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hornlessbread · 4 months ago
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Clothes swap Katakuri and Fukaboshi
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dailyrebranded · 4 months ago
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More fishman island stickers
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fanaticsnail · 5 months ago
Drinking Drabbles
Masterlist Here
Themes: Two of scenarios with a few one piece characters x reader, gn reader, suggestive in some, canon typical violence, angst, fluff, romance, friendship. Drink responsibly!
Characters: Rosinante/Corazon, Mihawk, Buggy, Sir Crocodile, Koby, Smoothie, Fukaboshi, Vivi
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Notes: Trying to get my sparkle back. Expressing gratitude to Discordant's OP OC discord server for hanging out and suggesting characters for me to try for. Love the characters, and I adore writing for new ones to me.
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Drinking with Rosinante / Corazon
Looks like: sharing a glass of wine over dinner, hearing the uproar of laughter at the head of the table - his brother cackling at a joke he told. Sharing subtle glances, pouring a new glass for one another while stealing a moment where your fingers brush together while reaching for the same bottle.
Also looks like: Sharing rum in the cold, willing your bodies to keep warm while caring for the sick child in the snow. The burn ignites in your throat, but the heat is makes the night pass in a more comfortable fluidity. The only blanket available to you is tucking the child in, but you both make do by sitting beneath the dark cloak. Shrouded in feathers, sharing those touches you longed for back at the dining table, the rum feels more like home now than that wine ever did.
Drinking with Mihawk
Looks like: a bottle of his private reserve label, uncorked by a methodological approach of a saber to the glass lip. Expertly decanted, rested for the appropriate amount of time, and shown how to enjoy the glass properly. He does not invite your glasses to touch, for fear it would disturb the wine with such a crude approach, but he does indicate for you to drink it with him in unison.
Also looks like: drinking straight from the bottle neck, poured by his hands and coaxed back into your lips by cradling your head and ensuring you don't spill a drop, before doing the same for himself. Anything to get through the voice of the clown at the table. He will have you closer to him for moral support, and will enjoy ensuring you are both equally topped up while glaring at Buggy for the duration of your stay with Cross-Guild.
Drinking with Buggy
Looks like: Something fruity, decorated with an outrageous amount of umbrellas and shaved ice dancing at the brim. It's too sweet, too bubbly, and too much all at once. Paired with a nasally cackle, lively music, linking his arms with yours and dancing a jig on the table, drink sloshing from the side, everything is perfect for the clown: the star of the show.
Also looks like: Aiding him to drink straight spirits as he sits on the bathroom floor, icing the bruises he's received at the hands of Crocodile and Mihawk while he openly sobs and apologizes for looking pathetic. A quiver to his lips, the swell in his bruised eye, he expresses his gratitude by silently whispering it as intimately as he can to you.
Drinking with Crocodile
Looks like: a circular short glass with a small cubic stone cooled by frost, drinking the most expensive and lush whiskey to ever be produced. Not dampening the flavor with water falling from ice, simply cooling it to enjoy over the palate. Everything is lush, filled with luxury, and likely paired with a cigar as he gazes at you with a predatory look in his beady expression.
Also looks like: Sneaking it in your clothes and fishing it out once below the cells in Impel Down, feeding him through prison bars and apologizing that it's not his favorite. He's looking up like it is his lifeline and an angel is offering him their tether to the great beyond. Those eyes that once looked like a predator on the prowl now humble themselves before you as he sits on his calves and drinks messily from the glass lip of the rum bottle.
Drinking with Koby
Looks like: Sitting at the table surrounded by Alvida Pirates, letting the pink-haired ‘chore boy’ fill your tankard from the barrel and giving him praise for it. Alvida chastises you for expressing gratitude to the smaller pirate, but you hush her with a crass joke and continue to dote on him while you drink. You offer him a sip from your glass that he throws back with practiced precision, causing you to laugh with him and invite him to sit with you for the remainder of the evening.
Also looks like: Bound in chains, on your knees and contained within the brig, a pink haired captain, once pirate from long ago, offers you a kindness of a drink while transferring you to Impel Down. He was not as quiet as he once was, but his kindness was still present as you knew it to be. You humored him by drinking all he offered you with your hands tied behind your back, as submissive as he was all those years ago. Your gratitude is on your lips, smiling as a drop is collected and wiped by the pad of Koby's thumb. He utters apologies, and you reassure him that you won't take it personally.
Drinking with Smoothie
Looks like: Sitting at the table, surrounded by her siblings, enjoying something a little on the sweeter side. Something mixed in with juices, a precious concoction that paired beautifully with the sweets offered at the table. Brushing glasses with one another, your eyes meet hers and she gifts you a rare, soft smile reserved for when he desires to showcase her sweetness.
Also looks like: Draining the life out of her enemies, blood gushing over her full lips and spilling down her chin, she bows her head to you and gives you a mischievous grin. Pulling up a cloth, you press the material to her lips and remove all blemishes of fluids from the human she drank from. You would rather watch than participate in this brew, but she enjoys watching you squirm as she presses her lips delicately to yours soon thereafter.
Drinking with Fukaboshi
Looks like: A room filled with tension, barely a look shared between you while negotiations between humans, mink, and fishfolk sit and discuss how to progress in a proper manner. Once decided, all raise their sake bowls and salute them with one another. Finally making eye contact with the mer Fishman, you both share a glance before pressing the sake to your lips and draining it of their contents to solidify your fresh alliance.
Also looks like: Tucked beneath the figurehead of the vessel you served aboard, sharing a moment with one another in the silence. All softness, all secretive, all in a world carved just for you, you both enjoy a swap of culture. He, a bottle from his homeland, you, a bottle from your own. Discussing the differences in textures and flavors, you both feel a pull in your chests as the sun slowly slips over the horizon.
Drinking with Vivi
Looks like: Sitting around a table, shrouded in darkness and surrounded by the vapors of sour cigar smoke, and raising your glass to your glorious leader a the head of the table. Bananawani in the corner, several of the members strike up conversation, and you and Miss Wednesday are no different. There was something in her tone and demeanor that seemed out of place, but you paid it no mind because you had secrets of your own. Drinking and cringing a little at the burn, you both drank and discussed the various interweavings of Baroque Works and where your missions would take you next.
Also looks like: An uprageous celebration for the return of Arabasta’s princess, drinks of all bubbles and honeys swirling in a variety of glassware. Watching as she flawlessly navigates the room full of her supporters, she gives you a look like the one not so dissimilar from your years serving together in Baroque Works. Catching you in the corner, she brushes her glass against yours with a hidden smile peaking at the corner of her lip: a silent promise that she will keep you by her side all the remaining of her days as ruler.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane @thenotsofantasticlifestory @ane5e
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tench-art · 1 year ago
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Two pieces I did for @opblondebombshells
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zosan-secondchances · 3 months ago
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The Pirate King of the North: Part 9
Bonus panels for some extra backstory.
Main Themes: Villain Sanji, Alternate Universe, Zosan Ship
Warning: Long post ahead with One Piece spoilers. Contains strong language and explicit content.
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
That night, the swordsman makes a last minute decision to rectify things with the blonde. He figured that there's no point in delaying as this might be the only chance they get to talk one-on-one before they get stuck in Skypiea with Law for however long they need to be up there. Since his cocktail-making skills are apparently subpar at best, he thought he'd turn to doing something else that he hopes Sanji would like before he pops the question–about the name, he reminds himself. Whatever it is, it will need to be something incredible to make up for the shame of not knowing something so simple about the man after all the years they’ve known together.
He thinks about quickly jumping off to collect some flowers in Jaya’s South Grove, but he is met by Jean Bart who drags his sorry feet back inside. The large man assigned himself on “Zoro duty”, not wanting the Warlord to get lost the night before he needed to depart with their captain. Apparently they had pissed him off enough already that day.
Zoro turns to the kitchen to try and find Sanji's favourite snacks, and maybe sneak away with a couple bottles of wine to help set the mood. Unfortunately he bumped into Hakugan and Uni who are guarding the door, ready to strike him down should he set foot inside the room. They give him a powerful performance of their martial arts prowess as a gentle reminder that he's banned from the place, warning him that they’re not afraid to put their lives on the line to enforce Law’s rules. When he tried to ask for their assistance to go and fetch what he needed, they both turned him away, thinking that he's just trying to distract them so he can do whatever evil thing he apparently was set out to do.
His last option was the library. He’s not much of a reader but he figured he would try because he knew of Sanji’s love for knowledge and books. He wants to read a story or two with him to see if that’s something they would enjoy doing together. Sadly, when he arrives, he is met by the Grand Line’s most impatient doctor who is currently studying the Skypiea map with Bepo at the polar bear’s drafting table, trying to come up with a plan of action for when they get there in the morning. Not wanting to be distracted or have the library wrecked the way Zoro did with the kitchen, Law used his Room ability to teleport him out of there before he could even get a chance to grab something off the shelves.
Having no other options left, Zoro resorts to the idea of giving the blonde mind-blowing sex. He would worship him like the king he is and he would do it all night if the other man demanded it so. The swordsman figured it's probably the safest bet anyway while they’re in the early honeymoon phase of their relationship. Sanji is highly skilled in that area for a very good reason.
He makes his way to their bunkroom. Under the door, he sees that the dim light of the desk lamp is still on. Finally, things are looking up. He thinks to himself that now’s the perfect chance to make a move while Sanji is probably still up reading at this hour as usual.
Until he hears a couple of familiar voices on the other side of the door. They were muffled, but their identities were clear.
…Are you sure that you're okay? I don't know how effective it is with the front broken like that.
Dunno. It's like…having mood swings. The sensation goes in and out. It's a bit weird.
I need you to get it fixed first then. And while you're at it, drop off the new stones at the lab.
I'm not sending you in until you're all good.
I can still fight.
I'm not letting you take the risk until your helmet’s fixed, Niji. That's my final word. You’re on your own with this next mission and I need you to be able to make good calls.
Another pang of guilt hits the swordsman–for not being careful enough and wrecking the commander’s helmet, and for eavesdropping for as long as he has so far. He starts walking backwards, and was about to turn his heel and move somewhere else to give them privacy when Sanji’s voice pierced through the door.
Hey, Mosshead! Don't be a creep and get in here.
Zoro flinches, and silently curses the blonde’s mastery of his observation haki. He doesn't want to make things look worse than it already is so he opens the door awkwardly. He's met by two pairs of eyes.
Sanji is leaning with his palms against the desk while Niji is sitting on the chair, fiddling with the blonde's claw gauntlet on the table. It looks like there's two now. From afar, Zoro could tell that their blades are longer, sharper and more dangerous than the last. The metallic scale armour that covered the glove is a new addition, having only just durable leather holding everything together before.
Spying on us, are we?
Zoro grits his teeth, throwing the blue-haired man an annoyed look.
This is also his room, Commander.
Niji tuts disapprovingly then resumes his work on the claw gauntlet.
I didn't want to interrupt. I’ll just head out for some fresh air.
You didn't interrupt anything. The commander was just showing me his handiwork. He’ll be done soon! I just needed a couple of fitting adjustments done and we’re all set.
Hmm… no. Now that I think about it, this will take a bit longer than I thought. 
What? But you said–
As if done on purpose, a buckle disassembles itself in Niji’s hands. Little bits of metal scatter on the desk.
You’re such an ass. Fine. Stay here, hog the room. I don’t care. Let’s go, Marimo.
No, I need you to stay here so we can refit it. Because the buckle’s broken now.
You broke it!
And I need to fix it but I can only do that if you’re here. So, stay.
I will actually pluck your eyeballs out one of these days, Commander.
Sanji stomps out the door, grabbing Zoro’s arm along the way.
Where are you going? We need to get this done tonight before you head off first thing!
I’ll be back!
Zoro and Sanji walk arm-in-arm quietly to the deck of the ship. They were met by Jean Bart who was about to tell off Zoro for being outside, but the blonde reassured the large man that he has eyes on him, promising to keep the grumbling swordsman out of trouble. Happy with the response, the Heart Pirate retires inside for the night.
Isn’t the whole point of me being here is to keep an eye on you?
Sanji chuckled heartily–music to the swordsman’s ears.
I know. What the hell happened to us?
They proceeded to the bow of the ship and settled themselves against the railing. It was quiet and serene. The crescent moon is up, revealing the dark silhouette of Jaya island on the horizon. Above, stars shone brightly across the span of the night sky–its reflections twinkled playfully on the still waters of the ocean below.
You’re awfully quiet.
Zoro tears his gaze away from the scene. He looks next to him where the blonde has a hand wrapped around his arm and finishing a cigarette with the other.
You usually are, but your silence is…louder somehow.
The swordsman rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. Suddenly he’s not so sure what to say and how he’d ask the big question. He wanted to get this far tonight–tried many times to set up the scene better but to no avail. He also didn’t realise how he would feel right in the thick of things.
There’s been a lot in my mind. Sorry.
Never apologise for that…but whatever it is, I could tell that it’s eating you up.
Zoro sighs and returns his gaze to the island on the horizon.
Is this because you had a fight with my brother?
Zoro’s eyebrows shoot up.
Did he–?
He didn’t have to. His helmet's busted and don’t think I haven’t noticed your little injury on your forehead, damn Mosshead. If you don’t take care of your head, how will you be able to photosynthesize?
Zoro scowls at the mockery.
Sanji laughs lightly, kissing the swordsman on the cheek as a way of reassuring him that it’s just a joke. After noticing that his attempt to release the tension didn’t work, he speaks in a slightly more serious tone.
Did he try to scare you away? Is that why you’ve been avoiding me all night?
Zoro shakes his head.
Don’t freak out or anything but… you’re not the first that he’s done that to. I can tell him to back off if you want.
No… it’ll take a lot more than that to get me to leave your side, Curls.
The blonde’s expression softens.
Though, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was trying to avoid you. I spent hours… ages… trying to plan this whole thing for us tonight but I feel like whatever I do…
The swordsman gets flashbacks of all the times he’d slashed and stabbed the man. He remembers cursing his way repeatedly for attempting to propose to him for the umpteenth time. He recalls their first kiss–how the first thing that came out of his mouth was to tell him to not kill the Celestial Dragon, and because of that, it nearly cost him his life. In fact, he might have permanently if not for their skillful doctor. He remembers the way the blonde held onto the liberated family from Sabaody. How, even in his critical condition, he fought from fully succumbing into sleep just to make sure that everyone was okay as they fled from the Pacifistas. 
And now, with a seemingly easy task of organising a romantic night, the swordsman can’t even do such a simple thing for him.
Zoro clenches his fists against the wooden railing.
I can’t seem to do anything right by you…. I just feel like everything that I do is not good enough–or just flat out hurts you. And right now, I have nothing but myself to offer. For whatever that's worth.
Zoro shifts so he’s looking at Sanji face to face then holds both of his hands in his, making the other man drop his cigarette. The determined fiery look in his eye makes the blonde jump in surprise.
Curls, I want to get to know you better.
What’s your favourite food?
Uhm… let’s see…
If you had all the money in the world, where would you go?
Oh Mellorine, I do have all the mon–
How long does it take to get there?
Is that where you want to go for our first date?
Is shopping your thing? I'm not good with that stuff but I could ask Nami or Robin for advice.
If we’re going on holiday, can we do it alone first or would you prefer bringing your family along?
How many kids do you want to have?
Sanji thinks that he’s about to go crazy. His face is all red, he feels hot up to his ears and his heart is pounding so much like it's going to burst out of his chest. The swordsman’s sweetness and thoughtfulness overwhelms him with joy. He starts laughing out loud–in a way that he’s never laughed before, ignoring the slight ache from his recent surgery. He thinks that if he breaks stitches this way, so be it, because he’s never felt his chest so light and heart so full. He felt so happy that he could fly. 
The swordsman looked confused and offended from all the unhinged laughter like he was being made fun of.
Sanji cups Zoro’s face into his hands, trying his best to recover from his outburst.
I didn’t realise that you needed to know everything now!
Zoro looks down to his lips, watching that attractive smile that he’s always drawn to.
I just… I really wanted to… to…
Sanji pulls him in to claim his mouth with his. He pushes Zoro roughly against the railing, determined to show the swordsman how much he appreciates him at that very moment. He slides his hand up and down the man’s body, massaging, caressing and feeling everything that he could lay his hands on. He wants to show his love and admiration to the man by worshipping every part of him. Zoro was more than happy to reciprocate the affection.
They stayed like that for what seemed like a lifetime. Regrettably, Sanji pulls himself away from the most passionate kiss he's ever had in his life so he could breathe. He kept his body close as he panted.
Zoro leans in and continues his assault on his lips–biting and sucking hard then giving them soothing licks to ease the arousing pain–not wanting for everything to stop so soon. Between breaths, the blonde speaks.
We have our entire lives to get to know one another…. What’s your rush, Marimo?
Zoro freezes at that, blinking his eye. Then for the first time that night, he smiles his genuine toothy smile.
I guess we do, don’t we?
Sanji scoops up one of his rough hands and gives it a tender kiss on the calloused knuckles.
I want to savour every moment of this–of us, okay? Right now, it’s just you, me… and this.
Sanji gestures at the scene in front of them, then swings his hand around to point out the environment surrounding them–the bright moon, the calm waters and the clear starry skies.
Nothing else matters.
Zoro looks into his wide blue eyes. They're positively glowing a lot more so than usual tonight. He wraps his arms around the man and leans his forehead on his, kissing the bridge of his nose. The blonde was correct–nothing else mattered. It felt right to be there. In his heart, he decides to make it a mission to spend every waking moment to prove that he's worthy of his trust, even if it takes a lifetime for him to open up and tell him his real name. He would not demand it that day. He thinks that if he truly deserved it, the blonde will share it to him in time at his own volition. They do have a lifetime to get to know one another, after all.
The swordsman had lost a gamble with Nami that night. He’ll have to remember to send the navigator a couple hundred Beri through the post somehow for betting on him falling in love that year.
At a far distance, hidden in the thick mist of the sea, a particularly tall and lanky Warlord watches the blonde and his green-haired companion through the lens of his spyglass. With a flick of his wrist, he retracts the telescope and tosses it to a dark silhouette of a man.
Now's the perfect time. Let’s do it.
Hmm…no. I want to savour… every… moment of this….
He lets out a deep chuckle. 
Besides, I have another job for you. But that’s tomorrow’s problem.
You are dismissed.
He waves off the man, and the figure walks off. Doflamingo stands from the comfort of his chair and takes a few long strides to the bow of the ship, never taking his eyes off the small dot on the horizon that is the Polar Tang.
I’m grateful you showed us the way, Pirate King. You never fail me, do you?
I had way too much fun with those panel drawings. (Honestly part of it was me trying to find an excuse to draw more dofsan lol)
If it's not obvious yet, I try to line up certain things about this Sanji and canon Sanji. Instead of him being exclusively in love with mermaids, I like to think he loves all merfolk in this story.
Fukaboshi's always been the one on my mind as Sanji's "the one who got away" romance. I was rewatching Fish-man Island arc and I remembered how wise and noble he is, and has a great sense of responsibility to look after his family. I figured this Sanji would be attracted to those qualities.
Plus, you know, have you seen those big hands? Fwah~!
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moonmaiden1996 · 1 month ago
Hi!!! I was curious do you have an headcanons for either 🩵Fukaboshi 🔱 or 🩷Katakuris🍩 idea if the perfect partner?
(I know they are basically the same character in a different font. Protective big brother, fangs, giant, loyal to their family, wields a trident, and a few other things. But they both are just two of my favorite characters)
Okay...I have to admit I had to go back to the manga and read bits of it for these two and boy was I glad I did. These men can be any woman/mans fantasy.... I may have gotten a little steamy with this one....Let me know what you think.
Request are still open! I have added Disney's Rivals and Sakamoto's Day to my list because they are amazing.....
Fukaboshi’s Ideal Partner 🔱🐬🧜‍♂️🌊
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1. A Partner Who Matches His Kindness
Fukaboshi is a protector at heart. He’s strong and commanding when he needs to be, but at his core, he is gentle, always looking out for others. He’s drawn to a partner who shares that compassion—someone who treats others with kindness, who listens, who isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right.
Nothing makes him fall harder than seeing you care for his people, watching you play with the children of Fishman Island, offering comfort to those in need. He swears his heart stops when you place a hand over his and say, “Let’s protect this place together.”
2. Late-Night Stargazing
Fukaboshi loves the quiet moments—lying on the sandy shore, looking up at the stars while the waves lap at the beach. He pulls you close, your head resting against his chest, his arm wrapped around you.
"Do you ever wonder if someone up there is looking back at us?" he muses, voice low and thoughtful. When you turn to look at him, the starlight reflects in his deep blue eyes, making them even more mesmerizing.
If you fall asleep on him, he doesn’t move an inch—he just smiles and lets you rest, his fingers tracing soothing patterns along your back.
3. Someone Who Can Handle the Depths (and Him)
Fukaboshi is a big man in every sense—tall, broad, and built like a warrior-prince. His ideal partner? Someone who isn’t intimidated by his sheer size, both in and out of the water. He wants a lover who embraces the feeling of being held, pressed against his strong chest, drowning in his affection just as much as they might drown in the ocean.
And speaking of the ocean—imagine clinging to him as he takes you on an exhilarating ride through the currents, his powerful strokes cutting through the water as he pulls you along, holding you so close you can feel the slow, deep rumble of his laughter. The pressure of the depths is nothing compared to the pressure of his grip when he finally gets you alone.
"You trust me, don’t you?" His voice is husky in your ear, his webbed fingers tracing the curve of your thigh as he floats just above you. "Let me take care of you… let me make you feel weightless in every way.”
4. Gentle Yet Dominant
He may be a prince, noble and kind, but when he wants something—when he wants you—he’s relentless. His kisses start slow, savoring every sigh, every trembling exhale, but once he has you fully under him, fully his? He devours.
His webbed hands, surprisingly warm, slide over your skin, exploring every inch as if you’re more precious than any treasure in the deep. His trident-wielding strength is matched only by his patience—he loves the build-up, watching you squirm as he takes his sweet time.
"I want to hear you beg, love." His voice is low, teasing, his sharp fangs grazing your collarbone as he presses you into soft silk sheets. "Tell me how badly you need me… and maybe I'll stop teasing."
But let’s be real—he never stops teasing.
5. Riding Sea Creatures (or Just Riding Him)
Fukaboshi is an expert rider—whether it’s guiding massive sea creatures through the currents or having you ride him with the same confidence. He enjoys watching you take control, hands pressed against his strong chest, thighs shaking as you move at your own pace.
His deep, approving groans vibrate against your skin, his hands gripping your waist, helping you keep balance. He loves when you take charge—when you lean down, kiss him breathless, and show him just how much you want him.
"You're beautiful like this," he murmurs, breath hitching as you roll your hips just right. His gaze darkens, pupils dilating as his fingers tighten their grip. "But don’t think I’ll let you have all the fun."
And the next moment? You're beneath him, drowning in his slow, deliberate thrusts, gasping as the prince of the sea claims you in every possible way.
Katakuri’s Ideal Part🍬🍩🍭🍮🍯
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1. A Love That’s Simple but Meaningful
Katakuri isn’t one for grand romantic gestures. He shows love in quiet ways—by leaving a fresh cup of tea by your bedside in the morning, by slipping a hand around your waist when you least expect it, by making sure you always get the best of whatever’s available (even if it means sacrificing his own portion).
If he really likes you, you might find little surprises—handmade snacks, flowers he definitely didn’t spend an hour picking, small gifts he leaves without taking credit.
"I just… thought you’d like it," he mutters, looking away as if he’s not the strongest warrior in the world completely flustered by your gratitude.
2. Watching Over You While You Sleep
Katakuri doesn’t sleep much. When he does, it’s usually brief and restless, always ready to protect his family at a moment’s notice. But when you’re in his life? He finds himself staying awake for a different reason—just to watch you sleep.
It’s not in a creepy way, of course. He just… likes knowing you’re safe. That you trust him enough to let your guard down around him. He traces a gentle hand over your cheek, brushes a stray hair from your face, and sighs, feeling something settle deep in his chest.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
If you wake up and catch him staring, he’ll turn away, muttering something about “just making sure you were comfortable.” But if you pull him closer and mumble, “Go to sleep, Kat,” he actually listens… because in that moment, he finally feels at peace.
3.The One Who Sees Through His Mask
Katakuri is the type of man who watches you before he lets you in. His ideal partner? Someone who sees past his intimidating exterior—the towering frame, the sharp fangs, the cold stare—and recognizes the man beneath.
At first, he’s cautious, reserved, his touches controlled. But once he realizes you truly want him—when he catches the way your eyes linger on his lips, when your fingers brush against his bare skin with something other than fear—his restraint shatters.
"You don’t have to hold back with me," you whisper against his lips, and that’s all it takes.
One moment, you’re standing; the next, you’re pinned against the nearest surface, your wrists held above your head as Katakuri devours your mouth like a man starved.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he growls against your skin, his fangs grazing just enough to make you gasp. "But you’re about to find out."
4. Dominant but Soft for You
Katakuri is a man of control. He’s used to being the strongest in the room, used to people fearing him. But you? You make him weak.
When he’s with you, he’s still dominant, still the commanding, powerful force that keeps his family safe. But behind closed doors, when it’s just the two of you? He lets himself feel.
He buries his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your skin as he grinds against you, his rough hands skimming down your sides. He groans when you thread your fingers through his hair, his entire body shivering at the sensation.
"You’re going to ruin me, sweetheart," he murmurs, voice thick with need. And yet, despite the hunger in his eyes, he takes his time, savoring every single second as if he’s memorizing you.
5. Absolute Worship
Katakuri may be intimidating, but in the bedroom? He worships his partner. He’s the type to cherish every inch of your body, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your stomach, your thighs, watching you squirm beneath him.
"Let me taste you." The words are more command than request, his strong hands gripping your hips as he lowers himself, his breath hot against your core. "I want to hear you scream my name."
He doesn’t just want you to feel good—he wants you wrecked, trembling, breathless, incapable of thinking about anyone but him. And once he’s finally inside you, slow and deep, his forehead pressed against yours, his groans vibrating through your very bones—he stays there, savoring the heat, the tightness, the way you cling to him.
"Mine," he breathes, voice raw with emotion as he moves, deep and deliberate, watching your every reaction. "You're mine."
And when you finally reach your climax, shattering around him, he follows soon after, moaning your name as he fills you completely. But he's not done.
"Hope you're not too tired, love," he murmurs, that rare smirk playing on his lips as he rolls his hips again, drawing out another whimper from your already sensitive body. "Because I’m not nearly satisfied yet."
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bluebird-ascended · 7 months ago
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cleaned up my fishman island sketches because i quite like them :)
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firefly-artwork · 9 months ago
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I have a soft spot for these siblings
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meloarto-me · 11 months ago
Fukaboshi x Human Reader
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My little cute prince…. How I love him. jnbgjfadj
I will add that you are taller than the average person, more than two meters?
Sorry for the mistakes, hope you enjoy! ദ്ദി ˉ꒳ˉ )✧
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༄ He would carry you everywhere, as it were. You are so tiny and he is strong (He likes to brag about his strength in front of you).
༄ He would like to paint your toenails, please let him. He delights in your legs. As if you know, he doesn't have them himself so he is naturally curious about them.
༄ He will ask a lot of questions about humanity. But how is it possible to fry in the sun? He will ask a lot of stupid questions, don't ridicule him for it.
༄ He will definitely ask about the human body. Apparently, he has a similar body, but I don't think mermaids have a period.
༄ When you get your period for the first time, Fukaboshi goes crazy, senses you from far away, and will leave everything he's done to see if you're okay.
༄ Long you have to explain to him that everything is ok and you are not dying. NIby has read books on the human body and its various aspects, but he has never encountered this.
༄ He's just worried.
༄ The biggest gentlemen you can meet.
༄ Opens every door for you, brings flowers (Some ornamental plants underwater) for no occasion. Breakfast in bed, small gifts. He can bring you pebbles that are the color of your eyes.
༄ Fukaboshi is sure to make something for you by hand. Nóś it always and his heart will light up with pride and happiness.
༄ Sometimes you see jealous glances from mermaids, sometimes it makes you feel bad.
༄ In those moments, Fukaboshi takes you in his arms and assures you in every possible way. Don't you like your legs? He loves them they are so cute, he kisses them for you. Don't like your hair? He can braid them differently for you (Learned on Shirahoshi) so that you feel confident with them, he will even help you cut them.
༄ In his eyes you are perfect, his little charming goddess.
༄ Fukaboshi in company usually holds a hand on your shoulders or back. He may also hold your hand. (Less often because he is shy).
༄ Behind the bedroom door, he is more cuddly. He will draw you close to him and sit or lie like that.
༄ He loves it when you play with his hair. Or you slide your finger across his face while looking into his eyes. Such small gestures are the best according to him.
༄ Just the perfect boyfriend.
༄ With him by your side everything becomes more beautiful.
༄ Before I forget. Fukaboshi is very jealous, he won't show it but jealousy sometimes eats him up from the inside.
༄ His brothers take up too much of your time! During this time you could have been with him and hugged!!! Hug you understand!
༄ End of the day, he will join you, although this is how he can spend time with you.
༄ However, if it is someone other than his family he will throw that person surreptitious jealous glances (Everyone can see it, just no one tells him. You think it's cute.).
༄ Just the ideal boyfriend.
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Here I will end it I could write and write here and there would be no end. 🌊♡☁️
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sos0nn1e · 4 months ago
I heard your call for you wanting to draw one piece characters. May I ask for Prince Fukaboshi bcs I share a birthday with him please?
You got it, Anon! I was just going to answer this with only the Fukaboshi sketch but so many requests came in so I just decided to do a whole batch. Consider this Batch #1! Thank you for asking ^^
This batch includes: Fukaboshi, OP:Fan Letter marine (I never knew his name…), Conis, Franky, Bon Clay, and Yamato!
@tinylyy @ogiris9 @darkomiomi @requaze @0rb-71
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inpursuitofnunchi · 7 months ago
so fishman island is basically a commentary on radical fundamentalism of young people thwarting attempts at reconciliation. hmm.
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hornlessbread · 4 months ago
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Just two big brothers chilling. Probably discussing shark teeth dental care or something.
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natflt · 6 months ago
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Katatober: Gulper eel
I drew Katakuri as a gulper eel merman.
I couldn't help myself and added my other favorite character to the mix.
Two overprotective big brothers chilling ;D
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bunnycuns · 2 months ago
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hexes-t-rexes · 9 months ago
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Stuck in the past--
Too far in the future--
No one is thinking about the present--
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quakearts · 8 months ago
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Discord requests
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