#fundy was taken
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lunnix-where-im · 9 days ago
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guess where the frame is from
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scarfurure-main · 2 months ago
This is a crack taken seriously, don't asked (I don't ship these btw
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countingandsnarkingon · 1 month ago
I’m going to Vegas for lunar new year and I leave early in the morning on Thursday. Which means my bag has to be packed before I go to bed on Wednesday but, I’m going to play trivia Wednesday night, it starts at 7 so I’m probably getting there at 530. Which means I’m getting picked up at 515, therefore I have to get in the shower by 3 at the latest, so I have to finish my housework and eat lunch by 1. All of that would be fine except the suitcase I was going to use is too small so I have to wait for my mother to drop off the big one. Not to mention, I still haven’t shaved so, now because I missed my normal shower window I’m going to have to motivate myself.
TLDR, I waited too long and now I’m behind…please tell me that’s how other’s brains work too
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maigetheplatypus57 · 5 months ago
fighting the urge to make a "cfundy as the hetalia-style personification of l'manburg" au right now
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spacemaverick · 3 months ago
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i can't sleep, my love song is speaking in tongues
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mooni · 9 months ago
That makes the cfundy and cdream wedding more screw up:(
don't worry, fundream wedding isn't canon, fundream wedding can't hurt you
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spurgie-cousin · 11 months ago
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Samuel's grad photos + hilarious belt buckle
I love when parents who tell their kids to do what they say or they'll end up burning in hell for an eternity talk about what good life "choices" their kids make. Yea of course you think they're good, you chose it for them and threatened eternal suffering if they didn't obey lmao.
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fundielicious-simblr · 2 months ago
(AN: Happy New Year everyone! I meant to start posts on the 1st, but I was insanely hungover and still recovering from that flu/norovirus that went round at Christmas. I've got a healthy queue sorted so here it goes! Current season: Summer)
(Valentina's POV)
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Summer is steadily moving along and we've had some lessons that we've learnt along the way. We had 2 chickens mature to the age that they can be slaughtered for meat, so we sat down Aria & Ansel and drew from their lessons of the circle of life that we do science to explain to them that they'd have to say goodbye to their chickens. We gave them the option of whether they'd be okay with us eating the chickens or whether we should donate the meat to a family in need, and they said that they wanted to have one chicken and give away the meat of the other. It was quite the experience and I was actually a bit emotional at how grown up they seemed while we sat down with them. We're not going to be using the goats for meat, so thankfully they don't need to worry about us having that conversation with them. Eric has been shearing and milking them regularly as the kids aren't big enough to deal with them yet, we don't want to run the risk of them being head-butted and being injured.
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Aria has chosen to continue her regular violin lessons into the summer whilst Ansel chose to slow down for the summer. They're still young enough that I won't push regular lessons year round, so right now they have the option. We recently dealt with Aria losing a tooth, and in true Aria fashion she pulled it out herself as soon as she discovered it was wobbly. It's so surreal how big they're getting, soon they'll all be in school and will be graduating and heading off to wherever the Lord takes them.
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I love living near my sister, whenever they've got a free afternoon she'll bring the kids over and all the kids will play together. Little Sullivan is so cute, it's so great getting to play with infants as it's such a fun stage. Eric says it's great for us now because we get to give them back to their parents at the end of the day 😂
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Campbell fits right in with the gaggle of toddlers that we've got right now, they get so excited being able to play together and are always asking for each other. We're arranging childcare as we're doing a sister trip as a pre-cursor to the family vacation that my mum is planning for the end of the summer now that all the pending babies have been born. This is the vacation that will be Kelsey's official welcome to the family, she and Zachary are planning their wedding for this winter, and with all the plans throughout the year the end of the summer is the perfect time for all of us to gather.
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tinystepsforward · 2 years ago
Hell yeah let's yar arr arr big ass companies together
i'm actually shockingly bad at it for a millennial who works in tech but! yes!!
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july-19th-club · 2 years ago
dreamed once again about amy [redacted] and this time we were at our old high school for some reason or another and i owned a really cool but finicky vintage car. she was wearing a grey sweatshirt with faded pink roses on it and i was like. what is wrong with you ive never seen you wear florals in my life
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divorcecourtdad · 2 years ago
really tired of the way we use the term "religious experience". religious experiences can be so "mundane".
seeing your favorite band live, in the front of the pit, surrounded by people 10 years younger than you and 30 years older than you.
walking your dog in the park in early spring when a whole beehive is pollinating the same tree.
sitting on top of a cliff and watching the sun set over the beach from 500 feet in the air.
pre-hiatus fall out boy album transitions.
sitting on your friend's bed while the rest of your friend group laughs themselves nauseous over something so pointless and stupid, none of you can remember why it was funny in the first place.
a three year old holding the door open for his mom even though she's, like, all the way at the end of the sidewalk and his dad is right there and the door is way too heavy for him.
breaking your femur in two places at 17 while playing a game of fucking spoons because you have to win.
meeting your very helpful new neighbors because you definitely hurt your back moving this desk by yourself (that definitely also CLEARLY says two person carry), and they were in the right place at the right time.
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itsnotmystic · 6 months ago
(little drabble inspired by this. it might become a one-shot if I can work on it later)
"Big Q, there's no- I don't hear anything. No wildlife," Tubbo whispered, as if something would punish him for breaking the quiet.
"It's unsettling," Fundy added.
Quackity turned around, eyes narrowed. "Are you suggesting we turn back?"
Fundy paled and straightened, shaking his head furiously. "Of course not! I'm just saying that it's weird that there's nothing here."
"Um, guys," Ranboo piped up. He shrunk back slightly as all attention turned to him.
"There is something. Look."
Sure enough, when Quackity turned back around, he was faced with a small clearing. Snow fell softly through the opening in the forest canopy, leaving the ground a soft, shimmering white. In the center sat a figure on an intricately woven purple and gold blanket. She wore a black flowing dress, purple detailing around the sleeves and collar. A wide brimmed hat with the veil pulled back revealed brown hair and even darker brown eyes. In her hand, she held a tea cup. She took a sip and placed it on a small plate resting next to her before looking straight ahead, making eye contact with Quackity. He froze. In the moment, he noticed that no snow seemed to land on her.
What if they had the Lady of Death's protection forest before the Butcher Army showed up?
The Butcher Army, following the compass with the intent of bringing death, not knowing as they enter the dark foliage that death now surrounds them.
And it's up to HER if they ever make it out alive.
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countingandsnarkingon · 6 months ago
I’m dog-sitting for a family friend. Y’all tell me why even the most well trained dogs have to act up when their parents’ aren’t home? We were getting along great and then seemingly no reason one of the dogs decided they weren’t going to go outside and just…Pee on the floor?? I got it cleaned up but like why do they do this.
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hillbillyoracle · 1 month ago
At the risk of destroying my notifications again, I'm back with another fundamentalist Christian translation.
A friend of mine who is studying to become a nurse mentioned that the CDC website on STI treatments had been taken down and she needed for her homework. I tried getting it myself and couldn't. I then tried accessing alternative guidelines I remembered and couldn't get those either.
She was frustrated and said "Why would they do that? Treatment is like the least controversial thing!"
And I was like "Well..."
On the less extreme end, I know lots of fundies who don't want information on STI treatments to be available because then people will think they can go sin without consequences.
The ideal sexual life in fundamentalist Christianity is to be a virgin, court and marry another virgin, and then get married and only ever have sex with that person for your entire life (and have lots of kids). And STIs are seen as proof of that because the only way (in their mind) to avoid them, is abstinence so it must be what God intended.
On the more extreme end, there is the occasional fundie who thinks that treating an STI (of someone who got it through sinning) is actually immoral because "the wages of sin is death" and that is God's design. This was not most people I knew but I certainly heard it enough.
Look, you can poke holes in this all you want but at least spare my notifications of it. Make your own post. I was in sex education on the practical and research side for a few years in part because of this specific issue so it hits close to home.
I mention it so people can know what to expect from this administration and hopefully prepare. Collect quality information especially on marginalized health conditions and be ready to spread it around. If you or a group you belong to have the equipment to run tests and treat them, stock up on supplies.
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quacktities · 4 months ago
I don't care how wishfulfilment-y and ooc it is but I like to think that after C! Wilbur moved to Utah, he kind of healed a bit and reflected on a lot of his actions and he's in some community service job because he feels like he's making amends for what he's done by doing it (and also he likes feeling important and like he's helping people). And maybe he's taken up a writing hobby, and he has a book in the works and he keeps rewriting his drafts but he is genuinely having fun for what feels like the first time in a long time. He still occasionally goes back to his old bad habits but he's in a better place now and he's made some new friends and connections. He still tries to keep contact with some of the people he knew though.
He's trying to give Tommy some space but also trying to keep in touch and he's been semi successful with it. He's given Fundy complete space and tries to respect his decision that he doesn't want him in his life anymore but he does try to leave the door open for if Fundy ever changes his mind even if he doesn't count on it. He's sent Tubbo a letter but hasn't gotten a response and doesn't think he will. He's tried getting closer to Niki and it hasn't exactly worked out but they're still in contact and send eachother letters at least once every 5 months (the letters take a while though because they both live far away). He did see her when he visited Philza once though. And even if they're not as close as they used to be, he's glad they're able to keep in touch after everything.
Him and Quackity surprisingly exchange letters quite oftenly. It started out with Wilbur sending him one to properly apologise since he never got the chance to and it had been on his mind and to his surprise, Quackity actually replied (with a snarky response but a response nonetheless). And then it kind of became a pattern for them to send eachother letters quite regularly since Utah and Las Nevadas aren't that far apart so it travels faster. Their letters range from playful stupid banter to insights about eachothers weeks to snarky remarks laced with genuine advice to occasional glimpses of sincerity and care. Despite everything they're actually on pretty decent terms and Quackity's actually visiting him in a week. Wilbur's quite excited and giddy about it even if he won't admit it
Overall he's in a better place now even if there's a still lot of things to work on and even if what he's done still haunts him some days, he's coming to terms with it. He hasn't healed completely nor is he really truly happy but he's getting there and maybe it will be okay
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cdroloisms · 10 months ago
thinking about c!dream earlier on in the server just makes me sad man. like, c!dream has never been a perfect character. he's always been flawed, always been a bit of an asshole, always had control issues. but also he knew that. he tried to work on that. he and tommy were friends, despite being flawed people with their own issues that would bump into conflicts because of the ways that they differed. c!dream tried, god, he tried; he wasn't even on the server, when the drug van happened, and walked into a place with someone who was practically a stranger to him building a wall and calling for war and having turned half the people dream knew against him, apparently, for no reason that he could've known at the time, and he had looked straight at tommy and tubbo and asked if that was what they really wanted when wilbur told them that there was no such thing as dual citizenship. he tells tommy when he has to sell a disc for spirit's leather even though tommy had surrendered the discs to him at the end of the revolution because he knows it'll matter to him. he and tommy truce, multiple times, and c!dream gets tangled into conflicts that literally don't involve him repeatedly and gets targeted Because He's Dream repeatedly and he plays along with that trivia contest and he gives gifts to fundy and tommy after terrorizing them a little for fun and he plays along with the dreamon thing and he keeps getting pulled into fights that weren't his but tries to make them a little more fair when they get him involved. he fucks around with tommy and they have fun, they're friends, and when he and wilbur look like they're in danger dream is one of the first to find them and lend them real, practical, valuable aid. he calls himself "Big D" in that book and he tells the man that wrote him as a tyrant that he doesn't want to be a villain in the story anymore. he asks tommy if he's okay, and watches that kid's back when he walks alone and unarmed into manberg, and fights with him at the battle of the lake and all of that is thrown back in his face as being a lie. half the intial community structures that exist were built by him; the community house, the nether portal and hub, the prime path. during a time where every other piece of leverage got burned or killed (rip the casualties of the pet war), dream was kind of known for being one that could be fairly traded with, that would minimize permanent damage. the kills in the final control room were originally to strip lmanburg of their gear, which he had kept in a chest so it could be returned to them after the war.
like no c!dream isn't perfect at the beginning of the server. yes he's kind of a jerk sometimes, kind of an asshole sometimes, kind of neurotic most of the time. but god dammit like c!dream does try to mitigate the worst of his control issues, when they flare up early on; the initial disc war ends with tommy getting his discs back as well as a stack of diamonds, in exchange for a netherite chestplate. he's a flawed character and he's still someone pretty friendly on the whole to most of the server, he's also kind of just known for being a little weird. he gives gifts randomly. he fixed creeper holes, and houses, and went along with bits. like whatever im a c!drolo c!dream woobifier and i admit it lol but for as much evil as he ends up doing, pretty damn consistently early on, he's . friendly? kind? funny? helpful? their neighbor. their friend. c!dream isn't just some stranger that flew off the handle; he's someone they knew and lived with who had his actions taken in bad faith because the goddamn story said so and kept fucking trying anyway until he believed the lie too. like he was just a guy!! a guy they knew and lived with!!! like my god
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