in my post at the time, that we didn't get to see them as JK showed up. Unlike other BTBs with other members showing up for JM and us being 'allowed' to see his initial reaction and their greetings, we were robbed of that when it came to JK's visit. I asked why in back then. Rhetorical question. I knew the answer. We basically saw it right here in this live.
And this was RM leaving.
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JM happy to see him, smiling as he was leaving, and back to business no fuss no muss, and definitley no lingering smile that he simply could not wipe off his face.
Look, you don't need a Master's degree in psychology or in the science of facial and body expression to see the difference between the two. And JM, well he's well aware of it. He knows that JK has a special effect on him. He knows that with JK around he can get lost in him. And when you have a live camera rolling at the same time, well that is something that he knows could be detrimental to his health, lol. It's about schedules not aligning for them to have a live together. It's about JM knowing that they cannot handle it (it's not just JM, we saw that very well with JK's deer caught in the headlights behavior in that live - man thought he could handle it and I think he found out that simply ain't the case).
So basically, to sum it all up, here is JM in each situation:
JM to RM:
"Hey mate, how you doing? Come, come, sit right next to me, join me in my live. How are things with you? New hair? We need to get together catch up over drinks? Oh, if you're taking a pic, take this one...here look at my screen. Ok, call me to make a date for drinks. See you..."
Not the exact dialogue, but pretty close I'd say, lol.
JM to JK:
"What are you doing here?" Wait. Chestie besties, gotta ask them how they are doing...Shit. Brain malfunction. "Get out of here before I jump your bones. And take that chair with you so there isn't even the slightest chance you sit here next to me, cause there is no way I will manage to continue this live if you stay".
Yep, those words did not pass his lips (barely any did), but his actions spoke volume.
Bottom line brings me right back to the start of my post.
You can't ot7-fy how JM and JK are with each other. You just can't. No matter how hard you try, the way they are with each other is unlike how they are with any other member, which they both love dearly, there is no question about that. Just not the same way that they love each other.
There is a reason why while dropping promos for "Are you sure?" their "chemistry" is mentioned. There is a reason why people that have seen only the trailer and/or their announcement have raised an eyebrow, the words boyfriends and honeymoon being mentioned (not by Jikookers btw). Because they, those two, their interactions are charged, they are different than with the others. We see it when the others are around as buffers, but we see it so much more when it's just the two of them.
I know that there are those that are waiting for something big to happen in the show, a big revealing scene or what not. I think they are going to be disappointed.
On the other hand there are those that think it's going to be so watered down that what we will be getting is two bros on a trip. I must say that I think they are wrong as well.
Jikook are Jikook. They can't hide what they are to each other. You don't need to see a loving couple making out to know that they are a loving couple. There are so many other tells. And those are things that you can't hide or water down. They are engrained in those two's interactions, facial expressions, tone of voice, and physical interactions or lack thereof as well. All of those can't be watered down or edited out completely. And they know it. Which is why, again, the word "chemistry" was used - they know they can't hide it so they try to give it a name, maybe disguise it a little. All while knowing we can't be fooled. Not really.
So yeah, I keep needing to tell myself this is actually happening. Because this is going to be huge. And it's going to be so much fun and chaotic and happy and just WOW!!
Three weeks to go!!!
And D-1 to Muse!!!
This is going to be friggin' awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ssstarscream · 5 months ago
earthspark reminds me of rescue bots and RID15 in a way - where they don’t dismiss the hardships of the war or baby-fy pre-existing characters, which I really appreciate! that’s what keeps me watching
Instead, they bring in new naive non-traumatized main characters that never participated in the war, and that really helps to maintain the child-friendly focus.
I can appreciate the different POVs as long as they’re faithful to their true characters!
I think one of the biggest strengths of rescue bots and RID15 is the fact that it took place in the aligned universe. Transformers Prime was entirely canon - and we SAW how rough the war was there. so seeing it censored from an outsiders pov but seeing them still acting the same and KNOWING what they went through - ohhh!!!
Although Earthspark doesn’t have that connection, we can imply they endured similar hardships. based on the flashback animation style it was likely closer to whatever happened in G1.
either way, I’m really enjoying the new concepts they’re bringing forth as well.
- reformed megatron? let’s GO! love to see it for the first time outside the comics :] however, I’m hoping it comes later but I really need them to walk through how/why he reformed. like how did this Happen. just hoping it’ll happen later. (edit: OH and combiner wars!)
- I like how bee isn’t the stereotypical blabbermouth. maybe he USED to be that way but it’s obvious that war has yknow, made him more jaded and responsible.
- decepticons ACT like decepticons. (such a relief compared to RID15! that drove me insane. every transformer that caused trouble was labeled a decepticon when like none of them even knew who megatron was 🙄. At least Swindle in earthspark actually ACTS like swindle)
- I like how the mom was already part of the EDC or Ghost or whatever. we’re so used to seeing humans have to get used to living with transformers but NAHHH her and op and megs & co are already besties. love that! we jumped to the chase! hope I can see some war flashbacks
anyways can’t wait to see more earthspark and I’m glad my TF hyperfixation is back thanks to transformers one :]
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twig-tea · 1 year ago
Cooking Crush ep 10: This Show Has My Whole Heart
I wrote about some of the things Cooking Crush is doing so well in my response to a recent ask, and so I'm particularly glad that episode 10 came through with a strong flourish to get us set up the last two episodes.
I wanted to call out a few specific things this episode did that are contributing to why it's working so well for me.
First, I want to mention that the reciprocity continues! Previously, we had Prem comforting Ten during a panic attack post adrenaline crash. In this episode, Ten comforts and supports Prem during his worries about Samsee and the competition.
Picking up on something else I've talked about before, this show is committed to its character's arcs. Fire is struggling with his sexuality and his desire to keep their relationship secret last episode led to the conflict between Samsee and Dynamite this episode. Fire showing up to support Dy in public, giving him affection, and using the petname Dy insisted on having is all evidence of Fy's increasing comfort with it. He's already said before he intends to tell his mother, and Dy has been clear he's not rushing him. The way Dy is so careful with Fire but also so receptive to and appreciative of what Fire is able to give warms my heart (pun intended). And Samsee and Prem seeing it and reacting supportively too, because they know what this means to their friend!
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[The gifsearch is not cooperating but please enjoy this gifest by @gunsatthaphan.]
I also want to talk about how this conflict with Samsee hits Dynamite hard, and in the context of knowing he's lost relationships with his parents because of his sexuality, to think his relationship with Fire could have lost him a close friend must be bringing back up his feelings about being cut out of the lives of people he loves. However, it speaks to the strength of his bond with Samsee that even though Samsee is furious and not speaking with him, he does not kick Dy out of his apartment. Dy mentions that he didn't see Samsee the night before the competition because Samsee didn't come home (we find out later why, but I loved this subtle nod to the fact that unlike Dy's own parents, Samsee didn't abandon Dy when he made choices that hurt him. I AM IN MY QUEER FOUND FAMILY FEELINGS, FRIENDS).
Along these lines, Ten going to confess to Prem, noticing that these friends are having a moment, and quietly stepping away to give them space is such a good character moment for him, since previously he's been begging to be let in to their shared space even when Prem mentions he's concerned about its impact on his friends and their relationship. Ten's realizing he can't be everything for Prem, and it's better for both of them if he isn't.
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That scene of reconciliation, the three friends re-establishing how important they are to one another, that got to me. And that the show prioritized it over the romance! I cannot tell you how much I love that this was an explicit decision the show made, to say 'no, this is not the time for a confession, this friendship reconciliation is more important right now'. And I love that the show gives us a solid, character-grounded reason for why Samsee reacted so strongly to being left out in the first place. We've been told Samsee has changed school majors 3 times, and it's been played as a joke as well as an explanation for why he's an older student. I love that we've now had the consequences of those changes on Samsee's friendships added to his story. Even a "joke" backstory has ramifications for the characters in this show, I am obsessed.
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I also want to mention that I am loving what the show is doing with Samsee and Metha, two characters who are the "fuck-ups" of their friend groups, but who are also the most loyal and most supportive of them all. They conflict with one another around what that support looks like, even while they enable one another to continue to be the best friends to their respective besties.
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Prem has struggled this entire show to use his words, and in particular he's visibly wrestled with how he can gracefully reject Chef Changma without putting his own career at risk. In this episode he manages to say 'I don't think that [a hug] would be a good idea', and he's ignored. Ten immediately steps in, but I wanted to highlight how big a deal it is for Prem to have said no to this Chef--who he's idolized, who is his mentor, and who is a judge of the competition he's in--in this moment.
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When we do get to the confession, Prem continues to lead with action, and Ten continues to push him to use his words. I love so much that Ten never lets him get away with copping out of saying the words, since it's something we know Prem struggles so much with. This speaks to @lurkingshan's earlier post about how Cooking Crush shows us its leads are better thanks to their relationship (in the same way that Fire self-actualizing and being more free to be himself and express affection also speaks to this point).
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Beyond character arcs, there's one other thing I am very excited for heading into episode 11 next week, and that's the conflicts in this show converging so brilliantly. So far, the show has set up a few conflicts: Ten's relationship with his father, the cooking competition, the bullies, Fire's relationship with his mother, and Chef Changma's interest in Prem. All of these have now been queued up to expertly converge as a single conflict in ep 11, based on the preview. With Changma's advance and subsequent punch being recorded and distributed (I'm placing bets that this was recorded by one of the bullies, btw), Ten's father once again steps in the way of this relationship that he sees as a detriment to his son. Prem also previously stated that he wanted to enter the competition in order to prove to Ten's dad that he has potential, so these threads were already starting to come together weeks ago. Even if I'm wrong about the bullies having been the ones to record that video, they're sitll in the competition as competitors. And of course Fire has promised Dy he'd come out after the competition, tying the last thread of these conflicts all together around this single event.
And this is what I mean when I say the writing on this show is so good. Because the characters are coherent and consistent and have clear arcs, and the conflicts are grounded in the characters, even though there are several threads, they come together easily and in a way that makes perfect sense and that work with the character arcs rather than against them.
The last thing I'll mention, because it's something I actually brought up as a negative to this show previously, is the use of non-linear storytelling. Cooking Crush has used non-linear storytelling several times, showing us a scene and then flashing back to what happened before that scene in order to fill in the gaps. This can be an effective storytelling tool, but it has to accomplish something in the narrative. The difference between unnecessary and excellently-deployed non-linear storytelling is whether or not there's a good answer to this question: What is the purpose of delaying this information to the audience, and how does that delay affect the audience understanding of what they're seeing? In previous instances, for example the kiss and then flashback to the full date, knowing that Ten and Prem kissed at the end of their date didn't add anything to the viewing experience of watching their date, and having seen their date didn't change my experience of the kiss. This is why I consider it an ineffective use of that technique.
In episode 10, however, we get the cold open that shows Ten joining Prem and Samsee in the competition, and then we flash back. Knowing Ten will be joining Prem and Dynamite in the competition helps to colour what we see about Prem and Dy trying to get Samsee to reconcile with them, as well as Samsee's absence. When we get to Ten stepping in, we have learned it was as much a surprise (and disappointment) to Prem and Dy as it was to us. Ten stepping in doesn't actually work, but it does give Prem the courage to ask if they can compete as a duo, rather than just letting themselves be disqualified without a fight. And we later find out that Samsee was so touched by the letter that he went to his hometown to dig for prawns and that's why he was late for the competition. [I also wanted to mention this because based on @respectthepetty's roundup post it sounds like the cold open was cut for the youtube version]
I lied, I have one more actual last thing, this one is obvious but I can't not say it: THANK YOU to this show for consistently queueing up the typical miscommunication fumbles that get so annoying in every BL (in most romance plots of any sexuality) and then saying NOT TODAY SATAN and having the characters choose vulnerability and honesty and bravery, and talking it out. Every time the show does this (and it's at least 2x per episode, no exaggeration) I feel a little more faith in romance writing restored.
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ANWAY, TL;DR Cooking Crush continues making me so happy every week!
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airenyah · 1 year ago
#as if the fist words yall learned from watching thai and k dramas werent #aish #ai'sat #etc etc
op here, actually some of the first words i remember picking up from watching my very first thai drama over and over again include:
นั่ง — to sit
เขิน — shy, embarassed
เปล่า — no, not
i mean from that very same thai drama i also learned the word อ้วน which means fat or overweight, so i guess that could count as a swear word 🤷🏼‍♀️
i think i also picked up the phrase ขอโทษ​ (eng. "i'm sorry") from my first thai drama, but i can't think of a specific scene. for all the other words though that i mentioned above i can pinpoint the exact scene, if not exact episode number where i got it from
what, so when sailom's in danger suddenly kanghan knows how to speak english and can immediately come up with phrases such as "get lost"
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gojoluvs · 9 months ago
i am actually SO TOUCHED when you writed you check your inbox to hear my thoughts like??? mwah 💋 and yes I would devour every chapter from ever series you post... rough sex is literally one of my guilt pleasures and i'll shamelessly admit it fr..
I honestly was surprised by the new chapter of j'adore.. Y/N FALLING IN LOVE WITH MY FAV IDIOT AND SATORU'S BESTFRIEND SUGURU?? im going to eat a meal from j'adore's next chapters.. and possibly cry..
but fr suguru's such a gentleman even though I stan mean gojo.. let Y/N give suguru a smooch 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I was lunatically upset by the discontinuing of forever yours.... (who doesn't) but it's always your choice ! I don't really have any experience as a writer (excluding my high school homework in the past or smth) but we all have our desicions and reasons amirite, there's no way you stop supporting your fav writer just because they archived a developing series.. 😓 always sending u love mimi
— 🥀
The queen has arrived 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😭😭 OMGGG i need to experience that.. my sex life has been pretty vanillaish so as someone whos never experienced rough im praying that it does justice in my series. Literally been reading books with rough sex for my series because let me tell you, Gojo is not soft at all in that series no that man is definitely something else. Got my toes curling just thinking about the scenes I have in mind..
When I was writing J’adore i was like, I NEED suguru in this fic. That man is such a gentleman and who wouldn’t run to him if your husband is treating you bad, not to mention having two sexy men fighting for you and them being besties, literally have my heart already.
Im so sad you got upset about my FY series! Hopefully i can make it up with my other series although FY held a special place in all of out hearts 😭💔 Sending love back!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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pinkacademic · 2 years ago
Solo Dates, Friend Dates, and Group Outings
Aka, how I’m making the most of my three trips to the Barbie Movie
I’m going to see Barbie at the cinema three times this month, once just me and my notebook, once with a group of friends, and once with my bestie! Thought I’d take the op to talk about the differences between my plans and how to make the most of all kinds of outing, as well as how I’m Barbie-fying every trip!
Solo Dates
We don’t solo date enough! People tend to save all their energy on going out with freinds or a significant other, but what if you’re the only Barbie girl in your friend group? Go alone! I’ve been to concerts alone, I’ve been to the cinema alone, and I will assuage your fears- no one is looking at you! Treat yourself to a little ticket, maybe some popcorn that you DON’T HAVE TO SHARE! I’m still doing all the trimmings with a pink slushie and some cinema snacks, armed also with the knowledge that its all to myself. Never forget to treat yourselves!
I plan on going in full Barbiecore every single trip, and for my solo adventure I‘m doing a Princess Charm School moment.
Friend Dates
My bestie and I have the coolest trip planned! Both of us have significant others, but we’re spending this time together, and we’re putting just as much effort into this as we would a date, because that’s friendship! There’s a cool cinema in our city that combines a cinema and a bar/restaurant, and you can dine in the theatre!
And yes, we’ll be co-ordinating our pink ‘fits!
Group Outings
We planned the pizza before we had the tickets bought. We planned our outfits right after. We have a gradient of Barbies and Kens going- this was planned in detail! The plan is cinema, pizza, back home for a kitchen dance party, all in colour co-ordinated outfits inspired by Barbie.
I guess my point here is that it doesn’t have to be expensive to be fun because half of our night is just going to be in the kitchen.
My partner has a shirt like Ken’s in the trailer, I have a Barbie graphic top, our friend is wearing the pinkest of ‘fits, and I can’t wait to take photos!
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juniperhillpatient · 11 months ago
How’s it going @juniperhillpatient ?
I just read chapter VII of “The devil You Know”. The chapter was a roller coster and the story is really heating up. Poor Yue…
Was it truly a mere accident that Sokka’s coffin laid on top of Yue’s and Fy Lee”. He is very suspiciously close to many deaths. Toph was killed soon after she found out he and Suki were implicated in (I think it was Chan’s?) death. Speaking of Suki, it’s quite interesting when she protested how her phone wasn’t working, only for Azula to notice that it suddenly began to work again when it came time for Yue’s video to appear. Yue of course being an idvidyal that Suki has a grudge against. Via Sokka. Speaking of Yue, her POV this chapter was a gut punch. As was Katara’s in the beginning.
Also Jets’s POV drew several points about Ty Lee from his perspective. That she was smarter than she initially appeared. And that she six identical sisters. In appearance and voice.
What if Ty Lee hadn’t died at all. What if merely faked her death (by sacrificing one of her sisters) and engineered the call to Azula. Blaming Zuko for something he hadn’t actually done. From Jet’s PoV we know that Ty Lee’s parents wouldn’t actually notice if one of their daughters disappeared. Which may make it easy for Ty Lee to fake her death and switch with one of her sisters. If indeed she is one of the killers. I could just be reading into something that is’t there after all.
One of the killers expressed heartbreak over Azula. And we know that something happened between her and Ty Lee. Maybe enough to push Ty Lee into being a killer? Their’s also Mai, who may have been acting the fool this whole time. Her anger at Azula is readily apparent. My distrust of the two stems from canon. Though their actions are understandable I’ve got a thing about people betraying their friends. So their deeds at the Boiling Rock still leave a bad tastes in my mouth. Minus saving Zuko/Sokka/Suki’s lives of course.
So I like Suki and Sokka for Ghostface. With Mai coming in as a secondary suspicion. And If my theory about Ty Lee faking her death is right, she immediately jumps to #I suspect
In the end scene, where Katara is perving on Azula. Is Azula blacking out like in the first chapter? In which Zuko is taking of Azula in that moment?
And a message for Azula. “Tell your girlfriend important shit! Your brother being accused (supposedly at least) in being a killer definitely qualifies. Also don’t cheat on her”. That’s a bit fucked up. Unless you blacked out for it. Which makes Zuko’s action monumentally more fucked up. But then, every character in this story is a bit screwed in the head. But then, that’s one (though by no means the only) of the reasons we love all the ATLA main crew (Gaang+Dangerous ladies+Yue).
Also, I’m pretty sure Kiyi is Hakoda’s and Ursa’s bastard child. Does Sokka suspect which married women that Hakoda slept with (Ursa?). He’s been a big brother figure to her thus far, so maybe. Out of all the characters, I’m hoping Kiyi lives. Even more so than Azula or Katara (I know, It me saying that!). Also hopeful she doesn’t end up as one of the killers…
I enjoyed the chapter, and am greatly looking forward to next! I want to see this mystery unraveled!
Bestie I wish you could like.....watch my face journey as I read through your speculations because I had a BALL reading this!
I seriously LOVE all the theorizing & I feel like I'm interacting less than usual with readers when it comes to this story because I'm always just like -
"love the theories :))))" but also I literally CANNOT respond with anything to theories without giving away if you're close or way off LMAO
But just know. I feel so validated in putting as much thought as I do into this story (trust me it's a lot lol) & I just get SO excited about seeing the different possibilities when I get messages such as this. Just - AHH !! :)
As for Kiyi - I can go ahead & confirm that she is indeed Ursa & Hakoda's child. I don't consider this a spoiler given it is pretty much confirmed in the latest update. More on how much Sokka knows about this very soon!
Anyway - THANK YOU. Whenever I see notifications from you I get so happy because you are so thoughtful & insightful & so supportive <3
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mrkis · 1 year ago
sorry totally offtopic and nothing to do w kpop but i was watching my fav streamer hasan (my man my man my man 🤭🤧) earlier and johnnie guilbert and jake webber came on to emo-fy him and i immediately thought of you!! 😭
definitely get you now, they’re both so hot 😵‍💫 also promise hasan actually looks good, this tiktok doesn’t do him any justice aadfjdkdj
first offfff, kpop doesnt have to be talked abt here constantly btw !! you can talk abt whatever you want i really dont mind.
anyways anyways anyways i saw this!!! LMFAO cute that you thought abt me tho :,) i dont really watch hasan (my bestie used to be obsessed with him so i knew some stuff.....and i lowkey saved that picture he took during halloween where he was covered in blood from the waist down....lol) but yes i also agree hasan actually looks attractive....maybe not as an emo....but he looks good
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sw4tch · 1 year ago
*you're sitting across from me at the bar and I'm 5 drinks in and rambling* OK BUT you know what has been haunting my brain? Just how fucking LESBIAN CODED cyclonus, tailgate, and whirl are.
First of all, ALL of their holoforms are WOMEN. I am fascinated by this. You see, these are giant robots that by all means are meant to be interpreted as men. AND YET. THE QUEER IDENTITY IS THERE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE. Again, gender with these robots is so fun.
The holoforms are just a way to give the transformers human forms, and like, mostly they aren't super relevant/used seriously as a 1:1 human version of them- they're used here and there in clever ways but they are never the focus. And that's okay i don't mind. BUT I AM OBSESSED with the particular choice to give THIS trio their forms.
For starters, cyclonus and tailgate are gay for each other. Love wins, etc etc. But even though i could see why normie people could interpret tailgate as a girl (his "feminine traits" in heavy quotes just being how Sensitive and Nice he is), i would have never expected Cyclonus to be given the Lady Treatment in canon.
And yet it's such a strike of genius. I am obsessed with her. A goth victorian lady! Cyclonus being a goth victorian lady is so good in so many levels. Tailgate gets a new version of his holoform too and it's a petite girl. Cute enough but the only important detail here is that also she's a #Girl. Lesbian win! The goth victorian lady is in love with a cute femme.
ANYWAY- THEN THERE'S WHIRL. This loose cannon who's a mean bastard that takes incredible joy in being violent takes the form of a jinx from lol expy with an eyepatch. The first version is very cute and childish and the second version is just the grown up version of that (with great eyebrows i must add). And like. Hello? For some reason the "crazy mean badass" character being A Girl is a surprising choice to me.
Mostly because i am used to characters like Cyclonus and Whirl not being """emasculated""" in anyway by the narrative (they're Big Powerful Dangerous Men! Isn't that the Power Fantasy?)
But Cyclonus is gay, so maybe that gives him a Girl Free Pass (he gets removed from the Power Fantasy in the eyes of normies)
But WHIRL??? WHIRL is the most fascinating to me. He's an ASSHOLE. He tries very hard to come off as an ASSHOLE because that's his trauma response. HE'S GOOD AT BEING A KILLING MACHINE. And he's funny as hell!! My point is, Whirl is so fucking COOL. Male readers would loveeee to identify themselves with him. And yet, his human form is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl With Guns.
Like, sure, i get it, i guess the average male comic reader wouldn't mind if they could Waifu-fy their favorite guy. But would that in their minds be "emasculating"? Impossible to tell what the consensus is abour Re: Whirl being A Girl.
Now the important topic of how This makes this trio The Most Lesbian Coded Robots Of All Time.
With the information given, we already have Cyclonus and Tailgate being gay and in love. Since in general these robots have no real concept of Gender, you might as well claim they're He/Him Masc Lesbians and you'd be extremely right.
But also there's Cyclonus and Whirl and their extremely special friendship/relationship. Whirl inserts himself in Cyclonus life first as an enemy and later on as his STRONGEST emotional support. Incredibly fascinating to me. And like, we have established already that THEY'RE BOTH WOMEN in their holoforms so it's just really easy to picture them as Girl Besties Bonded By Trauma.
I keep trying to like, justify my view of these robots as Lesbians but like. I know it's just my interpretation but also I Am Right!
But the true meat of the Issue is that I am completely in love with this idea because by making these seemingly Male Presenting Robots into women, suddenly they're so so so endearing to me, more than anything.
Cyclonus is an extremely repressed and emotionally constipated character. He could NOTTTT confess his feelings directly to Tailgate at all EVEN THOUGH he was willing to die and kill the entire universe just to keep him safe. He loved that little bot with all of his heart and HE KNEW IT, TAILGATE KNEW IT, THE ENTIRE SHIP KNEW IT and yet he could not bring himself to say I Love You until it was too late.
You could not be surprised by me saying how this, too, is Yuri. It's the deep repression of feelings for me. Such a lesbian experience (which, yes, it is in general a queer experience, but remember we're talking about WOMEN here). Which Cyclonus as a man and being like this? Good, fantastic, i still love it. But Cyclonus as a woman and BEING like this??? Delicious, showstopping, spectacular- SUDDENLY SHE IS EVERYTHING TO ME.
Now, Tailgate, our favorite little guy of all time. There's so many things to be said about him. He starts off as the only guy in the entire world to have no trauma from the war because he just missed it entirely. So he starts off with the Sweetest Attitude because he is the only one that can still afford to be Sweet and Naive naturally. But ALSO. He is a straight up self aggrandizing LIAR. Tailgate is very insecure! He makes up these stories about him being a recognized hero, about being a certified bomb disposal expert, about being destined to be in the Ark and just missing it by a little chance- but truly he's just terrified of everyone knowing how he's not special at all. How he hasn't done anything with his life.
It is perhaps a shallow reading, but all of these traits make it so easy to picture him as a struggling fail woman. Naivete, kindness, Low Self Esteem, you got yourself a combo of how people usually write Nice Girls. Especially with how anxious tailgate can be sometimes! He was just born to be a Cute Moe Fail Girl for anyone to fall in love with.
And *drum roll* WHIRL. First of all, I think what truly does it for me about Whirl but as a Woman is just that he is a marvelous combination of traumas and HORRIBLE coping mechanisms. He is both victim and perpetrator of Violence. The system fucked him up and he went ahead and served the system to Start The Goddamn War by Abusing His Power. And he LOATHES himself for it. He believes himself a monster and then goes "well you better believe i am the best Monster there ever WAS" to take control of his life in the only way the War ever let him.
Ngl fam, if anything, the way Whirl's trauma is so intertwined with his Empurata aka His Body Issues- he's just a very Trans Character to Me. (And, COMING FROM AN ENBY PERSON MIND YOU, it is very hard not to enjoy making an Attack Helicopter joke about Whirl and his gender because. Well. He literally is one.)
It's about his bodily autonomy being stripped from him and then him deciding to have his rage about it fuel him. Whirl as a woman is genius truly. Whirl has made himself BY CHOICE a killing machine. It's hard not to also apply that to his gender. He also decided to embrace his female holoform, he even enjoys braiding her hair. She is a wolverine woman. A woman that bites and spits and has rabies. A woman with anger seated deep within her ribs and a sadness buried even deeper. (And as a bonus, she also seems to have a Maternal instinct.) She's also someone that saw Cyclonus and Tailgate being deeply in love and said "scoot over, i want me some of that" and made herself a third wheel in between two people that also grew to love her very much.
It's just.
Do you see where i am coming from!!! These 3 are women and lesbians and in love! They're in a fun complicated relationship with each other in which they all have their issues but one way or another they all gravitate towards each other because they CARE ABOUT ONE ANOTHER.
Just...!!! Ough!!!!! They're complex and interpreting them as women scratches such a good urge in my brain to have women i can relate to!!! That i can find Real in their complexity!!!!! It feels silly to me to be so passionate about The Robots Made To Sell Toys Being Lesbians but also... cmon!!!!! Cmon!!!!!!!!
It comes entirely from my nonbinary point of view of course, but this Gender Play of "very male presenting Robots that have no concept of gender and also are Gay being interpreted in canon as Women in their alternative form" is JUST CATNIP TO ME.
Like YES, YESSS gender is fake but these robots somehow found a way to be #Girls despite it all
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disneyprincemuke · 1 year ago
girl i’ve decided to come off anon the only reason i was on it before was because i was so embarrassed as to how many asks i send in and how often i stalk your blog 💀💀 but it’s me your fav anon also the one who suggested inthaf and threatened to lesbi-fy fem!driver 🤪🤗❤️🫶🙏
i love you for suggesting inthaf btw you're a GENIUS for that one actually <3 and lesbi-fying femdriver is hilarious imo
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kanmom51 · 1 year ago
And happy JK day Jikookers.
What a morning to wake up to!!!
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You open your eyes and this is what you are hit with.
The black and white couple in BLACK & WHITE.
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Happy birthday Kookie indeed.
Yes, that was JM's hashtag: Happy birthday Kookie or Kookie's birthday, depending on your translator.
I am definitley still processing.
Well JM, you have definitely out done yourself.
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Better than even this:
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Ok then, did I not say that JM will not disappoint us? He NEVER does!!!
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And yes. JM posted it to his account. Not a story. Not something that will be deleted or go away within 24 hours.
JM posted this photo of the two of them in Connecticut on his IG timeline for forevers!!! Right next to his hot boyfie's Hot 100 post.
Yes JM, we know your boyfie is Hot and he's all yours. And you have now told us all just that. You claimed him!!! He is definitley yours.
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Had a hoot reading the comments, lol. Someone asking if they are together, and the answers. Many answer yes (surprising), but then, the denial some people are in. Besties. Brothers. Ok then. 🤣🤣🤣 Those calling them besties are probably same ones that ignore Jikook moments, ot7-fy them, dismiss them, but now they are besties... Well, my partner is also my bestie, so...
Good thing my timeline is curated, lol. I cannot imagine the way the fandom is imploding. I think this is kind of a good description though:
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So yeah, JM did not disappoint.
And dropping it at the start of the day for all of us to go nuts for the whole day too, lol.
Now, doing that, posting so early on (may I remind you that the last couple of years he posted toward the end of the birthday or even just after the day ended?), I cannot help wonder if there is more coming for us today...
I mean, JK's live, well an 9 minute live, an all new record for him. Funny how his records are how short his lives are, lol.
What do we know so far?
JK was out to dinner with others that he was practicing with.
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Took photos with fans that saw him out.
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Posted for his birthday on 31.8.23 at 23:55 or 11:55 pm.
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Coming home, still in same outfit as he was eating out, JK goes live for 9 minutes. A new record low (well, apart from his Mingyu live), lol. Shorter than his panty folding live.
He was a man on a mission. Coming to say hi.
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Showing us the 2 aces. Army. Yep.
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Doing a card trick.
Saying love ya, a term used multiple time by JM.
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And diving out of there.
So, I wonder.
First of all, was there someone there already or someone he was expecting to arrive?
Same someone that posted that mind blowing pic to set the fandom on fire.
JK's live was at 00:55 am KST. Going for 9 minutes approx. JM posted at 1:33 am KST. I wonder. I wonder if they picked out that photo together, lol.
Oh, I got sidetracked, didn't I?
Because my point was meant to be: Is this all we are getting this year?
No cake? No long karaoke live? No long live period? No TikTok post from our birthday boy, who told us he is now a TikTok content creator? No Jikook live?
I mean, JM's pic, well it's a gift. But is it gift enough?
And no, I'm not being greedy here talking about a gift for us. I'm talking about a gift for JK. Because JK wants that damn live together. Giving him that live together, that would definitely be a worthy gift for his birthday!! Lol.
Just saying...
Did I mention everything I wanted to? Probably not. I'm writing this off the top of my head rushing to post, cause I need for this to be out there, like 2 hours ago, lol.
Kind of hoping that as the day goes by there will be more to talk about. Kind of counting on it, lol.
Oh wait, did I mention JK was wearing same brand as JM?
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Ooh, and forgot to mention that PolyC reposted JM's post:
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And last thing before I go:
I just loooooove seeing that JM, can't help myself.
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Ok, so this gif does not do the JM justice. Watch the live and see just how pronounced it is!!! LOOOOOOOVE it.
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mebiselfandi · 2 years ago
Good afternoon🫶🏽🫶🏽
IM GOING TO CRY I miss him in prem😭
Good afternoon Kevah🥰🫶🏾
I rebuke our sad vibes bestie😔. Look at his smile😭😭😭 PLEASE WHYYYY
Giving you something funny to cancel out the pain you’ve served us so early
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seabunnyart · 2 years ago
Tag your girlfriend or besties below!💖 All bulbasaur stickers and more are available on link in bio!🌸💗✨ #pokemon #pokemonday #pokemonday2023 #trending #fyp #fy #fypシ #pokemontiktok #pokemongo #tagyourgf #tagyourbf #tagyourbestie #bulbasaur #bulbasaurislife #sticker #holographicsticker #linkinbio #seabunnyart #art #etsy #viral #blowthisup
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lukey-pookie-hughes43 · 2 years ago
im sad because there are ppl on here ruining Tumblr for everyone and people are becoming more and more inactive
Omg ikr it's so sad that people are being toxic and rude and basically subconsciously kicking our friends off...so stupid
Im sad bc even as an adult I'm home alone while fy friends sre at school and I've had to deal with this my whole life bc I've always been homeschooled and my bestie is at uni rn and I'm sad bc I can't talk to her and I decided not to go to college/uni bc I'm lazy 🫢
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