#i keep telling y’all that you’re contributing to the trauma and you’re like “oh me? i’m just a harmless sweetheart!!”
serial killer fans: but jeffrey dahmer derived no pleasure from his killings!!!!! 😭😤🥺
literally anyone with a pulse and a brain who knows that dahmer was trying to create sex slaves:
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panda-noosh · 4 years
the normal one {Leo Valdez x Reader}
Words: 14k
Summary: Your sister is the demigod. You’re just the unlucky one who got dragged into her mess.
Genre: angst??
Notes: support my writing or ask me about commissions! - omg happy first day of nano y’all. 
  You never knew your sister was a demigod. 
   Of course you didn't; it's not the kind of thought that crosses the mind of a logical individual, though it seems obvious now that you're being greeted with the proof. 
   Emma has never been particularly normal. She's three years older than you, and yet she carries herself like she's been through years upon years of unforgiven trauma, glaring at anyone who dares even speak to her. You used to just describe her as grumpy, not-a-morning-person, just leave her alone and you'll be fine.
 Now, you're beginning to think it might not be as simple as all that.
    Your day starts off pretty normal; you wake up, greeted by the sunlight streaming through the curtains you once again forgot to close over the previous night. You look down, not surprised to see you're still dressed in a pair of jogging bottoms and a loose white shirt instead of the pyjamas your sister has been trying so desperately to make you wear at night. You got ready, brushing the knots from your hair before marching downstairs. 
   Your mum is in the kitchen, whistling to herself, frail hands forever trembling around the pot of boiling oatmeal; you and your mum don't really talk that much. She favours Emma over you, and she's never found much point in wasting breath on the child she doesn't necessarily like. She'll smile, feed you, let you have a roof over your head, but neither of you pretend like your relationship with each other is permanent. One day you're going to move out, and your mum is never going to contact you, never going to step foot in your house, never going to give you a house-warming gift. 
You're fine with that. 
Emma is sat at the kitchen table, her head in her hands. It's not even that weird of a sight, considering you've always known Emma to be into the dramatics. You sit across from her, folding your arms over the table before whispering, rather loudly, "Rough night?" 
Her head jerks up, revealing her wild, bloodshot eyes. "What?" 
You laugh, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl in the centre of the table. "You look like shit, Em. Where have you been all night?"
 Her jaw twitches, and she doesn't respond, which is a pretty normal reply for her, especially at this time of day. 
 "Whatever," you mumble. "Can I borrow that fancy deodorant you bought back from that summer camp you go to?" Emma nods. You grin, banishing the conversation all together as you stand and skip upstairs.
 So, yeah. The day was starting off pretty normal. Not a single worry in sight. You would go to school, mope around classes for a few hours, come home and stress eat over a pile of unfinished homework that was probably due multiple days ago. 
Instead, you have to deal with the boulders being thrown through Emma's bedroom window. 
The first one hits just as your grabbing Emma's fancy deodorant from her bottom drawer. There is no warning, no low whoosh sound that would give you a chance to step away and make a run for it - no. Instead, it goes straight to the shattered glass and bloodied arms. Instead, it goes straight to the boulder smashing against your hand, crushing your fingers against the wall.
 You are stuck, legs crumbling beneath you. You should be slipping to the floor right now, probably unconscious, maybe dead, but your hand, trapped between the biggest rock known to man and the wall, keeps you upright. Blood leaks from gashes forming on your fingers, dribbling down your wrist, your arm, dripping onto your knees. You stare at the scene in shock for a moment, unable to register what on earth has actually just happened. 
And then Emma is screaming your name, thundering up the stairs, and you're crying out, trying to form words but they get lodged in your throat, replaced by the overwhelming pain and realisation that you're going to die, you're going to fucking die on your sisters bedroom floor because there is so much blood, and there is no way in hell you won't be drained before the end of this day, probably within the next ten minutes, probably within-
The door opens. Emma barrels inside, wielding a golden sword that honestly just makes you think of course she has a golden sword. 
"You son of a bitch!" she cries out, darting to her bedroom window. She stands upon the sill and waves her arms at the sky. "You got the wrong L/N, you idiot! Get back here and finish me off if you're so tough!" 
"Emma," you croak, tears flooding down your cheeks. "Little help here." 
"It's the giants." She leaps off the window sill and swivels round, darting to your side. Something has changed in her, something you've never seen before; she seems stronger, her eyes a little brighter yet still eerily dark at the same time.
 She crouches beside you and begins manoeuvring your trapped hand back and forth. You hiss, throwing your head back as blood spurts down your arm, staining your shirt. Emma grits her teeth, keeping her eyes peeled on her work. "They've found me," she continues muttering. "We need to get out of here - all of us. You, me, Mum. They know where the house is. How did they find out where the bloody house is?" 
"Can you shut the fuck up talking crazy for one second?"
 Emma pays you no mind, taking a tiny knife from her back pocket and wriggling it between the wall and the boulder. "I'll have to get in touch with Chiron, tell him I'm bringing a few mortals with me to camp this summer." 
You grunt. "I'm not going to some hippy-Christian summer camp with you." 
"It's not a hippy-Christian summer camp." Emma swats your head, forcing you to look away from the blood dribbling down your arm. "It's a place that will keep you safe, alright? So don't argue." 
"Don't tell me what to - AH!" The boulder falls, crashing to the floor. Tables rattle, things tumble off shelves, and your hand is freed. You pull it to your chest, but Emma doesn't let it go unaided for long - she grabs your wrist and tugs it back, examining the damage; your nerves have clearly been ripped, fingers cold from lack of feeling. Gashes have been made into the back of your hand, fingers torn to shreds. 
 She shakes her head. "I'll get Will to have a look at this."
 "No, you idiot, you'll call 999 before-" 
"We have to go now. That giant will be back soon enough, especially once he realises I'm taking you guys with me." Emma doesn't even give you a chance to respond before she's grabbing your good hand and dragging you from her bedroom. You hiss in pain, stumbling behind her, but there's really no point in arguing. When Emma has her mind set on something, she goes for it no matter what objections people put in place. Mum always said she gets that from her dad, but you've never met the man, so you wouldn't know.
 Speaking of your dear old mother, the woman doesn't even give you a second glance when Emma drags you into the living room and shoves you onto the sofa next to her; she's frozen in fear, fingers pulled to her lips as she bites on the nails, a habit she's had for as long as you can remember.
 She shakes her head, dazed. "He's coming back to me. He's sending signs." 
Emma groans. Looking over, you see her with a phone pressed to her ear, big and bulky with an oversized antennae peeking from the top of it. "Mum, that wasn't Dad sending signs. That was a giant trying to kill me." 
You blink, certain your blood loss is contributing to this wild conversation somehow. "A giant? Your dad?" 
Emma raises a finger, telling you to be quiet. Mum whimpers at the movement and goes back to chewing her nails, gazing steadily out the window. She looks terrified, but her knee is bouncing in that way it always does when she's excited. You've given up trying to understand her. In fact, you've given up trying to understand your entire family.
So you just sit there, trying to fight off the black spots dotting your vision and the blood dribbling through your fingers; you don't know why Emma hasn't called 999 yet, considering you're basically on the verge of unconsciousness, but your throat is too dry to ask. Instead you listen as she says, "Leo! Where are you? Are you close?" and then she sighs in relief, and within three minutes, there's a knock on the door and she's barrelling out of the living room to grab it.
 You look up, dazed, when she returns with a small curly haired boy in tow. He's a bit scruffy, you have to admit, but in a cute way, like a bunny with a bit of dirt on its nose. 
"Not really the time for guests, is it, Em?" you grumble, before falling face first into the floor. 
You wake up, and immediately wish you hadn't.
 Emma always messes things up - always. 
Her life has to be so damn dramatic all the damn time, and you're getting pretty damn sick of being dragged into it. All you want to do is sit in bed with a nice blanket and a cup of tea, maybe practice a bit of witchcraft, maybe sink into the dirt and become one with nature. 
You don't want to be hunted down by rabid, murderous giants, that's for sure.
 You also don't want to be trapped in a hospital bed at some hippy-Christian camp you don't even know the name of. But that's exactly what has happened. 
When you open your eyes, you're greeted by the sight of white, cloth walls and multiple eager faces gazing down at you. Most of them have blonde hair and the brightest eyes you have ever seen, and then there's that curly haired boy, and Emma herself, and there's a guy who is half horse-
 "Oh god, this is death. I've died." 
"She's awake!" the curly haired boy - Leo, you remember - cries, throwing his hands in the air. "Good job, Apollo kids! Another point for you!" 
"Shut up, Leo." One of the many blonde haired kids steps forward and places the back of his hand against your forehead; in any other situation, you might have pulled away and told him to step back, but the feel of his skin against your own is surprisingly soothing. It's almost against your will when you melt into it, eyes gliding shut. Your hit with images of you and Emma as children, running through fields, her punching that guy in the nose because he called you short that one time, and-
 He snatches his hand back, startling you back to reality. "The fevers definitely going down," he says, turning to Emma. 
"Uh, excuse me," you chirp, raising a timid hand. "She's not my legal guardian, I'll have you know." You glance at Emma. "Where is my legal guardian, by the way?" 
Emma rolls her eyes, and that's answer enough. 
"Ah. Frollicking in the leaves again?"
 Emma hums. "I left her to it; we have bigger things to worry about than her love life."
 "That's a bit morbid, Emma," says Leo. "Love is a magnificent thing."
 "So is me not dying," you say, before turning back to the blonde haired boy. "Can I leave?"
 The boy blinks, staring at you like you have two heads. It almost makes you uncomfortable, but his eyes are so pretty, and the way his palm felt against your forehead- 
Leo shoves to the front. "Will here is gay, Y/N. Stop staring." 
You look away, flustered. "I wasn't even staring." 
"Yeah, you were. I see that look of lust on people all the time - I get it a lot, to tell you the truth." 
You look at his curls, the oil on his tattered overalls, the dirt smothering both his cheeks, nose and hands. 
"I'm sure you do, big guy. I'm sure you do."
 Will sighs, shoving Leo out the way again. "I'm gonna do a final check up before I let you leave; I can't give mortals any nectar or ambrosia, so the healing process might take-" 
Awkwardly, Emma coughs. The entire tent goes silent, turning to her with raised brows and narrowed eyes, but all you can focus on is Will's strange choice of vocabulary. Nectar. Ambrosia. Those don't sound like common prescription pain meds. 
"Emma..." Will drawls. "What have you-" 
"I'll talk to them," Emma mumbles. "Can you guys just give us a minute?"
 You grab Will's hand. "Please don't leave me alone with her." 
Will gives you a timid smile, squeezing your hand gently before he, Leo and all the other blonde haired strangers exit the tent, leaving just you and Emma to your own devices. 
And honestly, Emma's your best friend. She means the world to you. She's the one person in that god forsaken house that actually pays you any attention, and it doesn't even matter that she's the favourite, that Mum basically licks the ground she walks on for a reason you have yet to pinpoint. You love Emma with all your heart, but right now, you would rather be anywhere but in her presence. 
You pull the quilt up to your chin and say, "I'm very confused." 
Emma pulls a stool over and takes a seat. "I know. I should have explained. I need to explain." 
"Yes, you do." 
She hollows out her cheeks, which only makes your fear spike - you've never seen Emma act like this. She's usually so brave, bold, confident. She doesn't do a single thing without planning it out perfectly beforehand, and yet here she is, looking completely stumped. You almost feel bad for her until you remember the way she completely ignored your pleas for her to call 999 when you were fairly certain you were bleeding out. 
"Well?" you push. "Go on, Em. I'm listening."
 Emma sighs, scrubbing a hand down her face. "Do you have any idea where we are right now?" 
"Absolutely none. There was a guy with a horse body-" 
"That's Chiron. He's a centaur." 
You blink. "Okay." 
"This place is called Camp Half-Blood; it's where I go to every summer."
 "Well, I assumed." 
"It's a camp for Half-Bloods. Demigods. People who are half-god, like. . . like me. Like Leo, and Will, and probably loads of other kids, too."
 It's starting to get jumbled now, a string of words that don't form to make a coherent, sensible sentence. 
You don't even respond, simply staring at Emma until she is forced to continue. 
"It sounds insane, I know, but I'm not lying. I'm a demigod, Y/N, daughter of Ares." 
It goes silent, because of course it does. What are you even meant to say to that? The logical part of you says to just call her out on her lies, ask her where the hell you actually are and where Mum is and why she brought you here in the first place. But the other half recognises that Emma being the daughter of a war god kind of makes perfect sense.
 In your conflicted state of disbelief, you say neither of those things. Instead, you look at Emma and say, "Mum hooked up with a god?" 
Emma breathes a laugh, closing her eyes. "Yes, little one, she did." 
"And she couldn't have done the same thing when she was conceiving me?"
 Emma winces. "I don't want to talk about Mum conceiving either of us, thank you very much." 
You shake your head. "So that's why she's always hated me."
 "Mum doesn't hate you-" 
"I'm the repair kid. I'm the one who-" 
Leo pops his head in the door. "Did someone say repair kid?" 
Emma looks up, giving Leo a tired little wave. "You can come back in now. Y/N's all caught up."
 "Oh, happy days!" Leo marches in and reaches for your good hand, giving it a vigorous shake. "Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. Nice to properly meet you." 
"Y/N L/N, child of - uh - that guy from McDonalds.
 Emma stands up quickly, grabbing Leo's shoulders as his eyes narrow. "Alright! Now that we've got the niceties out of the way, I think it's time we let Will back in here so he can do his final check up. Sound good?"
 "Sounds fantastic," you mumble, sinking down into the pillows. "Bring the nice looking blonde boy to me now, please." 
Camp Half-Blood kind of looks like a dream scape. But a really bad one.
 A nightmare-scape. 
There's sword fighting, and teeny tiny girls in green dresses that get wildly offended when you call them Tinkerbell. There's people riding around on winged horses like it's no big deal, and you're almost certain it was raining when you left the house earlier, so why is it sunny and warm right now?
 Leo is the one who greets you when you're finally allowed to step out of the tent - the infirmary, apparently, run by the kids of Apollo. All of them were really nice. They all had really nice hands. 
"You're looking fresh," Leo says, tucking his hands in his pockets as the two of you stroll across camp together. "Will and his siblings really know what they're doing, huh? I had my doubts, with you being a mortal and all. I don't know how often they work on people like you."
 You shrug. "It was just a bit of nerve damage in my hand." 
"You passed out." 
"I blanked. It happens to the best of us."
 Leo's lips twitch. It shows you just the briefest hint of dimples, and you hate that it immediately turns your tough-guy demeanour to mush. It seems like you have a soft spot for demigods. You look away quickly, tucking your hands - bandage and all - into your pockets. It's this movement that seems to tilt Leo's attention to the clothes you're wearing, all of which are smothered in your own blood. 
He grimaces, stopping dead in his tracks. You would continue walking, being an independent mortal and all that, but you don't know your way around this place, and you'd rather not accidentally walk into a fighting arena. So, you stop and look back at him. "What's wrong?" 
"You need a change of clothes, my friend."
 You blink. "No, I don't think-"
 "They might be a bit big on you, but I have the perfect pair of overalls you could borrow. Come on. To Bunker 9 we go." 
He starts walking away before you even have a chance to protest. It really puts the fear of god - gods? - in you, because at that very moment, a winged horse slams into the floor at your side. You squeal, immediately sprinting after him, and the bastard doesn't even turn back to look at what has just startled you. He merely grins, cocky and annoying, and says, "Yeah, stick with me and that won't happen."
 You grunt, knowing he's right.
 The two of you arrive at Bunker 9 in no time. It's like an old bomb shelter, with tin walls and a door that looks like it's about to fall off it's hinges. You make a joke about why Leo can't just fix the hinges, considering he's a machine expert and all that, and Leo rolls his eyes and says, "I'm busy enough as it is."
 The room lights up without a switch needing to be flipped, which you think is pretty cool. 
 "My school used to have lights like that," you point out, gazing up at the ceiling. "They were motion censored."
 "Mm. They're handy little things until you haven't moved in fifteen minutes and they switch off whilst you're still standing there. The amount of times I've nearly put a screw through my finger." He shakes his head, tossing aside discarded tools in his search for the overalls he promised you. "Mental." 
You pluck at a random copper wire hanging out of a drawer. "So, is this like. . . your dorm room?" 
"Hm?" Leo looks at you. "Oh, no. I don't sleep in here - I sleep in the Hephaestus cabin. I'm the head counsellor, so I have to keep an eye on things, you know."
 You raise a brow. "Is your bed more comfy in the Hephaestus cabin?"
 "That, too." He blushes, lowering his eyes back to his search. "But honestly, my job is pretty important. I've got to keep that place running, keep all my siblings in check."
 "I'm not being funny, if Emma tried telling me what to do, I would tell her to piss off."
 Leo scoffs. "Yeah, I got that vibe off you."
 "So how do you do it?" 
Leo pauses, glancing over his shoulder."How do I do what?"
You push yourself up onto the counter, ignoring the saw dust that now litters your hands and the back of your already ruined jeans. "How do you get them to listen to you? You don't look to be much older than I am - surely you have older siblings in that cabin of yours. It can't be easy getting them to fall into line, too." 
Slowly, Leo turns. He leans against the chest of drawers he has been digging through, regarding you with a single raised brow. His gaze is hard, but you keep the eye contact, smiling just the tiniest bit. 
He doesn't respond with words. Instead, he stretches his hand out, palm towards the ceiling, and uncurls his fingers, revealing a bright orange flame dancing in the centre. It doesn't make you jump as it probably should have; instead, you are mesmerised, caught in the slick movements of the tiny ball of fire. 
You slowly reach out. Leo slams his hand closed and pulls back. "You can't touch it."
 "I wasn't going to." 
"You were fully going to touch it."
 You scowl, folding your arms over your chest. "What was the point in showing me that?" 
He turns on his heel, going back to digging through the chest of drawers. "That's why I'm head counsellor - no other child of Hephaestus can do that." He glances at you. "You don't think it's weird?"
"Well, yeah - very weird." You shrug. "But who am I to judge? I can do this thing where I dislocate my shoulder, and that's pretty weird, too."
 Leo blinks, mouth opening like you've caught him off guard. He swipes his tongue along his lower lip before he turns away and mumbles, "Yeah. That is pretty weird." 
Bunker 9 is doused in silence after that. Leo rummages through his drawers as you inspect every nook and cranny of the place, running your fingers along the tin walls, picking up tools you have never seen before; you can feel Leo watching you from the corner of his eye, probably making sure you're not stealing anything. Honestly, the golden screwdriver set is pretty tempting, but you wouldn't want to risk getting on a demigod's bad side. 
Finally, after what feels like far too long, Leo pops his head up, grinning broadly with a set of overalls in his hands. "Found them!" He tosses them at you with no warning; you just barely manage to catch them. "They got shrunk in the wash, so I was gonna rip them up for hand towels in here, but I'm sure they'll be more useful for you." 
You pull them into your chest. "They smell like oil." 
Leo spreads his oil stained hands. "Yeah, well, that's how life is, love. I'll let you get changed - I promise I won't peak!"
 Laughing, he leaves Bunker 9; his footsteps stop there, though, and there's a glimmer of relief when you realise he isn't just walking away and leaving you to your own devices. 
 You get changed quickly, bundling your blood stained clothes into a ball and shoving them beneath your arm - you don't know where you can possibly wash them, but you refuse to leave this camp in Leo's old overalls. First of all, they're much too big on you, pooling over your feet despite Leo's own small stature. The striped shirt he gave you to put underneath it has oil spots embedded in it, too, which just makes you look like even more of a slump. Nonetheless, you throw open the door to Bunker 9 with your arms outstretched and call out, "How do I look?" 
Leo peaks his head around and freezes. 
You drop your arms, rolling your eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. This isn't a romance movie." 
His nose erupts into flames. He yelps, swatting the fire away before he awkwardly coughs and says, "Good. You look good." 
You grin. "Thank you. Do you have any idea where I can put these?" You offer up your pile of clothes. Leo takes them from your hands and tosses them over your shoulder, back into Bunker 9. You frown. "Do you have a washing machine in there?" 
"It won't take me long to rig one up. I'll have them washed before you leave, don't worry." He offers his arm, grinning yet again. "Now, how about we go up to the dining pavilion and get some food? I'm starving!" 
Leo did not know one of his best friends was related to such an attractive individual. 
It wasn't really that big of a shock when he walked in and saw you sitting there in the living room, looking dazed and out of it with blood dribbling from some pretty severe cuts in your hand. Emma had rang him and filled him on all the details, so there was no surprise at the scene. And plus, Emma's not exactly ugly. She has that rough look to her, sure, but Leo would probably date her if she asked him. Again, it wasn't much of a surprise when he walked in and saw you there, all pretty with the innocence only a mortal could have. 
But then he got a glimpse of your personality.
 No. Scratch that. He got an entire bucketload of your personality, and he was still craving more by the end of it.
 He tried his hardest to fight off these feelings, because he's felt them before - with almost every person he finds attractive, in fact. He gets it lodged in his head that he can impress them, that this is the one and he can make it work if he just tries hard enough. It's kind of hard not to think that way - hopeful, desperate, almost - when all his friends are hooking up and getting boyfriends and girlfriends, generally just having the time of their damn lives. And Leo is just. . . making machines.
 But then the two of you went and had dinner together, and he found himself asking if you wanted to go for a walk along the lake before you would have to go to bed. You had agreed, and the conversation had continued, and Leo has never laughed so much in his entire life. 
You tell stories of these little memories you have with Emma, enjoying the embarrassing little details you add in whenever you can. Leo struggles to imagine the daughter of Ares being anything close to the Emma you're describing, but he can tell in the passion of your words you're not telling lies. 
"What about you, though?" he asks. 
Your hands drop to your side, smile curving. "What about me?"
 "Well, you're going on about Emma and all the cool stuff she used to do - what about you, though? What have you been up to?" 
It's a pretty simple question in Leo's mind; with his ADHD brain, he is able to come up with a million different answers on the spot. 
You, however, look at him with a raised brow. He stares right back. 
Finally, you crack and say, "Uh. . . I've been doing some school work, I guess." 
Leo blinks. "You go to school?"
 "I do indeed. I'm studying psychology, but it's really difficult, so I might drop it." 
Leo nods like he understands, even though he doesn't. All he really remembers of his school days is him sitting in the back of the classroom plotting his next escape. "Interesting," he says. "Does Emma go to school?" 
"She's doing an apprenticeship at some mechanics place. She dropped out when she turned sixteen."
You shrug. "She does what she wants. I would love to drop out, but Mum would flip." Leo glances at you; the mention of your Mum seems to be something a little heavy, as your smile immediately dips, your shoulders slumping. Leo knows he probably shouldn't pry, but he's Leo, so he does anyway. 
"Is your mum tough on you?" 
"No. She's not tough at all. She's not light, either. She just. . . lives with me, I guess." 
"She just lives with you?" 
You inhale, looking out over the lake. For a moment, Leo thinks you might start crying, but then he shakes that thought out of his mind, because you don't seem like the type to cry in front of a stranger, and that's really all Leo is, which is why he shouldn't expect you to open up to him right now, not if this is something you don't want to- 
"Mum only had me because she wanted to see if she could get over Emma's dad." You wince. "Ares, I guess." 
Leo pauses. His fingertips start glowing, a sign of his anger, but he shoves them in his pockets and dispels the flames before you see them. "That's horrible."
 You shrug halfheartedly. "It's fine. She was crazy about the guy from what I've heard - it's why Emma's her favourite. She's the only piece of him she has left, really."
 "But that doesn't mean-"
 "You don't have to tell me she's a bad mother, Leo. I know. I've known from day one; I've just gotten used to it." You pick up a rock and toss it into the lake. "Honestly, we're better off out of each other's hair anyway; put us in a room together and make us talk, we'll probably burn the house down."
 Leo doesn't know how to respond; he's never felt like that. Ever. Even with his dad, there's always been some level of affection there, even though his dad is a Greek god who only pops in when he wants something; Hephaestus has never straight-up ignored him, never made his favouritism clear.
 Leo finds he wants to punch something, and not even the steady whisper of the lake can calm him down. He walks a little bit behind you as the silence settles, you picking up random rocks and tossing them into the water, apologising profusely when the eighteen tentacled octopus pokes its head up and yells at you. 
Your calmness makes it even worse, though, because that lets Leo know that this treatment is something you've grown used to. You've never known any different. 
Three days in, and Emma still insists on keeping you at Camp Half-Blood. 
"You're not leaving until that giant is dead, and that might take a while." 
You drape your arm over your forehead, still sprawled across her bed in the Ares cabin. It's a pretty musty cabin, to be fair, but you won't mention that when all of Emma's siblings are glaring daggers at you. "Do you have any idea how many assessments I'm missing? Mr Wrightchuck is gonna be furious with me, and I do not have the mental energy to deal with his shit right now."
 Emma throws a pair of shorts at you. "Shut up and fold those for me." 
 You grunt, sitting up and getting to work; you've decided to make yourself at least a little bit useful around here. These people were nice enough to offer you accommodation, even though it's clear being around mortals isn't exactly their everyday routine. The amount of times you've hissed in pain because of your hand and been offered a chunk of ambrosia is uncountable. 
 "So," Emma starts suddenly, taking you by surprise; she hardly ever initiates conversations, preferring to brood in her own head when she can get away with it. 
You look at her, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the bright pink laundry hamper she stole off your Aunt Grace. She's not even looking up, lips pursed, eyebrows raised as if expecting you to fill in the blanks from that single word. 
"So, what?" you push. "What did I just say, Emma? I don't have the mental energy-"
 "You and Leo have been hanging out an awful lot these past few days." 
You pause. That certainly wasn't what you had been expecting to hear. 
"Uh. . . I suppose. He's a cool guy. Cool fire, and stuff." You wriggle your fingers, imitating flames, though Emma's sideways glare makes you mumble an apology and drop your hand to your side. "Is there something wrong with Leo and I being pals?"
 "Leo's a very. . . hopeful boy," Emma replies. "He tends to get lost in his own fantasies sometimes."
 You blink. "What, like kinks?" 
 Emma groans, throwing some socks at you. "No, you idiot! When he likes someone, he tends to get a little carried away. It's quite sad to see, actually." 
"What does that have to do with me and him being friends?"
 Emma glances at you; you recognise that look. It makes your stomach curl, heat rising to your cheeks. You look away, coughing awkwardly into her shirt before you mumble, "No. No, absolutely not. Leo doesn't like me that way." 
Emma shrugs, grin spreading across her face. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying, if you don't like him that way, try and break the illusion as soon as possible. It's easier to just rip the bandaid off."
 "You're heartless." 
"I'm a daughter of Ares, Y/N. We don't bullshit people. We say it how it is."
 You scowl, snatching another set of trousers from her wash pile and getting to work, trying to ignore the thump of your heartbeat, which suddenly seems to have sped up a fair bit.
You lose track of how long it has been since you last saw your mother. 
This happens sometimes, these long stretches of time when neither of you will acknowledge the other person; it's easier that way, just pretending she doesn't exist, just pretending the house is empty besides you.
 You've been caught up in camp activities these past few weeks. Your hand is starting to heal, the nerves tingling, which Will says is a good sign. You've been talking to other campers, learning more and more about the world Emma has kept hidden from you for so long, a world that fascinates you, a world you will never want to be properly part of. 
Now, however, you see her. Sitting on her own by the lake, knobbly knees pulled into her chest, dazed eyes locked on the swirling water in front of her. The little sea creatures have long since hidden, probably put-off by the presence of a stranger, but your mother doesn't seem to care. She just sits all on her own, long hair billowing out behind her as the moon begins to rise in the distance.
 You lean against a tree just a little bit behind her and say, "Are you not cold?" 
She doesn't even flinch, like the voice of her child has no effect on her whatsoever. Instead, she digs her fingernails into the dirt and grabs a handful of stones, lobbing them into the lake. 
You sigh and crouch down next to her; she smells of sweat and dirt, a sure sign that she hasn't been taking much care of herself these past few weeks. "Let's go back to the Big House, Mum. You're gonna get hypothermia out here."
 "He will protect me," she replies. "He's always protecting me." 
"You mean Ares? Emma's Dad?" 
"He's protected me from day one; he loves Emma and I. He's just busy." 
You swallow, staring at the side of her face. "I'm sure he does, Mum. But he's clearly running a little late right now, so he's asked me to come make sure you get wrapped up before the wind eats you alive." You gaze at the trees. "Which I'm pretty sure is a thing that actually happens here." 
Finally, your mum gazes at you, lower lip trembling. "I just want him to talk to me." 
You freeze; it's most unlike your mother to talk like this, especially to you. She rants and raves about Ares to Emma, but she barely pays you any attention when it comes to things like this. You don't really know how to handle it, whether you should comfort her and tell her Ares loves her - this Greek god, surviving somewhere on Mount Olympus, overlooking the entire world. Yes, of course he still loves her. Of course he does. 
But the other half of you just doesn't want to lie. You don't want to get her hopes up any more than they already are, because anyone with a brain will be able to see that Ares has long since forgotten about the mortal woman he apparently fell in love with, and the daughter they created together.
 So, you grab your mum's hand and drag her to her feet. She slumps against you like a child having a tantrum, and you have to basically lift her off the floor to get anywhere. Nonetheless, you eventually have her standing, and together, you walk up the hill, back to the main camp.
 It's dark, probably past curfew, but campers are still walking about. Mostly the Apollo cabin, never off their feet with the casualties they have to tend to in a day, though there are other campers enjoying a late night cup of hot chocolate by the fire, laughing merrily. They don't notice you walking up the hill, don't notice your mum mumbling to herself, words you can't even grasp being right beside her. 
"The Ares cabin," your mum suddenly blurts.
 You pause, nearly stumbling over your own two feet as your head whips around to the direction she is now staring, eyes wide.
 "Yes, Mum," you grumble. "That is the Ares cabin - now, can we keep moving before my fingers fall off?"
 "Is that where you've been sleeping these past few weeks?" 
You narrow your eyes. "What? Yes, Mum, it is; Emma lets me sleep with her, now can we please-" 
"He isn't your father." 
You stop dead in your tracks; oh no. You've heard this line of speech before, and it's never pleasant. Mum gets angry, enraged, when she thinks you're trying to take on the same status as her beloved Emma, daughter of the war god. She likes to keep you in your place, which is a good few tiers below everybody else, apparently. 
"I know that," you say quickly. "Emma was just nice enough to lend me her bed so I didn't have to sleep in the Hermes cabin - you know I don't know my way around here, so-"
 "He wouldn't like you sleeping amongst his children. He told me."
 "He what now?"
 She shakes out of your grip, gritting her teeth. Her eyes are wild, dilated beyond anything you've ever seen, and when she next speaks, the words are a cry. "He told me!" She shakes her head, gripping the strands of hair between trembling fingers. "He's so mad at me, Y/N; he told me it was disrespectful to have a child with another man. He said he would burn you to the ground if you stepped out of line. He said he would kill you, just to teach me a lesson for going behind his back!" 
You blink. You're used to this. You're meant to be used to this, but holy mother of god - gods? - you don't know what she's on about. You've never heard her talk like this. You've never heard her speak of your death before, and the words coming from her mouth are so eerie, so fucking terrifying that you stumble back, hands trembling, tears rushing to the surface. 
"You crazy bitch." 
She laughs, loud and clear so the entire camp's attention turns directly to her. "That's what he said! He called me insane, and then he said he loved me and gave me a child - and that child certainly wasn't you."
 "Mum, what are you-" 
"He talks to me sometimes, you know." She nods, hands still buried in her hair, tugging her eyes back so she looks demented. "In my head, he talks. We have little conversations, but he's been so much more talkative since we arrived here, like this place really is my home." She releases her hair, eyes dimming. "But you're not meant to be here; he told me that, too. He said Emma and I were welcome amongst his kind, but not you - not a bastard like you." 
You look around; all the demigods are on their feet now, staring at the scene in confusion. It's embarrassing, absolutely mortifying to suddenly be the centre of their attention, especially under such circumstances.
"Okay," you croak out. "Okay, that's fine - I'll go, then. Leave you and Emma here. I don't mind, Mum. You don't have to get angry." 
Mum's nostrils flare. "It's not me who's angry - it's him-" 
"Well, tell him that he doesn't have to get his godly bollocks in a twist, because I'm leaving." You raise your hands in faux surrender, taking a few tentative steps back. "I'm leaving, and you'll never have to see me again." 
The words hurt, but they're the truth - especially now. Mum doesn't respond, merely stares as you take a few more steps backwards, turn on your heel and dart towards the Ares cabin, fighting desperately to push the tears away, because crying is stupid. 
This is just your mum being. . . your mum, just as she's always been. Sure, her words tonight were a little harsher than you're used to, but her neglect has given you thick skin, thick enough to take her words on the chin.
 You see the Ares cabin, and run right past it towards the lake. You nearly slip in the mud on your way down the hill, catching yourself before finally crumbling to the floor against a tree by the lake side. 
You'll take her words on the chin, but you'll cry over them first.
 When Leo hears the news, he's pretty sure his blood turns to fire.
 He's half-asleep, but that doesn't stop his understanding of Will's words, his descriptions of the scene he just witnessed at the camp fire.
 And the thing is, after hearing all the things your mum has done to you, Leo isn't even surprised to hear it's finally boiled over.
 Doesn't make him any less angry. 
He storms out of the Hephaestus cabin wearing nothing but his pyjamas. He feels the heat beneath his skin, threatening to break the surface as he forces it down, gritting his teeth. He's half tempted to turn to the Big House to give your mum a piece of his mind, but his main concern at the moment is you, and where you've gone, and where you plan on going, because according to Will, your last words to her were "I'm leaving, and you'll never have to see me again." That's a horrible thought. Leo doesn't want to think about that. 
He heads to the lake, because according to Will, that's the direction you were running, and Leo knows how much you like the lake; it calms you down, you said, and he stored that piece of information in his brain for weeks, as if in preparation for this very moment.
 He stops at the top of the hill and gazes down, lighting up the darkness with a ball of fire cupped in the palm of his hand. You don't flinch at the sudden intrusion, instead curling into a tighter ball against the roots of a tree, burying your head in your knees. The sight breaks his heart. He swallows, slowly waddling down the hill, careful not to fall in the dirt. 
You don't look up when he finally arrives at your side. "Y/N." 
"Who told you?" 
Leo crouches. "Will. He said you seemed upset."
 "That's literally nobody's business."
 Leo sighs, slumping against the tree beside you; his shoulder brushes your own, and for a moment, you stiffen against his side. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you're not cool with that," he says. "I'm not being nosy or anything." 
"Yes, you are." 
"No, I'm really not. I just wanted to make sure that witch didn't hurt your feelings too bad." He pauses. "What did she actually say?" 
Your head snaps up, eyes blood shot, lips dry. "Ah, see! You are just being nosy!" 
He swats your arm, scowling. "Be quiet, no I'm not; but how am I meant to help you if I don't even know what happened?"
 "I never said I wanted help, Leo. My mum not caring about me isn't something that can just be helped." And you didn't even realise those were the words you were going to say, because they sound so heartbreaking, so self-pitying, even though they're the truth. You've always just brushed your mothers behaviour off as normal, the only hand you've ever been dealt, but phrasing it in that way, claiming she doesn't care . . . something about that makes your heart break. 
Your lower lip trembles before you can stop it, fresh tears springing to the surface. You remember holidays, catching Emma wrapping up gifts of her own to give to you, just so you could wake up to something on Christmas morning. You remember making your own Halloween costume because your mother spent all her money on Emma's. You remember thinking it was okay, because it was all you ever knew. 
You're older now, though. You can recognise mistreatment when you see it, but it's still a blow to the chest realising that you were on the other end of it, that you're a victim, whether you want to deny it or not.
 Leo notices your sudden change of emotions and immediately lurches forward. His fingers are hot, almost scalding when they make contact with your arm, his brown eyes burning holes into your own. His eyebrows are furrowed when he says your name in a whisper, just your name, like nothing else needs to be said.
 You close your eyes. "I'm fine." 
"I wish you'd stop saying that. It's starting to grate on my skull, and I can't afford that kind of damage." 
You let out a breath of a laugh, just because you think it's appropriate; in truth, you find none of this funny. You want to curl up and cry. You want to leave Camp Half-Blood and everything it stands for, start a life away from demigods and Greek gods alike.
 What's stopping you? 
Leo's hands heat up on your arm, forcing you to look at him again. He's closer now, head tilted, all amusement flushed from his features, which is a sad enough sight on it's own. It's been two seconds, but you already miss that sparkle in his eyes. 
"Hey," he says quietly. "Talk to me."
 And you do. You don't know why, but you do. The words pour out like a broken faucet, a complete mess of incoherence's that Leo - and only Leo - would ever be able to understand. He nods along like the words are making sense, like these sentences aren't just complete gibberish.
When you finish explaining everything that happened down at the camp fire, you gasp, starved for air. Leo grabs your hand and tugs you forward, cupping your face in his attempts to calm you down; you didn't realise the tears had started pouring, didn't realise you're breathing heavily, totally lost, unable to catch a breath.
 "Calm down," he mumbles. "Y/N, calm down. I'm here. I've got you, pal, I've got you." 
You close your eyes, leaning into his palm. He traces his thumbs along your cheeks before slowly, slowly, slowly running his hand over your ear, tucking a strand of hair back. His eyes never leave your face, despite the state you know you are in, how awful you must look. 
"I'm sorry," you choke out. "I didn't mean to. . . to get so worked up." 
"Don't be stupid," he replies. "Did she really say all that to you?" 
"She's not in her right mind out here. She thinks she's one of you guys, that she can be part of the group just because-" 
"Because she slept with Ares?" 
You laugh, exhausted. "Yes, exactly." 
Leo rolls his eyes, finally letting his hands drop back to his sides. "Honestly, everyone and their grandfather has probably slept with Ares. She's nothing special, and she needs to get that through her head." He pauses. The air crackles. "But - uh - you're, you know, special. Very special."
 You blink, certain you heard him wrong. The words don't really make sense in this context, so you're trying to disentangle them. 
Finally, you crack and say, "What?" 
Leo rubs the back of his neck, glancing awkwardly over his shoulder. Over the hill, everything is silent as Half-Bloods sleep, unknowing to the panic attack that has just captured you, unknowing to the magic Leo has just cast to calm you down. 
"I said you're special," he mumbles. "In a good way, I mean. Like, a really good way."
 Your heart thunders. "Thank you?"  
     "You're welcome." He looks at you then, chirping up. "But seriously, don't let her get to you. She's just a love sick psycho who doesn't know when to back down. Clingy ex-girlfriend and all that."
 He changes the topic so swiftly it nearly gives you whiplash. You stare at him for another moment, and just when you're about to open your mouth to continue the previous, deserted conversation, Leo stands and reaches his hand out. "Shall we go before Hedge thinks there's some funny business going on?" 
You nod dumbly, taking his hand only because you don't know what you want to say in response to what he has just said - he called you special, and he said it like it was just. . . normal, like it was something you could slip in without any further questions being asked. 
You try and let the subject drop as Leo leads you back into camp. He walks you to the door of the Ares cabin, and it is there that he turns to you and says, voice low, "You can sleep in my cabin if your mum is in there; Chiron won't mind, and I won't either." 
"No, it's okay," you reply. "Mum's staying in the Big House; I'll just slip in next to Emma." You glance at him, his eyes meeting yours because he never looked away. He looks so sweet beneath the lantern light, flames dancing across his skin like they were always meant to be there, like Leo has lived his life in fire and came out smiling every time. "Thank you, Leo; you really didn't have to help me tonight." 
He scoffs. "Don't be daft. Next time you have any issues, I want you to run to me instead of the river naiads, you hear?" 
You smile and nod. "I hear." 
And so, Leo and you bid each other goodnight, and you watch as he walks across camp, past the Hephaestus cabin, right in the direction of Bunker 9. Half of you wants to go after him, question him on his use of the word special earlier on, but you don't. Your limbs are heavy with exhaustion, and so you turn on your heel and head into the Ares cabin, unable to stop the tiny smile that forms on your face. 
 Bunker 9 looks very nice in the morning.
 "Oh, the tin is just glistening!"
 Leo yelps, dropping a spanner on the ground as he whirls around. His overalls are covered in oil, along with his face, arms, legs, and every other body part that is presented to you on this fine Monday morning. In your hand is a plate of steaming cinnamon buns that Leo's eyes immediately fix upon, his startled expression quickly being replaced by one of pure hunger. You're almost certain you see his mouth salivating. 
You tug the plate back, holding one arm out. "Not so fast, Fire Boy." 
He frowns. "What did you just call me?"
 "No cinnamon buns for you until you tell me how many hours of sleep you got last night." 
Leo raises a brow, a tiny smirk making an appearance. "Are you kidding?" 
"Nope. I want the details, Valdez, or these cinnamon buns are all mine." 
"That's really unfair, and very unnecessary. A body like mine was made to work off two hours sleep." 
Your eyes widen. "Two hours? Leo!" 
"Can you just hand me my breakfast already?" 
You groan, but a promise is a promise. You set the plate down on a nearby toolbox before pushing yourself onto the counter, legs swinging. Leo dives for the plate, nudging your knee with his hip as he grabs the first cinnamon bun he can see and stuffs it in his mouth, nearly swallowing the thing whole.
 "Watch you don't choke." 
"Why are you so protective this morning?" 
"Two hours sleep, Leo? That's awful." 
He shrugs, fingers hovering over the plate as he searches for his next victim. "I'm used to it. I'm not even tired! It was a really refreshing two hours."
 "You get worse, you know."
 Leo rolls his eyes, looking up at you. "And how many hours of sleep did you get, Sleeping Beauty?" 
"More than two hours."
He clicks his fingers. "I want the details." 
You roll your eyes, swatting his hand away. "I had six hours, if you must know. I'm refreshed and ready for my day!"
 "So am I."
"And what?" 
You laugh, and Leo smiles, making the noise louder than it really is.
 "But no," he continues. "Don't you go worrying about me, dear. Ol' Leo Valdez can handle himself." 
"Ol' Leo Valdez needs to take a nap."
 "A nap? Sounds cowardly." He grabs the spanner from the floor, spins it in the air, catches it with an ease that makes your breath catch. "How about I show you the new updates I've made to Festus?" 
Festus, Leo's pride and joy, the one thing in the world he will talk about for hours upon hours on end; you've sat there and listened to him every single time, absorbing every word, even if you don't understand it. He talks about circuits and updates and tools you have never heard of, but he says it all with such enthusiasm it's almost impossible not to get involved. And even though you know you should be stubborn, insisting on him getting into bed right this instant, you want to see him in that state again. You always want to see him in that state, eyes glittering with passion, hands moving all over the place, smile brighter than anything. 
He doesn't need an answer. You simply smile at him, slightly exasperated, and he says, "Alright!" before spinning on his heel, the very beginning of his lecture.
 You listen to him talk like how you would listen to lo-fi music. Your legs swing back and forth, back and forth, a tiny smile gracing your features. Leo shows you different parts, illuminating the inside of Festus's new helmet with fire ignited in his calloused palm. It makes his grin impossibly brighter. It makes his curls that little bit darker. It's him.
 Finally, he spins and says, "Cool, right?" and even though you were mildly distracted the entire time, you nod and say, "Very cool. As always."
 "What are you doing here so early, anyway?" He strolls over, casually plucking another cinnamon roll off the plate and taking a bite. 
 "I saw you heading to Bunker 9 last night and just assumed this was where you slept. I thought you said you didn't sleep in here?"
 He shrugs. "I sleep in here when I'm stressed; gets me away from the ruckus of everyone else, you know." 
You raise a brow. "You were stressed?"
 "Of course I was stressed." He looks at you, exasperated. "Do you not remember anything we discussed last night?" 
You blink; it's not that you had forgotten - there's no way you'll be forgetting that night any time soon - but you thought for sure Leo had. Yes, he'd been there to help you through it, and he was the reason you went to bed smiling, but you were still a mortal, and your problems surely could never be as big as his. You genuinely sat in front of him and cried about feeling neglected by your mother when his own mother is dead, and his Dad doesn't even talk to him, too busy producing other godly children. But here he is, head tilted and eyes slashed with worry. You almost want to look away, but the colour in them has become so noticeably entrancing these past few weeks that you find it nearly impossible to do so. 
"I didn't mean to stress you out," is all you can manage. "I was just ranting." 
"You were crying." 
"I was - I mean - like - yeah, I guess, but you don't have to stress." 
Leo narrows his eyes. "You really are dense, aren't you?"
 You open your mouth, ready to chastise him for saying such a thing, but your words are swallowed by the loud clang clang clang of the door opening. Leo stares at you for a second longer before glancing over his shoulder, sharing your shock at the sight of Will popping his head in the door. His lower lip is pulled between his teeth, movements slow and timid. 
"Uh, sorry to interrupt," he says. "But we kind of need Y/N up at camp."
 Those words are terrifying. They jolt you and Leo into action almost immediately; you slip off the counter, stumbling over a few discarded wrenches and old toolboxes. Leo catches you before you can fall, but neither of you comment on your suddenly linked hands before following Will out the door, curiosity getting the better of you. 
You hear the commotion before you see it. 
The sound of your mothers shrill voice is all-too familiar, and it echoes now. Bouncing off trees, sinking into the dirt, giving you a blistering headache that immediately makes you want to turn around and pretend you never heard it. But there's a crowd, an ocean of demigods, all with weapons and angry expressions trained on the woman who raised you - the woman who tried raising you - and despite the anger you once felt towards her, you pick up your pace, rush into the scene and say, "Ay! Get that spear out of my face!" 
The demigod - you don't even know who she is - stumbles back, gaping at you. You don't give her the time of day, instead pivoting on your heel towards your mother. 
There she is, stood in the middle of the clearing with her arms above her head, screaming up at the sky. Blood coats her elbows and knees. Chiron and Emma are beside her, but it seems like both of them have given up trying to make her see sense; they simply stare, Emma with tears in her eyes, Chiron looking like he's on the verge of booting her out of camp right this instant.
 Leo stumbles to your side and grabs your arm. "What's wrong with her?" 
You touch your mum's arm. "Mum, you're being proper embarrassing right now." 
She spins. Her hair is matted, the product of having not been washed in weeks. Her eyes are dark, lips chapped and bitten, utterly destroyed. You've seen her when she's having one of her episodes, but this is worse. This is the worst you've ever seen it. It breaks your heart, even though it shouldn't. It was only last night she was basically calling you worthless, a mistake, the reason her little affair with a Greek god didn't work out. 
You swallow. "Mum. . . It's me." 
 You bite your lip, trying to ignore how much that hurts. "Uh. . . not quite, but nearly. Emma's over there."
 "Don't get me involved in this," Emma spits, roughly swiping a hand across her cheek. "I don't want anything to do with her."
 Your heart judders. Your mother's eyes narrow, like she's taking a little longer to process her first childs words. You decide to step in before she has a chance to. 
"No, Mum, I'm not Emma, I'm Y/N. I'm here to - uh - take you home."
 As soon as you say it, you want to curl in on yourself. It's a truth you've been trying to avoid these past few weeks, the idea of finally breaking away from camp and heading back to your shitty apartment with your shitty mother to live a shitty life of online classes and pretending everything is normal and okay. Behind you, Leo mumbles, "Sorry, what was that?" which hurts your heart even more.  "Yeah," you continue, taking another timid step towards her. A branch cracks beneath your foot, and your mother flinches, looks up into the sky like the sound of a god appearing will be nothing more than a simple crack. 
"Yeah, Mum, we're gonna go home, and you're gonna get some rest, okay? You look exhausted."
 "Exhausted," she mumbles. "Home."
 "Home, yeah. Remember home? We liked it there. Things were normal there."
 Mum's nostrils flare. "Normal-" 
"But our house is also where Ares thinks we are right now!" you barrel on. "He's got our address in his little address book - he doesn't actually know we're at Camp Half-Blood right now."
 Her shoulders deflate, eyes brightening. "Oh. You're right. He's probably visited so many times and we haven't even been there! He's going to be so angry!" 
"So, so angry." You wrap your arm around her shoulder, gently drawing her away from the crowd of angry demigods, of sobbing sisters and confused centaurs. You meet Leo's eyes only once, and it's enough to shatter your being, enough for the burning of tears to erupt through your senses. You want to turn and run to him, tell him you're sorry, promise to never leave him, but the feelings are so extraordinary and so weird, unfamiliar, that you can't. 
You turn your gaze to the floor and guide your mother through the crowd towards the Big House, uttering words about home and comfort, and going back to a life you want to abandon for good. You pretend it's all okay, because that's all you've ever known. 
Leo finds you that same night. 
You left your mother in Chiron's care. She fell asleep immediately, and you were free to do what you wanted after that, but the thought of parading through Camp Half-Blood after being in the centre of such a weird scene made your stomach curl, so you stayed by her side until you were positive most of the campers were in bed, sleeping.
Except Leo, of course.
 He sits down in the grass, shoulder brushing yours. You don't look over; you know it's him just from the scent of oil, and the way he cracks his knuckles, and the way he awkwardly coughs into the darkness. These are all little things of him you have memorised. Each one makes your heart ache. 
Finally, after what feels like forever, he speaks. "You don't have to do all that, you know."
"Do what?" 
"Stick up for her. Make her comfortable.
" You shrug. "I know I don't."
 "So why do you do it?" 
"Because she's my mum."
 "She's barely your mum. She doesn't even do the bare minimum for you." 
True. Painfully, awkwardly true. 
You shrug again. Leo sighs, tilting his head back. When you glance over, you see him gazing up at the stars, jaw clenched in a way that throws off the soft features of his face you have grown so used to seeing. You don't like it. 
You reach over and poke his cheek in an attempt to make him loosen up. He closes his eyes. "I don't get it." 
"Why you have to be the one taking care of her when she's never taken care of you." 
You swallow thickly. "I'm not. . . I'm not taking care of her. I'm just-" 
"Then what was that back there?"
 "That was me trying to make sure my mum didn't get a spear shoved down her throat. It's basic human decency, Leo." 
He purses his lips, like this is something he has never heard of.
 You sigh, slumping back against a tree. "I don't hate my mum, you know; she's done some fucked up stuff to me, but I don't hate her."
 Leo stares at you. His eyes are lazors, flames, beams pouring into the side of your head, and you want to look at him, but you think it would be a very bad idea right now.
 Neither of you say anything for what feels like forever, which is a big deal when sitting with someone like Leo Valdez. The only noise filling in the silence is the steady drip of rain drops rolling down the leaves, bouncing against the lakes surface. A few ocean creatures peak their heads up, examine the scene, duck back beneath the water. 
And then, "Are you actually leaving?"
 You bite back a sob. "You didn't expect me to stay here forever, did you?"
 Leo doesn't respond. 
"She's not well here," you continue, tilting your head back. The moon waves at you. The stars smile. "She was bad at home, but being here - around this kind of thing - it's going to drive her insane." 
"She's a grown woman." 
"Ares messed her up." It's the first time you've said it out loud, the truth. Your mother was okay before she met that man. You've heard stories from your grandparents, your aunts and uncles, of the days when your mum was winning medals for her skills in ballet, the days she was getting awards for her academic success, the days where she played mediator in a house full of people who could never see eye-to-eye on anything. You listened to them with only half-interest, because you never fully believed them. You had lived with the crazy side of her for too long by that point.
 But it's true. Ares waltzed into her life, promised her the world, gave her this child with skills beyond human comprehension, gave her a taste of real love for the first time in her life - and then he left. 
 "Why do gods think they can just get away with that?" you find yourself asking before you can stop. "Mess with people's lives like that. Why do they think that's okay?" 
Leo sighs. "They run the world. They can do whatever they want." 
"That seems really unfair." 
"Yeah, well, it's also unfair that you have to give up your own happiness for your mum." 
You close your eyes; there it is again, the topic breached. Leo doesn't understand that this is all you've ever known - caring for her, making sure she's okay, being ignored and neglected because you're not the gods child. He doesn't understand that this has been your life from day one. You were never given a chance to mind it. You were never given a chance to know anything else.
 "You know, I think this place could really benefit with someone like you." 
You look at him. "You're just saying that." 
He shrugs, picking up a pebble and lobbing it at the lake. Always keeping his hands moving, never being still. "Maybe. Maybe I'm just a little desperate for you to stay." He looks at you. "Is that weird?" 
You swallow, unable to respond, because you want to tell him no, no of course it's not weird, please keep talking and I'll stay, I'll stay here with you, I'll never leave, I never wanted to leave in the first place.
 Leo looks down at his hands, fingers fiddling with the threads dangling from his overalls. "Sorry. I - I didn't mean to - like - put you on the spot or anything. I just care about you. A lot. And I hate seeing you upset. It bothers me."
 The way it says it, words spoken through gritted teeth, makes your heart stutter. Oddly, it reminds you of those days spent laughing in Bunker 9, calling him stupid as he tried so hard to keep you amused, like he wanted to keep your attention as firm as possible so you wouldn't get up and leave. For once in your life, someone wants you to stay. 
 And it's sad - heartbreaking, even - that you have been cursed with these circumstances, that the mere notion of staying at Camp Half-Blood is so beyond reality; you're no demigod. Even if your mother were to head home on her own, do you a favour for once, the chances of Chiron being allowed to let you stay are incredibly, incredibly slim. You won't entertain the idea. You won't get your hopes up like that. You won't play to your own feelings, because that has never done anything for you, nothing but leave you in a state of despair.
 And so, you keep quiet, staring out over the lake with Leo by your side, his hands working, his mind probably racing, your heart a steady thump in the distance. 
The next day, you are ready to leave.
 You packed all your things the night before. You said all your goodbyes the night before. You and Emma got into a brutal argument the night before, and now you're stood before her, trembling from head to toe as you patiently wait for Chiron to lead your mother to Thalia's pine tree so the both of you can finally be let go. 
Emma stares at you. She's been doing that since last night, her hands balled into fists, jaw strong, so she looks a little bit like her father; you can say that now. You hate him. You think you'd punch him in the face if you ever saw him. 
"I can't believe you're actually doing this for her."
 "I never understood why you hate her so much - you're the one she actually cares about." 
Emma grits her teeth, looking to the ground in that way she so often does when she's trying not to punch you square in the face. "That's not the point."
 "You don't even deny it any more," you scoff. "You've just come to terms with the fact that she basically worships the ground you walk on. How about you start understanding how lucky you are rather than giving me grief for taking care of her?" 
"Taking care of her?" Emma bursts. "She's your mother! She should be taking care of you!" 
"Right, but that's not the way things have turned out, so we might as well cut the shit now before-" 
"Leo spoke to me, you know." You freeze. Your mouth stays open, eyes widening; Leo is the absolute last thing you want to talk about right now, not after last night, not after hearing the hint of heartbreak in his voice when he realised it was too late, you were too far gone, there was no keeping you. 
Emma nods, even though you haven't said anything, even though you can do nothing but stare at her in complete shock and bewilderment. "Yeah, Leo Valdez, the boy you're head over heels in love with." 
You splutter. "What?"
 "Oh, don't play dumb! I've seen the way you are with each other. I've seen the way you look at him. I've seen the way he looks at you, and for fuck sake Y/N, you shouldn't have to give all that up for someone like her!" 
"That person you're on about is our mother!"
 "And what? That means you have to put your entire life on hold for her?" Emma drops her sword in a move close to desperation, startling you when she barrels forward and grabs your shoulders. She holds you at arms length, eyes like fire. "You're my only little sibling, Y/N; it's my job more than anything else to look after you, and I'm not going to sit back and let your selflessness ruin your whole life." 
You blink, and only then do the tears make an appearance. You think of Leo, even though you hate it, even though you've already said your goodbyes to him and you should just leave it at that. He hugged you, and you hugged him, and you apologised and he told you there was nothing to be sorry for - it was the perfect potential ending, but you don't want it to be over.
 Emma is right; you're jeopardising your own happiness for this woman. 
Emma stares at you, the tears leaking from your eyes. Her own lower lip trembles, but she's Emma, so she won't start crying. Not properly.
 You inhale shakily, ducking your head down. "I can't let her go home on her own, Em. She'll never make it. She'll never agree to go if she doesn't have someone with her." 
"So I'll go."
 You freeze. "What?" 
Emma tilts her head forward, catching your eye. "I said, I'll go. I'll take her home, get her settled, and then I'll get someone to come take care of her - a professional. Someone who should have been there for her a long bloody time ago. You can stay here for a while." 
Your heart thunders. You're certain you've heard her wrong, because this isn't right - none of this is right. Emma's the demigod. She should be the one staying here whilst you get shipped off back home with your mother. That's how things have always been, how things were always meant to be. But when you look back at your older sister now, there is no glimmer of amusement in her eyes; she's being serious, more serious than you've ever seen her before.
 She squeezes your shoulders, curling her stubby nails into the fabric of your hoodie. "I mean it, Y/N. If you want to stay here-" 
"I do," you croak out. "I really, really do." 
"For Leo?" 
You blink. 
Emma grins. "For Leo." She pats your shoulder, nearly knocking you off your feet. "Go, before her and Chiron make an appearance. I think Valdez is-"
 But you don't let her finish. You know where Leo is even without her input, and so you throw yourself into her arms, squeal a thank you in her ear before sprinting off down the hill towards Bunker 9. 
The gods should be yelling at you right now, casting lightning and rain and every other deadly element down upon you, because this must be so far out of the rule book. This must be going entirely against everything they have ever set up, every rule they have laid out - a mortal in one of their demigod camps? A mortal hanging around their children like their even close to being equal. Complete blasphemy.
 But you don't care. Not when you round the corner to see the door to Bunker 9 already wide open, little flashes of Leo Valdez skimming past the entryway. 
You pause in the trees, craning your neck to catch a glimpse of what he is doing, and it is only then do you see the spanner smash against one of the windows. The glass doesn't shatter, but it shakes and it makes a loud noise, and it's followed closely by Leo yelling out a curse that would get him blown to smithereens if his father were to hear it. 
You sprint towards the door. "Leo?" 
He spins around, eyes widening. He grips his hand, blood seeping from one of his fingers, dribbling down his wrist and landing upon his boots. He doesn't seem to care, though, simply staring at you in shock. 
And then, "Y/N?" 
You throw yourself forward, grabbing his wrist. The blood from his gets caught beneath your fingers, but you don't care. You stare at it, shaking your head, whispering his name over and over, and all he can do is stare at you, dumbfounded, before he exclaims, "Hey, wait!" and stumbles back, yanking his hand from your grip in the process.
 "Leo, let me have a look at that-" 
"You shouldn't be here right now!"
 "Okay, Leo, yes, we'll discuss that later, but please, let me look at your hand. What the hell did you even do?" 
 You reach for him, but he's like a wild animal, startled and afraid. He stumbles back, nearly tripping over a toolbox discarded on the floor. You notice the mess that wasn't there this morning, the tools laying everywhere, sheets of torn paper thrown left, right and centre, broken glass littering the hard floor.
 "Jesus, Leo," you gasp. "What have you been doing in here?"
 "Why are you back? Why aren't you away yet?"
 You lift your gaze, narrowing your eyes. "If you want me to go, you can just say so." And right now, looking at the scene around you and the state of Leo's hand, and his startled expression, you don't even feel bad that he very well might just ask you to turn and leave. Your mind is preoccupied, wanting nothing more than to grab him and force him to shut up so you can pay some attention to the gaping wound on the tip of his finger. His mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. He's staring at you, unable to move, small of his back pressed against the workbench. The blood welling in his fingertip looks to only be getting worse. 
"Leo," you say softly. "Please, can we talk about this later?" 
He doesn't respond, but he doesn't run away when you take a step towards him, either. His eyes never leave your own as you reach for his hand and pull him towards a chair in the corner, slowly pushing him into it. You softly ask him to reach into that magic toolbelt of his to pull out some medical supplies, and he does so with trembling hands, never saying a word, never really needing to.
 You get to work in silence, trying to ignore the thumping of your own heart, the tremble of your own hands, the desperate need you have to just apologise over and over and over for scaring him so bad, for startling him to the point where he can't even form a full sentence, to the point where he was willing to run away from you. 
You clean the wound and bandage it the best way you can, remembering all those times as a child when you would cut yourself by accident and your mum would be too dazed or too neglectful to take you to the hospital or do anything about it herself. 
Leo watches your hands working wonders until it's all finally complete and you step back, admiring your handiwork with a pleased grin on your face. "Not too shabby." 
Leo swallows. Finally you take the time to look at him, his pale face and startled eyes; he looks like he's on the verge of tears, which really isn't the reaction you were hoping to receive when you walked back into Bunker 9.
 You fold your arms over your chest, nibbling your bottom lip as you say, "I'm staying."
 Leo exhales shakily. "I don't get it. Last night you were so adamant-"
 "I know. I know I was, but I never wanted to go in the first place."
 "So why-" 
"Emma made me realise some things." You push yourself onto the workbench behind you, the very same spot you always found yourself sitting when Leo is working away on one of his projects. You used to sit with your legs pulled beneath you, watching him work in silence. 
 He stares at you. "I fully prepared myself to never see you again." 
You wince. "I'm sorry."
 And then he's scrambling out of his chair, stumbling between your legs, grabbing your hands, tugging them into his chest, all in that order. You gasp at the touch, the rough fabric of his plaster rubbing against your wrist, the forever warm touch of his skin so familiar yet you crave it so badly. 
He's shaking his head, mumbling "No," on repeat beneath his breath
. "Leo. . ." 
"I didn't mean to make you feel bad," he says. "So don't apologise to me again, alright? I don't want it. I don't need it - all that matters now is that you're here, and you - you said you're staying." He looks up, almost timid. "Did I hear that right?" 
You nod, dazed; he's not mad. He's happy. He's smiling, and his eyes are doing that thing again where they glint and they crease into crescents, and he looks so cute, so happy, so like the Leo you've come to know and love so deeply. It makes your heart stutter. It makes  this entire thing so, so worth it. 
He grins. "Oh gods, Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. I nearly tore this place to the ground-" 
"I can see that," you croak. 
He winces, glancing awkwardly over his shoulder. "I didn't mean to - It was honestly an accident, but-" 
"It's okay, Leo." His head snaps back round. 
"It's okay?"
 "It's all okay." 
You reach forward, winding your arm around his neck, dragging him closer. His curls flood through your fingers, his eyes fluttering closed for a split second before he opens them again and says, "Can I kiss you?"
 You nod, because of course he can. He does just that, pressing his lips to yours delicately, so, so delicately, like he's afraid you'll shatter. His hands are tender on your hips, thumbs rubbing gentle, mindless circles into the fabric of your shirt, and it's all so slow, all so gentle, but your heart is exploding into constellations, sprinkling over your being in a way you have never experienced before.
 For someone who is never still, never calm, never quiet, his kisses are like a warm summer afternoon spent wading along a beach. They are aquamarine waters and birds chirping around a morning sunrise. They are everything and nothing and more than enough but never enough all in the same breath.
 He pulls away first, uncertain, glancing nervously into your eyes as he slowly releases you. He takes a steady step back, rubbing the back of his neck, and it takes everything in you not to pull him back in. 
Instead you laugh, swinging your legs back and forth like a giddy child. "Don't look so sheepish or I'll think you've poisoned me." 
"I'm not very good at that," he mumbles. "Machines don't usually need kissed, so I don't tend to do it that often." 
"I'd hope not." You grab his hand, pulling him back between your knees. "I'm sorry for scaring you earlier." 
He opens his mouth, ready to protest your apologies once again, but you cut him off with five fingertips pressed to his lips. His eyes cross over as he glares at them, making you giggle. "I know you said I shouldn't apologise, but I shouldn't have been so. . . hasty. I shouldn't have lost my temper with you. I should have let you speak-"
 "I don't say very interesting things."
 "You say the most interesting things." You drop your hand, intertwine your fingers with his. "But I'm staying, Leo. I promise." He exhales shakily, like this is what he has been waiting to hear for a while now; it breaks your heart, rejuvenates you at the same time, and you realise suddenly just how awful it would have been to pack up your stuff and head home, to live a life without Leo Valdez in it. 
 Your mother looks a little better. A little healthier. A little happier.
 Emma sits beside her, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, a denim jacket over the top. She looks happy, too, a little exhausted, but you never expected anything less. She's still smiling, though, and when her face appears in the Iris message, she lets out a happy sigh of relief.
 "I thought you two would fuck it up." 
"Go to hell, Emma," says Leo.
 You chuckle, leaning back in your seat; it's been two weeks since Mum and Emma went back to the flat together, two weeks since you agreed to spend the rest of your summer at Camp Half-Blood, working on a relationship with Leo Valdez. It's been a grand two weeks, yes, but you still have responsibilities back in the real world.
 "So, how's it going?" you ask. "Mum, you're still going to therapy, aren't you?" 
"Yes," Mum mumbles, sounding more like an anguished teenager than anything else. "I've told you both already, I don't need it - I got over Ares years ago. I have my own family now - he can go to hell." 
"Tartarus," Leo corrects. 
 You grin. It's been so long - so long - since you've heard your mum mention you in the same context as Emma, including your name in the same sentence as the word family. Leo must notice your sudden shift in mood, as he chuckles, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back. He does that sometimes, letting you know he's there, like you'd ever forget. You reach behind you and tangle your fingers with his, subtly placing your joined hands in your lap.
 "A few more weeks," you tell her. "That's all you have to endure, and then they're putting you on that trial, aren't they?" 
"Apparently," Mum replies. "I was thinking of coming to visit you." 
You and Emma share a look - the last time your mother was at Camp Half-Blood, things didn't exactly go well. The energy of this place drove her insane, reminded her of days with Ares, reminded her she'd been abandoned by the one man she ever loved. 
Leo cuts in. "Oh, no! I was hoping Y/N and I could come out there and visit you guys for the week!"
 Your head whips round. "You were?"
 "Well, yeah." Leo rolls his eyes, faux exasperation. "I did tell you about it. I haven't been back to your house since the giant threw that boulder through your window." He rubs his finger along your scarred, damaged knuckles, forever torn from the boulder that destroyed all your nerve endings. "I think it would be a grand old time, personally." 
"I agree," Emma chimes in. "And it would be less stressful for us - we can just wait here for them to arrive, and you still get to see Y/N!"
 Mum hums, thoughtful, and for just a second, you're certain she's going to revert back to her old ways. She's going to call you scum, pretend you don't exist, make you feel like shit all over again; judging by the sudden grip Leo has on your hand, he thinks the exact same thing. You thought this was over with. You thought your Mum had gotten better, that she finally realised you are her child, too, and-
 "I guess it would be a lot less hassle."
 Leo exhales. "Great! It's a date." 
"For you two, maybe," Emma grumbles. "Look, we have to leave in two minutes, so this is goodbye."
 "Jeez, Em, tell us how you really feel."
 "See you in a few weeks, assholes!" And before you or Leo can respond, the Iris message is flickering to a close, leaving you and Leo alone in Bunker 9. 
It's silent for a few seconds. Leo grips your hand, running his thumb along your knuckles, and it suddenly feels so, so hard not to cry. 
"She's getting so much better," you choke out. 
Leo's head snaps round, eyes widening at the crack in your voice. "Hey, no. Don't you start crying on me, okay? This is a good thing! Good!" He cups your face, forcing you to look at him. He has that goofy look, his eyebrows stitched together, his lips pursed; it makes you laugh every time.
 You reach up, wrapping your hands around his wrists just to keep the feel of him against you for a little longer. "I'm not going to cry. I'm not a bitch." 
"It's all good here, Y/N," he says. "I always told you it's all good here." 
And with his hands on your face, his eyes gazing into your own, the sweet weather of Camp Half-Blood flourishing outside, you know he's telling the truth. It's all good. 
189 notes · View notes
makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Everyone was all, “Tomura what do you have?” and Tomura was all,” a quirk bullet!” and they were all, “NO!!” He then threw the bullet at Aizawa, who ironically actually did have a knife, and since no one bothered to say “no!!” this time he proceeded to CHOP OFF HIS OWN LEG. Just, schwoop. Lopped it right off. Didn’t even fucking care. Anyway so then Tomura was all, “you know what who even needs quirk bullets” and somehow broke free from both Deku and Ryuukyuu to go claw off Aizawa’s face. Thankfully Todoroki “I've spent the past eight chapters puttering around waiting for the coolest moment to strike” Shouto finally decided to join the fray by impaling Tomura, and everyone was all, “ahaha, classic Shouto”, and Tomura was all, “don’t worry though I’m fine”, and it seems like he really is now, since he’s finally regenerated and all his wounds have healed again! The chapter ended with Gigantomachia stampeding towards Jakku, which is super terrible, but what else is fucking new.
Today on BnHA: The Gunga kids spend a few pages standing around letting all that trauma soak in nice and deep as Machia rampages on towards Jakku. Back in the Shigaraki Wastes, the heroes regroup, which mostly consists of the remaining conscious adults tearfully being all “you kids get out of here... save yourselves...” and the kids being all “YOU JUST SIT THERE AND CHILL, DAD” and “[EXPLETIVES]” and “I’M YOUNG AND FILLED WITH RIGHTEOUS SHOUNEN RAGE”, all of which is very entertaining to me and makes me very proud. Anyway so then Tomura’s body sort of explodes a bit, and he’s all, “what”, and then it finally sinks in that he might have popped out of the toaster early, so he tries to end the fight right there and then with another round of Decay. Except that Deku counters it by SPONTANEOUSLY LEARNING HOW TO FLY, which is probably SO CONFUSING for all the non-Gran-and-Kacchan people around, which is just one of the many things I love about it. And the other things I love about it are that it’s (1) THE MOST BADASS THING EVER, and (2) just, really fucking great. So yeah. Rage, Deku, rage.
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don’t tell me. I’m not sure I want to know what it is they’re looking at. how many of the pros are fucking dead now ffffmg
also that is an extremely intriguing chapter title, though. 75? as in percent?? oh my god is something finally going to go fucking right for our heroes. or at least, you know, less wrong
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dammit Momo he was supposed to go to sleep! WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT MATH FOR, THEN. did he grow bigger, or did she just somehow miscalculate the dosage, or is he finally going to go night-night halfway to Jakku?
btw Momo I’m not actually mad at you, you’re still the only one who fucking did anything at all. if anyone tries to give you shit, just look them in the eye and ask them “okay and how many things did YOU do?”, and they’ll be like, “oh shit, none”, and you’ll be all “yeah that’s what I fucking thought” because YEAH
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I have never seen Sero this badly shaken before. it’s somehow so shocking?? holy shit you guys, I know I’ve been saying for ages “lolo all these kids about to be traumatized af” but somehow it’s one thing to know it’s coming, and another to finally actually see it. oh god
anyway let’s just hope all of the grown-ups aren’t actually fucking dead. but based on all of the kids’ expressions, it really feels like a lot of them might be, and that’s just... ...
and they had to see it. right? is that what this is implying?? holy shit. they watched it all happen. that’s it, the rest of this arc is cancelled, please proceed directly to the emergency therapy arc right now
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holy shit look at the size of that rock that fell on the medical tent. and DS pulling people out of the wreckage. it really feels like everywhere you turn this arc, the intrepid young scamps of U.A.’s first year hero class are the ones out here keeping things one step from total disaster
oh shit
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excuse the hell out of me young Momo but what the hell is up with this use of the word “dead” with the implied “like everyone else” hanging there at the end?? what is up with that. that’s a very bad sentence I don’t like that at ALL
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I mean, I already knew they survived, though. so WHY AM I STILL SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. good grief
and in before Majestic fucking dies on the next page, having saved the children with his very last act. I fucking hate you Majestic, you blue-balling child-preserving magnificent wizard bastard
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is anyone still alive?? did the guys who were fighting off Snoopy Sno-Cone and RD back at the mansion at least make it out in one piece??
(ETA: from here on out all of these guys shall be referred to as Schrodinger's Heroes until further notice.)
so now Mineta is questioning whether or not their Smart Momo Plan even fucking did anything, which. same, Mineta, honestly. but it must have!! right?? ????
anyway so here’s some more panels of everyone dying do you want to see them. sure. why not
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can we get back to the Tomura fight now. I’ve had just about enough of this, I’d like to see some 75% business now before this turns into the most depressing chapter of all time
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goddammit. well for now my money’s on Machia collapsing just as they make it back to Jakku. so Momo’s plan does eventually work, but the League still makes it back to Tomura thus ensuring more shenanigans can take place. goddamn, lol, just when I thought the arc was nearing its climax. feels like it just fucking respawned with a full life bar
also Toga is really looking... not great. I’m so scared for whoever she ends up fighting after this. OCHAKO MY SWEET BABY GIRL PLEASE WATCH OUT
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PLEASE ARREST HIM FASTER. holy fuck if you fucking screw this up and he gets rescued I SWEAR TO GOD
oh wait is he just here to provide more backstory on Gigantomachia
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GO BURNIN’, YOU GOT THIS. also, gonna be honest, at this point I really would not mind if Machia did a little less living for Tomura and a bit more dying
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FKFKF Aizawa not looking too good oh god. and Deku looks like he’s about to spontaneously develop ALL OF HIS REMAINING QUIRKS JUST LIKE THAT ON THE SPOT, FUCK YOU TOMURA
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Shouto’s arrival is either about to make Endeavor more useless than ever, or suddenly a whole lot LESS useless, and right now it’s up in the air and I am excited but also scared
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BLAH BLAH BLAH. “SORRY I’M LATE, I WAS SAVING PEOPLE’S LIVES,” Shouto lies through his teeth, clearly not aware that Tomura has a built in GPS and knows full well that Shouto was actually only a few feet behind Bakugou and Deku and so that explanation doesn’t fly at all. the real truth must be something so embarrassing that he’s ashamed to admit it. did you get lost. did you run into an NPC who wouldn’t let you pass until you had completed some sort of quest
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just as enraged as Deku! it’s almost like he just witnessed his sensei chopping off his own leg and subsequently almost being murdered or something
(ETA: actually lol I think he’s mad at Deku, for taking off earlier and leaving him behind with Gran. though there’s no law that says he can’t be mad about two things at once! anyway so do you guys think that being beaten to the punch by Deku here may perhaps frustrate this young man and contribute to his decision to return the favor at some point later on in this battle, perhaps with dire consequences? hmm.)
anyway so if you all are keeping up with the math, and I think you are, it seems like just about every one of the adult pros is either down for the count (Aizawa, Gran), or recovering (Endeavor, Ryuukyuu??), or Might As Well Not Even Be There (a certain TWO OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL IN A TIME OUT AND HAD BETTER BE THINKING GOOD AND HARD ABOUT WHAT THEY’VE DONE. OR MORE PRECISELY, DID NOT DO OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO DO). anyway so all of that means that the only ones actually ready and raring to go here in Round 2 against the newly regenerated and POSSIBLY HAS HIS DECAY QUIRK BACK Shigaraki Tomura are... drum roll...!
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DID YOU NOT EVEN NOTICE HIS LEG BEFORE?!?!? holy -- can I -- can I please just slap them, I --
anyway so RockLockRock looks like he has something to say here. probably going to tell Deku to take Aizawa and run, as if Deku isn’t the fucking glue holding this entire operation together at this point now that Aizawa is KOed. can you believe these guys are so incompetent they’ve actually got me arguing in favor of the child soldiers now, what even
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shit. that face. he’s ready to die to give them all a chance. he knows he wouldn’t last two seconds against Tomura and yet he’s willing to sacrifice it all. damn it RLR... okay fine your time out is done now, but I’m still calling your parents
unfortunately, you’ll never believe it, but Deku doesn’t seem all that inclined to listen to this man telling him to bail and save his own skin sob
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ngl though I am living for the Enraged Vengeance Deku we’ve been seeing in these last couple chapters. maybe now everyone will stop dismissing him as just a soft boi who always eats his vegetables and doesn’t swear, and remember that in truth he’s actually a mildly unhinged feral child with an infinite pain tolerance and a god-given talent for never listening to any life-prolonging advice that adults give him ever
oop don’t tell me he’s gonna do the Decay thing again, shit
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-- uh
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“eh?” lmao what the fuck. my boy's torso just opened up like a fucking door hinge and all he can say is “eh.” this fucking manga
like he’s seriously just calmly standing there trying to assess what the heck has gone wrong
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you really don’t feel pain do you. “haha lol what why is my arm falling off I thought I fucking ascended”
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IT’S OCTOBER THIRD. looool the fuck
Tomura. my sweet little S+ ranked death machine with an A rank in knowledge. who’s spent the past 15-20 minutes battling to the death with the number one fucking hero and all his pals. who all just HAPPENED to be there all ready and waiting to fight him the instant he woke up. Tomura. buddy. did it really only just occur to you that maybe something went wrong somewhere along the line. that maybe things were not, in fact going according to keikaku. that maybe the heroes didn’t just sit around waiting for you to finish cooking in your villain bake oven. like please forgive my impudence but TOMURA ARE YOU STUPID, is what I’m saying, I guess. but gently
I really like how Deku’s just crying nonstop this entire time though. but like, you know. crying with RAGE
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lol and he’s figured it out as well, and I fucking love the connection his mind made, look at this
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sudden feelings of solidarity. “WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT, YOU AND I” lmao
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how does she still have two legs?? Horikoshi I can’t believe you forgot how many legs your own favorite character has. but anyways yes this has been your friendly reminder that Mirko saved EVERYONE and should have a battleship named after her
okay NOW he’s doing the thing
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good job Tomura you finally got them!! good thing none of them can fly, or Float. RIGHT, DEKU
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(ETA: he even grabbed Kacchan too. “I can fly by myself!” YOU SHUSH MISTER.)
(ETA 2: and what I also love about this is that we know the SIXQUIRKS are seemingly in tune with Deku’s emotions, so it honestly makes perfect sense that in the heat of the moment with Tomura threatening to kill all these people that he cares about, the quirk just basically acts on his instinct to save and doesn’t stop to ask questions. we’re saving everyone, no buts. and he even activates Float at long last, acting on that same instinct. honestly Kacchan had the exact right idea the whole time, all the way back in chapter 217. “it’ll activate when he’s in trouble, right?” exactly.)
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he’s so fucking mad. omg??! omg
okay so I’m gonna try my best to explain why I love this so much lol. all right. so the thing is, it’s actually so rare for Deku to actually take the reins like this. even though he’s the main character, even though he’s All Might’s heir, his personality is such that he genuinely doesn’t mind being in the backseat and is perfectly content to share the spotlight with others, or even relinquish it completely. BnHA has had... how many arcs so far? hold up let me check
-- okay I just checked and it’s 18. so, 18 arcs. and out of all those arcs, Deku has had a solo fight in approximately... five of them. and two of those fights were against Bakugou and Todoroki, respectively, so he was still sharing the spotlight even then. aside from that, he’s fought Muscular, Gentle, and Overhaul (oh, and Shinsou, I guess). that’s it! and it’s been almost 300 chapters! and again, he’s the main character. in a shounen manga. like seriously though, that is wild
and so seeing him here like this on the last page, ready to throw hands with Tomura, presumably while using Blackwhip as some sort of physical barrier to coat his attacks and prevent Tomura from trying any more Decay shenanigans with him? dude. I FELT THAT HYPE. it’s just a really effective way of keeping me from getting Main Character Fatigue like I might get in most other shounen series. because Deku doesn’t get the spotlight all that often in comparison, it still feels fresh to me, especially now with him actually going up against the Big Bad. just, idk what else to say except “hell yeah” lol
anyway, so I don’t even know how long it’s gonna last, and I expect that Kacchan and Shouto aren’t going to be content to just sit back and let Deku have all the glory either (Kacchan in particular is probably frothing at the mouth already), so in all likelihood it’s probably going to be more of a 3-on-1 than a 1-on-1. and it’s also very likely to end with Tomura gaining the upper hand and trying to take OFA! and so in truth this is a very fleeting moment of triumph, and the most premature of celebrations! but even so... damn. and also I just love seeing shounen kids lose their damn minds and explode with angry determination. and I especially love seeing it with Deku, because I love the reminder that beneath that sweet, unassuming nerdy exterior lies a core of fucking steel. that look in his eyes, though. TOMURA ARE YOU SCARED. you should be a little scared, lmao
anyway. so that’s the chapter! and I’m really glad we ended on this note, not just because Deku is a badass, but also because like I was saying earlier, this was about as bad a situation as the good guys have ever been in, and I felt like the manga was starting to lose that feeling of hope that still needs to be there at its core even when things are at their darkest. idk, I feel like we needed this. Tomura got a chance to catch his breath in the last chapter, and now it’s the heroes’ turn. whew
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Four
Leandra and Melissa sat at the cafe table with Robyn and she told them about her conversation with Chris. 
“So he’s got you thinking exactly what we’ve been telling you all these years,” Melissa mused.
“No, he just has me questioning if there was something in my marriage that I missed,” Robyn replied.
“I think you should meet him, Robs,” Leandra interjected, “you two seem to have a really good understanding.”
“No, we have a good thing going. I don’t want to ruin that.”
“I don’t think you want to be happy.”
“I do want to be happy but on my own terms. And I’m not ready. Talking to him made me think about my ex and just reminded me that I really still love him. And I don’t want to. I swear I don’t want to but something has this hold on me and-”
“We get it. Y’all were together for a long time.”
“It’s not just that. It’s- you ever meet someone and you just know that they’re it? Well he was it for me.”
“So what do you call this thing with Christian?”
“A friendship. I have no interest in making it more than that.”
“You ever been to therapy?”
“I tried it for a few weeks but I didn’t get anywhere.”
“Maybe you should try it again.”
“I don’t know.”
“Robyn, do you like being miserable or something? Is that the only thing still connecting you to Chris? Because if not, I don’t understand your apprehension to getting better.”
“I want to get better, I’m just scared of what that means.”
“Well Sis, you’ll never find out until you try.”
Robyn sat back in her office after returning from lunch with Leandra and Melissa. She didn’t have any appointments until 3 unless any emergencies came in so she had time to just think. She grabbed her phone and went to her dating app
A: Are you available to talk?
A few minutes went by before she got an answer
C: Sure, I just finished my last class. What’s up?
A: My friends think I should go to therapy
C: Ok. What do you think?
A: I’m not ready.
C: Why do you think that?
A: I don’t want to spill my guts to a stranger. Not when there’s someone who deserves it more
C: Deserves what? Your anger or your feelings?
A: My anger
C: So tell that person
A: I don't know where he is
C: So find him. I doubt your ex-husband was like some CIA type
A: Lol, no but I don’t think I’m ready to talk to him either
C: Do you ever think you’ll be ready?
A: I’m not sure
C: I think you’re thinking about it too much. Honestly, therapy should be for you and no one else. If you aren’t ready you won’t do anything but waste your money because you’ll fight everything at every turn. Nothing penetrates if you aren’t ready to hear it. And even if the therapist does happen to get through to you, it will not give you the closure that you’re seeking. The questions you want answers to, only your ex-husband can answer
A: I hate that you’re right.
C: Lol, there’s a lot of trauma that influences this rightness
A: Unfortunately. How are you? Was rude of me not to ask that first
C: You had something important to say, no worries. I’m fine. I was talking to my daughter and she wants a puppy
A: What kind?
C: Not sure yet. We’re gonna do some research before we make a decision
A: That’s good. I’ve had a lot of puppies be sent to my shelter because people didn’t pick the right dog for their lifestyle
C: That must suck. Do you have any pets?
A: No, I’m not home enough
C: Ah, understandable
A: would the puppy be your first pet?
C: No, I had a dog when I was a child but in my old profession, me and my ex were never home enough, it was always something with either my job or hers
A: That’s understandable. 
C: You ready for your gala?
A: Physically? Yes. Emotionally? No. I’m working on convincing myself not to cancel
C: Is it really that hard?
A: Yes but I made a promise to my employees and stuff so I really do want to honor that
C: Do you need another incentive?
A: Depends on what you’re suggesting
C: How about a gift? Just for your effort of going to this event
A: And how am I supposed to get said gift?
C: I can mail it. Do you have a secure mailing address you would like me to send it to?
Robyn thought about her random PO Box that she uses when she doesn’t want to give out her work or home address.
A: PO Box 124, New York, NY 10003. Do I get to know what the gift is beforehand?
C: Nope. I’ll send it and make sure it arrives the morning of your gala. Think that’ll work?
A: I guess but I’m nervous about what it could be
C: You’ll see
A: And do you have a secure mailing address?
C: PO Box 762, Middletown, NY 10940
A: Upstate. Do you travel to the city every day or?
C: No, I have a condo near Columbia. I stay during the week then go home on the weekends. 
A: How many hours of a drive?
C: Actually like 2 hours. It gives me some peace from the loud city life and gives my daughter some balance.
A: What’s it like up there?
C: Very spacious. I live in a somewhat rural part of Middletown. I have a couple acres of land surrounding my house.
A: I can’t even imagine what that would look like. Even when I lived in California, I was in the busiest part.
C: I think I appreciate it because I’m older now. I definitely enjoyed living in the city when I was in Cali
A: It holds a beautiful sense of excitement
C: Do you live near your business or far away?
A: I have an apartment nearby but I might start looking for a house soon. Maybe renovate a brownstone
C: That’s always a good deal. Would you rent out?
A: Nah. I don’t have the energy to keep up with being a landlord. It’s a job within itself
C: Very true.
A: I’m guessing you should be going, is your daughter school age?
C: She goes to a headstart program at a private school since she’s only 3 but they keep her until around 5 in aftercare. I usually have a late class today but I canceled it
A: Oh. Is something wrong?
C: No, I’d just rather not be out and about this evening.
A: Ah. Well thanks for talking with me. I got an appointment coming in soon
C: Anything major?
A: Nope. Just a check up
C: Well if you have time, I’d love to talk to you again
A: Talk or chat?
C: Talk
A: My clinic closes at 7 so I should be home by 8
C; And dinner?
A: I’ll probably grab something on the way home
C: So how about a dinner date then? We’ll eat and keep each other company
A: I’d like that
C: Great. See you at 8
A: See you at 8
Robyn closed her app then rested her head on her desk. She was drained.
“So what color is her dress? Jessica asked as she and Chris stood in the florist shop. 
“It’s navy blue.”
“I think this corsage would be perfect. It’s simple, elegant and can be pinned to the dress instead of being situated on her wrist.”
Chris walked over the piece his sister was referring to. It contained a navy blue rose, a white rose and some baby breaths, “I like that one.”
“Do they deliver to PO Boxes?”
“Yea, that’s why I picked this shop and it’s fairly close to the Post Office where her PO Box is.”
“Why didn’t you just get her work address?”
“The whole point is to be strangers. Giving me her work address would defeat that purpose. She’s an established vet, I could probably look up her work address and find her, which, again, defeats the point.”
“Do you know what she looks like?”
“Not really. Her photo was a full body shot so the closer you zoom in the blurrier it gets. Same as mine.”
“And that doesn’t worry you? What if she’s ugly?”
Chris laughed, “what does that matter? We don’t ever plan on meeting each other. 
Besides I’m not allowed to be nice to a possibly physically unattractive woman?
“You know that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just- I don’t understand this whole online dating thing”
“There’s nothing to understand because we’re not dating.”
“Yea. Right.”
“We are both in rebuilding stages of our lives and we like talking to each other. That’s all. If I was interested in more, I’d definitely would’ve insisted on meeting her or just moved on by now.”
“You told her about your nervous breakdown and suicide attempt. You haven’t even told your ex-wife that and you want me to believe you’re not dating.”
“Yes because we aren’t.”
“You’re buying her gifts?”
“I buy my friends gifts all the time.”
“You told her about Anesa.”
“You talk almost everyday.”
“I’m not seeing your point.”
“My point is you’re dating this woman.”
“Jessica, big sister, I am not dating anyone. I like her, yes but that’s as far as it goes. I need a friend and she’s one for me. That’s it. That’s all.”
“You are so in denial, Chris.”
“I’ve accepted my situation, you’re the one with the conspiracy theories.”
“I’m just saying, I don’t want an ugly sister in law especially not after my last one. She was gorgeous and the point is to upgrade not backslide.”
“You get on my nerves, Jess.”
Jessica laughed, “is this all you’re getting for your friend?”
“Just because you said it like that, I am returning you home and finishing this adventure by myself.”
“Come on, don’t be like that Little Brother.”
“Then stop making this a bigger deal than what it is.”
   This was definitely a big deal. Robyn stared at the box of things Chris had delivered to her PO Box and her heart melted a bit. The flower corsage with navy and white roses was beautiful. She loved the card that came attached but what shook her was the books he had gifted. One night they had stayed up talking about literature and she mentioned that she loved poetry but never had the time to really build up a collection. Wrapped with a red bow were two compilations of black poets. The note under the bow stated, “I’d like to contribute the first books to your poetry collection. It’s always good to start with the essentials (smile).”
Robyn grabbed one of the books and sat down in a chair just as Leandra walked in with her hairstylist beside her.
“What’s all this?” Leandra asked.
“My friend sent me a gift.”
“Your online friend?”
“Wow, he must really like you.”
“I like him too.”
“Did you send something back?”
“I just got this, this morning so I’m still thinking.”
“How’d he get your address?”
“He doesn't have it. I gave him my PO Box.”
“Oh your stalker box.”
“Don’t start, Lele.”
“So how you feel?”
“I’m ok. I still don’t wanna go.”
“Girl, I ain’t talking about this stupid ass gala. How do you feel about Chris?”
“What am I supposed to feel? I really love the gifts but that’s it”
“I’m looking at your face and it’s more than that.”
“He got me poetry books.”
“What? You found someone to indulge your weird ass literature taste.”
“Look, just because you only like sex books doesn’t make my taste weird. I am cultured.”
“I have a master’s degree too so save it. How’d he know to get that?”
“We had a conversation about books and I told him I always wanted to start a collection of poetry but never had the time nor knew where to start and I guess he remembered.”
“What made him send you a gift?”
“It was a little joke about how he could get me to not back out of the gala. I honestly wasn’t expecting him to go through with it but he did.”
“A man who keeps his word. He really likes you.”
“I know.”
“So...still never gonna meet him in person?”
“That was never part of the deal.”
Leandra groaned as she flopped down on the couch, “are you at least gonna get some from somebody at this gala?”
“Ewww….no. I’m staying at most an hour then coming back home.”
“Have you talked to Chris?”
“Not today.”
“Do you only chat on the app?”
“I thought you would’ve gotten his phone number by now.”
“Nah, that’s too personal. I wouldn’t give my number to someone I haven’t met yet.”
“So meet him.”
“Ugh….you get on my nerves, Robyn.”
Robyn laughed, “what’s your plans for tonight?”
“Getting the baby from his father and going home.”
“How is my nephew?”
“He’s good.”
“And his father?”
“Still alive, unfortunately.”
“Don’t do Max like that.”
“He gets on my nerves.”
“He keeps asking me if we’re getting back together.”
“Aww...Lele, he still loves you.”
“That’s not my problem.”
“And you still love him too. You always playing hard to get.”
“Ch….I am hard to get. Thank you very much.”
“Is that why y’all keep going on vacations together?”
“If a man wants to take me to Puerto Rico or Costa Rica free of charge, who am I to say no?”
Robyn laughed, “Lord, what are we gonna do with you?”
“Love me, duh.”
Leandra stayed until Robyn was ready to leave for the gala. As she climbed into the back of car, she grabbed her phone
A: Hey stranger
A few minutes passed before she received an answer.
C: Hey. How are you?
A: I’m great. On my way to the gala
C: Still decided against an escort?
A: Yea. Besides, I don’t plan on staying there long.
C: Ah ok
A: So….thank you for the gifts. The corsage is perfect for my dress
C: You’re very welcome. My sister helped me pick that out.
A: Tell her I said thank you
C: I will
A: So what are you up to?
C; Laundry and grading work
A: What’s the task this week?
C: Students had to craft an original piece of music modeled after a piece they enjoy so I’ve been listening to music tracks all day
A: How’s it sounding?
C: I’ve gotten a few good ones but what passes for music and what these students are modeling their pieces after is awful. 
A: That bad?
C: Some of these songs just can’t find a key and then when I listen to their reference tracks, I understand why. Music production has gotten so lazy over the years
A: You think so?
C: I’m gonna send you the best one I’ve heard and the worst one and tell me what you think
A: I’m getting homework now too, Professor
C: Lol. I just want you to hear what I’m dealing with
A: Send it. I’ll get back to you when I can
C: No rush. I’ll be home all weekend with this.
A: Cool. How’s the puppy search going?’
C: Good. We’ve narrowed it down to three puppies. I told her she has one week to pick one and then we’ll find a place to buy it.
A: As a shelter owner, please try and get a shelter dog. So many of them are good dogs that were in bad situations.
C: I will keep that in mind.
A: That’s all I ask
C: So what’s your plans after the gala?
A: Home.
C: Up for a video chat?’
A: Absolutely. I kinda miss your automated voice
C: Lol Same here
A: Anything else going on
C: Nope. I live a rather simple life.
A: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
C: To be honest, I’m not quite sure
A: Something giving you doubts
C: My daughter told me she feels sad for me
A: Aww...why?
C: Because I’m alone. It’s kinda hard to explain to a three year old the difference between alone and lonely
A: Lol true but then don’t explain with words, show her with actions. She probably thinks you don’t have a life and for children, they haven’t commanded the power and beauty of peace and stillness. They still have so much they haven’t explored
C: You have a point
A: Honestly, if you find things to do when she’s not around, she’ll probably feel a bit better about you
C: I’ll have to find me a new hobby then
A: What’s your current hobby?
C: I don’t really have one to be honest. My job involves music now so it’s not really a hobby anymore
A: It could be, it’s not like you make music for your class, do you?
C: Not recently
A; Do you sing, play instruments? What?
C: I have a decent voice but I play the piano, the guitar, and can do alright by the saxophone
A: What type of music do you prefer to play?
C: Nothing like an old school soul song. I love playing Sade records on the sax
A: I might have to compel you to play for me one day
C: I would offer to play tonight but my instruments are in storage
A: No rush. It’s just a thought
C: I’d love to play for you though
A: You making me feel inadequate
C: In what way?
A: The gifts. The music offers. Doesn’t feel like we’re on even footing
C: Well only you know what you have to offer. Find what works. I’m always open for gifts or moments
A: I’m gonna have to think of something. Thank you for the poetry books by the way. It’s a good start of a collection
C: The classics are always your best bet
A: I’m a little surprised you remembered
C: Why? 
A: It was such an odd conversation and it was late when we had it, surely you wouldn’t have remembered it
C: That’s a weird assumption. If there is one thing I’ve learned from being married, it’s learning to listen just as much as you like to talk. Reciprocity is the key.
A: Very true.
C: Are you at the gala yet?
A: Just pulled up
C: Well I hope you have a good night for however long you are there
A: I hope they do the award ceremony first so I can get my award and leave
C: If I gotta try and find a life, you need to live yours. You never know you may enjoy the time
A: We’ll see. Talk to you later
C: Later 
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timeisacephalopod · 5 years
For a prompt could you do a Halloween one in the semi-charmed world? like even though bucky hates humans he loves Halloween and tony is fascinated but so confused
Dear god, I know I got to this like three months late but its... been a fucking time for me. But I got to it! Also, this exact ask is why I like asking for prompts. Y’all ask for such interesting and creative things that I never would have thought of otherwise :) @boompowkablam Also I had like 3K for this written but then Tumblr ate it so I kind of rage quit for awhile.
(Semi-Charmed for those who haven’t read it)
Tony isn’t sure how he’ll take it because he knows, he knows, that Halloween has got to be a sensitive topic for him when people run around pretending to be werewolves and whatnot. But it’d be nice to have him come along to an event even if he’d get it if Bucky said no. He doesn’t much look bothered though and that’s... Tony doesn’t know what that means.
“Okay,” he says and Tony blinks several times in confusion. To be fair even Steve looks shocked and Steve knows Bucky best, he’d be able to predict his answer better than anyone else here.
“I uh- really?” he asks.
Bucky shrugs, “its probably the only night of the year that humans might not actively try and kill me. I mean, yeah its because they’ve decided for one night a year I’m a costume to wear but I’ll take that over genocide,” he says. “And all the little skeletons are cute. And the candy.”
Tony frowns, unaware that Bucky knew much of anything about Halloween traditions. His knowledge of humans is hit and miss and generally relies on the one extended run in he’s had with them that... really wasn’t that great. And then him, of course. “I uh, okay, sure. Turns out my assistant is a witch so you two can bond. I totally called that anyway, there’s no way she can be that good without magic,” Tony says, full well knowing that she doesn’t use magic in her work. Apparently her talents are in elemental magic, whatever that means for her specifically.
He’s a little surprised when Bucky reaches up and pulls him into his lap by his waist, settling his head on Tony’s shoulder. “You seem surprised,” he says like everyone in the room feels any differently.
He shrugs a little, “I mean, I didn’t really expect you to say yes. I know you don’t like humans much, we’ve given you good reason not to, so I didn’t think you’d want to spend an extended evening with them. Not that I mind, it’d be nice to not bring Pepper as a date, except she has a date so uh. I’d be alone, but you agreed to come with me so yay!” he says, waving his hands around a little.
Bucky’s arms tighten around him some. “You do so much for us. I thought it might be nice to do something for you. And I miss candy.”
So its that weird fiercely egalitarian thing wolves have going on, that explains a lot. “Bucky, you don’t owe me anything,” Tony murmurs softly but Bucky looks away, jaw clenched. He sighs, “you don’t, Bucky. Comparatively I have a hell of a lot more than you do in resources anyway, it wouldn’t make sense to expect equal contribution when you don’t have the amount to give that I do.”
“That and you underestimate how much emotional connections seem to mean to Tony,” Sam says. Tony gives him a dirty look about it but he rolls his eyes. “Well its true. I don’t know what the hell happened in your personal life before we showed up but none of it was good,” he says.
Bucky squeezes his waist because he has a good idea of what happened. Tony hasn’t told him the whole of it and Bucky has never asked him to, but he knows about Howard, the years of emotional manipulation from Obi, the way all his personal relationships ended in disaster barring Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy, how two of the three of those people are on his payroll. Doesn’t exactly set a good precedent for his future relationships and Bucky has always been patient. Its not like he hadn’t needed patience too. Its not like he’s without trauma.
“Well, we did meet him because that business partner of his was trying to kill him,” Nat points out.
Sam gives her a look. “I got branch to the face. I know.”
The lighting is dimmed and the music isn’t too loud, mostly as a curtesy to Bucky not that anyone else needs to know that. It fits the atmosphere anyway. Bucky, for all his genuine fascination with Halloween decorations and fun witch facts, sticks close by him not that Tony minds.
“-Keep your mouth shut until- oh Tony, hi,” Pepper says, smiling at him. He squints.
“Why is your date Rhodey?” he asks.
“Who the hell is this pasty looking fucker that looks like a himbo fucked Motley Crue member?” Rhodey asks, glaring at Bucky. Bucky’s hand tightens around his own but he has no reference for who Rhodey is so Tony figures he should clear things up fast.
“Rhodey, this is Bucky. Bucky, this is my best friend who’s stupid and over protective,” he says, giving Rhodey a look.
Rhodey looks offended. “I’m stupid? Who’s dumb ass decided it was a good idea to hack the Pentagon for funsies?” he asks.
“Yours, dipshit, you were the one who dared me. Why do you act like you never participate in my dumb decisions? That hurts, platypus.” He presses his hand to his heart in mock offense even though they both know Tony is the dumber one but Rhodey is always along for the ride and occasionally he’s the instigator. Bucky has inched behind him some, presumably smelling something telling on Rhodey and Tony is thankful he doesn’t have that kind of sense of smell. No damn privacy though apparently wolves learn to ignore it. Tony slips his arm around Bucky’s waist in an attempt to comfort him.
Rhodey goes to open his mouth but Pepper jabs him in the ribs with her finger. “Stop it Rhodey, Bucky is fine. Tony’s happier with him around and I’m offended that you think I’d do nothing if I noticed he weren’t. I’ve gotten rid of worse,” she points out. Minus Obi, who she later explained had creeped her out but not in a way she attributed to any of the activities he’d been up to. In her defense no one else anticipated that either.
Rhodey squints at her, “have you?” he asks and Pepper gives him a look. “Okay, you have leave me be,” he says, immediately backing down.
Tony snorts, “wise choice. Pepper is a fearsome creature who shouldn’t be trifled with. And Bucky is great, if a little skittish.”
He finds Bucky with an arm full of candy snickering at some little skeletons handing from the stair way. “Humans, you’re all so dramatic. This is cute though,” he says, gesturing around.
“You should see Christmas. People only kind of celebrate Halloween but Christmas? The whole Western world loses its shit for like three months.” Not his thing, even before his parents died a few days before Christmas, even before he decided he was an atheist, Christmas never really was his thing. Forced him to spend time with family so he always held that against the holiday. Halloween? Optimal. No one forces him to spend time with family, there’s free candy, and adorable children running around in costumes, what’s not to love? Well, the horror movies that inevitably come with the holiday but other than that.
Bucky frowns, “isn’t that a Christian holiday?”
Tony shrugs, “arguably its a capitalist holiday, and Christmas was technically appropriated from pagan origins so its not really a Christian holiday at heart, but yeah. Its about Jesus.”
Bucky snorts and starts laughing, “god, that looked like it caused you pain to say. I take it you’re not a fan of Christmas?”
He shakes his head, “no, but the decorations are beautiful. And I’m sure you’d like the desserts.” Seems how Bucky has a thing for sweets that he didn’t know about. He’ll be sure to bring more candy to him just to watch as he looks on in pain as everyone gets their fair share.
“I think your best friend wants me dead,” Bucky says eventually.
“Nah, he’s just over protective,” Tony tells him, wrapping an arm around Bucky’s waist.
“No, I can smell some nefarious intentions on him. But my sense of smell only gives me general feeling, not specific thoughts. Pepper doesn’t seem concerned though.”
She’s not, Tony knows, because she’d been happy that he’d found someone that made him happy. Not, Tony supposed, that she felt the need to inform him that she’d been dating Rhodey until now apparently. He’s going to be in for a shock when he discovers she’s a witch but he figures he’ll leave that to Pepper.
“If he tries anything smack his left ear. That’d piss anyone off, but we got into a nasty accident when we were teens, that ear is particularly sensitive. He’ll probably hate you for life if you fuck his hearing, but he would have been the one to start is so he can blame himself if he decides to be an ass,” Tony says. He doubts it’ll come to that, Rhodey’s just not good at trusting Tony to make good life choices in romantic partners. Anything else, sure, even if it is stupid he’s got Tony’s back. But romance? He doesn’t trust Tony whatsoever with that. Claims Tony has a bad habit of choosing people who’d rather see him hurt than loved.
Bucky curls his arm around Tony too, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Can I steal one of these skeletons to stick in Sam’s closet?” he asks and Tony starts laughing.
“Yeah, take ten and wait till I show up I want to hear him scream.” Bucky eyes up the nearest floating ghoul and glee.
“Oh he hates this shit, it’ll be hilarious.”
Rhodey doesn’t look impressed and Tony sighs. “You don’t know him,” he says.
“He’s barely spoken two words all night and he’s jumpy as hell. Is he on drugs or something?” Rhodey asks, giving Bucky a suspicious look. Poor thing is stuck between admiring the decorations, its not like Tony didn’t go all out because he doesn’t do things halfway, and being worried he’ll get like... shot or something at any given moment. The bonus is that ‘werewolf’ isn’t exactly written on his forehead so its not like anyone knows.
Tony rolls his eyes at Rhodey though. “Jesus Christ, for a guy who’s in the damn military you’re shit at recognizing the signs of PTSD,” he says.
Rhodey looks back over to Bucky, softening some. “Where’d he go?” he asks.
Some human experimentation center from what Tony has gathered, not that he knew those were a thing before Bucky but still. That’s not his story to tell. “Um, Iraq I think. He doesn’t like to talk about it and he’s a bit of an agoraphobe.” Its not inaccurate, not completely. And it makes Rhodey stop looking at him like he’s about to corner him and interrogate him, which Tony knows Bucky won’t respond well to. “Oh,” is all he says and Tony is happy to leave it at that.
When he circles his way back over to Bucky he looks less on edge. “What’d you say to him?” he asks. They both know who Tony means.
“I um. Made up a military career. Congrats, you went to Iraq and now you have PTSD.” And now they can never tell Rhodey the truth because he doesn’t want to listen to him whine about falsifying military enrollment.
Bucky, however, doesn’t look impressed. “You told him I contributed to American Imperialism?” he asks, offended.
Tony sighs, “how the fuck did you not know what Lindt chocolates were, but you know about that? You know what, who cares, he’s not looking at you like he’s about to pull a pitchfork out of his ass and use it on you. That’s a win for me.”
“Its not a win at- really?” Bucky hisses, back to his normal, grumpy self.
“Well it was either that or the truth and I figured that’s more for you to say and technically I didn’t say you were in the military, he made the assumption when I mentioned PTSD so basically this is his fault. I just said Iraq and he made some more assumptions.” He thinks he did okay.
Bucky crosses his arms over his chest, “I can’t believe you’d seriously tell him, or imply, that I was in the damn military. Sam has nothing but regrets from his time there.”
Well, that explains that. “Don’t mention your distain to Rhodey, he’s in the Air Force and he’ll get cranky.” Bucky gives him another look and Tony sighs, “you can take the cob webs home too, Natasha would love them.”
It at least results in a small smile from Bucky, “yeah, she’d probably stick them in Clint’s room when he’s asleep. He’s not a spider fan.”
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