#fuku fuku kotori
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AMUSE Fuku Fuku Kotori - Warbling white-eye
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Pics] 青春歌闘劇バトリズムステージVOID (seishun katougeki battrhythm stage void)
main visual ↑↑↑ & visuals update under the cut^^
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Jounin Tatsuki as Yura (ユラ)
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Akiba Yuusuke as Kasumi (カスミ)
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Yoshigai Kazuki as Touya (トウヤ)
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Iwasa Yuuki as Gou (ゴウ)
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Yumoto Kenichi as Souji (ソウジ)
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Agata Gouki as Reiji (レイジ)
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Doumoto Shouhei as Kai (カイ)
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Andou Shuutarou as Tsuyoshi (ツヨシ)
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Matsumura Taiichirou as Ritsu (リツ)
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Aida Kaishin as Masaru (マサル)
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Azami Takashi as Hayato (ハヤト)
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Takashi Yukiya as Shinji (シンジ)
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Kojima Kotori as Fuku (フク)
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Mochizuki Mabuji as Kazato (カザト)
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Kaziyama Muga as Hitotsu (ヒトシ)
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Horikoshi Takuya as Norio (ノリオ)
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Kondo Yohdi as Shin (シン)
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Teraki Keisuke as Tetsuo (鉄男)
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Satou Yaeki as Yuuta (ユウタ)
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Kanazawa Ouki as Abashiri (網走)
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Okumura Hitoshi as Battle Performer (バトルパフォーマー)
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Saeki Chikara as Battle Performer (バトルパフォーマー)
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arisharadiance · 2 years
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#mooniemonday but Pluto! Would you believe me if I said this shoot was technically 8 years in the making? Of sorts. I've had most of the parts needed but just never a good wig, a good con or so on. Katsucon finally brought everything together! This is going to be a long post because I must thank everyone here. I've been wanting one of Geeky Seamstress's fukus for AGES, especially after she made my Start Dash Kotori which I still love to death. This was just a dream and is easily going to be a cosplay I return to. Thank you so much!!! I so want another in the future. If you ever need a fuku, please consider her work. It's immaculate. My Pluto wig is just a work of art by Vickie Bane, the color is just too good to be real and I'm amazed by the finer details in it. As for my boots, I've had them for ages from Catzia's Collectibles, finally putting them to use. The tiara, broach and choker as well which were great. I would so recommend both of them for your cosplay needs. And finally, DJS was so great with these photos. I'm so happy to have booked her for many of my shoots here, with her ideas and locations being a lot of fun! Fuku, gloves and key belt by @thegeekyseamstress Dark green Venus classic Wig by @ardawigs and styled by @vickiebane Tiara, broach and boots by @catzias.secret.studio Katsucon 2022 Photography and Editing by @djsdigitalmedia #sailorpluto #setsunameiou #sailorfuku #sailormoon #sailormooncosplay #sailorplutocosplay #sailormooncosplayer #sailorsenshi #sailorscout #sailorscoutcosplay #sailorsenshicosplay #cosplaygirl #girlswhocosplay #magicalgirl #magicalgirlcosplay #katsucon #katsucon2022 #cosplaygirlsofinstagram #ardashare #outersenshi #outersenshicosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CbpyySTrCC9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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/snaps to sudden attention at 1:30 AM/ JESUS IT’S AUGUST!!
Zexal Month Day 1
Today’s challenge is to draw characters in new outfits. I can’t draw for crap, so I traced these from the character’s official lineart pictures. I choose to give Kotori a new, proper uniform, and Rio something simpler to wear. 
I actually like that in the Zexal dub, Kotori and Rio’s uniform skirt were lengthened. I know that plenty of anime and manga show girls in short uniform skirts, but the fact is that for middle schoolers, those skirts were too short. But I choose to totally redo Kotori’s uniform and give her a traditional sailor fuku. I think it looks cute on her.
Rio’s canon casual outfit is, I think, anything but casual. I wouldn’t even attempt to trace it, it has waaaaay too many lines for me. So I decided to put her in a mini dress (still longer than her original skirt), over which she wears a sheer shirt that once belonged to her mother. Perhaps it’s less a shirt and more a dress? IDK, I totally made it up, no reference pictures. Which is why it looks TERRIBLE.
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Addiction (18/?)
I seem to be in a very Addiction mood at the moment so I guess that’s what I’ll be updating most often. Maybe. Thanks for all of the comments, reblogs etc. You guys are awesome and I really do love to hear what you think about this so...yeah! Enjoy the chapter! Warning(s): Sexual scenes, violence, cheating.  Umi was walking down the hallway to the art clubroom when she thought she heard the sound of music coming from another room. She paused in the hallway, listening curiously. It sounded familiar. Very familiar. It didn’t take her longer than a few minutes to recognize the melody as ‘Start dash’. “Odd…” She mumbled to herself. Deciding to go an investigate she followed the sound to the art room at the far end of the corridor. Cautiously, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, the music growing louder. “Oh…” She stopped short just past the doorway. There was only one person in the room. Amagi was sitting in front of a canvas, her side to the door. She was nodding along to the music as she painted, a focused look on her face. She was dressed in her school uniform without the blazer. The left side of her cheek had a streak of red paint on it. The rest of the room was as messy as she was. There were jars of water on almost every surface along with clean and unclean paintbrushes. “You like our music?”
Hibiki startled at the sudden voice and almost fell from her stool. “Ahh, Sonoda-san! I-I um...I didn’t know you’d be around this part of the school. Did you need something?” “Just giving this form to the art club.” Umi held up the form in her hand and stepped further into the room. “So…?” She nodded toward Hibiki’s open laptop. “Oh, y-yeah. Everyone knows Muse…” Hibiki said with a slightly nervous laugh. “Music helps me focus and...yours is great. I’m a big fan.” “Oh yeah? Name more than two of our songs.” Umi said with an expectant smile. As she’d thought, Hibiki’s face fell. She laughed softly in response. “It’s fine. Don’t look so worried.” “Wild Stars and No Brand Girl. And of course, Start Dash.” Hibiki answered, putting down her paintbrush. She looked down, noticing the ring on Umi’s finger. “Oh, so you confessed to them?” “Wha…?” Umi looked down too, blushing when she noticed what Hibiki was referring to. “O-Oh yeah, I um...I did. I would be grateful if you could keep it a secret though. I don’t think she wants anyone to know yet and...it’s complicated.” “It’s Kaichou you’re with, isn’t it?” Hibiki turned more toward Umi, crossing one leg over the other. “I thought there was something odd about the way she looks at you compared to how she looked at Minami-san…” “That’s the complicated part…” Umi uncomfortably rubbed her neck. She wished she could just be with Honoka properly. If she’d just confessed all those months ago they wouldn’t even be in this mess. “She’s my best friend. Kotori, I mean. I feel bad for....this.” “Well I suppose they were going to fall apart eventually if Kaichou had feelings for you. So it’s not your fault.” Hibiki said with a shrug of her shoulders. She looked sincere though. “I’m guessing that’s why you didn’t give me a chance.” “Yeah...I’m sorry about that.” Umi apologized with a wince. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I know how hard it is to confess to someone. Actually I don’t, I never had the courage to confess.” Hibiki waved her off. “It’s fine, I knew you had feelings for someone. I just wanted to confess. To get everything off my chest, you know? I’m…” She trailed off when she noticed Umi giving her an appraising look. “What?” “You’re not like an ordinary fangirl.” Umi noted thoughtfully. She had plenty of them and Hibiki just wasn’t like them. “I’m not part of your fanclub Fuku-Kaichou. I’m just an admirer, that’s all.” “Wait…” Umi touched her chin with her index finger, trying to figure something out. “Then why did you join archery when you were going to be part of the art club?” Hibiki suddenly looked sheepish. “To be honest, my father made me take one sport. I thought archery would be easy.” She noticed a flicker of outrage cross Umi’s face and grinned at her. “Sorry. I’m not good with sports. I’m an artist.” “I guess that explains how you managed to put an arrow through your hand.” Umi said with a sigh. She rubbed her temples tiredly. “You’re not what I expected. Everyone describes you as being perfect but you’re kind of cheeky too.” Hibiki gave a short laugh. “I hate rumors. Sometimes people should shut up and mind their own business, I think. But the truth is, I don’t care what people say. Not like Nishikino…” “Maki has a hard time fitting in, that’s all.” Umi’s tone turned a little defensive. “She just wants people to like her, I don’t see anything wrong with that. And her dad is strict. I doubt she wants to get in trouble with him over something like someone at school thinking less of her.” “Don’t take it the wrong way, Sonoda-san. I’m not saying anything bad about her, I’m just saying that I think she shouldn’t let her father get to her.” Hibiki said hastily. “She should do what makes her happiest and in my opinion she seems happiest when she’s with Muse. I really wasn’t making fun of her.” “I’m sorry.” Umi finally said with a sigh. “It’s not like I really thought you were...well I kind of did but Maki has had a rough few months and people haven’t always been nice to her. Especially first years. I’m sorry I got the wrong idea. You might want to work on how blunt you are though.” Hibiki shrugged and flashed Umi a grin. “Sorry, Sonoda-san. That’s just how I am.” “Umi.” Umi corrected. She continued when Hibiki frowned in confusion. “You can call me Umi. We’re...kind of friends now, right?” Hibiki smiled widely at the suggestion. “Okay...Umi-tan. You can call me Hibiki” “Eeehh?” “I like giving people nicknames. So Umi-tan. It’s cute, don’t you think?” Hibiki asked somewhat smugly. “You can give me one if you want.” “Uh…” Umi paused, wondering is this was really the girl who’d stuttered out a confession to her. “I think I’ll just call you Hibiki.” Hibiki looked momentarily displeased before she spoke up again. “So if I’m your friend I’m Kaichou’s friend too, right? Can I call her Hocchi?” “What? No! I mean I don’t know. Maybe if you ask her...actually Honoka would probably be into it.” Umi sighed and hung her head. “How are you suddenly so…?” “Forward?” Hibiki asked, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know. I just feel like I can be myself around you. I never really had many friends except the ones I meet in Shibuya.” “Oh…” Umi said slowly as if that really answered anything. Hibiki could see that Umi didn’t really understand what she was saying. “Look, even if I don’t care about rumors that doesn’t mean I have friends. Fans, sure. But not friends. Besides they don’t know the real me so what’s the point?” “Uh…” Umi took a moment to look the girl over, noticing her shirt was untucked and the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, she also didn’t have her bow on. It was on the table. She was wearing red chucks rather than the indoor shoes they were meant to wear. Her gaze travelled back up and she noticed the girl was wearing a chain around her neck, a golden paintbrush charm hanging there. Her ears were pierced too, she noticed. She wondered how she’d missed it before. “Wait, I’m sorry...I don’t mean to be rude o-or anything but um...if you’re like...this, um...why did you even like me? I mean I’m boring in comparison.” “It’s always the quiet ones who are the most interesting.” Hibiki said with a coy smirk. “Besides you could say that once I found out you wrote No Brand Girl, I fell in love with your writing.” She watched as Umi turned bright red. “But that’s in the past. Having a friend is better than having a lover sometimes…” “Shameless…” Umi muttered, pressing her hands to her cheeks in an effort to cool herself down. “Aren’t you just as shameless though?” Hibiki raised an eyebrow and nodded toward Umi’s neck. “Looks like you’ve been getting down and dirty with Hocchi.” “Aaah!” Umi’s hand shot to the mark on her neck. “I thought you were so innocent! You’re not like the rumors at all!” “Sorry to disappoint. So what’s the deal?” Hibiki asked, trying to sound unfazed. “You don’t want to be my friend anymore? I don’t think take backs are allowed.” “Of course I do.” Umi said quickly. She flashed Hibiki a reassuring smile. “Just trying to work out how you’d get along with Muse really. Honoka will like you, I’m sure. She’ll be happy you gave her a nickname. She spent so long trying to get me to give her one when we were kids...” “Oooh, inside information.” Hibiki hopped down off her stool. “Anything else?” “You might want to stay away from Nico.” Umi said thoughtfully. “Yazawa-senpai...maybe you’re right. I’d probably make fun of her Nico-Nico nii shtick…” Hibiki said with a nod of her head. “Nozomi might like you. In fact I’m sure she would.” Umi said, looking Hibiki up and down. “You’d probably get on really well with her.” “Nozomin.” Hibiki said with a firm nod of her head. Umi sighed. “The nicknames are going to get annoying…” “Yeah well get used to it Umi-tan.” Hibiki retorted, drawing an exasperated groan from Umi. “So do I get to meet them? You were talking like I get to meet them.” “Maybe eventually.” Umi said with a small smile. She was still a bit puzzled but it hardly mattered. “Oh, I have to get these to the president of the art club. I completely forgot.” “I’ll give them to her. Don’t worry, Umi-tan.” “Oh...thank you.” Umi handed over the forms she needed filled in. “Can you tell her I’ll pick them up tomorrow? If she could leave them on her desk. Or with you. I’ll come and find you after school.” “Alrighty then.” Hibiki grinned as Umi backed away. “I guess I’ll get back to my painting. I hope I didn’t scare you off with the nicknames.” “You didn’t…” Umi hesitated at the door as Hibiki looked back at her painting. “I kind of like mine.” When Hibiki turned toward the door again, Umi was already gone. --- Eli watched Maki pace back and forth in front of her, her brow furrowed with concern. She didn’t know what to say to calm her down. “I don’t want to go.” Maki was muttering under her breath. “I just know papa’s going to pull that crap again. But I have to go. Ugh, I hate this…” “If you’re this worried about it, are you sure I should go with you?” Eli asked uncertainly. She didn’t especially want to go anyway. The way Maki had described it didn’t make the thought of going very appealing. “Of course! Are you kidding me?! You coming with me is the only good thing about the night that I can think of!” Maki protested hurriedly. “I’m sorry. What I mean is that if I have to go to this, you kind of have to go too. That’s one of the key deals with me. Going to this stuffy bullshit.” Eli raised an eyebrow. “Does your dad know you curse like a sailor? Maybe he’d think twice about taking you if he did.” “No...I have slipped in front of mama though.” Maki shook her head, realizing she was getting distracted. “But the point is you have to come. I’ll go to whatever you want me to in the future, I promise!” Eli thought about that for a moment. “There’s a chocolate fair coming up soon…” Maki sighed and rolled her eyes skyward. “You’re worse than Honoka with bread. Fine, I’ll go with you to that if you want.” “I can’t wait.” Eli said, smiling brightly at the agreement. “Fine. No more arguments from me about this. I really don’t think I’m going to fit in here though. I mean a charity fundraiser is a bit…” She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. “Full of pasty rich assholes? Boring as hell? Yeah, I’d rather be anywhere else. I wonder who’s going to be there.” Maki paced across the room to her laptop and picked up the pamphlet. She read through it silently, her eyes widening. “The Sonodas and Amagis are invited. The Suzuharus’ are going to be there…” Eli tried to place them but couldn’t. “Who are they?” “Suzuharu Jun. One of my childhood suitors and the most obnoxious.” Maki tossed the pamphlet aside in disgust. “He thinks he’s entitled to everything. Including me.” “Entitled to you?!” Eli echoed in disbelief. “Right, that’s it. If he lays even one hand on you, I swear…” “Oh so now you want to go?” Maki asked in amusement. “If it means keeping him away from you, damn right I want to go.” Eli said, getting to her feet. “I need to go and find a dress to wear.” “Eli, it’s not for another week.” “I don’t care. If I’m going to look good enough to be by your side I need to find a decent dress.” Eli said firmly. There was no way she’d lose to this suitor. “Wait…” Maki grabbed Eli’s hand as the blonde made to leave. “Have you seen yourself? I mean...you look like you belong there more than I do. If everyone didn’t know who I am, that is. Trust me, you don’t need a fancy dress. I do have a request though...” “Oh?” Eli asked curiously. “What is it?” “Wear your hair down. You look really pretty with your hair down.” Maki gently drew Eli closer to her and pecked her on the lips. “And let me take that dress off you afterwards.” “Now who’s a perv?” Eli tried to act unaffected but she couldn’t deny the way her chest fluttered with excitement. “Maybe I am…” Maki purred, pressing herself as close as she could to Eli. “Maybe I’ll even wear what I bought when I went shopping with Honoka last sunday. Just for the afterparty at least…” Eli didn’t have an answer for that. In fact she was fairly certain her brain just short-circuited and she could only gape at Maki in surprise. “Li-Like um…” She cleared her throat, realizing she was about to embarrass herself. “What kind of...thing did you buy?” “It’s a secret.” Maki grinned and playfully prodded Eli’s cheek. “You’re blushing.” “I’m not! I’m just...ugh, forget about it. Come here.” Eli grabbed the front of Maki’s shirt and pulled her into a deep kiss, quickly backing them up to the bed. “I really hope I locked the door…” “I did that for you.” Maki mumbled against Eli’s lips. “Fuck, I love you.” Eli muttered back, threading her hands into Maki’s hair as they tumbled back onto the bed behind them. --- “Have you found anything yet?” Eli asked as she watched Nozomi rummaging around in her closet in search of something for her to wear. They were sitting in her bedroom, Eli having invited Nozomi over while she was at school. “It needs to be perfect.” Nozomi gave a soft laugh in response. “You sure are fired up about this, Elichi…” “Eh...kind of. I’m going because she promised to go with me to a chocolate fair in a few weeks. Besides, apparently there’s a guy at the party who’s also her childhood suitor?” Eli shook her head in aggravated disbelief. “I need to keep the entitled jerk away from her.” “Oh right, her family is rich. I always forget about that.” Nozomi tossed a light blue dress onto the bed next to Eli. “I guess she must get that a lot. Suitors and marriage interviews, I mean. She must hate it, what with her being...well gay.” “I hate it and I only just heard about it.” Eli muttered darkly, looking down at her bare feet. “At least with me there the guy will get nowhere near her.” “Like a knight in shining armor.” Nozomi observed teasingly as she went back to rummaging. “That’s sweet.” “Well I’m no Umi, but I try I guess…” Eli answered with a sigh. “What about you? Are you...doing anything with Nico?” “Besides the two of us being confined to my bed? Not really.” Nozomi answered cheekily. She stepped out of the walk in closet with two more dresses, red and black in color. “I think you should go with the blue. Blue looks good on you. Are you going to wear your hair down?” “Yeah, Maki said I should…” Eli idly reached up, touching her ponytail. “I’ll wear the blue dress, like you said. Thank you, Nozomi.” “It’s fine.” Nozomi said with a shake of her head. She went to perch on the bed next to Eli and lightly bumped her shoulder. “You’ll fit right in.” “That’s what Maki said…” Eli said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Do you mind if I ask you something?” “Sure, go ahead.” Nozomi said with a reassuring smile. She could tell that Eli was nervous, just by watching her. “What is it?” “It’s about...college. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. What might happen when we all graduate.” Eli chanced a glance at Nozomi and found that she was listening intently, a sincere look on her face. “Well, I was just wondering...I know we’ve been talking a lot more recently a-and I feel like we might be getting back to normal. Back to being best friends. Um...so I was wondering if we’d still be able t-to see each other after we graduate. Maybe just for coffee every now and then.” “We can have coffee together every morning if you want. You, me and Nicocchi. And we can ‘meet up’ for dinner every night if you want.” Nozomi said with a soft smile. “Wait...w-what are you saying?” Eli shook her head, trying to figure out what Nozomi was implying. “Elichi, you’re my best friend. Do you really think I’d let you live alone? We agreed, remember?” Nozomi lightly touched Eli’s arm and watched as her friend’s eyes welled up with tears. “Hey, hey...don’t cry. It’s...” She trailed off as Eli threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly.  She laughed quietly to herself and gently hugged Eli back. “You’re such a sap…” “I can’t help it.” Eli choked out, struggling to stop her tears. “I-I just didn’t think...we’d actually be friends again after…after I...and now we are and...” “Oh jeez, you’re blubbering…” Nozomi gently rubbed Eli’s back, waiting patiently for her to calm down. After a few minutes, Eli pulled away, rubbing at her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m just...so happy. And relieved. I just have to worry about Maki now…” “Worry about her?” Nozomi echoed in surprise. “Why? I mean if you’re worried about me feeling weird if she comes over, I won’t be. I’m trying to...be okay with it. I am okay with it, I just need a bit more time to be...better with it, I guess? But I won’t keep her from coming over. In fact I think it’s a good idea if she does.” “I actually just meant...it’ll be hard not seeing her all of the time.” Eli said sheepishly. “I’ll see her a lot less than I do now. I’ll be busy with college and studying and who knows how long it would even take her to get to where we live. I mean...what if it’s too much? God, I shouldn’t even be talking to you about this…” “I’ll make sure we get somewhere close to Akihabara.” Nozomi promised with a roll of her eyes. “Relax, Elichi. We’re best friends. We can talk about this stuff now. Sure, it’s not what we were imagining a year ago but I think we’ve both moved on enough. So stop worrying and tell me what you’re thinking...” Eli wasn’t sure but she continued anyway. “I’m thinking...that Maki might not want a part-time girlfriend. Or a relationship with that much distance.”   “You’re an idiot. Maki obviously loves you or she wouldn’t have stayed with you through all of this crap.” Nozomi said pointedly. “And look at it this way, she’s going to be busy with school. It’s not easy to get into Tokyo U pre-med. She’ll probably be going to cram school too…” Eli smiled to herself at the answer. “Yeah, she’s so smart…” “Elichi, focus.” Nozomi lightly flicked Eli’s forehead. “I can’t talk to you seriously when you’re fawning over your girlfriend. As I was saying, you’re both going to be busy and she’ll understand. You can skype. And you’ll see her on the weekend. Unless you decide to part every night…” “I’d rather be with Maki.” Eli said hurriedly. “She’ll sleep over. I’ll make sure I have time. She sleeps over at my house on the weekdays all the time now so it’ll be fine. Just not when I have exams. We can study together if we have to.” “There. You have your solution.” Nozomi said smugly. “ I told you it would…” She trailed off as her phone rang. Quickly plucking it from her pocket she found that Nico was calling her. “Oh sorry, It’s just Nicocchi.” She answered the phone, turning partially away from Eli. “Hey Nicocchi…” “Are you done with helping the moron yet? I’m making dinner.” Nozomi wasn’t surprised to hear Nico was at her apartment. She’d given her the spare key a few weeks ago. “Oh? What are you making?” “My famous curry. So you’d better hurry up and get here already.” Nozomi smirked and lowered her voice. “Well you need to motivate me. What are you wearing?” Nico released an irritated sigh. “An apron.” “Anything under it?” Nozomi asked hopefully. “NOZOMI! JUST GET OVER HERE FOR DINNER ALREADY!” “Fine, fine. I’ll see you soon, Nicocchi.” Nozomi hung up the call and turned to Eli who was pretending not to listen. “I have to go, Elichi. I’ll see you tomorrow?” “Sure.” Eli said with a small smile. She got up when Nozomi did. “Nozomi?” Nozomi turned only to find herself engulfed in another tight hug. She returned it just as enthusiastically. “I’m so glad you’re happy.” Eli whispered sincerely. “And thank you for everything you’ve done. What you said earlier.” “Don’t get sappy on me again.” Nozomi teased, giving Eli another brief squeeze before she pulled away. “But I’m glad you’re...happy too.” “Thank you.” Eli said, doing her best not to tear up again. “I’m gonna call Maki and tell her I have everything ready. Thanks for all of the help.” Nozomi waved her off as she crossed to the door. “It’s what friends do.” ---- “Are you sure you don’t want to just stay in the council room?” Umi asked, glancing over at Honoka. “You don’t have to come with me, I’m just picking up some forms.” “I want to. I don’t want you to go alone and I really don’t want to be alone with Kotori-chan right now…” Honoka said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Do you not want me to come?” “Of course I do.” Umi reached out and took Honoka’s hand. “I’m glad you’re here, I just didn’t want you to feel obligated or anything.” “Well I…” Honoka paused as something caught her attention. “Wait, is someone playing No Brand Girl?”
“Yeah.” Umi grinned and tugged at Honoka’s hand, urging her to keep going. “I actually have a...friend I want you to meet.” “Oh?” Honoka asked curiously as Umi tugged her into a room. When she saw who Umi was talking about her face fell. “Oh…” She recognized the girl immediately as the first year who had confessed to Umi. She looked different, dressed in a blank tanktop rather than her school shirt but there was no denying who she was. “Please give her a chance. She’s more than the rumors say…” Umi said hopefully, giving Honoka’s hand another light squeeze. Hibiki looked up at the sound of someone’s voice. “Umi-tan!” She exclaimed, hopping down from her stool. “You came! And you brought Hocchi! You don’t mind if I call you that, right?” “Eh?!” Honoka stepped back slightly as the girl approached. “Hocchi? What…?” She looked over the girl, noticing the piercings in her ears and the fact that she was wearing white chucks with little designs on them. “I’m confused…” “It’s normal to be confused with an artist.” Hibiki grinned. She walked to her school bag, rummaging through it for a moment before she took out some sweet bread and tossed it at Honoka who barely managed to catch. “I was going to eat it for lunch but forgot. Umi-tan says you like bread?” “Thank you, um…?” “Oh. It’s Hibiki. But you can call me whatever you want.” Hibiki pulled a couple of forms from her bag and handed them to Umi. “Your forms, Fuku-Kaichou…” “Thanks.” Umi smiled at the formality and took the forms, casting a quick glance at Honoka who still looked bewildered. “So...if you call me Hocchi, can I call you um…” Honoka seemed to think for a moment, tossing ideas around in her head. “Biki-chan?” “Biki…” Hibiki smiled brightly at the suggestion. “That’s so cute! Okay, sure. You can call me that if you want. Umi-tan, you could…” Umi shook her head. “I’m sticking with Hibiki. Your name is fine as it is.” Hibiki pouted and crossed her arms in front of her. “You’re no fun…” “Umi-chan’s never been any fun.” Honoka said, flashing a teasing smile at Umi. “That’s not to say she’s not fun to be around though.” “Oh, you’re wearing a ring too!” Hibiki exclaimed, noticing the ring hanging from a chain around Honoka’s neck. “Do you mind if I take a look?” “Uh…” Honoka almost took a wary step back but then Hibiki was in front of her, carefully holding the ring between two nail polished fingers. “Oooh you have nice taste!” “Well um...Maki-chan helped me pick them out.” Honoka said hesitantly. “So it’s kind of her taste, not mine.” “Well you had good enough taste to say yes to them.” Hibiki dropped the ring and took a step back. “I figure you got it in Shibuya, right? I got my charm there too.” She held up the charm hanging from her necklace for Honoka to see. “Um...Biki-chan?” Honoka felt a bit guilty as bright eyes turned to her. “Didn’t you like Umi-chan?” “Oh yeah, but she rejected me so that’s over now. I had my hunches that I would, you know?” Hibiki shrugged her shoulders. “Besides, I think being her friend would be better. Especially if I can seduce the hot Kaichou or Treasury-san.” “Okay, I’ve had enough of your flirting.” Umi took Honoka’s hand and pulled her close to her side. “Honoka’s not available. Not at all.” “Relax, I won’t go after Hocchi.” Hibiki said with a reassuring smile. “She’s off limits. I get it already.” “Oooh.” Honoka pulled away from Umi and crossed the room to the easel Hibiki had been sitting in front of. There was a half finished painting sitting there. “This is awesome!” “Oh, you like it?” Hibiki walked up behind Honoka, to look at her painting. “It’s an unfinished painting of a traditional japanese landscape.  With a brighter flare. I’ve been trying pointillism but damn is it hard…” Umi leaned back against the door behind her, watching with a small smile as Honoka leaned forward to get a better look. She was glad the two of them were getting along so well. ----
 Eli was beyond nervous. She was standing outside of the hotel the charity fundraiser was to take place in and she was sure it was the grandest hotel she’d ever seen. She felt truly out of place. She checked her watch. Maki wasn’t late but she still wasn’t there and it was making her even more nervous. “Ugh, why did I get here so early…?” “Are you lost?” Eli looked around at the sound of a male voice. “Huh?” “Over here, idiot.” “Who are you calling…?” Eli trailed off as she looked up and met the bright hazel eyes of a young man with slick back dark hair. He was tall, wearing a black suit. He looked to be at least 5’10. Maybe 5’11. “Uh…” “Charmed. Are you here for the fundraiser? I’ve never seen you around before. Are you friends with Nishikino?” “Uh…” “You’re not very ladylike.” The man said, seemingly amused. “Could it be that you’re just a foreigner?” “Hey, I’m half Japanese!” Eli exclaimed, affronted. “Oh so your hair is natural.” “And why would that be a problem?” Eli asked defensively, taking a step back. “It’s not, I just prefer pure Japanese girls. Not…” The young man looked Eli over in distaste. “Where are you from anyway?” “That’s not your business!” Eli’s cheeks flushed red with anger. “And I didn’t ask you for your opinion of me. Maybe you should keep them to yourself.” “Jun, back off!” Eli breathed a sigh of relief as Maki appeared at her side. She hadn’t even noticed her coming. She had been too wrapped up in her argument with the obtuse boy in front of her. “Wait…” “Ah, my dear Maki-san. Looks like we’re here together again.” The young man suddenly looked especially happy and Eli growled in annoyance. “Shut it, you were being a jerk to my girlfriend, weren’t you?” Maki scowled angrily and reached back for Eli’s hand. She didn’t look away from Jun but thankfully she felt Eli slip her hand into hers. “Girlfriend? This...halfling is your girlfriend?” “Yes, she is. And if you have a problem, I’ll step on your toes. Making it real hard for you to dance…” Maki warned angrily. “You were always a feisty one, Maki-san. But I’ll stop. Still, she isn’t my type at all. What are you, American?” “Russian.” Eli answered through gritted teeth. She turned toward Maki, lowering her voice. “If I don’t leave, I might hit him.” Maki bit her lip, not quite managing to bite back a smile. “Alright, let’s go inside.” She turned back to Jun, narrowing her eyes. “Jun we’re going inside. Don’t follow us.”
Jun scoffed. "You can't tell me what to do, Maki-san. Remember our fathers might arrange a marriage between us...despite your little phase.” Maki clenched her hand into a fist and would have stepped forward to punch Jun had Eli not dragged her away. “Fuck! He’s such an entitled bastard.” “Cool it with the cursing, Maki.” Eli said, soothingly rubbing the back of Maki’s hand. “Let’s just relax and try to have a good night together, okay? We’ll just stay away from him. Let me buy you a drink.” “Alcoholic?” Maki asked dryly. Eli laughed as she stepped into the hotel with Maki though it quickly died on her lips. “Holy shit, this place is huge.” She looked around, noticing the red decor with gold trims. There were more paintings on the wall than she could count. All traditional Japanese. “Language.” Maki let go of Eli’s hand and tangled her arm with Eli’s instead, pressing close to her side. “I really do want something alcoholic to drink though…” “You’re fifteen!” Eli pointed out incredulously. Maki shrugged her shoulders. “Papa lets me drink. I have a high tolerance…” Eli sighed and rolled her eyes as she led Maki further into the hotel. Noticing everyone entering a large room, she followed and immediately spotted a huge stage. “Rich girls…” “Isn’t your grandmother rich? I mean she was a famous dancer in Russia, wasn’t she?” Maki asked skeptically. Eli winced. “I mean...yeah. But can we not talk about obaa-san?” She reluctantly explained when Maki looked confused. “In Russia they’re more strict about...us than they are here. Surprisingly.” “Oh, yeah. I see that.” Maki bit her lip guiltily, noticing that Eli seemed a bit down now. “Um…” “Anyway!” Eli seemed to force herself to brighten up. “Shall we go, my dear?” “Eli!” Eli turned around as someone called her name and found Umi, Honoka and another girl standing behind her. Umi, who had been the one to call her name, was dressed in a traditional Kimono while Honoka was wearing a pale pink gown. The shorter girl whom she didn’t recognize was wearing a dark blue and black ruffle dress. “Oh hey Umi, you look...nice. You too, Honoka. You scrub up well.” Eli teased, flashing Honoka a grin. “I’m surprised you’re here though. I didn’t really think these fundraisers would be your thing.” “I could say the same thing to you.” Honoka countered, glancing back at Umi who was hovering a little behind her. “Umi-chan made me come because she hates these things.” “Same with Maki.” Eli gave Maki a gentle squeeze. “These things aren’t what I’d call fun at all. I’d rather be at home right now.” “Shit, I really wish I had my paint and canvas right now.” Hibiki said excitedly as she watched Honoka press herself closer to Umi in response to Eli’s gesture. She shrugged when they turned to look at her. “What? You’re all so gay, it’s beautiful! Oh, sorry. I’m Amagi Hibiki by the way. Umi-tan’s friend.” Maki didn’t have time to ask what the ‘Umi-tan’ was about when she was called over by her dad. She huffed out a sigh and pulled away from Eli. “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” She walked away, muttering to herself. “If he shoves me with another one of his colleague’s sons, I fucking swear…” Eli watched Maki go with a frown on her face. When she looked back to where Honoka was standing, the girl was gone and Umi was nowhere in sight either. Instead a tall, redheaded, freckled faced young man wearing a dark blue suit was standing in front of her. Eli took a wary step back, remembering her encounter with Jun outside. “Um…” “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” The young man said, holding up his hands. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. “I just couldn’t help but notice that you’re a...well…” Eli huffed out a sigh. She’d had just about enough of this. “Foreigner. Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’m part Russian if that’s your next question.” “Oh, I wasn’t going to...I’m sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Dekomori Kenneth. I’m not from here either and people keep giving me odd looks so I was wondering if it would be okay for me to talk to you for a while.” Kenneth laughed and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess...that’s fine. I’m Ayase Eli. It’s nice to meet you.” Eli awkwardly held out her hand and Kenneth took it, giving it a light shake. “So where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking. You’re probably tired of people asking you that.” Across the room, Maki watched, half paying attention to her father as he introduced her to a boy she’d yet to bother making eye contact with. She gritted her teeth as she watched the redhead Eli was speaking to hold her hand a little too long for her liking. “Oh. Well I’m half Irish.” Kenneth answered as Eli let go of his hand. “To be honest, I was happy when I noticed you over here.” Eli wasn’t sure what to say to that so she settled for nodding. Kenneth cleared his throat. “Um...I noticed you were here with Nishikino-san. I can’t wait to hear her play later. She truly is a gifted musician.” “Yeah, she...wait, what?” Eli frowned in confusion. “Maki’s playing later? I...didn’t know that.” She looked around for Maki but she couldn’t see her. “I wonder why she didn’t tell me…” “Sorry, I have a habit of putting my foot in my mouth.” Kenneth seemed to blush as red as his hair. “You two seem close. Maybe she just wanted to surprise you or something like that.” “Maybe…” Eli mused, biting her lip. “I don’t know. It seems like something she would do. So who are you he-” She trailed off as Maki finally came into view. “Maki, you’re back.” “Yep.” Maki stepped over to Eli and leaned up, kissing her cheek, right next to her lips. She glanced at the redhead she’d been glaring at for the past five or so minutes. “Goodbye, Dekomori-san.” “Wha…?” Kenneth’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m sorry, I seem to have done something wrong. My apologies. It was nice meeting you, Ayase-san.” He rushed off and Eli turned to Maki with a frown. “Maki! Why would you do that? He just wanted someone to spend time with, that’s all. He seemed nice.” “I’m not just going to let some guy flirt with my girlfriend!” Maki exclaimed indignantly. “You’re mine. And I’m yours and there’s nothing anyone can damn well do to get between us, especially some idiot boys we don’t know!” “I know that.” Eli soothingly placed her hands on Maki’s shoulders. “You really hate these things, don’t you?” “Of course I hate these things.” Maki said bitterly. “I feel like a puppet, having to entertain for these people. I know it’s about politics and it’s about the charity but...ugh. I hate it. I hate feeling like I’m being paraded around, forced to meet people I don’t want to meet. I really hate being rich sometimes, I wish I could be anywhere but here.” “We can. Let’s just go.” Eli grinned at the look of astonishment that appeared on Maki’s face in wake of her words. “Come on, nobody will notice. Just for a few minutes?” Maki was torn. She looked between her father and her mother before sighing. “You know I can’t…” Eli pursed her lips and looked around the room, trying to figure out an escape route. Noticing the buffet table, she grinned as an idea came to mind. She had seen this in a romance movie she’d watched with Arisa the previous week. “I have an idea, come on!” Before Maki could argue she was being tugged over to the buffet table. When Eli ducked under it, she had no choice but to follow suit. The tablecloth fell into place behind her. “What are we doing?” She hissed. “This is crazy!” “You wanted to get out, right?” Eli asked expectantly. “This way we’re not at the party but we’re still present. It’s just you and me right now though…” Maki felt tears prickle at her eyes. “You sure know how to make a girl cry…” Eli’s eyes widened as Maki threw her arms around her. She barely managed to keep her balance on her hands but she was quick to hug Maki back. Her eyes caught on something red and black on Maki’s shoulder. “I-Is that  your bra strap?” “Afterparty, remember?” Maki pulled back, chuckling. She leaned in and pressed her lips to Eli, feeling the familiar nerves that always came with kissing her in a public setting before she calmed down. She pulled back, lightly brushing Eli’s hair back from her face. “I love you.” “I love you too.” Eli smiled softly, turning to press a kiss to the hand that lingered on her cheek. “But...what brought this on? Not that I’m complaining but…” Maki shrugged. “I just want you to know. You make me so calm, just being here with you makes me calm.” Eli grinned at the praise. “I’m glad I can be of help.” The sound of music caught Maki’s attention. “Do you want to dance?” Eli looked sceptical. “In here?” Maki laughed at the question. “No, you idiot.” She kissed Eli again, chuckling gently against her lips. “Out there. I want to dance with you.” “Are you sure? I don’t want to piss your dad off or make things hard for you.” Eli said in concern. “Maybe we could find another room and…” “Eli!” Maki pouted and Eli had to bite back a smile. “Come on, please. I just want to dance with my girlfriend. Just once, I promise. Please?” “You’re so not playing fair.” Eli muttered as she got out from under the table, Maki emerging right behind her. Thankfully nobody noticed. Quickly they straightened out their dresses before Maki took charge and led Eli to the dancefloor. “You’ll lead?” Maki whispered, pointedly ignoring the looks they were receiving in favor of focusing on Eli’s eyes. “Of course.” Eli smiled back and placed her right hand on Maki’s back, just below her shoulder blades. She felt Maki’s right hand slip into her left and a hand come to rest on her shoulder. ---- Honoka smiled and rested her chin on her open palm as she watched Eli begin to lead Maki in their dance. It was beyond romantic, she thought with a sigh. “So she’s really gonna come out of the closet.” Hibiki remarked, leaning back in her seat. “She’s braver than me and Umi-tan…” Honoka turned to her with a frown. “Umi-chan and I are going to get married.” “Whoa, what?!” Hibiki had been tipping back on her seat and almost fell back. She would have had she not grasped the table in time. “Seriously…?” “Honoka…” Umi sighed though she looked happy with the comment rather than upset. “Can I be your maid of honor?” Hibiki grinned. “Kotori-chan is…” Honoka paused, her eyes widening slightly. She hadn’t even thought before she’d said that. It had just come out. She wasn’t even speaking to Kotori at the minute. She swallowed thickly against the lump in her throat. “You might have to fight Eli-senpai for it…” Umi reached over and took Honoka’s hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. “Okay then. Best girl?” Hibiki noticed the sudden serious turn and decided to lighten the mood. “Please? Please, please, please?” “Fine!” Umi groaned and rolled her eyes. “You’ll have to do something deserving of the title though.” Hibiki was just thinking about what she could do and Umi was about to ask Honoka if she was alright when a male voice caught her attention. “So Nishikino really is a dyke. Figures. She always did seem weird as a kid.” Umi looked up to see Suzuharu Jun standing near their table, staring at Maki and Eli with disgust on his face. She was about to tell him to be quiet when Honoka shot to her feet. Icy dread washed over her but she didn’t have time to move. Honoka was already rushing toward him and before Umi could do anything, she had punched him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling onto a nearby table. “Oh shit.” Surprisingly, Hibiki jumped into the fray, grabbing Honoka by the back of her gown  and hauling her back. Unfortunately Honoka wasn’t going to be deterred and struggled, managing to elbow Hibiki in the chin. Hibiki cried out in pain and let go of Honoka, her eyes watering. “Shit…” Luckily, Umi managed to get up and grab Honoka before she could move. The music abruptly cut off as Jun finally managed to get off the table. “What the hell, bitch?!” “Shut up, you bastard!” Honoka was seething, her eyes alight with rage. “Umi, what on earth is going on?!” Umi looked up in time to see that her mother had rushed to the table in concern. “Um…” “Sonoda-san, what is your daughter’s guest doing?!” Umi wasn’t sure who said that but she didn’t care to check. “She hurt Amagi-san’s daughter!” “That’s not all she did.” Jun angrily pointed to his bleeding lip. “They really do just let any nobody in here, don’t they?!” “What an ill behaved girl…” Someone mused thoughtfully. “Don’t talk about her like that!” Umi snapped angrily though she didn’t notice who had said it. She heard someone come up behind her and looked over, ready to tell them to back off. It was only Maki and Eli though. The each took one of Honoka’s arms and pulled her away from Umi, quickly leading the way outside of the hotel. Hurriedly, Umi followed. The four of them stayed silent as Maki steered Honoka around the corner of the hotel. Maki pressed Honoka back against the wall so they could stay hidden. She opened her mouth to yell at her but paused, noticing she was in tears. “What the hell happened back there? Why did you do that?” Honoka silently shook her head as Umi appeared at her side. “Damn it, Honoka.” Umi muttered, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure nobody had followed. “Honoka, why did you do that?” Eli asked again, firmer than Maki had. “You need to tell us so we can understand!” “I did it for Maki-chan!” Honoka exclaimed loudly. She pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to choke back a sob. “He deserved it! He was saying really mean things about you and I didn’t want to hear it! He doesn’t know you, h-he had no right!” Maki softened at how upset Honoka seemed to be. And on her behalf at that. “Honoka…” She trailed off as she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up in time to see her father rounding the corner. “Papa…” “I think it’s best if you go home for the rest of the evening.” Jin said, pausing a few feet from the group of girls. “You’ve caused just about enough problems for the night.” “Are you…?” Maki trailed off, at a loss. “Is that all you care about? My grades and my status? Papa, I’m sick of being treated like this. You know I’m dating someone and it’s not a phase. I’m...in love. I’m in love with her.” She blindly grasped for Eli’s hand. “I’m gay. I’ve never been interested in boys and I’m certainly never going to marry one!” “You’re only acting like this because you’re in an all girl’s school.” Jin said with a weary shake of his head. “After all, it all started with an affair in school.” “No, I’m not! Even when I’m in college, I’ll prefer women!” Maki retorted in frustration. “Do you really think Eli is the only girl I’ve ever liked? She’s not! I even liked girls in junior high and it was a co-ed school. It’s NOT A PHASE!” Jin was silent for a moment, contemplating what to say. “Maki, please think about what you’re saying. We are not in North America or Europe.” “I know that!” Maki’s voice was choked with emotion but otherwise firm. “I’m sick of hiding who I am and letting people think this is nothing. It isn’t nothing to me!” Jin sighed. He could see that Maki was getting increasingly upset. He looked to Eli, causing her eyes to widen in alarm. It amused him slightly, that the girl seemed intimidated by him. He supposed he should feel like that. He would want anyone pursuing Maki to be intimidated by him. “Ayase.” “Y-Yes sir!” Eli squeaked, straightening up. “Take care of my daughter tonight. I’ll try to keep people from speaking about what happened this evening.” Jin’s gaze flicked to Maki who looked close to tears. He could tell that she would be much better off with her friends tonight. With her girlfriend. “Just please protect her.” He turned his attention to Umi next. “As for you, Sonoda-san, I’ll leave it to your parents to speak to you about your guest’s...misbehavior.” He turned to walk away but paused after a couple of steps. “Kousaka-san. I would never say that violence is right but I understand you were defending my daughter. I appreciate that.” “Uh…” Honoka stared after Jin as he disappeared around the corner. “I thought that would be a lot worse…” She wiped quickly at her tearstained cheeks. “Maki-chan, I-I’m sorry. I was just...after what happened at school two months ago, I-I never want to hear anyone bullying you again.” “You idiot.” Maki let go of Eli’s hand and stormed over to Honoka, hugging her fiercely. Every time she’d been targeted by someone, Honoka had jumped to her defence without a second thought. It was easy to see why Eli admired her so much. “You damn idiot.” She felt Umi and Eli join the hug, embracing them both tightly but she made no effort to pull away. She was too spent, both physically and emotionally. “Hey are you guys okay?” Eli, Umi and Maki stepped away and Honoka looked toward the corner, seeing Hibiki walking toward them. “Oh god, Biki-chan, I’m so…” “Eh, it’s nothing.” Hibiki briefly touched her jaw. “I got the asshole to tell me what he said after you left. Then I punched him again. Now he’s crying because I broke his nose or whatever but man is his face made out of metal or what?” She held up her right hand, showing her grazed and bleeding knuckles. --- Nico watched as Kotori picked at the food on her plate, her eyes downcast. She’d barely taken two bites. “Could you please stop moping and eat something? You’re going to make yourself sick.” “I can’t.” Kotori looked up at Nico. She felt like she couldn’t swallow past the lump in her throat. “Honoka-chan hasn’t spoken to me in two weeks. A-And Umi-chan keeps asking me if I’m alright and I just...” She trailed off, biting her lip as she looked down at her food. “I’m sorry, Nico-chan. Your cooking is lovely but I can’t.” Nozomi sighed and put down her chopsticks. “Where are they anyway?” Kotori shrugged her shoulders. “Umi-chan had to attend a fundraiser. I don’t know where Honoka-chan is.” “You’re going to have to apologize even if you don’t want to.” Nico pointed out. “You shouldn’t have confessed when…” “I know, I know!” Kotori exclaimed irritably. She’d heard it from Nico a hundred times already. “I know, okay? Shit, I haven’t even told Umi-chan about it. She’s probably going to ignore me after that. She should already be ignoring me...” “It’s good that you realize what you did to her was wrong.” Nozomi said with an approving nod of her head. “You just have to prove you really are sorry.” “Umi-chan is sorry too.” Kotori muttered, scuffing her foot against the floor. “She keeps saying that. She should be sorry.” “Look why don’t we just relax and watch a movie?” Nozomi suggested hopefully. “Kotori-chan, you need to stop thinking about this so much. If you obsess over it it’s going to drive you crazy.” “I guess…” Kotori mumbled though she couldn’t help but want to talk about it. “I’ll go and find a movie.” Nozomi stood up and squeezed Kotori’s shoulder before she walked out of the room, calling over her shoulder. “Nicocchi, don’t you dare touch those dishes!” Nico scoffed and shook her head, standing up and reaching for the dishes. “NICOCCHI!” “Ugh, how does she do that…?” Nico muttered, rolling her eyes. She set the dishes down and glanced over at Kotori. “Come on. I guess she’ll take care of the dishes later.” “R-Right!” Kotori stood up though she hesitated to move. “Um...why are you still being nice to me?” “I don’t know.” Nico sighed. “Just because you were being ignorant and selfish that doesn’t mean they weren’t. Still I’m not as mad at them as I was with Eli. They were wrong but it was inevitable.” Kotori nodded and finally followed Nico through into the other room. Nozomi was sitting in the middle of the couch, a movie just starting up on the TV screen. She patted the seats at each side of her, summoning them over. “Turn the lights off, Nicocchi. I found a horror movie.” “Great.” Nico groaned though she obediently turned the lights out before she moved to the couch. She sat at one side of Nozomi, leaning close to her while Kotori quietly took the other side. Kotori watched the two as the movie started, taking note of the way Nico shifted closer to Nozomi until she was practically pressed against her. In turn, Nozomi’s arm went around Nico’s shoulders though she didn’t say anything. She didn’t even tease her like Kotori had thought she would. Nico’s head came to rest on Nozomi’s shoulder and Kotori’s brow furrowed. She wanted to ask them if they were together but before she had a chance, a scream rang out from the tv. It didn’t especially startle her. What did startle her was the answering shriek from Nico. She looked to the screen, noticing the ghost emerging from a painting. She giggled as she looked back at Nico, finding she’d buried her face in Nozomi’s chest. “Nicocchi, are you okay?” Nozomi asked, struggling to hide her amusement. “Y-Yeah, it’s just...you know I hate this stuff.” Nico peeked at the screen only to let out another yelp and hide her face again. “Should I turn it off?” Nozomi gently rubbed Nico’s back to soothe her. “N-No, just keep doing that. I’ll be fine…” Nico let out a shuddering sigh and tried to turn back to the movie. “If I’d known you were this scared of horror movies I’d have offered to hold your hand, Nico-chan.” Kotori said, a slightly teasing tone to her voice. Nico was about to snap at her for teasing her but hesitated, realizing that Kotori was making an effort to cheer herself up. “I’m fine. Unless you’re scared?” “A little.” Kotori lied, averting her eyes briefly to the TV screen. “I mean I’ll be fine though…” “I guess it can’t be helped then…” Nico sighed and got up from the couch, switching spaces with Nozomi. She pressed herself close to Nozomi again but held out her hand to Kotori who took it and held it carefully. “I’m not gonna break you know.” Nico said with a roll of her eyes, tightening her grip on Kotori’s hand. Kotori tightened hers in response. “Nicocchi is so sweet.” Nozomi whispered in Nico’s ear, causing her to blush brightly in response. “Yeah, whatever. Just shut up…” “Both of you are cute.” Kotori observed with a soft smile. They would make a good couple, she thought. If they weren’t already. “Ugh, both of you shut up!” Nico exclaimed. “Fine. Sorry, Nicocchi.” Nozomi pressed her lips just behind Nico’s ear, causing her to shudder slightly. Kotori had been watching them and had noticed Nozomi’s gesture. Her eyes widened in realization and she quickly turned back to the movie. So they were together. That certainly explained a lot. “Um, I was thinking maybe I should go home tonight. I know you said I should stay over but maybe I should…” “Stay over? Sure.” Nozomi looked past Nico at Kotori. “It’s Friday and you told your mom so it’s no big deal, right? Besides, if you leave me along with Nicocchi she might take advantage.” Nico scoffed. “Screw you.” She said, her tone light. “See?” Nozomi smirked. “Come on, just stay. We want you to stay, right Nicocchi? We can stay up watching movies until we fall asleep.” “Of course we do. We offered, didn’t we?” Nico agreed, glancing at Kotori. “You’re staying.” “O-Okay…” Kotori leaned back against the couch with a small smile. At least she still had Nico and Nozomi. --- “Arisa is sleeping over at Honoka’s so we shouldn’t be interrupted tonight.” Eli said as she stepped into her apartment, Maki’s hand in her own. She glanced back as Maki paused to close the door behind them. She couldn’t help but notice how drained Maki still looked. “Do you want something to drink? I could make coffee.” Maki shook her head and looked up at Eli. “Shut up.” “Ehh? What did I…?” Eli promptly fell silent as Maki pushed her against the nearby wall. The question on her lips was answered when Maki leaned in and kissed her deeply, pressing their bodies flush together. Eli kissed Maki back without hesitation, her arms going around her girlfriend’s waist to pull her close. It wasn’t more than a few seconds before she felt Maki’s hands go to her gown, bunching up the fabric so that she could touch bare skin. She gasped softly as Maki’s thigh slipped between hers, pressing firmly against her centre. She turned her head, even as Maki’s teeth tugged at her lower lip. “W-Wait, aren’t we going too fast…?” “I would say we’re not going fast enough.” Maki pressed her knee up further, causing Eli to whimper. “I’ve been thinking about doing this all night. And I think you have too. You feel ready…” “Ahh, Maki…” Eli tilted her head back, her eyes closing as Maki’s lips danced over the skin of her collarbones and down her chest. She did want to take it slowly but she wanted Maki to touch her even more. “Do whatever you want to me.” She hooked her leg around Maki’s waist and tried to grind closer to her. “Now who’s trying to make this go faster?” Maki mumbled against Eli’s heated skin. “Maybe I should draw it out. I do want to take my time with you at some point tonight. Really take my time and touch and kiss you everywhere, listen to you whimper and moan my name…” “Maki, you’re killing me…” Eli whimpered as Maki lowered her foot back to the ground. “Hey…” “Shhh.” Maki kissed Eli again, humming in satisfaction at the taste of the blonde’s lips. She reached around for the zipper of Eli’s dress and slowly unzipped it. With a couple of well placed tugs it pooled at Eli’s feet. She looked her over, biting her lip. “I’ve seen these but I’ve seen you wearing them for me. I got a new set I want you to see really badly, Eli…” Eli’s mind raced to her brief glimpse of Maki’s bra strap back at the hotel. “Show me.” Maki chuckled low in her throat. “I don’t know. Maybe I should make you wait until after I’ve had my way with you.” She slid her fingers down Eli’s stomach, into her panties. “W-We’re not even in the bedroom yet…” Eli protested meekly. “I want to do you against the wall.” Maki slid her fingers through slick, heated folds and Eli moaned and threw her head back, hitting the wall with a thump. “You’re wet. How much were you trying to keep yourself from misbehaving at that stupid party anyway?” “You looked really hot. In your dress.” Eli moaned and grasped at Maki’s shoulder in case her knees buckled. “And seeing your bra strap kind of...turned me on. Just what are you wearing anyway?” “You’ll have to see when I get you upstairs. I think you’ll like it. Just sit back and let me make you feel good for now though.” Maki drew back her hand, sinking down and tugging Eli’s panties down her legs. “Take off your bra.” “W-Why don’t you do it yourself?” Eli stuttered, trying to gain some kind of control over the situation. She was answered with a dark laugh followed by a slightly stinging bite to her thigh. “Ahh, okay okay…” She leaned slightly away from the wall and reached behind her, unclasping her bra. She tugged it down her arms and tossed it somewhere to the side. “Maki, I want to touch you…” “Later, I promise. I’m-” “Not later. To my room, now.” Eli said firmly, finally running out of patience. “Alright, alright.” Maki straightened up and kissed Eli briefly. “Just let me pick your clothes up in case your parents come home. I’ll meet you in your bedroom.” Eli felt a surge of excitement. “O-Okay.” She kissed Maki once more before she turned and headed toward the bedroom, adding an exaggerated sway to her hips. Maki stared at Eli’s ass as she walked away, only looking away when Eli was out of view. “Okay, Nishikino. You can do this. Just like in those American TV shows and movies. You’ve got this.” She took a deep breath before she scooped up Eli’s clothes and made her way to the bedroom. She found Eli lying on her bed, propped up by her elbows. “God…” She muttered to herself, her eyes raking over the blonde. She closed the door behind her and dumped Eli’s clothes on the floor. She made sure the door was locked before she stepped closer to the bed, unzipping the dress herself. Her stomach fluttered with nerves but she pushed at it, letting it pool at her feet in much the same way as Eli’s had earlier. Eli felt her jaw drop as she looked at the garter belts, black stockings and the practically see through lacy red and black panties and bra. “Th-This is what you bought?” She asked, licking her lips as she looked Maki over. The bra pushed her breasts up and somehow made them look bigger while the panties hugged her hips perfectly. “Uuuhh…” Maki planted a hand on her hips, letting Eli’s gaze rake over her. “You’re staring too much.” “I-I can’t help it.” Eli looked up at Maki, noticing that her ears to her neck  were red with embarrassment. It was obvious she was trying to look sexy but she was nervous about it at the same time. “Come here.” She reached out for Maki who took her hand. With a quick yank, she pulled Maki on top of her and kissed her deeply. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Maki. If you think I’m going to let you sleep tonight, you’re wrong…” “Wha…?” Maki yelped as Eli flipped them over and kissed her again. She didn’t argue though. She settled for wrapping her arms around Eli’s neck, drawing her closer as she needily kissed the blonde back. TBC
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mangaiwanttoread · 8 years
The Yagyu Ninja Scrolls: Revenge of the Hori Clan ICHI Crimson Hero AKUMA DE SOUROU CARAMEL KISS Kurogane (IKEZAWA HARUTO) MY NAME IS ZUSHIO PENGUIN PRINCE BOKURA NO HIMITSU O KYOUYUU SHIYOU KA HANA NO MIZO SHIRU FUJOSHI KANOJO MARRY MAX! SHIAWASE KISSA SANCHOUME HOUROU MUSUKO HIBI KOIKOI AKUMA TO ISSHO SABOTEN NO HIMITSU HIMITSU NO AKUMA CHAN SEIYUU KA-! DONT CRY GIRL GIMMICK KOI WAKABA FUKUROU-KUN TO KARE MAO NO KYOUSHITSU MAD CINDERELLA KOUFUKU NO OUJI AUTHOR’S PET SECRET SWEET NIGHT YES ITS ME [Hakaba (Dairiseki] Shinobu [(Enuma Elish (Yukimi)] Tsubasa Release (Bakemonogatari) [Hakaba] Dark Ping Pong Club [Minato Fumi] Brosaw (COMIC Kairakuten XTC) [Royal Koyanagi] The Way of the Ninja Our Nishizaki Cavalry Corps (C84) [Kaikinissyoku (Ayano Naoto)] R・O・D 8 -Rider or Die- (Fate/stay night) [Yuzuki N Dash] Die in Seven Years [MARUTA] One Piece Envy (ENG) =TV= [Yukimi] Natural (Comic X-EROS #02) [English] =LWB= [Benimura Karu] Pushover (COMIC Kairakuten BEAST 2012-07) [English] [SMDC] [Shiomaneki] Worrysome Girl [English] [Decensored] [Shiomaneki] Public Training (Bishoujo Kakumei KIWAME 2011-04 Vol.13) [English] (Shiomaneki) Throw Away the Book. Let’s Go to the Beach! (ENG)(Desudesu) [Sugaishi] Itoko No Karada [English] {MumeiTL} [Tsuruta Bungaku] Hanahira Torori (Ch.01-02) [English] [Coelacanth] Splash [Uncensored Version] [English] [Akari Tsutsumi] Flush/Splash [English][Decensored] [Shiomaneki] Nozomi’s Toy (COMIC Shitsurakuten 2013-01) [English] [Inue Shinsuke] Border Between Nobility and Taboo Ch.02 (COMIC HOTMiLK 2012-02)[English] MANKAI DARLING SUKITTE IWASETE? STEP SIBLINGS GUNMANIA BOKURA NO NEGAI ? TSUKI NI ICHIDO NO OMESHI AGARI KOI WA GO GO! HARETE BOKUTACHI WA [Itou Ei] Kabegoshi ni Koi? [English] [biribiri] [Somejima] Human Toilet [English] {doujin-moe.us} [Marui Maru] Love♥Hole (Kabe ni Umekomareta Shoujo de Seiyoku Shori Vol. 1) [English] [QBtranslations] [Digital] RYUU NO HANAWAZURAI Koakuma no Sanctuary Kaitou Game Himegimi no Tsukurikata Kishidou Club Bangaihen Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru HYAKUNEN RENBO Porno SuperStar (C85) [ManiacStreet (Sugaishi, Oono)] Harenchi Vacation (To LOVE-Ru) [English] [Life4Kaoru] Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru Dekichatta Danshi INUGAMIHIME NO SHIMOBE Warau Kanoko-sama Kagome Gemsilica Kimi No Sei MITSUKOI HONEY SEKAI WA KIMI DE MAWATTERU Henai Prince [Musashimaru] Amayadori | Rain Shelter (COMIC Hana-man 2010-08) [English] [Decensored] AZUMANGA DAIOH: HOSHUU-HEN AZUMANGA DAIOH http://g.e-hentai.org/s/db9a858526/125592-24 GOD VIRGIN SUKIMASUKI HITORI SHIZUKA HARUKOMA PAPERWEIGHT EYE ALGAE IROTORIDORI NO SORA NI SAITARA KIKEN JUNAI D.N.A. TIGHT ROPE HITORIBOCCHI NO KUNI DATTE AI JA NAI!? You No Ou KIMI GA SUKI MT PASS SAILOR DANSHI BOYSLIKE! MITSUIRO DEVIL KENJUTSU KOMACHI DARK EYES MANGETSU MONOGATARI Sweet Poolside Boku wa Kimi no Tori ni Naritai PAPA NO IUKOTO O KIKINASAI! WILD AND STRAWBERRY HOTEL LA VIE EN ROSE Bokurani Matsuwaru Etc Sex Therapist STEALTH SYMPHONY NIKUTAIKAN-K INOCHI MIJIKASHI, KOI SEYO FURYOU SHOUNEN! PROLOGUE - GYMNOPEDIES VEINS COIN LAUNDRY NO ONNA HANA NO ARU SEIKATSU Kusatta Rasen Aseru Awakening Puberty Misshitsu MAX POWER!! STROBE EDGE LOVE BERRISH! SOLANIN DOKUHIME KANOJO NI NARU HI KIMI NO NEIRO KOI (MATSUMOTO TOMO) CREAM CARAMEL GAROU-CHAN LIVING WITH AN INCUBUS SCHOOL NINGYO HAGOROMO MISHIN KISS BLUE HAREM LODGE SAKAMICHI NO APOLLON LOVE SICK SAYONARA KODOMOTACHI GENIUS HOUSE YUUWAKU (TAKAMIYA AZUMA) SUMMER SWITCH FRUITS BASKET GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA KISEIJUU NISE NO CHIGIRI THE BREAKER Helter Skelter IIKI NO KI NECROMANCER* RAKUDA TSUKAI TO OUJI NO YORU IENAI ITAMI O DAITE IRU WARAU KYUUKETSUKI LAST SUMMER BLUES RAKUDA TSUKAI TO OUJI NO YORU Yume Yume Shinjuu Ai O Kou Kemono Hakoiri Musuko Nemureru Tsuki Nishikaidan No Akuma Nanadome No Gomenne Katsubou no Manazashi Peeping Tom HARD CORE HEART Futari No Musuko Ni Nerawarete Imasu KOIZORA MITSUAI CELEB ICHIGO NO GAKKOU ROE AISHITERUZE BABY Bitter Virgin Ijiwaru UCHI NO DARLING GAIKOKUJIN STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY Takahashi Mako INFINITE 20 MINUTES Omae De Nakya Dame Mitai (Yaoi) OTOKO HIME TO MAHOU NO LAMP CRYBABY BETTY WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM? YUME TSUKAI KOI TSUKIYO NO HIMEGOTO TORA KISS - A SCHOOL ODYSSEY VERED NO ROSEMARY Kiken na Otonarisan Love Recycle Koi No Mannaka Darker than Black dj - Senka Kongou Banchou GE - GOOD ENDING Ouji No Hakoniwa The Miscreant Next Door Lovenista Bet!! LIFE, LOVE Desire Climax He’s Dedicated To Roses It’s Summer! There’s Fireworks! And for Boys, a Yuakata! Ore No Mono Ni Narinasai The Caterpillar THE SLEEPY RESIDENTS OF BIRDCAGE MANOR OTOGI MATSURI Sawaraseteyo, Shiba-kun Soba Ni Oitene Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai Heaven’s Love Koi ja nai kedo Warui ko demo ii? I Don’t Dislike You I Want To Be Naughty! Konna Nekomimi, Suki Desu Ka? Koi To Wana (Yaoi) Hatsukoi (Yaoi) Ani No Chuukoku Boku no Kichiku Megane Ai ga Love Shite You nanosa To the Sea Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life Konbini-kun (Yaoi) Torikago Syndrome Innocent Blue Escape (kyuugou) Samenai Yume Double Mints Till Dawn Yume Touka End Roll Sasayaku no wa Sono Yubi Tatoe Toraware No Koi Demo Itsuka Koi Ga Kanau Made Toki no Rashinban Sakura Gari Sugar Dark Omae Sae Inakerya Saigo no Sangatsu Urahara to Dilemma (Yaoi) Mainichi Seiten Kodomo wa Tomaranai Children’s Time Kodomo no Iibun .Isoganaide .Hanaya no Nikai de Calling (OOTSUKI Miu) (Yaoi) Trap (OOTSUKI Miu) yaoi Tonari Ni Kimi No Nukumori Wo (Yaoi) S+M Recipe (Yaoi) KONO BIJUTSUBU NI WA MONDAI GA ARU! Ore-tachi No Kijou Jitai!! (Yaoi) Ze (Yaoi) Middle School, Third Year (Yaoi) Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki Mo Sezu (Yaoi) J no Subete (Yaoi) Blue Sky Complex Me o Tojite 3-Byou (Yaoi) High School Debut Denkou Sekka Boys (Yaoi) (r.i.p) X-day [switch] A Revolutionist in the Afternoon Becchin to Mandara ***********************Wendy by jiro matsumoto MAINICHI KIMI NO KOTO BAKARI Looking for Happiness K no Souretsu OIRAN GIRL Carmen (Yaoi) Shingakkou - Noli Me Tangere (Yaoi) OUMAGADOKI DOUBUTSUEN ????????????????????????? Star-like Words (Yaoi) Koi o Suru nara Kono Machi de (Yaoi) 1/3 No Kareshi HINEKURE SHISHO NO MIKAIKETSU JIKENROKU WELCOME TO THE SATURDAY NIGHT CLUB Ai no Gebokutachi (Yaoi) HIKIZURU OTO WHAT DO THE TEENAGE BOYS DO
mangaiwanttoread ARISA
Sugar Sugar Rune
****** Homunculus
Rinjin 13 Gou
Ichi the Killer
Enjokousai Bokumetsu Undou
*****Blue Heaven
Dead Flowers
Yoru no Sugao
Kono Uta wa Kimi no Tameni
Love and Baseball (Yaoi)
Hana no Namae
Trans Venus
Muku Na Princess
Blue Dragon Ral Grado
Terpenoid (Yaoi)
The Melancholy of GOGO-BOY
Yuigon (Yaoi)
Mousukoshi Yoru Ga Nagakereba
Giocatore, Hokaku Keikaku (
Watashi Wa Hoka No Otoko To, SEX Shite, SEX Shite, SEX O Shita. ~Itsunomanika Kanojo Wa~
Sensitive Pornograph
Kareshi to Ore to Ore no Kouhai
Burning Hell
Baka de Guzu wa Daikirai
Yukimura-sensei To Kei-kun
http://www.mangahere.co/manga/yongbi/c003/7.html dropped
Hana wa Saku ka (Yaoi)
Akudama (Yaoi)
Horikou Hanemono Ranger
Love Stalking!
Interval (Yaoi)
Kichiku, Encount
Ichi Ni no San!
Ouji to Kotori (Yaoi)
No Color (Yaoi)
Hajimari no Niina
Masaka Kore ga Koi Nante (Yaoi)
**** Bouzu to Kumo (Yaoi)
Momoiro Shoukougun (Yaoi)
Aku No Hana
Erotic Fairy Tales: Red Riding Hood
B-men Kazoku
Erotic Fairy Tales: Bluebeard
Devil x Devil (Yaoi)
Dounimo Nannai Soushi Souai (Yaoi)
*** Snow Maidens
Kekkai Sensen - Mafuugai Kess
Taro-kun Wa Kou Miete Igai To Xxx Desu.
Aru Otoko no Uta (Yaoi)
[Taropun] Haeru Bou | Sproingy Stick
Uso Mitai na Hanashi Desu ga H (Yaoi)
Yume no Kuni in My Darling (Yaoi)
Double Bullet~~~~~~~~~
Ookami Shounen To Hamu No Hito
Sei naru Yoru ni
Saishou Kouyakusuu
Girls’ Lives ?????
Girl’s End ?????
For You, My Beloved
Boys Like!!
Akisato Wakuni Kessakushuu
Love My Life
Shibuyaku Maruyamachou
Azami (Yaoi)
Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku
Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata
Narrow (Place collection)
Hadakeru Kaibutsu ?????
Maka Maka
Nii-chan (harada)
Dog Style
Kaibutsu Ouji
Sumomo (harada)
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da ??????
Hi Manyuaru Ren Ai (Yaoi)
*****Honey & Honey
Mitsu na Kotoshite Kudasai
Oujitachi wa Izonsuru
Atokata (Yaoi)
????? Naa-tan to Goshujin-tama
Fork In The Road (kirino Hajime)
Old Boy
Superior Day
Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?
Kanemochi-kun To Binbou-kun
Konoyo no Hate made I love You
Negative-kun To Positive-kun
Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku o Kite
?????? Mephisto?????
Takashima Kouichirou no Risou no Koibito
A Falsified Romance
Shuumatsu No Tenki
Oingo Boingo Brothers’ Adventure
Ryoshuu Reijin
danshou no koi
Doutei Hitsuji To Abazure Ookami
Hitomi no Dokusenyoku read 5 chps dropped
Yuugure no Machi
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo
?????? Sasen No Warukunai
Void (zariya Ranmaru)
Romanticer’s High
Wakatte Kudasai
Messiah no Yakubi
Messiah no Kyojitsu
Messiah no Sentaku
Tsukiatte Agete mo Ii n Dakara ne
Beast & Feast
Itou-san KURAKA Sui
Spicy & Sugary
Boku No Mama Chan (43) Kaihatsu Nikki
straight kun to gesu
Oshitone Tenzen
Akai Proposal
Puchitto Hajiketa,
Tonari Ni Sunderu Neko No Koto
Tasogare wa dare
Something Happening
Michi Dzure
Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko
Sleeping Man Loving Man
*****  Shoujo Tsubaki
Innocent (sakamoto Shinichi)
Barairo no Kaibutsu
Yume no Q-Saku
Motte Meisubeshi
Long Vacation
Nozomu Bekumonai
Yamete Kudasai, Koishii Desu.
Yamete Kudasai, Mabushii Desu
Sun-ken Rock
Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Love Mission @
Similar Terms
Mimitabu No Riyuu
Kurubushi No Hone
Senaka made no Kiyori
Shitasaki No Netsu
***  My God
Immoral Sandwich
Otoshiana ni Hamerarete
Kunpuu Tango
Romantic Joutou 
Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban
Oyasuminasai No Ato Wa
Abarenbo honey 
Rift (Conro)
50 X 50 
Kaeru no Prince-sama
Hana To Ryuu
Billion Dogs
Kir///ei n/i Shi///teyo
Feeding lamb
If You Do Not Obey Me
Kyuuso Ha Cheese no Yume Omiru
Shitsukekata = Nijuumaru
Usotsuki Na Kimi No Toriko
Ore to Omae no Stalker Boushihou
Mugen No Juunin  //   Blade of the Immortal
Fire Punch
Baka Ga Zenra De Yattekuru
[Tomochi] Doronuma – Because I Love You
[Tomochi] Doronuma 
Kuzu de Baka ni wa Nido to Awanai
He Is a High-school Girl
Fox Princess 
  My Little Noir
Hitorijime My Boyfriend
Shimanami Tasogare
Dokuzetsu no S na Ore ga Jimi Riman ni Kuwaresou desu
Nakenai Usotsuki
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da
Sotozura dake wa oujisama
Pochi Kuro
Majime na Jikan
The Perfect Finger
I am a Hero
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supergenial · 5 years
[translation and lyrics] 眠れる森の魔女 by Seraph
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Really creepy song by Seraph, some insanely bad vibes coming from this song which is of course, pretty cool for me. The vocals seem to be permanently behind this filter to make them lower quality for a creep boost too, pretty cool really. Crap, should’ve posted this album on halloween now that I think of it. Anyway, lyrics down below and see you soon.
眠れる森の魔女 (nemureru mori no majo, slumbering witch of the woods)
lyrics and composition: hikari no hate vocals: 海紅
ussou to shigemi warau mori no naka tojita me wo koji akete
Amidst the lush and dank depths of the laughing woods I open up my eyes
majiwaru tekubi wo shibaritsukeru ibara no ai mo yasashii kotori no komoriuta sae mo itai
thorns are entangling my wrists so even the kind lullaby sang by nearby birds hurts me
hakuba ni matagaru oujisama no ningyou asobi tokei ga kurutte jikan ga tomareba ii na
playing with a doll of a prince riding a white horse as the needles on the clock have come to a halt
orokanaru tami wa kono mori wo arashi papa to mama doko he itta no? watashitachi majo wa torare kuwareru dake no usagi nanka janai wa
the foolish townspeople have ravaged these woods, but where have my mom and dad gone to? “we aren't rabbits for you witches to trap and devour”
kaze mo kusaki mo mushi mo ibara mo atashi wo koke nishi warau toki wo kizanda tokei ga toita fukai nemuri no mahou wo
the wind and the trees and the bugs and the thorns all madly laugh at me the clock that rules time has dissolved the spell that had me on a deep slumber
yume kara sameima deguchi wo fusagu ibara wa kare uwasa wo se ni nose uta wo utau kaze ga fuku
as I awaken from my dream the thorns blocking the exit wither away and the wind carries to me the news of what's been going on
kitanai otoko ga tsugi kara tsugi he to ayumiyoru futatabi mahou de nagai yume ni ochitai na
unclean men walk in one after the other to once again have the magic put me on a deep sleep
tekubi ni wa aoi aza ga tsuki hoho ni akai kizu chi wa nagarezu souhaku na kao de boroboro no fuku de otokotachi ni ude wo hikare
my wrists are covered in blue bruises and my face in red scars as my blood spills my face is all pale and clothes all thorn up as the men pull me by the arm
hajimete mitawa soto no sekai wo totemo akarukute kirei tsuki no hikari mo abinu hitoya wa ano hi no mori ni niteiru
upon first seeing the outside world i realized it was far too bright and beautiful the light of the moon that shined on my cell reminds me of when I was taken in
atatai yaiba nodomoto ni fure owari ga chikatsuku yoru ni hoshi yo yozora wo kakeru ryuusei moshi mo negai wo...
I can feel the cold blade against my throat, my demise is coming close in this night I wonder if I can make a wish upon that star that is blazing through the skies
mori ni umarete majo ni sodatte kodoku wo irodori Lalala kokoro wa hoshi ni sora ni nobotte mata aeru kana?
born in the woods and raised by the witches, yet colored entirely in loneliness if my heart went up to the skies, would we meet again?
atatakai sono ude ni dakarete mata uta wo utaou ne...
I want to sing again embraced in those warm arms let's sing again...
0 notes
leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] 青春歌闘劇バトリズムステージVOID (seishun katougeki battrhythm stage void)
the show will be running from August 12th, 2020 to August 16th, 2020 (Tokyo) @ あうるすぽっと (OWL SPOT)
Jounin Tatsuki as Yura (ユラ) Akiba Yuusuke as Kasumi (カスミ) Yoshigai Kazuki as Touya (トウヤ) Iwasa Yuuki as Gou (ゴウ) Yumoto Kenichi as Souji (ソウジ) Agata Gouki as Reiji (レイジ) Doumoto Shouhei as Kai (カイ) Andou Shuutarou as Tsuyoshi (ツヨシ) Matsumura Taiichirou as Ritsu (リツ) Aida Kaishin as Masaru (マサル) Azami Takashi as Hayato (ハヤト) Takashi Yukiya as Shinji (シンジ) Kojima Kotori as Fuku (フク) Mochizuki Mabuji as Kazato (カザト) Kaziyama Muga as Hitotsu (ヒトシ) Horikoshi Takuya as Norio (ノリオ) Kondo Yohdi as Shin (シン) Teraki Keisuke as Tetsuo (鉄男) Satou Yaeki as Yuuta (ユウタ) Kanazawa Ouki as Abashiri (網走) Okumura Hitoshi as Battle Performer (バトルパフォーマー) Saeki Chikara as Battle Performer (バトルパフォーマー)
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