#ft. jules
bookishbilly · 4 months
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You would have been 37 today, Jules. We would have made plans to spend it with friends, probably at the beach, loved ones all around us. We wouldn’t have made it past the sofa, tangled together, Scoob knocking the wind from you as he jumps on your stomach. Your mom would have stopped by to check in, fresh birthday cake and lipstick stained kisses. She’s here now — we’re having a slice of chocolate fudge for you. Sophie and Ariadne say hey, too. I’ll love you forever, baby.
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charlesv · 2 years
❧   @reknes
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: palace of facets, moscow
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 23 july 1319, evening
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: referencing some version of this thread ! 
❛ Must I find you taunting little girls? ❜
The English princess had since peeled away by the time Charles appeared at his child’s shoulder. Suspecting Jules may notice his approach but indifferent to startling them, he spared no greeting. He had sat nearby while the exchange proceeded, able to observe through body language as Jules succumbed to serpentine cruelty. It was more of an embrace than a capitulation, however. Jules ( like their detestable Agnes ) at times and without provocation raised their head with a blackening stare and spoke with a forked tongue. Charles liked their meanness—usually. This incident struck him as something else. Was it pettiness unbefitting the setting or, better yet, directed at the wrong variety of recipient? The issue of suitability would have little to do with questions of delicacy or fairness. She was an unassuming princess, but how benign could an English rose be? It was a remarkable choice, still, to catch field rabbits while wolves stalked the village.
❛ Could you not find her brother, that creature Richard, when you desired to hurl insults? ❜ he asked, turning so their eyes could meet. Charles’ disdain was, in truth, paper-thin; amusement at his own words ripped through it with ease. ❛ Tell me your thoughts, and leave them naked: do you find this an impressive evening, or is it so lackluster as to necessitate you entertain yourself? ❜
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abneyalx · 2 years
—    ☕️    —   para invitar a mi musa por una bebida caliente.                                                                  ( @julcsx​ )  
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                        ‘  vamos, por favor. siento que me estoy congelando.  ’  dice entre risas, manos bien metidas en su chaqueta. tal vez había sido una mala idea ir en falda y mallas, no creyó que la noche fuese a refrescar tanto.  ‘  además tiene mucho que no nos vemos, ya te extrañaba.  ’
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julianthompson · 3 months
CLOSED STARTER , JULIAN FT. AXEL @pcvrlys a pop-up plant shop somewhere by the beach, late afternoon.
"...so we get to her apartment, right, and things are gettin' really heated, i mean, shit was hot, you know? clothes are comin' off and whatnot, we're on the couch, and then it occurs to me... this place looks really familiar, like i could tell my body knows its way 'round this place, but there's no way, right, 'cause i've never met this chick before, and if i did, i'm pretty sure i'd remember her 'cause you just don't forget a redhead like that, you know? you ever met a ginger you've forgotten about? didn't think so. anyway, we're on the couch - hey, you still with me, axe? - so, we're on the couch, then somebody starts rattlin' her doorknob, then i panic a little, you know, 'cause... well, i'm kinda naked, but then she goes, oh, that's just my roommate, don't worry, she's cool and i'm like fine, whatever, you know? then the roommate walks in and that's when it hits me, why her apartment was so familiar!"
he's barely taken a breath throughout this entire spiel, desperate to get to the punchline of his story. he's got a cold beer in one hand and the other reaching for axel's shoulder. "i used to hook up with her roommate!" and there it is, and it's probably not as explosive as he would've liked for it to be, but he carries the story through its conclusion doubling over with laughter, his hand still on axel's shoulder for purchase. "oh, man... so, anyway, that's the first and only time i ever bought a plant. i think that one would look great in your living room, by the way."
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fadinglights · 10 months
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she  should  have  known.  should  have  known  that  he  would  go  overboard.  yet  her  smile  cannot  be  any  brighter  and  her  eyes  have  grown  misty  from  the  words  so  fondly  written  on  the  album.  if  she  thinks  more  about  how  everyone  who  comes  across  a  copy  can  read  what  she  just  read  word  for  word,  she  might  just  never  step  out  of  her  apartment  again.  “i  was  right.”  she  announces  with  a  sigh  at  last,  still  a  little  dazed  from  the  amalgam  of  affection  and  joy  for  his  much  awaited  break.  “you  are  the  cheesiest  man  in  the  world.”  
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gootube · 1 year
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viictorious · 1 year
"And I’m telling you, that if I wanted some two-bit Mr. Clean looking wannabe to talk to me I have better fucking options!” A glowing middle finger appears, and flashes in front of the rude man’s eyes, right outside the bar. He had half a mind to shoot a laser at the ground, but he hadn’t exactly cherished the tabloid headlines afterwards.
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Sidling up to the bar, he grumbles. “Tequila, three shots. Double. And—” He looks over at the man beside him. “I’ll pay for two drinks of his. Looks like he could use ‘em.”
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leonamos · 11 months
"is that the groove master i'm seeing?" leon jokes as he shimmies his shoulders. he hadn't expected to run into jules, hasn't seen the other in a while. "what's up, man? you still breaking hearts everywhere you go?"
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shadowbrn · 1 year
do not perceive me.
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dvarapala · 2 years
+ @sadtempo​ / continued from here
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"no, it’s not. i’m laying on the floor, on my stomach, in front of the freezer, trying to get to the ice cream ‘cause someone---” her tone sharpens briefly. “---can’t get off his hiney long enough to actually help me even though he’s the one who put the groceries away in the first place ‘cause my mom asked!” julian’s on speaker phone too so he’s definitely gonna hear muffled voices in the background and udyati muttering ‘gods, this is why i frequent sarah’s spot,’ to herself and then someone wailing: “i’m melting, ud! i’m melting!”
in response, udyati groans. 
“one moment, please,” she tells julian, and then yells back: “you’re not melting, skyler! i know what that looks like and that’s not what you’re doing! i swear, you say that one more time and i will take that bag of sodiro’s banana chips and beat you over the head with it!”
there’s warm laughter, and then udyati sighs. turns back to the phone. “sorry about that. i’m normally not that violent. it’s just that my friends are here and it’s really warm and sticky and i’m really good with that---” and oh, she doesn’t realize the way that sounds. “---but some of them aren’t.” she groans again and then there’s a sound of triumph. “aha! got it!”
loud cheers erupt from the living room.
“toronto, you said? that’s pretty cool. i’ve never been to canada before.” which is highly ironic, considering what she can do. “i hope you’ll have fun,” she offers lightly. “and be careful. and...” she takes a moment to stand up with the ice cream tubs and the phone and grabs some spoons. “...and maybe i’ll try to wait and hold off of the coffee. until you get back. that is, if i can’t talk my friends into bringing me some. i’m strong, but not that strong.”
silently, she hands the spoons and the tubs of ice cream to meilin, who grins and grins and grins and makes kissy faces until udyati waves her away.
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eundiarys · 1 year
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marvelingjules · 2 years
Not even at work for the past week and a half and I still got my Wednesdays sorted out through the end of the year. 😈
Now I just need someone for two-ish Saturdays a month, and occasional one-off days, and I’m good again.
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notcruel · 1 year
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@killjoysanonymous sent 📸  to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of Jules
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nadinexluna · 10 months
Location: DuPont Moreau Residence || Casino Royale Status: CLOSED ( @julesainsley )
The party was surreal to the point it made Nadine feel painfully aware of how different they were from the crowd. Whilst everyone was getting drunk, the petite individual had blown through 3 pre-rolls in a span of minutes. The drug a sedative for whatever else this event had up its sleeve for her, for the night. "Jules, let's order a pizza." The munchies stage already creeping into their stomach. "We can get a garbage pie, maybe?" They started to ramble a bit before looking at their friend, "Are you okay? Win big, yet?" In truth, Nadine felt bad. Between Leon and Jayden, she had been neglecting the one coined as their best friend. The thought flickered in their brown irises.
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fadinglights · 11 months
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“hey.”  jules  can  feel  her  heartbeat  progressively  falling  into  disarray  with  each  call  he  missed  and  the  weight  is  lifted  ever  so  lightly  off  her  chest  when  he  finally  picks  up  the  phone.  “is  everything  okay?”  she  asks,  as  if  the  only  reason  the  question  exists  is  because  it  took  longer  for  him  to  answer  than  usual.  as  if  that  egregious  tabloid  exposé  hasn’t  got  her  life  in  shambles,  with  her  social  media  accounts  brimming  with  undeserved  hate  comments  for  something  that  doesn’t  hold  an  ounce  of  truth.  part  of  her  wishes  that  he  hasn’t  read  any  of  it,  but  if  that’s  the  case,  it  would  mean  that  she’d  have  to  be  the  one  to  break  it  to  him  —  but  how  do  you  come  clean  about  something  that’s  never  been  true  in  the  first  place?  “i’ve  missed  you.”
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lipringthings · 1 year
fusebcx asked: 👀 - jules x tal
it was the first night jules had spent in dallas. as much as he loved the podcast, it wasn't sustainable so when the headhunter came knocking he couldn't pass up the chance to work at the number one radio station in dallas. and he had spent that evening with said headhunter and her friends, but all he wanted to do from the moment he got back to his empty apartment was call his best friend. they'd been speaking for 24 minutes when he brought her up. " i met this girl. the biggest eyes you've ever seen, right ? you think she's going to be like some strawberry shortcake type... but no, she's all small and angry like an attractive napoleon.... i was going to ask her out. figured it'd be a bad idea since they're the only people i know here. don't want to fuck it up, y'know ? "
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