#event: blackout
fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
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jessehart · 2 years
The Jerk Jock and The Hedonist are an unlikely pairing…about as unlikely as the entire gym being seemingly empty when the power went out. Oh, but it wasn’t. Milo and Jesse might each be seeing things, or they both might’ve seen a familiar head of golden hair whipping through the dark corridors on the way out of the gym. The Golden Girl surely wouldn’t be pleased about those two together, and even less pleased that it might’ve been at the expense of ignoring her. 
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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NUMEROUS injustices are continually being committed against Sudanese people. I implore you to stay informed about this. There are many resources people have shared on this platform -some I have re-posted and others I have personally uploaded. Please keep talking about Sudan. The RSF must be stopped, and the countries supporting this violence must also be held accountable.
This is also happening in a few weeks, so please spread the word/attend if you're able to. All out for Sudan:
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
With the Reddit API change about to take effect, I want to mention a few things that I've seen that are likely to change or go away.
First of all, there's multiple bot accounts used for moderation, user tools, or plain fun. Everyone here loves haiku-bot. Reddit has u/haikusbot which does the same thing. The API change means it won't work anymore. There's also u/RemindMeBot which you can ping to set reminders. One useful bot due to repost karma-farmers always being an issue is u/RepostSleuthBot which can scan Reddit to see if a post has previously been uploaded. There's also u/SaveVideo which can create downloaded video files of posts. So the API changes mean losing a lot of user tools.
Then there's site specific bots like u/Roboragi which posts links to anime/manga sites for people. r/lotrmemes is filled with tons of bots of various lotr characters (and Robert Baratheon) and the bots will have full conversations in the comments. So the API changes means an end to a piece of some subreddits' culture.
And finally there's u/automoderator. This is a major tool used by mods to manage the subs. u/automoderator is used across multiple subreddits and has various functions per sub. One simple task is to check if a poster has a certain minimum karma, thus preventing spammers from casually brigading a subreddit. It can also auto ban users who post to certain subreddits which keeps out certain political views (or maybe two subreddits are just having silly wars with each other). Also, it can auto-comment important messages to posts.
So this change is going to destroy a lot of the internal charm of the site and it will also open the flood gates to bots, scammers, and all sorts of horrible things that mods can only barely hold back, especially on the huge subs, political subs, and any minority support subs.
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pthalomars · 1 year
hhhhhghgg... jason grace thoughts... [my telekinetic powers make every wall in my house explode]
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estcaligo · 7 months
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 5 months
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sugas6thtooth · 7 months
Message from Gaza: 12/15/23
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jasico-challenges · 4 months
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The Jasico Bingo Challenge 2024 is oficially over!
We want to thank eveyone who participated, all of your works were amazing and cute, the Jasico Nation is forever in debt with you haha
We also would like to ask you to keep reblogging your fellow creators' works! Everyone worked so hard and deserve the praise! Besides, you can never have too much Jasico works!
Now the fun part!
We're all very proud of every single participant in this event, it doesn't matter if you had a blackout, filled five in a roll or if you posted one work, we're happy this challenge gave you a creative boost!
But for those of you who blackouted their cards or filled five in a roll, we have a special treat! Fill out this form if you want to be included in the Hall of Fame and receive a Contratulations badge via e-mail.
The form will be open until March 5th so don't forget to fill it of you meet the criteria! Check the Calendar for more dates.
Thank y'all again, we hope you have fun! Stay tunned for the Hall of Fame post and future challenges news, we have a fun one coming up this semester!
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robotslenderman · 1 year
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Long story short Reddit is axing third party apps to prepare for going public and Reddit’s response is a collective “lol, no.”
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
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Raised Concerns  Firstly, I like to support creators with my cash. Especially If you are queer. I love you all, and thank you. 
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allelitewrestlings · 2 years
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credit: @nkbdpt on instagram
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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🚨 Why is cutting telecom services in Sudan a crime? 🚨
Sudanese rely on telecom for:
-Banking: Fear of RSF confiscating cash.
-Safe routes communication.
-Healthcare: Seeking advice from abroad.
-News dissemination due to limited coverage.
-Receiving money transfers from abroad.
#Sudan_Out_Of_Coverage #Sudan_Blackout #KeepEyesOnSudan
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beardeddetectivepaper · 7 months
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nixie-deangel · 3 days
anyone want to toss ideas at me for my remaining bingo squares?
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the hearts are completed and posted works. the yellows are ones I have ideas for and am working on to fill. but the unmarked ones I've got nothing for.
*edited because I was gifted an idea for another propmt!
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Happy Summer, Fellowship! ☀️
We hope you’re enjoying the season, and with that, we bring to you Summer Stories! Now, if you recall, we did this last year, and we’re doing it again - but bumping it up a month! 
For four weeks in July, we will drop various prompts for you to do with however you please! You could smash them all together into one project, do all five separately, or you can call out to your followers to send you prompts they want to see!
Don’t limit yourself to the suggestions above, we want to see your creativity, which comes in a variety of forms! Whether you write 100 words, or 1000+ words, we want to see it, so be sure to tag #fotfics and drop your stories into our queue via → this form!
July 1st - 8th Prompts
Beat the heat
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