#Kyle carrozza
msnihilist · 2 months
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jinglebellrockstars · 2 months
another anti was exposed as a real pedophile, this time the guy who spearheaded a harassment campaign against a queer artist for drawing invader zim porn, to the point where they were blacklisted from the animation industry and ended up on their death bed because they could no longer support themself financially. antis fucking disgust me and every accusation from them over some fucking drawings is just projection to hide how sick they are and all the actual flesh and blood lives they destroy
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archerbeans · 2 months
holy fuck, Kyle carrozza was arrested for possession of over 600 pieces of CSEM. What the fuck is happening.
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it’s been a while since I’ve used this account (hey @seasa1ttrio do you still remember me?)
anyway the reason I’m making this post is very simple:
Kyle Carrozza, the creator of Mighty Magiswords, has been arrested for the possession of child sexual abuse material
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Kyle’s inner circle (that includes Jane Amber and Tony Goldmark) absolutely knew about him being a creep. There were multiple other survivors, including Ang Vondra, about which the lovely Jane and Tony said this
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Jane was so hellbent on stalking, harassing, abusing and slandering Ang Vondra for many years, even helped blacklisting Ang from the animation industry along with Kyle and Tony Goldmark. Though of course, they’re all back paddling now!
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with the exception of Jane
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Reminder, these people harassed someone because they were coping from their abuse with cartoons on a private account. These people have absolutely no shame and no heart
they knew Kyle was a predator. They chose to ignore it because it was easier to make life of a disabled abuse survivor a living hell
Ang’s disability has now progressed to the point that a miracle would be needed to cure them. Years of being unable to afford their basic needs has led to a worsening of their health, all because a white creep decided blacklisting Ang from the animation industry, likely the only place Ang actually could work at with their disability, and boot lickers helping him, was more important!
These people aren’t sorry. They just pretend they are. Other people are still going on about how coping with art on a private account is just as bad as a sexual abuser in the animation industry, who got away with it for years
On top of this this implicates a significant part of the animation industry as having actively covered up for a pedophile, and not just that, but doing it by framing a CSA survivor over their cope art. That would mean that they took advantage of the moral panic over art
People are currently suffering through in order to enable a predator. And they did it by abusing a survivor. Using a desire to protect fictional characters. We warned about this scenario happening, were ignored, and it happened.
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xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Ain’t no way people are saying that Ang is “just as bad” as an outed child predator and groomer who owned 600 copies of sadomasichist CSAM of real living children. When Ang drew fucking cartoon porn of fake characters
All because people don’t want to be wrong (or possibly even outed themselves based on the pure fact that people KNEW Kyle was bad news for YEARS and they did nothing about it)
It really shows you where people’s priorities are in situations like these. If it was about protecting kids, they wouldn’t even put Kyle Carrozza in the same ball park as Ang. This shit isn’t even the same sport at this point, and yet they are equally bad “for different reasons”?! No, sorry, but you can’t tell me that real living children being tortured sexually is just as bad as a fake ass drawing of Invader Zim in any circumstance, let alone for “different reasons”
“Don’t make this about proship vs anti” but that’s how this whole situation started. I’m so sick and tired when people get away with shit, proshippers told people that Kyle was a groomer and all around nasty, but they were ignored because they were proship “pedophiles”. They were right, and they told us before any of this came out. It’s not just about pro vs anti, yes. The victims of Kyle are the most important factor here and they should not be ignored. However, we also can’t ignore the other aspects of this situation and many others.
Ang was one of his victims, just like the many others he manipulated and exploited. People don’t want to admit that because they hold their morals above that though. They would rather believe something without definitive proof rather than side with someone who drew icky art, despite there being way more evidence that backs up Ang’s and their supporters claims. Don’t forget that most of the “evidence” of Ang being a “groomer” or whatever came from Kyle and the people who were directly manipulated by him or are his cronies. People who had ulterior motives to protect themselves (in multiple ways).
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
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Break out the thumb screws, the pear of anguish, and the brazen bull.
Anything else you can think of while you're at it
Article Link
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volleypearlfan · 2 months
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The creator of Mighty Magiswords has been arrested for having child sexual abuse material. Let's hope he never finds work in the animation industry, or anywhere, ever again.
And to everyone who's been saying that he's obviously a pedo based on his physical appearance, fuck you. His appearance has nothing to do with this. His actions has everything to do with it. Being fat, and having glasses and facial hair is morally neutral. Let's stop ascribing appearance to morality.
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spielen-verrueckt · 2 months
Kyle Adam Carrozza manipulated me and my family. He manipulated everyone to have his back. He has a habit of lovebombing people to get them to trust him and them sneaks his way into overstepping boundaries, and according to some people now, molesting them.
I knew him IRL for a decade and now I feel extremely disgusted that i knew him since I was a kid. I wish my parents and I never met him. He is an evil monster, worse than John K and Dan Schneider. I almost worked on an animation project with him. Specifically the Moobeard reboot. Thank God I didn't, and I dodged a bullet. He was my only animation connection so I felt like I had to be on good terms with him, and that's how he keeps relationships- by holding you hostage and dangling an animation-industry carrot above the heads of young artists like a starved horse.
I was privately in the defense of him before because everyone I knew was and how they described the Ang controversy didn't seem that bad at the time. but I never spoke about it publicly, only with close friends. I told a mutual on my stance on his controversy and they harassed and blocked me over it but it turned out they were in the right all along. They're having the last laugh right now, whoopty do.
Being a shota/lolicon is disgusting but it's a coughing baby compared to owning actual CSEM. If drawing that stuff prevents real crime then I can't say I'm completely against it existing, as fucked up as that sounds. I'm already sorta neutral on the whole proship/anti thing and I don't think I'm ever gonna talk about that kind of topic ever again in fear I'll be seen as someone like Kyle who's hiding skeletons.
I wasn't the only person who knew about his google drive- he talked about it publicly on twitter, which was fucking stupid of him but at least it gives me proof. I am however, for some fucking reason the only one who put 2 and 2 together and realized it could be correlated with his arrest. If you haven't seen my NewGrounds journal, please read it.
When that happened, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and excused it as being either a hack or the same situation with Naoki Saito, who also had his google deleted for a similar reason THE SAME YEAR (it was a false positive)
someone told me that Ang took credit for his google being deleted, but if i'm being honest I think she's talking out of her ass. She also believes aliens visited her. I'm almost positive that Google tripped a hash and investigated privately, leading to his arrest. but again it's just a theory. if not, it's a wild coincidence.
I am so, so deeply sorry and I wish the best for the victims. Outing myself as his ex friend and providing more evidence against him will be my form of repent.
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TW: CP Mention.
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Fuck Kyle Carrozza.
Fuck every single person who kept platforming this monster and fuck the pro shippers who are trying to use this as a “gotcha” against folks who are grossed out by lolicon.
Hope his victims find closure.
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msnihilist · 2 months
In the last month, a big name in the animation industry who was loudly and frequently condemning loli/shota content got outed for owning CSEM, and a prominent YouTuber who just so happened to like loli was discovered to have been talking inappropriately with minors.
Jeez. How odd. What a head scratcher. It's almost like what you enjoy in fiction and how you present those tastes to the general public is not a good indicator for whether or not someone is a predator, and a certain group of people (RE: antis) should stop pretending like it is.
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I am so immensely tired that people are STILL blaming Ang, one of Kyle's victims, and call her "just as bad" for coping with Invader Zim nsfw she kept on a PRIVATE account
now youtuber "saberspark" talked about the situation in an hour long video and did exactly that, he said "both of them are bad"
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Kyle is a pedophile who was arrested for owning 600 child sexual abuse images. You CANT compare that to someone lewding Invader Zim characters, they don't exist!
But hey, apparently both Kyle and Saberspark were totally cool with posting this, yet Ang is the one who isn't a real victim and has to hide
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He also defended an adult waiting to reciprocate a minor's crush until the minor "was at least 20"
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xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Really happy that Ang got some sort of justice, even if it is due to the exposure of an actual predator. Kyle has made my blood boil since the day I read up on Ang’s situation, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that he was the dangerous child predator he claimed Ang to be all along. It’s discusting that someone who worked on children’s animation, who blacklisted a disabled queer person from the industry over r34 Invader Zim art, was the one who we should have been worried about. It was all projection. Not wanting to be associated with Ang and their nsfw was just Kyle trying to keep himself safe the whole time.
The fact that many of the other people who harassed Ang and/or defends Kyle are coming out and saying shit like “I always thought he was wierd” really rubs me the wrong way. The same people who were giving death threats and using racial slurs over cartoon porn. They defended a man who had actual CSEM. Sadist CSEM might I add. Not saying they should have known better, because you can’t accurately predict a predator all the time. But what I am saying is that it feels like they still got away with what they did and are trying to make themselves look better.
This is why I can’t stand it when the fictional character porn is more of an issue than REAL children being abused. Predators keep getting away because people are more concerned with internet drama and morality.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
More information about Kyle’s CSEM charge.
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Someone needs to hook Kyle up with 16 terabytes of fire.
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ghostiicarus · 2 months
like what you like. stop obsessing over which creators are good or bad. what you decide is the line an artist can cross for you is a personal decision, and if youre worried about monetary support theres always ways around it. but putting strangers on unrealistic pedestals cant absolve you of whatever guilt or complex watching your favorite cartoon is giving you.
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miochimochi · 2 months
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jinglebellrockstars · 28 days
idc youre genuinely demented in the head if you think drawing fictional characters that dont exist naked or having sex or whatever is in any way equal to being a pedophile or abuser i dont give a fuck what kinda circumstances you pull out of your ass
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