#fuse x ana
heretherebedork · 2 years
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This show is giving me cavities and I am thanking it. @absolutebl I am thrown, forcibly, back into blurred out alcohol, shifty sound and darling boys and it's the best thing that happens to me on a regular basis.
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gabrielokun · 1 year
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I'm so upset at myself for trying to make sense of Future knowing damn well it ain't that deep.
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But...I swore Fuse and Bar were brothers. Fuse has called Bar his brother several times when talking to Gun, but does he just mean "brothers" in the "from the same department" sense? Because he hasn't called anyone else brother.
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And if they are brothers, I don't understand how Fuse's mom is upset at Fuse for dating Ana when Bar is dating Gun. She already has a gay son and that gay son (Bar) is dating someone younger than him (Gun).
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And why did she give Fuse her car keys when he has a car? Was it to make sure he came back? All his stuff is there PLUS he has the latest technology like a smart mirror that tells the date, time, and the temperature. Ma'am, do you think he would leave all that behind because you are having a moment?
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Damn, just be happy your sons have snagged a doctor and a dentist. You basically raised sons to be trophy husbands like you, so if you really want to blame someone for your son turning into a kept man, look at yourself in that smart mirror.
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This is why I love Mark and Vee. Being nice to wack ass parents was never an option.
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Now a word from our hellsite managers
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Legacies | Eleven
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Kazansky!OC
Summary: The time for the mission has come. While the team risks their life, coming too close to death, Jake is left to deal with the guilt his reaction left him with.
Warnings: military inaccuracies, mentions of dying, mentions of parental death/parental loss, mentions of killing someone in combat, air combat, dealing with the aftermath of it
Wordcount: 3.1k
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A/N: I already mentioned it in another chapter, but I think now the time has come to permanently implement and switch to a bi-weekly update schedule. One week is just too little for me to adequately write the chapters (to my standards) without stressing myself out. I'm going to try to stick with the update times but if needed I'll postpone it for the sake of good quality content.
Taglist: open, message me or comment to be added, will be put as reblog
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True to his words Ana didn’t return to the base following the funeral. But contrary to them, Hangman wasn’t happy with the situation.
It bothered him.
His anger toward her had long vanished, leaving behind dread and a new annoyance focused solely on himself and his stupid actions.
Mixing with it was the feeling of irritation he felt now that she was missing. It felt different without her there. They were missing one person in their group and everyone was well aware of it. Hangman perhaps most of them all. 
Never before in his life had he been so affected by the lack of one's presence. The moment she’d been officially taken out of the lineup for the mission he’d nearly stormed out of the room. Guilt and shame fought to overtake him. To no little part he’d been at fault for her absence, he was well aware of it. 
Even though his rational thinking wanted to tell him that the loss of her father was reason alone to sit out a mission with such dire stakes, where even one millisecond of distraction could cost one’s life, the other parts of his brain screamed at him.
Your fault.
It bothered Hangman. More than he’d ever admit and more than he could ever possibly hide. Her absence left a gaping hole unable to be otherwise filled. It felt different without her there. Empty.
In the days to follow he’d been an emotional wreck. Constantly irritable, tense, and snippy. A fuse so short anyone breathing in his direction was bound to set him off. He dangled on a dangerous path toward exploding at any moment. 
Not even his otherwise impermeable cocky attitude, the mask he had built up so meticulously, could hide his true emotions. For the first time since he became Hangman, his walls weren’t enough.
None of the others could be blamed for his irritability. Once more it was his own fucking fault. He, all alone, was to blame for it. And perhaps that was what made it this bad. Well aware of his role in the dilemma, Hangman couldn’t help but still be upset about it.
If he was honest with himself he had never been angry at her, not directly. He’d been angry with the situation. Not understanding it and on top of it misinterpreting it. On any other occasion he would have forgotten it, let it be, and moved on. But he couldn’t. 
He could not move on from this. 
Not with Ana. 
He couldn’t do that to her and he couldn’t do it to himself. But there also wasn’t any way for him to fix it. Not right now.
Not when he was in the middle of the ocean, stuck on an aircraft carrier, bound for the most dangerous mission of his life.
Yet all he could think about was the woman he’d wronged so horribly.
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“It's been an honor flying with you.”
It was an entirely new experience for him. Being distracted. Unable to focus solely on the mission. Never once in his entire career had that happened to him. No, that wasn’t entirely true. It had happened once, early on, and nearly cost him the career that had been just in the wings. 
That’s when he’d been still Jake Seresin in the navy, not yet Hangman, which had soon after changed. He’d made up his mind. Nothing and more importantly no one would ever distract him from his dreams, from the career that had almost ended before it had even started.
“Each one of you represents the best of the best.”
For nearly ten years, he’d lived after this principle, becoming Hangman but also becoming perhaps the best naval aviator of his generation and the only one on active duty to have a confirmed kill.
“Choose your two foxtrot teams.”
As new and unusual the sensation was, he’d tried to keep on track. Stubbornly he’d commanded his thoughts back to the mission, punished himself for any stray thought by reading the mission briefings, the F-18 manual. 
“Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.”
It didn’t work. Not as good as he’d liked for it. He was distracted enough for it to be noticeable. 
“And your wingman.”
Green eyes focused forward as he braced himself for the pick.  He’d been sure to have the spot in the pocket the moment he’d set foot in San Diego. The moment he’d seen them, first Rooster waltzing into the Hard Deck in civilian clothes and then shortly after Ghost at the bar, he’d known they were his competitors. The three of them.
They’d been the frontrunners for the position of mission leader. And had it been him from that night in the Hard Deck two-ish weeks ago standing here in the hangar now, he’d been just as sure of having the spot of wingman too. Present-time Hangman wasn’t so sure of it.
Maverick stared straight ahead, jaw tense and eyes full of a sadness and misery he’d never seen in their instructor's eyes. Not even on the day of the funeral. Maverick had been filled with sadness, grief, and loss. There had been an acceptance in his eyes that day, now he looked torn, refusing to acknowledge the present, the reality of what lay before them but more importantly the difficult decision that lay immediately before him.
“Rooster.” Mavericks' voice was dismal as if he’d predestined an awful fate over them.
To his great surprise, Hangman wasn’t surprised not to have been chosen. In a way, he’d already known it. He wasn’t ready, wasn't good enough for it.
Not in the technical sense. Ana’d been right. He wasn’t enough of a team player for the mission. It was where Rooster excelled, surpassing him miles ahead.
The Hangman – the Jake – at the beginning of the training, not even three weeks ago, would have reacted differently. Disappointment still filled him, but the Jake then would have not been able to accept it. He wouldn't have been able to see the fault in his ways, to admit his fault.
A small and twisted part of his mind hollered that he’d deserved it for wronging Ana. 
He knew that Maverick hadn’t chosen him for apparent reasons. His inability to be a team player and the lack of attention in the last days more than clear to see for everyone had cost him the spot, had he ever had it at one point. Maverick had said it himself: My choice reflects that and nothing more.
Outside on the deck the blonde waited for Rooster. They weren’t friends, yet Hangman didn’t want to let him leave for the mission without having spoken to him first.
He hoped that the brunette was ready. That he and Maverick could work together, jump over their shadow to fly the mission. Both had been limited, held back by their shared past – whatever it entailed – too caught up with their demons to realize what was needed for the mission. 
Rooster was surprised, coming face to face with him. Stopping in his stride the two men stood across another. The brunette looked at him questioningly. Under the observant, guarded look all words Hangman had carefully laid out in the last couple of minutes left him all at once. 
His tongue was tied, clued to the bottom of his mouth. Suddenly his lips felt dry and his throat had closed down entirely.
“You give ‘em hell!” He managed to utter, voice strained and close to cracking. Hangman wasn’t even sure if Rooster had heard him over the noise of the jets. Rooster’s eyes followed him, burning into his side until he was past the brunette.
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“Dagger one is hit! I repeat, Dagger one is hit! 
Maverick is down.”
Phoenix’s crackly words coming over the radio comms sent a shockwave similarly big to the blast of the SAM hitting, through Hangman’s body. A shot of pure electricity raced up his spine, culminating in a deafening, mind-numbing sensation as the shock settled over him.
Over the comms followed Rooster’s stricken and panicked calls, requesting for their team leader to respond, to show any sign of life.
There was no response.
This couldn’t be happening. Maverick was the most qualified out of them all, the one with the least chance of crashing or getting hit, yet out of all of them it had been him.
No, actually it was him who was most likely to be hit. Maverick made it clear from the beginning that he’d protect his wingman, that he’d protect Rooster just as much as he would every other aviator under him.
For it to actually happen was entirely different from the possibility of the scenario.
“Comanche. Bandits inbound. Single group, hot. Recommend dagger flow south. One minute to intercept.”
Still no sign of Maverick, not even a parachute. Jake's teeth were grinding on another, back ramrod straight, hands balled into fists. Here he sat, strapped into his jet, on short standby to aid them. Why wasn’t he in the air with them?
His breath came in uneven, short bursts. Entirely contrary to how he was taught to stay calm and unaffected. Entirely opposite to how Hangman should act. How everyone expected him to act. Damn them, damn everyone. Damn the stupid fate.
Jake refused to believe that they could lose Maverick this easily. If his legendary exploits were anything they showed that to get rid of this man, death himself would have to step up and lead him to the gates of the afterlife. He refused to believe that they wouldn’t come back with everyone on their team from this mission. He refused to accept Maverick being gone.
They hadn’t lost him.
She couldn’t have lost him. Not another one. Ghost had just lost her father. If she now lost Maverick too, how would that wreck her?
She’d already suffered too much, much of it at the hands of him and Jake wouldn’t let her suffer even more, wouldn’t let her have to grieve another person. Even if that meant he had to go get Maverick on his own.
Jake scrambled, reaching for his mask. 
“Dagger Spare requests permission to launch and fly air cover.”
With bated breath and furrowed brows, hands ready to clasp his mask on entirely and get ready for take-off he waited for a response from the control room.
“Negative, spare.”
Disappointment and anger flushed him. Jake scrunched his face in annoyance, mask dropping to dangle down his side.
“Damn it.”
His balled fist hit the top of his thigh in anger. Sinking down back in his seat, the straps strained against his chest. It hurt, the space tight as his heart clenched in pain. Pain for Maverick and Ana.
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Touching down with the jet back onto the deck felt great. But not even the euphoria and the adrenalin kick after the successful albeit close-cut mission could keep his thoughts of Ana away.
The high that had swept over him after shooting down the fifth-gen fighter and thus saving Maverick and Rooster came to a plummet the moment Hangman climbed down his jet.
His feet hit the deck, flight crew rushed all around him to aid Maverick and Rooster for their return. Eyes scanning the moving crowds where the duo seaters had gathered after coming back with the rest of the team, he stopped abruptly, a deep frown forming on his face.
Too late did he realize the person he was looking for wasn’t even on the ship. He was looking for her – subconsciously – to share the excitement, the high of the win, the success they had worked so hard for. 
She wasn’t there and it may well have been his fault entirely. 
All at once the euphoria of the mission, the relief that Maverick had survived the crash and both him and Rooster the following chase back to the carrier, his second shot down, it all seemed hollow and meaningless. None of it brought joy anymore. 
Hangman felt guilty, he felt angry, and sad. And on top of that the realization, just as it had happened the first time, that he had taken the life of another person – another human – perhaps a guiltless one and for certain a life the same as those of his colleagues, like his, swept over him. The weight of it crashed into him full front, nearly taking him off his feet.
His breath grew heavy and labored, each intake harder than the last as a mechanical vice wrapped around his torso and squeezed him tighter and tighter. He couldn’t breathe and it made him dizzy.
Smoke from the wrecked F-14 drifted over the deck, the flight crew littered the space around the jet. Maverick and Rooster. He had to make sure they were actually alright. With shaky, unsteady legs Jake started to march, quickly transitioning into a jog toward the crowd,  weaving his way through the cheering figures until he stepped up to Rooster. 
With every step from his jet he’d gradually forced himself to appear calm and collected, even though the sweat trailed down his skin in heaps, it stung in his eyes and left a salty taste on his lips. By the time he stood in front of the brunette nothing but the slight flaring of his nostril indicated his troubled mind.
Jake was genuinely glad Maverick and Rooster appeared to be alright. The brunette, even with what had happened shortly before the mission with Ana, grinned at him. It was a grin that – for the short moment of it – made him forget the horrible guilt running through every cell of his body.
A relieved grin brightened atop his face as they looked at each other, Jake ultimately holding his hand out to him to shake. In congratulations. Rooster took the hand, shaking it.
“You shot yourself another kill.” 
Although well-meaning, the words left an aching pang in his chest, his grin momentarily dimming. 
Remember who you are. 
And so, with another grin, even brighter now and entirely Hangman, he answered “That makes two.”
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While everyone else was still swapped up in the celebration of the successful mission, Jake had withdrawn inside. Somewhere quieter, somewhere he could be alone.
In his hand lay his phone now. All his thoughts had centered on Ana once more after he quelled the rising panic in him. Her contact opened on the dim screen in front of him, he had his thumb hovering over the call button.
For the last ten minutes, he’d been stuck in this position. Going between hovering over the icon and changing his mind. To call her or not to call her. What would he say if he did? 
Before he could pull through or back down Jake was startled. Rooster appeared along the hallway, coming towards him. He quickly put his phone down, locking the device, its screen turning black. Not fast enough.
“If you think she’d even answer you are mighty stupid.”
The words were clipped and strained. Nothing of the friendliness, the truce between them, was left. Rooster now eyed him with open animosity, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“The only reason I haven’t killed you for what you did to her was the mission. Regulations may keep me from doing anything right now but don’t think I won’t take the chance once we are off this damn ship.”
Gradually Rooster’s voice had become more furious and resentful. Not that Hangman could blame him for it.
“You had no right to say this to her. Who the hell do you think you are, to accuse her of something that doesn’t even concern you–”
The realization came over him like a wave. Of course, how didn’t he realize that Rooster must have known from the beginning? As close as the two of them were. 
“–Not like you are going to have anything to do with her after this mission. You like shooting people down, don’t you?”
Seething jealousy filled him at the thought that Rooster had known all along. “You done now? I get it. I was an asshole and I made a huge mistake. I was already regretting it before you had to rub it in.” 
Jealousy was an ugly thing, almost as rotting as his hurt had been at the funeral, he added as if it was entirely blasé “Why do you even care so much?”
“Because she is family. The Kazansky’s have been there for nearly my entire life. I’ll be damned if I let you hurt her even more.”
With every word, Rooster came closer to him. Dangerously close. Now they stood nose to nose, with the slightly taller brunette staring down at him murderously.
For a moment Jake wasn’t sure if Rooster would do something more, go against regulation, and beat him up here and there. Instead, Rooster walked past him, shoulder bumping harshly into his.
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That night, long after the mission when they were already on their way back to home port, Jake was lying in his bunk.
The dim, blueish glow of his phone lit up the confined space. Opened was a chat window. An empty one.
A lengthy message was already typed out in the little box, the obnoxious arrow taunting him to send it off. Just as with the call button, his thumb hovered over the arrow.
It would take little effort for him to send the message off. His eyes jumped up to the name on top of the window. 
In the end he deleted the message.
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tessa-liam · 2 years
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All is Fair in Love & War
Book: TRR, The Royal Heir Book 2 AU 
Summary: The King and Queen of Cordonia VS The King and Queen of Auvernal, battle for dominance in Tango 
Song Inspiration: King of My Heart, T. Swift 
Video Inspiration: Tango for Two, L. Tarantino & G. Cocomero 
Visual Commission: Liam & Riley @artbyainna 
Dance Tutorial: Argentine Tango by Diego Blanco & Ana Padron 
Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP (LiRi) 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Daniella, who belongs to me. 
A/N1: This is my submission for week #8 @choicesflashfics, Prompt #3 “I’ve never done something like this before.” 
A/N2: This story has not been Beta'd, please excuse all errors. 
Rating: A, 18+, adult conversation 
Word Count: 1663 
Riley's POV 
As Dr. Ramirez gently places the baby on my chest, I am overwhelmed with emotion, at finally holding our beautiful baby. Gazing upon her for the very first time, I forget about all the pains of childbirth and all the fears I had dissipated. 
“She’s perfect, Riley.” Liam says with tears in his eyes. 
“I can’t believe that just happened! This moment...It’s just so amazing. I’m just so happy to be here with you right now...and with our baby!” Riley tearfully confesses. 
“A little girl...It’s been a long time since we had a princess running around the palace. I’m going to give you the world, my little princess.” Liam emotionally whispers to Eleanor, taking Riley’s hand in his. 
Liam’s POV 
It feels like yesterday since our baby was born. From that birthday on my primary focus is, and always will be, Riley and my children. 
Their happiness and security are my highest duty; as a husband, as a father and as the King of Cordonia. 
 I refuse to waste my time dwelling on the problems with Auvernal.  Their attempts at coercion to force a betrothal will not succeed. Thus, I delegated the mundane task of dealing with those issues to my Royal Council. 
It’s Monday morning, and I have my usual morning conference with my advisers scheduled to begin in 20 minutes. 
While taking a sip of my coffee, I touch Riley’s number on my cell, knowing that she is in the palace gymnasium. 
“Hi Liam, how is everything?” Riley answers breathlessly on speaker. 
“Riley, you're not overdoing it with these exercises, are you?” 
Maxwell interrupts by saying, “Li, don’t worry, we are fusing dance with the exercises. I will make sure it’s a relaxing and fun experience.” 
“Thank you, Max. I’ll hold you to it. Riley, I will come down after my meeting to take you to lunch.” 
The call is interrupted by a knock on the door, and Liam ends the call and directs his advisors to enter. 
“Your majesty, good morning.” Rashad, Olivia, Bertrand, Kiara, Hana, Drake and Bastien step into his office, each taking seats at the boardroom table. 
Rashad, acting as Liam’s chief legal counsel, begins the meeting with an overview of the challenges caused by the Auvernese leaders.  
After listening intently to each presentation by each council member, Liam states, “whatever actions we decide upon today, always remember, to keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” 
Liam goes on, “One of the greatest books on war strategies, was written by Sun-tzu, a Chinese general and military strategist, ‘The Art of War’. This dispute is not about military force; it is psychological warfare.  
At the end of the productive meeting, a practical action plan was devised. Liam left the meeting with the direction for the council to plan the implementation. 
Riley and Maxwell had finished their workout and were chatting and enjoying a light snack of fresh fruit and infused water on the patio outside the gym. 
Feeling energized, Riley spotted Liam walking towards her carrying Eleanor in his arms and got up to dance her way to him. 
Liam burst into laughter watching his wife sashay towards him. 
“Hello, my love,” Liam bends down to reward his wife with a kiss. I see all this exercise hasn’t worn you out.” 
“Never! Max is teaching me how to tango,” Riley animatedly exclaims while gently lifting Ellie from Liam’s arms. 
“I wouldn’t say I am an expert...but...tango dancing is a great cardio workout and body toner,” Maxwell states. 
Liam nods in agreement, “tango is a ballroom dance. I learned the Argentine tango as part of my Royal training, as a matter of fact. 
I will arrange for that instructor to join the two of you tomorrow morning. 
...and I will join you as well.” 
“Really? You will work out with us tomorrow?” 
Liam wrapped his arm around Riley, “let’s go for lunch. Max, you are more than welcome to join us.” 
“I have an idea that I want to run past you, Riley.” Liam sits back on his chair at the dining table, cradling Ellie at lunch. 
“...and you as well, Max.” 
Riley smiles, “you’ve got my attention.” 
“Mine as well,” Maxwell responds. 
Liam moves the baby to rest on his chest, holding her close with one hand. 
“How would you feel about dancing with me at the military charity ball being held in Auvernal later this month? An Argentine tango?” 
Riley’s expression turns inquisitive.  
“I’ve never done something like this before.” 
Maxwell smiles wide and exclaims musically, “that would be awesome! You are so ready to handle this, little blossom. And with Liam leading you? Wow, this will be epic!” 
In the royal gymnasium the next morning, Liam and Riley arrive early to warm up for their first joint dance lesson. 
As the dance instructor enters, followed by Maxwell, 
Liam teasingly calls to Riley, “Okay, your majesty, get into position.” 
“You are so bossy this morning!” Riley saucily responds back, bending down to adjust her shoe strap. 
Liam smirks, tempted to smack her behind, but he has to show decorum. They were in public. So, instead he murmurs in her ear, “just wait till later!” 
Riley stands and straightens, standing beside her husband. Her smirk quickly changing into a smile as they stepped forward to greet their instructor. 
After pleasantries are exchanged, Daniella, the instructor begins, 
“The Argentine tango is a passionate ballroom dance that is great for expressing love between two partners.” 
Riley bashfully smiles lowering her gaze to the floor. Liam gives her hand a squeeze, winking at her when she looks up at him. 
“Tango dancing involves quick, graceful, and playful movements with plenty of room for improvisation. These fun moves create a simple, yet elegant dance that consists of eight steps taken across eight counts.” 
Daniella turns to Maxwell, “we will partner to demonstrate each step.” The grin that formed on Maxwell’s face was enormous.  
“The tango is a fairly straightforward walking dance that just requires precise footwork. It is relatively easy to perform once you master the eight basic steps and understand how the count works.” 
These dance lessons continued daily for the next 3 weeks. 
Military Charity Ball, Auvernese Royal Palace, Auvernal 
Arriving at the palace in Auvernal, Liam and Riley, along with their Royal council, are ushered to the ballroom. 
Rashad, Bertrand, Kiara and Hana enter the ballroom, while Isabella and Bradshaw meet with Liam and Riley before being heralded into the Ball. 
Olivia, Drake and Bastien stealthily went up the stairs to meet with their contacts on the viewing balcony above the ballroom. Leo stood with Queen Amalas with wide grins as they held up the folder with the birth records for the twins 
As Liam and Riley were learning the tango, the Royal council learned that the children claimed to be royal blood by the King and Queen of Auvernal were illegitimate. Bradshaw’s lover was pregnant with twins. Isabella needed an heir, arranging for the affair to continue if she could falsely claim parentage. Since Leo was courting Queen Amalas in Monterisso, he volunteered to bring the proof with him to the ball, along with Amalas. 
“King Liam and Queen Riley, welcome to our beautiful country,” Bradshaw pretentiously croons. 
Isabella meanwhile studies her queen rival with a jealous eye. 
Riley, after all the dance practices over the past three weeks, was down to her pre-baby weight with added curves that Liam adored. Her shimmering gold cocktail dress hugged her curves perfectly. 
Her dress didn’t go unnoticed by Bradshaw and noticing his lustful gaze, Isabella was shooting seething glares at him. 
Liam’s facial expression remained neutral as he took notice of the unwelcome gawking by his rival towards his wife. He does, however, protectively wrap his arm around Riley snugly, barely keeping the distance required for proper decorum. 
“Yes, thank you for hosting this charity event.  I am sure the military paraphernalia will be well received,” he conceals his contempt for the pair knowing that they now have legal documentation that annuls the betrothal agreement. 
As the evening moves forward, the orchestra begins the first notes of the Argentine tango.  
“Are you ready for this?” Liam questions Riley. “Oh yes, let's bring it on.” Riley answers enthusiastically. 
Liam leads her to center of the dance floor, and once there, he moves his body close to Riley. He extends his left hand forward to capture Riley’s upward flexed right hand. Liam places his right hand on Riley’s back moving her flush to him. Riley places her left hand on Liam’s shoulder. 
Liam nods to the maestro to begin the music, and he takes the first step of the tango. 
All the practice they had dancing allowed them to perform the steps flawlessly. They ended the dance provocatively as she ran her leg up the side of Liam’s leg to his waist. Riley then wrapped her hand around his neck and Liam returned her affection with a passionate kiss. 
The applause was deafening, as they bowed to the audience. 
Isabella was livid. As she began her dance with Bradshaw, she angrily moved around the ballroom like a ‘bull in a China shop’. Bradshaw looked so uncomfortable and he stopped dancing. 
Kiara and Hana, watching them, couldn’t believe the spectacle they were witnessing. Rashad and Bertrand and members of the Cordonian Royal guard encircled Liam and Riley, as Bradshaw and Isabella stormed out of the ballroom. Olivia, Drake, Leo and Amalas intercepted them to confront them. 
 Returning back to Cordonia at once after the ball ended abruptly, Liam glances down to Ellie sleeping peacefully and securely in her crib. Riley wraps her arms around him and smiles down at their baby, knowing that all is good in their kingdom. 
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ilsanslut · 1 year
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𖥻 info: vampiie aka sukunas cumslut and ryusei's aspiring b/himbo g/bf. 22. pan. gender-fluid. she/he/they. virgo. est. adhd.
𖥻 fandoms: blue lock. jujutsu kaisen. tokyo revengers. dragon ball. attack on titan. demon slayer. haikyuu. spy x family. my hero academia. hunter x hunter. genshin impact. pokemon. apex legends. overwatch. dead by daylight. my hero academia. honkai star rail. kpop. resident evil.
𖥻 socisls: c.ai. tiktok. (coming soon)
credit to @.cafekitsune for 'support' banners used in fics.
𖥻 my hunnies:
𖥻 blue lock: SHIDOU RYUSEI. bachira meguru. kunigami rensuke. michael kaiser. nagi seishiro. 𖥻 jujutsu kaisen: SUKUNA. FUSHIGURO TOJI. itadori yuji. okkotsu yuta. 𖥻 tokyo revengers: BAJI KEISUKE. RINDOU HAITANI. sanzu haruchiyo. KAWATA NAHOYA. imaushi wakasa. 𖥻 dragon ball: zamasu/black goku. BROLY. future trunks. goku. 𖥻 attack on titan: eren jaeger. reiner braun. erwin smith. connie springer. 𖥻 demon slayer: akaza. DOUMA. muzan. GYUTARO. kamado nezuko. rengoku kyojuro. KANROJI MISTURI. uzui suma. uzui tengen. 𖥻 haikyuu: MIYA OSAMU. TSUKISHIMA KEI. kozume kenma. KYOUTANI KENTAROU. IWAIZUMI HAJIME. BOKUTOU KENTAROU. TENDOU SATORI. ushijima wakatoshi. sakusa kiyoomi. rintarou suna. 𖥻 spy x family: YOR FORGER. LOID FORGER. 𖥻 my hero academia: VLAD KING. ENDEAVOR. ASHIDO MINA. BAKUGOU KATSUKI. KUROIRO SHIHAI. HADOU NEJIRE. TOMURA SHIGARAKI. dabi. shindo yo. shinsou hitoshi. utsushimi camie. MIRUKO. lady nagant. TOGA HIMIKO. hawks. 𖥻 hunter x hunter: PORTOR FEITAN. LUCILFER CHROLLO. zoldyck killua. murasaki shizuku. UVOGIN. 𖥻 genshin impact: ARATAKI ITTO. CHILDE. ZHONGLI. DILUC RAGNVINDR. KAEYA ALBERICH. wanderer. RAIDEN EI. yae miko. NEUVILLETTE. WRIOTHESLEY. xinyan. KLEE. YAOYAO. xiao. SHENHE. 𖥻 pokemon: MIMIKYU. SYLVEON. INCINEROAR. palkia. giratina. TINKATON. HATTERENE. arven. grusha. professor toro. professor kukui. leon. milo. RAIHAN. NESSA. 𖥻 apex legends: LOBA. WATTSON. LIFELINE. REVENANT. octane. MIRAGE. BLOODHOUND. fuse. maggie. catalyst. 𖥻 overwatch: RAMATTRA. GENJI SHIMADA. COLE CASSIDY. dva. zarya. reinhardt. ORISA. JUNKER QUEEN. WIDOWMAKER. REAPER. lifeweaver. baptiste. mercy. DOOMFIST. moira. ana. echo. SOJOURN. 𖥻 dead by daylight: GHOSTFACE. FENG MIN. michael myers. huntress. doctorr. THE LEGION. SPIRIT. ONI. TRICKSTER. nea karlsson. vittorio toscano. 𖥻 resident evil: LEON KENNEDY. CARLOS OLIVEIRA. NEMESIS. ADA WONG. albert wesker. jill valentine. ALCINA DIMITRESCU. tyrant. SHEVA ALOMAR. 𖥻 honkai star rail: HOOK. DAN HENG. BLADE. JING YUAN. BAILU. tingyun. kafka. SVAROG. clara. NATASHA. SERVAL. SAMPO. gepard. PELA. 𖥻 kpop: BTS. ATEEZ. TWICE. GIDLE. SEO SOOJIN. blackpink. itzy. STRAY KIDS. red velvet. aespa. LES SSERAFIM. newjeans.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 2
This year Rookie Thailand (they make really good short length series) came out with Future: The Series a love story in The Tossara/Love Mechanics Universe about Ana (a dental student) and Fuse (an engineering student)
For the first time based on the series I've seen by Rookie Thailand I was not a fan of Future: The Series. But it did remind me of a much better Rookie Thailand effort 21 Days Theory.
The stars of this series appeared in Future: The Series just not enough.
With only 4 Episodes Rookie Thailand told a pretty good story of how X (PATSAPON JANSUPPAKITKUN aka BEVER)was going to use The 21 Days Theory to win his crush Q (KHUNAKORN SUNANTHAM aka TEE/TEEREX) and there was a support team for Q who was navigating who he was in a supportive mother and her brother (Q's Gay Uncle)
Okay I didn't love the ending and there was no kiss (except on the cheek but it was adorable) and the ending was a happy one although a misunderstanding separated the couple (time jump)
Plus I love TEE who happens to look so much like Title (he also appeared in Future: The Series & Remember Me before taking on the lead role of Tai in LaPluie)
@pose4photoml did you watch this one? 21 DAYS THEORY.
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Okay, can you list your like main ships? Because I feel like we ship basically the same ships and I need to know. Who are you and why do we share same ship brain?
Lmao, sure!
Perhaps I stole half of your ship brain and you just haven't noticed yet. Also I'm not gonna use ship names I'm just going to do AxY character for, idk, ease of access. Curious if you're right, lmao.
Anyway for Apex Legends:
Fuse x Bloodhound
Horizon x Bangalore
Mad Maggie x Fuse (I like childhood friends to lovers type shit okay)
Mad Maggie x Horizon
Mirage x Bloodhound (tho this is more of a legacy main ship for me at this point if that makes sense)
Crypto x Wraith (I will die on this hill)
Misc that are like prominent but also lowkey: Mirage x Wattson, Horizon x Bloodhound, Loba x Bangalore, Wraith x Mirage, Loba x Bangalore, probably some other lesbians in there I forgot about.
Moira x Mercy (my bbs)
Ana x Reinhardt
Moira x Ana
Reaper x Soldier 76
Junker Queen x myself (jk it's Kiriko, deadass)
Genji x Mercy
Sigma x Moira
Cole Cassidy x Ashe (childhoodish friends to lovers strikes again.)
Misc prominent lowkey: Hanzo x Widowmaker, Zarya x Mei, Mercy x Junker Queen, Sombra x Symmetra
Legend of Korra/Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Lin x Kya
Lin x Tenzin
Bumi x Izumi
Korra x Asami
Izumi x the OC I made up his name is Fujio and she loves him a whole bunch.
And tbh for ATLA/LOK the rest of the canon ships are usually what I'm into
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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My love of Polla for constantly calling Ana out for this is epic. She is not gonna let him forget that he asked for the break and that taking a break means a break not just... whatever Ana seems to think a break is, apparently. I'm not sure about that.
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And another call out! Seriously. Ana has the best friends because they won't hesitate to both be there for him and to remind him that he fucked up and needs to be the one to fix it.
But we can't forget Fuse's friends.
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This guy is literally just @iguessitsjustme because this was an EXACT QUOTE from her before he even said it and it was glorious. Absolutely perfect. I love the ready to fight friend on his side and more.
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And then ending on this just made me laugh because... why? Why would he blame you Ana? Really? Why? Just because you're the one who overrode all of Fuse's protestations and arguments and insisted on taking a break? It's almost like this is your fault and everyone but you (and maybe Fuse) gets that.
Ah, at least the boys will be all soft and lovey dovey and sweet next week. I do love these two friendship groups, though. @absolutebl Yep, continues to be the answer to Tossara in so, so many ways. Even if slightly more dramatic.
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writing-by-katt · 1 year
Chapter 3: Bad News
Elisabetta is the youngest of the three half sisters, with honey-blonde hair and lightly bronzed skin. She has a stern face with high cheekbones and an average frame. 
When the youngest sister enters the room, she hands Carina a small waterbottle, “Painkillers. Drink up little maus.”
Carina thanks her as she downs the mildly bitter liquid. Elisabetta’s pristine lab coat swishes as she preps the X-Ray machine and other tools needed to prep Carina for the surgery. 
“You’ve eaten in the last 12 hours?” Elisabetta side eyes the teen.
“Yes ma’am.”
“No general anathesia for you…local only.” Carina is confused by the remark.
“You could drown in your own vomit maus.”
Carina’s words are more muffled by the facial swelling with each minute. 
Elisabeta helps the girl into a wheelchair and they make their way through a few sets of doors before she is transferred to the prep room, “I’ll see you in the room. Britta will help prep you for the procedure. You will be restrained so that you don’t move while I conduct the surgery. You will most likely feel parts of the procedure because we cannot place you under a complete general anasthesia. I’ve also opted to not use nerve blockers because you need to be able to use your face. Have you ever gotten a tooth pulled?”
Carina shakes her head.
“Well. There is a long needle that injects a local anasthetic into your gums and it numbs just that area. You will not feel pain but your face will be tingly and asleep. I need to make sure that the subconjunctival haemorrhage has not damaged your sclera and re-structure your zygomatic process so that your face doesn’t appear concave. That man hit you quite hard.”
Britta and London observe as Elisabetta performs the reconstruction on their prized fighter. 
The two bosses look down at Carina’s phone. After sharing a glance, they decide to read the messages. They’re her bosses, she can’t hide anything from them anyway.
12:50 am
Ana: How’d the fight go?
1:30 am
Ana: Aria?? 
Ana: You there?
2:01 am
Ana: They’re going to tell me what happened. I’ll keep you updated. Love you sis.
2:30 am
Ana: Oh my god…Aria. Call me.
Ana: Aria seriously, I need you. Call me ASAP
Ana: Important**
Britta’s nails tap her glass impatiently as she and her sister discuss whether they should call Aksana or wait for Short-Fuse to get out of surgery and call for her. Lucky for them, the doors on the opposite side of the room open to reveal Elisabetta wheeling a now bandaged and changed Carina. She looks so small and cute in the light grey oversized hoodie. It’s just large enough to be comfy to sleep in and covers most of her athletic shorts. The teen has changed into a new black halter top tank and soft-knit grey socks with burkenstocks. Elisabetta has braided her hair back into two dutch braids and her face is bandaged. A few bandages have been placed on her hands and thighs from when she hit the cage fencing. 
“Hey sweetie, how ya feeling?” Britta pops her gum as she walks over to the teen and her younger sister. Carina mumbles incoherently before giving a frustrated noise and a thumbs up. 
“First things first, your cut,” London walks over with Carina’s backpack in one hand and a wad of cash in the other, “You made $30,000 this time around. Good job kid. The fact that you took a hit that hard and not only walked away but won the fight means that you’ll be bringin in the cash for the time being. Now because we had to use our resources to fix your pretty little face, you’ll be leaving with $6,000 and leaving $18,000 here as collateral.” London pats the teen’s shoulder sympathetically.
Carina’s face contorts into confusion. She shifts with a grunt.
“Oh the other $6,000? That’s going into a little savings account for you and your sister. You don’t really think we’ll let you take all the cash and blow it on stupid things do you? You both need to go to college. It’s important. Now, for our second piece of business,” Britta scoops the girl up and moves to the leather couch. The curly haired woman settles the girl between herself and London while Elisabetta sits in an armchair opposite the couch, “Your sister has been texting you non-stop. Something important. She wants you to call her but given your…current state, we’ll call her for you right now.”
Carina nods, laying her head against London’s warm shoulder. The oldest sister dials Aksana’s number.
“ARIA!? What have you been doing?!”
“Now Aksana dear, little Carina can’t talk right now but she is here, she’s listening. So are the rest of us.” London chides the older teen, “You told Carina that there was something important happening?”
“I-ehm- well…Yes. Uhm…I’m at the police station….”
The Jade Sisterhood bosses freeze, eyes narrowing at the phone in their hands. What the hell is Aksana Vilkov of all people doing at a police station?
“Explain yourself.” Elisabetta’s cold voice commands from her position leaned on the armchair. 
“I-Well, um. So I was at basketball practice and everything was going great right? Well these two random cops come in and they start talking to coach while we do drills. That’s all cool and stuff because I’ve never done anything to warrant police activity so why would the be there for me ya know? Well it turns out they were there for me. They called themselves Agents Cass and Wright. Two men. Well they’re not actually cops, they’re in the FBI.” The line goes blank for a few seconds.
“Aksana darling, is anyone listening to this conversation? You said the FBI?” Britta encourages the young, clearly frazzled and exhausted girl.
“Yes Auntie. Agent Cass and Wright are in the room, they wanted me to explain to Aria.”
“Alright darling. You said that these two strange men came to see you at your basketball practice?”
“Yes Auntie. Uhm. They came to get me and Aria and bring us down to the station because mum and Greg got into some trouble or something. Uh… as it happens, apparently Greg was involved with The Kings which got mom involved and they’ve been lying to us about their jobs this whole time and I guess there was an accident involving a chemical explosion and they’re both….”
“Dear, Were The Kings the ones who caused the explosion or were your mother and step-father involved with them?” London pulls Carina to her side as tears well in the blonde’s eyes. The teen may not have been close with her mother, may have resented her even, but she was still her mother. 
“I erm…Agent Cass says that mum and Greg were part of the Diamond Skull Syndecate and The Kings attacked them. Mum was a meth cook and Greg was a dealer. Greg manned the books?! I-I…CARINA! THEY’RE DEAD!” Aksana’s voice got increasingly hystaric as she spoke.
Both sides frowned as the twins broke into sobs. The Jade sisters could hear one of the agents telling off the other for not having the two together to share this news.
There was shuffling from the other line as Agent Cass picked up the phone, “Excuse me, Ma’am..or Ma’ams, we need to get Carina Vilkov down to the station as soon as possible so that we can start the paperwork to find their next of kin and get them home. If you could give us your address or bring her here, we’d appreciate it. 
“I’ll drop her off in thirty minutes. Goodbye.” Elisabetta hangs up the phone before striding out of the room. 
Carina’s mind goes blank as she trys and fails to process the information. Her head throbs slightly as her painkillers start to ebb. She vaguely feels London move from the couch to call a car for the girl and Elisabetta. 
“Brit, you will stay here until Elisabetta returns. Gather any intel on this attack that you can. I’m sure that if The Kings are picking a fight with those Diamond Skull sleazebags, things are about to get messy. Make sure our people know what’s up and give them their orders. Elisabetta will bring our dear niece to the police station as she is the least likely to be recognized.”
Britta pinches the bridge of her nose, “Shorty, I’m going to take all but $100 from your backpack. If you walk into that station with six grand in illegally earned bills, you’ll be questioned and, not that we don’t trust you to keep your trap shut, you could expose us. That wouldn’t be good for any parties involved.”
“Whermf yohr nn pft mfy monef?” Carina’s swollen face muffles her words.
“We’ll put it into the your emergency savings and…encourage…the teller’s silence.”
Britta’s curly hair swishes as she leans down to grab Carina’s backpack and gym bag. They sit on the leather sofa as she rummages for the cash and the girl’s clean sneakers. Carina, having gained enough strength to move her sore muscles, takes her mentor’s silent cue to trade her birks for the sneakers. The queenpin helps the teen stretch and gets her some more painkillers and a power bar. She knows how much the young girl loves white-chocolate and strawberry bars so she throws a few more in the bag along with a few chocolate chip ones for Aksana.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Gaga is saying there are SIX episodes of Future.
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I thought there were five. Now we have six? Where did that come from?
Why am I even asking these questions?
Midnight Museum went from 15 to 10. Bed Friend went from 8 to 10. The New Employee went from 8 to 7. Oh! My Sunshine Night went from 12 to 2,457. This is a thing. It's okay. I'm okay. Okay? Okay!
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Worldline Zero
A single strike can alter the course of history.
Type: Sword
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void
Perk: Tesseract - While sprinting, press secondary attack to perform an AoE attack. After sprinting and then jumping, press secondary attack to teleport forward.
Masterworked Trait: Another Dimension - Reduces the activation time of Tesseract.
Ornaments: Positive Infinity, Timeline Zero
Origin & Description: We've talked about adopted sister Ana, we've talked about weird cranky little brother Rasputin; now it's time to talk about the last of the three (interesting) Bray siblings: big sister Elsie. Born into the Bray family, Elsie at some point became an Exo. We're not sure when or why, but given that transition to an Exo was considered kind of weird and suspect back during the Golden Age, my guess is incurable physical disease. Her situation might have even been a driver for Clovis Bray Corp starting Exo research in the first place. Elsie, not to be outdone by Ana and Rasputin, has two signature weapons: Worldline Zero and the D1 exotic No Time To Explain, named after her, uh, catchphrase during the events of D1. Yeah, Elsie Bray was in D1 - but not under that name. She mysteriously appeared at key points to guide our newborn Guardian and fix a broken plot I MEAN timeline, and since she never gave her own name we started calling her the "Exo Stranger." Her sheer determination to not answer any of our questions led to her telling us, "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain," giving lore nerds a migraine and everyone else the name for the D1 exotic version of her rifle.
Elsie built Worldline Zero from scavenged Vex tech combined with her own research and it has something to do with how she managed to step outside time. Turns out she was good friends & collaborators with Maya Sundaresh of Ishtar Collective fame and from her obtained some Vex tech, including some sort of "Vex Core," that she fused with her own research and came up with either Worldline Zero itself or something scary enough to make Worldline Zero an afterthought. We aren't sure if Elsie can actually travel in time or just has access to thousands of Vex-simulated realities she can use to predict and affect actions back up here in the prime timeline (the "zero worldline" you might say), but I suspect it's some degree of the former given that a distant iteration of Rasputin would really like to know how she's doing it.
On your way to Worldline Zero you uncover five "Lost Memory Fragments" that all start "X DAYS UNTIL DIVERGENCE," implying that at some instant this prime worldline diverged or split into multiple possibilities, presumably as a result of Elsie's actions. Worldline Zero proooobably isn't the actual mechanism of time travel given that Elsie hides it in an underground CB vault before she leaves, which is where we pick it up. Hey, why'd Elsie make us go through this whole quest to find and unlock the hidden vault where she stashed it? Well, remember how Willa Bray is kind of an asshole? Yeah. The Lost Memory Fragment marked "3 DAYS UNTIL DIVERGENCE" says, "I've wiped all traces of my research, but Willa has security scouring the facility for me. She wants to take the weapon I've created." So Elsie might not have taken off on her jaunt through time purely to come check out the future - things may have been getting a little sticky back home.
As of Beyond Light Elsie's back and hoo boy does she have news to share (and plenty of time to explain.) Turns out whatever "divergence" meant, it got Elsie - who never did anything to deserve this crap - stuck looping through the darkest timeline: the one where Darkness wins, the Guardians fall, and everything gets a vague but emphatically dire sort of "bad." Now she's camped out on Europa in a nice little popup snow tent that's been well-designed except it badly needs an airlock, and she's here wielding paracausal Stasis powers borrowed from Darkness itself. But the rest of that long explanation belongs (ironically enough) to No Time to Explain.
Worldline Zero itself is a weird one. Destiny 2's first exotic sword (debuting, appropriately, in the Warmind DLC), its weird split blade and ivory hilt put me uncomfortably in mind of the skeleton of a human leg or arm. Worldline crackles with blue Vex energy when charged and every swipe leaves a scatter-cube trail similar to a Vex teleport. Get up a bit of speed and its heavy attack turns into the Tesseract ability: the next swing teleports you forward and through whatever enemies are in front of you in a blur of blades and Vex energy. It's a fun time, though it never carved out much of a space thanks to the general difficulty of using swords in Destiny's current meta. The close-range heavy weapon just isn't in a good place; the design of most boss/raid encounters prohibits using a sword either because the boss physically can't be reached from the arena or because of AoE stomp attacks designed to prevent players from swarming very large foes. Recent changes in sword damage and ammo reserves have somewhat revived the archetype, but when it comes to exotic swords Black Talon has the crucial advantage of a long-range secondary attack. Worldline Zero carved out one particular niche, though: speedrunning. "Sword-flying," or traversing large open areas using a glide-sword swing-glide combo to keep refreshing a player's jump is a critical technique in Destiny speedrunning and Worldline's Tesseract ability - though it can't actually teleport you through walls - is just what the doctor ordered for the fastest possible movement. Unfortunately changes to the way sword light and heavy attacks worked with Shadowkeep canceled out Worldline's advantages and Destiny speedrunners had to find new ways to break the solar system's land-speed record. But TBH it seems weirdly appropriate for Elsie's blade to find a use glitching through content and sidestepping obstacles in unintended ways.
Apart from the sword itself, Worldline Zero's catalyst might just be the strangest in the game to complete. It's somewhere between a quest and a puzzle, not as simple as Whisper's hidden chests but not as complex as Outbreak Perfected's configurations. The catalyst itself can drop from any PvE sword kill, but its tooltip just reads "???" Players eventually solved it through sheer process of elimination: Worldline Zero's catalyst is completed by hitting the five bosses of the horde mode Escalation Protocol with Worldline Zero. Each weekly boss only needs one hit, but all five need to be hit to complete it. When hit with Worldline Zero each boss drops an item called a "Worldline Ideasthesia" with a unique subtitle: "Black Square," "Torsion," "Cavalry," "Faktura," or "Anarkhiia." Sounds like a random assortment, but it turns out all five refer to modern/postmodern Russian art around the time of the Russian Revolution, which itself really just means "this catalyst is associated with Rasputin," because that nerd has never missed a chance in his entire reign as Weird-AI-In-Chief to talk about ART. He's very cultured. And very bored.
Ironically Worldline Zero itself disappeared at the same moment its inventor returned; when Mars vanished at the beginning of Year 4 it moved to the Tower's Monument to Lost Lights just as Elsie Bray came back to our timeline and set up shop on Europa. She hasn't said anything yet, so hopefully she doesn't want her sword back - she's got cool new ice powers anyway. She probably won't miss it. Probably...
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Some Overwatch in Crossthicc thoughts:
Omnics are pretty much as in canon, robots created to be menial labor who resented their lot in life, rose up and caused a massive war with tons of collateral damage and body counts. Unlike canon, though, they are far older; Crossthicc’s Omnic Crisis took place eons ago, and was part of the cataclysm that wrecked the multiverse. Additionally it wasn’t just Omnics but robots of all kinds (basically all intelligent robots that are not naturlaly revolving mechanical lifeforms), generally referred in positive tones by historians and is seen as having been a historical inevitability. There are many Omnics in the Endowed Nomad Fleet, generally super curvy fembots, but they are numerous enough to be present in all factions.
Note that, due to the much broader scope of Crossthicc, there is no garuantee that canon characters have any relation to each other, or even know one another unless specifically stated or are related.
Reaper may be the main Ghost Rider of this setting, given his powers and habits. Otherwise he is pretty much the same as in canon. This version of him g oes with the idea that his actions are deep cover spy games; he is a genuine hero here, if something of a total troll, and is the unofficial leader of Task Force X. He may be extremely old, dating back to the times of pre-spaceflight Earth. This would make him over four thousand years old; at the very least, he doesn’t’ age. Is a team dad to the Task Force, and scouts out poential recruits. Looks absolutely horrifying beneath the mask, but is legit a good guy, and a buff beefcake at that.
Widowmaker/Amelie Lacroix was at one point an assassin in service to a minor organization in service to the Ringers, but was freed of her programming. She has since taken her services to the Task Force in hopes of redeeming herself. Hyper hourglass and super limber, with spider-themed mutations and gadgets. She may be from a line of designer clones engineered to be absolutely Perfect. Also possibly from a sci-fi version of Dragon Age’s Orlais, which may be used in-setting as a Space France of sorts.
Winston: Originally from a technocratic society of hyper-intelligent sapient apes, from gorillas like him, to orangutangs and chimpanzees, some of which are anthro monster people, and others are not. A member of the Endowed Nomad Fleet, humbly considering himself a regular engineer but is one of their most respected and admired super-scientists, with many cybernetic intelligence enchancements, and an ace pilot of mechas and powered armor. In a close relationship with Athena/EDI (see below). He has some unspecified conflicts with a famous criminal warlord of his home society, Grodd (of DC comics) and they have polar opposite views on non-apes.
Pharah/Fareeha Amari: A super-soldier kitted out with high grade cybernetics and enhancement mods, she operates an ace custom suit of powered armor called the Raptora, capable of flight and massive bombardment, and can slot into a larger mecha for REALLY big fights. (It is patterned after her Thunderbird skin, aesthetically, and this version of her leans a bit more towards her First Nations ancestry.) A member of the Endowed Fleet, and she is also Endowed herself; a hyper curvy amazon, with obvious cybernetics and giant size. Also has explosion-based superpowers and falcon-themed mods, including feathery hair, talon fingers, and even genuine hawk wings.
Ana Amari: Mother to Fareeha, and a Fullmetal Alchemist-styled alchemist, mixing up and experimenting with mods and power-up potions. Despite her age, she is far younger than she looks, appearing even younger than her daughter. She’s got more hips than Fareeha’s curve balance does. Can use her alchemy skill offensively, and acts as a combat medic otherwise, and works as a doctor aboard the fleet. Is also Endowed herself.
Symmetra/Satva Vaswani: Member of the Endowed Fleet, and she is also Endowed herself; hyper hourglass, with an extremely small waist and absolutely massive hips/bust ratio. Not really bio-modded, but makes heavy use of cybernetics to make herself impossibly limber, agile and ludicrously fast. A physicist and gadgeteer in excellent standing on the fleet! Specializes in a variety of ‘hard pixel’ the fleet uses as a somewhat plausible take on hard light, and uses powers to weaponize it somewhat. Fairly close with Jade Harley, in a friendly rival way, as their technological discoveries are similar. (they have probably fused.)
Other characters below!
Zarya: Independant, originally part of a group dedicated to fighting kaiju and from the same broad group that includes the likes of the Neon Genesis Evangelion characters, and the as-yet-undetermined cast from Pacific Rim. She fought on the ground, using potent biological enhancements, though she has a lot of conflict over this, developing something of a fear of misuse of power. She’s otherwise a super soldier, and her dislike of robots stems from conflict with the Decepticons... which would give anyone a phobia of robotic life. The Dinobots love annoying her whenever they cross paths. Since her original group dissolved, she’s gathered a group of like-minded ‘protect the helpless from evil’ military-types and formed an informal mercenary band that takes helpful jobs. Mega-amazon body type, like canon but bigger, bustier, and with more obvious enhancements.
Zenyatta: An omnic who was born quite recently, his fabrication line going all the way back to the catacylsm. He is a Doctor Strange-style sorcerer, using potent magic harnessed from the realms and his enlightened understanding of the cosmos, as well as soul energy. Initially he was a monk studying within a vast and great library (possibly one belonging to a mighty knowledge spirit named Wan Shi Tong, possible one more mundane in nature), but when the Endowed Fleet came there seeking information, he joined them with a thirst to see the multiverse in person. He’s also a healing wizard, and helps restore damaged people and parts.
Angela Ziegler/Mercy: An incredibly ancient human, possibly around Reaper’s age, but she is something of a sci fi lich, though a very pretty one; preserved through unusual procedures to survive through the ages, radiating the healing energies she employs to restore others. Being technically undead has no effect on her ethics (as this setting doesn’t do that kinda thing), and she serves as an advisor to a large and multi-species federation going throughout the multiverse and trying to establish order. Hyper thicc MILF body type, with biomechanical angelic wings. She may also have an angel of some kind merged with her, until an unspecified task is done.
Bastion: Not the only one of their kind! The Bastions were a weapon originally created during the cataclysm in order to combat some terrifying menace, but resented being made to be unthinking weapons and rose up to claim their freedom. While few survived the conflict, the standard template to create them survived and has seen use in anti-Transformer conflicts. our bastion is an ancient and power one one, dating back to that ancient conflict in the cataclysm, but whatever happened was so intensely traumatic they cannot consciously remember it, and being forced to remember sends sthem into a terrified panic. Is mecha-sized here, and might be able to shift into a more fembot-style form for the heck of it? A member of the Endowed Nomad Fleet, usually happily wandering around the agriculture ships and taking care of the beasts and pets at the zoo facilities.
Athena/EDI: A composite character of Athena from Overwatch proper, and EDI from Mass Effect. A powerful AI so intelligent and mighty that she is actually a member of the God Squad, and may even be a goddess, or hit some kind of singularity that she is on that level. While she exists as one of the fleet’s ships, its systems are not powerful enough to truly embody her, and so she is not entirely online. She also exists as a wide variety of extremely curvaceous fembot bodies modeled after the same ones used by the likes of Aradia and others who download themselves into super curvy robot platforms. These are not quite powerful enough to express even a fraction of her power, but she is improving them all the time. In a close, romantic relationship with Winston (mirroring both her canon friendship, and EDI’s romance with the pilot Joker/Jeff Moreau). She is Endowed, and rumor suggests that she can transform her ship body into a massive ultra-thicc MILFy body, and gets larger the more powerful the ship is. In theory, her true humanoid forms could be larger than planets.
As Athena is probably a goddess, she does have a wide range of divine powers, usually themed around wisdom, guardianship, and strategy. Whether she is actually the Athena (since I’m still not too sure about using real life mythologies all over the place) is a matter of some debate. It might just be a name... or not.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Human(?) Disaster
I blame @thedarkpuddles , @aceofintuition , and @pipesflowforeverandever for this.  Here are some pictures of Minty. He’s kind of exploded. X X X X
This took awhile, and I’m really sorry about that. I hope this turned out alright.
Neither of them was sure how it had happened, but suddenly there was no them...There was only him. Part of him was screaming, but part of him was rather intrigued. He did not like this. He did not like this at all. He took one step forward and promptly fell to the ground. There was some swearing as he tried to get his bearings. His body really did not want to cooperate with him. He had four arms. That was...new. Was he supposed to have four arms? No, he was fairly certain he wasn’t. 
“This is...new.” His voice sounded unfamiliar to his ears. There were two voices in his mind, one much louder than the other. 
My dear boy-
He clutched his head, fear and anger swelling in his chest. Where was this coming from? What even was he? His breath started to quicken. This was wrong. All of this was wrong. He couldn’t quite put into words why it was wrong, but he was certain it was. Slowly, a realization began to dawn on him as he pieced his memories and experiences together. 
“We fused.” Dear God. They’d fused. He was a fusion. He almost passed out on the spot. No. No no no no nonononononononono. He did not want this. He did not want to be this. THEY did not want to be this. He had to find a way to reverse this. He had to find a way to separate them. He turned and made a beeline towards his(?) office. Or...he tried to. He ended up falling flat on his face once more. 
Snowy hated this. He absolutely abhorred this. No one was allowed to ever know what he was actually thinking. His mind was a steel trap and he preferred to keep it that way. But now...Now someone had unfiltered access to even his most private thoughts and it was an absolute nightmare. Especially since that person was Gingie. He liked Gingie, he did, but his other self had some...boundary issues. Gingie was always trying to get Snowy to talk about his feelings, and Snowy had never been a fan of that. He was sure that once they separated, Gingie wasn’t going to shut up about everything he’d seen in Snowy’s mind. It was going to be a nightmare. 
Gingie didn’t do much mind someone having unfiltered access to his mind. He had nothing to hide from his counterpart. Besides, he’d always been very open with his feelings and he hadn’t yet gotten to the part in his story where he had anything to be ashamed of. Honestly, getting closer to his counterpart was exciting for him. Not to mention, he’d never experienced anything quite like this before. This was a magic he wasn’t familiar with and he wanted to learn as much about it as he could. 
He groaned, pushing himself up from the ground and into a sitting position. His default state seemed to just be discomfort. He felt a little better now, but there was an underlying sense of discontent. He wasn’t happy being what he was.
“Papa?” Joy came wandering out of his(?) office. His heart swelled at the sight of her. He wasn’t sure who he was, but he knew he loved her. He stood up, striding over to her and sweeping her up in his arms. He didn’t need to think about what he was doing, he just knew he wanted to hold her. 
“Hello, darling.” He smiled softly, brushing some hair out of her face. Joy tilted her head to the side, looking a little confused. 
“Papa...And Uncle Gingie?” She asked, reaching out to touch his face.
“I...Yes.” He felt much calmer having her near him. If there was one thing the two of them could agree on, it was that they loved Joy. Joy watched him curiously. 
“Was Uncle Gingie doing magic again?” She asked. 
“Unfortunately.” Snowy’s voice slipped out, obviously less than pleased with the situation. 
My dear boy, might I remind you that you agreed to do the ritual with me?
That was because I didn’t know it would do this!
Joy watched as the internal struggle played out on his face. She could tell that he was having a hard time with whatever the situation was. She wanted to help him somehow, although she wasn’t sure what exactly she was supposed to do. First, though, he needed a name. She wanted to have something to call him.
“I’m going to call you Papa Minty.” She suddenly announced with a big smile. The internal argument ceased at this. He stared down at her, brow slightly furrowed. 
“Minty?” He asked. 
“You have a hair swoop that looks like toothpaste, and toothpaste is minty.” Joy explained, hands on her hips. He couldn’t help but smile. She was so proud of herself for this.
“That sounds lovely, dear.” He kissed her head. Joy giggled, covering her face with her hands. 
“Do you want to sit on my lap while I try to figure out a way to undo this?” He asked. He knew there were some books in Snowy’s office from the last time Gingie had been over. One of them had to have some kind of way to fix this. Joy nodded, settling in his arms. He managed to make it to the office this time, getting inside and sitting down in Snowy’s chair. It was...an awkward fit. He wasn’t sure how tall he was at the moment, but it was certainly far taller than a normal human was supposed to be. Sighing to himself, he picked up one of the books from the desk and opened it. 
One of these books better have something. 
I’m sure at least one has what we’re looking for. Although, our pool of knowledge is a bit limited at the moment. 
Well, we’ll have to make do. I’m not traveling to your dimension while we’re like this. Who knows what’ll happen.
That is a fair point, I suppose. 
With one of his free hands, he grabbed a journal, flipping it open and beginning to scribble notes on the paper. Joy peered at the books from his lap, her eyes wide with wonder. As time went on, though, she ended up falling asleep on Minty’s lap. Minty shifted her so she was in a more comfortable position before continuing. A large stack of books began to form beside Minty as he went through the available tomes. As he focused, he found himself feeling more and more comfortable in his body. He didn’t hear the two distinct voices in his mind as much. He almost felt...happy. Then Henry walked in.
“Joey, I’m heading out for the day and I just wanted to...drop off...” Henry trailed off as he took in the scene before him. He stood in the doorway for a moment, arms limp at his sides and his eyes narrowed slightly. 
“Huh.” He finally said. “This is...new.” In Minty’s lap, Joy stirred. She sat up, looking around blearily. Her face lit up upon seeing Henry. 
“Uncle Henry!” She scrambled off of Minty’s lap, running over to Henry. 
“Hey there, kiddo.” Henry scooped her up. “Would you mind telling me what happened here?”
“Uncle Gingie and Papa were doing magic stuff and now they’re Papa Minty.” Joy said, as if that was supposed to answer all of Henry’s questions. Henry had to bite back a sigh. He supposed he should be used to this sort of thing by now.
“So, sounds like you had a pretty busy day, old friend.” Henry shifted his gaze to Minty, who suddenly looked rather uncomfortable again.
“It’s been...less than ideal.” Minty nodded, beginning to fidget with his pen. 
“Would you like me to take Joy home? I doubt you can go back to Ana looking like this.” Henry said. Minty nodded again. 
“I’ll tell Ana you’re working late.” Henry offered a reassuring smile. “I hope you get this figured out.”
“Night, Henry.” Minty mumbled, looking back at the notes he’d taken.
Are you going to tell Ana about all of this?
Are you kidding? God no. 
Why not? 
Look, I don’t want Ana getting involved in this shit. Alternate dimensions and magic are dangerous. If something goes wrong, I don’t want her suffering for it. 
Ah, yes. That...That is a good point. 
Minty sighed heavily, running a hand over his face. He needed to take a break. He’d been working for hours now. He got up from Snowy’s desk and went to the door, poking his head cautiously out. It seemed as though most everyone had gone home for the day. He really didn’t feel like explaining how this had happened. Once he was sure he was alone, he made his way to the bathroom. He hadn’t actually gotten a good look at himself yet. Despite his fear of making it real by confronting his reflection, he walked in and looked in the mirror. 
Well, would you look at that?
We look ridiculous. 
Oh, hush. We look fine. 
He reached up and unconsciously adjusted his extravagant bowtie, a small smile playing on his lips as he gazed at himself. 
Gingersnap, we’re nine feet tall and dressed like some English dandy. We look ridiculous. 
I think we look quite whimsical if I do say so myself. 
You would say that.
All things considering, he looked more like Snowy than he did Gingie in terms of physical appearance. But the fashion was all Gingie. It wasn’t bad by any circumstance. But it was strange for both of them to see. He had to find some way to fix this. Still...He leaned closer, touching his face and running a hand through his hair. It was amazing what magic could do. He couldn’t believe this was him.
Alright. Enough gawking. Let’s get back to work. 
You are absolutely no fun, my dear Snowy.
He gulped down some water and returned to Snowy’s office. He was making rather good progress if he did say so himself. He would probably have this all figured out by morning. 
35 notes · View notes
lisboabeat · 5 years
26.12.19 EUROPA Amuse-Bouche at Europa by: Nugs On Board: Gonçalo + Manata 
https://m.facebook.com/goncalohelena/ facebook.com/manatamusic soundcloud.com/manatamusic mixcloud.com/manatamusic facebook.com/nugsonboard https://m.soundcloud.com/helena_label facebook.com/clubeuropa
26.12.19 MUSICBOX Disco Duro: DJ Fantasia 
OK. Podemos puxar a história cultural de Lisboa neste século até aqui e apontar Nelson como um dos motores / mentores que fez isto ser como conhecemos hoje.  
Enquanto co-fundador da associação Filho Único, a vida desta cidade, hoje em dia, foi ele que ajudou a inventar. 
Com o Tiago fez os Gala Drop, ainda antes de podermos dizer que era uma banda, com outros fez a editora Príncipe Discos e editou música que Lisboa não sabia que tinha.
Mexeu em clássicos de dança para ficarem mais dança e editou isso na Interzona 13. A marcha de todas as coisas conduziu a um passo que é lógico para qualquer pessoa demasiado empenhada na música: ser Disc Jockey. Depois do facto selou muito rapidamente a vocação e os sets que faz são autênticas composições de energia. Suor, concentração (não são incompatíveis) e uma onda de felicidade que se entende à distância.”
Texto por José Moura https://soundcloud.com/ne-go
27.12.19 EUROPA Peter Wagner ✚ Pedro Khan - Europa's Core
facebook.com/PETER-WAGNER-49690073179 soundcloud.com/peterwagner facebook.com/pedrokhandj soundcloud.com/pedrokhan facebook.com/clubeuropa
27.12.19 MUSICBOX Ganso convida José Cid 
More: Noite Príncipe Big Vado Bowest RS Produções Márcio Tia Maria 
Big Vado - https://soundcloud.com/bigvado Dj Bowest - https://soundcloud.com/djbowest RS Produções - https://soundcloud.com/rsproducoes0 Puto Márcio - https://soundcloud.com/putomarcio
27.12.19 5A CLUB Anah | 5A
27.12.19 LUX FRÁGIL Valsa De Viana: Shifted x Evigt Mörker x Ruuar 
Na próxima #ValsaDeViana, Shifted traz-nos o mistério e Evigt Mörker a beleza do techno. Acompanhados pelos Ruuar.
28.12.19 EUROPA Kaesar - Saturday Night Life at Europa //
facebook.com/kaesarmusic soundcloud.com/kaesar beatport.com/artist/kaesar/74806 facebook.com/clubeuropa
28.12.19 MUSICBOX OrigeM vol.2 // Rodrigo Gallardo // LIVE 
Origem mistura a música raiz de muitos cantos do planeta com as novas tendências eletrônicas, tornando uma união do passado presente e futuro na pista de dança. Na primeira edição, tivemos produtores e DJs prestigiados e talentosos na cena europeia, onde criaram o que foi o nosso sonho um dia, uma cerimônia sonora que ritualizo a noite toda até ao amanhecer. Bem-vindo ao OrigeM! Line Up: Rodrigo Gallardo begins his journey in the melodies from a boy accompanied by the charango and the zampoña, passing through many musical trails he comes to form “Matanza”, in these years he develops a sound in his compositions loaded with influences of the folklore and electronic music, as well as of the new Chilean song of the hand of the message of struggle. Rodrigo brings to the table the importance of returning to our roots and of respecting and defending our land and our waters from the dark hands of progress, with rhythms and sounds Ancestral as a flag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DuNEFT4AqA&t=2339s
28.12.19 5A CLUB Miguel Melo | 5A
28.12.19 LUX FRÁGIL Fist My Disco: Nuno Lopes x Switchdance 
Fist My Disco é a nova noite do Switchdance no Bar. DJ NUNO LOPES é o próximo convidado.
Naive: Hodge b2b Peverelist x Violet
Para a última de um conjunto de festas naive que aconteceram no Lux em 2019, a editora convida Hodge e Peverelist para um back to back. Violet, a patroa da label, recebe-os.
30.12.19 EUROPA Kiko is Hot & MC Poça - Pink Monday - Lgbti✚ Party at Europa 
facebook.com/KikoisHot youtube.com/user/KikoisHot facebook.com/clubeuropa
31.12.19 EUROPA Freaky Fiction - Special Nye Party 
31.12.19 5A CLUB Johan + Gear | 5A 
31.12.19 MUSICBOX Réveillon Venga Venga 
Preparamos um excêntrico bacanal tropical queer, repleto de surrealismo para receber a chegada dos ANVS N’OVOS MMXX! Pessoas de alma livre de toda parte juntai vossos corpos dançantes uni-vos nesse baile a fantasia surrealista! Para vestir, soltar, rasgar as fantasias e adentrar 2020 com o pé direito, direto e reto! De corpo profano e alma sagrada! Dresscode: FANTASIA SURREALISTA NA PRIMEIRA HORA DO DIA 1 DE 2020 começa nosso Baile Surrealista no MUSICBOX LISBOA, Queer, exuberante, onírica, surrealista! Música eletrônica brasileira, global, dançante e performática! Uma noite hedonista de sensorialidades e experiências para o ano novo ser a supra realidade Capa do evento: O jantar surrealista foto: Ana Viotti figurino: Amapô Jeans cabeças: Elke Maravilha, acervo VV agradecimentos: Casa da Semente, Kalil Kalil Kalil e Acervo Nequesa Vintage Um dos expoentes da cena da Global Bass, a dupla VENGA, VENGA aterra sua nave e faz a festa acontecer em residência na aclamada casa MUSICBOX! Em clima de mistura onde folclore e experimental se colidem, o duo de nómadas brasileiros promete aguçar o imaginário do publico com happenings que viajam pela música fusão electrónica, instalações cenográficas, corpos performáticos em noites repletas de surpresas. Um dos expoentes da cena da Global Bass, a dupla VENGA, VENGA aterra sua nave e faz a festa acontecer em residência na aclamada casa MUSICBOX! Depois de uma 2ª edição brilhante, no dia 11 de outubro fazemos uma despedida do verão em tons de dourado! Em clima de mistura onde folclore e experimental se colidem, o duo de nómadas brasileiros promete aguçar o imaginário do publico com happenings que viajam pela música fusão electrónica, instalações cenográficas, corpos performáticos em noites repletas de surpresas.
31.12.19 LUX FRÁGIL NYE 2020  Dexter x Inês Duarte x NVNO x Rui Vargas x Switchdance x Tiago x Yen sung x Ze Pedro Moura
Indicações adicionais sobre os condicionamentos de trânsito durante esta noite disponíveis em breve.
31.12.19 MINISTERIUM NYE 2020 
Room 1: Ze Salvador, Joao Maria - Assemble Music, VIL & Temudo, Nuno Ramos Live, André Leiria, Ze Ferreira
Room 2: Tolga Fidan Live, Pandilla LTD, Berllioz, MARY B, Elless & Benn, Fernando, Manuel Cotta.
31.12.19 FUSE RECORDS Fuse NYE 19/20 
Palácio Das Exposições do Instituto de Agronomia Tapada da Ajuda, 
O ano de 2019 foi uma viagem de proporções épicas, que se desenrolou perante os nossos olhos. Com 2020 no horizonte, voltamos a embarcar no grande navio como heróis, rumo a uma aventura singular. A maré está a nosso favor, e o ritual marcado para agradar aos deuses. Neste Fim de Ano, a Fuse Records volta ao Palácio de Exposições, na Tapada da Ajuda, com duas pistas e bar aberto até à meia-noite. The year 2019 was a journey of epic proportions that unfolded before our eyes. With 2020 on the horizon, we are back on the big ship as heroes, heading for a unique adventure. The tide is in our favor, and the ritual is set to please the gods. This New Year’s Eve, Fuse Records returns to Palácio de Exposições at Tapada da Ajuda, with 2 dance floors and open bar until midnight. Bilhetes / Tickets: fuse.pt/nye #stepinside #fuserecords #fusenye Lisboa
0 notes
Started joking about a crack!fic idea with firesonic152 only to have it unexpectedly develop a bit of angst and feels. ^^;
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD hey. you want a garbage AU idea?
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 yes
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Jack as the protag in one of those 'ordinary girl is sucked into another world to be the priestess of some-god-or-other' reverse harem nonsense shows
like he gets pulled out of the normal world and suddenly has these guardians with magical powers and shit and he can do pushups that's it.
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 AHAHAHAHHAHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 he can do pushups and summon a god to win the war once they get him to mt st fuckoff or wherever and along the way he falls in love with one of his * mystical guardians * ((coughGABEcough)) who SO TOTALLY wouldn't EVER just fall in love with some random priestess
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 kjdsfnadfjknadfkjn
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 and Jack HATES EVERY MINUTE OF IT
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 KJDNFAKSJFNAKFJDN
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Except for the part where he gets to try to punch monsters EXCEPT EVERYONE KEEPS TRYING TO STOP HIM FROM PUNCHING THE MONSTERS because they're supposed to PROTECT him and HE HATES THAT SO MUCH
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 I'M DYING HE JUST WANTS TO PUNCH SHIT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 he's angry and fighty the WHOLE time Gabe is lifting him bodily off the ground to prevent him from running head first at the monsters
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 jack: angrily doing pushups bc he Wants To Punch i guess gabe's guardian powers are just ~ reaper ~ ana is there to shoot jack in the head w sleep darts when he's too angry to be restrained LMAO JACK ACTUALLY DOES MANAGE TO TAKE DOWN ONE OF THE MONSTERS ALL BY HIMSELF OUT OF PURE RAGE
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 gabe is just like b o i
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Gabe is both impressed and turned on
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 jack should not look that hot when he's pissed off and covered in someone else's blood he yells at jack about getting himself killed but inside he's just boi
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 KJFNADFGFJKDANGJKDAFD JKFNADFAKJFSN!!!!! gabe is just utterly miserable
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 OH NOOOOOOO
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 QOQ
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 hey how come you went AND NOW ANGST but i'm the one who ran with it? =/ YOUR TURN
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 LMAO well jack probably has to go on a mini adventure to even find gabe in the first place and becomes Actually Not Useless by the time he finds gabe anyway XDD omg wait but what if jack actually started the summon but gabe interrupted it to take his place and that's why jack got kinda fucked up w his hair turning white and shit gabe got the mega fucked up tho
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 ooooooooooooooooooh yeah. that one.
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 but when jack finally finds gabe, gabe doesn't even recognize him at first QoQ well gabe doesn't remember much of anything at first ..................... I HAD ANOTHER IDEA mid-sentence lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 ????????????????????//
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 WHAT IF THE SUMMON GOT FUCKED UP IN THAT THE GOD-THING GOT MOSTLY SUMMONED BUT IT WASN'T LIKE FINISHED CORRECTLY OFC (jack's death was needed to seal it) SO IT JUST FUSED WITH WHATEVER IT COULD TO STAY ANCHORED. i.e. gabe. so gabe is barely himself when jack finds him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 ((ohh--ohohOH! Dude! What if what if Gabe actually sabotaged the summoning BEFORE it happened? What if the sacrifice had to be unsullied, and Gabe, knowing that, sought Jack out and slept with him the night before but didn't say anything, then just waited for the ceremony to go awry, knowing that Jack's blood won't be spilled if the god finds him an unsuitable offering and doesn't descend))
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! and like he'd spent so much time pining over gabriel before this
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 NOOOOOOO
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 jack is just beating himself up about letting gabriel trick him like that I'M DYING
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 WHAT THE FUCK THIS WAS A CRACKFIC
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 KAJNFADSKJFN jack tracks gabe down out of spite
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 i'm so upset
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Jack being less useless, but still not a match for monster!Gabe, so he's pinned at this point, Gabe has him down, muzzle full of very sharp teeth at Jack's throat And Jack is FURIOUS He's demanding answers from this mindless beast about to kill him, angry tears spilling down his cheeks He's still trying to fight, he's swearing to Gabe that he's not going to let Gabe kill him without a fight, not after what he did I TRUSTED YOU!! Jack shouts, all rage and defiance. I LOV-- jAcK...?
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 SKJAFNDKJFASDJFNAKSJNFD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 the monster Gabe became goes still it's sitting heavily on him, claws digging into his arms and chest, tearing gouges in the dirt where they hit the ground. It huffs, sniffing him, and the head lowers. Jack tenses, struggling, thinking his throat is about to be ripped out, but the beast nuzzles him with startling gentleness. sRrY...jAcK....i'M sOrRy coUldn'T LEt you...bE kilLEd....
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M GETTING HORRIBLE FLASHBACKS TO https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fma/images/4/4f/Nina_ChimeraForm.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081113020905
Tumblr media
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 X'''''''''''''D lol srry dunno how else to do monster voice in chat
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 I'M JUST UPSET
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 you~ asked~~ for~~~ ANGST~~~~!!
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 sobs quietly XDDD jack lays there in stunned silence as the monster starts crying jack starts going back over what happened in his head - the way gabe's hands shook when he pulled off jack's clothes, the desperation that he'd thought was just lust at the time but- jack's heart breaks
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Gabe explaining in his broken voice that the offering had to be unsullied and that it was the only thing he could think of to do. Unspoken is the fact that he traded the hopes of his entire country for Jack's life, and that fact sits heavy between them. Jack can't help but remember how Gabe touched him, how earnest he'd been even though the entire encounter had been furtive, rushed, secretive. It makes sense now. He reaches up, fingers tangling in the shifting darkness that isn't quite hair covering Gabe's beastly form, and strokes lightly down his arm. He isn't entirely certain, but Gabe seems just a bit smaller than he had been earlier.
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 i love Dying and Death
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Jack's cheek is hot and moist from the mingling of his tears with Gabe's, from the press of Gabe's muzzle against him. Humid breath spills over his throat and collarbone, and he shivers, remembering last night, the heat of sweat and the low sounds of their voices. There are teeth against his neck, and he feels them part, feels the wet pressure of Gabe's tongue. Gabe had been so careful not to mark him last night, but now those teeth close against his skin, carefully, and Jack hisses as he feels them draw blood. His back arches almost involuntarily. Gabe is definitely smaller now, weight still pressing down against him as Jack digs his fingers in against his back, clawing.
Gabe licks at the wound he's left on Jack's neck, bathing it, lipping at it as his muzzle shrinks and his claws retract and the darkness shrinks back beneath his skin. He's kissing Jack in earnest by the time he's mostly human-looking again, lips against his neck, no longer caring if he leaves bruises on the pale skin to tell the truth of what he's done. Jack groans and tugs him closer. He's crying again, tears of relief this time, tears of mourning because Gabe isn't human anymore and that's his fault for getting sucked into all this mess. He strokes Gabe's skin wherever he can reach, nails leaving furrows, need growing as Gabe marks him and grinds against him, caught up in sorrow and desire and a love deeper than Jack ever thought he would be worthy of.
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They take their time, none of the rush from before, just slow and needing to feel each other pressed together for as long as possible They definitely cry again Jack wants to ask what they're going to do about the world but he doesn't care all that much for the moment
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 At one point, as he's buried deep inside Jack, Gabe stills and reaches out. Gently, so very, heartbreakingly gently, he runs the backs of his fingers over the freshly-healed scars marring Jack's face--the scars he put there. Jack takes his hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss the backs of his fingers, the tips where blunt nails now replaced claws, the hollow of his palm, the pulse beating in his wrist. Gabe looked away the moment Jack tried to meet his gaze, squeezing his eyes shut as the guilt tried to eat him alive. He listens to Jack's voice, the dry leaves rasp of it, and feels a moment of overwhelming gratitude that he's alive. That they both are.
"Keep moving," Jack tells him. "Keep moving, Gabe."
He pulls out, thrusts in again with agonizing slowness as Jack clings to him and moans.
Keep moving. What else can he do, now that he's made such a choice?
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 I'M UPSETTTTTTT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 :D you brought us to this point. XD my first choice is almost always ridiculousness, but noooooOOOOOOOOO YOU wanted ANGST XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 iT'S BECAUSE I LIKE DYING AND DEATH
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 X'D
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 well they're together but how are they gonna stop the world from like death
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 well, first they're gonna have to figure out how much the others are going to Murder Them for fucking up on such a grand scale XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 YEAH LOL,,,,,
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 jk i'm sure the team will be fine erryone's s'posed to love the priestess anyways
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 jack just kinda deadpans "well it wasn't my fault gabe's the one who stuck his d-" gabe is like OKAY ANYWAY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 They'll just have to fight their war without divine intervention. Maybe Gabe learns to control the monster-y-ness better and can help out. Probably there's a lot more loss of life on their side, but they still manage to win. Hell, maybe Jack, like, fakes being the god or something to boost morale.
He gets shunted right to the front of the charging army, flanked by the guardians and this great big fuck-off black beast dripping malevolent red eyes and snarling promises of death at the enemy ranks.
--also, i would like to pause here to point out that jack would certainly encourage gabe to take advantage of the shapeshifting and to * ahem * "practice" his control over it by...shall we say...enhancing certain portions of his anatomy--
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 OH MY GOD JACK
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 --which is all a rather roundabout way of saying JACK IS THIRSTY AF FOR THAT MONSTER DICK--
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 AS PER USUAL AKDFJNADKJFNAKJDF
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 aaaaand we're back to silliness XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 gabe: jack i don't. i don't think this is a good idea you're almost definitely going to get injured jack: IT'LL BE WORTH IT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 omg jack
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 gabe: jack. i don't think this will. physically work. jack: Did You Know I Run On Thirst And Spite BUT YEAH THEY SAVE THE WORLD AND HAVE LOTS OF REALLY AGGRESSIVE SEX
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD HUZZAH haha you could say
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 and jack gets a kickass mask somewhere along the way
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 Gabe's a BEAST in bed XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 AKFJNADSKFJNASDFJN jack makes that joke and everyone is embarrassed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 j ACK everyone is embarrassed and trying REALLY HARD not to think about how literal he's being
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 gabe just. can't believe. of course this would happen to him. of course he would get himself all fucked up and put the whole world in danger for the sake of a man who just so happens to be Way Too Into That LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 jack jack really is that rose-between-his-teeth half of the BUT WHO COULD EVER LOVE A MONSTER LIKE ME post
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 YEPPPPP no gjinkas we fuck the canon monster designs like men
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 gabe: i can't believe i got turned into an eldtrich horror monster and all it did was make you MORE into me jack: I'm Not Saying It's Fate But
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 X''''''''''D Jack is that one bastard who summons up fucking cthulhu from his slumber just for a booty call
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 maybe not quick X'''D
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 >||3c he uses all his powers of charisma to convince supernatural horrors to fuck him instead of kill him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 05/08/2017 XD jeezus did we just jump back to D&D Jack?
firesonic152 – 05/08/2017 I THINK SO LOLLL jack is THAT GUY who every time they meet someone new jack is like "can i seduce them" jack summons a monster and is like "so can i fuck it now"
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