#fuck Fascism png
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citysvg1 · 5 months ago
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Vintage Kamala Childless Cat Lady SVG
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teaveetamer · 2 years ago
“Wah why are you being so cruel to us? 🥺🥺🥺 Just because we’re unironically using rhetoric and dehumanizing language that is similar to that used by real life imperialists and warmongers in order to justify our waifu’s blatant imperialism in the game??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 You guys are such *insert derogatory/baseless accusation of your choice here*!!! We don’t see you making such comments about *insert character who either didn’t do anything remotely like what they’re claiming or did morally questionable things but apologized and genuinely tried to atone for them in canon here*! Meanies!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭”
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood this evening, but fuuuuuuck it I've been repeatedly misgendered and had my queerness called into question and Elon fucking Musk decided that my innocent ship week twitter account simply needed to see Andrew Tate tweets and the whole damn world is going to be gone in 40 years anyways since humanity can't get its shit together, so can't say I actually give a fuck about whether or not I'm coming off like a bitch rn.
I'm not saying any of these people are fascists who support imperialism, but when you're practically quoting known fascists engaging in imperialism can you really be shocked that people are perceiving you as a fascist who supports imperialism? And considering how prominent literal fascism is becoming in America and how threatening it is to everyone, but especially queer folks (especially especially trans folks) who are being used a centerpiece scapegoat to justify their fascism? Maybe we aren't gonna be that fucking receptive to your opinions about a png right now.
I fucking wish that the only thing I had to worry about is whether or not people on the internet liked the same fictional character as me. So you know what? I'll argue with you about Edelgard von fucking Fire Emblem when there aren't people proudly marching in the streets waving flags with swastikas threatening to gas me and my entire family and all of my friends for the crime of existing. Until then go ahead and fuck off, maybe?
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freudiandip · 6 years ago
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I’m serious, this actually happened last year in Sweden. There was a giant ass commotion about it, and the city (Or should I say cities, since this happened not only in Boden, but also Gothenburg (In Gothenburg it was on an even bigger scale).) even told “minorities” to stay off the streets because they weren’t safe outside their own homes. The nazi parade are chanting their fucking bullshit about being the voice of the people, while the actual people were yelling about not wanting racists and nazis walking their street. 
The flag you see above is a nazi symbol. It stands for Nordfront, a nazi organisation that wants to reduce the rights of the people. If you see this anywhere, either get rid of it or avoid it.
here’s a video filmed from the crowd:
Nearly 30 000 people (about the entirety of the city of Boden, where this happened) gathered to tell the nazis to fuck off, and when the “parade” was over some of the nazis started attacking people around them with weapons and shields. (Granted some of the crowd were attacking the nazis as well, but feels fairly deserved since they’re basically advocating taking the rights away from a lot of people.)
They have also taken to placing propaganda posters and stickers all over town in hidden places, like the one you see in this post. This particular one is placed near one of my friends’ homes, and hasn’t been removed even though there have been work on the bus stop it’s placed on due to vandalism. The Nordfront logo isn’t recognized as a nazi symbol, sure, but it should have been removed alongside the several harmless spongebob stickers that were placed on other spaces in this area. But it is still there.
The guys who created nordfront are these dickfucks called Klas Lund, Haakon Forwald, and Esa Henrik Holappa. They also have Bo Nilsson as a member, the man that started Sverige-demokraterna (The Swedish Democrats) that are basically fucking nazis as well, but with kinder words and actual power over the government. Our Prime Minister even refused to work with SD and called them nazis because of their politics regarding refugees (which was basically “send those fucks out, they’re from the wrong country” and though they have softened their brash politics since then, they are definitely not to be trusted.) though he had to retract his statement after political backlash. (He got backlash for calling nazis out on their bullshit. I mean, c’mon, Sweden! I thought we were better than this!)
A journalist named Alexandra Pascalidou was also threatened by the Nordfront, and they had her name written on a board with the word Förbrytare (Criminal). 
To keep it short, these guys needs to go. We need to actively fight against them to keep them from rising to power. I can’t believe nazis have gotten this far. 
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Brave Black Woman Stands Alone Against Hundreds Of Neo-Nazis
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danspoliticalbsblog · 6 years ago
Before the Tumblrpocalypse happens, I’m finally going to give my own two cents and rebuttal toward this stupid comic, as well provide links to @yourpoliticsarestupid‘s response here, and @heresymaker’s addition right here:
First off, as pointed out the Fasces has been a symbol used since Ancient Rome, but it was used as symbol by the United States before Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy even existed, or even the concept of Fascism in it’s modern form (though, one correction; Mussolini was around 6 when the Fasces was adopted by the US Government, and Hitler was born that year, but I doubt held political positions at those ages). Fascists appropriated the Fasces from the Romans because 1), as Shinden pointed out, Fascists can’t be original to save their skins, and 2) Mussolini had delusions of grandeur to rebuild the Roman Empire, with himself ruling over it all (of course, we all know how that turned out, and it’s not surprising, given Italy’s crappy record of not being that good in wartime).
“Extreme Nationalism”
Yes, because Fascism is the only ideology which promotes extreme nationalism, there haven’t been any other ideologies or countries which promote said ideologies ever, which have promoted extreme nationalistic fervo-OH WAIT: 
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>“Disdain For Human Rights”
>”Scapegoating foreigners”
Oh, that’s fucking rich. I wonder where the bozo who originally drew this was when Obama was drone-striking country after country, throwing his “hope” and “change” out the window to just give us more of Dubya’s policies (also, small note, don’t cheer on a president expanding his power, especially when the next person could be someone who abuses that power more than he did), indicting whistle-blowers left and right, and basically doing a slightly less extreme version of what Trump is doing with the southern border (note that Bill Clinton used similar methods, and heavily used the “Urban Gangs” rhetoric when it came to crime in cities).
Also, it’s pretty hilarious they gloss over the fact that Islamic Fundamentalists (not every Muslim, mind you, just those who either are or heavily appease fundamentalists) have a rather unfortunate history of emulating, admiring, or even collaborating with actual, historical Fascists, partly due both of them not exactly liking the Jewish people (why do you think there have so many Jewish people moving out of Europe the past few years?).
“Undermining the Press”
Really? As pointed out, he Nazis and the Fascists CONTROLLED THE PRESS (which is something Communist countries have historically done as well, but that’s beside the point). Trump making a few childish insults is not a threat to democracy or the republic, and this person seems to seems to also gloss over how literally every single news station which isn’t/hasn’t been under the control of Rupert Murdoch in some form has been blasting and criticizing Trump since the beginning of his campaign. All of those Neolib Fake-Left late night talk-show hosts should be counting their blessings, because if lived in Russia or China, and made a joke at Putin’s or Xi Jinping’s expense while there, they’d probably “mysteriously disappear”.    
“Cronyism and Corruption”
Holy shit, forget being asleep for for the past decade. Has this fucker been asleep for the past few centuries? Since when has our modern political system NOT been riddled with cronyism and corruption? Though, I guess it doesn’t count when it’s a political figure you like or side with.
“Rampant Sexism”
Okay, this just goes to the show that the navel-gazer who made this is just casting the net too wide when it comes to defining Fascism. If we wanted to include abuse towards women as a key core of “Fascism”, then most of Hollywood and Bill Clinton would be “fascists” (some do call them that, but I don’t, ‘cause I don’t want to seem like a hypocrite or too crazy, because you can be terrible without being an actual fascist). 
“Obsession with National Security”
Again, these guys were nowhere in sight when Obama did it, so I doubt they actually even care. In fact, I think half of these fake-ass dopes just care about undocumented immigrants so that they can get cheap labor.
“Mixing Church and State”
As said before, THE STATE WAS THE CHURCH. Mussolini basically wanted the Vatican to bow before him, and Hitler despised religion in general, but Christianity in particular because he found it to be weak, yet had to put up the front of being a “Christian” to please the majority of Christian Germans, and he later eased on going after Catholics in order to please Mussolini (and when they did get in power, the Nazis were quick to try and replace Christianity as the dominant ideology with Nazism, and even came up with their own heretical sect called “Positive Christianity”, which barely even resembled actual Christianity).
And again, this person to glance over when other religious groups mix religion with the state, such as how so many countries run by people who are Islamic Fundies or who appease Islamic Fundies treat people of other religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism or Hinduism (or even other Muslims who aren’t the “right” kind of Muslims, at least according the respective state) as second-class citizens.
“Weakening unions” and “protecting corporate power” was already covered in one of the posts I linked, but I will add that, again, neither are unique to fascism (and, as that post stated, most of the corporate powers which weren’t owned by the state under the Nazis or Mussolini’s Italy were forced to do what the state wanted), and they certainly aren’t unique to Trump, if you’ve been paying attention to US history since the days of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller the First, or even longer.
“Fraudulent Elections”
Yeah, I’m not going too deep into this, but how much do you want to bet that the person who made this denies that, just maybe, people like Bernie Sanders were screwed over because of giant, corrupt political machines (and I’m not even a fan of Sanders)?
Overall, this comic is a cherrypicked mess, and whoever created it is a deliberately, dishonest dupe. Call me a “whataboutist” all you like, but if you consider the corrupt things Trump does to be “not normal”, but willfully ignore whenever when a US president or their administration does something corrupt and/or careless just because you supported them, then you probably don’t actually about what’s “normal” and what’s not (or hey, maybe the bad thing Obama and the Clintons did was “just normal” for this guy).  
Yes the US is currently in a lot of shit right now, however, we’re far from living in an actually Fascist state or any completely Totalitarian state. I hate to pull the “but the Founding Fathers” card like some old, GOP stereotype, but the framers of the constitution knew very well that one day someone like King George III, “Bloody” Queen Mary, or even Caligula (the Roman Republic was a model for the U.S., after all) might become president, so they purposefully framed the constitution to limit the power of president, as well as ensure and protect the rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, as well as the separation of powers between the president, the congress, and the supreme court. That’s why Trump can’t just do whatever he wants, and why we are still free to protest whatever asinine thing he does. Trump is no doubt terrible, but we should thank our lucky stars that despite the expanding position of the executive branch, the founding principles of this nation (as well as many other complications which prevent him from doing whatever he likes) have kept Trump from truly becoming a dictator.
Also, there’s also two more things which separate Trump from becoming a dictator, or the to descend to complete fascist state:
1) It’s true that Germany was a democratic republic before Hitler, but the Weimar Republic was brand new, and Germany was an empire before the end of World War I. The brand new republic wasn’t liked by many of the German population, who felt humiliated from losing the war, which was made even worse when the Great Depression hit. The US, on the other hand, has enjoyed, for the most part, over 200 years to appreciate the values of free speech, a free press, and other such values that have been instilled in us. True, there’s been multiple cases of people abusing their power, but the fact that we can still protest and criticize the government all we like shows that we still have at least some freedoms left.
2) Truthfully, Donald Trump is just too much of a lazy dumbass to ever even have the capacity of being a dictator. As others have pointed, he bankrupted a casino, of all things, and he can barely make up his mind about anything, having no clear ideology under that weave. Plus, he and the GOP just lost control of the House of Representatives, and it looks like it’s gonna be a rocky road for his reelection campaign, to say the least.
Not everything in America is hunky-dory, but I doubt we’re going to descend into utter fascism any time soon, especially under someone as lazy and unfocused as Trump. 
What we can do, however, is stop calling everyone we don’t like a fascist/Hitler (unless they deserve it), and actually focus on solving the big issues within this country together, instead of just pointing them out and saying how bad things are (such as how @heresymaker pointed out how we can fix Congress, though I admit it will be easier said than done, but it definitely is something which must be done).
I apologize for how long this got. I didn’t mean to go overboard.
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Here is the full version of my first comic for The Nib, which went up yesterday.
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stinkygirleatsrocks · 6 years ago
This post at the beginning: pls no more discourse
Some fucking one: but fascism
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For fucks sake guys
i survived too much steven universe discourse to have to suffer through a new age of she-ra discourse
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apologeticallyfat · 6 years ago
Americans own the most guns and live in one of the safest nations in the world and still our gun casualty numbers largely out space those of people living in worn torn Yemen for fucks sake and the rest of the world.
And yes the crime rate did drop in the last year, but not by a number worth bragging about and there a number of fairly easy factors to contribute to this such as the onslaught of natural disasters we were hit with that left cities ravished.
There is no justifying the level of gun use and violence in America. Japan has some of the strictest gun laws and not coincidentally, have a dramatically low gun mortality rate.
Aside from this, assault rifles in particular are designed to do exactly what they're being used for. To plow down numerous people without having any problems. A Firearm like this has no use in modern civilization outside of military use.
Firearms are comically easy to get and for something that can end a life in the blink of an eye, are fairly cheap
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This administration has been trying to paint illegal immigrants as lawless crime syndicates since its inception. Fear mongering in the name of pointential rape and murder. The recent overtly racist political ads during the elections is a testament to this.
This is all just merely continued xenophobia and fascism by the right. Nothing is being done to try direct real change in problem areas. They continue covering their eyes and muting their ears to allegations of sexual misconduct, insider trading, corrupt police forces, play an active role in the rise of the oligopolies and offering no or bad solutions to prevent mass shootings. More guns isn't the answer!
Meanwhile you expect me to believe that when a republican goes on TV and says "here's what one illegal immigrant can do" "this one instance should make you upset and incite change" that it's anything other than veiled racism, you're delusional.
One person walked into an elementary school and slaughtered dozens of children that should have gotten that passion, or slayings before that or after that. It's not once happened.
The common demoninator are the fucking guns.
Just watched a republican say that
Because 1 single illegal immigrant got into America, twice, and was then able to kill two cops. Every American should be upset about this and be looking to change immigration now.
Bitch stop with the lies. This is about racism. If this was about the effects of what one slip in the crack could do, automatic firearms would be abolished and extremely tight gun-control laws would be in place
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oh-glasgow · 7 years ago
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I looked at the tags on this post and hoo boy, where to even start with this one? It’s been a while since I’ve done some dissecting, so let’s start from the top, of course!
1) “If Trump said the same thing, it’d be different” 
The difference, my friend, is that what Sturgeon says is true and backed up with facts. What comes out of Trump’s mouth, is lies. How much lies?
This much;
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Source on that is here at The New York Times.
2) “I’m just a person in the middle of the left/right scale”
Uh huh, so what exactly does that mean? That you have no political, economic, or societal leanings one way or the other? No opinions, no thoughts that convey even the remotest bit of individual thinking?
3) “Y’all are extreme libs”
Ahaha, this is a belter. 
Aye, the Scottish government are committed to keep things under public ownership rather than letting them go into the hands to privatisation. So how exactly does that fit into your “extreme” neoliberalism comment?
4) “Trump is more left than he is right”
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Yeah, he’s definitely a leftist, looking out for the lower and working middle class families from his ivory tower. His views on immigration are definitely leftist, yeah??
5) “The republican party doesn’t even like him”
And yet... they continue to support him, his family, and his policies without so much of a challenge. Strange that. You’d think the GOP would be united against him, what with him being him “more left than right” you know?
6) “He’s the most middle president that we’ve had in decades”
Ahaha, oh my God, you’re actually serious? Seek help. Immediately.
7) “Obama was far-left”
Do you actually understand what you’re saying? I mean, what? It’s incredible that Americans think that Obama was any kind of leftist at all. At best, he’s a moderate conservative believing in neoliberalism. The problem is that American politics has gone so far to the right that anything left of fascism is deemed to be radical far-left thinking. Holy fuck.
8) “Bush was far right”
Finally, something we can agree on.
9) “Clinton was extreme right”
Oh, wait, I spoke too soon. So you believe that Clinton was further to the right than George W. Bush? Man, oh man. Again, much like Obama, he’s a moderate conservative at best.
10) “I was in an AP US history class so uh ya I do know things”
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Who was your teacher? I want to know any names and schools associated with your teaching of history so that I can warn any other students about this place if this is the kind of stuff they’re teaching.
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I love Nicola Sturgeon and I love her even more when she calls out the Mail on their nonsense.
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note-a-bear · 7 years ago
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@adumbrant, I'm not particularly great at economics, especially on that scale.
That said, my impression is that our engagement with TPP was questionable to begin with and served more of a relationship building and potential olive branch type goal than anything else. So, combined with his weird relationships to Asian nations in terms of posturing and...well...fascism apologia, I can't imagine it will go over well in the long run. I also can't help the feeling that it'll serve to box us out of a lot of emerging markets and industries, tbqh
Considering the fact that China is already cutting us off from certain green economies (for example, barring us from sending our recyclables to be processed there anymore), Japan's tactical importance, and the potential to alienate South Korea as well as North Korea (I'm gonna be brave and assume SK is not a fan of hearing that NK is so high on our "nuke now" list, because they may be politically and socially disparate, but IT'S A SINGLE FUCKING LANDMASS), not to mention the impact of not countering Duterte, staying pretty much silent regarding the Rohingya in Myanmar, his social game may very well cut us off from the vast majority of the continent's business opportunities.
Mind you, this is a really callous and money oriented look because I don't know enough about the people/human side to really comment more than my less than optimistic guessing up there.
I was never a big fan of TPP, but I recognize these sorts of trade deals as latter day peace treaties (to be superficial about it all), so his whole everything regarding the deal feels...let's be generous and say it's short sighted.
Trump and this administration (including the GOP as a whole at this point) is so awful and I can’t wait for this slow motion trainwreck to wake up a lot of people.
But I’m also like, petrified of the real world (as in, not strictly politicians’ careers) fall out because I know these soulless jackals will take as many of us down with them as they can
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