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FAVLY Petfood - Unser ofengebackenes Premium Trockenfutter
Futter ist Vertrauenssache und so individuell wie Dein Hund.
Deshalb ist die getreidefreie Rezeptur von FAVLY perfekt abgestimmt auf die natürlichen Ernährungsbedürfnisse von ernährungssensiblen Hunden. Durch das innovative Slow Baking-Verfahren werden die Zutaten optimal und besonders nährstoffschonend aufgeschlossen. Somit entsteht ein unvergleichlich aromatisches und bestens verdauliches Qualitätsprodukt.
Sorgfältig ausgewählte Zutaten und nur eine tierische Proteinquelle (Monoprotein), sorgen außerdem für eine besonders hohe Verträglichkeit!
✅ Innovatives & nährstoffschonendes Herstellungsverfahren
✅ 750g frisches Muskelfleisch für 1kg Fertigprodukt
✅Einzigartiges Backaroma - Qualität, die man sehen & riechen kann
✅Echte Alternative zu Nassfutter und BARF
Erhältlich in den Sorten:
Wild mit Pastinake, Preiselbeeren & Kokos
Huhn mit Karotte, Birne & Leinsamen
Huhn mit Lachs, Apfel & Leinsamen (Junior)
Zum Start kannst Du für kurze Zeit 10% mit dem Code "TROCKENFUTTER10" sparen!
Code gültig bis 31.05.2024
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Heute 140 kg Bienenfutter in Soest geholt. ApiGold! Aus meiner Sicht immer noch das Beste und am einfachsten.
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Der Mix macht es ....

Foto: TvL
Die Fütterung von Katzen kann auf verschiedene Weisen erfolgen, und es gibt unterschiedliche Meinungen darüber, welche Methode die beste ist. Einige Katzenhalter - ich auch - entscheiden sich für eine Mischung aus Nassfutter, Trockenfutter und Barfen (biologisch artgerechte Rohfütterung), aus verschiedenen Gründen:
Ernährungsvielfalt: Durch die Kombination verschiedener Futterarten erhalten Katzen eine breitere Palette an Nährstoffen. Jede Futterart hat ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile in Bezug auf die enthaltenen Nährstoffe, und eine Mischung kann dazu beitragen, mögliche Lücken in der Ernährung zu schließen.
Zahngesundheit: Trockenfutter kann dazu beitragen, die Zähne der Katzen zu reinigen, da das Kauen der knusprigen Stücke die Bildung von Zahnbelag reduzieren kann. Nassfutter und Barfen haben diese reinigende Wirkung normalerweise nicht.
Flüssigkeitsaufnahme: Nassfutter hat einen hohen Wassergehalt, was dazu beitragen kann, den Flüssigkeitsbedarf der Katzen zu decken. Katzen haben oft eine niedrige Trinkmotivation und nehmen nicht immer ausreichend Wasser auf. Durch die Kombination von Nass- und Trockenfutter kann man sicherstellen, dass die Katze gut hydriert bleibt.
Abwechslung und Akzeptanz: Einige Katzen sind wählerische Esser und bevorzugen eine Vielfalt an Geschmacksrichtungen und Texturen. Durch die Kombination von verschiedenen Futterarten kann man sicherstellen, dass die Katze ihr Futter gerne frisst und alle notwendigen Nährstoffe erhält.
Individuelle Bedürfnisse: Manche Katzen haben spezielle Ernährungsbedürfnisse oder gesundheitliche Probleme, die eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Futterarten erfordern. In solchen Fällen kann es sinnvoll sein, die Ernährung anzupassen und zum Beispiel bestimmte Ergänzungen oder spezialisierte Futtermittel hinzuzufügen.
Bitte beachten, dass die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben der Katze berücksichtigt werden sollten. Jede Katze ist einzigartig, und es kann erforderlich sein, verschiedene Fütterungsmethoden auszuprobieren, um die beste Option für das Tier zu finden. Es ist ratsam, sich mit einem Tierarzt oder einem qualifizierten Ernährungsexperten zu beraten, um sicherzustellen, dass die Katze eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung erhält.
#ernaehrung#futter#katzenfutter#feed me#katzen#cats#cats of tumbler#meow#paws#cats of twitter#cats of pinterest#cats of tiktok#cats of instagram#animals#pets#cat blog#cat lover#catblr#caturday#fellnasen#katzenliebe#reblogging is appreciated#sharing is caring#Mischfütterung
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BARF-Ernährung für Hunde, die gesunde Alternative zu Dosen- und Trockenfutter

Immer mehr Hundebesitzer entscheiden sich heutzutage für eine BARF-Ernährung für ihre Vierbeiner. BARF steht für "Biologisch Artgerechte Roh-Fütterung" und bedeutet, dass Hunde ausschließlich mit rohem Fleisch, Knochen, Gemüse und Obst ernährt werden. Doch was sind die Vorteile einer BARF-Ernährung für Hunde und wie kann man sicherstellen, dass die Ernährung ausgewogen und gesund ist?
Vorteile einer BARF-Ernährung für Hunde
Eine BARF-Ernährung für Hunde hat einige Vorteile gegenüber dem Füttern von Dosen- oder Trockenfutter. Zum einen können Hunde durch eine BARF-Ernährung mit allen wichtigen Nährstoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen versorgt werden. Zum anderen können bestimmte Krankheiten oder Allergien durch eine angepasste BARF-Ernährung verbessert oder geheilt werden. Durch die Rohfütterung können Hunde außerdem von einem besseren Geschmackserlebnis profitieren. Rohe Lebensmittel haben eine höhere Nährstoffdichte als verarbeitete Lebensmittel und können somit für einen besseren Geschmack und eine höhere Verdaulichkeit sorgen.
Eine ausgewogene und gesunde Alternative
Damit eine BARF-Ernährung für Hunde ausgewogen und gesund ist, ist es wichtig, auf eine ausgewogene Nährstoffzusammensetzung zu achten. Hunde benötigen nicht nur Fleisch, sondern auch Knochen, Gemüse, Obst und Innereien, um alle wichtigen Nährstoffe aufzunehmen. Ein Beispiel für eine ausgewogene BARF-Mahlzeit wäre: - 60-70% Fleisch (Rind, Huhn, Pferd, Lamm etc.) - 10-15% Knochen (Hühnerhälse, -flügel, Rinder- oder Lammknochen etc.) - 10-15% Gemüse und Obst (z.B. Karotten, Spinat, Brokkoli, Äpfel etc.) - 5% Innereien (z.B. Leber, Niere, Lunge, Herz etc.) Es ist wichtig, dass das Fleisch abwechslungsreich gewählt wird, um eine ausreichende Nährstoffversorgung zu gewährleisten. Außerdem sollte das Fleisch roh und nicht gekocht oder gebraten sein, da sonst wichtige Nährstoffe verloren gehen können.
Lebensmittel, auf die man achten sollte
Nicht alle Lebensmittel sind für eine BARF-Ernährung geeignet. Einige Lebensmittel können sogar giftig für Hunde sein. Hier eine Liste von Lebensmitteln, auf die man achten sollte: - Zwiebeln und Knoblauch - Avocado - Weintrauben und Rosinen - Schokolade - Milchprodukte (Hunde sind meist laktoseintolerant) - Rohe Kartoffeln - Hülsenfrüchte Bei der BARF-Ernährung wird empfohlen, das Futter aus verschiedenen Komponenten zusammenzustellen, um eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung zu gewährleisten. Hierbei sollte man darauf achten, dass das Futter aus 60-70% Fleisch, 10-20% Knochen und 10% Gemüse oder Obst besteht. Die restlichen 5-10% können aus Innereien wie Leber oder Nieren bestehen. Es ist auch möglich, zusätzliche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wie Omega-3-Fettsäuren oder Calcium zuzufügen, um sicherzustellen, dass der Hund alle notwendigen Nährstoffe erhält. Ein weiterer Vorteil der BARF-Ernährung ist die Möglichkeit, die Ernährung des Hundes individuell an seine Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Ein Hund mit bestimmten Erkrankungen kann von einer speziellen Ernährung profitieren, die auf seine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Außerdem kann man bei einer BARF-Ernährung sicherstellen, dass der Hund hochwertige Zutaten erhält, da man selbst entscheidet, woher das Fleisch und Gemüse stammen.

Allerdings gibt es auch einige Nachteile bei der BARF-Ernährung. Zum einen ist es wichtig, sich im Vorfeld gut zu informieren und eine ausgewogene Ernährung sicherzustellen. Es besteht das Risiko, dass man bestimmte Nährstoffe oder Vitamine nicht ausreichend abdeckt, was zu Mangelerscheinungen führen kann. Außerdem erfordert die Zubereitung des Futters einen höheren Zeitaufwand im Vergleich zu herkömmlichem Fertigfutter. Insgesamt bietet die BARF-Ernährung für Hunde eine gesunde und individuelle Alternative zu herkömmlichem Fertigfutter. Mit einer ausgewogenen Ernährung und der Zugabe von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln kann man sicherstellen, dass der Hund alle notwendigen Nährstoffe erhält. Jedoch sollte man sich im Vorfeld gut informieren und gegebenenfalls einen Tierarzt oder Ernährungsberater zu Rate ziehen, um Mangelerscheinungen zu vermeiden. Read the full article
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Eva Gregersens Team will die Eigenschaften der Wasserlinse nutzen, um sowohl belastetes Nutzwasser aus der Tierhaltung zu reinigen als auch die Biomasse der kleinen Wasserpflanzen zu nutzen, um Alternativen zum Einsatz klassischer Eiweißfuttermittel wie Soja und Fischmehl zu fördern
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it’s no secret that luffy loves to eat but after falling in love with you, he will whine and complain until you’re seated next to him during meal times as “the food always tastes better when you’re next to me.” ❤︎
so uh i thought about this a little too much and turned it into a drabble ish kind of thing and yeah
It started innocently enough at first. During one meal, you found yourself seated at the opposite end of the table. You weren’t paying much attention to Luffy, rather you were more focused on digging into the meal that Sanji has so lovingly prepared. It isnt until you heard Luffy yell out across the table to you that you glanced up to find him looking over at you, food in hand, untouched, as his bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
“Why aren’t you sitting here?” he asked, voice laced with a hint of petulance. You blinked, confused, and gestured vaguely to the space across from him.
“I’m sitting right here, Luffy.”
“No,” he insists, wriggling in his seat like the very idea of your absence was causing him physical distress. “Right next to me. It doesn’t feel right when you’re over there.”
You laugh it off at first, thinking it’s just another quirk of the man you have grown to love, but he is not satisfied until you get up and move, sliding into the empty spot next to him. The moment you are settled, his mood visibly improves. That bright grin stretches across his face, and as soon as you are next to him, he digs into the food with a heightened energy, as if your presence was the missing ingredient for his meal.
And so, the habit was born.
It doesn't matter if the table is already packed, or if you are just grabbing a quick bite and heading off to sleep, or if you are already sleeping and he is up scavenging the kitchen for food- Luffy will whine and complain if you are not seated next to him. He explained to you one evening “The food always tastes better when you’re next to me.” You just laughed, fondness in your chest swelling as you watched him scarf down another meal.
It doesn’t stop there, either. Luffy would start insisting that you share his food with him, grabbing a spoonful of whatever he’s eating and holding it up to your lips. It doesn’t matter if you are already eating something of your own, he is determined that you have to try what he’s eating.
You find this new routine sweet despite the mild chaos it can cause during meals. There are moments where Luffy will get overly excited, practically bouncing in his seat and trying to shove food into your mouth while you’re chewing, much to the amusement of the rest of the crew.
Something as ordinary as mealtime becomes an expression of his love. His affection for you is present in every meal, every morsel he shares, every time he refuses to eat unless you are there next to him. It’s a love that is loud and proud, like everything else about him, and you wouldn’t have it any other way
#nina responds to~✦#aims#luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy x reader#x reader#do you ever write think about someone and your heart just futters?#yeah thats me with luffy#SNIFFLES
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#christmas kitties!#elizabeth futter#jellylorum#hannah kenna thomas#victoria (cats)#grace swaby-moore#jemima (cats)#backstage cats
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Shoegaze Classics - Ferment

Ferment - Catherine Wheel (1992)
Main Genres - Alternative Rock, Shoegaze
A decent sampling of: Noise Pop, Dream Pop
Oops, I got lazy and procrastinated the last regular "classics" review. Well, better late than never.
For my final entry on this retrospective, before I move on to my select few magnum opuses of first wave shoegaze, I wanted to cover another band that I feel I could recommend to most casual listeners of alternative rock. So today I'll be taking a closer look at the moonlit melodies of early shoegaze's gruffest band, Catherine Wheel.
The Band
Catherine Wheel formed in Great Yarmouth, U.K. in 1990.
They were probably the biggest band of the first wave not signed to Creation Records or 4AD, though Creation Records' Alan McGee certainly tried. Instead, they got signed to American label Fontana Records.
The band's lineup for the vast majority of its duration was Rob Dickinson on vocals and guitar, Dave Hawes on bass, Brian Futter on guitar, and Neil Sims on drums.
When referring to this band as "early shoegaze's gruffest band", I was especially referring to Rob Dickinson's vocals; less of the typical semi-androgynous, zoned out 20 something year old stoner dude, and more like your cool heavy metal uncle singing lullabies to you.
Rob's gentle but husky voice was often placed rather high in the mix when compared to most other shoegaze acts of the time, giving his lyrics more of a central focus. His general musings involve cerebral, abstract mystical-isms, while sometimes being the brooding, angsty kind of poet that was very much dominating the grunge music and alternative rock airwaves in the United States in the early 90s.
In fact, again I have to say that I would've expected these guys to be a lot more successful in the United States given what was happening overseas at the time. Much like Swervedriver, Catherine Wheel were a bit more hard-rocking than their other peers in the scene that celebrated itself, though not really in the same way as the former.
If Swervedriver's thing was shoegaze mixed with noise rock distortion and post-hardcore levels of intensity, then Catherine Wheel's sound was more of a kind of shoegaze rock and roll, more indebted to the hard rock of the previous few decades than other bands. A lot of their melodies have kind of a timeless feel to them.
Their sound is also distinctly nocturnal, even more so than most other shoegaze bands. Ferment and Chrome are LPs meant to be listened to on night walks and bus rides, especially the latter.
EPs happened. Then came the debut record.
The Record
Ferment is Catherine Wheel's journey into the foggiest recesses of the half-waking, half-asleep mind, with loud, opaque walls of sound and glistening electric guitars.
The production of this record has a very washed-out quality, like the entire record was given the acid wash treatment. If that's your kind of thing, you'll love this record. It certainly lends itself well to the "heavy rocking slumber" quality of Catherine Wheel's general musical aesthetic. That being said, one or two tracks here may sound a bit flat by modern production standards.
The record opens with "Texture", a menacing 6/8 splattering of radioactive glowing guitar chords creating a radiant, moonlit shoegazing mosaic. A very bold opener with possibly the most aptly titled song for a shoegazing band ever.
"I Want To Touch You" is, also true to its name, a nervously erotic track that is both enticing and surreal. There's about a hundred ways that a track with this title could go wrong and turn into failed-seriousness or something off-putting, but somehow this ends up working really well with its breezy melody and flashy guitar leads over tingling shoegaze drones. It's a certified banger.
If ever there was a song worthy of the moniker "shoegaze" in its most literal interpretation, then that song would be "Black Metallic". The drowsy-eyed, cerebral introspection of this behemoth of a song is communicated through sonic timbres of pleasantly tender abrasion, perfectly capturing what it would sound like to be quite literally lost in a labyrinth of your own thoughts while staring absently into the apparent abyss of one's own shoes. "Black Metallic" is a masterclass in evoking a state of mind for the listener through well-crafted, gorgeous guitar soundscapes. This is probably among the first two or three tracks that I'd recommend to any of the uninitiated.
Sadly, my one major gripe with this record is that it starts with the excellent three track run that I just mentioned, and then never comes close to picking up that momentum again. And at 38 minutes onward of mostly by-the-numbers shoegaze-alt. rock, the record becomes a bit of a slog to get through.
Mind you, by-the-numbers shoegaze is still something I could very comfortably put on and just vibe to, enjoying it for what it is, but the promise of the first three tracks leaves something to be desired from the rest of the record. Ferment is honestly one of the most front-loaded rock LPs that I can think of.
The title track "Ferment" is fairly transcendent for me until it gets to that effing jumpscare at two minutes and forty eight seconds in (maybe I'm exaggerating for most listeners, but that shit certainly made me jump).
Unfortunately, much like Drop Nineteens' Delaware which I reviewed much earlier on in this series, Ferment is more of a record that I recognize as a classic because of its importance to the scene and the reputation it holds versus my own personal enjoyment of the project as a whole.
I can see why this record really does it for some folks who like their shoegaze loud and heavy, and I do really love those first three tracks and "Black Metallic" in particular is probably one of my most played shoegaze tracks period, having graced me with its blissful textures on many a zero-sleep bus rides into uni after pulling an essay all-nighter (cuz I'm trash like that sometimes). But the rest of it just never lives up to what it could have been for me.
But like I said in the Drop Nineteens review, a lot of shoegazers love this record. So again, I implore you to listen and form your own opinion. All in all, this is still a solid record by my tastes, but then I'm also very biased in favour of shoegaze as a genre of music.
What Came After That?
Catherine Wheel is yet another shoegaze band that did not survive of the turn of the century, though they did release four more records in the 90s.
Truthfully, I'd definitely recommend their sophomore LP Chrome over the debut album, because I feel that it's a more fully-realized project, with a track listing that flows better and contains overall better songwriting ("Black Metallic" notwithstanding).
The only real reason why I didn't opt for covering the follow-up record instead is because I wouldn't exactly call Chrome a shoegaze record in the primary sense; more of a heavy, dreamy alternative rock record with its roots in the scene, with roughly three or four actual shoegaze tracks here and there.
After dropping three more records, Catherine Wheel disbanded in 2000. I haven't really checked the rest of the records out, but going off of the RYM genre tags at least, it would seem the band never really put out another full-on shoegaze record.
Rob Dickinson released one solo record in 2005 after the group disbanded. Nowadays, the dude seems...very much into cars? Not exactly what I would expect from the usual shoegazing crowd, but then there was that one Lush song on their last LP.
Brian and Neil went on to form their own indie band called "50ft. Monster", which funnily enough immediately calls to mind the similarly titled PJ Harvey single. Again, haven't bothered to check this out yet.
I know it may sound like I'm not a big fan of this band based on the score I end up giving this record, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't more than a few great gems in this bands discography. Both of their first two records have a small but pretty loyal following, so I'm gonna strongly recommend you check both of them out and see if either of those records tickles your fancy. Regardless, "Black Metallic" at least is basically god tier shoegaze.
Highlights: "Black Metallic", "Texture", "I Want To Touch You"
#album review#music review#list#indie rock#shoegaze classics#alternative rock#shoegaze#90s#1992#catherine wheel#ferment#rob dickinson#brian futter#neil sims#dave hawes
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beseda dne: pastir
etimologija: okej, a poznate francosko besedo repas, obrok? (Glej tudi npr. italijanski pasto) No, pri njej se takoj zastavi vprašanje, zakaj se že v ednini konča na -s. Wiktionary se malo zmede, ko gre človek raziskovat, ampak mislim, da je tako: repas iz starofrancoskega repast, ki iz glagola repaistre (jesti) (iz tega potem tudi današnji repaître - me zanima, če je kakšno pravilo, ki jim preprečuje strešico na zadnji črki, ker bi drugače človek po vseh pravilih tudi za repas pričakoval repâ. Najbrž? No, absolutno nepomemben ekskurz). Repaistre pa iz latinskega repascere? Pascere (vidite, tukaj me Wiktionary izda, da moram preskočiti začetni re- v glagolu, upam, da mi odpustite) < protoitalsko *pāskō < praindoevropsko *peh₂- (ščititi, pasti; v sedanjiku *pah2-sk'e/o-). Iz istega praindoevropskega korena tudi na primer protogermanski *fōdô (hrana) - med drugim v angleščini postane food.
No, pastir: praslovansko *pa̋sti je tudi iz *peh₂-.
#absolutno brezsramen način¸ da vključim nekaj¸ kar mi je bilo zanimivo#pa žal ni bilo v slovenščini#ko pogruntam¸ kako na slovenščino navezati etimologijo za céréales (ali cereal¸ no 😞)¸ bo tudi epsko#mislim¸ da je nemški Futter tudi iz istega korena¸ samo da po daljši poti
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Nassfutter, das - Substantiv
Meaning: wet food - noun with nass meaning wet and Futter meaning fodder, feed, food for animals
Example: Manche Katzen mögen kein Nassfutter.
Some cats don't like wet food.
I was typing an entire post about food issues and why I don't like wet food, until I remembered that unlike in Dutch, 'wet food' has a specific meaning in English. Just straight up deleted everything bc all I could see myself as was
#it's a little bit clearer in German#since Futter is specifically referring to food for animals#food for humans is Essen#so it would be more along the lines of nasses Essen#know your german#learning german#german#german language#gimmick blog
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Mineralfutter für Pferde
Stärke jetzt das Immunsystem deines Pferdes!
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Catherine Wheel (ft. Tanya Donelly)
"Judy Staring at the Sun"
Music video, 1995
#catherine wheel#rob dickinson#brian futter#tanya donelly#music video#alternative rock#alternative music#indie rock#indie music#90s music#shoegaze#dream pop#dreampop#Youtube
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Flying, show me how it feels As dreams go sinking clouds that must be real (And) losing touch of what is mine It's proving tough as steel and dull as life
Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba
Gliding, it cuts you down and shakes your ground I'm reeling from the height of silent sound (But) you know it always takes inside As dreams go up in Earth is lost in flight
Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba
Come down, come down, come down, come down, come down, come down Come down, come down, come down, come down, come down, come down
Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba balloon Ba ba ba ba
Songwriters: Brian Futter / Robert Dickinson
#music#sample track#alternative/indie#British music#alternative rock music#alternative rock#Catherine Wheel#Rob Dickinson#Brian Futter#Dave Hawes#Neil Sims#song lyrics#lyrics#ballon#dreams
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Holyland Museum
In the before times (before the pandemic), I found a small museum in the hipster neighborhood of Silver Lake in Los Angeles, California. It has numerous artifacts brought back to the USA by Antonio F. Futterer, whose explorations are believed to be what the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is based on. He was determined to find the Ark of the Covenant, and discovered a lot of great historical…

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#A.F. Futterer#Adventure#Arc of the Covenant#California#DartandMap#History#Hollywood History#Los Angeles#Museum#Off the Beaten Path#Religious History#Road Trip#Travel
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