#ftf: tim drake
itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
“Bad time to suggest a romantic stroll through the graveyard?” @cleverbxrd​
Steph shoots Tim a tired look, but her lips quirked up in a smile she couldn’t really resist biting back. “I’m covered in pumpkin guts,” Steph started while pulling seeds and pumpkin pulp out of her long hair, “and just saw at least three ghosts. I’d take a romantic stroll literally anywhere else.” She deadpanned, pausing her attempts at getting the various pumpkin goop out of her hair to reach out and pick some of the slimey mess out of Tim’s curls. 
“Any other ideas, Boy Wonder?” She asked softly, a far too infatuated look on her face as she looked up at her boyfriend from beneath her lashes. 
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ghostthwip · 4 years
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger @cleverbxrd​
Swinging through New York City had become sort of Gwen’s catharsis. She could go swinging and for the time being, forget about all the guilt that plagued her. Forget that she was filling the shoes of a ghost here. (She had thought about going to...her grave here, but had ultimately put it off. It wasn’t a good idea. Not now anyways.) It wasn't exactly the same in Gotham. She had memories from the Gotham on her Earth. The friendship she had formed with Robin through helping him out in a bind despite how clearly wary he was of adding another powered friend to his roster he already had. She missed taking the ferry across the bay and being able to talk to Robin—to Tim. It had taken him time, but he had finally give a name and a face to the Robin persona. Just like she had taken off her own mask after far too long.
Not having friends was easier. Everyone she came across she had hurt, but maybe this time was different? He was a hero. He could protect himself. That’s what she told herself at least. Had. Had told herself. Guess it didn’t matter now that she didn’t live there anymore. 
She shouldn’t be in Gotham, but nostalgia brought her here. Gwen swung from the old buildings, seeing the smog and blurred city lights rush past her until she landed in an alleyway to take a quick breather and asses what she wanted to do next. That was, until she apparently interrupted a mugging and the guys turned their attention on her. “Alright, boys. Let’s leave the poor college student alone—” They got a new addition in the form of a man wielding a staff and promptly shoving her behind him to take care of the men.
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Gwen was immediately irritated, tugging roughly at the man’s arm as the last jab took out the muggers. “Hey, dipshit, are you serious? Do I look like I’m a damsel in distress? I’m wearing spandex for fuck’s sake. Clearly, I can handle myself.” She snapped, hand raising and quickly webbing the hand of one man to the ground as he twitched towards his weapon. Though, once the man looked at her she faltered. “Robin?” She asked. His costume here was different, the symbol different as well, but the features she recognized as Tim. 
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rxdshood-a · 4 years
Jason hated coming back to the manor, hated it with all his heart and soul. There wasn’t much that had his skin crawling if it wasn’t a crowbar or a clown, but the manor was definitely high up on that list. There were very few times the man made exceptions to his rule in avoiding that place at all fucking costs. Alfred was one of those. When the older man came calling, Jason would always run back. The man was practically a grandpa to him, probably a father more than anything if Jason was honest with himself, the best member of the fucked up mess that is the bat-family. He usually was able to time it so that he could avoid Bruce despite the pointed looks sent his way by Alfred. (It still was hard enough to avoid the immediate urge to cave. He was an adult, dammit. A not law abiding citizen who always pays his taxes because that’s how the government catches you.) It was a quick in and out and that meant he didn’t have to have awkward conversations about how he was a family disappointment or something of that nature. He had perfected the art of ignoring anything and everything any bat brat had to say to him. It was like when the adults in the Peanuts spoke, the muted trombone noise going in one ear and out the other. 
Jason’s current mission was the sneak another cookie from the cooling rack while Alfred made them more tea. The sound of approaching footsteps had the anti-hero freezing in his tracks, cursing everything in him that he hadn’t timed this visit right. Turning slightly, Jason rolled his eyes the moment he took in one Tim Drake apparently visiting. “Ugh, fuck. Of course. That’s my cue to go.” He turned back to say his goodbyes to Alfred only to see that the butler had disappeared. “Traitor!” He hissed under his breath, because of course Alfred would try to make him make civil discussion with one of the bat brats. Heaving a heavy sigh, Jason threw his hands up in the air. “Fine. Guess I’ll bite. Hello, Replacement. How’s the weather down there?” Jason’s smile had a sharp, dangerous edge to it. “Got any hobbies yet? A life? Surprise me and say something interesting, I can’t wait. I’m waiting eagerly.”
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
cherry: find blood on them. // flashback @cleverbxrd​
Cassie and Tim shared a special bond. They had both gone through the grief of losing two of their best friends and only had each other to lean on, who could understand the aching loss of having their teammates and best friends ripped from them. She had gotten closer to Tim in that time despite how angry he was at the world—how angry she was too. Grief was a complicated thing. Some days she was sobbing, barely unable to get out of her bed because of how devastated she was by the loss. Other days she was furious, reckless in going out and smashing anything she could that came across her. 
Cassie had decided to go pay Tim a visit. Maybe she was latching onto him a bit too much, but she didn’t want to lose him too. She had landed on a Gotham rooftop she found the boy on and smiled a bit, “hey, Boy Wonder, what are you—” Blood. Tim had blood on him. “Oh my god! You’re bleeding!” She surged forward, immediately trying to find the source and stop the bleeding. “What happened?!”
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
Steph wondered what exactly she missed while out on patrol. There was a literal satellite in the yard. She could only assume it wasn’t too terrible if Oracle hadn’t interrupted her patrol and told her to get her ass to the manor, but there was that immediate spike of fear when she hadn’t heard from Tim or even Bruce. (Despite the Batgirl name, Steph always turned to Babs first, considered Babs her superior. Though, that could also be the whole...rebelling against Batman thing. She digresses.) 
A thousand things were running through the girl’s mind as she hurried into the cave, tugging down the cowl and finding Tim in there, fuming and red in the face. “Timmy!” She breathed out in relief when she saw that he was seemingly somewhat fine. Though, she couldn’t fully believe it until the gap was closed and her hands were smoothing over the man’s biceps and coming up to cup his cheeks with her hands. “What the hell happened? No one said anything on patrol to me. Are you okay? Why is there a satellite in the yard?” 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
“I feel… I feel strange.” @cleverbxrd​​
The remark caught Steph’s attention. “What kind of strange? Like weird as in we need to make sure that you didn’t accidentally take a whiff of Scarecrow’s brew or weird as in you just feel off? I’m crossing fingers for the latter considering we have no power.” She huffs out, long hair a mess as she pulls down her cowl in the dark cave. The emergency lights were on thankfully, and her gloved hands moved to rest on her boyfriend’s arms. “Tell me what I can do, honey.”
Tim was always so quick to help her when she needed it. She could only hope that he knew that went both ways. There was no one on this earth that she loved nearly as much as she loved Tim Drake. He was her best friend. “Why don’t we take a quick break? Coffee and marshmallows I think we can manage. I’m sure Al can whip it up for us.”
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
Steph knew they needed to talk. Not entirely bad in a sense, except for it was. Just not in the sense most people would think. They were steady, completely solid. It was just the mere fact of Steph knew she was struggling. She had been struggling since she was dumped on the steps of Wayne Manor with a gash across her cheek that was still pink on her cheek and slowly healing wounds, some internal. Those ones had yet to heal and she knew that. She knew that she needed some help. That the first step was to admit to that and talk to Tim. 
She was seated on his bed, far too lost in her thoughts when she felt a hand touch her face to wipe away the tears she didn’t know were there, startling her slightly. She let out a sharp breath and looked up at Tim, “sorry, sorry! I just...didn’t see you. I’m okay—” Was she though? There was a pause and she swallowed hard, “I remembered something. I think I just kinda...repressed it when it happened. Tarik was in my house and threatened me. I didn’t mean to keep it from you—I just—it reminded me too much of what happened. With Ra’s. I got really scared and my mind tried to protect me I think.” She said weakly, letting out a shaky breath. “I think I need help, Timmy. I know I need some help.” 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 4 years
[ slow dance ] for the SENDER’S MUSE to extend their hand in invitation to dance with the POSTER’S MUSE. @cleverbxrd​
The air was thick with excitement and Steph was practically bouncing around wherever she went. Tim was getting his dad’s company and he was going to do some amazing things with it. She was glad he wanted her on to help. This was far better than the barista job she had been working all through college. As much fun as making Tim try her various creations this actually would challenge her and would work around her...well, nighttime job. Plus, she got to work with Tim. It was a win win. 
Steph was watching the crowd with a small smile on her face as she finished her champagne, looking over when an outstretched hand was extended before her. There stood Tim in a suit, a smile on his face, and Steph’s heart immediately did somersaults. She let out a breathless giggle and put her hand into his. “Why, kind sir, thank you for the dance invitation.” She teased playfully, eyes shining with utter happiness. One arm curled around the back of Tim’s neck as the other hand easily held onto his bicep. 
Looking at Tim, Steph was immediately hit with the realization that she didn’t want to be with anyone else. This was the man she wanted to marry. That thought alone made Steph’s breath hitch, it easily being hidden by the dip Tim brought her down into. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 4 years
@cleverbxrd​ flashback
Things were beyond complicated right now. Steph didn’t know how to make it better, especially for Tim. He was angry, rightfully so, but it hurt her to see him hurting so much. Tim was her best friend, the person she was closest to. She had a hard time getting people to take to her at times. She never really had someone she considered a best friend growing up until she met Tim. Tim was her best friend for years now. He had lost so much in such an achingly short period of time. Steph couldn’t take that hurt away as much as she wanted to. All she could do was try to be there for him. 
Tim was isolating himself. Steph wasn’t going allow it to continue on, even if he was going to push her away. She knew he was angry, seemingly furious she had started donning the Batgirl suit, but she just wanted to talk to him, figure out why. “Timmy?” Steph called as she came up on the man in the cave almost tentatively, half cowl pulled down after her patrol. “Hi. Long time no see.”
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