#fuckboi teru
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Semua berawal dari diary kehidupan yg mengenaskan yang membuat malu diri,dia mulai mengajak follow dan menjadi followers,aku pun mencari orang asing itu dengan video pendek musically banyak tapi satu yang memakai mahkota dan dia tersenyum,senyumnya berbeda sampai dia lelah tersenyum
Chat pendek seperti bertengkar tapi ingin berpelukan,setiap dia mengupload video musik baru kami merayakan,hey hello katanya ok goodbye 1 2 3 see u see u too . Melambai tangan tapi belum pergi,seperti bertemu teman temannya broken heart seperti di game,puzzle baru disusun hati tapi patah lagi ,tapi utuh lagi setelah meminta maaf dan berciuman
Bertemu di sosmed ,menebak dia atau bukan,dan dimana. Dia mematikan lampu RUANGANKU ,PSIKO!mencintai seorang robot apakah boleh tapi dia memberi foto smua bunga dari smua jenis tanaman tersenyum tapi adegan asli>>AKU SUKA TANAMAN HIJAU! BUKANN! bunga itu akan terlihat seperti orang mati lalu bercerita panjang seperti akan saling mengenal lebih jauh,jangan makan hamburger terus, makan sayur! (Dan dia makan sayur seperti tidak suka) tidak suka makan ayam jangan makan ayam! Kulitnya atau dagingnya~ 4.suatu hari akhirnya mereka berteman dan aku sendirian mereka menang dan aku ditinggalkan sampai akhirnya dia menembak dan menyatakan cinta hatiku berdegup kencang,i said NO don't senyum senyum! aku memilih dia selain dari teman temannya yg fuckboi peace✌️,suka main main.
Suatu hari akhirnya trip tour bareng ke sebuah danau dan mengajaknya memancing,aku kakaknya jarak umur kita 3 tahun, membuat video susu coklat ingin menyatakan bahwa aku mual meminum susu putih kita punya alergi kulit yg sama,tanda love merah dipipinya khawatir tapi dia tak membaca kodenya dan sedih,senang jika dia paham kodenya, lelaki celana tentara mirip kakekku tersayang,tapi aku pendek daripada manekinnya *sedih*
6.kamu pacarku panggilan sayang pertama yg buat malam kita mual hingga dia memasang tato nya,kubilang Tato ku! Aku hanya bisa pakai temporary tato 7.sampai dia membuat video bersama perempuan aku akan melompat ketika tau mereka hanya berteman,air putih minum ku terasa manis,tapi lemon rasanya,apalagi jika tak disini 8.ketika dia berkeliling mencari perempuan yang mau bersama dia dan tidak ada, aku tersenyum dan kesal kembali ketika dia lebih memilih memeluk gitarnya,single?! Itu katanya! IM ur girl!,dia akhirnya cemburu pada lelaki gitar dan ingin membanting gitarnya smua berlalu menyakitkan dan dia tetap disana sambil melukis lukisannya dikukunya 9.setiap kali gugup kami akan bernafas bersama dan memilih untuk menjadi Budha saja dan kami terdiam setiap kali duduk tenang diatas rumput (yaitu taman yang banyak semutnya) 10.cute short of story of my anime hampir sama dikehidupan berbeda,senpai * pouts *want hug u but with robot *sad keep pouts*suka bau roti donat*smile smile blink*promise film favorit kita<3
(ok smua ingin menjadi sexy dan berdada besar,punya ku tak memikatnya? (Berbicara sendiri))
merah ruby biru bilu peter
keep smile 🌕,
: ) (her smile reply me) when iam 🙃
Karena lukisan dan gambar yang membawamu terus bersamaku,jadi satu garis
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Story 7: Gowes (Part 3)
“Din, Din.”
“Oy oy?” sahut Dino.
“Sini deh bentar,” kata Randi.
“Ngapain? Lo kan lagi ngewe?”
“Bantuin gue.”
Pada akhirnya, Dino tetap mendekat ke arah Randi. Mereka berdua mengamati lubang vagina Ayu, menyentuh permukaannya, melebarkan lubangnya, menarik-narik ujungnya.
“Kayanya bener ini lubangnya. Nah, kalo ini namanya itil,” kata Dino.
“Lah, lo juga nggak yakin? Bukannya lo udah pengalaman?” tanya Randi.
“Gue belum pernah, sih.”
“Tapi nonton bokep kan lo sering,” ujar Randi.
“Iya, sih. Tapi gue kan penggemar bokep Jepang, lebih sering liat mozaik. Lagian, ngeliat di film sama liat aslinya tuh beda,” jelas Dino sambil jari tengahnya keluar masuk lubang vagina Ayu, mencoba menjelajahi setiap celahnya.
“Oh, gue kira lo fuckboy,” timpal Randi sambil tertawa, sementara telunjuknya menggesek-gesek klitoris Ayu.
“Jangan berlagak pilon. Lo kan udah beberapa kali punya mantan. Masa nggak pernah begituan?” tanya Dino lagi, jarinya semakin cepat mengocok vagina Ayu.
“Lah, gue lagi. Gue kan kader Rohis. Kalo pacaran nggak pernah berduaan. Lagian itu namanya ta’aruf, bukan pacaran,” ucap Randi.
“Oh iya, ya. Lupa gue,” ujar Dino. “Ya udah, lo coba lagi deh. Berdasarkan pengalaman gue beberapa kali liat video bokep di Semprot.com, seharusnya sih bener lubangnya yang ini.”
“Oke, gue coba lagi. Minggir bentar.”
Dino mengeluarkan jarinya dari vagina Ayu, kemudian kembali mundur selangkah, memberi ruang kepada Randi.
Perlahan-lahan, Randi kembali memasukkan batang penisnya ke dalam vagina Ayu. Kali ini, ia tampak lebih percaya diri. Setelah beberapa kali menggesek, akhirnya ujung penisnya menemukan sebuah celah yang terasa basah dan hangat. Ia mendorong pinggulnya ke depan, kali ini agak keras, hingga ujung kepala penisnya mulai masuk ke dalam celah sempit itu.
Ayu menjerit keras. Melihat ekspresi wajah Ayu, Randi yakin bahwa ia telah melakukan hal yang benar. Ia pun mendorong pinggulnya lagi hingga batang penisnya ikut masuk ke dalam celah sempit itu, semakin lama semakin dalam. Ketika akhirnya seluruh batangnya masuk ke dalam lubang Ayu, ia merasa batangnya seperti dijepit-jepit oleh suatu bibir yang basah dan kenyal.
“Gila, nikmat banget. Ini bener, kan, Yu?” tanya Randi sambil menatap wajah Ayu yang matanya masih setengah terpejam.
Ayu tak menjawab dengan kata-kata. Ia hanya mengangguk beberapa kali sambil terus mendesah. Dadanya naik turun. Keringatnya bercucuran.
Randi mulai menggerakkan pinggulnya, maju-mundur. Batang penisnya keluar masuk di dalam vagina Ayu, semakin lama semakin cepat. Tak bisa ditahan, Randi pun ikut mendesah. Ia tidak menyangka bahwa seks ternyata senikmat ini, apalagi bila dilakukan dengan perempuan cantik yang ia sukai sejak lama.
Namun baru sekitar lima menit kemudian, tiba-tiba saja mulut Randi menganga, matanya terbelalak. Ia menghentikan genjotannya, lalu segera mencabut penisnya keluar dari vagina Ayu. Dalam hitungan detik saja, tiba-tiba spermanya menembak keluar dengan kencang, membasahi perut ramping dan belahan dada Ayu.
Randi terduduk di atas rumput. Napasnya terengah-engah. Matanya terlihat sayu seperti sedang terjebak dalam ekstasi luar biasa, sementara batang penisnya berangsur-angsur kembali melunak.
“Udah, Ran?” tanya Dino yang sejak tadi mengamati dari pinggir.
“Udah… hah… hah….,” ujar Randi sambil berusaha mengatur napasnya.
“Kayanya nggak sampe lima menit, deh,” ucap Dino sambil terkekeh.
“Hah.. hah… maklum, namanya juga pertama kali.”
Meski kondisi Randi sudah terlihat lelah, tetapi kondisi Ayu masih belum berubah. Napasnya masih naik turun, cairan vaginanya masih terus membanjiri selangkangan. Siksaan birahinya masih belum terpuaskan dan nyawanya masih dalam bahaya.
Kali ini giliran Dino yang mencoba melakukan pertolongan. Melihat aksi Randi sebelumnya yang tidak banyak membuahkan hasil, Dino pun sedikit jumawa dengan menganggap bahwa tubuhnya lebih perkasa daripada Randi.
“Yu, maaf, lo bisa nungging nggak? Mungkin kalau posisinya diubah bisa lebih efektif,” kata Dino.
Mendengar permintaan tersebut, Ayu mencoba mengubah posisi tubuhnya. Ia membalikkan badan, kemudian mengangkat pantatnya yang bulat sempurna itu. Melihat bokong yang indah itu, mau tak mau Dino langsung menamparnya dengan telapak tangan.
“Awwh!” jerit Ayu.
“Sori, Yu. Gemes banget gue abisnya,” ujar Dino.
“Plisssh… Din… tolongin gue….” kata Ayu, sementara mulutnya menghadap rerumputan di atas tanah.
“Iya, gue coba semaksimal mungkin.”
Dino menurunkan celananya sendiri, kemudian mengeluarkan penisnya yang sudah tegak sempurna. Ia merasa percaya diri karena ukurannya memang lebih panjang daripada milik Randi tadi. Tanpa keraguan, ia pun mencoba memasukkan batang penisnya ke dalam lubang Ayu. Awalnya, ia sempat heran kenapa lubang itu terasa sempit dan ketat sekali. Namun ia tak ingin terlihat ragu, maka dengan sekuat tenaga ia pun mendorong pinggulnya.
Namun, ketika batang itu masuk, tiba-tiba saja Ayu menjerit kencang.
“Aaaaaaah! Sakiiiit! Sakiiit!”
Mendengar jeritan itu, Dino pun panik bukan main. Ia mencoba menarik penisnya lagi, tapi batang penisnya itu seperti dicekik dan tak bisa lepas.
“Sori, Yu. Sori! Gue nggak sengaja. Sakit, ya?” tanya Dino.
“Itu lubang pantat gue, beg0oo! Aaaawhhh!” protes Ayu.
“Terus… terus gimana dong?” tanya Dino kebingungan. “Ini namanya anal, kan? Ya kan, Ran?”
Randi yang sedang beristirahat di pinggir hanya mengangguk lemah. Ia tidak tahu, ia tidak peduli.
“Gue cabut ya, Yu. Maaf, maaf, gue nggak tau,” kata Dino.
Dino mencoba menarik penisnya keluar dengan susah payah. Pantas saja lubang itu terasa sangat sempit dan tidak sebasah yang ia bayangkan. Namun tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pada saat itu Dino merasakan kenikmatan luar biasa pada batang penisnya. Dino tak bisa meneruskan. Ia tidak ingin kenikmatannya berada di atas penderitaan Ayu.
Ia pun mencabut penisnya dari lubang anus Ayu. Namun pada saat mencabut itulah ia merasakan batang penisnya seperti diurut dengan nikmat dari batang hingga ke ujungmya. Ia tak dapat menahan diri lagi. Ketika ujung penisnya keluar dari pantat Ayu, tiba-tiba saja ia mengalami ejakulasi. Cairan spermanya meluncur keluar dan mendarat di punggung Ayu.
Dino terduduk di atas rumput. Napasnya terengah-engah, sama seperti Randi tadi. Perlahan-lahan, batang penisnya kembali lemas.
“Bangkeeee!” umpat Dino. Ia memukul-mukul tanah, merasa kecewa dengan dirinya sendiri.
Sementara itu, Ayu pun tengkurap tak berdaya sambil pantatnya bergerak-gerak ke atas, ke kanan, dan ke kiri, seolah mencari batang penis yang mampu menolongnya dari siksaan Sexflu ini.
Tangan Dino terkepal di atas tanah. Ia merasa tak berguna. Sekarang apa lagi yang bisa mereka lakukan? Mereka sudah mencoba menolong Ayu secara bergantian, tapi tak ada satu pun yang berhasil. Memang, pada saat ada penyuluhan B3 Sexflu di Kelurahan tempo hari, mereka membolos. Wajar jika sekarang mereka tidak benar-benar mengetahui cara melakukan pertolongan yang benar.
Mereka pikir, seks itu gampang.
Dino memperhatikan Ayu yang masih mendesah-desah dan menggelepar-gelepar di atas rumput. Ada raut sedih di wajahnya. Apakah mereka akan tak berdaya membiarkan Ayu mati di sini, di hadapan mata mereka sendiri? Kalau saja mereka tak berdebat soal “perasaan” dan soal “siapa yang lebih berhak untuk mulai duluan”, mungkin mereka bisa lebih lama membantu Ayu.
“Tenang,” kata Randi. “Gue udah nelpon Hotline Sexflu 6969 tadi.”
“Lo udah nelepon? Kapan?”
“Sejak lo baru mulai tadi. Gue bisa nebak kalau lo juga nggak akan bertahan lama,” kata Randi sambil tersenyum kecut.
“Tai, lo, Ran. Tapi bener juga lo. Mudah-mudahan TPGD nggak lama lagi datang,” ucap Dino dengan tatapan nanar.
Mereka menunggu dan terus menunggu. Kondisi Ayu semakin kritis. Melihat perempuan itu sudah banyak kehilangan cairan, Dino berinisiatif untuk memberikannya minum melalui air mineral yang mereka bawa. Namun tak banyak air yang bisa ditelan Ayu, sebagian besarnya malah ia muntahkan kembali.
“Tolongin gue…. guys… aaahhh…. memek gue…. mmmhh… pliss… siapa pun… tolong… ahhh.”
Desahan Ayu kini tak lagi terasa erotis, tetapi terasa menyayat hati. Kalau tak kuat-kuat menyembunyikan perasaan, mungkin mereka akan meneteskan air mata seperti anak kecil cengeng.
Semua ini tak seperti yang mereka bayangkan. Andai kata TPGD tak juga datang dan penis mereka sudah mulai kembali pulih, mereka pasti akan kembali mencoba menyetubuhi Ayu sekali lagi. Kali ini ia tidak peduli lubang mana atau gaya apa, yang penting mencoba.
Tak lama kemudian, tiba-tiba saja mereka dibuat terperangah oleh suara deru angin yang terdengar nyaring dari langit. Mereka melihat ke langit, ke balik ranting-ranting pepohonan. Di atas sana, sebuah helikopter terbang mendekat.
“Helikopter apa tuh?”
“Polisi? SAR? Bukan! Itu TPGD!” jerit Randi sambil menunjuk tulisan TPGD berwarna merah di permukaan helikopter tersebut.
Helikopter itu tidak mendarat, mungkin karena medan di tempat itu tidak memungkinkan untuk melakukan pendaratan. Benda gagah itu hanya melayang sesaat dalam jarak dekat, kemudian sebuah tali diturunkan dari pintu helikopter.
Dari pangkal tali itu, turunlah beberapa orang pria berpakaian serba putih. Mereka dengan sigap dan cekatan menuruni tali itu hingga mendarat di atas tanah. Saat itu, Randi menghitung bahwa ada tiga orang pria berseragam TPGD yang mendatangi mereka.
“Kami dari Tim Penetrasi Gawat Darurat. Apa yang bisa kami bantu?” tanya seorang pria yang wajahnya tertutup masker medis dan face shield.
Tanpa ragu, Dino dan Randi segera menunjuk ke arah Ayu yang sedang menggeliat dan menggelinjang di atas tanah.
Melihat itu, seorang anggota TPGD segera bergerak cepat. Mereka, dengan agak kasar, segera mendorong Dino dan Randi agar menjauh. Satu di antara mereka memberikan masker kepada Dino dan Randi dan menyemprotkan disinfektan ke tubuh mereka. Satu orang lagi memasang sebuah pita berwarna pink dengan tulisan “TPGD Line — Do Not Cross” di sekeliling Ayu.
Sementara itu, satu anggota TPGD yang lain segera mendekat ke arah Ayu sambil membuka lubang di bagian selangkangan seragamnya. Tampaknya, seragam TPGD memang didesain khusus agar mudah mengeluarkan penis kapan saja di mana saja dalam kondisi darurat, tapi tetap memberikan perlindungan dari virus.
Dino dan Randi harus pasrah berjarak dua meter dari garis TPGD itu. Mereka menyaksikan bagaimana anggota TPGD itu mengeluarkan batang penisnya yang panjang dan besar. Ia mengoleskan sebuah krim, dan tiba-tiba saja batang penis itu menjadi tegang seperti pentungan polisi anti huru-hara. Penis TPGD itu kini siap menyetubuhi Ayu, wanita impian mereka, di hadapan mereka sendiri, sekaligus memberikan pelajaran berharga untuk kedua lelaki lemah itu.
“Perhatikan bagaimana profesional bekerja,” gumam Randi.
Dino mengangguk.
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hello and congrats on ur milestone🥺 could i get a macaron drabble w terushima and “the game is either of us is only allowed to touch each other with their mouths.” tysm and congrats again 🤍
yaho darling! thanks for sending a request and the patience 💕 here’s some NSFW with Teru hohoho
“The game is either of us is only allowed to touch each other with their mouths,” is what Terushima tells you, voice low despite the frat party’s music muffled behind the closed door. It gives you a delightful shiver, but you look up at him a with defiant smile. You watch the way his pupils dilatate in need and how his lip twitches as if to stop himself from grinning before you verbally consent to the game. As soon as you agree to play, Terushima’s mouth captures yours in a searing kiss while he backs you up against the bedroom door. He has his arms cage you in while you tangle your tongue with his. A moan escapes you when his lips leave yours to press hot open kisses to the sensitive spots on your neck. He nibbles, sucks, and leaves pretty marks on your skin to pull more lovely noises from you. He especially adores the mewls you give him whenever the piercing on his tongue grazes your neck. Your hand itches to clutch onto Terushima as his mouth moves down towards the swell of your breast that your shirt reveals; you wanna tug on his blonde locks or cup either side of his face as he suckles hickies on your tits. But you know doing so will have you losing the game, so you press your palms flat against the door to resist the urge to have your hands on him. You hear him tut teasingly as he trails back up to your lips, “Thought you were playing too, babe? Where’s that sass you showed me earlier?” You open your eyes to glare up at him when he pulls away, but all Teru does is raise an eyebrow at you: a challenge. So, you drop to your knees and lean forward to try and unbutton his pants with just your teeth. This totally takes him by surprise and even more so when you actually succeed in undoing his button. You’re about to try unzipping him next but he stops you and does it for you. “Such a good girl, obeying the rules like that… Lemme help ya, hmm?” He chuckles amusedly while he undoes his pants and pulls his cock free. You admire how pretty and long it is then open your mouth and stick your tongue out for him. He takes the hint and slaps the tip of his dick against your tongue before steadying it in his grip so you can wrap your mouth around him. He lets out a loud groan when your wet and warmth mouth engulfs the head. You take more of him and when his about halfway in, you hollow your cheeks and suck on him hard. It gets him gripping your hair as he lets out a curse in pleasure, then he looks down to see you smiling in triumph. He lets out a snort and moves his hands to rest on the back of your head so he can push you further onto his cock,
“Alright babe, you win... So keep sucking on my dick and I’ll pour your prize down your pretty throat…”
HoneyBunny’s 400 Event: Closed
#fuckboi teru#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#honeybunny hits 400!#terushima smut#terushima x reader#terushima x you#terushima x y/n#haikyuu smut#haikyuu!! smut#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x you#haikyuu x y/n#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu!! x you#haikyuu!! x y/n#mini macaron drabble#bad bunny 🖤
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ok but futakuchi is one of those bitches where he hits on you and you say "im lesbian" and he just says "thats hot" and keeps trying to force himself on you. tendou and teru do that shit too dont lie to me (skate rats or otherwise)
MMMMM YES YES, @ksakusa spoke about this a lot a while back but futakuchi is totally the type that keeps pushing and pushing even when you tell him you’re lesbian.
He’ll say some dumb shit like ask you to prove it to him, he’ll just watch on the side, he promises; scummy dickwab totally grabs your hand and places it on the tent in his crotch over his trousers if you so much as even peck another girl in front of him, telling you to take responsibility for getting him all hard.
Futakuchi is that insufferable painfully heterosexual scumbag who does not give up until he gets his dick wet.
#urusai! baka#futakuchi juice#futakuchi#juice#tw: homophobia#LIKE A LIL BIT??????? not REALLY#ITS NOT RLY its kust him being fucking insistent#anyways he 100000% does and i want to deck him in the face while he fucks me into a wall or smth#hes so big and cocky and smug and jusy#an overall right Piece of Shite#TERU is too much of a fuckboy to take that as an ‘excuse’ and back down#teru the type to say ‘well where is he?’ if u tell him youve got a bf#tendou is just on crack#look man tendou just#idek how to articulate it either way Tendou WILL keep being prrsistent almost creepily so#popping up everywhere and just being wack#love him sm#skate rat tis not mine so if u see this @MIKI MOUSE gimme ur hot takes
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A little something for Shut Me Up by goodgollyzollie
I’m no good with words but I’m kinda good with pictures and I really enjoy the fic and the writing is just chef’s kiss
#tanaka ryuunosuke#nishinoya yuu#terushima yuuji#tananoya#haikyuu#haikyuu fanart#haikyuu nishinoya#haikyuu tanaka#haikyuu terushima#haikyuu misaki#hana misaki#i hope this kinda helps as pick me up?#and LISTEN#i KNOW noya is probably wearing one of these fuckboy button up shirts in the story#but i realized that only after giving him the shirt and teru a button up already#my art
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"You should come to our swim club! I think we might have a beach ball in the club room, so you can hit it around if you get bored!"
❛ IS THE CLUB CO-ED ? ❜ / @awadatsu
#me: teru is more than just a fuckboi#also me: goes with the 1D for the jokes#but thank u for this !#awadatsu
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Chapter 1 : pretty girl
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🗒️light note.
I put a reference on how Teru is viewed as a fuckboy by the fandom cuz of how he was introduced. He's not as bad as you think if you give him a lesson. Also he's the one who talks most on the gc cuz he wants everyone to have fun in life as teenagers. Especially we experiencing young love once in a while KSJDJSJJD
Futakuchi is a mixture of responsible captain and a bastard bully. Thus, a responsible bastard. Was with Enno when Teru got an earful by both of them.
Akaashi questions the Miyagi squad's sanity.
Atsumu will be introduced later midway thru the story!!
I refuse to put Kenma as nekoma's representative. Thus I completely shut out Nekoma out of this smau.
I'm sorry if YN is cringy. She has particles based of me, Hikari, I'm not social but tries better in different environments.
Shirabu doesn't even talk much in the gc, his excuses are always studying and hours long practice in the gym.
📝 Taglist. @cupidines @rae-main @paradise-creator @meikuzo
#🌼hikari.writes!#🐞 second year disaster smau#haikyuu fluff#shirabu x reader#🌼hikari.queue!#haikyuu imagines#ennoshita x reader#futakuchi x reader#yahaba x reader#akaashi x reader#terushima x reader#haikyuu smau#hq smau#Spotify
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Bad Day
Bad Day by waitkc
Tome tries her best to avoid a neighboring fuckboy.
Mob happens, then Teru happens.
Tome's neighbors don't know how to handle all the weird shit going on in their dorm.
Words: 10714, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of In Time
Fandoms: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Kurata Tome, Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Kageyama Ritsu, Hanazawa Teruki, Emi, Takenaka, Mezato Ichi, Takane Tsubomi
Relationships: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo & Kurata Tome, Hanazawa Teruki & Kurata Tome
Additional Tags: dealing with heavier things, trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter, Alternate Universe - College/University, Art Student AU, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Comedy, Developing Relationship, OC as Antagonist, OCs as Concerned Neighbors, a little bit of outside POV, harrassment
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10954797
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Mob#♠#Shigeo Kageyama#Tome Kurata#Ritsu Kageyama#Teruki Hanazawa#💜#R:T#A:Waitkc#College AU#Hurt Comfort#Angst#May 2017
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𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮! 𝐚𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞!༄
Hello my dear fellas, today I bring to you the crossover I think we all needed for this Halloween, Haikyuu! characters as Obey me! characters.
In case you don’t know, Obey me! (Also shortened to om) is a Japanese otome game (dating sim) where the MC is sent to the demon realm (also known as devildom) as an exchange student for a year. In the game you get to live with the Seven Brothers (each one representing a deadly sin) and y’know, date one of them lol.
But what if instead of demons we get cute volleyball players... let’s find out!
𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐒... Sakusa!
Alias: The Avatar of Pride.
❝ 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 I don’t know about y’all but personally I can clearly see Sakusa as Lucifer. If you played the game then you know that Lucifer, being the oldest of the seven brothers, is the most collected and responsible one. Guiding the MC with advice and always knowing how to keep his brothers from causing any harm.
Many people strike Sakusa as straight up mean, personally I think he’s just reserved. He knows how to keep his cool, and even tho he’s not a crowd person, I think he’d play well the role of “leader”.
𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐒... Oikawa!
Alias: The Avatar of Greed.
❝ 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Mammon, one of the favorites within the players, I think. Annoying and self-centered as hell, but he’s not as bad as many people think. Like Oikawa, I feel like a lot of people might kinda hate him at first, probably due to their obnoxious personality and witty comments. But in reality they’re both a couple of sweethearts.
I personally don’t see Oikawa as a greedy person, however he has very clear goals and as we’ve seen, he’s willing to do everything he can to reach them, pushing his boundaries for something he loves. So I think he’ll fit the role pretty well.
Alias: The Avatar of Envy.
❝ 𝑁𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝟸𝐷!
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑢 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑑-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Do I even need to explain this one?
Levi and Kenma are literally the same person and you cannot change my mind. Not only in their interests (both obsessed with games and geeky stuff), but also in personality. Their usual calm and soft spoken demeanor only broken by really specific situations. And yes, I know that Leviathan is more prone to have rage outbursts than Kenma, but we’ve seen Kenma get angry a couple of times (literally the last two episodes of haikyuu) and besides, he’s a gamer, so you can’t tell me that he doesn’t get angry when he plays games.
Anyways, this one is pretty self explanatory lol.
𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐒... Sugawara!
Alias: The Avatar of Wrath.
❝ 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑐𝑡.
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑦𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Again, do I even have to explain this one?
Even tho he’s the avatar of wrath, Satan is shown to be the most composed brother (except when it comes to Lucifer but for the sake of this crossover we’re gonna leave their feud aside), however that doesn’t mean he never gets angry, he’s still the avatar of wrath after all.
Suga is always shown as “the mom” of the group, very polite and calm when it comes to serious things. However we all know he has his volatile side, as seen during the Shiratorizawa match were he starts shouting at his own team. This is why I think he’s literally perfect for the role.
And I could go on about him as Satan honestly but I don’t wanna make this too long so let’s move on.
𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒... Terushima!
Alias: The Avatar of Lust.
❝ 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒!
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 Not gonna lie, I almost put Oikawa in this one too. Almost.
I’m a little conflicted with this one to be honest, the reason being that Asmodeus, even tho he’s the avatar of lust, it’s not your usual fuckboy. He’s more of a romantic seductive person, meanwhile Teru is literally just a fuckboy.
However, imagine the power Teru would have if he behaved at least an ounce like Asmo. Yeah, I’d love to see that.
So for the sake of that mental image (and the fact that Teru can pull hella bitches I’m telling you) we’re gonna give him the role <3
𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐙𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐁 𝐀𝐒... Ushijima!
Alias: The Avatar of Gluttony.
❝ 𝑊𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟?
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠-𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 The way I struggled with this one. Anyways, before you say anything hear me out.
For this one I went more for the looks (clearly). Beelzebub is not only the tallest, but also surprisingly the most fit of all the brothers. Needless to say, our boy Toshi (who’s not the tallest but it’s still quite big) can fit into that role so easily.
Also, not only that, but their personality. Both really quiet guys except when it’s strictly necessary for them to speak, and literally the embodiment of no thoughts, head empty, like all the time (with the exception that they do think of something, but sadly it’s only one thing and that’s it).
Anyways, kinda doubting on this one for the gluttony part, but besides that, perfect match 10/10.
Alias: The Avatar of Sloth.
❝ 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐𝘩 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛?
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝘩-𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛.
☆彡 And last but not least we have the avatar of sloth, Suna Rintarō.
Now I’m not gonna lie to y’all, I struggled with this one too, and I’m still not sure if I made the right choice. But since I’ve seen everybody saying that Suna is a lazy guy, I’m just gonna go with the flow and pretend this is a perfect match lol.
And not only because of that, but also because I can clearly see Suna being the type of person to fall asleep literally everywhere. Which is a common thing they have with Belphie 🥺
But yeah anyways, kinda see it, kinda not. You’re free to disagree with me on this one lol.
And there it is! Haikyuu as Obey me characters. Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want a part two! (Including the side characters like Diavolo, Solomon, etc).
#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#obey me#obey me!#hq boys#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x you#hq x reader#hq x you#om headcanons#obey me headcanons#haikyuu x obey me!#om x reader#om! x reader#hq crossover#obey me luficer#sakusa kiyoomi#obey me mammon#oikawa torū#obey me leviathan#kenma kozume#obey me satan#sugawara kōshi#obey me asmodeus#terushima yuuji#obey me beelzebub#ushijima wakatoshi#obey me belphegor#txt
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Can i request a terushima please? Like any scenario you want or hc if you like bb boi needs to be noticed too ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
these are pretty long for an hc night, i just love him so much this looks more like an official post than an hc night one lmaoo
-`,✎ Terushima Yuuji Relationship HCs
First of all, he was a professional fuckboy
Commitment? Who is she? Terushima didn’t have a clue either
He was talking to a new person every other week, with his good looks and brains, it wasn’t hard to get their attention
But once he met you, he turned from fuckboy to simp in a matter of seconds
He couldn’t even so much as look at other people after meeting you
All he wanted was you and he was absolutely sure about it
It took a while to get you to trust him, more so actually date him, you knew his reputation and you didn’t want to be another notch on his bedpost
But he was incessant and to be frank, desperate to prove that his feelings for you were real, you had no choice but to listen
Then of course you fell for him, I mean how could you not?
Once you started dating, he was literally on cloud 9 for like a whole month, he was just so happy to be with you
He’d always visit you in your classroom during lunch, with your favorite snack from the vending machine in his hands and you two would eat together at the rooftop
All the Teru fangirls they exist fight me are out to get you but that’s irrelevant
He’s surprisingly super super sweet and thoughtful
For someone who consistently forgets about exams and homeworks yet is still a top student, the audacity, he surprisingly has pretty good memory when it comes to you
You mentions something off-handedly once, it can be about your allergy or favorite fruit, he will automatically store that in his long term memory and will remember it months later
Yet he’ll forget to eat breakfast sometimes
But don’t forget that this boy is one of the smartest people in Haikyuu
But he’s the type of person that doesn’t really put that much effort into his studies, he’s just really really smart which is so unfair
He doesn’t study much but whenever you do, he will join you and usually spend most of his time helping you out with your own work than focusing on his own
If you aren’t comfortable with it then he will try his best to restrain himself but boi, he just wants everyone to know how blessed he was to be dating this majestic creature that is yourself (those were his words not mine)
If you’re okay with PDA then he will not be able to keep his hands off of you, he’ll always have an arm wrapped around your waist or draped around your shoulder
He’s super territorial
Not that he doesn’t trust you, he knows he can but he just doesn’t like it when other guys try making a move on you
He will be by your side in seconds when he sees someone hitting on you, his arm protectively around you
“Back off, bud.”
“Terushima, this is my cousin.”
Please cheer him on during his games, he will be the giddiest boy in the world if you do
Just knowing that you’re in the stands cheering him on has him more hyper and energetic than usual which is saying something
#sage's hc night#hc night#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#hq#hq!!#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu hcs#hq x reader#hq headcanons#hq hcs#haikyuu fluff#terushima yuuji#terushima#terushima yuuji x reader#terushima x reader#terushima yuuji headcanons#terushima hcs#terushima yuuji hcs#terushima headcanons#johzenji
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was feeling really sad last night and this morning so i thought i’d cheer myself up and write some best friend headcanons about our favorite Johzenji boy!
will platonically call you babe. will practically call you every nickname he can think of but babe is his fav
personal space? whazzat? Teru doesn’t believe in personal space. he will literally drape himself on you whenever he can
however, he will respect your boundaries and if you tell him you’re uncomfortable with something, he’ll stop
he respects and takes to heart about what you say to him. he always wants to do right by you (which was why he felt guilty when you were very upset at him for cornering the pretty manager from Karasuno. he promises never to do that shit again)
is just a puppy
he’s protective of you. will even fight a tree for you
he LOVES to make you smile and laugh. will even make himself look like a fool just to see you crack a smile on your not-so-good days
will pull you in to do embarrassing and raunchy dances with him just to make you laugh
will just include you in any of his dumb stunts because you guys are BESTIES
when he got appointed CAPTAIN for Johzenji’s volleyball team, he took you with him to go get his hair dyed and his tongue pierced
you have video evidence of this and it was just you and him fooling around and celebrating him becoming captain
you were SO nervous when you sat with him to get his tongue pierced. (“Why you nervous? You’re not the one getting it.” “I can’t help it, Yuuji!”)
shows it off every chance he gets. sometimes it’s your fault for encouraging him
is so supportive of everything you do. even if you’re not the best at it, Teru’ll cheer you on (“You did as much as you can and that’s something to be proud of!”)
is your wingman; whether he’s good at it or not is debatable
if you have a crush on someone, he’s very supportive. hypes you up, gives you Valentine’s Day ideas, warns you when your crush is approaching
let’s you know he’ll be upset if he’s not invited to your wedding
also calls dibs on being your child’s godfather
will let you lean on him when tired
will tackle hug you if you ask for a hug
as your best friend, he’d love and support you no matter what. ❤️❤️❤️
#i best friend ship myself with yuuji#him and chika#just the three of us being that one chaotic trio of besties#well me and yuuji while chika tries to keep us from doing stupid shit#fuckboi teru#yūji terushima#terushima hcs#hq terushima#haikyuu terushima#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#haikyuu hcs#haikyuu!! hcs#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu!! headcanons#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu!! x you#haikyuu x you#terushima x reader#terushima x you
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Lie to Me
Summary: Terushima didn’t have a reason not to trust you, until you gave him one.
Pairing: Terushima x gn!Reader
Word Count: 1966
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of cheating.
A/N: This is part of the @babythotshq Angstvember collab! Hope you enjoy!
Song: Lie to Me by Tate McRae ft. Ali Gatie
You don't understand/ I'm not ever like this I can hold my breath/ Say I'll be alright But kinda hard to think/ When I can't feel a thing
Terushima didn’t have a reason to not trust you, until you gave him one. Until he went to your favorite café in hopes to surprise you while you studied for an upcoming exam, only to find you on what looked more like a date than a study session. Textbooks and notebooks closed, no pens or highlighters on the table; instead he just saw some other guy had brushed a piece of hair from your face before you tried to hide your face in the coffee mug you brought up to your lips.
Tell me to my face/ Already heard it last week Driving me insane/ It's hitting real badly Tell me what's her name, yeah
He didn’t know how to bring it up, how to casually ask why his partner had been on a date with someone else? Did he just say it, between sips of drink at dinner: “My day was great, saw you on a date a few days ago what’s that about, how were classes?” It wasn’t like he didn’t already know who it was, his face was burnt into Teru’s memory and after scrolling through your social media he found him. He was just some guy in one of your classes, he thought maybe you had mentioned him before, but he couldn’t recall. He tried to convince himself that you had told him this guy would be there with you, he didn’t want to think the love of his life could do this to him, but he knew he wasn’t fooling himself.
Said you'd never, why'd you ever Lie to me baby, lie, lie to me Lie to me baby, lie, lie to me
When he finally did bring it up, you didn’t take the accusation well at all and he couldn’t help but think that you were trying a little too hard to convince him you hadn’t, that maybe you were just trying to convince yourself. The two of you spent days arguing, arguments just bleeding into the next day, like a chess game that had been adjourned. He hated it, the feeling of everything shattering, just waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment, he didn’t want to fight, he just wanted to know how to fix it.
After everything we've been through you come crying to me/ You said you'd never lie, so why you lying to me? I gave you my trust my heart and everything inside of me/ Tell me how'd you pay me back? You made a fool out of me
Your arguments had started out telling him that you had been alone, that he simply must have been looking at the wrong table; that you’d have texted him if the plans changed. Half way through the argument you changed your tune, saying that he was a friend that joined you to study, that you were struggling with the subject and simply accepted his offer to help when he just happened to show up at the café. Teru just stood there wondering when exactly you thought he became stupid, that he couldn’t see the holes you left in each variation of the story you tried to feed to him. It seemed the longer you both fought, the more your story changed, the more aggressive you got and you began making low blows. You began to attack his appearance, claiming dating a ‘fuckboy’ was a lot for you to try to handle and claiming you’d dealt with hearing tons of rumors that he was off flirting with someone else.
He felt hurt that you’d even bring that up, you’d known each other since you were children, grew up together, had been dating for three years now since you started dating your third year of high school. The way he looked was never an issue before, you said you liked it. As for the rumors, he couldn’t help what people made up and you knew as well as he did they were baseless. He would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship and for the last three years he believed that you knew that.
Can't you see what you're doing? Left me, broken in pieces Got me feeling so stupid, guess I needed a reason To let go/ I don't wanna hear lies anymore
“You’re just gonna leave then?” You crossed your arms, irritation written on your face as Teru grabbed the bag by his feet.
It had been a week of one continuous argument, of talking in circles, of getting no where, no closer to a solution than they were when he first brought it up. He told you that if his looks were really such a hassle, if dating him was so awful then maybe you should just break up, hoping you’d say he was being dramatic. You didn’t, you simply said ‘maybe we should.’ That was last night and this morning he made a few calls, packed his bags and was getting ready to leave.
“If dating me is so stressful that you need to go on dates with other guys, there’s nothing left for us here.”
“I told you it wasn’t a date, Yuuji!” You repeated for the millionth time that week, even though the more you said it, the less you were convinced you had been telling the truth. You knew you weren’t telling the truth, but you weren’t sure how things would work out with the other guy and didn’t wanna risk things with Terushima ending for nothing. What good that did.
“Y/N, please, aren’t you tired of lying?” He didn’t wait for you to answer, for you to once again tell him something he clearly knew was false, he slung the backpack on his shoulder and turned to walk out the door.
You tried to come up with a rebuttal, a string of broken words leaving you as you fumbled over what to say before he stopped, halfway out the door and turned to you. When his eyes met yours, you knew the broken façade you had been trying to keep up had finally given in and shattered and you knew that he knew. He gave you a straight lipped smile along with a short nod before he left, shutting the door on you and your relationship.
6 months later
I've been tryna collect all my thoughts It's all said and done Just don't feel the same
You were sitting in the new coffee shop that had opened on campus, textbook opened but your thoughts were everywhere but on your assignment. It was a bit louder than your favorite café in town, but you knew Terushima was avoiding that one and changes were he’d eventually come in to this one. Three months into your new relationship, the flames fizzled out, realizing that there wasn’t really anything deeper than a physical connection with him.
You had used the last three months to really think things out, finally seeing that Terushima was the best thing to ever enter your life since you were eight. When you went home for a weekend visit, you managed to find your childhood photo album, it was mostly filled with pictures of you and Teru, the last picture being of high school graduation. Seeing all those memories made you realize that you wanted him back, needed him back, that your life wasn’t as bright with the blonde-haired boy in your life.
You felt luck was on your side when the sight of spiky blonde hair captured your attention and your head jerked around just in time to see Terushima himself walk into the café. You looked up at the ceiling, mouthing a ‘thank you’ to fate itself before standing up, quickly packing your backpack just before he walked out the door.
Don't try to tell me that I was wrong You was the one lying all along I think you just want somebody else to take the blame
Terushima wasn’t a huge coffee person, but the late-night cram session the night before left him more tired than usual. He rocked on the ball of his feet, trying to stay awake as he stood in line, hoping this coffee would do the trick and wake him up.
He was already a few steps down the sidewalk when he heard his name, but not just his name, his given name and there was only one person on campus that called him that. Teru knew when he turned around that it would be you, he was just really hoping one of sisters was in for a surprise visit. He bit the inside of his cheek when he saw you standing there, looking a little lost.
“How have you been?”
He cleared his throat, he didn’t want to do this, while you might’ve moved on he was still hurting. “Fine, just been really busy. Speaking of, I really should go.”
You reached out, grabbing his arm when he started to walk off. “Wait, Yuuji. Can we--?”
You’re interrupted when some girl runs up and threw her arms around him, smiling at him with the same doe-eyed look you looked at him with.
Terushima draped his arm over the girl’s shoulder, it was Takara the volleyball manager and someone who Terushima was close to in a very platonic way. But judging by the look on your face, he didn’t think you saw it that way. A knot developed in his stomach, almost the same way it did when he saw you with that other guy, but this was different. You two weren’t dating, he wasn’t cheating, he wasn’t hiding it, but it still felt wrong because the look on your face was breaking his heart.
He wanted to tell you that it wasn’t what you thought, that she was just a friend, that she had a girlfriend on the girls’ volleyball team which was what got her into being the boys’ team manager, but he couldn’t. Takara spoke up before he could.
“We really need to get going, Teru!”
He nodded, looking back to you, asking you what you were going to say but you just shook your head, waving him off, telling him it was nothing important. He watched you as you quickly turned around, tripping over the sidewalk as you rushed away from him and Takara. He let out a deep sigh, shaking his own head as he started walking towards the gym.
“You know, she probably thinks we’re dating.” Takara said, looping her arm with his.
When the two of you had broken up, Takara was the one who let him crash with her while he worked out housing, she’d make an extra bento for him even when he moved out, but most importantly she had been a shoulder to cry on when he couldn’t sleep. Takara had often joked that he was the brother she never had which he quickly told her two sisters were enough for him.
He shrugged, telling her that yeah you probably did which she simply asked if that was something he was okay with since he didn’t try to say anything to contradict it. He wasn’t completely sure how he felt about it, he was the one who walked out that night, and that pain was still fresh for him, he didn’t have replacement lined up like you did.
“I thought you were the team manager, not the team psychologist.” He joked, the both of them walking into the gym for practice.
She rolled her eyes, “But honestly, are you okay with that?”
“What’s one more lie?”
Lie to me baby, lie, lie to me, yeah Why you gotta lie to me
Tag List: @momoinot @ariasnight @celamoon @vicassa @ashhhh26 @luckypartyranchmug @koushisun @chaelysian @ynjimenez @2o-done @hohochaan @thatnikkixx @solarskiesdream @mattsuns-prettybaby @moonlightaangel @madusas-girlfriend @d-angerboys @lulu-102 @anejuuuuoy @tsume @killmeplz-uwu @serihandfn @atsumubabe @chibioomi @onlyshinji @rowley-with-ackerman @seijohigh
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Next Gen idiots Leaders | back to navigation
🗒️ light note.
Futakuchi is referring to someone other than YN.
The hyakunin isshu literature is referenced from @/cestcirque's smau that also featured akaashi "Aperture" as a love interest.
Teru is thankfully not written as a fuckboy, just a bit clingy.
Yahaba needs love, that tweet was made before YN volunteered so he's been keeping an eye on her during tasks and so on to be reliable. That's why he is ✨leader✨ material.
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@msbyslut: “cloud here for a hq boy matchup! ☁️ i'm around 5'8, have dark hair and blue greenish eyes. my favorite color is pink! my aesthetic is anything soft and i love sanrio. 🥺 outside of writing as a hobby, i draw and paint! i also love traveling. i look for security but i get bored easily, so i tend to gravitate towards people who are passionate and a bit spontaneous. anyone who i can joke around with and keeps me laughing for hours. oh and happy 100 tum bby! you deserve it all. 💗”
notes: hi honeybun, thank you so much for your support ❥ i’m very grateful to have you and your wonderful brain as a mutual, you’re literally the sweetest person and you sound like an adorable little cinnamon roll. i hope you like your discount atsumu matchup! muah! ❥
why i matched you:
» okay, we all know terushima can come off as a bit of a fuckboy (*coughkiyokoscenecough*) BUT we did see how he acts on the court - this boy is just a big bundle of energy who wants to have fun! i firmly believe he uses that ‘ladies man’ act to hide just how much a dork he is. but, once he realizes you actually want to stick around, you’ll see firsthand just how much of a goofball he really is, and beneath that suave facade is a good guy who wants nothing more than to give his heart to someone who’ll take care of it. and that’s where you come in!
» terushima loves your creativity and how easy it is for you to express yourself through whatever art platform you use. he’ll beg you to let him read your writing, get a sneak peak at your latest sketch, ‘paint him like one of your french girls’, etc. he just wants to support you! he’s a firm believer in self expression and knows it’s a huge confidence booster when someone shows intrugue in whatever he’s doing, so he’s going to do whatever he can to make sure you know he’s genuinely interested in everything you do.
» baby, you’re almost too soft for this boy. he swears if you were any cuter you would be the death of him, but would he want to go any other way? absolutely not. he finds your love of all things pink and cutesy incredibly adorable. so much so that he can’t help but buy things that remind him of you when he comes across them, or even if you show the slightest bit of interest in them. that cute little gudetama pillow you saw online the other day? he’s got it ordered, it’ll be here friday. that set of kuromi and melody socks he saw in a store window at the mall? he swooped in and got ‘em for you. boy will spoil you to no end because he just wants to see your cute lil’ face light up when he gives you those gifts!
» teru is more than willing to drop everything and go anywhere you want, at any time at all. he also shares your wanderlust and eventually wants to see the world, whether it be watching the sun set over the glittering waters of italy’s canals or watching it rise above the mountains of peru, he’s gonna do whatever he can to make sure you’re by his side to share those experiences. because what better way to take in all the world has to offer than to do it with the one you love?
» like i said before, terushima often presents himself as a bit of a womanizer before pursuing any type of relationship, but once he finds someone he can actually see himself giving his time to? you’re stuck with him. boy will NOT leave your side unless you explicitly told him you never wanted to see him again. he’s going to be hesitant at first, but when he finally opens up, he truly bares his heart and gives you full consent to hold it within the palm of your hand. he’ll only get to that point when he knows without a shadow of a doubt he trusts you, and that you trust him. so as far as security goes? terushima’s got you covered.
» and again, teru’s a HUGE dork. like he almost rivals kuroo on this one because he craves entertainment 24/7, and never fails to make those around him giddy with laughter or anticipation of what’ll come out of his mouth next. he’s serious when he needs to be, but when it’s just the two of you alone, he’ll have you constantly gripping your sides in laughter, and you’re certain to get a good ab workout every time because he’s never not doing something that’ll make you giggle to the point of wheezing. sometimes he feels like he’s too much of a silly hooligan but you’re always the first to remind him that’s what you love about him the most. terushima is definitely one to keep you on your toes, so i hope you’re ready for that challenge!
“Yuuji, what’s all this?” Your hand slides off the handle on your front door, eyes wide and skimming across your living room to take in the scene before you.
“Sh-Shit! Uh… Surprise?”
You were aware your boyfriend would be home before you, but what you didn’t expect was to walk into a cheesy, teenage romance movie.
Terushima was sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with a throw pillow in his other hand, casually tossing it onto the sofa already smothered in pillows and blankets that weren’t there before. The coffee table was piled high with an array of snacks ranging from your favorite baked goods to a partly opened box of pizza, and a tin bucket filled to the brim with ice and canned drinks sat flush against one of the table’s legs. The entire living area was bathed in a soft glow from fairy lights strung up haphazardly across the walls and the smell of strawberries and cream wafted in the air from the scented candles resting on the end tables beside the couch. It was all so much, and it made your heart melt just thinking about how much time and effort this must’ve taken your lover to set up.
“Baby, I-...” Your eyes finally return to Terushima’s nervous gaze and you instinctively bring a hand to cover your mouth, tears gathering below your lash line. The second he saw the familiar twitch of your furrowing brow he nearly leapt over the coffee table to reach you.
“Hey, heyheyhey, I can clean it all up, I promise I didn’t mean to make such a big mess. And I can take the lights down if you don’t like the-“ Teru panics when he catches your tears slipping down your cheeks, but you’re quick to cut him off with a quick, sweet kiss before he completely loses it. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your nose into the space below his jaw, while his hands find purchase against your hips, pulling you impossibly closer to fully indulge in the sudden affection.
“Yuuji, I love it… how did you-...?” You pull back after a moment, hands rising to his neck and thumbing the curve of his jawline. You lose the sentence halfway through, the surprise finally settling in leaving you at a loss for words.
Your boyfriend smiles, nuzzling your temple with the top of his nose in relief, “You told me earlier how bad work was stressing you out, so I took the rest of the day off and put together a little movie night for you. I wanted you to be able to relax when you got home.” His lips leave a chaste kiss to your cheekbone, “I, uh-... just wasn’t expecting you to get here so soon.”
You giggle at his remark - of course the one day you manage to leave early you walk in on his surprise. But as you take another long look at the dreamy layout around you, you couldn’t help but be glad you got here when you did. You didn’t realize you needed this until it was right here in front of you. Now all that was left was to enjoy it.
“Thank you… It’s perfect.”
Too engrossed in your gift, you don’t seem to catch the loving look Terushima was casting down at you, smile growing wider as his response leaves his lips.
“Yea… it really is.”
matchups are CLOSED! thank you to those who entered or have been keeping up with this event! remember you can check to see updates on matchups + if your matchup has been posted via the #tumplaysmatchmaker tag!
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i swear this isnt hate just some criticism
dont get me wrong i really love jshk but i wish there was more... character development wise?
like okay nene’s whole thing is her self image issues, falling for pretty fuckboys etc but it’s always played off like a joke, it’s never really confronted seriously. plot-wise she plays an important role in destroying the yorishiros but like?? the power hasnt been explained yet. she doesnt really have any control in the plot, she just kinda does the thing without understanding it herself. the little mermaid arc is great because it’s a challenge for nene to see if she would stand by hanako, or take the easy way out. but i think it was weakened by the fact that 1. lets be real, living as a fish with a bunch of handsome fishes was never an actually appealing option, it was played for the funneys and 2. hanako ended up swooping in and making the choice for her. i know she would’ve wanted to stay anyway but it would have been more meaningful for her to choose it herself
kou, he plays the role of the exorcist but he’s canonically established to be too weak to exorcise... like... pretty much anything, sealed staff or not. he makes it up with... spirit? idk man he says a lot of stuff but doesnt have any real power to back it up. like hell, he’s even been called out on this twice in-story. his thing is being overshadowed by his older brother, but despite rebelling in the young exorcist arc he doesnt actually overcome teru in any way, he’s still as weak as before, the arc basically ends with teru going soft on him and relenting.
another thing that’s frustrating is the lack of communication between characters. i understand that hanako doesnt want to open up about his past yet, and from a storytelling pov the authors are saving it for later. but in-universe there are just so many established sources of information that it doesnt make sense for nene/kou to be so complacent in knowing nothing. a gruesome child murder from a few decades ago shouldn’t be that hard to look up, newspapers exist, locals who still remember are still alive. tsuchigomori canonically Knows Everything but isnt speaking. kou’s briefly mentioned grandma has got to know something, not to mention his whole esteemed exorcist family. like, kid, you have the connections, you should know more than that.
and then there’s teru who is powerful and supposedly protecting the students but has yet to do anything except... be intimidating? he holds the view that all supernaturals are bad and doesnt understand how the supernaturals in the school work to protect the students, which is just really stupid, you have the same goal, work! together! he doesnt seem to know about or be going after the broadcasting gang, the antagonists. actually at this point our main characters all know about tsukasa's shenanigans but no one’s going after him, there’s no plans being formulated, they’re just letting him do his thing.
now i know the story still has a long way to go but it’s been quite a few chapters and so far it just feels like the main characters have too little power to actively control the plot, and are also complacent in being reactive instead of taking the initiative.
#im sorry for the negativity i swear i really do love the series and the characters#i just wanted to look at it from a storytelling perspective#toilet bound hanako kun#jibaku shounen hanako kun#p
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Untitled Story.
Part II: Tonight.
Packing bukan suatu hal yang menyenangkan bagi Rey, namun Disa–wanita yang hobi berpergian itu menjadikan packing sebagai stress relievernya.
“Udah kelar belum, Dis?” Tanya Rey, sambil memaksakan resleting tasnya.
“Sabar, harus rapih.” Jawab Disa sambil masih berkutat dengan baju-bajunya.
“..Re, astaga, bukan gitu lho packingnya.” Sambung Disa setelah melihat bertapa kacaunya hasil packing Rey.
“Nanti sampe rumah juga dibongkar lagi, kan?” Jawab Rey.
“Bukan gitu! Berantakan banget. Sini gue packing ulang.” Ucap Disa sambil mengambil alih tas yang sedaritadi Rey pegang.
Kembali menunggu, pasalnya Rey bukanlah orang yang hobi berpergian. Weekend milik Rey dihabiskan di kamarnya, mendengarkan musik, bermain game, bermalas-malasan, sesekali bergabung dengan anak kost yang lain untuk ngopi atau bermain kartu.
Sedangkan Disa–kegiatan travelling, menjelajahi tempat-tempat baru, serta bertemu dengan orang yang baru, adalah hal yang sangat ia senangi.
Begitulah gambaran Introvert vs. Extrovert ala Rey dan Disa.
Rey berjalan menuju ke arah balkon, membakar rokoknya.
Sesekali Disa melirik ke arah Rey yang sibuk berkutat dengan rokok dan gawainya, sambil melipat kembali baju-baju milik Rey.
Sungguh, Disa tidak sama sekali menyukai pria perokok, namun kenapa rasanya sangat berbeda saat Rey yang melakukannya. Aneh, pikirnya.
“Pagi, rokok. Siang, rokok. Sore, rokok. Malem, rokok.” dumel Disa.
“Kan pake duit gue?” Ucap Rey sedikit sinis.
Disa berdecak kesal.
“Kesehatan lo itu penting. Lo tuh udah hobi ngerokok, ngopi, begadang, kerja terus. Belum lagi minum, atau ngisep ganja.” Omel Disa.
“Ngobat juga kan lo?” Tanya Disa lagi.
“Udah enggak.” Jawab Rey ketus.
“Dulu, iya.” Sambung Disa lagi.
“Abis gue bingung mau ngapain lagi, Dis. Bosen. Hidup gue ya cuma buat kerja, sisanya ya cuma biar gue seneng aja.” Jawab Rey lagi santai.
“Kesenangan bisa dicari dengan hal lain, kan? Gak harus ngerusak badan lo dan kesehatan lo.” Ucap Disa lagi.
“Tapi, gue sehat kan?” Tanya Rey dengan cengiran yang sedikit menyebalkan.
“Terserah deh, susah ngebilangin lo.” Ucap Disa ketus.
“Said someone who’s addicted to sex, that’s kinda hypocrite.” Balas Rey terkekeh sambil mengepulkan asap rokoknya.
Tidak bisa membantah, Disa hanya memasang wajah kesal sambil merengut.
“Lo kenapa gak open BO sih, Dis?” tanya Rey.
Seketika sebuah sendal jepit melayang ke arah kepala Rey, membuatnya sedikit memekik.
“Emangnya gue lonte?” Tanya Disa sedikit marah.
Rey hanya terdiam sambil mengelus kepalanya.
“Gue kayak gitu baru sama 2 orang. Gue gak bisa having sex sama yang gak bikin gue nyaman.” Jawab Disa.
“Siapa?” Tanya Rey.
Sebuah pertanyaan yang tidak penting karena Rey sendiri pun sudah tau jawabannya.
“Ardan, sama lo. Emangnya lo, fuckboy.” Jawab Disa sambil menaruh baju baju Rey ke dalam tasnya dengan sedikit kesal.
Rey terkekeh.
“Gue bukan fuckboy, gue having sex sama pacar doang. Baru lo doang yang bukan pacar tapi udah begini begitu.”
Keheningan membalut ruangan di antara keduanya.
“Enakan gue apa Ardan?” tiba-tiba pertanyaan usil meluncur dari bibir Rey, membuat Disa sedikit kaget.
Disa tidak menjawab, tangannya berkutat dengan resleting tas Rey yang sulit untuk digerakkan.
Sebenarnya Rey tau persis bahwa ia lebih ‘oke’ dibanding Ardan, ia bertanya hanya sekedar untuk ego boosting saja.
“Harus banget gue ngegedein ego lo mulu?” Ucap Disa.
“Lo kan fuckboy, lebih banyak pengalamannya dibanding Ardan yang...”
“Kalo lo nganggap gue sebagai fuckboy, lo kok mau sih tidur sama gue?” Potong Rey.
“Lo nyaman sama gue, Dis?” Cecar Rey lagi.
Disa menghiraukan pertanyaan Rey.
“Udah ah lo nanya mulu, banyak bacot deh.” Ucap Disa kesal.
“Bunda lo nelfon tuh” Sambung Disa sambil melayangkan pandangannya ke atas gawai milik Rey yang terletak di atas meja balkon.
‘Bundaku 🖤 is calling’
Rey dengan gesit mengangkat gawainya.
Disa mengulum senyuman yang tidak bisa ia tahan.
Lucu. Pikirnya.
Bagi Disa, Rey adalah pria yang lemah lembut dan penyayang, sifat keras dan rebelnya hanyalah topeng saja.
Rey tidak ingin terlihat lemah dihadapan siapapun, ia memiliki cara dan jalan hidupnya sendiri tanpa merugikan orang lain.
Misterius, itulah kata pertama yang membuat Disa penasaran dengan Rey.
Di saat pria lain melayangkan sejuta gombalan untuk memikat hati Disa agar mau diajak bertemu, Rey saat itu hanya bertanya ‘Lo suka musik apa?’.
Di saat yang lain meminta Disa meluangkan waktu untuk sekedar mengangkat videocallnya, Rey hanya berkata ‘Lo ngapain mau videocall gue, Dis? Males ah’.
Di saat yang lain meminta Disa mengirimkan foto bugilnya, Rey hanya berkata ‘Kirimin gue meme lucu dong’.
Begitu juga saat pertama kali bertemu, first impression Disa kepada Rey tak jauh dari kata ‘cuek’, ‘lucu’, ‘unpredictable’, ‘sopan’.
Belum lagi wawasannya yang cukup luas dan selalu terbuka.
Hal yang membuat Disa nyaman, ia bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri di hadapan Rey.
“Dis, ayo berangkat sekarang.” Ucap Rey setelah selesai berbincang dengan Bundanya lewat telfon sambil mematikan rokoknya.
Rey kemudian beranjak dari kursi balkon, sibuk mencari jaket kesayangannya.
“Bunda gue udah masak banyak, ada ayam suwir juga. Kesukaan lo kan?” Ucap Rey dari kejauhan.
Seketika Disa terdiam.
Batinnya sedikit mengutuk atas desiran hati yang tak jelas apa maksudnya.
Namun ia mengerti.
Disa menggelengkan kepala, mencoba sedikit sadar akan posisinya saat ini.
‘Semua hanya pura-pura, Disa.’ Benaknya, menyadarkan hatinya bahwa apa yang ia lakukan hanyalah sandiwara belaka.
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