#fru 3
ae-azile · 15 days
A Familiar Road to the Unknown: Chapter 3 Preview
Big falls asleep in his arms. Chan supposes the drugs and after effects of the coma are making him more outwardly emotional.
Although, one shouldn't need that reason to cry for a departed friend. Getting emotional can be seen as a weakness though, at least here. It had been something Korn quietly and gently reminded him of when Chan got the phone call about Big waking up. He hadn't expected a call like that. He had been preparing himself for the worst because that was what he trained himself to do. Gun had already left, Kinn was no longer in the room, so he just had Korn, Tankhun, and Ken’s severed head as company when Pol called and told Chan that Big was awake and at least half lucid. And despite telling Pol that he wasn't crying, he was. He burst into tears before he knew what emotions were bubbling up, all while Korn sat there looking somewhat unimpressed.
To be fair, Korn hadn't been cruel after Chan got off the phone and asked to be excused, and he had waited to speak to him until Tankhun quietly left and said he would update Kinn and Porsche. But once Tankhun did leave, Korn gave him a calm, but stern reminder to keep his emotions in check. Chan was usually good at that. It was the first time he needed a reminder like that in over ten years. The last time he needed a similar reminder was after he rescued Tankhun and saw the state he was in. The torture and torment Tankhun had gone through was already physically clear, and the way he was petrified to let anyone touch him solidified it. Chan had stayed calm, kept any required physical contact gentle and comforting, and got him back to the compound infirmary. When he left his side and reported to Korn to give him the details, he had cracked. He was given the constructive criticism and he never needed it again.
Until a few days ago. Until Big woke up when his odds had been so slim. Until he realized he wasn't losing Big after all.
Not that Big was his to lose.
However, Chan had been under the assumption Big would settle down, let go, and go to sleep once Chan went back to the couch - or at least went to the chair in case Big needed someone close for a while. He had needed someone close and Chan expected that he might, but he didn't realize how close. Even after Big calms down, he silently and stubbornly clings to him, making it so Chan takes residence on the edge of Big’s infirmary bed. His right leg propped up against Big’s leg while his left foot stays planted on the floor. He doesn't think Big really realizes he is demanding that Chan stay in his bed. He also likely doesn't realize that Chan is not particularly comfortable.
But if Big wants this, Chan will stay. He doesn't remember the last time he was hugged. It's been a while. His grandfather was never much of a hugger. He loved Chan, but losing his only child as well as his wife so early made him distant.
It was also how Ma died that made him distant. That was hard for everyone. And Chan was always told he was a perfect blend of his mother and his mother’s killer. Even the little bit of extended family around had a hard time looking in this direction too long.
He probably got hugged by Tankhun and Kinn more than he got hugged by his family. Not so much Kim. Kim wasn't the affectionate type. The only time Kim had hugged him was when he saved Tankhun and brought him back home. As for Kinn, he did it frequently as a young child before the behavior naturally died out. As for Tankhun, he hugged Chan on his 35th birthday - three years ago in two weeks. It was never a day Chan advertised, but the family knew. They don't celebrate it and Chan has never asked them to. He gets a birthday bonus like everyone else does, and his is higher than what the other guards get. But celebrating it? No. Chan has been too high up in the ranks to have co-worker friends for close to a decade, so he supposes his last birthday celebration happened before his last and highest promotion.
It makes sense he hasn't had a hug for three years.
It's overwhelming, and yet somehow comforting. Those two emotions conflict with each other. It seems impossible for them to co-exist simultaneously.
Chan is pulled from his thoughts when Big shifts against his side. When Chan glances down, he sees Big looking up at him with wide eyes. It seems to take a moment for Big to register that Chan is staring back at him. But once he does, he quickly hides his face into Chan’s ribs and closes his eyes again, as if he's hiding from Chan. However, if he is, he isn't doing a good job of it. Chan can feel Big squeezing him a little more tightly and his fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt. If Chan were less rooted in reality, he would assume Big wants him here in this bed with him.
Maybe he does. Or maybe Big fells asleep upset and woke up just enough to know he can't be alone right now, not after learning about Ken.
So maybe it's a need, rather than a want. Or maybe Big is just confused.
Regardless, Chan lets it happen, and that's probably because he wants it to happen. Like his grandfather and Kim, he's never been a hugger either. But three years is a long time. Maybe Chan needs this too.
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
I recently had to do a project in one of my psych classes, and man, I knew that CBT was used for every little thing, but seeing over and over, "do CBT! CBT is the best for every mental illness!" was so jarring. I'm absolutely biased because of my own experiences, but I just don't think it's as universal a treatment model as it's touted.
If you didn't benefit from CBT, it's not because you're lazy or didn't try hard enough or lacked intelligence or foresight into your own needs. Frankly, it's a therapy model that (I think) shouldn't be the only readily-accessible model and among the only therapy models covered by insurance. Some of us should not be treated in a CBT model and that's okay. It's not a sign of poor character or unreasonable demands, and if you don't think it's a model that works for you, then it's your right to express that!
#mental health#mental health advocacy#it was just so annoying because every resource i could access for this project often ONLY recommended cbt and#that just doesn't seem helpful for a good chunk of people#because i know i never benefitted from that model of therapy#obligatory: i am not against this therapy. me having a negative experience with it is not indicative that i believe it should be abolished'#if it works for you: KEEP DOING IT. cbt is not inherently harmful for MANY people and it's a good and valuable tool for many#but the overemphasis of cbt as the Only Therapy Model You Need sends this message that YOU failed...#...if you don't miraculously recover with that therapy model. it often feels like you'll Fail Recovery/Therapy and you're now a Bad Person#i've tried for over a decade to stick out cbt with a dozen therapists to boot. so i think i know a thing or two about my experiences with it#and overall its an unimpressive model (for me) as someone whos had a history with abuse and miscellaneous mental knickknacks rattling around#it's also frustrating because i genuinely like psych and i love learning about people#it's just. i'm tired of only being exposed to cbt (because i hate it honestly)#i feel similarly about cbt as i do with sigmund fucking frued#anyway i just want other insane people (affectionate) to remember that they deserve to not beat themselves up over this#if you're an insane person reading this: i love you i love you i love you i love you#i will share a slice of cake and homemade bread with you <3
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keebwee · 5 months
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legally blonde the musical hace freo (fru x leo) au ....... can u tell chip on my shoulder is my favorite song (im on my fourth loop) (the song is 8 minutes long)
bonus donnie as aaron schultz doodle
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aishnico · 1 year
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#𝙅𝙊𝙃𝙉 𝙁𝙍𝙐𝙎𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀: 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 (𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝟮)
» summary: you were engaged and you felt like you were betraying a part in yourself. and one day, you bumped on someone who you thought you would never see again
» word count: 1.9k
» warnings: angst TO FLUFF
» inspired by sarah jio's always novel.
» part 1
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— january, 1998
''listen, i already talked with them today and nothing changed. they ask for too much. i mean, we are talking about a hotel's lobby. and the view of it is not beautiful! ugh... you know what? let's just do it in our backyard, yeah? what's wrong with that? it's more beautiful than that stupid lobby. okay okay, let's talk when i go home. you aren't at home? okay then, i'll just wait for your arrival. bye.''
you hang up the phone when you finish talking about your ideas about wedding places to your fiancée. you two weren't the richest people, but your fiancée wanted something really fancy like when rich people get married. you, on the other hand, wanted a small and simple wedding.
you graduated from college a year after you left john. you sold your house when you found yourself a roommate, brenda. she was going to be your bridesmaid in your wedding now. and you were lucky to find a job after your graduation. you met there with a handsome yet squeamish man. you were chill and hilarious, and he was your exact opposite. you've still found him funny in your ways. and what do they say, "opposites attract." maybe because of that you are engaged now.
dating him was like a dream. he would help you with chores, pay for dinner, buy whatever you wanted, willingly go out to new places with you and more...
but sometimes you feel guilty when you're living your comfortable life. because you would wonder about john. he was a drug addict after all. the only things you knew about him currently were that he left the band five years ago in the middle of their world tour and released a solo album two years later. where and how was he? what was he doing right now? was he still alive..?
brenda was willing to help you with the wedding organization. helping you to choose your wedding dress and wedding cake, searching places where you'd like to have the wedding. she called you and said that she found new places you'd like. you agreed on meeting at your usual coffee shop. after almost twenty minutes, you both were there. hugging each other like you haven't seen each other yesterday. you both ordered your coffees and sat in a suitable place. she took off photos from her bag and put them all on the table.
''so, i found three new places that you both may like. they are at hotel's but they have excellent views, trust me.'' she showed you the first place which looked like a wineyard. second was just in a high place, and the view wasn't the best. and the final one was the best one for you. you already forgot the past two places. it had a huge oak tree in it, maybe it was over 200 hundred years old.
she started to give you information about each place. but you couldn't help but stare at the magical tree, it looked like from your dreams. but you couldn't marry him there. you didn't want to admit yourself that he wasn't worthy to marry there
''hello?? [name] are you even listening?''
''yeah yeah, i was thinking about the first one.''
''oh really? i thought you were gonna choose the last one.'' you just smiled at her and concentrated on what was she saying.
after sitting there for forty minutes, you said goodbye to each other before going on your ways. when you were close to the bus station, you bumped into a man and he fell. you gasped and immediately kneeled next to him. ''sir, sir are you okay? i apologize, sir? sir!'' the man groaned with his raspy voice and opened his eyes, looking at your face. you were concerned about him, knowing nothing about what to do.
when you looked at his face closer, you realized he looked familiar to you. but where was he from? he was so skinny, his hair was long and greasy, his lips were dry and ooh, those big pretty brown eyes... you would recognize them everywhere and anytime.
he looked at you for a couple of seconds. he then got up and started to walk opposite to you. you too got up and ran after him. "john, john it's me, [name]! don't you remember me?" you tried to grab his arm but he flinched.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. can we just talk, please?" you pleaded. he was looking at you strangely. you smiled to yourself. "i wasn't really expecting you to remember me."
"how can i forget you? you're one of the things that didn't fade away from my mind."
you took him to your house to ask and talk with him about million things. but he wasn't looking good. so you decided to heat him soup. his hands were kind of shaking and when he tasted the soup, he finished it within seconds. was he hungry, or just hadn't tasted homemade food for a long time? you were watching him in misery. your eyes suddenly moved to his arms.
"what... what happened to your arms?" your voice was shaking. he looked at his arms. "oh i, got them after my house got burned." you said "sorry" in a quiet tone.
when the atmosphere got comfortable, you asked him your questions in order. choosing careful words to not hurt him.
about forty minutes have passed. "it... it was really nice to see you again [name]." he smiled at you. you smiled at him too "same, goes for me." he
then noticed the pictures of you and your fianceé. "you're married?" he asked.
"i'm engaged. we’re planning to marry in august."
"oh, congratulations then." he smiled at you. but you could feel sadness behind it. "thanks" was the only answer you could say.
"well then, I should get going." he stood and started to walk to the door. you walked behind him and stopped him.
"john," you gently held his arm. making him look at you. "you said yourself that you don't wanna live like this anymore. you're hurting yourself both mentally and physically," you then gently caressed his scars. "i, i don't want you to join the '27 club'. you're too young to waste your life. i'm sure that your old bandmates think about that too. we all don't wanna see dying." you gulped. "let me help you."
his eyes were filled now. he shut them and sobbed. then nodded. he hugged you tightly. your eyes too, got filled. you then hugged him back.
you found a program on a hospital named las encinas and registered him on it. you would visit him there often. and you would bring your record player and a couple of vinyls you both loved. you would sing, dance laugh together. your fiancée, on the other hand, wasn't really happy about you visiting and spending time with him. you would convince him that you were only doing these to make him better.
you also noticed he was healthily gaining weight. that made you happy, to see him getting better and better.
after months, he was finally back from hospital. the guys were joyful to see him healthily again. they asked him to join the band again. he was happy to reunite with them. and they started to record their new album, californication.
you were blissful for him. he deserved to be happy again. you felt like a heavy lift just left your body. no more hunting ghosts, you thought.
oh you were so wrong...
you still loved him. you thought hearts and thoughts faded away but they didn't. it pained you. it pained you because you were engaged to someone else. sure you loved your fiancée, but you loved john more. and maybe the thing you loved about him was his love for you, his caring. after you ended things with john, he was by your side when you needed comfort, a love...
you took a deep breath and shared your thoughts with your fianceé. you didn't understand if he was furious, heartbroken or understanding. he yelled to you while comparing himself with john. telling you that he was better than him. he then sat and started crying silently. then giving you an apologetic smile.
"i always loved you. i always loved your presence. i loved being your 'the true one' but guess i was wrong. i wish you nothing more than happiness. take care of yourself, [name]. and don't forget that i'm always by your side. even if not physically."
you hugged him before apologizing to him and thanking him at the same time. you were glad that you separated your ways in a good way.
one day, john asked you if you two could hang out in his house. you agreed on and went to his house. he then greeted you with a heartwarming smile, inviting you in. bell bottom blues by derek and the dominos was playing on the record player.
he cooked for you lasagna and brought a fine wine. you two sat across from each other and started to talk about each other's life, random things and music. after finishing the dinner, you helped him wash dishes. you two then sat on the couch and started to watch SNL.
then you realized that the record player was still playing. you turned your gaze on it. now it was playing layla. you smiled to yourself and went next to the record player. dancing like you wanted. john chuckled at you and after shutting the TV down, he went next to you. you two were dancing like idiots but who cared? you were having fun.
after the last song, you two sat on the couch again, laughing at each other and resting in comfortable silence. after a couple of minutes, he started to talk. "so july is nearly over." you sighed. "i didn't tell you, did i..?" he shook his head. you turned your gaze at somewhere else.
"we... no, i, broke off the engagement." he looked at you surprised. "why? did he do something?"
"no, i did."
"what did you do then?"
you shut your eyes, and took a deep breath. "i, i love someone else, john. and that someone else is you. i never stopped loving you. even after all the bad things that happened in the past, i just can't help it."
his mouth was wide open, and his cheeks got slightly pink. you didn't want to meet with his gaze, but he gently touched your cheek and turned your head to his.
"i never stopped loving you either. never. i feel myself lucky to have found you in high school, i've loved everything about you from the beginning. and felt myself shitty when i started to ignore you, not trying to understand you, lying to you and even though i didn't, it seemed like i cheated on you. i am deeply sorry for everything.
and i am deeply grateful for your caring. thank you for helping me. i never want things to become like that again. i don't want to lose you, not again. i want you to be on my side like i want to be in yours. can we try again?"
you genuinely smiled at him and nodded. wrapping your arms around his neck while crying. he hugged you back immediately. rubbing your back, telling you that if you keep crying, he will cry too. you laughed and let go of your arms.
he was caressing your cheeks genuinely and connected your foreheads. then connected your lips with his, starting a sensual kiss. a kiss full of sadness, longing and pure love in it.
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rynezion · 1 year
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ten minutes into my first BG3 playthrough i realised the character i spent 2+ hours in character creator for looks like an aged-up version of Civel
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luckykiwiii101 · 7 months
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Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl Here. Three little birds sat on my window, and they told me that some of manhattans finest elite, aren’t feeling so…elite.
And i’ll tell you, that you don’t need to worry.
People may give you advice on how to feel fulfilled, but doesn’t mean it will fulfill you.
Because little does your naive self know, that they’re just telling you what makes them feel fulfilled, not what makes you feel fulfilled.
No, I’m not talking about the fulfilment of “Yeah, I’m a God” that lasts 3 minutes. I’m talking about true fulfilment. The one that takes you places. The places you want to be. The long term fulfilment. The unshakeable fulfilment, because you know you are who you want to be.
But firstly, do you understand that your imagination is your real & only reality? If not -> CLICK HERE
Here’s how:
STEP 1: Decide what makes you feel fulfilled.
Is it affirming?
Is it visualising?
Is it scripting?
Is it just simply deciding that you have it?
+ more
Want to know which method of fulfilment is best for you? -> CLICK HERE
STEP 2: Do what fulfills you every time your desire comes to mind. Fulfill yourself until the feeling of desire completely vanishes. You can compare it to your soul feeling some sort of hunger, feed your inner self until you no longer feel the need to. Because you are fulfilled. Fulfill yourself until you know it’s done in imagination.
Not sure what fulfils you?
Try to visualise or affirm or any method you’ve heard of, and whichever one(s) fulfill you, then those are the one(s) for you.
How do I know when i’m 100% fulfilled?
- You aren’t identifying with the 3D
- You aren’t waiting for your 3D to conform AKA being impatient.
- You feel free knowing you have what you want.
- You aren’t trying to get anything in the 3D.
- You think FROM your desire and not OF it.
- You aren’t viewing your desire as a desire, because you acknowledge that you can’t desire something you already have.
- You know that the 4D is realer than the 3D will ever be.
States to NOT occupy:
- State of lack (not accepting your desire in the 4D).
- State of waiting (waiting for the 3D to conform).
- State of failure (believing you’re doing something wrong).
- State of trying (trying to achieve something in the 3D).
- Mental health comes first
- You don’t have to fulfill yourself when you don’t want to.
- It is impossible for your 3D to not conform, you don’t have to assume that your 3D will conform.
- Your 3D reflects who you are. So give it something new to reflect.
What People Think The State Of The Wish Fulfilled Is:
- Complete bliss and happiness.
- Thinking OF their desire.
What The State Of The Wish Fulfilled actually is:
- Knowing that your desire is YOURS in imagination (4D) and standing FIRM in that FACT.
- The FEELING OF KNOWING YOU HAVE IT!!!! (Whatever feeling you get when you imagine having your desires).
What is the knowing “feeling”?
A thing that a lot of people do is, they’ll affirm “I have everything I want.”
Then they’ll observe the thought, not the FEELING it gives them. The feeling of knowing. Although the whole point of affirming is to give them the feeling. Automatically putting them in the state of the wish fulfilled.
Relish in that FEELING until you are completely satisfied.
And we all know what satisfaction feels like. Like having a delicious meal and feeling full afterwards. Like taking a nice warm bubble bath on a cold winter night.
So feel satisfied. Fulfilled.
Don’t EVER go back to the undesired state.
Read these short reminders + quotes from people who’ve manifested their dream lives. (It will save your life) —>
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brenwritesss · 3 months
Tru Fru part 3
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Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: You see Paige after the livestream happened and the two of you get closer.
(Semi-sexual content ahead.)
It had been a couple weeks since you had gone to Paige’s place and the livestream happened. Since then, it had been awkward between you and Paige, considering you didn’t really know each other and now you were trending on social media. Paige had texted you multiple times, apologizing and you had to reassure her that it was okay. At first, you didn’t see it as a big deal since no one really saw your face. However, you didn’t really understand just how popular she was until you started seeing edits starting with an intro of the video of you and Paige on her bed. 
Paige and you really haven’t hung out since then, her being busy with basketball and traveling while you were trying to finish all your studies.
Currently, you were in your room trying to finish an assignment for one of your classes when a text notification popped up on your phone beside you. It was from Paige.
Yo can I come over?
Immediately texting back, you replied with a “sure” along with your dorm number. This is the first time she would ever be over at your dorm and you couldn’t help but feel nervous.
You took the time to clean up your room a little, putting away your homework and picking up any dishes or cups that were in your room.
A knock disrupted you. Walking over to the door, you let out a breath and opened it. “Hey,” Paige said, looking at you with her hands in her back pocket. She was wearing a UConn jacket and sweatpants.
“Hey,” you replied. “Come in.” You moved out of the way so that she could come in. Paige walked in and you shut the door.
“I know I keep apologizing but I’m so sorry for the whole livestream situation.”
You let out a small laugh and led Paige into your room. “Don’t even worry about it. It’s all good. It’s not like they know who I am. If anything, I’m sorry that it’s trending and you have to deal with this sort of stuff.”
Paige felt relieved in your response, as if weight was lifted off her shoulders. She sat down on your bed, grabbing one of your stuffed animals near your pillow and fiddled with it. “It’s actually really refreshing to hear you say that.”
“Really?” You sat down beside her.
Paige looked at you, her clear-framed glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of her nose. Her hair was in a low bun and she had on a beanie. All you wanted to do was lean over and kiss her, but you had to restrain yourself. “Yeah,” she said, “a lot of people don’t really think about how this kind of stuff affects us.”
You rubbed your hands on your thighs. “Well people should. I mean I get y’all are supposed to be like celebrities but you’re still human.”
Paige smiled at you, her eyes squinting in response. You thought the “eye-smile” she did was the cutest thing ever. It made you want to melt on the spot. Damn, you were starting to fall for her. “Thank you for saying that.”
It seemed like a long moment of just staring into each other’s eyes. When you and Paige had hung out in her room, moments like this had happened but this was different. Like the two of you were actually seeing each other for the first time. The sexual tension between the two of you had changed into something more emotional. And it intrigued you, making you want more. It made her want more too. However, it was a little overwhelming as this hasn’t happened to you in a while.
Paige’s eyes didn’t leave yours as she very slowly started to lean in, her face inching closer towards yours. A sudden bolt of fear shot through you and you turned your head away, making Paige look at you confused. You began saying, “so, how’s basketball been go-”
“Y/n.” Paige’s voice cut you off. Hearing your name coming from her mouth sent shivers down your spine.
You didn’t look at her. “Yeah?”
“Look at me,” she spoke softly, her fingers coming up to your chin as she gently turned your head allowing you to both make eye contact again. She let go of your chin, leaving behind cold marks that made you long to feel her touch. “I feel things for you.”
“What kind of things?” you asked.
She slowly laced her fingers with yours, smiling. “I think you’re incredibly beautiful and I like the way we talk to each other. And when the live happened, I felt so bad, you have no idea. All I wanted to do was apologize to you. I realized that I want to get to know you more and that I like you.”
“You like me?”
“If it isn’t obvious already.”
“I feel the same way. You have this energy that draws me to you.” You held onto her hand and you could feel her leaning closer to you.
There was a small moment of silence before she spoke, “can I,” she started, “can I try something and you won’t freak out?”
Paige chuckled. “Just trust me.”
You didn’t say anything as you waited for Paige to do something. She took your silence as permission to lean forward, lifting one of her hands up to your cheek. As she pulled your face toward hers, you felt fear but also excitement, as you had wanted to kiss her for a while but never had the courage to.
Paige closed the distance between the two of you as it started off slow, the both of you moving in sync. Something ignited in Paige that made her pick up the pace, her hand dropping from your face to your waist and pulling you closer to her body. The sudden movement resulted in a small groan from you which made Paige’s heart beat faster and her mind start racing. 
As the pace quickened, you grabbed her face, pulling yourself up from your seated position and straddled her lap. “Fuck,” Paige spoke against your lips, her hands running up and down your waist, sending shivers throughout your body as if her touch was electric.
“Paige,” you whispered softly into her and moved your mouth from hers to her neck, eliciting a small moan from her lips.
“Say,” she tried speaking in between moans. “Say my name again, princess.”
She could feel you smiling against her neck as you muttered, “Paige.”
“Holy fuck,” she breathes out. “Hearing you say my name is so hot.”
“Yeah?” You pull yourself away from her neck, taking a moment to admire the small marks you made along her neck.
Paige’s hands found themselves under your shirt, caressing the skin underneath. You melted into her touch. “I think this needs to be off,” she said, tugging at the fabric.
You pulled off her beanie that she was still wearing, throwing it to the side of your bed and then unzipping her jacket. She watched your every move, biting her lip as she admired you. “Only if this comes off.”
“Deal.” She let you take off her jacket which resulted in her pulling your shirt off, leaving her in a t-shirt and you in your bra. You both pulled each other closer at the same time, lips finding the other’s as you moaned into her mouth.
This time, she pulled away from you and found your neck. She sucked and softly bit down on your skin, leaving patches of red along your neck as she moved down towards your chest.
She flipped you onto your back, kissing up and down your chest and stomach, creating the softest sounds from you. “Paige, please.”
She looked up at you. “Please what, baby?”
You huffed, trying to find your voice. “I need you.”
“Where do you want me? Show me.” You grabbed her hands, guiding them down to your shorts, putting her fingers on the zipper. She unbuttoned and unzipped your shorts and pulled them off your body, taking in the sight before her. You suddenly felt self-conscious in her gaze but the way she let her hands slide up and down your thighs made you realize that you had nothing to worry about. 
Paige slid her fingers up your inner thighs and found themselves at your clit. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me already, aren’t you?”
You shuddered at her touch, rolling your eyes back. “Paige, don’t make me wait.”
Paige smirked, moving her thumb in a slow circle, making you throw your head back. “Tell me how much you want me,” she said, her voice so deep it made the tension between you two thicker.
“I want-”
Paige’s phone went off, a call coming through. You sighed, frustration replacing that needy feeling you were embracing. Paige noticeably angry, took her fingers away from you and picked up her phone. “Fucking hell.”
You missed her touch and all you could think about was her fingers back on you, and the way she held your body. The way her hands fit your body. Paige answered the phone, “What do you need? I’m busy right now.”
“What do you mean we have practice right now?”
“Fuck, okay. Shit, why is he pissed?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be there just give me a minute.”
She ended the phone and looked at you, an unreadable expression on her face. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. Coach is pissed for some reason and we had a practice that I forgot about so I have to go.”
You nodded, clearly frustrated while putting your shirt back on. “It’s fine. You’re all good.”
She moved toward you, kissing your forehead before grabbing her jacket. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You looked up at her. “Yeah, you better.”
She chuckled, grabbing your chin gently and kissing you. “You’re doing something to me, Y/n.”
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tired-duckling · 1 month
Wanna bite? (WBB players x Reader)
Ok I’m so ready to come thru w the prompt I wrote last night hihi: players and you try the “Tabs” chocolate that went viral all over tiktok which is an aphrodisiac. I can’t write smut well rn so pls enjoy some scenarios hehe.
Paige Bueckers: edited
New addition/s: Kate Martin :))
Note: topics related to consent and intimacy, we do NOT have bad miscommunication on here people !!
Paige Bueckers
You came across a tiktok about them, ordered a pack and told Paige about it. She was shocked at first when finding out what exactly was special about the chocolate you ordered, but was excited to try nonetheless. 
Both of you agreed to try it out first, only one of you would have the chocolate. To properly gauge the effects and all. It came after a few days in a little box, you were home when the package arrived so you excitedly opened it up. You read the instructions it came with, it said the recommended amount is half of the bar for an adult and that the effects can be felt around 15-30 minutes after consuming the chocolate. You pulled out your phone to check the time, it read 3:40 pm, Paige is usually back by 4pm these days. As if right on cue, Paige texted you that she was on the way back from practice. Smiling at her text, you replied “Good, because I have a surprise for you when you get home”.
You thought to surprise her with this experience so you gathered some courage and opened the box. You opened a bar, ate half and tossed the other half in the fridge. You kept the box and the other bars before hopping into the shower. “It would take a few minutes till these would affect me anyway”, you thought, unprepared for what it truly felt like in the next minutes.
When Paige got home, she called for you right after shutting the door closed. She heard the shower running so she figured you were in the bathroom. She set her things down before heading into the kitchen, craving a sweet treat. She saw the inconspicuous half eaten bar of chocolate, and thought it was the perfect amount so she munched on it immediately. Unbeknownst to her, you were already feeling the effects of the bar in the shower. 
You breathed in deeply as you started to feel hot, a heat just enveloping your body, it was a different but welcome feeling. You stepped out of the shower quickly, feeling that you might faint from the steam of the hot water along with the building heat from your core. Quickly patting yourself dry with a towel, wrapping another around yourself after. You turned your head towards the door, hearing footsteps, smiling in relief as you opened the door calling for Paige. 
Paige walked into the bedroom, munching on the last bite of the chocolate. She smiles as she sees you at your current state “Hey baby-“, she greeted you before cutting herself off at your widened eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”, she asks. You shook your head, trying to calm yourself, “Nothing it’s just- P, did you get that from the fridge baby?”, you ask pointing to the wrapper in her hand. Paige’s brows furrowed as she answered, “Yeah, it tastes good but Tru Fru tastes better. Why? Is there a problem?”. You chuckle, knowing full well about her addiction to Tru Fru before looking up at her as you took the wrapper from her hand, “Do you remember the chocolate I told you about? The one from Tiktok?”. She nodded as she pulled you closer by the waist, “Yeah, the ones that make you horny”, she said with a sly smile. 
You nodded, “Yeah those, they arrived today actually”, you said abashedly. “I ate half of it after texting you and left the other half in the fridge”, you finished as you showed her the logo on the wrapper. Paige’s eyes widened as it clicked on her head, you could tell she was about to panic so you tried to calm her down. “Baby it’s fine, the recommended amount is half a bar so I think we would be fine, hopefully”, you added lowly by the end. 
Paige nodded as she calmed down before looking down to you, “Are you ok though?”, she asks her eyes full of concern. “You mentioned you have taken your half a while ago, meaning you would be feeling the effects right now”, she muttered lowly as she stares into your eyes. Nodding your head quickly as you have been trying to play it cool while explaining to Paige what happened. “It feels weird, but like in a good way?”, you answered in a whisper. Gasps leaving your lips as the throbbing heat in your core gets hotter, Paige’s touch on your body not helping your case either. It makes you want to take the towel off, it was hot, too hot even. Breathing in slightly harder as your grip on Paige’s shirt tightened, feeling the pressured heat reach your abdomen. Paige’s hands, roaming your towel clad body before settling back to your waist. “You ok baby?”, she asks with a small smirk on her face. You hummed yes, looking into her eyes, “Hope you can handle me P”, you say teasingly with a sly smile. Paige’s smirk widens at your words, “Hmm yeah, I might do more than just handle you sweetheart”, before giving you a deep kiss. 
Kate Martin (The muncher)
It is honestly diabolical at this point how addicted she is to seeing how the chocolate affects you. After finishing the first bar, she immediately ordered another box which you scolded her for before letting it go after she pulled out the puppy eyes and pout. 
While trying out the chocolate, you both consumed half each, which honestly with Kate’s stamina and overall want for you made it impossible to have her take a break between rounds. You remembered being awfully sore the whole day after with Kate being the cutest and sweetest partner by showering you with care and attention as she made sure that you had your rest and have eaten well. It was decided by both of you (mostly you), that Kate would not have any more of the chocolate for both of your sanity, and mostly out of concern of your ability to walk. 
Though ever since she saw how needy you were and how pretty you looked as you desperately tried to get any release or touch from her, she knew she was going to have to convince you to try it again.  She meticulously planned, making sure to not annoy you or do anything to frustrate you before popping in a request. 
“Hey so, do you remember those chocolate bars we bought from that Tiktok?”, she asked you as she tried to pull off a nonchalant tone. You raised your brows as you watched her put away the dishes after dinner. “Uhh yeah, I do. Why?”, you asked skeptically.  She wiped her hands on a dish towel before turning to face you, “I was thinking we should try them out again”, she said lowly, shrugging her shoulders as if to say it’s a small request.
You chuckle before clearing your throat, “Baby, we agreed that we wouldn’t try them again-“, she cuts you off. “No, I remember this conversation, we both agreed that I would not have it again”, she said putting her hand up before pointing to you. “Which means you, could still have it”, she finishes with a wink. 
You scoff before realizing, yeah she was right. You both negotiated to also not waste the money spent on the bars that it would only be Kate who would have to abstain from the aphrodisiac. Quickly shaking your head, “But babe, you are called to go to headquarters tomorrow”, you try to reason. Kate shook her head, “Cancelled, had it rescheduled. But if you feel uncomfortable with it, it’s fine-“, you cut her off this time. 
“No! It’s just-“, you paused as you tried to calm yourself down. “I just don’t like the feeling of being out of control of what I’m doing”, you confessed. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do trust you and I know you wouldn’t push for anything I wouldn’t want. But it’s just harder for me to let go of this want to control everything. I really liked our first experience but I can’t lie and say it didn’t slightly freak me out”, you muttered lowly by the end. 
Kate pulled you close to her, pulling you up to sit you down on the kitchen counter. She pulls your face into her hands, her eyes full of concern as she looked into your eyes. “I appreciate the honesty baby, I’m grateful that you trust me and I’m sorry if you felt pressured to have this experience with me once more. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way, I thought you were just hesitant about it because of how sore you were the morning after”, she says in a low voice. “I should have asked you the morning after, how you felt about the experience. I’m sorry baby”, she says in a soft whisper as she caresses your face.
“No, I did like it. It just freaked me out a little that’s all. I actually want to do it again, it’s just-“, you paused once more trying to piece together what you needed. “I think I need you to be more verbal with me when I’m under it”, you say in a low mutter. Kate nodded, understanding what you meant, “Of course, whatever it is you need to be comfortable”, she says before continuing, “So how do you want me to do it? Do you want me to narrate everything I would do, give you instructions?”, she asks further. You tilted your head as you thought about it, “I think both would help, to give me a slight sense of control over what I’m doing”, you say with a small smile. Kate’s eyes brightened once she sees your lips turn upwards slightly. “Of course, princess. Will even give you the best aftercare of your life every time after”, she says dramatically by the end. 
You giggled at her antics resting your arms on her shoulders before leaning down to whisper, “So where did we keep those chocolates again?”. She pulls back a little, “Right now baby? Are you sure”, she asks you, looking into your eyes, her heated gaze trained on you. You nodded before tilting your head once more, “Why? Too tired to handle me today?”, you added with a tease. She scoffs this time, picking you up from off the counter and hauling you over her shoulder making you squeal. “Kate! Put me down, I can walk!”, you exclaimed with a giggle. She chuckles at your words, “We are going to change that real quick baby”, Kate walked towards the bedroom, knowing full well she kept the chocolates in her nightstand.
(genuinely feel like Kate Martin is for the oldest daughter lesbians out there who need to always feel like they have their shit together or are in control, so yeah, sorry if this scenario is too realistic)
Hey guysss, sorry my brain is running out of creative juices so pls forgive me for this slow turn out, I also want to try and improve what i'm publishing because i do feel somewhat disappointed in my work when I know i could do better. Hope you guys enjoy!
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ae-azile · 13 days
Summary: As Chan leaves Big for the day and works his shift, he ponders his priorities and expectations, only to realize how frustrated he really is by them.
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scarletwritesshit · 8 months
📏 Dr. Ratio x Reader 📏 If I were Smart, I Would've Titled This with a Math Pun
This wasn’t the sort of rigorous stimulation that you were hoping for, but it was Dr. Ratio who suggested it, so you couldn’t exactly expect anything different. You blinked at the page that was laid out before you, dumbfounded. The problem on the page was rather complex even by your standards, almost as if it were written in some otherworldly script, which had a fair chance of being true. No worries, just break it down piece by piece to solve it? All...seemingly one thousand parts of it.
Dr. Ratio stood across from you, staring directly at you while tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed. You were quite surprised that he had not yet donned his stone-faced disguise, and quite frankly, you wish that he had. He was eyeing you up with a gaze that just screamed, "I could’ve had this solved 20 times by now, incompetent idiot." Which, was probably true.
It took a painfully long time, but at long last, you solved it, or at least you thought that you did. Your fingers went limp and released the pen from your hand, letting it almost roll off of the desk. You laid your head face down on the desk after circling the answer with a thick yet scribbly circle, emphasizing the results of your treacherous labor. At the sound of Dr. Ratio’s footsteps getting louder, you looked up at him to still see the same glint of disappointment in his eyes.
"I take it that you have reached your final conclusion?" he asked.
Without saying a word out of fear of premature judgement, you pushed yourself up from the desk so that he may freely observe and critique your work.
He skimmed over every extra page of your work quite rapidly, and in what felt like mere seconds, he pulled out a red pen and promptly marked your paper.
"Zero marks," he said bluntly, writing a massive red X over your answer.
You had a sinking feeling from the start that this was your inevitable fate, but hearing the actual words from him somehow stung a lot worse.
"In fact, I do not believe that I have ever seen anyone mess up so…horribly," he commented. "In fact, there are mistakes within mistakes, all among the most preposterous that I have ever seen in my life."
"...Thanks?" you said, as personally having the honor of making the most mistakes that Dr. Ratio has ever seen was better than your efforts simply being disregarded.
"My words were not intended to be interpreted as compliments, but rather, as a degradation of your overall performance and attitude towards your studies.”
"So?" you said, indifferent, "I’m still thankful that you spared some of your precious time to personally put me down."
"There must be something deeply wrong with your cognitive functions," he said, twirling his pen around between his fingers, "for I have never seen anyone quite enthusiastic about insult and utter disappointment."
"There are far easier ways to call me stupid, you know," you said, mockingly.
"Is your intelligence truly so challenged to the point that you cannot comprehend my direct words without the most basic of forms being utilized within a sentence? Why, you could not solve the simplest of problems if I asked of you!"
"You think I’m that dumb? Want me to prove it?"
"Oh, I believe you plenty, but since you proposed the offer, might I ask you for your interpretation of the answer to one added onto three?"
"I’m dumb, remember? Simple terminology, please," you said.
Despite his usage of overly complicated roundabout terminology, you knew exactly what he was asking of you. He was asking you to add 1 and 3 together. A simple question that anyone, even someone with your abilities could answer with ease. But, you wanted to see just how far you could push Dr. Ratio, before he caught onto your methods of toying with him. His patience was impressive enough considering how by now, you would’ve expected him to simply mark your paper with a failing score and walk off without another word.
With a noticeable twitch of frustration in his eyes, Dr Ratio said, "Fine, what is one plus three?"
"Five," you said, quickly and confidently.
"Are you positive that that is your final answer?"
You nodded yes. Dr. Ratio, no longer holding back his annoyance, leaned in closer and lifted your chin up with the back of his pen, forcing your eyes to meet his.
"You cannot possibly look me in the eyes and say that so…matter-of-factly," he said, frustrated.
"Oh, but I can,” you said with a smile. “And I just did."
"It is arguably a miracle how you have made it this far, not just in your studies, but in life as a whole. The fact that you fail to comprehend the most basic of tasks when I personally made the decision to allow you to study beneath me is well beyond my comprehension."
"Really? I was led to believe that you knew everything."
"It is physically impossible for one who is temporarily existent to learn all that our universe has to offer. Your stupidity, however, stretches even beyond the limits of our universe.”
"You’re saying that I’m so stupid that I’ve managed to become incomprehensible? Even to you?" you said with a proud grin.
"Regrettably, yes," he said, allowing the pen to fall down between his fingers, freeing his hand so that he could hold your chin up, "unless I perhaps study you for myself?"
"Study me? What is there to study, if I am as empty-headed as you claim?"
"How someone with intelligence comparable to a warp trotter has made it this far."
"But warp trotters’ lives don’t involve solving math problems, or whatever you’d call what you gave me."
"Which is why it is so baffling that you have made as much progression in your life as you have," he said, his grip tightening around your chin. "If it were anybody else, I would have promptly excluded you from my teachings."
"Anybody else?" you asked, tilting your head. "You mean, you’re going through all of this just for me?"
Dr Ratio went silent for a moment, and the grip that he had on your chin became a bit gentler. His eyes narrowed, yet his overall expression became softer. He seemed to be at a complete loss for an appropriate response to your claim. Either he was so baffled at your stupidity that he couldn’t quite find the words to express his annoyance, or you simply caught him off guard and red handed. The latter seemed more likely, as if your suggestion was truly so preposterous, he wouldn’t have wasted the time in putting you down.
"...A most fascinating conclusion," he finally said.
"Sounds like I got you now."
"I do have to applaud you for deciphering me in such a way, despite how you greatly lack otherwise."
"And after all of that, you still think Im an idiot? The answer to your question is four, by the way."
"Did it truthfully take you such an extended period of time to arrive at the correct answer?"
"No, I knew all along."
Knowing how he was the one outsmarted now, Dr. Ratio accepted defeat with grace, and laughed a little at his defeat. It wasn’t a laughter intended to put either of you down, but rather, a genuine expression of amusement, perhaps at himself for allowing such a situation to become so comedically blown out of proportion.
"Toying with me as a jest, I see. I will admit, it was rather clever of you to do in such a way, yet I still feel the need to observe you further."
"That is an unusual way of saying that you want to spend more time with me," you said with a laugh.
"Perhaps, but if it was nothing more than a jest, does this mean that you do not require my assistance with the problem before you? It seems an awful lot of effort to put into feigning intelligence, or lack thereof."
You lifted your face up from his hand and turned to look at the papers on your desk, with a large red X marked on your answer on one of the sheets. Right. You had completely forgotten about that.
“No…that I actually put my best effort into.”
“I shall see that you put your best effort forward into it during our second attempt together,” Dr. Ratio said, walking behind your chair. “Now, let us start fresh.”
He instructed you to tidy up your initial attempt and set it off to the side while he took out a fresh sheet of paper with a problem identical to the one you previously attempted on your own. He reached for the pen that was still dangling at the edge of the desk and laid it parallel to the side of the paper. As he loomed over you, you thought that he would be behind you the entire time, having to hear him critique every little mistake you make directly against your ear.
Your assumption was proven half correct when he leaned over you, placing his hands on opposite sides of you and practically pinning you to the desk. You looked to your side to see his face directly at your shoulder, able to feel his every breath against your face. Dr. Ratio smiled with an enthusiasm that seemed far too great to be suited to the likes of a basic education.
“Now then,” he whispered, “let us try our first time together.”
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els-wonderland · 2 months
Ranking Bridgerton Outfits: Season 1 Penelope
Photo credits to Tv Costumes on Pinterest!
Penelope's Debut Dress, Episode 1
I love this dress! It's one of the only Penelope dresses this season with the Season 3 fit that doesn't cut the bust in half. The undertones of greenish-yellow on the cream fabric look lovely with her red hair, and the jewelery is understated and elegant for her presentation to the Queen. No notes.
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2. Pink Floral Dress, Episode 2
She looks so fru-fru in the best possible way. The floral embellishments pop here and there without looking garish, and the accessories of her frilled sheer gloves and the flower-and-ribbon headpiece tie everything together so sweetly. Her hair is great too, with the one long ringlet.
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3. Lacy Green Dress, Episode 3
Give Penelope more greens like this! Her hair almost reminds me of 1960s updo, and the diadem and necklace tie in well with the lace overskirt. I love the scallopy pattern of the flowers on the lace, it makes her look a bit mermaid-y!
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4. Pink Feather(ington) Dress, Episode 6
This one is just so delicate and ethereal, the feathered appliques against the pink satin bodice make her look like an angel. Do you see her walking down the hallway, with that pleated skirt flowing behind her? The only thing that doesn't work with this look is the necklace, it's just too harsh for the softness of the other accessories.
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5. Pink Fern Dress, Episode 3
1989 Little Mermaid, take notes. This is how you do red hair with a vibrant shade of pink.
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6. Garden Ballgown, Episode 1
So pretty, almost fairy-like with the sprinkling of little flowers in her hair. Something about the overskirt with the flowers climbing up over the already flowery fabric reminds me of a rambling meadow. I don't even mind the polyester gloves, because at least they match decently well.
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7. Butterfly Ballgown, Episode 1
Is it in your face? Obviously. Is it giving more Art Nouveau than 1813? Yes. But a little campy? Her prettiest yellow dress? Inexplicable how she could blend into a crowd in something like this? Yeh
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8. 'Sunflower' Dress, Episode 3
Probably one of the most historically accurate costumes all season. In certain lights it gets into the nauseating yellow green that I hate on Pen, and the pink gloves are heinous, but I give love the froofy like gathered sleeves, the lower cut of the bust, and the details of the train.
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9. Regency Barbie, Episode 7
Nicola Coughlan and the costume designers really predicted Diplomat Babrie all the way back in 2020. The little band of posies around the bust really makes this look for me, thought I could do without the big chunky necklace. Portia definitely picked that out for her.
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10. Yellow Walking Dress, Episode 4
Cute! So cute! The shimmery polka dots remind me of a Barbie doll yet again, and the light pink trimming and rosettes under the sleeves make this one memorable for me. Surprisingly simple for a Penelope look.
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11. Flowered Promo Dress, Episode 3
I do prefer the promo version with the tiara to the flower, but I'm not mad at it. I think I'd find this dress very over-the-top if it had flowered appliques all the way down, but the way they peter out into tendrils across the skirt puts me in the mind of a country garden. It's nice to see some pops of red on Pen.
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12. Orange Leaf Dress, Episodes 1 and 3
I wish they gave Penelope more over-the forehead curls as opposed to the little clusters on either side of her face. Little curls on the forehead feel more 1810s than the latter. The yellow adds a lot more dimension to this fabric, and I do prefer the yellow/ruched trim to the yellow and orange ribbon/plain neckline.
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13. Engagement Dress, Episode 6
I don't even mind the black waistband. In fact I'm kind of a fan-it's giving Parisian-themed bedroom-but the white lace descending from it rubs me the wrong way. Love her big, fluffy ringlets.
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14. Floral Spencer, Episodes 3 and 5
It's giving a bit of Hawaiian shirt, but I kind of love the combination of the froggy green, saffron yellow, and flamingo pink. I like how the appliques overlap the edges of her spencer, the slightly overgrown vibe of some of her flowered looks really scratches my brain.
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15. Yellow Flowered Dress, Episode 8
Abhor the way they did her hair here. The fabric is so dainty, but the dress is a little boring, and I hate the chunky necklaces on her.
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16. Grandma's Couch Dress, Episode 7
Grandma's couch/pos. A very soft, cushy, slightly musty-smelling couch. Don't like the centered corsage, it doesn't match anything else on the outfit, and they need to stop putting that necklace with so many otherwise nice looks.
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17. Pilled Dress, Episode 8
This dress looks like it's wool covered with pills, and the dark green and hot pink of her necklace and hair ornaments respectively pull my eye from the dress, which I honestly don't mind, because the fabric looks itchy as all hell.
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18. Yellow Floral Promenade Outfit, Episode 2
If they'd just take away that waistband, give her a gauzier shawl, and stop piling her hair so high, this one wouldn't be half bad.
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19. Yellow Dinner Dress, Episode 4
I truly do believe that pinks and greens suit Pen better than these bright yellows, or even just a more pastel yellow.
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20. Dandelion Dress, Episodes 3 and 6
I understand why Pen is holding her arms like that, because having those little yellow balls rubbing against my bare skin would drive me absolutely crazy.
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21. Meeting Marina Dress, Episode 1
The hair and that big ol' bow really ruin this one. The fabric looks so peachy and light with her red hair, and I just think some soft curls falling around her shoulders would make her look like such a doll.
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22. Yellow Upholstery Dress, Episode 5
This looks like a Target throw pillow. Burn than necklace.
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23. 'Mine Is Yellow' Evening Gown, Episode 8
I CANNOT STAND the greenish-gray look of the embroidery on the bodice, which is sad because her hair looks perfect. The cut of the bodice is cutting her bust in half.
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24. Chartreuse and Pink Dress, Episode 8
Frankly pukey-looking. The pink trim makes it infinitely worse.
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25. Tadpole Dress, Episode 1
Something about this fabric just reminds me of those Tiktoks of people putting frog eggs in jars. That pink shawl is not necessary.
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26. Black and Chartreuse Dress, Episode 1
See above- the green, the pink, the black-no.
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franciskirkland · 3 months
🇺🇸 🦅 ❤️ 🇫🇷 ⚜️
usfr, frus, amefra, framerica, freedom pair, guns & roses, whatever you wanna call it, i made a playlist that mostly contains sappy love songs that remind me of this beloved, underrated ship.
we've got everything from lana del rey to elvis, patsy cline to blondie, françoise hardy to johnny cash, 60's pop to 20's swing and more. enjoy 😘
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hi ! I hope you're having a great day/night and I was wondering if I could place a request of maybe Crosshair wanting to have kids with reader (female reader if possible)/having a slight baby fever after seeing her interact with Omega a lot ? Have a good day/night ! ❤️
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Part 2
Author's Note: This took a bit of finagling to try and get a scenario that would work timeline wise, I will admit. But then I just said 'fuck it' AU time. So 'Crosshair doesn't leave the batch' AU it is. l I kept this one SFW just cause that's how I read the request, but if you want the spice, you're always welcome to throw in another request sometime ;3
This one got a little fru fruy and poetic, so if you just want the sauce, I can cook some up
Summary: Crosshair sees how good you are with Omega, and thinks of a future that's rare, but not impossible.
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: SFW, Mentions of having kids, tokophobia warning (trying take sure this gets hit by peoples blacklist if they don't like this sort of thing I know it's not everyone's cup of tea), Crosshair longing and thinking of his future with you, Treating Omega as a like pseudo-adopted kid give this kid parental figures lol
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Hyperspace might be the perfect time to get things done- but to Crosshair, it's dreadfully boring.
The ship sails through the stars with a monotonous hum, putting anyone of a less overactive mind to sleep a long time ago. Wrecker is snoring away, a forearm over his eyes. Hunter isn't asleep, but he's relaxing, as is Tech. Which means more so that he's tinkering on a personal project, instead of needed repairs. Echo is resting his eyes- Crosshair can tell by the rhythm of his chest he isn't asleep.
You're nowhere to be seen however, though it's obvious where you are, as he looks to his right towards the cockpit.
He can see the top of your head in the co-pilot's seat, as your head is clearly leaned onto your left shoulder. You must've fallen asleep, as you don't move at all in the few seconds he looks. Getting up off the storage crate he was relaxing on, crosshair makes his way closer until he steps between the seats, and looks down on you.
And Omega, as he quickly notices.
She's sitting sideways in your lap, and you have her loosely supported with one arm over her knees and the other behind her back. Her cheek is smushed against your arm, and the both of you are completely asleep.
It's... Endearing. Crosshair hasn't really seen you this relaxed in, well, he can't exactly remember. Life hasn't been easy, since everything. The two of you have seemed to go with the flow perfectly so far, even after everything that's been thrown at everyone so far. Especially you; As while they were all used to the chaos, you weren't.
He slowly lowers himself into the pilot's seat, trying not to make a sound. But just as he finally settles, he notices your head shift. Not long after, you open your eyes. They almost instantly settle on him, looking over his body as he sits ankle over thigh in the seat. You swallow your mouth dry, blurry sight focusing.
"How long was I asleep?" He glances to you out of the corner of his eyes.
"Don't worry about it." He hears you softly exhale. "I wasn't asking because I wanted to get up."
Omega remains asleep even through your quiet talking, establishing that she's clearly a heavier sleeper than you. But even if Crosshair still doesn't speak up again for awhile, watching the stars streak by the viewport. When he glances back over to the two of you, he notices the way you're brushing a piece of Omega's hair out of her face.
The two of you have been stuck like glue since first meeting, and even someone far denser than Crosshair wouldn't have much trouble seeing it. He can't really put a word to how the sight makes him feel. It's not bad, not in the slightest. It makes his chest hurt in a similar way it did when he would watch the cities bustle with life while they were locked away for later use in clone bases.
"You're good with her." He mumbles, jerking his head your way. You shrug your shoulders.
"Hard not to be. She's a good kid."
He doesn't exactly have much of a gauge of what makes a 'good kid'. All he's even spoken to was clone cadets, neck deep in training.
But you look so, natural with her. Omega seems to be so comfortable with you, and maybe in a way, she sees you as a parent. She seems to think that way about Hunter, Echo too; He kind of wonders how she views him.
She almost always views the two of you as a unit, as even in a small ship you and Crosshair are rarely apart. Does she view him the same as you?
He never even thought he'd get the chance to even think about those sorts of things, until he met you. But even then, he never wanted them. Kriff, if it hadn't messed with the early clone tests brains so much, the Kaminoans would've made sure they'd never have the chance. But would he even be able? He went from test tube to battlefield, how can that raise a kid?
But for all of his rough and gruff, he wouldn't mind giving it a shot with you. You'd help him in the spots that need work. He'd help with yours, even if he doesn't think there is any. If Omega is any indicator, you'd be the perfect parent.
How'd he get so stupidly lucky? This all feels like a dream sometimes. He feels like having a child with you would be like rolling the dice yet again and risking losing every good thing he's manage to win. But gods, does he want it.
"Crosshair?" He looks up, and sees you staring at him. Your eyebrows are raised, almost suspicious.
"You good? You look lost." He doesn't respond, instead looking away from a moment. He's trying to think of a way to word his thoughts, but Omega stirs before he has the chance. He probably wouldn't be able to word them in any way that made sense, anyhow.
"Hmm?" She rubs her one eye, looking up at you before turning awkwardly to see Crosshair. He wasn't there when she'd fallen asleep.
"How long was I asleep?" You respond as Crosshair moves to stand. "Not that long. I just woke up too."
Standing right beside your seat he lays an arm on the headrest, leaning downward. He can see all the little imperfections on your face, as you look at up at him and habitually smile. He'll never get over how it seems like the sight of him makes you happier. He feels the same, even if he doesn't show it in the same way.
"Should get out of that seat before you ruin your back." It's true; The way you've been tucked in is horribly uncomfortable, but you aren't going to abandon it right at this moment.
After talking Crosshair leans down just a bit farther, enough to steal a kiss. His lips are nice and warm against yours; Soft, gentle pressure as his nose brushes against your cheek. Afterwards he plops a hand on Omega's head, ruffling her hair before running it down her face and squishing it as she lets out an irritated noise, slapping it away.
He hears the two of you quietly snicker as he walks out of the cockpit, moving to sit on his bunk and take off his boots. The two of you are mumbling about something, and he hears his name mentioned once or twice. He can't help but take another glance and see what the two of you are up to, and while he won't join, he'll enjoy the sound.
Maybe once this is all over, Crosshair can finally enjoy the pitter patter of small feet he always heard the holo-dramas talk about himself.
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redfish-blu · 1 year
People asked to drop the Danger Days tl from my last post so I’ll do that.
*Disclaimer: Not canon at all this is just my personal idea and take on like. How all that happened. Based on what they said in the videos and comics sort of.
*Disclaimer 2: I have not read National Anthem and I don’t care if this doesn’t line up with that.
Zones Timeline
- Cold War begins.
1987: Dr. D is born (hey legend).
- Cold War does not end.
- 1st Helium War starts.
- NATO and the Warsaw countries exchange declarations of war.
- Most of Eastern Europe is destroyed first, followed by the Middle East. Russia remains intact, as do a few Western European countries. Not including Great Britain or Germany.
- Other countries fall into isolation in fear of being the next targets of war, and either disappear into themselves or join pacts with one another. Some disperse entirely.
- America dissolves into civil unrest after attacks on the mainland result in various important political figures’ deaths.
- A number of American states cede from the nation and become The Confederacy of California, as per their secession being definitely illegal, and they take the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Wyoming.
- Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas are disputed.
- The rest of the states are assimilated into The Federal Republic of The United States, however they are in constant political battles between themselves because now everyone either wants out of the nation or they want control of it.
- Technology stagnates, but still advances. Just nowhere near as fast as it did in our lives.
- 1st Helium War ends.
- Cherri Cola is born.
- Tensions between the COC and the FRUS are high strung but not hostile.
- This is generally considered peacetime, if peacetime can be defined as you and the person you just fist fought in the bathroom being forced to sit next to one another in the principal’s office. Alone.
- A company specializing in chemistry and weapons manufacturing under the name of “Better Tech” rises in the COC and the FRUS.
- 2nd Helium War starts.
- Jet Star is born.
- War is declared on the FRUS by the COC, and various military campaigns take place in the disputed states.
- Better Tech supplies resources to both sides in a kind of double entendre situation where neither side knows they’re actually being played.
- Party Poison is born.
- Kobra Kid is born.
- Fun Ghoul is born.
- Helium Wars end when a series of nuclear bombs are dropped around the Rocky Mountains.
- The FRUS is never heard from again, and radio/electronic communication is disrupted by damage to the earth’s electromagnetic field.
- Better Tech rebrands themselves to Better Living Industries and gain influence over the COC government with the aim of salvaging the country and fixing the physical damage done by the war as well as the mental trauma of the citizens.
- BLi attempt to take control of Latin America but are flushed out by rebellion, and Mexico’s border is closed.
- Canada follows suit soon after, and America is officially cut off. Trapping everyone who remains there within the country (legally).
- Pig Bombs drop, eliminating Texas and New Mexico, whose governments were still kind of functioning independently after Helium 2 and building resistance against the COC.
- Fires of 2012 destroy Phoenix but leave Las Vegas intact. All remaining military units are pulled to Los Angeles.
- This is where BLi’s intense propaganda machine starts working to cover up all the crap they do. Working in tandem with how technologically challenged most people are at that point.
- BLi take what’s left of the lower 48 and establish Battery City as the new capital of America. Their borders define the nation as California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.
- However, BLi becomes notoriously bad at maintaining and “cleansing” their proclaimed territories; and most of the area outside of Zone 3 sees little to no substantial BLi presence at all.
- Dr. Death Defying makes his first radio broadcast as a rebel.
- Analog Wars begin.
- Battle of Utah takes place wherein Salt Lake City is destroyed in a series of Killjoy v. BLi battles.
- Destroya was used for its first and only time during this battle, and was abandoned in Zone 3 during BLi’s retreat.
- Analog Wars pause after significant damages to both sides prompt an unofficial ceasefire, giving way to a long period of relative inactivity.
- BLi uses this time to build its presence in everyday life, establish the Zones, and advance it’s scientific research and development.
- The Girl is born.
- Girl’s mom is Drac’d
- The Girl is found by Killjoys.
- Analog Wars start up again when her existence is uncovered.
- These years see the most one on one fighting between kj factions and BLi since the Analog Wars first started.
- Generally remembered as a sort of Zones Renaissance due to the re-popularization of art, media, and philosophy within the killjoy community.
- Who had fractured off in the years after the armistice and became very detached from one another rather than a collective movement.
- The Killjoys die.
- Analog Wars officially end.
- The schools of thought built up during the renaissance period fade into the background once again as their figureheads either die off or become irrelevant.
- This is the era in which the Val Velocity era of killjoys grow up in. They were all born well after the Helium and Analog wars began and ended, so they have little to no connection to the values or customs of pre-war life.
- Its very Lost Generation-y in that everyone just kind of wants to party and forget about how their lives suck underneath all the glitter.
- California Comics events.
- Cherri Cola dies.
- Dr. D dies (rip legend).
- BLi is destroyed.
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luckykiwiii101 · 8 months
How To Make Everything Sugar&Spice And EVERYTHING Nice After All ✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨
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(Everything you need to know):
Go back to the basics of manifestation. If you don’t know how, here are some resources:
“What is manifestation, and how do I manifest?”
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+ For further understanding watch electrasoul’s videos: Part 1 & Part 2
“So how do I embody a state?”
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Essential to the law of assumption. Methods are not what works. You make them work. And you don’t need any methods. Embodying a state is not a method. Methods like affirming and visualising are just to help you embody a state.
“What Key Concepts should I know?”
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+ All you have to do is just return to the state of the wish fulfilled every time you naturally think of your desire. You don’t need to affirm or visualise etc for hours on end. Manifestation is effortless.
“I’ve got some doubts.”
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Read the title of those posts and see if they relate to any questions you may have.
“I feel like over-consuming + quotes from @loasuccessarchive”
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I really recommend reading this post. Contains reminders that are essential to loa!!!
“What happens to my reality when I manifest?”
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How To Make Manifestation Even MORE Fun!!! (Optional)
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“What If I Don’t Want To Persist?”
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“How will things be for me when I persist?”
You will be just like the people on @loasuccessarchive 💗
“When will my desire materialise?”
Stop focusing on the 3D. If you are focusing on not having your desire in the 3D, then you aren’t fulfilling yourself. Every time you feel the urge to look for proof in the 3D, just return to imagination and KNOW that you have it there.
XoXo - Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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brenwritesss · 4 months
Tru Fru part 2
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Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: Paige invites you over to her dorm, allowing the two of you to get to know each other.
(If you want an alternate smut version, let me know! Or if you want a part 3)
(Also sorry for the real late upload, I ended up rotting in bed all day yesterday and never finished the ending to this part)
You stood in front of her door for five minutes, contemplating whether or not you should even be here right now. You had just met this girl twenty minutes ago and she didn’t even second guess having you over at her place. Should that have been a red flag? 
You don’t even know what the two of you would be doing once you were inside. What was there to talk about? Considering you didn’t even know who she was, you doubt there would be much in common. You put your keys into your pocket, allowing you to knock on her door after almost running back down the hall and back into your car. 
You heard someone stumble on the other side of the door, a few voices rising to the surface. You were unaware that she had roommates. You stood there quietly, taking in your last few seconds before the door opened. A girl who wasn’t Paige and was taller than you, looked at you confused. “Hi?”
“Hi, uh Paige invited me over. Is this the right dorm?” You looked back at your phone making sure the room number she gave you matched the room you were at right now. And there were no mistakes.
Her confusion turned into smiles when she said, “Oh, you’re the Tru Fru stealer.”
“Excuse me?”
She broke out into laughter. “Yeah, you kinda dirty for that, not gonna lie.”
You shook your head. “I didn’t steal anything, it’s her fault for not getting there sooner and taking it.”
“And you right,” she moved away from the entrance, allowing you to walk inside. “I’m KK, by the way.”
You smiled at her, turning towards her. “Y/n. I’m assuming you’re on the basketball team too?”
“And a Tru Fru lover. So I better not be seeing you in any Target taking the last bag,” she said in a tone that let you know she was joking.
“So who’s better? You or Paige?”
“Girl, me for real. Trust.” There was something about KK that instantly brightened your mood. You didn’t know how to explain it. 
“Yo KK, down to join me in a new round?” Another girl walked out of a room towards your left. She was wearing a hoodie just like KK, her braids coming down to cover the top of the letters. She held a video game controller as she stopped when she saw you in the middle of their living room.
You gave her a small wave, smiling shyly. “I’m Y/n.”
“You’re Y/n? I’m Ice. Girl you are gorgeous,” she said, complimenting you.
A blush tinted your cheeks and you let out a small laugh, “thank you, that’s so nice. You are so pretty.”
She flipped her hair back with her hand. “Thanks girl.”
“Ay, what y’all doin out here,” Paige’s voice echoed through a small hallway, stopping short when she sees you standing next to KK. Her arms going behind her back, she smiled at you, “I didn’t know if you would actually stop by.”
You shrugged. “It’s not like I had anything better to do,” you joked. “And this bag is too big to keep to myself.” You held up the Tru Fru bag that you two fought over.
Both KK and Ice snickered, obviously knowing what had happened at Target. “You still want to pay up?” You threw her the bag, Paige catching it with ease.
She looked you up and down and that familiar feeling you had felt back in Target resurfaced. Paige was still in that Tru Fru sweatshirt and UConn sweatpants that you had met her in. That hoodie is about to be mine, you thought to yourself.
“Nah, I like having your number more,” she said, making the butterflies in your stomach multiply. 
Ice made a sound, making everyone turn towards her. “Okay Paige coming in with the rizz.”
“Shut the hell up,” Paige scolded, lightly smacking her arm with her free hand.
KK pulled out her phone, “Yo, we finna call Nika and Azzi and show them your mad flirting skills.”
Paige rolled her eyes while you laughed, having no clue who Azzi and Nika were but you assumed they were more of Paige’s teammates. Paige walks towards you, eyes on KK. “You’re not gonna call them and we are gonna go chill in my room.”
Paige grabbed your hand and the action surprised you. Ice gave you and Paige a look that screamed ‘what the fuck’ while KK just continued laughing, typing in her phone.
Paige led you into her room, which was bare compared to yours. Her bed was fit into the corner, a bright purple comforter atop that you just wanted to snuggle into. Her dresser was directly across, a TV and a playstation decorating the top of the dresser. Next to her bed was a nightstand holding a pile of books.
You stood in the middle of the room, not really knowing what to do. “Nice room.”
“Thanks,” she said, more of a whisper. After closing the door behind her, she leaned against it. “Sorry about my teammates, they’re joking.”
“Oh I don’t mind,” you assured her, “my roommate is the same way, so I get it.”
She smiled at you and pointed toward her bed. “You’re chill to sit down.”
“Thanks,” you smiled back and took a seat on her bed. You couldn’t lie, this was incredibly awkward as you both didn’t know what to say. 
Paige sat down next to you, looking at you while opening the Tru Fru bag. “So, what’s your major?”
“Biology. What about you?”
“Oh shit,” she said. “Biology’s cool. I’m majoring in human development, family studies. But I plan to go pro in the league after I graduate.” 
You admired her determination in her answer. Even after only knowing her for an extremely short amount of time, you could tell she was very passionate about basketball. Just like how you were with biology. How you both were willing to do anything to achieve your goals in your careers.
“How long have you been playing?”
Paige adjusted her seating, turning more towards you. And closer to you. “Since I was a kid. You have no idea how many photos my mom has of me in basketball jerseys when I was like seven years old.”
“I don’t think I could ever play a sport like basketball. But hockey,” you continued, “that’s where it’s at.”
Paige raised her eyebrows, your comment earning a chuckle from her. “Really? Hockey?”
You nodded. “Yeah, it’s a hot sport to play.”
“So is basketball not hot?” she asked, popping a piece of Tru Fru into her mouth.
You reached into the bag, grabbing a handful and moving your legs up onto her bed so that your whole body was now on her bed. “It’s hit or miss.”
“Watch me play then that’ll change your mind,” she winked, earning a laugh from you.
“You inviting me to your game?”
You both stayed there for a while, eating the fruit. You could feel the tension between you two so you took to looking around her room while you could feel her eyes on you, examining every part of you. “So do you play hockey?” Paige asked you.
You shook your head. “I wish.”
“You should,” she said as she leaned towards you. Only a few centimeters toward your ear she whispered, “since it’s a hot sport, you’ll fit right in.”
“Well now I have to play,” you whispered back.
Still close to your face, her eyes lingered on your lips then back up to your eyes. “So what do you think?”
“Tru Fru.” She holds the bag in between your faces. You grab it from her, eating some. “It’s actually better than I thought it would be. I can see why you’re so obsessed with it.”
“I’m not obsessed.”
“Explain the merch then,” you said, pointing to her sweatshirt.
“Playing college basketball has its perks,” she whispered once more and gently grabbed your hand. You had a Tru Fru piece in between your fingers that you were about to eat. Paige guided your hand toward her mouth, her lips tickling your fingers as she took the piece from your hand. “Like getting a pretty girl’s number.”
Every part of you melted when she did that with your hand. “You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that to make me fold.” That was a lie, you were folding right about now.
There were a few voices outside Paige’s door but the two of you drowned out the sound with the growing tension between the two of you. You smiled at her, biting your lip in the process. Paige’s hand was still wrapped around yours when KK barged into the room.
“Hey Paige, the live wants to say-oh shit,” KK yelled, turning the phone away.
“KK, what the fuck,” Paige shouts, moving away from you in an instant. Ice came in, taking the phone from KK and going into another room.
KK ran up to the two of you. “Y’all I’m so sorry, I thought y’all were chillin’ playing video games or something, not making out.”
You set down the Tru Fru bag. “We weren’t making out. We were talking about hockey.”
Paige looked at you then back at KK. “Why would you go live right now? You do realize they just got a full view of her right?”
“What?” you asked, confused as to what they were talking about.
“Bro, I’m sorry. You know I wouldn’t do it on purpose.” KK looked scared almost. Not at Paige, but of what happened. Or what was going to happen.
You stood up, backing away from Paige and KK. “Can you guys tell me what’s going on?”
Paige itched the back of her neck, scrunching up her nose. “KK was live on instagram and she walked in with the camera pointed at us.”
You shrugged. “That’s not bad. Only a few people were on the live right?”
KK gave you an anxious look. “No yeah, it was only a few,” she trailed off, “thousand.”
You swear your eyes could have popped out from your skull with how wide they grew. “I’m sorry, what?”
KK continued apologizing, “I’m so sorry Y/n, but a few thousand people just saw what looked like you and Paige kissing on live.”
"I'm assuming that's really bad then?" you asked.
Paige walked over to you, looking you in the eyes when she says, "I'll make this up to you with all the Tru Fru you want because this is about to be trending on social media for a bit."
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