#fucking kaiser songs
pinkinsect · 2 months
the isakainess cd .
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steelycunt · 1 year
and my parents love me 🤭 and my girlfriend loves me 🤭 they keep photos of me 🤭 that’s enough love for me 🤭
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katasstrophy · 2 years
Dream anon again! I was curious if you had any questions you associate with your favorite bllk boys btw?? "Honey" by Johnny Stimson makes me deeply think of Bachira in love while the One Punch Man theme song is what I would play personally for Kunigami's intro to a game as his hero theme lmao. Ty for reading!
hi dream anon !! 🥺 (omg so sorry that i took ages with this i was a little swamped with Life™ but i hope you’re doing swell<3)
i’m gonna assume you meant songs ! :) hhmmmm that’s interesting actually, because when i write i just pull up my go to instrumental playlist ‘cause lyrics.... distract me LOL (i try to blame it on the Bilingual Brain but…. 🥹🥹 yeah no i’m not even convincing me with that one) however !!
there have been a few songs (when i was just casually listening) that very insistently made certain bllk boys wiggle in my mind 🤔 ‘the catcher in the rye’ by elephanz to me is just– sae right after he realized he’s stupidly in love with you, but you’ve slipped out of his grasp a long, long time ago now – and he’s terrified he’ll never win you back. terrified to know the thought alone of you not being a part of his life shatters something permanent inside him. (but eventually, after long, thorough, heartbreaking groveling and trail and error, he’ll win you back. and the sweeping joy of it all is worth it in the end<3) nskzjebdbdjdks forgive me that is so specific HELPP. i actually have an embarrassing amount of songs i associate with sae but we’re not gonna talk about that bc i’m not supposed to be in love with him 😤
i think i mentioned this before on here but ‘clown’ by njomza is just absolute peak making kaiser crawl on his knees for you pathetically LOL as he deserves. also – and this is so funny to me to this day – right after the nagireo break up happened in the manga i was just like imagining reo gaslight gatekeep girlbossing through it and blasting ‘mean!’ by madeline the person on full volume like yeah girl you deserve better than him sksjsbbddnjsnsn pls okay shut up river
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bachirasbodyguard · 2 years
my s/o, upon seeing a picture of Kaiser, said that he always makes her think of the song “Kiss From a Rose” by Seal (and NOT because of the tattoo, just because of his vibes) and I haven’t recovered since
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popponn · 7 months
boyfriend hcs | isagi yoichi.
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notes: im done pretending to be sane. "things and hcs about isagi yoichi" post because world hard and cold isagi yoichi soft and warm. this time, really mean it when saying no brain just isagi big love. please don't look at this too closely, other than that: no warning.
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the "natural rizz" type who is honestly not really good at being purposefully suave. if he tries, it will either go boyfailure route or cute babygirl route. if he doesn't, it's a full package bf who will get your whole family & friends' approval.
at first, he tries really hard, but the moment you get him to calm down and kick the nervousness away, you will get: casual affection, unconditional support, a cuddly & clingy bf on weekends, etc.
looks at matching keychains once and the metavision is telling him it will be cute if you two have that.
he seems like the type who is not obvious when he is in love. at first. the moment his friends accidentally stumble upon your dates and see his smile, his smile is fooling no one.
somehow could make the most mundane unromantic activity cute as long he does it with you. accidentally. somehow.
when he starts dating you, his clothes will reflect your taste because: 1) he will shop for those clothes with you and ask for your opinion; 2) if you are a sane human with a bare minimum level of taste you should know his fashion sense level is in minus already—please do a favor to mankind and get him away from that neon orange trousers and bright green jumper; 3) he just wants to see you happy; 4) despite his humble look and usual demeanor, he likes showing off that he has you and you have him.
doesn't mean he can pick your clothes. do yourself a favor and think thrice or ten times if he suggests clothing or god forbid a mix match. love makes people dumb but it has to have a limit. your man is not trustworthy in the style department.
getting his parents' approval should be the least of your worries. his blue lock fellows and noel fucking noa should be your concern. good luck, high chance you have to verbally fight people like michael kaiser and barou shohei.
your phone is guaranteed to have at least 5 country clocks in it because yoichi is an international sensation. and when he is not busy practicing, you barely leave his mind at all.
it ranges from "oh, they will like this as a gift" to longingly gazing at his phone because while he is an understanding & secure attachment-style boyfriend, it doesn't mean he can bear with you not contacting him for three days. call your man. text him.
his favorite songs will be that cm song and whatever you often listen to around him—"it just sticks". his favorite movie will be totoro and your favorite movie. attachment and fond memories are the main driving force for his favorite stuff.
is pretty independent and self-sufficient that is not clingy most of the time. unless when he is sleepy. he hugs his pillow when he sleeps, now that he has you get ready.
if your main love language are acts of service and words of affirmation, it will be an instant match. "i do this for you, you do this for me" without any talking needs to be done, just like second nature. and he likes to be praised.
in case of quality time and physical touch, it will take some time to get used to, most probably. while he clearly enjoys time with his closest ones, isagi also enjoys his alone time and thinking time too. and he used to be a shy boy who doesn't share touches with people much. but believe in his adaptability, as long as the parties involved are willing to figure this out it will get figured out.
made a whole post about this once like a besotted fool, but is a really good listener who likes listening to you. it's like you "giving him a piece of you"—especially if it is a part of you that you don't share much.
please do listen and try to figure him out though. moving on soon and focusing on the present's solution is good but in some cases, it really might lead to what people call "pent-up emotions". isagi doesn't enjoy looking or being "weak", but really understanding the emotions he doesn't say out loud will benefit both of you in the long run.
keep the balance in everything—because isagi as understanding and adaptable as he is, still sometimes has a lapse in judgment.
before this gets into angst territory let's stop here. moving on.
is canonly described as poetic in one of exhib dialogues—which means this man is scientifically proven to be cheesy as hell.
sheepish, boyish, cute, sometimes nervous, very boy next door yes. but when he is in the moment, aka the romance flow is kicking, get ready for the most heartfelt, the most sincere profession of love under the sunset. an "i'm glad you are in my life", an "i will happily choose you again", etc.
learn to kick a soccer ball if you can't. 1) good for self-defense; 2) he sometimes brings the ball to sleep and if you don't want it, really think of it as self-defense. (not kidding, check his PWC sprite and that one sleeping anime official art merch)
at first gets bashful at pet names, but if someone makes fun of him—especially during a match—that's just asking for it.
remember his habit of being unable to say "no"? In a very loving manner, it comes back in full force with you. he will spoil the hell out of you even when you don't ask him to. what you want, isagi will get.
you have to be his #1 supporter. because he is yours. sometimes he can give advice and help for you, sometimes he can't. but if anything, he will always be there.
has a soft spot for you smiling while hugging something. in other words, while his gallery is full of your photo with plushies, animals, etc—the number of mirror selfies with the two of you hugging each other is enough to make anyone blink in astonishment.
if someone badmouths you or tries to harrass you, oresagi aka on field persona comes out without any hesitation. and while isagi's appearance doesn't come in the most intimidating form—we have seen him. hold him back, please.
even after everything, is honestly a pretty simple guy who thinks a simple breakfast with you worth much more than expensive dinners. home dates with him is always the coziest thing on earth, no matter whether under a sunny sky or rainy clouds.
when he is dedicated to you, he is dedication itself. certainly still have to do pr and fanservice when he meets some fans in the street, but before he leaves he will always squeeze your hand like asking for permission and he always does it with such efficiency that some of his friends wonder if he is trained to return as quickly as possible to your side. (yeah. isagi values efficiency and like how he wants a goal, he wants to enjoy his date with you.)
comfort hcs tho, when you feel insecure or down in some ways talk to him. he might pick up the bad mood but he isn't the type to try and overstep when you don't want to tell him. and as said before, he is a really good listener who is always there for you, so it will really do you good.
sometimes protest but he loves it when you play with his hair one way or another. ruffle it, pat it, style it—do as you wish. bonus if you are in front of him, in his lap, in the comfort of your shared abode. clingy isagi coming out again.
he hugs in the same way he kisses. they are long and heartfelt. one could use "passionate" to describe them, if it isn't for a certain chaste-esque mannerism that is almost always there.
the only time it is not is when the two of you are in private but because this is a family account. not going there.
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aesterblaster · 3 months
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Sleepin Demons
How Blue Lock characters wake up from nightmares/How you can comfort them [Gender neutral reader]
Tropes: Reverse Comfort, Fluff/Angst, Established Relationship, and general warnings for some gore and mentions of flashbacks along with implied sexual harassment
Characters: Almost All Of Them Lol
Songs: Insecure - Bren Joy // Coffee for Dinner - Orion Sun // Broken Clocks - SZA
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The Silent Type + Actual Memories
It's the same one again. He's right back where he started. Unloved, unknown, left out of everything. The pangs of hunger run through him like a freight train as he desperately runs from room to room in his childhood home...But there's no nourishment. Someone calls his name but all he feels is fear at being recognized, he cowers as a figure rounds the corner and says his name again. "You think you could get away from me? Huh?" It could be anyone, a parent, someone he used to owe money to, an old abusive coach, all he knows is what comes next is going to hurt. "Are you fucking crying? You're so pathetic, soon everyone else will see that just like I always have!" The floor begins to sag and give way, everything creases in on itself. His brain feels like it's going to explode.
When he wakes up- his brain still feels as if it's too big for his skull, pushing against the edges like it's trying to find its way out. But he doesn't groan in pain, and he doesn't move. You're next to him after all, breathing softly. The moonlight grounds him, your hand against his side grounds him, he is safe now. The best thing you can do is stay asleep. He isn't ready to talk and admit that he's weak (or even worse...the fact that it is okay to be weak sometimes), not yet. For now he just snuggles against you and quietly brushes away any residual tears, thanking everything he believes in that he's here with you now.
Kaiser, Hiori, Naruhaya, Noa, Lorenzo
The Silent Type + More Abstract Fears
Slow. Everything was moving so fucking slow around him. His body was falling apart. Every sinew, every cell, every fucking atom of his being was breaking down and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Was this what he was truly destined for, dust to dust? Strangely enough, it didn't hurt, everything was calm. He was dying, so what? Every star burns out. And then, as sharp as a clap of thunder, the pain arrived. In his heart, not his body. Images of friends, family, trophies, all the things he hadn't done yet and you surged through his head. No, he couldn't die, not yet! He gripped his arm, but it was already turning to dust. Irrelevant and forgotten.
He's almost surprised when he wakes up, remembers that that would be impossible. Wants to scoff at himself for being afraid of something that could never happen. But the truth is, he is going to die someday, no matter how big of a star he is. He watches you twitch in your sleep, obviously disturbed by how he jerked awake, and curls his arms around you. He presses his face to the top of your head and breathes you in, silently begging you to drift back into a deeper sleep. He just needs to savor every moment with you and stop worrying, he tells himself.
Snuffy, Nagi, Ego, Aryu, Reo, Kuon, Chris, Jin
Wakes Up Screaming + Needs Reassurance
Why was this happening? You were in his arms, covered in blood, he was covered in blood; It was everywhere. The cheering from the fans turned into screaming, that's when he should've stopped and had the damn sense to look around. Instead, he kept running and dribbling down the field, confused why nobody was stopping him. He didn't see you falling from the stands until you were right in front of him. Your arm twisted first, then your neck, the rest of you followed. Why was this happening? "No, no, no, no...(Y/N). Get help! What the fuck are you all standing around for?!" He took off his jersey and tried to stop the bleeding but it wasn't enough, you were already going cold. He was powerless.
"I said get help-!!" he roared. "Oh..oh fuck." He suddenly wasn't holding your limp body anymore, he was in his- your room. The smell of blood disappeared. He glanced over and made eye contact with you. "Are you okay? You're shaking like a leaf!" "No..can you, can you just come here?" He crushes you in a bear hug as soon as you do. Even when he lets up, he opts to hold your hand instead. He makes you tell him about your day, because he got in late when you were already asleep. He tells you how much he loves you and recounts the day you two met just to stop his heart from bursting. "S-sorry I woke you up, I just- I needed that."
Ness, Niko, Aoshi, Sendo, Gagumaru, Igaguri, Kurona
Wakes Up Screaming + Needs Some Space
The first thing he notices is that he can't breathe. The second thing he notices is that he is in a hospital. "No, I don't think he will ever be able to speak or move again." a voice he doesn't recognize claims. Someone is choking him and he can't stop them. It's himself, rabid, foaming at the mouth. The doppelganger realizes he's been caught and tightens his grip. "That's right, that's what you fucking get for ignoring yourself. You don't even fucking eat enough and you want to be a star, huh? You keep betraying yourself." His neck is lifted from the cold pillow. "And betraying yourself!" It's slammed back down. He wants to tell him to stop, to say anything, but he can't.
He wakes up like he's been jolted back to life by electricity, doesn't even realize he's screaming. "Baby, baby you're okay! It's okay." He feels your hands around him and feels ashamed instead of relieved. What the fuck was that?! "Just go back to sleep, I'll be back." You open your mouth to argue but he shakes his head. "Please." This is nothing you can help him with, he needs to take care of himself and he knows it. Can't keep relying on others to pull him out. He takes a cold shower and comes back to bed hours later, slipping next to you. "I'm sorry I scared you." is all he says as his hands glide over your back. It's best if you just accept his apology, you'll never fully understand the war he's having with himself.
Chigiri, Kenyu, Kunigami, Kira, Sae, Barou
You Wake Him Up + It's Not Okay
Of course he knows this is a fucking dream, how could it not be? The overwhelming lights, the strange woman putting her hands on his chest. He knows exactly what this is about too. The paparazzi have gotten way too comfortable following both you and him around, they keep asking invasive questions and posting up outside of your house. The lack of privacy should be illegal. "You're famous now, you should like this you ungrateful piece of shit." a voice hisses in his ear as another pair of hands massages his shoulders. He tenses and struggles, but more hands appear, grabbing at his clothes. They tear pieces away from him with no remorse and something deep inside of him wishes it could end- Scratch that, every part of him wishes this would end, the violation, the rumors, the-
"Hey! Are you alright? I think..I think that you were having a nightmare." He gasps, so the feeling of hands on his chest were yours. Everything that was tensed relaxes, it was just you. That doesn't stop all his feelings from welling up along with tears. "Can you not touch me right now?" God, he wishes you wouldn't look at him like that. "Are you crying?" "No." He slips out of bed and checks the curtains, he can't shake the feeling of foreign hands on every part of him, not just his chest. Disgust curls and uncurls in his stomach. Why couldn't he just fight back on his own in his own damn head? "There's no one out there-" "How do you know!? Huh?" he demands, a whole lot louder than he meant to. "Fuck wait..I'm sorry. This week has just been a lot." You two end up having a long and needed talk that night.
Lavinho, Reo, Oliver, Rin, Raichi, Tabito
You Wake Him Up + It's Okay
He has been walking in circles for hours. Each loop, though, something changes. At first it was funny, (someone's head would balloon to an impossible size or a sign would read a curse word instead of an actual street name, for example) but now he was just tired. He couldn't sit down though or this burning pain would shoot through him...Just like in the real world, if he ever stopped shining, if he ever stopped moving forward, he'd get this feeling like he wasn't doing enough. Even on vacations there would be a gnawing sense that he was running from his rightful title. All he needed was the spotlight, even if it took so much fucking effort to get there. Practicing the same kicks over and over again, walking in circles, looking for what would excite him next-
"Please stop kicking me..." you groan and he wakes up instantly. Honestly, he didn't realize how terrifying his dream was until he's lucid. "Was I kicking you? Sorry... I just had the weirdest dream, it was like I kept walking in circles and I couldn't stop." "Maybe that's your brain telling you to take a break and stop treating my shin like a soccer ball." You two continue to make light of it and the more he talks about it with you, the more relaxed he gets. He's going to be just fine, especially with you by his side. "Mnh, good night." you finally whisper, cuddling up against him and tangling your leg with his in a final attempt to prevent any future attacks. "Good night." He watches you fall asleep with love in his eyes and wonders how a job obsessed weirdo like him managed to land someone as perfect as you.
Bachira, Loki, Isagi, Shidou, Nanase, Otoya, Zantetsu,
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chiipay · 12 days
could i request something with like popular singer y/n (with blue lock guys)
Ohh cool 👍
NAGI Who would love you the most- he would make you sing him a lullaby as he fell asleep on your lap. REO tried to take NAGI away from you but soon gave up because NAGI won't even move a single muscle.
REO falls in love with your voice. He almost mistaken you for a siren. REO who wants to hear you sing just for him but is too nervous to ask. He doesn't want you to think he only likes you for your voice.
CHIGIRI and KUNIGAMI are mostly fine with you being a popular singer. KUNIGAMI who didn't know you were famous until CHIGIRI pointed it out.
CHIGIRI is chill about it. He would often let you dry his hair while he leans on you as you would start humming some song. He enjoyed your company.
RIN well he just simply doesn't care or give a fuck about it. You're a popular singer? He doesn't care. You're drowning? Bro give no damn about it.
KURONA and HIORI think that's a cute thing about you. They would love to hear you sing.
ISAGI is cool with it. He's a bit shy at first but gets cool when he is more comfortable with you
KAISER would just simply ignore you and NESS truly is happy to know one of his favourite people ( you care about him ) is a famous person.
SHIDOU is crazy. He would make you sing for him. That guy is feral not gonna lie.
BAROU is like RIN and KAISER he just gives no damn about it.
KARASU and OTOYA would tease you. (+ AIKU)
SAE gives no damn also but if you're someone he truly likes or close with he will make you sing him lullaby to sleep.
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li-an-nie · 2 days
the SICKEST RAWEST HYPEST Blue Lock rap you NEED to hear!!!1!
GUYS, I'm absolutely destroyed and shaken by this song -- it's one of the best fucking anime raps I've ever seen. It has the exact same hype and rawness in its lyrics, beat and music like in the manga, it's about Kaiser and captures his thoughts and part in the story really frickin well, and it's also just a dope song in general!!
The MV is also amazing !!
Please give it a listen!!!1! (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
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hipsternumbertwo · 12 days
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Favorite Angela Moments 29/∞: Mamma Mia! But Different (Baby, Baby Version)
Syd and Olivia writing this in one night (and having cameos in the show)
Vic as a mommy influencer and mom to Blakely (Gabe)
Nurse Mariah's recurring "1 in 10 babies are born premature" bit
Mary Lou as Pearl "left in the NICU for 15 months" recurring bit followed by telling the audience to not feel bad for her whenever they go "Awwww"
The babies are divided into two gangs - breastfed and formula fed
The "gangs" only get together to welcome new babies in the NICU and sing Voulez-Vous
People in the chat really concerned with the rope potentially tripping people (extremely valid considering Mariah and Angela moved all over the stage)
Also why are they connected in the first place???
Vic being inside that plastic thing for the majority of the time just vibing - no lines, no singing, only dancing at times and getting trapped by the curtain to the backstage several times LOL
The Romeo and Juliet subplot
Rick Angela closing the NICU to open Mommy Influencer NICU instead
Nurse Mariah (her voice is soooo gooooood) and asshole Rick Kaiser Permanente Angela duet Money, Money, Money
Pearls and Blakely's duet Does Your Mother Know because of their 15 month age gap
When Everest (Romeo) was shot by Skyler (BECAUSE 1 in 3 AMERICANS OWN GUNS????) and the gangs set aside their differences to save him
Pearl performing surgery since she's been watching the doctors all that time (the whole scene playing out over the group singing SOS)
Mariah's name was Baby #2 so that makes Angela Baby #1 and the rope is their umbilical cord for some reason. They don't like each other and belong to rival gangs
Vic's solo song number Thank You for the Music causing donors (Syd and Olivia) to donate and save the NICU
Angela putting that rope (that she had been dragging all over the floor) in her mouth (popcorn PTSD all over again)
Plot Twist! When Nurse Mariah revealed she was Pearl's real mom and that she fucked Rick (Angela) and got money from him so she can finally bring Pearl home
Of course Mamma Mia as closing number
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ode2rin · 1 year
PLS DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR REPLIES !!! IT DOESN'T NEED A COMFORT PART 2 do you know what it needs? reader's pov 🙏🏻 because i am certain kaiser fucked up so good (i'm a kasier kisser believe me) to the point that we can't take him back ;)
you get me anon 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 i shrieked when i read this in my inbox. i'm hearing you out so here it goes !! (thanks for sending this, i needed a distraction after my previous exam soooo a kaiser angst might just be the best kind of distraction :D)
content/warnings. reader's pov of this (or the break up) | hints of a toxic relationship | heavy in narration !
you can’t say you didn’t see this coming.
you would be lying not to admit that you could sense the storm brewing long before it arrived, an ache that had been etched into your soul from the moment you fell under the spell of those mischievous blue eyes and enchanting smiles.
the world warned you, voices of reason echoing through the corridors of your mind. tabloids whispered tales of heartbreak, fans shared cautionary tales, and even ness, who knew kaiser better than anyone, tried to shield you from the impending storm.
they told you loving michael kaiser wasn’t for the weak. and you shrugged that off, because you know you weren’t one.
now, sitting in the balcony of your new apartment, your phone clenched in your hand, a message arrives from a familiar sender.
you know this all too well. and it reads heartbreak in every word, over and over again.
my mihya: i have a game tomorrow. would you come? my mihya: please come.
loving michael kaiser wasn't for the weak, and you thought you understood what they meant but you didn't. it wasn't just about being strong — it was about the insidious way his love eroded your defenses, leaving you vulnerable and exposed.
in those three haunting moments when michael kaiser arrived unannounced at your doorstep, exuding remorse with every fiber of his being, you had to clench your jaw so tight just not to tell him to come inside.
and every time he calls asking to see you once more, you grasped your phone as if it were a lifeline, the weight of your wounded pride pressing into your trembling hands.
with each time he does ask to try again, it takes everything in you to hold a yes that teetered on the precipice of your lips. it wasn't because you didn't love him, but because you knew all too well that kaiser excelled at chasing you when it was already too late.
it was as though he had finally paid attention to your place in his life, but by then it was too late, you’re too broken to grasp on.
don’t get it wrong, he did love you. fiercely, madly, deeply so. he loved you.
only in his terms, that is.
he loves you when it was convenient, when it was easy. he loves you when he stood high above everyone else, and come moments that he faltered, he dragged you into his lowest of lows.
and you. you accepted that.
accepting a love (if you could even call it one) like that?
it was consuming. such love painted vibrant hues of ecstasy, only to wield the darkest shade of anguish.
and yet again, we really do accept the love we think we deserve.
you spent two years of your life believing love came with thorns. you gave him all of your best, your endless empathy. gave him so much, but it wasn’t enough.
no, it was never enough.
it wasn’t all rain and storms. you had your better days. and when it was good, it was good.
but a few fleeting highs couldn't erase the moments when he tore you down, belittled your dreams, ridiculed your love like you’d always be around.
so, you ran.
was it the bravest thing you've ever done? these days, it's harder to convince yourself that you made the right choice.
to say you miss him is an underwhelming elucidation of what you feel. michael kaiser is written all over you. you feel him everywhere of you. his presence lingers within, haunting you.
and there are nights, that fuck, all you want to do is pick up the phone and have him near, even if that means risking another goodbye.
but leaving… you know it was for the best.
when you think of those destructive nights of 4 am, standing before a mirror seeing the permanent damage of loving a man who didn’t know what he had when he had it, you know it was for the best.
i did the right thing.
you can’t take him back. you can’t do that to yourself again, not anymore. you can’t go through another night of stifling your sobs, grieving for your partner when he’s right beside you. 
grieving for what could have been if he were a better man. if he loved you the way he loved his fame and glory. if he loved you like how your heart ached to be held.
but as they say, one should wait for the right man, but never should one wait for one man to be the right one.
and you refuse to be the casualty of a love that was never meant to be, the collateral damage in his pursuit of self-glory.
1:03 AM [xxx-xxx-810]: i have a game tomorrow. would you come? [xxx-xxx-810]: please come. 3:35 AM you: i hope you win, kaiser.
so, you hold on to your pride, because these days, it’s all you had left.
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sprite-up · 1 year
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said the moon kaisers waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with the moon kaiser speaking one word in person on voice in throne room not only will i start a fight i will blow up the fucking moon out of spite and have to rebuild the entire satellite again for the experience of being able to erase all the times when he is mentioned or alive
i know why i hate him so much. he killed my best friend but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of science fiction and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had the war make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
songs not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his army and I lost it
where the fuck is the moon kaiser if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch the moon kaiser and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is a crater
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when the kaiser will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had such a fucked up if true army
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azulock · 1 year
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⊛ ⊛ ⊛ maria . over twenty . she/her . brazilian . bllk side blog ⊛ ⊛ ⊛
Heya! Seems you found your way into my blog! The stuff here is either gonna be fem!reader or gender neutral, this masterlist marks gender neutral as gn, everything else is fem!reader. All characters in my writing are aged up, so consider everything to be pro player!character. Feel free to send me an ask, a request, a thirst, whatever! Thanks for coming by! please, be mindful this is an 18+ blog, minors are NOT welcome
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⟳ cat hybrid!Nagi in heat { Nagi . nsfw }
⟳ Yukimiya + Otoya nsfw headcanons { multiple . gn}
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NSFW Alphabet Masterlist ↪
misc headcanons.
what they smell like { gn } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver / Sendo / Shidou when their gf wears a slutty halloween costume { s } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver / Sendo / Shidou / Kaiser bllk guys + sex toys { s } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser when they find someone they once had a thing with { a . gn } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver / Shidou asking the boys for gym photos { gn } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver with a chubby reader { gn } - Nagi / Oliver / Shidou what the guys sound like in bed { s . gn } - Nagi / Reo / Oliver / Sendo / Kaiser guys with a breeding kink { s } - Reo / Shidou / Kaiser their types of date { gn } - Reo / Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser favorite types of kisses { gn } - Reo / Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser the guys as dads { gn } - Reo / Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser their attractive traits { gn } - Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser when they get sick { gn } - Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser what they are like when drunk { gn } - Oliver / Shidou / Kaiser
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Seishiro Nagi
halloween party { s } - you'd been avoiding Nagi, but he finally confronts you. tw: dubcon, intox kink
when you wake up crying { f . a . gn } - reader wakes up crying after a nightmare decorating the tree { f . gn } - when you wake up sick it's up to Nagi to decorate the tree and save Christmas snowed in { f . gn } - Christmas comes around but a snow storm keeps you and Nagi locked in
spending new year's eve { gn } cat hybrid!Nagi in heat { s . gn }
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Reo Mikage
right? { s . a } - Nagi is a bad boyfriend, but Reo is there to help you feel better. tw: cheating
dancing to holiday songs { f . gn } - Reo arrives home early for the holidays and finds you baking family christmas dinner { f } - you take Reo to meet your father on Christmas
nsfw headcanons { s . gn } spending new year's eve { gn }
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Oliver Aiku
getting nudes from Oliver { s . gn } - just Oliver being a shameless pervert who likes sending nudes, just casually getting jack off videos from Oliver { s } - since like to the photos, he moves on to the next step, jerking offf videos helping hand { f . gn } - Oliver has to shave his stubble for a club event, and he wants your help pregnancy needs { s } - Oliver fucks the pregnant wife of one a member of his team's board of directors trying not to think { s } - a couple of months after your baby is born Oliver restarts your affair sleeping beauty { s } - you arrive home feeling horny but Oliver is asleep, well that's not a problem obsession { s } - Oliver thigh fucking you
three way with Oliver and Sendo { s } - Oliver x f!reader x Sendo when you wake up crying { f . a . gn } - reader wakes up crying after a nightmare wolf hybrid!Oliver in rut { s . gn } - reader helps relieve a pent up Oliver during his rut bodyguard AU - hiring Oliver as your charming bodyguard family christmas dinner { f } - Oliver takes you to meet his family on Christmas the gävle goat { f . gn } - Oliver takes you to see the Gävle Goat, but you get more than expected Oliver + somnophilia { s } - Oliver comes home to find you asleep intox kink { s } - Oliver fucking you while you are high
oliver + shidou nsfw headcanons { s . gn } spending new year's eve [1] [2] { gn } 5 Love Languages Oliver { gn } Shidou + Oliver + Kaiser with a shy s/o { s } Oliver + size kink { s . gn }
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Ryusei Shidou
when you wake up crying { f . a . gn } - reader wakes up crying after a nightmare under the mistletoe { f . gn } - when you seem unaware of Shidou's flirting, he has to go for a cheap shot holiday cookies { f . gn } - Shidou tries to help you with icing some holiday cookies hand kisses { f . gn }
Street Racer Ryusei { gn } shidou five love languages { gn . f } oliver + shidou nsfw headcanons { s . gn } shidou relationship headcanons { gn } spending new year's eve { gn } Shidou + Oliver + Kaiser with a shy s/o { s } Shidou + Sae threesome { s }
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Shuto Sendo
three way with Oliver and Sendo { s } - Oliver x f!reader x Sendo when you wake up crying { f . a . gn } - reader wakes up crying after a nightmare snowy day { f . gn } - Sendo braves his hatred of the cold to spend a day in the snow with you tropical christmas { f . gn } - it gets too cold during the holidays and Sendo invites you on a tropical retreat
spending new year's eve { gn }
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Michael Kaiser
christmas market { f . gn } - kaiser attempts to take you on a perfect trip to the christmas market company holiday party { f . gn } - kaiser finds you alone without your date on the club's holiday party
nsfw headcanons gn reader { s . gn } nsfw headcanons fem!reader { s } kaiser + isagi crushing on noa's daughter { f } spending new year's eve [1] [2] [3] { gn } Shidou + Oliver + Kaiser with a shy s/o { s } being college friends with Kaiser and Ness { gn }
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Sae Itoshi
Shidou + Sae threesome { s } Sae with a disabled reader { gn }
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harpie-raven · 1 year
Wanted to do a ⚡️Lightning Round⚡️!
I took the winners of all the other “which is the best [mechs] song?” Polls I did, and I bring you…
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lazyalani · 1 year
| Blue Lock
| Them as Taylor Swift song lines
| fluffy, becuz taylor swift is life itself, i refuse to believe reo and chigiri arent swfities, swearing cuz its me, i had to redo this cuz tumblr literally deleted the first one :'), slight angst? I like the old version of this better :(
Ft. Reo, Nagi, Chigiri, Aiku, Sae, Rin, Bachira, Ness, Kaiser, Otoya, Yukimiya, Isagi
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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REO "you've got a smile that could light up this whole town" - you belong with me
Man you can't tell me his smile just not sends you to cloudnine. That one panel of him smiling at Nagi got me cursing that bitch for making Reo cry. He's so precious I'm crying. Nagi better have tripped 50 times after walking away from him. His smile is so genuine. Reo is so easy to read off field. His emotions are always easily seen based on his expressions and how he acts. Just by looking at his face and eyes, you could really tell how he feels. The way his face lights up and his eyes sparkle when he smiles got butterflies on my tummy. Fuck you Nagi.
MEGURU "we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way" - 22
Bachira is always a mix of emotions. I genuinely believes he can feel and handle a lot of emotions at the same time and still only show one, and he chooses what to show. He's always smiling or calm despite the chaos on field and everything. He's so chill. He'd be the fun person to be around everytime. He's a flexible person. He could be fun when it's the mood, and bring out his lonely feeling when you talk deep. But he's so optimistic he lits up the mood again. He's the type to just go with the flow of anything and worry about something when it's there. The fact that he finds a way to make himself kind of okay is amazing cuz I would honestly lash out on everyone in the field.
RIN "back then we didn't know, we were built to fall apart" - the very first time
Ah, he's definitely the angsty childhood friends to strangers trope. The moment Sae broke him he was bound to break everything around him. Even if he hurts people unintentionally, the damage is still done, no? He inherited his brother's sharp tongue and bad attitude so if you aren't a masochist or a simp, better stay away cuz this man could make you cry with a sentence. It doesn't really help that he literally grew up all over Sae. It's not like Rin is the type to say "go away cuz you're distracting me from my revenge" or something, but his change drives people away from hi.
SEISHIRO "it's me, hi. i'm the problem it's me" - anti-hero
Literally sucks at communicating. He'd be the person who would slack off at communicating and do whatever he wants when he thinks you know him enough. He's probably think you know he'd buy a new house when he complains about the broken cieling. You better get that laziness out of your spoiled ass and start trying harder AND IF YOU DONT WANT REO ILL TAKE HIM. Get your game face on GET YOUR GAME FACE ON. Don't confuse and play with my Reo's feelings you asshole.
HYOMA "i'm captivated by you baby like a firework show" - sparks fly
You cannot tell me you don't internally scream when you see this pretty man. I believe in Chigiri Hyoma supremacy, I believe that he gets all the attention he deserves everywhere he goes, and I refuse to believe that no one in blue lock had even a slight crush on him. He's just so pretty and gorgeous and cute and talented and fast and charming and dreamy and fast and red. Please let me touch your hair you can kick me afterwards. I went into daydream mode the first time I saw him.
EITA "goodbye, mr. perfectly fine, how's your heart after breaking mine?" - mr. perfectly fine
I don't even have to explain. I would've burned his whole soul down if he did that to me.
AIKU "long story short, it was the wrong guy" - long story short
Don't even get me started on this one. He's so obvious. Tbh, in real life, you'd be pretty stupid if you didn't notice sooner. Getting with him on a committed relationship, a fubu, or a fwb would be a risky 50/50 if you're weak for guys like him, better run, but if you're a flagpole then why not? You could fall for him for all he cares, he just wants to have fun.
SAE "why'd i have to break what i love so much?" - afterglow
Now he'd defnitely be the one to lash out. Aside from the Rin drama, if Sae had a childhood sweetheart or something like that, they would either end up like Rin or slowly experience and see the change in Sae. From his usual teasing manner to the dry, lesser and lesser text and messages. He'd be the type to lash out and tell you to go away when you pry too much for his taste. Sharp tongued, bad attitude, sharper actions, so realistic to the point that he does so much damage around him and what's worse is that he doesn't care. He knowd what he's doing and he just doesn't care enough. It's not he doesn't love or like Rin or his 'if' childhood sweetheart, it's just the way he is after his change. He's like a fire burning everything on his path, and he just keeps going.
YUKIMIYA "darling, i fancy you" - london boy
Like, have you seen this man? He's a 3 in 1. Angst, Fluff and Sm-- hehehehe. He's so pretty, soft boy at first look and then sexy at the second, then angsty health drama in the third. My yukki is so strong for handling his sickness so well :') come here and lemme give you a hug.
MICHAEL "he's so obsessed with me and, boy, i understand" - i think he knows
Ness, I completely understand, it's completely justified. This man is gorgeous and he fucking knows it. He's probably the center of attention when he walks in and he loves every bit of it. BUT THE NEXT TIME HE BULLIES NESS IM RIPPING OF THAT REMAINING HAIR ON HIS BACK :D Aside from him annoying himsagi everytime and being a menance to everyone, who wouldn't love him? Talented, handsome, and don't even get me started on that 300M.
ALEXIS "'cause darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" - blank space
Oh boy only a little more and he's gonna fucking snap and rip himsagi's neck off. His smile is so babyboy and innocent but when he closest his eyes you better run. Many people probably think he's just one of those die hard Kaiser defenders who bark and be a stupid, good for nothing moron in the field but my Ness is very strong and boy he BITES. Reo version 5. Kaiser, make up your mind seriously, I'll take him if you don't want him.
YOICHI "i swear i don't love the drama, it loves me" - end game
Pretty self-explanatory. I feel so bad for him. My boy just wants to play soccer and suddenly he's a double love story antagonist and a brother stealer :') ever since Rin and Nagi came into the picture he lost Bachira. Like, just go away and give him back Bachira. Then there goes Kaiser and Ness drama, an upgraded version of reonagi. Reonagi drama level 3. Cuz level one is them, them level two is Kunigiri. GIVE HIM THE BALL AND LEAVE HIM ALONE. Need to build a government himsagi protection squad cuz Ness is probably gonna break his legs sooner or later.
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popponn · 1 year
some what if and a passing humor.
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characters: isagi, chigiri, sae, shidou, aiku, kaiser.
notes: the amount of time and fun i spend on this is something. writing aiku and shidou for the first time feels funny. nonetheless, i hope i get everyone okay. warning: yeah the question is 'what if we ever broke up' like that song ; a fluff, some more comedic than others ; shidou is shidou, but still a fluff; minor swearing.
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you truly didn’t meant anything by it. dare you say, it even actually came from a place of fondness, actually. you watched your boyfriend on your side and thought, “ah, I might not be able to live without him anymore.”
how serious that statement was—you didn’t really want to examine it when the atmosphere was this light. that was probably why without much rhyme or reason, you asked him, “hey, what if i ever break up with you?”
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yoichi’s first response to that was chocking on his bottled mineral water in a manner that was less handsome and more comical. you immediately jolted towards him and patted his back as he hacked out rough coughs. it took sometime for it to calm down, but even afterwards panic was still clearly swirling in his eyes.
gone was the calculative striker and the crybaby yocchan who hadn’t emerge since he was 4 nearly made a come back. with the two of you still pressed side by side on the sofa, yoichi immediately asked you why in the world are you asking that. he didn’t say it, but anyone with half a brain would figure out that his brain was working overtime at the moment. did he do something? did he forget something? did he fuck up something?
the moment you answered it was a mere passing thought of what if and assured him that you really had no intention of doing that for anytime soon—which in total took almost 10 minutes—it was after all that yoichi could finally breath normally. with an exhaustion that he only experienced after a full 90 minutes of intense match, yoichi slouched against the sofa. he genuinely looked like he was so stressed he would cry and you seriously felt bad. as an apology, you hugged him and leaned his head against your shoulder.
“I’m okay. It’s just…” Yoichi tried to assure you, before pausing for a moment and heaved out a heavy sigh. Burying his head on your shoulder as he wrapped his hands tighter around you, he admitted, “…actually, yeah, I totally panicked just then.”
“I’m seriously sorry. Just forget it, okay? It’s just a question after all,” you said again, combing through his locks in attempt to cheer him up.
Yoichi laughed pitifully. He shifted for a few times, trying to find a more comfortable position to cuddle you. As he attempted the impromptu cuddle session, Yoichi finally continued, “…just a question, yeah?”
When you nodded and the two of you settled with you laying on his chest, your legs intertwining with each other’s, Yoichi finally gave you an answer, full of determination and sincerity. “Definitely will try to win you back. I’m not giving up on you so easily. I know in a way that’s pretty selfish but, yeah, I will definitely make you happy—but, seriously, don’t try to do that!” Yoichi insisted as you laughed at the lame ending of his bold proclamation.
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hyoma looked so offended you genuinely thought he would throw the hairdryer in his hand to your face. thankfully and unsurprisingly, he didn’t. instead, he put it down with a terrifying calmness and suddenly there was a hyoma face in front of you with an intense stare trained on you. if this was a drama, it would be romantic, maybe, but honestly in reality it felt like having a thug was threatening you.
you nervously supplied that it was just a question and pushed his face away with a finger on his nose. hyoma’s glare didn’t falter even as he distanced his face away from you. with sharp gaze still staring straight at you, hyoma demanded what did you mean by just a question. yet again, you noted how this felt like entering a duel with an angry big cat—it was terrifying. then you saw how his eyes sparkled differently under the bedroom light and it hit you that you might had done a mistake.
panicking, you threw yourself towards him and hugged him as tightly as you could, blurting out an apology. hyoma didn’t move for another few seconds, his hands slowly sneaking up crawling up from your hips before it rest snugly, wrapped around your waist. he took your face in his hands, wordlessly asking for you to look at him. it was then you saw how his face rested in a pissed pout resembling an angry child.
“Don’t joke like that again. The hell is that question for?” Hyoma asked with a harsh tone, the polar opposite to the hands that gently pinched your cheeks.
“Sowry, Hwoma,” you apologized all whilst accepting his bullying. Hyoma’s expression didn’t budge, conflicts written all over his face.
“I seriously will be pissed if we break up, by the way. So don’t you dare,” he added petulantly. “I said that I promise that I will give you the best of everything. If you just suddenly walked away—”
You smiled at his words, feeling his affection through his coarse wordings and weak stretches on your cheeks. Seeing your smile, Hyoma pushed his forehead against yours again, “I’m serious. Ugh. Seriously, you piss me off sometimes. I will step on your feet next time you pull this sort of shit again.”
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sae made a face that reminded you of cats in videos when they got a cheese thrown into their face. and it stayed like that for around ten seconds. eyes wide, mouth in a straight line, while horror and shock etched itself there. then, he recovered and the sour face he made immediately made you wonder if maybe it was time to apologize already.
but before you could say anything, sae made a bitch face that was somehow both pissed off and taunting. it was pretty amazing to see in action, while genuinely pissing off and scarring you off at the same time. his position didn’t even change—his head was still propped with one hand while his legs were still propped up on your lap as if he was some expensive pet who owned the place—and he still stayed silent, yet somehow you knew he was calling you names no proper human should probably ever say. especially to their partner. but, then again, sae indeed sometimes came up with some of the weirdest things through his wording alone.
it took you a few minutes to crack before you finally looked away. without seeing, you knew sae’s eyes just stared at you even flatter—which was amazing, considering how flat his usual stare already was. then another minute passed, you remembered how stubborn sae could get when you realized that the stare you refused to meet won’t wane just like how his legs suddenly were immovable boulders on your thighs. Thankfully and unfortunately, sae decided that your spirit was damaged enough for him to finally speak.
“That joke was shitass,” Sae commented, clearly holding back. You genuinely wondered if these last few minutes were spent by him trying to tame his unholy, uncultured wild words into simply ‘shitass’.
You took a glance towards him, meeting his gaze from the corner of your eyes. You gulped apologetically, “…I’m sorry.”
“Also, wouldn’t it be you who would probably do something if we break up?” Sae asked in a tone most people used to point something out. You wanted to rebut him, saying that it was not an answer. But taking into consideration how his personality is and how this staring contest seemed to be tearing your morale into shreds, you simply nodded weakly with a swallowed pathetic whimper of a bullied koi fish in a cat mouth.
And turned out, it still wasn’t enough and Sae’s silent stare was still flat enough to make you want to cry. But before you could wail like a child for real, he suddenly sighed and got up. Then a hand was in front of you, his palm inviting you to take it, “We will walk around for a bit. I need some air.”
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you really didn’t know what you expect when ryusei walked wordlessly towards the nightstand and took out four suspicious little packs. you definitely did felt torn between finally ending him there and then or just smile in the way possums pretend to die. put it simply, suddenly maybe breaking up with him didn’t sound like a terrible idea. maybe he really was after your body only.
then, when you tiredly voiced these outs, ryusei was suddenly wrapped around you like a koala baby with bright eyes as he whined to you about how you shouldn’t say that. in his very shidou ryusei way, where words like explosions and such were used. by the time he said ‘firework hottie’—or something—you decided to tune him out, despite your reluctant amusement, and just quietly explained that it was a joke.
turned out, that was a trigger was him to immediately switched out his cuter side, let you go, and went back to his usual countenance. the packs returned to your sight once again and you threw a pillow to his face. ryusei laughed and while he didn’t avoid said pillow, he did indeed came back with a revenge through a pair of warms wrapped around your waist. this time, you half expected him to continue on laughing whilst trying to push the protection to your hand, but a few seconds passed and his expression grew somber.
“But, then doesn’t it mean it wasn’t mean to be? In case things did ended up boring between both of us,” Ryusei gestured between the two of you with a lax flair that was only accentuated by him lying on his side. “Though, I can just make it explode between the two of us again, you get it?”
You stayed silent for a minute. You considered translating his words in your brain, before deciding not today, “No. I don’t.”
Ryusei sighed, before nuzzling his face to your stomach, “Gee—you are boring sometimes, Babe—”
With no hesitation you immediately trashed around and tried to get him off you. Ryusei didn’t budge, but not without getting a knee straight to his face. Still, it didn’t stopped him from wrestling to both stop you and get you lying down beside him, snickering somehow, “Ow—Come on, I know you get me! Like, can’t you feel it between us? This sort of thing won’t go down that easily. If it did, either you and me will spark it back on like nothing happened and you know it, right? My pleasure to do it as many time as you want though.”
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in a manner that only a man with at least three pages long of shitty dating and commitment issue history could do, oliver let out a rueful chuckle. he leaned back against his seat and looked up without much change in his expression. it was at this moment you were reminded of the fact that your boyfriend that by, probably, miraculous feats decided to put his commitment in you, was one mysterious motherfucker who hides many things behind easy smiles and friendly mannerism.
you debated whether you should push him to answer you or just laugh the question off as a thoughtless impulsive thought being voiced out. though, before you decided on anything, oliver beat you to it with a teasing joke of his own. without any gravity in it, he mused out loud if this was the day you finally decided that he is a man unworthy of someone like you.
you replied back that it would only be possible if he was unserious like any of his previous relationship. then, that joke died down at the last syllable when you saw how he just smiled at you, not quipping out any other jokes. for a moment, you froze and genuinely thought that you misunderstood the nature of your relationship. thankfully, oliver seemed to catch whatever your face made and smile widely as he stood up, walking over to your seat with just a few strides.
“Then,” Oliver began, with a tone of finality. “I suppose that’s not happening anytime soon, hm?”
You, who just nearly arrived on a conclusion that would made this exchange not funny and light, still froze in your seat. It was only after Oliver crouched down before you, resting his hands on your knees that you could blink again, “…I…uh.”
Oliver, still with many sides you would have to discover, stared at you looked at you with a gaze you couldn’t exactly comprehend. His voice was still smooth and his, as he said, “Though, just in case you need a reference, don’t do that, ‘kay?”
It wasn’t long, as it only lasted for a mere second. Yet, undeniably, Oliver made a face that was soft, odd, and unfamiliar. It felt like a new thing—one that he trusted to you since some times ago, yet you realized just now. In a way, describing it was a bit impossible, but seeing it felt like an answer to everything all of sudden. Then, time moved on and a grin that was more usual with his rhythm showed up again, as crooked as how it usually is, “Like, come on, you have to admit I’m a catch, right? Plus, look at us—we are totally some teenagers’ dream love story right now. Me who—yeah, yeah, ouch. I won’t continue, no need to pull my hair—ha ha!”
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michael’s eyebrows seemed to be confused between furrowing out of irritation or raising up to his wide ass forehead out of amusement. but as the two you continued walking amidst the crowd, his lips decided it for him and curved itself into a smug smirk that was the textbook definition of annoying. in a heartbeat, you regretted asking him.
without stopping neither his nor your steps, michael brought his face closer to you with a grin that grew softer and somehow more teasing in the process. and while his visual was pleasing, the moment he launched into a spiel of how you would never be able to leave someone of his caliber. that if anything you would be the one left behind.
when your face soured at his wording, an almost uncatchable flash of seriousness entered his tone. he raised an eyebrow at you one last time, before tightening his finger around yours and pulled you closer to his side slowly. in a tone that was too prideful and composed, as though he didn’t just try to get a rise out of you, michael muttered out a quick comment on how it got more crowded. you noticed while it did, it wasn’t by much that it warranted the two of you being glued side by side. whilst you decided to not point it out, you nudged at him to just answer your random question.
Once again, Michael scoffed, his attention landing on you through his glance, “Again? Didn’t I say that if anything—”
“I heard you the first time. I just want to hear your answer,” you cut him off simply, not taking the bait this time.
Michael turned to stare at your face intensely at that. It was a bit unnerving, with how terrifying his eyes could get, but out of trust on his spatial awareness to get the two of you out of crashes and in the name of curiosity for a trivial question—you stared back. “…seriously? You really are something sometimes.” And as the two of you neared the ending of the crowded sidewalk, Michael finally relented and answered with a heavy sigh.
“As if I would let you leave that easily,” Michael turned his gaze back to the front as the two of you continued to walk. Through his bangs, you couldn’t quite catch his expression. The tone he was using did made you feel bad though. As he continued to talk, you made a note to also firmly hold his hands and do something nice for him later. “I will show you how fucking shit your decision was and then you will crawl back to me. I will make fun of you and get you back if you are entertaining enough. There you go, my answer. Now, will you just act cute and say sweeter stuff?”
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maochira · 2 years
"Du spielst immer wieder Gott mit deiner Macht!"
Ness was yelling at Kaiser at a volume you've never heard him speak in. You didn't know he was capable of being so loud.
tags: gn!reader x Alexis Ness, reader is around 18 years old and works at Blue Lock, angst, hurt/comfort, Ness my poor baby boy, reader and Ness can be seen as in a platonic or romantic relationship it's your choice, Ness snaps at Kaiser holy fuck, I recommend listening to this song because it inspired this fic
"Du spielst immer wieder Gott mit deiner Macht!" Ness repeated, but you couldn't understand what he was saying because you didn't have your translator earbuds in, so you quickly tried to get them out of your pocket.
Originally, you were walking past Kaiser's room because you had to get to Noa's office to give him something from Ego. But that had to wait.
"It's always Isagi you talk about! Always him!" Now you were able to understand what Ness was saying, or well, he was yelling. Almost screaming. "What about me?!"
But to your surprise, you didn't hear Kaiser yell anything back. He didn't even talk at all. You could picture the scene that was happening inside Kaiser's room in your head: Ness, full of anger, standing in front of Kaiser, while Kaiser looks down at him with a cold gaze. Or a smirk. Both would be possible for him.
The silence that followed was uncomfortable, almost scary. You knew your task was to get to Noa, but staying here right now felt a lot more important. Just in case. After all, you and Ness were quite close. You wanted to be there for him if needed.
"Get the fuck out of my sight." Kaiser broke the silence with a cold voice.
For a second you debated with yourself to leave, but ended up staying.
The door to Kaiser's door opened and Ness exited the room. He looked like a mess, a few tears still running down his cheeks, which he wiped away with his sleeve.
His head was lowered, so he only noticed you when he raised his head a couple seconds after closing the door.
"(Y/N)?" His eyes widened a little. "Oh... You heard that?"
You nodded. "Are you okay? You can talk to me if you want to."
Ness shrugged in response. "No, it's fine." He faked a smile. "I'll return to my room." And before you got to think about an answer, Ness ran away.
You thought about following him, but decided not to. Maybe he just needed a moment for himself. After all, he really looked like a mess. He was probably feeling like one as well.
So you continued your original task and headed to Noa's room.
But the entire time, you couldn't get Ness out of your head. The words he yelled at Kaiser repeating over and over in your head.
"Du spielst immer wieder Gott mit deiner Macht!"
Even though you didn't know what that meant, you remembered the emotions you heard when he yelled those words. You could almost feel them yourself.
Even after returning to your own room, Ness was stuck in your head.
You thought about going to his room to check on him, but the moment you got up from your bed, you heard someone knocking on your door.
"(Y/N)?" It was Ness. "You... You offered me to talk to you, right?"
You opened the door and looked at him. "I did." A small smile across your lips. "Come in."
Both of you sat down on your bed, and at first, silence filled the room. Ness seemed to think about what to say, but after a bit he was able to put his thoughts into words.
He tells you everything he currently feels about Kaiser. The way Kaiser only ever talks about Isagi, the way he keeps ignoring Ness and his feelings over and over and how Ness felt so invalidated and hurt.
This wasn't the first time he vented to you. It's happened a couple times already, but he's never been a mess like this. It's also the first time he's explicitly vented about Kaiser. Before, whenever he vented to you, it was about other things he had on his mind. You never knew he carried these feelings and thoughts within himself.
You don't even know how much time has passed by since Ness entered your room, but all that mattered to you right now was holding him in your arms, slowly running one of your hands through his hair.
"May I ask something?" Your voice was so quiet, it was almost a whisper.
Ness didn't respond verbally, he only nodded.
"What did you say to Kaiser before you mentioned Isagi? I... I didn't have my earbuds in at that time."
Ness took a deep breath before answering: "You mean when I said... 'You keep playing God with your power'?"
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