silygal · 7 years
Tumblr media
C h e m S u c k s
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birberooni · 11 years
why cant school be over already? ): im sick and tired of this shit, being surrounded by the same narrow-minded people everyday. why do i need to go to a place infested with such bigotry and bias? 
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wondrrwall · 11 years
waking up at 5 supposed to get ready for school but tumblr called my name
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pyneappul · 11 years
how do u
create a data table on an experiment you didnt even undergo.
i will have to pull it out of my ass oh my gosh this entire project is going to be bs-ed so hard hahahaa i hope she doesn't notice
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juice-party · 11 years
school hasnt even started yet and i've already managed to procrastinate on my photo project until the day before its due. fuq teenage lethargy
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themayorsson · 11 years
Finally finished my last final, done with school for the semester.
Time for a bottle of wine.
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shinyyy · 12 years
is it spring break yet
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alvinchoy-blog · 12 years
Tomorrow's practically the last day of my finals
But for some reason, I don't want it to come. I've been expecting, hoping for winter break to come for the past few weeks/months. I was near depression and sadness just praying the semester would be over and that I could finally stay home and not go back. But now I feel something different. I don't want tomorrow to come so soon. I don't want what I've been waiting for to come just yet. It's like the feeling you get of wanting something so bad, but having it makes you wish you had a little more time before it came. Like something that will end or be over. I realize now that the thing that I've been waiting for will be over just as the semester has. It will come and go. I wished this semester would end, but at the same time I don't want to have a break that will end just the same to come.
I guess it's better to have the thought of having something eventually rather than actually having it. 
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sc0rn · 13 years
things that need to be done by Thursday
- read 12 chapters of the scarlet letter
-learn three chapters for my GOV AP test
-learn two chapters of chem (I know absolutely nothing) for my chem AP test
- die
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redxphoenix-blog · 13 years
Early day today. All I can say is.
When do I graduate? 
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