#fuck I hope I come back to it tho im actually kinda hype for it
smoreal · 2 years
Attempting to write a character after it’s been literally years is absolute torture bc now i have to give myself a fkn refresher course on the lore
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aro-geo-turtle · 7 months
Malevolent Part 40
ahhhh im so hyped. ok lets do this. oh this is going to be so long
plans going pretty well so far, the masks all being unique probably isn't great if someone figures out that arthur and noel aren't the people who are meant to have those masks
arthur showing off his genius smart brain! go arthur! and noel gets to be a little clever too i suppose
you're putting in "getting to know oscar" as a whole??? thats way too big! what if you completely forget he exists?! ohhhh and it makes john realize just how much oscar means to arthur :((((((
damn this is a really big organization. and this leader guy really sucks. why is his voice so annoying? I don't know what i expected but of course this organization is fully of generally shitty people
new leader is definitely larson. yep.
YELLOW!!!! :DDDDD MY GUY! Murder that random shithead who i almost thought was oscar for a split second! you can act as high and mighty as you please, i know what you're really like
at least channeling yellow wears larson out, that's a weakness
i really don't want to know where larson intends to take the order
Arthur, John doesn't want to kill Yellow! that's another version of him!
"I wonder who is playing who?" larson's almost certainly playing yellow
John :(((((( come one buddy
omg is yellow stealing john's memories?????? uh oh. that's...bad.
"a large bizarre looking object" very helpful John. Automobile sized??? damn that is big. fucked up space machine???
uh guys? have you forgotten that the vizser can HEAR john??? Ok direct confrontation. let's hope this goes well.
OH NO. he's about to reveal john's identity to noel oh shit.
oh boy super smart brain helmet. ok. elder? ...and they serve the great old ones. ohhhh they're going to release yellow. hmm. but does this mean that this could give john his own body?!?!??
...dying? is...that happening to arthur and john? oh no.
actually that's a good point, they might be able to get the cult members on their side.
oh no reckoning time. ok i can't decide if they've been saved or doomed.
larson being awful awful larson as usual. oh hi butcher. fancy seeing you here.
...why do he want to separate John and arthur?...maybe Yellow would absorb the rest of john
mutual friend??? Larson you never fucking met him.
ahhhh repeating the words from part 12. fuck.
can't delay him finding out any longer. echoing part 12 once again.
oh ok, multiple fallen stars, this group has the gray one, so the black one is probably another one somewhere else. so the grey one is an artifact of the Beholding then.
"...or it can show you where you left your keys." PFFFFFFF
"allow" them to return to the dreamlands, please. we know you have no intentions of letting that power go. yeah me and john on the exact same wavelength
arthur you're kinda the last person who Yellow would be convinced by.
"a pet" OH DAMN! YEAH YELLOW COME OUT HERE AND SPEAK YOUR PIECE. arthur buddy if you want to get him on your side, insults are not the way to do this.
poor noel has about 10% of the context to understand what is happening right now.
the truth is that arthur's sorry. come on arthur say it say you're sorry. come on. YESSSSS yep that it that's it arthur! he actually did it he actually apologized :,)
come on noel come in clutch. ive been pretty sus of you but if you can save us now. aw damn noel taking this leages better than i expected but he's also absolutely about to sacrifice himself, this is a death speech for sure
noel im sorry but this is not the king who tortured you. he has no clue who you are
WHAT. Butcher???? OMG twist of the century!!! what the fuck! no way! fuck yeha!
"Till the end" yepppp
arthur it really really might kill john tho. you don't know how this works, john's the one feeling it.
shut the fuck up larson. and this fight is bringing back some s3 arthur energy oh boy
oh no john oh no john he's lost again. no no no no his name!
noel... is this it?
omg john projected!!!!!! john projected!!!! they're fighting!!!!! they can talk face to face oh my gosh he sounds so cool.
yellow baby :(((((
the undefeated :,)))))))))
...and there it is. goodbye noel. rest in peace
you have to let this thing with larson go arthur. its the only way to forgive yourself.
one part of me is saying that if they leave larson alone to get the stone he's going to do something bad, but the other part is saying arthurs needs to leave larson be for character development
now time to see if my theory about why john cares about the stone is correct. i think i am. he's desperate to get it. i have a bad feeling about this. touch it???? that seems bad.
arthur? did kayne freeze time again? yep. yep yep yep. did they run out a time limit?
oh interesting. ha john's grown beyond his beginnings! yes! he can't fit anymore! ohhhhh shit. he sent him back to the dark world????? oh shit.
choices choices choices. it all comes back to choices.
i don't trust how happily ever after Kayne is making this sound.
john you've got to tell him right away. you can't put it off. he'll be mad but you'll get past it like you always do.
ohhhhhhhhh. oh boy. damn Kayne. i mean arthur you obviously knew he was hiding something, i he wasn't at all subtle about it. this is honestly probably better than the alternative of John trying to get up the courage to confess for ages.
pointing a gun at Kayne is a terrible idea. OH GOSH. welp. ok then.
excuse me are we getting kayne lore???? the crawling chaos? a spawn of Azathoth? Damn i don't know how to spell that but people called it???
ok apparently i can agree with Kayne on one thing and that is that larson sucks. and i can agree with larson on one thing and that is that i do not get what kayne's saying either.
ok than blind him! go for it! yellow and larson trip to the dreamlands? What did he do to noel? "Maybe Spain"????
yep a test, of course. uh oh. what is this?
damn. I have no idea what this means. where are they going? what will next season bring?
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anianurst · 11 months
predictions for the next jjk leak
don't read underneath if you arent caught up with the jjk leaks (up to ch 239)
we won't be getting yuji and higu vs sukuna for at least another chapter. i think 240 may focus or in this case continue the fight of takaba vs kenjaku. do i think takaba may win? yes kinda. do i think kenny gonna pill some bs outta his ass to take down takaba? also yes.
i think the fight between yuji, higu, and sukuna is so anticipated that gege is just giving us takaba vs kenny as a way to hype it up more. am i for that? no, i wanna see my boys humble fraudkuna 😭😭but it is what it is.
also i think its possible that we see some main cast characters like maki or choso vs kenny. it'd be dope to see them back up takaba and kenny also does acknowledge maki's strength and potential so it'd be dope to see them up against each other.
and now, what everyone is talking and hoping for. GOJO SATORU'S RETURN
realistically, i think its a 60/40. 60 for gojo to returning and 40 for him not returning. i dont know if im recalling it accurately but i do recall gege saying one person from the main four (satoru, megumi, yuji, nobara) will survive while the others die. i do think yuji may give his life in order to save and megumi and ITS BEEN WAY TOO LONG WITHOUT ANY MENTION OF NOBARA SO I FEAR FOR THE WORST. idk just my thoughts about everything ig
i do hope that higu and yuji fuck sukuna up tho. i think higu will probably live but he'll lose and then it'll be up to yuji to carry after that. also, i hakari pulls through when it comes to him vs uraume cause he's actually him. it'd be dope to see kiara jump in her technique as well (even tho i have a very simple understanding of it cause all cursed techniques gotta be complicated for no reason).
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justleavingnow · 2 years
new years eve 2023
do you call it nye 2023 or 2022? Im actually not sure. either way, I had fun. This is was my first nye out since like 2019 I think when zane took all of the furniture out of his house and hosted my high school years nye. that was in first year. second year obviously sucked. and then third year I was hiding in my basement out of fear of omicron ruining my already precarious plans to go to Glasgow for exchange. This year, for my big entrance to the nye party scene, I went to ... Stages nightclub. and paid $30 for a ticket. which actually wasn't the craziest amount of money i heard someone pay for a nye ticket this year. which is crazy.
Anyway it was fun, though I have a bit of societal fomo that I didn't get completely fucked. It seems I cant find a balance of drinking when I go out. I can drink so much and only feel sorta tipsy. but I can also drink so much and be puking at the pre. I started preing at like 7, in hopes of slowly and effectively laying a good base layer of alcohol. I had, in the end, 4 coolers and like 4 jello shots and then one double vodka water there, which actually took so long to get. I get that it was packed and busy, which it was, but also I'm sooo bad at looking important and impatient at the bar, and always get distracted talking to someone or look at the bartender with what I'm assuming must be a air of such passivity and submission that they feel no threat or appeal to approaching me. wow. that was kinda harsh. its not that dramatic really. it just took an extra like 10 minutes to get a drink on one of the busiest nights of the year. which is extremely understandable. but when me and ava had finally gotten our drinks there was 9 minutes to midnight, which simultaneously stressed and frustrated me, because that was what the entire night had been leading up to and I hadn't really done anything for it, but also it annoyed me that I placed so much emphasis of this random thing, which ifeel like is often the downfall of a nye. letting the hype get in the way of good time. then we found everyone, its was like all the mac / kc guys in the year above us, and then like jenny and her brother and some of the guys from my year. me and jennie went to go try and find max, and then she told me that I was going to be her nye kiss, so then when had a little smooch when the clock struck midnight. It was nice to see her. we hungout a bunch at sabrinas where we pred, because it was her boyfriends bday on the first. we also walked home together which was fun, and she introduced me to her new dog shes fostering. Reegan was with [redacted] for a lot of the night which was fun. even tho yates was there, so idk if that was awkward. i don't think jasper was tho actually. interesting. he didn't come to the pre and was going to come after he said but then he didn't at all I don't think. I'm not sure how much gossip I should be dishing out in this, but the point is no one can see and to document for myself to look back on and it think this contributes to the overall image of the night. ava left at 12:30 because she needed a ride from her parents and that was the latest they could get her. As my friends slowly dwindled or drifted off with others I really had to get a bit out of my comfort zone. for a bit of time I was just hanging out with all the guys. for a lot of it actually. i kept finding grant, and zane. hahah as we were coming in rhys (and a girl) were getting escorted OUT. bad. and in that passing moment he told me that victor didn't even get in. he got denied at the door. not the highest success rate for the guys. that actually sucks like I wonder what victor did. and it would have been nice to see him. I wonder if this is the stream of consciousness that virginia woolf was talking about. i really feel like it definitely is not. i whipped out my glasses for the event, bc a lot of *the empties* had sunglasses on. I gave them to grant for a second, we were on the raised platform thing, and a minute later they came back with one of the lenses gone. That was my second time wearing them. I got them at shoppers for $20. which is not bad I guess but felt kind of expensive for the use I got out of them. I had thought a bit later that I could have shoplifted them, but I'm too scared I think. Grant was giving interesting vibes. like if i turned around and wanted to kiss him he would let me. Its weird to think about how these friendships with the guys from my high school would be altered if I liked guys or if there was at all a chance at hooking up. It was nice to see everyone though, i saw lots of people that i hadn't seen in so long. like maddie and sydney who, honestly i must have been decently drunk, I adamantly approached and started dancing with.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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jayflrt · 2 years
omg this is such a late reply but yea my grad photos turned out pretty nice! my parents even bought me a flower bouquet with some really nice flowers hehe
i listened to arson! i think i like his daydream mixtape more over the arson album but i love the sound he's using this time! i think my fav bside is equal sign omgomg its so good. im excited for their other solo projs too! and also omg hoseok in lollapalooza was so cool! that clip of his reaction to the audience singing back during daydream is circulating my feed and its just such a cute clip. ALSO TXT IN LOLLAPALOOZA <3333
enha arent coming to my city but if they were i would've considered going! im alr going to a couple so idk if i could afford going to see enha too but my friend is gonna travel out of the city to see them so i told her to cheer double for me haha
yass omg i loved the cheers mv svt leaders are so <3333 it was a fun mv to watch too and pongpong part is actually taking over the kpop community and i love it. also im going to see svt live soon so 😭
the plan was originally to go to some nearby islands but then we checked the prices and it was so expensive 💀 so my parents decided to just go on their own when i resume school again in sept lmao. but also i got quite a lot of uni prep to do so we also decided to do the family trip another time
the potteries are pre-made! we just did the painting portion it was so fun. i painted some frogs on mine they looked super cute after im so happy with it. my friends and i discussed that we should take classes to actually make pottery some day and i can make a cute little bowl or wtv is the most beginner item lol
my birthday is at the end of august! so like in abt a little over 2 weeks from when i send this haha omg im gonna become an adult this is so sad im old </3
also im keeping up with diamond league and omg the chaos. when i saw ynwon broke up i was like <////3 but seeing how downbad won is still for yn i have hope haha
ANYWAYS HOW HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN omg did you also hear abt tbz + 127 cb soon? and jaehyun solo!!! and bp girlies are finally coming back after 2 years 😭 im probably missing some other upcoming cbs but july was so packed with them im kinda in a daze rn lol
no worries 🌻 anon !! it’s always good to hear from you 🥰💗 also that’s so sweet of them :’) flowers on graduation is so touching like i don’t even like flowers but i was so happy when my parents got me some when i graduated 🤧
omg yes daydream was a cultural reset !! i still loveeee the hope world mixtape like baseline ?? hangsang ???? BLUE SIDE the whole artistry of that album was 💖💖 i do like that hobi switched up his vibe for this album it suits him rlly well !!! he’s so versatile 🫶🫶 omg equal side was my fav bside too :’)) and right ?? he’s such an amazing performer and rlly knows how to get a crowd excited !! when he said “u guys are fucking crazy” ahahahah😄 i rlly wanna see him perform one day omg 😭 TXT DID SO GOOD TOO i’m glad the crowd hyped them up so much
i don’t think i’m going either but we can fall back on tiktok and twitter to see what people upload 🥰 i’m so impressed they’re selling out HUGE arenas for their first ever world tour :o so so proud of them!!! 💘
HAHAH RIGHT hoshi literally blew them up over that (as he should!!) but i’m so sad they didn’t add it to the setlist for the tour :(( i thought they would since they added _world but ig not 🤧 but i still had an amazing time and loveddd everything about it and they’re just incredible performers 💝💝
omg your parents are vacationing without you ?? 😭 no way.. now it’s time to make your own extravagant plans without them just to spite them 🤭 but i feel you omg it’s hard to enjoy a vacation when there’s so much going on 🥲🥲 hope you get to go on your family vacation soon tho !!
FROGGY POT that’s so cute :’)) i’m glad you enjoyed it and hope you can paint some more sometime !! start an etsy business 🤩 omg your bday must be next week then right?? :o idk what day but i’ll try to wish you sometime next week then !! oh gosh welcome to adulthood it’s scary out here 😵‍💫 but yk you’re on the same boat as everyone else so we’re all suffering together
AHAHAH dw i can’t make a sad ending for this 🥲🥲 jungwon is way too down bad but .. y/n is too 😔 AHHH YES I HEARD OF BOTH COMEBACKS IM EXCITED !!!! jaehyuns solo teaser pictures dropped today omg have u seen them ?? he looks incredible 😭💖 i’ve honestly lowkey been experiencing svt tunnel vision but i think 127 comeback will have All my attention
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ahhhh shit I almost forgot about TTWHY 🙉🙈🙊... but Seonghwa pissed me off a bit more in that one. Bodyguard was dumb too, but I also understand his reasoning (bad way of dealing with the situation but still) lmaooo I wanted to send you that video, our sweet clown, a comedian <3333 he's got the spirit
Ok so just like I thought then! What the fuck Y/N was supposed to die... NOT ON MY WATCH! 💀 jsudjeudidheiueb it's okay I'm gonna instert Dumbles in their scenes myself, but ngl halfway through I was like "waaaait where's the cat?!" I hope he returned with Y/N! Y/N and ice cream, well sounds about right 😆 shit you're right some of his background was mentioned, I still need to know more details like how did he get there, what's his life story, his family etc, so please hook us up for a heart to heart talk <3
Baekhvuns x ateezmakemeweep crossover when? Lol yes fuckboy Hwa better do a full 180 and starts worshipping Y/N instead of just teasing her
It's a bit sad cause I usually love their titles and this is what I wanted: rock inspired, hardcore and noisy concept, but it just didn't hit? Everyone's so hyped and saying how genius the song is, but I'm not feeling it 💔 I was anticipating this comeback so much (I still am, I'm just worried the song will disappoint me). It's slowly growing on me, but I don't think I'll ever be obsessed. Kpop parties helped me "get" Maniac, I also listened to it like 11 times in a row cause my phone glitched and I couldn't change the song cause I was on public transport squeezed between people 😭 still not my fave though so maybe Guerrilla will be the same. It's funny cause people on twitter are like "you don't like Guerrilla? What did you expect them to lead a rebellion with Turbulence or Wave type of songs" and I'm like "I actually wanted them to go harder" (just remembered I hypnotised myself into like Don't Call Me too 😅)
Bestie Christmas Evel was my Christmas song I actually really like it 😭 FELIZ NAVIDAD FELIZ NAVIDAD I CAN FEEL THE EVIL COMING BUT FELIX NEVER BAD?! - so dumb I LOVE IT. I don't know what you heard, but I personally really like everything on Oddinary especially Charmer I even liked their slower song which is kinda shocking, from Noeasy (except Thunderous) my faves are Cheese, Ssick, Red Lights, Silent Cry, Star Lost. Some of my fave songs in general are Miroh, Side Effects, Victory Song, Voices, Spread My Wings, TOP, TA, Easy, Any, Levanter, Insomnia, Rock, Awaken, Hello Stranger. Alsooooo I loved Xdinary Heroes cb, the title isn't that amazing, but the bsides?! Aaaaaaand this boy continues to be a problem he's so cool and talented and pretty, but also a big loser and a baby so naturally I love him 🙄🥴
Yes I saw that Soo Hyuk show, but I need more, not just a web drama 😭
Yeah that "friend" of mine is so weird wtf, I was looking through qrts on some tweets and they were there?! How can I escape lmao maybe I should block them. But I like torturing myself so I went ahead and read a bit more and...wheew bestie, someone needs to go outside and leave twitter for a moment
Bandana Hwa so true 😍. Oh, he is looooooking
In the new photo Seonghwa looks like a rockhopper penguin kshsjdgakdhiddbsj (I know they went for 80s goth punk look, but that was my first impression) what are those fits 🤔 I like Seonghwa's jacket tho also Matz in riding boots, is San's back exposed?! Why are some of them wearing crazy clothes and others just... boring biker gang stuff, their stylists are all over the place 🙈
I got bastard (good) on the quiz lmaooo
Expensive man huhu, also BOOOOBS 👁👄👁 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Ahhhh shit I almost forgot about TTWHY 🙉🙈🙊... but Seonghwa pissed me off a bit more in that one. Bodyguard was dumb too, but I also understand his reasoning (bad way of dealing with the situation but still) lmaooo I wanted to send you that video, our sweet clown, a comedian <3333 he's got the spirit
IM SO VERY SURPRISED OVER TTWHY???? so very surprised with ppl liking this one better then other fics 😵‍💫😵‍💫 love making my seonghwa’s be there root of trouble <3 😳😳 JFBWKDB HE’D LOSE A FIGHT SO QUICK 😭😭😭
Ok so just like I thought then! What the fuck Y/N was supposed to die... NOT ON MY WATCH! 💀 jsudjeudidheiueb it's okay I'm gonna instert Dumbles in their scenes myself, but ngl halfway through I was like "waaaait where's the cat?!" I hope he returned with Y/N! Y/N and ice cream, well sounds about right 😆 shit you're right some of his background was mentioned, I still need to know more details like how did he get there, what's his life story, his family etc, so please hook us up for a heart to heart talk <3
JFBWKDBK YES SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE 😭😭😭 wrong person wrong time,,, seonghwa would’ve been absolutely devastated <3 can guarantee if that ever happened he would never not marry anyone and keep that ring on <3 omg absolutely i will quickly ask him for his schedule for this weekend so he can come and have a one on one with you! LMFAOOOO
Baekhvuns x ateezmakemeweep crossover when? Lol yes fuckboy Hwa better do a full 180 and starts worshipping Y/N instead of just teasing her
id PASS AWAY if that EVER happened 😭😭 absolutely he mf better bc what if like someone else tries to hit her up,,, 🔫🔫
It's a bit sad cause I usually love their titles and this is what I wanted: rock inspired, hardcore and noisy concept, but it just didn't hit? Everyone's so hyped and saying how genius the song is, but I'm not feeling it 💔 I was anticipating this comeback so much (I still am, I'm just worried the song will disappoint me). It's slowly growing on me, but I don't think I'll ever be obsessed. Kpop parties helped me "get" Maniac, I also listened to it like 11 times in a row cause my phone glitched and I couldn't change the song cause I was on public transport squeezed between people 😭 still not my fave though so maybe Guerrilla will be the same. It's funny cause people on twitter are like "you don't like Guerrilla? What did you expect them to lead a rebellion with Turbulence or Wave type of songs" and I'm like "I actually wanted them to go harder" (just remembered I hypnotised myself into like Don't Call Me too 😅)
maybe when you hear the song fully your mind might change! you ofc don’t have to be obsessed with the title track there’s more tracks you might end up liking! LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 I STILL CANT GET INTO MANIAC EXCEPT WHEN THEY KEEP SAYING MANIAC DBDB JFBWKDJWK tbh atp kpoppies just force ppl into liking music and omg i saw this twt the other day and ???????
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isn’t the whole point of them having to grow as artists shown from criticism as well?? this tweet sounds tone deaf ???? isn’t music put out for ppl’s opinions on it 😭😭😭
Bestie Christmas Evel was my Christmas song I actually really like it 😭 FELIZ NAVIDAD FELIZ NAVIDAD I CAN FEEL THE EVIL COMING BUT FELIX NEVER BAD?! - so dumb I LOVE IT. I don't know what you heard, but I personally really like everything on Oddinary especially Charmer I even liked their slower song which is kinda shocking, from Noeasy (except Thunderous) my faves are Cheese, Ssick, Red Lights, Silent Cry, Star Lost. Some of my fave songs in general are Miroh, Side Effects, Victory Song, Voices, Spread My Wings, TOP, TA, Easy, Any, Levanter, Insomnia, Rock, Awaken, Hello Stranger. Alsooooo I loved Xdinary Heroes cb, the title isn't that amazing, but the bsides?! Aaaaaaand this boy continues to be a problem he's so cool and talented and pretty, but also a big loser and a baby so naturally I love him 🙄🥴
JFBWKD I FIRST THOUGHT THAT SONG WAS LIKE A FANMADE THING UNTIL I WAS LIKE “fuck??? that’s actually a song…???” SO DUMB DBDBDH YES BUT ITS SO CONTAGIOUS omg yes i listened to charmer and i love that song better than the title track 😭😭😭 my favourite has to be hellavator one of the best jyp debut tracks! ill def listen to them all!!! NO BC WHY ARE JYP SIDE TRACKS WAY BETTER THAN THE TITLE TRACKS 😭😭😭
Yes I saw that Soo Hyuk show, but I need more, not just a web drama 😭
what’s your thoughts on your favourite ceo kim meeting lee soo hyuk <3
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Yeah that "friend" of mine is so weird wtf, I was looking through qrts on some tweets and they were there?! How can I escape lmao maybe I should block them. But I like torturing myself so I went ahead and read a bit more and...wheew bestie, someone needs to go outside and leave twitter for a moment
LMFAOOOO DBDBDB going through their tweets would be like looking through the morning newspaper 🤩🤩 nO BC IT DO SOUNDS LIKE THEY NEED TO GO TOUCH SOME GRASS 😭😭😭
Bandana Hwa so true 😍. Oh, he is looooooking
😭😭😭🤚🏼 HES SO CUTE pls stop me bc this series is burning in my wip and iwill take it out if this continues to happen 😭😭
In the new photo Seonghwa looks like a rockhopper penguin kshsjdgakdhiddbsj (I know they went for 80s goth punk look, but that was my first impression) what are those fits 🤔 I like Seonghwa's jacket tho also Matz in riding boots, is San's back exposed?! Why are some of them wearing crazy clothes and others just... boring biker gang stuff, their stylists are all over the place 🙈
NO BC HE FR DO FBWNVDKS their necklaces are the same as the hala hala ones and that blew me away 😳🤚🏼 IS HIS BACK EXPOSED ????? about to pass out,,, yes the 80’s goth punk,,, can’t wait for how their outfits on music shows look like!!! scared for the ending fairy hwa 😭😭😭 will start screaming
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I got bastard (good) on the quiz lmaooo Expensive man huhu, also BOOOOBS 👁👄👁 - DV 💖
i got very complex fbenfbdn
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yeah this guy’s never done anything bad
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HELLO?????????????? Okay I mentioned before I hope they do fashion packs but honestly I want full dolls for every look. I loved every look hands down. I dont think ive ever liked every outfit in a series before but those were just so good???
First peak at the twins AND jett dawson??? Bitch what!!!!
Like Sunny with the baby hairs, Jade serving us some Frankie vibes, Poppy giving some Katniss, Skylar period, Ruby was a one hit ko with that unzip transformation, ahhhh they were all good!!!!!! Was kinda thinking Amaya's would change with the water tho for a second lol but god it was still so pretty. It feels like someone actually knew what they were doing for once. Poppy having real butterflies?????? Holy shit?? Howd you pull that off, that's nuts! Not unheard of tho I suppose
Colin shirking away when Skylar came out made me scream a little. Karma and Krystal clutching at each other was so cute omg. River full on hitting the floor when Amaya came out like mood lmao
Violets hair was amazing the beads/pearls are such a good look, love the little kiss, her little video bit about friends keeping her grounded was so sweet.
Sunny's earrings are to die for, might make myself some. Then later Violet complimenting her animation and calling her hot ajsjdkfkfsdd too sweet, I weep
Jade's makeup look was really good and the way she looked back like yes im hot hello?? Stan tbh
All of them hyping each other up at the end🥺 I cry. Sunny calling ms Wright mom lmfaoooo mood, stan Sunny
Listen Skylar's entire look is just what I want to embody in life but uh was that jean? Was that a jess (jean dress)? Bc umm normally I would hate that but actually it fucks lmao
ALSO was that Emerald I spotted in the crowd??? I want him as a doll too, too cute
Im amazed there actually was water, I thought that was supposed to be kinda dream sequencey lol but then ms Wright made the comment about drying the auditorium so dang. Amazed they didn't slip (i know its animation but they've done it in other things and it happens in real life idk) but the puddles just added to the overall ambience. Also why was Wright acting surprised about it, shouldn't she have know ahead of time?
BELLA!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW SHE HAD TO BE COMING BACK HOW COULD SHE NOT??? but like why didn't she get to leap into Jade's arms huh?? Maybe next time lol also that car👀👀👀 I wanna drive that irl I need a new car anyway LMFAO
God okay there's so many other things to scream about but im just thinking about those dresses. I really truly expected something gaudy and overly saturated, maybe just a weird heavy focus on rainbows. I've never been happier to be wrong. The excellent energy they were giving each other makes me want a friend group like that so bad, we love to see girls supporting girls.
V excited to see whats next!!!
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nagiscap · 4 years
third arrow - chapter 119!
hey guys so im one follower away from 100 so my event is coming soon!! the new chapter of blue lock has come out so here are my thoughts WARNING there will be SPOILERS AHEAD!! hope you enjoy!!
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sae is so fucking rude like as i was saying in older chapter sae is so much more disrespectful than rin like this is just plain fucking rude it also seems like rin’s awakening will be like no longer deeming sae as like competition and like not being “hung up” on him being his brother so no shade to my boi isagi but it seems more and more clear that rin’s awakening will be abt sae and not isagi imo 
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like wow sae is so fucking cool like the attitude is uncalled for but he has the talent to back it up okay i just thought of this while i was typing and i was thinking hmmmm where are we going from here like is the u20 team and blue lock merging like IK they said that if blue lock wins they take their spots but what if it ends in a tie idk tho bc blue lock is like cut throat and ruthless but a girl can dream im getting attached to the u20 boys
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MY GUY IS FINALLY GETTING SOME SCREEN. TIME AGAIN now im lowkey confused how his and isagi’s technique differ (ig isagi’s is more focused on playmaking while niko’s is more focused on reading and understanding the play but they are rlly similar lmao i also just realised i answered my own question embarrassing) but im so happy to see him get some appreciation its been a while
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i just wanted to say holyshit sae is such a good player to be able to do this and also go niko for seeing the trick 
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does sae ever show joy happiness or is it playing soccer at this level like worthless to him and thats why he doesnt care bc its obvious sae cares about soccer but istg ive never seen him happy in this manga he’s either annoyed or indifferent 
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im amazed how many cool panels blue lock has each week its amazing 
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he has a kansai dialect omg im in luv with a lil countryboi (im an atsumu fucker ffs i love any man from this region on sight) like before he was kinda irrelevant but now hes my country boiiiiii 
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u20 is so lock step they even carry the same trash talk bruh the bond is unparalleled lmao 
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AGAIN HOW DO THEY ALL JUST PICK UP THE SAME NICKNAME IN LESS THAN A HALF also oliver ughhhhh each time i see him im just in love all over again 
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ok i curious if this is smth they practiced jk i am assuming this is u kinda cant do this shit on the fly tbh theres definitely a new level of sophistication to bllk’s game play compared to before probs bc ego is actually coaching compared to before when it was kinda like every team just figure it out 
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ok its hyoma’s time to shine!!! everyone get ready for everyone’s pretty boi to come thru 
also no nagi this week #pain in fairness tho my boyfie got sm time the last few chapters and he scored the first goal ugh nagi supremacy
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 318 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 309 Responses
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Overall the episode was a hit with viewers, with the majority ranking it a 4 or higher. Over half of all respondents rating it a solid 5. The hype is real!
I thought this was a great episode. A lot of hype moments and the CGI worked for me, for the most part. Looking forward to the next episode!
All around exceeded my expectations if mappa keeps this up this will go down as the best anime in history
Chef's KISS!!! 10/10 episode, i was extremely hyped the entire time. 
It was amazing and I hope MAPPA keeps up with the same quality for future episodes
Amazing episode really hype
I thought the voice acting was amazing! :)
Great episode, not perfect but neither was WIT. No adaptation is perfect. This was fantastic.
It was pretty good just maybe good have been done better but I’m just happy it was done at all.
I’ve lowered my expectations to rock bottom at this point
An enjoyable time.
I think it was great! I was very excited and left me wanting more tbh
It was a very good episode!! I'm so happy to see the survey corps again!
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Mikasa’s reintroduction to the series takes the largest piece of the pie, with 31.6% enjoying the scene the most. In second comes the coordinated attack from the Survey Corps against Porco, with 14.8% feeling that scene really brings the hype. At 10.3%, Levi’s first appearance in the season takes 3rd place, and with 9.7% is the overall fight between Eren and the War Hammer Titan.
Ackermans ran this episode as they should. They're on a whole different level. 
Why isn't the Sasha-Gabi moment in the list of favourite moments? That's my actually favourite moment. Gabi seeing Sasha through the fire and smoke, Sasha's reflection in her eyes...chilling.
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In general, the fandom appears to be understanding of MAPPA’s usage of CGI, with 38.2% being completely unbothered by it, 20.1% feeling that while it’s not ideal, it could be much worse, and 18.8% not particularly caring for it but not faulting MAPPA for it either. A handful of people just wish that there would be more appreciation that it’s getting animated at all, while others continue to be a bit salty about the usage of CGI this season.
Did people forgot the god-awful Colossal titan's CGI from WIT? Well, I didn't so I wasn't surprised by the same level of CGI in Eren's scene (thankfully just one of them). I rarely have issue with CGI in SnK except for truly awful looking ones so like couple of times in the season, usually. 
I honestly wouldn't even know there's CGI if everyone wasn't complaining about it. I honest to god can't see where they use it.
It's mostly fine
I thought the war hammer titan looked AMAZING, the only CGI that looked odd was the scouts in the background, but that’s really it...?
A few sore spots (e.g. Erens titan looked kinda off this ep), but it's not season-ruining yet. 
CGI Titans >>>>>>>> CGI Survey Corps
It works fine for titans that already look somewhat mechanical (Armor, Jaw), but it looks incredibly awkward for the others, to the point of taking me out of the story. 
Sometimes great sometimes shit
Maybe I've been spoiled by studio orange and the previous seasons, but I know for a fact that they can do better. This is not a new anime, this is the final season of one of the greatest anime of all time, so yeah I expected much better CGI, it was poor and unecessary.
i think it’s gr8/unnoticeable,,,,,like we all put up with the colossal titan in s1-3 lmao
Some Titans like Eren and Beast look a little weird but I just really like how they made effort to make it blend with the art style. Maybe if they had found a way to cut the animation down to 12fps it might not look so bad? Anyways I think it’s good for what it is, MAPPA is doing their best!
I barely noticed it. The animation looks BOMB. Top 5 episodes of the whole series for me and BEST action episode of AOT easily.
I'm always going to prefer 2D but I understand why they're using it. Still sad about what could've been if they were given enough time to work on the season. Definitely going to lower my expectations.
My dumbass wouldn't even notice, I just want to see the pretty people
I think the CGI for the Titans is completely fine. It's the CGI for the Scouts that was a bit off putting for me. Still, not enough to ruin the episode. And if we continue to get animation of this standard I will be fine with it. 
At this point after episode 7 onward eventually AOT CGI is going to be worst than EX-arm's CGI 
I love it because it makes the titans scarier and more eerie? I also miss the 2D ones because they feel more natural. Overall, I think it's fine!
I think the CGi is well executed (for the most part), I just don't like that they had to use it so much.
It's a great job. They manage to execute it very well and go to a normal animation when it's needed. It doesn't bother me tbh
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Eren’s dive in the anime was a bit different than in the manga, but it seemed to get a few laughs out of the fandom, so we asked you all to rank it. 58.3% felt it was the most beautiful dive to have ever dived, while only 5.5% think Eren really needs to work on his form. He did his best.
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Mikasa stole the show this episode, with 53.5% enjoying her entrance the most. Levi wasn’t too far behind though, with 29% of respondents hyped over his return. 11.6% were very happy to see Sasha again, while smaller chunks were glad to see Jean and Connie.
They massacred my Jean-boy’s entrance 🥲
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We got a more colorful and evened out pie for this question. Overall the largest chunk, at 24.3%, are enjoying MAPPA’s take on Eren’s iconic “hobo chic” look. 21.1% think Sasha looks the best out of all of them, while Mikasa trails just behind her at 20.1%. 16.1% are grateful for Connie’s design, leaving 9.5% favoring Jean, and smaller handfuls appreciating MAPPA’s take on Levi and Floch.
Chubby Floch
Here I am watching the trailer all over again because that's probably the only way to see Jean animated handsome and with his actual manga face. MAPPA what happened?
Levi has a thicc ass
I’m a big fan of all the time skip character designs, it was hard to pick just one favourite :) 
Jean looked stupid... Floch too but that's not important.
OG characters designs feels a bit off to me. I understand why they use CG for some parts and I have mixed emotions about it. I hope they won't rely on it too much on the upcoming episodes.
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One of the most anticipated scenes of the Marley arc was the return of the Survey Corps and the way Mikasa paves the path for their reintroduction. The fandom appears to be very happy with MAPPA’s execution of the scene, with 60.9% of respondents rating it with a 5, with 27% rating it a 4. 
Mikasa! Mikasa! Gosh love her!
im so glad mikasa is back owfejgrnrkdfs
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The series isn’t known for having too much filler, but typically what filler does exist seems to be appreciated by the fandom, and this was no exception. 56.8% of respondents were happy for a little more fleshing out of Willy’s character (also learning that those kids were his!) and being able to sympathize more with him. 19.7% appreciated the more sympathetic addition until they remembered he was willing to throw Liberio under the bus for his plan. 13.5% are appreciative of any and all additional Willy content. A small amount didn’t like the filler and would rather have had MAPPA put their effort into other things. 
I liked it. Got to see more of his fine ass. lmao
Don't add extra 2d animation if You can't even handle what's in the manga
It would've been better to show before he was dead. Fleshing him out after the audience already know he's dead doesn't hit as much imo
Wasn't one of the scene itself, but then again I'm always interested in scenes I haven't seen yet.
I am so grateful, willy for is one of my favourites and omg we got to see his family and how is he a lovely papa 😭💕 I can't ask for more bless you MAPPA🤘
fuck them kids
Why should we feel bad for him? He tried to unite the world against Paradis. He got what he deserved.
this was a benefit. as manga readers, we had time to know willy. anime onlies will only ever have these 2-3 episodes and it was very humanizing
How is that possible that Tybur little kids in few seconds were louder nad more chaotic than THE WHOLE CITY DURING THE ATTACK??
It's very regrettable he left so many children fatherless because of what he chose to do. Really saddening..
I’d have rather seen more of the manga animated 
I knew why they added it, but I (personally) think willy is crud. Not mad it's there tho!
He did his duty as a Tybur to the very end. Honestly I wish he could have lived longer, he’s a really compelling and interesting character.
I feel like some viewers have carelessly misunderstood Willy because of that scene in the carriage. They're like 'wow, he really hates and shames his own people huh?' but at the beginning of the episode we all saw his abundance of children. Would it not have been extremely contradictory if he had truly wanted the extinction of all Eldians and then at the same time did the complete opposite by mass-reproducing a small army of Eldian children? Maybe that's why that scene was added to the start of the episode, to keep people away from mischaracterising him. Unfortunately, this may have simply been missed or overlooked by some. 
they should had polish the damn episode instead of fillers.
Loved it! Mappa is killing it with the episode additions 
Reading the manga, I truly didn't even consider the possibility that these were Willy's children because he is so obviously a ~*bachelor*~. Like, it didn't even cross my mind that those children weren't his little nieces and nephews because he is suuuuch a Theater Gay. Nothing can change my mind.
Wait a minute, are these the kids in that ending slide from season 3?
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A minor dialogue change didn’t seem to have much of an effect on nearly half of respondents, with 47.5% saying they’re indifferent to the change. 43.3% like the change much better, feeling that it works a lot better with future story developments and makes more sense. A handful didn’t care for the change and felt it tampered with Magath’s overall characterization. 
I think the change was logical and more consistent with the story, but I'm naturally skeptical of any AOT manga-to-anime change.
I forgot this.
It ovewrites the flaw of Magath's original plan. Even if I think its unfitting of him, it makes sense.
I'm not sure what I feel about it. Kinda like how they added Falco having a dream back in episode 1. For now, let's just see.
I suppose the new change is a little contradictory because Magath dislikes Marley’s reliance on Titan power and rather just wishes th ey had prowess in other ways. 
Realistically eating him makes more sense for them to eat Eren so they gain control of the Founder but I think Magath accepting the age of Titans is now done for is more in character.
It obviously makes more sense logistically, but I think it's important for Magath to stand opposed to Marley national policy on this front, like, symbolically.
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Though they are minor characters, the anime seems to have made some of the fandom a bit more fond of them. Still, 38.5% wouldn’t change anything about their fates, stating that they were necessary for Gabi to develop further as a character. 28% would rather neither of them died and are curious about how they would have developed if they lived to see another day. 23.7% say if they had to pick only one of them, it would be Udo due to his relevant commentary. A handful leaned toward Zofia, wishing they could have learned more about her. 
Udo. But at the same time Isayama can barely handle all the characters that are still alive so Udo probably wouldn't get a lot of screen time anyway.
Zofia. I didn't care about her while reading the manga, but in the anime she was more unique. I liked her stoic voice a lot. Zofia and Gabi should have switch the places. 
None cus i don't like Gabi
Both or neither. One would be just a third wheel to Gabi and Falco. I would love to see more of Udo and Zofia but I think their deaths were important
Udo and zofia's deaths hurt so bad. I didn't particularly care for either of them when reading the manga but i grown attracted to them in the anime. Udo's in particular breaks me. He was such a energic kid and he... got trampled to death. I'm just...
Neither. Both were serving an enemy nation and deserved what they got.
They weren't important to me so I don't really care
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47.1% of respondents didn’t want to pick sides, stating that the attack was tragic in both mediums of the story-telling. 25.8% felt that it was much more devastating in animated form alongside the sound, music and voice acting. 18.3% felt a bigger impact while reading the manga. 
Both versions are devastating, but Manga hit harder bc I just was so confused and couldn't stop trying to figure out wtf Eren was doing and why. Watching it knowing what I know made it somehow more devastating and yet also more palatable (bc I have a better understanding.)
It was more devastating in the manga. Especially Udo's death scene 
I think I have to wait until the battle is over. So far it's alright.
Loved it
It gave me more emotions in the manga. 
They got what they deserved
It was far more devastating in trailer 🙄
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One of the few characters left with no name after the large guidebook released a few years ago, Lady Tybur was all we could call her (aside from fan-given names). Now she has an official name! 26.7% found it neat that we finally got this official detail. 25.4% feel that now they can finally sleep at night. 17.6% are forever grateful for the name drop and hated waiting so long for it. 15.3% don’t care at all and 11.7% feel this confirms that Isayama is a fan of Tomb Raider.
Not what I was expecting and wasn't expecting her to get a name. At least people can stop calling her Emma or those other dumbass meme names.
Cool. Next up: names for the Blouse kids, right? Right right?
I'm not kidding when I say I literally jumped up and screeched "SHE HAS A NAME!!!"
she didn't need it. she was the mysterious lady t. 
Lara was more lucky than Traute, who got more panels in the manga but her name was mentioned only in the guidebook. 
Still died
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Of all the shots in the preview, 45.1% of respondents were most looking forward to Levi’s staged attack on Zeke. 17% favored seeing Mikasa assist Eren, 15% were most looking forward to seeing Falco emerge from the basement to see the carnage outside. 10.1% were stoked to see Pieck enter the battlefield. The episode has aired as of the publishing of these poll results - we hope these scenes lived up to the hype (even though we guessed one wrong lol).
I enjoyed the episode very much. I felt that the CGI was handled fairly well given the time restraints. However, there were a few instances where it was a bit jarring like Eren eating Willy, Eren pulling the WHT's cord, Mikasa landing on Eren, and Jean climbing up on the roof. Also some of the CGI models looked a bit weird for the scouts. I'm hoping some of these issues can be improved on in the Blue-ray version. Overall, these issues were noticeable but didn't take too much away from my enjoyment of the episode.
As much as I don't like the CGI, episode was great.
Just that it was fantastic and I can't wait for the next one!
The music is top notch. I love it. Especially the new version of XL TT near the end
After re-visiting the trailer we got for this season, it's just....saddening. Everyone was wondering how Mappa was gonna animate AoT and after seeing that trailer, all that effort by the animators, I thought "it's in good hands!". Now that we're getting the episodes and it's underwhelming. I don't blame the Mappa animators at all and cgi is unavoidable at some moments. But whoever are the higher ups who said "animate this in the shortest amount of time" ARE the assholes. It's so upsetting for this anime and the workers of it to be brought down like this :'(
Continuing to enjoy the pictures on the page come to life in the anime.
It was pretty amazing, I was waiting for so long to see this part animated! Aaand I'm so happy I got to see again the scouts! (expecially Connie, my personal fav)
Erwin should had lived instead of Armin, so Erwin can nuke Marley dropping from a blimp
I really liked it! I don't understand all the critics about the animation. It looks really neat and smooth
the SC backlit in that final scene was sickkkkk
It was different from the manga, but all the differences just improved the storytelling and fleshed out the people in Marley. Well done, MAPPA!
I’m just grateful Mappa actually gives a shit about adapting the story properly. That alone makes this season a 9/10 for me cause that’s rare to see in the anime industry these days.
Gabi's voice acting was amazing this episode ! Also, it feels good to hear the ODM gear sound effect again. The CGI didn't keep me from enjoying the fight, we got awesome camera movements and good choreography, I'm very hopeful for next episode ! Also best boy Onyankopon might appear soon ?
I seriously do not know why people are complaining. It was amazing! Can't wait for the next episodes, it's going to be action-packed and intense!
I don't know if I liked the episode or not. I usually prefer manga so even episodes I like I prefer their manga versions but there is something in off with the episode and usually, Titans fight are more excited but this one Nah it was not at all. War hammer was great in animation it served a better understanding of its powers but the fight, in general, was like boring?? idk maybe because I am a manga reader so the titan power/character's introduction was not as thrilling as they were when I've read the chapters. anyways, there is still more of the attack on liberio in the next episode so I'll give my final thought when we conclude the arc
I really enjoyed and the CGI doesn't bother me.
I think the reason Attack Titan looks a bit off is it looks a bit thinner! Warhammer looks amazing because it's a true copy of the manga. If Attack Titan was a bit buff, I think nobody would have that much of a problem. Overall the chapter is amazing!
as much as i adored everything else i must admit... what is wrong with the character design? what happened to everyone's jaws?? i think jean, mikasa and pieck were the worst drawn. in the manga, they look flawless. 
I just hope we would get actual discussions in the sub instead of circle jerking or bitching about the cgi/ost etc.
The soundtrack was epic as hell
Mappa is doing a good job, with the little time they had. But sadly, they had the capacity to do way better and I will always regret this situation. And the Jojo memes on Mikasa are on point: in that specific panel, she looks ugly and unlike her cute face in the manga. For the rest of the episode, she's well portrayed
I think this episode is a taste of what is to come. It’s one thing to read still, silent pictures of complete devastation, and it’s another thing to hear the explosions, the screaming and crying. Seeing the blood painted red instead of black and white. When Eren rumbles the world, more people will realize how evil it is, how completely irredeemable. Less people will be #teameren once they get to see it in the anime. I can’t wait to see what MAPPA has in store.
So many nice details in the battle that weren’t there in the manga, the war hammer animation was particularly great
I feel bad complaining, but this was the first episode of the season that has disappointed me at all. Every other episode I feel has elevated the manga. I don't want (and never expected) to be that person, but the CGI, especially on the humans (WHY??) was so awkward it was distracting. We also lost a little bit of expressiveness from Eren, which is kind of a big deal when there's so little from him to begin with. 
Soundtrack was lit!!!!
It is what it is. But after I finished the episode I went back to watch the trailer and got sad that the season just isn't going to look like that. It's not bad by any means and I understand that these are people, not robots working on this with an extremely tight schedule. This entitled fanbase is super embarrassing with it's behavior and harassment of the people working on it. I kind of hope the final arc doesn't get animated now because these people don't deserve it. 
Awesome! I was a bit distracted how the pacing was, cutting a bit weirdly from one episode to another, but I really enjoyed it!
That closeup of Eren's Titan after he nom'd Willy is NUTS. 
It was emotionless and almost boring. The sound director keeps fucking up big time. I didnt feel anything close to the hype I felt watching the Armored/Colossal reveal animated. There were no exciting goosebumps, or tears. Nothing. Also the CGI was terrible. There were good things, but I expected much more for suck a climatic episode
It was a good episode after all, graphic was ok but i think that if they continued with the same titan 2d animation of first episodes and maybe changed a bit some sound it would have been waaay better. Still a good episode imho
The episode was very average. I'm not trying to complain, I know that the anime is mostly for anime-onlines, while we have a manga, but I expected better. I imagined the titan fight to be smooth, but in reality both - WHT and AT - moved like two, fat elephants. In the manga I felt that WHT was fast like a wind. In the anime Lara was slow, she looked like she had a hard time to even hold her hammer. The moment between Eren and Mikasa was disappointing. In the anime when Mikasa was upset about Eren's actions, he was completely unfeeling, while in the manga we see him being full of emotions and almost crying. I know he will turn into a cold bastard but MAPPA shouldn't dehumanize Eren so much now. I was surprised by Connie's glow up. MAPPA has done better job with him. In the manga he still looks like a kid, while MAPPA made him more mature-looking and masculine. That's good for underrated Connie. I'm grateful for the scene between Willy and his children. This way he feels more sympathetic and isn't ""just a guy who declared a war and was eaten by Eren"". 
I really like how the warriors and Marleyans seem to be getting a somewhat equal amount of screen time as the scouts have gotten after they've come into the picture. I hope this helps to make clear for the anime-onlies that understanding the experiences, emotions and the development of the other side is just as important as understanding those of the scouts/Paradis.
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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sukirichi · 3 years
[ BROKEN RECORDS ; asks ] 
💌 — love letter from @kyriaan​
from track 007. 
Okay okay im still kinda meh'ish' but i really wanted to answer you so 😭 ill try to compile both my answer to your answer on my love letter and my hyped review on track 7 <3 so yeah another long ass rant from me 😩💕Suki... Suki pls I totally forgot Tsumu had a crush on us Suki... And then poor Tsumu ir there sulking cause he still likes u- JFBFBDVDVSJCHDHSIA omfg i wanted so much to hug him my baby I like him so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he was trying so hard to behave while just sitting there sad fhfhfvbbshsjfhbdjaofhffhsoshd TSUMU YOU'RE STILL IN MY TOP 3 BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 
Oh shit im crying again that scene lets me emotional 😭😭😭😭 someone get me a sunrin irl pls
Also how powerful are we?? HOW FUCKING POWERFUL ARE WE TO SCORE SUNA KITA AND TSUMU?? ARE YOU GONNA TELL. ME IF OIKAWA MOFO TOORU APPEARED HE WOULD ALSO BE ON HIS KNEES FOR US?? (okay no wait... No nooo i would legit drop anyones ass for tooru hes that powerful for me like sorry suna was fun but TOORU)
👀👀👀👀 Still not a kita simp ✌️✌️🤏✌️
Okay Kita deserves the best tho I mean okay he went there as a y/n mom's plan but he did ended up helping alot... Especially cause he knows no matter what y/n heart will always be suna's and pls give Kita the best ending possible cause he deserves someone who will trully love him and show him the world cause mah boy deserves it
*breaths in breaths out* i hated this scene- not in a bad way but shit i hate rejections... To the point im kinda afraid of confessing now cause i despise the feeling of being rejected... The best i can descrive it it like this coldness in your chest that descends your whole body and then you feel frozen in place.. Thats how it feels for me I hate it I absolutely despise it- its also the feeling i have when in a really bad situation and ugh...
The suna part made. Me feel this no matter how many times i reread it the feeling doesnt lessen it keeps being there cause (okay you probably are tired already of me saying this but) Suki I feel like I cant put it in words how much of a fucking good of a writer you are. Ill go ahead and say you are by far my favorite writer the fact i always feel so engaged and the fact i always feel like im there its just- it blows my mind.
I felt like suna was personally rejecting me and i hated it- i swear the moment he said prove it I almost screamed HOW? My brain had to take a moment to just slap me and say: 'kya you reading this is not happening chill-' cause i was already sobbing uncontrollably... I even whimpered the dont leave me 😬 my sadass went to bed feeling so sad thanks to suna... Man i wanted so much to hug him and i swear i would give him as much love as he gave y/n cause well i kin suna alot in this series cause im like that im a giver i treat others the way i would like to be treated (reason why ive been down lately ✌️) and i cant blame suna for finally setting boundaries- his call tho 'do i not stand a chance with you anymore y/n? Are you really not capable of falling in love with me?".... Oh suna... We are in love with you.. We always were we're just fucking stupid 😩
Also mari pls go jump off a cliff <3 youre in need dear cause sleeping with other man just to separate suna and y/n <3 i want so much to punch her 🙂🙃
Now for the love letter part (im so sorry for this being so long ✌️)
You said that if we asked suna he woukd say that he genuinely loved mari okay... Ill go ahead and say yes he liked mari he even learned how to love her and he genuinely cared for her BUT and heres where my personal view comes in so maybe ill be biased here still for me that was just a he loves her as in he cares you also love your friends and care for them but he didnt love her- and by this I mean- he could never be fully committed for her. Yes he loved her and he felt happy with her but like track 7 proved everything he would do in the back of his mind was y/n he deeply wished Mari was her and for that he just loved Mari cause he learned how to care about her- but he never forgot who he trully was in love it. Also the happiness he experienced with Mari was pretty much the one I experienced the bliss of having someone there and that bliss also made suna turn a blind eye to all the red flags from Mari cause to him all the jealousy meant she cared and thats toxic but suna was so desperate for some sort of 'she cares' that even all the possessiveness was bliss for him... And that makes my heart clench for suna...
'suna had to put an effort for the relationship' and saddly i feel like mari didnt... Mari didnt care mari was there because she was a fangirl of suna and got lucky, the way she just discarded him so effortlessly that proved-screamed how much she loved him- she didnt. She was just possessive over him she liked the whole 'hes mine' dynamic and suna was the perfect boyfriend cause he was giving her the world... What he wanted someone to do for him.
Also yeah suna and y/n might have been spurred from them being fuck buddies but well love doesnt really have an agenda- they just clicked, understood each other and had chemistry yeah they had tons and tons of sex but feelings started not because of sex but thanks to their deep connection... Also that dsncing scene in track 7 that alone spoke for their whole relationship- that alone is enough to defend their feelings for each other- yes it might jave started just as fuck buddies but ended up in them loving each other deeply and that is enough love after all doesnt need a perfect start. It can start out of the most stupid ways.
You said life with excitement and fun wouldn't be permanent or real.. Honestly i think it could be.. Cause i mean when you love someone that deeply your life always feels exciting even with the littlest things and that the purest kind of love. Even just going for a walk at the beach would be fun for them or even staying up watching movies i believe suna and y/n would always find a way to make their lofe exciting without much effort.
Also it kinda makes me. Sad when i see some anon saying that y/n and suna relationship are toxic? It makes me. Confused maybe because I was in such extremely toxic one (girl i sweat if you search for toxic relationship my ex's face will be there as an example 🙄) that Mari to me screams toxic! Possessive, manipulative, jealous and a few more if I think closely about it while with y/n and suna they are just two idiots that are hurting each other cause they're just that: idiots one that is afraid to get hurt and the other that keeps hoping- dont get me wrong what they're doing is not healthy but i dont find it toxic honestly
Sorry for the extreme long rant 8D I tried to keep it short but you always make me so hyped to talk about your works 😩
[ from saeren ]
NAHHH CUZ I LOVE TSUMU SO MUCH HERE HE WAS SO PRECIOUS. I didn’t write too much about them in college but Atsumu was so cute when he crushed on YN. he was always sending her memes and cute texts like “have you eaten” “good morning” and she’d feel so awkward because she doesn’t know how to let him down easy without hurting him. either way tsumu would feel hurt. AND YES PLS HE WAS SO SAD I MEAN, HIS CRUSH AND HIS BEST FRIEND NEARLY HAD SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM SO THAT’S GOING TO HURT
SUNA AND ATSUMU TIED?? tbh I loved that dancing scene bcos suna is one of my faves and I really wanna do that with him hehehhehe. NAHHH PLEASE SAME IF SUNA DANCED WITH ME AND MADE A WEDDING PLAYLIST I’D BE LIKE boy what’re u waiting for let’s get married now !! n yes he said whoever YN will choose in the future will be one lucky guy IM SOBBING RN
naur cuz. there’s something about dating your best friend. I’m not saying a boyfriend wouldn’t know you as well but there’s something different when you’re best friends first. they could literally share eye contact and have a long ass conversation just from that. their connection is different.
HAJKALA AS FOR THE POWER, BR! YN IS A VERY CHARISMATIC AND FRIENDLY PERSON !! she’s like one of those people you meet that not only are they attractive as hell, but they’re also super approachable and down to earth. that’s why she’s so popular + she’s flirty and can make a stranger feel welcome or comfortable in the first meeting. SGSHJAK I WAS ACTUALLY PLANNING TO ADD OIKAWA HERE BUT I WANNA MAKE IT MORE INARIZAKI CENTRED
the seggs scene with kita SOBSSSS he’s such a soft dom IDC he knows where the clit is, he knows how to hit it. he’s a “your pleasure first before mine” type of guy. kita is perfect, PERIODT. HE GIVES DADDY VIBES HUH AHSKAA HE’S SO SWEET YET SEXY IM IN LOVE WITH HIM ISTG IF SUNA WASN’T OUR BEST FRIEND THEN I’D RUN FOR KITA ALL THE TIME. and I agree, kita deserves the best !! and don’t worry, I actually plan on giving kita the best ending, I promise you he’ll be fine (slight spoiler there)
 YESSSSS OMG I’VE BEEN REJECTED BEFORE AND THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FELT, MY BODY WAS SO COLD AND I WAS SO CONFUSED LIKE IT MAKES YOU THINK. am I not good enough, did I do something wrong, do you not wanna give me a chance or try it out but ofc I’d never say that out loud. AND KYAAA AAAH IM YOUR FAVORITE WRITER??? NO CUZ YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY. I remember ur asks way back reckless era and you used to tell me that my writing made you picture the scenes easily and you felt you were there in that moment and I’m just so grateful thank you so much <33
NO BCOS WHEN SUNA SAID “prove it” I was like. this is it. that’s his hot boy shit moment. man’s has had enough of being thrown from one toxic relationship to another and he also deserves his good moments yknow. and you kin suna here?? BESTIE IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT, SUNA’S BEEN THROUGH A LOT HERE AHSJAKA. that’s true about suna tho !! he’s definitely affectionate + a giver. he’s happy being the one who gives most of the time but he’s a human as well, ofc he’d want to receive the same amount of love back. ALSO HIS PHONE CALLLLLL ugh tbh that part was the one that made me the saddest bcos he’s just. he wants to know if there’s really no more chance. all this time he never gave up. but he’s also tired so if yn says ‘no more’ then he’ll give up. its his way of respecting himself too ahsjaka
YOOOOO I AGREE WITH THAT. he cares for mari as a person but not 100% as a lover. but ofc he’s still thankful for how happy she made him because she was there at his worst. and that’s true, deep down suna still wishes that it was YN who’s right beside him. he will always ALWAYS want her back. he learned how to love mari in a way that was more out of mutual care but not in the way he loves YN. no that’s reserved only for YN – she will remain no 1 in his heart. AND YESSSSS the reason why suna overlooked the red flags was bcos to him, its something that was supposed to be “normal” like no perfect partner existed. he thought mari’s attitude of pushing YN away was normal, and its normal to want your partner’s best friend keep some distance but not to the point of mari’s place where she literally wants the two of them to cut each other out of their lives.
and aww I’m so happy that you realized how I wanted to portray suna and yn’s relationship. they’re….like the definition of youth in its freest form. they were fucking around and doing stupid things, but they had a connection. they had something deeper than just sexual intimacy. even if they never dated or even if YN never proposed the idea of it, they would’ve actually been still great friends. and oooh I actually don’t remember saying life with excitement and fun wouldn’t be real HAHAHAHA so I can’t comment further on that. but I think when I ‘said’ those I probably meant that it’s not always going to be all rainbows and unicorns in a relationship. there’s no such thing as a relationship that’s always happy and sweet 24/7, but ofc it can be sweet and it can be pure even with the little things <33 they just need to work on it.
hmmm tbhhhh… suna and yn are toxic in a way that they refuse to let each other go when they clearly can’t meet halfway. toxic doesn’t have to be limited in just being mari-like in which they are possessive or manipulative, because then if we’d drive deeper into yn’s personality, then she’d be stringing suna all along and that’s unfair of her. she knows suna wants more and yet she remained being friends with him, which totally isn’t a bad thing, but it’s because she keeps flirting with him and is so romantically comfortable with him that she doesn’t realize it’s hurting suna because he’ll give double meanings to that. their relationship is ‘toxic’ because they’re not entirely good for each other, they’re not that ready to be with one another yet and neither is the world letting them be in peace, so forcing their relationship to a point they’re hurting another is the toxic part.
[ from @kyriaan ]
Ah also not me feeling all proud and mushy cause my analysis made you mind blown fjfbdnsjdkpa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I guess its also because i see this story as a really big mirror of my own toxic relationship sonits extremely easy for me to get it... And oh boy the way i kin suna here
But dhdhfjdospdhfbsoa 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel happy now *huggles*
[ from saeren ] 
and aah yes ofc, I’m really happy whenever someone can see the underlying details I scatter throughout the story !! yeah omg same hahahaha broken records is also half inspired by the toxic people I’ve met. I kin kita here tho and I’m so glad you’re happier now !!
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jiminrings · 4 years
cabin pressure
pairing: taehyung x y/n
glimpse: pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
wordcount: 17k
notes: this is my first bts fic im gonna post and for sentimentality’s sake, im paying homage to the bullet-point format™️ because this is the same thing i use for my reviewers and it’s v effective in making me focus and not lose interest!!! 
jimin really misses you :((
you’re his longtime friend!! someone who’s stuck with him even before he was famous!!
unlike tHose who suddenly appeared claiming that “aHHHHH jimin from bts aha actually we were friends even tho i have never spoke to him once hE’s actually asking me out and-“
and he loves u to death even the both of you fond each other annoying at times
like that one time he pretended he was sick with a bug just to get u out of your very important meeting just bECAUSE he wanted u to cook up a meal he missed
“hey why are u crying and also can you pls still cook why you’re crying”
“jimin i fucking hate you”
and needless to say he really made up for it because he may have screwed up your job bc he wanted you to drop EVERYTHING to cook cheesy tonkatsu for him
so yes he really went up and above just to get you to forgive him
and u know what
jimin misses his best friend so much that he’s thinking of you in the middle of a meeting
and literally at the mention of bon voyage, the gears in his head start spinning!!!!
basically his thought process was:
bon voyage = abroad = y/n = oH DAMN OH RIGHT Y/N’S A PILOT = airplane whoosh = abroad = BON VOYAGE!!!!
and he’s really gonna make a leap for this because it’s given that him and the boys ride in private jets and first-class and all
literally everyone is looking at him now because his previous outburst of a call was surely attention-grabbing and it makes him shrink a bit because aha :D oops lol okay so what i was saying
“i-i was thinking uhm like since, abroad, right?? my friend y/n y/l/n is a pilot!! and the airline she-...”
“you know y/n y/l/n??” bang si-hyuk literally asks with his eyes wide and everyone could tell that it was the positive type of shock
everyone in the room is like divided with some nodding and some clapping excitedly and some just with their mouths agape
and that confuses jimin because
“you know y/n??”
bang si-hyuk, ceo of big hit entertainment, his boss,,,, knows you, his childhood best friend-
and it’s not like jimin is territorial when it comes to his best friends and most esp you!!!! but yeah he realizes that he is now, especially because everyone in the room apparently knows you??? and he’s only ever introduced you to the boys???? briefly?? hope and jin have yet to meet you in person???
“how could we not?” jungkook interjects with a bunny smile on his face and everything is seriously confusing jimin rn because honestly
“do you like live under a rock” yoongi has the most confused face ever to jimin’s cluelessness, the situation being ironic because normally the hyung is slower when it comes to these type of things
“y/n went viral all over the news like last week!! up to now even” it’s no joke that namjoon knows everyone that his members know but for jimin to hear joon speak about you in THIS degree offends him
because wait he’s your closest friend he should know these things
he’d like u to know that he isn’t bitter :)
and his eyes go wide at that because oH GOD WHAT DID YOU DO
everyone agrees to what namjoon said, still a bit dumb-founded as taehyung practically yanks jimin’s chair to sit closer near his and almost shoves his phone to his face
it’s you
in your pilot uniform with your luggage at tow
sunglasses at the top of your head and phone on-hand
your id still worn around your neck and
jimin basically deduced all of these things with a couple swipes:
a) ok you look ethereal in those pics
b) it was supposed to be a stolen picture of this dude but you were in the background and you cOMPLETELY stole the show
c) someone zoomed in on you and edited so now basically your ethereal being got even more magnified
d) someone zoomed in on your id (he got a lil bit mad at that)
e) aha the internet loves you
f) edits and i have thirty minutes i am free this saturday retweets and digging into your images in social media EVERYTHING!!! the whole nine yards!!!!
when you woke up to that frenzy though
you literally couldn’t function for five minutes and then you started catching up and digging in on what was happening
“but i don’t look ethereal!! my skin is dry n oily at the SAME time because of cabin air and my eyes are stinging!!! i look ghastly and only a little bit fresh because of the air u get when you’re 50,000 feet up in the air!! but im-...”
oh that’s it you went viral completely on accident
you were just waiting for the free service back home your airline offers it pilots, because you brought your car to work but you were too tired to drive back home
but now you are viral in the worldwide interwebs with articles and twitter threads about you and multiple multiple DMs that make your phone freeze and
wait did your airline just email you about that :D
oh lol did beyoncé just follow you :D
basically jimin got his brothers giving him a three-minute crash course each about what happened with their managers even stepping in to gush
he basically can’t believe that he didn’t know that!! even if you didn’t mention it to him, he should’ve known because it was practically everywhere!!!!
bang si-hyuk is well-pleased and even got jimin to tell how he knew you and what you were like and he was very much :O when he got into the word that aish!!! his employee has really been living under a rock lmao
by then, the conversation about bon voyage has been slightly derailed to talk about you
who knew that jimin simply mentioning your name (lol he didn’t need to because the conversation about you was nearing anyway) would land the meeting to
“oh! actually! the airline y/n works at reached a couple of weeks ago about a proposal to get bts to star in a commercial for them!!”
and now they’re hyped because yes they endorsed clothes and food and malls and establishments but never did they endorse an AIRLINE!!! a damn airline!!!!
okay so now not only did they tackle that you would pilot for them in bon voyage
“ah! you could like also play games on the way there with y/n!!”
“wHO WILL PILOT THE PLANE THEN??? we’re gonna crash!!!”
“you’re thick, jungkook, and not in the way you think so lmao”
“maybe we could extend their vacation! shoot a skit or two with them being flight attendants for run!! one week for shooting, two weeks for resting!! two birds with one stone, really”
an airline commercial
a couple run bts! episodes
a whole season of bon voyage (with a longer production because they have longer vacation days)
more traction for them
more time than he ever wished for to be with you!! :D
soon enough the meeting is finished and it went so good that the boys were gonna be treated to a beef dinner so
everyone’s scattered and dispersed, some making small talk w him about you that makes him smile
taehyung’s lingering behind him with his hands on his back
“what is it, tae?”
the younger boy is just giggling and fiddling with his hands, a careless shrug to his shoulders
“can i have y/n’s number :D”
“aish!! if jungkook were to ask for her number, you would’ve given it to him in a heartbeat because he’s the youngest!! and-...”
“ya!! thanks for reminding hyung! jimin-hyung may i also pls have y/n’s number :D”
jin had to drag jimin with him bc he wasn’t done shooting the both of them glares and his cheeks were practically pink with how annoyed he was at the younger two
needless to say taehyung and jungkook didn’t have any extra portions of beef from him
he is very protective of you and even if he’s become closer with his brothers more than he’s been close with you he jUST can’t help it!!
not that he doesn’t trust them or anything
not that he doesn’t trust you either
but he doesn’t want figurative blood on his figurative ledger because he feels that it would be his responsibility if ever yOu and someone became a thing and HE was the one who inteoduced you both :(
it’s not just a him thing :( he can’t put it into words but he’s just looking out for both parties!!!
kinda figured out that taehyung may or may not have a shy little crush on you
spoiler alert: it was HUGE
for their entire dinner, every single time your name was brought up, tae instinctively has his ears perk up at the mention
simultaneously he shrinks to his seat and purses his lips and looks around to what’s being said
why are u mentioning y/n’s name?? what is happening??
and taehyung having a serious case of sweater paws doesn’t help him from jimin’s observing gaze
and yes he feels a bit sorry because taehyung kinda looks a bit upset; that little “oh :((“ on his face when jimin snapped at him so quick
he’s not gonna force him to tho,, out of respect since someone else is involved (and in this case it’s you and your number)
jimin nudges him by the shoulder to get his attention
everyone’s passed out at this point because the beef was so damn good
tae kinda looks spaced out so he turns his head immediately and he forgot for a second that he was supposed to be cold with jimin
“..... do you still want y/n’s number?”
taehyung almost fALLS out of his chair as he nods eagerly, making jimin shake his head to himself as he hesistantly takes out his phone from his pocket
oh god jimin’s phone is on his hand now oh god that’s your picture oh god that’s your number oH-
“i’m not gonna text her tonight if that’s you’re worried about?? i mean we barely know each other!! consider me asking for her number to be used for future references only :D”
“what does future references even mean?”
“... luggage. i want y/n’s luggage bag.”
“i also want y/n’s-...”
when you open up your company’s email to you, you really can’t help but to feel nervous
today was your off-day and they specifically requested that you come to the main office at 10 AM sharp
and in your off-day, you aren’t even awake at that time of the morning!!
it wss both a blessing and a curse that you slept early the night before so your body clock just went “lol u wake up early today get up at 6”
and not to mention the fact that it was the same day you learned that you went viral last night when you were peacefully asleep
so the last few hours have been WILD and it kinda put you into shock
the closest you’ve ever been to fame was having your pictures leaked with jimin when you were still kids!!
if you were lucky enough, your face would be covered by every possible animal emoji that was ever released
apart from that, it was the occassional mention of your name in stan twitter and that was it
but THIS type of fame is on a whole another level!! higher than being tagged as jimin’s best friend outside of bts!! higher than having your face covered with animal emojis
when you thought that you were gonna be fired over being viral for some reason unbeknownst —
even if you know that you haven’t violated anything and if anything, you were the one who got violated because someone uploaded a picture of you without your consent!!!
so when you learn that they aren’t mad at all and ecstatic in fact
because your airline basically got free publicity and promotion just because you looked so good in pictures that weren’t even intentional
and that there is a more than noticeable spike in the bookings of flights
and that people were cALLING to ask if you would be the one to pilot that flight
and that said rival airlines were pitching in salaries that competed with your paycheck now aND THAT THEY WERE EVEN higher
needless to say that your day was more than eventful
you don’t know how to cope up with it either so while the meeting drags on to talk about your newfound fame you’re just :O the entire time
“i believe that park jimin from bts is a close friend of yours, correct?”
wAIT what
you shouldn’t be shocked by now because practically everyone’s familiar with him and the rest of the boys
but it still takes you off-guard because as much as he is your friend
and as much you admit that you miss jimin :(
or that you haven’t talked to him as much these past few days
you genuinely don’t see the connection of why jimin would be brought up into this conversation that doesn’t involve him in the first place
there’s a self-pitying realization in between that it seems like your only determining factor these days was to be known as a best friend of a kpop idol and nothing else
that’s a sad topic you’d rather not delve in at the moment
“prior to you being catapulted into fame suddenly — we reached out to their company for them to become our endorsers. a commercial and a billboard and some other things.”
“and this is just the pERFECT timing because you’re famous now and people love you!!!”
this was it
the stars were aligning for you
not only do you get to hang out with jimin, but now you’re launched into much more job opportunities!!
when the meeting concluded, you narrow it down to the conclusions that:
a) you’re most likely to film a commercial and some adverts and perhaps be included in a billboard with them (their company has yet to confirm within the week but your ceo ji-eun is damn sure at this point or else she will flip
b) you’re now getting an agent :D because apparently offers have been waiting for you left and right and they already got you one before you even said “yeah sure i guess???”
c) you’re getting a RAISE
d) sooner or later you’re gonna do this photoshoot so your own company could post about you this time
e) interviews. you’re gonna be asked to chat your heart out intentionally. i n t e r v i e w s
and it’s a humbling moment for sure because it’s like 
oh. you didn’t mean for this to happen but it’s here now and you can make the most of this while it’s still here!! you get to do what you love and be with the people you love and basically get paid for it!!
oh is this what jimin feels like all the time then??
maybe you should apply as the 8th member of bts
it’s during an intentionally cold night in your apartment that your phone basically vibrates itself off the table
right when you were still in the bathroom taking your time because you were getting PR!! and the mask you just put on happens to be something you’ve been curious about but it was too expensive for you to be curious about lol
also: curiosity that leads you to buy either new skincare products or makeup are either a godsend or a godforsaken situation because 6 out of 10 times you do that, you breakout!!! 
the sound of something clattering to the ground immediately makes you scramble towards your living room, phone flipped over to see jimin up close, eyes even in a picture enough to intimidate you for not answering immediately
the both of you put each other on speaker mode because while you didn’t want to risk ruining your mask, the rest of the boys wanna listen in
the entire phone call was so intense because even in speaker mode you were still yelling at each other
and it was spent with so much enthusiasm on trying to catch up with the past days and jimin apologizing profusely because he’s been living under a rock
“... jimin what do you mean”
because as far as you knew, the airline commercial would be done with a green screen to ensure that it’s of the best quality
not a gopro type of thing because ur flight attendants would yell real-time to the camera crew and the boys when they try to do something and the seatbelt sign is still on!!!
“wait jimin i think y/n wasn’t supposed to know that yet”
you hear a voice in the background and it’s very much familiar and it’s now hitting you that there’s an audience for your entire call
“namjoon, is that you???”
and then you hear this scuffle over the line and a very slight commotion
it’s jimin holding his phone away with his arm and the other fending off namjoon while hobi scrambles to steal it back
jin is helplessly saying hello to you in the background while jungkook is hopping around going all “miss y/n i am a fan of you!!!”
taehyung is going all sweater paws again while yoongi is desperately trying to shut them up because he’s still listening into yours and jimin’s conversation and he’s genuinely engrossed ok
and now everyone’s calm and collected especially since jimin gives them a death glare each and nobody admits but angry jimin scares the shit out of them
he’s back to being soft-spoken now because he realizes that he may have slipped in saying information he probably shouldn’t have yet, a sheepish scratch at the back of his head
“uhm well you see you’re gonna fly us over for bon voyage and uhm kinda stick around for some pieces here and there?? uhm that’s from what i know hehe”
right now you’re just blanking out and staring into the distance and you’ve suddenly gone awfully quiet
yoongi’s on the background like “yo i think you just broke her”
“is y/n’s cell broken? i’m gonna get her a new one”
“jimin-hyung you said y/n sometimes forgets to lock her door right??”
it’s once again another frenzy and once you realize that you’ve blanked out, you immediately shush them and they miraculously do
it’s a feeling of being overwhelmed and disbelief because this is more than you’ve ever asked for
to think that just last week you were tired and was about to pull off an AWOL because your off-day couldn’t have come nearer
“i certainly didn’t know that”
and there’s a nervous chuckle and a nervous silence that encompasses and for a moment, jimin frowns because he thinks that this is all too much for you and you’re gonna turn down the offer even before it’s gonna be officially pitched to you at a meeting tomorrow (you have yet to know that there’s gonna be another meeting tomorrow)
“oh my god i get to be with the lot of you!!!”
one excited shriek from you and that’s all it takes for hell to break loose
“i can fINALLY meet jin and hope!!”
“where’s namjoon?? this old lady from one of my flights own a stall at the airport and she’s afraid of riding in airplanes! and i was apparently so good and she wasn’t scared and that she waited for me outside the cockpit! she gave me a written note saying that i could come to her stall anytime and the bOOKS I’M GONNA CHOOSE WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE EVERY SINGLE TIME”
“yoongi if you’re hearing this; i heard kyle kuzma’s gonna fly first class next week and i fly that same aircraft do u want me to ask for an autograph”
“we have a boatload of dog treats we give for lil ones we have onboard so they stay behaved!! taehyung can have them for yeontan”
“tell jungkook that he can finally have my walkie-talkie he’s been bugging me about!! i have a new one anyway”
it’s official
they love you
they are practically swooning right now and are mad at jimin because wHY DIDN’T YOU LET US KNOW Y/N SOONER 
they only met you a couple times in the past and hobi and jin are jealous because atleast they got to meet you :((
and all of them are willing to take a splinter for you no doubt 
everyone goes to sleep that night all warm and fuzzy and content
not to mention taehyung being so giddy about what you said
not only did you think of him you also thought about yeontan aNd you haven’t even met the little devil yet!!
and he isn’t the only one who thinks of this but
there’s just something about you that is so warm and so genuine
like you could be as introverted as yoongi and be as much of a team player and and extrovert as taehyung is when needed be
but the point is that there’s always something about you for everyone that makes them gravitated towards you
of course jimin explains this to you and you basically shut him off
“aish don’t put me in a pedestal because i swear that i’m not that special”
“why won’t you believe me??”
“because it isn’t true now eat your cereal jimin i will pinch you thru the screen”
the meeting comes soon enough and you have to pretend that this was your first time hearing this bit of information
the pilot you were helping learn the ropes, hyunjin, will take over your normal workload for the meantime!!
in less than one week’s time, you have to pack your bags for three-ish weeks!! because as from what you can tell, things are gonna be a bit more hectic for you because you’re not only gonna fly planes
for a run episode, the boys are gonna be your flight attendants in a mock flight with the passengers as staff members
but the plane being in the air and them wearing flight attendant uniforms will be very much real
and then another episode to be squeezed in with them trying out flight simulators and quizzed with aviation facts 
and whether u did the best or the worst with the two-part episode
they’re still gonna go skydiving :)
they’re really milking out the sky motif but ok it wasn’t your show anyway and you were just gonna guest so they can go off by all means
after all that work, you’re gonna fly them off again but it’s for bon voyage this time!!
they basically res for two-ish weeks and you can tag along behind the scenes because i mean like you’re flying them home too so might as well
get some clips in between to be used for the commercial
and said commercial would be shot a few days after you all get back from said vacation!!
that’s it narrowed down and as you were taking notes, you can’t help but to feel very excited and nervous at the same time
a few days pass and it’s finally time!! yeah sure run episode but JIMIN AND THE BOYS CAN FINALLY SEE YOU NOW
you were supposed to reunite in the aircraft itself but jimin is an impatient baby which is why he’s called you insistently to say some excuse of “you have to go back to the empty boarding gate u need to meet your camera director”
lol but in truth you really don’t need to and where they are now is what you need to pass to get to said boarding gate
so when jimin sees you by the jet bridge they were all at, he sprints
like actually SPRINTS to get to you 
and he attacks you with a massive bear hug and sprinkles you with noisy cheek kisses
“Y/N *kiss* I *kiss* MISSED *kiss* YOU *kiss* SO *kiss* MUCH *kiss*”
no lie you really did miss him too
and once you get him to calm down because he was crushing your bones and you return his cheek kisses
the boys are all just looking at the scene in front of them with awe
jungkook’s looking at namjoon with his eyes saying “lol imma do that too” and namjoon’s staring back going “NO”
taehyung’s extra pouty right now
he didn’t conisder the fact that maybe you and jimin were an unspoken thing and that his crush on you is now something he shouldn’t hold onto
he got discouraged very quickly
hobi is waddling to you at full-speed and goes for a hug which is wild move for someone who he’s just met (but u don’t mind)
“you’re adorable your uniform is so cute omg”
jin goes in for a hug too and you say something along the lines of “i could see the handsomeness they were talking about” and he goes absolutely rED
he’s laughing uncontrollably like a seal 
namjoon was about to go in for a hug but then he sees your wrist and-
you are now being wrapped with namjoon’s long arms 
he doesn’t seem to be letting go of you soon
yoongi just has his arms wide and his eyes in a faux irritated manner
“what are you looking at”
and then his gummy smile appears when you just cave into his hug and jin is like??? “aH! y/n’s power is unparalleled”
jungkook immediately goes in for an embrace and even twirls you around
“ooh!! you have more piercings now than the last time i saw you!”
“i can pierce ears now!!”
“jungkook can you really”
“lmao no”
and now that it seems like hugging is the new norm, and taehyung being the last in line for you to greet, that kinda burns your nerves becauseif you were to “admit, you may or may not have a little crush on taehyung ever since the first time jimin introduced the both of you to each other
so you do the sensible thing and don’t think about it
no thoughts head empty head first
“aha y/n :D”
you hug him and well
taehyung blanked at that and panicked internally
the stark difference of your enthusiasm and his timid response was cringeworthy and it makes you screw your eyes shut as you hug him
but the moment tae realizes this, he holds on as you were trying to let go of him as qUICK as possible because it was too awkward for you to bear
and a little crushing if you were being honest
taehyung now takes first place for wanting to be reincarnated as a rock in the next life
after yoongi seeing that interaction he was just like ᵒᵒᶠ
before it goes anymore awkward though and tae starts squawking, jimin thankfully whisks you away 
“you look so badass in your uniform will u let me wear it”
“let me wear your hoops and i’ll let u borrow”
“lol forget that i even asked”
no matter what, jimin doesn’t let you borrow his earrings!!
like even if the boys borrow some from him time to time
he absolutely does not let you borrow and when you ask why, he just rolls his eyes and smacks his lips and goes N-O
and then eventually he has to shoo you out because they have to film the intro at the jet bridge and you’re not supposed to be there really
jungkook excitedly squeezes you again and goes “see you later!!”
jeon jungkook knows what he’s doing
so right before the cameras start rolling, he’s just staring at the side of taehyung’s face in close proximity with a teasing smile on his face and then wiggles his eyebrows in the slightest when tae finally returns his stare with a knowing glare
“what was that awhile ago, hyung?”
“one more word out of ur mouth and i’m ratting you out to-...”
“i was just kidding hehe don’t rat me out to namjoon that i accidentally stained his precious table hehe pls”
and he blinks at that and is taken aback
because that was supposed to be an empty threat
and now that jungkook realizes he’s fallen smack-dab into the trap, he now wants to ignite himself
taehyung now has blackmail material :D
jungkook is now held captive by said blackmail material :D
they eventually get done with their intro and into the aircraft itself!! jimin is the one to introduce you and throughout the whole ordeal they’re just hyped-up bc it’s the first time they get to do this type of episode
and they’re doing it with you so that’s a plus
and they get changed into their custom flight attendant attire
snug pink get-up with a silk navy blue scarf tied around as the uniform’s collar 
and golden nameplates engraved with their names on it
and AIR BANGTAN embroidered into the breast pocket!!
they looked absolutely good
your work would be lighter if only they were your actual flight attendants
you’d work every single day
even though they could be tiresome at times bc they could be all over the place
taehyung was admittedly swooning the whole time
the production staff made you alter your speech a bit so you could insert air bangtan and introduce all seven of them individually for the skit
and then everyone’s briefed with what they have to do and how safety should be the no. 1 priority
and then it’s takeoff time!!!!
jimin is really really proud of you
he takes advantage of this as his bragging rights
“aha that’s my best friend who’s flying the plane we are in right now :)”
“lol i love y/n i was best friends with her first :)”
“best take-off ever in your life amirite :)”
“i’m friends with a pilot in case you didn’t know :) no big deal”
“technically that’s captain jimin to you too now :)”
it was a fun and a chaotic episode
a bit unsafe? yes
but then the icing at the top was taehyung swooning at everything you did and cussing at himself every time he remembers how he screwed up earlier
he is the most behaved person in this flight and he wants you to know that :((
yoongi’s mercilessly teasing him
“y/n’s gonna come out to do her landing speech soon; you should pretend reading the safety manual now”
“somebody give taehyung a barf bag and a pen he’s gonna ask for an autograph from y/n”
“ey jimin do they sell y/n’s perfume in this flight?? someone just wants to ask”
and there’s just this innate feeling everyone feels every once in a while
that everything feels so right and so complete
it’s like complete nirvana
and before you know it, bon voyage is already happening
a vacation with seven best friends (jimin insists that he has the superlative best when you’re talking about them as friends) 
(and maybe one of them you don’t see as a best friend and perhaps something more and that person really doesn’t show much enthusiasm for you as you do for him)
(it’s taehyung)
and it’s not like taehyung isn’t fond of you
in fact, he very much is!! believe him!!
it’s just that he’s paralyzed over his crush on you and the fact that he sees you often because of these circumstances and he can’t believe it
too paralyzed over the fact that he might and may have already made a fool out of himself
and that he’s afraid to make moves on you with the boys here because jESUS CHRIST
he knows he would be teased mercilessly or he would be teased mercilessly while they help him out but they would never let him live this down
and jimin
oh god jimin
because as much as jimin loves him, he knows that one wrong move on you and he knows he’s gonna yeet him to the han river
he doesn’t know either what would be jimin’s reaction if he knew of his crush on you!! will he flip? will he be happy? wILL HE FORBID HIM FROM SEEING YOU EVER AGAIN????
at times he could be very overbearing
and he admits that
but all for good cause as he tries to explain
oh and jungkook
damn jungkook
he’s caught on pretty quickly about tae’s crush on you
and kook likes you but not in the way tae likes you
it’s just a fuzzy, warm, and platonic type of like like what the other boys have for you
but with fLIRTINESS
jimin’s the same but it was natural since you’ve been friends for absolutely ages
jungkook’s however was very fresh and very aBRUPT
it’s him trying to get a rise from taehyung and urging him to just make a damn move on you
he hopes that his flirtiness with you would just intimidate his hyung to the point that “open your eyes!!! oh what am i doing?? don’t you feel that i’m trying to steal y/n away from you?? MAKE A MOVE!!” gets across
taehyung has yet to realize that though
bon voyage doesn’t really include you (as you also try to remove yourself out of the picture as much as possible)
the cameras aren’t always turned on and not all hours of the day are spent on filming
so they can still get to do things and activities without staff members flooding the house!!
the house you’re all staying at is a gigantic one
so it got divided into two wings and you can even close it off!!
one wing solely for the boys and the other for you and the production staff
you were at their wing more often than you are in yours though
and during these past few days that turned into weeks, you’ve been closer to them more than you could imagine
they were easy to get around with!! them knowing that jimin knows you is a plus factor if you think about it
and even if not for that fact, they still think not much would’ve changed in your present friendship dynamic right now
it was comforting to be with them, really
the other way around!!
and you could also hang out with them either individually or as a group and it wouldn’t be awkward!!
.. taehyung may or may not be a slight issue though
you honestly think that he hates you :(
and you’re trying to backtrack your actions to see if you may have done something to him
you always try to keep up with his energy
jungkook was fooling around with a drone and trying to experiment flying it
and then he suddenly had this idea of “tae do you think you could outrun my drone”
and kook’s whipping his head around for you as if in a silent question to ask “wait is that possible”
and you’re just over there narrowing your eyes like “jungkook just because i’m a pilot,,,,, it doesn’t mean i know every flying object in the air and how to operate it,,,,,”
“but y/n can you outrun my drone tho”
it’s the sudden challenge that takes you aback and makes your eyebrow raise
and then it’s become a cHALLENGE
taehyung’s competitiveness making him forget that you’re even there and that he’s not acting all conscious
so it’s literally all fun and laughter
and the both of you may or may not be so caught up into this stupid challenge you stupidly both participated to
you’re not even sure if there was a rEWARD for this
so stupidly caught up to the point that jungkook’s already led the both of you to the beach that you were overlooking from the house you all stayed at
(jungkook’s running with the drone and that completely destroys the purpose of the drone but he’s having fun too ok)
before you knew it, both you and tae are crashing full-speed into the beach and it takes a collective second for you to realize that you both were indeed wet when you’re hip-deep into the water
and it sends another burst of laughter and you’re just looking at him helplessly and out of breath
“oh my god i didn’t even-...”
it hits taehyung now that he’s having full-on eye contact with you on what the fuck is he doing
he just immediately tenses and all the alarms in his head are going off
‘hahahaha yes :)”
and there it is again
that noticeable shift in the air that makes your mouth dry at what could you have possibly done
he’s quick on walking himself out of the water, quite literally leaving you there
jungkook’s by the shoreline laughing himself to death and sees taehyung waddling himself out
ok what was that
what the fuck was that
he only gets a blank laugh in return and it’s a dampener for his mood right now
and it only sinks in now that why is taehyung returning by himself
“y/n did you drown????”
no you didn’t drown
but the idea did seem enticing because you felt so embarrassed and down with what just happened
so right now jungkook just has his arm around your shoulders as he’s trying to figure everything out
“did i -- did i do something wrong?”
and even if the context isn’t clear. he immediately says no
the both of you are just walking back to the house while the sun sets and he still isn’t sure of what happened but he knows that it’s enough to make you sad and most probably has something to do with taehyung
he just wants to cheer you up :(
so mid-way he kinda picks you up wordlessly and you don’t fight him about it
you’re completely drained of your energy both physically and emotionally
you melt into jungkook’s grasp on you as your way of thanks and he acknowledges it with a squeeze on your arm
by the time you get back, everyone’s just doing their own thing because it’s nearing dinner
kook kinda plops you into the couch yoongi’s sitting on
his eyes question that something’s kinda off but he doesn’t question it
and you just crawl the short distance so that you’re laying on his lap and be sad in peace there
all he does it just past your head once and that’s it
and he’s just watching a replay of a basketall game because he hasn’t had time to catch up with those championship games (even if he knows who won and who lost)
and out of the blue yoongi just hears you softly pipe in
“my ex is a professional basketball player”
and you shush him bc you don’t want anybody else to know
“omg jimin doesn’t know this?? and i’m like the first one to know?”
oh and he kinda huddles because after all, this is a secret and it does have something to do with basketball
“professional as in he played in this show you’re watching rn”
“is he in this game????”
“lol no from what i know, he got injured even before championship but yeah his team’s playing right now”
“what’s his name???”
“theo. i call him theo”
and then that name sounds awfully familiar and he’s specifically requesting to see what he looked like and even tries to get hobi to look for your phone
but your pictures with him are all deleted now so you just make yoongi search up his name and he’s like :O
“....... why did you break up then..,,.,”
and then you just gently explain that it was a mutual decision and that both your jobs were demanding
so yeah it was impossible to happen
and yoongi forgot that fifteen minutes ago, jungkook just plopped you here because you wanted to lie down and were too sad to function
and he made you retell what happened to you and your ex that only he knows about
so he feels a little guilty
“you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to :(”
and you just wave him off that catches him off-guard
“nah it’s all okay :)”
man were u selfless
yoongi now loves you more
jin and namjoon finish dinner soon enough and everybody goes down to eat
even taehyung who’s with jimin
and it doesn’t even look like something’s wrong
but jimin’s counting all the heads in the room and was like ‘wAit where’s y/n???”
he sees you getting yourself out from lying in yoongi’s lap and he’s there with you in a heartbeat cooing at you
“y/n baby what happened”
and you’re back to lying down again but this time it’s jimin pushing you to lie on his shoulder as he’s stroking your hair
you said “nothing”, you know...,,., like a liar
jimin throws yoongi a questioning look and the older boy just shrugs his shoulders because he doesn’t know either
taehyung’s abandoned at the edge of the stairs
and you were about to scoff but that obviously doesn’t hurt as much when he abandoned you hip-deep into the water
“mhmmm i see :D”
jimin most definitely knows you’re lying but he doesn’t want to prod into it because it’s obvious that you weren’t in the mood to be questioned
at this point he’s just trying to cheer you up but in the same time give you sustenance
he’s literally feeding you right now
jin cooked up a lot of box mac n’ cheese (he transferred it into actual bowls) from the conveniece store and you know what
he wanted to try it out
it is not the healthiest thing in the world but atleast it’s somehow foreign right???? 
as much as jimin loves you, he does want to eat though
so he asked jungkook to get him a big-ass bowl with a portion big enough for the both of you and he did just that 
but you aren’t that much cooperative because you’re not eating that much and jimin is really really enticed with the smell of the food rn and jungkook senses that
“i’ll feed her, hyung!! go get another spoon for you or something”
he is really thankful for that so he just pushes the bowl to kook and scrambles for a utensil and perhaps even his own bowl
jungkook’s feeding you now and without jimin sending you a questioning glance every two seconds, you’re more cooperative 
taehyung is sitting by the far corner of the couch parallel to yours and he is CLENCHING
and he’s groaning to his mac n’ cheese and namjoon is ??? why are you like this ???
“good. it tastes so good.”
he nods but he’s still sending tae a questioning look
you eventually gained the appetite to eat
but jungkook was in charge of the dishes tonight and he doesn’t want to wash one more spoon so he insisted that you just share one instead
taehyung is gonna COMBUST
he is now practically yelling into his mac n’ cheese
everyone is now ??? at him and he makes a show of just shoving the bits of pasta to his mouth
“jin-hyung :) namhoon-hyung :) this is so delicious :) how did you do this :)”
“...... taehyung that’s instant,,,, boiled water and the cheese powder...,.,”
“aHA so that’s why :)”
his actions are v fishy and v funny 
but deep down he is boiling angry and frustrated both at himself and a jungkook
kook is giggling to the bowl right now that you had to pry it away from him
you’re not even LOOKING at taehyung’s direction
usually you did
but your will to treat him like how he treats you is stronger
that’s it that’s gonna be the rest of the trip
if there’s any personality trait you’re gonna pick up from jimin from having been his friend for so long
it would be the stubbornness
you avoid taehyung like the flu
jimin is the one most on-guard about that 
and he is whispering to everyone except taehyung 
“if you see something that relates to y/n and taehyung tell me ok tELL ME!!!”
and even tae feels sad about it to the point that he’s trying to make a conscious effort in making conversation with you
when you’re on the floor with your laptop turned on and they’re surrounding you trying to help you out with your emails
emails that don’t relate to aviation work and more-on to the viral side of things such as designer !!! brands !!! reaching out to you personally instead of your agent!!!
“mhmm they have really good shoes. what’s your favorite color anyway?”
and he says that in the midst of voices overlapping bUt the boys realized that taehyung gave input into the conversation and wAS LIKe wait wait tae’s speaking shut up shut up
but jimin answers for you in a heartbeat and hobi pinches his arm and he was laughing suddenly
he’s looking around trying to say something with eyes
“lol i’m sorry did i ruin his move on y/n”
and his subconscious-
it takes all four of his hyungs to plead him to shut up with their glares and don’t make this anymore awkward as tae wants to be swallowed wholly by the ground
your resolute will doesn’t crumble until jimin makes it his ultimate mission to find a drink that’s gonna sink you
because your alcohol tolerance was brought up again when they were talking about buying drinks
and jimin tells the story of how you outdrank him one night and didn’t wake up with a deadlier hangover than he did aNd he was still curious to how you did it
you don’t know either but you’re as interested as them in finding a drink that’s gonna sink you
hobi’s random pick in the grocery store did JUST that
you finally sunk
you finally got as drunk as jimin’s level
as in a shit-faced type and not just a happy buzz you usually felt
you and jin have been laughing without end for five minutes now
no one even joked
you just made eye contact with each other and you both immediately started to wheeze 
he was starting to get so red he looked borderline pURPLE if you were still seeing clearly
yoongi was laughing by seeing the two of you laugh because it was starting to get contagious at the point 
by now namjoon’s back was being slapped carelessly by yoongi who’s pleased with himself
taehyung has a grin on his face because you were so adorable
as if his cheeks weren’t warm enough just by seeing you so happy and bubbly
and the heat in his chest isn’t just because of the alcohol nor the warmth his sweater provided
maybe this isn’t a little crush anymore :((
while he’s ignoring that possibility, everyone else is considering it
everyone besides you :((
jimin’s on his feet at the moment because oh my god it’s happening!!!
good news because you’re drunk out of your mind
and bad news that you’re drunk out of your mind
so he’s tending to you with a glass of water and you won’t drink it
he’s trying harder this time by putting the glass to your lips but you were flailing around so much by laughing that it spilled some to you and jimin himself
he’s now looking for a straw
this one’s for boba but he has to settle for this now
and he’s trying to coax you into drinking it
“but water tastes like nothing :((”
“which is exactly what you need”
“but i want it to taste like something”
he’s about to groan but then he sees your eyes glossing 
and oh god did he hear a whimper
he’s now looking for an ice cold chocolate drink that isn’t overly sweet
namjoon has made it his personal decision to follow jimin around
and with his twofold clumsiness at this state, yoongi follows him but not without holding on to the back of jooni’s shirt so he could be slid around
jin stands up and follows them but he’s not sure why
“why are you all -- this is NOT a conga line!!!”
hobi’s staring into the distance turned into snoring
taehyung isn’t all that drunk
but you, on the other hand, are very much drunk
tae’s not sure to why you’re approaching him
maybe it’s because the hoodie he’s wearing now is jungkook’s
maybe it’s because jimin’s scent is on his hair from having borrowed his shampoo
maybe it’s because you’re drunk and your first thought is him even if drunk
but all his thoughts fly out the door when you’re squeezing yourself into the couch he’s lying on at the very moment
one that’s too small for the two of you and that he had to grab you split-second because you were about to fall out of the couch so hard if not for his strong grip that holds you
taehyung’s not sure either to what his tone contained
whether it was for warning or for reprimanding, literally all his thoughts are crushed once again the moment you speak
“you’re voice is very deep.”
he’s not sure if you know this either but you were unconsciously cuddling up to his side, filling in the gap at the couch that just made you barely fit
“a-and it’s very calming.”
he’s not sure to why but the moment you put your hand on his chest because you were basically almost lying on top of him
his first instinct was to put his hand on the small of your back
and the moment and the feelings were so warm that fuck this isn’t the alcohol anymore
nor the sweater
so warm to the point that the both of you don’t notice jimin’s :O and everyone else’s :D
because the make-shift conga line has arrived right in front of where you are and hobi just woke up
and right when everything feels surreal 
taehyung watches a split-second decision happen right in your eyes
you just kissed the tip of his nose
taehyung thinks he’s gonna ascend to heaven
it’s the softest moment ever because you pull away trying to gauge his reaction
he’s all red with his bottom lip in between his teeth and oh my god his eyes are so expressive
jimin steps in tho
and he clears his throat and taehyung iS SUDDENLY BACK TO EARTH
oh my god oh my god that just happened oh my god
this is a bit more scary and intimidating now
because jimin doesn’t look neither thrilled nor angry
he looks neutral
neutral blank-faced on the verge of who knows what jimin is the most frightening jimin
“hey baby here’s your chocolate drink you asked for :)”
and with just a head rub you immediately come to your senses and are already making grabby hands to the cold mug (with a straw!!) and you’re scrambling to stand up and jimin’s helping you to stay stable because you’re attached to him now
taehyung is now looking at his hands as if they were the most entertaining things in the world “wow look at my rings i have never seen them before so shiny so silver”
and he knows jimin can see right through him
jimin has the tiniest hands out of all of them while he has the largest
and u know what
he could be still strangled with those same hands 
and u know what too
maybe he’ll accept that wrath because he kinda deserves it  
he’s sent a brief look that’s enough to let him know that the both of them will talk
that taehyung shouldn’t leave this couch
nor leave this house
nor this country
you know what maybe tae better start timing his record on how long he can go without breathing
he can do that for a minute and a half underwater
soon enough jimin finally tucks you in with not much protest
much force from him tho but much more apologies and coos when he apologizes and you do as asked
got to make u brush your teeth and change into a fresh set of pajamas
he has to trick you into “seokjin would be mad at u when he learns that you went to sleep with dirty clothes on”
and him being the good friend that he is
since he also achieved of getting to sink you with a drink
he’s gonna go the extra mile
went so far as to wipe you with a wet towel and dry you off since you didn’t want to shower and he’s afraid ur probably gonna fall asleep not even midway
he even does your skincare routine for you
you kept giggling when he was patting your face so he did it more but now you were in the verge of tearing because in your drunk state you tHOught he was slapping you over and over again with both palms at the same time
and after all that
jimin finally gets around with taehyung on the couch and the younger boy just immediately straightens his posture
“...,.,., so you and y/n.,.”
there are literally no words in his mouth
“aha yes me and y/n :D”
and it’s a habit of tae’s to be incoherent whenever he’s flustered
that kinda doesn’t help his case because jimin needs ALL of his brainpower and coherence
“what are your intentions?”
“uhm i uhm aha :D great pilot. no jet lag.”
he’s nodding even there isn’t something to nod at
god he didn’t even drink much but he feels just as floaty and as spent
“calm down, taehyung.”
he SOBERS at that
jimin even pats at his knee to try and ground him
“y-you’re not mad at me??”
“lol i kinda am to be honest”
“but i’m only mad because you treated her from the start as if you didn’t like her!!”
“but hyung you knOw it’s hard and -- wait was it really obvious??”
“there’s a difference between being shy AND being an insensitive ass that leaves the room whenever she enters!!!”
“and i know that people cope with things differently but your mechanism with your little crush on y/n was just kinda off for her, y’know? like this is the time she genuinely gets to know you and not just a five-second introduction by me!! and it’s just kinda a ballsy move because she just got to know you in this level and you’re acting like an ass and she doesn’t know why!!”
“ok but-...”
“and ok the boys and i aren’t mad that you kept from us because it was pretty obvious but i mEAN like you could have just went to us, ya know?? even if some would give poor advice, it’s the thought that counts!!”
“oH also what if y/n fell for jungkook instead of you, huh??? he has balls and he doesn’t even like her in that way!!”
this effectively shuts tae up because he hasn’t really considered that possibility
and it’s a dunk at sobering reality that each one of these days he let pass could have been the moment but it was just him hindering himself
because he is a shy boi for you and the crippling fear of rejection just always paralyzes him
with his nose still tingling and his cheeks still flushed because of that kiss
with somehow permission from jimin
with you in the picture now and everything in place
taehyung really can’t help but pout adorably and cry up tears of happiness a bit
jimin hugs him for that with a pat on his back
they both know though that even without any verbal warning that jimin will give taehyung hell if ever he breaks your heart
tae kinda pales at the realization because it may be a conflict of interest
and jimin would be like
lol :) why would you be afraid of me when you have no intention of hurting her :) 
tae SWEARS he could hear jimin in his head and he was about to reply but he realizes that he’s just a little bit worried and much more overwhelmed
needless to say that things really did do change overnight
you were trashed yet thankful that you remembered most of how the night went including that bit in which you were drunkenly topping and cuddling taehyung then pressing a soft little kiss to the tip of his nose
you could still hear your internal monlogue of “boop :D” when you kissed him
you’re woken up by the boys (yoongi included because it turned out you slept in for much longer) since today was a no-film day and they basically get to do anything in this vacation without it being documented and such
it was just a never-ending warm feeling with tae
throughout the whole day he was just grinning at you and maintaining eye contact and at times when you’re not even doing anything
(he’s glued to your side much to the grumpiness of jimin)
it was a slow burn at most
bumping shoulders and squeezing of wrists 
having his hand casually on the small of your back and around your shoulders
taehyung scrunching his nose SO MUCH
hobi is genuinely concerned
“tae do u have a cold??”
yoongi is fucking relentless
“what? what? what did the good boy smell???”
seokjin keeps pursing his lips intentionally after trying to gain tae’s attention and he = would shrug his shoulders excessively
“i saw that u little punk i SAW that”
namjoon would be on tune with how yoongi just won’t stop
“tie that bandana around your neck instead and sTOP sniffling”
jungkook would roll his eyes and scoff playfully whenever taehyung would glance at him
“do i need to kiss y/n so you’d be jealous enough to do so??”
jimin would be the mediator with all the teases but that doesn’t exactly mean he’s on tae’s side either bc the one time taehyung bragged that jimin was protecting him, he got whacked on the side of the head
“lol no this isn’t for u taehyung,, i’m just doing this because y/n’s cheeks are so hot and they’re burning a hole on my shoulder”
as much as your relationship was slowly but surely blossoming with taehyung
it happened for the boys as well!! even with jimin who you didn’t even think was possible to get closer to
bonding with jin was spontaneity and strict adherance to plans combined
“jin do u know milktpapi on twitter”
“bubble would have been a better name for that puppy”
following twitter recipes that are fast-paced and a little vague became a big hit for the both of you
he went on a watching binge one night and the morning after there were just paper bags on the counter of ingredients upon ingredients that he so sweetly asked the staff to get for him
he liked that there has to be some type of drama between those two sisters
jin would just be ranting to you with no end
“they were on CONEy island,,, C O N E ,,,, and she made cupcakes in cONES but they still chose the sister who thought hAMBURGERS,,, in C O N E y island,,,, was a good idea!!!”
another inside game was to guess the personification of inanimate things but to food
“what must sadness taste like”
jin and you and the never-ending bickering between the two of you almost always fills in as white noise
yoongi and you are rather a quite dynamic duo
and as hobi explains that you could just really really catch on with his tempo
like at times they would just catch the two of you lying on the same couch but at the opposite ends with your feet meeting in the middle
awake and in complete silence
jungkook has his eyes squinted
“why are you texting each other????”
and it has him genuinely baffled but he’s just answered with a grumble and he CAN’T tell whether it’s from you or yoongi
just like with jin, there’s also a food approach
“that dumpling kinda looks like namjoon”
“i was JUST about to say that”
it wasn’t a showy type of friendship with yoongi; rather a more silent concern type of thing and the occasional hug
love language with him seems to be the both of you having a drum-off because he has a nervous habit of tapping his fingers
and he’s v thankful because oh :) you’ve just distracted me from that thing i was nervous about :)
also likes snoozing off so whenever you can, you squeeze in a pillow when his neck’s in an awkward position and when he wakes up and realizes he’s just like :) gummy smile :)
hobi is a force to be reckoned with
asking “hey r u ok” out of the blue even if you weren’t particularly sure how the other one felt and sometimes one of your heads would just whip and go “you noticed???? :(”
hanging with him whenever he scrolls at his phone and online shops
the only difference is that he buys what he wants
“you’re telling me that we scrolled for like an hour and you’re not buying any of the things you saw????”
and you just pass it off every time because although a pilot’s wage is above average salary, your future and earning isn’t as sECURED and SOLID as his was
that doesn’t stop him peeking at your cart when you aren’t looking and adding it to his and perhaps checking out :) i mean it’s definitely not from him when you see some parcels in your doorstep by the time you get home :) not from him :)
it’s become a constant thing to link your arms together!!!
even if you’re not necessarily walking, it is essential to link arms with you as he argues
one time jimin tried getting in between your linked arms with hobi bc he wanted to join
hobi IMMEDIATELY glares at him and jimin backed off like sheesh ok but u don’t get to do the things i do with y/n either
writing on each other’s forearms is a thing too
sometimes it’s to conversate when you’re not in the mood to talk verbally
sometimes it’s just about talking shit but don’t tell jin he has his coat on backwards he looks laughable
“can u choreograph something for twinkle twinkle little star”
“y/n i-...”
nAMJOON however feels like he should’ve met you earlier like WAY WAY EARLIER
he gets on with you so well and sometimes he just sulks to jimin
“why didn’t you introduce y/n earlier to me god what was life like before y/n”
brain talk is more prevalent than ever because there are thoughts that delve deep into your mind that sometimes only namjoon could get
noah fence but if you were to rant about this to jimin, he would just drone off and grumble and he’d turn to sleeping because he just can’t help it
movie symbolisms????? count that to him and jungkook
after watching parasite for the nth time, you’re sure all three of you had all bases covered but nO it was somehow bottomless
“isn’t it ironic and somehow oxymoronic that...”
he is eternally grateful for you because one night the boys wanted to have a seafood night and u may or may not have had some recipes sent in your airline gc with how your airplane food was made
(surprisingly it didn’t suck)
and you considered him since he hates it and you know what,, he gets something else cooked for him
god namjoon gets why taehyung is smitten with you
also joonie is a bit oblivious to this fact but the other boys notice that you always bring him back a trinket of some sort
you noticed (and jimin might have pointed out one time) that he tended to fiddle with things and do small tasks whenever he was ticked off or stressed out
you keep note that you should gift him one of those fun kiddie entertainment packs when you’re back to regular programming as a pilot
it’s also a constant thing for you to bury your head to his chest
for no reason at all
it’s really comforting to say the least
he could be preparing breakfast and you’re just trudging down the stairs still not fully awake
“hey. i’m making-...”
“oh ok jus hang there if you want but u might get burnt by the pan but it’s ok it’s ur call”
jimin has become even much more of a precious being
gets in your nerves a bit more often than the last time but it’s normal at this point
head rubs that lull you to sleep are the best :((
taehyung sometimes looks to his hands because jimin got you to sleep instantly and he pouts
“how do you do that?? i wanna do that too pls”
jimin’s voice feels like a warm weighted comforter,, that you gotta admit
“your voice is very velvet-y and it’s unfair because i can’t stay mad at you”
“𝓲 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀“
you still make an awed face whenever jimin cracks his bones
you’re in the middle of being fond and being disgusted at the sound so it’s still a 50/50 whether you grimace or gasp at him
“can i pls borrow your hoops”
“you could ask a million times and i would still say no”
playing with his rings whenever you’re sad is a habit you would never grow out of
which is why you were attached to him by the hip,,, or rather hands ,,, when taehyung was in the verge of being an ass to you
jungkook is something ELSE
if you aren’t lingering around jimin or taehyung, you would definitely be around him
taehyung is most jealous with the two of you but no he didn’t say that :)
annoying each other is the no. 1 task 
but lately annoying feels like second nature now so it doesn’t seem like tradition anymore
you would be his audience whenever he’s drawing because you’re genuinely enthrilled with him and his work
“how are you so good at this”
you’re almost always trying to copy what he draws
“what were you attempting with this”
“i was attempting your drawing”
“lmao are you sure with that???”
jungkook likes playing with you by pretending that he’s annoyed
but when he sees that u made his art your lockscreen, he was so awed that he was literally about to BAWL
he pretends not to notice when you push your food to his plate because you either aren’t too keen with the dish or you’re just too full
when jimin calls you out for “y/n why are you putting ur food on jungkook’s plate” and jungkook with “and jungkook why are you accepting it”
kook just shrugs and comes to defend you
“nope i didn’t see anything hyung :D”
if you liked shoving your head to namjoon’s chest, you liked leaning on jungkook’s shoulder
seokjin looks most offended 
“not even half of me y/n not even H A L F of me”
this really warms taehyung’s heart
because not only are you close to him but also with his brothers!!
even if he wants to deck jungkook sometimes
and that he may need to work on his jealousy
but none of those things matter because he’s given the assurance that you’re exclusive
that he may be yours and you may be his 
as cheesy as that sounded
taehyung’s working on a plan to properly ask you out once bon voyage ends and not just steal cheek kisses from time to time
or hold your hand and avoid your gaze because he too will surely combust
or hug you from behind tenderly 
much to the teasing and the hoots of the boys
and jimin’s occasional scowls but that’s ok he’s moving on and slowly starting to accept the fact that he can’t be overbearing this much anymore
bon voyage wraps soon enough
and truth be told you didn’t want it to end because you were in such bliss!!
it was a very memorable trip that you now carry close to your heart
and the fact that they still have a commercial to be filmed with you and some billboards to be shot makes you very :D
since the commercial was to be filmed tomorrow and you lived close to the airport, jimin initiated the idea of “hey what about if we just sleep over at y/n’s place??” which was very applauded
taehyung squeals the loudest when the idea was pitched in
“lol no you don’t get to sleep in the same bed as y/n”
namjoon shoots jimin a look that he was being overbearing again
“or you could just let her decide :)”
it’s only been four days since they last saw you but needless to say that it was borderline chaos when they met you at your apartment that was more on the spacious side
“y/n’s uncle kinda owns the building” jimin explains at first because the building did look more lavish than the average complex
“d-do i get to meet y/n’s uncle??” 
taehyung is a bit nervous because he didn’t know that fact obviously and now he’s meeting the family and he is unprepared jesus christ and-
“no he probably won’t like you”
“jimin sTOP making taehyung nervous because he’s gonna start sniffling again”
the lot of them get to your apartment before you because your flight got delayed and therefore jimin just had to whip out his key you gave him as an extra
he does it fast enough before taehyung takes a deep dive to how he doesn’t have an extra key from you or something like that 
jimin does feel like he’s being a bit hard on tae so he lays off of it for now
taehyung has the ultimate heart eyes for you the moment you come home
“i missed you” in the most adorable and heartwarming tone
and there it was again
a cheek kiss and not just a quick peck!!
a tight hug to your waist and a nuzzle against your hairline!!
once jimin finally got to pry taehyung off of you because he claims that he’s hogging you all to himself, you’re met with very eager hugs and greetings
seokjin and basically everyone else are still in awe seeing you in your uniform so he squeezes in a quick pic in his phone 
you sent him a look and when you peered in, the picture turned out really cool with the nice lighting your apartment had
AND he’s really pushing it that it was good because of the app he downloaded that made pictures have a vintage film cam aesthetic to it
so you yielded and just told him to send the picture to you later 
aha ego boost :D
they insisted on cooking dinner since you did look a bit exhausted from your round of flights even if it was routine at this point (the highlight was when some people recognized you from the pics that went viral and asked to take a pic with you when you were greeting them out!!)
“are you really sure you’re gonna cook dinner, tae? i could always order-...”
“you don’t need to!! i wanna cook for you anyway!!”
that was heartwarming more than usual
jungkook clears his throat
“....,., and us”
“aha yes of course i meant for you and the boys as well :D”
you go to change clothes more than enthusiastically now
because things just seemed to be good with no complications at all
the idea of domesticity with taehyung makes you iMPLODE just by thinking about it
the thought was too soft and too fuzzy that you’ve become energized
maybe reading a couple of emails before taking a shower and cleaning up and getting yourself to look a bit more presentable isn’t a bad thing
it isn’t anything but sheer giddiness when you check your inbox and see an edited version of a run bts ep from a staff member you befriended during bon voyage!!!
you kinda get now what jimin was saying that you had the ability to have people wrapped around your finger
maybe it’s charisma you picked up from wanting to please people just so you could have extra credit???
it’s a run bts ep you get one of the first dibs on to watch so that’s always a reward
basically the context for it was that it was a hot tub confessions type of thing!! the twist was that they had to speak their heart out (their dislike is very much encouraged) over a certain someone bUT they had to rely on their ~telepathy because names wouldn’t drop
and it was a random selection to who would start the confession first and the others had to go with the flow and basically hope that they’re talking smack about the same person lol
only the name blank would be used and it for the pronoun!!
you were already making assumptions to who it would be about
it could be about jungkook because throughout the whole trip, he would literally gasp out of the blue and take the others in shock like seagulls going WHAT WHAT WHAT IS IT WHAT WHAT
or maybe jimin because he’s a lil shit and would pull chairs and that hobi fell victim and was so annoyed because he fell on his ass so hard 
last prospect was seokjin simply because,, as jungkook emphasized throughout this whole trip,, “ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ ᶦˢ ˢᵒ ᵒˡᵈ ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ” just because he complained about his lower back one time
speaking of jin, he gets chosen to open the game!!
and he buffers for a moment that gets another tease from jungkook 
“ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ'ˢ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳʸ ᶦˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃⁿʸᵐᵒʳᵉ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʰᶦᵐ ʰᶦˢ ᵐᶦˡᵏ“
“blank bought me an actual film camera!! bit more complicated than taehyung’s!! keeps telling me every five seconds about my settings and i!! i KNOW HOW TO WORK IT THANK U VERY MUCH!!”
although jin is a bit guilty about that because he admits that he has a more-than-sure feeling that most of his pics may or may not be either over-exposed or too dark
this reminds you of that time you bought a film camera for jin on a whim because it was on sale and you were talking about it the night before
lol what a coincidence
hobi takes second call
he is only about a quarter-percent sure to who jin was pertaining to so he trails around for a bit
“blank is like a broken kitchen timer”
he plays it safe with that one 
although there is some sort of edge with his bluntness because everyone might be a little drunk hehe 
“blank looks at things as if it was born yesterday!! literally goes :O”
even goes so far to imitate said expression and it makes everyone gIGGLE
yoongi snorts with that and now he’s a bit more feisty since he’s tipsy
“it joins me in my silence”
“texts me even if i’m in the same room like wtf i can see you”
hold on
you really didn’t like making things about you because other people doing that makes you tick
but there’s this unsteady feeling in your gut
something that makes you think deep in thought and in doubt
jimin was next to speak so that calms your nerves
he would never, right??
maybe you’re just taking things to heart!! the boys really aren’t talking smack about you, right??
your breath is just held because jimin was surely taking his time in making a show with inhaling so deeply so he could yell a bit more dramatically
your eyes flicker for a moment to the sweater that’s by your dresser
something of jimin’s that you forgot to return
“needier and whinier than jungkook”
it was the youngest’s turn to cackle
and at this point you’re only half-listening
you’re a bit too preoccupied with the hurt blooming in your chest
“i!! am!! not!! a!! baby!!”
jungkook’s meltdown makes everyone else laugh because right now he had his fists clenched and his face looking like a baby’s
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
there was just a little bit more hope lingering that this may no be about you at all
but god it was getting too specific 
too specific when it came to namjoon who was a bit more eloquent in speaking and wanting to get his point across
“.... trying to memorize my rap in UGH! .....”
fuck this really is about you
and it’s not just sadness that’s overtaking you
makes you more than deflated than you thought you could ever be
“at this point i sometimes avoid her”
and god there’s this more than familiar laugh that fills your ears through and through
“lol namjoon where do you hide?? i hide in the pantry”
taehyung even?
at this point you can’t even bear watching the video anymore
willing your laptop closed so forcefully that it bOUNCED back open but you can’t even begin to worry that you might have put a crack on the screen
shoving it to your desk with the screen facing anywehere instead of you being the best option
the hurt is painfully fresh and oddly felt so surreal
god were you really that intolerable?
you didn’t know how to cope with what you’ve just heard nor experienced
but the only thing you were sure about is that your situation has just been too good
perhaps this was the complication you were looking for because you weren’t used to things being so good
and you know for sure that this feeling isn’t good at all
and you hated it
at this point you’re just trying to go about your previous plans of showering and cleaning up but the eagerness isn’t there anymore
nor is the eagerness to see the boys
nor is the eagerness to see taehyung
didn’t even notice that you were taking up much time that jimin was at your door knocking, voice gentle and inquiring
“y/n did you fall asleep??”
you’re very much tempted to not go out at all because you lost your appetite for eating too
very much so that you make no move at all and actually think that jimin’s given up on knocking at your locked door
but then your phone rings and he knows for sure that you haven’t gone to sleep because it would’ve been put on silent
“are you hiding???”
you pretty much are and you don’t wanna go out at all
but you basically had no choice to
it was a pressure to wipe at stray tears and say “i’m coming” in an unwavering voice and even more-so pretend that nothing’s wrong at all
or the fact that everyone’s eyes are on you and jimin’s prodding makes everyone else wonder
“are you crying??”
the question doesn’t faze you but it does take you by surprise now that you aren’t comfortable with the situation nor the new attention
taehyung’s getting worried because now he notices the redness in your eyes and the bit of puffiness in your lips
“just sleepy. my eyes tear up when i’m sleepy, right?” you’re using jimin’s knowledge about you against him and he agrees to that almost instantly
can’t help thinking that something was fishy though
you weren’t telling him off when he was bickering to taehyung that he shouldn’t sit next to you for dinner
didn’t react either when tae let off a little victory giggle and grinned when he sat next to you not one bit of acknowledgement when a replay of cake boss was on your tv with jin’s eyes flickering over to you repeatedly but he doesn’t receive an excited glance back
even yoongi found you oddly too quiet and he was tempted to pull out his phone to text you
it’s weirdly off
there’s something missing
namjoon was starting to get worried because you aren’t really engaged in this conversation with a topic he’s direly interested about
“and something done to that degree would just be far too suspicious, right?”
“mhmm yeah”
even jungkook who’s kinda throwing himself at you and you’re just barely responding
he’s wriggling himself to fit by your side and just curl up and when he looks at you expectantly to do something, he just gets a pat on the head
a pat??????
hobi’s being over the top with his reactions right now to try and gauge a reaction from you but to no avail at all
normally he would’ve made you laugh or atleast smile at this point
but there’s nothing
just nothing
taehyung gets you alone on the couch because everyone else was just dispersed at this point and are bumping into each other asking if they knew what happened to you
jimin himself is pressured because he prides himself in being your closest friend aND HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOU
tae is a lil bit more confident that he could coax out to why you were acting so differently
even gets far as to hold your hand and nuzzle his face to the crook of your neck
“everything okay, baby?”
god and he’s only called you baby only for a handful of times
that didn’t hurt taehyung’s ego
not at all
or make him overthink to why you’re not all that willing to open up to him nor even look interested in this conversation he’s carrying alone on his back
no not at all
not even when jimin has the most balls out of the group and is the testing point to see how the waters would go
while the night’s coming to an end and everyone’s slowly starting to settle in
“aha so where are we gonna crash anyway?”
you know what he’s trying to get at 
but seeing to it that what you just watched prior to this and perhaps for even a longer period besides that particular episode you don’t even wanna watch
you might as well not give anyone the sense of satisfaction nor pride; even if the question took you by surprise with how bluntly he addressed it
“uhm well the guest room now has two beds since some friends come over from time to time”
“yeah the huge couch could fold over as a bed”
“i could also-...”
“but y/n you have a king-sized bed!!”
jimin blurts out and almost whines out, a frown evident on his face as you keep your will not to break
“oh. just wanna sleep alone, jimin, yeah? kinda tired because of work today.”
he almost always gets what he wants and this blooming feeling inside him isn’t because of the embarrassment that you didn’t grant his wishes of just plopping beside you on your bed 
it’s because he’s thinking of why not
taehyung tries his best to just swallow the lump in his throat because he may or may not have daydreamed that he’d get to share beds with you
nothing but cuddling in his mind and the tiny bit of friskiness but that’s beside the point
he doesn’t wanna think about how there are no goodnight hugs
the closest thing to it was jungkook receiving a pat on the shoulder
because it happened that his arms were outsretched awkwardly
no cheek kiss for taehyung either
yeah it’s perhaps just fatigue as hobi tried to reason
they don’t know if they’re convincing each other or just themselves
maybe tomorrow would be better :D
aha no 
in fact at this point of morning when everyone knows that you’d be awake and it happens to be your off-day before the shoot tomorrow
and that whenever they’re around, you’d rather linger around them than to stay cooped in your room because you would be too sluggish then go back to sleep again
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
yeah you’d rather keep your pride at this point
jimin knocks again and you know you have no choice if you wanted this to go as discreet and as smooth as possible without raising suspicions that you knew
jin panicked for a moment because he was making french toast that he saw from damn milktpapi to try and catch your attention so when he hEARD your door click he was rapping litanies faster than the rapline ever could
they unconsciously just gravitate towards the couch and are practically hovering around you
you’re awfully quiet and the only input you give is when you’re asked a direct question
the only noise was coming from them reminiscing about their bv trip 
namjoon keeps bringing you up with “yahhh do u remember when y/n-....”
yoongi makes a point to keep laughing and have his arms protruding and therefore nudging you each time
at one point he almost shoves you but he’s barely met with a reaction
goddamn does he need to throw you off a cliff or something just to get a rise out of you
they really think that there must be something wrong 
so right when they wanted to open it up, they literally get interrupted but this time with a doorbell
you practically leap at that opportunity because quite literally were you saved by the bell
you don’t know who’s ringing your bell and why but you’re willing to take it 
jimin knows that you aren’t expecting anyone besides them as he’s made you promise
he might as well square up right now and be huffy about it
you’re bordering on confusion and curiosity as you open the door and even more-so your audience behind you who may or may not be in the same state
yoongi’s ears immediately perk up at that while his eyes go the widest
he’s toppling over as he scrambles for a vantage point that would get to see theo but without neither you nor theo seeing him
oh my god is this really your prfoessional basketball player for an ex-boyfriend
the boys are panicked to how yoongi’s acting and they even help him adjust his position even if they don’t know what it’s for
he’s racking his brain for the description you gave and the picture you showed him
tall? intimidatingly. shoulders? perhaps even broader than seokjin’s. muscles? even more defined than jungkook when he lived in the gym. fluffy and silky-looking hair? enviously so :((
oh god it is theo
is he supposed to fanboy now
what was your ex doing here anyway
“i’m just gonna be out for a second, yeah?”
you say aimlessly and yoongi catches your gaze and he pretends to eat french toast while he’s stretched out on the floor to not break his cover
no one even has a chance to question nor respond because you’re already shutting the door
“i sWEAR i saw him on tv once”
“taehyung are you ok”
yoongi’s bombarded and even if he’s shocked at the the turn of events because one second ur eating french toast with them and the next you’re out the door; he does have a bit more of an idea
“oh that was theo”
“are we supposed to automatically know who tHEO is???”
“you gonna add more context to that or????”
“even jimin doesn’t know!!!”
“theo’s a basketball player”
there are a couple of awed reactions
even namjoon’s explosive “aHHHHH so that’s where he’s from”
but there’s this question that’s begging to be asked
jimin taking front line as he asks with so much spite
“why is theo here then??”
this baffles yoongi too
most times he just doesn’t sugarcoat things and his mouth speaks the truth before he could even think of something else
“aish i don’t know i just know that she’s y/n’s ex so stop asking me if-...”
jimin’s in the corner with his mouth dropped, tongue poking at his cheek
“oh uhm i didn’t know that”
taehyung is sat on the floor with his attention not on the french toast anymore
eyes distant and not blinking as he’s nodding
“i see”
both jimin and taehyung clearly need time to process this bit of information
the conversation ends at that and everyone else staggers around
jimin’s in thought because why didn’t he know that??
shouldn’t he know that?
and what’s it with yoongi knowing instead of him?
taehyung, on the other hand, is conflicted with what he should feel
he’s jealous that’s for sure
the both of you covered masses of topics during the outing
but it never came to the topic of past flames
were you meaning not to tell him? or theo wasn’t talked about because the topic never came????
is this insecurity that he’s feeling
jungkook has to hold taehyung’s head still because he’s still nodding while deep in thought
you really weren’t expecting theo to show up at your doorstep
it’s in good intentions and you remained as friends but he was just too unexpected
“didn’t you know?? i’m gonna be one of those extras tomorrow for your airline commercial and it’s just a lil cameo but still!!! i don’t know i just wanted to visit you since i was in the area too :D”
and that’s what ended up with you coming with him to the little cafe at your complex with the promise that it was just gonna be quick and you’ll show him out
and perhaps that you don’t wanna be in the same room as them either
avoiding is good
yeah it would be good
jimin doesn’t know what he’s trying to prove either but there’s this tug on his chest that basically yelled at him that he was a shitty friend
hasn’t been an hour ever since you left but he’s kinda sitting there fazed, whatever the other was saying coming in his ear and going out the other
“i lost my charger :(((”
jimin’s mindlessly answering to a pouty namjoon
“y/n has the same laptop. you could just get the charger by her desk”
he says naturally as if it’s clockwork and only waves him off when namjoon asks if it would be okay with you
he smiles at that and practically bounces to your unlocked room
quickly finds your desk and looks for a familiar charger
oh uhm it’s still connected to your laptop
jimin already said it was no worries so namjoon sleekly takes it out of the port with little hesitation
why did your laptop turn on
is that his face??
is that
is that them in a hot tub
jimin’s wondering why namjoon is taking so long
he himself hasn’t been in your room for a long time and the thought makes him spring up
oh god
it feels like freezing cold water was just splashed onto their spines without warning
jimin immediately pales
it’s taehyung who piles in last to your bedroom with all the commotion he could hear
he wants to absolutely deck himself 
everyone’s just speechless when they clicked play on the video even when they had this underlying feel to what it was
there’s a collective intake of sharp inhales because they couldn’t even finish the episode in which they basically talk shit about you for a solid three minutes
jimin has his face on his hands and he’s visibly stressed as everyone else is
couldn’t even tell on which blow was the hardest because they were all so harsh in their own ways
basically hit where it hurts most 
they were drunk beyond their comprehension and weren’t necessarily thinking
the episode was filmed pretty much in the first day of bv 
and whatever circumstance that night was in, it was still no excuse
absolutely no excuse to how they acted
maybe they took joking and overexaggerating too far
but whatever route they took, be it honest or not, no doubt that they were sure it hurt you
god a mental breakdown is already creeping at the back for all seven of them
jimin’s shaking
jungkook’s rubbing his eyes
jin and namjoon are repeating themselves
hobi’s dead silent
yoongi’s hands are practically trembling
it’s when you go home that you’ve momentarily forgotten that everything was going downwards because you spent the last hour or two being distracted by theo in just your pajamas
but it’s when you know that they know
and some can’t even look you in the eye
jimin’s the first to shoot up from his seat and god he looks somehow wrecked
“y/n i-...”
“m’sorry for being introlerable and all of those things, yeah? won’t happen again.”
everyone tenses at that
you shouldn’t even be apologetic!!
in fact they’re the ones who fucked up and you’re the one who’s acting as if you did
this makes them even more guilty
they all pipe in and try to point that out but you just easily drown them out with a tilt of your head
taehyung who’s standing by your doorframe just buffers as if to reach out for you but he retracts it quickly
they’ve really done it this time huh
it’s all just in characteristically empty spirits
the shooting next day was painful
having to drive together and be squished in between yoongi and jungkook whose mouths were so dry and eyes glossy
“i didn’t mean it”
jungkook first says under his breath and it’s quite a hitch in his throat when he adds on to it
“we weren’t thinking at all”
it’s a quiet show as jungkook and yoongi try to apologize to you and you’re in the middle trying to just sit through it all
it’s a quick nod as you have for a response before you hurriedly go down the van in perfect timing
you did listen and the apologies were sincere and heartfelt
just not too keen on forgiving something of that gravity in an instant
even with their promise that they could work something out to have that bit cut out or even scrap the whole episode if necessary
you just couldn’t wait to get the day over
you’re rigid with them and them trying to get to talk to you in between takes
the skits required more of them than you anyway so you just sat that one out
all while they try to get genuine with the feelings and lines indicated in their script
taehyung was the most distracted
even if people expected more of him given his acting credentials
and when it’s your turn to be filmed at, he can’t help staring
you looked blank
there’s this certain hyunbin (and also to your surprise) that’s gonna act as your co-pilot that got to make you smile a time or two after making a fool out of himself
if only taehyung knew that theo’s gonna be here as an extra
he would flip and THEN bawl
and as if things wouldn’t get even more unfavorable for you, they decide to cram in the photoshoot for the billboard at this very day too
multiple shoots of you being in the middle of them with a commercial-like smile
you having a solo one
them having one too
the boys wearing your airline’s flight attendant uniforms
trying to have a candid shot but all of you should be laughing and smiling as per the director
that was painful
that was really painful for the staff to watch
most painful for the eight of you
they even had to count to three so you could laugh together even if that takes away the essence of a candid shot
jimin wants so badly to hold you and talk to you
taehyung wants to get on his knees desperately if it means earning your forgiveness
the shoot raps and you’re zooming out the set
tae breaks down yet again because they’re gonna be held up by your ceo for awhile
things feel empty and slow
everyone got around to texting you their apologies because as much as they’re desperate to apologize, they’ve done enough damage and respecting your space is the least they could do
that doesn’t stop jimin dropping in from time to time to leave something by your door
nor taehyung who doesn’t give up with all his texting and calling and sometimes waiting on your door
jimin and him coincidentially went at the same time and they just teared up and sulked together
you weren’t even home at that time
of course you’ve read their messages
trying to talk it out too as you’ve refused to succumb into your passive-aggressiveness
you don’t wanna lose what you have either
it’s only been two weeks so far
progress as you reply to texts here and there
slowly warming up again!!
namjoon earning back his partner for talking about movie symbolisms and perhaps everything wrong in this barren earth
seokjin getting to send you incorrect quotes from cake boss again left and right
hobi gaining his online shopping partner back 
yoongi making you promise that you’d hug him when he gets to see you again
jungkook vowing to teach you how to draw and makes sure to send daily content so he could make you switch wallpapers
well jimin
jimin’s going over the top as he has a lot to mend
but forgiveness was clear in the path and when you finally agreed to meet up with him after your shift
(he’s made the effort to wait for you in your lounge hours before as he got to pull some strings)
and then when you have a drink over it and talk about what happened properly, it just ends in a massive hug and some tears shed :((
“i missed u so much”
“i know”
“i could really be a fucking asshole sometimes”
“you are”
“you are none of those things and i don’t ever wanna stop having you as my friend”
“aha yes”
“you love me too much and i love you too much and this is forever now ok pls don’t get mad at me ever again”
basically everything was slowly returning back to normal
taehyung hasn’t texted you for a couple of days
even if you barely responded and miss him as much
it’s something you still have to come to terms with because his blows hit the hardest
you’re losing sleep just by thinking about him :(
you try to get on with your days with the knowledge that you get on with the six of them
things becoming more hectic for you because sometimes you forget that you’re famous now
but sometimes it was just lackluster if you were to admit
you basically sprint at the chance to pick up a normal shift again because you’ve missed flying
you liked being pampered for shoots but being tired from flying is the ache you’ve been craving for :((
it’s when you’re briefed that the plane you’d be flying isn’t your usual aircraft yet you still have the clearance for it
it’s when you just had the kick to be extra punctual and jump at the chance to greet passengers boarding
it’s these little extras in your day that you were so eager for things
that things just seem to be aligning
taehyung’s by the front-most seat
hyunbin by his side as he gets up and goes to the cockpit to do nothing but take your place
it’s oddly warm just by looking at taehyung
no apologies have been said yet and it’s when that hyunbin practically says over the mic that “y/n take a seat and put your seatbelt on jesus christ” you do beside tae
the atmosphere’s just a loving type of warm
you really can’t explain it
it’s the same type of slow burn the both of you felt in the outing
the same anticipation you had for each other even if the other was doing the bare minimum
taehyung croaks out after an eternity, a grin he tries to earnestly keep as it breaks out
“let’s talk.”
he’s nervous as he sees you relax to your seat, knowing in routine that the plane was to take off 
taehyung ever-so slightly shifts in his seat, shoulders touching with yours and hand in an armrest as he flexes them so slightly -- only supposed to be an attempt at a loving tease but it’s when you shift towards him and have your hand skim his for the slightest fraction
“let’s talk.”
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stimmedtavi · 3 years
spoilers for season nine nd stuff below the cut ---------------------
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT?? HELLO???? currently losing my fucking mind i'm literally. HHhhHHhHHhhHHhhhhHh HELLO!?!?!?!?!!?! HELLO!?!?!?!?!?! i'm going fucking NUTS rn holy shit. abt to categorize all of this bcs OHHH MY GOOODDDDD im going nuts rn.
actual gameplay stuff (guns, maps etc) HHH HVHSHV HVHAHV WORLDS EDGE MY BELOVED.... also HELLO OLYMPUS W THE NEW SKY?? i'm so here for it on GOD i literally love the way it looks sm. the infected beat is hitting kinda weird idk how i feel abt that but im excited for the lore that comes with it. aLSO PK ON THE GROUND HELP HELP HELP OH MY GOD. i joined in season 4 and got so used to keeping the pk around w me and then BOOM they took my baby away from me i was so sad ab it bUT NOW SHES BACK WAHHH </3 i'm so happy. i feel like this season is going to be really really nostalgic for me bcs worlds edge nd pk are like.. tiny wraith portals to the past in my mind and it's so nuts. also the boeck bow or however u spell it looks really cool but i also Fear it Deeply bcs it looks very powerful. it can also have multiple hop ups which is fucking nutso?? like hello:?? thats a little scary imo but i'm excited to see it in use!!! also the triple take in care package is lowkey making me sad asf bcs i was semi hoping devotion goes back in since i Hate That Bitch but ehhh i agree semi that triple take belongs there. its kind of a bitchy gun to go up against anyways. this season and its 'meta' or whatever gamer ppl say is gna smack some ass on god.. character stuff (skins, emotes nd valk ofc) CATBOY OCTANE im so ready im so ready omg. i hope crypto gets something lowkey bcs i think he deserves it since i Love him and Care about him. i hope they start feeding lots of legends good stuff this season bcs we need to be dripped tf out for season 10. i will give respawn my soul if it is taken for payment. i also hope we get more dive emotes and perhaps there will be unlockable ground emotes? not sure ab that one since they are so new but im hype af for battlepass this season :D im really really excited for the ground emotes. like i cant even explain how excited i am. i saw the video of them and i genuinely just started yelling at my screen it was pathetic to watch.. anyways the way octane moves and stims and stuff?? since i always play him i never see his passive movements but i just feel so happy watching him stim and stuff bcs im the exact same way with my hands and full body stims. it makes me feel a lot more comfortable with the way i am and how i work. i feel like it's ok to stim nd stuff and thats how it should be!! i feel really happy rn pls vsjnv im trying so hard to sound normal. alos cryptos?? ground emotes?? im literally shaking and crying. the rare one is really cute dont get me wrong but the one where he uses his drone as a sword literally has me in tears. it's so nice looking and we don't get to see crypto's more playful side very often and then boom... he's using hack as a sword and i am in tears on my bedroom floor. his LEGENDARY THOUGH??? literally shook me to my core i was like oh my god oh m ym g od o??!?!?!?/ crypto is a huge romantic cc for me and i use crypto gamer bf funny haha as a joke quite often but like ?? he looks?? so cute?? like he finally looks like he's more comfortable in his skin. i find a lot of the time he seems to be full of discomfort and just very paranoid but in these emotes we see a softer side of him and it makes me really happy. i just can't stop thinking about these ground emotes man.. they mean so much to me. the other ones are v cool too ofc but i wont go into all of them since theres not enough time for me to discuss that lmivnjsdnv. okokok now VALK!! i'm excited to play in squads w her!! i think she and tav would be really good friends and i love her abilities (even tho i kinda think her passive is a bit op) but she seems really fun! i'm excited to try out using her !! general excitement i'm just all around hype for this season. i cant remember the last time i was this excited for a new season... it was probably season 5 tbh. olympus had me excited dont get me wrong but i really havent felt like theres been enough changes in other seasons to get me all riled up like this. so much is being added in (i didnt even cover arenas) and i'm super duper excited to wait 6 hours for the download file to
copy onto my ps4 <3 anaywyas im gna shut up now this is long
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kittyandco · 4 years
oooooh do you have any sort of narrative arc/timeline for you and roman??? since dc characters always have such Fat Juicy Thick Lore im sure its very fun to think abt where you fit into it..!
i dshjfdjkfkd i ‘m jfkkjfkjfdsdklkdf SOMEONE ACTUALLY ASKED ABOUT HIM THANK FUCK y’all don’t understand aaaaaaaaa i’m getting a hot flash from this 
this ask this is going to be really long because i love him very much
so. um. i’m a bad s/o i literally don’t know much about him outside of The Lore from birds of prey (which i heard is a little different but that’s to be expected? at least, a little) but i looked on the dc wiki a couple months back and i couldn’t find much more. i’m gonna preface and say that it’s one of like, the 3 or 4 dc movies i actually like and none of the other ones are from the dceu because the rest of those are disappointing or boring, IMO, IF YOU LIKE THEM THAT’S EPIC i can see why, but the others haven’t spoken to me like this mess did lmao. it’s just one of my faves in general tbh) 
here’s the tea though: usually my s/is and story arcs with my f/os if that f/o is Bad are very opposites attract (but we connect over shared trauma or whatever. or we just learn to vibe with each other), but this time i made her a baddie too (in more ways than one AYY), so i’m not fazed by his antics other than i’m definitely the calm one out of us dkjsdjk... i had this thought that my s/i would have a huge crush on him, because he is kind of a celebrity around gotham, and it’s strange, especially considering how collected my s/i tends to be. they’re not one of those Cold Killing Machine types because that’s boring usually ‘specially for a fem-presenting character lol, but they’re like, i’m just vibing. might fuck around and shoot you though. they’re chill if you know them. quiet. smart, but not bragging about it. funny, saying some out of pocket shit all the time, but not where you wanna avoid them. they don’t quite know how they got here but there’s nowhere else, so might as well have some fun while we’re at it. but a big, kinda cynical kinda serious hopeless romantic type on the down, doooowwnn low. so when it comes to roman it’s like the squidward meme “oh NO HE’S HOT?!?!” and knowing him, he’s gonna approach them. he’s Gonna. he’s gonna flirt and know exactly what he’s doing and it’s AWFUL HOW DARE YOU 
but. they’ll do anything but ally with him. they still stand their ground with him more than other people do (while still making heart eyes at him). they prefer the “i work alone” principle. whether he asks or not... doesn’t matter, it’s not happening. 
still... they become a familiar face for him, taking the edge off with a couple drinks and btw once they start dating he names a drink after me and it’s sweet and it makes me aAaaaA (and why not there? there is no quiet and peaceful place in gotham, so. lol)... it comes to the point where he’s like, hyping himself up for the night in his flat like “i hope i see kitty tonight... no reason tho just saying, i don’t love them or anything... 😤” 
soon enough, everyone just kinda Knows. i get such a rush from knowing that everyone else knows that i’m his... and ofc no one’s gonna dare mess that up for us. still... he doesn’t quite get how to, umm, love. he thinks his attention and protection is enough, and it actually is... but on his own, he comes to really care, because he’s never known anyone like me. no one who’s understood his way before, who’s ever seen eye to eye with him before, etc. at first he thinks it’s just fun to pick my brain (and i keep a lot of things in, even if i want to trust him), because that’s what he does, with his stupid charm and charisma... but soon he realizes “well shit now i actually care...” congratulations. you played yourself. he typically only sees people as pawns, sees them in terms of how he can use them... but not me, HAHA! got em. we got em. i got him. uwu 
as for actually putting me in context of the plot of the film though? of course i would help him in his efforts but i also really love harley and don’t wanna make things bad for her, full offense...
y’all for real please encourage me. thank you 
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 10!!!!! Love Victor live reaction:
-finally!!!! Never thought i would be rooting for the dad but here i am. I hateeee he doesn’t trust Isabel nor that he wants to tell her to not do things. But i ain’t with Isabel equating what she did to him beating up Roger. Girl fuck Roger.
- I don’t need to watch further to KNOW someone heard Benji talk to Victor in the bathroom and I bet my ass it was Andrew bc drama
-“whatever happens between us” are they gonna separate??? I thought before i started the show i saw a spoiler of divorce (hadn’t read why or anything) but i feel like if the separate for a while they could actually find their way back to each other??? I hope they try living apart and all for a while bc i do wanna root for them. Also i reallyyyyyy fucking hope she doesn’t get with Roger again s2. Like i said, FUCK that guy.
-okay is still fuck Andrew hours but AT LEAST him not even thinking of outing Victor gets him out my blacklist.
-also uh don’t think I didn’t hear Derek say “i feel weird at a high school dance” sir Benji ain’t a senior he’s a sophomore. Is Derek out of high school?? A college kid dating a sophomore in HS is🤢🤢AND he treats him badly??? Jail
-im crying🥺🥺🥺listening to Benji and Victor talk has also lowkey made me realize like even if they haven’t interacted as much Victor has allowed himself to be jusy a teen with Benji even if they have talked about heavy stuff. With Mia unknowingly he did the same with his parents. Showed her the version of him she wanted to see bc of guilt, fear, and in order to make her feel better. Victor has only been him with Benji (and with Felix) and wow. Didn’t notice until their talk and me starting to think back on the show. Perfect writing.
- is heartbreaking how Mia found out. I’m wondering if maybe she’ll be hurt but understand??? She’s a 15-16 year old smart girl. At that age i def saw cases like this and it always ends with the straight partners supporting the gay ones. Hell, a case EXACTLY like this happened my freshman year of HS. These really popular girl started dating this new kid and she was obsessed with him lowkey?? They broke up bc he came out and she was the most supportive. I understand she’s hurt bc he cheated, but i hope she listens to him and tries to understand like how hard it is for queer kids and how confused he was? Is heartbreaking bc he truly cares for her and im sure right she thinks he doesn’t and just used her. But i hope she’s willing to listen. As a queer person, I honestly understand all the shit Victor has done. Is not the best way to do it. But I don’t feel angry at him. I get it.
- ugh the song for that kiss was perfect tho🥺🥺
-omg I totally thought him talking to Mia would be a cliffhanger are they gonna have a confrontation now??? She’s still so raw😭😭 i want them to be besties noooo
-LAKE OMG GO OFF. Poor Wendy tho she was hyping herself up to ask Felix🥺
-lowkey Andrew didn’t try to intervene and instead got with Mia to take the opportunity but also im 1000% not surprised of the straight person not wanting to hear his side and instead taking the girl where they can be alone together 💀💀may I say though with their history i do not think Andrew and Mia should be alone together. She has feelings for him yes, but she already regrets having sex with him bc she was feeling vulnerable. He didn’t know it the first time but this time he know how she felt and how she is feeling now. So this time it is kinda taking advantage if he ends up having sex with her.
-Pilar girl i get it but also the queer romance life of ur brother is literally.... none of ur business and does NOT affect u the way ur parents’ relationships affect u. So please kindly stfu.
-thank Pilar hugged him back
-hell yeah Andrew said no. U still out the blacklist buddy good for u
- :)))))))) that ending :))))))))
S2 thoughts:
- okay well a lot of truth bombs. I truly think separating was the right choice to get them back together in a healthy manner. That is if they don’t date other people. Roger will most likely make a comeback. She will most likely date him. Maybe she’ll realize what a shit bag he is when he does/says something dumb and realize Armando is it for her??? I hope at least i do wanna root for them
- im so proud of Victor🥺🥺 he told everything to Benji, and came to out Felix + his family. Ik things will be hard with Mia at first, and Andrew is still no saint so he might be a dick to him on the team once he is out (or might defend him) but at least they know too. I saw the writers saying s2 will be now about Benji and Victor learning to be in a relationship and Victor’s environment changing. Benji and him will def struggle in the department that Victor is still learning how to openly be himself and let himself be seen versus Benji already having dealt with that before. So it will prob be hard for Benji too. It’s exciting tho and i hope despite everything s2 is kind to them.
- backetball will be hard for Victor without a doubt. I really hope Bram and Simon come for holidays or something and we get to see them again. Maybe even meet Benji or Felix too that would be so🥺🥺🥺
- can’t tell how the parents will react. Ik he won’t be kicked out and certain things will he hard bc s2 is gonna be about them working it out for sure, but I can’t tell if at first they’ll go in complete denial or will just quietly ignore it or fully pretend to be supportive while they aren’t. I hope s2 shows us the end of that scene and how the reactions went and not just a time jump. We will most likely start with a time jump but i hope the first ep of s2 shows us the reaction through a flashback.
Overall: amazing actors. Really good writing. These were realistic characters who make dumb realistic choices and are heartfelt and down to earth. All the actors are amazing and bring so much to the table. The writing is great dropping small hints for things to come without it being screamed at your face so you aren’t surprised 100% by certain choices but also not completely expected. And it’s honest about teens’ journeys at that age with appropriate age actors (except for Andrew I haven’t looked at his age but motherfucker looks older then ME lmao). I can’t WAIT for s2 and again, leaving it to existence so it happens: LET SIMON AND BRAM HAVE A LIL EP WITH VICTOR AGAIN IN S2!!!!!!
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skullsnsunbeams · 4 years
Please enjoy part 2 my commentary of Outer Banks (you can find part 1 here)! Disclaimer: I started this show because I wanted to see all the hype was; I won't lie, I thought it was dumb and cliche throughout most of it. However, since I've finished I can safely say that I NEED A SECOND SEASON BC HOLY FUCK BRO. Don't come at me for MY OPINIONS, & also, most of what I say is in the spur of the moment. If you wanna come talk to me about the show I will GLADLY DO SO.
Ep. 6
• I don't trust Ward, jot that down
• John B is gonna be blinded
• But now John B is actually on the property so that might be beneficial?
• Lana said fuck the feds and I did too
• It's what he deserves :)
• Did he just
• He just slapped her back
• This is deadass the goonies
• "You love the idea of me" YESSSSS SARAH
• It's actually not okay but okay
• Yes he DID say that
• Desgusten
• I love Pope sm
• Adina is that bitch, man
• Barry's gonna get his ass beat by Ward
• I knew it
• They're gonna trap Sarah and Kie on the boat?
• That's a got damn STING
• Why are they holding the blunt like a cigarette?
• What a shitty fucking person you are, Sarah. That's fucked up.
• They're gonna get caught by the scary lady
• "Weed? I could go for some weed" same, JJ
• JJ and Pope being assholes about John B and Sarah is my aesthetic
• She's blind, duh
• Gross gross gross
• He's gonna catch something
• Wait does Corona virus exist in the OBX universe?
• "Any dead bodies?" Does the jaw bone he found count?
• That's shit he's covered in shit THAT'S GOLD THAT'S FUCKING GOLD
• This is so cute but I know it's gonna blow up in their faces
Ep. 7
• I hate Ward he's such a sneaky bastard
• He's gonna take him out to sea and MURDER HIM
• or at least, like, warn him
• Our boy Barry, he's gonna stir some shit up
• I knew it, pretending to be a cop tho?
• John B is B'ing dumb again
• Maybe not
• JJ just wants his dad's approval
• How did ik this was gonna happen
• I hate his dad
• Sarah do be bailin
• She said FUCK VULNERABILITY and to that I say SAME
• Those candles are gonna cause a fire. Old church? The Outsiders vibes
• Did they not just say they were gonna wait? And then immediately fuck? Okay.
• He spent his restitution money. He did exactly what he fought his dad about.
• He needs a hug so bad
• Thank you for hugging him Kie
• Mr. Cameron, sir, you are operating a motor vehicle whilst drinking. You're providing a minor with alcohol. You should not be the Grand Knight of Rhododendron!!!
• Ward is an eavesdropping little shitfuck
• Blah blah blah all I'm hearing is a rich man trying to get the gold
• "Equitable split" sir you Didn't Find The Gold therefore You Do Not Get A Cut
• Well, son, the sheriff already kinda knows
• What's he gonna do
Ep. 8
• Ward is literally psycho so that's fun
• This turned into Parasite all of a sudden
• And this right here, folks, is called anxiety
• I love GTA
• Ward is actually psychotic
• "Ward you just got involved" just like his daughter did
• Ow my heart 🥺
• Ward is a big fat liar!!!!!!
• Sarah really switched up like that, huh? Shady bitch
• Where's DCS throughout all of this?
• He's doin a lil memorial I'M SAAAAD
• Pope deserves better!!!
• The gold is gone, just watch
• I feel so bad for Pope's dad bc he's had to work hard too, man
• Going to the Bahamas?????????
• Fuck Rafe
• Pope whhhyyyy are you telling these PEOPLE ABOUT THE GOLD
• Oh shiiiit Susan knows about OTHER dirty cops
• I hope the plane crashes :)
• John B's nod should not have been sexy
Ep. 9
• Pope is finally letting it out and I'M SO GLAD FOR HIM
• I shouldn't be laughing about Shoupe complaining about the regulator
• Ward really is a psycho
• All teenagers want is their parents' approval and that makes me saaaaaad
• Why do I wanna hug Rafe rn
• When the main character becomes a fugitive with a bounty 🥰
• Sarah isn't gonna do shiiiiit
• "What's gonna happen to Rafe?" Nothing. Because he's a rich white boy who can get away with anything bc of his daddy's money and power.
• They better not do a cliff hanger and make us wait til next season
• Rafe is delusional
• "He's a maniac" Pot, meet kettle
• Whose house is this?
• How are you gonna tell him to get out of your house and then chase him when he's trying to leave
• Pope high is amazing
• He deserves the world and more
• Topper is gonna let John B go, isn't he?
• He really locked his daughter in her room like Rapunzel
• "Hey Top, hey man, it's John B, hey" HE'S SUCH A LOSER LMAOOOO
• "My bad" My bad!?!??
• They're arguing over what word to use
• This is kinda gay ngl
• Wheezie better not fuck this up bro or I s2g
• I think Rafe is gonna get shot
• I hate this
• I love rooting for a criminal
• Topper is gonna switch up on the Kooks and actually help out I bet
Ep. 10
• Aw John B
• Tf is SBI
• State bureau of investigation, got it
• "Idk how to fix it" kill yourself, easy
• Sell? You mean lie. Rich people logic amirite??
• The officer better know the truth
• The SBI agent sees right through Ward
• I hate this bastard
• Rafe is TWEAKIN
• Barry to the rescue?
• "I done worse, I was in the army" LMAOOOO
• Nvm Barry is still trash
• They're GONE occifer
• My heart is hurting so bad rn
• Is he gonna give himself up rn?
• I hate when JJ cries
• Shoupe is a pussy ass bitch too
• Pause, smoke break
• Lessgo
• He's gonna wait for the keys to be close to the car
• That was *chef's kiss*
• This is not good
• Holy shit
• Okay I'm gonna say it
• Holy fuuuuck
• If we get a second season, I wanna see Rafe destroyed
• Woah okay
• JJ is third wheel
• This is crazy
• This is all funny bc these kids are 16 and they think they're in love
• What did this turn into
• There's a cliche!!!
• Holy fuckitnenehehe
• Fuck you Ward
• He's gonna do it
• Ewwww "I'd rather die than be without you"
• What in the ever living hell
• Fuck fuck fuck
• And JJ is left alone
• Holy. Fucking. Shit.
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