#fuck Fascism png
citysvg1 · 2 months
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Vintage Kamala Childless Cat Lady SVG
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teaveetamer · 1 year
“Wah why are you being so cruel to us? 🥺🥺🥺 Just because we’re unironically using rhetoric and dehumanizing language that is similar to that used by real life imperialists and warmongers in order to justify our waifu’s blatant imperialism in the game??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 You guys are such *insert derogatory/baseless accusation of your choice here*!!! We don’t see you making such comments about *insert character who either didn’t do anything remotely like what they’re claiming or did morally questionable things but apologized and genuinely tried to atone for them in canon here*! Meanies!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭”
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood this evening, but fuuuuuuck it I've been repeatedly misgendered and had my queerness called into question and Elon fucking Musk decided that my innocent ship week twitter account simply needed to see Andrew Tate tweets and the whole damn world is going to be gone in 40 years anyways since humanity can't get its shit together, so can't say I actually give a fuck about whether or not I'm coming off like a bitch rn.
I'm not saying any of these people are fascists who support imperialism, but when you're practically quoting known fascists engaging in imperialism can you really be shocked that people are perceiving you as a fascist who supports imperialism? And considering how prominent literal fascism is becoming in America and how threatening it is to everyone, but especially queer folks (especially especially trans folks) who are being used a centerpiece scapegoat to justify their fascism? Maybe we aren't gonna be that fucking receptive to your opinions about a png right now.
I fucking wish that the only thing I had to worry about is whether or not people on the internet liked the same fictional character as me. So you know what? I'll argue with you about Edelgard von fucking Fire Emblem when there aren't people proudly marching in the streets waving flags with swastikas threatening to gas me and my entire family and all of my friends for the crime of existing. Until then go ahead and fuck off, maybe?
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