#ft: gio
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11oh1 · 6 months ago
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valentina--ricci · 7 months ago
The Ricci Family Playbook | A Self-Para
Valentina had assumed she would have felt more emotional in this moment. Like the sight of her father being carted off in handcuffs would suddenly unleash this well of empathy for the man who had helped bring her into the world. She thought that the softness she had once felt for him would rise to the surface. Maybe she’d get flashbacks of her childhood, when he’d actually sit and read with her or take her for ice cream after a good grade. 
But all Valentina felt was relief as she sat in a car with her mother further down the block. 
It had happened fast for something that had taken her years to plan. She had thought several times about finding a way to kill him but that would just be using the same playbook he had. The man cared about nothing more than his reputation so killing his reputation seemed to be the only way for her at the moment. She knew she had to be smart. She had to build a case, she had to find things that were so severe, so sturdy, that not even his lawyers could talk their way out of this one. 
His targeting of Mikayla Beaumont had sent her over the edge, an urgency rising up in her chest as she watched him act like the Godfather once again. As she watched the town almost get swept away in sand and realized that maybe she cared about the people here. Maybe. But she had to draw the line somewhere. He was out of control and even worse, he was a likely winner for Mayor. She knew that if she didn’t stop him now, or at least deter him for some time, then they would never be able to turn back. 
So she set the wheels in motion. Left breadcrumbs for the ATF agents and local cops. Enough for them to take Mikki’s article to heart. And then came her final move. 
Valentina could feel the stress leaving her body as she got out of bed and pulled on her robe, glancing back at Roman on the bed before she let him know that she had invited him over for more than letting him attend to her beautiful body. She pulled a thick folder from her dresser and dropped it down on the bed next to him. She knew he’d ask questions and she was ready for them and clear that he needed to be as quick about this as possible. And with another kiss to his cheek, she sent him on his way before going to see her mother and brother to let them know what she had done. 
And Roman had of course delivered as she knew he would. Or else she wouldn’t have trusted him with it in the first place. 
So Valentina put the car in drive as they dipped her father’s head into the police car. She was slow until the car turned down a larger street and pressed her foot to the gas so they could pull up beside the police car. She kept her speed steady as she and her mother turned to look at Gio in the back seat. And as they set their eyes on him, they both smiled. Beatrice even blew him a kiss before they sped past them and turned down the next road,  in search of an appropriate celebration.
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santinobarone · 9 days ago
who: @gaucheried where: gio's job
Santino didn’t bother knocking. The restaurant had long since closed for the night, and he knew exactly where to find his brother—tucked away in the kitchen, probably still wearing that damn apron like he was just some regular guy working a regular job. Like he wasn’t a Barone. Like he wasn’t Arlo’s son.
The door swung shut behind him, the weight of the night still clinging to his shoulders. Smoke and blood and fire. The stink of betrayal, thick in the air. Santino had spent hours sifting through the aftermath, putting out flames both literal and figurative, but there was one loose end he still had to tie up before the night was over.
"Figured you'd be here." His voice came rough, exhaustion and nicotine scraping down his throat. "Not that I expected you at the gala, but you might wanna start asking questions about what you missed."
His fingers drummed against the counter as he watched his brother. Same blood, same name, but they were miles apart—had been for a long time. "Tell me, Gio," Santino said, tone measured. "How much do you actually give a shit about what happens to this family?"
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secondhnd · 2 years ago
@impervicus // Oliver
To say that Gio was a fan of Narcotics Anonymous would be an exaggeration. It would be a lie, even. He didn't want to be there, yet he was. Every morning, 9 am. Rather, he was supposed to be there at 9 am, but he'd slept through his usual meeting time - leading to him at the 12 pm meeting for the first time. There were far less older people, which he kind of liked. When he was with the older people, most of them had been clean for far longer than he had. Six months felt like nothing to them. To him, it was his longest stretch of sobriety. It was a big deal if you asked him. Nobody did, mind you, and he didn't volunteer a whole lot of information to anyone outside of his sponsor, the person who'd texted him about the noon meeting when he'd failed to show up for the 9 am one.
He sat in the uncomfortable, metal fold out chairs and listened to people drone on about their own addictions. He didn't listen, not because it was triggering - though that would have been a good excuse. He didn't listen because he didn't see the point in it. Hearing other people's stories didn't affect him. Usually didn't affect him anyway, until he heard a voice to familiar to mistake for anyone else's ring out. His eyes immediately darted up and he watched the person speak. Oliver. The other looked good, said he had three months and that was when Gio zoned out. He couldn't help it; he would always blame himself for Oliver's relapse. If he'd gotten clean a week earlier, things would be different. He knew that, knew it all too well.
The rest of the session was spent with him not paying attention to anything being said. When they were dismissed, he poured himself a cup of coffee. The table that held the coffee and some cookies was close to the exit. To get out, Oliver would have to move past him. Logically, he should be getting ready for his lessons for the day. Logic didn't matter right now. When the other tried to walk past - whether he'd seen him standing there or not was a question he wasn't sure that he wanted the answer to - Gio reached out to grab his arm gently. "Ollie," was the only thing he managed.
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klvaus · 2 months ago
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ┈ 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗮 𝗱𝗲 𝗮́𝗿𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘀 , para un starter situado en greenhollow trees. ( @gioferrara )
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“ ¿qué estamos haciendo aquí exactamente, gio? ” ceño se hunde al instante cuando le mira con sospecha. la verdad es que hacía años que no pisaba aquel lugar, desde que venía con su padre a observar los árboles hasta encontrar uno que encajara en los gustos de ambos. “ tengo cosas que hacer y no puedo llegar tarde. ” no miente del todo pero sí es una excusa. sabe que su amigo quizá podrá deducir que lo es, pero mientras tanto se limita a cruzarse de brazos y mirarle con una ligera súplica en sus ojos.
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awalkoflife-arc · 1 year ago
@veritasetamor + for betty's REAL husband.
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kyle's fallen asleep beside her, so she quietly sneaks out of her seat and walks a little further up the aisle, making her way through the first class cabin until she finds johnny. ❝ hey hubby. mind if i join you while my fake fiancé naps? ❞ she greets, sliding herself into the spot beside him. their flight has been smooth so far, but they've got at least another four hours left of their journey. ❝ on a scale of peaceful civility to committing bloody murder, where do you think har and austyn are sitting right now? ❞ it's a joke, mainly, still there's a part of her that's lowkey concerned about her little sister and their best friend. kyle's best man and her maid of honour, alone at the resort right now, sharing a room while also having to spend the night together. what could go wrong?
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secondhnd · 2 years ago
🙊💬 + Edgar (for Gio)
"I don't... I don't get him. Am I supposed to? I feel like that's his thing. That he wants to be elusive, you know? Doesn't want people to know him. Or he doesn't want me to know him. I like him though. I don't think he likes me, mostly 'cause I fuck with Marco. But what else am I supposed to do? Just let him live? He makes Marco happy, except when he doesn't. I like him for Marco though. They're... good together. If they'd figure that out, I think they'd be a lot happier. What do I know though?"
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reminiscingtonight · 1 year ago
The Thing About Families (Arsenal Style)
Alessia Russo & Russo!reader (Lia Wälti x Russo!reader)
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: A Russo sisters + Lia ft. Kyra story that wrote itself after that picture came out
[The Thing About Families Masterlist]
“I need your help.”
Growing up as the oldest kid in the family meant you’ve heard this line quite a lot. For your brothers it usually meant helping them sneak out of the house or cover for them as they did god knows what, but for Alessia it usually meant one of two things: organize her laundry or organize her life.
Given that you’ve done all the washing and have neatly stacked her already folded clothes on the edge of her bed, you have a sinking suspicion that this ask has more to do with the latter.
“Rat. What’s up?”
Alessia frowns at the nickname, an insult perched at the end of her tongue. But she seems to think better of it, batting her eyelashes in hopes of seeming more innocent as she latches onto your arm. 
You’re not amused, instantly trying, but failing, to shake her off. “Less, let go!”
“I need your help,” she whines again, digging her heels into the ground. 
You try wrapping your arm around her neck to pull her into a headlock, but the height difference between the two of you means Alessia has no trouble heaving you over her shoulder and onto the couch behind her. You let out a disgruntled yelp, trying to wrestle her for dominance. Alessia simply sits on top of you, hands locking your arms across your own body. 
“Alessia Russo I swear to god, get off!”
“Your baby sister is trying to ask for a favor! Will you just,” she huffs, pinching your side when you try to buck her off of you, “calm down! Just hear me out!”
“I’m kicking you out before Lia gets home. Off!”
How your mom talked you into housing your sister when she moved to Arsenal, you will never know. Lia jumped at the opportunity to help her out, but since she isn’t home right now…
Alessia cringes a bit at your girlfriend’s name and you instantly stop moving. Your eyes narrow dangerously. “What?”
Family is important to you. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for Alessia, but there’s also nothing you wouldn’t do for Lia too. You haven’t ever had to make a choice between the two of them, but if you’re going to have to you’re not sure if sisterly love will be enough against how much you love Lia.
“If you don’t tell me what your problem is I will actually kick you out. Talk.”
It only takes two seconds under your glare for Alessia to break. “Kyra won’t stop bugging me!” 
For a second you’re taken back to your childhood, a tiny Alessia sat in your lap, saying the same exact thing about Gio. You had given her a comforting pat on the head and then socked Gio as hard as you could in the arm. But now that you’re in your thirties, you don’t think punching Kyra would be taken as well, by your girlfriend or the other Aussies on the team.
“That sounds like a you problem.” 
And Kyra’s hilarious, you’ll give her that. The younger girl had instantly taken a liking to your sister since the day she arrived. And by liking of course you mean a liking to bothering Alessia. 
But as long as the young Australian keeps bothering Alessia and not you, you don’t really see a problem with her behavior.
Call it karma for everything Alessia has put you through growing up.
“And I love Lia, you know that.”
Your lips pinch into a thin line. “I don’t think I’m liking where this is going. If you’re about to be rude about my girlfriend--”
“Lia needs to stop babying Kyra! Sometimes I just need some peace and quiet at the Colney, and I can’t do that if Kyra keeps bothering me and Lia keeps letting her get away with it!”
Right. That.
It’s not like you haven’t missed it. 
Any time Kyra’s running wild your girlfriend can be found nearby, always quick to soothe any ruffled feathers from the Australian’s adventures. At first Steph was set on Kyra duties, but when it became clear that anyone outside of her chosen Australian/Swedish family were ill-equipped to handle her, Lia was quick to step in. 
You’re not sure what it was that drew Kyra to your girlfriend but Kyra lived for the praise and affection Lia gave her and Lia lived for the adoration from Kyra.
So yeah, it’s cute the way Lia has taken the young girl under her wing. If anything it just makes you want to ask her to marry you and start a family faster.
“Don’t be jealous, rat. If you want Lia to baby you again you can just say so.”
Alessia’s too busy scoffing and objecting to your claim that she’s not expecting it when you dump her off of you and right onto the ground.
It only takes a week.
It starts when Lia cancels date night. Kyra’s feeling a bit homesick so Lia invites her for a movie marathon at your place. Of course you’re a little bummed, but it’s not something you can’t reschedule so you just let it go. You find Lia and Kyra teasing each other throughout the night cute enough to replace any hard feelings. 
The next strike comes when you have Lia pinned under you in bed, the two of you making use of an Alessia-less house for the night. Alessia had gone out with Vic for the night, telling you with a wink that she would be catching a ride from the Dutch to practice the next day. Your clothes had gone flying off the second you got home from dinner, but before you could really go down to business you hear the unmistakable sound of your doorbell going off. You pause, lips stilling upon Lia’s neck. 
“Maybe if we don’t do anything they’ll go away.”
The doorbell ringing again has you sighing as Lia gently pushes at your shoulders. “Babe, off,” Lia laughs. She gives you a kiss on her way out but she does in fact leave you in bed to see who’s come to visit so late at night.
You’re off daydreaming about what you’re going to get up to when Lia returns when you hear the unmistakable sound of an Australian accent coming from the living room. 
The pillow isn’t enough to muffle your cry of frustration into it. 
You’re already sighing and throwing on a hoodie when Lia pops her head in, apologetic look on her face.
“Do you want to pop the popcorn or me?”
The last straw occurs when you wake up in the middle of the night a couple days later. You’re not really sure what’s woken you up, but you do find yourself at the edge of the bed. There’s barely a sliver of blanket covering you, but Lia’s warm body wrapped around your back gives you all the heat you need.
Humming, you shift as softly as you can so to not jostle your girlfriend. The original plan is to gently shift the two of you back towards the center of the bed, but when you reach over Lia to make the transition easier, your hand hits the undeniable form of a third body. 
You freeze. 
Hazily opening an eye, you raise your head to look at the other side of the bed. Next to you is Lia, like you expected. What you don’t expect is the snoring Australian sprawled out over Lia's half of the bed.
You have to bite back your groan.
You let out a disgruntled grunt when you settle back onto the tiny piece of the mattress left to you. 
You’re not sure how long you lay there awake and thinking through the best way to go about ridding yourself of the new girl in your bed when a sleepy hand comes up to pat at your cheek. 
“Why are you brooding?”
Although you’re a bit grumpy, the sound of Lia still half asleep brings a smile to your face. 
But when you hear a snort, gurgle, and then snore from the other side of your girlfriend, the look is quick to fall off your face.
“What is she doing here?”
Lia frowns, sleepily rubbing at her eyes. She reads your pout easily. “Kyra was tired.”
“So you let her in our bed? Baby, we have a couch. A very comfy couch.”
Lia raises an eyebrow at you.
After spending the next night sleeping on said couch you come to two conclusions. First, the couch is not as comfortable as you initially thought. Second, Alessia was right.
You corner your sister at training the next day. She looks surprised but follows you when you pull her into a storage closet.
“Okay, how do you want to do it? Should we kidnap and ship her back to Australia?”
Alessia grins, not even needing you to say anything further. “Nah, we can keep her local. I think it’s time the other Aussies get custody, don’t ya think?”
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viinas · 2 months ago
My friends and I made an album inspired by the Iron Widow books by Xiran Jay Zhao and here is the song I wrote for it! It's called "Venom" and is meant to be sort of like an anime opening for the book. Ft vocals by my amazing friend Victoria Carbol! Empress of Nightmares by the Bookish Songs Collective is streaming everywhere now~
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johnny-but-emo · 1 month ago
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Gio doodle ft my favorite asb colors for him :)
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secondhnd · 2 years ago
🙊💬+ Ace (for gio)
"I'm not going to lie. He's kind of odd, right? He seems like he has a lot going on, but he doesn't talk about it. Does it make me a hypocrite to say that? Probably, but there are worse things I could be, I think. I don't know. He puts up with my bullshit. I think I'd call him my friend. I don't know if he'd say the same thing about me, so I'm definitely not saying it out loud."
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pedriscroquettes · 2 years ago
🪐 ˑ   ִ  welcome to pedriscroquettes !
╰┈➤ ashley. nineteen. atléti fan. 🇬🇹
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who i write for | last updated: october 21, 2024 | spotify
requests: CLOSED!
✩ ~ smut | ღ ~ fluff | ❀ ~ angst
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: ̗̀➛ the three times you said yes and the one time you didn’t ❀
: ̗̀➛ unless he puts a label on it he’s single ✩
: ̗̀➛ mine ღ
: ̗̀➛ devotion ✩
: ̗̀➛ only you ✩
: ̗̀➛ body worship ✩
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: ̗̀➛ envolver ✩
: ̗̀➛ taking all the pressure away ✩ ღ ❀
: ̗̀➛ congratulations ✩
: ̗̀➛ santa maria ✩
: ̗̀➛ rough carpets ✩
: ̗̀➛ 3some ft. pablo torre ✩
: ̗̀➛ chulos ft. fermín lópez ✩
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: ̗̀➛ fiebre (fermín lopéz ft. fran garcía) ✩
: ̗̀➛ euro 2024 masterlist
: ̗̀➛ copa america 2024 masterlist
: ̗̀➛ an1mal (alejandro balde ft. pablo torre) ✩
: ̗̀➛ 721 (rodrigo de paul ft. paulo dybala) ✩
: ̗̀➛ toner – gio reyna ღ
: ̗̀➛ trust – rodrigo riquelme ✩
: ̗̀➛ bota niña – enzo vogrincic
: ̗̀➛ una foto – enzo vogrincic + felipe otaño
: ̗̀➛ mercadona – simón hempe
: ̗̀➛ chulos (gavi ft. fermín lópez) ✩
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therealalexhera · 6 months ago
'Out of Game: The Slenderverse Aftershow' -- now available
I am happy to announce that all episodes of 'Out of Game: The Slenderverse Aftershow' are now available -- only a few months late! Enjoy 7 and a half hours of analysis of the Slenderman, discussion about art, and unregulated chaos.
Night 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdzZ-KIucXU (ft @nick-nocturne [Night Mind], @timsutton[Marble Hornets], Evan Jennings [EverymanHYBRID], and Doctor Cairo [compileTRUTH])
Night 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK6kCQSEAh4 (ft. Chris Hammarberg [DarkHarvest00], @heatherm00ch-dh00 [DarkHarvest00], @no-more-blogs [DarkHarvest00], Lee Esposito [Whispered Faith], Marissa Botelho [Tulpa Effect], Dylan Sindelar [MLAndersen0], Austin Harris [MLAndersen0], Gio Kraska, and @vluisasantiago [Stan Frederick, redredhat])
Night 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrGSf-Ua0bY (ft. @timsutton [Marble Hornets], Marissa Botelho [Tulpa Effect], @vluisasantiago [Stan Frederick, redredhat], @jckielantern[Marble Hornets Comics], @michaelo2k [A Wreck In The Dark], Mabry [WORKDESK54LEAKS], PenThePoet [Recollect: Records of the Other Side], @whyhellomynameismary [hiimarymary], and Theo Wish [TheSunVanished]
Complete 'Slenderverse' playlist (in case you want to rewatch the docuseries + aftershows for the FULL 13 hour deep dive experience): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKXjYv6codp4o00S4Gn3aU85y60Q2Dssc
I'm so honored to have hosted these with Rain and had such sprawling, meaningful, absurdly fun conversations celebrating the Slenderverse. Those three weeks were among the most memorable of my career! Thank you all so much for participating & supporting the project. (And apologies for the VODs coming out so late -- I was a little busy shooting a feature film and working on two other projects. Won't happen next time there's an Out of Game stream, I promise!)
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pinkpcny · 7 months ago
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he's tempted, extremely so, to make a joke about getting free club entry, but he's overthinking even that. shakes his head instead, bites it back with a dimpled smile, foolish little glint reflected in his eyes. " anyone ? " he questions with a subtle raise of his brow, feels a slight stir of something he isn't quite sure of. jealously, perhaps. " and do you want that, something real ? " deep down he's sure everyone does, himself included no matter how much he tries to deny it. sets free a nervous laugh, topic at hand one he typically tries to avoid. " uh, no . . . not really. i never learned to take the leap, or whatever, " he teases, attempts to make light. but smile falters just a little. long breath exhaled. " i guess you could say i've yet to resolve my childhood trauma. so while it sounds nice in theory, i'm just not there yet. " let down by both his parents in ways he'd never really moved past. abandoned by one, never valued by the other. the presence of his mother likely doing more damage than the absence of his father.
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he gets it. the parties, the clubs, and while there may be some truth to what ace says, all of it feels superficial. a low laugh splits his face into a smile because of the way ace stumbles. gio finds the tint at his cheeks endearing, but mostly cute. he inwardly fights the urge to poke at them. "sure. yeah. it's easy to get anyone in my bed at the end of the day, but - nine times outta ten they just want free entry to the next event. it's not anything, uh ..." his brows furrow, "real. i guess." his nod is slow, appreciative to the compliment. it's something he needed to hear from ace, because it's often that gio looks to him for more than just his honesty. "why not? have you ever tried?" he scratches at his temple, "you're a great guy too. you should try, like, taking a leap or whatever."
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the-exchangerrr · 2 months ago
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Day 26! Ft. Gio daddy
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pinkyhaert · 7 months ago
Artfight 2024 Attacks
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《 Didn't do as many as I planned but still had fun! Here's the lineup ♡ 》
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1. Stardust Mass attack! Ft. Banshee.
Ocs Featured: @visinox / @youronlydrpepper / @vinnybox / @crowbobot
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2. Attack on @chytag
ft. Quincy @quincysmansiondaily
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3. Attack on @/Lumiinori on toyhouse ft. Conner
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4. Attack on @springtime-creations
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5. Attack on @/PrussianGator on Instagram
Ft. Quincy @quincysmansiondaily
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6. Mass attack! Ocs featured: @daleespringdraw / @/gooeybird on artfight / @/DexDexadilion on Instagram / @anipwrites
Ft. Daylight & Knightlight @fnafsb-truecolorsau
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7. Mass attack again! Ocs featured: @mizzymaren / @fenydreamz / @memoriesofwonderworld / @/MaccaGemDiamond on DA / @/Fizzy_Froggy_ on Twitter
Ft. Screenplay
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Ocs featured: @gio-scrabbles / @artscheese / @oneiikin / @ignotarts / @visinox / @lookdem / @chaoseclips / @lucentkat / @coziroses / @chewyena
Ft. Scriptwriter & Screenplay
《 I just realized that I did ALOT of mass attacks this year no wonder I got eepy. 》
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