#fully flame retardant
heatshrinktube · 5 days
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Still looking for a fully flame retardant dual wall heat shrink tubing? A1-FL Fully Flame Retardant Dual Wall Shrink Tube Shrink Ratio 4:1 Flame retardant both Black outer Jacket and Inner White Adhesive Environmentally friendly,ELV and ROHS compliant Stress Relief,abrasion protection of wire splices,terminals... Sizes: 5.1/1.25,7.6/1.65,9.0/2.29,11.6/2.54,17.8/4.45
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Oh good the Lorch is sending herself asks about me again.
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[Lily's Post]
Oh yeah Lily calling marginalized people a "pick me" for not having the same exact opinions as you doesn't make you look bigoted at all.
Unlike you I don't think children's cartoons are activism. And my pointing at that some people like to try to downplay the lesbian themes in Steven Universe, or at least the way lesbians interact with the themes of the show, actually has nothing to do with the show itself.
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Hey Lily did you know I also really don't like the word queer being thrown around, refuse to call myself that because it means strange and also dislike "anti-assimilationist" types?
Speaking of which:
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[Lily's Post]
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Yeah I say that about the kids telling me queer has been "reclaimed" for me. I would think you'd agree, Lily.
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Those are two completely different concepts you dumbass. We can have gay content in mainstream media without it being insulting dreck driven by rainbow capitalism.
Lily is the one who basically wants the Hayes Code back. She wants every show and movie to tell her who is good, who is bad, what to think and for the bad guy to get thrown off a cliff at the end.
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Lily just because those are the only two pieces of media YOU know I like doesn't mean that's all I like or have ever seen. Have you seen But I'm a Cheerleader? How about Saving Face?
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Hey Lily if you'd actually watch my responses to you:
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No I sneer at shows with bad depictions of gay characters when they have bad depictions of gay characters. Especially when they break their own spines patting themselves on the back for it.
Are you trying to get ahead of my VOD you falsely struck going back up on Thursday? You know the one where you said an early 2000's flaming queen stereotype in some shitty Alicia Silverstone vehicle was super good "gay rep" because you had some retarded need to paint a narrative that Canadian cartoons "did it first"?
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The whole "she's just mad other shows are outpacing things she likes" lol it isn't a competition, dawg. That's you, Lily. That's how you think.
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This is how I know its a self ask.
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Yeah that's why in my reaction to James Somerton's somehow EVEN WORSE takes on Utena than yours I kept saying things like "Utena isn't really that hard to understand it just tells it's story in a very abstract way".
Also if you think the Sword of Dios is "the sword of patriarchy" you really didn't get it but much like James here I doubt you ever even watched it, Lily. I look forward to your "In a Nutshell" video where you will read out TVTropes with zero context and get everything wrong.
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Lily I hadn't watched the show fully in over 15 years when I made my very first video on you. I wasn't even expecting to talk about Utena you just went on a tirade about it in the middle of your 2023 Steven Universe video.
In fact, the reason I even cut that video in the first place is I was so impressed with my own recall of the show. And then it got 5k hits out of nowhere on my then completely unestablished channel because people just hate your takes that much.
And now making fun of you has paid for my new GPU and CPU. No Man's Sky is running great and I'm ready for Dragon Age Veilguard so cheers!
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gobbogoo · 1 year
Everything We Know About Who Pyro Is/Was:
Obviously Pyro remains ​​⁠​⁠​⁠an enigma and I'm not going to pretend I have much in the way of definitive proof, however there ARE aspects of their background we can reasonably assume based on the skills and behaviours Pyro displays. First and foremost, we need to understand the extent of the disconnect between their consciousness and reality. Most folks understand it as mainly auditory and visual hallucination, however if you look at side-by-side moments in Meet The Pyro, you'll realize that there's a clear disconnect between Pyro's physical stance:
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What Pyro believes they are doing with their body and what their body is actually doing can be entirely disconnected. Furthermore, if you listen closely to Pyro's more comprehensible dialogue, you'll notice that what they say lines up more with what they're actually doing, and not what they THINK they're doing:
Put together, this implies Pyro possesses not just a disconnect from reality, but also a full-blown division of personality. There's Conscious Pyro, who is the bundle of joy frolicking through Pyroland, and then there's Unconscious Pyro, who is the maniacal murderer actively interacting with reality. Both of these personalities seem to play a factor in Pyro's behaviour. While Conscious Pyro clearly seems to possess a degree of control over how they act in Pyroland, the fact that all those actions also happen to be very effective methods of murder in the real world says that Unconscious Pyro is steering these decisions.
Now, these two are not ALWAYS so disconnected or extreme. When not actively burning things, Pyro's perceived reality seems to line up more closely with what's actually happening from a visual, auditory, and physical standpoint:
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Conscious Pyro's whimsy and Unconscious Pyro's murderousness both seem to drastically tone down in these circumstances, however both never fully go away. Pyro is ALWAYS capable of extreme violence/destruction:
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Speaking of extreme violence, Conscious Pyro DOES share Unconscious Pyro's capacity and willingness to cause harm. This implies that the difference between the personalities' behaviour is more-so the result of their perceived environments, not demeanour.
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To summarize, Pyro's disconnect from reality becomes more powerful when in the presence of fire/destruction, and this causes a divergence in Pyro's perceived and presented personalities. Moving on to in-game lore, it is stated that Pyro built/improvised the majority of their weapons (mainly out of stuff found in a garage.) This is immediately clear if you look at the individual components of their flamethrower:
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The primary exception to this is their shotgun, which is a standard weapon they nonetheless operate with a trained familiarity:
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Building a flamethrower is no easy feat. Besides being extremely complicated and dangerous, all information regarding flamethrower construction and schematics are strictly controlled by the U.S. government. Therefore I'd say it isn't much of a leap to suggest that Pyro's ability to construct and operate improvised military-grade incendiary weaponry must have been the result of formal training.
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This is further supported by the fact that their flame-retardant suit is not equipment provided by Mann Co, as they continue to wear it even after being fired. All this together implies that before becoming a mercenary, Pyro had a job that provided them with both the knowledge and tools of an incendiary specialist. This more-or-less confirms that Pyro was not ALWAYS so insane, as at some point they were considered stable enough to be trusted with such a dangerous job. Since Pyro seemingly hasn't taken the suit off since that job, it can be deduced that whatever triggered or inflicted the madness they now suffer from must have occurred during their service. It would also explain why all of Pyro's incendiary weapons are homemade while their suit is standard-issue. After being fired they obviously weren't allowed to keep any weaponry, meaning they had to construct their own.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret all of this, but my personal theory is that Pyro was at one point part of some Cold War experiment. One that sought to disconnect soldiers from the reality of their actions during combat, while ALSO allowing them to operate with brutal efficiency. Considering this was the era of the Vietnam War, a way to make soldiers not feel guilty or resentful while being ordered to commit atrocities would have been an invaluable tool for the USA's military. Pyro being a highly trained candidate for such an experiment is the only explanation I can think of for how they could be simultaneously highly trained in incendiary weaponry AND be too blatantly insane to ever justify such training. This would ALSO explain why Pyro is both so frighteningly dangerous and unstable, yet still somehow employable as a mercenary. While extreme, they remain capable of understanding and following instructions from superiors. Even if said instructions have to be delivered in a slightly different manner:
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📂 for the murderbot diaries?
The "Corporation Rim" isn't a single political entity; it's a group of alliances and coalitions of hypercapitalist governments and corporations that function like governments that are culturally, economically, and politically affiliated, but they contain dozens if not hundreds of polities and their holdings that are bound primarily by treaties and contracts not to fuck each other over too badly lest the whole superstructure collapse.
Though they act like they're the majority of the galaxy and freeholds barely exist, only like 40% of the galaxy's population lives on Corporation Rim planets. There are so many non-corporate planets, from the adjacent but not directly affiliated Mihira and New Tideland and wherever Don Abene comes from, to the planets with an internal commercial economy primarily doing their own thing like the planets of the Divarti Cluster, to the fully we-don't-truck-with-corporate-nonsense like the Preservation Alliance, to the abandoned colony planets that have been living their lives without outward interference for decades or even centuries when they got cut off. Preservation has robust trade relations with the many other independent planets that dot hubward space. The Corporate planets just have a hard time believing you can do your own thing, politically and economically, without being part of the corporate world. Why wouldn't you want to? We have EIGHTY ONE brands of soda and you don't even need to pay THAT much extra to get artisanal organic ones without flame retardant in it!
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katy-133 · 7 months
Spy's Rally - Character Analysis
We have TF2 fan Shork (YouTube behind the scenes video) to thank, but a deleted Spy monologue from a scrapped version of Meet the spy has been uncovered, featuring the voice of Spy's voice actor, Dennis Bateman.
You can listen to it below:
Here is a transcript of the speech:
Our's is a mean, dark, old world, where some say, a man can be whatever he's man enough to be. I'm here to tell you there are limits. I have no doubt that your hometown bars, alleys, churches and whorehouses are safer tonight for your absence. Alone, any of you bad men could be the Caesar of his local sewer. So what? Your individual strengths--Speed, accuracy, brawn, brain, rage, flame retardancy--are matched by weaknesses we need not detail. Disorder, the natural state of nature, is cheap to create, costly to overcome. But you've put pain to that debt. Nature abhors a team, gentlemen. And together, we bold few, we unnatural brothers, are going to seize Mother Nature by the throat, and choke the whole world out of that sorry bitch! [End of transcript]
So going line by line, there's information on Spy's character we can gather from this.
Spy sees the world as "mean and dark". Old and primal. A place where power is what allows you to gain ground.
The line about "whorehouses" makes me believe that this is a speech Spy gave before he fully knew the mercs as people (rather than as classes with strength/weakness statistics), because we know canonically, Scout is not going there. The fan animation (by animator AltraNade) for Spy's speech also has Spy pointedly look at Scout in particular when he says the word, so I don't even think Spy knows that Scout is his son at this point in the timeline.
The line about Caesar is a variation of the English idiom, "You can be a blip in the world, or you can own the pond." (This is one variation of the expression I've heard--there's many paraphrases.) The idiom can be interpreted as looking at the pros of containing your reach of power, versus the cons of trying to extend your power over more and more range, and how power (the amount you have) can be a matter of perspective. Here, Spy is using it to say how pointless it is to be on your own to try and seize power. Power over what? A single Control Point? A single piece of farmland? You need more organisation and discipline to think bigger, Spy is saying.
"Nature abhors a team" is such a telling line to me, because it gives us insight to how Spy views the world. He believes that life and people are naturally lone beings who are motivated by just their own needs. Therefore, forming a team with others is going against nature. It takes work, it's "costly," but makes you stronger because you are a part of something bigger than yourself.
This is what Spy believes. This is his moral compass.
Like his speech in Expiration Date, Spy leads others because he believes in his team being stronger and better together. He chose teamwork above being strong on his own.
And the implications of this--Was Spy always like this, or did he change to this mindset after leaving Scout's mother? Did he start out thinking he had to leave her because he wanted to be a lone wolf figure? Did he leave because his enemies were after him and he thought leaving his family would keep them safer than staying together to protect each other? And then he changed his mind and realised that he was wrong when he met the mercs?
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bi-demon-ium · 7 months
Jeepers, Curtain , Nicholas, Milligan, Number Two, and Dewey :)
oh fucking dear.
okay, uh
push off a cliff: i was genuinely tempted to say milligan for comedy's sake but i won't. dewey, you're up. that kid will just parkour away somehow. he can take it. his parents' lawyers will sue me though
kiss: jeepers. pity kiss
marry: curtain. honestly i just want to see what would happen. he's not the best choice by any means but i want to mess with him so bad. this would be psychological torment for both of us. if i have to become nicholas's brother in law so be it.
set on fire: number two. she's wearing a flame retardant dress she wanted to test out. she's striding around, completely on fire, and it's terrifying. menacing. i am cackling
wrap a blanket around: nicholas :( i would also kiss and/or marry and/or be roommates with him but i think the spirit of this one (comfort that sad, wet little man) fits the best
be roommates with: milligan. silent, strong, ready for hugs on both sides. helpful
i went fully on impulse answers and vibes
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Recycling the non-recyclable: New epoxy resin resists flames and reduces waste
Empa researchers have developed an epoxy resin that can be repaired and recycled, in addition to being flame-retardant and mechanically strong. Potential applications range from coating for wooden flooring to composites in aerospace and railways. Epoxy resins are tough and versatile polymers. In combination with glass or carbon fibers, they are used, for example, to manufacture components for aircraft, cars, trains, ships and wind turbines. Such epoxy-based fiber-reinforced polymers have excellent mechanical and thermal properties and are much lighter than metal. Their weakness: They are not recyclable—at least not yet. Now Empa researchers led by Sabyasachi Gaan at Empa's Advanced Fibers laboratory have developed an epoxy resin-based plastic that is fully recyclable, repairable and also flame retardant—all while retaining the favorable thermomechanical properties of epoxy resins. They have published their findings in the Chemical Engineering Journal.
Read more.
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knockknoxwho · 6 months
Coyotes are a fairly common canine animal that’s found in many different types of wilderness in the States. They have a variety of fun traits which make them a very prime candidate to mutate. Some of their traits include:
Pack animals (similar structure to wolves in which a breeding pair and their offspring compose a pack)
Territorial (using urine or feces to mark it)
Omnivorous and more than capable in scavenging
3-4ft tall at shoulder height
Incredibly fine senses of sight, sound, and smell.
How the mutation works:
The apocalypse changes some things. Instead of changing their size or many behaviors differing, something much more peculiar happens.
Coyotes develop the ability to create and ignite a type of gel-like liquid napalm from inside their bodies. Most of their insides have been lined with flame retardant fungal tissue with an especially thick layer at the esophagus and mouth.
Ingredients for the gel are secreted and mixed in a chamber connecting to the stomach, which then dissolves slightly in their stomach acid and undergoes a chemical reaction to form the napalm in solution.
If the solution is evaporated or boiled to a certain point, then a thick and gel is left, if boiled longer, malleable clumps of an amber hued substance remain (though very stable while solid, can be mixed back into water to return to a gel-like state which is highly flammable).
This gel is then regurgitated by the coyote on command, and ignited just after leaving the stomach. The napalm inside the coyote gains more and more heat as it travels up and begins its burn, and by the time it finally exits the mouth it reaches a critical heat and once landed on any vegetation it creates a very Smokey fire leaving only ash behind.
The napalm gel dissolves any organic matter it lands on and begins to use it as fuel, (though grass and other easily flammable materials are absorbed much faster). Because of this it doesn’t often spread, instead creating a spot of fire until the napalm has fully burned away.
The napalm itself would require water for sustained burns. Though if it dries up before finishing a burn it solidifies leaving amber clumps in the wake of a hunt.
Coyotes have been changed by this high heat permeating through their bodies.
As stated before, their throat, mouth, and coat have become resistant towards heat and fire. Unfortunately their sense of smell has been permanently damaged due to the smoke inhalation and intense heat coming in contact so often.
Their vocal cords have also been damaged, just not to such an extent, their normal yips and howls have been reduced to pained yelps or more commonly silence. Due to this they use other methods to communicate
However their throats have developed somewhat of a spiked collar of sweltering jets of fire (via small slits around their necks), much like what happens when removing slag during the Bessemer process.
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This not only provides a very effective defense against any would-be attackers, but also provides a very menacing effect that scares many who encounter them.
Hunting techniques:
Coyotes use this mutation to their full advantage while hunting.
While in packs they stalk their prey until the environment becomes favorable (staying stealthy by keeping the gel in their stomachs, which makes their flame collar mostly vanish with just a very small glow of embers left in terms of light). Then all rush their prey at the same time while shining their collars brightly and strategically leaving walls of fire as they run.
These walls of fire eventually force a herd to separate and the coyotes collectively single out one to finish their hunt. This prey no matter how big or small gets encircled by flame. As the smoke gets thicker and the heat stronger, the coyotes bound in and out of the circle, taking pot shots at their target until the smoke, heat, and wounds finally force them unconscious.
As the flames die down the coyotes wait around the circle, guarding potential scavengers or vindictive herd members from stealing away their kill. Finally once the napalm goes out, they eat.
This hunting strategy proves effective time and time again and many different packs survive on the outskirts of the city due to it, stalking the brush land for deer, rabbits, or just about whatever else wanders too far into the hill country.
Pack size
in most areas there are five to six adults as well as the pups born that year. But groups in urban areas tend to be smaller.
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Heracles and Prometheus (A Champion of Embers Finale)
CW: For blood, dismemberment, icky fire and eye stuff, and possibly major character death (I'm not spoiling who's tho >:3c)
This is the finale for the Champion of Embers path. Thank you so much to everyone to who has been reading up until this point. I will probably be writing an epilogue for this path too, so stay tuned for that, but for now I would like to thank everyone who has been reading along until now:
and biggest thanks of all to OskiFarouche for lending me their wonderful characters and story, and letting me keep expanding it.
Your wolf stands at the center of the chamber, bathed in the sun’s rays that pass between the floating rubble of the crumbling city. His chest armor lay discarded near the entrance, twisted molten metal and a familiar cerulean surcoat ripped to shreds. You can see the cinder in his fur and the embers leaving his flesh, drifting into the wind like a campfire at night. He hasn’t noticed you yet, or at least he hasn’t acknowledged your arrival. All his attention is on the large white form you can spot slumped in front of him. Oh no, that’s Gurranq! “Marika’s hound….” You hear Lobo’s voice. It sounds the same as always, but the inflection is just off. There’s little emotion in his voice, little of the sensitive man you know him to be.
“... you have failed… now, be one with the ashes of your golden tree….” You see his sword arm lift, ready to deal the final blow. Your body reacts before you fully process what you see, and you fire a Night Shard at Lobo’s back. For a second, you’re worried that you might have hurt him, but he doesn’t react to the hit. He instead lowers his arm again and kicks Maliketh into a pillar, his usually weaker legs now capable of knocking someone his size which such force. “Oh dear… another dogged contender. No matter, the flames hunger still….” He turns to face you. You stare in horror as you see flame consume the entire left side of his face, sprouting out of his eyesocket as though it were water from a spring. You look to your left and right. Both Viola and Briar bear a look of determination on their faces seeing their sibling in such a state. You try to imitate their attitude, but you can’t hide your fear. You don’t fear for your safety; you’re afraid that maybe Lobo is too far gone.
Lobo points his sword in your direction, now an elongated and malformed thing, coiling like a corkscrew on itself. “... this is the final grave of the Golden Order, but you may share it too….” And with that, he says no more. Immediately Briar raises his Greatshield and moves in front of the both of you, bocking Lobo from attacking you directly. Viola raises her hands, casting a flame-retardant spell on all of you. (Unfortunately, it seems to involve profusely sweating, so it is a little gross, but that doesn’t matter.) Meanwhile, you cast unseen form and take your position.
Suddenly Lobo jumps, landing right in front of Briar with a swing of his sword. A loud clanging noise as it makes contact with his Greatshield and the quarter-wolf is sent skidding backward. Two more rapid swings from the sword, leaving a trail of fumes behind, and Briar is almost knocked off the central platform into the void below. Before Lobo could do anything, Viola cast an explosive spell in the spot right between the two of them. Separating them and focusing the Flames’ attention back on her. She rushes (as much as one can rush with a huge dress like that) behind one of the columns. Lobo stretches out a hand, which catches aflame and transforms into a grotesque arm long enough to attempt to grab her. Once she passes the column, she manages to dodge the claw by an inch, catching the hem of her dress. A loud ripping noise is heard as Viola brings a knife to the monstrous hand, causing Lobo to recoil in pain, tearing the dress to shreds. “You will pay for that!” Viola yells, running away. Lobo lets out a deep growl as his hand returns to its normal size, and he pulls the knife out. Now the flames begin to spill from the wound in his hand, slowly engulfing the whole limb in flame. Your wolf jumps as if to attack the running woman but is stopped by Briar, who tosses his battle axe and lets the chain wrap around Lobo’s leg. Forcing the burning wolf to fall flat on his face with a strong pull. “That’s no way to treat a lady, cabrón!” Briar yells.
Seemingly tired of all this toying around, Lobo breaks the chain with his blade and gets back up. Before anyone can react, the burning wolf closes the space between him and Briar again. The brown wolf luckily manages to raise his shield before he’s hit with five consecutive hits from Lobo’s sword. The flames begin to bend the metal around the edges, leaving bright red marks whenever they hit. Briar’s poise might be strong, but he’s eventually knocked to the floor, his shield skidding away. If you do nothing, he will die. Luckily, you’re in position, and Lobo has his back turned to you.
You step out of the pillar Viola had run past earlier, having smuggled yourself beneath her dress until she could hide you behind it. You quiet your steps with cotton and sneak up behind your companion quickly, eyeing his exposed neck. If you could sink the needle in the skin behind it, it wouldn’t stab any internal organs, and the Flames would be unable to remove it before its effect could take hold. You raise your hand and almost reach Lobo’s body, but suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your jaw and get knocked onto the floor with great force.
“Such cowardice… perhaps I should have disposed of you when we arrived at Farum Azula… The previous inhabitant of this body kept… interesting company.” Lobo’s arm bent back unnaturally after having hit you before you could do anything. You feel blood seep from your lips and to the floor. You try to stand up, but your head is still spinning from the hit. You see the light from the ceiling turn to shadow as a massive clawed hand blocks out the sun above you. You have to move, but your body won’t respond. You look at the floor as the seconds stretch to infinity and the shadows get darker. “I’m so sorry, Lobo… I… failed you….” You think, closing your eyes before a massive weight crashes into you.
Only it doesn’t crush your bones. You open your eyes and see the fingers twitch and curl right above you. The heat from them makes you feel like you’re in an oven, but you’re alive. You’ve been caged between them, the palm not being allowed to press its full weight against you. You reel from the shock, but then Briar’s shout brings you to your senses. “Do it, Viola!” From between the fingers, you spot the red figure of the fire witch casting a spell with her fan. You move, running between the long claws and out into the sunlight. The side of the pillar you had been hiding under explodes, letting the weight of it fall on the monstrous arm that tried to crush you. Lobo screams in pain. You try to ignore him as you rush to his side, needle in hand. “Sorry about this!” You say as you plunge the golden needle into Lobo’s neck. You grab onto his back as he screams in agony, trying to knock you off him. To your horror, he rips his trapped arm off. Letting his whole body be engulfed in flame by the wound where his arm used to be, taking you with him. Still, you hold on. Protecting the needle as you feel the flames lick at your skin. Briar and Viola can do nothing but stand by the side as Lobo continues to writhe and scream in pain as Flames of Ruin violently leave his body.
Eventually, he falls to his knees, staring up at the ceiling with a single blue eye. The sky has begun to darken, and it looks like it might rain soon. He’s silent, his voice still echoing in the halls. After a tense moment, he falls forward, his eyes closed and his body free of flame. You still hold on tight as Viola and Briar rush to your side. Although it’s weak, you can still hear Lobo’s heartbeat. You can’t move. You need to know he’s still alive. You need to convince yourself that you made it. The scent of his fur is familiar, that seaside smell that reminds you of a fun day at the beach with friends, only now a layer of smoke permeates it. Before you’re pulled away and inspected by his siblings, you briefly wonder if they all have a similar scent.
Viola casts a warm light above you, a flame that feels not unlike grace. It heals your bloody lip and invigorates you slowly. Once you feel strong enough to sit up from Briar’s arms, you check yourself over. It’s strange, but it only seems like your robes got burned. You touch your face, and your skin feels fine. “It seems like you’re okay.” Says Briar with a small smile. He looks at Lobo, who’s been flipped on his back, his head cradled in Viola’s lap as she continues to cast her healing spell. “He… He’ll be fine in no time… I-I just know it.”  The brown wolf says, trying to hide the hint of tears in his eye. You nod. He has to.
You move closer to your wolf. Viola ignores you as she concentrates on strengthening her spell, raising her arms to the flames as if warming herself up in a campfire. Lobo’s breathing is weak but steady. You grab his remaining hand. The right one. It’s cold as death. You stay like this for some time. Time holds little meaning as everyone waits with bated breath to see if Lobo will wake up. It’s harrowing. Even though you felt his heart beating, part of you still fears you’re too late. You’re about to pull away when Lobo finally opens his eye, turning to look at you. You smile at him, feeling tears spill from your eyes. “Hey….” You say, resisting the urge to embrace his weakened body. “Hey….” He smiles back, holding your hand tighter. You cry, letting all the worry and anxiety wash over you, yet you don’t stop smiling.
Briar scrambles to Viola and Lobo’s side, as teary-eyed as you are. “Lobo, estas bien….” He says, scooping him up into his arms and embracing him. “¡Ten cuidado, idota! Yo… ugh ¡muévete!” She scolds him, probably due to the brown wolf being too rough on Lobo, but then wraps her arms around Lobo as well. Trying very hard not to ruin her make-up with her tears. You look at Lobo, trapped in this group hug with his siblings. He’s still smiling, still grabbing onto your hand. He pulls you closer, and the four of you embrace.
You feel like maybe there will be a lot of crying and hugging these next few days, but you’re okay with that. You won, after all.
After your battle to save Lobo was over, and you calmed down from all the excitement, you approached Maliketh, who had been miraculously just unconscious after Lobo kicked him. You supposed you might have had to kill him to free the rune of death, as you couldn’t think of any other way to unbind it, but Lobo approached Maliketh’s unconscious body and pressed something beneath the skin of his neck. “You… you removed it?!” You gasped as you saw the familiar golden needle sink into the other wolf’s skin. “Not quite. It’s more accurate to say it snapped in half from the heat. Half of it should be enough to release death from his sword, though.” He replied, brushing off your concerns. At least it doesn’t seem like the Flames of Ruin will be returning any time soon.
You saw as the Black Blade took its true form as the missing rune once held within the Elden Ring. A jagged, red shape that represented the rightful order of life and death. The rune of death was freed, and the Erdtree burned. The thorns that blocked your path will have burned away by now. If you wanted to, you could continue your journey to the Elden Ring, but you decide to wait for your partner to recover first. The flames did quite a number on his body. Lobo was now covered head to toe in burn marks, the most prominent one being the one that covered most of his left cheek and the area around his eye, leaving it blackened and exposed. Viola managed to heal most of the more serious ones, but especially on his arms and legs, his fur was now interrupted by bald patches of burnt skin. There’s, of course, the matter of his missing arm. Luckily it had not gotten infected by the time you’d managed to heal him, but now he could no longer hold his shield. Briar said he would attempt to make a prosthetic that would be; quote: even better than the arm he lost! Something that got him an exasperated sigh from Viola. Finally, and perhaps most bafflingly, now Lobo was unusually cold at all hours of the day. He shivers even while standing right next to the fire in your camp. Viola used her magic to try and normalize his body temperature, but it kept dropping naturally. Eventually, you settled on enchanting his clothing to keep him warm at all times, and Briar went hunting and skinned a gods damned Rune Bear to make him a cloak. It was as impressive as it was terrifying.
Life goes at a steady rhythm with three wolves to keep you company. Viola and Briar set up their tent next to Tetsu’s Rise (It shocked you how big and furnished it is on the inside, it must have been enchanted to allow that), and you share most evenings by the campfire. Lobo gradually returns to his regular self, happy to have his siblings around no matter how many pointless arguments they spark. Viola is kind enough to teach you the basics of fire sorcery, and while Lobo is still too weak to go fishing, Briar takes it upon himself to hunt wild game around the area to keep you fed. Around the back of the tower, you set up a small workshop for Lobo’s siblings to work on his prosthetic. Viola handles most of the design and logistics of the apparatus, while Briar tweaks the bronze and steel to perfection. Probably the only time you get to see them get along for prolonged periods.
You… well, you’re just content to be able to sleep with Lobo again. Running your hands over the curvy shape of his body was something you’d missed dearly. He’s alive and safe, even if he lost a few body parts. That’s why it shocks you to wake up without him by your side. Odd, now where did Lobo wander off to? You step out of the tower to find Viola sitting by the campfire, cradling a familiar orb of fire in her hands. “Good morning.” She says, not looking up. Before you can question her about Lobo’s whereabouts, she answers without being told. “My brother took his mare out for a stroll. If you want to join him, he’s wandering by the side of the Bellum Highway.” You scratch your cheek, feeling awkward at being left behind so suddenly. Usually, Lobo lets you know whenever he goes out. “Why the Bellum Highway?” You ask the witch, who dispels the orb and looks up at you. “I believe he might not have wanted me to know that, considering he told me he was taking the horse to Iji the Blacksmith.” She looks back at the campfire, a dark look crossing her eyes as she mutters. “It’s close to where she died, did you know? I think… no, forgive me. Lobo deserves to have his privacy too.” You nod, though there’s a knot of worry at the pit of your stomach. Bellum Highway was close to where Lobo’s Mother died? “I… I might go out too.” You say, causing Viola to smirk at you. “Right… well, bring me some Wolf’s Bane from there if you can, hmm? It doesn’t grow anywhere else in Liurnia after all.”
You avoid the Knights of the Cuckoo that wander the highway, riding Paper Moon close to the edges of the woods to see if you can spot Lobo or Private Dancer anywhere. Eventually, you spot some Wolf’s Bane in the distance, stuck between thorny bushes. You approach, careful not to injure yourself or your horse on the thorns, when you notice something behind the tall bushes. A hint of a pure white mane, Lobo’s horse! You look for a way to get past the thorny wall. If Lobo managed to get his horse past it, so could you. The thorns stretch out circularly between stony outcroppings. Guarding a secret something in the middle. You’re almost the whole way around when you spot some more Wolf’s Bane sticking through the thorns, and more importantly, you see the earth beneath them give way and form a tunnel underneath the bushes large enough for a horse to pass through.
You dismount and grab Paper Moon by the reigns, leading him into the small passage. Above you, the sunlight peeks between the branches, and a sweet, apple-like scent can be felt coming from them. Your horse snorts, not too pleased with being squeezed under a bunch of thorns. You’d rather not leave him outside, however, not with the Knights of the Cuckoo wandering about. You reach the light at the other end of the tunnel, and for a moment, you have to shield your eyes from the bright visage that expands in front of you. It’s… stunning.
White flowers stretch in every direction within the confines of the thorny perimeter. Enclosing a tall stone marker in the very center. Tiny white ones, with many little petals, clump together to cover the grounds, leaving no grass in sight. Between the little ones, you spot taller flowers that stand elegantly on their own near the shade the thorns provide. Pure white with beautiful round petals. They give off a sweet scent, like candy. You wish you knew more about flowers to better articulate your feelings, but you feel a strange sense of peace coming from this flower field. Though it would be more accurate to call it a garden. You wander through the flowers as you let Paper Moon trot over to his friend. They begin drinking from a small pond by the far end of the field.
It doesn’t take you too long to find Lobo stretched out between the flowers, eyes closed, and mouth relaxed into a gentle smile. When you stand next to him, he looks up at you, his smile growing a little bigger. “Hey….” You say, not hiding your own smile. “Hey… care to join me?” He says, patting the spot next to him. You take him up on his offer, laying your head on his arm, which he wraps around you as you enjoy the morning air that carries the scent of flowers. You stay like that for who knows how long, just enjoying each other’s company. The sun feels lovely on your skin, and the feeling of Lobo’s strong body reminds you of why you were fighting so hard in the first place. You could stay here for the rest of your life, letting the violence of the Lands Between become a distant memory.
“How did you find this place?” You ask your companion who stirs beneath you. When you look up at him, he looks away, embarrassed. “... you’re gonna think it’s dumb….” You continue staring with the most unamused face you can muster. Three, two, one. “Fiiine… I saw it in a dream… laugh it up, why don’t you?” You shake your head and sigh. As if having weird dreams was the strangest thing about him! “What was your dream about? If you don’t mind me asking.” He looks back at you, realizing you would not mock him for something like that. He stares at the clouds, perhaps remembering the dream in the shapes they take.  “... I was here… I don’t remember how I got here, but I was kneeling right before this big stone. I didn’t feel quite like myself… I was crying, just bawling for what felt like an eternity. I didn’t understand why being here made me so sad. I said something… maybe it was a prayer? Then I woke up… It wasn’t a pleasant dream, but I’ve been looking for this place since then.” He looks back down at you, and you can see his fangs poke through his lip as he smiles. “I’m glad I found it… and I’m glad you found me.” You kiss his chest, feeling his heartbeat underneath. “Me too.” You say, meaning it in every way possible.
The morning goes on, but neither of you moves. You stay in comfortable silence, enjoying the breeze that passes through the trees. “... I’m thinking of changing my name back to Aster….” Lobo says, kissing your forehead. His cold nose makes you jump a bit, but you chuckle at the feeling of his whiskers tickling your skin. You look up at him, wondering why he would bring up his name all of a sudden? Of course, the question must be evident on your face because he lets you know. “I was just remembering why I picked Lobo in the first place….” He plucks a tiny white flower and brings it up to the light. To examine and dissect things comes naturally to him, after all. “Aster flowers are so tiny. They don’t give off any scent and are often overshadowed by prettier and bigger plants. I thought that if I were not weak and tiny like that, maybe I could have done something to protect her….” He chuckles, the pain of remembering dimmed but not gone. “... What a dumb kid I was… Mother, she was the one who picked this name for me. The name Aster was beautiful to her, and she thought it fit me... In the language of flowers, they mean innocence, purity, faith, and love. While they have no scent, their roots, and stems can be used to relieve pain and heal wounds. And perhaps more importantly… someone thought Asters would be beautiful as decoration for this place. Mother’s final resting place….” You’re not really shocked at hearing that last part. The stone monument in the middle could only mean so many things.
Lobo, no, Aster looks down at you. In the corner of his eye, you spot a hint of tears. You bring your hand up and pet the side of his cheek. “... sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going. I had to get something….” He looks up to the stone, and you follow his gaze. Perched on the side of the stone lays a familiar blade. The golden details, once dim and stained with blood now scrubbed clean and polished until they shine with the light of the morning sun. The brutish edge of the blade was sharpened and cleaned to perfection. It looks elegant, guarding the garden even while its owner is gone. You remember the look of hatred in Aster’s eyes that fateful evening. That hatred is gone, replaced not with emptiness but with something more. ”... I think he would like it, Aster.” You say, happy that your partner can find hope after everything that transpired. Aster looks down and gives you that dopey smile you love so much. “... I think so too.”
Time will pass, seasons will change, and you will reach the innermost parts of the Erdtree and discover the truth of what happened to Marika and the Golden Order. You will fix this broken land and take your place on the Elden Throne. The fallen leaves shall tell a story of a Tarnished that loved and lost, a Shadow bound by a curse that would tear a family apart, a witch who sought absolution in the stars, and a Wolven Tarnished freed from the yoke of fate by a Maden with no past. The Age of the Icebound Stars shall end, and your part in creating a world beyond the scope of light yet beyond the reach of dark shall begin. But for now, you’re content to stay here with your beloved.
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heatshrinktube · 5 days
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Widely used in automotive parts,both outer black jacket and inner white adhesive liner are flame retardant, self-extinguishing within 30seconds.
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agentldiddy · 1 year
I just had a funny moment in dnd It is the last session of our current campaign in @cu-riogach's custom system (which is based DND, but I find it easier to just call it dnd than explain the full thing), which he'll probably talk about sometime. We are being sieged during a resistance, and the king has sent an army against us. The barbarian and fighter are mincing enemies, the druid is committing warcrimes as a swan--later hellhound--and my wizard felt a disturbance in the force. So, he went to investigate and found a professor from his old college days that hated his guts. He had come because my character killed authorities (in self-defense, though the party can be considered terrorists). He told my character to pay for his crimes, so my character casted blur to prepare for battle. With that, the ring of protection and healing he has, and the flame-retardant robe he got after dying that time, he should be prepared. Unfortunately for the elf, the lightning spell the professor casted insta-killed him. I think it was the same one that killed him the first time. The professor turned around, confident. "Seems like you are only worth cheap parlor tricks." Just as he ascended the staircase, a knife struck him in the back. Behind him was Serent, freshly revived due to his ring of healing. "What was that about cheap parlor tricks, you six-piece chicken mcnobody?" And before the professor can fully realize how badly his over-confident and arrogant ass fucked him, Serent used his secret weapon.
A secret magic item that he got long ago that he has been keeping handy for a special moment. Just like this. The Spell Scroll of Instant Piss. What it does, is instantly transform a target into a steaming pile of piss. A bit goofy for a mostly serious campaign, but still. And so, the professor vanished, reduced to a pile of urine, killed with all of the honor and dignity he deserved in death: none. The wizard then walked back to the battle, making sure to step around the puddle. And spit in it too, just to put insult to injury.
The epilogue later made my wizard the court mage of the fighter, and one of the most renowned wizards of all time, for 6 centuries (because elf). I like to imagine him flipping off his professor mentally each moment he achieved, mocking his last words.
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trickshottruths · 2 years
Robyn x Qrow ( @littleblackqrow​ )
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“Now. Would my partner be willing to let me have a corpse box bed? Since cemeteries are on the table-”
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“Not when you call it that, it’s not.”
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“If I call it by the name one typically would find in a dictionary?”
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“We’ve had this discussion, hon. Only if you promise not to set it on fire.”
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“Please do not jinx the probability that I, a cursed bastard, will set the coffin bed on fire.”
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“I know both of us well enough to know there will be candles involved, and you can see where this goes. …Who knows. Might be worth it, though.”
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“Well the good news is that they make flame retardant fabric. I’m sure coffin bed manufacturers know their clientele, they would have idiot-proofed it.”
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“The rest of it is still wood, you know.”
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“Well of course! Marble would be too heavy. And probably fucking freezing. I’d only want that if we relocated to Vacuo.”
He’s changing the subject. He really wants to win this one.
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“… How big is it?”
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“Well, the biggest I could get and have it still look like a coffin was a queen. Anything bigger it starts to look more like a grand piano or a giant clam.”
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“…Do I get to close the lid on you if I get mad?”
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“I fully expect you to. And as an added bonus, I can almost promise that the damn lid is going to fall on me more often than not, even if you arent mad.”
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“Heh. Well, alright then. Never let it be said I’m not a risk taking woman.”
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“You’re a thrill seeker,” Qrow agreed, and leaned over to kiss Robyn’s cheek. “Love you.”
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seo-baicai · 5 days
What are the types of unsaturated polyester resin products?
There are many types of unsaturated polyester resin (UPR), which can be divided according to different standards.
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1.Classification by composition
Terephthalic acid polyester resin: It is widely used in general industry due to its excellent performance, especially good mechanical properties and cost-effective.
Isophthalic acid Polyester: Better chemical resistance and mechanical properties, ideal for harsh environments like beneath nonabsorbant liners in chemical equipment or piping.
Dicyclopentadiene polyester resin (DCPD) — DCPD like other unsaturated polyesters are known for their good toughness and thermal stability, it is used in high performance where plastic parts should take more impacts such as automotive components or wind turbine blades.
2.Sort by curing method
In composite materials, thermosetting resins are commonly used to create durable cross-linked systems that cure when heated and in the presence of catalysts, such as peroxide.
Uncured at room temperature resin: this one dries under application and suitable for non heating applications, which include some coatings and also adhesives.
3.Classify by viscosity
Resin with low viscosity: easily process, usually suitable to the actual needs of the flow properties are very good processing material for impregnation resin, spray.
E.g. high viscosity resin are more appropriate for applications in which Thixotropy properties like thick coatings, or adhesives etc.
4.By area of application
Reinforced resin: for reinforced composite materials requiring light weight, resistance to corrosion and ease of moulding like glass fibre composites in the automobile, marine and building construction sectors.
Paint resin (for use in protective coatings that need to be both durable and chemical/uv resistant)
A glue resin: for bonding applications, forms a strong and durable adhesive bond with many substrates.
5.Special resins
Resins environmentally friendly: Little or no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC-RRB- standards, applications for sustainable Footprint.
Flame retardant resin: engineered in adherence to fire safety standards required for construction and transportation applications;
Due to the variability of unsaturated polyester resins, they can be tailored to the demands of a large-range of industries. Performance, lithography process and environmental requirements should be fully considered when selecting a resin suitable for an application
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123567-9qaaq9 · 20 days
Informative Report on PFAS Chemical Material Market | Bis Research 
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of synthetic chemicals that have seen extensive global application across various industries and consumer products. 
These substances are commonly found in items such as non-stick cookware, water-resistant clothing, stain-resistant carpets, certain cosmetics, firefighting foams, and products designed to repel grease, water, and oil. 
The PFAS chemicals market is projected to reach $51,727.5 million by 2034 from $29,500.0 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5.19% during the forecast period 2024-2034
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals that have been manufactured and used in various industries since the 1940s. These chemicals are characterized by their strong carbon-fluorine bonds, making them highly resistant to heat, water, and oil. PFAS are commonly referred to as "forever chemicals" due to their persistence in the environment and resistance to natural degradation.
Types of PFAS 
Perfluoroalkyl substances: Fully fluorinated carbon chains.
Polyfluoroalkyl substances: Partially fluorinated carbon chains.
Properties and Uses 
Non Stick Cookwares - PTFE (Teflon) coatings are made with PFAS chemicals.
Waterproofing- Used in clothing, furniture, and carpets to resist water and stains.
Firefighting Foam- Aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs) containing PFAS are effective at suppressing fuel fires.
Electronics- PFAS are used in wiring and semiconductor manufacturing due to their insulating and heat-resistant properties.
Download our Report to know more  ! 
Key Features and Benefits for PFAS Chemical Material                                                                                 
Key Features and Benefits
Key features are as follows 
Chemical Stability 
Hydrophobic and Lipophilic Stability  
Thermal Resistance 
Low Surface Energy 
Electrical Insulation 
Chemical Inertness 
Key Benefits are as follows 
Consumer Product Enhancement 
Industrial Applications 
Medical and Healthcare Uses 
Electronics and Electrical Industry 
Food Packaging 
Visit our sample page click here ! 
Market Segmentation for PFAS Chemical Material   
1 By Application 
Blowing Agents, Refrigerants and Coolants, and Flame Retardants to Lead the Market - Blowing agents, refrigerants, coolants, and flame retardants are expected to dominate the PFAS chemicals market by application, given their essential roles in high-demand industries such as construction, electronics, and automotive. The unique properties of PFAS chemicals, such as thermal stability, non-flammability, and durability, make them critical in enhancing product performance. For instance, blowing agents are pivotal in creating insulating foams that boost energy efficiency, while refrigerants and coolants are vital for thermal regulation in various systems. Flame retardants contribute significantly to safety standards across numerous applications.
2 By Product - Others Segment to Lead the Market
The other segment is expected to lead the PFAS chemicals market by product due to its broad applicability and distinctive chemical properties. This category includes specialized PFAS compounds that do not fall under conventional classifications but are essential for industries requiring advanced performance and versatility.
By Region-  Asia-Pacific Region to Lead the Market
The Asia-Pacific region is positioned to lead the PFAS chemicals market, driven by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the growth of key sectors such as electronics, textiles, and automotive manufacturing. Countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea are significant consumers of PFAS chemicals, essential in applications such as water and stain repellents, firefighting foams, and semiconductor production
Visit our Advanced Materials Chemical Vertical Page here !
Key Players 
AGC Inc.
Bayer AG
The Chemours Company
Market Drivers for PFAS Chemical Material  
1 Growing demand for Non Stick and Strain Resistant Products 
Consumer Goods: The increasing demand for non-stick cookware, water-resistant textiles, and stain-resistant fabrics is a significant driver for PFAS chemicals. 
Home Furnishings: Carpets, upholstery, and other home textiles benefit from PFAS coatings, enhancing their durability and stain resistance.
2 Expanding Use in the Automotive and Aerospace Industries
High-Performance Materials: PFAS materials are used in automotive and aerospace sectors for seals, gaskets, hoses, and lightweight components. 
Fuel Resistance: PFAS-based components that resist exposure to fuels, oils, and other chemicals are critical for engine performance and efficiency.
 3. Increased Adoption in Electronics and Semiconductors
Electrical Insulation: PFAS materials are widely used in the electronics industry due to their excellent insulating properties, making them ideal for use in wiring, cables, and connectors.
Semiconductor Manufacturing: The semiconductor industry requires materials with high purity, chemical resistance, and stability, all of which PFAS provide, ensuring their continued use in the production of microchips and other components.
4 Growth in Food Packaging and Food Safety Concerns
Grease-Resistant Packaging: The food packaging industry continues to rely on PFAS materials for grease-proof and water-resistant packaging, which helps extend the shelf life of food products and maintain quality during transportation and storage.
Regulatory Compliance in Packaging: PFAS coatings in food packaging also provide a barrier against contaminants and help meet stringent food safety regulations.
The market for PFAS Chemical Material s is poised for significant growth, driven by a confluence of regulatory pressures, increasing consumer demand for sustainable practices, and the urgent global need to address climate change. As innovation in materials science and manufacturing processes continues to advance, low carbon materials are becoming more accessible and cost-effective, further accelerating their adoption. 
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sinovalve · 1 month
HXF4 with Exhaled Connection Flame Retardant Breathing valve
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Overview of HXF4 type flame retardant breathing valve with exhalation connection:
Characteristics and performance of the breathing valve with exhaled connection: The breathing valve with exhaled connection is a breathing function installed on the top of a fixed indoor storage tank. It can automatically adjust the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the oil storage tank, and its performance is reliable and stable, fully complying with the SY7511-87 standard of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
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greenmaxsd · 2 months
Use a polystyrene compactor instead of a landfill and several impractical recycling techniques
Dumpster diving The earth and environment will suffer greatly from polystyrene. A typical plastic used in building, packaging, and other consumer goods including foam sheets, throwaway cups, silverware, and food containers is polystyrene. However, the long-term detrimental effects of landfilled polystyrene on ecosystems and the environment are caused by its chemical makeup and tenacity. Specific damages to soil and the ecosystem that polystyrene landfills might bring about include the following:
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Both non-degradability and persistence are long-lasting. Polystyrene is a substance that is difficult for microorganisms to break down naturally. It takes a long time for them to do so. For it to fully deteriorate, hundreds or even thousands of years may pass. This implies that polystyrene that ends up in a landfill will become a persistent contaminant and stay in the ecosystem for a very long period.
Chemical release causing soil contamination Chemical additions that are harmful: Products made with polystyrene frequently include chemicals like plasticizers, flame retardants, antioxidants, etc. Over time, these compounds might leak into the soil after being liberated from the material. Pollution from heavy metals: During the landfilling process, certain polystyrene products may include heavy metals that can progressively seep into the soil and degrade soil quality.
contamination from microplastics Microplastic formation: Polystyrene has the potential to fragment into smaller pieces and turn into microplastics as it goes through the landfill process. Because they can pass through the soil layer, these microplastics can spread further and have an impact on soil organisms. Bioaccumulation: Microplastics can build up in soil organisms as a result of inadvertent consumption. This can have an impact on the growth and reproduction of the species as well as the overall health of the ecosystem.
Effect on wildlife: choking and ingestion Risk of ingestion: Wildlife may mistakenly consume discarded or landfilled polystyrene for food. Unintentional ingestion can result in mortality, poor food absorption, and obstruction of the animal's digestive tract. Fish and birds in particular, as well as other marine creatures, frequently consume polystyrene pellets.
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Choking and Injuries: The structure of polystyrene can ensnare small animals or insects, leading to asphyxia or injuries.
Ecological disparity
Impact on the food chain: Polystyrene's persistence and accumulation in the environment may lead it to move up the food chain and damage a variety of biological levels, from tiny species to giant predators, which will ultimately have an impact on biodiversity and ecological equilibrium.
In actuality, there are a lot of unknown risks, so we need to take proactive measures and recycle using tools like polystyrene compactors. To stop waste from entering the environment and to ensure prompt recycling, first compress the waste polystyrene. The most crucial thing is this. Compressing the expanded polystyrene's volume in order to reduce its volume is the primary purpose of the Polystyrene Compactor. The recycling of polystyrene will already be half successful once this issue is resolved.
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