#from inside the stall you asked if i needed help. i said nah i got it. you said if i didnt have it on by the time you were done youd do it
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heyitslapis · 8 days ago
Even when I thought we had boundary of just friends, she confuses me.
I tell myself to ignore it. That it's just a game for her and that she really is just comfortable with me as a friend.
But we all went out Sunday night (you, me & Sam). You asked us again if Sam & I were still "not a thing." We both told you the truth (for like the 10th time): we're not a thing. There's no sort of situationship or anything like that. We're just friends.
**((also I fucked up one of my tags I meant to say that Alice told buddy boy that I threatened to kill *him* again, not that I threatened to kill her. He sounded really serious when he said "i promise v, im leaps and bounds better than anyone shes had before. I would never hurt her." I said "Oh, im sure. Its because thats who you are Ty. Thats what you and I do. We protect people." I'll be so honest yall i was crossfaded as fuck because i was running iff 3 hours sleep & literally no food almost the whole day leading up to our outing. NOT doing that again jfc))**
#when leaving that bar to head to another one you were in my driver's seat & i was in the front passenger since i was too drunk to drive#the foam rose you tentatively pinned to my vest valentine's night was pinned to my visor directly above your head#did you notice it? is that why you did what you did next? i was packing my tiny bowl & you said it was cute#i said ''thanks! courtesy of my ex lol'' & as i was talking you were saying something else. but as soon as we both stopped#you said ''i love you'' with a wide sweet smile took the sides of my head in either of your hands & kissed my cheek#i dont know what you said right before the ily & idk why you kissed my face especially with sammy in my back seat?#then at the 2nd bar not only did you insist that i take the jacket off your back because i was cold & dreaded getting my coat from the car#but you also (for the 2nd time very recently) implied that i enjoy impact play (which i do but thats none of your business missy)#and why would you even throw that assumption out there? its happened a couple times recently & you also said on speaker at work last week-#that i love it when you & sam are mean to me. yeah i do enjoy it to a degree but again what are you trying to get out of me?#what info are you rooting for? what are you wondering about me & why? not to mention the other three main things you did that night.#at the 2nd bar i went to the rest room. you were coming in just after i washed my hands & saw me trying to put on my gold chain necklace#from inside the stall you asked if i needed help. i said nah i got it. you said if i didnt have it on by the time you were done youd do it#i said if you insist & probably shouldnt have but i stopped trying to put it on (i definitely couldve gotten it myself)#you came out washed your hands & asked if i was trying to shorten the chain. i said yes & id like it on the 5th or 6th large link please#you confirmed ''kinda like a choker?'' & tugged it ever so firmly but also gently against my throat as you clasped it on the 6th large link#which that can be written off as you being a homie & just struggling to quickly get it cause your nails are in the way & youre also drunk#but then when we were all sitting in your car after buddy boy came to get us & get food we were talking about how you train new hires#i said ''my love you cant train people like theyre dogs'' & you immediately shot me back a look out of the corner of your eye#then you turned forward & if i remember correctly you said ''i beg to differ'' or something along those lines exCUSE ME?????#then i was complaining about ''all the femmes in my life (you & sam) are always so mean to me''#you very happily & proudly announced to your boytoy that i admitted that i enjoy being hit#i then argued that i never admitted to anything but was simply accused. you & sam said that my silence was admission enough#i countered that i stayed silent because i wasnt going to say a word on it without my lawyer present#you said i couldnt afford a lawyer & i laughed saying ''exactly & thats why i wont speak on it''#but you & sammy kept egging me on so my drunk ass said ok maybe i do a little but who doesnt enjoy getting a little rough every now & again#the topic ended up changing shortly after that#you also smirked as you told buddy boy that i threatened to kill you again that night#i corrected that i didnt establish a new threat just renewed the old promise & that i was mildly serious since i dont have much to lose lol#heyitslapis rambles
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malebodyswapsme · 3 years ago
Now look this may sound….really weird but trust me, I had a reason! You see….this technically isn’t me. It’s actually the guy I switched bodies with in the stall right next to me! Get comfy cause this is going to be a LONG story. So look, I’m going to purely honest with you…I’m bi😐yup just a insecure, depressed, not cool, lame, boring bi-curious 19 year old guy. Anyways, I was at the mall with my older brother Mike. Mike always knew how much I hated myself and he honestly felt bad for me! He was the complete opposite of me. My brother played football and basketball…I hated sports. He had TON of friends and I well really didn’t have any. He was the guy that I always wanted to be. Strong and popular but if not those…then confident! I would always stay locked up in my room cause I didn’t have anywhere to go with me having social anxiety. My brother always BUGGED AND IRRITATED ME about going out to the mall with him and his teammates. No matter how hard he tried, I would give me the same answer every time…..”NOOO!!!!! GO AWAY AND JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!” But this time was different. After I shoved Mike and his teammates out of my room from another pleas of getting me out the house, he told our parents! Yes? You heard me correctly….OUR PARENTS!!!!! He told them that it wasn’t good that I would always stay inside and that I needed to go out and “communicate” with people around age! He begged and begged and begged them for them to make me go to the mall with him. For some weird reason…they agreed🤦‍♂️ next thing I know, Mike and his teammates are running upstairs and busting my door open saying “WAKE UP!!!! YOU’RE GOING TO THE MALL WITH US TODAY MAN!” Obviously, no one in my house could take a hint that I wanted to be alone. I honestly didn’t have the energy to fight with Mike let alone his friends and teammates plus my parents so sadly, I gave up fighting and said fine. As soon as I did my dick of a brother yanked me out the bed by my feet. After I got ready, me, Mike, and his friends all headed to the mall. Right when we pulled up, I wanted to vomit…..JUST STRAIGHT UP VOMIT🤮 social anxiety is really sucky. I tried to jump out the car, sprint to city bus by the mall and hop on it but of course I got caught. I was running from four football players so that was a stupid mistake. When they caught me, Mike said “Nah! You ain’t getting away that easy!” I don’t understand why Mike felt the need to play big brother who’s my hero but what he did next was unnecessary. He literally and I mean-LITERALLY…..Handcuffed us together and gave the key to one of his teammates! I then shouted at him “WTF Mike!! You already know that I have social anxiety and now you going to put me through some crap like this in public????” He then rolled his eyes and said “You see that’s your damn problem now! You’re so scared of being in public that every little thing scares you. I’m not going to sit by and watch you drift off from the real world just because you’re sc-sc-sc-sc-scared!! So we’re doing this my way wether you like it or not cause honestly! I couldn’t care less of how scared you are!” I hated him….out of all the brothers in the world, why’d I get stuck with him? Later while we’re walking in the mall, these five cute girls walk by all five of us. I could tell how Mike and his friends were turned on right away, no self control🤦‍♂️They all try shooting their shot and all three of Mike’s teammates landed a girl. Then it was Mikes turn. I wanted to see him embarrass himself in front of her with him still handcuffed to me. The girl asked “Ummm, so why are you two handcuffed together? Like do you..you know…👌👈?” Right away, we both were disgusted and shot that theory down. Mike explained to her that he was taking extra measures to help me with my people problem. She found it so sweet of him to do that and gave him her number. Then Mike told me, “You’re turn bro! Go over there and get that last girls number, don’t leave her feeling left out!” I rejected what he said right away and said that I wasn’t doing it. Part 2 next!!
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years ago
The Pact - Date #7
Pairing/Genre: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
Word Count: 7.2k
Premise: The truth about the pact the boys have about you has been revealed. What happens when you agree to go on a single date with each of them?
Warnings: a bit of talking down on yourself, the confusion continues, general fluff with a touch of angst 
a/n: this is the final date. guys...how is this going by so fast?? please let me know your thoughts on the date, on everything else overall...and I’ll see you soon? Next Saturday is the finale!
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Date #7
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Note from the creator of this stupid idea:
I loved her first.
 “Who do you think it was? Any ideas?”
           “I…” you shrug. “No?”
           Gina arches a brow, staring you down from across your kitchen table. “So, that was a lie.”
           You can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up from your chest, Gina also chuckling. It’s a relief, the fact that she doesn’t hesitate to call you out. You’re grateful that you finagled her number from Jin, shooting him a text that looked a lot like this:
Me: Burn this after reading
Me: We can’t have any evidence !!
Kim Seokjinnie: ok, hi. I’m not burning my phone weirdo. I’ll just keep it away from Jungkook. What’s up??
Me: Hi. You know what I meant.
Me: Can you give me Gina’s number?
Kim Seokjinnie: Sure, I’ll send you the contact in a second. You two gonna hang out or something?
Me: Hopefully…do you think it’s weird if I just ask her out of the blue? Will she not wanna come?
Kim Seokjinnie: Nah, she’s pretty chill. I bet she’ll come
Kim Seokjinnie: *Kim Seokjinnie shared a contact with you*
Kim Seokjinnie: do you need anything before I burn my phone?
Me: no, thank you!! I owe you one. I’m short on friends rn, hopefully she’ll come over
Kim Seokjinnie: I’m sorry  miss you. We’ll all get to hang out once this is all over, I promise.
“Yah! I really don’t know. I mean they’ve all be so…”
“So what?”
You sigh, sounding like some kid in a dreamy teen movie. “Perfect?”
“There’s no such thing,” Gina huffs, leaning back in her chair. It’s a bit rickety, you’d found it at a yard sale with Namjoon and Jimin. You had just moved into your apartment, and realized that you were a little low on furniture. Together, you’d managed to find three mismatching chairs that made you grin each time you saw them.
It was a little odd at the time, you didn’t want to buy three chairs. Two seemed like plenty. They convinced you though, and looking back you understand why they were so adamant.
Wasn’t it rule #3? “Limit one-on-one interaction”? Three chairs made it so that there was always space for at least two of them.
Suddenly you look at the most average things in your house with different eyes.
Groaning, you rub your hands over your face. You’ve probably smudged your makeup, but you don’t care. It’s Friday night, you can do whatever you want.
“Unfortunately, I really think that there might be.” You let out a dry chuckle. “Seven dates with the world’s most perfect men. I knew I was screwed from the beginning, but this, I mean, I didn’t expect it to go this far.”
“On the bright side, you only have one more to go.” Gina gets up, stretching before moving to put her plate in the sink. She’d picked up some takeout on her way to your house, proving to you that you two are going to be friends for a long, long time.
“I’m terrified because of that. What happens after tomorrow’s date? I know it’s up to me, but I feel like I’m waiting for someone to come tell me the next step.”
Gina hums in agreement, shooting you an apologetic look. “Maybe I shouldn’t have pointed out how flirty they were at the haunted house. You never would have gotten into this mess.”
“No,” you wave her off. “It’s not your fault. Jungkook let it slip anyway, after the door closed on us in the basement. Ugh, I still get freaked out thinking about that. Has that happened since?”
Gina pauses over the sink, back turned to you as she runs her plate under the hot water. After a moment she shuts it off, turning around to wipe her hands off on a dish towel before leaning up against the counter.
Your stomach drops. “What.”
“It’s just…” she crosses her arms and uncrosses them, unsure of what to do with her hands. “The door is connected to a little button on every employee’s key fob. You know, just for some extra scare factor.”
You meet her sheepish gaze with a blank stare. “So you’re telling me…”
“It’s just a part of the tour,” Gina shrugs. “Wait, what happened? He told you about the pact when the door closed? That’s…that’s honestly not the most romantic setting-”
“No no, we had a little moment after the door closed, and we almost kissed. But he stopped himself and said the I didn’t have to worry about him making a move. When we got out, I asked him why, and that’s when he mentioned the pact.”
“So tomorrow is the last date, correct?”
           “Look,” Gina notices your worried expression. “Do yourself a favor. Let go. Don’t waste tomorrow thinking about what’s gonna happen next. Focus on the moment, ok? Then how about we get together next week sometime to talk everything over? If you feel like that might help, that is.”
           You definitely made the right choice in inviting Gina over. You can already feel your stress levels going down.
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           You’re up early the next morning, earlier than you’d like. You’re not sure how long you’ve been sitting on your sofa, basking in the golden morning sun and watching the little dust motes float in the air, but it’s certainly been a while.
           For once, it’s quiet in your mind. You’re not sure why now, why today. There’s no doubt you’ll be your typical bumbling mess once Yoongi picks you up, but for now all is peaceful.
           It’s the last date. Somehow, despite how much you’ve enjoyed these little escapades, you feel relief at the thought. Knowing that you’ve made it nearly to the end without doing anything remarkably stupid (you’re still mortified that you and Jimin got kicked out of that basilica but oh well), and now you’re so close.  
           For now, you slide your worries under the rug, to be left there for the weekend. You curl your legs under you and lean your head back against the cushions to drink in the sunlight. It warms your skin, leaving you feeling even better than before.
           Yoongi is supposed to be here around four. Jungkook had sent you a quick text earlier in the week checking that you didn’t have any plans for Saturday afternoon and night. You didn’t bother to tell him that you always had all day open for them.
           While the exchange had been short, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was blushing just as much as you when his contact popped up on your screen. In an instant you were plunged into the memory of clinging to him just outside your front door, Jungkook’s shaky breaths the only thing keeping you planted in reality.
           Either way, it was safe to say that you were a blushing mess despite the simplicity of the text. He kept it strictly professional, not once alluding to the events of last Saturday. But you could still hear those words he uttered when he asked if you ever thought about what might have happened if he’d kissed you in the haunted house when he had the chance.
           “I do. Every day.”
           Of course you thought about it. You let out an amused huff on the couch, laughing to yourself. Who wouldn’t? But the only thing was the fact that you were thinking about a lot of things. Not just Jungkook.
           Or his lips, for that matter.
           The couch rustles as you get up, deciding to change out of your red sweatshirt for a green one. You’d been instructed to dress warm, which made you wonder what was planned for today. Outside everything looks warm and pleasant, certainly no need for anything too heavy.
           By the time afternoon rolls around, you’re tempted to call up Gina for a late lunch or something. To say you’re antsy is an understatement; you’re positively losing it. The clock on the wall has decided to try its hand at stopping time altogether, and you think it’s doing a pretty good job of it. Every time you glace over, seemingly no time has passed.
           This time, you really start to wonder if no time has passed. You swear it’s been stuck at 3 o’clock for a while-
           The sound of someone knocking on your door has you nearly tipping over from where you perch trying to grab the clock.
           For some stupid reason, you’re frozen to your spot at the far end of your living room. Holding the clock in your hands, you jump a little as a second tentative knock sounds.
           To your utter mortification, your mouth opens and you yell out, “Come in!”
           You’re still frozen in place when the door opens and Yoongi pokes his head in. His eyes immediately land on you, a sheepish smile that he has a hard time containing immediately breaking out.
           “You’re not planning on throwing that at me, right?” He asks, making you glare down at the clock you cling to.
           “Oh.” Your knuckles have turned white, and somehow your heart has decided to try its hand at sprinting a marathon. “No. I- it’s broken. I think.”
           Yoongi shuffles inside, closing the door gently behind him before wandering over to you. His pale complexion makes the pink on his cheeks easy to spot. Somehow the fact that he’s blushing makes you blush.
           “Do you have batteries around here?” He asks quietly, hiding his amusement.
           “Maybe in the kitchen?” You brush past him, handing off the clock. “Would you mind getting the old batteries out?”
           He mumbles out a sure, plopping down on your sofa while he gets to work on the clock. He’s wearing a similar outfit to you, which makes you smile. It’s not very often these days that he sports a bandana and you wonder if he somehow knew that you love the way he looks in it. His hair looks particularly fluffy as it kisses his forehead, the dark bandana giving him an air of coolness you know you could never pull off.
           Rummaging around your kitchen drawers, you pause when you realize what you’re doing. Are you stalling? What’s the rush to fix a clock when you have Min Yoongi in the other room waiting to take you out?
           Closing the drawer, you take a deep breath and shake your head.
           “Sorry Yoongi,” you call out, trudging back into the living room. “I’m an idiot.”
           He looks at you over his shoulder, a smirk tugging at his lips. “What’s your reasoning?”
           Yoongi chuckles, setting the clock down on the coffee table before getting to his feet. “Wow, is it just me or…”
           You wince. “This got off to a bad start, huh.”
           Looking at each other from across the room, you realize just how much you’ve missed him. His witty sarcastic remarks, his honesty.
           “Can we start over? Go knock on the door again.”
           Yoongi’s already on his way, huffing out a laugh as he steps outside. “Alright, see you in a second.” The door clicks shut behind him, and you’re suddenly left with the silence of your house.
           As Yoongi timidly knocks on the door, the same sense of calm you experienced this morning settles over you.
           The seventh date. No more guessing who’s on the other side of the door, no more anxious glances in the mirror to check that everything looks flawless. It’s just you, Yoongi, and the door between you.
           There’s already a smile on your face as you open that door, finding Yoongi standing with his hands in his pocket. He returns your grin, feeling like a fellow conspirator in a heist that has yet to be planned.
           “I’m here,” he announces, then adds with a chuckle, “finally.”
           “Took you long enough,” you tease, reaching out to grab his jacket and pull him inside. He feigns a horrified expression at your flirty nature, but you just roll your eyes. You’re not sure who wraps their arms around the other first, but the next thing you know, you’re wrapped up in a tight embrace.
           I missed you, is what you want to say, but the words get caught in your throat. The lump that’s formed there only grows thicker with emotion as Yoongi’s gravelly voice rumbles against your hair.
           “How’re you holding up?”
           Your arms fall around his waist, ever aware of his shoulder. Even though he says he’s completely healed now, you aren’t taking any chances. It’s quiet for a long moment as you struggle to find an answer.
           “I…fine. I’m fine.” You pull away and arch an eyebrow at him, pleased to see that is cheeks are still rosy despite the serious look in his eye. “How are you holding up?”
           He lets out a breathy laugh, dropping your gaze. “Fine.” Then, when he catches your disbelieving stare, he states as innocently as possible, “What? Aren’t we lying to each other tonight?”
           “You suck.”
           “See!” He exclaims as you step out of his grasp to grab your things. “You always do that when you’ve been caught in a lie!”
           “Ugh, yah! I wasn’t lying,” you turn around to face him, walking backward toward your room. “I’m fine, really.”
           He shrugs. “And so am I.”
           You stifle your laughter as you enter your room, grabbing your things and wondering if you should grab a coat. “Do I really need a coat?” You call down the hall.
           Pursing your lips, you snatch the puffy monstrosity from your closet before turning to head out. Double checking that you have everything you need; your eyes can’t help but glance at the item sitting atop your dresser.
           You stick your tongue out at it. A few seconds later it’s tucked safely away in your top drawer and you’re heading out into the hallway. Your stomach does an uneasy flip as you recall the words that are practically burned in the backs of your eyelids now.
           I loved her first.
           Yoongi gets up from off the couch, waiting for you beside the door. His dark eyes survey you as you walk toward him. “Good to go?” He asks quietly. Clutching your coat a little tighter to your chest, you nod.
           The two of you head out, locking up your apartment and settling in the car that Yoongi drove over. Before long, you’re out on the highway, speeding toward your destination.
           Which, you’ve just realized, is still a mystery to you.
           “Sooo…” You begin, smiling lazily at Yoongi. You take a moment to admire his hands that are wrapped around the steering wheel. “Where are we going?”
           A smile tugs at his lips, but he manages to contain it as he adopts a serious expression. He glances over at you. “We’re going to see the sea.”
           “We’re…” you stutter, furrowing your brows. “We’re going to see the sea?”
           A breathy chuckle escapes him. “Yeah. But it’s a long drive, so are you down to listen to a murder-mystery with me?”
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            You’re still pretty sure that it was the nosy maid that did it by the time you arrive at your destination. Two hours, one murder-mystery short audiobook, and several snacks later, the sun is well on its way to the horizon when Yoongi pulls off to a sandy parking lot filled to the brim with cars.
           There’s tons of people mulling about, several of them appear to be young families who smile fondly as their children laugh and play in the sand. There’s a couple of food-trucks that have popped up on the beach, which sport long lines. Yoongi observes them woefully, seeming to come to some sort of understanding with himself before moving to get out of the car.
           “Woah, what’s with all the people? Is this beach always this busy?”
           It’s a beach you’ve never been to before, the pristine sand glowing as the sun makes its way across the sky.
           “Today’s a special occasion,” Yoongi explains, popping the trunk and rummaging around. “We should probably pick out a spot now before all the good ones are taken.”
           You come around to the back of the car to meet him, taking the blanket he extends out to you. Leaving your big coat in the backseat, you hope he doesn’t scold you and tell you to put it on. Right now it’s windy, but fairly warm. No need to look like a living marshmallow just yet.
           Before you can inquire after what the special occasion is, Yoongi passes you a couple of water bottles and begins rattling off instructions.
           “How about I jump in line to buy us some dinner,” the way he says it so casually has your heart skipping a beat for some reason, “and you head down the beach to scout out a decent spot?”
           “But what kind of spot do you mean? Is there a show or something?”
           Yoongi pauses, closing the trunk and running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, something like that. A show. Just find a spot that you like, I’ll come find you with our food, ok?”
           “Ay ay, captain.” You trudge away, hoisting the blanket up higher in your arms as you begin to look for an empty space. The immediate surrounding beach area appears to be pretty packed, which has you marching farther and farther away from the parking lot.
           You grin as a couple of children race past you, giggling as they fly their kites. It’s looks like it’s a little boy and with his younger sister, trying their best to keep their kites afloat in wind. Waving at them, your smile only grows as the boy sheepishly turns away and the girl cheerfully waves back.
           It feels like you walk for years before finding a clearing. You were definitely looking for a semi-secluded spot, not too keen on spending your long-awaited date with Yoongi surrounded by strangers. It doesn’t even occur to you to ask someone what the big deal is about today before you’re laying the blanket out. Not wanting to leave anything unattended just for it to blow away, you decide to just be patient until Yoongi finds you.
           The sand is warm beneath the blanket as you plop down, resting with your face turned toward the sun as you let out a content sigh. Despite the chill of the wind, the sun warms you right up.
           “Why are you alone?”
           Peeking one eye open at the little voice, you’re delighted to see the same little girl from earlier standing a little ways away. She watches you with a meek expression, her kite forgotten at her feet.
           “Oh, I’m not alone,” you explain. “I’m just waiting for my friend to come find me. He went to go get food.”
           “Oh.” The young girl shuffles her feet. “My mommy says that I need to get all my wiggles out before the show.”
           You chuckle. “Really? What show are we watching tonight? Is it Disney?” That would certainly make sense for all of the young families here tonight. Did Yoongi bring you to a beach-front outdoor movie?
           “No, silly!” The girl giggles at your questions. “The sky’s coming to say hello!”
           “That’s what my mommy said. She said, ‘Young-mi get your wiggles out, the sky is coming to say hello soon!’”
           You blink, a little amused by Young-mi’s earnest response. “I see…I didn’t know that the sky was coming to say hello tonight.”
           “Then why are you here?”
           “Oh,” you crane your neck toward the parking lot, but it’s too far away to see Yoongi. “My friend brought me, as a surprise.”
           “Wow,” Young-mi utters in a reverent tone. “Can I meet your friend?”
           “I don’t see why not.”
           With a gleeful shout, Young-mi takes off running, her kite skipping along the ground behind her. She runs toward her family, her mother grinning at the sight before reaching out to pull her into her arms. You watch on with a forgotten smile, wondering for a split second what that would be like.
           If you squint, that could be Yoongi sitting beside Young-mi’s mother, throwing his head back with laughter at something his daughter says to him. Their son crouches in the sand nearby, digging around as though searching for gold.
           Laying down with a soft sigh, you close your eyes and let the little daydream take over. Here, at the beach. Telling your children that this is where you had your first date; laughing as they make disgusted faces when Yoongi plants a loud kiss on your cheek-
           “Did the nosy maid get to you?”
           Yoongi stands above you with arms laden with food. He blocks out the sun, the rays coming around to make him appear like an angel. Judging from the delicious smells radiating from the food he carries, you think he actually might be.
           “Ah, so you agree that you think it was her that murdered Duke Rittington?” Your voice sounds a little croaky, a testament to the fact that you were just dozing a moment ago. Leaning up to ease some of the food from his arms, Yoongi snorts.
           “No. It was obviously the son. Why can’t you see it?”
           Rolling your eyes, you pat a spot next to you on the blankets. Yoongi takes the seat without hesitation. “Because, the son seems like too easy of a suspect. Whereas the maid-”
           The screams of Young-mi as she rushes toward you cut you off. “You have a boyfriend?!”
           “Oh, no.”
           Yoongi leans over, still busy arranging the bags of food – is that a cheeseburger you see? – around the blanket. “Who’s that?” He mumbles.
           “I, uh, made a friend while you were grabbing food,” you explain with a small smile.
           Now Young-mi reaches your blanket, dropping to her knees as she gazes up at Yoongi with wide, innocent eyes. “Hi, my name is Young-mi and I’m four years old. I’m the second tallest in my class.” Young-mi prattles off information, her large eyes never once leaving Yoongi’s face. “Are you her boyfriend? I hope you’re her boyfriend.”
           Yoongi lets out a startled laugh. “You do? Why’s that?”
           “You’re so pretty.”
           Now both of you burst out laughing, Young-mi looking utterly confused at your outburst. Yoongi covers his face with his hands, shaking his head.
           “What? What’s so funny?” Young-mi questions.
           You grin at her. “You think he’s pretty?” The little girl nods enthusiastically. “I do too.”
           Yoongi peers over at you at this comment, an unasked question in his eyes. The pink in his cheeks has intensified, as has your own blush.
           “Aren’t I supposed to be the one complementing you?” He asks under his breath. You shrug.
           “You brought food, so now we’re even.”
           Young-mi lingers a little while longer, asking a few questions and drawing in the sand. Munching down on your cheeseburger, you eye Young-mi’s kite.
           “Do you mind if I try to fly your kite for a second?” The question is out of your mouth before you can fully process it, but Young-mi looks up at you excitedly.
           “Yes!!” She squeals, immediately dragging the little handle over to you. “You have to run really fast, that’s what my mommy told me. Then it’ll fly!”
           Glancing back at Yoongi as you clamber to your feet, you don’t miss the fond smile he wears as he watches the interaction take place. You wave at him, heading off down the beach with Young-mi. Once you’ve walked far enough, you wink down at her.
           “Ok, you run on ahead and I’ll catch up in a few seconds.”
           The girl wastes no time running off, her laughter making you feel lighter than you have in weeks. Once she’s far enough off, you take off after her. She heads straight toward her family, who smile at you as you attempt to get the kite off the ground.
           Sand flies up behind you as you race, and you catch a glimpse of Yoongi with his phone out, recording you with a wide smile on his face. The sun has hit the horizon now, a dizzying array of colors sending your mind into a joyful frenzy. Up ahead, Young-mi has successfully made it to her family and is waiting for you to catch up. She jumps up and down as the kite soars above you, the little pinwheels attached to it spinning around in the wind.
           A bit more energy overtakes you, and you sprint the last few yards toward Young-mi, unable to stop the laugh that jumps out of you. You feel so free, here on the beach. It’s almost like you’re up there flying with the kite-
           Someone shouts it, you’re not exactly sure who, but by the time the plea registers in your ears, it’s too late. Foot catching in the hole that Young-mi’s brother had been digging earlier, you feel a twist of pain before tumbling to the ground.
           You cry out, barely managing to catch yourself before faceplanting it. The handle from Young-mi’s kite digs painfully into your hand, but that’s the least of your problems at the moment.
           Young-mi’s family rushes over to you, but before they reach you Yoongi is dropping to your side.
           “Oh,” you pant, “hi Yoongs.”
           “Are you alright?” He’s also panting, and you wonder if he had begun running after you before you even fell, foreseeing your path. “Your foot…”
           “I am so sorry!” Young-mi’s mother stoops down on your other side, her husband right behind her. “We completely forgot that Doyun even dug that hole! Can you move? Are you in pain?”
           From where you’re laying belly-down on the sand, you can’t help but feel the burn of embarrassment in your cheeks. “I…move? Yeah, I can – ah never mind.” You wince as you attempt to get to your feet only for the dull ache in your right foot to flare up to a fiery red pain. Yoongi immediately reaches out for you, unsure of what to do. His hands ghost over your leg, but retract when you hiss in pain.
           “Here, my husband-” Young-mi’s mother points over her shoulder to the man in question. “He’s a nurse. Honey, could you…?”
           “Do you mind if I take a look at your ankle?” The man asks in a gentle voice. “Just to make sure nothing’s broken.”
           With a nod, you allow both him and Yoongi to help you swivel around to sit the correct way, the blush you already have deepening even more when Yoongi takes up a spot at your back. He gently pushes your shoulders back until you’re leaning into his chest, his arms coming to wrap around you in a protective manner.
           When you wince as the man delicately presses down on your already swollen ankle, Yoongi begins talking.
           “So, is it just me, or has this entire night been a disaster?”
           You let out a choked laugh. “No, Yoongs. Well, maybe it has, but it’s all my fault. I can’t believe I fell, how embarrassing…”
           “Oh, are you two out on a date? Er, sorry for prying…”
           Both you and Yoongi awkwardly chuckle. “No, no…um, yeah. We are.”
           “It’s our first date, actually,” Yoongi adds as an afterthought.
           “How exciting! Honey, it’s their first date, did you hear that?”
           The man currently inspecting your ankle spares the two of you a kindly glance. “Good for you two. You make a good looking couple.”
           “But I swear I’ve seen you before,” the mother comments, squinting at Yoongi. “Where do I know you from…”
           You can feel Yoongi tense up behind you, but he doesn’t say anything yet. Instead he takes to finding your hands (which you’ve slipped into your sweatshirt pocket to avoid accidentally punching the man poking and prodding at your foot), eventually curling his hands around yours and steadily unclenching your fists.
           “Oh! I know it! Do you do commercials?”
           Yoongi lets out an audible sigh of relief, which makes you smile for half a second before a particularly hard prod at your ankle sends you into a tailspin.
           “Yeah, I’ve done a few commercials.”
           “I knew it. How’s it looking, honey?”
           Her husband sits back on his heels, giving you a nod. “Nothing appears to be broken, you just twisted it pretty good. Babe, grab that icepack out of the cooler. You should keep ice on it for a while to counter the swelling.”
           A second later you’re handing a little bag of ice. “I don’t wanna take your ice,” you comment lamely. Yoongi chuckles in your ear, pulling back from you and standing.
           “It’s just a disposable pack we used for the cooler,” the mother explains, waving off your concern. “No need to worry. We’ve got plenty more. Now, go enjoy your date!”
           “Yeah, try your best to have fun. And keep ice on that, on and off for the next couple of days. It shouldn’t give you too much trouble after that.” With a wink toward Yoongi, your temporary nurse gives him a little nudge. “You seem like a good man. I think you’re in good hands here, miss.”
           Young-mi bids you a mournful goodbye as you limp away with Yoongi, quickly coming to find that sand isn’t the kindest to people hopping around on one leg. You’ve made it all of four hops while clinging to Yoongi before he stops.
           “Hop on my back,” he commands, stepping directly in front of you.
           You blanch. “But Yoongi…your shoulder.”
           “It’s fine. Just hop on. You don’t need to limp all the way back to where we’re sitting.” When you hesitate another moment, he looks back at you over his shoulder, his dark eyes sparking in the sunset. “Jagiya.”
           Well, the man puts up a convincing argument.
           Yoongi crouches down so you don’t have to jump, and with a bit of careful maneuvering you manage to hop onto his back. His hands grip your thighs, hoisting you up a bit higher which makes you gasp a little. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on shoulder.
           Setting off toward your abandoned blanket and food, you can’t help but feel a rise of disappointment in your chest.
           “Yoongi?” You mumble, almost sounding like an embarrassed child.
           Hiding your face in the back of his neck, you groan. “I’m sorry.”
           Yoongi’s steps falter before he continues on, confusion evident in his tone. “Sorry? For what?”
           The calm that you felt earlier has completely shattered at this point, and you grit your teeth against the pain in your ankle and the onslaught of emotions that surface. What happened to picture perfect? Why couldn’t you focus?
           Other than sitting in the car together, you feel as though you’ve hardly touched base with Yoongi. You haven’t seen the man in nearly two months, and yet here you are distracted as ever. Distracted with your dumb broke clock, distracted with the audiobook, distracted with a kite.
           Yoongi stops in his tracks as he feels hot tears against his neck. “Jagiya?”
           “I- I’m so sorry, Yoongi,” you blubber. “I’m an idiot! I c-can’t focus on anything tonight and…and now I’ve made everything fall apart by going and getting h-hurt…Yoongi, it hurts so bad. A-and now I’m complaining, which is making everything worse!”
           You’re surprised when Yoongi doesn’t say a single thing, instead picking up where he left off as he trudges on toward the blanket. In response to his silence, you continue in your repentant monologue.
           “And you waited in line to get us fooood,” you bite down on your lip as you fight the urge to wail. “It’s probably c-cold now, and you waited for s-so long to get it…I feel like such a bad person…if you don’t wanna continue the date, I u-understand. I promise I won’t tell anyone if you want! J-just, I’m so sorry, Yoongi. I’ve completely ruined this, and you drove t-two hours to get me here….” You’ve reached the blanket now, Yoongi gently sets you down, and you hobble on one foot as you half-expect him to grab his keys and set off toward the car. “I just can’t think straight because I read that stupid pact and-”
           “Woah, back up.”
           Swiveling around to face you, Yoongi has a frown etched into his face. It makes you want to turn and run, to crawl into a cave to die from embarrassment, but it’s the fact that you can barely manage to stand on one foot at the moment – let alone run – that has you standing still.
           “You read the pact?” You blink, hopping a little. When Yoongi sees your struggle he reaches out to you, steadying you. “Here, let’s sit.”
           “W-we’re staying?”
           Yoongi gazes down at you, the look in his eyes turning unspeakable soft. “Yes, jagiya. Unless you aren’t feeling up to it anymore?” He looks as though the thought of leaving now pains him, but he waits patiently for your answer.
           “I wanna stay.”
           “Good. Now, what’s this about you reading the pact?”
           Having successfully turned into a sniffling mess, you wipe away your tears with an angry swipe. It’s time to come clean.
           “I found a copy in Jin’s room-”
           “What were you doing in Jin’s room?!” Yoongi whispers frantically, growing more concerned by the second. You wave him off.
           “-and I took it! I knew I shouldn’t, but I just wanted to know, you know? So I stole it but that was stupid because then I saw that thing on the back…the little note.” Your words trail off, unable to even say the word lovewhen Yoongi’s looking at you like he’s unsure of whether he wants to laugh or cry.
           “The little…note?”
           “Yeah, you know…” You shake your head, moving on. “And since I saw that, I’ve been a mess. Like, an actual mess. I finally called Gina help just to get some help, I needed someone to talk to because you know, I can’t talk to you guys right now which is stupid. But I’m still so lost and I screwed everything up and my ankle hurts Min Yoongi!”
           You’ve stunned yourself into silence with your outburst, Yoongi across from you looks a bit lost himself as he sits back on his heels. It’s clear the moment he comes to a realization.
           “The note.”
           It’s all you can do to breathe normally and not burst out into tears again. Yoongi’s expression turns mournful when he sees you.
           “Oh, jagiya…” leaning forward, Yoongi somehow manages to pull you into his lap. Wrapping his arms around you and tucking your head close to his chest, Yoongi pulls you in as close as he can. He sways gently back and forth, a hand coming up to cup your cheek to make you look at him.
           You do so begrudgingly, feeling like nothing more than a large child. However, the moment you meet his eyes, it hits you like a lightning strike.
           “Do you remember,” he begins quietly, “that time when your final paper accidentally got deleted? All you had left to do on it was add the reference page. You were distraught, remember?”
           Of course you do. It’s the stuff of nightmares. Countless hours spent laboring over a final essay for a class you loathed, only to make a stupid mistake and delete it all. All of it, all nineteen pages were gone in a blink. Your hard work along with it.
           “I remember you called me, a sobbing mess. Obviously I thought you’d hurt yourself, the way you were crying about killed me.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, leaving you completely enraptured in his spell as he continues speaking. “I fought with Namjoon because I needed to go see you, but we had a schedule. It was an interview, I don’t even remember for what or with whom, but I was so angry. I seriously thought I was gonna punch him. Then I remembered he goes to the gym a lot more than me, so I didn’t.”
           He manages to make you crack a small grin at that. The sight spurs him on. “But I’ll never forget the sight I saw when I finally made it out to your house later that night. It was like what, two in the morning? No one knew I was even going over, which obviously I did on purpose. I didn’t want to get into another argument. When I walked in your apartment, you were sat at the kitchen table. Remember?”
           The memory is vague, tinged with exhaustion and disappointment, but it’s there. You’d set up camp at your kitchen table all day, missing all other appointments just to try to rewrite your paper. You were half delirious at that point, staring at the screen seemed equal to burning at the stake.
           “I’ve never seen you look more exhausted in my entire life,” Yoongi chuckles. “I remember I was ready to write the paper for you, I was so sad for you. But when I made it over there, I was floored to see that you’d already written it. Not only that, but you’d written twenty-seven pages. Twenty-seven! Who does that?!” He shakes his head at you, looking absolutely shocked.
           “When I asked you why you would do that, you just shrugged and said, ‘why not reach for the stars?’ Then you submitted it, stood up, walked over to me and gave me a hug before going straight to bed. I was so shocked that I just stood there for ages, trying to fathom what had just happened.”
           Yoongi sighs, glancing up at the night sky. You admire his jawline from this angle, nuzzling in a little closer to him for warmth. He notices that you didn’t bring your coat out with you, giving you a playful glare before gently rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
           “Why did you tell me that?”
           You can feel his shrug. “You are more capable, more special than you will ever know. I’ve always kept that in my heart, over the years. Why not reach for the stars? Jagiya…”
           Yoongi shuffles a little bit before cupping your chin and pointing toward the horizon where the sun has slipped down. The night sky is becoming more visible by the second, a few stray stars winking down at you.
           “Look.” He points at a certain spot in the sky just in time for you to see a streak of breathtaking light.
           A falling star.
           In the span of a few minutes, you’re completely speechless as the sky continues to darken and your eyes are glued heavenward. Gradually, more and more falling stars dart across the sky, taking your breath away. As they continue, you recall Young-mi’s words. The sky is coming to say hello.
           Yoongi reaches for your hand, easily enveloping it while tracing the outline of your knuckles.
           “You,” Yoongi breathes out, sending tingles down your spine. “Are the stars I’ve been reaching for ever since that night.”
           Heart thundering against your ribs, you turn to look at him only to find his eyes also trained on the heavens. He speaks the words softly, almost to himself, but you still catch them.
           “You’re a star, all the way up there…and I’m all the way down here. Maybe all I’m meant to do is admire you from afar. But for tonight, just for a moment, I’ll hold you.” His eyes slide down to meet yours, glinting with pure starlight. Cold and beautiful. Hurtling toward you, burning up in your atmosphere and leaving you wondering what would happen if you let him in.
           If it would lead to utter destruction or the most beautiful thing you’ve ever witnessed.
           All words have escaped you at this moment in time, but you don’t feel the need to scramble for some sort of a response. Instead you settle for snuggling in a bit closer, allowing Yoongi to hold you a bit tighter.
           Tonight, he’ll hold you close to his chest while what will later be recorded as the most prominent meteor shower in recent history rains down above you. The dark night sky is set aflame with streaks of silver as falling stars graze the earth, sharing a sweet goodnight kiss as they hurtle through space. You marvel at the seemingly never-ending parade the night sky puts on, relishing the way Yoongi keeps your warm as he also marvels at the wonder above you.
           There’s no words that are exchanged for the entirety of the meteor shower, the only form of communication found in the patterns Yoongi traces out against the back of your hand and the way he gazes down at you from time to time. As though making sure you’re really there.
           It’s a long while before the meteor shower begins to fade, and it’s only when you hear Yoongi softly calling your name that you realized you’ve dozed off.
           “It’s over, jagiya,” he coos, brushing hair away from your eyes. “Let’s get you to the car, then you can sleep the rest of the way home.”
           Somehow you two manage to make it to the car, you yourself being much more coherent by then due to the sharp pains in your ankle. You realize that you two are some of the few people left at the beach, making you wonder when everyone else left.
           Your eyes are half-closed when Yoongi begins to drive away, your hand finding his atop the console.
           “You know you don’t need to worry about us, right?” Yoongi mumbles out, glancing over at you with a worried expression. “We’ll support whatever you decide to do. Remember what I said before? You’re the most capable person I know. You don’t need us, not really. Just…be happy.”
           You mumble out something incoherent, not completely realizing that he’s referring to the aftermath of the pact until you’re already asleep.
           The next thing you know, you’re parked in front of your apartment and Yoongi is grinning down at you from the passenger side door.
           “C’mon,” he urges, helping you out of the car. “Careful with the ankle.”
           It takes a bit of careful maneuvering to get up the stairs to your apartment, but you manage to make it. Leaning up against the door, you fumble for your keys.
           Once you’ve found them, you hand them straight over to Yoongi. You’re far too tired to attempt unlocking your door at the moment. He laughs at your behavior, shooting you a proud gummy smile when he unlocks the door. You don’t even have to ask before he’s assisting you inside, helping you hobble to your room before turning to leave.
           “Thank you, Yoongi. For everything.”
           Yoongi smiles down at his shoes. “We’ll swing by tomorrow to check up on you if that’s ok?”
           Your stomach flips to remember that you’re over now with these dates. Now what-
           “Or just shoot me a text? I know that might be awkward if we all show up…”
           “Thank you. I’ll text you?” You sigh, running your hands over your face. “Yoongi, I…” You trail off, staring up at him from your bed as your mind and heart races. There’s just no words.
           With a soft smile, he leans down and pecks your nose. The innocent gesture has your ears turning red, which widens his grin.
           “I know.” He whispers back.
           And then he’s gone.
           And you’re left here, suddenly colder than ever.
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the dates are DONE. please let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you! Tomorrow I'll be opening up a poll for your top two dates, so stay tuned for that! 
alsooo stay tuned this week because I may have a lil bonus chapter for you guys 
taglist: @baepsaetay @dreamcatcherjiah @kookie-vuitton @thecaffeinatedscribbles @moon-write @fangirl125reader @heishichoulevi @knjkitten @sacha-cff @vik7797  @eusticenatalie @hesmyphenominiall @miriamxsworld @kayahay @secretlycrazyhummingbird @marianeamine @hqtetsurou @protontippens @beginwithamin @delacyrose224  @luvtaeha @fanfictionreader05 @mininimmy @dreadity  @starlight-night0 @luzaroon @seaoffangirling @prachi05 @fangirl125reader @bluehairedotakugem @hunnibxbe @kayahay @fanfictionreader05 @seokjinmoonfics @littletinyhobi @honeyhalcyon @yoontaethings @herrmionejgranger  @beepbeep11 @extraordinary_reads @vntwishlist @aussiebeachbabes​ @hitsussi @hannah2291 @alwaysasadaesthetic​ 
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 4 years ago
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Words: 5,266 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, violence, sexuality, nudity, typical TWD A/N: I didn't do nearly as many read-throughs with this one so there are probably typos. Also YA'LL. ARE. GONNA. LOVE. THIS. A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: After the visit from the Saviors at Hilltop, Daryl and Y/N finally head back to Alexandria, waiting on the edge of war.
Your name: submit What is this?
That night, after the Saviors left, was to be your last in Hilltop before you returned to Alexandria to officialyl kick the hornet nest. You had said something about going to talk to Maggie but after a while you still hadn’t returned and Daryl went to see if there was anything he could help with. He knocked on the door of Jesus’ trailer and Enid pulled open the door. Everyone was there, except for you.
“Hey. Y/N ain’t here?” he drawled. Maggie noticed how his brow drew down low over his eyes, a clear expression of worry.
“She was but she left a while ago,” Jesus said, climbing to his feet. “I assumed she was headed your way.”
“Nah. She ain’t been back.” His stomach twisted a little with anxiety. “Alright… Thanks,” he said, turning to leave.
“Daryl, wait!” Maggie called after him. She got up from her seat at the table and walked over. “You’re leavin’ early in the mornin’, right?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “Headin’ back.”
Maggie nodded. “Alright. Then let us say goodbye to ya now in case we don’t see ya.” She grabbed Daryl into a tight hug before he could protest. He was stiff at first but he soon pressed a hand to her back and returned it. “You be safe. And we’ll see ya soon.”
He nudged his nose up in a nod. Sasha grabbed him briefly into a hug. Enid waved from her place on the couch and Jesus strode forward to shake his hand. “Thanks for all your help here,” he said. “It really means a lot.”
Daryl nodded again. “Mhm. We’ll be rid of ‘em for good soon. See ya’ll.” The archer’s broad frame disappeared back outside. He stopped for a minute and scanned the open space for your familiar frame, but he couldn’t see you anywhere. The first places he checked were all the guard posts along the wall but there was no sign of you. He tried Abraham and Glenn’s graves next, but no luck. Then his eyes fell on the stable and he knew you sometimes went there in an attempt to quiet your mind, and after that interaction with Negan today, the things he had said loud enough for everyone to hear, Daryl suspected that your mind needed a little quieting.
His guess was right.
You came into view, leaning up against one of the stall doors, petting a mare who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the attention. There was only the glow of a few lanterns to light the space and your expression was cast in shadow when he came in, the soft hay making his steps nearly silent.
“Hey,” he said, drawing your eyes. “Been lookin’ for ya.”
“Sorry,” you said softly.
“Nah, it’s not¬—nothin’ to be sorry for,” he said, crossing the space to you. You didn’t have a smile for him this time and his concern grew. “Ya alright? Today was…” he broke off, not even sure what word to use.
You were usually quick to reassure him that you were fine, but this time you didn’t. You just stared ahead and absently smoothed your hand down the horse’s neck, trying to gather your courage to speak.
Daryl stepped closer to you until he was leaned up right beside you against the stall door. “Hey. C’mon. Talk to me. What is it?”
He watched you gulp and shut your eyes for a moment, gathering yourself. You shook your head a little and let out a shaky exhale before you glanced over at him. “Negan. What he—he said—and… everyone… the rest of the day today, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. And you know that feeling you get when you enter a room and people were just talking about you? It felt like that in all of Hilltop today.” You bit the inside of your cheek to stop the tears burning in your eyes from spilling out. “Everybody here must just think I—”
“Hey, c’mon. Stop that. Nobody thinks anything about it,” he said trying to reassure you. But you turned your eyes down toward your hands.
“The way some of them were looking at me? Yeah. They do, Daryl… Now all of Hilltop knows that I—that I slept with Negan. With him.” It was hard even to get the words out. “And I can’t even really blame them. Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I never should have allowed—” you said quietly, breaking off and shuffling your feet back and forth anxiously in the soft bedding on the barn floor. You could no longer stop any of the tears from spilling out and Daryl saw them cascade down your cheeks as you finally looked back up at him and met his blue eyes. “I can’t even blame them for what they probably think of me. What you must think of me…” You hastily wiped the tear streaks from your cheeks. “Hell, a lot of the time—” you shook your head, staring down at your hands again, “I think the worst of it myself…”
Daryl’s brow furrowed more deeply. His gaze was intense. He hated that you had been put in that situation. He hated that circumstances had ever collided in just such a way as to put you in a place where your only option was to submit to Negan, to allow him to lay a finger on you. And then you’d gone back. For him. “Ya want to know what I think? Ya were victimized by him. But ya ain’t a victim. You’re a survivor. That’s all ya did. Ya survived. And ya saved my ass! Ya didn’t have a choice. And any of them who are too stupid to figure that out ain’t worth it. They don’t know a damn thing about it. All the rest of us, Maggie, Jesus, Rick, Aaron & Eric, we know. We know. I’m proud to even know ya. And I consider myself lucky that ya’ve chosen me as bein’—as bein’ someone worth yer time.” He watched you wipe another tear off your cheek, your eyes wide and glassy as you looked back at him. He tilted his head gently at you. “C’mere.” His expression was soft and one you never could refuse.
It was all you needed. You fell into him and his strong arms wrapped around you tightly and pressed you into him, like he needed you there against his chest. Daryl breathed in the scent of your hair and settled you against him, smoothing his hands over your back lightly. You squeezed your eyes shut tight and focused on that feeling of safety. “S’alright. I ain’t ever thought less of ya because of what happened to ya. It ain’t your fault. Wasn’t a choice. And if anybody so much as looks at ya sideways, ya just come tell me and I’ll knock them on their ass, alright?”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. You pressed your hand flat against his chest, loving how you could feel his heartbeat beneath your fingers and the expansion of his lungs as he breathed. You pulled back slightly so you could look up into his handsome face. He looked worried still, anxiously chewing on his bottom lip. But, finally, you gave him a smile, albeit still a little teary, and he relaxed some. His fingers smoothed through your hair and you sighed, feeling a return of the warmth he always gave you. It grew and spread outward in your chest, spilling into your face, and you arched up onto your toes and kissed him.
You were setting your heels back down when his arm snaked around your lower back and pulled your hips into his. You looked up and met his eyes again and he nudged his nose up once. Daryl’s request for another kiss. You gladly acquiesced and this time you both sank into it, breathing each other in. Daryl’s hand clasped your face and his thumb traced the edge of your jaw gently as your lips moved in sync with his, effortless. The sensation of your hands light on his sides was enough to send him reeling with electricity.
“Thanks,” you said softly, after you finally broke apart. Daryl’s hands were landed on your hips and he gave you a questioning look. “Just—for what you said.”
“Ain’t gotta thank me. S’just the truth,” he said. He gave your hip an affectionate squeeze. “C’mon. S’late and we gotta get up early to head home. Let’s get some sleep.” He nudged his head in the direction of the door and you nodded.
You smiled as he laced his fingers with yours and tugged you back to the trailer.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Daryl’s bike rumbled down the road and he pulled it into the garage at Aaron and Eric’s which was standing open. You were still climbing off when the door into the house burst open and Aaron and Eric both came bounding down the stairs.
Aaron reached you first and barreled into you, drawing a laugh from you as you stumbled backward a little before regaining your balance. Daryl watched the interaction with one corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you,” Aaron said, his eyes squeezed shut tightly.
You patted his back. “You too,” you said fondly, smiling widely.
“Alright, quit hogging her!” Eric said, shaking his head. Aaron pulled back and gave you a warm smile before stepping aside to let Eric wrap his arms around you. “We’ve missed you,” he said.
“Missed you guys, too,” you replied, shutting your eyes and giving Eric a final squeeze.
“How’s Hilltop?” Aaron asked as you finally withdrew, glancing between you and Daryl.
Daryl shrugged. “Ready as they’ll ever be. Maggie’s got it,” he nodded. “How’re things here?”
“Ready,” Aaron said. “For the most part. We’re expecting The Saviors today thanks to your intel.”
You felt your stomach twist and you nodded. “Yeah… Hard to believe we’re really about to do this.”
“It’s time,” Eric said, looking suddenly sad. “You heard about Olivia and—and Spencer?”
You nodded. “Yeah. We heard,” you trailed off. “Olivia was sweet. That shouldn’t have happened to her, of all people. But Spencer? What the hell was he thinking?” you asked, shaking your head sadly. “He put himself right in the line of fire… he was naïve, but nobody deserves what happened to him.”
“He couldn’t handle Rick being in charge after his Mom,” Aaron said. “Thought he could do better.”
“Only someone who was completely clueless about what that means would say that,” Daryl drawled. “Ain’t an easy job, what Rick’s doin’. And he feels responsible for every damn thing that happens to everybody.”
You sighed. “That’s a lot of weight to carry around…”
“Speakin’ of,” Daryl said, glancing back over at you. “I wanna go see everybody. Check in with Rick.”
You nodded. “Go. I’m gonna catch up with these two for a bit.”
“They’re gonna wanna see ya, too,” Daryl said.
You felt your cheeks flush a little, nerves still at the idea of being brought so fully in as part of Daryl’s ‘family’. “Alright. I’ll meet you there in a little while,” you said with a nod. “Promise.”
He nudged his nose up at you in a nod. “Alright. See ya soon, then. Aaron. Eric,” he said, nodding at each of them. Daryl disappeared out into the bright morning sun.
Considering what he knew was coming, Alexandria seemed quiet.
But when he pulled open the front door of the house his group shared and paced into the kitchen, he was surrounded by his chosen family. Rick placed Judith in his arms and smiled as Daryl cooed at the little girl. “It’s good to have you back,” Rick said, clasping Daryl’s shoulder when he could.
Daryl nodded. “Yah. Good to be back.” He bounced Judith a couple more times and then glanced at Carl. “Hey. Take her for a minute, would ya? I gotta talk to your dad.”
Carl accepted his baby sister and Daryl straightened Rick’s old hat on the teenager’s head, eliciting a smile.
Once Carl was out of ear shot, Daryl leaned onto the counter with his forearms and sighed heavily. “We really doin’ this?” he drawled. “Ready?”
Rick nodded. “We’re doing it. And we’re ready. Everything is set.”
“And Negan?”
Rick scowled. “I’ll take care of him when the time is right.”
Daryl stared down at the pattern of countertop for a moment. “What if I get the chance first? Or Y/N? We ain’t supposed to take it?” he asked. “If anyone deserves to put that bastard in the ground it’s her. I can’t tell her not to.”
The muscle in Rick’s jaw twitched. “Yeah… I know. But—for now? We need to knock down what he’s built first. Can’t just be him.”
“I know. But if we get a shot at him… Rick, I want him dead,” Daryl growled. “For what he did to Glenn and Abraham. For what he did to all of us. For Hilltop, for the Kingdom… but most of all for her.” The archer straightened up. “If we get the chance, no hesitation. He’s dead.”
Rick eventually nodded, a tentative agreement. He wanted to be the one who pulled the trigger on Negan, but how could he argue for you or Daryl to not get the job done if the opportunity presented itself. “Where is Y/N?” Rick asked.
“Catchin’ up with Aaron and Eric. She said she’d come by in a bit.”
“Good. That’s good…” There was the weight of many cares on his shoulders. “When they get here, I don’t want either of you two anywhere they might be able to see you,” Rick said.
“Why? They saw us yesterday at Hilltop. They already know we’re part of this.”
“I know. I just don’t want to give them an opportunity to take a shot at either of you,” he replied. “And after yesterday, at Hilltop, with what they now know? They might.”
Daryl sighed and anxiously chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. “Ya, about that… Negan said somethin’ yesterday. He wants Y/N alive.”
Rick stared at his friend, his brow furrowing more deeply. “Alive?”
Daryl nodded, pacing a little restlessly. “That’s what he said to his douchebag lieutenant Simon. It seemed genuine. He wants her prisoner, and I don’t think he’d kill her after he got his hands on her.” Daryl’s face darkened with rage just at the thought. “So, that means that wherever we think Negan is gonna be, Y/N needs to not be…”
Rick considered the grave expression on Daryl’s face. “Will she agree to that?”
Daryl shrugged. “I dunno. But she’s gonna have to. I ain’t puttin’ her somewhere he might be able to get his hands on her again.”
“Not sure any of us can boss Y/N around,” Rick said, a small smile curving his lips despite the grim topic.
Daryl let out an amused exhale in place of a laugh. “Ya… tell me about it.”
As if on cue, Daryl and Rick heard the front door open and soft footsteps up the hall and into the kitchen. You had a small smile for Rick and the others who were gathered in the living room. Rick returned it as you came to stand beside Daryl. “Good to see you,” Rick said. “We sorely missed having both of you around. And not just because you two can get supply runs done in record time.”
You laughed a little lightly, exchanging a look with Daryl, and nodded. “We missed being home too.”
“Listen, I was just telling Daryl—” Rick hesitated. “I don’t want either of you anywhere near the gate when they show up. I don’t want him knowing you’re here.”
You straightened up and looked at Daryl briefly. His blue eyes met yours and he nodded once to show he was onboard. “Alright,” you said, turning back to look at Rick. “We’ll hang back.” Inside, you were hoping that if Negan didn’t see you there wouldn’t be a repeat of what he had divulged loudly for everyone at Hilltop the previous day. You sighed and looked at Rick. “Once you do this today, there’s no going back. And people are going to die. Our people.”
Rick’s expression was grave, but he nodded. “I know. But if we leave it be, more people will die anyway. At his hands.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “I just want to make sure you really understand what we’re all getting into. Negan, he’s—” You broke off, unable to continue and sighed.
“I know,” Rick said forcefully. “We’ve all seen it with our own eyes.” You weren’t looking up at him. “Hey—” he said, forcing your eyes back to his. “Whatever happens isn’t gonna be on you. You told us all you had to tell. You stopped us from rushing in unprepared. And you didn’t even have to do any of that. We owe you. More than I can say. And I—” Rick pressed his hand over the center of his chest, “I’m so grateful.”
At length, you nodded. “We’ll get it done. We will. I know it.”
Daryl was looking at you in awe of your strength and he watched with a swell of happiness as Rosita grinned at you and waved from her place in the other room and you went striding over to greet her.
“Daryl.” Rick’s voice drew his eyes again. “Whatever happens… we’re fighting the good fight.” And it was then that Daryl suddenly realized that Rick was worried that perhaps you might not make it through this. And he was worried about what that would mean for the archer. It was war. Anything could happen.
Daryl straightened up to his full height and chewed on his bottom lip anxiously. “Ain’t gotta worry. Y/N and I are both making it through this. Rick, she’s—” he paused and glanced back over at you, feeling himself soften as he watched you laugh at something Rosita had said, tossing your head back, your eyes crinkled closed. “She’s stronger than me. And she makes me strong. We’re gonna be just fine.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Daryl was surprised when he woke the next morning and realized you weren’t beside him. He shot straight up in bed, his heart pounding, and that’s when he realized that he could hear the shower running and the gentle sound of you humming to yourself over the pattering of the water. He flopped back down onto the pillow and reached over to your side, wanting to see if the warmth of you was still there.
Your side of the bed was cool but Daryl could still see the shape of your body in the sheets and the impression of your head on the pillow. He heard the shower turn off in the bathroom and the sound of you opening the door and stepping out. The archer climbed out of bed and made his way over to the doorway. He leaned against the door frame, taking in the shape of your figure wrapped in a towel, a comb in your hands as you ran it through your wet hair. You finally caught sight of him in the mirror and you gave him that megawatt smile that always sent electricity jumping up his spine and his heart skipping a beat.
“Hey. Morning,” you said, turning to look at him leaning up against the doorframe.
“Ya left me alone in bed?” he drawled. “Real nice…”
A small smile still curved you lips. “I’m sorry. You were really deeply asleep still. Must have needed it. I couldn’t sleep anymore and I just really wanted a hot shower.”
Daryl left his place leaning against the doorway and walked over to you in front of the mirror. His hands landed on your hips and you felt a flush of heat in your chest and face at the contact.
“Yah. Ya didn’t invite me to that either,” he joked quietly.
One of your eyebrows quirked down low over your eyes and you gave him a look, obviously trying to read what was on his mind. “Should I have?” you asked, turning around again to glance in the mirror. Daryl’s hands stayed on your hips and you soon felt his body pressing up against yours.
“Always,” he said, his voice deep and a little gruff with sleep still. He bent and kissed the bare skin on the side of your neck. The stubble on his face was exhilarating and you felt goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He next pressed his lips to the skin on your shoulder. He thought you smelled of lavender and vanilla. His fingers gave your hips a gentle squeeze.
You bit your bottom lip. “Daryl Dixon…” you said softly. Your tone was smoky, silky, and it drew his eyes to yours in the mirror. “What are you doing?” you asked him playfully.
One corner of his mouth twitched up but then his expression was almost serious. He gently gathered the wet strands of your hair, his fingertips sweeping your neck softly, sending another electric jolt through you. He pressed his lips to the back of your neck and pulled you back against him more tightly.
You felt your lips part slightly of their own accord and your eyes closed. You let out a small exhale and Daryl straightened up again, taking in your expression in the mirror and feeling a flame of heat growing in his chest. After a moment your eyes opened again and met his once more. “Do you know what you’re doing?” you asked quietly. Your breath and heart were increasing in pace and the tingles running through you were becoming impossible to ignore.
Daryl ducked his head a little bashfully for a moment, but only for a moment. When he caught your eyes again, he tilted his head back toward the doorway into the bedroom.
Now your heart was absolutely pounding. You broke from your gaze in the mirror and spun to face him, your brilliantly colored eyes searching his face. You peered up at him and once again Daryl was taken aback by the vulnerability he saw in your eyes. All he wanted in that moment was to wrap you up and make you truly his, show you exactly how goddamn head over heels he was for you. “Are you sure?” you said, and then you hesitated. “I mean, am I—am I reading this right?”
One of Daryl’s hands lifted from your hip and clasped your face gently. And he swept you in against him, his other hand on the small of your back, kissing you deeply and insistently. You felt your knees start to go weak but there was no chance of falling with Daryl’s arm around you, pressing your hips into his. His tongue flicked over your bottom lip and you granted him entrance, letting out a small noise of pleasure as he deepened the kiss even more.
You suddenly pulled back, your hand landing flush against his strong chest. “Wait. Wait…” you breathed, looking up into his handsome face, his blue eyes connected with yours. “Are you—is this—”
Daryl studied your expression and smiled at your hesitation as he realized you were worrying about him. He clasped your face again in both of his hands delicately, his eyes flickering between both of yours. “I’ve wanted this with ya for a long time. I just—I needed there to be other things first… I didn’t want to—to risk ruinin’ this because I rushed anythin’.”
You nodded though there was some mixture of confusion and disbelief on your face. You gently rested your hands on his sides. The lightness, the delicate quality of your touch drove him crazy…
“Hey, I—” he paused for a moment and licked his lips anxiously, his eyes never leaving yours. “Y/N, ‘M in love with you.”
You blinked. Once. Twice. Daryl’s heart was pounding as he waited for your response.
The confusion and disbelief in your eyes was suddenly replaced with a wild happiness that grew, like your smile, by the moment. He felt your fingers curl more tightly into his shirt. “I love you, too,” you said. You let out a joyful laugh as you looked up at him and then immediately arched up onto your toes, crashing your lips into his again.
Daryl kissed you back eagerly, feverishly, but he pulled back suddenly leaving you wanting more. He stared down at you and you gave him a questioning look again, but were unable to stop smiling. “Can you, uhh—could ya just say that again?” he asked, a little self-consciously.
You grinned at him and looped your arms around his neck, looking deeply into his eyes. “Daryl Dixon. I’m so in love with you.”
His heart leapt to hear those words leave your lips and he crashed into you again, his arms pulling you into him and lifting you off your feet. When he set you back down, your lips didn’t separate and you pressed your hands into his strong chest, pushing him backwards into the bedroom again. You pulled his bottom lip in between your teeth, dragging them lightly over it, and smiled into the kiss as the action elicited a chesty growl from him. His fingers dug more deeply into your hips.
He broke from you for a brief moment and looked into your face. His eyes were intense, wanting. “Are ya ready for this? This okay? We don’t have to—”
You grinned at his sweetness and captured him in another fiery kiss briefly before pulling back again. “Get your damn clothes off right now,” you said breathily, grinning at him. “How is this fair? I’m already in just a towel.”
His pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth briefly and shook his head at you like he couldn’t believe this was happening. You grinned and grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it off over his head. Your eyes wandered over his strong shoulders and bare chest down to the V of his hips, hitching again on the scars crisscrossing his skin.
Your hands went to him immediately and you leaned into him. He gulped a little nervously, staring down at the unmistakable desire in your eyes. You wrapped your arms around him and arched up onto your toes again, your lips meeting his hungrily, and Daryl happily sank into it. Suddenly he felt your fingernails raking gently down his back and he almost shivered at the sensation. He felt the overwhelming warmth in his chest blooming outward, causing his head to go vaguely fuzzy.
Before he could even think about doing it himself, he felt the towel wrapped around you fall to the floor and suddenly his fingers were wandering over the bare shape of you, unimpeded by distracting or cumbersome fabric.
He smoothed his hands from the flared curve of your hips up the narrowing of your waist and onto the angles of your ribs. His fingers reached around your frame and felt the sharpness of your shoulder blades. You felt small beneath his hands, delicate, despite the fact that he knew you were no wilted daylily. His lips wandered from yours to leave a trail along your jaw and down your neck to your collarbone. You heaved in a small breath at the sensation. Your fingers found his waistband and soon both of you were only skin, completely reeling with the sensations of one another.
A moment later you let out a surprised gasp as Daryl picked you up as if you weighed nothing and laid you down in the bed beneath him. He leaned over you, propped up on one elbow, moving aside a strand of your hair with the other hand. You stared up at him wantingly, your lips parted and waiting again for his. His hands, a little rough but so gentle, clasped your face as he kissed you before tracing the line of your collarbone and wandering down to explore all your curves and angles. You pulled his lips back to yours and tangled your legs with his, gasping in pleasure as the two of you became one and moved in sync together effortlessly.
Daryl was sweet and gentle but needy and fiery all at once and you were both just bounding hearts and sensations, curling toes and waves of rising pleasure. He kept one hand laced with yours and couldn’t take his eyes off you beneath him as you moved together unless it was to press kisses to every part of you. You relished the feeling of his strong muscles moving beneath your fingers, and when you both finally reached the peak his lips on yours were insistent before they softened. He drew back to watch the expression on your face as the two of you came down from your high, rushing breaths and a heartbeat that was loud in your ears.
Daryl settled down beside you, his chest heaving and an arm draped over you which you rested your hand on.
“Oh my God,” you gasped breathily, glancing over at him with a starry smile on your face. You turned onto your side so you were facing him, knowing your face and cheeks were flushed. Your fingers traced over the scars on his chest and despite the afterglow you were basking in you felt a twinge of anger and sadness at what he had gone through.
“Yah,” he agreed, a smile curving his lips. “I can’t even tell ya how long I’ve wanted that.” You thought you saw a blush in his cheeks too. His hands smoothed up and down your side from your shoulder to your hip, memorizing the feeling of you.
You sighed contentedly. “Same.”
Daryl nudged his nose up at you and you gladly acquiesced and pressed your lips to his softly, clasping his face and running your thumb along the line of his strong jaw. You watched his blue eyes open and you drank in the softness in them. His hand came to rest on your hip and his thumb drew absent strokes on your soft skin. You pressed a hand flat to his chest so you could feel the racing of his heart and the rise and fall of his breath.
“Wish we could stay here like this forever,” you said softly.
“Mhm. Me too. We can for a while though at least,” he drawled, moving closer to you again so he could feel your weight and your warmth. You draped your arm over him, the tips of your fingers brushing his back. Daryl watched you fondly as you settled in against him and closed your eyes.
At that moment, it was hard to believe anything could ever break the sense of fulfillment and peace both of you had.
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softlass27 · 4 years ago
an ibhfc version of emmerdale's first pride (plus another one in the future) to make up for this week's upcoming episodes with aaron and the village's resident kayaking creep
AO3 link here
Pride 2021
“Right, that’ll be £7.99, please.” Victoria pushed Aaron’s lunch towards him.
“Oh, almost forgot!” She grabbed a brightly-coloured collection tin that was sitting on the end of the counter. “We’re taking donations for the Pride festival if you’ve got any spare change?”
Aaron frowned. “What Pride festival?”
“Oh, didn’t you hear? Charles is organising it.”
“In the village?”
“Yeah, he says it’s mad that we’ve not had one before. Apparently it was always a big event at his last parish. He’s not wrong, really, it’s about time we did more than your mum sticking a bit of multi-coloured bunting up behind the pub each June.”
“Think you’ll go? It’s next weekend.”
“I – ”
“From what Charles and Ethan said, it should be fun,” Vic spoke over him, hands waving animatedly. “There’s music, food and games, all sorts! It’s family-friendly too, so you can bring Seb. We can go together if you want? I was planning on meeting up with Matty and Amy but – ”
“Vic, stop for breath would ya?” Aaron huffed a laugh. “Yeah, I'm up for it.”
On the morning of the festival, Victoria let herself into Mulberry Cottage and cast an appraising look over Aaron. He shuffled uncomfortably.
She gave a quick wave to Seb, who was sitting on the sofa, and looked Aaron up and down again. “That’s what you’re wearing, is it?”
He glanced down at his black t-shirt and jeans. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing! Except, well, it’s not very colourful is it?”
“You’ve known me, what, 13 years? When have you ever seen me do colourful?”
“But it’s Pride!”
“Oh come on, you have to get into the spirit of it. Speaking of which – ” She rummaged in her oversized handbag and pulled out a small, light blue article of clothing, passing it over. “I saw this in town and I couldn’t resist.”
As Aaron unfolded it, he realised it was a child-sized pair of dungarees with a bright rainbow stitched across the chest. His mouth quirked upwards.
“Alright, that’s pretty cute.”
“I know, right? Should’ve got something for you too, you big grump.”
The retort Aaron was about to give her was cut off when he felt tug on his trousers and looked down to see Seb standing next to him.
“Is that for me?” He asked, looking at the dungarees with curiosity.
“Yep, Auntie Vic got them for you to wear to Pride today. What d’you say?”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You’d better hurry and get ready, though, or we’ll be late!”
Seb grabbed Aaron’s hand and started tugging him towards the stairs. “Daddy, come on!”
Although he was a little young to quite get what Pride was all about, he’d been full of beans about the whole thing ever since Aaron had told him they were going to a party, especially once he’d found out Isaac and Dotty would be there, too.
“Alright, let’s get you changed.” He looked back at Vic and rolled his eyes. “I’ll get changed, too.”
She grinned at him.
“Did you and Robert ever go to Pride?” Vic quietly asked as the four of them made their way to the field where the festival was being held, Seb in his new dungarees and Aaron in the one green t-shirt owned (“It’s a colour that’s on the flag, Vic, that’s as good as you’re getting.”)
“Nah.” Aaron shook his head. “Never got round to it. We used to talk about maybe going to the one in Leeds or something, but somethin’ always came up. Then we'd always say we’d go the next year but… ”
But we ran out of years.
“Yeah.” Vic’s face fell a little and she squeezed Aaron’s hand lightly. “But we’ll have a nice time, won’t we?”
“Daddy, there’s music!” Seb called from where he was walking just in front of them. They could indeed hear the sound of upbeat pop music blasting through a speaker as they got closer to the festival. “Hurry!”
“Coming, mate.” Aaron called after his retreating back, smiling at his enthusiasm. He sighed and squeezed Vic’s hand in return. “Yeah, we’ll have a good time.”
Considering Emmerdale’s tiny size, the village’s first Pride event had a pretty good turnout. The festival was full of so much colour and noise that Aaron ended up hoisting Seb up on his hip, slightly wary of losing track of him in among the chaos. The three of them wandered around for a while, taking in the party-like atmosphere and watching Charles and Ethan both make heartfelt speeches on the small stage that had been set up.
At some point Marlon called Victoria's name and she went over to catch up with him and April, leaving Aaron and Seb to carry on exploring alone. The little boy seemed to love it so far, taking in the sights and sounds with increasing delight.
“You wanna get your face painted? Aaron asked, pointing to a tent where Matty and Amy were emerging hand in hand, both of them covered in body paint.
Seb clapped his hands enthusiastically. “Yeah!”
They made their way inside and sat across from a girl who looked barely 20 and was covered head to toe in paint and glitter.
“Hello.” She smiled brightly at Seb, who predictably turned under the attention bashful and tucked himself against Aaron’s chest. She tilted her head down to catch his eye. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Seb, I’m Freya. Do you want some rainbows?”
Seb nodded shyly and sat as still as a three year-old could while she carefully painted a small pride flag on each of his cheeks, Aaron holding his waist to stop him from squirming too much under the tickle of the brush.
“There, all done.” She brandished her brush towards Aaron. “Are we doing your face as well?”
“Uh, no thanks.”
“Yes.” Seb smacked a palm on Aaron’s cheek enthusiastically. “Rainbows for you, too!”
Aaron sighed. The things he did for his son.
“Alright. Do your worst.”
When they emerged from the tent five minutes later and bumped into Vic again, her eyes lit up with glee.
“Aaron Dingle with glitter on his face.” She fumbled frantically for her phone. “Don’t move, I need a photo.”
“No, don’t – ”
“Moira!” Vic ignored him and called over his shoulder. “Both of them, can you believe it?”
Aaron turned around to see Moira coming towards them with Cain just behind her – Cain whose cheek was adorned with a rainbow flag identical to Aaron’s. He let out a snort that had Cain’s eyes narrowing dangerously at him.
“Not a word out of ya.”
“Wow, how’d they get you?”
“This one made me.” Cain gestured to Isaac, who dropped his hand to run towards Seb, the two of them immediately chasing each other in circles around the adults' legs.
“Come on, you two!” Moira was stood next to Vic, both their phones held up. “Smile!”
Neither of them smiled, but they let them take a couple of snaps.
“Perfect,” Moria smirked down at her screen and turned the phone so Aaron could see a photo of himself and Cain both with matching scowls and rainbows on their faces. “This one’s going on the fridge.”
“You have fun today?” Aaron asked Seb as he carried him home.
Seb’s arms were wrapped loosely around Aaron’s neck and he could barely keep his eyes open, exhausted like most of the other kids in the village. The daytime part of the festival was over, only the child-free people sticking around into the night to keep drinking and dancing.
“Mhm,” Seb hummed tiredly, head flopping around on Aaron’s shoulder. “C’n we do it again?”
“If they do another one next year, then yeah. We can go again.”
He unlocked the door to Mulberry Cottage one-handed, depositing Seb on the sofa and carefully easing his shoes off. He glanced at the photos on the mantlepiece, Robert’s smiling face looking back at him. Aaron straightened up and moved to stand in front of them, adjusting one of the frames slightly.
“Finally went to Pride,” he said quietly. “Can you believe it?”
Just wish you could’ve come with me.
Pride 2025
“Morning!” Vic let herself into Mulberry Cottage, Harry in tow. “Happy Pride.”
“Happy Pride!” Seb shouted back from where he was fiddling with Molly’s rainbow-coloured leash (a purchase he’d talked Aaron into making from one of the stalls the previous year).
“Hiya.” Aaron jogged down the stairs. “Thought you’d be goin' with Ryan this year. He’s got the girls, right?”
“Yeah, we're spending the day together but I told him that me and Harry would meet him there. Us lot always go to Pride together, I’m not breaking tradition now.” She gave Aaron’s blue jeans and red t-shirt an approving nod. “Wow, red and blue this year. Really pushing the boat out.”
“Shut up, you.”
“Where’s that brother of mine?”
“He was just dropping some stuff from the cafe off at the festival, cakes and sandwiches an’ that. Said he’d come back before we set off, though.”
“Well he’d better hurry himself up, I don’t wanna miss whoever Ethan’s got opening the festival this year. And it’s Robert's first one, we can’t be late!”
“Alright, keep your hair on.” Robert appeared in the doorway, nudging past her to come inside. “You can’t be late to a festival, Vic, they’re sort of all day things.”
“You get the food sorted alright?” Aaron asked, shoving his wallet and phone into his pockets.
“Yeah, Jimmy and Nicola are all set up. They’ve roped Angelica into helping out, poor kid.” Robert ruffled Harry's hair before grabbing a bottle of suncream from the coffee table and kneeling down in front of Seb. “Right, suncream on then we can go.”
“I can do it myself,” Seb protested, batting Robert’s hands away from his face.
“Hm. See, I believed you when you said that at the beach the other weekend and we ended up coming home with you looking like a lobster. Keep still.”
Seb sighed and let Robert rub suncream all over him with only a bit of squirming, giggling when Robert finished by poking him sharply in the ribs.
“Dad, not on my t-shirt!” He said, smoothing a protective hand over his new rainbow-striped top. “Don’t get it dirty.”
“Alright, you big fusspot,” Robert teased, kissing him on the head and rising to his feet.
“Leave him alone, you’re no better,” Vic said with a tut. “Right, come on. Chop chop!”
She opened the door to let both Seb and Harry run outside, following closely behind them. Aaron picked up Molly’s leash and held out a hand to Robert.
Robert grinned and took it.
“Let’s do it.”
The thing about Charles and Ethan was, they always had to one-up themselves. Aaron had no idea how they did it, but every year they somehow managed to increase their budget enough to make Emmerdale Pride bigger and better until now, four years on, the first festival they held looked tiny in comparison. Huge crowds of people swarmed the village, taking in the countless stalls, games, music, drag acts and and live bands playing all day. There were even a few rides this year.
As they made their way through the madness, Aaron gave Robert a quick nudge.
They were only in the village and they knew a lot of the people there, but there were still some days where Robert and large crowds didn’t mix well. Thankfully, it seemed that today wasn't one of those days, as Robert shot him a small smile and nodded.
“I’m good.”
“Dads!” Seb shouted, running back to tug both their hands. “Can we do the face-painting first?”
Robert let out a mock groan. “Do I have to?”
“If I’m not getting out of it, neither are you,” Aaron muttered.
“Doesn’t have to be rainbows,” Seb said to Robert, shrugging matter-of-factly. “You can get the bisexual colours if you want?”
Aaron watched Robert’s eyes widen ever-so slightly in surprise, before he nodded and let Seb lead him towards to the face-painting tent.
After a few hours of exploring and mingling with the other villagers, Aaron and Robert collapsed with a couple of pints at one of the picnic tables, both of them in need of a breather. They’d picked a spot in the shade, keeping half an eye on Seb playing with a group of other kids while they listened to the band currently playing on the stage. Molly drank from the bowl of water they’d put down on the grass for her, before jumping up into Robert’s lap.
After sitting in comfortable silence for a few minutes, Aaron took a long, cooling gulp of his pint and looked away from Seb to glance at Robert. His husband was absently stroking Molly, watching the festival with a slightly pensive look on his face that made Aaron’s brow furrow.
“You alright?”
Robert blinked and turned to look at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“If you're tired, we can go home, y'know.”
Robert gave him a reassuring squeeze on the wrist. “I know. Honestly, it's nothing, just... ” He trailed off and stared once more at the festivities around them. “Could you ever have imagined anythin’ like this in the village when we were growing up?”
That was an easy question to answer.
Aaron knew for a fact that the teenage version of him would have never imagined in his wildest dreams seeing the village transformed this way, decked out in bright colours, full of people like him, every resident open and accepting. And he knew the idea would’ve seemed even less likely when Robert was a teenager.
“Bet your dad’s rolling in his grave.”
Robert barked a surprised laugh. “Yeah, probably.”
They watched the party for another couple of minutes, then Robert nodded towards where Seb was tackling Dotty in an overly-enthusiastic game of tag.
“I’m glad that he gets to grow up in this version of the village,” he said softly. “Whether he turns out to be straight or gay or bi – whatever – I don’t want him to ever be scared of being different, like you an’ me were back in the day.”
“Don’t say ‘back in the day’, makes us sound ancient.”
“Well if you keep complaining about your back aching every time we – ”
“Oi!” Aaron gave his shoulder a punch, before trailing his hand down his arm to link their fingers together as they both watched Seb. “Yeah, me too. It is different for him, he knows he can be whoever he wants here. No one’s gonna have a go at him over who he does or doesn’t fancy. And he knows we love him no matter what.”
“Course he does.”
Robert grinned warmly at him and leaned across the table to press his lips to Aaron’s. The two of them kissed lazily until Molly jumped up between them to lick at both their chins and they broke away with a laugh.
“Can't go more than five minutes without needing attention, can you?” Robert pulled her back into his lap, scratching her behind the ears until she settled again. The pink, purple and blue stripes on his face were smudged from where Aaron’s thumb had just rubbed over his cheekbone.
“Sounds like someone I know.”
“Piss off.”
Aaron drained the last of his pint and put the glass to one side, resting his elbows on the table. “Good first Pride, then?”
“Great first Pride.” Robert quirked an eyebrow at him. “It’ll be even better if we carrying on celebrating at home. Y’know, once the kid’s in bed.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Think we've got a bottle of champers in the fridge; I say we crack that open, take it upstairs and then – ”
“Daddy!” Seb ran up to them, grabbing Aaron’s elbow with a pleading look in his eyes. “Can we go on the dodgems? Isaac says him and Uncle Cain are going on.”
Aaron groaned and stretched his arms over his head. “Right now?”
“Yeah, we have to get them!”
Aaron huffed a laugh and dropped his arms. “Well in that case.” He paused and turned to Robert. “Unless you’d rather have a go?”
Robert shook his head rapidly. “Nah, me and Molly are good here, we'll save the table. Go crash some cars, boy racer.”
“Come on, then.”
As they headed in the direction of the bumper cars, Aaron looked back to see Vic appearing at Robert’s side, looking a little tipsy as she sat down next to him. By the time they were standing in the queue for the ride with Cain and Isaac, he could see the Sugden siblings had been joined by Ryan and his girls, plus Diane and Harry, all of them piling onto the table and surrounding them. Robert was laughing at something Ryan was saying, eyes crinkling. When he saw Aaron watching, he shot him a small wave. He looked happy and content, and the sight of it made something warm settle in Aaron's chest.
It wasn't his first Pride, but it was the best one he'd had so far.
“Dad,” Seb piped up, grabbing his attention. “It's our turn”
“Alright, let’s show Cain and Isaac how it's done.”
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honey-dewey · 4 years ago
Family Reunion
Pairing: Javier Peña /Reader
Word Count: 2,702
Warnings: mentions of canon-typical violence, probably inaccurate Spanish, but otherwise none! This is all fluff!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Returning home is hard, but with you by Javier’s side, he can face anything. Including a Peña family reunion.
“I’m really not sure about this.”
You laughed, putting a hand on top of his and watching the Texas countryside pass you by. “Javi, it’s two days. What could possibly go wrong?”
Javier sighed. “Ay dios míos, you’re gonna regret saying that.”
The Peña family ranch was all set up for the reunion, and for the first time in a long time, Javier was actually able to go. He pulled up the driveway, face already scrunching as three women rushed out and stood eagerly on the edge of the driveway. “Here we go.”
Immediately, as soon as Javier’s feet hit the pavement, the three women were upon him, hugging and squealing that they’d missed him. You grinned, stepping out of the car and simply watching as Javier tried to brush off his sister’s affection.
Finally, once they were all done greeting Javier, he pulled you close to his side. “These are my older sisters, Maria, Cynthia, and Patricia.”
You smiled. “Pleasure to meet you all. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Cynthia bounded back into the house, apparently eager to tell everyone Javier was home. Maria, who you were pretty sure was the oldest, helped you and Javier grab your bags and take them inside. While Javier got lost in the sea of family members who hadn’t seen him in a decade, you found near silence in Javier’s old bedroom, which was where you two would be sleeping.
“Y’know, Mamá couldn’t believe it when he called home to say he got married,” Maria said, setting Javier’s bag on his bed. “Our little Javi, all grown up and married.”
You put your bag down next to Javier’s. “Is he the youngest?”
“Nah,” Maria said, pointing to a framed photo on Javier’s nightstand. “Melissa and Lori are both younger than him.”
Examining the photo, you suppressed a grin. “He’s the only boy?”
Maria’s Cheshire grin grew. “Yeah.”
An unfamiliar woman poked her head into the room. “Is this Javi’s spouse?”
You nodded.
“Ah!” The woman pulled you into a tight hug. “Hi! I’m Melissa!”
“Lissa!” Javier said, and Melissa put you down with a pout. “Bájalos, ahora.”
Another call of Melissa’s name, and she was racing out of the room with a cheerful laugh, Maria hot on her heels.  
Javier fell onto the bed, and you pulled the door shut, falling next to him. “Home sweet home,” he groaned, putting his hands over his eyes.
You rolled over and ended up laying on Javier’s chest, resting your ear on his collarbones. “I like it,” you said softly.
After a few minutes of simply enjoying each other’s company, a loud shout echoed through the house, disrupting your peace. “Lori’s home!”
The house began to bustle, but you stayed on top of Javier, keeping him trapped. He didn’t seem to mind, and actually wound an arm around your back to keep you secure. Voices filtered around you, but they were fuzzy, like they were underwater or behind a closed door.
Finally, someone opened the door to Javier’s bedroom. “Hijo?”
“Si mamá?”
Javier’s mother looked at you on top of him and smiled. “Lori is home. Do you want to say hello?”
Javier sighed, and you laughed as you were lifted up as he breathed in. “Yeah, I’ll come say hi.”
He stood, and you stood with him. “Come on. You’ll like Lori.”
Lori, if you remembered correctly, was the youngest and the most mature. She looked damn near identical to Javier, despite her feminine features and the fact that she was clearly younger.
“Ah, you must be Javi’s spouse!” She said, shaking your hand. “Damn, Javi really knows how to pick them!”
You laughed. “Thank you, but I think I picked him.”
Lori smiled. “Of course. C’mon! Can you bake?”
Turned out, Lori needed help with the pies, and you and her spent almost half an hour making various pie crusts and fillings. Javier tried to help for a few minutes, but he got dragged off to help somewhere else. You waved as he went, following one of the younger cousins.
“So, how was Columbia?” Lori asked, mixing another apple pie mix in a glass bowl.
You took a breath, continuing to knead lest your emotions get the better of you. “Hard,” you finally admitted. “Very hard. I wasn’t even in the thick of the fighting most times, but it was harder than anything I’ve ever done. We had to move four times, and we caught bombs in Javi’s car on two separate occasions. It was a good day if no one shot at him, and then there was all that shit with Los Pepes.”
“Oh I heard about that,” Lori said sadly, grabbing another pie pan. “That must’ve been hell for him, not being there when they finally put a bullet in Escobar.”
“Steve called us immediately,” you said. “The body was still warm, I don’t think the news knew yet. But we did. Javier cried.”
Lori shrugged. “What’s he gonna do now?”
You looked around, making sure the kitchen was empty. “Going back.”
You nodded. “They’re sending us back, something about the Cali cartel? I dunno, but apparently it’s big and it’s a problem. They want Javi because, well, he’s had connections with those people.”
“Oh,” Lori breathed, passing the pie to you so you could lattice it. “That’s awful.”
“That’s government work,” you said with a sigh.
Before Lori could speak again, Javier came back with two men, one of whom put an arm around Lori’s waist.
“David, this is Javier’s spouse,” Lori said, smiling as the man kissed her cheek. “The one who was working with the DEA.”
David nodded to you. “Pleasure. I’d shake your hand, but,”
You grinned, holding up your pie crust covered hands. “I’ll spare you the feeling.”
“And this is my cousin Chris,” Javier said, leaning on the counter and watching you expertly lattice the pie in front of you. “How many of those are you making?”
“Three apple, two cherry, one pecan for Cynthia, one blueberry, and a peach pie for Javi.”
Javier lit up. “I thought you weren’t making a peach pie!”
Lori laughed. “Beth brought Georgia peaches, so I had to.”
Chris opened the oven, examining the pies. “Damn, these look divine.”
“Off,” Lori said, giving Chris’s hands a light smack with a wooden spoon. “These are for dessert!”
Once you were finally done and the pies only had to be baked, you were able to wash your hands and sit on the couch. Javier sat next to you, along with a few aunts and uncles you didn’t know. Javier’s father sat in a recliner, his mother sat on a loveseat, and beside her sat a wonderful old woman who you quickly learned was Javier’s grandmother. You closed your eyes, leaning against Javier’s shoulder and dozing a bit. You didn’t fall asleep, but damn you wanted to. Conversation filtered around you, but you didn’t pay much attention.
People came and went, and eventually, everyone was moving outside. Javier nudged you to awareness and you blinked blearily in the Texas sunlight as you followed him outside.
“Veteran DEA agent, bothered by a bit of sunshine,” Javier teased, handing you his aviators. “Ain’t you a sight.”
You huffed at him. “Don’t make me regret saying yes to marrying you,” you said, waving to Patricia and Melissa.
Lunch was a happy affair. You sat beside your husband, chatting eagerly with some of his cousins. His sisters sat with you, happily telling you stories about Javier that made him turn red and you bend over with laughter. Finally, once they’d had their fun embarrassing him, Cynthia, Maria, and Lori all left to go oversee some game the young cousins were playing. Melissa leaned over the table and grinned, Patricia already rolling her eyes.
“Javi,” she said sweetly, fluttering her eyes. “Have you taken Bella out yet?”
“Bella?” You asked, seeing Javier copy Patricia’s eye roll. “Who’s Bella?”
Melissa pointed to the stables that the ranch had. “Javi’s horse. She’s getting old, but she still runs.”
“She’s thirteen,” Javier said. “Not old.”
Patricia smiled. “Javi managed to get her off a man trying to sell her for meat,” she explained to you. “Right up until the day he left for Columbia, she was his pride and joy. Brought her back basically from the dead.”
You tried to imagine Javier caring deeply about a horse, deeply enough to save her. Unsurprisingly, the thought came easy. “Bella, it’s a beautiful name.”
“Short for Belladonna,” Javier said. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
The ground was warm beneath your feet, still bare because you hadn’t had time to put shoes on before lunch. The Peña stables didn’t have many horses, maybe three or four. Right at the end was a stall painted with gorgeously intricate vines and flowers, the belladonna plant. Javier leaned over the door, whistling.
The effect was almost immediate. He was shoved from the door, a black horse pushing him out and butting against his body, searching him.
“Bella!” He said happily, scratching behind Bella’s swiveling ears. “Hello! Did you miss me?”
Bella snorted.
“I know, I missed you too,” Javier said, lost in his own little world. “Hey, guess what! I got married. Mhm, I think they’re perfect too.”
You smiled, leaning against the wall and watching Javier talk to Bella. “She’s gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Javier said. “C’mon, I’ll take you on a ride.”
He introduced you to another horse, Bella’s neighbor Aristotle. Aristotle was well behaved, and within no time, you were sitting in the saddle and following Javier down a trail. Aristotle was an easy ride, and it helped that you had some prior riding knowledge. Javier, however, was leagues above you, riding as if he’d been doing it his whole life. Which you supposed he had.
“The ranch is huge,” Javier said, leading you through a section of forest. “But even if it wasn’t, we’re all good friends with the neighbors, and they don’t mind when we ride on their land.”
You left the forest and entered a large field that stretched on for miles, a wooden fence bisecting the field. “Is that where the neighbor’s property starts?” You asked, pulling Aristotle to a stop on the edge of the woods.
“That’s still ours,” Javier said. “Technically the neighbor’s land starts at the end of the field on the other side of the fence, but the fence was there when we bought the land and no one wants to take it down.”
You nodded. “How far is it back to the ranch?”
Javier looked at you, confused. “Twenty minutes at a steady trot, maybe thirty at a walk, why?”
Pushing Javier’s aviators up your nose and wiggling in the saddle, you grinned. “Over the fence, race you back!”
Just like that, you were off. Aristotle seemed just as joyful as you as you leapt the fence with ease, using what little riding knowledge you had. Javier caught on to your game and followed suit, laughing as Bella and Aristotle raced side by side.
The trail was likely too dangerous to keep this pace at, but if you weren’t mistaken, you could wind around the forest, staying at your pace. Abandoning Javier at the path, you cut a sharp turn, feeling the wind on your skin as you laughed.
True to your thoughts, within ten minutes, you were coming up on the ranch with no Javier in sight. Jumping the fence yet again into the riding ring, you pulled Aristotle to a stop, jumping down and stroking his nose.
Maria and Cynthia ran up to you as you straightened your shirt. “What happened?”
The sound of hooves alerted you to the return of your husband. “Javier and I went for a ride. I challenged him to a race home. He lost.”
Javier stopped Bella beside you, looking you up and down as he slid out of his saddle. “That was some damn impressive riding,” he said. “Congrats.”
You grinned. “C’mon, let’s put these two away and relax.”
Of course, in the Peña house, there was no such thing as relaxing. You and Javier were halfway to the porch when Javier was hit in the back with a water balloon. He turned, back dripping. Melissa and Patricia both pointed at each other, barely containing their laughter.
“Oh hell no!” Javier said, taking off his shoes and smiling. “Get back here!”
He chased after his sisters, both of which ran away, shrieking with laughter. You sat on the porch swing, watching Javier grab a water balloon and throw it. His aim was off, so instead of hitting Patricia, he hit Maria, who immediately joined the fight as well. Within minutes, all six Peña kids were throwing water balloons at each other and laughing. It was such an innocent sight, and it made you sigh. How long would you be in Columbia fighting the Cali Cartel? When would Javier get a chance to laugh like this again?
A shriek pulled you from your thoughts as Maria took control of a garden hose and began to aim it mostly at Javier, catching Lori and Cynthia in the process of soaking her brother. Javier ducked away from the hose spray, and Melissa snuck around Maria’s back and stood on the hose. It was a simple trick, but one Maria fell for, looking into the hose and immediately getting a face full of water.
“Niños!” Javier’s mother yelled, coming out of the house. “Que estás haciendo?”
“Jugando, Mamá!” Javier called, sitting up in the grass from where he’d been play wrestling with Cynthia, entirely soaked and decently muddy. “Melissa lo inició.”
“Did not!”
“Did to!”
“Niños!” Javier’s mother said again, trying to cut the childish bickering off. “Lavarse!”
“Si Mamá!” The chorus of six voices called back. Javier was up first, shaking like a wet dog and trotting over to the house, followed by his sisters.
Ten minutes later, a significantly cleaner Javier was sitting next to you, his hair still wet and in completely different clothes. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you said softly, watching the large extended family gather for dinner.
“Okay, what’s wrong?”
Javier took your hands. “You only ever use that tone when something is really wrong. What is it?”
You shrugged. “Just wondering when we’ll be back here. Will it be years, like last time?”
“Not if I can help it,” Javier said softly. “Hey, look at me cariño. This won’t be like last time, okay? I swear it. We’ll be home soon.”
Nodding, you kissed Javier, running a finger over his ring. “I love you.”
Javier smiled, kissing your forehead. “I love you more.”
You leaned against him, taking in the setting sun and the bustling happiness of the yard. Someone started playing music, and you perked up. “Oh! I love this song!”
Javier tipped his head, trying to figure out what was playing. “I don’t know this.”
“It’s from the mid sixties,” you said, standing and tugging Javier to his feet. “Never charted, but my mother loved it.” You started to sway with the happy music, and Javier copied your movements. “Hey, hey, hey, lover, you don't have to be a star,” you sang, making Javier smile. “Hey, hey, hey, lover, I love you just the way you are.”
Javier moved his hands to your waist, and you put your forearms on his shoulders, still swaying and singing. “For love is just the same, without fortune and fame. Just give me true love and understanding. True love and understanding.”
The song kept playing, and you kept singing, dancing with Javier on the porch. About halfway through the song, someone interrupted you. “Hey, dorks!”
You jumped, almost knocking into Javier and hurting him. “Jesus! A warning next time!”
Maria grinned. “Mamá says it’s time to eat, and if you don’t come down, she’ll feed your portion to the dogs.”
Javier smiled. “Yeah, that sounds like Mamá. C’mon, let’s eat.”
You took Javier’s hand, following him off the porch, still singing lightly as the grass crunched under your feet and the warm Texas breeze rippled your clothes.
“Hey, lover, treat me good and nice, and it will be alright. Just give me true love and understanding. True love and understanding.”
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lyranova · 4 years ago
Hey hey. I see you're request is open! Can we get more yami x charlotte? seriously, we need more content of these two. do you mind if i'm going to be specific in this one? like one where they're in public and something big and serious happened, and yet yami just simply shows some affection even though charlotte is uncomfortable with pda? i want to see how you write this one out, and maybe i'll try to draw it???
Hi Hp~! Yep my requests are open hehe I opened them recently (i think?) anyway of course we can have more Yamichar! Yes we really do need more content with these two and I love writing for them so much 🥺💗! I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted I kinda went big with the affection part instead of simple i’m so sorry 😅! Ooh if you do draw it please let me know so I can see it 🥺💕!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,395
Warnings: Language
It was the night of the annual Star Festival, and Charlotte was currently waiting for her boyfriend to finish work at his stall, she couldn’t help but laugh slightly, it was still very weird to call Yami Sukehiro her boyfriend. She had had a crush on him for a while and didn’t really think this would ever happen, so when it did she was pleasantly surprised. She was currently sitting at a small dining table watching him give orders to his squad. He finally walked over to her and sat down with a sigh.
“ I’m surprised,” Charlotte started taking a sip of her tea, she wasn’t going to have a repeat of the one time she decided to drink and actually missed the Star Festival. Yami raised an eyebrow before she continued. “ you’re actually letting them run the stall by themselves. Are you feeling alright?” She asked him, he scoffed before shaking his head.
“ Of course I’m alright, and they’re not actually running the stall by themselves. I trust them but not that much, which is why I’m sitting here watching every single move they make.” He told her with a smirk, she shook her head at him.
“ Will you ever trust them with anything?” She teased before taking another sip of her tea, she watched as he shrugged a shoulder.
“ I trust them with a lot of things; but that stand isn’t one of them.” He told her before grabbing a cigarette and putting it in his mouth but not lighting it yet. He looked at her glass and frowned. “ Aren’t you going to get something a little stronger than that?” He asked.
“ No I’m fine with this for now, I will not have a repeat of the last time I drank.” Charlotte told him with a small shudder at the memory, causing Yami to chuckle before taking the cigarette out of his mouth, deciding against smoking for the time being.
“ Hey I thought you were pretty cute when you were drunk after just one mug of that ale.” He teased causing her to blush and avert her gaze, she still had trouble getting used to his open flirting, wait, was he flirting or was he teasing? She couldn’t quite tell since they were nearly the same thing.
“ Uh Captain! Asta’s burning the food and might burn the stand down!” Finral suddenly yelled, the two Captains could hear Asta’s screaming as a huge ball of fire could be seen inside the food stand.
“ Dammit. I knew I couldn’t trust them with this much responsibility!” He stood up and looked over at Charlotte with an apologetic look. “ Sorry Prickly Princess, I’ll be right back, after I teach those punks a lesson.” He muttered as he stalked over to them, she shook her head as she giggled softly.
Yami talked a big game but Charlotte knew he actually cared for all of the members in his squad, sure he was tough on them, and yelled at them a lot. But he genuinely cared about them and would risk his life to protect theirs, it was actually very sweet. Charlotte felt the same about her squad; they were like her sisters or daughters, she loved and cared for them, was strict when she needed to be, and would also risk her life to protect theirs.
“ Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A young man spoke, Charlotte looked up at the voice and instantly her eyes narrowed. He didn’t even wait for an answer and sat across from her, she crossed her arms.
“ Actually yes that seat is in fact taken. So if you don’t mind-.” She began but the man quickly cut her off.
“ Funny, I don’t see anyone here.” He told her while looking around, she could tell this man believed he was the gods gift to women, and it made her roll her eyes.
“ Well he’s busy at the moment but he will be back shortly.” Charlotte told him as politely as she could, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed he currently had Asta by the top of his head and was holding him in the air. She sighed, was that boy ever not in trouble?
“ I think you’re just trying to get rid of me!” The man laughed, he really was full of himself wasn’t he? “ But it’s not gonna work.” He added, causing Charlotte to roll her eyes once again.
“ Well you don’t have much of a choice; you can either leave willingly, or I can make you leave.” Charlotte said, she was very annoyed by this man and wanted him to just go away. But apparently he didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
“ Really? A delicate little thing like you is going to make me leave? I’d love to see that!” He told her smugly, Charlotte glared at him and stood up, she was going to show him how delicate she was when she suddenly felt a presence behind her.
“ I’ll admit I’d love to see that too, especially since I know she’ll kick your ass three ways to Sunday.” Yami said as he came up behind Charlotte and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “ Now, if I were you, I’d listen to this strong and very beautiful woman and leave before she makes you. Because once she’s done kicking your ass, I’ll start kicking it and it’s going to be a very bad time for you.” Yami added as he straightened up, using his full height to his advantage. The young man paled instantly and quickly got up from his seat and ran for the hills.
Charlotte shook her head before turning around, her face serious, almost comically so. Yami frowned and scratched the back of his head.
“ Really, Yami? I could’ve handled that by myself.” She told him deadpan, they both knew she was more than capable, but for some reason Yami felt the need to come over there and back her up.
“ I know you could have, I just wanted to make sure that punk knew after you were finished with him your boyfriend was going to make sure he was, y’know, good and dead.” He muttered the last part under his breath. Charlotte tilted her head a little bit as a sudden thought popped into her head.
“ Yami Sukehiro, were you jealous?” She asked, she watched as Yami blushed and looked away. That confirmed it. She had never really seen him jealous before and it was quite surprising to see.
“ Nah I wouldn’t say jealous I would say...more like…” He struggled, he couldn’t find a different word to describe what he was feeling. It wasn’t that the kid was better looking than him or anything, although, he guessed that kid did look more like the type others thought Charlotte should be with instead of him. He shook his head when she suddenly walked up to him.
“ It’s ok if you were, sometimes jealousy can be good for a relationship, I’ll admit I’ve been jealous myself a few times.” She admitted with a bashful laugh. “ But, let’s not make a habit of it ok? I am yours, and you are mine, and no one can separate us.” She told him softly. She noticed a strange look in Yami’s eyes and she frowned a bit before he surprised her.
Yami cupped her face between his hands and leaned down to place a soft yet very passionate kiss on her lips. Charlotte’s eyes widened in surprise, she may have looked calm on the outside but on the inside she was freaking out! He knew she wasn’t very into PDA, but then again neither was he, and yet he felt the need to kiss her right here, right now, in front of all of these people! She was a blushing mess, but when she realized she didn’t actually care what other people thought she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
The two parted after a moment and she was surprised to see a soft gentle smile on Yami’s face instead of the cocky one he usually had. She smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers.
“ Took the words right out of my mouth Prickly Princess.”
Again I apologize if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted 😅! I had a couple of other fic ideas from your request if you’d rather I try one of those if you didn’t like this one? But i hope you guys maybe enjoyed this and if not I apologize! I hope you all have a good day~!
Taglist: @eme-eleff
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archerdaryl · 4 years ago
London in Your Eyes.
After pulling your name for Secret Santa, Daryl comes and finds you at the Christmas fair. Inspired by Last December by Nina Nesbitt.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Tags: cute christmas vibes, sfw, a lil sad a lil fluffy a lil slow burn?? Word Count: around 3k Notes: This is my very first fanfiction I’ve written in literal years -- I’d love to hear what you guys think as I’m a little nervous but I hope you enjoy it!!
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Against the soft blankets of snow that had long settled since the beginning of December, flashes of red and green could be seen wherever you looked from the guard tower. Amongst them were shadows you recognised, the figures of the people weaving themselves in and out of various stalls that had been set up for the Christmas fair.
You wanted to object to it the first time The King brought it up, especially after the events that occurred at the original. It seemed futile, you weren’t sure you could take another massacre, and it was too God damn cold to be lingering outside. And yet, you folded.
You couldn’t argue with hope. And if Ezekial was good at anything, it was inspiring just that.
Snowflakes had begun to dance in the evening air once more as you diverted your attention back towards the forest that surrounded the walls. You could hear Luke sing what sounded like a song you used to know but couldn’t quite make out as he made his way to his stall where he had wooden instruments up for trade. Down the same lane were various baked goods and crafts made by different members of the community. The kids even had their own art stall, endearingly decorated with looped paper covered in paint and cotton wool shaped into snowmen.
Ezekiel had asked if you wanted to contribute anything. You declined, not because you didn’t want to help but because playing pretend had never been something you were good at -- even as a kid yourself. And especially at Christmas time.
Of course, you played it off a lot more casually than that. You weren’t one to divulge the details of traumas that no longer mattered in the grand scheme of things. After making fun of your lack of artistic talent you insisted on keeping watch for the majority of the evening so that everyone else could enjoy what the fair had to offer. You knew where you stood in that tower. You couldn’t feel the tip of your nose and you had to keep bouncing your knees to maintain circulation, but you felt secure.
You brought your gloved hands up to your mouth and huffed, allowing the warmth to wash over your fingers. You had been up there for several hours now and the most exciting thing to happened was a walker in a hard hat causing a scene by clanging its head against the metal walls. Someone else manning the perimeter had dealt with it, taking what little entertainment you could have had away from you, but at least no one had to worry about an oncoming herd.
You turned swiftly towards a voice drenched in a Southern drawl, eyebrows raised in surprise knitting themselves together.
“You need to stop doing that.”
“Doin’ wha’?”
“Sneaking up on me.”
Daryl Dixon was one of few people who got the jump on you and it was equal parts annoying and endearing. You stood upright from the post you had been leaning on and took a couple of steps towards him, eyes adjusting to his height as you did so.
“Didn’ mean to.” He confessed, “Thought you might be bored.”
“Maybe a little.” You sighed, “I’m mostly just cold.”
He watched you carefully, one hand fiddling with something in his jacket pocket while the other swung at his side holding a large flask. Your cheeks and nose were pink and he found himself indebted to the harsh winds that were to blame.
“Is that-”
“Mulled wine.” He interrupted, “Whatever tha’ is.”
The pair of you had been dancing around something unspoken for the past year, aware but unwilling to cross a line that could ruin the comfort you found in each other. That and you had both seen what happened to people who got attached to others. It was uncharted territory neither of you had ventured into with anyone for a long long time, and though he often daydreamed of you like a teenager and you were constantly worrying about him, the risk seemed too much.
“You’ve never had mulled wine?” You asked curiously, taking the flask he handed to you and shivering slightly as you wrapped your palms around it, “It’s really good actually. And hot.”
The question may as well have been rhetorical. The pair of you hadn’t shared a great deal about your lives before the dead took over, but he had told you enough that you knew Daryl was raised on beer and moonshine. You cared for neither, admittedly. Gin had always been your vice.
“Besides, I thought you liked to drink alone Dixon.”
He exhaled in amusement but didn’t offer a retort. Instead he stepped towards the cabinet at the back of the watch tower and retrieved a large blanket. Your mouth practically dropped to the floor and he fought a smile from creeping onto his lips.
You hadn’t even thought to check. Your cheeks grew even pinker.
“C’mon. Ain’t’ nothin’ happenin’ in the next ten minutes.”
With furrowed brows you looked back out onto the forest, studying its movement and mystery. Chances are, he was right. Nothing had happened so far and nothing likely would, but that didn’t stop you from worrying.
“Don’ make me take back tha’ wine.”
“No! Don’t you dare.” You whipped your head back towards him and narrowed your eyes. “It’s warm.”
“So’s this blanket. Come on.”
You made a point of rolling your eyes as you followed Daryl out onto the deck. Before you could complain about the cold (which honestly wasn’t that much worse than inside the tower) Daryl had shook out the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders. You mumbled a thank you as he lowered himself to the ground and allowed his legs to swing free over the edge of the deck. You followed suit, the flask of hot mulled wine still between your hands acting like your own personal furnace.
It was darker now and hundreds of lights had been switched on so that people could still find their way around the fair. Even you couldn’t deny the wonder and whimsy of it all. Kids were throwing snowballs, families were laughing and making memories that were worth something. There was makeshift tinsel and decorations all over the place and the rich scent of pig and apple sauce hung in the air. In the sweet silence you shared with the archer, there was a moment you forgot where you were. The world you now lived in was an afterthought, and the Christmas fair was an almost perfect picture of somewhere you yearned to be.  
Daryl noticed the unmistakable twinkle of mourning in your eyes before you could even try to force a smile. He reached for the flask and took it from you, unscrewing its lid and pouring you a cup of mulled wine. He took a swig straight from the bottle and though he furrowed his brows and smelled the contents immediately afterwards, he didn’t complain.
“Ain’t ever seen nothin’ like this.” He offered.
You took a large sip and closed your eyes, savouring every note that swam across your tongue.
“I have. A long time ago.”
Your eyes flit open and you looked right at him. In what little light was left you could see his lips were already slightly stained red. You didn’t doubt your own were the same. He watched your mouth as you took another sip.
“My family was close. Always saved up their holidays so we could get a long Christmas together.” You found yourself lowering your gaze as you spoke, soon returning it to the hustle and bustle before you,  “Spent a couple years in London. They had markets just like these. Winter Wonderland I think they called it. Never thought I’d see anything like it again.”
It was abundantly clear from the very beginning that the pair of you had led very different lives before the world went to waste. He liked talking about his past even less than you did and for very different reasons too. You never pushed like some of the other’s did. In the end that was likely what pushed you both together.
“It’s funny how shit like that sneaks up on you.” You continued, “Every time I think I’ve moved on or let something go it just… I don’t know. None of this should even matter anymore.”
“You got a past worth rememberin’.” You felt a large hand tug at the blanket hanging around you, pulling it to make sure it didn’t fall, “Ain’t no shame in that.”
In truth, Daryl enjoyed listening to you reminisce. It was a rare gift you offered him, one that he would have found annoying from anyone else considering the stark differences in your upbringing. But you spoke about your past like you were telling a story, keeping that little bit of distance so it didn’t wash over you all at once. Whether you knew it or not, you handed him another puzzle piece every time you let him in. He could sit there and listen to you for hours. He wanted to.
A calloused hand found its way into his jacket once again, fiddling with a small object wrapped in aluminium foil. Now didn’t seem appropriate. They still had time.
“Aren’t you cold?”
“Nah.” His cheeks said otherwise, “Wines doing the trick.”
You pulled your legs up and shimmied a little closer to him to him anyways before forcing your arm through his. He didn’t object, not even when you leaned on him a little.
“What other shit did they have in London?” He pushed.
“Mulled cider. That’s probably more up your street” You took your last sip before nudging him to top the cup up, “I used to love these little pancake balls covered in Nutella, strawberries, and icing sugar. Wasn’t Winter Wonderland unless I was covered in chocolate by the end of it.”
Daryl slowly lowered the side of his head down onto yours. It didn’t feel like too much, like you’d suddenly catch yourself and make excuses to go back on watch. Instead, you kept talking, and Daryl kept fiddling with the gift in his pocket.
“I remember it being loud. Music and people everywhere. And it was cold, but never as cold as this. Didn’t really snow there, which I always thought was weird.”
“If you wan’ loud I heard Luke and Jerry were gon’ go carollin’ later.”
A chuckle escaped you as you took another gulp of wine, “You know what, I think I’ll stay up here.”
Comfortable silence took over as you both watched the fair. It had barely quietened down, even though a lot of people had begun their ride back to Hilltop or Alexandria. It was the first time in a long time that there wasn’t a human threat to worry about, so why wouldn’t people make the most of a time like this? You only wished you could let go like others could.
“Oh, shit.” You sat up suddenly, “I forgot about that Secret Santa thing Jerry made us do.”
“Who’s name d’ya pull?”
“It’s supposed to be Secret Santa.” You paused and sighed, “I pulled Jesus. Is this irony? It feels ironic. I’ll figure it out.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of Daryl’s lips as he leaned forward onto the wooden barrier keeping them from falling if either of them were to take a wrong step. He felt something gnawing at him in the pit of his stomach, and he swallowed hard in a futile attempt to get rid of it before clearing his throat.
“Who’s name did you pull?”
“Like ya’ said, it’s Secret Santa.” He grumbled.
You rotated yourself slightly to face him, allowing just one leg to hang free from the deck whilst the other was bent at the knee. 
“Don’t be an asshole, Dixon.” You pleaded, “Tell me!”
“Mind ya’ business.”
“Unless it’s me I don’t see why you can’t tell me.”
Daryl stayed quiet and you couldn’t help but laugh in both amusement and disbelief.
“You’re kidding. Did you really get me something?”
“Will you shut up? You ain’t even s’posed t’ know.”
He finally turned his head to find you unable to suppress the grin spreading across your face. Your eyes were twinkling again, but not with the sadness of earlier. That paired with the blush on your nose and cheeks from the cold and your little hands clinging desperately to the blanket around you made it impossible to say no. That gnawing feeling grew and he took a large breath before retrieving his hand from his pocket.
“Don’ tell Jerry.”
He passed you an strangely shaped object covered in aluminium foil. You took it from him and beamed. You weren’t sure why you were surprised he actually got you something. Maybe it was the fact he thought to wrap it at all, or that he was trying to follow the rules so it really would be a surprise. Would you have ever known it was him if you hadn’t pestered him in this moment? You held the gift in your hands as if it could break at any second whilst your heart was attempting to beat itself out of your chest.
“Do you want me to wait?” You asked, just in case, “I can open it later.”
Daryl shook his head and grabbed the flask again, taking several gulps to warm up his insides. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, studying your features carefully waiting for a sign of repulsion or embarrassment. It never came and without realising it his own features softened.
“It’s yours. Sorry I couldn’ find any paper.”
“It’s shiny and it serves its purpose.” You responded without hesitation, “It’s perfect.”
You carefully unfolded the foil in a futile attempt not to tear it and destroy the fantasy Daryl had created for you. The intricate motions felt painfully slow, and with every layer you tore away the nastier the self-deprecation in his head got. He felt stupid for trying. Was it too much? Was it not enough? He had no fuckin’ idea. Even before the world went to shit he didn’t come from the kind of family that exchanged gifts. He wanted to run, but he couldn’t. All he could do was drink and bite at the skin of his lips until they bled.
“Oh my god.”
He swallowed hard and braced himself for the worst. Your eyebrows were drawn together as you studied the object in all its detail. Eventually you shook it, and you grinned again.
“Where the hell did you find something like this?”
It was a snowglobe, somehow perfectly intact despite the number of years it had been collecting dust in a world full of violence and filth. Daryl had stumbled upon it on a run where he had found a strip of houses to loot. It was sat on a mantelpiece, and though Daryl didn’t know much about England or even London, he knew about Big Ben.
You shook it again and laughed. He watched you gaze at it in wonder, eyeing the details on the clock tower as plastic snow danced around it. Most of his anxieties melted away at the sight of that alone, but he still felt uneasy, as if he had done something wrong.
“I love it, Daryl. I didn’t even realise I’d spoken about London before.”
He nodded, his words stuck in the back of his throat. You had only mentioned London once before, something in passing, but he remembered. He remembered everything you said to him over the years. Maybe that was why this felt so wrong, as if he had taken this -- whatever this is -- too far.
Your heart was still thumping. Daryl had never been a talker, but he’d also never failed to show you that he cared. Even just by doing little things like making sure you ate properly or were sleeping okay. This was a different kind of show and tell and you weren’t sure what to do with it. 
Your affection for the archer had snuck up on you a long time ago and you usually found it quite easy to push it down and away. There were other things to concern yourself with, things to do to make sure not just you but your community could survive. But right now you were stuck in a loop. Behind his grouchy disposition was a warmth you desperately wanted to wrap yourself in.
The blanket wasn’t enough. Not right now. 
“It’s nothin’.” He finally responded, and this time you were lost for words.
You turned back towards the fair, avoiding his blue gaze as you thought to yourself. Neither of you knew what the hell this was or what the hell you were doing. You had spent so much time ignoring or rejecting the possibility of something more that now it had slapped you both across the face you were dumbfounded.
Was it supposed to be this complicated? This confusing? Or was it actually not at all and you were both just useless at all of this?
Tomorrow things would likely carry on as normal but right now, things were different. Something had shifted and it was entirely possibly you had been forced into the uncharted territory you were both so scared of. 
You swallowed hard shimmied closer to him again. Using your free arm, you tried to fling half of the blanket around his broad shoulders. It fell off of him immediately, but he didn’t question it. He picked it up, nudged closer to you, and wrapped it around himself.
A sigh of relief escaped you. Not just because he took the blanket but because he was practically a radiator. 
“I knew you were cold.” Your words were soft, almost hesitant despite being teasing.
Daryl looked down at you, his tongue flitting across his bottom lip as he watched you watch the world go by at the Christmas fair. He carefully sought out your hand with his own, and without even thinking about it you allowed your fingers to intertwine with his.
“You’re the one wi’ blue fingers.”
You wanted to roll your eyes, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Instead, you rested your head on his shoulder again with a smile and allowed whatever excuses he made to comfort him. The fact you didn’t pull away was enough, and though he always knew you wouldn’t be as rough and calloused as he was, he couldn’t quite get over how soft your fingers were.
“Did you want to look around the fair?”
He allowed his thumb to glide across the back of your hand.
“Nah. I like it up here.”
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years ago
I love you (not) - Chapter 13
It's only fitting that chapter 13 of this fic would be the one that's most inspired by Taylor Swift (big Fearless vibes in here)... Tackling two prompts of @marichatmay in one, Locked in and oops. Spoiler: they finally kiss! Hope you enjoy the chapter! xx
First | Previous | AO3 | Next
Chapter 13: In which it's finally timeTM
“Marinette,” Chat Noir said softly, reluctantly loosening their embrace.
She hummed in response, eyes still closed, and he tucked a strand of her already damp hair behind her ear. The skies were darkening, if it was even possible, the rain turning into a thick curtain around them, yet her soft smile was like a ray of sunshine illuminating them both. He was torn between staying there, basking in her light, and bursting their bubble. The thought that she could catch a cold crossed his mind, though, and he knew where his duty lied.
“Marinette, we should find shelter, you’ll be sick,” he insisted gently.
“I’m on holiday for the next two months, I have plenty of time to be ill,” she replied. She didn’t care if it wasn’t entirely true. She needed to be operational enough to fight any Akumas that sprouted up, but at that moment, those concerns felt like they were miles away.
Chat Noir paused. Even if he didn’t like the thought of her being bedridden, she did have a point.
“But you’ll ruin your pretty dress,” he whispered in her ear.
Marinette sighed against his chest. She really wanted to answer that she didn’t care, that she’d dance with him anywhere, whatever was going on around them, whatever she was wearing, but also especially in her best dress.  She was starting to feel a little cold, though, and she couldn’t let her partner get ill himself.
“Fine.” She looked up at him, bluebell eyes wide and beautiful as a stroke of lightning lit up the sky, and Chat forgot how to breathe for a second.
The clap of thunder that swiftly followed made him gasp like he’d literally been drowning in her eyes, and he averted his gaze.
“Hang on tight,” he warned her, bending down slightly to reach behind her knees to lift her in a bridal carry.
As he strode purposefully towards the lift, Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself, and she realised that if he were to turn his head ever so slightly towards her, then there would only be a couple of centimetres between their lips. Rain streaming down her face, she was reminded of the dream she’d had about kissing Chat Noir. Would it be so bad to know what it would feel like, without the rush of an Akuma battle? She blushed at the thought, and buried her face against his shoulder to conceal her fluster.
Chat Noir had barely, tentatively, laid his head on the top of hers when the lift doors opened with a “ding”. He straightened up rigidly and walked inside, before delicately setting her down on one side of the cabin and walking to the other.
Marinette leaned back against the panel, stealing a glance at him as he pressed the restaurant button. The elevator got into motion; she pouted when he didn’t return to her side.
But maybe she’d gotten ahead of herself. Maybe the dancing, the rain, and the late night visits had gotten to her head, shining a new light on their, all in all, platonic all but in name relationship.
Before she could start dissecting why she felt disappointed, the lift stopped abruptly, making her lose her balance slightly. She tensed up, feeling that something wasn’t right.
Opposite her, Chat was also on high alert, ears perked up as he tried to pick up on any sound that could indicate the cause of the stall. When the cries for help and the crashing reached them, their gazes met, and they could read the panic in each other’s eyes at the thought that it wasn’t just the storm.
Chat pounced on the elevator button panel and punched all of them, hoping it would kickstart the machine, but unfortunately not even the alarm button responded.
“ Mince ,” they both swore under their breath.
Chat’s whipped his head towards her, and he flashed her a small smile.
“It’s okay, Marinette, don’t worry. Ladybug will get us out of here.”
“You really think so?” Marinette was trying very hard not to let her panic flood her as she looked around for any possible exit. Wasn’t there supposed to be a trap door on elevator roofs? Or could they try prying the doors open, and see where to go from there? Actually, why use force when they had a much more powerful weapon? “Can’t you maybe cataclysm the doors or something?”
“I’m afraid it doesn’t mix well with technology,” he grimaced. “I don’t want to risk hurting you. But I trust Ladybug, she’ll find a way.”
“I trust you too, Chat Noir,” she replied automatically. Her eyes widened when she realised how he could interpret her words, but Chat looked lost in his thoughts. And slightly… waxy, for some reason?
“Chat, are you-” Her question was interrupted by the lights flickering, and then turning off.
Chat’s gulp was extremely audible in the penumbra.
“Are you okay?” She asked cautiously.
“Absolutely peachy.” He might have been able to distract her from his strained voice with one of those smiles he was so good at putting on, but in the darkness, it was all she could focus on.
“Kitty.” She tried to channel all of her warning glance into her words.
“It’s nothing. I might be a tiny bit claw-strophobic, but don’t mind me.”
Marinette heard him slide down against the panel, his breathing accelerating.
“It’s alright, Chat, I’m here.” She knew he wouldn’t get exactly what she meant, and she definitely wasn’t going to clarify, but she hoped her soothing tone would be enough to help him keep calm.
Just in case, though, she scrambled to her knees and felt around so she could kneel in front of him. Her eyes were starting to be accustomed to the darkness; she saw his eyes sparkling in front of her. Leaning forward, she placed both of her hands on his shoulders, and hoped he saw her better than she saw him. She didn't care what was going on on the other side of the doors; her Chaton needed her, and he was her priority. They could figure things out later.
“I’m here, I promise it’s going to be alright,” she whispered again, and he nodded slowly, unconvinced. “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time it’s happened; what do you usually do when you’re feeling like this? Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I generally try to think happy thoughts,” he whispered back.
“Happy thoughts. Got it. Give me an example.”
“I like eating chouquettes?” He said tentatively.
“Okay… They are really good pastries. You know what, I think I saw some around at the party; think about how you can stuff your face full with them when we get out.”
“That would be nice.” He nodded a little more vigorously.
“Okay, what else?”
“I… I kind of like it when Ladybug scratches my chin,” he said almost shyly.
“You’re a real cat, you know that?” She smiled fondly. “Erm… would you like me to do that now?”
“Nah, it’s kind of a thing between me and her.”
“Okay, then.” She bit back a smile. “Keep going.”
“I really like receiving presents from you. They’re always so thoughtful.” His breathing was slowing down, his voice more assured.
“I really enjoy making them for you.” She blushed.
“Thank you.” He brought one of his hands to cover hers.
“You’re very welcome.”
Marinette stared into Chat Noir’s eyes, only averting her gaze and clearing her throat when she felt that she was getting a little too close to his face. She couldn’t help it. It was like being pulled in by gravity. “Anything else?”
He shook his head.
“Come on, Chat, there must be more good thoughts in that head of yours.” She ruffled his hair. “How does… How do the pictures of you and… Ladybug after the fight against Oblivio make you feel?” It was a daring question. She regretted it almost instantly, his lack of answer at first the most deafening of sounds.
“I used to really enjoy looking at them,” he said cautiously just when she was considering that transforming and making a break for it would be a less awkward option than being scrutinised like this.
“Used to?” She felt her heart rate pick up.
“Well, truth be told…” It was his turn to avert his gaze, although he tightened his grip on her hand ever so slightly. “I’m not sure I’d enjoy kissing Ladybug very much now.”
“Oh?” She hated that she was losing all coherence, her brain overanalysing the implicit meaning of his words, which truly couldn’t be what she thought, dreamed it could be.
“Well, see, there’s this other girl…” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, a smile gently spreading on his lips. Which she definitely wasn’t focusing on.
“Yeah?” she asked breathlessly, very aware of the short distance between them as she forced herself to hold his gaze.
“I’ve just found myself feeling closer to her, and hoping that maybe, just maybe…” His eyes flickered to her lips, and she couldn’t help it.
Her lips found their way to his like a butterfly to a flower, landing lightly at first, testing the waters. It was sweet, like apple juice.
Just as she was about to break contact, Chat’s arms came to wrap around her waist and he deepened the kiss. Her own hands moved up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him smile against her lips, and couldn’t help but smile herself.
And then there was light.
She jumped out of Chat Noir’s arms and he scrambled to his feet just as a firefighter finished opening the door, helped by Kim. They’d been so close to a proper floor.
“I knew I’d heard people talking in there!” Kim said excitedly, helping Marinette out. “Oh, hi Chat Noir! Do you know where Ladybug is? This Akuma is not messing around.”
“I’ll go and take care of it, I’ll call LB on the way.” He replied almost sheepishly. Marinette didn’t know where to put herself. She didn’t doubt that what they’d been doing could be read all over her face. Maybe Chat would even figure everything out by just looking at her. There was no doubt that she was just as red as Ladybug’s suit.
“Go find yourself a safe hiding place, Marinette.” Chat put a hand on her shoulder, his eyes boring into hers.
“Will do.” She nodded. “Be safe out there.”
“Will do.”
He started running towards an exit, but turned around just as he was about to turn the corner. He paused, as if he was about to say something, but thought better of it and flashed her a bright smile instead.
It almost made Marinette forget that she needed to get moving too.
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apollostears · 5 years ago
MORE THAN A FRIEND [ a. creed ]
↬︎ movie: Creed
↬︎ warning(s): swearing
↬︎ pairing: Adonis Creed x black!reader
PLOT. adonis realizes that you’re more than just a friend to him.
*gif not mine*
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For as long as you’d known Adonis Creed, you had never seen him so conflicted and plagued by something in your entire life. This fight against Drago, an indirect enemy, was eating away at him. Whether he chose to acknowledge it or not.
You could see it in the way he fidgeted more and how he blew up at Rocky for just trying to help. As a friend, you knew better than to try and make him see reason. But as a best friend, you would be remiss if you didn’t at least say something.
But that wouldn’t be the only reason why you’d say anything; you loved Donnie, more than a friend should and for the past eight years it had only gotten worse. Now, with this fight against Drago, that love was growing stronger and it fueled your desire to reach out to him.
So, that’s why you’re here...at his apartment, cooking his favorite meal before addressing the touchy subject.
“Did you want more?” You had asked him, getting up from his expensive table to put your plate in the sink.
Adonis had just finished scraping up the remnants of his third helping before he shook his head. “No ma’am. I eat anymore and this whole place finna smell like fart city.” He joked, putting his plate into your outstretched hand.
You laughed because it was true. Adonis always got gassy after eating too many carbs and his flatulence never failed to fill an entire room.
Placing the dishes in the sink, you got started on washing them. You were stalling at this point and you were sure Donnie would reprimand you at any moment for washing the dishes when you could just slide them in the dishwasher.
“Now you already know what’s coming. I have a state-of-the-art dishwasher at your disposal. Use it ma.” Adonis’s voice came from behind, his cologne strong.
You rolled your eyes and handed him the drying towel. “You keep relying on these machines like the world won’t turn into iRobot.”
“Ah hell, here we go again with the damn robot shit. You watch too many movies.” He scolded you, knowing your habit of connecting movies to real life.
“Ight, keep on. Will Smith will not be here to protect you.” You sucked your teeth, fighting the urge to giggle at your own ridiculousness.
Adonis grunted, hitting you with the slightly damp towel. “Will gone need me to protect him. Get it right.”
“Not if you fight this Drago kid.” Was the last thing you intended to say, but it came out anyways and obliterated the playful atmosphere.
Your body tensed as you saw Adonis continue to dry the plate he had, but with more sharper movements. “D...it wasn’t supposed to—”
“I was wondering when you were gonna say something. Is that why you cooked my favorite meal?” Adonis had cut you off, his tone the same but you knew he was fuming inside.
A sigh escaped your lips as you rinsed the rag out and rested your hands on the edge of the sink. You had thought out everything you were gonna say tonight, but the words wouldn’t come out.
“Adonis, just hear me out. I’m not here to reprimand you or—Adonis!!” You had raised your voice in shock as you watched the man storm out of the kitchen. Drying towel on the counter and long forgotten.
“Nah y/n! I don’t wanna hear nothing that you have to say! You supposed to be my friend, not my girlfriend!” Adonis had spoke to you sharply and more louder than before.
You expected him to be a little reluctant to hear you speak, but he tried to completely dismiss you. Shut you down before you could even speak. Now, you were a little ticked off.
“As your friend, you should know better than to assume that I wouldn’t say anything. You’re right, i’m not your girlfriend but I damn sure am someone who cares about your wellbeing!” You argued, moving to stand in front of his sitting form on the couch.
Adonis tsked and stretched out on the couch. He looked at you with harsh eyes, a hardened look on his face. “Soundin a lot like Balboa. Take that shit somewhere else.” Once again, he tried to dismiss you.
Keyword: tried.
“Balboa Donnie? You’re really up your ass with this one. Rocky and I want what’s best for you. Rocky knows firsthand what it was like to fight a Drago. He isn’t saying that you can’t do it, he’s saying that you shouldn’t! Why? Because your hard headed ass is doing it for the wrong reasons! Ivan could give two fucks about a clean fight, he wants you destroyed and if he has to use his son to do so, then so be it. Get that through your fucking head!”
“You don’t think I know that? You don’t think i’m not aware of what Rocky went through all those years ago? What he did for my dad? I can’t let this man continuously talk shit about my father, mocking his death like he’s proud of it! I can’t y/n!” Adonis’s voice crack at the end of his passionate response told you everything that you needed to know; he was hurting.
A silence had washed over the room, Adonis now sitting up and his elbows on his thighs as he buried his head in his hands. Soft sobs ran through his body and you knew he was truly upset.
“Adonis...” You whispered sadly, your eyes full of sorrow.
You understood now, why he wanted to fight the Drago kid. Why he wouldn’t take Rocky’s advice or your own. It was for his father.
Your legs acted quickly, moving to straddle him so that you could comfort him. Sensing your presence, Adonis moved his arms and wrapped them around your waist as soon as you had found purchase on his lap.
“D, I support you. I will always support you. I love you so much and you’ve been apart of my life for so long, that I worry about you whenever you get like this. If this is what you want to do, then i’ll be by your side for the whole thing. Win or lose.” You reassured, cradling his head against your chest.
Adonis’s heavy body finally relaxed under your touch and a deep breath was released. “That’s all I need. Just you by my side and i’m sorry for snapping like that.” He apologized, finally coming to his senses.
But you didn’t care about that. The way he spoke to you sounded like he wanted you. More than a friend...
Trying to play it cool, you sucked your teeth and lightly pushed his head. “Mannn I was not stunting you and stop talking to me like i’m yo girl.” You chuckled, albeit anxiously.
With a lift of his head, Adonis leaned back and kept his hands firmly at your sides. Squeezing them periodically as you peered down at him, your braids forming a curtain of privacy around you two.
“What if I want you to be my girl?”
The air subtly left your body and you were thankful of your deep chocolate skin for not giving away your true feelings. “Haha, very funny.” You fake laughed, mocking feelings of laughter because that shit wasn’t funny.
“Do it look like I’m laughing? Why is it hard for you to believe me?” He pressed, showing no signs of taking back his statement.
It shocked you that Adonis was being legit, finding it hard to grasp on to the fact that your best friend felt for you the way you did him.
“I—huh? I mean come on, you just went from making it a point to say I’m not your girlfriend to wanting me to be? Make it—“ For probably the third time that night, you were cut off.
Adonis’ lips caught you by surprise, they were the cause of you not being able to finish speaking. Your mind raced to come to terms with what was happening; Adonis Creed was finally kissing you. As quickly as it happened, his lips were gone from yours before could think about kissing back.
“You overthink things entirely too much.” Adonis pointed out, childishly smirking.
Flustered, but no longer embarrassed, you rolled your eyes with a grin and linked your arms around his neck. “Cut me off again and see what happens.”
The threat went in one ear and out the other as Adonis leaned forward again and brushed his plump lips against yours.
“Yeah, aight.” He said dismissively before kissing you again and this time, you were ready.
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pl-panda · 4 years ago
The vines that bind us - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 || Previous || Next
“But…! But…!?” Mari shouted after the closing doors. She could hear a cheerful shout as the elevator left the level. 
 The girl placed the box on the desk and collapsed on her knees. She just numbly stared at the gray wall in front of her. She noticed that that the floor was actually a fluffy, dark blue rug. At least she could have her meltdown in a comfortable environment. 
“Sarah?” A voice called from the desk. For a moment, Mari thought someone was in the room the whole time, but she noticed a small device which was probably an intercom. “Sarah, are you there?”
She quickly got up and walked over to the device. There was a blinking red lamp over one of the buttons. She hesitantly pressed it. “Um… Excuse Moi?” 
“Who’s that?! What have you done with Sarah?”
“I… I… I was supposed to be the new intern, but she just… She… I… I think she just hired me and quit…”
“Ah. Okay.” She could almost hear the shrug in the voice. “I need you to bring me the LexCorp deal we are finalizing tomorrow.”
“But… But I have no idea about being a Personal Assitant! How can I be hired?” She shouted at the device.
“Probably something in your contract? I dunno. About that deal?” The boy asked. 
Mari wanted to argue, but a big folder with the LexCorp logo got her attention. She grabbed it and walked to the doors. After knocking twice she pushed it slightly. The girl expected to see some clean and ordered office of the CEO of a big company. Instead, to say it simply, the room was a mess!
The documents laid scattered everywhere. There was a strong smell of coffee permeating the air and she noted a smashed cup. In the corner, there was a table with what could only be called an altar on which a coffee machine with a golden frame stood proud surrounded by candles. The desk was ginormous, easily twice the size of her kitchen table. It was also full of papers tossed around and several boxes stacked on one another to the point where the whole structure risked falling apart. By the doors, there were two pots with some plants that were long dead. She wondered why the janitor didn’t water them, but then she took another look and wondered when any Janitor last saw this room.
Mari tried to walk without stepping on the papers, but it would require to either learn how to fly or walk on the ceiling. 
“Um… Sir? I think I got the folder you said you needed?” She more asked than stated. 
“Put them with the others!” A voice came from under the desk. Mari did as she was asked. She was about to leave when her tablet beeped. She looked at the notification and her eyes went wide.
“Sir?! You said the meeting was tomorrow?” The girl asked. 
“Yes, why?”
“What day is it?”
“Um… Sunday?” He deadpanned
“It’s Monday!” She shouted at him. 
“I would know if it was Monday… I think.” The faceless voice answered, but his voice wavered. 
“I just got the message that Lex Luthor is here to see you!” She panicked.
“Oh bat! Bat bat bat!” Was the response. 
“What am I supposed to do?” Mari kept on sinking. “The security is asking me?! I’m not qualified to make such decisions! That guy’s suit is probably worth more than both my houses!”
The CEO finally got his head out from under the table. Now the girl could see that he was around her age. What was with this company hiring teenagers!? Besides his age, he was dressed in a dark gray suit and white shirt that spotted several brown stains, probably coffee. He was rather handsome, with black hair and steely-blue eyes. “Stall him!” He shouted and started frantically gathering the papers. He then tripped over a toppled mug and fell face-first into the tower of boxes. Just like she predicted, it collapsed, spilling even more papers around. 
“Ugh! You stall him! I will sort this out!” She shouted, switching from ‘panic mode’ to ‘Ladybug mode’.
“What?” He looked at her confused. Instead of answering she looked around. A plan quickly formed in her head. She grabbed the folder that he previously asked for and pushed it into his hands. Then, she grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged the boy out of the room and into the elevator. Mari practically tossed him inside. Before the doors closed, she grinned at him and slid her hand over the control panel. Now the elevator would stop at every level. 
“Ups! Silly me! It’s my first day at this job…” She faked remorse with the same effectiveness Lila faked dating Damian Wayne. “Remember to read the folder one more time!” She shouted after the closing doors. When he was gone, she sighed. Now the hard part. 
Mari rushed into the room and let Tikki out from the inner pocket of her coat. “Tikki! How am I supposed to clean this all up?! It would take hours to even see the floor! I’m supposed to be an intern, learning things!”
“Calm down Marigold!” The Kwami tried to calm her chosen. “You just need to believe in yourself some more. And maybe get some help?” Tikki smiled suggestively and nodded toward the two near-dead plants. 
“I love you Tikki!” Mari exclaimed before turning toward the sad pots. She touched each of them gently so they would not be hurt and allowed her powers to flare. For a few seconds, her eyes turned vibrant green and her hair became dark-blue while her skin got a green tint. The brown receded as plants soaked the new energy in. It didn’t take long before both were back to their prime and then grew some more, forming vines that would let them walk and more, which would let them grab things. Mari directed them to gather the papers and stuff them into the closet while she got to cleaning more obvious things. 
Firstly, she got the boxes and used them to build around the coffee altar, hiding it from the view. She feared touching it in any way but also didn’t think monsieur Luthor would look favorably at it. Eight boxes were just enough to hide it. There were still several coffee stains on the rug that she had no idea how to clean. She tried to use a watered napkin, but it did little good. Finally, she pulled decided to move the desk slightly forward to cover them. 
Mari looked at the desk. She estimated it was at least ten to twenty times heavier than she was. The girl walked around and started pushing. Slowly, it moved forward. She could hear the elevator ping outside. Damn! She was too slow. Suddenly, the desk became much lighter and she quickly moved it. The plants helped her. She could hear them sing praise to her for reviving them. She promised to water them as often as they needed before ushering them to stand by the doors just as two people entered the room.
Tim grumbled under his breath as he was tossed into the elevator. The girl then pressed every button and sent him on his way. He had to admit, the plan was brilliant. She said she was an intern? Wasn’t Sarah supposed to be the one helping him? Nah. It was probably nothing.
He opted to skim through the folder. The deal itself was rather straightforward, but he didn’t trust Luthor as far as he could throw him. His documents were already looked through by the Legal Department. It was now only the matter of familiarizing himself with them so he wouldn’t sprout some nonsense at Luthor. 
Once the elevator finally arrived at the ground level, he was met by a very irritated Lex and his personal assistant/bodyguard Mercy. The woman had her usual expressionless face on. 
“Exactly how much longer did you expect me to wait?” The businessman asked with a sneer.
“Yeah. Sorry. My new assistant accidentally pressed all the buttons. She didn’t yet get the hang of all the cybernetics.” Tim lied swiftly before welcoming them into the elevator. He did his best to hide the fact he was sweating heavily. He had no idea what state his office would be in, but he doubted that the girl could possibly make it presentable in such a short time. Even just the boxes he accidentally knocked over must have been heavier than her, so there was absolutely no way she would move them.
“You’re ‘sorry’?” Luthor asked with a raised eyebrow. The sneer never left his face. "So, I assume this new assistant of yours will have the time she has wasted removed from her paycheck, yes?" 
“What? No! Dude! It’s her first day.” Tim protested. “She needs time to get a grip on things. Cool a bit, would you?”
The elevator ride was in simple words awkward. Tim was looking over the deal in silence while Luthor was clearly pissed. Neither spoke to each other and if one looked at the other, it was with some degree of disgust. Suddenly, the younger man remembered why he disliked meeting with Lex so much. He felt dirty and had the urge to get a bath. If it was up to him, Wayne Enterprises would cease all cooperation with Lexcorp, but sadly that’s not how the market worked. Sometimes, you needed to work with a slimeball or people would lose their jobs.
When they finally arrived at the top floor and the doors opened, Tim saw that the desk where the assistant should be was empty beyond the box with her things.
“Maybe you should warn her not to unpack if she keeps the unprofessional behavior,” Luthor commented. 
“I’m sure…” Tim started when they were entering the office, but words died in his throat. All the papers were gone and she moved the boxes around his Holy Coffee Machine! He was sure there would at least be the coffee stains, but they seemed to have disappeared. Wait, wasn’t his desk a bit closer to the window? Nah. There was no way she moved it. How did she make the plants look so green? They were dead when he left. Did she switch them with Bruce’s office? Who cares! There was a steaming cup of coffee on his desk. It was red in black polka dots. Tim had trouble focusing on anything but the nectar on his table. The smell that reached him almost made him float toward it, but he stopped himself.
“Oh! Sorry. I was just leaving the coffee and the documents you asked me.” She said with a smile and handed him a folder with large ‘confidential’ on the front.
“Um… Thanks?” He looked at her flabbergasted. How did she do all that? And how can one make coffee so strong?! She needed to teach him!
“I will leave you to the meeting then.” She said quickly and left the office. 
Once outside, Mari collapsed into a chair by the desk. Her desk now…
“Tikki! What am I supposed to do?!” She moaned
“Don’t worry Marigold!” The small goddess comforted the girl. “I’m sure you will do great. You just need some help from time to time.”
“I can’t believe you summoned the coffee cup for him!”
“I felt bad I couldn’t contribute more.” Kwami giggled. “But seeing his expression I did well.”
Resigned, Mari started to browse through the box. The number of folders almost gave her a panic attack, but Tikki nuzzled into her neck, giving her some more confidence. Instead, the girl reached for her tablet and quickly called Chloe. She half-expected the girl not to answer, but to her relief, the Blonde’s face appeared. 
“What’s the problem?”
“Problem? No! No problem at all! Why would there be any problem?” Mari reacted on instinct, trying to hide behind a cheery mask. Seeing Chloe’s unamused expression, she relented. “I somehow got hired as the personal assistant and the previous one quit.” 
“What!?” The blonde shouted. “They can just do that?”
Chloe scrambled to look for her mentor. Interning in the Law Department had its merits. After a moment a woman in her early thirties appeared.
“Mari-bear, Meet Ethel. She is my caretaker. Like I needed one.” the girl complained.
“You accidentally made a hundred copies instead of ten,” Ethel said with some amusement
“So? Anyone can make a mistake.”
“You tried to pick them all up.”
Chloe wanted to argue some more, but Mari’s giggle on the other side reminded her why they were all there.
“We’ve got some problem. Apparently, my friend’s here mentor decided to hire her on the spot and then quit.” 
“Oh! Congratulation. You must have quite the CV then.” The woman clearly couldn’t see the problem.
“Expect I have no idea how to be a personal assistant.”
“Wait! You’re Sarah’s girl?” Ethel asked hesitantly. “Oh, you poor baby!” She cooed. “Honestly that woman! I know she was overworked but that was low even for her.”
“I… assume Sarah wasn’t liked too much?” Mari asked.
“It’s not that… She was quite well-liked actually. The problem is that she was too ambitious and went about it the wrong way. The rumors about her trying to seduce both Bruce and Tim circulated the company for some time now. She wanted to get to the top, by all means necessary, and it blew in her face. Sarah was trying to run away for quite some time, but the stipulation was she found someone for her place.” 
“Oh…” Mari honestly didn’t know what to think about it all. 
“Yeah yeah. As much as all the drama might seem interesting, I’m more curious about how did Mari-bear get hired?”
“In your internship deal, there is a clause that allows your supervisor or mentor to hire you if they consider you fit for the job.”
“But… What about the guardian’s permission? Or my permission!?” Mari screamed. 
“You gave it by signing an internship deal,” Ethel commented. “Tell you what. I will look into it and meet you in the cafeteria at lunch.”
“Um… Okay? What am I supposed to be doing until then?”
“Try learning the basics of working at WE. You were supposed to get a guidebook. Lawyers advice: read it as soon as possible.” Ethel joked before handing the video to Chloe. 
“Look at the bright sides Mari-bear. You are at least getting paid.” The blonde joked before sending her best friend a virtual hug and ending the chat. Mari collapsed into the chair. It was a disaster. She did pull the aforementioned book and started reading the basic procedures. She was so focused she didn’t even notice when the doors behind her banged loudly and a very irate Lex Luthor walked over to her desk until he slammed his fist down the desk.
“I don’t have time for incompetent idiots.” He sneered.
“Oh! Please forgive me, sir. I’m still learning the ins and outs. It’s my first real job.” Mari answered honestly, but for some reason, it only served to increase Luthor’s frustration
“I wonder how would someone so inexperienced end up in such an important position, but I can see you are still more competent than Drake.”
“I will take that as a compliment.” The girl smiled, but there was a mocking note in her voice. She showed him that his opinion mattered little, which was the best way to piss the self-important CEO off.
“Whatever. I want a meeting set for next week at the same time as today.”
Now, Mari had little experience with being a personal assistant, but it didn’t mean she didn’t know how to deal with clients. And say what you want, Lex here was just a client. Incredibly wealthy and influential, but a client. He definitely wanted the deal more than Mr. Drake. 
“I’m not sure if there is an opening at that time. Could you please leave a contact number so we can set something up? You can also email me. I think I will get access to company mail tomorrow though, so that might not be very reliable.”
“Contact number? Email?” Lex looked like he was having a stroke. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“Um… should I? I mean I was born in Gotham, but I spent the last decade in Paris, so I’m not exactly up to date. I can tell you are not Gabriel Agreste or Jagged Stone.” She bit her tongue. They have hair. 
“You stupid little…” He scolded her, but Mercy put a hand on his shoulder. Luthor straightened his back and fixed his tie. “Fine. Tell Drake I will be contacting him personally.”
“That is sweet of you to try and lower my workload, but he will probably have to run it by me anyway. Let’s cut the middle man, kay?” Marisass strikes again. 
“What?!” Lex screamed. “You… You…” 
The girl did not say anything to the stuttering businessman, but slowly pushed a sticky note and a pen toward him. Resigned, Lex muttered several curses under his breath and scribbled Mercy’s number. When she reached to collect it, he grabbed her wrist.
“In the future, I would be careful who do you antagonize, child.” He sneered. When he tried to tighten his grip she suddenly broke free and pulled his arm closer.
“Just because I spent some time in Paris doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to be a Gotham girl. Have a nice day Mr... Mercer?” She said after stealing a gaze at the piece of paper. Letting go of his arm, she gave him the disarming smile number four. 
Tess Mercer had to practically wrestle her boss to drag him away from the alteration. 
Mari relaxed in her chair and twirled the phone in her hand. This recording was priceless. Even if she couldn’t officially share it (according to the manual), it would definitely lift her spirit some. She was now back in Gotham and it was time to start acting like it. 
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penguinwithitsarseonfire · 4 years ago
Comin' At My Friends Like a Missile
| Part 1 | Part 2 (you’re here!) |
Paring: 12th Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 2,280
Warnings: none
Summary: After the awful encounter with the alien ironically named Karen, you and the Doctor end up on a short adventure to get some of this renowned candy floss. The mission? To put back a smile on Bill’s face.
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You were waiting outside, behind that brilliant tent - which was surprisingly quiet considering what the front had been like. You and Bill sat on the ground, sitting on your jacket to protect yourselves against the dirt. You had your arm wrapped around her, holding her close as she processed what just happened.
Nardole suddenly emerged, carrying a tray of four candy floss cones. He held them in the air and Bill whooped in delight. “Finally!”
Which was when Nardole tripped on the uneven ground.
The four cones of candy floss flew into the air. The sun shone behind them, casting them in a warm yellow glow and making them shine. You watched in awe as those sugary clouds changed colour, from indigo, pink, teal, and deep blue. They were ethereal.
Then, along with Nardole behind them, they smacked dramatically into the dirt.
You gasped, running over to help Nardole up. “Oh my goodness, Nardole, are you okay?”
He nodded, dusting off his pants. “Who, me? Nah, I’m freaking bullet proof.”
“No you’re not,” the Doctor said, and Nardoles face fell. The Doctor shrugged. “I didn’t have the budget.
Bill hissed, and you turned to follow her gaze. You winced at the sight, the candy floss cones were sitting there rather pathetically, sticking out of the dirt mounds on the side of a stall.
They looked like lost, dejected relics of a bygone era from when candy floss was something feasible and realistic for you to consume.
Or maybe you were just being dramatic.
Bill let out a dejected sigh. “It’s not surprising really, the path is super uneven.”
Nardole rubbed the back of his head, looking for all the world like he had just committed a war crime – which, was actually probably a terrible comparison considering what you knew of Nardole’s life. “I can go back and get more…”
The Doctor gave the lost cones one look then turned around, stalking off. You groaned, chasing after him, Bill and Nardole following behind you. “Doctor – oh, you can’t just storm off in a huff. We can always go get more.”
He paused his movements, turning around and waiting for the three of you to catch up. “Come on you lot, I don’t do dawdling, not when I’ve got a plan.”
Bill scoffed. “Oh, you’ve got a plan,” then she frowned. “Wait, a plan for what?”
The Doctor just rolled his eyes and continued walking, pushing through the crowd as he did so. You weaved through them as best you could, apologising to those who the Doctor rudely shoved aside.
You had to keep looking behind you to make sure Nardole and Bill were following, and, eventually you latched onto their hands so you couldn’t lose them.
It was disorientating and confusing, almost like navigating yourself through a maze; that is, if the maze was made of aliens pressing up around you because of a heavy crowd, and you had to constantly apologise and ensure that their feelings were in check.
Eventually the crowd thinned as you made it far enough away from the fair. The three of you paused for a moment, taking a few, clear breaths. You took the moment to clear your head and focus on your surroundings. The grass here was delightful, made up of a green vine that spread and wrapped its way across the landscape, and danced in the soft breeze. It was soft under your feet as you walked.
You combed your fingers through your hair, getting loose strands that you hadn’t realised had fallen into your face, out of your eyes.
You finished your trek slowly, you and Bill marvelling in how every leaf of the ground covering vine seemed to be an entirely different from the next. You wondered if they were like snowflakes, each unique from the others.
The Doctor was standing impatiently next to the TARDIS, which was parked at the top of the small hill. He was leaning against the door and tapping his foot against the wooden trim.
He took one look at you all then went inside. You hastily followed him in and before you realised, he was already punching in coordinates and pulling levers and buttons.
“Wait, Doctor,” Bill said. “I still want to try this magical candy floss-”
The groan of the TARDIS’ engines drowned out the rest of what Bill had said. The Doctor leaned back for a moment, then pointed towards Bill and Nardole. “You two,” he said. “Stay here – do not move. Do you understand?”
Bill blinked a couple of times. “Uh – yeah, alright. No moving. Got it?”
Nardole narrowed his eyes at him. “What are you planning any-”
“And you,” The Doctor turned and pointed to you, completely ignoring Nardole. “Follow me.”
You didn’t have a moment to question the Doctor, or protest it, before he was out of the door. You gave Nardole and Bill and a regretful look and followed the Doctor outside - if you didn’t follow him he’d probably find trouble.
Well, he’d find trouble regardless, but, if you were with him, then at the very least you could do something about it.
The first thing that hit you was the sudden and biting chill. You wrapped your arms tight around your frame, doing your best to try and get warm. “Where are we?”
It was dark, extremely so. Firelit torches were sticking out of the dirt ground, lining different coloured tents and helping form a makeshift path. The area seemed familiar, but you couldn’t place why that was.
The night sky was clear, with thousands upon thousands of stars, so many stars, just tiny pinpricks of light perforating the sky to paint a picture above you. They provided a canopy for you both, stretching wherever you were to make it seem larger.
“Candy floss,” The Doctor said. “We’re getting candy floss.”
You raised an eyebrow, confused. “And we couldn’t just get more earlier because..?”
“This is the night the stall opens,” The Doctor said, tactfully avoiding your question, as he often did so. “We have to be quick, I can’t remember if I’ve come here before.”
You blanched.
Oh, okay.
Well this went from 0 to 100 very fast.
“There won’t be any crowds here,” The Doctor continued. “The stall should be packing up in a few hours.”
You hummed, falling in step beside him. “So…” You drew out the word. “May I ask why you just stalked off at a moment’s notice without telling us?”
The Doctor huffed, grumbling something under his breath.
“Doctor,” You gave him a wry grin. “We don’t all have super-duper timelord hearing, I didn’t-” You let out a small cry as you tripped on the dirt path, flinging forward to the ground.
You were pulled upwards before you landed in the dirt, with an arm wrapped around your torso and another hand holding your shoulder. You blinked as your back collided into the Doctor chest, as he steadied you upright.
He was holding you.
You stood there for a moment, letting yourself be held. He felt secure, he felt safe. You felt heat crawl up your neck, and you weren’t sure if it was because of embarrassment of if it was because of, well, because.
The Doctor cleared his throat abruptly, and took a step away from you. It was immediately colder without his arms around you, you had forgotten that it was a chilly night.
You hid your face away, trying to get your flush under control, so you didn’t notice that the Doctor was doing the exact same.
“Bill,” he said suddenly, and you turned to face him. He was wringing his hands together awkwardly. “She just, she’s…”
You clicked on to what he was talking about, what he was trying to say. “Had a really shitty day and so you wanted to make it just a little bit better?” You suggested.
He gave you an appreciative nod. “Yes that, exactly.”
You gestured towards the path. “I’ll actually look at where I’m going now,” you laughed lightly.
The Doctor waved his hand towards you, suggesting you lead.
You screwed up your face. “Doctor, I don’t know where I’m going.”
“Oh,” he blinked, as if just realising that you were literally reliant on his direction. “Well then, let’s get candy floss.”
The pair of you meandered back to the TARDIS, each holding a tray of two cones each. You walked in comfortable silence. Occasionally he’d point out things to you; he explained why the grass was actually leaves, how the people had invented a cord to use instead of a phone, hell, he even discussed gender studies here.
It was really nice, you loved spending time with him
The Doctor snapped his fingers to open the door, since he couldn’t really balance a key and the tray, then, as he crossed the threshold, he stopped abruptly, and you skidded to a halt. You were not going to spill these candy floss cones.
He scanned the TARDIS console, even though there wasn’t any indication that anything was of the ordinary, at least, as far as you were concerned.
Bill and Nardole were sitting on two of the small chairs on the upper level by one of the bookshelves.Nardole had a book in his lap, and Bill had been sitting with her legs over the arm of the chair. When she saw you, she flung her legs into the air, twisting her body so she could sit up. “You’re back!”
“You moved,” The Doctor said.
Bill frowned. “You weren’t actually serious about that?”
You rolled your eyes, side stepping the Doctor and holding up the tray. “You guys want candy floss?”
Bill grinned, running down the stairs. “Oh hell yes, the day’s saved.”
Nardole stuck his head up from where his nose had been in his book. He gave you a wry grin. “Did you two have a nice time?”
You ignored him, passing Bill a cone of candy floss. When her hand wrapped around the cone, the candy floss changed colours, running through green, pink, blue, and orange.
“If you want candy floss,” you told him. “You need to come down from there.”
“Oh alright,” Nardole huffed. “I was only curious.”
You hummed noncommittally, and threw the tray into the recycle bin, which you had set up once you had learned of the exorbitant amount of chip boxes Bill and the Doctor managed to go through.
Nardole came up down the stairs and wagged his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes in response and passed him his cone, watching in temporary awe as the candy floss changed from orange, purple, and then to pink.
“Oh come on,” Nardole groaned. “How come mine went a normal colour.”
“Pink is actually quite rare here,” the Doctor said, passing you your cone. “The locals would be jealous.”
Your fingers brushed against the Doctors as you took your cone from him, a jolt of electricity sparking up your arm. You locked eyes with the Doctor, and he was looking at you in shock, like he’d felt the same thing.
There was an awkward silence.
“You need to stop dragging your feet as you walk,” you said, even though the Doctor most certainly did not drag his feet when he walks. “Creates all sorts of static electricity.”
“Yes,” The Doctor said. “I must get on top of that.”
He took his hand back. You ignored the twinge of loss you felt.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bill and Nardole give each other a look. You elected to ignore that too.
You took a bite into the candy flood and your mouth exploded in flavour. You couldn’t even begin to describe it, it was rich and sweet, fluffy yet dense, this absolute feat of sugar engineering.
“Oh my,” you held your cone in front of you, and watched as it rippled and changed colours, settling on a warm deep blue, the kind of blue that the TARDIS was painted in. “This is amazing.”
Bill nodded in response, humming and leaning against the railing. You joined her. “Yeah, it is. Thank you so much for this.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with such awfulness,” you said to Bill, leaning your head on her shoulder.
“It wasn’t fun,” Bill said. “It was better once you and the Doctor were there though, I’m glad you had my back.”
You sat up so you could nudge Bill lightly. “Yeah of course! We’re your friends.”
Bill’s mouth stretched into a cheeky grin. “Nah, you two are more like my parents.”
You gawked. “Like your…” your voice trailed away as your mind caught to the implications of Bills statement. “How old do you think I am?”
The Doctor popped his head up. “I don’t think that’s supposed to be your line.”
“You can stop eavesdropping,” you scolded, turning back to Bill. “No seriously, that was a serious question.”
Bill laughed, bright and loud, and Nardole was soon laughing with her. You watched in slight hesitation as the Doctor joined in, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with them.
“You have to face it though,” Nardole said. “You’re practically the mum of the group.”
“The mum?” You shook your head. “No wait, why can’t I be the dad?”
Bill scoffed, nodding towards the Doctor. “What, you think he can be the mum?”
“I was a mum once,” the Doctor said offhandedly. “Or maybe I was a dad, I don’t remember what gender I was back then.”
You left the Doctor’s comment alone, there was a lot to unpack in that statement. You looked back to Bill. “What makes me the mum?”
“Come on,” Bill laughed. “You’ve got all the stereotypes. You fuss us but in a ‘wear your coat’ sort of way.”
“Fussy,” you said softly, your brain whirling around the word. “Fussy.”
“Which would make me the cool uncle,” Nardole announced.
“Oh,” Bill smirked at him. “So you’re cool now, aren’t you.”
The Doctor nodded towards Nardole. “He insisted on going to Woodstock, once.”
Both you and Bill cocked your head to the side, picturing Nardole at Woodstock. Huh. It fit.
Gosh, you had such a weird family, and you loved every moment of it. The candy floss was pretty good too.
But the company was better.
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zmayadw · 4 years ago
Evening to all!
Time to continue the story :)
Wish you all a nice and relaxed evening :)
Oh, and before I dont forget:
WARNING - contains violence and some other "oh-not-so-good-stuff" - WARNING
Jakes POV
„So, what's the verdict?“ Jessy asked me, nervously bitting at her thumb. We wer sitting at the kitchen table, Dan checking his phone and casually sipping his beer. „Don't worry, Jessy“ I said to her „It's just a virus you got, I'll fix it in no time.“ „Oh, that's good to hear.“ She said sighing with relief. „And I won't lose any of my work stuff that's on it?“ „Nah, everything will be intact.“ I said. „And if you like, I could install you a better antivirus program, so this doesn't happen again.“ „Yes, please!“ she exclaimed „I definitely don't want for this to happen ever again.“ I chuckled „Sure, I'll do it. But, just to be sure this doesn't happen again, if I wer you, I wouldn't let Dan nowhere near the laptop again.“ Dan almost choked with his beer when I said it, and Jessy turned to him „I knew it! This was all your fault!“ „Sorry, babe“ Dan said making a puppy face „But you know my laptop is shitty and slow, so I might have borrowed yours from time to time.“ I shook my head turning my focus back to Jessy's laptop, as they continued to argue, and I took the opportunity to send Maya a message saying I'll be done soon. „I don't care why you needed it, you are forbidden to go near my laptop ever again!“ Jessy was so furious at Dan, and poor him couldn't do anything but sit there and endure it. „I'm sorry, babe. I won't touch your laptop ever again, I promise!“ Dan said to her sounding a bit daunted. I laughed inside. He looked tought on the outside, but Jessy was the one person he was genuinely scared of. „Good!“ she said, turning to me now, flashing me a smile like she didn't just yell furiously at Dan a second ago. „I'm sorry, how rude of me, I haven't even offered you something to drink. Would you like a beer?“ I checked the time on my phone „Hmm, guess I could have one beer before I go.“ „Oh, are you in a hurry?“ Jessy asked me confused, taking the beer from the fridge and handing it to me. „Maya said you have nothing to do. I hope I haven't disrupted your plans?“ „No, no, you didn't“ I said reassuringly and smiled „I'm taking Maya for a movie later, but still plenty of time before it starts.“ „Oh, how nice of you.“ Jessy said sighing, turning to Dan „Why can't you be more like that?“ „Hey, don't be like that, I take you out!“ Dan said hurt by her words. „Oh really?“ she said to him, raising her eyebrow„When was the last time you took me anywhere!?“ Dan thought for a moment before he grinned at her. „The other day, we went for that nice evening walk.“ He said victorious, and Jessy snorted „You mean, the walk home, from the middle of nowhere, because someone forgot to put gas in his car?“ „Details!“ he said „But It still counts as something, right?“ he said and grinned at her again. She rolled her eyes, turning to me, sighing desperately „See what I have to deal with.“
Mayas POV
„I apologise for my intrusion, miss Cole“ the man said to me „But you see, your nosy friends made me alter my plans a little.“ I stared confused at the man, as that feeling of dread started to rise up in me more. „I don't understan.“ I said, and the man smirked „Those phone calls, miss Cole“ he said „You weren't suppose to find out about the origin of them so soon.“ I froze at his words, panic washing all over me. I was scared, a little voice in the back of my head screaming at me to snap out of it and do something. I blinked a few times regaining my focus, as the man continued to stare at me. I tried to slam the doors shut, but the man stopped it with his foot. He pushed hard at the doors, and I staggered backwards into the room, barely managing to keep my balance. „Now, now, miss Cole“ the man said stepping inside „There is no need for this kind of behaviour.“ He slowly closed the doors turning back to me, his eyes glowing with frenzy as he looked at me. „I'm sure by now, you realized what the outcome of this will be for you.“ I stared back at him, terrified, hoping Jake would come back any second now. „Why are you doing this?“ I asked, trying to stall for time „ I dont understand, what have I done to you?“ The man shook his head and chuckled „I thought you figured it out by now, miss Cole.“ He said. „I guess I gave you more credit then you deserve.“ He took a step closer to me, and I reflexively took a step back. „You see, miss Cole“ he said, his hand going for the pocket of his jacket „You meddled into things you shouldn't have.“ I was still clueless of what he was referring to. And still, there was something familiar to me about him, but my brain was shut from fear that it just didn't get to me. The man sighed „By the look on your face, I assume I will have to explain it to you.“ Despite the fear, I was actually curious to hear his explanation, and hoped with it I'll get more time for Jake to come back. „You see, miss Cole“ he started, taking another step towards me, and again, I took a step back, bumping at the desk „If only you wern't so stubborn and stayed out of Duskwood, non of this would had to happen.“ As his words settled at me, it was like a flash back hit me. My eyes widened, as I slowely started to realize what was so familiar about the man to me. It was his eyes – the eyes I knew so well once. The eyes that, at the beginning, looked at me with so much care and sympathy, but ended up full of hate and contemp for me. Just like the man's were now. „You're..“ I started but I couldn't finish it. I leaned at the desk behind me for support still not beliving my cognition. The man raised his eyebrow at me „Ah, you finaly figured it out. Go on, miss Cole, finish your sentence.“ I just continued to stare at him, feeling more terrified by my realization. „Finish it!“ the man yelled it furiously at me, making me jump from fright. The frenzy in the mans eyes was the same as the one I stared back at not so long ago. I swallowed hard „You're Richy's father. Paul.“ The man smiled wickedly at me „Very good, miss Cole, now we're getting somewhere.“ As he said it, his hand came out of his pocket. I went numb, my breath stopping, as the light flashed from the blade of the knife in his hand. Damn it, Jake, where are you! „All right, miss Cole, now that we got the facts right, there is no further need to explain my presence here. Everything should be clear as day now.“ He took another step towards me, and I cursed inside for not having any more space to retreat backwards. I moved one hand behind me, trying to find something on the desk that I might use to my defense. The only two things on the desk wer my phone and laptop. My eyes constantly darted towards the doors, as I still hoped Jake would step inside any moment now. „Any way, miss Cole, I belive the time for talking is over, no need to further delay the inevitable.“ He said to me, his eyes flashing frantically. The panic took over me completely now, as he rised the knife coming towards me.
As he came close to me, the panic was finally replaced with the adrenalin kicking in. I quickly turned arround, grabbing my laptop from the desk, swinging it as hard as I could to the mans face. The impact sended him to the floor, the knife dropping from his hand. I grabbed my phone ready to run for the doors. I managed to make a few steps when he grabbed my leg. I started to fall down, hitting hard with my shoulder on the edge of the bed, making me scream in pain. The phone dropped from my hand as I hit the floor, rolling and stopping near the doors. I tried to get up, but he was still clenching at my foot. „Stop resisting, you can't escape it!“ he spat it at me, turning his head to look for the knife. When he turned back to me, I was ready with my free foot, hitting him hard at the head again. He wailed at another impact releasing his grip from me, wich was just enough for me to get up. I got woozy from the pain in my shoulder, but I pushed it aside. I grabbed the phone before opening and rushing through the doors, and I started running as fast as I could towards the woods. The pain in my shoulder intensified with every step I took, but I had to focus on getting as far away from the motel as possible. As I came near the woods, I opened the phone and for once I was greateful there wer only few contacts in my list. I quickly found Jakes name hitting the call icon, bringing the phone to my ear. Come on come on come on My mind was racing as I tried to focus where I was running and waited for him to answer. As his voice finaly sounded from the other side, I felt tears roll down my face. I don't know what he said to me, or even if he finished with it, I just bursted out „Jake, help!“
Jakes POV
„Here you go, Jessy, all done.“ I said turning the laptop to her. „Yay, thank you soooo much.“ She said cheerfully, immediately checking on her work stuff. Dan was still sitting quietly next to her, and I felt sorry for him. „Don't look so down, Dan.“ I said „If you want, I can check your laptop, too, see if I can do something about making it less shitty.“ His head shot up, and he grinned at me „Really, man? Thanks, that would be awesom!“ He said, starting to get up. I chuckled „No worries, but that will have to wait.“ I said, and his mood went down a bit again. „Oh, I see.“ He said, sitting back down. „Sorry, Dan, but I do have a date with a special girl.“ I said and smiled. As if on cue, my phone rang. „And I think she just got impatient with waiting on me.“ I took the phone answering the call. „Hey, angel, I'm just about to lea...“ but i didn't manage to finish. „Jake, help!“ Maya's voice came from the other side. I tensed „Maya, what's wrong?“ Dan and Jessy both shot me worried looks. „He's here...I ran..“ she said, and I barely managed to understand her. „Who's here? Maya, where are you?“ I asked her, a bad feeling starting to kick at me. „Woods...he's after me... Jake, hurry!“ she sounded so terrified, and it sounded like she was running. I shot up from the chair, Dan doing the same. „Maya, just hang in there, I'm coming.“ I said, already rushing to the doors. „I'll drive.“ I heard Dan behind me, and I just tossed him the car keys. „Maya, are you hurt?“ I asked, fearing her answer. „Yes, but I'll manage.“ She finaly said a full sentence, her breath panting. „It's Richy's dad, Jake. He's lost it, he blames me for everything.“ She said through tears and I cursed inside. Why the fuck did I leave her alone. „Please, Jake, just hurry, I'm scared.“ We wer already in the car driving towards the motel. I clenched my fist so hard, my knuckles turning white, rage swelling up in me. „I know, angel, but just hang in there a while longer, I'm almost there.“ I tried to make her calm down a bit but I knew my words won't really help her. „Keep moving if you can. And whatever happens, just don't loose the phone.“ „I'll try.“ She said „Just hur...“ And then silence. „Maya?“ I said, before moving my phone, seing that the call ended. „Fuck!“ I cursed out loud. I had no clue if she ended the call, or something happened. „Dan..“ „We're almost there, man.“ He said before I could finish. I was grateful Dan was with me, it gave me a chance to connect to Maya's phone. I was relieved when the connection went through, seeing the signal from her phone was on the move. But I had no knowledge of where the person that was chasing her was. I just hoped we'll get to her before he does.
Mayas POV
„You can't hide from me!“ I cursed inside, as the voice sounded somewhere from behind me, making me end the call with Jake. I started running again, slower then before with the pain in my shoulder getting worse. And it was almost completly dark now, so I had to focus hard not to fall. I took the phone, tucking it in the pocket of my hoodie, zipping it shut. It was my only hope for Jake to find me and I had no intention to accidentaly drop it while running. I had no clue what direction I was going, I just knew I had to keep on moving. I was getting more and more tired, when I suddenly ran out in the clear. It took me a moment to realize I ran all the way to the Blackwater lake. I dragged myself to the water, falling on my knees, splashing some cold water all over my face. I knew I shouldn't linger here for long, but I needed to catch my breath. It was getting hard for me to run. The adrenalin was fading me, and the pain became more sharp. Tears started to roll down my face again, from the pain or fear, it didn't matter. I just wished Jake would get here fast. As I sat by the water, I could feel my eyes getting heavier. I shook my head, splashing some more cold water on my face. All right, Maya, time to move on. I got up, and instantly felt dizzy. I steadied myself, taking a few deep breaths to shake off the dizziness. When I was sure I won't collaps I turned arround to move on. I made a step and froze in the spot. Paul was standing few steps from me, his head bloodied, the knife back in his hand. „No..“ I breathed it out barely audible, as a sinister smile returned to his face. „Why do you delay it, miss Cole?“ he said, coming slowly towards me. „I told you, you can't avoid the inevitable.“ Shit shit shit I knew my chances to run from him were small, but I had to try. I made my run to the left of him, but I was too slow. He grabbed me by my hair and tugged fiercely, making me scream. He pulled me to him, turning me to face him. At that moment, I thought I saw a flicker of light somewhere in the woods, but I was sure it was just my brain playing tricks on me. „Now, miss Cole“ he said to me, his eyes sparkling victorious „It is time I bid you farewell.“ His hand moved quickly, my eyes opening wide, as the blade of the knife pierced through me.
Jakes POV
Dan didn't stop at the motels parking, but continued driving, entering the woods with the car for as far as he could. I rushed out of the car before he even stopped, the flashlight on my phone already on. I heard him yelling after me, but I just ran. I had to get to her fast. I kept checking the phones screen as I ran. Damn it, why is the signal still? I started to run faster, Dan keep yelling from not far behind me. Almost there. Suddenly, a scream was heard from the direction we wer running to. I stopped abruptly, Dan almost knocking me as he caught up with me. „Was that...“ „Maya.“ I finished for him, and we both started to run again. We wer almost at the Blackwater lake, and I checked the phone again. The signal was still at the same spot, and I cursed inside again, fearing the worst. We burst out from the woods to the lake, and stopped at the scene in front of us. The man moved from Maya, and she looked directly at me, with wide eyes and tears all over her face, before falling to her knees and hitting the ground. „I told you, you can't save her, boy.“ The man turned to us, smug smile on his face. At that moment something snapped in me, and all went dark. Next thing I remember was Dan trying to pull me off the man. He was now on the ground, with me on top of him, his face all bloodied. „Man, stop it, you'll kill him!“ Dan was yelling at me, and I finaly snapped out of it. I blinked few times, before I got up, moving from the man. My hands wer covered in blood and shaking. „Go to her!“ Dan yelled at me, taking his phone and dialing some number. I looked confused at him first, until it got to my brain what he refered to. I quickly turned moving to the water, to wash some of the blood off, before turning to kneel next to Maya. I moved her slowly, and she coughed as I turned her towards me. She was shaking uncontrollably, but managed a small smile when she saw me. „I am sorry, angel, I wasn't fast enough.“ I said, moving the loose hair from her face. „Shhhhh..“ she said and coughed again. „You're....here now.“ I tensed at the sight of the knife sticking from her abdomen. Fuck fuck fuck She followed my gaze, and before I had a chance to react, she pulled the knife out, blood soaking her hoodie. „Dan!“ I yelled and he was next to us in a flash. „Give me your shirt.“ I said to him, taking my hoodie off. He took his shirt off , and I unzipped Maya's hoodie. She was half conscious by now, and panic started to rise in me. „Ambulance is on the way.“ Dan said to me, as he pressed his shirt to her wound. „I don't know if she can make it till they arrive.“ I said to him, pulling my hoodie under her, trying to tie it as firm as I could to stop the bleeding. „We don't have any other option, man.“ He said, but he was wrong. „Yes, we do.“ I said, and he looked questionable at me. I knew I might do more damage with my next action then good, but I sure as hell wasn't going to sit here waiting for them to arrive. I took her in my arms, getting up „At least we can meet them half way.“
Mayas POV
I felt Jakes hands lifting me off the ground before he started to run. I was in and out of conscious for a while, before I managed to stay awake. Every step he took sent so much pain through me, and I clenched my hand to his shirt. „Stop“ I said, my breath short, but he didnt hear me, he just continued forward. I was fighting so hard to keep my focus, not to let my eyes close again. My sight was getting blurred, as I stared at his worried face. „Jake....Jake, please...“ I barely managed, clenching at his shirt harder. He just kept running as fast as possible, without sparing me a glance. „Just stay with me, angel!“ His breath came out panting. I thought I heard Dan's voice saying something, but all my senses wer getting more dull. The pain was too much for me by now. I gathered what was left of the strenght in me, tugging at his shirt so hard and yelled „Jake, stop!“ He finaly looked at me, stopping abruptly, the look on his face terrified, as a streak of blood poured from my mouth. „No...“ he breathed it out, slowly lowering me down, resting my head on his lap. „No! Don't do this to me!“ He yelled, his voice cracking, his hand shakily caressing my face, moving the strands of hair from my eyes . Tears started to roll down his face. I wanted to get my hand up, to wipe them away . To tell him everything will be alright. But I just layed motionless, my eyes so heavy, blurriness mixing with darkness. „I lov...“ I started, but the rest of the words got stuck at my throath. „Maya!“ Jake yelled at me, but I couldnt fight it any more. I felt nothing. The pain was gone, shaking has stopped, I couldnt feel his warm touch anymore. Nothing. I closed my eyes, as one last smile came to my lips, breathing out the words I hoped I'll be able to say to him over and over again „Love you.“
Jake walked slowly, the lack of sleep showing on his face. Days went in haze for him, his heart aching more with each one passing. He knew the path well, he walked here so manny times before, he could do it with eyes closed. He turned after a short while, the path narrowing, before stopping. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he stared at the tomb stone in front of him. He knelt down, moving the dirt and leaves from the graves marble with his hand, before placing a single red rose on it. „Sorry I havent been arround much.“ He siad, leaning on his heels, wiping his face with the back of his hand . „Things have been crazy lately.“ He sighed „So much had happened, I dont even know where to begin.“ He just poured his soul out, his words carried away by a soft wind blows. He felt relieved after, aching at the heart softening a bit. He kissed his fingers, laying them gently on the surface of the grave before getting up „I promise I'll come more often.“ He stared silently at the tomb for a moment more. „I miss you.“ he said, as another tear rolled down his cheek. „Love you.“ Wiping the tear, he turned, slowly walking away.
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thelastpilot · 5 years ago
Empty Chairs- A DJWifi Fic
This is one of my finished commissions for the amazing charity even @mlbforblm with a 3k fic commissioned under the request for ‘DJWifi hurt comfort’. If you would like to commission something from me as well before this event concludes please go here to check out my slots! Please donate to this great cause and get a fic from yours truly.~~
Nino’s house was full of noise, usually. It was four people, but it always seemed like more than that. There were always songs playing in different rooms at different times so it would feel like loading into a new area in a video game every time you turned a corner. There was always cooking or bickering or talking happening at nearly every hour, punctuated by singing or rambling, or anything really. The Lahiffe’s loved noise, or at the very least they were certainly good at it.
But today the only noise came from Chris.
Nino’s little brother was playing in the living room, like he usually did. He was sprawled out on every surface like a bird making a nest, every single object that he thought might be necessary to his entertainment strewn around him. His radius was getting wider with every minute, happily pulling down colorful blankets from the couch to add this his secular chaos.
He didn’t pay much mind to the quiet of the house, he knew where everyone was if he thought he might need them. At most he might have noticed that no one was stopping him today, and his play time was not interrupted by the demand to clean up or quiet down. He didn’t see his parents much, both of them drifting past to check on him every once in a while, asking him if he needed something in subdued voices. The most he saw of his mother was the once or twice she came in to watch, looking over him silently as he involved himself in his games.
She would come up to him sometimes, running her hands through his hair and holding him close. For the most part though she was distant, but he didn’t mind that so much.
He never saw Nino at all, aware of the fact that he must be home but not seeing him. Chris pouted a little when he noticed this, prepared to barge in when the stilted nature of the house was broken by a sudden, perky knock at the door.
 The door remained shut for awhile long than was usual, despite the fact that Alya could clearly hear Chris yelling his head off to announce someone was there. She was alone in the hallway but she rolled her eyes nonetheless, sighing deeply but still smiling a little.
Chris was loud, all the time. It was one of Nino’s primary complaints about him, although she knew how much he loved him. Thinking of her boyfriend she smiled again, feeling pretty pleased with her spontaneous decision to drop in. She had been nearby and liked the idea of dragging him out with her, coming by unannounced on a weekend. She was in the midst of imagining what their impromptu date night might look like when the door finally opened, revealing the kind, withdrawn face of Nino’s mother.
“Oh, hello sweetheart,” Mrs. Lahiffe greeted her, a polite smile gracing her face. “Nino hadn’t told me you were coming over.”
“He doesn’t know,” Alya announced with a sly smile, “I just happened to be nearby and thought I might come by, if that’s okay. I was hoping to drag him out somewhere anyways.”
To her surprise, his mother stalled, her polite smile falling slightly into gentle concern. “Oh, he didn’t know you were coming?” She paused, and the way she looked over her shoulder made Alya hesitate slightly. When she looked back her expression was extraordinarily gentle, finally saying, “Actually, I’m not sure he is in the mood for visitors honey. Well I suppose I can ask, I know you came all the way up here…” she paused again, mulling it over.
“O-oh well, um,” Alya stuttered, surprised at the turn. “I hadn’t realized it was a bad time, I didn’t mean to-,”
“Let me ask,” Mrs. Lahiffe interrupted her, smiling kindly again but… Alya noticed this time that it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Maybe he wants the company. Just wait here, okay?”
“Yeah sure, no problem,” Alya was quick to agree, trading a slight nod with her before she gently shut the door again.
A slight rebuff like that, as kind as it possible could have been, was still cause for overthinking. Alya couldn’t help but feel a little stupid suddenly, wishing she had shot him a text of some kind. It was too late now though, but she wasn’t kept waiting for long before the door opened again and Nino was looking out at her.
Before he could even speak, Alya’s heart hesitated in its beat. She always considered herself observant, especially with things she knew very well. It only took a fraction of a second for her to recognize Nino’s subdued expression. The kind that came on with quiet moments alone where he thought himself into a spiral. It was so subtle, just the way his smile touched his eyes just barely. The way he tilted his head, how his voice carried when he greeted her.
“Hey baby,” he said after seemingly forever in her mind, though it was only an instant. As he looked at her, his smile became a little easier. “I didn’t know you were coming. If you texted me I’m sorry I- I wasn’t ghosting you I’m just not looking at my phone.”
“No I um, I didn’t really give a heads up I was just nearby.” She paused, about to say something more when he stepped to the side.
“Come on in, my rooms a mess but I know you don’t care.”
“I don’t have to,” she quickly gave him, stopping him as he had already been turning to head inside. “If it’s a bad time.”
“Nah,” was all he said.
 They sat in his room somewhat quietly, Nino filling the time with aimless chitchat. He was barely paying attention to what he said, seeming tired and distracted to her. His room was about as cluttered as it usually was, clothes and controllers hanging around but swiftly shoved to the side when he realized there was nowhere to sit really.
She couldn’t help how closely she watched him, waiting only long enough for a break in his rambling to ask, “Babe, is everything okay?”
He had been standing by his bed when she finally got it out, his back to her as she sat in his computer chair. She focused on the way his shoulders… stilled, and then purposefully relaxed, analyzing his expression when he turned to face her.
“Yeah, it’s good.” He hesitated. “Why?” he asked a beat too late, meeting her eyes after another moment too long.
“Well… I know I kind of just swung in. Your mom mentioned that you might not be in the mood for visitors. And you haven’t texted me all day, I mean I just assumed you were working but…” she trailed off intentionally, hoping he might fill in.
To her surprise he frowned slightly. “Did she say that?” He scanned her eyes and found some kind of affirmative, nodding to himself. He turned away and fussed with his bed for a second.
He only waited for awhile more before he sighed, sitting on the mattress.
“Yeah,” he finally muttered aloud, surprising her again with its heaviness. Nino ran a hand over his face, displacing his glasses and sighed heavily, like the effort of the thin performance he had managed was extraordinary and taxing.
Alya’s reaction was instant, crossing the space and climbing on the bed, her heart starting to race as he leaned into her, letting her hold him without complaint or comment. He sagged into her, breathing deeply like he was gathering his resolve.
“Babe what is it?” Alya pressed again, trying to be patient but so caught off guard by it that she felt that urgent need to correct it. They had been together for a long time though, and she knew that pushing wouldn’t work.
Nino sighed. And was quiet for awhile.
After a few minutes he sat up slightly, staring forward at nothing, she thought.
He could be so motionless sometimes… when he was wrapped up in something she couldn’t even picture. It was so rare to see him like this. Anger and disappointment were more common with him, though he let so much roll off his back in general. She knew how to handle that the same way he knew how to handle her difficult moments.
But she almost never knew what to do when he felt so far away from her, still and subdued.
She waited for a long time, before suddenly, he apologized.
“I’m sorry Al,” he finally gave her, his voice low and heavy. “I feel like somehow you’re gonna be mad at me.”
“Mad?” she responded, waiting for him to look at her but it didn’t come, he just kept looking forward. She traced his eyeline to his desk, where she noticed for the first time his red baseball cap lay discarded. She hadn’t even noticed he wasn’t wearing it. She looked between him and the hat, saying again when he seemed content to say nothing, “What would I be mad about?”
He was quiet again, and she forced herself to breathe, demanding of herself that she be patient. He took a deep breath as well, and she could feel him absently running his hand against her back.
“There’s some stuff I’ve never mentioned to you. We’ve been dating for years now, now that I think about it… it’s fucking crazy that I never said anything. I should have, I don’t know why I didn’t. It’s just hard, and old. But you don’t even know and I hate that but I was the one who didn’t say it so- fuck.” He paused, putting his face in his hand again, taking off his glasses entirely now and setting them aside. His voice filled with emotion as the words got faster, cutting off abruptly when he stopped himself, like a dam on a river.
Alya just waited, knowing that he had momentum now. She watched him carefully as he prepared himself for something. And when he took his hand away from his face he looked pained, and then frustrated, and then far away again. Distant.
The moment hung in the air between them…
The sun had started its slow descent at much the same time Alya had arrived, the light of it so bright against the prevailing face of Nino’s apartment building that his room had been ablaze with it, and he had felt no need to turn on his light. With that forgotten and the sun pitching low, sinking beyond the threshold of the tall buildings of Paris, the space was abruptly dim… the fire of sunset shrinking up his walls and vanishing from his face. In that dim light he was still… staring ahead and seeing nothing much.
Nothing but an old hat that looked dull in the shade.
 “I have an older brother.”
When he finally spoke, his voice was even but quiet… anchoring himself to Alya’s presence besides him even if he couldn’t look at her just then.
Nino took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Willing himself to continue.
“Today would have been his birthday. He died awhile ago, probably. I guess we don’t really know, but he was never found and he never came back. I don’t think he would ever just disappear on his own, it wouldn’t have been like him. He loved us and we had a happy home, it wasn’t like he would run away. He wouldn’t take off on me.” He paused, and then took another deep breath, taking time to steel himself. “There was a pretty big age gap between us, my parents had married young and they had him right away, they didn’t decide to have me until after they moved to Paris. So I was eleven when he disappeared. Mom was pregnant with Chris when it happened. He wasn’t born until five months later.”
He still couldn’t look at Alya… but he focused on the way she held him tighter, reaching on hand to lightly touch the locks of her hair that spilled over her shoulder.
They were soft, and he could picture the color of the ends with perfect recall.
He had her memorized.
 “… what was his name?”
When she spoke it was so gentle, careful and full of concern. His heart finally hit an uneven pace, his fingers curled in her hair.
“…what was he like?”
“You aren’t-…,” Nino hesistated, finally opening his eyes and turning his head, still not quite looking at her. “You aren’t angry?”
“Why would I be angry with you?” She pulled away from him slightly, but he moved to hold her still so quickly it was like the reflex of a child learning how to swim. ‘Don’t move away from me yet I can’t do it on my own.’
He couldn’t look her in the eye, so he settled for watching her lips, wondering how she wasn’t scowling like he expected. Just tight, concerned.
“It’s a big thing.”
“It’s a personal thing.”
“I still should have said something to you. You came along after he was gone but… he’s still my family. I should have shared him with you I just… couldn’t. I didn’t know what to say.”
Alya touched his chin, steering his eyes up and looking through him, it felt like.
He always got so quiet and distant. But she could see him hiding there, behind even tones and trailing sentences. He was pretending like it was all okay and a long time ago and thinking about it didn’t change anything and crying doesn’t bring him back and its been too long Nino just let it go he isn’t coming back things change all at once and they don’t go back-
And she was holding his face, saying his name and pulling him towards her, letting him collapse into her.
He clung to her like his swimming lesson had gone to the deep end… it was dark and deep and he didn’t know how to do it yet.
He hated how he was always going to feel like a little kid, waiting for his big brother to come home.
 Alya knew to let him go quiet, just holding him tightly. The house was still too, except for the energetic play of a little boy who didn’t realize he was missing anything.
It was during one of Chris’ loud bellows that Nino sighed, speaking again somewhat bitterly.
“I hate that Chris never met him. We’ve told him about Noah but it doesn’t mean much to him. How can you teach a kid to miss somebody? What’s even the point of trying… would it be better somehow if he missed him too?” Nino leaned into Alya heavily, staring at his hands. “It bothers me when he draws pictures of his family and Noah isn’t in them. That’s not his fault, but I hate it.”
Alya nodded slowly, glad he was talking again. “My mom said once that loss is hard because it changes everything. She described losing my grandma and she said it wasn’t just her absence. It was how a chair becomes an empty chair.” Alya hesitated slightly, wondering if this was even appropriate to say, but attempting to relate to him somehow. “It must be hard to see it in everything.”
“Empty chairs,” Nino agreed, his tone low. “Empty spots on the couch, full boxes of stuff he used to use every day.” He looked up slightly, drawing her attention again to his hat. “Stuff he used to wear all the time.”
Alya said nothing at first, looking at the old hand-me-down hat and appreciating what it meant to him. She had always known his hat was incredibly important to him, it wasn’t a joke and he never thought it was funny when other people touched it. Now she realized why.
She tried to imagine someone who looked a lot like Nino, but older. Her picture of him was hazy and indistinct, but the hat she pictured on his head made it realer somehow.
He turned slightly at his name, moving slowly, but eventually looking at her. His expression was soft, and reserved, scanning her face and watching her with some unperceivable emotion.
Alya crafted her words carefully, doing her best to be gentle. “I’m sorry I never got to know him. And I’m sorry you don’t have him. But, maybe you could tell me about him.”
Nino kept staring, but after awhile he smiled slightly. It was a somber image, but there was something nostalgic there too.
“Well I can tell you one thing for sure.”
He smiled, tears in his eyes.
  “He would have loved you…”
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soukokuwu · 5 years ago
hi !! angst scenario request? imagine chuuya engaging in one of his corruption form rampages. his s/o trying to calm him down, and in this state he kills her without understanding who she is? when he comes to (w help of dazai’s ability) he realizes what happened, finding the mangled body of his s/o laying in front of him. if u could write this i think i’d cry
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➥ angst [chuuya x reader]
➥ warning/s: death, very slight gore
➥ word count: 1.7k
➥ a/n: hello anony thank you for the idea i absolutely love it & i tried not to make this too heavy, but i hope you enjoy reading this 🤍✨
➥ info: tanzaku — small pieces of coloured paper
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This is life.
Its beauty lies in the fact that it can be so wonderfully or horribly unpredictable at times; it could make you feel on cloud nine one day and the next it takes it all away.
But he knows better than to blame life. No, this is all his doing. If he hadn’t been damned with this ability, you would still be here, next to him, holding his arm and kissing him with those gentle, soft lips of yours. He still remembers the feeling of it pressing against his cheek. Will he ever be able to forget it? No — he better not. He doesn’t want to ever forget it, because he can’t have it any more.
Don’t let me forget. Please.
The redhead doesn’t know who he’s begging to. Life? The gods above? It’s useless, but a part of him says it’s better to wish than to not. Which part of him was that again?
He still remembers the words you uttered that day, fresh in his mind like it was yesterday.
A year ago.
“What are you going to wish for?”
Chuuya chuckled, already penning down his wish. “I thought we weren’t supposed to share wishes?”
You pouted and scoffed. “Fine then, be that way,” you resigned, before hurriedly scribbling your wish on the tanzaku.
“What are you wishing for?”
“Nah, you’d probably think it’s stupid.”
“Then why’re you still wishing for it?” Chuuya had asked, watching curiously as you smiled looking over your wish.
“Better to wish than to not, right?” And you flashed him such a sweet smile he remembers it so clearly until this day.
It was your seventh month together, and it fell on the seventh day of the seventh month. You had had an idea to drive up to a shrine a half hour away from Yokohama to celebrate tanabata; the day the star-crossed lovers would be able to meet.
The two of you hung your wishes up on the same branch that dusk. You looked so wonderful that day, in your blue floral yukata. You chose that because it resembled the color of his sky blue eyes, you had said. You had asked him to get one of a similar color, so that the two of you ‘would look better together’.
It didn’t matter though, because Chuuya believed you looked beautiful everyday. It was just you — the way your lips curled up in a smile, the wrinkles forming as your eyes turned into crescents as you laughed, the way they sparkled every time after he kissed you. It would never be the same with anyone else, he was sure of it. No one could make him feel the way you do. Never.
And as the two of you continued to appreciate the festival after hanging your wishes, Chuuya couldn’t help but feel the warmth building up inside his chest everytime he looked at you. He helped you secure your wish around the branch, and he accidentally caught a glimpse of it.
I wish to stay with Chuuya forever.
Chuuya remembered the way your hands felt, with fingers intertwined in his, as you bounced from stall to stall, getting him to try all sorts of snacks and sweets. He remembered the melodic sound of your laugh travelling to his ears, he remembered how fluffy your hair looked, with the moonlight threading in between your gorgeous locks.
But then an urgent call from Mori got in the way. An incapacitated Akutagawa meant trouble for Higuchi and the other grunts — and possibly all of Yokohama.
He still remembered what you told him from the passenger side, still all smiles despite having your evening interrupted.
“Hey, Chuuya?” you called.
Chuuya didn’t even glance in your direction. He just replied with a “yes, princess?”
“Will you take me here every year?”
This time he stopped at a red light and looked over at you, hands cupping your cheeks. “I promise you, next year we’ll be here and nothing will disturb us,” and he places a kiss on your nose. “And every year after that.”
You were satisfied with that, because you giggled and bit your lower lip, probably to keep yourself from smiling too hard. “I’ll hold you to that, Chuu.”
Chuuya chuckled and ruffled your hair before turning his attention back to the street. He hated that nickname, but he always let it slide with you. It sounded so good rolling off your tongue. Only you.
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It was a bloody sight, so many grunts knocked out by the time he got there. By a… monster. Huge, unforgiving.
He needed to use it. He needed corruption. It was too destructive for anything normal to be able to knock it out; heck, even Akutagawa was passed out. He still remembered the desperation in your eyes as you pleaded with him, but there wasn’t time to fight. If he didn’t stop it here, it would destroy Yokohama and everyone in it. He knew you didn’t want him to, but some things had to be done.
“Oh, grantors of dark disgrace. You need not wake me again.”
The next thing he remembered during the fight is your voice, coming to him all muffled and stuttery.
“He’s coming,” he heard you say. “So please, please baby, please hold on until then.”
He remembered seeing your face, smiling even through all your tears, trying desperately to hold onto him, your arms tightening around his waist. You kept calling his name, pleading for you to stop, and for a moment he felt like he had control over his limbs again, for just that split second. But it vanished just as soon as it came.
And it was like in that moment, both of you knew what was going on in each other’s minds. Chuuya was panicking, he willed every part of him to stop. He knew what was coming.
No, no, no! No, stop, don’t —
But his hands were already moving. The hands that only knew how to destroy, how to kill. And you knew that. Yet you still smiled so sweetly up at him as you gave him a last embrace.
You were mumbling against his chest, but he heard it somehow, loud and clear. “I’m happy enough to have been with you, Chuuya. I love you, always.”
There wasn’t even a scream, he was almost sure you held it back. He was sure you didn’t want him to hear that scream as the last thing that escaped your lips. You wanted to leave him some good last words, didn’t you?
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When he came to, the first thing he saw was a familiar pair of brown eyes looking down at him. So that’s who you meant was coming.
And then he recalled what happened earlier. And then his heart fell. He needed to find you.
Please don’t be dead.
It came in an instinctive prayer.
Every muscle in his body was screaming at him to stop moving, everywhere ached, but he had to find you. He struggled but he managed to stand up, and spotted you where everyone else was circling around.
And even from that distance, he could see your arms and legs a little twisted, and the blood that pooled around you.
He could hear Dazai calling out to him but he didn’t care.
When he got to you, he fell to his knees, hunched over your body, arms not knowing whether to even touch you; your body was so... mangled.
That night he stayed by your side, all the way, wherever they brought your body, until Kouyou had to pull him away and get him to rest.
He was wrong.
The monster wasn’t the thing that tried to destroy the city. The monster... was him.
Even now he winces at the memory.
Chuuya looks up at the colorfully decorated bamboo branches. The same spot where you had hung your wishes with him a year ago. It feels so much emptier without you next to him.
He looks down at the urn he brought.
“Here we are, princess, just like I promised,” he croaks out.
The leaves of the trees hanging overhead sway in the breeze, and he instinctively presses the urn tighter against his body, like how he would do to you, because you always got cold easily.
He looks down at his hands, opening his palms. The same hands that killed you. He sees the same yukata he’s wearing that same day you died. Your voice is clear in his mind as he recalls your words, “well, doesn’t my executive look so handsome today?”
Rain starts pelting down, interrupting his thoughts. And he should really go for shelter, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to move from this spot. Though he does make sure to cover your urn with his sleeve. He crushes the tanzaku in his hand. It doesn’t deserve to be hung up. He doesn’t deserve to wish for anything. Everything is the way it is because of him anyway.
He recalls that second he saw your wish. He remembers how warm it felt. To see you wish for the same thing as he did. He had written: For you to be with me forever.
And now? In his hand?
I wish for her to come back.
How absolutely ridiculous; to wish for something that is impossible. And still he tries to give you what you wished for; to be with him forever, always carrying you wherever he went, with the exception of missions.
How absolutely ridiculous all this was. And yet, as he continues to stand in the rain, Chuuya keeps repeating it in his head.
Please come back to me.
Even as your last words replay in his head.
Please come back to me.
Even as he grabbed on tighter to your urn.
Please come back to me.
Even as nothing happened.
Please come back to me.
Even as he fell to his knees and screamed until he choked on his own tears.
There’s only one thing he wants.
Please come back to me.
This is life.
And it is hell.
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tags: @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes
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cevans16 · 4 years ago
Choosing Between Two Loves Part 13 ~ Cleaning
Summary: You were a Goddess named (Y/N), who had powers similar to Thor and even stronger, you joined the Avengers back when Loki had tried to take over New York. You were great friends with most of them. Tony Stark was someone you were always in love with even though you knew you could never have him. However that all changes when you get to know a certain super soldier....
You were walking ahead of Bucky and Sam, trying your best to clear your head. You hated that you still got flashbacks of events that happened long ago. You were all headed to John’s location. When you arrived at the abandoned train station you were going to walk inside first when Sam held you, “We’ll go in first, stay out here to keep an eye out” he said, you nodded, “Give us ten minutes” he said, “He’s not stable Sam, I’ll give you five”. Sam walked in followed by Bucky who stopped to look at you, he didn’t say anything but he cupped your chin softly before walking inside. 
You paced back and forth, trying to stay calm, you then heard yelling, fighting, clinging, you took it as your cue to go inside. 
You walked in to Sam and Bucky fighting John, John seemed stronger this time. You ran up to John, punching him in the face knocking him back slightly, “You’ve wanted to do this haven’t you” he said to you, “I’ve been dying for a chance to Walker” you replied, you ran towards him holding his arm when he tried to punch you, you threw in a couple more jabs to his face, covering him in his own blood. He used the shield to stop you, hitting you on your ribs with it, you pulled out the knife you had take earlier to tried to stab him but he beat you to it, he took it from your hand and then jabbed it inside the same wound you had on your thigh. He took out another knife, this time stabbing you in your right ribcage, opening the same wound Bucky had done years ago. You yelped in pain, cautiously taking out both knives and throwing them, “I hate you” you gritted, he was about to hit you again when Bucky caught him by surprise, he fought with Bucky while you stabled yourself enough to continue, Sam tagged in with Bucky. After a few moments, Bucky flew across the place slamming against a metal, he wasn’t unconscious but you could tell he was hurt. John tried to whack you with the shield again however you caught it in time, holding it before you whacked it against John’s face. He let it go giving you the opportunity to throw it towards Sam, “Take it” you said to Sam. You approached John, hitting his throat this time, he grabbed the back of your hair, pulling you back, “That’s all you got?” he said, “I’m just getting started” you snarked, you kicked his inner thigh causing him to let you go, he fell on the floor, Sam ran in with the shield hitting him. John then kicked Sam hard enough to knock him down on the floor, you were covered in blood, trying to clean your eyes to see. 
John got on top of Sam, he hovered the shield above him again like he did with the man he killed earlier. You ran close to John, sliding to kick him across the concrete floor, slamming him against a metal shelf. The fight wasn’t over, you knew John took the serum when he got up to fight you again. He hit you hard on your fresh wound causing you to fall over, “That shield doesn’t belong to you!” you yelled to him. “I AM CAPTAIN AMERICA!” he yelled back, “You’re not worth half of what Steve was!”, you were stalling him since you could see Bucky approaching him from behind. Bucky finally hit him hard enough for John to fall onto the ground. Bucky picked up the shield, walked over to Sam and let it cling onto the concrete beside him. He then walked over to you, “(Y/N)? Are you okay?” he asked concerned, he saw the blood dripping out from you ribs and thigh, he put pressure on your thigh causing you to wince, “Buck....” you softly said, you weren’t critical but the injuries had overwhelmed you, “Talk to me” Bucky said, “I’m fine....check on Sam”, “I’m okay” Sam yelled over, he was still on the floor. “He’s okay, you on the other hand....baby” he whispered the last word, he kissed you on your forehead, “I’m going to pick you up slowly okay” he said, you nodded your head, using one of your hands to leverage yourself up. When you stood up you felt dizzy, you stumbled but Bucky held you tighter to him, “I got you, here this should be better” he said this time picking you up onto his arms. “I’m fine Bucky” you said weakly, “No you’re not, stop bullshitting me (Y/N)” he replied, “We can’t leave Sam behind” you said, “He’ll be okay, we have to take care of you first”, you didn’t argue as you could feel yourself getting sleepy, “Hey nah uh don’t go to sleep, where’s your place here?” Bucky asked, “How do you-”, “I’m more observant than you think, where is it?” he said, you finally told him where it was.
Bucky carried you until you were arrived inside your place, he took you in the bathroom setting you on top of the toilet. “Okay, we have to clean your wounds so stay still” Bucky said grabbing a first aid kid, “I need you to take your shirt and pants off (Y/N)”, “You can’t buy me dinner first?” you joked, you saw him blush, “Come on, I didn’t mean it that way. Not that I don’t want to see you, I definitely want to see you---just help me take this off” he stuttered. You lifted your shirt up and kicked off your jeans, Bucky winced at all the blood on your body, he hated Walker for what he had done to you, he couldn’t imagine his life without you. “It’s not as bad as it looks Bucky, it’ll heal on its own quicker than you will” you explained to him, “Doesn’t mean it’s right, why didn’t you wear your uniform?”, “Karli wouldn’t have taken me serious on us wanting to talk” you said. “This will sting for a bit...sorry” Bucky said placing the sanitizer on your open wounds, you yelped lightly at the pain. He started with the major injuries then moved over to the ones on your face, he would look over at you every once in a while, it had been a minute since he had been this close to your face, he was so in love with you it hurt. He then helped you clean your hair too since John had messed it up, after about fifteen minutes of cleaning Bucky placed you on your bed while he went to clean himself up. You had dozed into a deep slumber, the nightmares hitting you again.
“Stop, you’re going to kill him!” you cried in desperation pushing Steve back, “I’m not going to ask again Rogers!” you said holding him against the wall. “He’s my friend” he said to you. “That shield doesn’t belong to you! My father made that shield” Tony yelled over to Steve, you looked into Tony’s eyes when you heard the metal cling against the floor. “Tony....Tony...please don’t do this....you CAN’T leave” you pleaded, Tony sat on the floor, exhausted, burned. He pointed to your heart and smiled. 
You woke up breathing hard, forgetting where you were for a minute, you looked at your window to see that it was still dark out, you looked around for Bucky, no where in sight. You got out from your bed carefully walking to your living room to find Bucky asleep on your couch. You softly moved him, “Bucky” you whispered, he didn’t move but you could hear him mumbling and then shaking, “Bucky” you said louder, this time he woke up, he looked up at you slightly confused. “What?” he said in a sleepy voice, “Why are you on the couch?”, “Because I didn’t want to impose”, “No I meant there’s another room for you to sleep in” you teased him, he chuckled at you, “You’re a brat sometimes you know that” he said, “You seem to like this brat though” you replied, “Whatever, can I try to go back to sleep now?”, “No you’re sleeping with me” you halted at the sound of it, hoping his gears weren’t turning in that direction but you were wrong, “Wow you can’t buy me dinner first, is that how you demigods do it then?” he teased, you lightly punched him on his shoulder, “Shut up, come on, I’ll share my bed with you” you said. 
He got up from the couch following you to your bedroom, “Thanks for helping me...clean up” you said, “Any time, not that I like seeing you injured but anytime” he said. You both laid under your blankets turning to face each other, “I can’t believe Walker took the serum” you said, “I wonder what will happen to him when he returns to the States” Bucky replied, “Yeah, should be fun for him”. You guys didn’t say another word for a minute, now that you thought about it, it felt weird to have someone else in your bed. “What?” Bucky asked you, “I didn’t say anything”, “No but your mind is racing somewhere” he explained, “Nothing I’m just... I don’t know, I’m tired” you joked, “Uhhh huh, I don’t believe you” he said narrowing his eyes at you, “Fine, I haven’t shared my bed with anyone in a long time” you shared. He observed you, “Well I feel special, I can say the same thing” he smiled at you, “(Y/N), I think you should try to see someone to talk about your nightmares” he said cautiously, “I don’t think anyone in this world can understand what I’ve been through, besides I think someone from this realm deserves that spot more than I do” you explained to him, “You need to put yourself first for once” Bucky said, “Like you right” you joked to him, “Hey I am trying alright. Look I know the whole Stark thing is a touchy subject especially coming from me but if you ever want to talk about it, I am here”, “Thank you Bucky, I appreciate it”. He started giggling, “What?” you asked, “Don’t get mad at me but you sounded like Tony when you were yelling at John about the shield”, “I did didn’t I, uhhhh it was so nice to kick John’s ass”, “Touche”, with that you both fell asleep, both without nightmares for once. 
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