#from the black wedding event epilogue
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 3 months
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Jude took the braincell, Kate's not allowed to borrow it today
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alpydk · 2 months
You asked for a sequel to Consequences so here I bring it.
Part 1 - Tav slept with Mizora, Gale left as we all know. Hate sex ensues at the epilogue party. That's it. Part 2 - They have another encounter - sex ensues. That's it.
Word Count - 3950 words CW - Angst/Smut - Happy ending ^^
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The wedding invitation lay on the table, ivory parchment with a cherry red embossed trimming.
Karlach and Shadowheart... Baldur’s Gate... Elient...
It had been six months since the party where they had last met up, where Tav had last seen and spoke with Gale. She gritted her teeth at the memory, one of silver cups splayed in front of her, of her braid pulled taut behind her as he controlled her climax with a sense of dominance she had never seen before. “Now, my dear Tav. Say please.” She smirked to herself at the image of him behind her, his cock pressed against her, his eyes darkened with desire and anger. They had lain on that table for some time afterwards, their hearts beating in unison, an unspoken apology between them which remained unspoken. And now would soon come a wedding, an event that always came with drama of some sort.
Tav picked up the nearby quill, the decision of whether to attend or not posed at her fingertips. To see him again or not after what had last happened...
“Leaving so soon?” Gale felt the shift of Tav’s weight from next to him, her ebony braid dragging across his tunic before he had the chance to realise what was happening.
She stood, pulling her scarlet dress down to cover her legs more modestly than where it had been hoisted up to. “It’s getting early, and I’m meant to be back in the city before lunch.”
The warmth he’d known for only a short while had again gone, replaced with the icy walls and defensiveness they’d started the party with. Despite the admittance of why she’d ran to Mizora and now the understanding of where each of them stood, it was clear one night of drunken, angry sex upon an oak table wouldn’t be enough to bury the hatred that had been spat between them with such venom and loathing.
He let out an exasperated huff of annoyance. Once again pushed aside, being punished by the one he supposedly loved. Maybe at this point he was the problem, constantly finding women to fill a void left within. He was certain there was some psychological aspect in play forcing him to go for women similar to his own strong-willed mother, and the concept sickened him, or possibly it was that of the bottle of wine which flowed throughout his system. “Gods forbid something be more important...” he muttered under his breath. Did he even want to give what they had a chance? Was it worth the pain, the heartache?
Tav selectively ignored his words, her body already bristling, a slight hangover drifting in with the taunting sunrise. How could she have been so reckless, so desperate to have him? She shuddered at the thought. “Well, I’ll be seeing you, Gale,” she said, collecting her black lingerie from under the table.
He could see the curve of her arse as she bent over, his body betraying his mind in one fell swoop, and he took the chance of her back being turned to him to sit up and hastily tie the drawstrings on his trousers. A little tighter than normal, he remarked internally, making sure not to make the same mistake as some hours before. “You don’t think we should perhaps discuss-”
She cut him off before the words could even be produced from his wine-tinged lips. “A drunken mistake made by two lonely and desperate people. No different than it was at Moonrise.”
They didn’t speak after she had said those words, the harshness of them still causing her to hang her head in shame even now. That night at Moonrise had meant everything to her at one point, how they had admitted their love to one another, how he had conjured the soft bedsheets that smelt of lavender before worshipping her for hours in more ways than she could ever have dreamt of. Yet six months ago she was done, tired of their arguments, tired of Mystra and Mizora, but most of all, tired of him. She had to say it, the worst thing she could ever come up with, just to give them both finally a chance of moving on. 
Her heart had broken behind her built up walls. She would not show him how guilty or hurt she was by all that had transpired. She’d simply brushed herself down and walked away from the campsite, her braid hanging down behind the scarlet dress she’d never wear again.
Since that night she had dated others, worked her way through numerous men and women looking for that same spark that ignited the flames within her, causing them to burn so brightly. She’s tried being submissive with a few, allowing them to order her around, praise her, punish her if that’s what they desired, but none came close to how he had been that night with her. The sensation lived under her skin. It swelled with the memories of him: his dark eyes, firm hands gripping her hips, a voice that controlled her very essence.
As she glanced at the invitation, she let out a deep breath and stretched out her back. She knew she would have to be there, two of her closest friends finally tying the knot, Karlach’s infernal engine fixed after almost a year in Avernus battling for her life. Tav also knew though that he would be there too, dressed in his finest, his heart once again stitched back together after the damage she had done. Black ink flowed onto the parchment, soaking through a tad before she removed the quill. The date was set, the confirmation given, the anxiety building with the thoughts of what was left of the man she’d once loved.
The sun was slowly setting over the small chapel on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate. It was a modest church, large enough for a small party of friends and family, far enough away from the city that the sound of hustle and bustle could not reach it. Its white wooden doors lay open, welcoming a soon to be married couple and their guests, and with it came a light wind blowing autumn leaves into the aisle.
Gale sat alone inside on a pew. He’d been the first to arrive, and it seemed only suitable to check over the readings for the ceremony: selected poems he knew all too well. Admiring the red lilies and night orchids, which had been woven together, creating elaborate floral displays over the altar and around the confessionals, he couldn’t help but think. The colours complimented one another well, the crimson shades merging with the hints of purple. His mind drifted back to his old, tattered robes, the cherry red shirt that often lay with them in the corner of his tent as the sun rose during their travels. Nights devoted to making her smile.
He shifted uncomfortably, moving his attention to his suit. He’d gone away from purples long ago, Mystra’s influence tainting the colour with reminders of their weave touched relationship and for this occasion he had decided that simple was best. The black waistcoat he had chosen showed the physique he had been working on the last few months, his forearms toned and displayed from a navy shirt as he rolled the sleeves to a comfortable level.
He was already feeling the nerves, ones that he had tried to shift so many times in the last few weeks, and as his fingertips drifted to unbuttoning his collar, he knew it wasn’t likely to pass easily just by sitting and waiting for company. He rose from his seat, rolling his shoulders to relieve the tension, and looked to the main doors of the chapel where moonlight was making its appearance. Soon the others would arrive, but now he needed to stretch his legs and enjoy the little peace that was available.
As the cool breeze blew through the waves of his hair, he spotted Tav walking up the quiet path towards him. Her head was faced away from his, her eyes drawn to the line of wildflowers that grew along the verge. She looked as beautiful as she ever had. Her dark hair hung down around her shoulders, silver beads placed in thin braids glistened as they caught light. Tav had kept her pattern of wearing red; this time, her short figure-hugging dress replaced with one that pinched her waist but flared out at the base. Her pale legs were still on display just as they’d been at the party and for a moment, he was dragged back to the memory of running his hands up those thighs as he’d done so many times before.
He turned his back on her, choosing instead to walk around the other side of the chapel, hoping that before she noticed him, others would arrive, and their interaction could be kept at a safe minimum. He would not make the same mistake as last time.
“And now we will hear a brief poetry reading from Gale.” Astarion made sure to emphasise just how brief it would be as he left his position at the altar. Despite it being over two hundred years since his position of magistrate, somehow Baldarian law still gave him the allowance to operate and, as such, he had found himself in the unfortunate position of officiating the wedding of his two old friends. He stepped aside, letting Gale taking charge, hearing the nervous heartbeat that beat so relentlessly.
There were few guests in attendance who weren’t already at the party six months previously, but something about standing before them all, speaking words of love and commitment, filled him with an emotion he wished would vanish. A part of him knew this should have been his day, where the poem read would instead have been vows spoken with devotion to the one he loved. If only they had simply talked to one another.
“Good evening, my dear friends. It’s been some time once again since we last gathered like this. It’s good to see you all.” His eyes passed briefly over Tav; the words meant more for her than anyone in sitting in the room. He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Well-” A nervous breath caught him, but it was enough to help him focus his attention. “For this most splendorous of occasions, I have indeed prepared a short poem which I would like to present to our most beautiful of couples.”
Karlach and Shadowheart stood before him, their hands entwined, their eyes glued on one another. The world around them may not have existed as they gazed lovingly at one another, a way in which Gale himself had once looked at Tav. His smile at them briefly turned sad before he shifted the memory and moved on quickly to reading.
His eyes met Tav’s as she watched, words originally meant for her now spoken openly. He hoped she knew this was for her, how despite everything, despite the anger and the heartbreak, it was always for her.
She glanced away from him, a rogue tear escaping her, which she was quick to wipe away. His deep brown eyes glistened under the moonlight, and she wished things could be different between them. How they both wished all this could be different, how the longed-for apologies could be said between one another. How they wished they could find a way back to one another.
The ceremony ended, and Karlach and Shadowheart were eager to leave after accepting congratulations from everyone, a quick passing comment about seeing stars heard by a few at the exit to the chapel. Tav stood by the simple altar, rolling the petals of the lilies between her fingertips, lost in her own thoughts of the wedding and all that had occurred.
“A lovely evening, don’t you think?”
Gale’s tentative voice brought her back to reality, her hand quickly drawn from the flowers. Within the hallowed walls of the church, she did not want to fight as they had done the previous times, instead she kept herself quiet, hesitant, and watchful of his actions.
“Hm. It was. Your poetry was very...” She pondered over the words, trying to find something that would explain how much she enjoyed it, but not strong enough that he would see through to the emotions that had been sitting on her sleeve all evening. “...well written.”
He stepped closer to her, and he noticed the way her dress caught with the breeze from the open door, allowing him to catch sight of her inner thigh. “Well, it seemed an important occasion to put in a little more effort into rather than my previous dabbles with poetry.”
“I’m sure they both appreciated it.” Tav could feel as he grew closer to her, her eyes catching on the way he seemed leaner since their last meeting. His body seemed firmer, his trousers snugger upon his groin, the shirt hugging his upper arms in a way that made her want to bite her lower lip. She kept her composure. “You look really well, Gale.”
“I took some time after our last encounter to work on myself a little.”
“Well, it suits you.”
At the altar they stood facing one another, moonlight shining through the small windows, autumn leaves blown along the aisle. She looked up into his eyes, her heart beating in anticipation after what had occurred at the party. It felt as if something were in the air, a powerful force that could not be resisted drawing her to him each time they met, but this time, the anger was muted within the sacred walls.
Gale lifted his hand, brushing a lock of her ebony hair behind her ear, his touch soft and cautious, as if they were together at Moonrise once again and he was expecting rejection. “Tav...”
Just as last time she interrupted him, but this time not with venom filled words. Instead, she brought her lips to his, a resignation to the surrounding forces which bound their souls together. He responded in kind, a hand brought to her cheek and holding her steady, the other grasped to the fabric of her dress and pulling her hips towards his. He broke off the kiss, letting out a shaky breath, searching her eyes for the certainty that this was what she wanted.
She drew herself towards him again, an answer to his unspoken question, flushed lips on his in wanting, but when he did not return her kiss, she pulled back, a hint of rejection she did not wish to show lingering in her mind. “We both know how this is going to end,” she said, desire in her eyes.
“Precisely. We do.” Gale’s grasp on her hip loosened ever so slightly, the hand on her cheek moved lightly to her hair, his fingers curling between the locks. “We’ll share in each other’s bodies and as our souls return to their cages, we will part, just as we have before.”
“So, this is it? The end of everything?”
He looked to the braids in her hair, to how they twisted and turned just like that of the Weave he was so fond of. Everything in him screamed to let go of her, to walk away and never see her again, to find peace. But his heart whispered amongst the din. It ignored the arguments; it ignored the hateful comments they had shared; it ignored the lust. There were only the nights before Mizora, ones where he and Tav had lain simply together, her hand on his chest, their hearts beating together in sync. There had been unsaid acts of love before and after they’d even admitted their feelings, the day where she had held him close after Elminster had told him of his doomed fate, the night where they had simply cried together after Bhaal had killed her and she’d been born anew. How had so many moments vanished with that one mistake? How had so much hate been born from what was once unbound love?
“Gale, tell me. Is this it? If it is, I’ll accept.” Tav’s words were honest, the exhaustion she had felt six months ago bursting through. She didn’t want to fight anymore; she had no fight left in her. All she wanted was to move on, to know he could move on.
His gaze went from the braids to her eyes, moistened, reflecting the moonlight. The whisper grew into a shout that he could no longer ignore. It couldn’t end this way. They found one another again, a tenderness not shared in so long as hands moved from tight clasping to gentle strokes, as passionate kisses were replaced with delicate exploration. He found himself pushing her backwards, the confessional booth the only place of any privacy within the chapel. She was pushed up against the white door of it, the scarlet lilies brushing over her shoulder as she nudged open the door with the base of her heel.
There was little room and even less light behind the closed door, and Tav was quick to shift Gale onto the small bench that met them. “Forgive me, father...”
“Oh, none of that, my love. We do not plan to draw the eyes of any deities in here.”
She pressed herself onto him, feeling the growing bulge under his trousers, grinding her hips into him, allowing her own body to react with need. “Not much room in here.”
Gale smirked. He knew exactly what she spoke of as he felt the ache of his erection pushing on the tight fabric, but for once last time he play with her. “Well, there’d be more room if you hadn’t gained weight.”
“Prick.” Tav scowled, before slipping her tongue into his mouth, finding his and sucking it with wanton desire.
He reacted in kind, his hands moving up under her legs and positioning her straddled across his lap. As she arched herself into him, rubbing herself down against him, she released the slightest of moans and he could feel the way she quivered with each rock of her hips. He brought a hand further up her thigh, dipping under the cloth of her skirt and tracing the lace of her underwear.
A soft mewl told him how heated she was already, how she chased her climax so readily upon his lap. His fingers danced above the fabric, tracing a line down her cunt, feeling as she leaned into his hand instinctively. He released her mouth from his, letting her bury her head into the crook of his neck, heated breaths poured onto his skin. “You’re so eager, as always.”
“Only with you... Only ever with you,” she gasped, feeling as his fingertips slipped onto her naked flesh, languid lines becoming rhythmic circles where she needed them most. Her heart raced, her eyes closed, and all she could do was savour the moments as her wants and needs became a blessed reality. “Gods, Gale...”
A part of him was tempted to tease her as he had last time, a consequence of all she had done, but as she whimpered into him, his name on her desperate lips, all he wanted was more of her, to give to her again as he had done so long ago, to worship her, to love her. He increased his pace, listening as whimpers became moans, as she pulled her head back and bucked herself shamelessly into his hand.
She felt herself nearing her edge, felt the familiar swelling almost at breaking point, the knowledge that it was him doing this to her spurring her on and making it impossible to resist any longer. “Gale...” she gasped through parted lips. Looking down at him in the low-lit confession booth was all it took for the thin strand of control to snap, her orgasm hitting hard and fast, her muscles tensing and clenching. His hand was removed, but with that, she found herself perched again over his lap, his trousers appearing visibly uncomfortable as she lowered herself onto them, trying to ground herself as the world spun around her.  
Gale sighed as she sat atop him, her breath slowly returning to normal. He was remaining patient, wanting each second to span an eternity should it all come crashing down again around them. It wasn’t long though before her hands found the rim of his trousers, tugging at them, and letting her mouth return to his. Very little time was spent taunting with what he had that she wanted more of, his trousers and underwear pulled down, hers left abandoned around one ankle and her dress hoisted up over his lap as she straddled him once again.
Through gritted teeth, he spoke as she hovered above him. “I have something to confess.”
“A little on the nose, don’t you think?” Tav purred, lowering herself onto him, sighing as her body adjusted to his size within her. She’d never forgotten how good he felt, never found anything that compared to him.
He breathed through the relaxed roll of her hips, but noted the way her arousal was building quicker with each thrust into her. “Maybe... but now or never...”
His words were falling on death ears as her hands explored the sides of his abdomen, more toned than six months ago, less to grip, but the sight made her wish she had the composure to remove his waistcoat and shirt, to see what lay beneath, teasing her. She wanted to reply, but words were escaping her, his rhythm, his angle, the forearm that held her close as she arched her body into him, wanting more of him, needing more.
A firm hand gripped her hip, preventing her from writhing, allowing him to plunge into her more firmly, to let him feel every needed bit of her. “I love you, Tav...”
The words hit her hard, the confession that he still loved her even after everything making her heartbeat quicken, her climax upon her in an instance.
He felt as she tightened around him, her walls contracting, putting pressure on him. His movements became more demanding, more focused as he sought his own release. Whispered words met his ears, words of love and care, confessions of her own singing out through satisfied breaths. His hips snapped into her, the bench beneath and her above giving little room for him to leave her fully, just a constant pressure wrapped around him, bringing him to his precipice.
The more he rutted into her, the more she began to whine, wave after wave of pleasure, an orgasm ending only to lead into another as one of his hands once again found her sensitive bundle of nerves. “I love you... I love you...” she screamed out from the confines of the enclosed stall.
Those words, the admission of truth were all it took. Gale gripped her closely, his body jerking as he spilled himself into her. Her neck was on his lips in seconds, the salted taste of her sweat upon his tongue welcome as aftershocks caused him to convulse into her further. With each one came another gasped moan, soon growing quieter and quieter as both relaxed into one another’s gentle embrace.
They held each other for some time in the darkened shadows of the confessional, as moonlight became the lazy rise of a sun within the chapel. They had shared how they both felt, forgiven each other without spoken apologies, shared their love just as they had once done. For now, all they had was this one night, one under stars and shadows of a stall, amongst scarlet lilies and dark purple night orchids. Talking could come later.
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archiveikemen · 1 month
All of aikm's Liam Evans Content: A Compilation 🐈
+ Links to Official YouTube Videos ft. Liam
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These are fan-made translations solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
This is a very much self indulgent compilation post I put together because I love Liam more than I love anyone else and I'm making that my whole personality. I know some of the stories are already out on EN and the rest will eventually be, but that's not going to stop me.
► Character Profile
► Pre-Registration Short Character Reveal Video
► 1st Anniversary Special PV
Main Story
► Main Story PV (w/ William & Harrison)
► Main Story Route Walkthrough
► Main Story Route Preview
► Main Story Route Translation
Story Events
► Wrapped in Wicked Romance Story Event
Chapter 1┊Chapter 2┊Bitter END
Premium END┊Epilogue
► Black Wedding (EN: Underneath the Black Veil)
Chapter 1┊Chapter 2┊Bitter END
Premium END┊Epilogue
► Villain Wants To Bother The Little Robin
Liam Evans & Harrison Gray 95K LP Bonus Story
► His Cherished Doll
Event Limited Item Set Letter
► Villains' Night
Special Short Story
► No Room To Breathe
Chapter 1┊Chapter 2┊Bitter END
Premium END┊Epilogue
► Drowning in A Lustful Night (Aphrodisiac Event)
[ not comfortable translating ]
► The Fairytale Keeper's Final Asessment [ WIP ]
Chapter 1┊Chapter 2┊Premium END┊Epilogue
Collection Events
▻ Secret in Your Heart
▻ Doting LoveHolic (EN: Obsession Devotion)
▻ All Because Of A Slight Fever
▻ I Want To Know Every Inch Of You
▻ Mirror, Mirror [ WIP ]
▻ Secret Countdown (Early Clear Bonus)
▻ Villains' Festival (2024 Elections)
▻ Get Drunk, Get Me Drunk, Drown [ WIP ]
▻ The True Vow to The Pitch Black Bride
▻ The Past Records: Roger & Alfons — Liam CG
Birthday Stories
1st Birthday Campaign Story (2023) + Letter
2nd Birthday Campaign Story (2024) + Epilogue
2nd Birthday Campaign Voiced Letter [ WIP ]
Story Sale / Item Set
The Villain's Relentless Love
2023 Christmas Message from Liam
Tamed By The Villain in The Dark
Bond Stories
Vicpedia: The Victor Encyclopaedia
Bad Guys Collab Interview (w/ Ike Bakumatsu Takechi)
Standard Cars Gacha Summon Screen Voice Lines
Love Letter Replies (Twitter Campaign)
Promising Eternal Evil to The Villain (LINE Special)
Liam's Home Screen Lines (Ongoing Updates)
Vogel's Extremely Indulgent Time-Killing: Liam
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shatcey · 7 months
1st anniversary (Victor)
William Victor Victor epilogue Liam Liam epilogue
In this part of the event, you could choose between William, Victor, Elbert, Alfons and Roger. I didn't even consider the latter (sorry… I just don't like big guys, not my type, as I recently realized. I'm very slow). But everyone else… It's very tempting. And the idea of saving the story was also extremely tempting. And the fact that I'll probably never read it again won't stop me. It is saved, and I can re-read it at any time… That's all that matters.
So, I chose William with both endings because… why not. And I couldn't choose another one. I didn't want to waste resources on this part of the event, because on the second one will be Ellis AND Jude and I want them both. I really did said that.
After William's story, I got a little worried. I don't wanna think about depressing and upsetting things on the anniversary. So… Elbert somehow disappeared. And Alfie… I can't even find the strength to start his route, how can I choose his event?.. So, the logical conclusion led me to Victor.
It was an absolutely logical decision. Not the birdcage you get for completing the premium ending… And, of course, not the opportunity to buy his epilogue. I'm still considering this option…
If in Will's story was many reminiscences from the prologue, then Victor's story goes even further… There are a lot of reminiscences not only from the prologue, but also from previous events.
Victor once again asks William to decide whether Kate is suitable for this job or not, because… he cannot decide for himself. But William, smiling slyly, turned him down.
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Right... he already did it ones. Your turn!
Victor goes to his room, remembering why he hired Kate in the first place.
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At that moment, Kate noticed Victor and approached him. She was looking for him to gave her report. And suddenly…
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Kate was surprised at first, and he really thought he had been rejected. But she explained that he had never asked her out before… This is the first time. When she gladly agreed and offered to visit some other place. They went to the train.
Victor continues to think that to choose and silence are becoming quite unsettling. Kate starts talking about boys, just to break the ice. Vic thinks they don't know much about each other outside of work.
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At the next station, Vic open the window and explain to Kate that if you do so, a flower seller will approach them. So he did. Vic asks what her favorite flower is.
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I'm really curious what happened to these flowers? Because… they run around all day, and no one mentioned flowers after that. And yes, it was very sweet of him. But I remember how annoying it is to carry flowers while you on the date… (exhales) Ok…
So they went to another city, and Kate really enjoyed it so very much.
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Vic remembers their interaction at different events
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"Erase love"? Now I'm scared...
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This is from Luxury Liner event
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I think it's from the Black wedding event
And he thinks Kate always wanted to stay by his side. It's clear that the Crown benefits from her presence, but what about Kate? Vic noticed that Kate was having fun and decided to follow suit.
They went down to the city and there was a competition. They are, of course, desided participate. And Vic found something in common with her
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They win, probably because they look so dashing, and everyone else is too distracted. He, as usual, shows his trick with a pigeon. I can't separate one from the other anymore.
And after that, they return by train. Kate thanks him for a wonderful day and says she will never forget it. And suddenly she mentioned that Vic doesn't do anything without a reason. He agrees and tells her that he decides to let her stay or release her from work. She suddenly felt very sad when she remembered her life before the crown
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She asks to be allowed to stay. She likes this job, she thinks she has a lot to learn from Victor, and then she turns around to leave… The next stop is theirs…
Victor, looking at her back, realised…
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I'm getting goosebumps from that line… It's so cute))) And look at his face... he's so pretty here...
He hugs her from behind and tells her that he thinks
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Awwww… But no, he ended up saying, "Would you continue to be a fairy teller?". It's a pity. What a wonderful declaration of love it could be.
She happily agrees, and after that they go to the park. She asks him to go on a date without reason next time. He thinks she probably likes him, but he can't afford to get too attached to her.
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And I'm not sure about this translation, so I'll show you the original
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So… He doesn't want her to become one of the victims of his curse, but he cannot figure out the nature of his feelings for her. Something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I bought his epilogue. But too many story events going at the same time have burned out my brain, and I need time to recover. But I will definitely read it later. It must be very interesting.
About this story. I didn't expect Victor to think so much, considering how easy-going and light headed he seems to be. And at first I was a little worried that this story would turn out to be as dark as Williams'. But Victor is as predictable as the weather, so it's always fun to be around.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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apomaro-mellow · 3 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy extra
Epilogue / Part 1
"They're stocks are dipping again and after I invested so much."
"Well you know what they say about those types."
"That's no good Quincy, you've gotta pull out while you still can."
He got stares. The same ones as always but even so, Steve pushed through it. "There's no shame in taking your money and putting it in a more stable venture. What you're doing right now is too risky."
A scoff. A gentle one, but a scoff all the same. "Steve, darling, you needn't worry yourself with that. I'll still be in the green."
"He's worried about that wedding budget."
"And of course, nurseries aren't cheap, nor are the nannies."
"Now I can handle a nanny, I assure you."
Steve walked away from the boisterous laughter, grabbing a drink from a serving tray. It didn't matter that he had attended the same colleges as these men, or that he had his own family money. He was an eligible omega. And that meant he got to attend these social gatherings just so he could be inspected and judged as good marrying stock. Someone with a good name, who knew the rules of their society, and could have one or two pups.
His opinion or business savvy didn't matter here, never would.
"Stevie which one? Red or black?"
Steve looked up from his phone. Eddie was getting his makeup done in the chair and the stylist was holding up two sets of earrings. One was a pair of black pearl earrings, the other was a single ear cuff in the shape of a dragon with rubies studded along its back.
"The dragon one obviously, right?"
"But Gareth's also got a one on his bracelet. You don't think that's overkill?"
Steve smiled. "Baby, overkill is your middle name. Plus, your fans go wild every time you match with someone."
Steve was proven right when that night both #CCTwins and #THEEARRING trended to the top.
Steve mostly kept his distance from serious band matters but sometimes it was unavoidable. Like right now, 3/4 of the band was split across the country for various reasons. Gareth was the only one still in the house. So when Steve felt clingy, he found his way onto his lap, Zoom call be damned.
He was only half paying attention to the conversation, nose buried deep in Gareth's neck, considering bringing up the subject of cockwarming when he started to hear the others on the call get frustrated.
"Are you really sure there's nothing you can do?", Chrissy asked.
She was talking to an event coordinator and Steve remembered that they were planning their next tour.
"I understand that Hawkins is sentimental for the band. But it just isn't feasible. There aren't any eligible venues and most of your audience isn't going to migrate to a one horse town for a concert there."
"Are you stupid?", Steve spoke up, turning around in Gareth's lap. He eyed the man, strong jaw but weak in resolve it seemed. He didn't reply at first, apparently waiting for someone else to jump in. No one did, so Steve kept going.
"Hawkins might be small, but it's not like there's no place for them to play. It's a summer concert and there's plenty of outdoor venues for you to choose from. They literally have a whole carnival for the Fourth of July. If you're worried about attendance, just put the band's name in to perform there."
Shocked out of his stupor, the coordinator finally spoke up. "I'm sorry and who are you to be giving me this unsolicited advice?"
"You shut your damn mouth", Eddie growled. It made Steve shiver a little, even through the computer. "He's right. If we have to perform in a goddamn high school gym, we'll be in Hawkins. Now you can get a piece of that pie as our planner, or we can just take our bus down there and do a free show. Your choice."
"You're taking ideas from him?" There was an undertone there. Whether Steve should be ashamed for being an omega or being a sugar baby, it was hard to tell. But he cared not for either.
"I have a degree jackass. And part of what I learned is risk assessment. The only risk here is if you don't get the word out. People will come. You just need to tell them when and where."
"You heard him", Jeff said. "Make it work or we will."
The coordinator went offline. Chrissy did too after saying her goodbyes. Eddie, Jeff and Grant stayed on. Eddie made a show of standing up and unbuckling his belt.
"Well, that was just about the hottest thing I've ever seen. And our baby got us what we wanted. He deserves a reward, don't you think Gareth?"
Steve felt hands on his hips, and they started to rock him back and forth. He leaned back in Gareth's lap, ready to put on a show for the other three...
Eddie's body felt electric. If you told him back in high school that he'd have a crowd jumping at an Independence Day fair, he would've thought they meant some alternate version of him that got into country rock instead. But no, the good people of Hawkins, as well as a decent number of out-of-towners screamed at the top of their lungs for Corroded Coffin tonight.
He was still feeling that buzzing of nerves as they got off stage and went to the trailer designated for the band. He got through the door first and beamed.
"There's my sweetheart."
The rest of the band came in and shut the door quickly, preserving Steve's modesty. He had been in the audience, watching each of the members in their element. But as it came to a close, he left to go and prepare in their trailer.
He was laid out on the couch, bare from the waist down, two fingers deep already. Eddie knelt next to him and lapped at his mating bite, causing Steve to whimper. Eddie stroked his hair.
"Who was the mvp, baby? Who gets to taste you first?"
Steve's hand slowed down and then he pulled his fingers out. "Daddy always get the first taste", he said as he held his slick soaked fingers up to Eddie's mouth. His alpha sucked them down, moaning gratefully in appreciation.
"But the mvp of the night was Grant", Steve said, thinking back to the bass solo he did in the middle of "Swallow Me Whole". Those licks were so dirty, Steve had started to get wet right there in the audience. He spread himself a little more as Grant came over and lowered his head between his legs.
After a performance, they were all notably sweaty and the scents in this small space made Steve's head spin. He watched as Grant licked and sucked on his pussy lips, kissing it like it was Steve's mouth, loving on it like there was no greater blessing. Steve licked his lips and right on cue, Gareth was there, pants already down. He had grown some since the first time Steve had seen him fully bare. Apparently exposure to omega slick was great for bottom growth.
Steve sucked him down, eyes rolling back when Gareth grabbed the back of his head. For a second they focused just well enough to see Eddie, hand around his cock as he pumped and Steve couldn't help but cum. He was doing so good. He was making his pack happy
Grant pulled off and away and Jeff was there, rubbing his tip against his clit, driving him wild even though he'd just came. He rocked against it, begging to be filled. Jeff obliged and it was a good thing there was an entire town entertaining themselves with carnival games outside.
Eddie came over and gave Steve a tender kiss on his temple. A stark difference from the way both Gareth and Jeff were rutting into him right now.
"Pretty baby, so perfect. You're ours forever and we're never letting you go."
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mayu-otome · 28 days
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🕊️ 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓷
Hello! My name is Mayu 18ꜛ | She / Her | Inactive from time to time
Quick Notice (28/8/2024)
These translations are solely for entertainment and not profit. Accuracy is not 100% guaranteed. (Quick note that English and Japanese are not my native languages and there might be some errors and mistakes in my grammar and wording in the translation)
MDNI to all minors out there, please do not interact with my posts that contain NSFW or suggestive content warnings. If you choose to consume this type of content, then you are responsible for your own consumption.
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▷ Ikemen Villains
➜ Collection Events
Drink, Get Drunk, And Drown - Alfons Sylvatica
Black Wedding - William Rex Marriage Vows
➜ Story Events
Melted By Summer Lust - William Rex
➜ Birthday Stories
William Rex 2nd Birthday Epilogue
➜ Bond Levels
William Rex
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🍓 ҂ this master lists will be update from time to time.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica
Story Event: Black Wedding. A false vow to a dark bride.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Bitter
Chapter 3 Premium
Somewhat wistful grand finale.
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Today, in front of everyone, I exchanged vows with an illusive person.
It all felt like a dream I would wake up from the moment I closed my eyes.
There was a shiny wedding ring on my finger.
As I was admiring it after the ceremony, a hand with a matching one covered mine.
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Alfons: "Tonight is what's commonly known as the bridal night, so prepare yourself to be spoiled by me."
I was laid down on the bed, my jet-black dress spread over the sheets.
Kate: "Alfons..."
Alfons: "Husband, isn't it? Well, how can I pamper you tonight?
Alfons: "Should I be mean as usual or..?"
Alfons: "What would you like? My jet-black bride?"
(...although I would usually respond in kind)
Tonight, I wanted to touch the heart and body of the man in front of me.
I just wanted to drown in the happiness of the day.
Kate: "If you'll indulge me...."
Kate: "Let me hear everything you're feeling and thinking right now."
Alfons: "All of it? Mmm, I like it. Now listen and feel."
Alfons: "First of all, this wedding dress looks great on you."
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Alfons: "The black colour against your white skin turns me on."
His fingertips traced from the nape of my neck to the collarbone and then to my chest,
A thrilling sweet sensation rose from the bottom of my stomach.
Alfons: "And you're wearing your hair up today?"
Alfons: ".....I've always wanted to make marks like this on your defenceless nape."
His breath hit my neck, and then his lips pressed against it.
Kate: ".....ah."
Alfons: "You're such an indecent bride, making all those salacious sounds."
His fingertips knew all the places that would get my voice out.
They were precise, mean, and relentless in raising the heat.
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Alfons: "Ha-ha! What a shameless face you're making."
Kate: "Pfft, whose fault you think it is?"
Alfons: "I wonder."
Alfons: "Oh, I forgot to tell you."
Kate: ".....?"
Alfons: "Kate"
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Alfons: "Thank you for choosing the foolish path of staying with me."
Kate: ".....!"
I was sure that the words he uttered at the very end were the words he really wanted to convey to me.
Alfons: "Hey, are you deeply moved by my words of love?"
Kate: "...oh, shouldn't I?"
Alfons: "No objection. But let me see your face, please."
He smiled with satisfaction when I removed the arm covering my face.
Alfons: "Truly, I'm the only one who can handle such a troublesome bride."
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Marriage didn't change anything significant.
Alfons was still toying with me.
Sometimes I would get angry at him, and sometimes I was full of love for him.
In the midst of those days, it was nigh impossible to have a joint holiday, which resulted in our short excursion one day.
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Alfons: "You said you wanted to go away, so I followed you and we ended up in a flower garden."
Kate: "I've given this a lot of thought, you know?"
Kate: "But in the end... I decided it would be fine if I could just be with you."
Alfons: "You're very devoted. Your mind and body have become so besotted with me, I worry about it sometimes."
Kate: "The body is superfluous..."
Alfons: "Well, then I must be wrong, remembering that you were very enthusiastic last night?"
(Jeez, he always talks back)
Feeling frustrated, I lay down on the spot which made him chuckle.
Alfons: "Oh, you're napping?"
Kate: "Something like that."
Alfons: "Well, today is a depressingly sunny day, isn't it?"
He was right,
The sky was so bright it looked like it was dripping with colours. You couldn't help but squint.
Alfons, who was playing with my hair with his fingers, suddenly muttered,
Alfons: "Either I'll die first, or you'll die first. Which will it be?"
Kate: "Another disturbing topic..."
Alfons: "Because we're all going to die one day, aren't we?"
Alfons: "Since I'm a kind and capable husband, I will let you choose."
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Alfons: "Now, which one of us shall die first?"
Kate: "Come on.....You don't get to choose, do you?"
While we were casually chatting, Alfons lay down next to me.
Kate: ".......?"
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Alfons: "Then I shall die before you."
Alfons: "It's a shame I won't be able to see your despairing face before I die."
Kate: "You're as mean as ever, you know."
Alfons: "Heh, and who pledged her life to such a man?"
It was said that the cursed would meet a tragic end.
I was sure I wouldn't be able to change that fate,
That's why I wanted to erase all the suffering that would befall Alfons before that happened.
Kate: "If it means you don't feel sadness, then that's fine as well."
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Alfons: "........"
(Yeah, but...)
Kate: "I'd be lonely without you...."
Kate: "Let's live long and die together if possible."
Alfons: "Haha, you're a fool."
Alfons: "There's no way such a miracle could happen."
Kate: "But..."
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Alfons: "....."
Alfons: "Yes, fine. Shall we try our best?"
Kate: "Huh?"
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Alfons: "I like that you're so ridiculously positive."
Kate: "...Alfons"
I could feel his arms embrace me.
Alfons: "I will play with you and torment you until the end..."
Alfons: "You'll regret it a lot."
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shipmistress9 · 2 months
Fool me once... - A 'made to Order' story
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The rating for this one changed!
Rating: M
Fandom: The Empyrean - Fourth Wing
Pairing: Riorgail - Xaden/Violet
Summary: This is a follow-up to my fic 'Made to Order'. I recommend reading that one first as this is basically just an epilogue/extra to that story.
Six months have passed since 'the wedding'. Violet and Xaden are happy together, have grown into their relationship, and are about to take the next step. Then another formal even brings back bad memories for Violet, and she finally confides into Xaden about what happened all those months ago.
. o O o .
“Tell me again,” I mutter as I try for the fifth time to bind this cursed bow tie. “Why do we have to go to Dain’s wedding again?” Honestly, this is ridiculous. How hard can it be to bind one stupid knot?
With her lips pressed together to keep herself from grinning, Violet steps in front of me and reaches to do the tie for me. “It’s not—there you go—not his wedding again. It’s the six month anniversary of their wedding.”
There’s a snort coming from the living room, and I can only agree with Liam’s assessment. “This is ridiculous,” I grumble. “Who celebrates their wedding day with an equally big party as the wedding itself, let alone an even more formal one? Let alone the six month anniversary?”
Violet sighs, and I can’t blame her. It’s not like we didn’t have this conversation a few times already. I just… still don’t get it.
“Well… basically, it’s not the anniversary we’re celebrating, I guess,” Violet explains with admirable patience, especially since I know how annoyed she is about today’s event, too. “It’s a charity event and they just picked this reason to make it more interesting, make it stand out.”
Okay, that does make sense. Kind of. A little bit.
“And why do we have to go, then? It’s not like I have any money to donate.” Besides, there’s a lot of things I’d prefer instead of going to a stuffy pompous black tie event. Even though I have to admit… the last time I attended one of Dain’s ‘weddings’, it didn’t end so badly.
Violet stretches onto the toes of her high heels to place a quick kiss onto my lips. “Because as Dain’s Best Woman, I’m expected to make an appearance, and as the great boyfriend you are, you agreed to accompany me even though we both know it’ll be boring as fuck.”
A sly smile spreads across my face and I wrap an arm around her waist to keep her close. “I don’t think fucking is boring. In fact…” I let my hand glide down to her sweet ass and squeeze.
For a moment, Violet’s eyes spark with interest, her hips grinding against me. But then she sighs and pushes herself away from me. “Tempting. But that’ll have to wait for later. We really should get going now.”
A shame, really. But she’s right. And I even get why she has to go to this party. Family ties can be complicated, and the least I can do is support her.
We leave my bedroom—or does it count as our bedroom with how much time she’s spending here?—and enter the spacious living area. Liam is lounging on the sofa, a gaming controller in his hands, and I feel a pang of envy at his comfortable clothes. Stupid bow tie and smoking…
At the sound of Violet’s ridiculous shoes, he looks up and lets out an impressed whistle. “Wow, you look amazing in that dress.”
“I’ll try to not take that as an insult.” She mock-purses her lips, then grins. “But thanks. I certainly think this dress suits me much better than the one I wore to the last wedding.”
Liam smirks. “Very true. Hopefully, it won’t suffer the same fate.”
“Yeah, that would be a shame. I like this dress.”
I roll my eyes. They’re never going to let me live that down…
But I have to give Liam this much, Violet really does look abso-fucking-lutely amazing. In contrast to the ugly bridesmaid dress she was roped in to wear even as Dain’s Best Woman—and that didn’t survive that night—today, she wears an elegant black gown. The backless top is designed to look like overlapping leaves—as if just begging me to peel the whole thing off her—and the lower part is a skirt made of the finest silk—which I know for a fact would be entirely see-through if it weren’t for the countless layers used here. Her hair looks gorgeous, too, but it always does. Today, she wears it not in some intricate crown, though. Instead, it hangs freely down over her back and shoulders, and one could think she didn’t put any effort into her hairstyle. But I know that she spent over an hour in the bathroom earlier to get it to look smooth as silk like this. Personally, I prefer this over the braided crown. It further highlights the bladelike silver her hair fades into—and I know she wears it like this to stick it to her vain mum just as much as for my sake.
There’s so much I learned about her during these last months, and every tiny detail has made me love her even more. She hasn’t said it back yet, but that's okay. I don’t know what exactly happened between her and Dain before his wedding, but I know it left her deeply hurt. And if she needs time to heal and to settle into her new life—our new life—then I don’t mind giving her this time. After all, she decided to move in with Liam and me to occupy one of the many additional rooms when she just as easily could have afforded another flat on her own. She wants to be here, be with me. That’s all I need to know.
“Let’s leave,” I sigh, taking my coat and handing Violet hers before I forget all obligations and maybe break in her future room again. “After all, we mustn’t miss the stupidity of celebrating the six month anniversary of the wedding of the decade.”
“Speaking of stupidity,” Liam pipes up, mirth saturating his voice. “Do you remember that one time you spent two months moping around because you didn’t think of asking one simple question?”
Oh, Dunne, help me. This is another point he’s never going to let me live down, and… I can’t even blame him for it. Or for bringing it up today as it’s not just the anniversary of the wedding itself. But at least this one isn’t my fault alone.
“How was I supposed to know she wasn’t organising her own wedding?” I throw my hands up.
Violet snorts, but she really played her own part in that misunderstanding. “How was I supposed to know you were actively avoiding the very public headlines about Dain’s wedding? They were on the front page of every social magazine, on the radio, and all over the city, as well. For weeks!”
I grimace. “I… didn’t want to hear or read anything about you marrying someone else,” I mutter. Fuck, who would have thought that my utter lack in interest in any social gossip would ever fuck me over like that.
Violet snorts again, shaking her head, but I see the soft smile she gives me, see the emotions brimming in her eyes. And from one moment to the other, I don’t mind the teasing any more. Because she’s worth every moment of suffering.
Over on his place on the sofa, Liam groans and very pointedly picks his gaming controller back up. “You two really deserve each other.”
With a subtle motion, Violet leans her head against my arm, maybe in response to Liam’s words. And honestly? I really hope he’s right.
. o O o .
On the way to the town hall, Violet’s mood shifts. The closer we get the quieter she becomes, her lips press into a thin line, and her knuckles stand out white from how hard she’s gripping the steering wheel.
“Is… everything okay?”
Violet makes a little distressed noise in the back of her throat. “Later.”
Swallowing, I lean back into my seat. I can accept that, let her work through it until she’s ready to talk to me. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.
It doesn’t get better when we enter the town hall, Violet’s hand trembling as she shows off our invitation. She’s practically clinging to my arm. But at least she doesn’t need to focus on the road anymore. Once inside, we mingle a bit, Violet slipping into the role her mother drilled into her, chatting amicably with wealthy businessmen, high-ranking military, and even some members of the nobility. But even though she doesn’t let anything show, I can still feel the tension in her, growing with every minute. And it gets worse when the rumour spreads that the ‘wedding couple’ finally arrived.
Violet grows pale and quiet, even more so than before. And then she bolts.
She murmurs a quick “I’m sorry!”, then she slips through a side door and it’s all I can do to muffle a low curse and go after her. Following her harsh breathing, I find her around a corner. She’s leaning against a wall, eyes closed and visibly shaking.
Slowly, I approach her. “Vi? What’s up? Talk to me, please.”
“It’s nothing,” she sobs. “I’m fine. I… I’m not hurt or ill or anything. I just… just need a minute?”
With my lips pressed into a thin line, I nod. From how she looks, I guess she’ll need more than just one minute, but I know exactly where she can get as much time as she needs.
“Come.” I hold out my hand and pull her along when she takes it. I’ve been here often enough by now to at least remember the rough outlay of the servant routes. So it only takes me a minute to locate who I was looking for, her pink hair standing out where she directs her subordinates.
She finishes giving an order to a group of waiters, then turns toward me. At first, an expression of suppressed exasperation crosses her face, thinking I’m just a guest who got lost. Then she recognises me. “Xaden! On the other side of the fun for once? How’s it going?”
I grimace and ward off her attempt at brief small talk with a shake of my head. “I’m sorry, but could you give me the key to the preparations room? She needs a few minutes.”
The smile on Imogen’s face falters as she looks at Violet behind me and sees how she’s still shaking. “Of course.” She pulls the key from her pocket. “Take as much time as you need. We won’t be needing that room today anymore.”
I nod. “Thanks.”
Another minute or so later, I close the door to the preparations room and lock it. “Okay,” I murmur as I turn towards her. “We’re alone. What do you need? Just a little time? Should I leave as well?”
Violet is still shaking and clearly having a hard time focusing on anything. But she still shakes her head. “Don’t leave me alone,” she gasps and wraps her arms around my torso, her face buried against my chest.
“Alright.” I close my arms around her. “It’s okay. I won’t go anywhere. Just… just breathe. Calm down. We have all the time in the world.”
For a little while, we just stand like this. Just her in my arms, her shoulders heaving from her erratic breathing. Just me soothingly rubbing her back, her shoulders, and murmuring calming words. But then, she shakes her head, frantically. “I can’t. Calm down. My head just keeps whirling.” She sucks in a shaky breath, her hand tightening at my back. “Can you… distract me?”
She looks up at me and I see it in her eyes, the plea, what she means.
I suck in a breath, but nod. I’d do anything for her. Looking around, I guide her over to the sitting area at the far side of the room, sitting down on a cushions sofa and position her on top of me, one leg on each side of mine, her skirts pushed up to her waist and fanning out over our legs.
“Like this?” I murmur as I guide her head to rest against my shoulder, and she nods wordlessly.
I start simple, just further caressing her bare back, then her neck, her sides. When she starts to relax, I grow bolder and run my hands down to her waist, the small of her back, her ass. Violet gasps but only pushes into my touch, wanting more. So I wiggle one arm between us to lightly caress her through her underwear, then press a little harder when she mewls for more. I build her up slowly, gradually, thoroughly taking her mind away from whatever is bothering her until she can focus on nothing but what my fingers do to her. Only when she can’t stop mewling, her fingers digging tightly into my shoulders, I slip my hand beneath the fabric of her panties and touch her like she needs me to. With two fingers hooked inside her, I grind my palm against her, pushing her higher as Violet rolls her hips into my touch. Then she breaks, beautifully, her moan muffled against my neck.
I push her through it and only when she stops quaking in my arms do I pull my hand away, careful not to stain her dress or my fancy trousers.
“Better?” I murmur once her breathing evened out again.
Violet hums, cuddling against my shoulder. “Yeah. Thank you. Do you want me to…”
I chuckle. “I’m more than okay with waiting until later.” I place a soft kiss against her forehead. “So, what was this all about?” I ask, my fingers running calmly up and down her spine after I cleaned them on a paper tissue from a nearby box.
She tenses, but only a tiny bit, not enough to raise my alarms again. “I… didn’t want to see Dain and Amber again. Couldn’t at that moment.”
I nod. So it really was about him. “Do you still have feelings for him?” I wouldn’t blame her if she did. She’d been in love with Dain for nearly her entire life. Such feelings don’t just evaporate overnight.
Letting out a little snort, Violet shakes her head, then sits up straighter to look at me. “No, I don’t have feelings for Dain anymore,” she says, and the expression on her face as her eyes keep me prisoner, so full of warmth and emotions, makes something inside me melt. “I… I’m more than happy with how things are now. Between us, you and me. With… where it’s going, moving in and everything.”
Her fingers absentmindedly trace along my jaw, my lips, leaving a tingling trail in their wake. I close my eyes to enjoy her soft touch, but then wrap my hand around hers, making her pause. “But?” I probe gently. I need to know what upset her so much, if only to help her avoid it in the future.
Sighing, Violet lets her forehead rest against my own. “But… the idea of seeing him again—seeing them again—after their six month honeymoon, it brought back everything that happened eight months ago, everything I felt back then, what happened before that. And it just… it was just too much.”
She grows tenser again, but I don’t do or say anything, just hold her, and after a few seconds, she relaxes again.
“Did I ever tell you what happened?”
I shake my head. “Do you want to tell me?”
Violet lets out a sigh. “Yeah, I think I should. It might take a while, though.”
At that, I grin. “I’m in no hurry to get back out there.”
We get more comfortable on the sofa, Violet with her legs tugged to her side as she leans onto the low headrest and me sitting sideways to face her, one knee angled towards her. Her shoes are on the floor, my jacket is hanging over a nearby chair, and I even found a couple of glasses and cool water for us to drink.
“So… I told you that Dain and I have known each other since we were little, yes?” she begins, running her finger through the condensed water on her glass.
Taking a sip from my own, I nod. “Yeah, since you two were five and six, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah.” She gives me a small smile. “And we’ve been inseparable ever since. Always sticking together, during classes and our free time alike. We went on ‘adventures’ around where his parents and my mum were stationed, always finding some places to swim or climb or caves to explore. My body is prone to giving out on me, as you know, stupid joints and ligaments, so every time I sprained an ankle or something, he was the one to escort me to the closest paramedic, carrying me there as soon as he was strong enough for that. He always looked out for me and in return I helped and explained whenever he had a problem in school. We… we were a good match.
“When I was around eight years old, I think, some other kid tried to be mean and made a comment about how Dain should marry me, the weakling, with how pathetic we both were. And, well, that thought got stuck in my head. It made sense, didn’t it? I didn’t know anything about love or sex, but just spending my life with my best friend—like how my parents also seemed to be such good friends—seemed like the way to go. So, yeah, it made sense. And I… knew that would be where we were heading, the only possible conclusion.
“It became even clearer when I realised he felt the same. For my tenth birthday, he gave me that ring. Apparently, he’d seen it in a shop and the ‘silver’ look of the stainless steel and the diamond-like glass stone reminded him of me. Or that’s what he said later. That it made him think of my hair and of how I could be and do so much more than our parents and the doctors insisted upon. So much more capable than just the sum of my weak body. Anyway, he fulfilled a few extra duties for his father to ‘earn’ himself the money to buy that ring and then gave it to me as a birthday gift. I liked it a lot, but Mira just laughed. You know how she’s never one to mince her words. So in all her teenager grandeur, she explained to us what it means when someone gifts someone else a ring. She meant to embarrass Dain and me. But unflappable and practical as he was—even at eleven years old—he didn’t let her make fun of him and instead went down on his knee and made a big show of proposing to me. It was a lot of fun, especially when Mira rolled her eyes and stomped away. We laughed and I think I made some comment about how that was a great joke. ‘Who said it was a joke?’ That was his reply. I still have it memorised, still hear him say it in my head.
“In the years after that, it came up again every now and then—the occasional amused comment about how we were already engaged, after all. We were each other’s first kiss when I was fourteen, and each other’s first time two years later with many more afterwards, even though we never talked about it, never used terms like boyfriend and girlfriend, never even decided to be exclusive. We both had crushes on other people, occasionally, but it never lasted long. Either because they felt weirded out by our close friendship or because we found that we were drawn to each other more than to that other new person. After all, we were already engaged. We could fool around and gather experience, but would always end up together anyway.
“We ‘took the next step’ so to speak when we moved to this town after high school to attend college. He even waited a year so we could do this together. We didn’t quite move in together, but we got apartments right next to each other, and with how much time we spent together, it felt very much like living together. We still never talked about the state of our relationship, but it wasn’t necessary. Not when I stopped sleeping with others, felt comfortable and at home with Dain. And he never had any visitors, either, I would have noticed that with the thin walls between our apartments. We’d spend most nights together, most of our free time, too. We even went on vacations together, and…” Her voice falters for the first time since she started her story, and she has to swallow before she can go on. “And it was clear that there was only him and me. Or that’s what I thought…”
Violet takes a sip from her water, probably to cover up how she’s blinking away the moisture in her eyes, but I see it anyway. And I feel the urge to go out there and punch Dain in the face. I don’t know yet what exactly happened, but can make a guess.
“At that point,” Violet continues after a short pause. “We never talked about being engaged anymore. It was childish on the one hand and unnecessary on the other. Because it was clear, wasn’t it? Even the friends we made during that time clearly saw what was between us. Cianna, Nyra, Amber. They would always tease us about how we already acted like a married couple, ordering food for the other or completing each other’s sentences. We just knew each other in and out. Which is why I also knew why he never actually said that he loved me or why I never said those words to him, either. His father had taught him that talking is worthless, only actions count. And we showed that we were special to each other every day, so that was enough.” Violet sniffles, and when I reach for her hand, she takes it, squeezing me tightly. “Gods, in hindsight, I was such an idiot.”
I grunt, anger simmering beneath the surface. “He let you go. So, evidently, he’s the idiot.”
Violet lets out a weak chuckle, shaking her head, then continues. “It was after we both graduated. I… expected that we would get married soon then and start our shared life for real. But I also got this offer to work abroad, a fantastic chance to gather experience and build connections. I talked about it with Dain, that I wanted to do it but was worried, too. It would be the first time we’d be separated for more than a couple of days. And he was so sweet. He encouraged me to not waste this chance. That it would be fine. That he would always be there for me, that we could continue like before once I came back. Besides, we could make phone calls, every day if that was what I wanted. So that’s what we did. We talked every day, at least in the beginning. We tried phone sex but dropped that after only one try. It didn’t feel right for him.”
I grit my teeth. From what I already learned about Dain and his… preferences, this doesn’t even surprise me. But still, fuck him.
“After the first month, or so, the phone calls grew gradually less frequent until we only talked once a week by the end. It wasn’t like much happened, anyway, it was always just the same. Just me talking about my work while he listened, too tired from his day to say much. I was more looking forward to finally seeing him again, to start our shared life. Especially since he’d teased that there was something important he had to tell me once I was back. Something important to ask me.”
“Let me guess,” I say through gritted teeth. “It wasn’t the official proposal you expected?”
Violet laughs, short and humourlessly. “No, it wasn’t. He told me that he’d proposed to Amber. Apparently, they’ve been more or less together for two years already. She’d told him that they didn’t need to be entirely exclusive, that she didn’t mind him still fucking me on the side when she was too busy for him to come around. Better for him to take the edge off with me than someone else, right? And that as my ‘closest female friend’, she would tell me about their relationship, no need for him to get involved in that girl-talk. Too bad she apparently forgot to do that.”
I should punch them both. Would I get into trouble if I did it now? Probably. But it wouldn’t be uncalled for, would it? No, surely not.
“So I came home after half a year, full of excitement for our bright future—only for him to ask me to be his Best Woman instead.” She snorts, shaking her head. But the bitterness and pain I’d expected isn’t in her voice, not anymore. Instead there’s… some dark amusement? That’s something to work with, I guess.
“I can’t believe you agreed after they did that to you. After he did that to you.” I try to make the words light, or at least lighter as the seething fury I feel. But this is not about me, it never was, and making her now deal with my reaction to what happened to her wouldn’t be fair. She’s already endured enough. And if she’s taking it with a grain of salt now that she’s got it out of her system, then that’s way better than the anxiety attack earlier.
“Oh, I still wonder about that myself,” she snorts. “I guess… I was in too much of a shock to fully comprehend what happened. It felt like a bad dream, and even now it’s… difficult to remember those days.”
Then a smile tugs at her lips, small but true. “A few things, I do remember, though. After I accepted being his Best Woman, he also asked me to do him a huge favour. He wanted me to organise the wedding cake. Yeah, it was rather late for that but he knew I could do it; I’ve always been so good at organising things.” She huffs another laugh. “I was so… so angry and hurt and just… baffled, I guess. I didn’t even think about declining. That day—the very day my flight landed and before I even got the chance to unpack my bags and take a shower—I rattled off one bakery after the other. It’s all a blur, but… I remember reading about some insider tip. And the weird baker I met there, younger than all others I’ve met that day, with his arms and half of his visible skin covered in tattoos and that dry sarcastic comment that pulled me out of my stupor.”
I blink, sitting up straighter. “That was on that day? When you first came into the shop?”
She nods, one corner of her mouth pulled up in a crooked smile. “I must have been such a mess…” She heaves a sigh and shuffles into a new position, stiff from sitting still for so long. “That night, I couldn’t sleep. It slowly sank in that my entire life, all my plans for the future lay in shambles. I was shaking and felt like I couldn’t breathe and…” She takes another deep breath. “It was so much worse than just now.
“When the morning came, I tried to pretend it wasn’t real, I think. That it was just a bad dream and that… I don’t know. That I was organising the wedding for someone else entirely? Or that it was my wedding, after all? Just… anything to not completely lose it. Which worked out perfectly.” She rolls her eyes.
“That’s why you ran away that day,” I remember, dimly. “So, you were crying.”
Grimacing, Violet nods. “I realised that I couldn’t ignore it until it went away. And it wasn’t just that day, either,” she admits. “I went straight to Rhiannon. I told you we met in college, but she was only in a few of my courses back then and had nothing to do with Dain or the others. We stayed in contact when I worked abroad, and… I crashed at her place. For a whole week, I stayed with her, unable to return to my apartment, still the one right next to Dain’s. I slept there, cried all day and night, watched stupid rom-coms that made me cry even more, and lived on a diet of ice cream straight from the tub and entirely too much alcohol.”
And I wondered whether she’d even been real during that time, I remember. Guess I hadn’t been too far off; during that week, she’d been barely more than a ghost.
“Eventually, I felt ready to move on, at least a little. I was still hurting but I got the worst of it out of my system during that week. And Dain… I would stick to my word, would be his Best Woman if only for the sake of our long friendship, and even organise that damned cake. But he wasn’t worth any more of my tears, not after all that.”
Finally something I can agree with.
“But even though that was what I told myself… I didn’t truly accept it. Not until…” She trails off, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Not until…?” I probe.
Her blush deepens as she looks at me. ”Not until the night the rain caught me off guard. Until you looked at me that night. Like… like I meant something to you. Something more.”
I suck in a breath. That first slip-up. “You did mean something to me,” I admit. “It made no sense, I’d only met you three times, but it was still true.”
Smiling, she nods. “I know. But it wasn’t just how you looked at me, how my heart skipped a beat and all the splinters of my life suddenly seemed to rearrange themselves into a new picture. It was also that… Dain had never looked at me like that. Not once. That’s when it truly clicked. That he never… never truly wanted me for more than just convenience.”
I snort. “So… what? I was your getaway car then? A distraction?” I try not to let that thought sting, that I was little more than a means to an end. Even if it started that way, it became so much more by now.
But Violet shakes her head, smirking. “No, not really. My getaway cars were the three guys Rhi and Tara tried to set me up with during three consecutive nights at the club. It was fun, but didn’t truly work, never went further than some making out in a shadowy corner. Because… well, there was this other guy I couldn’t get out of my head.” She leans forward, practically climbing onto my lap, and pecks my cheek.
On reflex, my arms close around her, pulling her tighter against me. “I couldn’t get you out of my head, either,” I murmur. “Even though I knew I shouldn’t. Or thought I shouldn’t.” I shake my head. It’s still surreal to think about how much I tormented myself for nothing.
“Yeah,” Violet snorts. “Meanwhile, I was flirting my little heart out for weeks and couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t react when you were obviously interested. Me being your customer was the only reason that made sense to me, and holding back until all business relations were dealt with was so hard.”
I chuckle and skim along her cheek and jaw with my nose, my lips. “I wouldn’t have cared about that. It wouldn’t have looked good, but I wouldn’t have cared, especially not with how it wasn’t you who paid me, anyway. You were just the middleman. But even if you hadn’t been, I was too crazy for you. I was even contemplating crashing your wedding, for Amari’s sake.”
Violet giggles as I reach a ticklish spot on her neck. “I know. I know you’d fight for me, and that I can always count on you. You would never go behind my back like that. Which is why I—” She breaks off, blushing. She shuffles to kneel across my lap again, her hands cupping my face, her eyes wide and clear. “Which is why I love you, Xaden. I do. I’m even glad by now how it all went down, including their betrayal, the headache, and all the tears. Because all that led me to you. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you, looking out to a life with you.”
My eyes grow wide. During the six months we’ve been together now, she’d never said those words, and after she told me her story just now, I understand why. To her, these three little words must hold so much more meaning. Which makes her saying them now even more precious.
I lean forward with her hands still cupping my jaw and kiss her. As always, the moment our lips meet feels like a rush, getting me high on everything that is her. Her taste, her scent, the little noises she makes in the back of her throat, and the way our lips move together so perfectly. It’s not too gentle but not too harsh, either. It’s raw, filled with emotions, tender and passionate alike.
My arms wrap around her, one around her waist holding her close as the other hand glides up her back, savouring every bit of skin I can touch before cupping the back of her head. Holding her, cradling her.
Violet sighs and parts her lips, her tongue brushing against me, begging for entrance. As if I could ever deny her anything. A low groan rumbles in my chest as I let her in and her tongue glides along mine, like a promise.
With her hands still on my jaw, she angles us to deepen the kiss, and I’m all too happy to oblige, sucking on her tongue until a moan makes her tremble. Gods, I want her, need her, everything. I’ll never get enough of her, of this, of us.
Soon, our bodies follow, moving together the same way our lips do, sliding and grinding, giving and taking. I love her so fucking much.
Her mouth moves across my cheek, nibbling at my earlobe for a moment before wandering further down my neck, laving at that spot on my throat that always makes me lose control. I jerk beneath her, gasping, my hands on her hips now tightening.
“Violet!” It’s a warning, a plea, a promise, I don’t know. All I know is that this isn’t the right place to continue this—but also that I won’t care if she keeps this up for only a few seconds more. And I honestly don’t know whether to feel relief or regret when she pulls away, breathing heavily and with her forehead resting against my own.
“We should get out of here.” The happy smile and contentment in her voice couldn’t be more different from the near panic that had been there earlier.
Swallowing, I nod. “And then? Do you want to leave? To go home?”
“No, not yet,” she chuckles, breathily. “I… I want to go back out there. If that’s okay with you. I’d… like to dance with you, for us to enjoy this party, and…” She bites her lip, a blush on her cheeks, and I understand.
“You want something similar to the last time we were here? What were your words? That you wanted me to get you drunk and then fuck you until you forget your own name?”
Her blush deepens. “I… don’t think those were my words.”
“Same meaning, though.” I shrug, grinning.
She flashes me a look, full of wicked promises. “But yeah, something like that. With… maybe only one alteration.”
“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow at her. “And what would that be?”
Violet leans in to breathe into my ear, still a little shy about keeping eye contact in certain moments. “I want us to go to my apartment this time.” Her hot breath tickling down my neck makes me shiver. “One last time before I move out, tonight, when they are back next door. And… I want you to make me scream.”
A shudder runs through my entire body, the stupidly tight dinner jacket trousers getting even tighter. Chuckling to have an outlet for the tension building inside me, I turn my head and bring my lips to her cheek. “I fucking love you, Violet.”
Next Chapter
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Fake Wedding Event - Roger Barel (epilogue end)
Roger and Kate got married not long after they had become lovers. Kate's wearing a jet black wedding dress. She didn't think the ceremony would be so peaceful. Well...their wedding's cut short by an emergency mission from Crown. After the mission, they returned to their lodgings by the church.
Roger laughs at how much of a mess Kate looks. Looking down, she sees that her wedding dress is torn up and there's blood all over it. But she's used to it now. She chuckles and points out how the blood doesn't show up much on the black dress. Roger looks terrible too. She's never seen a groom carry a hunting rifle on himself. Roger says that Ellis brought it for him so of course he had to use it. He tosses the rifle onto the bed and asks if they should redo the wedding. Kate would like to but she'll pass. Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time. She'd feel bad for the other people.
Their wedding may not have been the typical wedding, but it was Kate's choice to be with Roger. Just being with him is enough for her. The happiness she's feeling at the moment's proof of that. Roger's says their vows were interrupted though. He looks at her with a wicked smile and asks if she's ready to do something bad together. What it'll be is a surprise. The only answer Kate can give is a "Yes".
Roger takes Kate to an abandoned church and she asks if this is a good idea. Well she knew the were going to do something bad but she still happily followed him with a wagging tail. While true, Kate feels bad. But at the same time, her desire to be closer to Roger wins her over. Kate lets go of her guilt and looks around. Churches at night felt more cold and lifeless, but it suited the couple better.
At the altar, Roger looks at Kate and says her name.
Roger: I'm not one for fancy words so pardon me for being blunt. And I'm only going to say this once so you better listen carefully.
A large hand strokes her cheek lovingly.
Roger: I need you. Stay with me until the day I die
His words are simple but carry a certain feeling that reaches her heart. Not earnest or gentle, but she loves how he expresses himself.
Kate: Yes, I swear that I'll stay with you. Even if you hurt my feelings or make me cry, I'll only love you.
Kate doesn't think she'll be satisfied by anyone else but this man who's like a powerful drug. Roger stays silent and Kate asks him to say something. Roger just thought that she looked so admirable. She asks him not to tease her at a time like this. Roger tells her not to pout, that's how he shows his love. The hand that was on Kate's cheek moves to the back of her head as he presses his lips against her ear.
Roger: Really, you're too damn cute. Tone it down. It's why I play around with you so much.
Kate: How tyrannical...Ah!
Roger picks Kate up and pins her down on a pew. He comments on the nice view as his fingers trace her neck, collarbone, and chest. They then dip below the neckline and Kate can't help but cry out.
Roger: Moaning like this...You really are a bride that likes someone who's mean to you, aren't you? Moreover, one that enjoys some pain. Kate: And whose fault is that...
Roger: Hm? Who else but me?
Roger's smile is contagious. Once you've fallen in love with an egoist, it's over. Kate asks him to love her as he likes already. But first, kiss her to seal their vows.
His kiss is forceful and lewd, but filled with his love.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Sometimes my MC (Daciana Pavlovich Morozov) shows her meanness to her uncle but kills him in the feels with very sweet and mushy stuff. So here is a random amount of my head cannon I think my Mc would do that is not related to the plot
One: My mc was a gothic kid when she was younger. Now I'm unsure if it was puberty or loss of her beloved dad but I like to think when she goes through teenager age she took a dark alternative style and Ash and her uncle Luka got to bond over black dark clothes and maybe go to a hot topic? Or a clothing store that sells grunge and punk clothes.
(pss: my mc now as an adult doesn't wear clothes like that as she wanted to be taken more serious and authoritarian when taking over as head to the family. So her clothes now are business casual or business themed but if uncle Luka brought her creepy gothic plushie she still has on her night stand)
Two: My mc has handmade shrines dedicated to her dead family members {ie: dad, aunt that can't remember her name, grandmother}. It's completely homemade by the wood and picture frame; each shrine is dedicated to the person who passed away and has their picture from time where they are the happiest or very memorable moment, and covered by either their favorite flowers or flower that represents their personality with different tokens (ie: their favorite perfume, jewelry, or anything that reminds her of them)
Three: My mc megamind tendencies. Yeah this is basically explanatory from my previous post/ask but I can see **whenever** the wedding for Luka and Jackal happens whether that's a small wedding or big event or off screen for sequel or end this game. If not the wedding planner she definitely would recommend an alternative to wedding rings (ie:like getting them tattooed or in scripted dagger with their wedding vow I'm looking at you Jackal) and then her making either special weapon for Jackal to celebrate him getting into the family
Aww love these headcanons so much 😭 Yeah, Luka will certainly still buy your MC some creepy gothic plushies and stuff, and maybe even some dark alternative style clothing. Other than it being some kind of an inside joke/knowledge between them, I feel like it is also Luka's way to cling on to the little MC he has always been protecting 🥺 MC and Ash grow up so fast, Luka just can't catch up.
And the lil handmade shrines... That's kinda sad but also sweet. I think that's a good way for MC to kind of "talk" to them about their day or about what's been happening in their life without having to go visit the cemetery at the edge of the city.
As for Luka's and Jackal's wedding, it would most likely be a pretty small party with only his family, closest friends, and maybe some of the more important people in the city attending (even the latter one is pushing his limit 😆). You might hopefully be able to see it in the Epilogue since I think that's a pretty neat segue kind of to the sequel later on where you play as his kid.
And ooh, the idea about the alternative wedding ring being tattoos 🤔It's so dramatic and extra, I kinda love it and you know Luka and Jackal are the type to actually consider doing that if your MC suggests it 😂 Now, Jackal won't have to worry about accidentally losing their wedding ring while doing missions, and none of them can "take off" the rings; it'll be a part of them at all times.
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 3 months
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Respectfully...... what teeth? 😭
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legofanguy · 2 months
Next gen characters Mafia AU AUgust
A Inuyasha and Legend of Zelda Mafia AU for @promptsbytaurie event AUgust 2024 day 7 Mafia featuruing my Zelink children. Hisui fake name of Komori is based on a mistranslation for the epilogue chapter of Inuyasha. The extra mafia members are @wowtalesofadventurers and @iruthomlogs World of Warcraft characters.
In a secret location in the city, at night, Mafia boss Ganondorf meet with one of his rival Naraku sitting across the table and, sitting down, Ganondorf ask the long black hair man, "Naraku... What do you want?" and Naraku said to Ganondorf, "I know that we don't get along well, Ganondorf, but I have a spy within my other rivals. They are telling me that two of our enemies, the Inu crime family and the Hyrule Mafia, are having a little wedding of the niece of Boss Sesshomaru and grandson of Boss Rhoam to united their families against us." and Ganondorf seems angry and worried abou this news which Naraku then ask him, "How about we get rid of them all in the wedding? We can make that white wedding into a bloody wedding." Ganondorf think for a moment before he said to Naraku, "As long that I'm not the henchman in the plan, you got a deal, Naraku." and the two shake hands.
The next day, Towa and Setsuna watched, from their front window, their father Sesshomaru packing up for a trip and Setsuna whisper to her sister, "Dad is leaving us for his mistress." and Towa said to her sister, "We don't know that. Dad is having a business meeting, like every time he is not at home." Setsuna ask Towa, "What make you think he has not been cheating on a mistress all this time?" and Towa said to her sister, "Listen, we followed dad and find out if he was cheating or not." Setsuna ask her sister, "How are we going to do that? We can't drive yet."
Towa and Setsuna get inside the back of the car as Sesshomaru drive to his meeting.
Once the car park and Sesshomaru got out, the girls look up from the window to see men and women in suits greeting Sesshomaru and Setsuna ask his sister, "Which one do you think is the mistress?" and Towa said to her sister, "For the last time, Setsuna, dad is not cheating on mom." and then look at the people, "Still, I don't think this is a normal business meeting. Who are these people?" Soon, a green skin man see Towa and Setsuna peeking from the car window and shout, "Hey, whose is back there?" and everyone become on high alert as they pull out their guns and point them at the car, which Towa and Setsuna step out with their hands up and Sesshomaru said upon seeing his daughters, "Towa? Setsuna?" and one of them ask Sesshomaru, "Who are they, boss man?" which Sesshomaru reply, "They are my daughters." The armed men and women realized whose these girls are and put their guns away as the green skin man said, "I'm sorry, boss. I didn't know..." before Sesshomaru said to him, "Shut it, Gramakk." and said to the girls, "What are you doing here?" and Towa said to her father, "Setsuna think that you were cheating on mom for another woman, so we sneak in your car to find out." and a male Tauren ask Sesshomaru, "You didn't tell your daughters, boss?" Sesshomaru turn to him and said, "No, I didn't, Viivogicha. I don't want my family to knew about this. Now, let me have a moment with them." and most of the men and women left as Sesshomaru said to his daughters, "You want the truth of my work? I'm the head of the Inu family." and the two girls were surprised as Towa said, "The crime family we hear about on the news!"
Setsuna bump into a young man with brown hair and a member of the staff team by the look of his clothes and he said to her, "Oh, I'm sorry, miss. I was not seeing where I was going. Everything has been crazy with the wedding. I'm Komori, by the way." and Setsuna introduced herself, "My name is Setsuna, Sesshomaura's daughter." and poor Komori was speechless.
Soon, cars arrived and Sesshomaru said to his daughters, "The groom and his family are here."
A humanoid male dragon with blue scales and a long white beard and mane step out of the second car with a female humanoid dragon with white scales and a blond mane and a young male humanoid dragon with green and white scales. Sesshomaru and the old dragon look at each other and Sesshomaru speak first, "Rhoam." and the old dragon said back, "Sesshomaru."
Setsuna walk with Komori around the mansion and he quickly stop Setsuna for running into the Hyrule Mafia as they enter the mansion and Komori said, "Look like the groom and his family are here."
Towa noticed a woman in a dress sneaking around and ask a guard, "Hey, Krumer, was it?" and Krumer reply, "Yes, mafia princess." and Towa quickly said, "You don't have to call me that." and then ask him, "Should there be a worker woman?"
Ganondorf and his men sneak inside the mansion.
Ganondorf and his men surround the wedding and the green skin and red hair man said, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I need no introducation as you know who I am." and Sesshomaru ask, "How did you find out about this place?" and Kagura come forward to said, "I told them."
One of the guards shout, "We have the daughters of Sesshomaru here!" and Ganondorf said with a smile, "You don't said." Ganondorf order his men, "Wambleesha, Amelia, Ratsu, Crornga, Riavaih'mur, Ansgar, Famzu, Thorsten, find these girls!" and the eight men and women enter back into the mansion to hunt down Towa and Setsuna.
As Towa is about to face Ganondorf in the backyard, Setsuna get ready to take aim of him from a window when Naraku appear behind her and draw a gun to her head and said to Setsuna, "I would not do that if I was you, girl. I have planned this to get rid of my three rivals, and I would not let a girl ruin this for me. The moment that you fire that gun, I will shoot you too." Setsuna got scared for her life, but she has to do this for her family and her finger is on the trigger at the moment. Towa move to hit Ganondorf and Setsuna quickly shoot Ganondorf's leg before he can fire his gun just as she hear another gun fire, but it was not from Naraku's gun as he fall to his side while bleeding. As Ganondorf got hit in the leg, Setsuna look to see that Komori has the smoking gun while Towa punch Ganondorf in the face, knocking him out cold. The servant then got handcliffs and Setsuna said to him as Komori put them on Naraku, "Good job, Komori." and Komori said, "Acutally, that was a fake idenity." and got out a badge and show it to Setsuna as he explains, "I'm Officer Hisui of the FBI. I'm here to spy on this mafia wedding and give the Inu and Hyrule crime families in for crimes."
When the police arrived, they arrested many members of the four mafia families as Towa, Setsuna, Moroha, and Daphnes watch on.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
"Black Wedding" Story Event: Epilogue 🔞
Jude's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
this story contains suggestive content. minors please just scroll past and ignore.
This epilogue takes place a few years into the future.
— We had our wedding ceremony that day.
We made our vows of love that were like a curse, binding us together till our deaths.
Kate: Jude… I’m really alright…
Jude: That’s not for you to decide.
Right after our wedding ceremony, a group of armed ruffians barged in uninvited.
During the brawling, I was thinking of how beautiful the pieces of broken glass flying around looked.
The leader, who was floored by a merciless kick from my groom, had a grudge against Jude.
And now, I was having every inch of my body examined.
My wedding dress was barely clinging to my body because it was close to being completely ruined.
Not by those ruffians… but by the man whom I had just vowed my love to.
Jude: Hey, I can’t see you like this. Turn and face this way.
Kate: … Uhh…
It wasn’t the first time he saw my bare skin, neither was it the first time he had stripped me naked.
Precisely because it wasn’t the first time, my body was getting the wrong idea.
Kate: … *inhales*
When his fingertips brushed against my skin, I bit the back of my hand to muffle the moan that threatened to escape.
Kate: I already told you that I’m not in pain, you don’t have to check me this thoroughly…
Each time he touched me, each time he looked at me, I had to desperately try to calm the heat rising in my body.
Jude: The extent to which I will torture those bastards depends on whether you have a single scratch on your body.
Jude: Tch… I’ll definitely hunt down the person who leaked the details of our wedding.
His agitated muttering reminded me of how hesitant he was to hold the ceremony.
(Could it be—)
Kate: Is this the reason why you were against holding a wedding ceremony?
Jude: Huh?
Jude frowned in displeasure and scowled at me.
Even that facial expression was endearing to me, that’s how I knew I had fallen so deeply in love with him that there was no saving me.
Kate: You just didn’t want to put me in harm’s way…?
Jude: … You’re so conceited and pleased with yourself, what a simple bride you are.
Kate: You didn’t deny it.
Jude: Even if I did, that won’t stop you from taking it positively.
Kate: Fufu… you’re right.
Jude: … How are you still laughing? One wrong move you could’ve died from having your abdomen slashed open.
His long fingers moved down to my abdomen from my chest.
Kate: Ahh… nn…
The heat that had been rising inside me was stimulated, and I let out an involuntary moan.
Jude: … What’s with that lewd noise?
Kate: I- I was just surprised.
Jude: Oh really?
Kate: …!?
I was violently pushed down onto the bed by my shoulders.
Jude: There’s still something I forgot to check.
My legs were lifted up, and the hem of my already very crumpled dress flipped upwards.
Kate: Hey…!
I was so embarrassed that I buried my face in my hands.
Jude: THIS is what you’re like when you’re surprised.
Jude: Pervert.
Kate: W-Wait…
Jude: Oh—? What?
I felt a dull pain when he bit my inner thigh where the skin was thinner and more sensitive.
Kate: Nnn…!
Jude: … Does it hurt?
I nodded.
But he knew that it wasn't only pain I was feeling.
Each time he raked his teeth against my skin, my breathing rate skyrocketed and I let out a sweet high-pitched sound.
Jude: You really do love pain.
His mocking laugh and facial expression was strangely intoxicating.
Kate: Isn’t that because of you…
Everything that was painful or shameful had become related to “feeling good”.
Jude: Hah, you’ve got a lewd look on your face.
Jude: … Scream and cry all you want, I’m not letting you go.
His eyes did nothing to hide his sadistic desires.
As long as he loved me, even laying on a bed of thorns would feel like heaven.
Jude: The two of us have truly gone mad.
Jude muttered as he fiddled with my hands that were sprawled out after being forcefully thrown onto the bed.
I was wearing a ring that was exactly the same as the shiny ring he wore on his ring finger.
My cheeks relaxed into a smile when I saw it.
Jude: … Your face is so slovenly.
Jude: How is this terrible contract making you this happy?
Kate: … You said it before. Those who break promises, break them. And those who don’t break promises, they’ll never be able to break them even if they die…
Jude: I said that a long time ago. To think that little brain of yours still remembers.
Kate: That part about my brain being little was unnecessary.
Jude: Your little brain still remembers.
Kate: … That sounds more like you’re speaking ill of me.
Jude: So what?
Kate: … You’re the type of man to never break a promise, no matter how messed up things get.
Kate: It makes me happy to know that.
Kate: You vowed to me to keep your promise no matter what.
Jude: … You know that it’ll be a painful experience.
Jude: You’re happy even though you can never run away from me because there’s no saving you now.
The man I loved was an awful man who was hated by many people and would even be attacked in broad daylight.
I was already prepared for those dangers.
Kate: … You’re the one who made me enjoy the pain.
Jude: Can you blame me?
Contrary to his unpleasant tone, the hand stroking my hair was gentle.
Jude: … You nasty woman.
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evita-shelby · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @emotionalcadaver and @darklydeliciousdesires !!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
38 and counting , might make it 39 when i get around to uploading Seeds on there
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Peaky Blinders, House of the Dragon and Masters of the Air, have written for the Inuyasha Fandom, one fic for Black Panther, game of thrones/a song of ice and fire, the Avatar cartoon series, wrote a one shot series for republic commando before i found out the writer is the jk rowling of star wars, tried a batman fanfic one time, did a one shot for pride and prejudice, did a saltburn crackfic and removed from hiatus a Silmarillion and Rings of Power fic
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Someone will remember us :1261
Between the shadow and the soul: 623
All is bliss (in the court of aemma the great):368
You read me poetry while i wash the dishes: 229
Nothing more difficult than love: 222
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, will take between 5 seconds or 5 days lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Knife, a one shot/epilogue for Incantatrice where Eva plans her and Luca's murder suicide after the events of the fic
7. What’s a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Completed on ao3, Misao of the Fire Nation where Misao and Iroh just elope instead of having the wedding their families wanted. Happiest because the fic itself was pretty low stakes
Between the shadow and the soul is a close second because it ends with Eva arriving in Veracruz with her exile finally over and the series as well. And its a good pay off after a lifetime of drama
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
When the stars and planets align
10. Craziest crossover?
I once tried an x men/starwars/tranformers crossiver when i was 15, it was bad, i deleted it. That year i also did an inuyasha/lord of the rongs crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also no.
14. All time favorite ship?
Elizabeth Bennett/Fitzwilliam Darcy
My favorite oc x cc ship?
Eva x Jack Nelson followed by Aemma Velaryon x Aemond Targaryen
15. What’s a fic you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My namor x Eva fic, unless Tenoch Huerta comes back in something in costume i can't erase the thought that he look like my tio in monarchas
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character building!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammer! Descriptions!
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends. Like i have written a fic where the dialogue is entirely in spanish and then made a seperate fic with it English because i was not gonna put translations in the og fic.
I think if it doesn't detract from the story, it should be fine, and your story should be fine if the readers skip it.(i do when its a language i can't speak or read)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
*sophia petrillo voice*: picture this, a bored eighth grader discovers quotev in keyboarding class after reading the outsiders and seen Patrick Swayze as Darry Curtis. It was actually a Sodapop Curtis x oc fic for a friend because they thought he was the hotter brother.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Shock and Delight, the hotd bridgerton inspired aemma x aemond fic
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shatcey · 26 days
Luxury Liner (Jude)
I've finished reading all the stories from this event. I'm so proud of myself. Not all epilogues though. This event came out twice on JP, so I decided to leave the purchase for later. And while I was reading, I noticed something and decided to share.
Well… Let's start with the sweetest
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No, not this one. You shouldn't use such a powerful weapon, mister! I still need my brains, and they've almost stopped working.
(deep exhail)
I looked through previous events with Jude and found confirmation. This is the first event where Jude tells Kate how important it is to prepare for each mission. At the Fake Lovers event, Vivi simply forced her on him, and Jude had no choice but to include her in his previous plans (read, he took advantage of a very convenient opportunity). At the Black Wedding, he did the preparations himself and did not explain anything to Kate. This is literally the first event where he taught her something. Seemingly unwillingly.
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And she remembered it!
Starting with the next story event, Kate WILL prepare for each and every mission. I've said it before, but it's never too much if it's worth it. I like this Kate. She really hears what is being said to her and learns quickly. Amazing.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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severalowls · 1 year
Ive been playing lord of the rings online again for nostalgia reasons. Fairly simple gameplay, a little retro. General community vibe is a bunch of nerds over 50 who probably literally speak elvish and get grumpy if you call it elven. Generally praised for being lovingly tolkein-y.
Which is great! Until the subreddit you go to for guides has several people unprompted doing the 'the amazon show was bad but especially because it featured "Blacks"' and then the next quest you do ingame after seeing that is... an epilogue to the book plotline which is inexplicably a seasonal event everybody is invited to do annually instead of part of the main story which follows the plot of the books and epilogues... which is aragorn and arwen's wedding, played out in full. Which is cute. And the guests and crowd are like, every single major NPC from the main story! Which is cool! Except every single fucking one of them is white. A crowd that exists nowhere good on earth.
And you realise why the subreddit is like that and how everybody's absolutely seeped in this ultra english-1950s fantasy world but at least when it was text you could fill in the gaps yourself because jolkein probably wasn't actively intentionally being a racist and explicitly ensuring every single one of his polite little old fashioned mans was explicitly described as only white. But when the game artists, designing the versions of the minor rolkein characters between the game launch in like 2006 and this wedding scene in like 2013, at every single turn portrayed them as specifically, actively, only, explicitly white... jesus fucking christ you can see why this fostered a community which is happy to rant about "Blacks" uncontested and suddenly the whole thing feels a lot less cozy forever.
Edit: upon inspection the peejack movies were in fact just as bad
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