#fundie breaking free leaves the cult
So after watching the most recent episode of welcome to plathville I think I can finally put into words why it makes me so uneasy. This is kinda personal and could be triggering to some so, fair warning I may end up talking about abuse.
Every time I watch the show I get these really mixed emotions of absolute terror and excitement. At first I couldn't even identify the emotions but after a few weeks those are what I have settled on describing them as. It is so exciting watching these kids branch out and try new things and break free but at the same time seeing the parents reactions absolutely scares the daylights out of me because their mannerisms and facial expressions remind me so much of my parents and I know what would come next if it were my parents/kim and Barry weren't being filmed. I remember the volatile feeling in the air when someone would challenge my parents or do something like Olivia did in this episode with the birthday party or moriah announcing she was going away for however long without their approval. I vividly remember the explosion that would follow in my family and the show is bringing a lot of that back up in my memories. I flinch everytime they show one of the kids doing something kim and Barry wouldn't approve of not because it's bad to do but because I fear for them how their parents react behind closed doors. I fear for them. I love seeing moriah breaking free and testing boundaries but at the same time I worry that she is going through the gaslighting and mental abuse that I went through when my husband and I left except she has to live there still and cant really escape it yet.
I'm just kind of rambling here but I guess what I'm trying to say is this; welcome to plathville makes me incredibly uneasy because it is so thinly veiled and obviously sugarcoating the years of abuse these kids and so many other of us have suffered in this movement in a way that the duggars and bates have kept more polished and hidden. It also makes me uncomfortable because the parents are so very like my own parents and everytime someone challenges them I fear for their safety because I know how my parents used to react in those situations. I love seeing these kids breaking free but I am incredibly uncomfortable watching it because I know how hard and emotionally traumatizing it is to break free of this kind of abuse and seeing it portrayed as family entertainment makes me sick.
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goodvibesprompttime · 3 years
New Princess[Au] Just Dropped
Princess Dream is here to fuck shit up and take names
Step aside knights, he’s speedrunning to save your ass instead
Animals? Best friends
Singing? Sirens who-
Animal sidekick? PARROT
Curse? He’s forced to wear a mask. Whoever sees his face instantly forgets who Dream is and every memory associated with him (Helps when running from authority, honestly)
Love interest? He has 3 (A knight born from fire and demons, a mushroom prince who sleeps a lot, and a sentient kitsune fox who sells berries as dr*gs to humans)
The Villain? uuuuuuuuh - the knight’s shadow demon dad who’s apart of a cult, a god that is in love with the mushroom prince, this giant cat for some reason, a sentient humanoid creeper who came to bring the princess Dream back to his kingdom(he keeps saying “Dream was taken” when people ask, cause people will help find a kidnapped princess instead of a runaway)
The BBEG - The Ender Dragon, who gave the Princess the curse (however, the princess cannot reach the End cause someone stole the eyes of ender, and, unfortunately, the only one who knows how to make these eyes still is the Angel of Death, who's left wandering through the bedrock dust until his children are released from their own prisons, since they hold the key to escape
Princess Dream’s task: Find the three sons and one child of the Angel of Death, release them, have them complete the prophecy to find their father, have their father craft nine eyes of ender, and slay the dragon - all while having 3 love interests trying to help, and the villains/antagonists try to stop him
The Prophecy gives hints/riddles about where each of the children are [below the cut]
The Eldest: “Trapped in a perpetual state of battle, where his crown is forged from blood, his bloodlust continuously fueled by a forever audience, find the Eldest Son where even the gods refuse to go”
[Techno is basically trapped in the remains of the Antarctic Empire, chained up in the dungeons by an army of butchers who left him to freeze and deteriorate, stuck in his mind where he is constantly fighting without rest. The only way to release him is to break the chains - literally and metaphorically]
The Older Middle Child: “O’harty song, and o’harty sea, may my lady and my son find their way to me. When the heart forgives, may my own be set free”
[Wilbur was turned into a statue of stone, thrown into the bottom of the ocean, where his song is only echoed in the dead of night, only faintly heard on the shore of the beach where he raised his kitsune son with his wife. To release him, Fundy and Sally must feel true forgivenness for him and embrace his statue - with a hug or with a kiss. Wilbur abandoned them to advance his music career, is what they tell Dream. However, in actuality, Wilbur was found by people from his younger years, when he, himself, was a dr*g dealer, and ran to protect them] 
The Younger Middle Child: “A life source for a faux god, the child with golden hair became, accompanied by a crown of red vines - be naught fooled, for recovery is a battle of its own.”
[Tommy was kidnapped by Bad and the Egg cult, and the Egg keeps Tommy alive and feeds off him and his lifeforce. He is frail, broken, and that mischievous child is now just a legend. When Dream saves him, its not over. Tommy is traumatized, terrified of everything[especially of the color red, the color he once loved], and refuses to go anywhere near bedrock - Tommy says its like leaving a prison just to enter another. Dream has to learn to be patient, take things slow, help Tommy with recovery - and that takes time. He wanted to just go find the last kid, but knows that Tommy isn’t going to do anything for him unless he helps. Eventually, Dream eventually warms up to Tommy]
The Youngest Child: “Of black and white, day and night, the last child lost themselves to an eternal sleep, walking farther and farther from their family.”
[Ranboo is in a constant state of sleepwalking. Dream is outraged about how stupidly vague the hint is, and none of his love interests or the sons know where to go with it. Then, Techno suggests that “maybe Tubbo knows something”. Dream asks who Tubbo is, and Wilbur explains that he’s Tommy’s best friend and was pretty close to Ranboo too. Tommy refuses to visit Tubbo, because he and Tubbo had gotten into a fight before Tommy’s kidnapping, and it was pretty bad. When asked, Tommy says that the fight was about Ranboo, but he couldn’t remember why. Eventually, they convince him *cough* or Techno just carries him *cough* and find Tubbo, with a child named Michael - his and Ranboo’s adopted child. Its revealed that Tubbo and Ranboo got[platonically] married behind everyone’s backs and adopted a child. Tommy found out and he and Tubbo fought because Tommy was pissed that Tubbo married Ranboo a few months after the Angel of Death disappeared, but Tubbo countered it by saying that he and Ranboo were planning on getting married anyways, and they waited until Ranboo was ready. Then, Tommy got kidnapped, Ranboo left, and Tubbo has been trying to find him, but is focused on raising Michael. After arguing, reconciliation, a bit of healing, Tubbo helps everyone find Ranboo, but its Michael who finds Ranboo - cause he snuck away to help. They guide Ranboo back, but its Tommy telling Ranboo that he genuinely approves of their marriage, and wants Ranboo to be happy, that allows Ranboo to come out of his sleepwalking]
They find the Angel of Death - with Techno’s strength, Wilbur’s determination, Tommy’s curiosity, and Ranboo’s judgement/powers (because Bedrock is a tricky dusty bitch who refuses to let go of Philza, all apart of the prophecy)
Obviously, Philza is rescued, the Eyes of Ender are made, Dream goes to fight the Ender Dragon.
However, before Dream enters the portal, he makes a decision. He does this alone.
He manages to break an eye of ender just as he enters the portal, trapping the others on the otherside, unable to help
After a long and grueling battle, Dream is victorious and his curse is broken. 
By the time the others manage to get another eye of ender, Dream won.
They see the mask on the ground behind Dream, and he turns to face them.
“My name is Clay, by the way.”
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Dream SMP Recap (June 9/2021) -        New Citizens
Ponk has a chat with Sam, Fundy and Purpled officially join Las Nevadas, and Ranboo receives an update message from the Council.
- Ponk continues building the bridge in his new valley
- He returns to Foolish’s summer home and finds the countersuit Puffy left. He reads it. Many of the claims he doesn’t think are actually against the law of the land. He insists he wasn’t quoting Roadtrip during his Banquet speech, but rather an old man
- Ponk will have the best lawyers (he also may pay the jury off but don’t tell anyone). He’s amused that Puffy would work with BadBoyHalo and call Ponk the ‘dirty Eggpire supporter’
- He finishes reading the lore suit and greets Purpled in chat, telling him that he’s getting sued by Puffy
- Sam logs on and Ponk takes him over to the valley. They’ve had their differences, but Ponk is in need of a good lawyer. Sam suggests Tubbo, but Tubbo is expensive and intimidating
- Ponk points out that Sam will be the only one in the jury with an elevated IQ like his own. Sam hasn’t been officially selected for the jury yet, and they might think he’s biased, having cut off Ponk’s arm (Sam says he did it for good reason)
- They reach the valley and Sam approves of Ponk’s bridge
Sam: “You can see Kinoko Kingdom from here.”
Ponk: “(gagging sound) No, you can see Niki’s place! Niki’s communist cult! It’s great! We’re gonna set up a nice trade agreement, and (mumbling) then we’ll burn Kinoko Kingdom down to the groun-- I mean, then we’ll have nice trade deals with everyone, you know?”
- Ponk is bitter about losing his arm and Sam blames it on him for stealing the keycards
Ponk: “Sam...just so you know, just so you know...You can come to me after...after everything. I will still support you, Sam, okay? You’ll have a place to stay, because, all the wrong you’ve done is gonna catch up behind you, you know? All the wrong that you’ve done--”
Sam: “I haven’t really done anything wrong.”
Ponk: “Haven’t you? Haven’t you?!”
Sam: “No, I think I’m a good guy.”
Ponk: “You think you’re a good person?”
Sam: “I don’t know, you don’t think I’m a good person?”
Ponk: “I mean -- my opinions are biased.”
- Ponk asks Sam to walk and talk with him on the way back to Spawn. Sam’s spoken with Purpled recently
- They visit the animal sanctuary and Sam suggests they steal the strider. Ponk tells him stealing is bad. Sam wants to let it out. They play with the strider a bit
- Ponk explains his conflict with Puffy in general terms
Sam: “Look, I have a random crossbow from one of those guys that we killed.”
Ponk: “You said that so casually...life is precious, you know.”
- Ponk asks about the bank. He’s free to work. Sam says it’s up to Hannah. The two discuss the bank system
- Ponk hasn’t seen Technoblade in a while. Sam thinks he must be overthrowing governments in a far off land or something
- Ponk offers to trade with Sam for two stacks of redstone blocks. He asks how much for his arm back. Sam says he destroyed it. Ponk is upset that Sam didn’t keep it, but Sam says it was too mangled
- Sam trades some gold for the redstone
- They fight a raid together and capture a Ravager
- The two continue to chat for a while
- Fundy stands by his bed. He had a great sleep! He dreamt about a Windows update and he’s looking...a little sleepy?
- He checks the to-do list. Today’s the day. He grabs some things for the road. Fundy decides he’ll go alone. He doesn’t want to risk losing his snow fox friend
- He says hi to his Aunt Panisha (a salmon in the river) as he sets off, asking her to wish him luck
- Fundy reaches Las Nevadas wonders where Quackity’s office is. After some deduction, he heads to the Needle and spots Quackity going up the elevator
- After some hesitation, Fundy goes up the elevator too and comes face-to-face with Quackity, who sees him and asks if he’s okay. Fundy says he’s doing fine, he had a weird sleep and may have woke up outside the window
- Fundy tells him that he took his advice and bettered himself. They sit at the table and Fundy shows him his new diet. Quackity says he’s proud of him
- Fundy mentions that last time they spoke, he suggested they play cards and back at home, he didn’t sleep because he was waiting for Quackity to come over...and then he didn’t
- Quackity explains he just had a bunch of paperwork to do
- Fundy spots some slime blocks bunched at the side of the room and asks what that’s about. Quackity says it’s “a friend” of his, that he’s probably asleep
- Quackity gets Charlie to emerge from the slime
Charlie: “Hey, Fundy from L’manburg!”
- He was in the middle of his gloop-morphosis. Fundy is confused at how he knows who he is. Charlie digs into the floor and gets Fundy to greet him, slurping up some slime
- Quackity tells Charlie he needs to speak with Fundy. Charlie says he can “sell it” and starts telling Fundy he looks like he wants to gamble. Fundy asks Quackity why he’s talking like this, and Quackity says he must have learned it from TV
- Fundy finds out that Charlie is incredibly old and asks Charlie about how he knew he was from L’manburg. Charlie declares them best friends
- Fundy tells Quackity that he’s changed, that he’s a better man. Quackity thinks it’s great, but he doesn’t want Fundy to portray a false version of himself
- Charlie looks at Fundy close-up and says he hasn’t changed
- Quackity doesn’t want Fundy to join under these conditions. Fundy insists he’s fine, he isn’t portraying a false version of himself
- Fundy’s lived in that cottage for way too long. All these nightmares are because of him interacting with people and he’s ruining it for them -- but ever since he’s improved himself and become more healthy, he hasn’t had those nightmares
- Quackity has thought about it a lot, and Fundy’s work in L’manburg was exceptional. He thinks Las Nevadas will be a stepping stone to Fundy’s success
- Charlie gets Fundy to smell him and asks him what it’s like to dream. Fundy sniffs and maybe swallows a piece of Charlie. Charlie tells him one day he’ll be whole again
- Quackity passes Charlie a bone of one of their “mutual friends” in L’manburg and asks Charlie to analyze it
- Quackity and Fundy leave Charlie in the Needle and go back down. Quackity brings him downstairs, where he tells Fundy there’s no going back. He wants to make sure Fundy can trust him and hands Fundy a book to sign:
All persons naturalized in Las Nevadas, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of Las Nevadas and the land wherein they reside.
The signing of this document subjects you to the rights and duties of the nation:
TAXES. Residents are required to pay a jurisdictional and financial charge to the nation to fund future projects and development of the nation. Failure to pay could result in the extinction of your permanent residence and possibly death.
MILITARY PARTICIPATION.  One of your duties as a resident of Las Nevadas is the complete protection of the nation. You’re required to participate in any wars, conflicts, or disputes of the nation, in favor of Las Nevadas.
LAND. One of your rights as a resident of Las Nevadas is a self assigned plot of land, approved by the proper authorities, to develop productive businesses, homes, entertainment centers, etc.
GAMBLING. Gambling is defined as staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game. Gambling is completely legal in Las Nevadas, but subject to constantly changing regulations.
THE LV LEGAL SYSTEM ---------------------------- Las Nevadas and any disputes within the nation will be settled in the Las Nevadas court (TBA), with the presence of the conflicted parties, and the proper authorities.
SIGNED .  .  .
- Fundy is nervous and hesitates
Quackity: “Fundy, I -- You’re like a brother to me. We’ve gone through so much. But I still have to protect my nation...surely you can understand that.”
Fundy: “No, I -- I can. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah, um...it’s strong...You really believe in this nation, right? It’s like your child--”
Quackity: “Fundy...this is all I have left...if this nation dies, I die along with it.”
- Fundy signs the document with his full legal name:
Fun Jonatahan Micahel Vincent Georgina James Sus Dy
- He signs the book, gives it to Quackity and asks that if he ever reads it, to not call Fundy by his legal name
- Quackity welcomes Fundy to Las Nevadas as an official citizen!
- Charlie has control over the piece of slime inside Fundy. He tells Charlie not to do that
- Quackity asks Charlie if he has a name. They decide to call him “Meat” for now, but Charlie tells Quackity in “secret” (very loudly) that he isn’t actually meat...he is slime from the ground
- Quackity suggests they call him Slime From the Ground. He then says he is bones
- He leads the other two to the edge of Las Nevadas’ road and points out that they have a big issue: Tubbo’s outpost nearby. Quackity suspects that Tubbo may be planning some dangerous strategy against the country
- Quackity gives Slime some armor to put on
Slime: “Ready for war...don’t take my music discs!”
Fundy and Quackity: “Wh -- what did you just say?”
- Quackity has an informational video he can show Fundy later. They investigate the outpost. He reminds Fundy about the military protection portion of the document
- Quackity remembers the Butcher Army and asks how much experience Fundy has with the military. Fundy was part of every single one that’s existed
- Quackity suggests they build their own version of the outpost
- Slime starts breaking Tubbo’s windows. Quackity encourages it and tells Slime it’s called “griefing,” handing him dirt to spread around the place
- Quackity finds the two Totems of Undying they have at the outpost and asks if they should take them. He then says they should test them. He doesn’t know what they do
- Fundy isn’t sure they should, or what Tubbo’s intentions are. Quackity decides to leave them unless Tubbo retaliates for the griefing
- They notice the bridge and Quackity suggests a tollbooth
- Quackity explains the concept of taxes to Slime, who’s been watching Purpled recently. Purpled hasn’t done much, just farmed 
- They start building the tollbooth and Fundy brings up how medieval castles used to have boiling oil above the gates that they could use if there were people they didn’t like, and they could do something similar
- Slime starts throwing slime and Fundy can feel it (and it doesn’t feel good)
- Quackity asks for the bone he gave back, but Slime can’t tell the difference between all the bones
- Quackity remembers how when L’manburg exploded, Fundy and Niki came up to him and said it was a good day...what was that about?
Fundy: “The way I saw it was, during that time, everyone was trying to divide each other, right. Everyone was trying to divide each other...every one was either left or right and there was no in between. There was no...People always wanted to separate themselves and make war and destroy everything that was loved. When L’manburg was a thing, I cared about L’manburg, and then it got destroyed, right, and eventually, my hope at that moment was...that people just like, accepted that they shouldn’t--”
Quackity: “But you betrayed the nation...Fundy, the thing I’m getting at is, I don’t know your excuse or your thinking behind that...that will not happen again at this nation. No betrayals, no backstabbing. Not here. Understand?”
Slime: “What’s backstabbing?”
- Quackity and Fundy try to teach Slime how to backstab, then how to work the tollbooth against Tubbo
- Slime starts putting buttons on the walls. Quackity tells him not to, as it gives him bad memories
- Slime asks Fundy again what it’s like to dream. Fundy doesn’t want to talk about it, but Quackity notes that he’s been vague about it
- Fundy explains that every time something big happens in this place, he has dreams where he can sort of see what happens before it does. It’s like gazing into the future, except he loses details before it happens
- Quackity presses him on it. Let’s say they have a big war coming up, he takes Tubbo’s totems and Fundy sleeps and tells him what happens next so that they can prepare?
- Fundy doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Quackity doesn’t understand how real these things are
- What if they build an entire building for Fundy so that he can have these dreams comfortably? It’s just a possibility...
- Slime’s gloop-morphosis isn’t “complete” yet
- Quackity asks if Fundy knows Foolish. Fundy remembers one time he blew up a little bit of Foolish’s house and he finds out Foolish lives in Las Nevadas
- Quackity asks how long ago this was. Fundy says it happened a long time ago, but Slime corrects him
Quackity: “Just know, Fundy...he doesn’t know how to lie.”
- Quackity leaves to get diamonds and Fundy confronts Slime alone, asking him how he knows things. He tells Slime that in certain situations, it’s helpful to keep quiet on certain things for the benefit of other people
- They move on and Fundy teaches Slime a bit about fun and hobbies
- Quackity returns and they notice many squid in the nearby river. Quackity goes down and starts killing “cod” (salmon). Fundy corrects him that they aren’t cod, but to Quackity fish is fish. Fundy looks away while Quackity kills them
- They suggest Fundy be the food-gatherer. Fundy suggests a diet of fruit and plants
Slime: “What’s wrong with salmon? Your father loved them!”
- Quackity asks Fundy to elaborate on his father, if he came from a fishing family. Fundy asks Slime again about how he knows. Slime continually refers back to people “turning to dust.” 
- They ask about what Slime knows about them, then about Slime’s favorite memory. He digs a whole in the ground and waits for a bit
- They teach Slime about humor
Slime: “Two people walk into a bar. One is green, one is red. The green one is shaped -- is a bigger guy, and the red one is a smaller guy. To get to the bar, both got off a train. The train the red guy was on was going west at 40 miles an hour for 60 miles. The train the other guy was on did not serve lunch. They both walked into a bar, and 500 years later they were still just dust in the ground. At the end of it all, they were just still dust, and none of it mattered.”
- Slime tells another joke about a chicken turning into dust.
Quackity: “How long do you think it’ll take for me to turn to dust?
Slime: “I...I’ll make sure you never turn to dust, Quackity from Las Nevadas!”
- Quackity asks about Fundy’s father
Slime: “The sooty guy?”
- Quackity and Slime ask Fundy -- shouldn’t he know? Slime says Fundy can ask Wilbur about his history himself
Quackity: “Your dad’s alive, Fundy?”
- Fundy tells Quackity about how Phil came to him with some interesting news, that Wilbur is actually alive. Quackity ask when was the last time Fundy’s seen Wilbur. Fundy hasn’t seen him alive again yet
Quackity: “What’s your relationship with Wilbur?”
Fundy: “It’s...it’s complicated, man. It’s very complicated.”
Quackity: “Because...there’s an issue.”
- Fundy wants to talk to Wilbur about a lot of things. Quackity brings Fundy over to the headquarters and breaks the news that Wilbur came to see Quackity
Fundy: “...He saw you? He went on his way to see you, and -- and he’s not shown up to me to, you know -- why, why?”
- Quackity shows Fundy the “mark” Wilbur made. Wilbur asked to join Las Nevadas, and Quackity said no. He shows Fundy the name: Fort Big. Tommy and Wilbur are working together
- Quackity is just warning Fundy. He hopes this won’t get in the way of Fundy supporting the nation. Fundy just doesn’t know why Wilbur didn’t come to him, but he went to Quackity. 
Fundy: “Did he talk about me?”
- Quackity thinks he did, but he doesn’t remember what
- Fundy says goodbye to Slime and Quackity, heading off to settle down on his own. He stands at his plot of land, wondering if he’ll have to fight Wilbur
- Purpled is at his old base by the ruins of L’manburg. Life is good. He has DogChamp, he’s been fishing, no human contact
- He has something to attend to and goes to the cliffside nearby, finding Slime. He asks why Slime’s been watching him, who told Slime to spy. Slime avoids answering
- Purpled figures it’s Quackity and asks Slime more about how long he’s been above the ground, what he knows. Slime refers to him as “Purpled From a UFO” and Purpled shows Slime that his UFO has been destroyed by Quackity
- Purpled leaves Slime and visits the ruins. He notices Slime following him and tells him to leave again
- Slime traps himself in Dream’s honeymoon suite and Purpled continues down the path, looking at all the builds. He visits the Socializing Club and checks beneath the floor -- the trap he made all those months ago is still there. He wonders if anyone remembers these things
- Slime slimes his way out of the trap and Purpled visits L’manburg. He was just a pawn, there was no “Purpled in L’manburg” or “Purpled in Pogtopia” or “Purpled on Dream SMP’s side.” There was just no Purpled
- He returns to his house, gets DogChamp, puts him into a hidden chamber elsewhere. He stores his valuables...and rigs the entire place with TNT
He sets it off and it goes
- Slime talks to Purpled again. Purpled asks if Quackity is still interested in a new resident
- Purpled asks Slime to trust him as he retrieves DogChamp, and he gets Slime to lead him to Las Nevadas
- He makes it there and goes into the casino. Quackity doesn’t know what he has planned. He comes out to find Quackity there. Quackity takes him up to the top of the Needle
- Purpled makes it clear he only cares about the opportunity for himself, not for Quackity. He doesn’t stand for what Quackity does, doesn’t think there will ever be a time that he’ll respect Quackity as a person
- Quackity tells him they all change in some way or another. When he first became Vice President, he saw the best in everyone
Quackity: “I don’t really see the good in people anymore...but I do see opportunity.”
- Quackity tells Purpled that if they succeed with the nation, the two of them will be going down in history. Purpled starts to come around to thinking that maybe they are on the same page 
- Quackity had a citizenship document he meant for Purpled to sign, but he’s willing to gamble on it without
Quackity: “Welcome to Las Nevadas, Purpled.”
- He gives Purpled the document either way and tells him he has a right to a plot of land. Quackity will have a business meeting with all the residents soon
- Purpled asks for land behind the casino. He has an idea for something. Quackity agrees to give it to him
- Purpled leaves and speaks to himself with DogChamp at the stage. Things will be looking different around here real soon
- Ranboo goes to the mailbox he set up with the Council and checks it, finding a new update in the book along with a Netherite Axe labelled “axe of the end” in Enderman.
The update reads:
Hello. We have been observing the happenings around the server and we come bearing not news but rather a warning for you. We know that you like to stand idle and not engage in any kind of acts of violence and we respect you for that.
However, we also know that there are people that you care about and you need to understand that in order to take care of those people you are no longer able to just stand idle. You need to take a more active role again. We have given you something that can help with that. Use it carefully.
We respect your wishes. - The Council
- Ranboo takes the axe. He planned to work on Tubbo’s outpost, make it seem like more of a shop than an outpost
- He goes to the outpost and finds the griefing, cleaning it up
- As some protective measures, he leaves signs:
Hello! Whoever put a bunch of dirt everywhere, Dont!
This is going to be a new cookie shop! We dont have cookies yet
Please leave it alone! Or violence will be used.
- He continues working on the outpost and Techno logs on. Ranboo goes over to the new tollbooth and pays the toll of one bone
Techno: ranboo have you unlocked teleportation yet
Ranboo: not yet i dont think
Ranboo: let me try
Ranboo: yeah no
Techno: can you hurry up
Techno: asking for a friend
- Ranboo explores around Las Nevadas and makes a to-do list
- He makes a hidey hole in the strip club and strips some logs. He gets tempted to steal a Netherite block
His to-do list reads:
TO DO LIST FOR LAS NEVADAS: 1. Figure out what to get inside of. 2. Figure out what the hollow buildings are 3. Figure out why there are so many horses 4. Figure out who runs this place 5. Figure out what the black pillars are for
- He returns home and speaks with Tubbo in VC
Upcoming events remain the same.
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tacos4teenbrides · 5 years
unpopular opinion on the Jingerbread affair
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I know this is not a popular view within the anti-fundie community, but I really need to air it.
 Jinger is not a bigoted monster. She is doing the best she can with what she has. She deserves to be allowed to make a living.
People keep pointing out that Jinger is the sister of Josh, or the child of Jim Bob and Michelle, or the wife of Jeremy, and that all of these people have done and said homophobic and sexist things (and with Jeremy, anti-Catholic as well). Holding Jinger responsible for the behaviour of men around her is misogynistic. Women are not responsible for what men do. 
Now I know a lot of people argue that Jinger married Jeremy, and therefore, supports all of his views. Have you ever considered what it must feel like to be Jinger? She was 23 years old, had never so much as kissed a boy, was probably struggling with having her normal sexual desires repressed and no way out of her stifling parents’ home. Then, along came a good-looking professional athlete who showered her with the attention she never got and promised a new life. Jinger made the best choices she could with the limited knowledge and resources she had. She has never been to public school, never learned to make a resumé or go to a job interview. From early childhood, her family was known for picketing against abortion, having eleventy children and wearing matching cult oufits. Her adolescence was blasted across television screens—meanwhile, she wasn’t allowed to watch TV herself!
Jinger has always been a little more creative and curious than her siblings. She was obviously completely stifled in an atmosphere with no art education, let alone normal education. Living in a big city was her dream, but her family made fun of her for it and even the cameramen on 19 Kids and Counting On joked about how the Duggars were country bumpkins, implying that it would never happen for Jinger. Even now, whenever she tries to go outside the limited world of fundamentalist middle America, people mock her for her family of origin, accuse her of bigotry, make fun of her for eating out too much, and put words in her mouth that she’s never said. When the Duggars cooked tater tot casseroles, you made fun of them for eating salty canned crap, but when Jinger and Jeremy experiment with healthy restaurants around Los Angeles, suddenly it’s “Felicity gets left in a high chair all day so her parents can go to juice bars.”You snarkers constantly demand that Duggars ‘break free’ of their upbringing, but whenever someone like Jinger makes baby steps towards exploring the world outside the cult, you reign her back in with mockery and cut off her ability to independently earn a living by haranguing the companies that are trying to give her a chance.
This has happened multiple times now, and Fonuts was only the most recent event. Leaving a cult and your entire extended family and friends behind ain’t gonna happen overnight. It surely won’t happen when the outright abuse you face outside the cult is arguably worse than the gaslighting and social pressure inside the cult. If you genuinely oppose misogyny and want women to have choices in life, you’d be happy to see Jinger exploring the world around her and trying new things. You would be understanding that it’s completely unreasonable to ask Jinger to make a public statement tomorrow supporting the 189 Official Good Liberal Positions on social issues (and frankly, it’s obnoxious to assume that your opinions are the Correct Opinions.)
Can we please allow Jinger some room to exist here? Can we let her post pictures that don’t show her stomach without speculating that she’s pregnant? Can we let her make friends who are Latino without accosting her for not becoming fully bilingual in 2 years of living in Laredo without attending school? Can you stop demanding that she maintain an ultra-slim figure while mocking her for posting healthy recipes and eating vegan foods? It’s really clear that some snarkers complain about the way the Duggars have abused their children, but you don’t really want them to find ways to heal and grow. They’re just circus monkeys to you. You don’t see them as human beings, and you harrass and abuse them through insulting comments on social media and by brigading their advertising partners with overblown accusations of bigotry. It’s making me really angry, as a person who sees that the Duggar children never got a chance to have their own lives, and that those who would oppose the fundamentalist mentality are joining in on the abuse.
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Morals says things-
Morals' Quotes
AKA things she's actually said in the series
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"Well stab me with a Christmas tree ornament that actually worked."
"They will find a way to make angst of 'flatty patty'. I know they will." -Morals, upon hearing the news of Schlatt's last words
"L'manburg was a country. Tommy created. We should burn it down for the greater good before be burns it himself."
"I'm not a furry! I'm a......scaley? Is that even a thi?- Fundy's the furry here!"
"I will, and I repeat, I will yeet this discs into the ocean!"
"When you're at your maddest, you'll soon be at your saddest."
"Why is everyone so tiny?!"
"I love how your name is Bad when your literally the most innocent thing I've ever seen!" -Morals to BBH
"Sapnap said it was trending, but I don't exactly trust anything he says."
"Everyone was so happy and fine! But you showed up! You came here and completely destroyed everything! You're not a hero, Tommy! You haven't been and you will never be!" -Morals, to Tommy
"Wait, so is someone gonna die or not?"
"You're not the Dream I used to know. You weren't that Dream long ago. And II can't side with you anymore." -Morals betraying Dream during the Doomsday War
"Best friends......I think? He was my first......and I did fight alongside him.....if you can even consider the Dream I met the current Dream....." -Morals about her relationship with Dream to the Warden
"Why can't we all just be happy again?! Everything used to be so fun and happy and nice! But it's not anymore!"
"I played a part in destroying this server. We all did. It wasn't just Tommy. I'm......I'm at fault here."
"I should've realized it sooner. But I didn't."
"I thought.....I thought that by destroying L'manburg, we could go back to normal. Everything would be fine again. No-one would be sad. I wouldn't be sad. But.....we can't forget what's happened. Things will never be the same again. And......I need to accept that."
"It's so hard to move on! It's like the memories are taunting me by saying 'oh, remember this little happy family you had? Look at it now! It's not even a family anymore!'"
"Listen. Wilbur Soot? Didn't really like him. Didn't really know him. But Ghostbur? That man is so innocent and lovely he'll give me a toothache one day!"
"Blood Vines? Isn't that a candy brand? Or was that Red Vines?" "Politics? Not my thing~" "Dream.....I don't think I ever can leave you. Part of me wants you the old you back. Fuck that, all of me wants you back. And it feels so....empty without you? Yeah, empty." -To Dream in prison
"No matter what Dream, you'll always be my first and best friend." -To Dream in prison (used as a reference when she becomes part of the Eggpire)
"You know what, Tommy? Ignoring everyone you've done, you're not that bad of a bad kid. I was too hard on you. And I'm sorry. You were- you are a teen doing teen things. And I was wrong to forget that. You don't have to forgive me, but just know......I'm sorry." -Morals apologizing to Tommy
"Listen, can you stop letting your vines grow on my roof?" -Morals, upon first meeting the Egg
"What do you mean everything can be better? I mean, sure it can, but, we can't go back to what it was before. I know that now. We've just gotta accept what it is now."
"Bad? Is that you? I can't tell because of the white- ohhhh, it is." -First meeting BBH when he's corrupted by the Egg
"You don't look like the edgelord you normally are Bad, and that's a bad thing."
"We won't.......We won't go back to the start because it will be better then the start?" -Morals getting manipulated by the Egg
"Ughhh........my head feels like it got stuck in a blender and no-one put a li- WHY TO MY MOTHER'S NAME AM I SILVER?!" -Morals, temporarily breaking free from the Egg's Control
"It's not a government, Techo. I-It's a cult."
"I've been watching. And it feels like I'm trapped, you know? And I can't see the bars. I can't tell if the Egg manipulated me to worship it or I let myself. And I don't think I really want to know."
"When any of you visit him.......tell Dream that his my best and only friend.....okay?" -Morals as the Egg starts to gain control again (We always love a callback)
"You guys will figure it out. Yo-You always do. So, stay safe. Please. For everyone." -Morals last words as the Egg once again gains control
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Can I just take a second to say how much I appreciate yall? I am so grateful that this community is willing to respectfully point out when my views are problematic or when I step on toes. This jinger conversation showed me that I still have a lot to learn. I really grateful for the anons that have reached out and helped me understand how things I've said can come across as hurtful and I just want to sincerely apologize if things I've said have hurt or offended anyone. Please, if I say things that are wrong or offensive, tell me so i can do better in the future. I never want to hurt anyone or offend someone with the things I say or reblog. Y'all are amazing human beings and I am so grateful for you all.
Much love,
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I'm just sitting here watching snow white for the first time and let me tell you I feel robbed that I wasn't allowed to enjoy this as a kid. This girl has a following of woodland animals and 10 year old me would have thoroughly enjoyed this shit.
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How free is Fundie now?
From the cult itself? I've left completely. I've burned basically every bridge I had with the cult. I've left the religion.
From the scars its left on me and the trauma it caused? I'm just starting down this road of therapy and counseling. I'm just starting to fully grasp the depth and the extent of the damage it has caused to me emotionally, physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. In this sense, not very. This freedom will be a very long, emotional, and difficult road.
I get the feeling this ask was a bot or troll but the answer is the same nonetheless.
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Hi, if you don’t mind me asking, how are your studies going?? Learn anything interesting?
Hi! Somehow I missed this one and i apologize if it's been sitting for a while! My studies are going very well thank you! I've just started a book on womens rights which I'm finding very interesting but it's slow going still. I'm learning so much about our history as women that I never knew before and about the struggles and trials our foremothers endured for rights we so easily take for granted and that we are still fighting for around the world and here in the states. Thank you so much for asking!
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I think this has been the longest week of my life. I was about ready to start climbing the walls this morning cuz my dad was making me crazy. My sisters and my mom have been amazing this whole week but my dad was up my husbands butt about church, and kids, and me not wearing a skirt to the zoo but this morning took the cake! I had to drop my husband off at work at the buttcrack of dawn today so I just threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie. Apparently this upset my father and he would not shut up about it for the rest of the morning. Even my sisters kept telling him to let it go. Leaving the church has been a difficult transition but leaving the cult I was raised in is proving to be even harder than either of us expected. I knew leaving would be difficult but I didnt know what that difficult would look like. Disappointing my parents is a heavy weight for me that I didnt see coming. It's been a week yall and I'm looking forward to having my house back! 🙄😂
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Dream SMP Recap (July 10/2021) - The Beets Episode
Tubbo, Sam and Foolish create a definitely-not-a-cult based around beets for the good of vegans, turning the newly cleared-out area by the Prime Path into one giant stretch of farmland. 
Captain Puffy
- While wandering around the server, Tubbo notices that he’s having trouble finding food and decides to create a farm
- He asks Sam for help, and Sam points out the cow farms. Tubbo tells him to think of the vegans. Tubbo suggests beetroots instead
- Foolish arrives, dressed as Mario, and they declare him “Beets Man”
- They turn Hutt’s Pizza into Hutt’s Beetza
- Tubbo reads Connor’s diary
- Tubbo wants to create an empire of beets all the way to the Community House. They shall be the Beets Trio, and after they create the beet farm, they will destroy every other source of food
- Sam learns that Fran has been stolen. Time to blow things up
- They go to Puffy’s temple and blow up her pictures. They debate killing one of the parrots, but instead return to beet farming
- Fundy logs on and they make him a Beets Brother. If he doesn’t join their initiative, it means he hates vegans. Fundy hesitantly agrees to join since he does not hate vegans
- Fundy arrives and is shocked by the amount of beets. He also notices they got rid of the Socializing Club, to which they respond that it is all for the beets
- If someone says they do not like beets, they will cut off their balls. “Anti-Beeters Lose a Ball.” How else will they supply for the war if they don’t have enough beets?
- Some people do hate vegans, so they will be going to war against them. There is already conflict between Toby Carvery and Vegan Pizza
- Fundy starts crying while planting beets
- Sam points out that beets are a very inefficient food source
Tubbo: “Sam, do you want kids when you’re older or am I gonna have to step in here? Like, you know imagine it, you’re in your what -- your fuckin’ thirties and you’re settling down, Sam, and you wanna have kids but then you’re like ‘oh wait! I forgot! I don’t like beetroot so I don’t have any balls!’ So, you know. ‘Cause I will step in. With force.”
Sam: “You’ll step in? With force? Would you say that you mean business almost?”
Tubbo: “No, I don’t mean business. I mean beets.”
- Their political party will be “the Beeties”
- Fundy is horrified to see that he has accidentally harvested a beet that was not ready to be harvested. He continues crying as he plants. If they take breaks, the vegans suffer. As they farm, Sam and Fundy whisper to each other:
Sam: let’s run away
Fundy: but I like vegans
Sam: so do I. They will understand.
Fundy: they want me to harvest the beets. I want them to like me. I like vegans they must like me back. I shall continue
Sam: I shall free you from this one day.
Fundy: plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat..
Sam: I will take you to a better place.
- Tubbo’s hoe breaks and they mark the block where it happened to remember the history. They decide to halt, finishing Stage 1. Fundy is the Chosen One and will play a key role in Stage 26
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it is time and leads Tubbo and Foolish to the other side of the hill. They admire their work and destroy Tommy’s fence, as it intrudes on the beets
- Tommy logs on. Tubbo tells Sam that Tommy stole his dog
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it’s time and they run. As Tommy comes over, Fundy and Sam run by and hand him steak. Fundy makes it away for now. Sam tells him to be free as he returns to the beet farm
- Tommy sees the beets. He isn’t pleased, and Fundy falls to his death
Tubbo: “Clearly you hate the vegans.”
Tommy: “Of course I hate vegans!”
- Tubbo draws his axe. As Tommy backs away, Tubbo shoots and kills him. Sam immediately starts running to the prison to get the revive book from Dream (but Tommy has already respawned)
- Tubbo tells Tommy that in time, he too will be a fan of the beets
- Fundy returns and they watch as he jumps into one of the beets watering hole before returning to work
- Tommy tells the beets men to get off his land and rebuilds the fence. Fundy comes up to them having stopped working. Sam says Fundy should quit. Fundy starts walking around, planting beets wherever he goes
- Sam wants to go find Fran and no longer wishes to continue with this. Tubbo protests
- They point out that even the bats are harvesting beets. Seeing this, Fundy realizes that if bats harvest beets, then Fundy does not have to harvest beets
- He jumps from the path and dies
- Tommy has decided he wants to let go of the war items he no longer needs, since the server is peaceful now
- Tubbo tries to convince Sam to stay, offering every belonging he owns
- Sam turns and walks away, leaving Tubbo in anguish
- The rain goes away and Tubbo decides he actually can do it without Sam
- Tommy makes it to Pogtopia and visits the storage vault
- Tubbo and Foolish ponder what to do if not planting beets on the other side of the path...Pumpkins. They decide on pumpkins. Foolish becomes Yoshi
- Tommy reaches Logsted. He wants people in iron armor, not Netherite. He digs a hole with a chest and stores the gear, ending with the Axe of Peace
- Tommy has decided he doesn’t want to keep a stretch of the railway that’s connected to his house, as it reminds him of losing Henry. He gets rid of part of the railway
- Tubbo and Foolish decide to do beets again instead
- Tommy destroys his gravestone in Puffy’s graveyard
- Tommy does some cleaning up of the land
- Meanwhile, Sam successfully finds Fran and goes mining in the Nether
- Tommy goes back to Tubbo and tells him he has learned what a ‘cuck’ is at last. Tommy has also brought seeds and asks for a large portion of the farm to be dedicated to wheat. Tubbo doesn’t approve. They don’t want business, just beets
- Tommy starts running. They try to get Tommy to eat one beet, explaining that they can bypass pregnancy with beets
- Tommy pretends to eat one. He gates off his property and tells them they are now on gated territory
- He notices them return to his property after a bit, chasing a pig named Wiggles. Tommy decides to indoctrinate Wiggles
- Tubbo and Foolish bridge over above the roof of Tommy’s house, outside of the chunk
- Tommy’s landlord is Jesus Christ
- Tommy gets a saddle and puts it on Wiggles. He gets on the pig and logs out. Foolish and Tubbo find out that Wiggles has disappeared
- Sam goes to the prison. He shows a glimpse of the courtyard
- Tubbo and Foolish ask Sam if he ever found Fran. Sam says yes, and Tubbo explains about Tommy taking Wiggles
- Foolish suggests they get Tommy’s family and hold them hostage
- Sam says Tubbo’s dog needs to be put down. They start bickering until the dog gets pushed off the Power Tower and falls to his death
- Tubbo demands Sam be put in the prison. They go to the prison and Tubbo asks to be let in. Sam says Tubbo can only visit the entrance. He tries to bribe Sam and Sam says he’d be willing to do a tour for a shulker box
- Tubbo begs and begs until eventually Sam gives in. Tubbo immediately activates Sam’s stasis chambers and Sam says he’ll kill him...as soon as he mines through the glass with Mining Fatigue. After a minute of mining, Tubbo places concrete as soon as Sam finally breaks one block
- Sam finally gets out and Tubbo reluctantly leaves...and immediately breaks the portal mechanics by spawning a new portal in the entryway
- Tubbo actually leaves, with Sam now having to mine more obsidian
- Puffy is not happy about the new beet farm. Puffy replaces the beets with potatoes and talks with Foolish, who insists on the beets
- Foolish replaces the potatoes with beets, which Puffy destroys and tries to replace with potatoes, and this goes on for a while. Puffy complains that they could have had room for so many cool buildings, but Foolish doesn’t see why one would build instead of having beets
- Puffy tells Foolish he has a choice to make and watches as he eats a steak. She declares it “potato time”
- They wonder about which side Dream would be one. Puffy says that he would likely be more of a potato guy
- Puffy keeps planting potatoes, and Michael logs on as well. Puffy asks him which he prefers, potatoes or beets, and Michael says potatoes
- Michael sees the farm and Puffy explains what happened with L’Targay and the beets farm
- The three of them chat. Dream was sentenced to prison for being a silly goose
- They also talk about shirt-wearing koalas, maid outfits and plenty more and continue to chat for a while
Upcoming events remain the same.
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Honestly, I know you get told this allot. But you’re one of the most inspirational people right now willing to share your story. I wish you nothing but the best and good luck for the rest of the future and am excited to see where the lord takes you on this journey now!! (Also for movie suggestion they’re long but Harry Potter are classics) or! The original twilight zones (interesting series and I was a sucker for black and white.
I honestly am constantly caught off guard that people find my journey inspiring! I feel like I'm just fumbling along most of the time but my hope is that my journey will help others find their way out of life in the cult. And thank you! I will add those to my list!!
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I think you should read Ella Enchanted, it’s a children’s book but it’s very good. There’s also a movie, but it’s not great.
I'll look into finding an audiobook version! Thank you!!
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Omg I suggested you watching Mulan and two people agreed with me on your post.. kinda makes me tear up bc literally no one watched it when I was growing up except my sister and everything thought we were so weird and dumb for liking it lol. I’m glad I sent that ask in now, that made my day haha. Sorry if this is random or annoying!!
You dont have to be sorry! This made me smile! I am loving all of the suggestions and recommendations!
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You would probably like the show Once Upon A Time if you know the basic outline of classic fairytales. And all of the animated Disney movies are great! My faves are Mulan, Aladdin, and Winnie the Pooh.
Thank you! I added these all to my list! :) have a wonderful rest of your week!
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a list of Disney princess movies to watch about breaking free from a situation in which you feel trapped: The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Tangled, Moana, Aladdin, The Princess and the Frog, and Brave! I love all of these movies and I feel like you'd be able to appreciate the stories:)
Ohhh thank you!! I will add them to my to he watched list!!
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