#fuck jeffrey dahmer
mollyisntcool · 2 years
my cousin is dressed like jeffrey dahmer 😕
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That's so fucked up that people are romantizing Franco, because even Red Barrels are showing him as a total creep and disgusting person. In Outlast Tag I have a feeling that some artists are making him completly different character, making him charming/safe/lovely. I even have seen some people who were drawing him with normal face (without big forehead) and you couldn't tell them that it's the right character design! I feel like Franco enjoyers are more agressive than fans of other Outlast character. Even with Coyle/Eddie simps they seem to understand that they are evil and they murder others, but with Franco I feel like they can take it when someone tell them that he's grown up, murder people in very brutal way and his voice lines are just disgusting... it really seems that people are getting agressive only because someone tell some shit about 🎀✨️Franco🎀✨️. I know his fans isn't the only one that have stick in their ass (cause I seen a lot of shit bout Coyle/Big Grunts/Easterman etc.) but yall need to understand that FRANCO IS A GROWN ASS MAN and you would run for your life if you'd meet someone in irl as 1% fucked up as he is. Saying that he's just a Baby and he made nothing wrong is just 🤮 and problem is in yall if you justificate him and things he made.
idk how to tell you this ,,,, but this game is fictional. The characters are fictional. You're free to feel however you want about them, just like I and anyone else is.
I partially agree with the part about changing his appearance to make him look more "normal" or whatever, but at the same time people are allowed to interpret their favs however they want to. They can draw / write for him however they want to. I don't like "fixing" his face, just because it (personally) feels like saying "he's too ugly", but again, that's just me. As an artist, I know that people are going to have different interpretations of a character I like. It's just part of other people existing in the world. Not everyone thinks like you do, and that's okay.
Do you know how many posts I saw (and STILL see) about Eddie Gluskin, doing essentially the same thing as what you said people do with Franco?? That man would cut you open to "make a baby in you" no hesitation and people still ""romanticize"" him (me fuckin included I LOVE YOU EDDIE). Its just part of liking fucked up characters, some people are going to want to make them more "normal".
Personally, I see the normalization as more like wanting to give him some normalcy in his life, because of his past / lore. I love the idea of letting Franco have a normal life, be a normal person. A life where he never had to deal with the stupid Mafia stuff, had a decent father and never ran into Murkoff, having a normal, happy life. But, I also seriously adore his original, fucked up character.
Honestly, who actually cares if people are "justifying" his actions??? None of them are real. He is not real. I have never understood the sentiment that you have to make sure people know you don't justify a fictional characters actions... they are not real. It's not a real person. None of the things he did happened.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not run from someone like him. That's not some edge lord "im so evil and dark" bs but because of my real life experiences. Been with and around people in my life / family who are quite like him and I didn't run.
I imagine some of us are using it as a sort of coping mechanism, because (at least for me) some of us dealt with people who treated us like he would. Though, that's getting into personal territory, and I won't try and speak for others.
All I can really say is either learn that not everybody's going to have the same ideas as you or block the tag. Sorry if that's too harsh a response, but life is too short to really give that much of a fuck about someone /something other people like.
And I've said this before but this is literally Outlast, all of the characters are this fucked up, it's not just him.
Like does no one remember Outlast 2??? Does no one remember the pile of dead burnt babies, or the hundreds of other fucked up things in that game?? I really feel like Franco does not compare.
So, can we please just be over with this now? I mean, drama is totally fun and I love it, but I can imagine others don't.
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teamiris · 5 months
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nah hate how i draw him. That doesn't even look like alexxx :'(
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4lluring · 1 year
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i am NOT okay right now.
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stargirlsuicide · 6 months
a serial killer that only killed black people and a black man walk into a jail cell
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hybridkilljoys · 1 year
Why do you enjoy romanticizing serial killers
Uh?????? if evil then why sexy?????
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serial killer fans: but jeffrey dahmer derived no pleasure from his killings!!!!! 😭😤🥺
literally anyone with a pulse and a brain who knows that dahmer was trying to create sex slaves:
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
can i just say how crazy it is that ppl sympathize with JEFFERY DAHMER, support him AND genuinely believe be was a good person when he killed and ate people of color, but BILLY and his stans are the just the worst right?
billy is somehow worse than the man who consumed black folks, and other pocs, some of whom were under 18, right???
i say this bc on twt i saw a billy anti literally excusing jeffery dahmer for his actions and saying he was just a sad lonely boy.
not real billy hargrove is worse than the very real threat that existed and was killed for his crimes in prison bc people could not fathom how he acted in light of his crimes??? the man made jokes about his crimes, fashioned severed limbs from meals and used ketchup for blood knowing damn everyone was DISGUSTED with him. He had FANS sending him letters and MONEY.
but billy stans, we like a fictional man, whose never actually harmed a fucking person, but we get attacked and shit. our morals are constantly being bought into question bc we enjoy the complex nature of him. we can't like a character who spent his childhood being abused and forced to take care of his step sister, who we saw never had a chance to grow, so we give him that. we saw a boy whose mother left him with a monster of a father and he eventually turned into a version of himself he so clearly hated.
he didn't find joy in beating up steve, nor did he seem happy to have scared the kids.
"hEs RaCiSt" it was the 80s, most white people were racist or intolerant. not to mention, ur only argument that he's racist has too many holes bc of what we know about his father (ignore it all you want, but even max knew her step dad was racist) we know his father is VIOLENT as hell, and he never wanted that to fall onto max.
but the weirdos, who stan jeffery dahmer are just allowed to exist in peace?? i see them on EVERY social media app and ive not seen one of them be attacked the way folks dogpile on billy stans.
i can't write fanfics abt a person who doesn't actually exist and whose actions literally never happened bc hes FAKE, but you all can make posts like "jeffrey dahmer as ur boyfriend tehehehe"
oh man go FUCK urself.
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gloombeauty · 2 years
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whyla drama goes crazy
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tattoorue · 2 years
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I'm gonna need people to stop treating Jeffrey Dahmer like he's some damn anime villain to fangirl over.
Animated villains are animated to be ENTERTAINING IN FICTION.
Dahmer? Was an actual piece of shit in real life. Wanna know what he did, look it up. Just know that his actions that landed him in court, in prison and then clocked in the head are not actions you idiots should be building a fanbase around.
He was a monster. He was disgusting.
"Sad backstory"? His gender, his race, his preferences? They don't fucking matter. They're not excuses.
There are people who lived before him, after and during his time with lives just as similar or worse than his but they didn't choose to take it out on innocent people.
I despise that Netflix decided to make a show about him because all that did was turn a lot of people stupid.
As many documentaries that already exist of that piece of shit, Netflix could have easily chose to use that time and money to make some other show.
But no, Netflix made that damn show. Whoever came up with that "genius" idea can go to hell.
The amount of hurt those families dealt with then and now till this day is unbelievable.
I'm telling you right fucking now, if you support Jeffrey Dahmer in any way, get the fuck away from my page.
Think he's hot, did nothing wrong, he was just a poor little meow meow or whatever damn else?
Block me, skip pass my page, just don't touch my blog.
I don't care to hear the arguments because at the end of the day HE WAS A MONSTER.
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legal-poppy · 2 years
the fact that so many people (including those involved in the show itself) are ignoring the wishes of the victims' families to NOT have the worst parts of their lives dramatized just so millenial/gen z women can obsess over a hot guy playing a serial killer is a little disturbing
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wikipediafag · 2 years
watched that dahmer netflix thing. have some thoughts, mainly on the ethics of its existence.
i feel like most people have heard about how extremely fucking upset the victims families are. and they’re fully entitled to it. not only is the case relatively recent, occurring within a large selection of the show’s audience’s lifetime (he was sentenced in ‘92), but they didn't even ask the victims’ families’ permission before.... they didn't even give them forewarning that the show was being made/released.
ryan murphy has made his own statements that the show exists to ‘center the victims’ or whatever and said he tried to avoid using Dahmer’s pov etc etc tbh idrc. at the end of the day, not only is the show inaccurate, but it fully fails at deglamorizing the killer’s perspective. its dripping in AHSesque dramatization, and of course it is! it's a drama. everyone knows this isn't made for the victims. it's made for the audience to enjoy as entertainment.
im a true crime enjoyer, i am. i’ve read about this case many times. i completely understand having macabre (special or otherwise) interests or hyperfixations or whatever true crime may be to you. but at the end of the day, there's no reason to have this drama-thriller miniseries besides profit. why didnt they ask the victims families? because they would have said no. why didnt they make only a documentary? so they could make more money. why have it be a ryan murphy netflix special starring evan peters? MONEY. if they wanted to make something to exist as an education tool for the general public that focus on telling the victims’ stories, they would have made a book or long ass documentary. but the research and rights would cost way more... the audience would be smaller as you get less glamorous.. not to mention NOBODY INVOLVED WANTED IT TO EXIST they’d most likely not assist
the show might try to drag the viewer through the gory details, but that’s not a substitute for using what accuracy or victim representation exists as a storytelling device or marketing point. there are a billion existent ways to learn about jeffery dahmer’s crimes if that’s your only goal. the existence of this show is so selfish leave these people to be
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True crime fans see victims and their families as accessories.
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
god fuck, why in gods name are people editing jeffrey dahmer, or make scenepacks of him in the dahmer series? society as we know it has gone off the deep end. again
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