#ftm periods
legendswafflez · 1 year
CW: periods, gender dysphoria
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rydrake6 · 1 year
I hate everyone and everything and I want to kill everything and burn the world and cease existing I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I FUCKING HATE THIS I hate-
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eldrichboyo · 1 year
Really love my body. I also love that it decided not to cramp until I woke up. And now that I lay in bed, groggy, scrolling through tumblr, NOW IT'S TIME TO STRIKE.
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with duct tape scars on my honey
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xochimillilili · 4 months
Shout out to being so so fucking needy and whiny that you just stupidly hump and rut into a poor little plushie while whining like a pathetic dumb pet who misses its owner
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CW: testosterone therapy, periods, physical changes from HRT
Earlier this year, I'd reached a point where I was wondering if I'd already seen all of the benefits and changes from testosterone therapy that I could possibly receive. It really seemed like everything had come to a halt as far as changes from HRT go.
Worse, what started as random spotting and painful cramping (which I originally blamed on really high stress) eventually became full blown periods, and this went on for months. At one point, it really felt like I wasn't even on T anymore. I blamed myself, because I would occasionally be late or forget to apply my testosterone cream. I thought that the bleeding, the inconsistent T levels, and the lack of progress was my own fault.
And then, I had to switch compounding pharmacies. And every single one of my problems disappeared within two weeks of starting the first tube of cream from the new pharmacy.
Nothing else has changed. Not my dose, nor where I apply it. I still forget and apply a few hours late sometimes, other times I miss a day entirely.
But the periods and cramping haven't returned. And I'm beginning to see small changes here and there again. I have to trim my ear and nose hairs now; I have more chest hair than ever before. It's time to face the fact that testosterone has made me a bear lmao.
Point being, looking back I really think that the quality of the testosterone cream I was getting from that first compounding pharmacy was kind of suspect. Looking at reviews online from other people really confirmed my suspicion; many people claimed that the quality of the prescriptions they received was wildly inconsistent from month to month. Not to mention, more recent reviews seem to suggest that their business is going under entirely, and from my own experiences attempting (and failing) to get my prescriptions filled with them in a timely manner, I'm not surprised.
I don't often see a lot of posts from trans folks on testosterone who use compounded cream, so I want to put this out there for others to see. If you're struggling to maintain consistent T levels, don't rule out the quality of your prescription as a possible cause. Make sure that the compounding pharmacy you're getting your T from is reputable and has good reviews.
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dogd0m-charlie · 7 months
man I'm so foggy and stressed out and anxious and emotional lately.... pspspsps pretty puppy boysss pspspsps cmonnn you wanna come over here and let me put a leash on you.... ooooo you wanna ride my cock and call me master while i praise you and grip your hips so hard that i leave marks and breed your cute holes over and over until i feel better sooo bad pspspspsps
(and obviously i will lovingly tell you how good of a job you did afterwards and clean you up and make sure i didn't hurt you by being too rough, and if i did i would very gently kiss any bruises or scratches i left and clean them up if necessary and cuddle you for as long as you wanted and play with your hair and give you a massage and-)
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ftm steve, established steddie. contains detailed descriptions of periods.
Steve spends the first day of his period absolutely miserable. His emotions are all over the place. One minute he's this close to lashing out at the first minor inconvenience and the next he's ready to bawl his eyes out.
He knows Robin can tell that something's up. She keeps asking if he's alright and Steve tries to brush it off, tell her he's fine, it's just a little headache, he couldn't sleep last night. But then that sends her into another spiral that makes Steve want to scream and throw something just to get her to be quiet.
Those are mean thoughts, Steve knows, but his body's all out of whack, and his knees and lower back are killing him and he swears he can feel his fucking hips shifting. Add in the cramps that are steadily rolling through his uterus and he's so fucking close to committing homicide.
He's in the stacks, dead-eyed as he stocks the new animated releases, and shifting from foot to foot because now those also hurt and he can feel the beginnings of a migraine that'll have him calling off the next day, and he just wants to go home and lay on the couch with his heating pad and his boyfriend while some shitty TV show plays in the background.
"Steve?" Speak of the devil.
Steve makes a noise of acknowledgement and continues to shelve the tapes. He ignores the pang in his chest that makes him want to reach out and pull Eddie closer and burrow into him.
As if he can read his mind (or tell by the look on his face), Eddie steps closer. "You got Robbie real worried, sweetheart," he says gently, hands in his pockets. Steve can tell he wants to reach out for him the same way he does.
"I'm fine, Eds," Steve says. More like he tries not to snap at the only person who knows about his "condition." He can feel his agitation rising, though, with another wave of cramps that are accompanied by nausea and a sick feeling of something gushing from down there.
"Is that why you look like you wanna blow chunks all over the place right now?"
Steve maybe puts a tape on the shelf a little too hard. "It's been a shit day, Eddie, I really don't need sarcasm right now."
Eddie puts his hands up. "Sorry, sorry." He comes a little closer and lowers his voice. "Talk to me, baby. What's the matter?"
Steve sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's the first day," he mutters behind his hand.
"Hm? I couldn't hear you, Stevie."
"I said–" Steve sighs again, harsher this time, and his hand falls to his side, his gaze firmly locked on the tapes in front of him. "It's the first day, and the first day is always shit. It feels like a rock's sitting in my stomach or something and I can't take more than two steps without feeling like I'm gonna puke."
He doesn't mean to unload it all onto his boyfriend, but he asked for it. His perfect, wonderful boyfriend who takes it all in stride without a single hint of judgement or disgust.
"I'm hormonal as fuck, man, and it’s like customers chose today specifically to be even more annoying than they usually are, like they made it their personal mission or some shit."
Steve looks to the front of the store where Robin is still at the counter and then back at Eddie. "Robin keeps asking me if I'm alright, and I love her, Eds, I really do, but if she keeps it up, I'm gonna end up snapping at her and then she'll cry and that'll make me feel even worse."
Steve takes a deep breath, holds in it for ten seconds, and exhales. "I just need a break," he says, sounding defeated, and so so tired. "I just need to be alone for five minutes, and–"
Eddie, who has been quiet this whole time, like a saint, letting Steve rant until he runs out of steam, tilts his head and looks at him with those big Bambi eyes Steve loves so much.
"And what, Stevie?" he asks gently.
Something in Steve's chest snaps and his bottom lip wobbles before he can stop it. The back of his throat burns like it always does when he's about to cry, and– yep, here come the tears.
He takes a shaky breath and his voice breaks when he says, "I need you."
Eddie's expression falls into something Steve absolutely hates. "Baby–"
Steve clears his throat and the tears are gone as quick as they came, though his eyes are a little red rimmed and shiny.
He shakes his head and waves Eddie off, putting more tapes on the shelves like he didn't just have a mini breakdown in the middle of his shift. "It's fine, Eddie, really. I'll just, I don't know, take a painkiller and tough the next couple hours out."
The tape he's holding is gently taken from him and set on the shelf for him. Eddie levels him with a raised eyebrow.
"Is that really what you want to do?"
Steve bites his lip. He doesn't. Work is the last place he wants to be at today, or this whole week for that matter.
He shakes his head with a soft, "No."
"Okay, then."
Eddie tells him to go grab his things from the break room. Steve is too exhausted to argue. He comes back to the front counter but before Robin can launch into a lengthy apology, Eddie interrupts her with a minute shake of his head.
Steve holds his arms out and pulls her in for a hug anyway.
"I'm sorry for being an ass all day," he says and plants a kiss on the top of her head.
Robin hugs him back and kisses his cheek. "I'm sorry for being pushy." She pulls back and takes Steve's hands in hers, lacing their fingers together. "Hope you feel better soon, dingus."
Steve can't leave his car at work overnight so he follows Eddie's van to the trailer. He grabs one of Eddie's pullover hoodies out of his closet once they're inside and a pair of baggy sweatpants before making a beeline for the bathroom to pee and change his pad.
Soon enough, Steve comfortable and cozy on the couch, covered with at least two blankets and even more pillows, his hood pulled over his head and mussing his hair up even more. Eddie's got My Friend Is a Vampire playing on the TV, but Steve's saving grace is the heating pad that's covering his waist under the blankets.
Steve groans softly as he's hit with more cramps and shifts his hips against them.
"Here, sweetheart." Eddie comes back from the kitchen and hands him a cup of hot chocolate. He reclaims his spot next to Steve, boxing him between his body and the back of the couch. "How you feeling?"
"Like shit," Steve grumps, taking a sip and reaching back to set the mug on the side table. "I'd rather take being gnawed on by demobats than have to deal with these cramps. At least I can see the bats and try to stop them." He winds his arms around Eddie's waist and rests his head on his shoulder.
Eddie crinkles his nose in distaste. "Frankly, babe, I'd rather you not go through either." He rubs his thumb over the skin of Steve's hip. "What's stopping you from using all that government money to pay for your surgery?"
Steve hums and turns his nose into Eddie's neck, smiling against the skin. "I wanna get at least one kid out of you before I do that."
They've talked about this. In length. Eddie was there for the Winnebago conversation. Steve wasn't lying back then, but he's since realized he was wanting all those things with the wrong person.
"Yeah?" Eddie's voice is amused. "You want a couple Harrington spawn running around the trailer park?"
"Nah, was thinking more along the lines of a Munson brat."
Eddie stills against him.
Steve comes out from his hiding spot and grins at the look on his boyfriend's face. He leans up and kisses his cheek. "Did I break your brain on that one, honey?"
Eddie shakes himself out of his stupor and cups Steve's face, pressing him into the couch so he can kiss him silly.
"I'm gonna give you so many Munson brats, baby," he promises between leaving kisses all over Steve's face and Steve's giggles. "You won't even know what hit ya by the time I'm through with you."
Steve guffaws and lets Eddie cover him with kisses and love.
"I'll hold you to that, baby, don't worry."
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andrxsfxcks · 2 months
Just shed an actual tear thinking about being kept like a dog and cared for so genuinely and being held like I’m glass and finally trusting a person enough to fall asleep in their lap and and and and :(
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jasperyourmutt · 7 months
Oh to lay my head on your lap at the end of the day… to find comfort in just your presence and being… to not have to speak a word to know you care for me while your hands run through my hair, calling me all the list of pet names you know I love……..
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rydrake6 · 1 year
Uncle fuck no has returned and my day is ruined.
On the bright side, that explains why my dysphoria has been worse lately. I honestly thought it was because I was due for a haircut lol.
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asharestupid · 10 months
Btw if you're a man on your period you should remember that most men would be floored dealing with even an ounce of the pain. You are not any less of a man at all for this. Your doing great <3
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
having periods is hard for everyone, but i just wanted to say huge shoutout to every guy on their period right now, especially if you have to be in public. I'm off my T temporarily due to doctor problems and I'm here with you. it's a very vulnerable time and it's like, the last possible way you want to get clocked as "not passing". respect to every man on their period
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cerasus--flores · 1 month
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tumblr do we fw t4t4t yhk
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dogd0m-charlie · 6 months
hey man, so my cramps are really bad rn and massaging my hips myself isn't really doing that much.. so uh. i was wondering if you could maybe help a bro out and come sit in my lap and rock your hips back and forth on me for a little while. i just think it would help a lot better. with the cramps.
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outivv · 2 months
Take some fucking T4T shit right here yes sir
You groan in literal agony, while your entire lower half of your body feels like it’s gonna start breaking, splitting in two, and literally explode all at once. Real men bear through the period pain… you think, but this cycle is beating your ass like a fucking bitch. “Darlin’ have you seen my oil?“ Boothill comes into the room to find you basically dying. Heating pad, bundled under blankets, and an expression on your face that makes you look like you’re ready to meet god. “I got a built in heatin’ function if ya wanna-“ Is all Boothill has to say, before you tug him into bed with you and cuddle into his metal body. Fuck how comfortable he is or isn’t, you need any semblance of comfort right now, and Boothill is just the man for that. “Damn sugar… this one hittin’ ya good?” Boothill chuckles, running his metal fingers through your hair to hopefully soothe you, while his metal body starts heating up a bit, replacing the heating pad.
“Yes.” Is all you groan out, burying your face into Boothill’s neck, making him hum… he fucking loves when you do that. “You’re fucking lucky you don’t gotta deal with this shit anymore.” Your grumbling is gonna kill you one day, and Boothill swears on it- even if he just chuckles right now. “Yeah…” he starts, before letting out a hum, “y’know, my sisters would usually help me out ‘round that time of the month, they’d always take my chores and whatnot, and always had this special tea to help me. Course I dunno what it is now, but it tasted sweet, made me feel better too” At heart is Boothill a storyteller, always reminiscing- always telling stories about his family, his home, his long and hard life. Oddly enough it soothes you, and calms the sharp pain in your lower stomach. “Mmm… keep talking.” You hum, just like hearing him speak sometimes.
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