#fuckin abra i swear
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
I ended up restarting Pokemon Legends bc i could and EARLY EARLY in the game, i ended up straying into the Sandgem flats. Burst past that alpha snorelax like the kool-aid man, and went in to find myself a nice Shellos.
Then. I hear the shiny chime. I’m circling this little patch of grass, staying hidden, just SEARCHING. It was a full-odds shiny abra. I accidentally stepped Out Of The Grass. It teleported. This. This is suffering.
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justasimplesinner · 4 years
Can you do Riddler (AK, Zero Year, BTAS, etc) with female s/o who is a magical girl and she wields a magic staff
i threw in Young Justice as well cuz i love this lil nerd
Riddler with a magical s/o hcs
Arkham Knight:
you can bet your ass he doesn't believe you at first and thinks you're just a cosplayer that's really into it. until you go abra kadabra on his ass and he starts questioning everything he's ever known
he is a man of logic, and there's nothing logical about magic, it'll take some time for him to get used to this
will absolutely want to test your abilities and maybe include them in his work - Batman is just a man, after all (or is he?)! he can't cheat his way through a magical riddle trail!
you have any anti-cheating spells? cuz he's there for it
will absolutely try to use your staff whenever you leave it and get mad at the fact that he can't do shit
Zero Year:
oh he's played enough fuckin' games to know what this is about. he absolutely will ask you if you can do this or that or if you have this ability (all of them from the games he's played). and because he's a fucking comedian, he'll ask you why did you choose that class and not, like, a hunter or an assassin
is surprisingly chill about it - or just doesn't care, that's up for your interpretation
sometimes treats you like his personal entertainment and asks you to "do tricks"
but he's doing all that just for a laugh, and he really thinks this is a very useful skill you have and is glad that you're on his side. won't use you like some weapon, of course, he's not That Bad. and he's actually really into it, hence the constant pleas for you to show off
he's hella surprised but also hella excited - can't wait to see what you're capable off, will ask many different questions ranging from how did you even acquire a magic stuff to whAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN BEND TIME TO YOUR WILL
his eyes light up whenever you do literally anything. he's so fascinated with your magic and what it can do, thinks you're even more special and talented now
is probably the only one that wouldn't immediately think of you as an asset that could help him defeat Batman. he's got no plans on using you, he's happy to let you do your own gig and for him to stay with his
he will brag about you, tho. a lot. other rogues are so fucking done with his bullshit i swear to god-
Young Justice:
listen this man has seen many weird things during his time in Belle Reve. he's met many weird people. so like, he's not even that surprised that you have some kind of abilities, because he spent a long time in a place where everyone had some kind of abilities
that doesn't mean you're not special to him, of course - because you are, and he'll make sure to show it. he wants everyone to know his partner is way better than them
will ask you to tell him all about yourself and your magic. loves listening to your stories and how you reminiscence your first encounters with magic and maybe even some crazy adventures, and will always inquire about everything because he's curious as hell and craves to know more
also will ask you to teach him some handy tricks if it's possible, he'd love to have a few aces up his sleeve
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helaintoloki · 4 years
pairing: Dan Torrance x reader
warnings: language, some violence, slight angst, fluff towards the end // just over 1k words in length
notes: some more daughter Abra and mom reader :’) I really enjoyed using these characters in my Overlook piece so I decided to add another chapter to their story. once again, elements from both the book and the movie as well as my own imagination were used to write this
summary: a night with Crow Daddy leads to your first kill and a powerful revelation for Dan
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“Dan,” you murmur, head lulling against the window and eyes refusing to open. Your brain feels like mush, your mouth feeling as if it‘s just been stuffed to the brim with cotton, and you can hardly manage to lift a single finger. Your mind is screaming for you to move, body twitching helplessly in an attempt to free itself from the sedative that tugs you down further and further into the dark. From the driver’s seat, a man chuckles.
“Dan is long gone by now,” the Crow replies easily, and it’s then that you’re able to feel the needle poking at your thigh. “Don’t mind that, it’s just a little incentive for your girl back there. Make sure she minds her P’s and Q’s.”
(Abra... Oh, god.)
“What did...” you struggle to speak, drool dribbling out the corner of your mouth, “what...”
“Easy there, mom,” he laughs airily, as if kidnapping a mother and her daughter was an ordinary every day occurrence, “she’s knocked out cold in the backseat like a good little Goldilocks. You know, that daughter of yours has caused us a lot of heartache.”
“This needle here is just so she doesn’t get any bright ideas. If tries to call for help, if she tries play her little mind tricks on me, hell, if she even breathes in a way that’s suspicious I just push this little thing through your skin and you’ll fall asleep and never wake up again. So I suggest you don’t get any bright ideas either. We clear?”
“Crystal,” you slur prompting Crow Daddy to laugh.
“I like you,” he grins. “Honestly, I was a bit surprised to see you were her momma. You look a little on the young side, real pretty like and all.”
“I was young,” you confirm quietly, finally mustering up the strength and energy to peek over at the driver. Crow Daddy, that was his name wasn’t it?
“If I wasn’t already spoken for I’d just eat you up,” he grins, shooting a wink your way. “But you’ve got a man, don’t you? The guy who just killed my friends.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Love always is,” Crow Daddy sighs, and your eyes begin to flutter again. A small whimper escapes you as a result of your reluctance to fall back under, but the Crow only smiles. “That’s alright doll, you just go right on back to sleep.”
The darkness encompasses you, and you think of Dan before you fall back under.
(You have to wake up, y/n. Abra needs our help)
A bottle of coke sits resting in between your thighs as you open your eyes for the second time that night. Dizzy and drugged you scramble to pry the top off and guzzle down the fizzy beverage. The carbonation of it stings going down your throat, and because of your unsteady hands most of it dribbles out the corners of your mouth, down your chin, and past your neck into the valley of your breasts. Your shirt would later be stained and your skin would feel sticky, but it didn’t matter at the moment. The cotton was washing away and the ache in your head was beginning to dull, the needle was absent from your thigh.
“Someone’s thirsty,” Crow Daddy smiles. “You’ve both been so good for your daddy I figured I’d reward you with a little treat-“
Your body is hurled forward then harshly yanked back down by your seatbelt as the car suddenly swerves into a tree. In the rear view mirror Abra’s face is visible, eyes wide and unblinking and not her own; someone else is in control now.
(Now Mom)
Almost instinctually do you take the glass coke bottle and slam it over the Crow’s head, disorienting him further as his face rams against the steering wheel. The honk from the impact echoes deafeningly over the desolate road, the sound so loud to your sensitive ears it makes them ring. Vision blurry, you manage to spot the syringe sticking out of his jacket pocket and lunge.
“Fuckin bitch,” Crow Daddy growls, grabbing you by the hair and yanking your head back so roughly you fear it may snap. “You fucking bitch!”
Your head is slammed against the dashboard so harshly that for a single second the world is completely black, but when the light returns you spot the Glock .22 sitting by your feet. In what was only a few seconds but felt like a lifetime you snatch the weapon, knock your kidnapper across the face with the end of the gun, then fling yourself back against the car door before pulling the trigger.
He begins to cycle, but you don’t get the chance to see it as you pass out once again.
(Is your mom alright?!)
“She got hit on the head a few times pretty good, still has the drugs in her system. She’s sleeping now,” Abra explains quietly.
(I need you to wake her up and make sure she’s okay enough to drive. Get yourselves to a motel and I’ll come meet you as soon as I can)
“She’s never killed anyone before.”
(I know)
“She did it for me.”
(She loves you. Mother’s will do whatever it takes to make sure their children are safe)
“Like grandma Wendy did for you?”
(...Just like grandma Wendy)
By the time Dan arrives it’s five in the morning and you haven’t gotten a wink of sleep. Your body felt violated what with the sedatives, and your mind was much too paranoid to relax enough and allow you to rest. You kept a watchful eye over Abra, gun close by just in case another member of the True Knot decided to make a surprise appearance. You hated guns and you hated violence, but motherhood had urged you to kill someone, and so you had.
Dawn’s early light casts an alluring glow on your trembling figure in the doorway as Dan approaches. Your face is drained of color and dark bruises paint the skin of your forehead and neck. The dreary bags under your eyes reveal your body’s interrupted schedule of sleep, and you look absolutely beaten down. The sight is powerful enough to tug at Dan’s heart strings and before he can even comprehend the fact that his legs are moving he begins to run towards you, only stopping once you’re enveloped in his warm embrace. And only then, wrapped up in the comfort of Dan’s arms, do you begin to vehemently sob.
“I’ve got you,” Dan whispers, lips pressed into your hair as he soothingly rubs a hand up and down your back. Your shoulders shake with each muffled cry that escapes you. You’ve spent all night trying to be strong for Abra, trying to provide solace and security, and now that she’s asleep you find your brave front crumbling apart. Now Dan is doing his best to put you back together again.
“I don’t know what I’m doing anymore,” you tearfully confess. “I don’t know who I am anymore. Danny, I killed someone!”
“I know, I know,” Dan soothes, hugging you even tighter. “You did it for Abra, you did it to protect yourselves.”
“There’s still more of them out there,” you blubber, “there’s still people out there trying to hurt our daughter.”
Dan tenses slightly then, his heart doing a full gymnastics routine in his ribcage. Up until now you’ve always referred to Abra as your daughter, still not used to the idea that the one night stand you’d had all those years ago who had suddenly reappeared and interrupted your quiet life in Frazier was her father, and now you’ve accepted him as part of your tiny little family. And the thought lights a fire deep in the pit of his belly. Family wasn’t something he’d had in a long time, stable relationships - both platonic and romantic - were not common occurrences in his life. But now he had Abra, and now he had you, and he’d be damned if he let anyone or anything hurt either of you ever again.
“I won’t let them. I promise,” Dan vows earnestly. “No one is going near you or Abra ever again. I swear on my life.”
He holds you as the sun begins to rise, tucks you back into bed as your crying begins to dwindle, cradles you in his arms so you can sleep safe and sound, and begins to plan the demise of the True Knot as you snore quietly into his chest.
Rose the Hat would be sorry she ever messed with the Torrance family, that much Dan was sure of.
*gif used above is not mine!
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abraaxas · 8 years
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That familiar metallic taste coated his mouth and even before he opened his eyes, he could take a good guess as to what had happened.  Maybe not the exact details, but at least he was able to mentally prepare himself for the slaughter he was about to witness.  Eyes crept open to peer around the dimly lit area, immediately eliciting a slight grimace.  The stench was always the worst part of these moments, bodies did some disgusting things after death.
He pushed himself up to lean against the nearest sturdy surface and the first order of business?  Checking for wounds.  Nothing felt out of place or overly painful so that was a good sign, but it could just be the adrenaline kicking back in.  Bruises, minor cuts and scrapes, some blisters on his hands from holding..something.  A weapon perhaps?  He was pretty sure he saw a shovel, hedge clippers and a chainsaw nearby, Malph could be very creative in his killing sprees.  And ohhh look, a finger in his shirt pocket, was this his?  No, luckily he had all fingers in place so it was quickly chucked aside into the rest of the nearby carnage.
Bits and pieces of stripped flesh were brushed off his person before he staggered up to his feet, clutching onto the nearby furniture until he found his footing.   Behind him a sickening sounding *SPLAT* splashed up what he assumed (and hoped) to be just blood against the back of his legs.  Turning to look, he squinted and peered down at what appeared to be….well, he wasn’t the best at internal anatomy, but that definitely looked like intestines??  Ugh.
“Shite, mate.”  He turned away from that scene, only to find himself staring at a myriad of other dismembered and disemboweled bodies of various shapes and sizes.  Malph was the very definition of chaotic neutral, neither side was ever safe from his whims.  Whatever had happened in this room, it was best that Abraaxas never knew.
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“Alright Malph, I knew yer prolly fuckin’ wiped an’ wit’ how sore me whole body is I’d say ya got yer fill, but ya gotta tell me where the fuck I am.  Or can’t ya at least wait til ya get me outta all this shite before takin’ a backseat?  Gettin’ real sick of cleanin’ up yer mess.  Well…. I ain’t fuckin’ cleanin’ up this shite, but I got bloody organs fallin’ off me.  Bloody.  Literally bloody.  It’s like I were bathin’ in blood and organs.  It is not me favored pastime.”
Silence.   Fucking Malph.  
Abra exhaled an annoyed sigh before heading towards the nearest door, mumbling swears that were mostly directed towards his internal companion. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Malph was probably laughing, he definitely did these things on purpose although at this point Abra was accustomed to being left in such circumstances.  
How long had he been gone this time?  The last thing he could recall was staying the night in Silvermoon with Ayrai.  Had he left her in the middle of the night?  That wasn’t terribly unusual of him.  Tali was likely worried at this point, he had gotten decent at checking in with her quickly after those late nights away.  She knew about Malph at least, she knew he had a tendency to disappear without word.   Not that knowing made it any easier on her.
After stumbling through a few large rooms he finally stepped out into the midday sun, immediately shielding his eyes from the bright glare.  Oblivious to the soldiers nearby muttering something about medical tents while ushering him away, he was doing his best to discern where he was exactly.   There were other blood-covered figures nearby, some being carried, some hobbling with the aid of the soldiers.  He was definitely caught in some sort of massive battle here….
He recalled hearing that there was going to be an attack on the Nighthold soon. Was this it?  Was he a part of that?   Malph rarely stopped until the fight was finished. He’d find out sooner or later, but it was best he didn’t stick around for much longer...
Now to find a way back home.
((Mentions of:  @taliandrahflamesurge @ayrai-blackwood ))
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