#frontier spirits
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reve-ro · 5 months ago
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my game kept glitching and i thought sonic had a ponytail. sega are cowards, ill do it myself
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corehopeart · 4 months ago
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catluniscia · 3 months ago
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Daipenmon! The fusion of the human and beast spirit of Ice in Digimon Frontier...yes I am kinda aware some folks don't like this guy or Digimon Frontier thinking the concept of humans becoming digimon is a little far fetched, I guess because of my love of magical girl anime and dealing with previous seasons where humans merged with their digimon it didn't really like irk me like it did others.  Also look at this guy he's a penguin and he kinda looks like those ice grinding machines for snow cones, he is friend shaped and we love him here! Now I want a Popsicle...in winter...of course -_- 
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thehustledimension · 7 months ago
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Rejoice, a new set of babies be upon ye!
(You can get them as stickers here, available in various holographic and clear options!)
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ahfucknuggets567 · 5 months ago
i just realized.
Both the beast spirits of thunder and wind were somehow in the ocean.
Imagine if Whamon sallowed the beast Spirit of wind and Izumi got her revenge on Grumblemon.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months ago
I wanna play my new 3DS games but I need to finish Majora’s mask cuz I’m really good at starting games and then not ever finishing them cuz I get a new game and get started on that instead
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otakween · 9 months ago
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Digimon Battle Spirit 2 - Final Thoughts
This game was so FUN!! I liked it a lot more than the first installment of Battle Spirit even though the games were very similar. They just added a bunch of little touches to this sequel that upped replayability big time. I still only beat it twice (and on easy mode teehee) but I can see myself revisiting this one in the future :)
I'm glad Frontier got a couple video game tie-ins despite the fact that it wasn't very popular. I think the quality of this game actually improved my opinion on Frontier somewhat. The sprites were so charming and each character's attack style was so anime-faithful. Very immersive for fans of the show.
There were digimon I didn't recognize in this? Who the heck is this rainbow one? This isn't the kind of game where you get digimon names on screen, so I was just like -shrug-
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This was my first time testing out RetroAchievements and I think it's really neat. Here is me getting an achievement for beating the Shooter game:
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I've given up on 100%-ing games but I'll definitely continue to use this feature just for fun!
I loved the little animation I got when I unlocked Lowemon of him jumping onto the character select screen, that was awesome.
I played as Chackmon and Fairymon, my two fave Frontier digimon and they both had such distinct play styles. I think I liked Chackmon's attacks more (it was really fun to perform icicle lala and freeze people by turning into stalagmites) but Fairymon was good for defeating Cherubimon because she could jump (fly) really high.
Even though it would be very annoying, I kinda wish this game had voice lines. I was mentally shouting "Brezzo petalo!!" when playing as Fairymon lol
There's a hacky way to win by hanging out in corners and stun locking your opponent, but I tried not to overuse that. It would be good for getting really high scores if I cared about that.
Speaking of scores, the tamer tags are such a good addition to increase replayability. You can get different tags based on the difficulty you play at and your final score. I can't be bothered, but if I was a kid with ample free time, it would be fun to try to unlock them all.
The shooter mini game was so fun! It was basically Digimon billiards. Of course, it was a lot easier to beat with save states because I lost many times lol. Fairymon kept launching me off the side of the board. It was funny to see the NPCs sometimes accidentally slide out of bounds and the digivolution mechanic was clever. This is the kinda casual game I could see myself playing just to kill time (like pinball or solitaire).
This game had way fewer digimon to play as/unlock? They probably only wanted to include digimon with human forms (I guess they could have borrowed Tamers characters for that). I could see this being a downside for some, but I was relieved. I unlocked Lowemon and had all the digimon just like that ;)
Cherubimon was very similar to Millenniumon, seemingly really hard at first, but you just need to learn the pattern. It was a little tedious still though because you had to get every move right. Not a battle you can zone out to lol. All the animations during and after the fight were very well done.
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79zz · 1 year ago
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If you're looking for sassy, southern, frog girls,.... for some reason, look no further than Ranamon.
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newfrontierbackstage · 7 months ago
Hello everyone! Coming here once more to share some wonderful art made by the one and only @cosmiccodychaos
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Thank you so much for your contribution!
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eruisapenguin · 6 months ago
The 🐝: buzzzzzzz
PPD MC (I think): No you cannot do arson
[insert more buzz]
- ∆ anon
ppd researcher number one: "How on earth does MC understand the bees' buzzes? They're not even spelling out anything."
Kondraki: *sweats in also understanding what 408s are saying most of the time*
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nickpeppermint · 1 year ago
Could you draw a Rookie Warrior for Ice (like how Flame and Light had Flamon and Strabimon, respectively)?
Hmmmmmmm, i think Icemon or Bearmon would've work just fine, but here's a little quick sketch of what i think it might beeeee
His special attack is snowball barrage, this Digimon has precise accuracy in snow fights
I also thinking giving him a little round slead
I actually never done digifakes, but i do have some OCs that need to be polished
If i'll finish it, i am probably gonna change a whole lot (especially in colour), cuz so far it reminds me of Frigimon
Any ideas for the name? 🤔
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no-zzzom · 1 year ago
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redwylde · 1 month ago
Your explanation of Tails' lack of chaos energy use may not be far off, in The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog, at one point there's a little moment where he sees a "Hang In There" poster with a Chao on it and is inspired by the inner strength of the Chao holding on instead of using its wings to fly
Oh how sweet! I need to play that dang game, I keep forgetting about it. I do my uni work on my PC so by the time I'm done I want away from my desk so I keep forgetting to stay seated and play it 😭 we love our little brother.
I think it's been very well showcased throughout Tails' career that he has the ability to fight hand to hand (mimicking Sonic's spindashing and later using his tails to attack in the Adventure series) but instead of going through any kind of training arc like Amy where he learns to be a better fighter, he invests his time in bettering his creations.
So I think it's a really nice part of Tails' character that he has the potential for chaos, but chooses not to use it. It's not his way and that's absolutely fine! It makes him unique in a way that you absolutely cannot take him out of the hero cast. He occupies a place in the team that cannot be filled by anyone else because there's no one else who shares the same speciality.
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janethepegasus · 3 months ago
I'm slowly crafting a Dragon Age Digimon AU (primarily focused on Inquisition) that basically takes elements from Frontier and the AU's story is basically "welp the events of Inquisition are happening in the Digital World, how about we send the Inquisition over here to help us out?"
Basically the characters are gonna turn into Digimon
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ran-orimoto · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas to you all💕💕. May you spend a last part of the year in peace and surrounded by love! Buon Natale from me and, of course, from Junzumi 💛💜!
They have visited some little sweet friends this year, an idea from Junpei thrown there just because; one taken seriously and welcomed by Izumi because why not. Junpei couldn’t help following Izumi through some sky journey as well, because he will follow her wherever she goes, after all!
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andrewdi8 · 4 months ago
Sometimes we need to look beyond to reach for new horizons. Just as we're exploring the possibility of life on Mars, we each have power to create our own new paths, even it the face of uncertainty.
The human spirit of discovery once seeming impossible is noe within reach.
Let's keep looking forward and building a future beyond limits 💫
🎧🎶 20,000 Miles over the sea by Enigma
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