#ft. marco
gwyndolence · 1 month
for @marco-morbidelli
There was something strangely nostalgic about being in the castle's music room for Gwyn, a fond little echo of those bright years spent learning at his sire's hip -- music and manners both. He entertained away his own impatience with those memories as he waited, plucking out a little fragment of one such tune at one of the pianos, something quick and jaunting to occupy his nimble fingers as a smile of satisfaction played at his lips. Gwyn had nearly focused enough on the notes not to notice when he was no longer alone, his guest for the afternoon hovering in the doorway where the guards had clearly abandoned the poor thing. It just took a quick glance over his shoulder, running his eyes once up and down the slight form of the waiting blond, to confirm they had delivered him the proper cherub.
"There you are, darling." Gwyn called, cheerful and familiar as he turned back to the keys, patting the bench beside him. "Rumor has it you're also one for song. Why don't you come over here and give me a little ditty? Whatever first comes to your mind."
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missheatherlee · 8 months
∗ o1﹕ a  text  sent  late  at  night . (heather to marco)
[user: SebbyFanClubPrez] Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you weren't in this town? If you would be the same person you are today? Sorry, can't sleep and this thought just keeps coming up.
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aurorangen · 11 months
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Connie and Renee are nice people so they did give Marco the directions he needed and yeah that was the end of their meeting!!
Marco: [yelling at his manager] Harry mate, why the hell did you hire that old geezer as my driver? He fucking drove off without me! We stopped cuz Armani needed a massive shit and now I'm gonna be late. I've got no clue where my gig is and if anyone here knows who I am or even sees me arghhhHHH-
Renee: He looks lost, should we help him? Connie: Nah, he looks like he's arguing with someone. I'd stay out of it.
Renee: He's screaming at his phone. He's picking up his dog. And now he's coming over. Marco: Sorry to bother you guys [takes off sunglasses] P-Petrah? Is that you?
Connie: I'm not Petrah! She's my twi- Marco: Petrahhh! Hey what's with the disguise? Are you wearing a wig and contacts? I should do that too. Connie: This guy, ugh of course Petrah knows someone like him [sighs] Petrah's my twin.
[all have different reactions to this even Armani] Renee: Oh my god you have a twin! Are you identical? Marco: Huh? Petrah has a twin?
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Of Those That are Sanguinary    Pt.1
Eager to shed blood; bloodthirsty.
The Lost boys x fem! reader
A night on the boardwalk is what you needed.
Endless hours and constant double shifts at the diner you worked was making you waste away. Your boss was okay enough but the clientele wasn't guaranteed and you're coworkers – to put it kindly – are mostly cunts.
The diner's closed down for a gas leak and now with a few days off you get to finally come down and get to enjoy the veiw the diner over looks up close and personal.
A veiw you have yet to even bare witness to since you moved here.
You didn't know where to go or what to do first. There were so many stores, stalls, rides, and shows. You just might be here your whole time off. One might compare you to a kid in a candy shop with the way you went around the shops and stalls, looking and trying things out. At one stall you found a metal bat broach with red gems for eyes. When trying to look at the others you just couldn't get that bat off your mind and got it. It looking good with your patch jacket was a plus. After checking some jewelry stands and acquiring some more accessories you head to one of the many food stands near the stage and grab ice cream. Going to the railing to hopefully enjoy your sweet bovine tweet with a show, you're suddenly stopped. Its one of the surf nazis that would would sometimes poke around the  diner.
"Well hello~, didn't know you could dress up so...nice." He says as his eyes rake over your mesh shirt over your bra with your patch jacket zipped only just under. You could practically feel slime from his gaze go over your shorts and fishnets and into your boots. You smiled sickeningly sweet at him, "and I didn't know you made such a great wall."
You go to move a round but he follows. You feel like something else is watching you. "Hey come on. Ditch the ice cream," he leans in and grabs his dick through his pants, " I have something else creamy for ya."
You smile again though this time now thoroughly pissed. "You know you're mighty pretty." you place your curved finger under his chin "I wonder, if I cut you open would your insides would reflect it?"
You bring out your switch blade and poke the case into his gut, thumb above the trigger.
His face screws up, suddenly perplexed. He starts backing up hands raised, but he's ruined your little state of bliss and now you're gonna fuck with him.
"Whoa baby I didn't mean anything. I was-"
"What's wrong baby I thought you wanted to play? Me thinks red might be your color."
"Crazy bit-" You press the trigger, your blade shooting out though not touching him due to the distance he's so conveniently created. It has the desired effect though as the sleez ball quickly walks away.
Now satisfied and in a better mood you practically skip to the railing and sit on it quick to lick the drippings of your now slightly melted ice cream.
You hear them before you see them. The sound of chains and laughter building off of eachother tunes you in and tunes you out of the show currently on stage. You try and ignore it, focus on the blaring music and head bangers, but the sound behind you kept pulling at your mind.
The sound of melodic laughing in different ranges blending together, chains clinking, and leather rubbing together created a sort of siren song that wouldn't get out of your head. You finally spare a glance behind you and see the four infamous bikers of the Santa Carla Boardwalk. Three were playing and pushing eachother around while the other would join with a chuckle and words, deciding instead to walk with a cool stride.
You don't know when your glance turned into a stare but at some point you locked eyes with baby blue. And now they're moving towards you. Oh to everything unholy they're moving towards you!
You're stuck in your spot looking at baby blues and they're about fifteen feet away when five groupies seemed to spawned and stalled them enough for you to get out of your trance like state and find an exit.
Down two sets of stairs left you leaning on a pillar under the boardwalk wondering what the hell just happened. Your heart feels like it's going to pump right out of your chest and your brain felt like it was filled with warm cotton. 
You needed to cool down, to clear your head. To think.
You hear yelling to the side of you. About forty feet away and walk towards it, eager to get your mind off of something other than baby blue.
The sight before you is one of the surf nazi from before and a child in a dated jacket.
"I didn't mean to, really!" The little boy was held in his grasp by the front of his jacket. The evidence of the argument on the front of the surfers denim jacket in the form of what appears to be smashed ice cream.
"That's still doesn't matter when we told you to stay off the board walk! You and those freaks you hang with!"
You had enough at this point. "Seriously? From creeping on women to picking on tots. Is there anything you can't do?"
You put a mocking tone to your voice and bat your eyes with a smirk.
"Oh God it's this crazy bitch again. Look this isn't your business."
"A big greasy pig picking on a kid is what I consider my business." "Excuse me cun-" You punch his throat while he was busy getting in your face. He finally let go of the kid as he fell.
"You good, kid?" As you help him up and he brushes of the sand. "Yeah. I'm Laddie, thank you." "YN, and don't thank me yet, you still need to get away." With that he leaves with a wave and runs off.
You hear the man cough and get up from where you left him.
"You fucking bitch, I'mma get you." You take out your switch blade and he throws a punch. You duck and get him between the ribs and pull while grabbing his throat and squeezing just hard enough. " You're so convenient, you know. I really needed a distraction." You stab again and again puncturing his lung.
Certain that he couldn't scream anymore, you took off your stainless clothes and you got on top and went to work slicing down the middle of his body.
You skin his chest in two equal parts as well as the skin as his thighs and take you excess safety pin from your jacket and pockets and arrange an cut pieces of skin in the vision of your current muse.
Before you go you pick up your knife one more time, reaching into the thigh.
— • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • —
Laddie ran about the boardwalk searching for the boys. It was a while ago he left the girl under the boardwalk and longer since he last saw them and him and his treat ran into a surf nazi. He finally saw them nearing their bikes looking like they took a quick wash in ocean and a flight telling by their damp hair. They must have fed already.
He tries to stop too late and crashes into Paul.
"Whoa little buddy! Where's the fire!" Marcos head pops out from behind him and they start leaning on eachother.  "Yeah and why weren't we invited!" Suddenly they all stop and take notice as breeze comes by along with the unmistakable smell of blood, in mass quantity.
"Where-" Paul starts but Laddie stops him, his mouth going a mile a minute. "Wait! There was a surf nazi I ran into with my ice cream and he threatened me under the boardwalk and then this girl, she came and punched him right in the neck! Her name was YN and now she there with him! I did smell some blood after I left so I don't know if-"  Dwayne cut him off with a hand an his head. "Okay bud, where did you say this happened?" "Under the boardwalk, that way, near the stage." Laddie points and David puts his cigarette out and says "What'd say boys? Wanna ride?"
A chorus of yeahs and woops followed as the boys got on their bikes and rode towards the smell of blood and Laddies directions.
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cali-cabrera · 2 months
Location: Marco's house Starter for: @mcrcosantos
She had tried everything but as Cali rolled over and her clocked ticked to 2am, she just knew she wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon. She was too hot, too cold, not comfortable enough, it was too dark, it wasn't dark enough, there was just nothing she could do. Lying on her back, she sighed, looking over at her dog who was sleeping happily at the end of her bed. At least one of them could sleep.
She had nights like this every so often and had done ever since she was a teenager. Back then, she'd had a remedy. The only way she had ever been able to sleep on those nights was sneaking out of her room and through her best friend's window and after setting an early alarm so they didn't get caught, she had slept tucked up against Marco's side.
Sliding out of bed, Cali grabbed her phone after settling Alba and quickly descended the stairs. It didn't take her long to lock the house back up and get around to Marco's backyard, the two same fence panels still loose after all these years. "You've got this, Cabrera, you are still young and nimble." Tucking her phone and her keys into her shorts, she climbed up the trellis on the side of the house, tapping on Marco's window before she opened it and slid through. "You really need to start locking your window at night, you never know who might slip through at crazy hours of the morning, you know?"
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niaxbailey · 28 days
@mcrcosantos event - summer music festival. "One second," Nia chimed and her amused gaze skirted over Marco as she finished stacking last-minute supplies neatly for a vendor. Having volunteered to help, she'd aligned the last of it perfectly when someone brushed by the stand and rudely knocked their shoulder into Marco. The man got a word into a half-assed apology, realized who they'd bumped into, and stopped. Instead, he scoffed and turned a little red as he bluntly opted to call Marco a 'waste of space'. Nia's eyebrows were starkly raised, unimpressed by the sudden utterly unnecessary venom. "Excuse me?" Came the sharp pitch of her voice over Marco's shoulder in an instant, "You owe him an apology." Nia was fully at her friend's side in the blink of an eye, arms crossed and looking their unwanted company up and down. A slightly comical visual contrast, Nia being five foot seven and Marco towering over her as she stepped in to play bodyguard. Her umber eyes narrowed on the man that was definitely turning redder by the second, and not at all apologetic. She couldn't help but feel he looked a little like a cartoon character, with steam coming out of his ears.
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kira-aminu · 6 months
Location: Masquerade Gala, Paradise Point Starter for: @mcrcosantos
She was equal amounts relieved and disappointed that when her raffle ticket number was called out, something she had only bought to support the charity and in the hope she would win Genesis, that it didn't match with the number in front of the one man up on stage that she recognised. Ignoring the tug on her heartstrings as she watched someone else claim the date with her ex, Kira stood once the raffle was over and made her way over to the person who matched her ticket.
"356? Hi." It wasn't really a date, but it was only her second since she had decided she needed to put herself out there more, but this was just pushing the button for her awkward side to show up. "I'm Kira, I don't know if we know each other but I'm not a psycho and I'm also sorry if you were hoping someone specific would win you. I can try and switch a ticket with someone if you need me to."
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mcrcosantos · 6 months
starter for: @levibecker location: masquerade ball, just after the dates were announced
When Leyla had forced Marco to sign up as a date for the raffle, a part of him had hoped that maybe Cali had bought a ticket and that maybe, just maybe, the two of them would get paired up. Hell, who was he kidding? It was the only thing that had kept him from withdrawing his name from the raffle list. Despite how much of a knife to the gut their last interaction had been for him, he still couldn't help holding out hope, looking for any opportunity to spend more time with her. He was pathetic, a lost cause when it came to Cali Cabrera.
However, the raffle gods were not working in his favor tonight. As the MC announced who Cali was paired up with, Marco's shoulders slumped in disappointment. But hey, at least it was Levi she'd be spending the evening with. Marco knew his friend wouldn't screw him over. Glancing around the crowd, he couldn't help but look for Cali. Instead, his eyes fell upon Levi, the man of the hour, and with a smirk, Marco approached him. Shaking his head, with what he hoped was a seriously pissed off looking expression, Marco scanned his friend from head to toe. "All I'm sayin' is you better keep your hands to yourself, hermano."
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Keeping the stern expression on his face was harder than he thought it would be, but he managed to keep it there for a few minutes before finally caving and a goofy grin took over his features. "Nah, man I'm just messing with you." he reached forward to slap Levi on the shoulder.
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karmasainted · 4 months
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❛  before you have an absolute fit , yes i will wash the dishes and no this isn't a fever dream ... ❜ the kitchen might be covered in a few dirty dishes and several egg shells , there might even be half a packet of the good butter laying out on the counter. are those fresh bell peppers and onions too ? emily doesn't look half as sheepish as she sounds, turning to doc with a resigned sort of huff , her shoulders shrugging as her eyebrows flicker - offering absolutely no further explanation.
obviously there's only one person she'd go this much effort for - and since fathers day is kinda close and she has a feeling she might not be on base to celebrate this feels like something both of them deserve. omlette au fromage. du fromage. whatever. dexter's lab seems like a reasonable influence.
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❛  sit. i'm worried you might fall over if you go into shock. ❜
starter for @hauntboxed / doc
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autumnwritcs · 1 year
for @spellbindingnights ;; continued from HERE
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Camila's breathing had picked up to the point of being close hyperventilating, her ear were ringing as her blood rushed to her brain and she tried to think how to fix the mess she had caused. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The blonde kept repeating as she gathered the pieces of China until she felt Marco's hands on her, the contact made her gasp in surprise and she involuntarily coiled back until her watery eyes met his. When she started going out again, the last thing she imagined was thatd she'd date someone this much older than her but it had been impossible not to warm up to Marcos, the man was wonderful and had been so patient with her that she fell for him. "I... I'm okay. I think." The blonde looked down to her hands, shiny with oil but otherwise no trace of blood. "I'm so sorry, Marcos. I should've be more careful. I'll clean this up." Deep down Camila knew Marcos wasn't Danny and he wouldn't blame her for this but her brain was already conditioned.
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crying-over-ocs · 2 months
I always just assumed Mercury is a Twitch streamer even though nothing of the sort is stated in canon??? I think???
I don't imagine he does it full-time though. Like it's secondary to his gaming stuff. Also his username is bitsized_gamer :3 It's shortened to BSG by his community, and later got memed into "bullshit gamer" because of the absurd skips he's done during speedruns. Now people outside of his community think that's what BSG is supposed to stand for.
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leclercskiesahead · 4 months
I was scrolling through Carlos’ sportweek photos on Pinterest and then they recommended me this picture of Marco Mengoni
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Yeah. I see it
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ladyinrosso · 2 years
Manifesting for Mengoni bringing Elodie with him to Liverpool as his + 1 in the Italian delegation to avenge what italian televote did to her
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petaurodelazucar · 1 year
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“Te prometo que no es nada y que involucrar doctores en este menjunje de situación es completamente innecesario.” Su tobillo hinchado, de tonos purpúreos a estas alturas, no está de acuerdo. Los rasmillones en sus pómulos, sus rodillas y manos; tampoco. ¿Se dejará convencer eventualmente? No quiere dar su brazo a torcer, así como tampoco indicios de que el dolor está a un pelo de arrebatarle un poco de su cordura. “Un poco de hielo y volveré a estar como nuevo.” ⟋ @smileflowcr
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cali-cabrera · 2 months
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hauntingblue · 6 months
YAMATO NEW NAKAMA PLEASE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️LUFFY PLEASE!!!!
#do kaido and big mom end up in the same hole??? lmaoo yamato get luffy!!! hell yes!!!#now a military trial for all the beast pirates come on!!! everyone to udon jail#APOO IS STILL ALIVE???. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!#i understand law is not on a state to be a medic but marco.... pick up some slack....#toko :((( no fucking way they are coming out of the hole..... they aren't.... the better not....#HIYORI!!!! no reunion??? :((#tama first girl to adopt a mother... also why do they have the same eyes... also is nami not enough for you.... or luffy.... your uncle...#hiyori girl dont kneel.... thats your 8 year old brother.... tama backstory omg.... tama dont cry omg.... she's gonna make me cry too...#izo is dead for real.... he was shown on the dead people highlight reel.... omg.... kinemon looking like a proud dad...#that hiyori and momo reunion.... i need more... what was that....#episode 1078#talking tag#watching one piece#who tf is that talking to the cp0...#hawkins is alive.... oh now he regrets it.... now he is dead... well.....#can't believe izo is dead... marco saying he cant believe he is alive... WELL YOU FOUGHT TWO TIMES AND THEM DID FUCK ALL WHILE IZO DIED????#i am so mad at this man you dont understand. HIYORI DROPKICKED MOMO AJSHAJA YEAHHH!!!#luffy and zoro waking up at the same time... it started with them too... oof#in my bliss of luffy winning and gear 5 and all i hadn't realised my pink haired samurai hasn't appeared in a while... i fear the worst....#i love how luffy having a meal is animated like a fight... omg zoro too... using his three head technique...#nami being the first to hit momo akdjaks. well deserved also#yamato not bathing or eating for zoro and luffy and hiyori bathing zoro ajdhskjs. omg this looks like sanji is jealous FA-#nami having to think hard about who bathes where lmao sanji and brook need an execution#OTAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING AJDHSJSHSJ ME ASF ALSO SORRY. also where tf is robin. DID THEY TAKE HER??? oh nvm there is another group...#kid you are so right he is annoying. kill him. come on!!! SAKAZUKI DIE!!!! they just wanna make me mad atp... ALSO WHERE IS ROBIN??#episode 1079#why is there a country with a giant picture of sabo in their clock tower lmaoo#luffy looks so little beside yamato omg.... omg soul king brook ft kozuki hiyori rock version.... AND I DONT GET TO HEAR IT????#robin with her poneglyphs of course.... AND BROOK OWES HER TWO MORE!!!!#MOMOS GRANDFATHER???? AND HE TOOK CARE OF TAMA WHO HAS ORICHIS LAST NAME!!!
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