#from their TNR program
einsteinbrosofficial · 4 months
I would TNR her immediately but the only time I’ve used the PRC for TNR the cat I brought them ripped his stitches open and had to be signed over to the emergency vet and I am not emotionally recovered from that
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wholesomepostarchive · 11 months
the most wholesome thing is seeing that the wholesome post blog runner is probably one of the nicest people ever :3 i’m generally Terrified of sending asks especially to a blog that Does Things like this but seeing you talk in the tags instead of just reblogging and moving on makes you seem very friendly and approachable !!!! and i hope u know i appreciate that :] i hope you have a wonderful day and both sides of your pillow are always cool and that if you see a random cat on the sidewalk it won’t run away from U ♡
woah, META-WHOLESOME!! thank ya for the compliment, i try my best to carry out those kinds of traits i value!!!!! i’m SUPER super glad that ya did!!! THANK YOU THANK U!! always appreciating how much of an impact this lil blog has on top of appreciating u for sharing as much with me :-)
it’s always a TRIP getting to hear that something i do that i wasn’t even really mindfully doing makes all the difference?? i’m just really, REALLY grateful for all the different kinds of posts that get sent my way and seeing cool + uplifting + sentimental + OVERALL WHOLESOME posts that i express my thanks + ramble a bit in the tags haha !!
i ALSO hope you have as terrific of a day as you’re able to! and i hope you’ll enjoy seeing more posts pop up!
AND YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE but i got new pillow cases like a week ago THAT DO JUST THAT! AND THERE’S A NEW CAT ON THE STREET WHO HANGS OUT WITH ME SOMETIMES (i’ve been planning to see if he has a microchip, but i know for a fact that the neighbors who feed all the stray cats on our street already have a cage + are well-versed in TNR, so i’ve been thinking about asking them first because the thought that someone could be out there looking for their pal is enough for me to “do it scared”) !! SO THANK U NOT ONLY FOR THE SWEET SENTIMENTS BUT ALSO FOR THE UNEXPECTED HILARITY OVER THE FACT THAT THEY’VE COME TRUE???
#and i get it!! running a gimmick blog (as i’ve heard it be described) is v v different from the other blogs i’ve got going!!#ik i’ve said it in the past but i genuinely think what makes for the lack of ambiance is the fact that i didn’t really? start this blog out#as a gimmick blog in mind?? it was kind of just for me to ‘archive’ Solidly Wholesome posts in one place#by the dates i saw/read through them + let them flow over me. because there’s already a timestamp ya know?#but the Vision was that i’d go through this blog + see that a year ago on a particular day was Important#which is still something i do when i have the the time BUT now i ALSO get sent wholesome posts!!! which WOAH#became a collective effort whether you’ve mentioned me in one post or climbing up to the triple digits now haha!!! i appreciate them all#TRULY :-)#and i’ll also admit that i don’t really remember if i kept the ask + submission channels open because i thought ‘hey maybe i’ll get one#or two someday from someone?’ or if i kinda forgot to close ‘em because i think i only block Anonymous automatically for all the blogs#i’ve got?? THAT will probs be a mystery for a long time to come if not forever BUT am glad it’s all worked out in ways i never saw coming!!#also APOLOGIES FOR NOT ONLY RAMBLING IN THE TAGS BUT THE ASK!!#Apple Pie is defs a priority for me rn and i’ve done some research + talked to my neighbors about TNR being the best bet in our area#last we spoke anyhow which was some time ago#also my parents apparently got into taking stray cats to a TNR program a few cities over so i’ll ask ‘em too probably???#BUT FIRST THING’S FIRST: checking for a microchip#10/13/2023#asks#wholesomepostarchive
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lockea · 6 months
I've been seeing a lot of Discourse around outdoor cats that talks past one of the biggest problems addressing community cats/outdoor working cats so I thought I'd chime in with my two cents.
Many arguments I see just... don't think about the cats at all? Or don't consider the logistics of actually addressing the feral cat problem in a humane way. It's always about how outdoor cats shouldn't be outdoors, which is neither realistic nor helpful.
I used to volunteer at an municipal animal shelter in the USA that had a TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Return) and also adopted out community cats to local farms and businesses. Here's my side of the story.
"Your cat doesn't need to be outside" -- Yes, correct. Your domesticated (non-feral) house cat does not need to go outside at all. They can have a fully actualized life safely indoors. When I see this argument, proponents of indoor only cats are correct in most or all their arguments regarding this.
"Outdoor cats are the largest invasive species in the world, and decimate bird populations." -- This is also correct, and part of the reason why you can help by bringing your house cat indoors. Cats are the largest invasive species. Spay and Neuter your cats, bring them inside, and socialize them so they don't become feral.
"TNR doesn't work." -- False. Whether we like it or not, feral cats exist. We have two methods by which we can address the feral cat population -- decimating them (humanely euthanizing the whole colony) or TNR. For a long time, euthanasia was the preferred way to address the feral cat problem. Afterall, if the cats aren't there, doesn't that save the local wildlife population?
Except that we found, studying these colonies, that when a colony is wiped out, the cats of another colony will spread into their territory and continue to have kittens and the population of feral cats is neither controlled nor diminished.
Hence, TNR. What we found performing TNR on cat colonies was that this controlled the population of the colonies, allowing them to stay in their territory, which kept other colonies from spreading (especially colonies we hadn't performed TNR on yet). We at the shelter felt this was the most humane way to control the feral cat population and safely deflate their existence without dealing with the population blooms that euthanasia caused.
"What about kittens?" -- Kittens from these colonies were brought into the shelter, socialized, and fostered out until they could be adopted. Some of these semi-feral kittens needed special homes to be adopted into, but this was the best quality of life for these cats.
"What about cats that get missed during TNR?" -- We would return to the colony several times over a period of several years to perform TNR on the same colony. We mark cats that have been neutered by clipping their ear (this is done humanely, but is the most reliable way to tell if a cat has been neutered so the poor thing doesn't have to have surgery 3-4 times in their life). Also, during the TNR process the cats would be vaccinated to ensure disease did not spread from the colony (i.e. rabies). Still, even getting 60% of the colony TNR'd would dramatically reduce the number of kittens being added to the colony each year. This controlled the population by allowing the territory to naturally deflate in size over time, buying us time to address the larger feral cat problem.
"What if the colony was in an unsafe location?" -- There were two ways we addressed unsafe colony locations -- remember, we know that when the colony is removed, a new colony will move into its place, so we tried not to move the colony unless we really felt the cats or the public was unsafe -- one was to move the whole colony to a new location. Preferably someplace like a warehouse where we have an agreement with the owners of the warehouse. Some of the cats were even relocated to shelter grounds as our community cats. If the colony was small enough we would bring them into our Feral Cats room and adopt them out as community cats.
"What is a community cat?" -- The way the program worked, was that anyone who needed a working cat could apply to the program. These were often rural farmers or businesses with warehouses that needed rodent protection. We trained the farmers and businesses on how to acclimatize the cats to their new home, and as part of the agreement, they had to care for the cats (veterinary care, vaccinations, food and water). This gave businesses and farms an alternative to expensive and environmentally unfriendly rodent control, and also gave these feral cats good places to live out their natural lives.
"Can't you just adopt out feral cats?" -- No. Cats that have not been socialized around humans as kittens, or who have several generations of feral cat in them could not interact with humans in a way that did not cause them undue stress. This was not a humane way to handle feral cats. However, when a cat was brought into the feral cat room, they would be monitored for up to a week. If the cat displayed signs of being semi-social or fully social (hanging out outside of their den, allowing staff to pet them, showing interest in staff in the room), then we would either move the cat into the adoption room or place them in foster to be socialized before adoption. Feral cats who displayed signs of being able to live full and healthy lives with human companions were NOT adopted out as community cats. We also observed this behavior during TNRs and would do the same for those cats too.
"But aren't cats bad hunters?" -- Compared to other species, cats are not the most effective form of rodent control. This is true. However, you have to understand that feral cats exist. There is no "undo" button we can push to stop them from existing. We have to deal with the problem we have right now, which is to safely and humanely decrease the number of feral cats in our communities. And yes, we do that by using cats as rodent control in the community.
"What can I do?" -- Stop saying community cats shouldn't exist. That's not helpful and doesn't solve the problem we have. Bring your cat indoors. Spay and neuter your cats. Adopt from shelters. Volunteer with a TNR team. Support TNR efforts in your community. Recognize that those of us actively dealing with the community/feral problem are trying to do what is in the best interest of our communities and the animals we love. We aren't sitting over here saying these cats should exist -- a feral cat will not have the same quality of life as one that is indoors with a family -- but we have to address the problem in practical terms. We don't have the moral high ground to just do nothing while pontificating solutions that have no basis in actuality.
And yes, it's okay to celebrate community cats. If your local farm has a couple of working cats, that means that farm is helping participate in the safe deflation of the feral cat population. Don't shame a farm or business for using community cats. We're all doing the best we can to solve the problem that we have.
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kilgorezouzou · 5 months
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Kilgore's had bad teeth since we adopted him from a TNR program and he's been slowly losing them over time. His most recent loss was his top right canine and now once in a while he makes this face when his lip gets caught on the bottom one.
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splinterclan · 2 months
Wait do you have an particular dislike for twolegs moorsnow? May I ask why I mean I agree they should be avoided but your reaction to dropletpaws question was alittle harsh.
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OOC: For the lore, since I'm gonna mostly only focus on living cats in the clan for my art/moons, Splinterclan was originally part of Oakclan; a large cat colony that got encroached on by a housing development. To help with the feral cats, a TNR program group was called in and started fixing cats, rehoming young kittens, and basically trying to get the numbers down. This is why Whorlstar took the few who would follow her and escaped to make a new clan.
For Moorsnow specifically, she and her mother were one of the first to get caught in live traps and taken to be spayed. While Moorsnow just lost her litter and was fixed, her mother ended up passing away from complications during the surgery and never returned. Obviously this gave Moor a lot of trauma, so this is where her great aversion to human-related things comes from.
(Double OOC I have personally taken part in TNR programs irl and they are a fantastic resource and great for real feral kitty health - they just make a great plot point for my fictional clangens as well lol)
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shmreduplication · 4 months
Please try to have a few good moments for my birthday by:
listening to jazz at kcsm.org (and consider donating a little 🙏 [they're a local radio station to me and they also broadcast worldwide online, it's almost entirely listener-funded and they have some jazz history educational programming with the music, and the music sounds so nice with the lab machinery noises at my job])
watching some cute cat videos by heidiwranglescats (instagram link)(and consider donating a little 🙏 [she's my brother's friend and does cat TNR in Brooklyn and rescues the kittens and adopts them out. The videos of the kittens getting sulfur baths are my favorite because they don't know what's happening and then they're covered in yellow soup, it's adorable])
looking at baseball hats from a small artist on kickstarter (and consider purchasing 🙏 this one has a nice koi fish design as their next stretch goal link [i collect baseball hats and kickstarter has a lot that fit my design requirements of nice embroidery, no text, and something I'd actually wear and supporting one kickstarter will encourage other artists to also do baseball hat campaigns on kickstarter and then I'll get to support even more small artists worldwide by buying their hats!])
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followthebluebell · 4 months
I have a friend whose cat was originally part of a TNR program. The kitty was found in the boiler room of our apartment complex, somewhat feral, and ear tipped, and was given to the friend after a few weeks of no one claiming the cat.
Now here’s the kicker, when she got the cat from them she took it in for a wellness check and was told the kitty was a boy. Fast forward about 2 years and their previous vet retired leading them to find a new one, and one of the first things they say to her after the exam is “you realize he’s actually a she right?” And told her the cat is a girl.
Is this something common with fixed cats? I know when males are neutered later you tend to see more of a deflated sack unless there’s a whole ablation performed, but I also know that’s not a super common procedure so I’m just kinda curious lmao
I wouldn't say it's terribly common, but things happen. One of my personal cats was listed as male for a few years because a vet tech had misclicked on her file and it wasn't caught for ages. Sometimes a kitten looks fairly male at first but then the balls don't drop so you check again and oops, that's definitely a vulva. I called Mouse a boy for a few months just because her genitals were pretty indistinct at first and I didn't bother to check again until it was time for her neuter since it genuinely wasn't important to know if she was male or female right up until that point.
There was also a fun confusing moment where I got a kitten from a shelter and the shelter was very clear that the kitten was a girl. Her paperwork was pretty clear, listing that she was spayed because of a uterus infection. So I was pretty fucking surprised when her balls dropped a few weeks later. I checked her chip and they had given me the wrong kitten.
Which was fine, it all worked out in the end. Hermes nee Hermione found a lovely home.
There was another time when I got a VERY fluffy himalayan cat named Princess. She was matted absolutely SOLID. I shaved her down and started to really struggle with a set of mats around her urogenital area--- I just couldn't find the space to get the blades UNDER the mat.
In fact, I realized, the 'mats' were oddly symmetrical. And had a certain feel to them. And a certain shape. And a certain placement.
They were balls.
Princess was absolutely a boy. To his credit, he was incredibly patient about my fumbling around his testicles.
With a significantly less patient cat, I could see a vet making a mistake. With a semi-feral (or a full feral), you might only have a split second to check and sometimes that's just not long enough.
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whatcoloristhatcat · 25 days
hello!! i have a cat: this is Little Bit, a cat from my nana's house. i'm pretty sure it's a tabby due to the marks on it's forehead, but i dunno which kind!! she is very friendly despite being a stray
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black classic tabby with low white spotting! if there’s a tnr program in your area i’d suggest looking into getting her spayed if she’s not yet !
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anjanahalo · 1 year
And Now, A Ghost Story 2
"I'm just saying you really can’t be mad if you leave a bunch of traps around Crime Alley without explanation and find them smashed. Nobody here would know they’re live traps for a TNR program,” Red Hood tried again, exasperated, to explain to the Robin before him. “Which is why I’m here,” Robin stated, also agitated at this back and forth that seemed to only repeat itself. “I even turned off my coms to speak in private. If your territory knew the Red Hood approved of the shelter’s program, they might even help bring in feral cats to be neutered, thus helping reduce the feral cat population.” “The one that everyone knows gets a hefty sum of donations from the Waynes and has one of Bruce’s son’s volunteering there? Yeah, sorry. As soon as a billionaire’s name’s attached, it’s impossible to get people to trust around here.” “There’s no closer shelter, though! Again, if YOU would advocate for the program-” “Hang on,” Red Hood interrupted, activating his own coms. “Got something coming into my line.” “If you think you can get out of this conversation, Red Hood-” “I said quiet!” Red Hood shouted, ignoring how Robin grabbed the hilt of his katana. “Not you,” he stated into the mic of his helmet, putting a hand on his holster in retaliation to the demon brat’s threat. “What is it?” “Got a situation, boss,” said one of his men. Glen, from the voice. “Saw a kid in an alley here. Not a local. He was sleeping in an alley in torn clothes, covered in wounds. You might wanna help find out about him.” “Why are you telling me instead of taking him to a doctor?” Red Hood asked. Yes, he cared for kids, but his men should know what to do if they saw an abused runaway on the streets. “Cause he disappeared!” “A kid gave you the slip?” “No! I mean, I tried to talk with him. I spooked him, and then he literally disappeared before my eyes! He’s some sort of meta, and you know how the Bat is about metas. Figured you’d want to investigate before he finds out.” “Yeah, that’s good info. Give me the last place you saw the kid. I’ll be right there.” “What’s happening?” Robin asked. “Got a hurt out-of-town runaway. Probable meta. I’ll get back to this lovely discussion later. I have actual thing to do.” “I’m coming with you.” “You’re not,” Hood huffed. “You stated he evaded your lackey,” Robin said. “That means this is someone difficult to track down, correct? You need my help.” “And this is entirely without any tit for tat?” “I think I won’t mind you owing me a favor if I aid you in aiding this child.” “Not very Robin of you.” “Tch. Fine. I would aid you regardless, but I also hope you’ll reconsider the TNR program.” “....Sure.” Red Hood unholstered his grapple. “Follow me.”
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stavromulabetaaa · 8 months
stav's feral cat fund!
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hello all! i would typically never ask for donations, but in this case it is not for me or my personal use. it's all for the kitties!
i do feral + community cat TNR (trap neuter return) in my city and although i've helped many cats (i even found two of them forever homes!), they just keep coming. thankfully the spay/neuter program i use does not currently charge a fee, but the supplies i need to care for these furballs is beyond what i can realistically afford. i'm also gearing up in preparation for kitten season, which is right around the corner. i have two humane traps, and a large dog kennel for recovery. i have to keep the cats for 24-72+ hours after surgery, and am currently in need of these supplies:
cat litter, for obvious reasons
extra large towels to cover the trap during transportation, and to cover the recovery kennel. having these enclosures covered reduces stress for the cats and helps protect them on cold nights
warm cat beds, to keep them warm and to have a safe place to hide inside the recovery kennel
feliway spray, a calming spray that works wonders for ferals! i just used up my last bottle
canned wet food. the cheap stuff comes in huge variety packs, cats prefer the taste, and the kitties just need the calories and moisture while they are recovering in my care.
if you would like to donate any of these items to the kitties in my area i have set up an amazon wishlist. this seems like the best option, since you know exactly what your donation is going towards. i tried to find the cheapest options available. if you would prefer to donate a different way, please let me know and we can discuss! i can take PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and Zelle. and i would be more than happy to send you photos of the cats benefiting from your generosity if you would like! there are also other costs involved when the spay/neuter program finds issues once the cats are under anesthesia, such as worms or injuries and illnesses. i pay for those myself and would appreciate any help with that, but i'm more concerned with the basic necessities right now.
and if you are interested in helping the cats in your area, please google your city + TNR to find local programs! you can also reach out to me and i will answer any questions you have. cat populations are out of control, where i live in the US it is continuously heartbreaking just how many cats need our help. and in many places, like my city, the responsibility of care falls upon people like me doing it in their free time. let's help these often ignored and hidden kitties in need!
credit to @getawayfox for naming most of the cats in the photos above! ❤️
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In the US, most rescues don't require that the cat goes outside, but almost every cat rescue I've ever seen supports TNR/"""community cats""". They use their revenue to lobby (aka bribe politicians) for laws like the one they're currently attempting in California: to exempt cats from animal abandonment laws. As someone who works in bird conservation I absolutely don't want my donations or adoption fees supporting that sort of nonsense, but I've never encountered a rescue that DOESN'T support it, which is immensely frustrating.
Exempting cats from animal abandonment laws seems pretty counterintuitive…. Don’t those rescues want cats to be in loving homes? Like even if TNR was helpful, surely they realize living in a home is better than roughing it on the streets? What a bizarre point of view.
It does seem to be the same here in Canada though, with rescues and TNR programs being connected like that. I wouldn’t want my money to fund programs like that either, especially if they’re lobbying for changes in laws like that. It doesn’t seem to benefit anyone— bird, cat, human, or otherwise.
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greenflavoredcyanide · 7 months
I Guess Blood is kind of Hot
Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Gen, Other
Boyfriend to Death (Visual Novels)
Strade (BTD/TNR)/Reader
Additional Tags:
Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Canon-Typical Violence, Nosebleed, Gore, only a little tho, Blood Kink, Sadism, Light Masochism, Kissing, Rough Kissing, Rough Body Play, No Sex, womp womp, Light Bondage
First time posting a fic here! Let me know how I can improve :3
It was a normal afternoon. As normal as an afternoon in this goddamn house could be. You don’t know how long you’ve been here, been kept here, but you’ve gotten used to the “norm” here. On Saturday afternoons, Strade usually had the living room reserved for his shows. He would sit on the couch with a few beers and watch whatever he wanted, it was his tv time. You were allowed to sit with him if you wanted to, but to be quite honest; you didn’t really want to. Not only were the shows he watched boring, but you didn’t really want to be seated next to… him… Even though you got as comfortable as you could get with Strade, he was still your captor. He was still dangerous, mean, and sadistic. He’s still the same man that has shoved blades deep into your skin, slashed you open, used power tools on you, etc… sure, right now he’s not doing any of that, he actually is behaving really normal right now, but you can’t just forget all of that.
You had your own room at this point anyway; it was small but comfortable. You spent most of your free time there. Either that, or in Ren’s room. You really liked Ren’s room, it’s colourful and comfy. He didn’t mind you being in there as long as you didn’t disturb him while he was watching stuff. You didn’t really care for any of the animes he watched, but you would occasionally watch with him when you were really bored. One thing that Ren had that you didn’t was a laptop. Strade doesn’t trust you enough yet to give you your own, you still had to earn that privilege. However, a privilege you did earn was having books and art supplies. You expressed to Strade some of your interests one day after he was done with work. You didn’t really expect him to do anything with that information, but to your surprise he came home with a sketchbook, a notebook, pencils, pens, and some graphic novels. These were your only other sources of entertainment. 
You were sitting on your bed, sketchbook open. Doodling some random characters onto the pages, when a feeling of unease washed over you. You felt like something bad was about to happen, you usually do. Maybe it was intuition, maybe it was gut feeling, but you were usually right. You paused your doodling and listened for the TV. It still seemed to be running a program, which means Strade was still occupied. You tried to brush off the feeling, getting back to drawing a character’s hair. With the free time you had, you often spent it making up fictional characters. Some were antagonists, some were protagonists, and some were in between. You had a lot of fun with them, making up silly stories to distract you from the hell you were living in at the moment. You were lost in thought about what personality to give this new one, when your door slams open. 
You jumped in your spot, yelping and spinning around on your bed to face the door. Your heart dropped as you examined the intruder; it was Strade. You gulped as you stared at him, looking over his body language. He was tense, hand still resting on the door handle as he stood in the frame. His chest was heaving, eyebrows furrowed, as if he just ran up all the stairs as fast as he could. To anyone else, he would look just plain ol’ frustrated, but you knew what that look in his eye meant; he was sexually frustrated. You felt worry build up in the pit of your stomach, worry for your safety. He came into your room, which means he wants you to help him, which usually does not go well for you. At all. 
“Get up, we’re going to the basement.” he announced, staring you down with hungry eyes. You paused your movements for a moment, evaluating your options. You really didn’t want to go down there. You know he hasn’t had any new play things in a while, so he’ll probably go really hard with whatever fucked up plan he had. Your injuries had just started to heal up, you didn’t want them to get replaced so fast… after you failed to move to the door, he spoke up again. “Don’t make me drag you.” you squeeked in response, immediately getting up from your spot. You didn’t want him to get the remote out, or pull you down by your hair again. You hovered close behind him as he led the way down, glancing over at Ren with begging eyes as you walked past him. You both knew what was going to happen, and Ren would rather it be you than him; which is fair, since you’d rather it be him than yourself.
After finally making it to the basement, you hesitantly stood in behind Strade. Usually you’d already be tied down or restricted in some way, but right now you weren’t restrained by anything besides the collar. He stood at the workstation, hovering over a few tools, probably trying to pick which one to use today. You gulped as he finally turned around with rope in his hand. You felt an urge to run hit you, realisation smacking you across the face. You knew this was going to happen, yet you walked right on down here! What were you thinking! You could feel your knees buckle as he approached you. “N-no- wait!” you pleaded as he grabbed you by the hair and shoved you to the ground. “It’ll be quick~” he coos as he ties your hands together behind your back. 
You attempted to struggle just a little bit, but he tied them really tight. The friction around your wrists reminded you of the first day you arrived here. You shake the memories out of your head, you’d rather not think about it right now. Before you could even really start to think of something new, Strade threw you down onto your back, your head colliding with the pavement. You groan out in pain at the contact, a ringing starting up in your ears as he pulled your legs and hips towards himself. Swiftly, he pulled out his favourite hunting knife from his back pocket and held it up to your thigh. You couldn’t stop yourself from shrieking in pain as he pushed the blade down into your skin, leaving a deep gnash on your upper thigh. You were surprised at how quickly he got into it. Usually he took it slow, he liked the build up of fear in your eyes as he taunts you; he must be really desperate right now. 
Before you could register it, he sliced again, this time lower. He continued to slash at your soft flesh three more times, huffing and getting off to your whimpers and pained noises. You expected him to do more, maybe cut your stomach or chest while he’s at it, but instead he tosses your legs to the sides and stands up. You look up at him through teary eyes, confused. I mean, sure, you were grateful he stopped so early but why? Why was he done? There’s no way that’s all- you were pulled out of thought as he yanked you up by your hair, earning a raw cry of pain from you. You just barely managed to get onto your knees when you felt a blow to your stomach. Falling backward again, you heaved, gasping for air. You didn’t even catch your breath before Strade sent his booted foot into the side of your abdomen, sending you barreling across the floor. Wheezing at the impact, you coughed harshly, a copper taste filling your mouth. Your vision was blurry with tears as you rolled over pathetically, trying to stabilise yourself. 
Over the ringing in your ears you could hear Strade laughing. Though, it wasn’t his usual sadistic laugh, it was more breathy; more desperate. You gasped for air as he tugged up your face by your hair once again. “You’d look so lovely with a beaten face, don’t you think?” he chuckled into your ear from behind. His breath was hot against your neck as he moved over your body, positioning himself to straddle your back. He pushed down on it as he held your head tight, causing you to arche in an incredibly uncomfortable way. Desperately, you tried to move your arms only to be greeted with the harsh friction of rope. You wanted to start begging, but before you could he shoved your face down into the cement. Really hard. You heard a crack as pain engulfed the entirety of your face, blood streaming down from your forehead and nose down to your mouth and chin. 
He lifted your head back up before quickly slamming it back down again. You couldn’t stop the noises from leaving your mouth, noises of agony. Your voice cracked as you let out a hoarse, loud cry. It gurgled in your throat as you heaved, trying to catch your breath. Strade was laughing again, this time it was his usual demeaning laugh, full of sadism and enjoyment. You could feel him get off of you, letting go of your head briefly so he could move around to your front. Once again grabbing your face, he examined his work. Your face was covered in blood; the skin in between your eyebrows was torn and broken, letting a generous amount of blood drip down. But that wasn’t what caught his attention, no, it was your nose.
It was obviously broken in multiple places, mangled and crushed. Blood streamed out of it like a waterfall, coating your lips and chin, dripping down your neck. Strade couldn’t help the tent growing in his pants at the sight, it was beautiful. The mixture of tears, blood, and spit gathering and your face alone was enough to get his blood own pumping; his face burning red. You stared at him with pleading, glossy eyes, you hoped this is what he wanted. You didn’t want anymore, you were out of energy. Your breathing was heavy as you were recovering from being winded, but his was heavy because he was excited. He couldn’t contain himself, this was so hot to him. He bunched up your shirt in his fist and pulled you in, slamming his lips into yours.
You were caught off guard, a muffled moan escaping you as he smashed his face into yours, he grinded against your leg as he moved his mouth with yours. You wanted to push him away, but your hands were bound together, rope burn making the skin raw and ache in pain. A combination of both your salivas along with your blood mixing in his mouth really got him going. To him, it was a complete bliss; this is exactly what he wanted; what he needed. But to you, it was too much. There were so many sensations happening at once, you were getting over stimulated. You wanted to focus on the kiss, but your attention kept getting grabbed by both the pain of your open cuts and by the throbbing agony on your face. You could feel Strade through his pants as he grinded into you, he loved this; thrived off of this. 
He pulled away, the both of you gasping for air. Still holding your head in his hands, he licked his lips, getting your blood off of them. He huffed, staring down at your still bleeding face with lust. Your eyelids fluttered, giving him unintentional bedroom eyes. Strade laughed again before pulling your face closer to his. You were expecting another rough kiss, but instead you were met with his tongue running along your lips. He then licked up your blood, smacking his lips as he lapped it up from your chin down to your neck. He moaned into the base of your neck, his face now covered in your blood. You couldn’t think, your mind clouded with too many thoughts and feelings. 
With the combination of Strade licking and sucking at your neck and his rough grinding, you could feel yourself get increasingly more aroused. Even though you were in extreme pain and discomfort, a part of you liked it. You liked the attention he gave you, how you made him feel so much just by simply bleeding. A fucked up part of you wanted to keep bleeding for him, to keep him on you like this. You were pulled back into your senses as the warmth of his mouth lifted from your skin. You let out a soft whine at the loss of contact, to which he chuckled. “Enjoying yourself too?” he mocked. You couldn’t stop yourself from nodding, pleading for him to continue. He hummed in amusement, running his tongue over his lips to collect any remaining blood. 
“I’ll humour you, since you were so good for me~”
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
I imagine DarkStripe and Sasha would want a big family for their own different personal reasons
DarkStripe wants a big family because growing up in Thunderclan he always felt alone. His mom was dealing with a lot, what with her being a teen mom, and the other kits around him never really treated him well. Didn’t help that he tried strangling RunningKit one time when him, RunningKit, and MouseFur were left alone for a while and never did they really tell anybody. He always felt isolated in his childhood and TigerPaw was the only real friend he had and the one family member that was close to him. Wanting a big family is his way of fulfilling his lost childhood dream of having more family around him.
Sasha on the other hand is super familiarized with having family members around all the time. She had four other siblings and her family from both sides always visited their house. Being around lots of family was her happy place so when everything fell apart as she got older, it felt like her whole life was over and it was made worse when her owners died. TigerStar offered her a great opportunity in her eyes and ShadowClan quickly became like her new family. But when it all clicked to her that this family was abusive and controlling of her it just shattered her newly reoorginized view of the world. Her wanting a big family ties into this a lot and I also think that she would want her kids to have as much family around them as possible, same sort of goes for DarkStripe too.
the both of them just don’t want their kids to feel alone in their family. Someone should probably alert the TNR program of those two soon though
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mellowswriting · 1 year
ramblings about frankie
ngl i miss writing for my frankie baby :( 
(nsfw below hehehe)
I just know he sleeps like a rock. drool pooling in the corner of his lips, snorting when you wake him, slow blinks as he gets his bearings kind of sleeper. and he clings. god, does he cling. god help you if you need to get up to pee in the middle of the night. frankie loves wrapping his arms around you and tucking his nose into your hair. holding you there makes him feel safe. at peace. it helps ground him on those nights when nightmares find him. 
he isn’t a morning person in the perky kind of way. he’s a sleepy and soft morning person. shuffling out of bed with no shirt, baggy sleeping pants, fluffy bedhead. he isn’t much of a talker. most of what you say is met with little grunts or hums, but that’s okay. you’ve been together for so long now that you’re fluent in sleepy frankie. 
not a cook, but he truly is the king of grilling. that’s why every get together happens at your place with everyone you know and love crammed into your house, spilling out in the backyard. frankie is an amazing host, too. he loves seeing everyone taken care of. well fed with drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces. he makes his rounds over and over, checking in with everyone. 
he feeds the local strays. he always grumbles like a big grump about it but he isn’t fooling anyone. each of the little kitties have a name and come running when they hear him calling it. eventually, he gets in with his local shelter’s TNR program so they stop having so many babies. the porch is always home to at least one sunbathing kitty that chirps when they see your lover. 
he gives the best kisses under every circumstance. sleepy morning kisses. a kiss to your forehead when he leaves bed before you wake. rough and needy kisses that are all sloppy tongue and teeth and desperation. drunk kisses that taste like liquor. he cradles your face like he’s holding the center of the universe in his hands. he loves you so much it hurts and he makes sure you can feel it every time he kisses you. 
francisco morales eats pussy like a pro. leaves finger-shaped bruises on your thighs from holding you down after three orgasms in a row. he lives to make you come over and over and over again. those big brown eyes staring up at you from between your thighs, pupils blown out, bright and sparkling. the lower half of his face is soaked with your slick when he asks so sweetly, “just one more, baby? please?” 
fuck, he’s the best man to give head to. he’s so vocal, so responsive. he tries so hard not to buck up into your mouth without your explicit permission, so he gets so squirmy beneath you. all breathless and begging for more. he pets your head and praises you, calls you every sweet name under the sun. 
he loves morning sex. he gravitates toward you the moment he’s conscious and in the process of wrapping you up in his arms, he can’t help but grind his morning wood against your ass. it’s quite a way to wake up. frankie pulls you in for a slow, sweet kiss and lets his hands wander. the moment you welcome him with a spread of your thighs, he smiles at you all sleepy and indulgent. the pace he sets is slow. easy. he whispers in your ear how much he loves you, what a good girl you are. the room is soaked in warmth from the sunrise and the love he radiates.
a little bit possessive, so frankie likes leaving marks. he can’t deny that it soothes some dark, possessive part of him to see you out at the bar with everyone with marks from his teeth branded into your neck and shoulders. even when you roll your eyes at him, even when the guys rib him for being so obvious, frankie is sitting there with a smile on his face as content as can be. because any and every person who looks at you will know. 
just. frankie morales. my baby. ugh. 
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robbie-roo · 1 year
guys guys look kittens it's little baby kittens ooo look little babies
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HA! I GOTCHA! let's talk about the ethics of getting a kitten!
It's kitten season now that summer has started and it's important to keep some things in mind before looking into getting a new furry friend!
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1. Shelters are overrun!
because of kitten season lots of feral cats and lost pets will give birth and unfortunately that leads to a lots of abandoned or orphaned litters but that does not mean finding a litter of kittens means there's no mama cat nearby! if you find a litter keep an eye out for mama too! kittens are always better off with a cat mom versus humans trying to take care of them in a clinic or at home.
2. Always always always spay/neuter your cats! TNR programs exist for a reason! cats are adorable and we love them but they are also an invasive species in many locations and are also domesticated species. while they can survive out in the wild much better than dogs can overpopulation leads to disease, malnutrition, and general danger to their welfare! this means you should also fix your indoor cats as well! accidents happen and if your kitty were to find itself outside its much safer to not have to worry about that aspect. fixing your pet is beneficial to their health by avoiding certain cancers and even supporting calmer and more lovable personalities in our feline friends!
3. if you get a kitten- try two!
kittens learn from each other and entertain each other in ways humans simply cannot replicate! kittens are a lot of work but ironically having more than one can make it easier on you- fostering or adopting a kitten is a big responsibility even if you can't handle more than one cat be sure to do your research and make sure you are prepared. the leading cause of death in kittens are GI problems (Diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) or URI (upper respiratory infections) unfortunately since it is kitten season these issues are very prevalent. many shelters offer sick adoption waivers where they will help cover the cost of Healthcare for these kittens through adoption or fostering them. animals always do better in a loving home than a shelter and while cats can handle kennel decline better than dogs can- we want these furry friends in a nice warm bed at home rather than stuck with us.
thank you for reading and here's some more kitties!
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splinterclan · 24 days
Hey! I just wanted to say that it’s really nice that you’re using healer instead of medicine cat. I’m also a little bit obsessed with this blog and story because I was in a group with a Clan named OakClan which splintered off from CedarClan after they stole kits to try and recover from a TNR program— so this is really fun to see play out!!
Now, a question for Whorlstar— do you ever feel like you’re in over your head? What do you do if you start to feel overwhelmed?
Thank you so much!! It is a really interesting concept to play around with - Small world that two wood named-clans got hit with the same thing u_u Unlucky
I couldn't fit your question in with my whorlstar answer comic but she does feel overwhelmed sometimes, esp lately. She only ever allows herself to confide in/look weak in front of Moorsnow though, and that's really only happened after they finally got together. To the other members of the clan she maintains a cold, solid front at all times
So basically if she's overwhelmed she cuddles her wife ;n;
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