#fun fact when i was a kid i really liked looking through the store on the mlp part of hasbro's website
Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
Evidence: Season 4 Episode 21 is a whole episode about her not being able to keep her focus while studying and needing alternative studying methods. She also cant keep still and needs to constantly be flying. It's never called "ADHD" but its very close. There is more but this is the episode focusing on it. You can read more out of the rest of the show. In the episode she also says she thinks she might be too dumb to learn anything which is a very familiar experience to people with ADHD.
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vanacoar · 2 years
Sneaking Around - Sebastian x F! Farmer
Rating: M
Warnings: NSFW (MDNI), oral sex, vaginal sex, terrible humor, submissive Sebastian, Farmer sneaking around with the sheer purpose of fucking the emo
Word Count: 5.7K
A/N: Sebastian brain rot continues
You and Sebastian had been “hanging out” for about two months, hanging out being the term you use because despite the fact that you’ve kissed him (only once you might add) the two of you hadn’t really defined your relationship yet. However, despite the fact that labels were currently up in the air, both of you were still hesitant to let anyone else know about the amount of time the two of you were spending together. Most nights you would find yourself precariously sneaking past Robin to make your way to your not quite boyfriends bedroom, where you two would spend the night watching terrible B list horror movies and eating stupid amounts of popcorn. If Sam or Abigail asked about how you two got along, you’d always find yourselves either deflecting away from the question, or answering with a “they’re pretty cool” or “they’re fun to hang with”. It was starting to grate on your nerves.
Tonight was no different. You approached 24 Mountain Road at about 7:30 PM, knowing that by this time Robin and Demetrius were more than likely getting ready for bed, and Maru was probably locked up in her room working on her latest invention. You had about 30 minutes to get in and get to Sebastian’s room before Robin came out to lock the door, like she did every night at exactly 8PM.
You opened the door slowly, freezing when you heard it give a small squeak of resistance. Deciding not to push you luck and risk it making more noise if you opened it further, you quietly slipped through the small gap you’d made before silently shutting the door behind yourself. The house was silent save for the quiet hum of a TV coming from Robin’s bedroom. You peaked your head around the corner, making sure her door was shut before slipping around and down the stairs to Sebastian’s basement bedroom, not even bothering to knock as you opened the door and rushed inside. Looking at the time, it was 7:45, perfect timing.
Looking around, you saw Sebastian at his computer, fingers nimbly ghosting along the keyboard as he typed line after line of code, eyes trained on the screen in front of him and headphones over his ears, it didn’t appear that he had even noticed your entrance. Perfect.
You clocked Sebastian as handsome the second you saw him on your second day in Pelican Town. You were out at the dock, Willy had sent you a letter to come by that morning and you were down there to meet him. It was a rainy Tuesday, most of the town were in their right mind to stay in doors in such nasty weather, but when you got to the dock, you noticed another person there with you, across the way on the opposite bridge. His hair was dark and plastered to his slim face, he sat at the edge of the peer, one knee pulled up to his chest, the other dangling off the edge, his elbow perched on his knee, a lit cigarette in his hand that he periodically brought to his lips.
“Who’s that?” You’d asked Willy after he’d gifted you his old fishing rod. The angler looked out to the opposite peer.
“Him? Oh that’s the carpenters boy, Sebastian I think his name is. He comes out here when it rains, kid’s interesting I’ll give him that.”
You met Sebastian properly the next day, he and Sam were outside Sam’s house, the blonde working through another level on his gameboy while Sebastian looked over his shoulder, cigarette in hand. Having already met Sam on your first day, you walked over to greet him.
“Oh hey, (Y/N)!” Sam greeted you when he looked up from the screen. “What’s going on?”
“I was just picking up some stuff from Pierre, thought I’d stop by and say hello.” You replied, holding your bag of goodies from the general store. “What are you two up to?”
“Nothin’ much, playin’ some games, chatting, that sort of thing,” Sam looked over to his friend before a look or recognition crossed his face. “(Y/N) I don’t think you’ve met Sebastian.” He pitched a thumb to the dark haired boy beside him, who only offered a glance to you. “He lives like right down the road from you.”
You took the opportunity to really look at Sebastian, he was tall, at least a few inches taller than Sam, who himself was not particularly short. His hair was dark, parted to the side and a stark contrast to the fairness of his skin. He was slender, the hoodie he wore looking to be a few sizes too big on his thin frame, his face was handsome though, sharp and angular with some of the most piercing gray eyes you’d ever seen, eyes that appeared to stare into your soul. “I’m (Y/N),” you greeted sweetly. “It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian.”
“Welcome to Pelican Town,” Sebastian’s voice was low but not extremely so, it was nice. “Out of all the places you could have gone, for some reason you chose this place.” He almost seemed amused. Something in your gut told you he was interesting.
You would spend the next several months getting to know Abigail and Sam, and it took a few more months after that for Sebastian to finally begin opening up to you. Getting through his thick outer shell was hard, but you eventually managed to crack it open, exposing the vulnerable boy underneath. The boy who felt displaced in his own home, under appreciated and undervalued by his mother and step father.
Right now, you leaned against the closed door of Sebastian’s bedroom, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him work. Normally he was done with work by now, usually waiting for you on his sofa or bed, but you guessed tonight was either a late night, or he had lost track of time, the latter would be your guess. You pushed yourself off the door, quietly slinking around his desk to stand behind him, watching for a moment as strings of code appeared on the screen as he typed.
Tonight would be different. Tonight you were finally going to get a label out of him, you were tired of not knowing what you meant to him, when you knew he meant so much to you. Slowly and gently, you placed your hands on either of his shoulders, feather light touches as you smoothed them over the soft fabric of his jacket, curling your arms around his neck as you leaned down to rest your head on his shoulder.
His fingers paused on the keyboard, taking a moment before reaching up to pull the headphones from his ears, turning his head slightly to greet you, a slightly tired look in his gray eyes. You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. “It’s almost 8 computer man.” You said against his skin.
“It’s that late already?” He asked, glancing down at the time at the bottom of his computer screen. Quickly, he moved his mouse over to the button highlighted ‘save’, and closed his file, turning around in his chair so he could face you clearly. “Any ideas on what you want to do tonight?” He asked. His eyes were completely innocent, as was the question, your mind however, was less so.
“I’ve got a couple.” You answered as he stood from his chair, once again towering over you, walking over to a shelf to look through his movie collection to find one the two of you hadn’t already seen. Yes, you definitely had a few ideas in mind.
Sebastian was always so warm, you’d noticed as you laid next to him on his bed. He was practically a furnace with the amount of heat he kicked off. The two of you sat in silence as the movie played, some cheap knock off of Godzilla, the effects were terrible and the script was laughable but that’s what made it fun. It was always like this, sitting side by side, arms occasionally brushing but other than that, minimal contact between the two of you. Originally, when the two of you first started these “date nights” you though that maybe he didn’t like you the way you liked him, but then you remembered that night, looking out at the lights of Zuzu City in the distance. He’d kissed you that night, so clearly he was interested in more than just a friendship. You kept expecting him to make the first move, an arm around your shoulder one night, maybe a hand on your thigh, but no, he was ever the gentleman, every night keeping his hands to himself, it was starting to drive you up the wall. However, you had made your decision, tonight you were going to make some waves, whether those waves were good or bad, was yet to be seen, but it was time to enact the first past of your plan.
You maneuvered, feigning a desire to get more comfortable when in reality you were moving to get closer to Sebastian, encircling one arm around his front to rest at the hem of his hoodie, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. You felt him freeze for only a moment before he relaxed into it, one of his arms coming up to wrap around your shoulder, forcing your head off of his shoulder and onto his chest. Part one was a success! Now for part two, which was going to be a little more tricky.
Your fingers played with the hem of his hoodie, occasionally slipping underneath just enough for the slightest touch of skin, the first time you’d done it the poor boy jumped, your fingers were cold against his heated skin, but he didn’t stop you, instead, the hand he had wrapped around your shoulder began tracing lines up and down your side, it was hypnotizing to say the least, but you had to stay focused.
Slowly, you slipped your fingers further and further under his shirt, you felt his abdominal muscles tense as you traced patterns onto his skin, making sure to keep your face schooled, as to not let him in on your plan. He was handling it well, fingers on your side rarely faulting, even as you looked up, placing a chaste kiss on his throat. You lips lingered on his skin for a moment before you pulled away.
“Something tells me you’re not watching the movie.” Sebastian said, despite the obvious amusement in his tone, you heard the slight waver of his voice. So you were effecting him.
“I’m watching something more interesting.” You whispered agains the skin of his neck.
“Why do I feel like you’re throwing out some hints?”
“I’ve been throwing out hints for the past few months but thanks for noticing.” That got a light chuckle out of him, just a soft breathy noise.
“How could you ever be not 100% enraptured in discount Godzilla?” Sebastian joked, finally looking down to meet your gaze, his eyes were cool, but you saw the glint of interest in them, curiosity even.
“Is discount Godzilla more interesting then a willing and eager girl in your lap?”
“Well I don’t know, seeing as there is not currently a willing and eager girl in my lap.”
“So sorry, let me fix that.” You sat up, slinging a leg over his lap so you were properly straddling him, his hands immediately coming to rest on your hips as your tucked your head against his shoulder, placing another kiss on his throat.
“You’re right, this is much more interesting than discount Godzilla.” Sebastian laughed as you planted a kiss just below his ear, before sitting back to meet his eyes. “Now my only question is what to do with her.”
“I’ve got a few ideas.” You said as you leaned forward, slotting your lips with his, the first kiss you’ve had with him in months and it was intoxicating. The kiss itself was chaste, innocent, just like the first one had been. It only lasted for a few moments before you pulled back, Just far enough to look him in the eyes, those steel gray eyes that had caught so much of your attention the first time you saw them. Your hands slid up his chest to rest on his shoulders, one of your thumbs grazing over the skin of his throat, such fair skin, skin that you would love to mark all over.
You don’t know who moved first, but before you knew it your lips were back on his, a desperate kiss that had you gasping as you pulled him infinitely closer, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you in. You practically shoved your tongue into his mouth, earning a desperate whimper from him, a sound that went straight to your core. One of your hands came to rest at the base of his throat, pushing ever so slightly, not enough to restrict his breathing, but enough to push him back against the headboard, a gentle knock of his head against the wood.
Your other hand moved down, once again slipping beneath the hem of his hoodie to press against the hot skin of his abdomen. “Take it off?” You asked against this lips. He didn’t make a verbal response, instead only nodding as he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. You helped him pull the hoodie up over his torso until he tossed it across the room, where to, you didn’t care right now. “Good boy.” You said before you could stop yourself. You froze for only a moment, waiting to see his reaction, but instead of rejection, you were met with a whine. A fucking whine! You knew the game to play now.
You smiled into his lips when you kissed him again, hands moving to travel over his now exposed chest. “Are you going to keep being good for me?” You all but whispered against his mouth. You felt him nod. “Use your words, Sebastian.”
“Yes.” Was all he said before you moved lower, planting open mouth kisses over his neck, starting just below his ear. You contemplated leaving a mark, nice and dark where he couldn’t hide it, so everyone would know he was taken, spoken for.
You could feel his growing erection under you, straining against the fabric of his jeans. You planted a kiss to his collar bone as one of your hands traveled south, cupping him through has pants. He hissed at the friction your hand gave him, his head once again falling back against the headboard.
“This is definitely not what I was expecting to happen tonight.” Sebastian panted out as you applied more pressure to his clothed cock. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes again.
“Do you want to stop?” It was a simple question, and if he said yes and you would, no questions or rebuttals. He was silent for all but a moment before,
“No.” You smiled as your lips found his again, your hand moving from his cock to the button of his jeans, popping it open to slip your hand inside and palm him through his boxers.
“Tell me, was it the ‘good boy’ that got you this hard?” You asked, and you swore you heard him moan.
“Among other things.” He hissed out as you wrapped your fingers around him through his boxers. You smiled, you were going to wreck this boy.
The movie was still playing in the background as you coaxed Sebastian to lay on his back, chest heaving as you pulled your hand from inside of his pants, only to hook your fingers into his waistband, pulling his jeans and boxers together far enough to let his cock spring free, precum already leaking from the tip, he was so worked up and you felt as if you’d hardly done anything yet.
Part of you wanted to pin him to the bed, climb on top and ride him until you couldn’t remember your own name, but that could wait until the next time, tonight you had a very specific plan. You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly just to hear him hiss. Leaning down you placed a gentle kiss on his hip bone, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Red means stop.” You said as your hand began to move, sliding to the head of his cock. He nodded, panting as you collected the precum at the tip into your hand to use as lubricant as you stroked him, slowly at first, letting him get used to you, experimenting with different levels of grip before you started working him faster.
Sebastian brought a hand to his mouth, biting down on his knuckles to keep from making too much noise as your hand stroked up and down his length. You felt him attempt to thrust up into you hand, at which point your other one came to pin his hips to the bed, drawing out another whine from his throat. Sebastian was well endowed, a solid 7 inches, thick enough to take your entire hand, your fingertips barely meeting, staring down at his swollen cock, you couldn’t help but wonder what he tasted like.
You leaned down, flattening your tongue against the underside of the head, and he nearly wailed, would have, had he not brought his other hand to press against his mouth as well. You could tell he was getting close as your closed your lips around the head of his cock, laving your tongue over the slit, feeling him shudder beneath you. His moans got louder, higher pitched the closer he got, all the way until he was at the precipice, ready to fall, when suddenly you pulled away.
Sebastian gasped at the sudden change, nearly choking on the air, meeting your eyes, you could see the tears in his eyes. You grinned, placing a gentle kiss on his stomach. “I didn’t say you could cum yet.” You smiled as you dragged your tongue up his chest to lap at his throat, this time not hesitating to suck a mark there, marring his fair skin for all to see. He was still panting, trying to catch his breath.
“Please,” he whispered as you began your descent down his torso again, giving gentle nips to his skin along the way, until you once again reached the bones of his hips, flattening your tongue over his skin. “(Y/N), please.” You smiled against his flesh.
“Please what?” You looked up at him again, his face was flushed, pupils blown out wide with want, breath coming out in short pants.
“Please let me cum.” He said so nicely, you were tempted to give in, but what’s the fun in that?
“And how would I do that, baby?” You stroked the skin of his inner thigh, well what you could reach with his pants still in the way.
“Please touch me.”
“I am touching you, Seb.”
“No.” He flopped his head against the pillow. You smiled once more.
“You gotta be specific babe.” You started, tracing soothing circles into the skin of his hips. “Tell me.”
He was silent for a moment, seemingly choosing his words carefully. “Please touch my cock.” There it is.
“Good boy.” You said as you hooked your fingers into his waistband again, this time pulling his jeans and boxers all the way off, shoving them to the floor as you made yourself comfortable between Sebastian’s legs. You heard his whine again, his hips giving an involuntary thrust up at the praise. Your clothes felt too tight, still fully intact as Sebastian lay in front of you completely bare, spread out and waiting for you to take him. You leaned down to press a kiss to the base of his cock, ripping a choked out gasp from his throat as you dragged your tongue from his base to the tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum at the head. Wrapping your lips around him once more, you took him further into your mouth, letting the tip of his cock hit nearly the back of your throat before pulling back again, dragging your tongue along the underside as you hollowed your cheeks, hand wrapped around what you couldn’t fit.
His hands found your hair as you proceeded to take him in your mouth, lavishing his cock with your tongue. The noises he made switched from moans to whines and back again as you moved your head up and down. He clasped a hand over his mouth to keep the noises from being to loud, not wanting to let the whole house know good he was being taken apart. His grip in your hair tightened as he painted your name, a litany of ‘please’ and ‘yes’ sprinkled in. He was getting close again his hips thrusting up into your mouth. You let him.
“(Y/N),” he choked out your name as you took more of him in your mouth. “(Y/N), close, so close, please, please.” He sounded wrecked, eyes shut and tear tracks down his cheeks as you sucked hard, moving just a little bit faster. You wanted to feel him cum, taste him and swallow everything he had down your throat.
Sebastian’s back arched off the bed as he came, flooding your mouth with his cum, which you happily took. He gasped soundlessly as his body tensed around you, his grip in your hair nearly painful, but sending pulsing heat to your core nonetheless.
He collapsed back on to the bed, chest heaving with the intensity of his orgasm. You let his softening cock fall from your lips, climbing up his body to kiss him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth with little resistance, smiling at his responding moan. His hands came up to wrap around your waist again, pulling your closer and deepening the kiss.
You felt his heated hands slip under your shirt, his palms flat against your sides as he slid your shirt up your torso. You broke the kiss, sitting up so you could completely remove it, reaching back and unclasping your bra, tossing it across the room. Sebastian’s eyes were glued to you, sitting up to press his lips to your chest, kissing your clavicle before moving lower, planting kisses over the curve of your breasts, one hand coming up to graze his thumb over your nipple, pulling a startled gasp from your lips. His fingers trailed deftly down your torso, fingertips calloused from years of typing, as he reached the waistband of your jeans, popping open the button and pulling the garment past the curve of your hips, along with your panties. You moved to get your jeans off of your legs, dropping them to the floor as you moved to once again straddle Sebastian’s lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him.
“And to think, we could have been doing this the whole time instead of watching B list horror movies.” You stated against his lips as you rolled your hips against this, his cock starting to once again so interest.
“What you don’t think discount Godzilla adds to the mood?” Sebastian joked, and you found yourself giggling into his mouth.
“Something you wanna share with the class about your affinity for Kaiju?”
“He must have a massive cock.” This time you really laughed, tucking your head against his shoulder, he smiled against your hair as his hands strokes up and down your sides. He placed a kiss just under your jaw before you found yourself on your back, Sebastian hovering over you, he leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. You gladly open your mouth for him, letting his tongue into your mouth as he settles himself between your legs.
He kissed under your jaw, trailing his lips down your throat, you felt him sucking marks into your skin, but you didn’t care. He trailed further, placing kisses down your chest, sucking a few marks onto the curve of your breasts before dragging his tongue over one of your nipples, you arched your back into his touch, which he was all too pleased about by the look of his smile when he began to continue his descent down your body. He kissed down your stomach, down to your hips, where he marked you again. He carefully pushed your thighs further apart, admiring how you were spread out before him. He latched his lips onto the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, pulling a gasp from your lips as he sucked another mark there, and another and another until you were sure your inner thighs were going to be black and blue by morning.
Your breathing was heavy as he inched closer to your core. “To think,” he started, propping himself on one elbow while the other hand came to brush his knuckles against your throbbing heat, a ghost of a touch, but enough to light your skin on fire. “All this time you’ve been giving me pleasure, when you were so worked up yourself.” He slipped on of his fingers through your folds, teasing just at your entrance, but never daring to push inside. You were desperate to feel him inside.
“Well you were being so good for me, how was I supposed to focus on anything else?” You felt Sebastian sigh against your thigh. You wanted to tell him to hurry up, to put his mouth on you, devour you like you knew he wanted to. Instead he proceeded to place kisses everywhere but here you really wanted him. You were about to say something when without warning he licked a strip from your entrance to your clit, making you choke on your gasp. Your hands find his hair as he does it again before focusing his attention on your swollen clit, his arms wound around your thighs, pulling your legs further apart and half yanking you down further to meet his mouth. One of your hands moved from his hair to your mouth, covering it with the back of your hand to stifle the loud noises that wanted so badly to breech from your throat.
Sebastian lapped at your core like he was a man dying of thirst and your soaked cunt was the only source of water. You thrust your hips up, or tried to, as he had your hips in an ironclad grip, arching your back as he gave a rough hard suck to your clit. “Sebastian,” you gasped out, you felt him hum against you, sending a spark of electricity up your spine. Your grip tightened in his hair. “Fuck, baby, so good, you’re doing so good.” You babbled out, barely registering the moan from the man between your legs as he pulled you impossibly closer. The room was filled with the lewd slick noises of Sebastian’s ministrations on your cunt, combined with the quiet moans and gasps that escaped your lips, muffled by your hand. You wished you could be loud, make sure he knew just how good he was working you, just how thoroughly he was wrecking you with his tongue, but you definitely didn’t want the way Sebastian’s family found out about the two of you be because they were woken up at 1 am by the sounds of their son giving the sweet farmer girl from down the road the most amazing sex of her life.
You barely contained as scream when two of his long fingers penetrated you, scissoring inside of you as he stretched you open. He thrusted the two digits in and out of you, curling them in a come hither motion that had you seeing stars. You were getting close, each lap of his tongue and curl of his fingers pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Don’t stop,” you panted, gripping the pillow behind you for leverage as your spine arched off the bed, attempting to get closer to him, if that was even possible. “So close, baby I’m so close, fuck, make me cum.” Sebastian hummed against you again and you felt yourself fall, the coil wound so tight finally snapping as you came, hand locking over your mouth to keep your scream inside as your body tensed, your lungs spasming as you tried desperately to take in air. He worked you through it, only pulling away when you pulled at his hair. He placed kisses over your hips and up your stomach as you panted, kissing up your chest and neck until he reached you lips. Your hands tangled into his hair as he kissed you, one hand gripping behind your thigh to hike your leg up over his hip, you could feel his cock, rock hard against your core.
The movie had long since ended, the bright white words spelling ‘play’ being the only thing to illuminate the room. He gave you a minute before reaching down to align himself with your entrance, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pushed into you, making you impossibly full as your hands scrambled for purchase over the skin of his back, your nails surly leaving angry red marks over his flesh. You pressed your lips against his shoulder as he bottomed out inside of you, buried to the hilt inside your heat. You could feel him trembling above you, not daring to move just yet, you let him get his bearings while you lavished the skin of his neck and shoulder with kisses, nipping gently at his skin.
Before long you felt his pull almost all the way out, covering your mouth with his own before slamming hard back into you, swallowing your gasp. He set a steady pace, fucking into you roughly while your nails bit into his shoulders. The room was full of the sounds of gasps and broken moans as he slammed into you, one of his hands coming to grip at your hip, lifting your hips just barely off the bed, but allowing him to get so much deeper, and you couldn’t help the moan the was ripped out of your throat, although he didn’t seem to care much as he buried his head against your shoulder, nipping at your sensitive skin as he picked up his pace.
Your moans became high pitched, trying desperately to stifle the noise by sucking mark after mark onto his shoulder. “Sebastian, seba- fuck.” A litany of his name fell from your lips, panting against his flesh before he faced you again to engulf you in a breath stealing kiss. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” You pleaded into the kiss.
“(Y/N),” he all but moaned as his hips stuttered. He filled you so completely, his cock hitting every spot inside of you on every thrust, the grip he had on your hip tight enough you were sure you’d have bruises by morning, and you wanted them. You were approaching the edge again and fast, as you grasped for any kind of purchase, legs wrapping tight around his waist as his pace got faster and faster. “Close,” he gasped against your lips. “So close, fuck, (Y/N).” You tightened your legs around him, pulling him as close as you could.
“Come on baby,” you encouraged him, gasping at a particularly well aimed thrust. “Cum for me, fill me with it, I want it please!” You gasped out, Sebastian choked on air as his rhythm started to stutter some more. He grasped your body tight as he came, his cum spilling into you, filling you more, you toppled over the edge with him, letting out cry as he fucked the both of you through it.
Eventually the only sounds in the room were the sounds of panting, as the two of you caught your breath, Sebastian propping himself up on his elbows as he hovered above you, before slowly pulling out of you to collapse onto his back, chest heaving.
“Wow,” he choked out. You turned to your side to look at him, his dark hair scattered, unkempt from the way your fingers had raked through it, figuring your own hair wasn’t much better. You smiled up at him as you moved to lay your head on his chest, his arm coming to wrap around you, fingertips tracing lazy patterns into your skin. “Next time we have sex, we’re doing it at your house.” You felt your heart warm at his words.
“Agreed,” you said, planting a kiss on his chest. “That way I can hear all those pretty little moans.” His responding whine sending a dulled heat back to your core.
It was quiet for a while, part of you though he had fallen asleep, you were startled when he spoke. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He all but whispered into your hair. You felt the question rise in your throat, pressing your lips to his neck when you asked.
“Why’d you wait?”
Sebastian sighed. “I don’t know if it’s hard to tell, but I’m not exactly popular with people,” he confessed, you hummed in response. “We already had something good, and I wasn’t sure if you wanted more and I didn’t want to risk it.” You lifted yourself up onto your elbow, placing a hand on his jaw to turn his head to look at you, his gray eyes meeting your own. You pressed a chaste but passionate kiss to his lips, which he responded to in kind as his other arm came to wrap around your waist.
“I want everything you have to give.” You confessed against his lips.
“Woah someone got lucky last night.” Sam exclaimed walking into the saloon that next night, seeing Sebastian already waiting for him at the pool table. “Who was the lucky lady… or dude, I don’t judge my best friends taste.”
Sebastian stiffened, attempting to pull the collar of his hoodie up to cover the very obvious hickie that you had left on his throat. He seemed to stumble for an answer before he was interrupted by the sound of two more entering the back room, you and Abigail rounding the corner together, giggling about who knows what. Abigail went to her usual spot on the couch, ready to watch as Sam got his ass handed to him again in pool, while you walked over to Sebastian, reaching up to place a kiss on his cheek before moving to go sit next to your friend.
Sebastian felt the flush rising up his neck, glancing up at his best friend to see an awestruck disbelieving look on his face, it would have been funny if it wasn’t directed at him.
“How the fuck did you pull-“ Same started.
“I don’t know.”
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ickadori · 4 months
thinking about nanami as a step-dad to your kid…
[cws] fem reader -> reader is a mom. suggestive.
Nanami stepped into the role very easily, despite thinking he wouldn’t. He wasn’t ignorant to the fact that some people saw him as a sort of custodial figure, Itadori and Ino specifically, but they were both well and grown now, and your kid was…well, a kid.
Your son was only just getting out of diapers, and still refusing to give up his pacifier. Nanami was an only child and he had never known anyone with children, so his experience with toddlers was nonexistent, but you had been patient with him as you showed him the ropes.
Diaper changes that morphed into helping him on the potty, warming of bottles that morphed into trying to discern what food he was willing to eat that day, rocking to sleep that morphed into the reading of bedtime stories and the ritual of checking the closet and underneath the bed for monsters.
He had eagerly learned it all from you, even going beyond and researching a few things on his own - things that had always stumped you and left you frustrated. Like when your son had refused to eat anything but plain waffles for two days straight and you were sure he was going to develop some kind of deficiency - he didn’t, and all it took was Nanami cooking all his (and yours) favorite foods for the boy to finally crack and start eating.
Or when he had went through a phase of ripping his diaper off and running around the house nude - that hadn’t been fun for anyone. You had been at your wits end, overwhelmed and teary-eyed as you watched the mayhem unfold, and Nanami had stepped in easily enough with a firm voice and even firmer look and that issue hadn’t happened again since.
He found himself doing that a lot - being the firm one. You could never bring yourself to be but so firm with him, always crying to Nanami about how ‘sad he had looked, Kento! I feel like an evil mother!’. He tried to assure you that telling your son no, he couldn’t climb onto the dinner table and belly flop onto the floor didn’t make you an ‘evil mother’, but he didn’t particularly mind dabbing your tears away and placating you with kisses.
Nanami was the one to enforce bedtimes, the one to keep him from drawing on the walls and furniture, the one to make him clean up his mess after a tantrum, the one that had to carry him kicking and screaming out of stores because of a candy bar that wasn’t bought…
“I think he missed you, Kento.” You speak in a hushed tone as you curl into his side, fingers mindlessly toying with the blonde hairs on his chest. He gives you an unbelieving look, hand moving to rub at your knee, your leg thrown on his hips. “Really, I do! He was so fussy this week while you were away, I couldn’t even get him to calm down with bath time.”
He hums, recalling just how eager your son had been to point at the front door and stomp his foot when he saw Nanami dressed and ready to go. It had been cute, a tad offensive as well, but cute nonetheless.
“How’d you get him to nap?”
“I used that trick you taught me. The one where you rub your finger between his eyebrows,” you demonstrated on Nanami, finger smoothing out the crease that had settled between his brows, “and play in his hair.” You combed your fingers through blonde locks, and Nanami relaxed further into the bed. “He was out in five minutes.”
He quirks a brow.
“More like thirty but who’s counting, y’know? He’s sleep and that’s all that matters.” Nanami lets a tired, amused grin curl onto his lips.
“How long has he been sleep?” The hand that had been rubbing at your knee slides a bit further up your leg, fingers now kneading into the fat of your thigh.
“Mm, maybe an hour? He shouldn’t be up for another hour at least… plenty of time for me to show you just how much I missed you.” Your lips meet the underside of his chin, and he tilts his head up and to the side, allowing you to trail kisses down his throat. “Did you miss me too, Ken?”
“More than I’d like to admit.” He tugs you onto his lap so you’re straddling him, hands immediately moving to palm at your ass through your shorts. “I already let the office know that I won’t be available for anymore overseas trips due to family matters.” Your eyes sparkle at his words.
“Family matters?” You repeat, hands splayed across his chest as you begin to rock your hips down against him. His jaw clenches at the feeling, arousal pooling in his gut and warming his skin.
“Yes, family matt—” Your lips are on his before he can finish his sentence, and he has no complaints, easily opening his mouth so your tongue can venture inside. His hands help you rock back and forth on top of him, his own hips occasionally bucking up into you.
A creak sounds just outside the bedroom door and Nanami pauses, lips going still against yours as he strains to hear. “Honey,” he calls, mouth breaking away from yours.
“Yes, Ken?” You breathe out as you sit up, your full weight now weighing down on his heavy, aching cock. “What’s wrong?” You take his hand and guide it underneath your shirt, his rough palms meeting soft, supple skin. He groans low in his throat when he reaches your breast, thumb smoothing over a puckered nipple. “I thought you missed me?”
“I did—fuck, I did.” He traps your nipple between the knuckles of his pointer and middle finger, pulling a soft cry from you, and his mouth runs dry at the sound. “But—”
“But what, Ken?”
The both of you hear it this time and pause, heads turning to the cracked bedroom door. You scramble off of him in a flash, his hand slipping from underneath your shirt as he sits up in the bed to place a pillow over his lap while you straighten your clothes.
A sleepy ‘mama’ sounds, and you’re on your feet in the next second, hushes already leaving your mouth as you pull the door open to reveal a sleepy-eyed toddler. Your son has his signature blanket clutched in one arm, and his pacifier hanging from the clip on his pajama top.
You scoop him up into your arms as you gently bounce him, and Nanami smiles at the sight. “Did you have a good nap, sweetie? You want mommy to make you a snack—”
“Nana!” He suddenly shouts, gaze finally falling on Nanami, and all the sleep that had been in his face melts away. “Nana!”
“Nanami? Yeah, he just came—oh.” You hurry to set him down on his feet as he struggles in your grip, and he wastes no time dashing to the bed and clambering up onto it and launching himself into Nanami’s chest.
He catches him easy, arms closing around him as the both of you share a look of surprise. He ruffles his hair and pats his back, and your son squeals out a laugh as he pulls back to place his hand against Nanami’s face.
“Nana stay? Nana stay home?” You climb back into bed beside him, head moving to rest on his shoulder.
“Yes, I’m going to stay. I’m not going anywhere.” He assures, and your son’s face crumbles as he lets out a cry. You pout from beside him, and Nanami rubs his back and guides him to lay against his chest, a warm, fluttery feeling blooming inside.
“See?” You whisper in his ear. “I told you he missed you.”
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c-h-i-m-es · 1 year
gojo satoru
in which you and gojo go shopping + being proud parents of megumi
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you are finishing some paperworks about your last mission when you are interrupted by the continuous ringing of your doorbell. groaning, you get out of your couch and open the door, "i told you to just press the doorbell once." you step aside to let him in.
"there's no fun in that though." he takes off his shoes and puts on his own house slippers you got for him because he is at your place more than at his own. might as well give him the extra house keys you have to him. he goes in the kitchen while you go back to your work, "what are you here for satoru?"
gojo returns back with a chilled drink in his hand, "let's go shopping." he sits next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. "can't. i have to finish this."
holding your chin, he turns your face to make you look at him, his usual playful smirk on his lips, "you know this is just a waste of time." you roll your eyes playfully at his comment and slap his hand away from your face, "still have to do it though."
you don't have to look at his face to know he has a pout on his face, "get it done in ten minutes then." he rests his head on the couch and lifts his hips a little to take his phone out of his pocket.
"why do you have to go shopping all of a sudden?" you turn your head to look at him smiling, like showing a genuine smile, "our first years are being promoted you see. so i just wanna buy them something as a congratulations."
moments like these make you remember that behind his childish and carefree mask he puts on, he really does care about the people around him.
your face lightens up and you fully turn your body to him, with a gasp, "they are? why didn't you tell me earlier?" you hit him on his arm and get off the couch, "let me get ready."
"thought you were busy." ignoring his comment, you enter your room and start getting ready.
about an hour passes and you are in gojo's car, him driving to the mall. "what should we get them?" you think of something they'll like and could be useful, "i do know what nobara would like so that is not a problem but what do the boys like?"
"if i knew that, i wouldn't have asked you to come with me." he chuckles and you act offended, "keep up with those comments and i will drop your ass alone."
he looks at you for a split second through his glasses, "like you could live without me." you look at him with a raised brow, "is that a challenge?"
"i don't know, you tell me. are you up for a challenge?" he asks in his teasing tone. you scoff, "alright, survive one week without me. i bet you'll come back begging for me."
"you're on babe. but let's get the kids something first yeah?" you don't know what to focus on. the fact that he called you 'babe' or that he called the students 'kids' like his own.
you curse at him in your head as he made you feel uneasy (flustered) with his words. you nod as look out the window, "yeah sure."
another ten minutes and you've finally reached the mall. you both walk in and immediately notice the mall having more people than normal, "woah why are there so many people?"
"right. like it's weekday. are they unemployed or what?" you chuckle at his reply and walk towards a clothing store. "let's look around and see if we find something of their choice?" you ask as you look up at gojo.
he nods at you, "sure. whatever you say." you cringe (blush) at his words and walk ahead while he follows behind you as you look through the shelves.
an hour long the shopping spree, you've bought the boys some (quite a lot) clothes they could wear out and you also got the three first years as well as yourself and gojo matching pjs so you could have pajama party later.
"i think nobara would really like this one." you let gojo smell the perfume you picked out for nobara, "what do you think?" he shrugs, "smells nice?" you shake your head, "you're really no help. tell me what do you think is better." you look around and spray on some other testers.
"i mean i love the perfume you use, but i wouldn't want kugisaki to use the same one as you." you try to hide your face from him as you look away, "why would you say that?"
he chuckles to himself, "i don't wanna remember anyone else but you when i smell that scent." you couldn't help but chuckle at his words as you look back at him, "i am gonna ignore that."
he smiles and takes another tester to spray, "it's so difficult to get kids these days something." you let out a small laugh, "you're talking like a dad satoru."
"tell me about it." he sounds proud for some reason, "i mean i was totally a father figure for megumi. do you remember that one time we went to his teacher-parent meeting and his teacher told us that we are such a happy family?"
you laugh remembering the event. gojo was not feeling like going alone so you went to megumi's school with him and the teachers as well as the parents assumed that you two were his parents and were telling you how nice of a family you three are. you also remember some moms giving you both advices on parenthood.
"yeah and i also remember you being so proud telling everyone that we were his parents." you spray another tester and finally it smells like something nobara would really like, "woah this one is really nice." gojo comes close to you, his chest touching your back as he bends a little to smell the tester you just sprayed.
"mm.. yeah it is nice. let's get this one." he looks at you and smirks as you narrow your eyes at him and softly push his face away from you, "yeah i wanna get something for myself as well."
by the time you are out of the store, you ended up buying yourself and your three boys each some perfumes as well. "this is so much fun." you giggle as gojo takes the bags from your hand. his smooth ass also taking your hands in his in the process like it isn't anything unusual and intertwines your fingers.
"we should do this often." he looks at you with a smile, making you smile as well. "but let's get some food now. i am so hungry."
you nod your head, "uh huh. we also need to buy something else for nobara." you pout as you look around to see for some store with nice clothes on display, "we got the boys clothes and perfume. i gotta buy my girl something else as well."
"we got her pajamas?" he pulls you closer to him as there are a lot of people around, but little do you know that it is just an excuse. "that doesn't count. we got 'em for everyone."
he chuckles as he shakes his head, "okay woman. let's grab a bite first, yeah?" you nod and rest your head on his arms, getting tired of all the walking, "i am so tired. but i am so excited to give these to them." you speak excitedly as you wrap your arm around his and smile, "i am so proud of them."
he smiles looking at your face, "yeah.. me too."
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a/n: posted jjk for some change :P hope you liked it!
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snowwybear · 7 months
𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔠𝔞𝔱 𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 | 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦
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Based off this post
Vinnie missed you like crazy, currently he was in Japan. He loved Japan and wanted to show you around one of his favourite cities, so he organised a trip with you and a couple of friends to go to Japan. Unfortunately, you had a family emergency and couldn't make the trip. Vinnie tried to not get sad at the fact you weren't coming, he understood it was out of your control but still he was upset that his girl wasn't with him.
He and his friends were out shopping, wondering into each shop not really paying any attention to which shop they were going into, when he spotted a familiar beige and pink packaging in one of the stores they were in. He recognised the brand, Calico Critters small little plush dolls. You had brought a house and displayed it on your bookshelf. The house only came with one animal for the house, and he was currently staring at a lot of cute fluffy animals in need of home. He picked up one he thought you would like and went to pay for it, he couldn't wait for your reaction.
"... and yeah that's pretty much it". Vinnie said as he finished explaining his trip to you. Currently the two of you were cuddled up in Vinnie's bed looking through the photos Vinnie took on his trip to Japan. As soon as Vinnie came home and saw you awake lying in his bed, cuddled up to Hera, he pretty much jumped on top of you attacking you with kisses. He hadn't even started the process of unpacking his things, he was just too excited to be home.
"It sounds like you had fun. I'm really sorry that I couldn't be there again". You said sincerely.
"Stop apologising it's fine". He reassured you. "Actually, I have something for you". He got up from his bed and made his way over to his suitcase.
"You didn't have to get me anything". Surprised, you sat up on the bed.
Vinnie unzipped his suitcase, rummaging around in it before finally finding the box under some clothes. He looked up at you with bright eyes. "Hold your hands and close your eyes".
You obeyed his command. Vinnie made his way over to the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed gently gripping the box. He goes moves the box into your hand before hesitating slightly. What if you didn't like it? Shaking off his nerves he quickly placed the box in your hands and telling you to open your eyes.
You gazed onto the pink and beige box. Inside the box was a family of seals dressing in little sailor outfits. Calico Critters? You didn't think he took any notice. The house you bought sat open on your bookshelf, it was a childish thing to buy but you wanted that sense of nostalgia.
"What the fuck? Why did you get this for me?" You asked a little too aggressively. It wasn't quite the reaction Vinnie was expecting but he had known you long enough to wait and gauge your reactions.
"I don't know, I just saw it and thought of you". He said
You stared at the box. You had played with these toys as a kid. You had bought the house to feel like a kid again, since recently you've been overwhelmed with how life has been treat you. You put the box down on the bed and leaped forward, wrapping your arms around Vinnie's neck. That wasn't the reaction Vinnie was expecting either.
"You're so nice to me, I hate you". You whispered.
"I love you too".
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calmcoldevening · 8 months
Hellow! I just comeback to tumblr after a long time away from this magic space and i wish (and request if is possible 👉🏻👈🏻) if you can write a one shot where the reader was adopted after Charlie finished a family, she was a baby then and grow up as a Hewitt basically so Thomas is her “step brother” but when they grow and they start doing the “family business 🔪 “ they protect each other, he protects her physically and she protects him emotionally also she finish some girls who make fun of Thomas, basically they found that both have feelings for each other…hope i didn’t ask a mess 🥺 by the way, i love your content 🖤
Omg, thank you so much, really ♡⁠ And I like your idea, so I hope you will like it))
Thomas Hewitt x reader
Tw: mention on murders, cannibalism, a little hurt/comfort, reader and Thomas are not the real siblings, jealousy
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Almost no one remembers how you got into this family anymore. At one point, Hoyt just carried you in his arms, frowning at Luda. The woman carefully picked you up in her arms, your big curious eyes looked around the room and the people present with interest. Surprisingly, you weren't scared, even though you didn't understand where you were. People were talking loudly, but you didn't understand any of it.
But it only took a couple of minutes, and a strange man appeared in your field of vision. Kid. He was a boy of about five with long black hair, and his face was covered in bandages in some places. The woman said something to him, and the boy awkwardly approached you, looking at your little body with curiosity and some fear. You smiled almost reflexively and held out your hands to him. The woman grinned and gently laid you down in the boy's arms. You curled up blissfully on his chest, closing your eyes and relaxing. The boy started rocking you. It was so nice and warm. You fell asleep almost immediately.
Thomas. That was the boy's name. Thomas Hewitt, your older brother Tommy. He has always been kind and gentle towards you. Of course, your whole family was good, even if it was peculiar, but still Tommy seemed the most dear to you. It has always been so.
The boy was constantly protecting you. At home or in the outside, it doesn't matter, Thomas always tried to be with you, like your personal guardian angel.
As the years passed, Thomas was already in school. You were about four years old when you started noticing something was wrong. Tommy came home from school, and his body was covered with a lot of bruises, dried blood was visible on the bandages. It happened a lot. But when you tried to ask Thomas about it, he was silent, turning away from you.
Your childish mind was still unable to make up a whole picture of such situations.
So the only thing that came to your mind was to cheer Tommy up. He was sitting on the bed when you entered the room. Awkwardly walking with your little legs, you came closer to him, smiling. Without thinking twice, you climbed onto the bed next to him. Taking one of his hands, you began to glue small patches on his wounds.
"It hurts, brother?" you ask softly, looking up at Thomas. The guy can't help but smile. He gently runs his free hand through your hair, and shakes his head negatively. You giggle contentedly and put your arms around his neck, climbing into the boy's lap. Thomas hugs you back tenderly, and in those warm hugs you feel like your brother is protecting you from the whole world.
Already in the middle of school, Thomas started working with Charlie at the slaughterhouse, but you just stayed at home after graduation. By nature, you were a child who was much weaker than Thomas, even though you were very smart and cunning. Besides, Luda didn't want you to see all these horrors of murder from such an early age. You didn't resist her views.
After all, after school you worked at one of the grocery stores in the city. Even if they didn't pay that much because of your age and the fact that it was your unofficial job, it was already something. Therefore, every day you brought home either money or food immediately, which Luda was immensely happy about. Unlike Tommy, you grew up to be quite an active and curious child, you were often the first to take the initiative in various matters. Therefore, at the age of ten you were quite good at helping People around the house, and at fifteen you were already fully cooking. You didn't particularly like the fact that Luda spends almost all her time doing household chores, so you tried to give her as much rest as possible. She was very happy to have such a child.
As the years passed, the city emptied as time passed. The closure of the slaughterhouse has greatly affected the peaceful course of life in the city. After a while, only your Hewitt family remained in the city. It's not that you love other people, it's just that you were sorry that the usual way of life was changing. But as long as you're with your family, you don't care about other people.
Due to the fact that there was not much food in the city, and it was not possible to travel outside it often, gradually you did not have enough food. You just accepted it, and you didn't ask any questions.
Until one day Charlie gave some strange speech.
You could feel the tension in the air when you all gathered at the table. It was a little awkward. The room was dark, with only a small chandelier above the table being the only source of pale yellow light. As usual, you folded your hands on your chest in prayer before eating, when Charlie said a prayer to God. No, not Charlie, Hoyt. Your eyes were darting around the room. You saw the tense shoulders of the Woman and the way her forehead wrinkled because of the eyebrows drawn together. Hoyt wasn't as tense, and yet there was some excitement in his voice. Uncle Monty was no different from his usual self, he just kept quiet.
Eating people. It was.. strange. Wrong. How could Hoyt say that in order to survive, you have to eat people? And this strange soup with rather tough meat.
You looked at Tommy. He was sitting next to you, his huge figure only added some kind of horror to the atmosphere of the room. And yet, under the table, he took your little hand in his big palm, squeezing it in comfort. You understood that it was necessary. If Tommy said it was necessary, then you will obey. You nodded curtly and started eating.
Gradually you got used to the new way of life. You spent whole days helping People around the house or at her gas station store, and in the evening you spent time with Tommy. You are used to strange strangers appearing in your house several times a week, and new meat appears on the table that evening. You no longer paid attention to the screams or the blood, you lived as usual. The only thing you didn't like was that Tommy was now more tired and exhausted by the end of the day. After working with meat for a long time, he would come to your room, you would sit on the bed. He would climb onto your bed and put his head on your hips, seeking comfort. You began to gently stroke his tangled black hair. He closed his eyes with a smile. Your hands gently find the clasp of the mask on the back of his head. Thomas reflexively tenses up at first, but immediately lets you take off the mask. He looks up at you and you smile, caressing his cheeks with your hands. Every time such a sight made a pleasant warm feeling appear in your chest, you wanted to see this smile more often. After a long hug, you fell asleep on the same bed, cuddling up to each other.
Such a life has become commonplace. And although you tried to be indifferent to all the victims who come to this house, in the end, they will all end up being your dinner, you couldn't ignore how these pathetic bastards treated Tommy. Especially those screaming and crying girls.
Thomas was sharpening a knife in his basement when you went down there and saw a girl tied to a table. Her makeup was smeared, and her face was red and swollen from crying and screaming. She was obviously pretty tired already. And yet, the girl continued to try to pull out, shouting some obscenities. She probably already realizes that she is doomed. And yet, her body is still filled with animal fear. You walk down the stairs, your arms folded across your chest. Thomas is not paying attention to you, he is completely focused on his work. And from there he stands over the bound girl. His palm slowly slides over her trembling stomach, breasts, and finally stops on her face, caressing her cheeks. Your heart strangely, almost painfully contracts at the sight of this scene. The girl wriggles and cries, calling Thomas a freak and a brainless animal. You can't see his face, but you can feel him frowning. In an instant, he raises his hand with a cleaver over the girl and forcefully drives it into the girl's body, cutting her fragile neck with an unpleasant crunch. She gurgles, choking on her own blood. You slowly approach Thomas, hugging him from behind. Your hands are clutching the fabric of his shirt under his apron.
"She's lying, Tommy. She's just stupid. You are not an animal, you are the most wonderful man in the world," you whisper and feel him relax under your embrace. He throws the cleaver on the floor. The man turns to face you and wraps you in a tight hug, burying his nose in your hair. He's always been soothed by your scent.
You were really annoyed by these rude victims of the girl. That's why you often began to deal with them yourself. Something inside you rejoiced when you silenced their vile mouth.
You were in the kitchen, as usual, making an apple pie. Humming something to yourself, you moved around the kitchen in a relaxed way, enjoying the cooking process. Suddenly, you heard the faint crackle of the stairs leading to the basement. The third step from below was flimsy and always creaked. But under Tommy's weight, it was a more distinct sound. Now the sound was almost inaudible, as if someone was sneaking around, trying not to attract attention. When you turned around, you saw a fragile girl covered in blood. Her right hand looked like a bloody mess, so she held it with her good hand. Was it Tommy's toy? A strange anger has boiled up inside you. You grabbed the knife you were using to cut apples. It was a sharp knife that Hoyt sharpened for you not so long ago. Slowly approaching the girl from behind, you abruptly wrapped your arms around her, exposing the blade with the tip to her stomach. The girl was filled with an almost animal panic and she reflexively rushed forward, trying to escape from your grip. She made it worse for herself. Her flesh was instantly pierced by a sharp blade. You felt her body convulsing, and cherry blood instantly stained your hands. The knife went into her stomach almost to the hilt when she went limp in your hands. Hoyt would probably scold you for spoiling the meat right now. But you don't care. It felt so light and pleasant when you finished off this girl who called Thomas names not so long ago when he dealt with her friends. No one dared to call your boy that, absolutely no one.
But it wasn't any easier for Thomas.
He saw all those sidelong glances from the victims, all those lascivious smiles in your direction. It annoyed him so much. Thomas killed such victims with particular cruelty. You were his gentle and innocent flower, who had been kind to him since childhood. Thomas cherished you. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happened to you. Your soft hair, sweet smell and sweet smile. All of this made his heart flutter. But in those moments when the escaped victims tried to take you with them, his chest was filled with a feeling of anger and hatred. No one will dare to take away his flower, his ray of light in this dark life.
But there was something strange about it, something he couldn't explain. When the victims tried to flirt with you, unaware of the danger, or when they touched you unobtrusively, his blood boiled. There was something else besides the desire to protect. Mine. Mine. MINE. The voice kept repeating in his head when some guy at the gas station tried to hug you. That same night, he cut off his limbs. There was something else besides his brother's affection. It wasn't right, was it? But all your smiles, touches, and tenderness made Thomas want you for himself alone. He wanted to hold you close and show you in every way that he loves you. He loves me very much. Will you understand him? Or do you only see him as a brother? Thomas knows, he clearly remembers the day when Charlie brought your baby to this house. Even then, Thomas swore with his heart that he would protect and take care of you. You're not his blood sister, so maybe...? Will you love such a freak? After all, all the victims talked about him that way. A freak, an animal, a monster. Do you see him differently? He doesn't want to scare you or disgust you, no. He wants to love you. He wants you for himself.
It was a surprisingly rainy day. You were sitting on the porch, hugging your knees. The rain was pounding on the roof of the house, and there was a strong smell of humidity and wet dust in the air. There wasn't a soul around. There haven't been any new victims in the last few days, so you could definitely rest. Luda, along with Hoyt and Monty, went to a nearby town to check on someone from relatives, so you and Thomas were alone. Quiet and peaceful.
A man was watching you through the open front door. Your gentle image warmed his heart in a pleasant way. Maybe...?
You heard heavy footsteps approaching, and your body almost reflexively relaxed. A warm blanket was placed on your shoulders, and Thomas himself sat on the porch next to you. Even sitting down, he was much taller than you. Thomas stared ahead for a long time, watching the chaotic raindrops. His dark hair was even more curly from the humidity. Finally, he turned to face you, looking down at you. His blue eyes bored into your face for a long time. Finally, he took your hands in his, squeezing them gently. His rough thumbs massaged your hand skin in gentle circles, he frowned a little, obviously thinking about something.
Then he dropped one of your hands. The man pointed at himself. Then he put his hand to his lips, kissing her, and brought his hand to his heart. Then he pointed his finger at you.
I. Love. You.
Your cheeks instantly flushed when you looked down. Your heart was pounding wildly in your chest, echoing in your ears. Did he have the same feelings for you? Or did you get it all wrong? But you are a family..
"I love you too, big brother," you say in the most innocent way, looking at the wet wooden boards of the porch.
Thomas frowns and grabs your face with his free hand, forcing you to look at him. You look up, meeting his eyes. The man's blue eyes are filled with longing and a strange warmth. He shooks his head.
You feel overwhelmed by emotions. How have you always been able to communicate so clearly, even without words? Some kind of pleasant tender feeling blossoms in your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and burying your nose in his shoulder. The smell of metal and dust mixed with the sweet natural scent of his body. The smell that always calmed you down. Thomas hugs you back, stroking your back with his big hand.
A little later, you pull away. You have a strange strong desire, his lips look full and beautiful to you. Leaning forward, you gently kiss him through the mask, he responds. Your kiss is wet and clumsy, but filled to the brim with feelings. Thomas squeezes you tightly in his arms, wanting to shut you off from the rest of the world. You are his, his and only his. You may not be his sibling, but you are his family.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Tiny hands; Little Baby ...ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ ft. 42Miles
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✩ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and baby powder!
˙⟡TWs: Cussing, Miles speaks mostly Spanish, so ready ur spanishDict
✩A/N: Miles is soft when it comes to his children. Its not ooc, he was based off of MY sisters father. parents usually 'calm down' after having babies. pls don't start complaining
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When you think of the ideal father, you usually would think of two types of people. The happy-go-lucky super kind and outgoing person, or someone who balances both fun and order. You never in your life expected to be a mother, or even wanted kids as a matter of fact. But everything changed when you met him. Miles.
Admittedly, when you met in high school shit was rocky. Typical 'anti-social social' kid. Everybody knew him, but nobody was ever able to say they talked to him. But things slowly began to change as the school year passed, and you seemed to pop up more and more in each other's lives. Art projects, a shared interest in graffiti, seating charts in chem, and ending up at the same bodega during the wee hours of the night.
You waltzed into the small store, grabbing a tube of Pringles and a bottle of cherry Faygo. You had a project to get done within the next 5 hours and spent 3 days working nonstop so you wouldn't fail this semester. Your eyes were low and sleepy, your movement was slower than average and it looked like you had been crying. A lot. What is a girl supposed to do when she feels like her life is being drowned out by constant numbers and big words?
You waited by the counter, tapping away on your phone as you waited for the man behind the glass to finish making your chop cheese, slowly raising your head to see who just swung open the door. You made eye contact with Miles for a brief moment, nodding upward as a form of greeting before suddenly being startled. Miles's eyes widened for a moment, taking a tiny step back as he took in how sleepy you looked. Your hoodie wasn't even on properly, one arm completely off your shoulder and exposing a fraction of your black tank top to the world around you. "Well damn, nigga. I know I look like shit but don't make it obvious" you snorted, rolling your eyes as you dropped your head back to your phone screen.
"Oh, my bad. Just not used to seeing you outside of school" he shrugged, making his way to the counter to order his food and standing next to you in silence. You both tapped away on your phones, scrolling through your Instagram while you waited for your sandwich. There was nothing else to it, really. You both waved bye to each other as you left the store, silently building a smidge of a relationship compared to being just strangers. For the most part, it was like that at school too.
There was no real reason to talk to him, outside of a small hallway talk and a nod or a wave. And it stayed like that for a long time, until a random day in the school's library. Miles came strutting through the oak wood doors, seemingly pissed off as he slammed his supplies on a nearby table and started working silently. You side-eyed him, continuing to blast the music in your headphones until you felt a presence begin getting closer to you. You grabbed one of your AirPods, removing it from your ear as Miles stood over you.
"Hmm?" You hummed, looking up at him as you paused your music. He said nothing, only showing you a piece of paper with honors calculus work. "Do you need help?" you asked, scanning over the paper briefly before putting your AirPods in your case. He nodded, letting you take the paper from him as he leaned against the table. "Aight, sit down. I'm only doing one problem though" you muttered, scooting your chair over to make room for Miles.
When Miles left that table, you were closer than normal. You spent the rest of the afternoon helping him 'study' (talking to each other while he finished his work) and exchanging numbers and Instagram. "Good luck with your test!" You smiled, waving from across the room as he left the library. He gave you a nod before swiftly exiting, leaving people asking you left and right "What's Miles like?" You didn't think anything of it, at all.
You never would have imagined that that same boy would be the father of your child almost ten years later.
“MILES!” You shouted as loud as humanly possible. “SÍ? QUÉ HICE??” He shouted back from the kitchen. “MY FUCKING WATER BROKE START THE CAR!” You yelled as you stared down in absolute shock. And it was absolute chaos from there. Miles was practically stumbling out of the house as he ran to start the car, muttering curses as he ran up to get you out of your shared room.
Unfortunately for Miles, he had no idea what was happening. He was terrified but tried to be as supportive as possible through the entire situation. He was out cold for most of the delivery, having fainted 10 minutes in from anxiety. "Sir? SIR-!"
But other than that, everything went amazing! He cried for 20 whole minutes when he got to hold his beautiful baby girl. "W-what...sniffle... are you going to...sob...name h-her, love?" he asked between a puddle of tears. You took a good look at your baby through soaked eyes, realizing she was born...quiet. She had one green eye, and one dark brown eye that was taken right from her father's face, a cute little button nose, and a head full of placenta-permed hair. She cried once the entire birth and remained silent the rest of the way, just like her nonchalant-ass daddy. "I'm thinkin' about...Asomi" you replied before bursting out in tears, causing Miles to burst even further into tears.
You attempted to reach for your baby, earning a watery glare from your boyfriend. "Nigga I JUST PUSHED HER OUT! GIMME MY BABY!" you giggled as you attempted to grab your daughter. "nuh-uh. I'm not done holding her" he retorted, flashing you a middle finger as he held Asomi even closer. "Miles Gonzalo Morales."
"Lo siento. Te amo mucho. Tú eres muy bonita y inteligente" he quickly replied as he handed your daughter over.
And from that moment forward, everything in Miles's life revolved around his beautiful family. He spent hours rambling on and on to 'Omi', as he calls her, about anything under the sun. "Entonces," Miles began as he attempted to give 'Omi a sink bath. "Tú mami me dijo que necesito hablar más inglés a ti. I won't though, cuz you're my lil princess" he whispered as he curved Omi's hair into a bubbly mohawk and giggled like a child. He played with the bubbly water, pretending to be one of the countless tiny rubber duckies she had floating around in the water.
"Alright, c'mon. Necesito vestir tú antes consigue frío" he giggled as he put the kid in a prowler onesie you told him not to buy. He blew raspberries on Asomi's little belly, earning adorable giggles from his daughter as he carried the tiny baby with one arm. He cleaned up some of the toys on the floor, briefly pushing them inside the toy bin before grabbing the tiny purple pacifier and soft wooly lamb-lamb plush. Omi clung to his shirt, laying her head on his shoulder as she held the tiny lamb-lamb plushie. Miles kissed her on the forehead, sat down on the couch, and fell asleep with Omi dozing off right beside him.
You came home to two of your two favorite people in the world snuggled up on the couch. Omi's tiny hand gripped Miles's shirt as Miles held her like an inmate protecting his tray. You giggled to yourself, snapping a quick pic for the memories before joining their 'nap circle'.
"G'night, pretty babies" you whispered, pressing kisses on both of their cheeks.
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backtothefanfiction · 8 months
Hiii! i love your writing 😘 if your ok with writing this could i request some fluffy dad!felix catton if you have any in store?! again, totally understand if your uncomfortable writing this or just don’t want to 😊😊
It’s taken me a while to get to this because I’ve been struggling to find my way in when it comes to Felix as a Dad. I’m not sure if I do have a Dad!Felix fluff in me but I do have some thoughts/head canons on Felix as a Dad as a whole I’m slowly developing. So here are those…
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Felix is all in in the newborn stage. It’s a novelty for him. The easy stage before they find their voices and start screaming the place down. When all you have to do is hold them, feed them, change them. He’s so there for that.
He’s happy to get up in the middle of the night, looking out the windows at the grounds with a baby in his arms, telling stories and recounting memories of his youth and that time running around the grounds with Farleigh and Venetia.
He loves see you with HIS child. He’s very protective. While you lie in his bed with tea and toast, feeding your child he shoos everyone else from the room, not wanting to share that sight or special time with anyone else in the family. Venetia is the only one who occasionally slips through the cracks. (She is a great aunt to your child by the way)
When the baby starts to grow older though he begins to struggle. You are a very hands on parent in comparison to him and he’s happy for you to be. After all his mother was very hands on with him and Venetia, however as a child he never saw his Dad there as much as his Mum and so has adopted a similar way of thinking that of his father and grandfather that fussing kids is a Mother problem.
Don’t get me wrong, he still loves showing up to be the fun dad. Running across the lawns with them. Enabling their hobbies and paying for anything they want. But when it comes to the hard stuff you feel completely abandoned.
As time goes on you realise you aren’t on the same wave length about parenting at all. And a lot of that has to do with Felix’s upbringing and family.
Elspeth is always there to step in and make a fuss, forcing herself on her grandchildren like she makes everything better, but often (especially if a child is already in a tantrum state it can sometimes make it worse until she just hands the child back and leaves you with a screaming child.
When Felix’s mates come knocking, asking him to go on golfing or skiing holidays with them it’s always “you’ve got this, haven’t you babe? Great. I love you. See you in a week.”
And because that’s how Felix was raised, what he observed from his family over the years, he honestly knows no better.
“If you’re struggling we can just get a Nanny.” He says when you confront him. It always has you seeing red. “I don’t want a Nanny Felix. I want US to raise our kids.”
You realise the only way things will change is if you all get out of that house and away from his family. So you give him the ultimatum: “it’s either us or your family.”
Of course it’s that honour in him, that unspoken traditional allegiance to your wife and kids that has him reluctantly agreeing, hoping in a few months you’ll see sense and see how difficult it is without all the servants and his daddy’s money. But you thrive, despite the way Felix shuffles his feet and does the bare minimum in protest.
After another argument where you tell him to show up or fuck off back to his family he finally takes you seriously and the more time he spends with you and your family and more modest hands on parenting and living styles he begins to thrive, seeing that the grass can be greener on the other side.
The more time away from his family he sees how toxic his families dynamic is. When you visit he sticks up for his kids and is protective of them when his parents begin to push their values and views on his kids.
You stand by him as he begins to put in boundaries and really analyse his life, his youth, his privilege and how it has in fact hindered him in life in so many basic ways. You support him and feel pride when he helps enforce those boundaries around his parents, his family as he ultimately gives them the same ultimatum you gave him all those years ago.
Although his father is reluctant, Elspeth is desperate to know her grandchildren and apologised to you both and promises to respect your parenting choices and swears to try and uphold those values in front of your children as much as she can.
With the new boundaries in place, summers in Saltburn become regular things for your kids. All of you playing together on the grounds. Chasing each other through the maze. Swimming in the pool and the lake.You and Felix set up scavenger hunts for your kids. And they ultimately grow up with the best of both worlds.
So yeah. Those are my more realistic Dad Felix thoughts. Tell me what you think….
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skunkox · 7 months
Darlin's Jacket Headcanon
Been sitting on this for weeks , so just hear me out rq.
Dalrin's jacket was a gift from Asher. It was a present to cheer them up while they were on punishment when they were young. Possibly a birthday? Grades? Faught a kid? Embarrased their parents in front of the pack? Havent worked out the details.
It's a letterman jacket from a band they were really into. But the issue? It's a gooddam Unisex XXL, and the twerp of a Tank is like, barley 14 with not real muscle mass yet. My Tank at least is 13 when they make the move and join the pack in Dahlia while the main shaw pack kids are 14.
"Ash. Remind me again why you dragged us to Hot Topic." Milo asked, reluctantly following a brace faced Asher into the cramped, and dim lit store.
"Cause Half-pint, your comrad in short arms has been looking miserable. Or at least, more so than normal." Asher snickered, slowly getting more, and more side tracked as he wandered farther into the store. It wasn't long before David grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him to the back of the store. Milo flashed him a cocky grin while Asher stumbled behind David.
"We got a problem. You said it was this one, right? It's too big." David released Asher to nealty pick up the jacket. "I mean, I know it's the thought that counts, but it's just not practical, Ash."
Asher was already looking through the piles. Wanting to be 100% sure they weren't missing anything. Starting to feel defeated. There was no way Asher was going to ask the clerk if there would be another shipment. Nor would he be willing to wait for a possible restock. Milo looked at his friend. He could tell those puppy dog eyes were gonna start bulging soon. A huff escaped his lips, and he stood straight with his hands on his hips. Trying to seem cool and a little bit taller.
"It's not like they're done growin'. And a jackets a jacket. If it's coverin', it's good." Milo couldn't stop the noogie barreling his way.
The handoff was swift. Just as the troublemaker was mounting their skateboard outside their middle school's gate, a familiar truck rolled up. From the truck's bed, Asher gave a quick "Heads up!" Before giving the equivalent of a basketball pass with a heavy black bag. A cackle could be heard, and the truck road off. Leaving them bamboozled.
It wasn't until Tank got home that they viewed the contents of the bag. The biggest, and goofiest smile spread across their face. They couldn't give two fucks about the size. It was from their favorite band. It was a gift. Someone cared enough to gift them something. Anything. But the fact that the few times they did speak, they were actually listened too. It nearly brought the runt to tears. It did. They won't admit it though. That's just embarrassing.
Really embarrassing. They were given a jacket by a boy. An upper classmen boy. A boy who was a part of their pack. Who they'd have to face on a regular basis. They did the jacket at the back of their closet. Still in it bag.
The disappointment in Asher's face really couldn't be hidden. Mostly for the fact that though the week of quick pass bys,they didn't wear the jacket. But he noticed at their next pack meeting, they'd give small waves now. Small smiles were attempted. This continued until Tank would inevitably start sitting near Asher during meetings. Or willingly go on group outing. This snowballed to the occasional video game or movie hangouts.
Still mostly lingering around Ash, or him leaning on them. When he did so, Tank would get flustered. But in true Tank fashion, would give his sides a punch or his legs a kick. Never hard enough to leave heavy bruises. What can I say? They play hard.
As oblivious to this Asher was, it was almost too embarrassing a site for the other second gen pack members. Cristian would poke his fun while Asher was away before Amanda could put him in check. Milo genuinely wanted to see how things would play out. David called them the "Disaster Duo" for a long while.
In true 2008 middle schooler cringe, Tank was convinced that the might have had the tiniest crush on Asher. But they denied it. Denied it so much that the others couldn't be convinced it wasn't true. There were lots of little arguments that summer. But Tank would immediately shut up when ever Asher came around.
Freshman year was something......
The teasing started to get out of hand. Asher would definitely hear the snickers and teasing. Especially now that it was directed towards him by his classmates. Asher would deny it during classes and lunches that they were just his "Lil Buddy." It's not like he really helped the situation. Hitting a growthspurt over the summer, it was easy to see him from down the hall. He'd wave and call Tank's name out into the crowd. His little buddy was drawing in a sea of students.
He'd elped them get to their classes by becoming a meat shield. Tank was just barely able to keep up. Asher once thought I'd be funny if he could heave them over his shoulder like a cheap, stringed gym bag. Tank was flustered but kicked and punched all the same.
The teasing one again grew when Tank finally decided to wear the damn jacket during school pictures. Not wanting to be remembered in the preppy outfit their parent picked out for then, they stowed the jacket away in their backpack.
The little smile on Asher's face couldn't have been bigger when he saw them in it. He was on his way to take pictures, and Tank was headed back to class. He pulled them off to the side of a couple half functioning vending machines.
"Sooooo? How're liking the jacket? I know it's too big but you said you like listening to the band. That, and I've never not seen it in your discman. I'm sorry I got it so big. It was t-." Asher's lip got stuck on a braces bracket, and he began to fumble his words. Quickly second-guessing if Tank even really liked the damn thing.
Giggling could be heard from a couple kids passing by. A light shove was made by another to Ash. A quick "Dork." was thrown his way. Heat rose in his face. In Tank's too. But out of frustration. Asher didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to be a good friend.
And it clicked for the freshman. Why overthink and cause trouble for Asher if they could be a friend? That could be comfortable. They wouldn't have to avoid him like an unwanted puppy. He'd been their friend. Or at least trying to be. Shit didn't have to be weird.
"Hell yeah, bro! It really saved my ass today. My parents wanted me to look like some sort of outstanding citizen or some shit. Can't wait till I can bulk up some, though. I'll totally be able to take on David one on one." Tank beamed and jabbedAsher in the arm with quick fist. This was the loudest they had ever been as far as he knew. His goofy ass grin was back on his face. Before Asher could get out a word, Tank ran past him.
"Thanks dude!" They called out from the crowd, not looking back and focusing on making it through the herd of upper classmem.
The following years, Tank continued being bro-y with Asher. He laid off of a lot of physical contact in turn. But this was comfortable for them. Not real close like he was with the others but it was what Tank wanted. They seemed happier that way.
Tank absolutely wore the jacket every chance they got. Around their waist if need be. Ruined absolutely every single yearbook photo. Every pack meeting. Every fight. Even when they felt there was no one to run to for comfort. That jacket had been through hell and back. However, you can only stich fabric so many times.
It looks ratty, but there is no way they're giving it up any time soon. Even if hugs are always offered or dare I say mandatory.
Tank was now yelling at Asher for kicking their controller from their hands during their match of Mario Kart. Hands were thrown, but carefully so. The group of 8 were hanging out at David and Angel's after all. There was no way either of the two were willing to take beating from David. At the very least, another ban from the house. Laugher roared in the home from all sides. Of course, Sweetheart, being an opertunist, took first place of that round.
David and Sam had been in the kitchen, taking a break from the roundy bunch. He had asked Tank about the jacket on multiple occasions, but never gave a straight answer. He'd at least wanted to get it professionally fixed up. Tank had gotten used to all the stains and tears. Saying it was like "The scar that protected their scars." And was proud of it for always being there.
David was willing once again, shed a little light on the troublemaker. Sam let out a chuckle. The next round was starting, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be playing doctor that night. The two men returned. David taking his corner seat next to Angel. Same made his way to the recliner. His Darlin' not missing a beat, taking a seat on the beanbag they claimed earlier in the night between their mate's legs. All the while, raspberries were exchanges between them and Asher from across the room. His own mate laughing at their childsh antics.
This was all the comfort they could ask for.
Jacket really be a security blanket, tho. Sorry for the shit grammar. Caught some kind of cold, and my vision is absolute shit.
Bromance anyone?
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beforetimes · 23 days
amusing myself with a post-dofp, pre-apocalypse fix-it wherein peter goes back to the x mansion much earlier and gets to help in fixing it up. because, like, as lowkey traumatizing as erik's speech probably was for peter in the moment, i can't imagine he'd want to squander the opportunity to take a look back at these ppeople who had brought him into the fold of this new world they'd introduced him to before anyone else knew about it. i think it's plausible that he didn't go back to the school after that speech because, maybe he wanted to lay low so his little sister and mother wouldn't get dragged into whatever mess he'd been complicit in unleashing on the world. but i don't buy that he wouldn't go back earlier, either, especially with all the time in the world to think [agonize] over these strange people who were like him when he didn't know any mutants before, either.
so! let's say peter goes back to the mansion following erik's news broadcast to keep distance from his family to keep them safe. what next?
well when he gets there, it's obviously a dump compared to what it used to be. charles hasn't bothered to fix it up when he was on a ten year bender and hank was busy keeping charles from self-destructing and logan was there for a day at most
peter, however, is armed with superspeed and is an overzealous teenager who was challenged ("how fast do you really think you can clean all this? what, half a day?" "half a day for one room? you're kidding, man—") and now he has his pride on the line so obviously he commits to clearing out dust to prove he's the best duster to ever step foot in this stupid mansion
and he's maybe, like, halfway through the first room before he's realized what he's been roped into but also he doesn't really care because he's so bored and by now he'd probably have ramsacked a grocery store near home for more food he doesn't need but his heart squeezes a little at thinking like that—thinking about using his powers so openly after seeing this guy threaten to kill the president and now everyone knows about mutants and their only examples are 'terrorist' and 'not terrorist' and he really doesn't want to think about his sweet little sister still small enough to sit in his lap watching him step outside to break the law like that man did and phew why does being associated with this guy he broke out of prison make his chest hurt so much? whatever he'll just ignore that and keep cleaning because if he's cleaning he's not putting his family in danger and who knows maybe other kids will find their way here
and then he imagines little gap-toothed mutants about five or six years old running down the empty halls of this forboding sad mansion and the dark hallways make him feel a little more sick so he runs through and opens every curtain in about two seconds and feels less like throwing up and wow he doesn't think he's ever felt this lopsided in his life
and so peter works through about two floors by the end of the day and crashes in a bed to sleep for five hours before immediately raiding the fridge for about three thousand calories worth of food and makes his way through most of charles' newly restocked perishibles before the man even makes his way into the kitchen looking for some coffee or whatever
and peter isn't really mad but he is feeling a little off-centre about the fact that this was the guy who brought him to the pentagon to break a terrorist out of jail and even though it was really cool and he had so much fun doing it and it was the first time in a while he wasn't bored for an entire day he still feels a bit cheated because he didn't know he was breaking out a terrorist but charles definitely did and he was mad but he kind of didn't care and he left peter with a car to drop off and nothing else even though he dragged peter into this mess and was now pretending nothing happened
so peter leaves the room before charles can blink and spends the next week dodging him and hank is stressed and charles is stressed and the woman from the cia who visits, like, once, can feel it too because peter can tell she's stressed by the look on her face he snags a glance at when he's rooting through her wallet in superspeed and everyone is tense and stressed and peter is kind of regretting this because he could just hide in his basement until he's absolutely sure no one from the pentagon remembers his face and the fbi won't break down his mother's door to take him away from his family
and one night he's really not feeling it so he calls his mom and he doesn't really look at the date but he guesses it's important because the moment the phone picks up and he says "hello?" his mother is just spilling out so many things to him like one secret after the other and peter can usually notice everything because he's always got time to look at the details but everything feels syrupy and goes in one ear and out the other until the next morning when he sits down at the table and is in the same room as charles for the first time in weeks and all he can think is my mom knew someone who could do that
so now he's got this whole mess to think about so he doesn't have any time or energy left to be mad-not-mad at charles and hank which is crazy because he has so much energy all the time and he guesses that the pair of adults are taking their blessings without questioning them because they continue on as normal and peter only gets one day of things being sort of not entirely awful while the news settles in before he opens the door at eleven in the evening and finds magneto from the news on their porch with blood all over his side
and peter kind of blanks out or he stares too long or something because magneto says something and then all of a sudden peter's rushed the two of them down to hank's lab where hank pretends he wasn't listening to black sabbath because he's distinguished or whatever and there's a lot of yelling and panicking and peter stays at the side while charles joins them a few minutes later to talk calmly while everyone yells and eventually no one is yelling and magneto is fixed up and charles is staring and hank is glaring and peter opens his big dumb mouth and trips into the worst situation of his life entirely by accident
which is where he invited magneto to stay until he's feeling better
and everyone looks at him and even he's not sure why he said it because he doesn't know how he feels about magneto because he's been dreaming about having a father for years and years and he always imagined him as a boring old man who wasn't particularly anything special at all and the type of person who would float from city to city just working as a placeholder for a lot of other women instead of specifically screwing over peter's mom
and he didn't think his father would be a terrorist and he doesn't know if he wants to imagine magneto and father in the same sentence but all he's really thinking about is that new animated robin hood thing he saw with his sister and how that marian wondered if robin remembered her and robin wondered if marian remembered him and they were both thinking about each other without knowing it and peter doesn't know if his—magneto—remembered his mother but he can't stop himself from offering anyway
so now after a lot of silent conversation between charles and hank where peter is left out of the loop because his brain makes charles nauseus, magneto is given a room to stay in under the condition he doesn't try to, fucking, blow up the school or whatever the hell he wants to do to make everyone think mutants are evil. peter paraphrases the rules to sound like that in his head because charles is much more formal aloud
and if he thought the stress and regret and everything else that made him want to throw up was bad before, then phew he had no idea what was lying in store with him when it came to magneto because that guy is a perpetual storm cloud over a bright and sunny day no matter what happens, somehow
and peter knows he probably has a tragic backstory because he heard as much from charles late one night when they both couldn't sleep and peter couldn't help but ask what magneto was like when he was younger and charles looked so sad peter almost regretted asking but didn't because curiosity was going to eat him alive before he got a chance to blink
so peter doesn't know all of it but he knows it was bad and magneto is allowed to be upset but also it isn't cool he tried to murder the president and that's the one part that keeps screaming in his head every time he reconciles with the fact that he invited this guy to stay at someone else's mansion when the only reason peter was here was to keep his family and by proxy himself safe from this type of stuff
so he's proven to himself he's the dumbest person alive about three times over and he's still helping with renovations in that stupid mansion and he's wiped at the kitchen table when someone slides a glass of orange juice to him at ten in evening and he looks up and hey it's magneto he knows that guy
and that guy is like, terrifying as fuck so peter kind of chokes on his thanks which makes magneto's eyes look stormy and kind of sad and wow he didn't know that was a thing that could happen he sort of throught terrorists were above feelings especially after attempting to kill presidents
so peter kind of says sorry and magneto says sorry and no one says anything until magneto says its very impressive how much he's been doing to help out around here and peter is like wow really you think so because he still loves praise and people seeing how cool he is and it bugged him the tiniest bit that magneto walked by without saying anything when he broke him out of the pentagon btut he's glad that dusting and sweeping and mopping has impressed this guy so much
and magneto says something about how he's greater than he knows and that his gift is something that no one else possesses or something like that all peter knows is it's verging into territory he doesn't like and he keeps thinking about how much magneto hates humans and he keeps thinking about how his kid sister and mom are humans and he wonders if his dad hated his mom and thats why he left and he zooms upstairs to grab his walkman and put on his headphones before coming back downstairs while magneto's mid sentence to make him go away because peter was here first
magneto kind of blinks and goes blank and peter sort of welcomes it because magneto is frightening when he gets so into this whole mutant supremacy thing he has going on and peter is regretting asking him to come by at all before the guy stiltedly asks what he's listening to, which, like, what?
and peter finds out that magneto has never listened to like, a single band that wasn't playing on a radio he accidentally happened to be in the vicinity of and peter blinks and all of a sudden he's bugging a terrorist who hates humans to listen to his vinyls because he's somehow convinced himself in a moment of hysteria or delusion or psychosis that if he woos magneto with human music he'll decide that he doesn't want every human dead, just the bad ones and peter won't have to try and kill him or something and wow that's a lot to think about because peter doesn't think he'd ever murder someone but his dad murdered a lot of people or tried to and if they're blood related there must be some of that in him or something but thinking about that makes his chest twisty and he's only like eighteen or nineteen so he throws that worry aside but doesn't do too great of a job at it
because he's sitting in his room and they're both listening to queen and peter's mind can't stop going in circles and circles and circles and his mouth is open and he's asking magneto hey do you think you'd kill a human even if you loved them once before he can stop himself and magneto's staring at him and peter's staring at the ceiling and his chest is this tight ball of frizzy hairs of anxiety or something gross that feels like a million pounds
and magneto very slowly says why do you ask before he continues like he's peter and he can't bear to be interrupted and says something or other about how no humans are trustworthy and peter can't shut his dumb mouth so he asks more directly if he's loved a human before
and now magneto's staring and not saying anything and peter's kind of hoping and kind of not hoping that this guy who he's spent the past few weeks bonding with over late nights and vinyls and breakfast-for-dinners will either put the pieces together or say no and prove peter right and peter will make sure he never knows that peter's kid sister and his mother even exist
but magneto surprises him and says he's loved someone once and it would be a lie for him to say he hasn't loved humans when they didn't know what he was and when people found out what he was there was always a problem and that's why humans are a problem
and peter wonders if finding out that someone was pretending to be something theyre not would make magneto as upset as it did humans because he thinks he's going to go insane if he keeps pretending he's not magneto's kid and he's still kind of hoping for magneto to be more outwardly evil about hating his mom and kid sister so peter can just mentally disown him and get this weight off his shoulders
and he keeps waiting and waiting and waiting and magneto doesn't say more and peter doesn't say more but now this thing is sitting in between the two of them and peter's given away more of the game than he wanted on the last day before magneto's supposed to leave because of his fully healed wounds—which he had many of
except when he goes back to down to breakfast the next day he finds a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee and magneto is sitting at the table reading the newspaper that charles somehow gets delivered here and when peter finishes his glass and has four more magneto tells peter to call him erik
so now it's peter charles hank and erik living here and peter waits and waits and erik doesn't leave and they don't talk but he doesn't leave and peter is still waiting for erik to leave when charles wheels in a few days later and says they're going to go look for students and when erik just hums and says he'll come with peter stares and charles stares and hank stares and no one says anything
and then the days pass and they get a longer and longer list of students and peter's run out of places to clean and erik is still here and they don't talk about it but they listen to vinyls and erik is still here
erik is still here and peter is still here and nothing is really fixed but nothing is broken either and peter is content to sit in this space of being and not being until he's sure that there's more erik in magneto than there is magneto
and erik is still here. and peter is glad. secretly
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give it up for @stevieweek day 3- girls' night! using the sports prompt to spread my sporty stevie agenda like let that woman put her ponytail through her baseball cap!!!!!
wc: 812 | rating: G
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Today, Stevie Harrington is a woman on a mission. She’s gonna revolutionise girls’ night.
Before her transition, she spent most of her time with the boys of the party (and also Robin), and while she’s still pretty close with them and has maintained her hybrid sibling-chauffeur relationship, the girls have started muscling in on her time a lot more under the pretense of ‘showing her the ropes’ of femininity. Which mainly seems to entail Erica dragging her through stores in the mall a few towns over and El practising her new nail painting skills on Stevie’s hands.
And don’t get her wrong, Stevie loves it. There’s a certain sense of joy that warms her heart every time the girls make a point to involve her in anything, especially something overtly feminine. Her hair, skin, and nails have literally never looked better thanks to their new weekly girls nights.
But recently, Stevie’s had something of a revelation. She’s always been a sporty gal, but with the exception of Lucas, none of the boys have shown any interest in joining her in her hobbies. In fact, they’ve repeatedly shown an interest in doing anything but her hobbies. She’d pretty much given up on getting to play any kind of sports with the kids a long time ago, beyond the occasional one-on-one with Lucas.
At least, until she realised that while the boys had banned all mention of sports, she’d received no such ultimatum from the girls.
The more she thinks about it, the more perfect her plan seems. Max is already kind of sporty- she’d taken Stevie out skateboarding once and that shit was hard, involving a lot of muscles and balance skills that Stevie wasn’t really used to. Erica and Nancy aren't specifically big sports fans, but they have a lot of rage within them that Steph thinks could really be put to use in, say, swinging a bat around or throwing a ball real hard. If anything the only real concern Stevie has there is that they might become too powerful. El tends to just be happy being part of a group, and Robin is dedicated in her role of Stevie’s Best Friend Slash Twin Sister, so while she’ll probably complain the entire time about how she’s too uncoordinated for sports, she’ll still do it as if not doing it wasn’t even an option.
So now she’s sitting in her living room, the designated venue for girls’ night, surrounded by various sports equipment while the other girls stare at her.
“It could be fun! Like a bonding thing!” she says, eyes big and pleading.
Erica squints at her. “You look like a dog begging for food right now.”
Before Stevie can even begin to get offended by that, El pipes up from where she’s inspecting a tennis racket. “I saw a pretty dog the other day that was playing with some children. I think you would be that kind of dog.”
Max nods sagely. “Golden retriever. You have golden retriever energy.” She picks up a baseball. “Explains why you want to play ball so much.”
The one-two punch of almost compliment and harsh critique is frankly kind of devastating. Luckily Robin seems to sense Stevie’s distress. “I think it’ll be fun! And, like, this could be a girl power thing, right? Like, look at us go- bam, baseball bat.”
“Bam, baseball bat?” Nancy says, failing to hide a smile behind her hands.
Erica picks up a baseball bat, swinging it a little too vigorously a little too close to one of Stevie’s lamps, but she guesses she had to have seen that coming when possibly handing something that could do damage to Erica Sinclair. “I guess I could see the value of bam, baseball bat.”
“I have never played a sport before. I would like to learn,” El states in her matter-of-fact way. Max visibly softens at that, so Stevie knows she’s got both of them on board.
“That’s great!” Stevie pops out of her seat, excitedly walking over to her supplies. “What do you think you’d like to play? I have a couple different things-”
“We better be playing something competitive, you people need some humbling,” Erica mutters, but the small smile on her face shows she’s in.
Nancy smiles at Erica, one of those sharp smiles that reminds Stevie how much the two girls have in common. “Anything’s competitive if you try hard enough.”
Five for five. A grin overtakes Stevie’s face, and she quickly gathers up a basically random selection of balls and bats and rackets, excitedly running into the yard. “This is gonna be great! Best girls’ night ever!”
She’s so thrilled with a plan well executed that she even graciously decides to ignore the whispered remarks of “yeah, definitely a golden retriever,” coming from behind her.
Retribution will just have to come in the form of sports.
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tenjikyu · 9 months
𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 - 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤.
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ comedy, fluff and all things happy! reader and baji are twins and basically fight over chifuyu (who 100% has a fat crush on you)
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❤︎ growing up, you and your twin brother keisuke shared almost everything.
❤︎ birthdays, bedrooms, toys and even friend groups! you and baji were inseparable and jumped at the chance to help eachother out when either of you needed it.
❤︎ so you’d never expect that the first thing they argued over would be a boy by the name of chifuyu matsuno.
❤︎ the day keisuke came home with the blonde in tow, you were out sick with a flu. you were peacefully chilling on the lounge, watching a movie when he barged in and asked his mother where the yakisoba was in the fridge.
❤︎ chifuyu had seen you around school already, despite it only being your first week there. you were popular almost instantly, girls and guys alike drawn to your eccentric aura and personality.
❤︎ chifuyu couldn’t deny the fact he wanted to get to know you better. he saw how you acted gently with the elderly and scolded any young kids tormenting others. he thought you were cool.
❤︎ so imagine his surprise when he saw you bundled up on the couch of his most respected.
❤︎ you FREAKED, to put it gently.
❤︎ you looked like total shit! you were nasally and in your stinky pjs that you had been sick in for the past 2 days! all the while in front of one of the most influential kids in the SCHOOL.
❤︎ chifuyu noticed your stiffened posture, and quickly offered you a gentle wave before going to follow keisuke.
❤︎ and from that day onward, blondie (your loving nickname for him) was a semi permanent addition to your household.
❤︎ he would come over almost everyday, greeting you and making conversation often. you would talk back, laugh and joke about baji together (well, it’s mostly you making fun of your brother, him throwing shit at you whilst chifuyu awkwardly giggles to himself).
❤︎ but, after almost 2 months of only really talking to him through your brother, you began to crave seeing him more often.
❤︎ why? you had no idea. all you knew is you started missing him more often, joking to keisuke about forcing him to stay the night in hopes he actually would.
❤︎ in the end though, he’d always return to his apartment a few floors down, insisting it’s no trouble making it back home.
❤︎ so, as any baji descendant would, you decided you’d take him by force.
❤︎ the weekend arrived, keisuke and chifuyu met up to go to the mall together, and once they made it you striked.
❤︎ you charged AND I MEAN CHARGED at chifuyu, scaring the SHIT outta the both of them, taking his hand and swiftly running away from your screaming brother. giggling loudly, you waved behind you in a mocking manner.
“H-HUH? (Y/N)?” chifuyu stammered out, holding onto your hand tightly and running with you despite not having a clue what was going on. you only laughed at him, making his cheeks flush ever so lightly
as the two of you continued, you could head the abrasive running behind the two of you.
“(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK?? GIVE ME BACK MY VICE CAPTIN YOU SHITHEAD” you could hear baji screaming behind you two. in a fit, you yelled back:
“FUCK NO KEISUKE! MATSUNO IS MINE FOR THE DAY! LEARN TO SHARE ASSHOLE.” before laughing to yourself once more.
chifuyu flushed when you said he was yours for the day. he honestly didn’t expect you to be this intrested in hanging out with him. he honestly thought you only hung around him because your brother brought him everywhere.
alas, he keeps running with you, the both of you making quick turns before eventually taking refuge in a pet shop, watching keisuke run in the complete wrong direction.
❤︎ and so, as promised, you and chifuyu spent the entire day shopping around the massive mall. you went into store after store, trying on different outfits together before realising you’re both WAY to poor to afford the cute matching ¥11,000 shirts with a cool dragon design on it.
❤︎ you scoffed your faces with fast food in the massive food court, laughing and joking to eachother the entire time.
❤︎ you blabbed on about your childhood and growing up with your twin brother, talking about how much you really admired him and thought we was badass. chifuyu snickered before you promptly threatened him into not speaking a word of it all.
❤︎ of course, keisuke never gave up on finding you, so it was a massive game of cat and mouse around the mall before the both of you decided you’d had enough, heading back to the apartment complex.
❤︎ before you left, BECAUSE YOU AREN’T CRUEL, you let your brother catch up to the both of you, enduring his yelling the entire time home. he walked in front of the both of you, whining about the day you had ‘ruined’ for him and his partner, however you tuned him out completely.
❤︎ you only focused on how chifuyu hadn’t let your hand go the entire walk back to your units.
❤︎ making it back, the sun was finally falling. this time, you begged the boy into staying the night. of course, the blonde is a huge suck up to you and thus, the night ended with the three of you lying on keisuke’s bedroom floor, scoffing your faces and watching old VHS films.
❤︎ you fell asleep that night, leaning against his bed. you had keisuke on your left, his head on your shoulder as he snored loudly. chifuyu was on your right, his whole body against you with your arm wrapped around his schuldners, keeping him close to your chest.
❤︎ as you listened to the soft and noisy snores of your two most treasured people, you eventually succumbed to slumber of your own.
❤︎ maybe you can convince chifuyu to stay over once more, and maybe next time it could just be the two of you.
❤︎ when the tree of you woke up, you found that keisuke had moved up to his bed at some point while you were OH MY GOD-
❤︎ face to face with the blonde (who wasn’t awake yet), you had him curled into your embrace with a blanket thrown over the top of you.
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❤︎ yeah, waking up was pretty fuckin awkward.
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dellalyra · 1 year
i NEED another part of Family Formation where megumi tells the reader that he has a crush on itadori but he’s scared to tell satoru because he don’t want him to make fun of it 😭 PLEASE
A/N: OMG A REQUEST I’M SO HAPPY THANK YOU NONNIE 🤍 I hope this is okay I kinda got carried away and added some more stuff if it’s not pls tell me and I’ll write MORE
Summary: Megumi comes home for the weekend, and he needs some Mom advice.
CW: Feelings, sweetness, the jjk elders 😡, mentions of being insecure about stuff and sexuality, teasing, a loving family, Satoru and Y/N’s baby is in the human world, swearing it’s me it’s gonna be there.
Recommended Listening:
Shrike - Hozier (the first half)
Angel - Finneas (the second half)
Tear in My Heart - Twenty One Pilots (playing at the start)
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Family Formation Drabble
You lifted your son out of his playpen as you heard the doorbell ring, and holding him on your hip you almost run to the front of the house.
Opening the door, your eldest son stands with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Hi Mom, hey buddy,” Megumi says, laying his backpack on the tiled floor of the hallway of your and Satoru’s cottage.
“Here Akio, say hi to your brother.” Megumi lifts the 14-month-old from your arms and pats his snowy white head.
“Hi sweetheart, where’s that husband of mine?” You ask, now having to stand on your tiptoes to reach his cheek to kiss him.
“He’s going to the grocery store and said he’d be home in about 40 minutes. Something about meringue, I wasn’t listening.”
“Understandable. Yuuji and Nobara staying at school?” You lead your boys back into the kitchen where you put on a pot of coffee.
“Uh, yeah, they wanted to explore Tokyo for the weekend. Some festival or something.” He plops his brother back in the playpen and comes to sit at the kitchen island with you.
“And you didn’t want to go? I know you’re not a fan of crowds but you guys usually are joined at the hip. You didn’t have to come home for the weekend, sweetie.” Pouring his black coffee into his favourite mug (black, with an M on one side and a fluffy dog on the other).
“Uh no, I kinda needed a breather from Yuu- everyone.” He had flushed red at the name, and your instincts spiked, you’d had an inkling of what might have caused your emotionally constipated son to need a breather but you’d let him tell you if you wanted.
You had seen the shy looks through his eyelashes, the bright red tips of his ears from just a high five. The fact he gravitates toward him during missions. The spike in anger at seeing him hurt. The avoided hearing any form of praise from his pink-haired friend. You knew your son had grown a crush on Yuuji Itadori. To you, it was obvious. Well, to you and Satoru - but you had warned him to not bring it up, or make a deal of it, or try any elaborate schemes. Luckily, the matter of love was something Satoru knew not to meddle in. You both needed to come together naturally, and you wanted the same for your kids.
“I get that, I used to need breaks from your dad’s energy sometimes too. For people like us, sometimes the energy gets overwhelming, same with all the feelings. Maybe you’re spending too much time around me!” You giggle, nudging him in the side.
You hear mumbling (babbling, really) from the other side of the room and then a “Momma, up! Up!” So you pick up Akio on your hip and come back to sit with Megumi. He was staring into his coffee as if he was waiting for it to grow into a corporeal being.
“Mom, can I - can I, um, ask you about something?” He doesn’t look up when he asks.
“Always, sweetheart.”
“I think, I think I - I dunno. Maybe it’s dumb. It’s - I needed to get away this weekend to think for a while. To think about - about Itadori.” He swirls the spoon in his coffee. You know how much effort it’s taking your shy boy to talk about this so you don’t push, gently letting him continue.
“I think I… might like him. Like, as more than a friend.” The sound of his voice is so quiet you are glad the house is quiet.
“That’s great sweetheart, I’m happy to hear that. Have you talked to him about it?” You pet the raven and lock his head in a soothing gesture, keeping your voice steady and even as if coaxing a wolf into playtime.
He shakes his head.
“I’ve not told anyone, only you, and Akio I guess.” He smirks, and the baby on your thigh perks up hearing his name.
“Gumi!” The baby waves to his big brother, showing off his new skill of waving.
“Well, you know whatever you say can stay between us.”
“I don’t know what to do mom, I haven’t done this whole ‘like someone’ thing, and I- Yuuji, he’s a boy and my friend and I don’t want to be fucked with for it.”
“Sweet boy, who do you think wouldn’t be okay with that? I’m bi, your dad’s bi, Nobara well - that girl is completely in love with Maki. Inumaki wouldn’t care, Yuuta would be so happy to see you happy, Principal Yaga has had me, Shoko, Satoru, you kids - and your Uncle Suguru to deal with. You liking a boy is of no consequence to any of us, as long as the boy is good to you and you’re happy.”
“The elders? They’re not exactly accepting. I know you and Dad and all my friends won't care, I just don't want them to punish Yuuji any more.”
“Ha! Honey, have they met our family?! I and your dad have date nights of shouting at the elders. You're our son, Yuuji may as well be too. You guys are under our protection. Plus, if things get really bad - we can pull out the trump card. We can send Uncle Kento in to roll his eyes and call them shits and judge them in the silent scary way you've learned.”
He smirks at this, recalling stories of your temper scaring the senile men, and how Nanami and you team up often to call out bullshit.
“Did I tell you about when your dad and I began dating? The elders blew a fuse. Your dad being who he is, the ‘pinnacle of Sorcery society’ dating me? A girl whose family has been a matriarch fighting the male elders for 350 years? It was a bloodbath, and we were summoned to a meeting and let’s say by the end of it, nobody questioned our relationship again. They even sent us a wedding gift.” You say, pointing at the teapot on the counter.
“We love you, whether you’re straight, gay, sideways, bi - hell honey you could say you want to marry a tree I’d say great when’s the wedding? Him being a boy, is of no matter - what matters is whether or not he makes you happy. Now, have you confessed?” You peck his forehead.
“No. I don’t know how. Plus, I don’t even know if he’s into guys, let alone me.”
“First of all, he is. He told me a while back he had a crush on Timothee Chalamet - so I’d also argue you’re probably his type. Next point - what do you mean ‘let alone me!’, you, kid, are a devilishly handsome guy. You’ve got the whole, tall dark and handsome thing going on! Strong, kind, loyal, sensible - okay I’ll shut up.”
You giggled, knowing your cue to stop was him banging his head on the island, groaning ‘Mom please stop.’
“Yes please shut up now.”
“Megs, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s crazy about you too, I’d bet my technique on it.”
He hums a nonsensical sound, but you can see a small smile on his face.
“Gumi!” Tiny grabby hands pull Megumi’s attention as he picks him up and he summons his divine dog for your son to pet.
“Can you not tell Dad? He’ll just tease me.”
“Hate to break it to you kid but your dad already knew. He’s around you kids 24/7.”
“But he never said anything? Surely if he knew he’d be insufferable.”
“Satoru is kinda good with matters of the heart, believe it or not. He knows this is something you need to do yourself, we both do. He managed to land me didn’t he?” You wink at him, and he smirks.
A voice sounds from the doorway,
“Who managed to land you? Do I have competition for your heart, princess?” Satoru asks, whisking you into his arms and kissing your forehead.
“Oh yes, a beautiful young man which dashing white hair and sparking blue eyes has not let go of me for 10 months.” You gesture to Akio, who is on Megumi’s lap.
“How dare he, I’ll just have to swallow him whole!” Satoru lifts your son into his arms and Megumi rolls his eyes and blows raspberries into his chubby baby belly, much to the infant's delight.
“Gumi, Got you chicken nanban, breast meat don’t worry!” He passes the box to the eldest boy, then turns to you. You smile at how thoughtful your beautiful husband can be.
“Donburi, for you, love of my life, princess, my queen.” He passes you another box.
“And for us, Akio, the ones with gourmet taste, mochi!” He takes a pink container out and all you can do is roll your eyes, thankful you had already given the baby his ACTUAL dinner.
“I’m just gonna go shower, I’ll be back in a few.” He pecks you and Akio on the head and tries to kiss Megumi too only to be swatted away.
As Satoru leaves, you turn to Megumi.
“We both know, and we love you. If you want to talk to me about it, I love hearing it from you, I’ve also been told I’m pretty great at advice - and I swept your dad off his feet. Got the strongest at my feet. It’s okay to take your time, but if you’re worried, I can’t tell you for sure he likes you too, like, a lot, Megumi. I promise.” You wink at him, knowing some humour would make this less uncomfortable for him.
You wouldn’t tell him so you weren’t interfering in something you knew would happen naturally, but you knew for sure because Yuuji had asked you what Megumi’s favourite restaurant was so he could ask him on a date on his birthday in two weeks. But that was a secret you keep to yourself, well, and Satoru and Akio. Megumi may be smarter than Yuuji, but Yuuji was far more aware of feelings. He had been worried he’d be turned down, but you assured the pink-headed boy he wouldn’t be - to which he thanked you, Satoru and Akio for his very informative babbles and bounced out of the room to get help planning from Nobara.
“Thanks, Mom.” Megumi gives you a small smile, sheepish as ever.
“No need, it’s my pleasure, darling boy.” You kissed his forehead (smiling at not being swatted away).
“Ahhh baba! Puppy gumi! Jababuoa.” Akio says from his high chair.
“Very true Akio, you’re not wrong. Megumi, opinion?”
“No, he’s definitely onto something, good job buddy.”
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waitingonher · 1 year
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h.o.o. characters & their icks
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characters: percy jackson, annabeth chase, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, & hazel levesque
content warning: slight cursing
word count: 853
author's note: idk if some of these are necessarily icks? but 😆
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percy jackson
percy thinks he’s sooooo cool for growing up in nyc 😒😒
he’d say some new york specific lingo and would be all like “oh hah sorry, i forgot you aren’t from new york.” 
it is not that serious percy. 
somehow he always finds ways to relate things back to new york. you could be talking about a weird homeless person outside a convenience store, and he’d be like “well i’ve seen worse in new york.” 
percy lost his metrocard one time, but you guys needed to take the subway somewhere so he tried to act so nonchalant about hopping over the turnstiles. 
“oh yeah, i do it all the time. i’m basically a pro.” 
then, he went to jump over it only for his foot to get caught. he face planted onto the floor. when percy got up, he tried to act like he didn’t care, but you could see the embarrassment in his eyes. 
not his best moment! 
annabeth chase
in her own way, annabeth lowkey mansplains a lot 😭😭
she doesn’t mean to, but whenever she explains certain concepts or ideas, she comes off as super condescending. 
it could be the most niche subject ever, and she’d be peeved when you don’t know anything about it. i’m sorry i don’t know shit about a random philosopher who died hundreds of years ago 😒 
(i’d let annabeth mansplain to me any day of the year) 
jason grace
if no one orders for him, jason’s go-to are chicken tenders and fries. it’s not that he’s picky, it’s just that he’s so accustomed to ordering it, that he simply forgets he can order other things.
it’s as if his eyes just ignore everything else on the menu and only look for chicken tenders and fries. like, it’s okay to eat something other than that… 😕
when he orders at restaurants, the waiter always gives him the strangest looks. because why is a 6’0 athletic-looking teenager in here ordering chicken tenders off the kids menu. 
speaking of kids menus, jason treats the little activities on them so, so seriously. not to say that the activities aren’t fun, but he’s oddly obsessed over them. he gets genuinely upset when food or drink splatters gets on it because he likes taking them home?? jason please tell us why these little word searches and connect-the-dots matters so much to you. 
piper mclean
piper always claims that animals love her. (they do not) 
whenever she encounters wildlife, she’d start calling it over just for it to run away from her. “oh no, i think you scared it off” is her excuse 90% of the times. 
i know for a fact it wasn’t me. it was definitely you and your bad excuse for a squirrel call. 
she’s also convinced she can charmspeak animals too. last time she tried, the cat ended up smacking her across the face. 
when will piper learn 💔
leo valdez 
to all the leo lovers out there…i’m sorry to say that he’d have that little mustache after he drinks anything. he’s always rocking that milk mustache!!
after a long day of working in bunker 9, you’ll see him walking around camp with a bright red stain above his lip. you won’t even have to ask him to know that he was drinking fruit punch gatorade.
leo even gets that little stache with water?? it’s not as prevalent, but it’s definitely there. if he’s under the right lighting, you can see his top lip just glistening. 
you always have to remind him to wipe his mouth after taking a sip of anything. but it’s just as worse when he wipes his mouth because he uses the back of his hand or his sleeve…
if you go through his closet, there’s a high chance that you’ll find some of his shirts with different colored stains at the bottom of the sleeves. someone get leo some napkins please! 
frank zhang
whenever frank wears flipflops, his toes always hang over the edge of them. the worst part is that he really does not see an issue with it. he thinks it’s fine because “it’s just loungewear.” 
yes it may just be loungewear, but i promise you that no one wants to see your toes hanging out like that.
even if someone buys him a bigger size, he’d still find a way to have his toes over the edge. 
at this point, everyone just thinks that frank finds it comfortable so they don’t say anything anymore.
hazel levesque
hazel’s the type to enter those random instagram giveaways… 
she’d tag you in the comments and would text you asking you if you could follow the account and tag five people too. 
please hazel, you’re not gonna win that $300 amazon giftcard or that new laptop. give it up!! 
somehow she finds so many different giveaways?? you’re always tagged at least once a week. it’s gotten to the point where she’s entered so many giveaways, that people start recognizing her username. they feel genuine pity for her because why is @horselover1217 entering a giveaway for the third time this week.
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lightwing-s · 9 months
We will have Bike!Jason soon? 😭🖤
biker!jason my beloved, how i've missed you.
You were going out of the store when you spotted them. A large number of bikers crowded the parking lot, their motorcycles lined beside each other, like a fun exposition of models, colors and styles. Some bikers were acting friendly, as if it wasn’t their first time, others seemingly were getting to know each other.
A bike meet.
Frozen by the glass doors, you felt the water flood your eyes, but you held yourself together. You weren’t going to cry today, even if you had finally made it to a place where you’ve always wanted to be.
Very often, you’d scroll on your phone looking for bike meets. You loved them, the motorcycles. They flooded your feeds, their speed like a spell you couldn’t get away from. So you finally managed to take a step out of your frozen position and walk in their direction.
Every bike you walked by had your eyes sparkling. R7s, R6s, Panigales, ZX6Rs and many others. You were taking little steps, like a kid going to Disneyland for the first time, or a young adult woman visiting any homeware or skin care store.
That’s when you saw it. A bike you’d never seen before, and more beautiful than all others you’d laid your eyes on. On it was a guy still wearing his helmet, a pair of jeans and a tank top causing a few nip slips here and there.
“R1?” you asked, still trying to figure out what he was riding on, and not sure if you even cough his attention.
“Costume made.” he simply said. Wow, it must’ve been expensive.
“I-it’s amazing.” you complimented, raising your head from the vehicle to meet his blue eyes, framed by the open visor of his helmet.
“Thanks.” You could see his smile through his eyes, almost squished shut after you complimented his motorcycle. 
Getting closer to get a better glimpse, your groceries held close to your chest, you stumbled on your own feet and tripped forward onto the bikers chest, who held you up firmly with his strong and muscular arms you were not so secretly sneaking glances at as well.
“I’m so sorry.” you laughed a little as you were getting up. “I think my laces are untied.”
Seeing the blush on your cheeks and the numerous bags in your arms, he offered to help you to your car, insisting it wouldn’t be a problem and he didn’t want you to end up falling and breaking something on your way. “My car is just down there, you really don’t have to.”
“It’s nothing.” he said, taking most of the bags from your hands. “I always like to help a biker enthusiast.”
You laughed again, enjoying his company, and pointed with your hair where your car was. “Thought you’re also a biker.” he said, breaking a short moment of silence between you two.
“Not really. I just grew to like them a lot recently, but I can only drive a car.” opening the trunk, you both placed your groceries inside and closed it, resting against the rear as you chatted a little more.
“If you want to learn how to ride I could find some time to teach you.” he offered, his voice muffled by his helmet almost hiding the tint of nervousness hidden in his words.
“I think I’d be pushing your kindness too much.”
“Nonsense.” he immediately replied, hands unbuckling the helmet strap under his chin and taking it off, revealing a raven haired head, a single stripe within it, and a face Yn could only ever describe as insanely beautiful. “I’m always here to help a pretty girl… Or to take her on a date?” with a raised eyebrow, he extended his hand. “I’m Jason Todd.”
“Yn Sn” you answered, shaking his hands and watching the veins popping up on his forearms.
“So, Yn Sn. Are you taking my driving classes?”
“Maybe after you take me on this date.” you said, not knowing where the confidence was suddenly coming from, but enjoying the fact he was bringing it out of you. He also seemed surprised by your answer, good surprise, as he took a step back and adorned his lips with a smile.
“Are you free right now or did you buy ice cream tonight?”
“I did buy ice cream tonight,” you said and gave him an apologetic look. “But I don’t live far from here, I can drop it home and come back in a second.”
“Or you could text me your address and I can pick you up there,” he suggested, handing him his phone. You took it from his hand, adding your number and texted yourself a quick ‘hi’ before handing it back to him.
“I’ll pick you up in ten…”
“Fifteen minutes?” you cut him and he gave you a questioning look. “I have to get ready.”
“Well, you already look pretty good.” he complimented, eying you up and down.
“Not for a date.” you giggled, holding your hands behind your body out of nervousness.
“Then I can’t wait to be blown away in fifteen minutes.”
“Bye, Jason.” you sang.
“See you soon, Yn.” he said, walking back to his friends and his motorcycle. As you passed by him, receiving a wave and a wink, you heard him ask his friends ‘does anyone have a spare helmet’ and laughed to yourself inside your car. Counting the minutes, the seconds and milliseconds till your date in fifteen.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
MY favourite bleach head canons in no particular order
1. the idea that all shinigami in gigai give off uncanny valley vibes
Basically like Isshin, whose not quite human but not quite shinigami, meets some of Ichigo’s friends when he was a kid like Tatsuki and she obviously met his mom before and she was nice so she wasn’t expecting much from his dad and then she meets him and her first reaction is ‘what the fuck is that???’
The kurosaki kids, who have grown up with their dad and have pretty high levels of reiatsu, don’t actually realize this while their human friends just instinctually avoid Isshin ‘cause they feel like something’s off about him
of course over time and with extended exposure to Ichigo’s reiatsu, the weirdness kinda fades away but anyone outside of Ichigo’s circle generally avoids all the shinigami that come to Karakura in gigai for those reasons
2. all animals hate shinigami except cats and crows
literally for no reason besides the fact that I like them
I love the idea of shinji with his creepy ass smile just perched on top of a telephone pole and if he stays still long enough, crows will start sitting on him XD
I also have cats that I love and I love the idea of Ichigo just chilling on his bed with an orange cat and doing the purring thing with it while he’s sleeping
And then when he goes to a pet store with Rukia because she wants to see bunnies, all the animals go ballistic anf they get kicked out XD
3. the visored + ichigo with animalistic traits
laying down on hot things because it feels nice on their skin and soothes something in their lizard brains
eyes that flash hollow yellow when they feel intense emotion (inspired the scene in the anime where Aizen says that hollowification is faster when agitated so emotions heavily affect their appearance
I like the idea that they get very tactile with people they care about (not in a romantic way) and they get into little wrestling matches over stupid stuff because that’s they’re idea of playing and bonding
Shinji gives cat vibes, you can’t even tell me he doesn’t just look at him. When cats make eye contact as they push something off the table- that’s him
I also really like the idea of the hollowification affecting their zanpakuto. Given that Ichigo was pretty much born with his hollow, he doesn’t notice the different the way the Visored do 
Shinji’s whole standing upside down and reversing the gravity on himself, I like the idea that it came after his hollowification and if he wishes he can do it to others
Idk if there’s any jjk manga readers her but you know that attack kenjaku has where he makes you feel like you’re falling but you’re not really? He does it to Yuji a few times when he’s fighting mahito and I love the idea of Shinji having that ability, just completely fucking up their sense of reality and direction
I haven’t thought of the other visored abilities but from my other AU that I will never write, I mentioned that Kaien was hollowified as well so I love the idea of him just being completely obsessed with everything water related and having an affinity for any water type kido and being able to control minor amounts of water without actually drawing Nejibana and being able to breath under water
4. all zanpakuto spirits do commentary in their weilders head
but only ppl like Ichigo and Toushiro who have incredibly powerful spirits that they can literally talk to in the middle of a fight can actually hear
Like Zabimaru, haineko, and all the other zanpakuto are just constantly making fun or nitpicking the way their weilder uses them
But Ichigo is the only one who has to suffer through Zangetsu (Shiro) cackling in his head while Toushiro gets useful feedback and Ichigo’s just completely done with him
a sadder headcanon: all zanpakuto spirits talk to their weilders regularly however, the Visored because of their own fear of their hollowification have estranged themselves from their zanpakuto spirits and like Shiro is hostile with Ichigo in canon, the others are like ten times worse
5. If Ichigo every actually seals his zanpakuto, he’d be incredibly sensitive to reiatsu (I forgot to add this one the first time and I didn’t wanna make another post XD)
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I personally love this little explanation of Ichigo’s powers and you know how Ichigo is just really shitty at sensing reiatsu at the beginning? Shinji commented on it a couple times and seemed pretty confused by it.
I think that part of the reason why he’s so bad at it-- especially after the SS arc ‘cause remember he was actually pretty good at sensing back then-- is because after he achieved Bankai, Hollow Zangetsu was in control rather than OMZ and with that switch in power came a significant uptick in his own reiatsu to the point where Ichigo actually feels like he’s being crushed by his own power and he can feel how close Shiro is for the first time and he’s actually scared of his own power
Hiyori even comments about how he’s scared of his own bankai because the distance between him and Shiro decreases everytime he gets stronger since Shiro gets stronger with him
Anyways, we’re not devolving into an analysis about Ichigo and Shiro but eventually Ichigo learns how to sense things properly even with his own reiatsu
So when he finally seals Zangetsu and he’s no longer covered by his own power because it’s finally sealed, he’s gonna be sensing things so much stronger and get sensory overload only it’s ✨reiatsu sensitivity✨
6. Souls in the Society age until they find an appearance both they and their reiatsu level is comfortable with (Another one because I’m an idiot and I forgot)
Excluding Toushiro’s weird case of appearanc shifting but I guess that could be attributed to his bankai’s weirdness that I don’t know much about
I don’t think we’ve gotten on actual explanation on how souls age so I’ve decided to apply this hc
Basically the reason why ppl like Unohana, who looks incredibly similar to herself from a thousand years ago, the only difference being how much less sinister she looks and how calm she looks
Plus, all the characters from the Turn back the pendulm arc barely changing over a hundred years is wild
I initially thought of it as comparing every decade a soul lives to ever year a human lives but that didn’t feel right so I chose this
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