#from what I've seen at least
caecaesclubhouse · 1 year
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My attempts at drawing The Devil and King Dice! I think they turned out pretty good! 😈🎲
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nondescriptrock · 10 months
Mmmmmmmmmmmihr and Xander when
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dinosaursatemymom · 1 year
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persephone-sails · 1 year
What are some of your pet peeves about the Naruto fandom?
The Naruto fandom in itself is a huge pet peeve lol. Basically all the shonen fandoms, because 99% of them have marshmallows for brains.
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canisalbus · 8 months
I have a phobia of dogs like can't stand seeing images of them phobia but I love your work so much, I don't know what it is but there's something beautiful about how I can look at it without feeling that phobia. Like being on top of a mountain and seeing the view of the world below or how fire looks pretty close up. Your art to me feels like that scene in fantastic mr fox with the wolf.
Ah, that's both heartwarming and very interesting, I've never heard of any cynophobes liking my work! Thank you!
(I won't bother you about it of course, but I can't help but wonder if it's the same thing for all furry/anthro art you see or for some reason just me, and if it's the latter, what could be making my stuff more palatable for someone who is that intensely uncomfortable with canines. My style isn't realistic but it isn't super stylized and exaggerated either. Is it about the anthropomorphization and the humanlike features, expressions and behavior? When I draw actual dog-shaped-dogs, are they harder to look at?).
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anniebass · 2 months
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two pals being nineties and stuff
scene from Stuck on Rewind on ao3
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
The Oddity Of Kindness
Jade finds you quite amusing, really. He can't help but wish to catch you off-guard. And yet, his plans are thrown off by your dastardly schemes of- genuine kindness?
Notes: NGL Jade would actually make a really good Kaguya from love is war but at the same time I like it better when there is no shirogane... Just him doing that stuff and some random person who's incredibly nice (I low-key wanna make this fic a series guys HELP-)
Jade always found you to be quite the peculiar individual. You never displayed the fear characteristically shown around him. Oblivious, perhaps?
Your peculiarity just made you all the more fascinating. Jade couldn't help but wonder how you'd react upon finding out his true nature.
He'd lamented this to Floyd. Floyd had just said he was being "lame". How foolish. Jade was most certainly not being lame, in fact, he was being incredibly cunning in his schemes to catch you off-guard. He was intelligent, analyzing your weaknesses with am effortless prowess rarely seen, and he had a flawless plan.
Really, it would be so amusing to toy with you a tad. After all, what could you possibly do against him?
"You're blushing, Jade," Azul had commented idly as Jade left to meet you at the botanical gardens, where you went every Saturday morning to pick strawberries. Somehow, Trey let you pick them without charging anything like he had with Jade. You must've been a genius of wit to make that happen.
"Perhaps you require an eye-exam, Azul," Jade said with a laugh. Honestly, what sort of lovesick fool did Azul think he was? Blushing like some schoolgirl meeting their crush! "Your glasses clearly aren't high enough in power. Would you like me to schedule an appointment for you?"
Azul merely rolled his eyes.
"You would do well to get yourself an eye exam," he said, waving Jade off with a shoo. Whatever. Azul simply failed to comprehend Jade's plan. Really, most people would. It was so dastardly Jade couldn't help but feel a bit bad at his own cold-hearted nature.
He was going to fluster you. That was the end goal. He'd already laid out a step-by-step process, along with backup-plans for your every counter.
The first step was to enter the greenhouse. He'd just done that. The second was to walk over to where you were. Closer, closer, taking in the slight scent of petrichor, the fresh, ruby-red strawberries that surrounded you, until...
"Ah, Jade!" You jumped up at the sight of him, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly upon facing him. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."
He smiled, making sure to keep his mouth closed. It made him seem polite, but slightly unnerving due to the way the smile didn't reach his eyes.
Phase one of his plan - to catch you off-guard and leave you at a disadvantage - was a success. It was time for phase two.
"Don't worry," he said. "I completely understand. Regardless, I'm rather curious as to what you're doing. You show up at the garden rather often at this exact time, you see."
He'd just combined steps three and four into one. He'd both unnerved you a bit more by implying that he'd observed your habits and made for a smooth transition to bringing up why he came to the botanical gardens.
"Oh, I'm just here to pick some strawberries for Trey!" So you picked those as a favor to him. That explained why Trey never attempted to seek payment. "He's pretty swamped in Heartslabyul most days, so I like to deliver the strawberries to him."
So you were kind, yes, but that was nothing but old news. More importantly, why weren't you unnerved by the fact that Jade seemed to know you well?
"What about you?" You asked. "I can't name a time, but I know you come here pretty often too. Mind sharing why?"
So, it'd finally come to this. Jade could already picture the sight of you caught off-guard. It would be so tantalizing- amusing. It would be amusing. Not tantalizing, and certainly not something to savor.
"You truly wish to know? It might frighten you," he said, with that typical, unnerving grin of his. But you didn't even bat an eye. How peculiar.
"Yeah, sure!" You said.
His plan was coming to an amusing fruition. Jade knew his eyes were sparkling as he started his ramble.
"I have a love for mushrooms," he said. "The beautiful, often poisonous things. I come here to grow them. I cultivate them ad best as I can, you know. Some fungi can't be grown here. Those tend to be more poisonous. The fun ones. And then, after a long time, the mushrooms are ready for cultivation. The ones that seem edible get fed to others. And yet, they must complain. I still remember the ghost chef who kept insisting it was rude to feed others mushrooms that freeze the tomgue. How odd, no? It was merely a bit of fun."
Silence ensued, with you keeping your hand clasped firmly over your mouth. Jade grinned. He'd done it. To think, you were so easily frightened. How amusing.
But then, you burst into laughter.
"What seems to be the matter?" He said. This wasn't what he expected to happen. Most people were dying to run away, yet paralyzed in fear.
"I- hah, sorry," you said, wheezing in attempts to catch your breath. "You're just so cute when you talk about your mushrooms. And then you were looking at me at the end like you were expecting something, and I just couldn't help it!"
At his reaction, you seemed to come to a realization.
"Did you actually think that'd scare me?" Here it was. You'd show your less kind side to mock him.
But then, your expression seemed to somber for a bit, before you puffed yourself up in an act of resoluteness.
"All those people who tell you it's weird are wrong!" You said, seeming awfully indignant. "You're cute when you get all excited and your eyes sparkle, a-and I loved learning more about your cultivation process. The information's a bonus, not something to put up with!"
You thought he was- cute? T-That wasn't true at all! Jade wasn't cute, he was a predator, and he was cold and cunning in a way that had brought fear upon others! Even as a child, he'd been feared by the high-profile clients Father had him hunt.
So how could you of all people think he was cute? This was utterly absurd. No one thought he was cute, especially not when he talked about mushrooms!
His mouth went dry. His face felt so hot it felt like it would combust any second. What was he to do? He'd never thought this would happen!
"You okay, Jade? Your face is really red," you said. Somehow, you seemed nothing but concerned. There wasn't an ounce of malice in your eyes, and he didn't understand that. Why? Weren't you going to attempt to take advantage of this rare moment of weakness? To garner a favor?
"I- must leave," he said, swallowing rapidly in hopes of overcoming the knot that seemed to form in his throat. "Until next time. This was a pleasure."
"Yeah, I was really nice getting to know you better!" You said. "And don't feel bad about how red your face is! I think it's super cute! But, since it probably means you're sick, rest up, okay?"
What sort of dastardly trick was this? You couldn't possibly be so well-intentioned. So caring, so concerned, over him? It was incomprehensible.
A retreat. He had to stage a retreat. This was too much.
"Hey, Jade!" Said Floyd, right as Jade had strained the illusion of safety. "You're so red right now? 'Rest up, okay'?"
Floyd had- heard everything?
"You'd beat be quiet, dear brother," he said. His voice cracked. Jade's voice never cracked! That simply wasn't something that happened.
"No, no, Floyd is right," said none other than Azul, approaching Jade from the other direction. He was trapped. "What happened to you? Perhaps your little crush managed to turn the tables on you?"
There was nothing to speculate for either of them. They'd seen it all go down. But Jade had to put an end to this somehow.
"It would be a shame if I were to tell everyone about both of your more embarrassing moments, now wouldn't it?" That wasn't nearly as subtle as Jade would've liked. But it did the trick, and got both Azul and Floyd to quit revelling in his suffering.
"Why must you be this way?"
"Boo. Killjoy."
Jade couldn't help but let out a small laugh at their comments as he pulled himself together.
"Regardless, the Prefect truly is a fascinating character," he said. You really were quite the odd one, weren't you?
Change of plans. He didn't want to fluster you anymore. No.
Now, he was going to woo you.
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amiti-art · 10 months
Did you guys know that Admetus' son Eumelus was fighting in the Trojan war?
Alcestis: I worry about Eumelus, it's been 10 years. I fear we will never see him again.
Admetus: Don't worry dear, I'm sure Apollo is watching over him, like he always watched over our family.
Meanwhile in Troy
Apollo: *kills dozens of Greeks with the plague. Constantly protects Hector and makes sure he can kill as many Greeks as humanly possible. Helps Trojan princes kill Greeks' best warriors*
Eumelus after seeing all of this: mom come pick me up I'm scared
But all jokes aside
Can you imagine Eumelus coming back home and seeing Apollo visiting his parents?
He sees Apollo being loving and kind to Admetus, he sees Apollo being gentle and friendly with Alcestis. He saw that his entire childhood, he saw the god of music, knowledge, light and poetry.
But now, after the war, Eumelus can't help but only see the god of plagues, the destroyer of men. He can't forget the horrible smell of disease and rotting human flesh, he can't forget what happend in Troy.
Obviously, it's not only one sided. Eumelus was fighting in this war, he helped destroy the city, he does have blood on his hands. And that could make him even more terrified of Apollo. Because he helped destroy the city that was under Apollo's protection.
What if one of the man he killed had Apollo's favour like Hector did? What if the only thing standing between him and Apollo's rage are his parents? What if Apollo is waiting for them to pass away to punish Eumelus? He can be patient, he's a god after all, he have all the time in the world. What if Pherae (their polis) will lose Apollo's favour with Admetus' death? What if Apollo will send a plague upon them as soon as Eumelus takes his father's throne? He can't stop thinking about all of this every time he sees Apollo.
I also like to think that Apollo did protect Eumelus despite being on the other side of the war. After all, Eumelus didn't die during the plage. He didn't die in the last battle despite being on the front line, inside of the Trojan horse. He made it home while most of the Greeks didn't.
He had and still have Apollo's favour, he just can't see it through his fear.
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hollenka99 · 4 months
The Island North of Vaugarde took colours in the divorce.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
there are a lot of daddy issues to go around on DS9 in general, but odo, bashir and garak are really in their own special little fucked up 'what am I but wrought in my father's image' club
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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asks user why they whitewashed anthy in their recent art (as in, paler even than movie anthy)
gets told to go fuck myself basically
anyway: anthy is brown and if your draw her as paler even that her movie design you've done a racism.
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balsee · 4 months
kurt really looked around, saw that they were in a completely different time period and went, "guess we're here now lol." what a trooper.
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wonder-worker · 3 months
this is a Princes in the Tower and Edward of Lancaster stan account btw
#I do not want to hear one word against Edward of Lancaster#not a single one#least of all if you're a yorkist stan who thinks that edmund of rutland's death in battle at 17 by his father's enemies is a tragedy#while simultaneously thinking that edward of lancaster's death in battle at the same age by HIS father's enemies is a cause of celebration#deeply embarrassing and unserious behaviour#and where to even start with how the majority of self-declared 'Yorkists' treat the Princes in the Tower 🤡#I've truly never seen anything like it#first they try to vilify two children (including a literal 9-year-old) for being 'Woodvilles'#which in their minds is synonymous to greed/duplicity/ambition/unworthiness aka how they view the Princes' mother#then they try to deny that their vaunted Richard III murdered them even though they're perfectly willing to believe John murdered Arthur#then they try to argue that Richard III was just 'a man of his times' and downplay his actions even though his usurpation and deposition#of his pre-teen nephews absolutely broke all parameters of politically and personally acceptable behaviour in medieval England#then they try to argue that ACTUALLY the Princes don't matter and we shouldn't spend so much time talking about them#(says the person who spends all their time trying to convince people on the internet that Richard didn't kill them)#then they try to argue that finding out what happened to the Princes shouldn't affect our reading of Richard III and won't change how we#view his reign#even though it absolutely affected how contemporaries viewed him and was what provoked opposition to his rule#like. what is happening here. where is this one-sided beef against a long-dead 12-year-old and 9-year-old coming from?#are you okay?
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canisalbus · 7 months
Hello, I'm not sure if you're aware, but tumblr is going to start helping midjourney gather data for their AI. You're one of the artists I follow here pretty actively and I wanted to warn you to maybe start nighshading your art before posting it here so it doesn't get swept up!
I've seen a couple of posts about it. Feeling disappointed but not that surprised. Also not excited about having to start nightshading/glazing my pieces but if there isn't going to be any serious regulations regarding data scraping and ai "art", there aren't a lot of choices.
Thank you for taking the time to warn me just in case, it was very thoughtful of you!
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hychlorions · 2 months
upon some self reflection i've decided i can't actually tell where the whole apollo being a klavier hater comes from. went along with it for a little bit bc it made sense but after all my time rereading transcripts he seems more neutral than anything? he thought the music was loud at most. he thinks klavier's annoying in court sometimes but otherwise apollo still thinks he's cool even outside of it. never seen anything outright haterish like ema. but let's see when i get through aa4 again
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