#human shitstains
shostakobitchh · 6 months
TW: Child abuse
Hello, me again, back with another angsty ask…
So, I’m guessing in your canon the Dursley’s haven’t physically harmed Ariel, just neglect and emotional abuse… but how would it go if there was physical harm?
Taking into account Snape’s past with his own father, I can’t imagine what’d go down once it comes out. No need to answer this ask if it makes you uncomfortable though. Thank you for all your work, I can’t wait to see more! ❤️❤️❤️
I haven't really touched on it because Ariel doesn't like to think about it (or rather, she hasn't processed it or come to terms with it because Snape being her Dad kind of took precedent in her mind) but I'm sure Petunia slapped her around here and there - that sounds like I'm making light of it and I'm now, I was slapped around as a kid (meaning if I said something cheeky or defiant I'd get a whack) and it was humiliating. My parents used it as "corporeal punishment" but it was so degrading and humiliating and uh - it fucking hurt? I kind of view Petunia doing the same here. I don't think Vernon would ever lay a hand on Ariel, tbh. Ariel makes Petunia fucking crazy because she looks like Lily and has magic and it's driving her crazy that her "perfect sister" made this "perfect child that's the ghost of her dead sister what the FUCK" and it drives her batty. I'm sure one wrong word or something that reminded her of Lily made Petunia snap.
Snape probably suspects but everyone knows he doesn't need any more reason to fucking annihilate the Dursley's. If it ever came out Snape would probably be like, "your 17th birthday present is going to be watching me rIP OUT PETUNIA'S SPINE" while Dumbledore is like "okay yes fine just wait until she's 17 PLEASE."
actually, it kinda works because in this AU, Snape's initiation into the Death Eater's was killing Tobias. I think I've mentioned it? But yeah, there's some Snape Lore for you.
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pastafossa · 4 months
Almost done replying to comments on AO3 and then I'll start working through all the asks and messages here!
In other news, I responded like a dog with a whistle when someone said, 'Where are you, pasta?' at the store. Presumably they were looking for lowercase pasta, and not uppercase Pasta, but I still got a weird look before I mumbled and wandered off.
I'm also currently watching one of my old fandoms (the one that got me back into writing fanfic which eventually led to TRT, ironically) eat itself alive after a trailer dropped for the new game and the response was... divisive. So Imma just bunker down here in the Daredevil fandom and on my peaceful feed and hide from that for a while. But that led to this hilarious exchange with a friend:
'So are you going to dust off your old AO3 account and write for *old game fandom* again?' 'are you kidding? I have Daredevil moss on me. I'm a part of the Marvel fic ecosystem now. At best I'll pop a root over to wiggle around in the Pedro Pascal section of forest, but that's it.'
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xhanisai · 1 year
you know how some people who ended up in a coma was actually aware of everything around them but couldn't move their body or anything else at all?
What if that's the case for Emelie?
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zombolouge · 7 months
I've had two concussions AND I have adhd, and I've never plagiarized anybody. I didn't even have to try hard to not do that. #disabilitywin
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I have rarely felt as much visceral hatred as for the people that bought the house I grew up in
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dragonhotcoffee · 3 months
I've been trying to get through the Boys season 3 and it's so hard because Homelander is SO INSUFFERABLE-
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hopefragment · 1 year
I can't tell who the hell I'm reblogging from anymore, I hate this no icon bullshit. Tumblr's really testing me. Hasn't it occurred to them that the reason many people use Tumblr is because they don't like Twi- sorry I mean "X"?? So why the hell do they think it's a good idea to play follow the leader with it? What's next? post character limits?
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lazy-cat-corner · 1 year
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What a twatwaffle.
I thought twitter was down. It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.
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wrensflight · 2 months
If the fucking cry baby with brittle bones wins I'm just done for the night. I just, ugh.
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stevethehairington · 11 months
HE LEFT HIM!?!?! HE LEFT HIM!!??!!?!?!?
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saruvanthewhite · 1 year
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Nevada tag 653-RD4 (653-RO4, or 653-R04)
Whoever you are, if you do this again to me, you will be about 10 inches shorter if I have to speak to you.  my words will cut like steel and you will probably need medical attention.  I should have PIT you. I thought hard about it, and almost brought myself to do it.
Whoever you are, know that you are a less than human debile uᴉɐʇsʇᴉɥs of an animal. In avoiding you when you initially cut me off to the left turn lane, my home was upended. For the frustration you caused quite apart from the idiocy of your activity, you should be slapped in the head with something heavy and sharp. I’ll make sure I have something suitable next time I see your plate on the road. 
If you make a habit of driving like this, somebody should take you off the road, gut you, and feed your offal to your parents. They raised you like ʇıɥs and you should be turned into ʇıɥs. I’ve also heard inbred’s like yourself make good firewood.
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meetsthebones · 2 years
gaetz voting for trump for speaker is sooo dickridey i have to giggle
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msxdotgay · 2 years
Kurtis Conner spitting facts
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anexperimentallife · 11 months
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Aaaaaand this is another reason why if it comes to voting for that shitstain Biden or not voting, I'll hold my nose and pull the lever for Biden. This exact strategy of blocking appointees until "their guy" was in power is how the GOP was able to appoint so many radical far right judges under the orange shitgibbon, and how they were able to tip the balance in the Supreme Court.
Make no mistake--if the GOP control all three branches of government again, things both domestically and abroad will get even worse by an order of magnitude.
"I won't vote for Biden because he supports ethnic cleansing in Gaza!" I hate him for that, as well. But the GOP doesn't? A GOP victory means even MORE genocide.
What you're telling me is that you're going to let someone win who ALSO supports the genocide in Gaza, AND wants a nationwide ban on abortion, AND has widespread neo-Nazi support, AND openly advocates ethnic cleansing in the US using the exact same verbiage as Hitler, AND has expressed that they want to use the US military to squash domestic dissent, AND has attempted a domestic coup, AND who has encouraged his followers to harrass and intimidate voters, and so on.
Because you're angry. Yeah, I'm angry, too, but I'm also being forced back to the US by medical emergencies, and I'm not willing to sacrifice my daughter's rights and safety to "punish" a politician I'm angry with, who will go on to live a cushy, privileged life whether he wins the next election or not.
Because unfortunately, the US political system involves a small group of billionaires and corporations selecting two horrible candidates who serve no interests other than the almighty dollar to force the nation to choose between, while using legal maneuvering and behind-the-scenes trickery to squash any challenges from decent human beings, those are our most likely choices.
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tiredsoundsofagnes · 1 month
hey we have YAMCHA shirts now! that’s the fast hardcore/crust band where i play the drums! check us out if you haven’t yet (and follow us on instagram, the username is yamcha.hc)
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alicentsgf · 2 years
as i remember it most GoT fans at least had this grudging respect for people who were "playing the game" like we all pretty much agreed littlefinger was a shitstain of a human being but there was respect because he played like a pro. and its because there was this general consensus where we'd all agreed to register that these characters absolutely have to maneuver through their world as it exists. that they ideally should be aware of the pros and cons of their social circumstances, never ignoring that the game MUST be played, always looking ahead and moving their pieces into position.
but people are mad at ME for applying these same conditions to HotD. for recognizing how poorly Rhaenyra plays the game, and judging her for it. I enjoy Rhaenyra a lot, but she is totally politically inept and im going to continue to vent my frustration about it. Having obvious bastards was a bad move. Not preemptively making alliances or involving herself in governing was a bad move. Being hostile toward her siblings was a bad move. Idc if you think her defying social expectations was just so girlboss of her. It put literally everyone around her in danger, especially her own children.
Some fans are only too happy to suspend their modern social lens for all the incest, grooming, and marital rape yet they apply it to literally everything else, especially rhaenyra and alicent's characterisations.
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