#fucking Dursleys man
shostakobitchh · 6 months
TW: Child abuse
Hello, me again, back with another angsty ask…
So, I’m guessing in your canon the Dursley’s haven’t physically harmed Ariel, just neglect and emotional abuse… but how would it go if there was physical harm?
Taking into account Snape’s past with his own father, I can’t imagine what’d go down once it comes out. No need to answer this ask if it makes you uncomfortable though. Thank you for all your work, I can’t wait to see more! ❤️❤️❤️
I haven't really touched on it because Ariel doesn't like to think about it (or rather, she hasn't processed it or come to terms with it because Snape being her Dad kind of took precedent in her mind) but I'm sure Petunia slapped her around here and there - that sounds like I'm making light of it and I'm now, I was slapped around as a kid (meaning if I said something cheeky or defiant I'd get a whack) and it was humiliating. My parents used it as "corporeal punishment" but it was so degrading and humiliating and uh - it fucking hurt? I kind of view Petunia doing the same here. I don't think Vernon would ever lay a hand on Ariel, tbh. Ariel makes Petunia fucking crazy because she looks like Lily and has magic and it's driving her crazy that her "perfect sister" made this "perfect child that's the ghost of her dead sister what the FUCK" and it drives her batty. I'm sure one wrong word or something that reminded her of Lily made Petunia snap.
Snape probably suspects but everyone knows he doesn't need any more reason to fucking annihilate the Dursley's. If it ever came out Snape would probably be like, "your 17th birthday present is going to be watching me rIP OUT PETUNIA'S SPINE" while Dumbledore is like "okay yes fine just wait until she's 17 PLEASE."
actually, it kinda works because in this AU, Snape's initiation into the Death Eater's was killing Tobias. I think I've mentioned it? But yeah, there's some Snape Lore for you.
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all-about-kyu · 4 months
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Summary: You were enjoying a peaceful moment in the cafe when a man came to sit across from you at the table. Something in you changed. Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader Tropes: meet cute, nonidol au, strangers to something more Genre: fluff Rating: PG Warnings: language Word Count: 794 Note: for @cultofdionysus language of flowers event! Thank you to @anyamaris for proof/beta reading! Prompt: Magnolia - Natural
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This is one of your favorite places. Being in this small little hole-in-the-wall cafe, peacefully crocheting while enjoying the low, peaceful music. Not many people know about this place. The Magnolia isn’t a known place, even by locals, even if it is on a rather busy street. That being the case, there isn’t much seating. You’re sat in the back corner of the establishment, and the lull of the employees talking and the music easily puts you into the zone with your current project. 
“Excuse me?” Someone calls.
Looking up, you see a young man, probably about your age, with a soft smile on his lips. You lower your project into your lap and give him your full attention.
“Hmm?” You hum in response.
“Is this seat taken?” He questions, gesturing to the chair across from you.
You shake your head, “No, it’s all yours.”
The chair scrapes against the hardwood flooring as he pulls it out. You go back to your project, fully ready to get lost in your work again. Then, in your peripheral vision, you see him pull out a book along with a pencil. The book isn’t academic, though; it’s a copy of the first Harry Potter book.
“First reading?” You question, not looking up from the yarn in your hands.
“Hmm?” He hums back, “Oh, no, it’s not I just wanted to reread it and annotate this time. What are you making?”
“Just a scarf. Nice and straightforward. I know it’s almost summer but I might as well get ahead of schedule with making things my family are bound to ask me for in a few months.”
“I like the yarn color. Baby blue is a good color, especially for winter.” He comments, “I’m Yunho.”
You look up from the yarn and smile at him, telling him your name in return. You start humming to the song as you crochet again. Yunho mumbles lightly when he places the book down and starts underlining a large section of the page. Giggling, you look up from the yarn again.
“Something you didn’t notice before?”
“No, I just fucking hate the Dursleys.” He grumbles, jotting down a little comment in the margins of the book.
“They had their reasons, though.” You comment.
He sighs, “I suppose so, but they did abuse the poor kid.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “but when you realize they did the things they did overcompensate the wish to protect Harry, it makes more sense. It doesn’t excuse their behavior in any way, but it does make sense.”
Yunho sits back in his chair and sighs, “You read the whole series?”
“Of course,” you chuckle, starting to work on your scarf more, “I read it when I was little, and I read it as an adult, too.”
“Any commentary on how useless Dumbledore was?”
“At first, he was useful…” you start, still crocheting as you speak, “By the end of the series… I’m still trying to figure out why he was letting kids and teenagers do his bidding. That doesn’t make any sense at all. There are plenty of adults who are more trained in magic, and he was literally the wielder of the elder wand… he could’ve done so much to prevent things.”
You and Yunho continue to chat about the book series and the gripes you each have with it. From there, your conversations branch off into other books and further into topics outside of literature. Speaking with this man you just met seems so natural, as if you were in your own novel and were destined to meet this man on a random day in a small little cafe. By the time you finish your scarf, you realize that it’s drawing close to evening. Looking at the time, you let out a puff of air. Yunho seems to have noticed your slightly upset state.
“You okay?”
“They’ll be closing soon… Probably means we should both be heading out.”
Yunho sighed, pursing his lips, “You know about the little restaurant downtown?”
“Which one?”
“It’s small. Not many people know about it. Kinda like this place. It’s called Lavender Forget-Me-Not…” He chuckles, “This town really loves flower-named establishments, huh?”
“I suppose they do.” you match his sentiment, “Is that an offer to go together?” You tease slightly.
Yunho chuckles, scratching the back of his neck, “Is it too presumptuous to offer that?”
You shake your head, “Absolutely not. It’s a date.”
You put your yarn and finished project in your tote bag before standing up. Yunho follows suit, tucking his book under his arm. Even if you met this man a few hours ago, it all feels so natural to be around him and spend time with him. This could go somewhere, and you can’t wait to find out.
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Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
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Do you think Tom was the only student Dumbledore hated? I think Tom probably isn't the only Unfavorite Student and there are more out there that Dumbledore was successful at sabotaging.
(Side thought do you think Moody started out on Dumbledore's bad list but then worked very hard to "redeem" himself by trusting Dumbledore in all things and that's why he's so weirdly loyal to Dumbledore?)
Dumbledore and Hating People
The thing is that Tom Riddle does seem to hold a special place in Dumbledore's heart.
There are other characters we see who are also loathsome/have qualities that Dumbledore despises but it's in different ways/not to the same degree.
Dumbledore utterly loathes Lockhart, purposefully sets him up with the job so as to either destroy his reputation fundamentally or kill him. However, I'd say Dumbledore is contemptuous and dismissive of Lockhart. Dumbledore has 0 interest in the man beyond destroying him, and doesn't spend much time thinking about him beyond getting him in the castle and letting the curse do its work.
Dumbledore is dismissive and contemptuous of Cornelius Fudge, but again, doesn't focus on him much beyond pitying his shortsightedness and holding him in general contempt.
Dumbledore similarly doesn't love the Dursleys but it feels like that's in a way of he has 0 opinion or interest in Vernon and just... a very weird treatment of Petunia. I wouldn't even say he dislikes them, in fact, I think he likes the idea of them beyond the general disappointment in not treating Harry exactly the way he'd like (except they are doing that but he'll never say as much).
While we don't know that Dumbledore doesn't have stashes of memories he's painfully collected over the years, going to anyone who ever interacted with Tom Riddle and asking "please give me every memory you have ever had" only for the vast majority of them to slam the door in his face, given the focus he has on Tom Riddle it seems... unlikely...
Add this in with Tom's "dark glamour", the way Dumbledore talks about him, the way he pontificates about him as if he's a fictional character and Dumbledore is writing fanfiction and metas about the man, and we're looking at a... I'll call it a fixation where Tom hit all the right buttons for Albus Dumbledore in a way that other people just haven't.
Basically, the people we see Dumbledore hate just aren't hot enough (or are women so Dumbledore doesn't care).
I'll put it this way. Harry's easily Dumbledore's second fixation, he puts a lot of work into this boy, but Dumbledore's way less... into him is the only way I can put it, than Tom. Harry's there as a vehicle/means to destroy Tom and acts as a foil to Tom. Everything about Harry for Dumbledore is presented as "in contrast to Tom Riddle" and that's telling to me.
As for hating students...
I think most of the time Dumbledore just doesn't give a fuck.
With Draco who was actively endangering the student body, nearly killing several students to ultimately kill Dumbledore, and ultimately letting Death Eaters (including Fenrir fucking Grayback) into the castle where it's a miracle no one died/got lycanthropy Dumbledore was into it and a) knew the whole time b) did nothing to stop it because then Tom would hurt Draco. (It's too bad Katie Bell got cursed for six months in the process of that huh Dumbledore or you didn't approach Draco with that offer to give him clemency until the last five minutes of your life).
I doubt Dumbledore knows who Crabbe and Goyle even are.
And he seemed to favor the Marauders (rampant known bullies) and not care about Severus at the time and now thinks quite highly of Severus for having redeemed himself for love/following a narrative Dumbledore likes while also being unable to not do what Dumbledore wants.
He only cares about Ron and Hermione in relation to Harry and just likes the general idea of them (Dumbledore is very big on the "idea" of people).
Dumbledore and Moody
I don't think so.
We've seen the redemption story Dumbledore likes and that's Severus Snape's. Dumbledore likes a narrative, Moody having been disliked then just choosing to be a sycophant would be very unimpressive for Dumbledore because he'd see no reason for Moody to have changed/not an impressive enough reason.
It has to be for true love, friendship, some reason that is a compelling narrative to Dumbledore.
Everything for Dumbledore fits into these narratives from Merope dying in childbirth (she just didn't love enough), to Lily being murdered (she loved her son so much she sacrificed herself), to Snape (his love for her means he is now undyingly loyal to her son), to everything.
Plus, I don't get that feeling about Moody.
Dumbledore has plenty of people unquestioningly loyal to him, he cultivates the Order such that this is the case, it's not so much that Moody's an outlier for being so loyal but the fact that he is in the Order of the Phoenix at all means he must be this loyal to survive there (notice Percy is not a member). In the Order we're seeing the people who survived the litmus test of "actively not questioning Dumbledore in any decision he ever makes" (see HBP and the Christmas Party and shooting down of Harry's "Draco's up to something and Snape is too" for reasons that are simply "I trust Dumbledore completely" and nothing else).
If Moody wasn't like that, he wouldn't be in the Order.
So, I think Moody's just like the rest of them and I don't see a reason why he would have ever been different.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 months
Bellatrix Lestrange having a daughter around Tonks/Charlie’s age who is like a younger, more unhinged but still somewhat replicated version of her this is very, very inspired by Jenifer Check, I love her sm so when you think of Lestrange!Daught it’s pretty much Chrck lmao which she thought she’d absolutely love except her kid won’t do anything she asks for her and absolutely will not serve the Dark Lord cause she worships the ground the Reader walks on, whatever they want and whenever they want it, she’ll do anything for them
Narcissa can’t help cause she doesn’t have a daughter for plots sake we’ll say Cygnus raised her alone meaning the kid had mad freedom, old man just wanted to chill after losing 2 of 3 daughters over politics so Bellatrix goes to Andromeda
and for a solid five minutes all Andromeda can do is laugh because her older sister is coming to her for vague parenting advise
inevitably Andromeda connects the dots and then starts laughing again pointing out the hilarious parallel about Bellatrix being obsessed with Voldemort and now her daughter being obsessed with her own morally questionable criminal or better yet the Reader isn’t a criminal but gets up to sketchy shit sometimes and doesn’t understand why this pretty, violent girl is following them around but goes with it anyways
worst part is that after Rodolphus and Rabastan died which I assume they did in Azkaban then Lestrange!Daughter would’ve inherited the vault, cutting off the death eaters funding and access to the Hufflepuff’s Cup hidden inside, because she’s not gonna betray her darling for some nose-less fuck
Are we talking like an OC?? Cause I actually really love that idea. Especially, regarding Harry’s twin!Reader or something like that, just the parallels between the two only Belatrix’s daughter is on the literal complete opposite side. But in the circumstances it would be Harry and twin!Reader with this older girl staliking following them around, especially outside of Hogwarts. Like, she just hangs out outside of 4 Privet Drive just watching, even breaking in and just wanting to be close to the Reader. You can bet Bellatrix’s daughter would give the Dursley’s a piece of her mind. Or maybe even just take Harry and the Reader to live with her.
I just imagine the Reader waking up in a completely new place all by themself with this older girl hovering over them. And the Reader being kind of okay with it since they’re away from the Dursley’s but they ask their captor/“savior” to go back and get their brother too.
The Lestrange house/manor/estate would probably become the new Order of the Phoenix headqaurters, mainly because Bellatrix’s daughter won’t part with the Reader so they can’t go with Harry to live with Sirius so Sirius moves in to keep an eye on everything. And his reaction to his batshit crazy cousin’s batshit child being obsessed with one of his godchildren would really be something. Like, FUCK NO!?!?!
Like, I could imagine Bellatrix’s daughter having been obsessed with the Potter twins since it came out that they were able to survive and best Voldemort even when being just mere babes. And just her like revolving her world around getting to meet them or something. Maybe when Bellatrix’s daughter was younger but still older than Harry and the Reader she ended up wandering to 4 Privet Drive or having her house elf take her to meet them or something and she did, even if it was for a few minutes.
When it comes to the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter being obsessed with a criminal or a bad witch/wizard, I could just imagine Potter!Twin!Reader having nicked something small or lied about something insignificant and from then on Bellatrix’s daughter was like “That’s the one for me”.
Also, just the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter having stalked Harry and his Twin!Reader for most of their life. Like, I could see them getting Cygnus or their house elf to take them to 4 Privet Drive and she would just watch the whole place like a hawk. Never taking her eyes off of it and getting excited at the smallest bit of movement or liveliness at the home. Or even having the house elf sneak her into Harry and the Reader’s school to pass herself off as one of the students and getting to befriend the Reader even just for a brief time. But afterwards, Bellatrix’s daughter would use that as her excuse to interact with the Dursley’s. She’d happily knock on their door asking the Reader to play with her, that she was their friend from school as to not draw any suspicion. Hell, Bellatrix’s daughter would go as far as getting one of the houses on Privet Drive just to stay close and ending up living there the rest of the time the twins are across the street/down the road.
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pftones3482 · 9 months
"Ummm they toned down the abuse from Gabe in Percy Jackson because it's a kids show, stop being mad about it"
Ignoring the fact that it's also a children's book, let's take a look at some children's media in the last couple decades that depict parental abuse towards children that isn't physical, but still makes the abuse feel real:
1. Harry Potter. I'm loathe to even put it on here bc of how much I hate JKR, but HP DOES depict child abuse in probably one of the best ways of any modern media. As far as I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong), the Dursley's never lay a hand on Harry. But it is never even questioned if they're awful people towards Harry - they literally make him sleep in a closet.
2. Matilda. Like do I even need to explain this one? Abuse from not only her whole family (again, NONE of it physical from what I recall), but also from other authority figures. And she's not the only character who deals with parental abuse - Miss Honey is a grown adult shown to be dealing with the negative effects of an abusive parental figure.
3. Phineas and Ferb. Laugh all you want, but Doofenshmirtz's parents were genuinely awful to him. His stories are just tamed down in a way that's palpable to a much younger audience while still also being clear abuse - a young child can chuckle at his stories but STILL understand why maybe some of his stories would turn him evil.
4. Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko's father physically disables his own son. Not to mention the constant emotional neglect and manipulation on top of it, the writers never held back on how bad his father was. Even if he hadn't scarred Zuko, he would still be a clear depiction of an abusive parent.
5. The Willoughbys. The parents are so awful that the kids literally plot to murder them. The parents abandoned them to freeze to death on top of a mountain. Enough said.
6. Percy fucking Jackson.
Percy Jackson IS a book made for kids that depicts child abuse from a parent - and not only does it depict child abuse, it depicts spousal abuse.
I know Percy doesn't know that Gabe is physically hurting Sally in the beginning of the book. But we as the audience know that Gabe DOES hurt Percy. There is not a single sign in the new show that Percy has anything more than a snarky, annoyed view of Gabe.
Gabe is supposed to be smelly and disgusting, a drunk (which, even if they can't depict that in a Disney show, you can still play around with his grossness), a slob, and a gambler. He's barely even greasy in the show. Literally they could have just had him belch a few times or eat messily and it would have given off a better impression of his character. Instead, he just quips back and forth with Percy and then later is just...whining. He's whiney. He does not ring as a man who abuses his family, emotionally OR physically, he rings as a pathetic step-dad figure who can't support himself (which is ALSO not canon, because in the book he runs an auto store! His abuse towards Sally is not for lack of money, it's just because he's a dick!!!) The fact that I think that Doof's parents in Phineas and Ferb are more overtly abusive than him on screen is actually absurd.
And Sally fell flat. Her character in the book doesn't yell literally ever - not once in the whole series can I recall her legitimately yelling at someone. Her persona is kind and gentle in the books and as for wits, she's clever, and sneaky, and cunning. She fights back with Gabe in ways that we as the audience can see, but Gabe misses because he's so dense.
Take the bean dip scene.
In the show, she basically is like "Yeah yeah I'll make the bean dip, shut up" and Gabe just whines about the sour cream while they yell at each other.
In the book? That's her bargaining chip to take the car for the weekend. That's her ticket out of the house. Bribery. Not just placating a whining husband - she bribes him in the books.
And her yelling back? Just feels so unnatural to Sally Jackson as a whole. I saw someone say she feels like Disney girl-bossed her, and they're right. She doesn't feel like Sally Jackson. She feels like just another cut and paste Disney woman who's snappy and doesn't take shit.
And to be clear - the OG Sally Jackson also didn't take shit. She was just so much more clever about it, in a way that made sure Percy never saw her actively yell. She doesn't have to be snarky and rude to get her way. Percy knows she's fighting back without physically fighting, and that's what makes her so strong. Sometimes you have to fight more with your wits and cleverness than you do with screaming and fists
(Gee...wonder what other character Percy ends up really admiring that also holds that philosophy in life?)
Anyway...all that said, stop blaming the fact that it's a children's show on Gabe's watered down personality. Children's shows/movies and family shows/movies have been depicting serious parental abuse and neglect for decades, in both realistic and more humorous ways that don't take away from the neglect. Kids can handle it, because there are kids going through it.
To say that "It's a kids show, kids shouldn't have to see that," is a disservice to the kids who need to see that, so they know that they can get away too, and they don't have to get physical to do it.
Also, this version of Gabe? Doesn't deserve to die. He's just annoying, not an asshole that scares Percy more than literal monsters do.
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halloworhorecrux · 5 months
In case you're wondering.
Goyle is Draco's best man at his wedding.
" I don't have a lot of words, I've always had Draco for that.
But I've to say this.
Potter, I was there when he was chased by peacocks at 3 years old, I was there when he got mauled by a Hippogriff at 13, and now I'm here at 23, so this it --- you didn't ask, but this is me giving you my brother.
You can't hurt him anymore
You've got to take care of him because he has been waiting for you for his whole damn life.
Fuck. Draco, do you remember when we used to play house? Well, Harry, Lucius never knew this, but Draco married you every time. So I know you got shit luck at 3 with the Dursley's, but know that Draco has been yours since then. It may have taken a couple of decades, but he finally found you so he could love you.
It's going to be good, Harry. I know because I've been loved by my brother. So toast ya to my brother and the love of his life"
Draco and Greg dance together to Dean Lewis "How do I say goodbye" as they remember the third member of their trio
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warping-realities · 1 year
The Dark Lord's Last Curse
It will be over, it will finally be over. Harry can't believe that after all that time, all their losses, Voldemort is finally gone. The young man started to open a shy smile in the middle of Hogwarts great hall. Only to be hit by a wave of energy he had never felt in his life, and with it the cold voice of the Dark Lord hissing at him.
"You may think you've beaten me Potter, but even in death the Dark Lord's vengeance reaches you. This is my final curse and it will take away everything you hold dear and make that Muggle lover Dumbledore's worst nightmare come true. But serves you both right, anyone who mixes with pigs should live like one."
At that moment the boy lost his consciousness, without feeling that his famous scar was disappearing, leaving in its place immaculate skin.
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“You did not do as I asked. You never treated Harry as a son. He has known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you.”
Harry woke up in his room at number 4 Privet Drive, with the strangest dream he had ever had in his life. It involved a school of magic and a Lord... Vol... Vold... something. Bizarre. He stretched, rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, for a moment he thought about putting his glasses on. But then he remembered that he hadn't needed them in years, not since his aunt and uncle paid for the expensive correction surgery. Man, the Dursleys would give him and his cousin anything they wanted, as the room full of tech gadgets and boxing gear attested. Still drowsy the boy scratched his powerful pectorals with the feeling that he was forgetting something very important.
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He forced his sluggish mind to try to remember and... he knew he had something planned with Duddley, something his cousin really wanted and he as his best friend would go along with it. No, no, that wasn't true, an irritating little voice told him in the back of his head, soon to be drowned out by a stronger and much dumber voice. Mate, today was an important day, he just needed to remember why, but thinking had never been his forte. Since they were little Duddley was the leader and he was a good follower. Even if now he was bigger than his cousin in musculature. His smaller stature made it easier for him to gain powerful muscles while training at the boxing academy. But the power dinamics between the two remained the same. Duddley was a lot smarter after all. And speaking of the devil, the blond and muscular boy appeared at his cousin's door at that moment.
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"You still haven't got up, sleepyhead? Get ready at once, today is the big day."
"Yeah, I know that Big D, the big day... I just don't remember why."
"Potter, how stupid you are, it's a good thing I'm the brains around here! Go have your breakfast, dad wants to talk to you before we leave."
Harry felt butterflies in his stomach. The fear of his uncle's tantrum setting in. But why? Uncle Vernon never even raised his voice at him. The man treated him as if he were a prince.
"Potter, you asshole, you shouldn't have drink so much last night. Damn Piers and his dares." The young man grumbled as he picked up the first pieces of clothing he found on the bedroom floor.
He went downstairs, still sleepy, stopping beside the closet under the stairs and staring at it for a few seconds, with the strange image of his uncle locking him in that place. Nonsense. He had a fit of laughter just imagining it.
"What the fuck was in those drinks?" He thought, walk a few steps and stop again looking at the living room table. Full of pictures of him and his cousin. He scratched his head, with the strangest feeling that the images should move. If Uncle Vernon heard such nonsense he might really lose his temper. For some reason he was surprised to see himself in those pictures, as if for some strange reason he shouldn't be there.
The first image showed a young Petunia holding baby Harry in her arms, accompanied by a smiling Duddley.
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The second was a photo of Vernon with the two boys in his office at Grunnings the drill company he had been a director of before doing a very lucrative deal with old Mr. Mason a few years ago and then expanding the business into other areas.
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Harry remembered that day very well, after all it was his twelfth birthday and he deserved to have that day just for him. As a reward for giving in he got a video game and a television just for him so he didn't have to share with Duddley , which his cousin thought was a brilliant idea, perhaps because it had been his idea. Strangely, the image of a woman screaming as she saw an owl fly through the living room window popped into his mind. What the fuck was that? An owl in the room? Harry was never the imaginative type, that drink really should have been spiked, Piers was going to get a beat up when Harry saw him again.
Finally, a photo of him and Duddley at Smeltings, the school the two attended until a few days before. That one had been taken right after Duddley had lost weight and won the boxing championship. Harry once again found himself invaded by old memories, he and Dudley trying on the uniform, just before Harry's 11th birthday, the two engaging in a lively struggle with the walking sticks that were part of the school uniform.
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Of course, the two of them had later used those canes on far more interesting targets. Still with the memory of that fun afternoon in mind, the boy walked into the kitchen, being welcomed by his uncle's smiling face.
"Good morning, Uncle Vernon."
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"Harry, my boy, I need to have a word with you... what are you doing?" The man stopped when he saw the boy serve him the dish.
"Sorry Uncle, is there a problem with the eggs?"
"No, they're perfect, but why are you serving? You've never done anything like that in your life. Hahaha. Smart boy, trying to buy off his old uncle. Sit down Harry, you don't have to try to please me. I just want to ask you a favor."
Harry sat at the table, thoughtful, what the fuck was going on with him that day? Was it just the hangover?"
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"I know where you and Duddley went yesterday. Don't get me wrong boy, I think every healthy boy has to enjoy life. But I ask that you don't let your aunt see. Boy, your father… He was a piece of shit, sorry to tell you that again boy... but it’s true. That man could handle a good drink and that's what worries Petunia. So leave it to Mallorca. Enjoy it, after all it's the first time you and Duddley will go alone to our beach house.”
Harry's first instinct was to yell at his uncle to defend his father, but why would he do that? His father had died in a car accident, probably drunk after dragging his mother across the country. Harry liked a good drink too, but he and Duddley would have to be more discreet, if even the Dursleys had noticed. For a long time the two boys avoided showing all their activities, even though they knew that the Dursleys would support them what they didn't see they didn't feel. And it was precisely remembering that that the boy opened a smile and spoke to his uncle.
"I will, Uncle, but I assure you what happened yesterday was a one-time thing. Me and Duddley have never drunk before, it was all Gordon and Piers' idea. I swear."
"I knew it! I told Petunia yesterday, "Tunia, our boys wouldn't do something like that. We raise them well. They are good kids and we are good parents. Isn't that right, lad?"
"You are the best, Uncle! Now I'm going to change, after all it's the big day." Mallorca! How could he forget, they'd been arranging this for months, finally vacationing alone so they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. He was slower than usual if he had forgotten about that.
After getting ready and picking up his bags, Harry went to meet his cousin who was already waiting for him in the brand new car he had received as a present for his eighteenth birthday. Harry was counting the days for his own birthday, knowing that he would also receive a machine like that. He and Big D were itching to race each other. The two had wanted to do it for years, though Petunia was uncharacteristically firm in her denials, likely due to how she lost her sister.
And speaking of her, his aunt was waiting for him in the front yard while Duddley laughed as he watched his father try to fit into the sports car he was driving back from the airport. His aunt turned to Harry, staring at him with her pale eyes, which for a brief moment the boy thought were full of rancor, but which only showed adoration.
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"Harry dear, I might not like your father, he wasn't up to par with your mother, but Lily... Lily was eccentric, if you knew the hideous boy she hung out with when we were little! Yet when you lost your mother I lost my sister. But she left me you and I did everything to make sure you had everything you wanted, just like Dudders. My two little boys so grown up! Going away alone! Please take care of each other!
"Don't worry Aunt Petunia, Dudders and I will take care of ourselves, I promise we'll call every day!" If we can remember, thought the boy smiling inwardly.
"Hurry up Potter! It's time for a little fun" shouted his cousin from the car.
The two boys were enjoying the late afternoon at the beach. When Duddley called out to his cousin, pointing to a group of younger boys.
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"Look at those little shits, they're begging for a spanking."
"True, but they can wait." Harry replied. Not used to being crossed, Duddley turned on his cousin.
"And may I know why, Potter?"
"The reason, Big D is those two hot girls looking at us. The redhead is mine!" Replied Harry.
"And you think you can get a hottie like that, Potter?"
"You know I can Big D. Once they prove it they always come back." Said Harry pointing to his cock.
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"They love my magic wand!"
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celestialseawitch-ff · 2 months
Under the Moon
Harry tugged on the thick iron cuff around his ankle. 
“Come on. Come on. Come on.”
It was getting darker in the forest now. The moon would be out soon.
Of all the ways to go, massacred by Fenrir Greyback hadn't really been on the list. Dementors had been higher up on the list. Actually, Seamus’ explosive magic during transfiguration class was higher than the famous werewolf.
Fenrir Greyback was a ghost story. He was the boogeyman under Remus Lupin's bed. He wasn’t supposed to be an actual threat to Harry. That honour was still tightly held by Voldemort.
Harry closed his eyes and sighed. 
The Death Eaters had come out of nowhere while he was at the park. He spent most of his summer there before being forced to return to the Dursleys. When he was younger, lingering around the house meant he'd get locked up under the stairs or forced to do labour. Now that he was older, loitering tended to get him beat with a belt. He could still feel the lashings healing on his back from his uncle's latest temper tantrum.
The Death Eaters pounced before Harry even knew they were there. One moment he was sitting alone in a park and the next thing he knew, he was wandless and unconscious on the floor of an unknown forest. 
Voldemort stayed only long enough to gloat.
“I want you to suffer,” he told Harry. “The way you have made me suffer for years.”
“Fuck you, Riddle,” Harry spat back.
Voldemort smiled coldly. “Let's see how much fight you have left in you when Greyback is done with you.”
Harry's eyes widened.
Voldemort's smile widened. “Oh yes,” he seethed as he bent down so they were eyelevel. “You've heard the stories, I'm sure. More wolf than man. Our furry cannibal is going to eat you piece by piece. He's special among wolves. He retains his human mentality and control without the Wolfsbane potion. He's assured me he'll make it a long, horrible process. You will live until just before dawn breaks. And then,” he clenched his fingers into a fist and Harry flinched, “he'll eat your heart out.”
“I thought you wanted to kill me.”
“My mind has finally settled since the restoration potion. The prophecy will shatter once you die. That's all that matters. Then the only one who can stop me is Dumbledore and he will be dead by the end of the year.”
“You can't beat the Headmaster.”
“I already have. He fell for a dark curse I cast as a young boy. It's poetic really. He was always so terrified of me as a boy. Now my youth will be his death.”
“Just let me go,” Harry pleaded quietly.
“You're the final piece, Harry. But how about this. If the prophecy is destroyed before you die, I'll let you live.”
“The prophecy was shattered during the battle.”
“Oh? Well, I suppose you'll die then.”
The Dark Lord stood and strode away. Harry closed his eyes and bit his tongue on the desperate pleas that bubbled up inside of him. They would fall on deaf ears. Voldemort had no pity. 
The air cracked with magic as he disapparated and Harry was alone.
He opened his eyes and glared at the metal cuff on his ankle. His skin was raw underneath and starting to bleed. His fingers had begun bleeding from tugging at the rough metal ages ago. Tears stained his cheeks.
He had never felt so hopeless. 
“Please,” he cried. 
His eyes fell shut and he prayed to every god and deity he could think of. The Weasleys worshipped a goddess, he knew. He thought it was a prank at first, but Hermione had looked unsurprised and curious at the revelation. He knew she'd read up on it. He wished he had too. 
“Please,” he begged into the forest as night began to fall. “Please. Please. I don't want to die.”
Not like this, came the unbidden thought. Because of course he was going to die. Probably soon. Probably painfully.
But not like this.
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awyeahitssam · 7 months
My Writing Masterlist
Since I post on here far more consistently then on ao3 for reasons, I figured I would compile a list of my writing for those who don't like sifting through fandoms they could care less about to get to the good stuff. 
Separated by fandom, and somewhat by trope. 
Harry Potter:
Harry eats a God. 
Harry just can't seem to stay dead. TW: Suicide, character death, frequent character death, torture, murder, disjointed snippets, discontinued + Harry dissociates. Connected, same warnings may apply. 
First Encounters: Time loop, Voldemort-as-Quirrell visits the Dursleys and is less than pleased. 
First Encounters: The first time Harry meets Voldemort, the man he's been trained to kill all his life, he's nineteen, and Voldemort recognizes him. 
Prisoner Harry tells Voldemort about the Dursleys like it's a bedtime story. 
Except for the incident, Harry really doesn't tend to talk a lot when he has a concussion. Stream of thought narrative, character injury.
Literally just Empath!Harry spoilers. Harry, at his trial, allowing himself be petty to an extent. 
Harry gets drunk, pulled into Voldemort's mind, and decides he wants to share his good mood.
Tea shop AU.  + more  Tea Shop (weather) AU. + something actually Tea-based under the cut
Four of a Kind AU: Learning to kiss split-scene. Harry/Harry, referenced Harry/Horcrux + They meet. They kiss. What if. Voldemort/Harry + In the aftermath Voldemort/Harry
Kid Fic: Harry ‘dies’ as a child. Mentor!Voldemort, absolutely not a pairing ficlet. 
Kid Fic: Harry and Voldemort’s kid lands in the past during a duel at the Ministry. Pre-Harrymort, Micah, not quite the kiss you'd expect.
Female Harry, world-jumping, rationally angry. Tom/Harry intended, if Harry will chill out on the murder. 
Harry likes to feel pretty. Horcrux/Harry, Harry wears makeup, etc. 
Tom and Harry jump through time to each other. Tomarry, growing up, fluff, brief kissing, Harry’s older
Dragon AU, I have a lot more of this one written, I should dump that some day. Harry/Horcruxes
Harry/Tom: pillow forts, soft angst, unresolved, broken promises
Harry's really fucking sick and tired of being told what the fuck to do. 
Tom-after-Voldemort is the first person Harry has ever spoken to. Isolation, lighthearted, odd, old and forgotten. 
Harry never imagines the effect getting a boyfriend would have on Riddle. Jealous Tom. 
Harry messes with Diary!Tom
Harry and Voldemort have to complete a task based on the colour of the others' robes, for some reason?
Harry is kidnapped and wakes up in an incredibly comfortable bed. Voldemorts knows Harry is his horcrux.
Harry ruthlessly defends Hogwarts against encroaching Death Eaters. Sixth Year.
It's one paragraph guys.
Prompt-based: Tom possesses Harry when he's afraid. Hermione POV.
Prompt-based: Santa forgot about Harry, again.
Prompt-based: Tom watches Harry draw dirty, dirty things at church.
Teen Wolf, all at least peripherally intended as Stiles/Peter
Kid Fic + Genderbend + Time Travel: Stiles is in the past and nobody is raising Malia, so she sure as shit will.
Stiles has known about werewolves since he was nine, and now that he's off the college it seems his dad has gottten involved. No Hale Fire, Protective Stiles
The first thing Kate does when she comes back to Beacon Hills is kidnap Peter. Human!Alpha Stiles, eventual Steter, pre-slash
Stiles has the curse of obedience. Stiles/Peter
Flower shop AU! Ft. Petty Peter and insulting bouquets.
Peter says he hates Stiles. Stiles begs to differ. 
Werewolf Stiles wakes up in the middle of Beacon Hills woods naked, and tries to keep it low key from there. Bakery AU, kinda. Peter/Stiles
First Encounters: The Hale pack summons Stiles to the past. 
First Encounters: The first time Stiles meets Peter he is drunk. Stiles is a rude, very straight-forward drunk who steps all over issues like dead family and psychosis. It’s like he had a minefield map and is intentionally stepping on every trigger. 
Stiles meets Peter in the hospital.
Stiles pulls back because he doesn't want Peter to mess up his dress shirt, not because he doesn't want the bite. 
Stiles crochets magic shit. Fluff. 
Negotiations go well. 
Peter being the literal worst, holy hell, this hurts to read. Have some angst. Past-Stiles/Peter
Okay, my bad for that last one. Have some comfort. Crying, comfort, Stiles & Peter
Dragon Stiles is constantly underestimated. 
Stiles beats Peter, sore loser extraordinaire. 
Me acting like Stiles has shame for some reason.
Female Stiles gets forcibly genderbent and is not putting up with anybody's shit. Body dysmorphia, shitty friends, anger issues, sexism. Peter/Stiles
Female Stiles and Peter. Shower, soft.
Stiles writes smutty fanfic, as he should. 
Stiles being a bad influence on his little self, ft Knowing Himself Too Fucking Well. Time travel AU, torture
Peter walks away. 
Peter/Stiles, marking, one of the sexiest things I've ever written imo 
Peter is dumb, stupid, silly villain. 
Peter’s timing is about as good as Stiles’ filter. Dumb, stupid villain antics. 
Stiles threatens Peter, /lh
Stiles is justifiably sad after a movie. 
Tony Stark-centric:
Gen: Tony takes after Maria. Few people recognize a predator wrapped up in such Tony packaging. 
Gen: Tony bantering with, and teasing, Peter. 
Tony Stark uses the infinity stones. 
Tony survives the stones. 
Tony proposes. In public. In a way that undeniably affirms his feelings. Loki/Tony
Loki meets Morgan for the first time. Loki/Tony, kid fic
Hair Kink—I mean braiding! Aha, ha, ha… Loki/Tony
Female Toni doesn't take well to her children being threatened. 
Soulmates? Tony/Loki
Rhodey gives Loki the shovel talk ft. Parks & Rec
Tony saves the day…?
Bleach / Time travel: Ichigo isn't supposed to be here. 
The 100: Cage Wallace stages a coup before the forty-eight arrive. (Or: Dante Wallace dies before his time.) This changes everything.
Tagged: 10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Shorts
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atyd1960 · 11 months
The more I think about it the more I'm confused about Snape's so called "redemption arc":
We don't know much about his years at Hogwarts outside of the time James hanged him from his underwear and he called Lily a Mudblood, but we know that:
1. He had a disdain for Muggles ever since he was born or at least ever since he was 10 y/o bc that's when he meets Lily and Petunia and treats the latter like garbage.
2. He was friends with Mulciber and Avery- known death eaters, especially Mulciber who we know was particularly close with Baldy due to the time he came to Hogsmede with him for his job interview with dummydore.
From that we can assume that he was a witness and a participant in A Lot of hate crimes against Muggle Borns ever since he was a minor. One of which was the time Mary was the victim.
3. We know HE invented the spell James used to hang him from his panties, which must mean that he used it against others, probably muggle borns, and his DE friends must've used it as well.
4. We know he invented the spell Sectumsempra to use against his enemies?? (Sorry it's been a while since I read the books I don't remember the exact quote.) and his enemies are almost certainly the Marauders. Also maybe his dad but that's a discussion for another day.
5. We know he was one of Baldy's dearest death eaters, even tho he was a Half-Blood with no status and no connections, which means he definitely did a lot of horrific things to Muggles and Muggle borns and the members of the Order of Phoenix.
6. We know he heard Trelawney's prophesy after eavesdropping in a bar, and immediately ran to Baldy with it. He knew that by telling Baldy about the prophecy an innocent baby will be killed, and he didn't give a shit. I cannot stress enough how much that information in vital for his character. Taking a baby's life so that Baldy might give him a sit closer to him by the table. And nothing would've happened to him if he shut his mouth and didn't go to Baldy. He didn't have his life or even his status\loyalty on the line. He just sacrificed this anonymous innocent baby for kicks and giggles.
7. The only point in which he cared about his actions was when Lily's life was on the line. This wanker really didn't care that he just gave Baldy (a man who made it his life' mission to kill Lily and the likes of her) a reason to kill Lily's son and husband, who were practically her only source of joy while she fought against his people in the war. He just wanted the girl he slurred and stalked and mistreated in high-school to live with all her friends and family dead. And thought he was doing something good. I don't even know how to begin to describe how fucked up that is.
8. He went to Dummydore and asked him to save her. After he got her, her husband and her kid to be under an even worse constant death threat than they were before because of Lily's blood status and their participant in the order. And after he spent the last 3-4 years killing Lily’s friends and the people who share her blood status.
9. That was also the point in which he offered himself to be a double spy right?? Again real heroic of him to risk his life after all the shit he did because he was in love with a girl whose life he ruined. He never cared about all the shit he did and all the people he murdered and he never actually wanted to help innocent people or do good by the world or even by Lily.
10. After Baldy died for the first time and the first war ended, Harry had nobody left, and Dummydore put him with Petunia and Vernon. Snape knew better than anyone else what the Dursleys will do to Harry. He knew everything, and he didn't do shit. Not only did he not do shit, but he also made things worse for Harry by bullying and harassing him since the moment he stepped foot in the castle.
11. Extending on the last point- Snape bullied, harassed, abused, mistreated and discriminated against students at Hogwarts ever since he started teaching there, I'm not gonna start elaborating on all the times he did those things because that would take a different essay of similar length.
12. Yeah I don't really know what to add here? That's pretty much it I think.
So to conclude: am I really expected to forgive him because he loved Lily and had a hard time with James when they were 16 and he spied for Dummydore for a bit?? Being a loser in middle school and then becoming a double spy doesn’t make up for… anything. Especially since he never stopped being a terrible person.
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
I am re-reading OotP. I am so disappointed in Remus (it's ok he's still the loml and he could still get it).
Like this man constantly pulls the rug from under my feet. For one, he's so cute when he worries about Harry or comforts Molly for the 100th time in the book...or when he makes sure the kids are okay or sits with the werewolf at the hospital (although it was probably to avoid Molly's wrath lol).
But MAN, when Harry firecalls Sirius because he is so disgusted with his dad, Remus let me down.
P.618 "Then, Lupin sait quietly, 'I wouldn't like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry. He was only fifteen-'" EXCUSE ME WHAT?!?
Then Harry says "I'm fifteen!" Damn right he is and he is not nearly as vile as his dad was.
P.619 "'Was he playing with the Snitch?' said Lupin EAGERLY." My man is reminiscing of his teenage years watching James bully Snape. REMINISCING.
I struggle with this because I found "Snape's Worst Memory" very sad and painful to read and here it feels that, for a character who SEEMS to have so much empathy for others...makes me wonder how much of this is an act (both the laughing and being empathetic). I wonder if his reaction would have been the same had Sirius not been there? Remus is so fucking desperate to please. That's all he wants really, for people to like him. Sirius is one of his only friends left, so he was not going to start admonishing him in front of his godson, right?
Love you Remus but you suck man :( but i love you because you suck.
Both very tasty examples of Remus-isms. Thanks for sharing them. This man is a mess... his Lycanthropy is nothing compared to the small things he does that are unhealthy, mean and... Remus-y.
One of my favourites is when Harry is almost desperately 'joking' about how the Dursleys think of him, and Remus just keeps shrugging him off: Ch3 pg54
Lupin was sealing a letter addressed to the Dursleys. “Excellent,” said Lupin, looking up as Tonks and Harry entered. “We’ve got about a minute, I think. We should probably get out into the garden so we’re ready. Harry, I’ve left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry —” “They won’t,” said Harry. “That you’re safe —” “That’ll just depress them.” “— and you’ll see them next summer.” “Do I have to?” Lupin smiled but made no answer.
It is such a small thing. Ultimately he is just telling Harry he has written to his guardians - which isn't bad of him, necessarily. If Moody was telling harry he wrote the letter i'd say 'wow he's being gentle and polite today'. He is just doing his job as an adult...
...But Remus KNOWS Harry. Harry isn't just some kid he is acting responsible for: he adores him. Harry is desperate for role models. He needs emotional support. But Remus just does the bare minimum. He gives him nothing. he keeps him, emotionally, at arms length.
When people say Lupin is a good dad to Harry - absolutely not. He was barely an uncle. He was a bit scared of Harry, I think.
As you pointed out - he adores his memories of the past, when he felt free and happy and supported, when he had friends by his side every day and they had fun together. Rose-tinted glasses. When he could believe that he was a good werewolf.
But Harry is so much fucking better then all of them. He puts them to SHAME. Remus doesn't want to have his pristine past poisoned by facing the fact he wasn't a 'good werewolf' at all. He was a bloody irresponsible one, not in a 'silly boys' way either. They acted terribly and he continues to act so now, as an adult.
He knows all this in his heart... but those memories are all he has.
He is stuck in that past, he hasn't really ever grown up. He even 'plays' professor - the cool, fun teacher everyone likes. Sirius? Sirius looks to the future, generally. "What can I do next?" He has his own childishness and trauma, but the past is the past and the future is controlled by the present.
Remus wants to sit and sulk in the past. If he had a penseive like Albus he would be drowning himself in it, day in and day out. it takes Tonks, Harry and a fucktonne of support to grow him up. Which is cool! Sometimes people need it, and its worth it in the end.
I don't think Remus' reaction would have changed much without Sirius there. Maybe he would have just been a little quieter, but I think his feelings would remain largely the same: They are good memories. Perhaps they didn't act the best, but they were only kids, right...? (pointedly ignoring the fact that other kids, like Harry, act so much better than they did without even trying.)
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liquidluckandstuff · 3 months
which character would u love to give a bottle of liquid luck and what would u want their goal to be
Ok I have two ideas one Tomarrymort and one Dadmort and i'll do that dadmort one.
Harry ends up with a bottle of Liquid Luck. How does he get it? We don't know. That's not part of the focus right now. He is at the Dursleys and having the absolute worst time. Sure he is leaving in a few days but he can't stand another minute there.
Besides, Dumbledore promised him he wouldn't have to stay there very long and he wasn't sure how well he could trust his word anymore.
Anyway, Harry drinks the potion (he doesn't even know what it is. He just knows that it is supposed to help him somehow) and suddenly has the desire to go for a walk. He just leaves and no one stops him. Not his relatives, not the order, no one.
He walks long and far enough that someone ends up seeing him on the side of the road and offers him a ride. Harry takes it and ends up having a nice conversation with a stranger. "Where ya headed," they ask. "This way, I think. I'm pretty sure something amazing is going to happen," replied Harry sounding drugged as fuck. The stranger doesn't care. They are high as a kite too.
They drop Harry off in the middle of some old muggle town that is pretty far off from anywhere of note. Harry gets out and waves them off cheerfully.
Then he goes and grabs a coffee from some bakery so he can sit outside and wait. That's all he does. He just waits. Someone left a book behind that ends up being something Harry is interested in so he isn't bored.
An hour or two later, a shadow appears in front of him. The man doesn't look familiar, but Harry gives him a kind smile anyway.
"Hello," Harry says kindly. "Are you waiting for someone too?"
"You're not supposed to be here," the stranger says bewildered.
"I'm not supposed to be anywhere," Harry shrugs. "But here I am."
"Why are you here," the stranger snaps with narrowed eyes. "Where are your guardians?"
"I dunno. Off somewhere having dinner I think. They are probably celebrating my disappearance. Do you want some," Harry says as he offers the man a piece of his cookie. "The woman at the shop gave it to me, but it's too sweet for me."
"I-" the stranger looked down at the cookie and shakes his head. There was something strange going on, but Harry was too happy to notice. Whatever potion he took, it made him feel like he was walking on air. "No, thank you."
"Suit yourself," Harry shrugs before turning back to his book, and then shouting in protest as it was suddenly snatched from his hands. "Hey!"
"You shouldn't be here," the man snaps dragging Harry up by his arm.
"I can go where I want. There isn't anyone left to give a shit and stop me." While he said it, the happy feeling that kept him moving faded away and in its place his resentment bubbled up. "Leave me alone."
Harry pulled his arm away and turned to walk away but was stopped by the stranger pulling the collar of his shirt.
"Wha-Hey STOP what are you doing?"
"Of all the stupid idiotic things to do. They let you just wander off? Have they taught you nothing? What happened to Dumbledore's great protection? Why aren't you being trained? Why are you just out here--" The man hissed is parseltongue, not that Harry knew.
He responded in the same language, "Dumbledore? What about Dumbledore?"
"You speak?"
"What do you mean I speak,"Harry mocked. "We've been speaking this whole time. Let go!"
But the stranger pulled him in closer. Harry didn't have a chance to fight back before he was apparated away.
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isalisewrites · 1 month
Summer after the traumatic end of the Triwizard Tournament, instead of Harry Potter getting visions of the latest evil plot from the Dark Lord, it is Voldemort who gets visions of The-Boy-Who-Lived’s childhood.
And they’re not pleasant.
When Newt accepted to become one of Harry Potter's secret guard as a favor to Albus Dumbledore, he hadn't anticipated being faced with a choice concerning the welfare and safety of a child: obey Albus Dumbledore's orders or stay at Voldemort's side to protect Harry.
Though difficult, the right choice was clear.
How fucked up was it that Harry felt safer with Voldemort than he did with the Dursleys? Had he gone mad? This had to be madness.
And yet…
Voldemort didn’t like how he was being treated. It was so bad, according to Voldemort, that even he was concerned about Harry, enough to stop trying to kill him, enough to leave Harry healing potions. He’d had plenty of tries to kill him, but Harry was still alive—hell, he was doing better because of the man.
Harry curled in on himself, wrapping his arms around his chest in a hug and wishing it were real. He searched through the park to look for any sign of Voldemort. He stepped nearby, making noise, and had left the jar, so he had to still be here, somewhere.
He almost wished Voldemort would stop hiding. What if he sat on the swing next to Harry? What would he ask him? Would he prod about Harry’s home life more or would he talk about something else?
Why do I even want to talk to him?
“I’m outside of the wards,” said Harry in a low voice, hoping the man could hear him. “You could kidnap, kill me, torture me, but you’re giving me bruisewort balm instead. I don’t get you.”
Doesn’t make any sense.
“What’s so bad about my life?” whispered Harry. “It could be worse, yeah? I only have to stay here for a few months out of the year. The rest, I get to live at Hogwarts. It’s not so bad.”
A lie, but it was better to lie to himself than face reality.
There was no sign of life. Maybe Voldemort wasn’t around. Maybe Voldemort had gone home, wherever that was. Maybe he was just talking to himself. The sun was setting finally, which meant the time to face the music was getting closer and closer. He’d better get home before it got dark or there would be more hell to pay.
“I don’t want to go back,” whispered Harry.
Never again.
But there was nowhere to go.
A hand settled on his shoulder, warm and weighted. Harry froze, the hair rising on the back of his neck. The hand didn’t move. No words were spoken. Tears welled up in his eyes again, but he didn’t let them fall. Harry slowly turned his head towards the side, but he saw no hand there. Instead of panic and fear rushing through his veins, a calm spread throughout his body. Harry let out a low sigh.
The hand on his shoulder squeezed and disappeared.
Wait. Harry wanted it back—come back.
What the hell is wrong with me? This is Voldemort!
Dammit. This was too much—too much to process. Harry already lived on the edge of his sanity and control while living at the Dursleys. Anything could set them off. He had to constantly be careful about what he did and said around them. Even when he was obedient and submissive, he was still getting into trouble. 
He was tired—just tired.
Harry didn’t have the energy to wonder about Voldemort anymore.
Harry slowly stood up from the swing. “Guess I gotta get back,” he whispered. “Thanks again for the bruisewort balm.” 
He shoved his hands into his pockets and started the trek back to Number Four. He’d catch it worse if he were home after Dudley. He kicked a rock down the sidewalk, his thoughts in an uncontrollable whirl. He heard no other footsteps in the street, but he couldn’t help but wonder if Voldemort was following him.
Watching him.
Watching over him.
It helped, just a bit.
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I really enjoy the way you guys write Dumbledore. I feel like there's a fine line people tread when they write him and if they take a step too far in either direction, he either becomes a cackling supervillain who gleefully curses people left and right, or a bumbling idiot who means well and just didn't mean for all this to happen he promises!! Which actually makes it even worse because what the fuck do you mean you had no idea things could get that bad at the Dursleys or that you didn't mean to set Harry up with all these quests to groom him for suicide-
The way you write him in The Man Who Would Be King and Amulette d'amour is just perfect, like yes, that's exactly how he would act and react to certain events and when things go wrong. Things almost never go wrong for him in canon and he was always in control all the way to the very end so it's hard to tell how he would react if his meticulously crafted plans go awry but I really think the both of you nailed it.
It's easy to see why people adore and trust Dumbles, and when the mask starts falling away for some people, almost no one believes them/they just brush it off. The way he can just slip from loveable grandfatherly figure to manipulative bastard is so good. I can almost understand why Minerva is so loyal to him when he basically admitted to assaulting a Muggle woman. Even if it was a genuinely frustrating moment for me (which reminds me- I also love your interpretation of her character! Hope to see more of her!)
The Man Who Would be King by me and @therealvinelle and Amulette d'Amour by me and @therealvinelle
Thank you anon! I can't tell you how flattered I am because Dumbledore is often one of the hardest characters for us to write (there's a lot of bickering over "would Dumbledore do this horrible thing or this horrible thing" and "yes, Dumbledore would think that deep down, but would never acknowledge it and so he'd react by doing X" and many such squabbles).
It's very gratifying to hear when we nail him because a lot of the time... I don't want to bash the guy, really, it's just he's awful. He's so awful.
And ooh praise for Minerva too!
Look, @therealvinelle, praise!
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you're telling me that sirius black spent 13 years in azkaban with dementors and has no memory loss??? the man that half the fandom hcs as having adhd, depression, and/or anxiety?? that guy??? i don't think so
give me sirius who isn't immediately comfortable around remus because his strongest memories are of the end of the war when they each thought the other was the spy
give me sirius who is super weary about dumbledore because he can't remember his good deeds, only the manipulation
give me sirius who instantly, i mean, the very second he escapes, runs straight to the dursleys to take harry because he only knows the horrible stories lily told them and how they acted at james and lily's wedding, and thinking about harry is one of the only things he could do in azkaban
give me sirius who barely considers regulus a brother because he can only remember him as their parents' lackey
give me sirius who hates snape even more than he already did in series because only their worst fights come to mind when he thinks of the other man
give me sirius who fights with everyone in the order because, don't they remember all the horrible things dumbledore did??
give me sirius who has panic attacks and constant anxiety in ootp because grimmauld place is literally a house of horrors to him
give me sirius who can barely look his friends and harry in the eye because he only sees death and despair
give me sirius with fucking trauma
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vroomlesbianvroom · 1 year
If the Wizarding World had Ofsted, Hogwarts would have been closed down in at least Harry’s first year.
Also, either Dumbledore was in fact manipulative and the mastermind behind almost everything wrong in Harry Potter or he’s senile as fuck. Either way he never should have been Headmaster.
Every single year this man is mentally deranged at that school, he should have been fired in first year at least. (I go into more detail if you click read more).
Philosopher’s Stone
He has Hagrid introduce Harry to the wizarding world - normally it’s a Head of House - Hagrid then very suspiciously collects the Stone (he must have known Hagrid was not the man to be subtle here)
He makes a big spectacle of not going to the third floor corridor - he could have just said it’s closed this year and put some wards up to stop children but in fact all he did was lock the door and then teach them how to unlock it
Students must not go into the Forbidden forest at any time unless it’s a punishment in which we’ll send you with just Hagrid and then you’ll split into groups anyway. What a smart idea
How did no one notice that Voldemort was on the back of Quirrells head? You’re telling the best wizard in the world couldn’t work it out
Three first years managed to get past that little questy maze but it was supposed to stop one of the strongest wizards in the world
Speaking of the maze, it’s all things that they’re good at or have learnt - Devils Snare, chess, the troll they’ve already caught, flying, and a little riddle - Voldemort definitely couldn’t get passed those everyone knows the Dark Lord is shit at chess
When Harry has just killed a man, Dumbledores like it was love. No that is a traumatised child.
Chamber of Secrets
Not a single teacher (or any of her four brothers) noticed that Ginny was possessed for almost an entire year
Some creature is going around and petrifying students and the teachers only plan is to set a curfew and cancel quidditch
Hermione Granger, a twelve year old, manages to work out the creature but Dumbledore can’t - the man had 50 years to work it out
Lockhart is obviously a hack and somehow gets the job anyway
Ron and Harry then manage to work out where the chamber is located but no one else can - they’re not exactly the most observant of children
Harry also talks to a diary that talks back - can someone teach these children that that’s not normal, please stop?
Prisoner of Azkaban
This is possibly the book where Dumbledore’s the best behaved
He does allow a thirteen year old to use a time turner to attend extra lessons - yeah, just let her possibly rip apart time and her own existence that’ll be fine
He also must know that Sirius is innocent and does nothing to help him
They also continue doing quidditch even with the soul sucking creatures floating above them
You need a parental consent form to go to Hogsmede but not to fly on a broom and be around deadly soul sucking creatures that makes complete sense
With the ministry they put dementors in a school full of children but they don’t continue looking after the year ends
Goblet of Fire
This has to be Dumbledore’s worst year
Harry gets signed up to the deadly tournament without his consent and they don’t even really try to get him out - I refuse to believe that a minor could sign a legally binding contract without any form of consent - I also refuse to believe that someone else can get you in a legally binding contract
If they could, why didn’t they just do that with Voldemort
Dumbledore doesn’t notice that his old friend is acting a little bit strange and is in fact a death eater in disguise
You’re telling me Harry can’t go to Hogsmede without the Dursley’s permission but can enter a deadly contest Willy nilly
He allows minors to be fight dragons, be tied to the bottom of a lake and be teleported to Voldemort without even trying - no one checked the cup before putting in the maze
Moody is allowed to teach the unforgivables to children and practise one on them
Order of the Phoenix
This year he’s not awful just a prick
Voldemorts back and Harry’s having creepy nightmares/visions and Dumbledore just keeps running away - just talk to the boy
How did no one in that school notice that Umbridge was using a blood quill on students - how shit are these teachers
Please just explain to Harry’s what going on - this is what we’ve been building up to this whole time
Half Blood Prince
This is when he fully stops caring about any student other than Harry
He knows the whole time that Dracos been forced to take the dark mark and has to kill him and he doesn’t even try and help the boy
He knows he’s dying and gives Harry very little information about the Horcruxs and also uses him to find out information about how many there were
He knows Harry’s a horcrux the entire time and just doesn’t mention it coz he needs Harry to die when the times right
Dumbledore is either mental and needs a hug-me jacket or he’s evil and needs to stay away from children. He could have prevented so much pain and suffering. He could have stopped Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort in the first place.
He grooms Harry to fight Voldemort and die when the times right and doesn’t even seem to care. Right when Harry needs him, he’s no where to be found.
This is only what we know from Harry’s perspective I imagine it’s a lot worse from everyone else’s.
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