#fuck kyle a carrozza
skullytrickybonez · 2 months
Hello there everyone Skully here! And yes as you can probably can tell that by now that i am very disappointed in Kyle Carrozza and his actions and behavior towards the victim's that he abuse and as you can probably can tell by now is that this is Kyle A Carrozza/Kyle Carrozza who is the creator of Cartoon Network's Original Show called Mighty Magisword's who was finally arrested after what he has done to the victims that he was abusing with due to his toxic behavior yet atrocious action's towards the victim's and yes I've officially cutting ties with Kyle A Carrozza and I've will not be interacting nor even contacting with him ever again anymore after what he has done to so many victim's that he abuse because what he has done to so many victims was so disturbing,horrendous,vile and very disrespectful in any single since of a word. And gladly he is getting what he truly deserves to be put in a slammer for abusing his victim's and to all the victim's of Kyle Carrozza's Abuse you all don't deserve none of the pain and torture nor even suffering of his god awful action's because what he has done was just disgusting and hopefully that you all will recover and get help and safety by your friend's and even your families because you all are brave,fantastic,kind,sweet,independent,wonderful,royal,wise,creative,true,intelligent,caring and awesome yet very special people and i am so glad that you've moved on and cutting ties from this horrendously toxic person so as always keep moving forward toward's the brighter future and to Kyle A Carrozza or shall i say Kyle A Creepozza if you're reading this you've have hurt and ruin people's and everyone's lives by your disgusting actions and your abusive behavior yet horrendous act's that you've have hurt so many people's lives just a sake for your personal entertainment because your behavior make's me want to shout out loud or to say the least scream at you and plus your action's and your behavior just make's me very sick to my stomach and for that genuinely fuck you and I've glad that you've have been deserved jail time after what you have done to the victims that you've hurt cause your a toxic person,an absolute scumbag and an untrustworthy lier who definitely deserving jail time and a lifetime of consequence's after what you have done to so many of the victims lives that you've abuse and hurt by your toxic actions because action's/behavior really do have serious yet really dangerous real life consequence's and your action's hurt so doe's your word's because what you have done so far to the victims was just sick and very twisted and for that Kyle A Carrozza is that you disgusting perverted rat and all I've could say now this is that Kyle A Carrozza you've a toxic yet an irredeemable person and you're getting what you're truly deserve to be locked up in jail and behind bar's for what you have done to the victims that you're abusing with and for that Kyle A Carrozza is that stay out of my life and everyone's lives too and for that Kyle Carrozza is that fuck off,get a life and for that Kyle Carrozza is that good bye and good riddance ya loony pervert and to kyle a carrozza supporter's you all shall be very ashamed of yourselves and be very ashamed for supporting and defending this really sick yet disgusting individual's deplorable action's and his purely toxic behavior because you all turn out to be just as bad as Kyle A Carrozza is because what he has done to so many lives that people that are hurt was very disgusting and just plain vile. And so yeah that's all i've could ever say this right now and is for that I've just do not want to interacting nor even contacting with Kyle A Carrozza anymore and I've just want any nothing to do with him anymore because what he has done to the victim's live's was fucked up and messed up beyond belief and anyway's fuck Kyle A Carrozza and his god awful supporter's that are defending him for his delusional yet very sickening actions. And most importantly and finally the big one is that Mortal Of The Story Is That Don't Be like Kyle A Carrozza.
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xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Ain’t no way people are saying that Ang is “just as bad” as an outed child predator and groomer who owned 600 copies of sadomasichist CSAM of real living children. When Ang drew fucking cartoon porn of fake characters
All because people don’t want to be wrong (or possibly even outed themselves based on the pure fact that people KNEW Kyle was bad news for YEARS and they did nothing about it)
It really shows you where people’s priorities are in situations like these. If it was about protecting kids, they wouldn’t even put Kyle Carrozza in the same ball park as Ang. This shit isn’t even the same sport at this point, and yet they are equally bad “for different reasons”?! No, sorry, but you can’t tell me that real living children being tortured sexually is just as bad as a fake ass drawing of Invader Zim in any circumstance, let alone for “different reasons”
“Don’t make this about proship vs anti” but that’s how this whole situation started. I’m so sick and tired when people get away with shit, proshippers told people that Kyle was a groomer and all around nasty, but they were ignored because they were proship “pedophiles”. They were right, and they told us before any of this came out. It’s not just about pro vs anti, yes. The victims of Kyle are the most important factor here and they should not be ignored. However, we also can’t ignore the other aspects of this situation and many others.
Ang was one of his victims, just like the many others he manipulated and exploited. People don’t want to admit that because they hold their morals above that though. They would rather believe something without definitive proof rather than side with someone who drew icky art, despite there being way more evidence that backs up Ang’s and their supporters claims. Don’t forget that most of the “evidence” of Ang being a “groomer” or whatever came from Kyle and the people who were directly manipulated by him or are his cronies. People who had ulterior motives to protect themselves (in multiple ways).
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honeybnuuy · 2 months
Wow! You mean to tell me the man who got Ang (A victim of SA who is chronically ill) blacklisted from the animation industry for drawing Invader Zim porn was actually a fucking monster the whole time?? Color me shocked! /sarc
Seriously when are people going to put 2 and 2 together and realize diminishing the severity of real life child abuse by insinuating drawings also equate to CSEM is a huge fucking red flag and is actually a talking point used by pedos to try and project!
Anyways fuck Kyle A Carrozza, fuck his dickriders, and fuck the antis who are trying to "both sides" this. You fucking let this man ruin a chronically disabled persons life to the point they cant recieve healthcare, said it was deserved because they drew Invader Zim porn, and then are trying to act like they're both wrong.
More info on his arrest. I hope he fucking rots in jail for the rest of his pathetic loser life.
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I’ve seen multiple antis now complain that proshippers turned the Kyle Carrozza situation into a proship vs anti thing
I’m gonna add the following sentence in big letters so everyone understands:
the proship vs anti discussion is an integral part in this case!
We cannot have this discussion about Kyle Carrozza, Tony Goldmark and Jane Amber without mentioning the fact that this was a coordinated attack on an abuse survivor who was coping with cartoon aliens. And it blew up after the victim tried to make people aware of Kyle’s abuse
And yes I’m saying this was 100% coordinated, by people both from inside the animation industry and outside of it. Heck, Kyle Carrozza was literally regarded as a saint because he spoke up about the bad evil cartoons that people who defended and still defend Ang like, and there are people who took this assumption, that everyone likes what Ang was into, as fact
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Kyle Carrozza got away with owning more than 600 child sexual abuse images for years because he rode on the moral panic discourse that antis helped to spread around to this day, successfully distracting everyone from the many many victims. Which neither Jane nor Tony ever apologized to. In fact, anyone reaching out to Tony is an “Ang stan” and blocked, even completely unrelated people are dismissed
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Antis (and the two previously mentioned people) also still sympathize with Carrozza because they won’t and will never admit that the rhetoric they spread ends up helping abusers. People keep long, very very long archived records of this thing happening for years, and when we point exactly it out, they’ll just paint themselves as the poor poor victim who is attacked because they think obsessing over what someone likes in fiction and thinking someone’s fictional preferences = real life morals is completely normal.
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”Kyle wasn’t an anti, he just pretended to be one!” is such a funny admission in the last screenshot. “Someone who calls out proshippers and libels them as pedophiles CANT be a bad person!” is exactly how predators get away with either grooming and or abusing people for so long
also Tony goldmark literally used the word “proshippers” and “antis” on his public Facebook posts (these are from before Kyle’s arrest and are also still likely up)
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miss-rum-hee · 29 days
Hearing Saberspark try to act like Ang Vondra is somehow as bad as Kyle Carrozza is actually infuriating. I'm sorry but you're an idiot if you genuinely think that some weirdo drawing loli/shota is comparable to a cartoon creator having 600 PICTURES OF POTENTIALLY SADIST CSEM on their harddrive!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
wow haha things sure are Happening i'm going to cope by answering asks. so if anyone wants to talk to me about anything that's not What's Happening i will probably answer
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archerbeans · 2 months
holy fuck, Kyle carrozza was arrested for possession of over 600 pieces of CSEM. What the fuck is happening.
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so tired of antis complaining about how proshippers turned the Kyle Carrozza case into a proship vs antis discourse
oh I’m sorry, so this means antis are allowed to falsely call proshippers pedophiles all day long, and when the most popular and viscous anti turns out to be an actual pedophile who hurt real children, we’re meant to keep our mouths shut?
Spoiler alert: Kyle Carrozza spent a fuck ton of time as a fancop using his power over individuals to get them blacklisted from the animation industry for being proship and calling them pedophiles. We’re just going to pretend that never happened?
Oh how they hate it when we won't play along when they want to defend their own people. Unsurprising, that they hate when we defend our own as well. Hypocrites, through and through.
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cannibalisticdespair · 2 months
Well, it's not true justice, he should be in jail for fucking murder, but if there's an afterlife I hope Ang is watching Kyle Carrozza suffer with glee right now.
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xx-slug-xx · 29 days
Here's a summary of some keypoints that Sabersparked touched on in his video about Kyle Carrozza
He made it clear he Does Not Like lolisho, and doubts that Ang's therapist really told them coping like that was okay, even going so far as questioning the validity of using art like this to cope
He constantly mixed up the terms CSEM and CSAM
He said he didn't like either of them right after talking about Ang attempting suicide
He claimed he supports Kyle's victims... while leaving out Ang
He completely glossed over the involvement of Holly Meadow Disch, Tony Goldmark and Jane because the whole thing is too "terminally online" to get half the understanding of
He touched on YoumaCon, but was mostly bitter about people trying to convince the con staff to kick Kyle from it
He calls out Kyle's grandstanding on lolisho while having his own collection
He made a nod to Kyle's GDrive being "borked" as a sign that he Fucked Up Majorly
He completely ignored Jane and Tony trying to cover their asses and denying they knew Kyle was grooming people (even though Jane admitted they knew)
He made a scathing remark about how Kyle tried to be different from John K (Ren and Stimpy creator), but ended up just like him in many aspects
In the video he referenced someone else's twitter account, who was also one of Kyle's blacklisted victims. However, Saberspark not only got the info wrong, he also didn't ask the person if he could use their tweets
To sum up: he made a video with half assed research and it feels like he did so for clout
All the man does now a days is make videos for clout tbh. He wanted to get likes and views on a popular subject of discourse and didn’t even bother to talk about the facts at all. This isn’t about “oh well lolicon makes me feel gross”. It’s about abuse done to real people and a man getting away with it BECAUSE of people’s adverse reaction to lolicon! He can say it’s chronically online all he wants, but he still decided to post about it. If he didn’t want to go down the “chronically online” rabbit hole, why make a video about it to begin with?
I won’t watch the video because I refuse too give the man money for cashing in on the suffering of others while not saying anything with accuracy :/
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spielen-verrueckt · 2 months
Kyle Adam Carrozza manipulated me and my family. He manipulated everyone to have his back. He has a habit of lovebombing people to get them to trust him and them sneaks his way into overstepping boundaries, and according to some people now, molesting them.
I knew him IRL for a decade and now I feel extremely disgusted that i knew him since I was a kid. I wish my parents and I never met him. He is an evil monster, worse than John K and Dan Schneider. I almost worked on an animation project with him. Specifically the Moobeard reboot. Thank God I didn't, and I dodged a bullet. He was my only animation connection so I felt like I had to be on good terms with him, and that's how he keeps relationships- by holding you hostage and dangling an animation-industry carrot above the heads of young artists like a starved horse.
I was privately in the defense of him before because everyone I knew was and how they described the Ang controversy didn't seem that bad at the time. but I never spoke about it publicly, only with close friends. I told a mutual on my stance on his controversy and they harassed and blocked me over it but it turned out they were in the right all along. They're having the last laugh right now, whoopty do.
Being a shota/lolicon is disgusting but it's a coughing baby compared to owning actual CSEM. If drawing that stuff prevents real crime then I can't say I'm completely against it existing, as fucked up as that sounds. I'm already sorta neutral on the whole proship/anti thing and I don't think I'm ever gonna talk about that kind of topic ever again in fear I'll be seen as someone like Kyle who's hiding skeletons.
I wasn't the only person who knew about his google drive- he talked about it publicly on twitter, which was fucking stupid of him but at least it gives me proof. I am however, for some fucking reason the only one who put 2 and 2 together and realized it could be correlated with his arrest. If you haven't seen my NewGrounds journal, please read it.
When that happened, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and excused it as being either a hack or the same situation with Naoki Saito, who also had his google deleted for a similar reason THE SAME YEAR (it was a false positive)
someone told me that Ang took credit for his google being deleted, but if i'm being honest I think she's talking out of her ass. She also believes aliens visited her. I'm almost positive that Google tripped a hash and investigated privately, leading to his arrest. but again it's just a theory. if not, it's a wild coincidence.
I am so, so deeply sorry and I wish the best for the victims. Outing myself as his ex friend and providing more evidence against him will be my form of repent.
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TW: CP Mention.
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Fuck Kyle Carrozza.
Fuck every single person who kept platforming this monster and fuck the pro shippers who are trying to use this as a “gotcha” against folks who are grossed out by lolicon.
Hope his victims find closure.
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miss-rum-hee · 2 months
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They're gonna wipe this out of existence soon enough
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You might remember Kyle from the fact he had created a hate mod and blacklisted a disabled queer CSA survivor from the animation industry leading to them needing end of life care and are currently couch surfing
on twitter I saw someone, in response to Kyle Carrozza being outed for 600 files of BDSM CSEM, say "its not that they think drawings are the same as CSEM but they think CSEM is as trivial as a drawing"
Which makes perfect sense since apparently MANY people in his animation circle knew and were aware of Kyle's possession of CSEM.
This is why we hate antis. The fact of the matter is that you guys keep backing and actively supporting pedophiles because they happen to be on YOUR side of a ship war. You just like putting survivors in their places.
600 files of children being raped and tortured for a sick fucks amusement is NOT EVER comparable to alien cock. 600 files of children being tortured shouldn't be on the same THOUGHT as ZADR because one is 600 files of children being traumatized, raped and tortured and the other has no victims. To continue to think they are the same shows you do not care about victims, you think 600 victims mean as little, that their trauma is as trivial as a drawing. Its bullshit. Its humiliating. and as a survivor myself, its down right disrespectful to our trauma.
files of children being raped and tortured. That is not comparable to ANY drawing.
I've encountered antis who were VERY intrusive to my trauma They kept asking personal and invasive questions to see if my trauma was "the right trauma" to enjoy teacher x student or adult x minor. Its because they weren't thinking of me as a victim of grooming and stalking, They thought my trauma was no more worse than fanfiction. Something to jack off too, or add to an OC's backstory. They didn't see me as a victim, they saw me as inspiration.
You guys don't care about real survivors when they're talking to you! Our trauma means nothing, would never be good enough, will never "excuse" enough. Because to you its the same as pixels!
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chelledoggo · 2 months
i was thankfully never really into Kyle Carrozza's work, but i legit feel SO bad for the people who were.
like to find out the guy who made the content they liked turned out to be an absolute fucking monster.
holy shit...
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adarlingmess · 2 months
Darling's Diary: A much needed vent
I am not surprised at all that lorroakan/Mike/Ari who accused me of being racist got outed as one, bonjeacon/Peak/Jojo who cropped my convo with Andrew Wincott to make me look parasocial got outed as parasocial himself, and helluvareceipts who spread said screenshots got outed as a p3do enabler. More often than not these people are projecting their own flaws or inventing them in others in order to rid themselves of their own shame. With these new revelations I hope everyone will take what they say will be taken with mounds of salt from this moment on.
And the more I read about helluvareceipts, their clique's serial harassment, and how they helped destroy Ang Vondra's livelihood, the more disgusted I am. They did the same thing with me by circulating those cropped screenshots and the backlash almost made me end my own life. helluvareceipts is not even a fucking part of BG3twt or the fandom in general but they're known moots with BG3twt's most notorious serial harassers. Somehow they gained access to my private messages to maliciously crop them, take them out of context, and even manipulate them. I know it's Peak who sent them too, because he's one of the few people I shared screenshots of my messages, and he's the only one who had a motive against me.
I lost clients, was booted from communities and I'm now in a financial crisis + on the verge of being homeless due to my inability to pay rent. All this damage against their victims in the name of internet clout. I am fucking appalled. I will never forgive BG3twt's serial harassers for accusing users they wanted to harass off the platform of unsavory shit when all along they've mutuals with helluvareceipts who enabled and supported actual p3dophile Kyle Carrozza's abuse.
"b-but HR called out Kyle when he was exposed as one-" Don't you fucking get it? It's the rabid smear campaign and misinformation that destroyed Ang Vondra while the actual p3do got away scot-free for YEARS. It's your mob mentality that destroyed real lives over made up BS. All things considered, e.g. hate mail, people making a meme out of my conversations, being blacklisted in communities I was welcome in, I handled what everyone did to me with grace. Now I'm extra pissed off seeing how there are more victims that suffered and they had it WORSE.
So now that helluvareceipts got exposed for spreading false testimonies from Jane Amber to smear Ang Vondra, can people start seeing that the cropped screenshots they acquired from Peak that they spread is another attempt at a smear campaign?
I am contemplating publishing conversations I had with AW to dispel all accusations once and for all. If it didn't expose things he asked me to keep private such as a voicenote he sent me on my birthday, and personal information such as his complete DOB I would've done it from the get go. Plus, I've seen how some of the serial harassers reacted to the information of him asking for NSFW art from me and him dismissing my former client's concerns. They'll tear this man apart and for some damn reason my (possibly misplaced) sense of loyalty doesn't want to see that.
Whether or not I will set the record straight regarding the allegations against me once and for all is still something I'm unsure of. My mental health is on the mend after being nearly driven to suicide by the non-stop harassment, and I don't want to risk the progress that I made on myself.
Aside from venting there's nothing much I can do but wait, really. I didn't even have to lift a finger for people to uncover the truth about my accusers, I was busy trying not to off myself. Perhaps the truth about it will come out one day too.
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