#frontier verse
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detective-with-one-arm · 1 year ago
Continued from here.
The offer was certainly tempting, and she'd be lying if a good meal with some good company didn't sound enticing. It was nice to make conversation with the good folks of this city, unconventional though that was for an officer of the law. They mostly just did their jobs and then mingled once their badges were hung up, but Rachel saw the job as more than just a badge.
After all, if these people were the ones who were being governed under the law, than the arm of it should be protecting the people under it. And you'll generally be better at protecting people if you knew them, or at least treated them with respect.
It wasn't as easy to turn a blind eye and submit to human survivalist apathy if there was an emotional investment, after all. And that wasn't difficult for someone like Rachel with as tender a heart as she had. It wasn't uncommon for the more macho officers to say her heart was too soft for this to be shut up the moment actual trouble reared its head and the saw how little nonsense she put up with when the lives and safety of Detroit's citizens were on the line.
The deputy may be soft, kind, and deeply compassionate and inclined towards empathy, but she was anything but weak. Everyone who ever mistook her as such quickly regretted that mistake. "That's quite kind o' you, Six. I was plannin' on maybe rustling up some grits or score up some fresh venison from the local butcher to fry up, but I've always said a meal is best enjoyed in good company." Rachel replied, deciding to accept the man's offer for a meal as compensation. She wouldn't dare ask for his money for this, it really was the least of her troubles. "What're you offerin, if y' don't mind my askin'?"
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have-you-seen-my-sanity · 7 days ago
Oscar boys and what they're looking for in a partner (if they care): Ages! Options are older, younger, and the same.
Headcanons go!
Misc oi masterlist
OI characters and their ideal partner age
Featuring: Blue Jones, Santiago Garcia, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Miguel O'Hara, Poe Dameron.
Miguel O'Hara
Prefered age: He prefers you to be close to his age(but younger obviously), one or two years younger than him.
Your height doesn't matter to him because he is a giant and will most likely be taller anyway. Size kink goes brrrr with him.
Blue Jones
Prefered age: Would love it if you're the same age but will also accept a few years younger than him. He DOES NOT like you to be older because it's not just Blue's vibe. He wants to feel like the powerful older one. He's twisted, so he loves playing the dominant one.
Poe Dameron
Prefered age: Poe doesn't really care but would like it if you're around his age. He still prefers a few years younger because it makes him feel protective.
Santiago Garcia
Prefered age: He doesn't care, even if you're older than him. He kind of likes it.
Jake Lockley
Prefered age: He. Doesn't. Give. A. Shit. You can be older, you can be younger, you can be the same age. Jake will call you his good and well behaved darling no matter what.
Marc Spector
Prefered age: He's fine with any age above eighteen, but given how overprotective he is he would want you to be younger so he can use your age as an excuse if he sees fit.
Steven Grant
Prefered age: Steven does not care, as long as you're okay, he's totally fine with it too. Although IF you happen to be older than him, he may get a little...kinky. I mean, he already has ankle restraints in his bed, so why not more?
@nekoyin @iolaussharpe-24 @steven-grants-world @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @buckyssugarchick
@krakenkitty @silvernight-m @ingoldthewizard @xxjust-a-kidxx @klillaah
@stevendameron @alexxavicry @mochiitoby
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kumamaskart · 2 years ago
Casual reminder that Tails real name is “Miles Prowler” so technically the sonic franchise spoiled atsv in like 1992
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ben-talks-art · 1 year ago
What's your favorite character with claws?
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000marie198 · 10 months ago
You guys ever think about Post Frontiers Sonic? Cuz I do. A lot.
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onskepa · 6 months ago
Sneak peek: Planet 2154
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“Ok clearly we started off on the wrong foot. How about a redo, yeah?” Miles suggests as he rubs his wrists from being freed. The stranger agrees. 
“Alright, for starters, what is your name?” he asks. 
“Spider,” the stranger replies. Miles shook his head. 
“No, like your real name. Im miles” 
“Miles,” Spider says. 
“Yeah see? So, your name?” miles goes on. 
“Miles” the stranger replies. This kinda irked miles. 
“No, your real name” he pushes. 
“Miles” the stranger says as if the was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Boy are you a parrot? I said your re-” 
“Miles, I think that is his real name” Gwen intervenes. Miles looks at her, then at the new guy. 
“Your name is….miles?” he asks. 
“That's what i'm saying” the stranger says while raising his shoulders a bit. 
“You have a nickname or something?” Gwen asks. 
“Spider” the stranger replies. 
“Yeah that's not helping….” 
“I'm told I am also a ‘half Latino’...?” the stranger says. 
“That's worse” miles says while rubbing his forehead. 
“Miles, I think he is a variation of you” Gwen teases. This seemed to horrify him. 
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the-sky-queen · 9 days ago
Fading Memories - Sky_Queen - Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
What if Gens Shadow met Frontiers Sonic while he was running around Chaos Island? I just had to write something for the idea. :D
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ladyk8tie · 19 days ago
Avatar- Into the Riley-verse Fun Fact: Miles Promises
Miles doesn't make promises he can't/won't keep. He also never say's "I promise" He says "I can do that" because he can, that's his way of saying he will.
He says it in a PriMessage to Riley when she asks him to bring her dinner in Pandoran Pregnancy P2
He says it to Grace in Avatar 2009 after she asks "Or what, Ranger Rick? You'll shoot me?" He was fully ready to shoot her if needed and did.
He's only broken a promise once.
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 month ago
Writing accountability! i managed to write today!
I wrote an entire 1355 words, which is more than I thought I'd be able to do. (One chapter of breaking glass, one chapter of hoping for rain, and a chapter of the frontier fic that i'll save to post till tomorrow)
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cephalosaur · 2 years ago
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i stumbled across a video for drawing in the splatoon style, got some splat brushes, as they're labeled, so I was thinking about that and went ahead with this. 
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frontiermemories · 6 months ago
Continuing from here: x || @papilio-anima
The farmer took a few moments to catch his breath, wiping sweat off of his brow, and resting his hands on his knees while he tried to regain composure. He took great care to enter the building in a calm, respectful manner, but rushing over from Mondstadt was finally catching up to him.
"S- Sorry for barging in at this hour. But, um... sensitive topic?"
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Perhaps, somewhere down the line of doing this back-and-forth, the farmer managed to forget, or become downright desensitized to how unordinary it was to just frequent such an establishment. The look on his face reflected this, being somewhat oblivious to the implications of rushing into the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, in the dead of night, looking disheveled as though he were in a great rush.
"Did I come at a bad time...?"
That's all he could think of to say. After all, he had nothing to spill on his part. So, maybe this was one of those cases where he had to 'read between the lines'? Well, this gave him enough time to stand up properly, gathering a last couple of large breaths.
"I just needed to ask you something- It's about ghost food. But if you need to be alone right now, I'll come back later."
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writingsully · 2 months ago
helloooooooooooooooooooo new writer! Im so happy to see another joining the writing community! I wanna send a request but first I must know!
Do you have any do's and dont's? like what are you comfortable writing in terms of themes? What are you not comfortable writing? Hope this make sense!
Hello! Thank you for your message!
I used to write fluff and sometimes a little bit of angst, so anything other than that is new to me. That’s why I’m not sure what I am and am not comfortable with yet. I am for sure not comfortable with writing about rape and incest. I guess I will find out about other do’s and dont’s (if I have them) along the process of writing.
I hope I informed you enough, even though it’s a little vague haha. I am really curious about your request!
My inbox is always open :)
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webbedphantom · 2 months ago
"Happy "I went Super Saiyan and fought God-like Shido to save Christmas" Day!!"
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You're never going to let that go, are you?
"How the hell could I?? It's literally the coolest thing I've ever done, and probably will ever do!"
It wasn't exactly a super form, you just... borrowed all your teammates powers through a symbiote.
"True... but it sounds cooler my way."
... that it does, yes-
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snkts · 4 months ago
🛏️ - A dream that made your character want to go back to sleep so they could continue the dream 😈
He is running.
To where, from what, he does not know - but he is running far, and running fast. There is no end in sight. No walls. No bars. No chains. Just an eternal forest. Trees stretch giant and looming around him. The stars stretch over the forest, poking through the canopy, an endless sea of black covered with crystals like fresh-spilled sugar. It's reflected almost perfectly in the fresh snow that is dusting the ground, falling until it crunches under his feet. It all melts into a blur past him because he is running. He is running.
He is running...
But he is not running alone.
The stars gleam in the air around him, reflected in the dark eyes of his family. His pack. They flow out of the trees and run with him, and they are alive and happy and free. He glances to the side and sees lolling tongues and pricked ears. They brace their paws on the ground and lunge.
He is no longer running, because he is swarmed by his pack. They yip and bark joyfully, pushing wet tongues and cold noses against his face and he has to push them aside just for the space to breathe. He is laughing. He turns and buries his face in the closest ruff he can find, inhaling the scent of the wild. Their teeth scrape playfully at his skin, and they are running again, and he climbs to his feet and runs too. The oldest among them throws her head back to howl, and the rest of the pack joins in. He breathes in deep, fills his lungs-
"Hey, wild man!" A sudden voice startles him awake. He blinks in the low light of the early dawn, sniffs to clear his nose. The shackles rattle as he sits up. Another kick from the stage hand and the cart rocks. He blinks again, bleary.
"Y'know what time it is?" The stage hand flashes a gap-toothed grin. "That's right - it's almost showtime!"
No. He didn't want to. He was tired. He didn't want to be seen. (Wanted to go back to that dream, back to his pack, his family-)
His nerves light up in blue-white agony and he jolts upright with a startled snarl.
"That's more like it!" The stagehand crows. Through blurred eyes, he sees the stagehand leaning on some sort of box. He knew that box. He hated that box.
"Hey, Mitchel - boss said not to break his new toy! We want our beastie on his feet for the show!" Another voice. The stagehand rolls his eyes and groans.
"Always spoilin' my fun..." The stagehand mutters and walks off.
He watches the stagehand go and slowly, gingerly, crouches back down, bunching into the corner of the cage. The bars are cold. The floor is coated in a spiderweb of wires and metal and he does not understand. He is tired, but his heart is racing, keeping him up when all he wants to do is sleep. To be with his pack again, even in dreams. He cannot sleep. All he can do is crouch and wait for the spectators to arrive, wait for whatever the Ringmaster has planned.
And even though he can see the trees through the bars, the forest has never been so far away.
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hallowed-nebulae · 30 days ago
Quick little writing update -- I managed to write about 4257 words yesterday, between three different fics and between my other tasks. I'll try to write more today, but can't make any promises.
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trcvelers-chcsen · 4 months ago
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"Eh. You aren't missing much, other than it gaining sapience every now and again. Mine started shooting bolts that floated up into a constellation shape once, like a year and a half ago."
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"...I don't think the Vanguard ever actually figured out what that was all about, now that I think about it..."
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