#fucking love daredevil
nonbino-chaos-fox · 2 years
I've just been silently glaring at Marvel since they announced the new Daredevil film and if they fuck up his character at all I am coming for their fucking throats
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meruz · 1 year
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i created you and you created me
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sun-snatcher · 3 days
JUST AUGH. JUST. HEAR ME OUT. Matt realising both Matthew Murdock and Daredevil would absolutely go to extreme lengths to protect you and just,,, the dichotomy of Catholic Matt and vigilante Daredevil???? Does this make sense
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( all credits to the amazing @marveldaily for this lovely gif ! )
✟ — Chiaroscuro ; matt murdock blurb
a/n. Chiaroscuro: the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting. — an effect of contrasted light and shadow.
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MATT MURDOCK & DAREDEVIL are one and the same.
Existence carries the parallel. As is the Moon that orbits the Earth, or the Earth which gravitates towards the Sun; As is the Shepherd that feeds its dog, or the dog that guards its sheep.
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You'd thought you would be prepared for this, for the split knuckles and the bruising face— palms and feet bleeding like some heretic church vitrail of the coming Christ— his battered body frantic for your shelter and your closeness.
“I’m a lawyer. The law is what separates him from me,” Matt insists. “But I am also Daredevil. And if that means I have to dish out the kind of justice that’ll forsake my soul— so be it.” 
You falter in spite of yourself. “Is that what your heart wants?”
A bloody kiss, pressed to your temple in phantom reverence. “You, you’re my heart. You tell me.”
“You know I can’t do that, Matthew.”
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Tandem, perhaps, therein lies polarity. Should you ask the Moon of its purpose, it will sing to you of the tides, and if you speak to the Earth it will decree it tends to life as we know it;
Should you turn to the old Shepherd he will tell you of its herding flock, and if you listen to the guarding dog he will warn you of the wolves that hunt them.
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He’s been staring at the abyss since he’d been blinded at 9, and the abyss has been staring back ever since.
“If,” he snarls, shivering from the sheer effort it took to maintain his self-control, his bloodlust. “If I see so much as a fucking scratch—”
Matt doesn’t finish his sentence, because he doesn’t know how far he truly could go to protect you. He doesn’t want to, is the right way to put it.
( But Daredevil thinks— knows: to a length that’d stretch beyond retribution, to warrant even the Gates of Hell to close on him. )
“There will be no person, law, or divine intervention that will stop me from hunting you down and ending your life.”
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The daybreak lawyer; the eventide vigilante.
A chiaroscuro, a dichotomy.
Of patron Saints and errant Sinners; the delicate balance of St. Michael’s scales. As is Matthew Murdock and Daredevil; who’s come around to be enlightened, now, that God only sows soldiers and reaps martyrs— 
Should you ask them what their definition of love is, one will say, easily:
And the other, “Sacrifice.”
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“Do you know I love you?”
“Am I speaking to Daredevil, or Matt Murdock?”
"That doesn't matter."
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the man without fear
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chvoswxtch · 8 months
every time I rewatch season three of daredevil i’m reminded what a bitchy little gremlin matty is
and why I relate to him so hard
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a-leg-without-fear · 15 days
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i’ve got the best friends in the whole multiverse ❤️
@bellaxgiornata @shouldbestudying41 @justvalkyrie @shiorimakibawrites
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what-the-daredevil · 2 years
oh so matt and jen are like…actually together now
cool. awesome. great. i can be normal about this (lie)
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purple--queen · 4 months
Claire collecting people with superpowers like they are some pokemons.
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ms-nesbit · 5 months
matt murdock headcanons (i've been wanting this more than u)
warning: 18+, contains sexual and violent themes
he loves receiving carnations or marigold
cannot go to greenhouses or botanical gardens due to the overwhelming senses he confronts
the same goes for frat parties, with alcohol and cheap fragrances aggravating the already prodigious noise and other senses he can feel
he's a polyglot, knowing English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin (as well as broken Greek from his days with Elektra)
detests mainstream porn, not only from its morbid origin and nature (as well as the fact that he couldn't see what was happening), but also the fake moans from women participating
with that being said, he allows himself to hone in on the person he sexually engages with;
he relishes each small gasp and noise made, especially in tune with their pheromones and soft skin
in art and in love, he adores curves, and, if appropriate and permitted, inches his hands over her curves
matt can also tell when he's made a person blush, so he attempts to do it often
whether it be a friend, lover, or an elderly woman
and his charm works almost every time
(with exceptions, including a notable woman in brooklyn nearly pepper spraying him after believing he pretended to be blind)
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gwensy · 8 months
"aromantic matt murdock" i say into the microphone as the feedback proceeds to echo throughout the empty auditorium and shatter my ear drums
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buckypascal · 8 months
Karen and Foggy treating Daredevil as an addiction when they talk about it to Matt in Defenders will never not endlessly piss me the fuck off
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chaos-and-ink · 10 days
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Because @coxology101 was so right about "i just need Frank to fuck Matt in his i'm not daredevil shirt...just once."
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sun-snatcher · 4 days
Catholic Guilt Murdock Catholic Guilt Murdock Catholic Guilt Murdock
✟ — Rib of Adam ; matt murdock blurb
a/n. " But when I stand before God I'll have one thing to say to weigh against the rest: Lord, you gave me a rare woman; And God! I loved her well. " — Jamie Fraser, 'Outlander'
MATT MURDOCK feels warm. 
He can’t tell if it’s from the blood, or—
“No, no, no, no, Matty, stay with me.”
—or the fact that you’re cradling him to your heart.
( He thinks of Father Lantom raising the Chalice of Salvation during Eucharistic Prayer. He thinks of the blood of the covenant; of forgiveness of sins.
He wonders if he’ll be forgiven. )
Matt tries to speak. 
The blood curdles thick in his throat, sputtering, and the pain ripples through his battered body again. It’s enough to make his senses tunnel into everything and nothing all at once; enough to send you into another desperate spiel of words too quick to follow. 
“Shh, shh, shh.” He hears you choke. “You’re, You're gonna be okay. Stay with me, Matthew, okay?”
Yes, he wants to answer. Always.
Matt wants—
( “And Jesus cried, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?'” Father Lantom sermons, “That is to say, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'” 
The verse is from Matthew-27:46. 
How ironic, Matt thinks, the first time he’d heard it. )
—to say everything. To tell you everything. To thank you, to apologise, to admit that if every single damn one of his universes ended with him being held in your hands— that it’d be a kindness. 
That if he is to be given a single chance, by some divine intervention, to rewrite history: He’d do it all over again the exact same way— without a shadow of a doubt; without any hesitation.
He would move mountains and dry the oceans and split the skies and scorch the earth. 
He would do everything. Anything.
( Penance. Absolution. Damnation. )
The ringing in his ears render your words softer and softer. Somehow, still, he thinks you sound beautiful even when panicked.
If you— his darling, dearest, beloved— are the last thing that the Daredevil hears before being condemned to whatever dark dominion the Lord will cast him to, then let it be known that it is Matt Murdock who will die a happy man.
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thekarenpagebulletin · 8 months
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chvoswxtch · 11 months
I sincerely hope whoever’s behind echo is also working on born again bc THIS is how it should be
ugh maya baby i’m so ready for you <3
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chronicoverachiever · 2 years
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