#fuck you anakin if you're not doing anything I am
skywalkershootme · 7 months
the mating press. (a.s)
afab!reader x anakin skywalker
warnings: p in v, mating press position, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), cum play, dub con, alcohol involved (reader is a little drunk), drinking mentioned, squirting, breeding? (if you squint idk), dumbification, degrading (use of slut and whore i think), praise, impact play/slapping
word count: 1149
You were feeling lost in the sheets, the only thing your brain could fixate on is the feeling of Anakin slamming into you at his signature animalistic pace, making your entire body spark in flames, and leaving your face a drooling mess. His pretty face was looking down where your bodies met, watching his cock make a home in your pretty pussy. “Ugh, Maker… you’re just drooling all over me. This little cunt knows who I am, yeah? Say it,” He was so mean to her, how could he ever expect you to be able to reply when he had you in a mating press for god's sake, especially with the mix of alcohol in your body. You and Anakin were previously at a party, Santines birthday party. You had taken awhile to get ready only for Anakin to be begging to leave so he could fuck you in his car. He was acting like a whiny little brat, getting on your nerves. You literally had to be there, Obi-Wan's girlfriend, plus your best friend. It would be so extremely rude to leave early…right?
Not until Anakin faked a phone call, rushing to you saying he had gotten a call, saying that the apartment flooded. In that moment you abandoned your fruity drunk (that Anakin paid way too much money for,) saying a quick goodbye, and running to the car, only to get to your apartment, seeing absolutely everything fine and in the perfect place,and before you could yell at him for being irresponsible, Anakin would suddenly shove you into the wall, kissing and groping you.
Now, you were shoved into the bed, in a mating press under him, his cock poking deep inside of you. Your ankles up by his shoulders, as he furiously thrusted and pounded into you, making you drool and stutter his name “A-A-Anakin!” You managed to say through your intense moaning, pussy being absolutely pummeled and abused, as his tip kissed at your cervix. Anakin was letting out deep grunts and low moans, while always looking at you in the eye “Oh look at your face baby… you're all sweaty and flushed” he would mumble commandingly as he wiped some drool from your chin, licking it off of his fingers. “You like this huh? You're so wet… I feel you gripping me like a vice baby..” 
All you were even able to get out was moans, his pretty dick was poking your insides, and having your body all tangled in his was like heaven. He was so heavy on top of you, the pressure was amazing. He had to make sure he could keep you down, keep you in place for the sweet torture of his sex.
You felt the coil in your belly spasming, being so ridiculously tight. His dick was hitting all of the right spots, making you feel so, so good… You could feel your orgasm building up ridiculously fast, and Anakin could feel it from the way you trembled “Oh honey… you going to cum already? You’re shaking. Is this what just a little bit of dick does to you huh? Makes you all dumb?” You were barely even able to reply, being so cockdrunk was common with sex with Anakin. He would do anything to make sure you were all dumbed down for him. Anakin looks down to see the beautiful sight of you, tits bouncing to the beat of his thrusts, your neck all marked up with hickeys and your pretty face, covered in drool and hair all messy, with your eyes all rolling back in your head, and closing. He quickly interrupted that with a sharp slap to the cheek, making you tighten around him, making Anakin let out a long moan “Fuck, you fucking masochist. Do you fucking like being slapped? I can feel it in your pussy. Is that what  gets you off huh? Filthy bitch” He only started to fuck faster, making you let out the highest moan he has ever heard from you, making him chuckle
“Ohh fuckk… Anakin!!” you whine and scream, his cock was fitting in so well in this position, hitting that spongy spot deep inside of you, covering his cock in your slick.
And then that coil in your belly exploded, causing you to squirt all over him. Anakin pulled his cock out and looked down with a open mouth, in shock of how much your pussy was pouring, it was like a fucking hose. It spilt all over his cock, on his abdomen and legs, across your thighs and down your ass, and most landing and soaking the sheets. As you recovered from the intense orgasm, you see Anakin stroking his cock like the freak he is, he was getting off to how wet you were. All of a sudden he pushed you back further, folding your body and holding you like that with one arm, as the other hand stroked his cock “Fuck… do you realize how goddamn hot that was? Jesus Christ, you’re still so soaked. Honey.. Is this all some cock does to you? I wonder if i could make you squirt with just my fingers…”
Heat rushed to your face fast as you heard that, then you felt two fingers poke at your entrance, and slide in with no warning, making you clench around him “Fuck! Anakin! Warn me first!” You scold, but all anger was soon lost as he started prodding his fingers in and out at an intensely fast pace, causing you to scream. You could smell your cum in the whole room, slightly embarrassed. But that faded once you look down to see Anakin, with his cock in his hands, getting off to seeing his fingers in your little wet pussy
He slowly adds his mouth into the mixture, determined to get you off one more time before he cums all over you. He rapidly flicks his tongue and sucks on your clit, sending you over the edge once again. He pulls his fingers out and slaps your pussy, moaning at how it all splashes on his hand. He licks it off of his hand slowly, and then starts sliding his cock between your folds. “Oh fuck yeah… I'm going to cum all over this little pussy….. Are you okay with that? Of course you are, little slut.” Anakin rubs his cock between your folds, bumping your clit deliciously, the overwhelming friction making you shake. Then, he lets out a low groan “Gonna cum honey, cum all over this little pussy… mmmhm” His hips stammer before he blows his load all over your pussy, covering your lips, clit, and dripping down to your hole. You let out little sighs and moans, the feeling of his hot liquid on your pussy drove you insane, but he just makes that worse, by fucking his cum inside of you with his fingers.
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darthgloris · 1 year
2AM THOUGHTS #6: Anakin confesses to Y/N on accident
"Okay, what the fuck was that for?" Anakin demanded as he closed the door behind them.
"What do mean? I was protecting you!" She defended.
"And I was protecting you! You nearly died!" He yelled, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I don't need you to protect me, Anakin! I'm not a child!" She snapped, crossing her arms. "It was for the sake of the mission, all right? If I have to die for the cause, then so be it."
Those words seemed to make something click inside him. The fact that she would even think that some mission was more meaningful than her own life made his blood boil. He sauntered over to her, a flash of anger in his eyes that had never been directed at her scared her a little, and she walked backwards until her back hit the wall. "Don't you dare say anything of the sort ever again."
The small tinge of fear in her eyes as he looked down at her made his face soften and guilt took over him. The last thing he ever wanted was to make her fear him, and he felt disappointed in himself for treating her like this. He'd die for her, they both knew that.
He shook his head and sighed, stepping away from her. "Look, you're not less valuable than the Order. And you're certainly not going to try and protect me again."
"I'm always going to try to save you. There's nothing you can do to stop me. If you didn't do so many reckless things, maybe I wouldn't have to!" She replied, hands on her hips as she looked at him sternly.
"Then I'm not going to stop trying to protect you!"
"Why?! You're a Jedi, you're a General now, there are so much more important things at stake than my life right now!"
"Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay?! But it happened and I can’t do shit about it!" He yelled and the words reverberated in the room as he froze. Y/N also paused, her breath shaking as the words sunk in.
"You… what?" She breathed out, shocked.
"I- I- uh... I didn't mean to say that..." he stuttered out, terrified of her reaction. If she left him, he wouldn't be able to live with himself, and Ahsoka... Maker, he couldn't even imagine how heartbroken she'd be.
"Is it not true?" She asked, her brain barely registering his words.
"No, no, it is, I just..." he sighed mid-sentence, burying his face in his hands to avoid looking at her. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
"Oh, stars..." she sighed, leaning on the table for stability. "How... when..?"
"Does it really matter?" He asked, tentatively stepping closer.
"I... wow. I mean, you..." she could barely put a sentence together. "Anakin Skywalker... with me?"
"Of course I am. You're amazing," he said, tipping her chin to make her meet his eyes. "You're smart as a whip, you're kind, you're caring, you're beautiful, and, Maker, you're so great with Ahsoka that she almost loves you more than me, heh. I mean, how can anyone not want you?"
"Oh, Anakin..." she said, her heart swelling at his words. "You're so sweet. No man has ever treated me as well as you do."
"Really..?" He asked. His brain failed to comprehend how anyone could ever treat her with anything but love and respect.
"Yes. You're just so thoughtful, you remember the little things about me, and Maker, you melted my heart when I bled through my robes and you gave me your cloak to cover it up. I mean, every other guy just got grossed out and walked away." She recalled, cupping his cheek and nuzzling her nose with his.
He sighed shakily as he felt her breath fanning over his face. He was dangerously close to her, and he knew that he didn't have enough self-control to resist kissing her. "Um... may I?"
"Please." She whispered. He gave her a soft, gentle kiss on the lips that encapsulated all the pent-up feelings he harboured for her. When they pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers, slowly opening his eyes to look at her with lovestruck eyes.
"Was that okay?" He asked, caressing her face.
"It was perfect, Ani." She said and pulled his lips back to hers. He squeaked adorably in surprise and helped her hop onto the table, sliding between her thighs as he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer.
She couldn't get enough of him, and he certainly could never get enough of her.
Ahsoka was going to be thrilled.
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aryxchse · 7 months
can i request relationship hcs w jason pls? ur writing for him is so cute
jason grace dating headcanons
a / n ; ur so sweet wtf?? i love u, keep complimenting me n my ass will be floating soon girlie 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings ; cursing and i said sexy like once, also female reader AGAIN
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- alright here's my favorite gentleman
- scary dog privilege fr
- he's cold to everyone but you
- everytime you hug him he'll spin you around in the air with him
- cloud dates
- he's your personal fridge in the hot weathers
- likes carrying you in his arms
- and like he does it so often
- will tie your shoes for you
- and will help you with your homeworks
- if you guys go different collages, he'll drop you off first
- carries your stuff for you
- do ya'll know that one korean boy who has the biggest heart eyes? yeah he's jason
- since he knows what a sith lord is even though he lost his memory, he'll watch star wars with you
- and recreates the romantic anakin scenes
- "from the moment i met you-" boy stfu i'll literally fall in love
- please teach him how to have fun, he's a very sarcastic guy inside
- will cry if you buy him lightsaber
- if you're a booktok girlie like i am, he'll be happy to buy you your books
- and traumatised after reading the first page
- also yeah, he's paying everything
- likes buying you sexy clothes to see you wearing them
- he's like a little kid in love actually
- he thinks he should give all the pleasure to you but when you returned the favor and like- idk listened to him ramble about something with lovey eyes he almost cried
- girl you make him cry sm fr
- cancer men ppl
- anyways
- he'll buy you matching rings, clothes, anything. he loves matching with you
- will make your hot chocolate a little bit colder for you be able to drink it with his wind
- carries an hair tie for you
- always holding you, ALWAYS
- a hand on your waist? check, on your shoulder? check, backpocket? double check
- mr grace the acts of service guy
- will hold your hand if you're going upstairs like a princess
- he usually sleeps better if he's laying on your chest
- he has one of your plushies with him and spreys your perfume on it regulerly
- it helps him when you're out on a quest okay??
- will watch you do your makeup with doe eyes
- he learned how to braid hairs from piper just to braid yours, bcs he loves playing with your hair
- likes holding your hand
- but not like intertwined, maybe holding your pinky or your fingers lazly, he just needs to feel you
- colarbone 👏🏻 kisses 👏🏻
- he'll just bow you like you guys doing a tango and boom, kisses your colarbone
- buys you flowers and keeps one of them with him to know when he should buy you new ones
- writes you poetry
- he maybe can't say it out loud too much, but he can write it down or show it through actions
- he's actually very talkative and funny around you, leo was mesmerised when he first saw jason all chatty like that
- blushed the first time you wiped his glasses for him
- let's you style him however you want
- and like, pick his glasses for him
- he always pairs up with you in practices
- fucks the rules and makes you sit with him on the zeus table
- he can't just stay away from you too long and he's kind of obsessed atp
- but we love him for that ladies
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himboskywalker · 9 months
Been mulling this over and I finally decided to be a shit stirrer today. I don't write bottom Obi-Wan for multiple reasons and I'm going to be meanly honest in a way I don't think I've ever been on here.
I just don't like it most the time, I think the predominant amount of fandom uwu mommy bottomWan takes are wildly out of character, sometimes outright ridiculous, and a lot of it gives me the ick. But for all of you guys who DO like it, I'm happy for you, I'm so glad you guys have lots of brilliant writers who do write what you prefer or enjoy, and I couldn't be happier to share this ship with you guys.
But here's my problem. I don't know what it is about this demographic of obikin fans and I know, believe me I know it's not all bottom Obi-Wan fans, but boy is there a vocal chunk that has put a bad taste in my mouth. No, I don't want to fucking write it, or certainly not in the way you want. No, I don't agree with you, and no I don't appreciate people who prefer bottom Obi-Wan whining in my inbox or in other authors' and artists' inboxes that awwww jeeee I really would enjoy your writing more if you'd just write it exactly how I want. There are PLENTY of brilliant obikin authors who are wonderfully talented and who I deeply respect who DO write what you guys like, so WHY in god's fucking name, is there a very loud chunk of bottomwan fans who are constantly making trouble for fellow fans in the same godamn ship who approach it or enjoy different aspects than them?
I'm sure there are obikins who prefer bottom Anakin who are just as bad and annoying and problem causing, but it certainly feels like the most vocal are in a different camp. Guys, it does not fucking matter. If you don't like that I write mostly if not entirely bottom Anakin, then go somewhere else and read someone who does write to your preferences. The more messages I get through the years of bottomWan stans whining to me about not writing what they like, the more sour I get on the matter.
The fact of the matter is, I might have been inclined several years ago to write Obikin with more variety of top/bottom. But then I had interactions like this, and I decided to NOT write it on pure, vindictive principal. And even though I might have been inclined lately to finally write outside of my comfort zone and branch out, shit like this makes an author say, you know what fuck you, you're not getting anything from me.
I am so sick to death of this stupid discourse in this ship, and I am sick to death of getting pushy, whiny comments from folks who just uwu can't like my stuff. Guess what man, I could not give less of a shit what you think about my writing or what you want from me.
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enviedear · 1 year
Hiii !! How are you? Pleasure to meet you!
I saw your engineering major!Anakin post and when I tell you I immediately twirled around on my bed and started kicking my feet like a fucking teenage girl… I’m not joking.
This is a headcanon that has been following me ever since I entered the beautiful world of Anakin Skywalker. Seriously. I even have a one shot about lmaoooo
Could you please elaborate on that? I would love to hear your takes, discuss them and just thirst over him together! Because god lord, I’m so grateful to found someone who was the same interest on engineer Anakin. Also bonus points for college student Anakin because that’s just hot as fuck
Thank youuuu
i literally am obsessed over this concept thank you so much for indulging me! i centered it over him in college mostly because— i just... it does things to me.
also what if i said engineering major!anakin fic in the works...
a few nsfw themes in here so minors dni i will block you <3
he strikes me as the type of guy you'd see once on campus and then immediately try to find him on the university's social media accounts.
he wouldn't be fucking anywhere until you find the engineering college's Instagram account
it hasn't had a single post in two years but it's okay because you find one of him !!!
and the only picture of his face is so grainy, but he's in it and he looks so fucking hot at his computer and that's enough
also he's totally unapproachable
not that he's a dick or anything, he's just cussing out all his professors in his head and worried about his last materials exam
i think in his (very limited) spare time he'd be into either metalworking or cars... probably both
like i think he could fix almost any car-related issue without having to go to a shop
axel on his car goes out? yeah he's ordering the part and putting it on his damn self
his motor blows up? he's spending his summer rebuilding it while taking sixteen hours of summer classes
and if he does have to go to a shop, it's strictly because he doesn't have time and he most certainly will pop the hood and check their work
also i believe he'd like stick shift
literally won't buy a car unless it's manual
"what the fuck is the point of an automatic"
he totally also learns how to tune in his free time and everytime you hear a car speed by you on campus you just know it's his work
now, if you're lucky enough to catch his eye i truly believe he'd be so fucking consumed by you
he'd ask you to go everywhere with him; he needs to study in the library? he's asking you to come. he has to give a dissertation? he's begging you to come watch him. it's 3am and he just finished his statics project? he's calling you like, 'baby please come with me to get food. I'll buy you a treat.'
also the biggest and most clingy bf ever in the history of the world
will stop doing his work to come watch you play the sims and just hold you (also tells you how to build a proper house despite you bing like,, "ani... the fun part is making them get into trouble not making sure their roof is durable.")
also likes to be incentivized with you
"if i get an a on this next test will you let me bend you over the desk?"
or, "i'll study better if you let me taste you, please baby?"
star-student, no question.
and he's so fucking smart it's a bit annoying because he'll bitch and moan about how bad he's doing while getting on the dean's list every year
the way he explains what he's working on is hot as fuck
numbers make sense to his mind in ways you will never understand, but good lord is it nice to watch his smart little mouth move
type of man to take you on a date into the city and point out the shitty infrastructure
"for as much rain as we get you'd think these fucking idiots would have put more drains."
"that bridge is due to fall in less than ten years, what the fuck were they thinking."
he's just the smartest boy, and you make sure to tell him any chance you get not that he agrees but he'll always say, "thank you pretty girl"
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gummyfang · 1 year
For some reason I think jealous Anakin fucks you and breeds you, maybe being 'persuasive' (ahem, manipulative) about it. That scene where he was jealous and fought with Clovis? Hmm, delicious.
OHGHHH YES,,, NSFW under cut
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Warnings for (slightly toxic) possessiveness, unprotected sex, slight mention of voyeurism, lotta (praising) dirty talk. Also dom Ani. Gender-neutral afab reader <3
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That Anakin is a possessive man hardly needs to be mentioned. He is afraid to lose, especially those he holds dear. It causes him to downright crave control over everything in his life, and this craving extends to the loved ones he has not lost yet.
Yeah, cue the stinging jealousy he feels whenever another man is trying to make his moves on you. Anakin truly and deeply loves you, he really does, but in moments like that his possessiveness can cause him to objectify you a tad. He sees you as his. His to claim, and not for anybody else to lay their dirty fucking hands on.
Truth is, although Anakin would love to put handsy men in their place, he doesn't always have the liberty to do so. He will absolutely knock the teeth out of the helpless choking shithead who just made an inappropriate comment in an abandoned alleyway, but in crowded spaces? He can't really get away with it. It drives him crazy. His urges to claim you on the spot are difficult for him to suppress.
Ani can improvise though. He'll gladly claim you in other ways.
He will lean in over your shoulder, seemingly moving in to kiss you on your cheek but leaning down further to wetly place his lips against your neck, muttering about how it's time to get back to your place. Whoever you were talking to will get the hint when he glares up darkly at them, a quiet warning to leave what is his alone or suffer the consequences.
When you get back he wastes no time marking you up, desperately teething at the skin on your neck and collarbone to decorate it with red marks.
"You look so good tonight." he breathes between desperate kisses.
"So fucking good. Maker, what am I going to do with you?"
A deeper growl is laced into the tone of what almost sounds like desperate worship he takes on for you in the bedroom, a hint of the jealousy still stirring a poisonous fire in his gut.
He pushes you to the bed and wastes no time getting you out of your clothes, quickly moving on to get himself out of his as well.
"They can't appreciate you like I can."
His words are sharp and venomous as he pushes himself into you with one rough movement, pelvis pressed harshly against you. He gives you some time to adjust to him, he'd never go out of his way to make things painful for you. But the second you catch your breath, the thrusts he delivers are fast and harsh.
"They don't get to see you like this. They don't deserve to."
A grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he sees your face contort, his cock pounding into you relentlessly. It's like you were fucking made for him.
He pulls out of you abruptly, leaving some of your slick to trickle down out of your fluttering pussy.
Before you can so much as whine, both your legs are hoisted up over his shoulders, before he's back inside and pounding into you with newfound vigor.
"You don't need to go back to that filthy place." Anakin groans loudly, his own claiming words and your acceptance of them making his cock twitch harshly.
The pads of his fingers trail over your body, pressing down roughly to leave reddened stripes in your skin.
"I'm all you need, right? Th... This is... Maker, look at you, you're gorgeous like this. Only for me..."
As he continues to fuck himself into you deeply, he pants and mutters incoherent promises of making you his, filling you up. The overwhelming pleasure clouds his judgment and train of thought.
Anakin keeps plunging himself into you, angling himself until you cry out. He can't be bothered about the fact that passerby on the streets below could hear you. If anything, that turns him on even more.
Before you know it, his hips stutter, cursing as he cums inside. His hands keep your hips down, ensuring you take it all deeply. He keeps his cock plugged deeply inside as he lazily kisses up your jaw, humming soft praise about how well you did, how you're his.
And despite your promises you'll find another bar to frequent, you know damn well that regardless of location this will happen again if you are approached by someone else.
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cupidbread · 8 months
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Warnings: Smut. Sub! Anakin. Master kink. Droid!Reader.
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ANAKIN has been keeping something from Obi Wan. The feeling of loneliness and desire that calls to him every night, but as a Jedi he is prohibited from acting on those urges. Which is why he came up with a solution, Anakin has always had a knack for repairing and creating droids since he was little, this skill is of great use in this situation.
He hissed in pain as a wire lightly electrocuted his pinky. After some hard work and sweat, he twists the screwdriver one last time and switches the droid on impatiently.
"Commencing project R0-3E" the droid comes to life and blinks.
"Whoa..." he lets out a gasp of disbelief.
"Assessing... Anakin Skywalker. Booting completed. What would you like me to do, master?" That sent a rush of blood straight to his cock. Master, huh.
"You've programmed me to be anything and do anything you want, Master. Say the word and I am a slave at your feet." She whispered seductively. His skills truly are impressive if she learns this quickly, he thinks.
"Undress. Get onto the bed for me." He commanded, loving the fact that he was in charge for once, not Obi Wan or the Council.
"As you wish sir." R0-3E purred. She crawls onto the plush bed, showing off her round ass with such fatness, you wouldn't guess she was a droid. He unbuckles his pants like a desperate teenager and crawls in behind her.
"Fuck... I've had dreams of you, sweetheart. No one can take you from me now, no one will have to know. You're mine and mine only aren't you?" He breathes stroking his thick cock from behind her.
"Yes Master..." He groans.
"Master, I like the sound of that, I'm gonna make u scream it tonight, until you're too dumb to do anything but bounce on my cock, yeah?" R0-3E whimpers in pleasure of his words.
The automated lube inside her is released at the sense of lust in the air, making her cunt wet.
"This might hurt baby, just hold on for a bit huh" He muttered, drunk on lust. Brain fogging up making up unable to think of anything but her... He quickly shoves his thickness into her, whimpering at the sudden warmth and wetness.
The Jedi thrusts deeper into her, hands gripping her hips, as he uses her moans and mewls as fuel to go faster.
Anakin feels pathetic, desperately rubbing himself into her, mumbling nonsense while the room fills with moans from her and him. Bodies tangling with sloppy thrusts.
"M'gonna cum, m'gonna..." His eyes roll back as he falls onto the bed, thrusts never stopping, pulling the woman droid onto him.
"That fast? I never took you for such a pathetic desperate man, unable to even satisfy a droid, thank heavens you've never encountered a real woman interested in you." R0-3E smirks, finding his lust and stamina increase at her words.
"S-stop it. I'm in charge." He struggles out while she rides him like it's the last thing she'll ever do.
"Oh yeah? Is that why you're laying under me, as if you're nothing but a toy for my pleasure? You want to be used like this. You've always craved it, you're just a disgusting man in need of some attention you never got." She chuckles, knowing he is so close to tipping over the edge.
"P-please... I c-cant-" He shoots out ropes inside of her mechanized body. Tears are falling down his face due to the overwhelming pleasure he's never experienced before.
The droid comes to a stop and strokes his hair while he overcomes his pleasure.
"Aren't you pretty when you cry..." she whispers, a mind full of an unknown feeling her processors can't recognize.
His eyes snap to hers in pure vulnerability, "Can we just lay here a bit?" He trembled.
"Oh of course, Master. Anything you want." R0-3E lays next to him, his head moves onto her artificial breasts.
He traces her droid number, tattooed into her waist. "R0-3E sounds rather complicated, don't you think?" he sighs.
Before she gets to respond, "I think I'm gonna call you Rose. Goodnight Rose."
Just like that, he dozed off peacefully. Which was pretty funny to Rose, humans are strange like that she concluded, but rather lovely.
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This was my first time writing and I KNOW IT SHOWS but please do interact sweethearts, it would mean the world to me.
My first post being a smut fic for Anakin Skywalker was not what I expected HAHA
Thank you,
Cupid xx 💋
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gffa · 1 year
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Ahsoka's place in SW can be a complicated thing, because I feel both things about her--I too am often frustrated by how Filoni writes her, but I too am also grateful that her character exists and isn't the "default" straight white cis dude character. (Though, I do wish she were played by someone other than RD because of All That.)
Ahsoka got so much flak when she first appeared, people hated her just for existing, for daring to take up any space in the Star Wars story, and then she swung around to being nearly put on a pedestal by a large chunk of the fandom, she was lionized pretty heavily in some corners, and I think we're now going through the further growing pains of backlash against the hype, especially because Ahsoka is in the position of often being used as a bludgeon against the Jedi.
To be honest, I don't see nearly as much criticism of Ahsoka's character as I do for other popular characters, I see far more of Obi-Wan and Anakin and Yoda, but maybe that's just the sphere of experience I have, but I see that criticism balanced out with a ton of fic, art, and positive commentary about her. And it makes me wonder if she's in that awkward spot of not quite as central to the story as the movie characters, but more important than almost any other SW character (in the sense of any one character ever being able to be more "important" than another, you know what I mean) where we haven't quite settled into a stable balance of how to approach her character.
So, she's high level enough now that she can take some people being critical of her character or even just flat-out not being kind to her, because she has so much support from the story itself and from all across the fandom, even as honestly I haven't seen much that's been notably mean to her character. Sure, I see a few posts talking about how Ahsoka is Filoni's Blorbo, but are they truly more common than the posts that are celebrating her character? Genuinely wondering, because that hasn't been my experience. (Honestly, I would say Qui-Gon fans have it worse, given that he's another of Filoni's Blorbos, just without the added bonus of actually having anything fun to counter balance it, where even the people who say he was a True Jedi don't really care about Qui-Gon, you know? There's no skits, no commentary, etc. Just a handful of fic authors who are quietly doing their own thing and being the good in the world they want to see.)
At the same time, I get what you're feeling, that it feels uncomfortable to be critical of a female character, especially one who is played by a WOC, especially in a fandom that is pretty fucking vicious towards female characters having anything to actually do in the story. That the criticism of Ahsoka's character/status as Filoni's Blorbo isn't always fair or considerate, because people are frustrated and SW fandom wears all our nerves down to the last.
I'm not really sure where I land with all of this, because I get both sides, the frustration and the affection both, and I think there needs to be space for both in fandom just because we can't police other people's reactions to stuff. It's hard to continue liking her when she's being pitted against your faves, it's hard to be kind to Jedi fans when they're frustrated because she's being used as a bludgeon against their faves, it's hard to just walk away from people ignoring that Ahsoka is really meaningful to a lot of people because she's a non-romance-focused female character coded as/played by a woman of color, it's hard not to feel like Ahsoka's such a popular character that she can take a few people on tumblr not liking her.
My best advice is to just keep loving Ahsoka in the way that you think will attract the other friends you want to have around you--like, for me, when I talk about Anakin, I often try to do so in a way that's affectionate towards him and the Jedi, how much they loved him and how much I think he loved them in returned, because that's who I want to gravitate towards in fandom, those who like both. I try to do the same with Qui-Gon now and again, when I start getting frustrated by how he's used to bludgeon the Jedi, I start going HEY GUESS WHAT I'M EMOTIONS ABOUT HOW MUCH QUI-GON LOVED HIS JEDI FAMILY and it makes me feel better! I would love to see more people do the same with Ahsoka! Prop her up by appealing to how much she loves other characters, too! Like, every time I get frustrated at the way some of fandom treats her, I remember SHE WANTED TO GO BACK TO THE JEDI, SHE LOVED THEM, and I'm like THAT IS MY GIRL I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE IS SO BRAVE TO STRUGGLE THROUGH ALL THIS AND STILL FIND THE LOVE IN HER HEART.
Or sometimes, like with Bo-Katan, I like to lean into them being a hot mess because yessssssss I love a hot mess of a lady because I am a hot mess of a lady and Felt That. I hope Ahsoka gets to be all kinds of deliciously fucked up in her series and making mistakes and learning and being interesting and working her way back to the surface from her own depths because she is SUCH a strong character and deserves to be crunchy as hell/have bite as a character, like HOW MANY YEARS did she stew in her guilt about Anakin, refusing to let it go? How long did she hold onto that fear, so much that even the Force had to smack her in the face to try to make her let it go on Lothal? GIRL, I AM CRYING FOR YOU, YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH, LET ME GET YOU SOME SOUP AND I HOPE THE FORCE-GHOSTS ALL COME BOTHER YOU TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE EATING ENOUGH, because I love a character that has bite.
This kind of got away from me, but that's usually where I end up when trying to wrap my head around the frustration of a character's place in fandom. I get why people are frustrated with the way Filoni writes her, but also the frustration of feeling like the important representation of her character sometimes gets lost in the shuffle, that both sides have validity, and my best way out of this is to double down on loving everyone in this bar.
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maul-of-shame · 3 months
Acolyte spoilers ep 5:
Okay so salty take about the Acolyte, episode 5 now that it has simmered for a bit. I'm still a salty grieving bish X'D
With the recent episode being this cruel, brutal, sadistic and completely unecessary (give fanfics writers 5 minutes and you'll get 15 alternatives avoiding this plot mess), only backed up by two arguments from Leslye being "But Anakin did it too" and "I told it to everyone and no one stopped me", I genuinely hope this ep was like a pollen induced hallucination, dream, nightmare, or something like that.
I have one last thread of hope this isn't like a "fixed" plot point.
I love the Acolyte, I've been loving it since the start, the costumes, the cast, the plots and subplots, the fights, the characters... This feels like a betrayal.
I know Star Wars knows how to make us care for characters (hell I'm a Clone Wars girlie I just KNOW) to take them away from us but those two, Yord and Jecki, there was no actual REASON or plot point "good enough" for this to happen.
This was made to be sadistic. To be cruel. To "show us the cruelty of the Sith" but this coud have been done so many other ways.
And the fact she only backed it up with "But Anakin did it" and "No one stopped me" when she explained it... Ma'am.
Put on the brakes.
First of, this was NOTHING like Anakin's situation. Period. I don't care if you hate Anakin, Anakin never ENJOYED killing the younglings. Qimir was being sadistic, Skyguy WASN'T.
Secondly, if no one stops you, does it mean you're allowed to do whatever the Force you want? If no one stopped you from jumping into the ocean, if no one stopped you from running after a bear, if no one stopped you from ANYTHING... Would you still do it, knowing it's dangerous ?
What kind of answer, genuinely, is this???
"Oh no one stopped me from setting fire to that bus stop so ahah the others are guilty" like no??? Take some accountability for this. You made choices, then stand by them.
Admit those were yours.
I'm gonna watch next ep, episode 6 HOPING AND PRAYING this is just an hallucination/dream/nightmare from one of the character and if it isn't and keep going, I'll just stop watching.
I'm already writing fix-it fics, I'm sure some you peeps are too.
Leslye doesn't deserve bullying. Neither does the cast. And this isn't bullying.
This is constructive criticism about a series with so much potential and a plot point that can (and probably has) let down fans. This could have been followed up with so MANY alternatives, way less brutal, way less sadistic but she chose that.
I am genuinely heartbroken for the actors. They poured their entire beings into it, showed their talents, their personalities and for fuck's sake, we do LOVE THEM. From Yord to Jecki, to Osha and Sol, Bazil, Mae, the Witches... I feel so bad for them.
This plot point was just made for shock value, to be cruel. This doesn't bring anything to the plot. This is why it's making me angry.
And do not get me started about the fact they showed very little emotions when it came to the deaths (Osha felt Jecki's briefly, Sol reacted as expected, but Osha showing no emotions for Yord's when they've been friends and padawans training together for YEARS??), their bodies being left in that damn forest to rot,...
This episode was heartbreaking. It really was. I really hope she makes me bite back my tongue and this is like a nightmare/hallucination thingy... I really do...
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sendpseuds · 3 months
WIP Wednesday - Lifeguard AU
I have been having so much fun with this premise and cannot wait for the whole @obikinlifeguardau collection. The possibilities are absolutely endless!
In my yet-to-be-named Lifeguard AU we have Lifeguard!Anakin attempting to teach a very frustrated Obi-Wan how to swim. This is a bit of a longer snippet but I couldn't help myself.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!"
"Dude!" Anakin exclaims, smacking his palm down on the surface in a clearly practiced motion, hitting Obi-Wan dead on with a small startling spray, "Would you chill the fuck out!?"
Obi-Wan is so caught off guard the only thing he can think to say is, "Excuse me?"
"Do you want to learn to swim or not?"
His voice is serious and so is his expression and suddenly Obi-Wan remembers why they're here.
"Look, man, you're not completely hopeless, okay?" Anakin says, taking a step closer, small waves rippling the surface as he moves, running a rough hand through wet curls and tugging harshly at a stubborn snarl, "I get that you're not starting from scratch but you have to know you're not a strong swimmer, and if I had to guess, there's another reason you didn't jump into the deep end."
Obi-Wan's brow wrinkles at that.
"What do you mean?" he asks, crossing his arm over his chest defensively.
"Water scares you," Anakin replies like it's obvious and Obi-Wan feels his cheeks heat with a caustic cocktail of anger and embarrassment but before he can argue, the young man shrugs and adds, "It scares me too."
The laugh that escapes Obi-Wan’s lungs comes out like a bark, loud and harsh, but for the last half hour now he's been watching Anakin glide through the water like he's made for it — like he was never meant to be a creature of the land in the first place — so comfortable in his weightlessness, so confident, so in control.
"I'm serious," Anakin says, the hard look in his flat stare and the low timber in his voice reflecting his words, "Water is dangerous. It's the most destructive force on Earth. It will swallow you whole if you're not careful—"
"This is not exactly helping—"
"And that is why you need to stop fighting it."
It does feel like he's fighting it, Obi-Wan realizes.
Like he's fighting for his life.
It feels like he's trying to prove a point.
Like he's trying to grab hold of something that cannot be grasped and rein it in, bring it to heel.
Like he's in the throws of battle, grappling for his right to air.
It feels like war.
"I can teach you to move with the water instead of against it. I can teach you to harness it."
Anakin's voice is breathless and dripping in a burning passion that heats his cheeks and speeds Obi-Wan’s pulse when he suddenly realizes how close they're standing.
Close enough to see the aqua water reflecting in eyes like a summer sky.
Close enough to feel the waves from Anakin's movements lapping against his skin.
Close enough that Anakin barely needs to reach out to place a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder.
"I can help you, Obi-Wan," he says, voice barely above a whisper and the older man can't stop himself from leaning in, "but you have to let me."
There's nothing he can say, the look of deep sincerity in those cerulean eyes stealing all words from Obi-Wan's throat before he can cough them up.
Obi-Wan nods.
Anakin smile.
"You also have to stop being such an asshole."
Suddenly, Obi-Wan has the near-irresistible desire to drown himself.
"Anakin," he says quickly, cringing slightly at just how fond the name sounds in his mouth, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean—"
"I'm just fucking with you," Anakin grins teasingly, squeezing Obi-Wan’s shoulder reassuringly, the young man's touch lingering on his naked skin for a few charged moments before he releases his grip, long fingers just barely tracing the swell of his bicep — an absent gesture that makes Obi-Wan feel a bit dizzy. "Relax," he insists, his smile so bright Obi-Wan has to blink, "You don't have to prove anything to me."
"Thank you," Obi-Wan breathes, clearing his throat when his voice comes out strangled, "I think I needed to hear that."
Anakin nods in acknowledgment, sinking back into the pool, submerging himself almost completely, his nose and eyes still peeking out of the water like he feels most comfortable beneath the rippling surface. For a few long moments, he stays just like that, his eyes never leaving Obi-Wan's face, his gaze so intense, the older man needs to look away.
"I think it's really cool," Anakin says quietly — shyly — his voice pulling Obi-Wan's attention back to the young man and his glistening pink lips hovering just above the water's surface, "that you want to learn, I mean."
"You do?" Obi-Wan can't help but ask in return, letting his body sink under the water as Anakin has hoping to calm the bashful blush heating his cheeks.
"Yeah," Anakin confirms with a shrug, everything about him shiny with youth, "Takes balls."
That makes Obi-Wan laugh.
"Because I'm old?"
The single word hangs in the air for several long moments — Anakin's answer so sincere it makes Obi-Wan shiver.
"Well then," he says when the silence becomes suffocating, "where do we start?"
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hanasnx · 1 year
Hi Bittyyyyyy :D !!!! Your Han stuff has been killing me I love the way you write him, I think you get his energy down pat, a big ol' meanie who lovesss his pretty little girl EEEE. When I picture Han, it's always sitting in his lap, like he's just so large, takes up so much space, chronic man-spreadder, I've gotta be in his fucking lap kissing him all over or talking his ear off, or listening to him tell stories about his past adventures, literally anything. The thought of being in his lap drives me fucking crazy. You know me and my love of dirty talk, what kind of dirty talk do you think gets him going? What does he like to hear? -donnie
thank you for your compliments :) the reassurance is appreciated bcos like i said, i am an anakin blog. so han's voice is something i have to switch into and take time to embody before i can sit down and focus on writing for him. he rly is a big ol meanie who loves his pretty little girl <3
calling him a "chronic man-spreader" is so real. thats the only way he sits. sometimes he rests his ankle on his knee, but that's still spread. it's only cos he wants to rest his hand somewhere on his calf and his elbow on the back of his chair. a real open stance, for a real confident man.
the idea of you sitting in his lap, this large ass man (who "takes up so much space" as you said 😵‍💫) while you listen oh-so-intently. big eyes looking up at him while he tells you his stories, absentmindedly stroking your head and down your hair, sending you those tingles right up your neck. his fingers catch on the last bits of your hair, closing in on them as his fingertips brush your back. then he starts all over again, big hand palming the top of your head only to slide down.
he'd tell his exciting stories so nonchalantly. as if they're uninteresting now that he's lived them through, but they still have that punch to them to you.
the kind of dirty talk that he likes is actually pretty basic. if you're able to admit to him that you "want" him or "need" him, putting him in that position of power over you, he really likes that. sometimes it works, and he's wants to get going, all because you gave him a green light. but other times, he needs a little more. sacrifice yourself on the altar of humiliation. beg a bit. tell him you can't take another step without his help, his cock, be dramatic with it. be so exaggerated and hyperbolic all so he can say, "okay, okay," roll his eyes, "i get it, sweets. where do you want me?" making a big show of finally being worn down so he can suit your needs. he, himself, doesn't like to feel too desperate, so it's satisfying to see someone else do it. makes him feel desired, necessary. pride's important to him, so show him you don't care about your own.
if you talk a big game about exhibitionism he digs that. tell him you want him to fuck you in front of all these guys at the cantina. right on the bar. he'll say no, but he likes the idea. the fact you're willing to show your most sacred parts to strangers, all for him. all to prove you're willing for him. "c'mon, han. you know you want to. i want to. i know how much you like to show off. brag about me. boast about this pretty cunt by fucking it in front of everyone. that'll show 'em."
that'll most definitely earn you a: "get your little ass back on the falcon."
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kyluxtrashpit · 6 months
Hiya! I hope you're doing well. I made the Hottest Star Wars Man Poll, so when your posts about it were brought to my attention, I felt I should probably reach out.
The polls are just for fun. I make them with no agenda, and I run them with no agenda. I've received messages talking about bots before, but I never wanted to get into the weeds about it.
However, as the discussion about bots is bigger than I realized, I guess now is as good a time as any to speak about it:
My opinion is that the spikes in Hux votes are a mere side-effect of the poll being passed around the internet and bringing in new voters in droves. As your Anon mentioned, @tomatette's edits might's also pulled in waves of people who voted for Hux out of fidelity to her.
I'm fine with the campaigning. As long as the vote is ultimately achieved by a human clicking on the vote themselves, it's alright by me. Hell, I always reblog 'propaganda' I particularly like, and I even requested some Anakin propaganda when he was in his elimination round. It's all fun and games to me.
If anyone is using bots, I'm asking nicely for them to please stop. I'm going to pull the 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed' card on anyone botting. The polls are all strictly unserious things, so I hope that nobody is taking them too seriously.
Hi there! Sorry the nonsense has reached you, honestly lmao. I just wanted to make a post cause I was upset about the possibility (and, as I've said, I don't have rock solid proof, just suspicions based on observations by myself and others, so like. If people don't agree with me, that's fine, it's all good - I just wanted to speak out in case it was happening like, as a kyluxer, I don't want people to think that if someone is botting, that's something we as a fandom are chill with). I honestly didn't expect it to get quite this much attention either but here we are. I also want to make it clear to both you and my followers that I don't put any blame of anything on you - you're just making fun polls and that's it, you're not responsible for what people do or what drama may arise
I do agree it's possible someone just got a bunch of people to vote within a small window of time, like anything is possible, always is. I just feel like some of the increases I saw, observations from others, and things I've heard are enough to warrant suspicion. If people do or do not agree that there's a reason to think it happened, that's their choice and I'm not going to insist that my word is law and they have to believe me. I don't have receipts, I was just expressing myself and I do appreciate amicable discussion even if my mind has not been changed as of yet
But yeah I agree, propaganda and making funny edits and posts - that's not at all what I was referring to in terms of 'cheating', but somewhere it seems that got mentioned in the discussion? (3 separate people have brought this up to me lmao, like thinking I'm accusing them but I am NOT and no one better be out there accusing them either without actual evidence beyond 'oh you posted about it' cause that's a shitty thing to do) and I also want to make it clear I am not against propaganda fun. That's all just part of it. If people are mad about that, that's their problem and they should use blacklist more liberally. And if people are saying I'm saying that, then those people are either lying or are at 'how dare you say we should piss on the poor' levels of reading comprehension lmao
But yeah, I'll post this publicly, but let me know if you want it taken down and I'll delete it - I appreciate you reaching out and I'm sorry you had to deal with this, that was definitely not my intent when I made the post. I just wanted the botting, if it is indeed happening (and if it's not, all the better, I am just not yet convinced it didn't happen), to stop
And lastly, because of some of the DMs I've received: if you, the person reading this (not you the asker), are sending hate or harassment to people based on my post, FUCKING STOP IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, you're no better than the bad actors I was initially referring to
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chipthekeeper · 3 months
Acolyte episode 5 commentary by me under the cut. spoiler alert: I had a bad time!!!
- Let’s hope the fucking internet keeps working. And the cats stay laying down. I don't have high hopes for either of those things, but it would be nice
- Oh, predictable. Last week was Day, now we got Night. Who could have seen that coming? This was definitely supposed to be one episode, wasn't it?
- 34 minutes long. Jesus fucking christ. Why didn't they just put them together?
- It really would be cool if Manny is just being— I mean, if Qimir is just being controlled. I think that's a really cool theory that people had about that. Especially if he was, like, hanging [laughing] by his feet, and then whoever was controlling him had to be like, what the fuck?
- No, Pip! :((( Oh, thank God. [relieved laughter] I don't care who dies in this, just don't lose, Pip. Okay, that's, I mean I don't want to lose Jecki, or Yord, or Osha or Mae. Sol, I, whatever. He's Ned Stark to me, I don't care (so much to regret about this whole statement!!!!)
- Oh, he's already dead. How many of them are already dead? Did we already, is this just going to be Osha, like, experiencing all of their deaths? What happened?!
- Hot damn
- Get him, Yord! Oh. Ohhh no. So fast
- [just like two straight minutes of me saying “woah” and “oh no” and “what the HELL” on repeat]
-  (two people impaled on one lightsaber) WHAAAA??? That. Was. NUTS! [delighted laughter]
- No don't kill Yooorrrddddddd! Get him, Osha! There you go. Thatta girl!
- Oh, I am scared
- Dude, I'm so scared, we're like, one minute into this
- Take his lightsab– heeehhh I'm always right
- Pip chill! [absolutely giggling] She just popped his head off and he's a flashlight! [more giggling] Oh my god
- Duck! Heyyyyy
- So that's obviously Manny's arm
- (all the trees get cut in half) Sweet. That’s one way to brighten up your scene
- Oh, why so serious?
- [sort of a long period of ‘I’m in danger’ type of nervous chuckling]
- Oh thank god, Bazil's alive
- “We have to go back!” Ehhhh you really don't
- [during dramatic scene between the stranger and Sol] He's, like, wearing a cape backwards, which is hys.ter.i.cal
- Mae chill, that's like, your sister's girlfriend
- Jecki's the only one that can get anything done around here?.... Oh, okay, maybe not
- You just wait 'til her Wolverine claws come out. Then you're fucked Mae
- We’ve got some serious lightsabering in this one, this is fucking crazy
- Ho ho ho. [singsong voice] What are you hiiiiiding Sol….
- “Jecki’s a Jedi. She can take care of herself” Nyyyeaahhhh…we just saw like, eight Jedi not take care of themselves
- [cackling about Yord’s trailer lines finally coming up]
- “He gets in your mind and stays there” “My mother could do that” Huh!!!.......Is she controlling what's-his-face? Ho ho ho…….
- Nooooo fucking thank you please!
- Jecki I fucking love you, you little badass
- [high pitched whining] I got a bad feeling about this
- YORD!! Fucking idiot, j–thank you
- Take the bugs with yooouuu!
- (Jecki gets skewered) WHAT THE FUCK?!?! No…..Oh now I'm pissed. Now I'm pissed. [breathless] I cannot believe you just fucking did that…..Oh my god. That better be a trick……….I can't even react to seeing that we were all right about him. I'm….just pissed……..Oh fuck this shit
- Why are his arms so weird? They're like...are they just dirty or are they weird?
- And now Yord’s toast too. 'Cause no one is safe in this house
- Fuck this fucking show
- “The Jedi do not attack the unarmed” You SHOULD attack an unarmed Sith!!
- “Please Osha, I can explain” Yeah do that, right now, do that
- [totally defeated and depressed] I didn’t like that shit at all. This shit sucks, man….
- “They’ve turned you against me” [perfect anakin skywalker impression] HE TURNED YOU AGAINST ME!!!!
- man i’m so fuckin’ confused……what’s gonna happen now??
- [delighted noised at the continuous shot going around the two Amandlas] WHAT A SHOT!!! Are we sure Amandla Stenberg isn’t two people?
- [Leo pointing at tv meme] That's mama's move!!
- Easiest haircut ever
- [almost crying] Little piece of Pip :(((( Fuck this episode, man. God
- Of course we got Bazil, can't kill a cute little alien
- (Mae showing up to Sol as Osha) [singsong voice again] You don't have the tattoooo….
- You're just gonna leave them all there???? Man….fuck. this. shit.
- Bazil knowssss…..that’s not Oshaaaa….
- I wonder how many times people have knocked his helmet off and he’s had to kill them and then fix the helmet
- [incredibly deep sigh] That was somethin’. And I’m not happy
It’s sad how many sounds and like intonations you miss out on because i have no idea how to convey those in words
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eriexplosion · 9 months
5 6 7 10 for Star Wars violence 👀
OKAY TIME FOR THE VIOLENCE (I don't know how actually violent these opinions are but pretend I am Very Vicious)
5. Worst blorboficiation?
sdfsdifj REGRETTABLY... OBI-WAN.... I love the man but fandom characterizations definitely show some Popular Guy Character Syndrome where it's all about how sad and tormented he is and while I respect that as a lover of tormented men, it is certainly an experience when you're like, reading a CodyWan fic and Cody is comforting Obi-Wan through his tragic past like he's never gone through anything difficult in his life. Also some of Obi-Wan's fun edges are sanded off, he's more generically sassy but considerate of others feelings and kind, etc, and like. He's not UNkind. But this is a man that faked his death and did not tell his emotionally unstable best friend like that was going to do anything but drive Anakin absolutely batshit insane. He watched like ten clones in a row die without a reaction and then the instant a Jedi died they all had to stop for a funeral. He tried to get Luke to kill Vader WITHOUT telling him who he was. He's kind of an idiot and can be kind of an asshole. Let him hurt people's feelings! Let him be socially inept! He is a dipshit not a harmless weep blob!
(This ties in with my desire to see CodyWan fic where they straight up get in a fight but is not ENTIRELY connected to that)
6. Opinion on canon and/or fanon use of the secret child trope? Discuss.
It works for Luke and Leia and I think it should have stayed at that. I'm not a big fan of the Palpatine reveal for Rey but I didn't want her to be a Skywalker either, sometimes you want a main that is Just Some Guy, doesn't need to be a secret child of anyone. In fanon I just REALLY do not like it, partially because it's plugging in a blood relation where it doesn't need to be. The other part is that I have mostly seen it for Obi-Wan and Satine with that Korkie kid and with how utterly repressed those two are at each other I refuse to believe they ever successfully fucked.
7. What is the weakest piece of canon writing?
It feels like cheating to say the sequel trilogy mostly because I never finished it so a thing that I definitely finished and loved but makes no sense - AOC is not the strongest movie but ROTS was like, fully just a series of cool scenes stitched together to approximate a movie. And don't get me wrong, I adore the prequels. But the only one that I think succeeds as a Movie is TPM. ANAKIN'S FALL ESPECIALLY IS NONSENSICAL AS SHIT. Like the underlying motivations are there but they were not pieced into anything resembling a coherent narrative. You have a start point, an end point, and everything in between just kind of jumps around with I think the weakest point being the Tusken Massacre - it's treated more like a sign of Anakin's potential darkness than anything when like. That's a whole village. He killed a whole village and it never comes up again! Lucas apparently didn't consider it that big a deal!
It's to a point where I actually think the massacre can't be addressed from a fully in universe perspective, because there's no actual way to twist it around so that it makes sense for that not to be enough to Make Anakin Fall without breaking the already very loose rules of the universe. Most other Star Wars points I can figure out some kind of justification for how it works in world, but to explain how Anakin wouldn't fall here you just have to kind of confront that Lucas is both not a very good writer and also approached the Tuskens with an incredibly racist viewpoint given that he doesn't appear to see their deaths as fully Counting, unlike the Jedi younglings in ROTS. It's a plot choice that, if treated with the full weight it would narratively deserve, completely unravels the entire rest of the series, the only way to make the storyline of everything else WORK is to take it out or change it so much as to be an entirely different scenario, and I can't think of any other things that fuck it up THAT bad.
10. What’s a ship you've unwillingly come around to?
I think 'unwillingly' is overstating it (but then I rarely DISLIKE a ship, so there's usually not much Unwillingly about it) but I thought Tech/Phee was cute at most until everyone started being Like That about them. Now I want them to kiss and get married onscreen. I hope that she hits that every night. Phee deserves whatever she wants.
Also Anakin/Padme probably counts because I did not actually go into the clone wars watch WANTING to love Anakin but Whoops. WHOOPS. So that meant I got An Affection for the two of them in all their messy stupid as shit glory.
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nonhumanhottie · 1 year
Ahsoka premier live thoughts
Genuinely both freaking out and idk if it's in a good or bad way
Bitch a crawl???
I love the old school music
Oh captain don't call their bluff
That was a very stupid plan captain
What happened to Ahsoka I am No Jedi Tano????
Omg no offence but this puzzle sequence is so boring bc I can't see anything and don't know what she's doing
Huyang though!!
I already like Ahsoka's personality much more in this that the other mando verse shows
Shes still fulcrum!!!
Hera!!!! Hera!! She looks a bit scary but at least she has her lekku tattoos
Hera knows if they find Thrawn they find Ezra!!
She said his name!!
Lothal is so beautiful!
I was not expecting Ezra to be mentioned so much so early!! He gets a fucking monument
Ryder and Jai!! I'm screaming
Sabine you little shit I love you
You're like a sister to me!! Ahhjh
Nightsister reference!!
Look at Shin's little padawan braid lmao
Sabine's hair is so fucking dry lmao which I appreciate considering she clearly bleaches and dyes it a lot
So I take it Sabine is not force sensitive but wishes she was?
Ahsoka calling Sabine stubbon when she herself was a difficult apprentice
Anakin mention!!
So. It's a map you could unlock by chance. Not a very good lock
Ezra's lightsaber!
Uhhhhh??? Sabine???
Bitch two galaxies
Toil and trouble??? More witch shit??
Ew I hate ahsoka's boots lmao
Lothal is like a white Emerald city
Hera smiling at her girl!!
I'm so glad they give Sabine chipped nail polish
Hera ans Sabine bonding moment
Witch shit!!!
A new beginning? A first order perhaps?
Hera defending her girl
Okay so Sabine can barely tap into the force
Hera looks scary when she smiles
Dude you should have fired all the fascists what the hell!!
Chopper is still perfect and you can so clearly hear what he's saying lmao
That lothcat looks like a puppet
The villains are boring lmao
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I see you’ve been on a Crane Wives kick lately and hear me out. I raise you, The Moon Will Sing as Anidala. It’s not a perfect match, but I think it could be the two of them.
ITS IN MY REXANIDALA PLAYLIST !!!!!!!! its not perfect but its still sooo gooodddddd. i just love being angsty about them
Tell me once again I could have been anyone, anyone else Before you made the choice for me
SO PADMÉ !!!!!
My feet knew the path We walked in the dark, in the dark I never gave a single thought to where it might lead
All those empty rooms We could have been anywhere, anywhere else Instead I made a bed with apathy My heart knew the weight Ten years worth of dust and neglect We made our peace with weariness and let it be
TELL ME this isnt ROTS
The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun Bore the shadows that you made With no light of my own
N OBECAUEUHSEU BECAUE BECUSE BECAUSE i can and WILL make everything about padmé
'i loved you like the sun'.......oughhh once again everything centers around tatooine
'bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own.'
i only contest the 'no light of my own' part because its padmé and shes awesome but. i get it. for the context of canon (and not my fucked up version where theyre happy and communicate well) it works.
anakin is very, very controlling. and we know this. and with him not talking to anyone to idk, fix himself, nothing gets better. padmé is the one who ultimately pays w her life for his mistakes.
I shine only with the light you gave me I shine only with the light you gave me
head in hands sobbing wailing screaming throwing up
Name your courage now We could have had anything, anything else Instead you hoarded all that's left of me
BECAUSEEEE ITS SO. confrontation on mustafar.
Swallowing your doubt Like swords to the pit of my belly I want to feel the fire that you kept from me
hi sorry not sane about them ever.
The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun Bore the shadows that you made With no light of my own I shine only with the light you gave me I shine only with the light you gave me I shine only with the light you gave me (I could have been anyone, anyone) I shine only with the light you gave me (I could have been anyone, anyone)
LIIKEEEEEEE sorry i have multiple versions of my favorite ships running around in my mind at the same time. i keep canon anidala in my mind but i have my anidala in my mind also. this is more canon than mine, but its so good.
but you know what's even more anidala? Steady, Steady
Steady, steady, you know when you're ready It's a long road walking into the sun The heat can make you lose your head Your sense of direction Oh steady, steady I am ready to be the one I can take for better, but for worse I can't condone Most of our "for good" just makes me ache to be alone How long is forever? I'm swimming in this dress, a child in her mother's clothes This ring around my finger's like a chain around my throat Are you so sure you've tamed me? Steady, steady, you know when you're ready It's a long road walking into the sun The heat can make you lose your head Your sense of direction Oh steady, steady I am ready to run We talked about the west, 'bout packing up our lives and hopes Ain't it a shame with time our dreams turned into jokes I won't let that be us Nostalgic for the good times like our dreams walked out on us Like we woke up in an empty bed here, and now we're stuck I'll chase them down alone Don't just watch me go, you fool Run with me, keep up, keep up, keep up It's not you I'm leaving Are you listening? I just can't take the rut, the rut I won't say I do, 'til you promise me That though we're gray, we can stay young, and wild, and free Young and wild and free And if you can't, don't blame me And if you can't, don't blame me And if you can't, don't blame me Steady, steady, you know when you're ready It's a long road walking into the sun The heat can make you lose your head Your sense of direction Oh steady, steady We weren't ready
its so padme. to me. if you even care.
i love 'the fool in her wedding gown' god its such a good album
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