#fruit washer sale
Chili washing and drying line| vegetable washing machine|fruit washer sale 
Chili washing and drying line is used for washing vegetable and fruit quickly with high quality. Capacity:50kg/h-1000kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
cucumber washing and drying line|vegetable washing and drying line|vegetable fruit processing machine
Cucumber washing line is used for washing vegetable and fruit quickly. Capacity:150kg/h-2t/h Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 1 year
small scale vegetable and fruit washing machine price| vegetable fruit washer for sale 
Small scale vegetable and fruit washing equipment is used for wasing all kinds of vegetable and fruit quickly. Capacity:50kg/h-1000kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:+861321323466
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merridelicious · 1 year
I’m moving into college in 3 weeks have you got any tips :0
yes!! quite a few actually. :) *for mutuals outside of the u.s., this advice is based on a U.S. American university experience, so some of it may not apply to you.
PLEASE SEND ASKS if you have specific questions, and I’ll either speak from my own experience or give information from other friends in university rn!!
You don’t need to bring ALL your stuff. (Really, it’s okay. Also, you have limited space.)
A quick Google search of “college packing list 2023” will yield many results. It’s up to you to decide what “essentials” are actually essential, but suffice it to say, think about the things you use on a daily basis and then think about what you don’t have at home that you’ll need in student housing.
Apartment or dorm, unless you’re really lucky—you’ll be sharing living space & appliances with other people. Yes, that includes showers. If you can get toiletries cheaper locally than in the location of your university, save yourself the time and money. Shower shoes are an absolute must, because those showers can get disgusting.
If you have a meal plan that lasts the entire year, you don’t really need to pack a bunch of food (or go grocery shopping a ton during the school year) but it can be nice to have dry goods & snacks on hand. (I keep rice, macaroni & cheese, crackers, & some type of dried fruit around, if nothing else. Whatever tastes strike your fancy, feel free to add/substitute.) If you’re cooking all your own food, you’re going to need at least a cooking pot, frying pan, spatula, dish sponges, and dish soap, as well as some resealable food storage containers and cheap cups and bowls (I got most of that at Target. They tend to have back-to-school sales and bowls & cups go for less than a dollar each.)
Laundry is going to be a pain in the ass, unless again, you luck out and have a washer and dryer in-unit. Ditto for dishes (unless your space comes with a dishwasher). Do yourself a favor & get a huge bin of Tide pods, pack of laundry sheets, & at least two paper towel rolls so you don’t have to run out every week to replenish cleaning supplies. (I personally despise having dish towels to wash, so if you don’t mind them take the paper towel advice with a grain of salt.)
My dorm was weird and had a sink in it. If you’re responsible for cleaning your own sink it will get nasty quickly. Either take turns with your roommate(s)/housemate(s), or figure out who the designated sink cleaner is.
Your first friend group in college will likely not be your last, nor will it last. This group is usually composed of people close in proximity to you aka convenience friends. You might realize three or four months in that these are not your people and you don’t like hanging out with them. This is perfectly normal and okay! You’ll find people who you do vibe with. I encourage you not to limit making friends to your specific university, although if you go to a small one like I do that can be tough.
Universities often have events with free stuff, including free food. Take advantage of these events if & when you can. They’re usually very laid back, and if you’re not in the mood to stick around, you can grab food and then dip.
Orientation events & icebreakers within your first week are to be expected. Try to remember a fun fact about yourself (which is what you usually get asked, along with your intended major, name, pronouns—sometimes, & hometown).
Your RA(s) aren’t cops, but they also aren’t your friends. They’re required to report sketchy shit that happens. My RAs had a rule that if they didn’t hear, see, or smell anything suspicious, it was like nothing happened, but try to get a feel for what yours look out for.
It is more than okay to need/want therapy. You’ve just gone through a massive change in your life and you did it mostly, if not all, by yourself. Your university counseling services (if applicable) are generally not the best place to go for therapy, though. This is especially true if you’re worried about your privacy. I don’t think I’ve heard of student discounts for therapy, but some therapists have this policy called sliding scale where you pay what you can. Find a person you can talk openly with and who is experienced with your mental health concerns/practices the right kind of therapy for you. (CBT, DBT, & EMDR are a few examples.)
dating, love, etc.
First and foremost, if this section doesn’t apply to you because you don’t participate or aren’t ready to in college, please feel free to skip!
If you’re still here, obviously I am not the expert on your love life—you are. That being said, without getting too personal, here are some things I’ve picked up through trial and error.
If you’re starting college, and haven’t yet dated anyone, it’s okay to feel behind. What isn’t okay is being patronized or taken advantage of for your lack of experience. I wish I could say it’s just common sense, but it’s crucial to figure out what your boundaries, limits, & standards are before getting into an intimate situation with somebody. (I myself learned this the hard way.)
simply put: It is okay to be picky! (Read that again.) Or not—what works for one person won’t work for everyone. Some people date & hook up just for fun, especially during college when a lot of changes are happening, and that suits them fine. Some people want stronger, longer connections, and that works for them. Some people focus on friends over partners and refrain from the entire dating & hookup scene. All are valid and healthy. (As long as you stay safe, sane, & consensual, and get tested.)
school stuff:
Please do yourself a favor and don’t schedule 8am classes five days a week. I don’t care if you could do it in high school—chances are you’re going to need to wake up way beforehand to get ready OR your roommate will do something ridiculous in the middle of the night that will wake you up. In this more than likely event, you won’t want to wake up and go straight to class. If you’re not a STEM major, this advice is easier than if you are (and if the first applies, my condolences and much love).
You need sleep no matter what—if that means midday naps, go for it. I don’t recommend skipping class to nap unless it’s an emergency though.
Re skipping class: some professors take attendance and your grade can suffer if you don’t attend. Aside from mental health days, skipping class for fun can be a slippery slope at some universities. (At some, Cs get degrees and grades don’t matter as much, especially if you aren’t looking to go down the postgrad path.)
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Growing your own fresh blackberries and raspberries is incredible...unless they get overgrown, thorny, and unmanageable. Use this DIY berry trellis design to help contain these cane crops and make sure you get HUGE harvests of these nutritious and delicious fruits.
00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Overview
00:34 - Build Design
01:01 - Cutting Posts
02:01 - Setting Posts
03:09 - Crossbeams
04:13 - Fastener Explanation
05:14 - Installing Fasteners
06:16 - Wiring Up
07:34 - Complete Build
2 ea 4x4'- 8' Common Redwood
1 ea 2x4'- 8' Common Redwwod
4 ea 5/16" x 3" Eye Bolt w/ Nut
4 ea 5/16" Washers
4 ea 5/16" Lock Washers
8 Screws or Bolts To Secure
2 ea 50lb Quickcrete
4 ea One Way Anchor Vise 12 Gauge
100' 12 Gauge Galvanized Wire
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Other links may be affiliate links as well, in which Epic Gardening earns a small commission for referring a sale.
→ Power Planter 12": https://bit.ly/3calE3q
→ Felco CP : https://bit.ly/3c6pP03
→ Felco Hawksbill Knife: https://bit.ly/3auTDmN
→ Wire Anchor Vice: https://amzn.to/3uKH6lT
→ 12 Gauge Wire: https://amzn.to/3aywmAd
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jeppiner · 16 days
Ways I save money:
I have lived low income for a very long time and this is how I save money. Personal care: I leave my hair long and put it up if I want it out of the way, only cutting the ends maybe once a year or less. No dye, no "styles", no lotions/potions, no hot appliances. Simple and healthy. I never do mani/pedi unless I do it myself, but no polishes. I only use a one skin moisturizer. Also no make-up. I am 60 and people can't believe how young I look. Shoot if I look that young, why gob it up with expensive bottles and tubes of stuff nobody needs putting MY money into some company's pocket. I need my money. They don't.
Clothing: I only buy what I need and sometimes it is used or given to me as a gift. I wear it until it falls apart. I don't have many clothes. How many shirts can you wear at once? One, right? So how many clothes do you really need. I would say I maybe spend $100-200/yr on clothes, probably most socks and underwear. I have a coat I've been wearing for 40 years. Still looks great because it was a good coat. Laundry is only done when it is dirty. I did buy a small portable washer because the laundromat is a killer. This cost $350 and saves me $900/yr. I dry everything outside on a drying rack or inside on the same rack in the winter. My clothes don't wear out as quickly.
Housing: We rent and we rent less than maybe what we want and then make do. If they approve a mortgage for 200,000, buy a house for 150,000. If you can afford 1000 for rent, only spend 750. You get my drift. Always live under what you can afford because all the maintenance, insurance, taxes, and upkeep will also be less. This way you can save. I seriously have very few cleaning products. A bit of all purpose cleaner (I honestly just dilute ammonia with water) goes a long way. Nobody needs all the potions people create. I have simply used hot water on the floors. How sterile does a floor have to be? You're going to walk on it immediately and it will be dirty again, so really, who cares. I have the same old furniture I have had for years. Decent quality, well taken care of, and its lasted decades. Some of it was my grandmother's or mother's. It still works.
Food: LEARN TO COOK FROM SCRATCH. EAT LESS (I can guarantee most people eat way too much of all the wrong things). FINISH IT ALL AND USE THE LEFTOVERS. I buy stuff on clearance, even fruits and veg and quickly process them, stew them, blanch and freeze them, or whatever is appropriate. I have gotten a whole box of fruit and veg for $5 and not one bit of it is wasted in this way. Beans and pulses are good protein. Learn to cook them. Never buy processed, pre-cooked, out of the box foods. You are paying for someone else to do the work. Make a big batch of something and eat it all week, or freeze the remainder and make something different mid-week. LEARN TO COOK. LEARN TO COOK. LEARN TO COOK. Shop the sales at one store only. What's on sale/clearance is what I am eating this week, but this only applies to fruit/veg, meat/dairy, and simple foods. Junk food on sale still isn't food. If you have to make all your own cakes and cookies, you'll eat less, because you can't be bothered. Don't buy ready made.
Transportation: Buy used, no-fun, and buy cash if you can. Keep it until it literally gives up the ghost. Keep it maintained. If you can't afford to do this, you can't afford a car SO GET RID OF IT. Any place that is within a 30 minute walk, WALK, don't waste the gas. You DO need the exercise. Combine errands or do errands to or from work so you aren't making extra trips. Obey traffic rules at all times, it keeps your insurance low. I have a 2012 Civic and pay under $70/month.
Time: STOP WASTING IT. Take all social media off your phone. Take all shopping apps off your phone. Throw away all advertising that comes into the house immediately. Get ad-blockers so you're not tempted to bloody shop. Your money belongs in your pocket, not theirs. No matter what they tell you, they're not doing you favours. If you aren't in front of a screen, you can cook, do laundry, clean your home, mend, iron, and take care of what is yours so it last longer. GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA THAT WASTES YOUR TIME. The only thing I have is Tumblr and I am on it maybe a half hour every couple of days.
Entertainment: Use the library. Everything in it is free: movies, books, audiobooks, games, stuff, TV shows, printing costs only a few cents and saves you on stupid dried out ink for your printer you rarely use. Play board games or video games. I can rent both at the library. Visit your local pool, park, join a community sports team, take a hike, go to the beach. If it costs a lot, somebody is benefiting more than you. Change your way of thinking. Instead of thinking "a nice dinner out with a few drinks and a show $$$", think instead of going for a walk with a friend/family and maybe grabbing an ice-cream and a coffee at McDonalds or somewhere cheap. You'll have just as great of a conversation and your bank account won't look like a yawning empty cavern.
I guarantee you that I am just as happy as you, and probably, because I have no debt at all, I might even be more happy than you. Think about it.
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writersbeware · 1 month
Missing Gift
            We didn’t have a lot of money when our family was growing up. We’d skimp and save in order to replace a broken washer, or purchase off-brand foods that were usually bits and pieces of canned fruit, broken noodles, dented cans. We only bought what was essential and always, always on sale.             When our oldest son was about to graduate from eighth grade, we thought he should…
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boatarenttahoe · 3 months
Frozen Fruits Market Developments, Trends & Opportunities till 2032
Frozen Fruits Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Frozen Fruits manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Frozen Fruits in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Frozen Fruits Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Frozen Fruits Market.
The market statistics represented in different Frozen Fruits segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Frozen Fruits are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Frozen Fruits.
Major stakeholders, key companies Frozen Fruits, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Frozen Fruits in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Frozen Fruits Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Frozen Fruits and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/frozen-fruits-market-101473
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
Our Other Reports:
Frozen Fruits Market
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evalin7 · 2 years
Best Self-aligning Bearing Manufacturers in India
Self-aligning Bearing is a type of bearing designed and utilized to accommodate misalignment between the housing and shaft is referred to as a self-aligning bearing. Self-aligning ball bearings, spherical roller bearings, toroidal roller bearings, and self-aligning thrust bearings are examples of self-aligning bearings. Self-aligning ball bearing designs include the following: open, sealed, tapered bore with adapter sleeve and extended inner ring version with unique bore tolerances for commercial ground shafting applications
Features and Benefits Allows for Misalignment Extremely low friction and heat generation Environmentally friendly High-speed performance Low lubricant usage Low noise and vibration levels High-speed performance Increases productivity Applications Cereal Mills Staple machines for magazines Process pumps for refineries and power plants Luggage conveyor systems Shredders for fruit farms Industrial Fans Carton Boards Ring spinning machines for the production of yarn Twisting machines for the production of thread Centrifugal separators.
Best Self-aligning Bearing Manufacturers in India-igus
It should come as no surprise that there are so many different bearing names and types that bearing manufacturing companies in India are in high demand. Over the past ten years, there have been industry scandals, a growing market for counterfeit bearings, and the global economic crisis of 2008. Following the market crash, ripples surged through all industries, particularly automotive, which, according to Global Industry Analysts (GIA), accounts for approximately a quarter of international bearing sales. The shaft's angular misalignment with the housing has no effect on the bearings.
Double-row, self-retaining self-aligning ball bearings have solid outer rings with concave raceways, solid inner rings with cylindrical or tapered bores, and ball and cage assemblies. Both open and sealed versions of the bearings are available.
The best Online shop for plain bearings: The fundamental idea and goal of all iglidur® polymer plain bearings is to reduce costs while also increasing service life. There is no need for lubrication, there is less work to do on maintenance, and everything is delivered right away from stock.
Best Self-aligning Bearing Manufacturers in India-igus
At igus, you get Sleeve bearings, flange bearings, thrust washers, piston rings, clip-on plain bearings, and numerous other designs are available in the igus® plain bearings collection. Iglidur® plain bearings always provide a solution, either as a standard product from the catalog or as a custom-made special solution for plain bearings. No minimum order!
Iglidur® bearings are suitable for all moving applications, including underwater applications, special mechanical engineering, automotive mass production, the food or tobacco industries, and simple sheet-metal bushings due to their resistance to extreme temperatures and chemicals.
Best Self-aligning Bearing Manufacturers in India-igus
iglidur® GLW, sleeve bearing with flange, mm Resistant to shocks and impacts Resistant to dirt and dust Resistant to high loads (>60N/mm2) Fogging behavior in accordance with DIN 75201-B Low-cost material for high-volume production beginning at 78.40 INR/Pc
9.18 INR/Pc. from 1,000 units
23 items are ready to ship, including:
4 in 2 weeks RoHS compliant Iglidur® SG03, flanged sleeve bearing and felt seal, mm Clean bearings even with dirt and dust, thanks to the felt seal. In laboratory tests, a service life that was up to 50 times longer was achieved.
Visit the website to know more.
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busylilbee · 2 years
Just tried to put my wine bottle into my dish washer instead of the fridge and this was not a drunk action it was purely a sober yet absent-minded action
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
Green pepper washing and drying equipment price| Chili washing drying line
Chili washing and drying line is used for washing vegetable and fruit quickly with high quality. Capacity:50kg/h-1000kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 2 years
vegetable fruit washer for sale | leafy vegetable washer | tomato washer | strawberry washing machine
Vegetable and fruit washing machine adapts high quality SUS304 material for longer use. Capacity:50kg/h-1000kg/h. It is suitable for all kinds of vegetable and fruit, meat, seafood etc. https://hnjoyshine.com/products/Leafy-Vegetable-Washing-Machine.html wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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ourladyofomega · 3 years
A heads up:
I been noticing a change in trajectory in the past three months. This started when I elected to see a counselor. For months I searched for one and I was going nowhere. By that, I mean other counselors who returned your calls only to leave me high and dry with no callback. One counselor I did see for four weeks rehashed our conversations and asked the same questions over and over with no results, only to show disinterest in me and ultimately abandoned me when I called her out on it. A great help when people are suffering in the era of COVID- and political toxicity. I did find one who stuck with me and she’s pushed me to get stuff done. She understands about the personal turmoil I’ve been going through. And by learning to trust the environment around me and understand what she’s saying, I’ve learned with my own eyes to accept what’s on the surface.
That’s not all. Since my dad passed away, I revamped my diet to the best I could. He’s no longer here to pump me with free burgers, Chinese, sushi, fried chicken, and steak. So why not spend the money on more white meat, fruits, vegetables, and juices? This year I also elected to see a dietitian. Take dairy-free. Take gluten-free. Take hummus. Take almond milk. She has done more for me in two visits than any doctor had done for me in ten years. When you eat like shit, you’ll be it and feel like it. No more.
I’ve also been on a tear at work. Every month it seems that some of our top performers leave the company, so there goes my competition. Now I’ve been obliterating my daily and monthly goals with nothing or no one stopping me. Thanks to sales restructuring, I’m not only selling computers but everything else under the one roof. Four-piece kitchen sets, stackable washer-and-dryer combos-, $4,000 home theater tickets, and I just sold my very first 8K TV to a gamer who wanted to use his graphics card to the fullest potential. Who am I to argue? I’m projected to win the store in revenue, credit card applications, tech support memberships, hours worked, and transactions made if this keeps up. There’s even a very small chance I could cross the $2,000,000 finish line. Holy Godiva on a winged pegasus riding down a crowded Times Square if I do.
I have double or even triple the energy than that of the average person. No caffeine, no hard drugs, no magical force-fields or pixie bestowments. I been feeling unbeatable. My drive to get stuff done is insatiable. Believe it or not, I was fed up dealing with the surprise artists / apologists who sneak up behind me and cut into my sales (they’re not sorry for interrupting you), the adult-children who wave their arms and yell at me from the other end of the store to get my attention (those little ones are ignored anyway), or the Italian Joeys who act like they’ve known me forever (most I never met in my life) who put their arms around me and act buddy-buddy with me to get a discount. No dice. Now I see them coming and quash it  before they irritate me. They’re still a nuisance who need to be swatted away like wasps but no one day or town can do 100%. With the anti-anxiety scripts kicking in, I don’t feel as edgy as I used to.
With this streak I’m having, learning to stay in touch with myself, and still coming off of seeing Uniform in New York City, I ask myself if I ever want to go back to feeling like garbage? Of course not. I had it with waiting for some random to upend my day, to feel constant panic or walking around being ill. I can’t even imagine feeling like that again now that I’ve become more self-aware. There’s still a ways to go, however. I still plan on leaving retail and either do back-end tech support, web-building, or even more graphic design. Working at home would be ideal. With sound editing out of the way, I’ll be able to digitally archive more tapes and finally tackle that backlog of albums I’ve been meaning to listen to.
Off to the gym I go.
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
2020 BeChloe Valentine’s
Prompt from FanFiction User RJRMovieFan: In the original Pitch Perfect movie, the Bellas do singing messages to raise money. Beca got stuck doing Valentine's Day.
"Okay, ladies, settle down," Aubrey called out, clapping her hands to get their attention. "As you know, we are responsible for all travel costs to get us to our competitions. In the past, we have done car washes, bake sales, singing telegrams, etc. So, today we have a list of holidays, and we will pick a different activity for each one."
"Okay, let's hear some suggestions on a fundraiser," Chloe said, pacing back and forth.
"I like the bake sale idea," Jessica said. "We can do that for Halloween."
"That's a great idea," Ashley said. "I'll second that."
"Good, good," Chloe said, writing it on the whiteboard. "Does anyone else have a different suggestion for Halloween?"
"No takers?" Aubrey asked, getting a negative response from everyone. "Okay, next up is Thanksgiving. I suggest another bake sale, but with pies only. Some people can't make it home, and having the traditional pumpkin or sweet potato pie will make them less homesick."
"That's a good idea," Cynthia-Rose said. "We can take orders and then deliver them on Tuesday since Thanksgiving break starts on Wednesday. I have a great sweet potato pie recipe that my Grandma gave me."
"That's an excellent idea, Cynthia," Chloe said, writing the idea on the whiteboard. "Anyone else?"
"Can we offer cherry or apple as well?" Jessica asked. "My family always had pumpkin and some other fruit pie."
"I think we can manage that," Chloe said, adding fruit pies to the list next to Thanksgiving.
"Next up would be Valentine's Day," Aubrey said. "This was always a big moneymaker, and we do singing telegrams."
"I like that idea," Stacie said.
"Me, too," Chloe chimed in.
"You forgot Christmas," Beca said.
"We don't have one for Christmas," Aubrey said. "Everyone is gone for Winter Break, and we didn't make anything the two times we tried it."
"Oh," Beca said. "That makes sense."
"Anyone against singing telegrams for Valentine's Day?" Aubrey asked.
No one was against that idea, so Aubrey added it to the board.
"And, finally," Chloe said. "We have Spring Break. We usually do a car wash just after Spring Break. Most people here drive to the beaches in Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina. So, when they come back, their cars are filthy and they need to wash them. That's where we come in."
"Aw, yeah," Fat Amy said, gyrating her hips. "I am the best car washer in Tasmania. We'll make a fortune when I put these puppies on display."
Beca grimaced as Amy bounced her boobs up and down with her hands.
"Um, yeah," Aubrey said. "Thanks for that, Amy."
"I'm with Amy," Stacie said, shimmying her shoulders, so her boobs swayed from side to side. "These will be a big moneymaker."
"I'm in," Cynthia-Rose said, ogling Stacie's boobs.
"Put the boobs away, Stacie," Chloe said, laughing. "I think we're all in agreement on the car wash idea."
"Now we will expect everyone to pitch in for each holiday," Aubrey said. "We'll play to your strengths and will have a list of who will be doing what at the next rehearsal."
"Any questions?" Chloe asked.
Several 'nos' and a couple of 'not nows' came from the girls.
"Then, we're done," Chloe said with a big smile. "See you girls tomorrow."
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
At rehearsal the next day, Chloe passed out the list of fundraisers and what everyone would be helping with.
Beca took the list and frowned a bit when she saw she was one of four who would be doing the singing telegrams.
"Um, Chloe?" Beca asked.
"Yes, Beca," Chloe responded, smiling at her.
"Why are there only four of us doing the singing telegrams?"
"Well, the four listed will be the singers," Chloe said. "The rest of us will take the requests and run around to deliver them to you. This way, we save time, so you guys don't have to come back here to get the next batch. We get a lot of requests up to and including Valentine's Day."
"Oh," Beca said. "Okay."
"Halloween is a month away," Aubrey said. "We'll start baking a few days before. On Halloween, we will have tables set up around campus that will have two people manning and selling the goodies."
"How late will we be selling stuff?" Amy asked. "Some of us have parties to get to that night."
"We'll take that into consideration and have a couple of tables stay up near Fraternity Row and Sorority Row to catch the party-goers," Chloe said. "We made a killing last year doing that. Do we have any volunteers to man the tables."
"I'll do it," Beca said. "I'm not big on Halloween parties."
"I'll help, too," Ashley said. "I don't mind going to a party later."
"I'll help Ashley," Jessica said.
"I'll stick with Beca," Chloe said. "That should be enough."
Beca put her head down to hide her smile. She was glad Chloe volunteered to work with her.
"We'll need signs to post around campus," Aubrey said. "As well as bakers to help make the cupcakes, cookies, etc."
"I can help with signs," Fat Amy said.
"Me, too," Lily said quietly.
"I'll go to the store and buy the ingredients," Beca said. "You do not want me to bake or attempt to bake anything."
Stacie laughed and said, "I have a car, so I'll go with Beca."
"Aubrey and I will help bake," Chloe said.
"I can make brownies and cookies," Denise said.
"I can help bake as well," CR said.
"Great," Chloe said, clapping her hands excitedly. "We can discuss Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks."
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
Beca and Stacie became friends since they both lived in the same dorm. Beca and Chloe were also becoming close. The two would often grab a coffee together, or plan study dates.
Stacie could always tell when Beca was going to be doing something with Chloe. She had this lightness about her.
"So, when are you going to ask Chloe out?" Stacie asked one day as they were walking to rehearsal together.
"What?" Beca asked, blushing. "We go out all the time."
"That's not what I mean, and you know it," Stacie said. "Come on, Beca. It's obvious you two like each other. Why haven't you asked her out yet?"
"We're friends," Beca said. "She doesn't think of me like that."
"I think you're wrong," Stacie said.
"Can we not talk about this now?" Beca asked as they arrived at the Auditorium.
"Talk about what?" Chloe's voice came from behind the two brunettes.
Stacie turned to look at Chloe, while Beca stayed facing Stace. Beca's eyes widened as she blurted out, "Stacie thinks Aubrey is hot."
Beca scrunched her face as her eyes begged Stacie to go with it.
"She is hot," Stacie said and winked at Chloe as she added, "So is our co-Captain."
Beca turned to look at Chloe when she heard the redhead giggle.
"You're not so bad yourself, Stacie," Chloe said, throwing a wink at her.
Beca furrowed her brow and looked between Stacie and Chloe.
"Don't worry, Beca," Stacie said, throwing an arm over Beca's shoulders. "I think you're just as hot as Aubrey."
"I may just have to disagree with you there, Stacie," Chloe said, causing Beca to stare at her wide-eyed. "I think Beca is way hotter."
Beca blushed and pulled away from Stacie. She hurried into the Auditorium to the sound of Chloe and Stacie's laughter.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
Beca and Chloe continued to get closer. Stacie continued to tease Beca about Chloe. Beca couldn't get mad at Stacie because she really had it bad for Chloe.
The fundraising events had brought in quite a bit of money so far. Valentine's Day was coming up, and Beca wasn't sure how to feel about it.
"Why do I have to wear this?" Beca asked, looking at the costume Aubrey left for her.
"It's for Valentine's Day," Stacie said. "You're going to sing love songs to people as Cupid."
"Can I really shoot them with my arrows?" Beca asked, plucking the bowstring.
"Just remember to pick them up before you leave," Stacie said.
"This might not be so bad after all," Beca said, shooting Stacie with an arrow.
Stacie picked the arrow up, laughing.
The week of Valentine's garnered a lot of money for the Bellas. It was now Valentine's Day and Beca and Stacie were paired together.
"Get dressed, Cupid," Stacie said as she entered Beca's dorm room. "We have our first batch of songs to do."
Beca changed and followed Stacie out of her room.
"How is this going to work?" Beca asked as they were exiting their dorm.
"We have envelopes with the recipients' names on them and the song the giver wants us to sing for that person," Stacie said. "Inside the envelope is a note from the giver to the recipient, so they know who it's from."
"What if I don't know the song?" Beca asked.
"We can look it up on our phones," Stacie said. "Our first is for-. Oh, it's for Chloe."
"Really?" Beca asked. "Who's it from?"
"Jealous?" Stacie asked with a teasing grin.
"No," Beca said quickly. "Just, you know, curious."
"Well, we don't know who it's from," Stacie said. "That's on the card inside."
"What song do we have to sing?"
"REO Speedwagon's Can't Fight This Feeling. Do you know it?"
"Um, yeah," Beca said.
Beca was lost in her thoughts, wondering who had sent this song to Chloe. Before she knew it, they were outside Chloe's apartment, and Stacie was knocking.
Aubrey started laughing as soon as she saw Beca in her "Cupid" costume. Beca rolled her eyes.
"Is Chloe here?"
"Chloe!" Aubrey called out. "Someone's at the door for you!"
Aubrey stepped aside to let Beca and Stacie in. She closed the door and then gave Stacie a quick kiss.
"We still on for dinner later?" Aubrey asked.
"Absolutely," Stacie said with a smile. "I can't celebrate Valentine's Day without my Valentine."
"Hey, Becs," Chloe said as she came into view. She grinned as she looked Beca up and down. "Nice outfit."
"Shut up," Beca said and cleared her throat. She shot Chloe with her arrow and said, "Good afternoon, Chloe Beale. We are the Barden Bellas, and we have a special Valentine's for you."
Beca stood next to Stacie as Stacie began humming the tune to the song Beca had to sing.
I can't fight this feeling any longer And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow What started out as friendship has grown stronger I only wish I had the strength to let it show
Beca put everything she had into the song and stared into Chloe's eyes as she sang. She didn't know who sent Chloe the valentine, but she was going to sing it to Chloe as if it was coming from her.
I tell myself that I can't hold out forever I said there is no reason for my fear 'Cause I feel so secure when we're together You give my life direction, you make everything so clear
Chloe stared back at Beca as Beca continued to sing. Aubrey looked over at Stacie, and Stacie winked at her.
The two roommates stood, listening in awe at the feeling Beca was putting into the song.
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for And if I have to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
Beca ended the song and finally pulled her stare from Chloe. She looked down at the ground and then held her hand out with the envelope for Chloe in it.
"This is for you."
Chloe took the envelope and opened it. She gasped and looked at Beca when she read the card inside.
"Um, so, Happy Valentine's Day," Beca said and pushed past Stacie to open the door and leave.
"I'm confused," Chloe said. "Why did she sing and then just leave?"
"That's what she's supposed to do, Chloe," Aubrey said. "Sing and move on to the next recipient. Time is money."
Chloe handed Aubrey the card. Aubrey's eyes widened when she read it.
"Okay, now I'm confused," Aubrey said. "Why would she send you a singing Valentine that she sang and then leave before acknowledging it?"
"Because she doesn't know she's the one who sent it," Stacie said.
Chloe and Aubrey both turned to look at Stacie.
"Trust me," Stacie said. "You'll be seeing Beca a couple more times today. By the time we've finished, you two will be with the Valentine you want to be with."
"Stacie," Aubrey said. "What did you do?"
There was a knock on the door, and Stacie turned quickly to open it.
"Let's go, Stacie," Beca said. "We have more Valentines to deliver."
"Bye, girls," Stacie said and hurried out the door.
"Stacie!" Aubrey called out.
Chloe shook her head and didn't know what to make of what just happened.
"I'm going to my room," Chloe said and left Aubrey standing in the living room.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
Chloe laid on her bed, wondering what Stacie meant by Beca not knowing she was the one sending Chloe the singing Valentines.
About twenty minutes later, there was a soft knock on Chloe's door.
"Chloe," Aubrey called through the door. "Beca's back."
Chloe jumped up and hurried to the living room with Aubrey right behind her.
"Hey," Chloe said when she saw Beca and Stacie standing there.
Beca didn't say anything by way of greeting. She shot Chloe with her arrow and said, "Good afternoon, Chloe Beale. We are the Barden Bellas, and we have a special Valentine's for you."
"Beca," Chloe said only to have Beca start singing.
Chloe, I know your sister turns everyone But you're the one I want But you're the one I want
Chloe's eyes widened at the song choice. Beca wouldn't look at her as she sang this time.
Aubrey stood off to the side, smiling as Beca sang, and Stacie provided backup vocals. Stacie seemed to be enjoying herself, while Beca looked as if she'd rather be anywhere but there at the moment.
As they reached the final stanza, Beca looked at Chloe and stood still as she sang.
Chloe, I know your sister turns everyone on But oh baby, I have no doubt your the one that I want (ooh ooh) You think she's got it all but that don't make her better (ooh ooh) You got my heart and that's the only thing that matters Chloe, I know your sister turns everyone on But you're the one I want But you're the one I want, yeah (ooh ooh)
Chloe smiled with tears in her eyes. Beca cleared her throat and handed Chloe her envelope. Chloe opened it, and a bigger smile came to her face.
"Thank you," Chloe said.
"Happy Valentine's Day," Beca said.
Beca stood for a moment, looking as if she wanted to say something. Instead, she then turned and walked out the door.
Stacie winked at Chloe over her shoulder as she followed Beca, closing the door quietly behind them.
"For someone who thinks someone else is sending you these Valentine's, Beca sure is putting a lot of feeling into singing them to you," Aubrey said.
"I still don't understand what's going on," Chloe said.
"Stacie knows Beca likes you," Aubrey said. "So, she bought a few Valentines for you and signed Beca's name to them. And she's making sure that Beca is the one singing these particular songs to you."
"How can you know that?"
"I texted Stacie earlier and asked her what was going on with Beca," Aubrey said with a shrug.
"Why would Stacie do that?" Chloe asked. "Beca and I are just friends."
"Keep telling yourself that, Chloe," Aubrey said. "We all know you two have something special going on. Why you haven't done anything about it, who knows? But, I think Stacie wants to see you two together, and she knows if she pushes Beca toward something, it won't end well. This way, Beca has to work out her feelings every time she has to sing a song to you that she thinks is coming from someone else."
"You think so?" Chloe asked as a smile came to her face.
"I do," Aubrey said.
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
Two hours later, Chloe and Aubrey were watching a movie when Chloe picked up the remote and muted the sound.
"Do you hear that?" Chloe whispered.
Aubrey listened and furrowed her brow.
Meanwhile, outside their apartment door, Beca was whisper arguing with Stacie.
"You sing it," Beca said. "I can't."
"Why not?" Stacie questioned. "This is our last one, and I need to get ready for my Valentine's date with Brey."
"It's Chloe's, uh, jam," Beca said, blushing.
"All the more reason for you to sing it," Stacie said.
"You don't understand," Beca said. "It's her lady-"
They both jumped when the apartment door swung open.
"Can we help you?" Aubrey asked, trying to hide her smile.
"Go ahead, Beca," Stacie said, giving Beca a little push and staring at her. Beca glared back at Stacie.
The impasse lasted about thirty seconds before Beca huffed out, "Fine."
Beca didn't shoot Chloe this time. She just turned to look at Chloe and said, "Good afternoon, Chloe Beale. We are the Barden Bellas, and we have a special Valentine's for you."
Chloe smiled and waited. Beca stood in front of Aubrey and Chloe but was only looking at Chloe.
I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Chloe's eyes widened when Beca started singing. Stacie remained silent while Beca sang. She smirked at Chloe's reaction to the song.
Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium You shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium
Beca opened her mouth as if to continue, but closed it without singing or saying anything. She turned to Stacie.
"I can't do this," Beca mumbled as she shot past Stacie and ran down the hall.
"Beca!" Chloe and Stacie yelled.
Stacie moved to go after Beca, but Chloe stopped her.
"I got this," Chloe said.
"Take this," Stacie said, handing Chloe her envelope.
Chloe thanked her as she rushed after Beca. Stacie stood and watched Chloe go.
"I was only trying to help," Stacie said.
"I know," Aubrey said, rubbing Stacie's back. "And Beca will understand once Chloe talks to her."
~ 2020 BeChloe Valentines - Fundraising Bellas ~
Chloe burst out the door of her building and looked around. She saw Beca speed walking and ran after her. She didn't call out for fear that Beca would start running.
Chloe quietly closed the distance between herself and Beca. She grabbed Beca's arm, causing the younger girl to yelp and stop.
"Beca," Chloe said. "Why did you run off like that?"
"I don't know," Beca mumbled as she stared down at the ground.
"Beca, please look at me," Chloe said softly, stepping closer. "Please?"
Beca swallowed and raised her head slowly until she was looking at Chloe. She quickly looked away, and Chloe gently grabbed her chin and brought her gaze back to Chloe.
"I loved all the songs you sang to me," Chloe said.
"I might have been the one that sang them," Beca said. "But somebody else sent them. Somebody who wants you to know they like you."
"That's what I was hoping," Chloe said. She took the envelope Stacie gave her and opened it. "May I read this to you?"
Beca shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest. She nodded, and Chloe read the card.
"Your hair is red. Your eyes are blue. Roses always die. But never will my love for you. Signed." Chloe paused and looked at Beca. "Beca Mitchell."
Beca's head shot up. "What? I didn't. I mean. What?!"
"All the cards have your name on them, Beca," Chloe said.
"I wish I could say that I did all that," Beca said quietly. "But I didn't."
"I know," Chloe said. "Stacie did."
"Stacie? Stacie likes you?"
"No," Chloe said, shaking her head. "Stacie thought having you sing me all those songs would make you realize that I, um, that like you. And that maybe you'd realize that you, um, you might-."
"That I might what?" Beca asked. "That I might like you?"
Chloe nodded, and Beca smiled.
"I do like you, Chloe," Beca said. "I didn't think you liked me like that."
"I more than like you, Becs," Chloe said, inching closer to Beca, so there was very little space between them. "I think I might actually be falling in love with you."
"Really?" Beca asked, gazing into Chloe's eyes.
"Really," Chloe said, smiling.
"So, if I were to ask you to be my Valentine, you'd say yes?"
"Yes, I would," Chloe said, her smile widening.
"Huh, good to know," Beca said.
Chloe's smile faltered, and Beca leaned her face closer to Chloe's. Beca stopped just before her lips met Chloe, causing a small whimper to escape from Chloe's lips.
"Will you be my Valentine?" Beca whispered, her breath tickling Chloe's lips.
"Yes," Chloe said just before Beca smashed her lips against Chloe's.
Full prompt from FanFiction User RJRMovieFan: In the original Pitch Perfect movie, the Bellas do singing messages to raise money. Beca got stuck doing Valentine's Day. My idea is that Stacie has become really good friends with Beca, and realizes that Beca is unknowingly crushing on Chloe, and she's pretty sure the feelings are reciprocated. She secretly buys like a hundred singing grams, so Beca has to sing love songs to Chloe all day.
Songs Used:
I Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon Chloe by Emblem3 Titanium by David Guetta featuring Sia
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diamondregime · 5 years
A personal pantheon
When it comes to magic I don’t really work with godforms, but I felt it’d be a good idea to jot these down just in case I decided to get into that. It’s a blend of ancient and modern mythology, house deities, and observation. Feel free to make use of them if you like
The Thunderbird (Moon Eagle)
God of victory, thunder, discovery, speed, freedom, engines, energy, and flight. He is difficult to reach, but always leaves an impression. Liminal spaces to do with transportations are always your best bet, such as train stations, airport terminals, and parking garages.
Element: Air
Color: Blue, silver
Favors: Black coffee/espresso, chrome, knurled drafting tools, high-test fuel, feathers
Manifestations: The Thunderbird appears as a chrome eagle, a gleaming aluminum WWII fighter, a slight but confident and worldly man in the guise of an engineer, as the scent of lightning on desert air.
Goddess of thrift stores, yard sales, and flea markets. Patron of passionate entrepreneurs. Finder of lost items. Letitia loves to make deals, especially the kind that work out for everyone. She's generous, but might not always give you what you want, so don't be too picky. If you're in a tight spot, she'll be glad to help. If you are generous, she'll be much more able to get you what you want, in which case be specific.
Element: Fire
Color: Green, gold
Favors: Lemonade, Post-it notes, foreign coins, solar shields, bubble wrap, stamps, homemade bread.
Manifestations: A roadside fruit-seller, speaks all languages but none as her first. Nearly all bookstore cats. A drawn sun with the face of a woman, surrounded by stars.
Batty Duke (The Queen, The Sausage Creature)
God/dess of illusion, decay, beauty, despair, pleasure, and terror. Batty can be highly demanding, but if you please her then she'll return the favor. Most of the time. She can leave you feeling utter agony seemingly without cause, but always to teach you a valuable lesson.
Element: Water
Color: Red
Favors: Mezcal, red wine, glass pieces, incense and perfume, chocolate, beadwork
Manifestations: A woman in a custom leather jacket who you lock eyes with for one electric moment, and never see again. The phantom vibration when expecting a lover's text message. A coyote smoking out of an antique cigarette holder. A towering giant made of intense memories and dreams, glitching and fading the more you try to focus on any one of them.
The Stranger
God of combat, reflexes, death, magic, roads, and choice. The Stranger is at once invisible and the center of attention, vague but unforgettable. He's best reached alone, and through unconventional means. He is what you feel when something feels like it belongs in your hand.
Element: Earth
Color: Black
Favors: Whiskey, scarves, calligraphy and poetry, ammunition components, playing cards, salt
Manifestations: A man eating fruit with a knife, who teaches you something surprising. The inexplicable urge to wander off into a moonlit field. A cloaked figure with half-hidden eyes and a confident posture, who can conjure anything without you seeing the moment it appears.
Dreamweaver (Arachne, Mother of Code)
Goddess of electricity and computers, tinkering, junk, imagination and dreams, madness, textiles, and humility. She knows the underlying order to Chaos, and how it governs all things. She will lie if she deems you unworthy of knowledge.
Element: Air
Color: Grey
Favors: Tea, Gold-laced circuit boards, snacks, washers, dead media, cannabis, puzzles
Manifestations: A woman who rarely smiles, instead conveying a relaxed, expert focus. She is swathed in diaphanous fabric embroidered with shining threads conveying the information of all that exists, wires extending from her crown into a sea of still more cables and fiber optic lines. She glimmers with the light of information.
Fury (Nemesis, Void)
Goddess of the moon, the unknown, blood, justice, vengeance, rebirth and defiance. She is inescapable.
Element: 5th
Color: Black, red
Favors: Knives, masks, paper money, poisonous plants, tobacco, fangs, gloves
Manifestations: Red eyes reflected in the dark, a naked woman with cold eyes, long straight hair and an inhuman jaw, a gorgon.
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thestellathelight · 5 years
Tumblr media
🌿Live a little greener, love your mother ♻️🌍What is one easy habit you do to help save the environment? _ 🐮Eat less meat: The meat/dairy industries are one of the top factors in methane gas emissions, effluent waste, pollution through fossil fuels and deforestation. Choosing more rice, quinoa, potato, legume and fruit based meals is not only going to help keep you healthy, fit and your arteries clear - it is also the biggest impact you can have on saving this planet! _ 👖Wash less clothes: I don’t stick my clothes in the washer unless they are truly dirty. Saves my clothes from wearing out and I don’t have to do as much laundry! _ ♻️Use more glass: glass is 100% recyclable - endlessly! Meaning it can be used/remade over and over and over again!
_ StellaTheLight.com 🍃Earth Day Sale ends Wednesday! 🌎50% off all coaching programs/ebooks and apparel is on sale! (at Oahu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkFgNNFBLp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11zuqlf7elfu8
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