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craftytyke 7 years ago
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The #fussfreefestivalshawl is finished and blocked 馃槑 There are so many things I love about it 鉂わ笍The pattern by @louisetilbrookdesigns is brilliant! It's easy to memorise and there's no need to count rows and/or stitches. The yarn works so well with this pattern. I love the squish of garter stitch anyway; the yarn is single ply and a bit thick and thin, which just adds even more texture. The colours are gorgeous, too. I enjoy virtually everything I knit, but this has been particularly satisfying. It's that smug feeling you get when you stumble upon the perfect fusion of yarn and pattern 馃槈 #louisetilbrookdesigns #wiveyweaver #handspun #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knittedscarf #icantstopadmiringit #feelingsmug #theresatagforknittedscarg
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louisetilbrook 7 years ago
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Totally loving the excuse to use my new yarn bowl from @julia.smith.ceramics I've even resurrected an old design in waiting for the occasion. This is the grown up sister of the #fussfreefestivalshawl which had been languishing for far too long. Time to crack on and get it off the needles #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #yarnlove #everydayknitter #designersofinstagram #knitlove #knitlife #knitstagram #instaknit #knitting_inspiration #iloveknitting #knitaddict #makersofig #louisetilbrookdesigns #indiedyer #indieyarn
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craftytyke 7 years ago
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The #fussfreefestivalshawl is finished and blocked 馃槑 There are so many things I love about it 鉂わ笍The pattern by @louisetilbrookdesigns is brilliant! It's easy to memorise and there's no need to count rows and/or stitches. The yarn works so well with this pattern. I love the squish of garter stitch anyway; the yarn is single ply and a bit thick and thin, which just adds even more texture. The colours are gorgeous, too. I enjoy virtually everything I knit, but this has been particularly satisfying. It's that smug feeling you get when you stumble upon the perfect fusion of yarn and pattern 馃槈 #louisetilbrookdesigns #wiveyweaver #handspun #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knittedscarf #icantstopadmiringit #feelingsmug #theresatagforknittedscarg
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knitchic1278-blog 7 years ago
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It's a pink kinda day! #shawlknitting #fussfreefestivalshawl #knitting #knitallthethings #knitaddict #knittersofinstagram #instaknitting #knittersofig (at Mount Laurel, New Jersey)
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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After the long weekend I am starting slow today with coffee and plenty of garter stitch. I'm joining in with the #fussfreefestivalshawl KAL by trying out a heavier weight version. I realised that the Malabrigo Rios I picked up is in fact a worsted weight rather than a DK as I thought - no wonder this is knitting up quickly. I have about 20g of the first skein left so I think this shawl is going to be a good size once it is done. #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #instaknit #instaknitters #louisetilbrookdesigns #knittingaddict #knitting #knitting_inspiration #shawlknitting #knittingpatterns #shawllove #handmade #handmadewardrobe #makersgonna #livecreatelove #creativehappylife #makersofig #coffeeandknitting #morningknittersunite #momentsofmine #aquietstyle_nourish #thesemoments #garterstitch
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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It's a bank holiday here in the UK which hopefully means a lot of sitting and knitting. I was enabled by @little__greygirl to cast on a DK version of my #fussfreefestivalshawl after picking up 2 skeins of Malabrigo at the weekend. It's knitting up so quickly I'm quite tempted to see if I can finish it this week. Every bank holiday should be accompanied by a new cast on...no? It got me thinking about how we all enable and inspire each other in this woolly community of ours and how lucky we are to have this resource at our fingertips. Why not tag a friend who is your particular #expertenabler ? #expertenablersunite #friendswhoknittogether #knittingaddict #knitting #knitaddict #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #yarnlove #yarnlovechallenge #louisetilbrookdesigns #everydayknitter #designersofinstagram #iloveknitting #knitlove #knitlife #momentsofmine #mojomonday
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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Having fun with this sequel to the #fussfreefestivalshawl . The tiny, muted pops of green in this beautiful grey from @edencottageyarns are just perfect. No name for this design yet - still working on that one. Sometimes a project is very clear on what it's name should be but this one is less so. Would be fun to have something which shortened to a slightly cheeky acronym like it's little sister - FFFS馃槑 #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #iloveknitting #instaknitter #inspirationiseverywhere #knitting_inspiration #knitlife #louisetilbrookdesigns #designersofinstagram #everydayknitter #blogeveryday #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #knitaddict #yarnlover #yarnlove #neverenoughshawls #shawlknitting #morningknittersunite #edencottageyarns
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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As part of my preparations for #stashdash I am not planning to cast anything off before the start - which means I get to cast on some lovely new things. Ever since I got this skein of Cottage Originals from @edencottageyarns (thanks to @little__greygirl ) I've been wanting to make something special. So I've decided to use it to make a follow up to the FFFS - the #fussfreefestivalshawl A slightly more complicated version for those who have now got the shawl bug and are ready to try something a little bit different. Luckily I have a snazzy new spring like project bag to put it in too.
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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I couldn't resist another sneaky shot of my latest #fussfreefestivalshawl. The gradient yarn I used came from @thewoolkitchen and I believe that Helen is restocking her shop very soon - might be worth following her if you don't already - if you are interested in getting your hands on a sock blank. It is cold and frosty this morning here in my corner of the South East but I'm going to wrap this rainbow around my neck and think warm thoughts. #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #yarnlove #yarnlovechallenge #collectivelycreate #tfispring #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #shawlknitting #louisetilbrookdesigns #indiedyer #indieyarn #howihue #knitting_inspiration #iloveknitting #sockyarn #knitaddict #yarnlove #makersgonnamake #garterstitch
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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As much as I'm enjoying the subtle shift in grey I'm secretly very excited to be getting near to the brighter colours. Must knit faster... On the plus side I'm heading off for a week's family holiday so if I go a bit quiet or suddenly start showing photos of random Herdwick sheep you'll know why #fussfreefestivalshawl #louisetilbrookdesigns #thewoolkitchen
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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Pleased to report that the worsted weight version of my #fussfreefestivalshawl flew off the needles. I used just under 2 skeins of Malabrigo Rios (369m) to be precise and I just love it. I'd forgotten how much Malabrigo grows when you block it though. I used 5.5mm needles and really 5mm would have been fine. But I don't think there's such a thing as too much drape in a garter stitch shawl of this size. All the details will be up on the blog shortly and I will be updating the Ravelry pattern too in case anyone wants to try this super sized version for themselves. #louisetilbrookdesigns #everydayknitter #blogeveryday #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #shawlknitting #louisetilbrookdesigns #designersofinstagram #knitlove #knitlife #knitstagram #instaknitt #knitlife #iloveknitting #knitting #knitaddict #ilikebigshawls #handmadewardrobe #memademay #slowfashion
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
Sometimes yarn is begging to be squished don't you think? I'm onto my 2nd skein of Malabrigo now for the worsted version of my #fussfreefestivalshawl but I couldn't resist stopping to give it a good squish and admire the colours. #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #yarnlove #yarnporn #shawllove #handmade #handmadewardrobe #makersgonnamake #livecreatelove #iloveknitting #knitting_inspiration #knitaddict #wearethemakers #creativehappylife #instatricot #instaknit #instaknitters
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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I'm really enjoying the exaggerated curve of this sequel to the #fussfreefestivalshawl. Once it gets bigger it's going to be really quite dramatic. I'm already thinking that a 2 colour one would be fun too. I just need more time in the day to knit - the eternal cry of knitters everywhere. With #stashdash approaching it's always a good idea to look at ways of maximising your knitting time. Over on the blog today I have a few suggestions for how to do this - some slightly more tongue in cheek than others. . . . . . #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersgonnaknit #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #yarnlove #everydayknitter #designersofinstagram #knitlove #knitlife #knitstagram #instaknit #knitting_inspiration #iloveknitting #knitaddict #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #louisetilbrookdesigns #indiedyer #indieyarn #blogeveryday #knitlife #slowliving
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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Pretty excited to see the pink peeking through this rewound sock blank yarn from @thewoolkitchen. I'm reknitting my #fussfreefestivalshawl so I can see what it looks like in a gradient. Being eager to get to the next colour certainly helps to increase knitting speed. #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #shawl #shawllove #shawlknitting #louisetilbrookdesigns #indiedyer #indieyarn #howihue #knitting_inspiration #iloveknitting #yarnlovechallenge #collectivelycreate #knitaddict #transformyouryarn #seekmoments #designersofinstagram
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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The sheer joy of an unexpected and solitary coffee. Thank goodness I brought my knitting. #nevernotknitting #knittingaddict #knitlove #knitting #placesyoucanknit #louisetilbrookdesigns #tricot #tricoter #fussfreefestivalshawl #coffeeandknitting #springiscoming #springshawlstyle #transformyouryarn #yarnlovechallenge #seekmoments #mymonthofsundays #quietchaos #aquietstyle_spring #onmyneedles #tlggontour #livecreatelove #creativehappylife #howihue
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louisetilbrook 8 years ago
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Now my Grey Skies over Manchester has arrived from @countessablaze - thank you Gem - it's full steam ahead on the stripe action. Aiming to be able to triumphantly wear this at the weekend whilst it is still spring. #fussfreefestivalshawl #garterstitch #texture #colorcrush #tfispring #springshawlstyle #springiscoming #yarnlove #yarnlovechallenge #collectivelycreate #wearethemakers #makersofig #livecreatelove #knitstagram #knitlove #knitters #tricot #tricoter #knittersoftheworld #knittersofinstagram #knittersofig #shawllove #shawlknitting #louisetilbrookdesigns #indiedyer #indieyarn #howihue
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