#fucking appalling
benicebefunny · 1 year
This is still a Taste of Athens hate blog.
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myriap0da · 1 year
my boyfriend telling me about someone in his class saying that one of their favorite horror medias is fucking gravity falls
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icaxrus-moved · 2 years
The comments on the YT interview with Soap and Ghost are beyond fucking disgusting this is pure disrespect and dehumanization
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i-still-mask-because · 2 months
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Nassau County of Long Island, New York passed a mask ban bill today. Please make a habit of calling your city, county, state, and federal representatives expressing your opposition to mask bans because fascist legislative proposals like this is absolutely going to be domino effecting throughout the US. AND WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC. WEAR A MASK TO NOT ONLY PROTECT US, BUT SUPPORT US.
Editing to add (8/14/2024): Please read the recent update.
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purlty23 · 2 months
Have you had Nazi propaganda blazed onto your dashboard? Me too.
Its no secret that Tumblr doesn't give a damn about its user base. It's been made abundantly clear to me that not only do they not care. Tumblr is allowing posts with direct links to nazi propaganda and chatroom sites to be blazed!
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The only reason I found this post? Because Tumblr put it in front of my face on my dashboard.
In the notes of this post there were dozens of reblogs with things like "is this an ARG?" "Oh whats this, save for later". One comment that said "tempting".
This is a neo nazi trying to recruit you.
Report this immediately. Do not click links. Email [email protected] telling them that you don't want neo nazis paying them to show us this garbage.
If you want to know how I figured out what this was in more detail, I'll put it under a read more so that everyone can be a little safer and a little smarter out there.
First: I went to the persons blog.
This one in particular is clever enough to have an ask about palestinian donations as their first post. The second is the one screenshot above.
I kept scrolling. Most are youtube links posted with 0 notes or interaction. This is another link to the same site here.
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If you scroll far enough, you'll see they've reblogged an original post.
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If you directly copy and paste this text into google, you'll find exactly one result. A PDF in Bulgarian hosted on a website named aobg.org.
Sounds legit, right?
Its the official website for the Bulgarian Society of Anthroposophy. A 'new age spiritual movement based on German idealism'. A cult.
As soon as I made the connection, I knew that clicking the original link would lead me to something similar. I felt confident enough to click it safely (DO NOT TRY AT HOME), and was launched into the shittiest little pro Nazi website with a live chatroom on the side.
There are always signs, always queues. Do not be stupid out there. These are NOT ARGs. If you aren't sure, block and move on.
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
Happy birthday!!!! More FMA!
He’s fucking tired.
In Xerxes, he’s Van Edris. In Xerxes, he’s the son of a former slave, having narrowly escaped being born into his father’s fate by virtue of him being awarded freedom by the time of his birth. In Xerxes, he’s an uncommon commodity, an alchemist with a skill that hasn’t been seen since his father fucked off to who knows where.
In Amestris, he’s Edward Elric. In Amestris, he’s the son of Trisha Elric who was born free and died free because while there are lots of different forms of freedom, in Amestris there’s one that everyone shares. In Amestris, he’s unknown and unremarkable and no one gives a fuck about what he does.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he says flatly.
This is what he gets for visiting his father’s country. It’s just fucking unfortunate that the really good alchemical texts are here.
He should have let Al (Van Altun, as they know him, even though the two of them having been using their Amestrian names almost their whole lives, regardless of what country they were in) do it. They’re not nearly as weird about him.
Pakor is alright, as far as kings go. He’s freed a lot of people, is poking at the laws of ownership that has governed his country for centuries to see if he can do anything about them without getting beheaded for it. He’s also known Ed since he was a barely able to walk, back when his father still made court appearances and brought the family along with him. Former slave against most talented alchemist in the country, and people tended to politely ignore the former. Hell, Ed’s been counting on the same thing since he was twelve.
Of course, now it’s coming back to bite him. People say he’s a genius, but if he was really smart he would have stayed far, far away from court. Like in Amestris, perhaps.
“You’re fluent in both languages,” Pakor says, coaxing.
“So are you,” he says accusingly. “We’re speaking Amestrian right now!”
Pakor sighs and switches to Xerxian. “You also speak Xingese and Drachman. You’re a difficult man to keep secrets from.”
“I’m also Amestrian!” he shouts. “And free, might I add! You can’t sell me off to slavery just to get some intel!”
“It’s not like we’ll brand you,” he says, affronted, and Ed is reminded that alright for a king is still pretty shitty. “We just need someone to do a little – double checking. To ensure the situation in Amestris is as it’s advertised.”
“You want to gift me to the Fuhrer to spy on him and you’re, what, just hoping he doesn’t notice that I understand everything and know everything and am, oh yeah, one of his citizens? I’ve been to Central before! With my luck, I’ll get recognized the first day here and then run out of Amestris! And, again, Amestris doesn’t have slaves! The leader of the country really can’t have one.”
Pakor sighs. “You’re very dramatic, Edris. It won’t be so bad. Here, I’ll say you’re my personal slave and that you’re on loan. It’ll be for cultural exchange purposes. He speaks Xingese, so you can communicate in that language without letting on you know Amestrian.”
Ed pinches the bridge of his nose. “This is a stupid fucking idea.”
“If you do this,” Pakor says, “I’ll give you the key to the royal library.”
Ed slowly lowers his hand, eyes narrowing. “I’ve been asking you to let me in there for years.”
“I figured I’d need to bargain it away eventually,” he says. “I was hoping you’d marry one of my daughters for it.” Having even light court obligations is bad enough, he’s in no way stupid enough to marry in. “You’re very difficult, you know. I’m your king. I shouldn’t have to bargain with you.”
“Tough shit,” Ed says, because Pakor may have known him for nearly twenty years, but that knowing goes both ways. Besides, he can’t piss him off because then he and Al will stop reparing all their shit bridges and infrastructure. “Fine. But if I lose my Amestrian citizenship over this, I’m going to be pissed.”
“Noted,” Pakor says brightly.
It doesn’t help that everything he’s heard about Fuhrer Mustang makes the man sound insufferable.
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stardustbuck · 3 months
so many ppl recently making anti posts, making tommy out to be some sexual deviant pervert who has no feelings for buck besides wanting to get his dick wet and hoping for scenarios of tommy openly mocking buck’s relationship with sex so that buck breaks up with him for eddie. you are being homophobic. it’s actually so disgusting. get some fucking help like fr.
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oniomn · 11 months
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ATTEMPTED to draw all of Joey Richter’s characters in The Trail to Oregon!
i gave up. this isn’t all of them theres too many.
excluded characters include:
the first few characters in Independence!
the donkey in Dysentery World
the passers-by in Speedrun
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
skinny queers be fucking normal abt bears challenge (impossible, y’all hate fat men too much)
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asweetprologue · 1 year
i know probably nobody following me is even relatively in this fandom but I just finished s5 of the dragon prince and I gotta tell you. the canonical lovechild of the gay-coded villains was not something I saw coming
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tommykinrd · 2 months
Can I just say, “don’t share rage bait” only works when it’s something stupid like “Tommy sucks” or when people intentionally go searching for things that will make them angry.
Triggering shit being sent to people minding their own business, fics that someone could stumble across thinking they wouldn’t read something harmful, and hateful tags made on posts that people have spent hours of time and energy and put love into are not just trolls being trolls. People are being harmed, this is harassment. Calling it out and making sure that people are made aware that they should take some extra steps to protect themselves is not “sharing rage bait”.
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
i think a lot of people should google datenschutz/gdpr and how it protects people who bring in a complaint to their workplace/place of study before you start calling for the investigation to be published
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majestico59 · 1 year
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All that shit was to hype up new apex legend that got super powers by touching a fucking titan battery.
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morethanonepage · 5 months
say what you will about Person of Interest but its show runners' reactions to their manly man action/sci-fi show being embraced by women shipping their two male main characters (that they would never in a thousand years see as anything but straight) was almost perfect. they kept up the importance of the finch/reese connection almost to the end*, they never shied away from letting them being close or physical w each other, they had other queer characters & treated them w respect. they had reese & finch pose as a couple for an event & treated it exactly the same as if had been reese & shaw posing as a couple.
basically, they never treated their audience as idiots for ever IMAGINING that their two totally straight main characters could be in love after being shown in text to love & need & value each other. they were always like, huh that wasn't our intent & we don't see it that way, but w/e, have fun w it, keep watching our show pls.
bbc sherlock & the mcu & star wars could NEVER. & neither, tbh, could supernatural.
*the random retcon of Carter being the MOST important person ever to Reese & his savior felt less about ignoring/diminishing his connection to Finch lest that be seen as GAY & more about amping up the tragedy of Reese having lost a person he loved & valued (& also I would argue setting up the fact that he was going to die at the end). Bad character writing but not imo malicious.** Same w his weird & awful relationship w his therapist in the last season -- more about setting up how hopeless it was for Reese to even try to have a normal life, again setting him up for his noble sacrifice at the end. Again, bad writing, but I see the vision.
** I also get the feeling both these moves were based on pressure from Jim Caviezel. The show runners may have been fine by the queer readings of the show but I bet he wasn't 😂
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
in 3x01 lip tells fiona mandy’s staying because terry’s been drinking a lot again (he drinks and mistakes me for mom) and i will never understand him that season because like… he was saving her from terry’s terrible abuse but then suddenly she becomes too clingy and annoying for him and he tells her to go home. HE TELLS HER TO GO HOME. TO HER RAPIST. HER FATHER WHO IMPREGNATED HER NOT EVEN A YEAR AGO. LIKE- HOLY FUCK.
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avalonauggie · 2 years
I’m so pissed that this movie is suddenly popular again like oh we all make fun of film bros until it’s winter in Naples and then all bets are off, people are making their silly memes and acting like it’s the greatest piece of art ever made LIKE WE DONT ALL KNOW that a crewman drowned during the boat scene and Matteo JWHJ 0715 told them to keep rolling. I’m ashamed of all of you.
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