rabdoidal · 5 years
As someone with a very similar body type to the Molly you drew I can confirm my blood magic is working just fine. Currently perfecting my curse fatphobes spell
fat witches hit that mf like button
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Would you be okay with me making a cross stitch pattern out of your taz starblaster pixel art? I obviously wouldn't sell it, but it its okay with you I'd love to make it a free pattern to share with other taz fans. If you are okay with it what would be the best way to link back to you as the artist? Here or twitter or something?
Aw that sounds adorable, hell yea !! Acoustic pixel art! 😂 Linking back to me on twitter would be great. And I’d love some pics when you’re done! 
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caitmayart · 5 years
Do you have any idea when you plan on opening up commissions? I love your art but I can't seem to find any commission info more recent than fall 2018
Heya - 
I’m sorry I’ve been really booked so far this year and have had to be sporadic about opening commissions. 
I’m also SUPER inactive on tumblr lately, since the Great Purge I’ve been on Twitter way more often.
When I open again, which is up in the air right now, cuz I have some floating projects and also an insane schedule coming up the next two months, I’ll make a post and pin it to my twitter profile. 
Thanks so much for checking in though - hopefully I can get to you sometime in the future!! 
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acadieum · 5 years
Enamel pins, I love stickers but I can never commit to actually sticking them to anything
OH MOOD?? lmfao i have so many stickers that just sit bc im too nervous to place them anywhere but
ok! i have 6 votes for stickers, 7 votes for enamel pins, and 3 votes for acrylic charms!!
anyone else wanna throw in a vote?
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demidorks · 6 years
I saw the tags on the demi anabeth post. Consider: Demi-bi anabeth.
Tumblr media
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lichlover · 7 years
If you’re taking prompts I’d love to know what you think would happen if one of the 100 worlds the seven birds went to was earth. Like how many milliseconds would it take lup and taako to get arrested/what would happen with magic/etc.
okay, so, admittedly i misread this, but it was already turning out in a super fun way so i just decided to run with it. have a little something from post-canon!
please consider donating to my ko-fi!
On the third ring, Joaquin has to step out of his math class, because whoever’s calling him is calling instead of texting and that means it’s serious.
All eyes are on him as he whispers an apology to his teacher and steps out into the hallway. He’s sure it’s not just because of the call; having magic powers tends to make him a target for people’s stares, nowadays. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have gotten him much else. An exemption from math class, for example.
The door swings mercifully shut behind him, and Joaquin presses the phone to his ear. “Uh, hi, whoever this is?” he whispers, because one of the hall monitors is a few doors down and eyeing him suspiciously. “This isn’t a good time.”
“Hey, kid! Am I on the right frequency?”
Joaquin freezes and cranks up the volume. “Uh, sorry… is this—”
“Taako,” the voice on the other end drawls. “Y’know, from TV? And also the end of the world, keep fuckin’ forgetting about that one. Uh… listen. I’ve got a bit of a—uh, we have a bit of a situation here, and—”
“Whoa, just—hold on a sec.” The hall monitor is definitely staring now. “Where is here? Where are you? How did you even get my number?”
“World savior privileges. So the thing is—”
Joaquin blinks. “Oh my God, are you… are you here in this world? Like, actually here?”
He can practically hear Taako’s shrug through the phone. “Near as I can tell.”
“Oh my God,” Joaquin repeats. He’s starting to feel a little faint, and he’s sure it’s not because of his late lunch period. “What are you doing here? I thought that was against the—the rules, or whatever? Are you gonna get arrested by the dimension police? Oh, shit—” He breaks off when the hall monitor’s glare intensifies, and continues in a lower voice. “Am I gonna get arrested by the dimension police?”
“Probably not. Uh, speaking of which! They told me we only get one phone call, so we really—we really gotta make this one count here—”
“One phone call? Oh, holy shit, did you get arrested?”
From a few meters away, he sees the hall monitor unclip a walkie-talkie from her belt. Why his school has to go so hard with hall monitors, Joaquin will never understand, but he has a feeling his time is almost up. “Okay, okay, just—how did you—no, nevermind, that doesn’t matter. Where are you?”
“Uh…” Taako’s voice jumps a good octave. The receiver crackles, and Joaquin can hear a muffled question, followed by a brief, snappish argument. “This fuckin’ guy, I swear to gods—uh, the Miami Beach police station? Whatever the hell that means. They got better room service in the Eternal Stockade, and that’s—that’s sayin’ something.”
“Miami Beach police station,” Joaquin repeats. “Okay, I’m on my way. Just hang in there, and, uh, don’t do anything stupid, I guess?”
A scoff fizzles through the phone. “You don’t halfta tell me twice.”
“Yes, you do!” comes another, more distant voice. One Joaquin recognizes.
“Is that Lup?” he says, and now his voice is about to jump another octave, too. “She’s there with you?”
“Yeah, she’s—hey, Fantasy Terminator, I’ll tell ya when my time is up, alright? Listen, kid, bring a taco or two with you, alright? It’ll be ironic, and also, I’m fuckin’ starving. Cool. Thanks. Bye!”
“Um, okay, I will. But—” The connection goes dead, which Joaquin will admit he should have seen coming. He shoves his phone in his pocket and flags down the hall monitor, who has the walkie-talkie in her hand and looks about ready to bring out the big guns. “Hey, hey, uh,” he says, trying not to think about how her walkie might be as intimidating as the Hunger itself. “I—um, I’m sorry to disturb the peace and, uh, all that, but I really gotta go.”
The hall monitor walks him down to the counselor’s office, and when the counselor asks him what’s wrong, his brain barrels past “family emergency” and goes straight to “world savior stuff,” verbatim.
It turns out to be the better idea, anyway. Not ten minutes later, Joaquin is standing at a bus stop with the scrapings of a fare in his hand.
It’s strange to be downtown in the middle of the day. He stops by a locally owned Mexican place, feeling guilty all the way, and picks up two tacos with all the embellishments because he had said he would. The police station is a short walk from there. Joaquin recognizes a couple of the officers from their off-duty stops at the taco truck, and they wave at him as he hurries past, but he’s a little too frazzled to offer them anything but a weak smile in return. This isn’t the way he’d supposed he would spend his Tuesday. Granted, his weekdays are a bit unpredictable now, what with the impromptu interviews and the press showing up unannounced to his actual, literal house, but still. This is a lot different.
This is interdimensional.
And yes, it’s a bad and completely baffling situation, but Joaquin can’t help but feel a tiny thrill at the thought. His problems are interdimensional now. How many high schoolers can say that?
He promptly forgets about the cool factor of his morning when the main floor comes into view. There are several desks and a few annoyed-looking detectives between them, but that doesn’t stop Joaquin’s gaze from instantly snapping to the two lounging figures in the holding cell.
“Holy shit,” he says. It’s a perfectly fair thing to say.
From behind bars, Taako, from TV and the end of the world, lifts a lazy finger in greeting. “Took you long enough, huh?”
A bright red jacket hits him in the shoulder. “Don’t be fucking rude,” says Lup, and waves. “ ’Sup, kiddo?”
It occurs to Joaquin just then that he can never, ever tell his friends about this, because if they find out he’s met two of the Seven Birds in person, he can forget about his world savior glory forever. “Uh… I’m good,” he calls, doing his best to ignore the outright stares he’s receiving from the personnel in the room. “All good over here! Yeah.”
One of the detectives comes around her desk and shoots a dubious look at the holding cell. “You called Joaquin Terrero?”
“Is that his full name?” says Taako. Lup’s jacket nails him in the arm again and he tries to snatch it out of her hands, to no avail.
The detective sighs and turns to Joaquin with something suspended between an apologetic smile and an all-out grimace. “They’ve been like that ever since we brought them in. Um, Mr. Terrero—”
“Joaquin is fine.” Ever since Story and Song, he’s been called Mr. Terrero or sir just about everywhere he goes. Weirdness aside, it makes Joaquin feel like he’s always at a parent-teacher conference. “So what, uh… what happened?”
Detective Alvarez, according to her name tag, motions for him to sit down. He does, and she takes a seat across from him, still eyeing the holding cell as Taako and Lup bicker. “There were a few misdemeanors,” she says.
Misdemeanor means not serious. Joaquin silently thanks his social studies teacher.
“The thing is,” the detective continues, “these misdemeanors weren’t standard. I mean—” She sighs. “For one, they just appeared in the middle of a busy street and scared several pedestrians half to death. They said it was thanks to those belts.”
Only then does Joaquin notice the belts. He’d lumped it in with the rest of the twins’ eccentric style, but there they are, silvery and slim and otherwise pretty innocuous. “And that’s how they got here?”
“It’s science, babe,” Lup interjects. “We got it under control.”
She hooks a thumb over her belt with a conspicuous wink, and Detective Alvarez turns pink and clears her throat. “Of course,” she says, hurriedly. “That’s just not the point.”
There’s a look of extreme discomfort on her face, and Joaquin doesn’t blame her. It had been enough of an ordeal getting a call from one of the Seven Birds, nevermind keeping two of them in a holding cell. (There’s a joke there about birds and cages that he’ll have to remember for later.) “Then they went to a restaurant and tried to pay for their food with… well, this.”
Detective Alvarez opens a drawer, and Joaquin’s eyes go wide at the sight of several large, priceless-looking gems in an evidence bag. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, save for an awkward-sounding croak. He’d known Taako was rich—not rich.
Speaking of which. From across the room, Taako cups a hand around his mouth and calls out. “Those the jewels? They’re my husband’s paycheck, for gods’ sake! Are you gonna—are you tryin’ to tell me Death isn’t legit?”
The look on Detective Alvarez’s face seems to imply they’ve had this conversation before. “You can’t pay for food with giant jewels.”
“You can if you’re not a fuckin’ coward,” Taako murmurs, and slouches back against the wall. He takes another jacket to the chest for that.
Joaquin takes a deep breath. “Okay. Uh, Detective Alvarez, I’m really sorry that these two caused a disturbance.”
“Listen, these aren’t—the misdemeanors aren’t serious. We won’t hold them, and we won’t fine them—I mean, they’re the Birds,” says Detective Alvarez. “It wouldn’t be great for the universe anyway. The precinct just wanted to make sure they have someone here who can…” She lowers her voice. “You know, keep an eye on them?”
“They’re not super great at being on Earth, huh?”
“No. Definitely not.”
“I’ll take care of them,” Joaquin promises. “I’m really sorry, Detective.”
Detective Alvarez offers up a weary smile. “You’re a good kid. Just get them out of here, okay?”
“I will,” says Joaquin.
He does.
They emerge into a bright, warm afternoon, and Taako hisses, yanking a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. “Sheesh. How long’s it been? A year?”
“An hour,” says Lup, checking her watch.
“Oh.” He plucks one of the tacos from the bag in Joaquin’s hand. “Cheers, kid. Not as good as mine, but it—it’ll do, I guess.”
“Thanks for bailing us out.” Lup nudges Joaquin and flashes a brilliant smile. She’s definitely more intimidating in person, and also a full head taller than him, which means he has to crane his neck and squint to see her against the sun. “So, you’re taking us on a tour, right?”
Joaquin blinks. “I—uh, I have school.”
Taako snorts, which, yeah, he deserves that. “That’s gotta be the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.”
“Lame,” Lup chimes in. She picks the other taco out of the bag and says, “Give us the grand tour, kid! We’re only here for… uh, two more hours, looks like. Gotta make the most of our time before we head back home.”
“Oh, yeah, that—you never said what you were doing here?”
“Visiting you, duh,” she says. “Taako wouldn’t shut up about how he realized your potential, and—”
“Yeah, speaking of shutting up!” says Taako, his voice shrill. He takes an unceremonious bite of the taco and tugs the brim of his hat a little lower. “You gonna show us around, or what?”
“That’s not speaking of shutting up, ’Ko.”
“Don’t—you don’t get to lecture me on semantics—”
Joaquin bites back a smile and says, “You guys wanna see the beach?”
“Hell yeah,” they say as one, and high-five without having to look. Drift compatible, Joaquin thinks. It really is a perfect day, and a little magical—not in the actual sense, of course, but there’s something thrilling about knowing school will drag on without him. He’s got some world savior stuff to do; if showing around two of the Seven Birds counts as world savior stuff, of course, and he’s decided that it does.
Of course, that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences to his actions. But Joaquin’s pretty smart, and he’s already thought of a contingency plan.
“Um, hey, so,” he starts, as they set off down the street. “Lup, uh—I’ve got this friend, Stephanie, and she would kill me if I didn’t get an autograph, or something… do you have, uh, a headshot or something like that? Like, she’s been dying to know if you still have an undercut…”
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fagderolo · 6 years
Okay but regardless of what ppl like saying undertale is good. Like cool enby protag? Nice lesbians? Banger soundtrack? What’s not to love
VALID im just like @ this point + with the SEVERAL unfinished games ive got it seems like An Endeavor
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grifalinas · 6 years
I saw your fake dating post and now I really want a fic with gay Caleb and lesbian Beau fake dating and being very confused as to why anyone believes them because “obviously I’m /gay/“ just like. Chaotic disaster gays.
I mean my Caleb is bi but every time someone asks Beau why she keeps insisting she could never be into Caleb she just kinda gestures vehemently at herself and stares at them very pointedly like ????what about me says attracted to men tell me so I can fix it
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thedeadflag · 6 years
Do you have any advice/ideas on how to play trans characters in rpg’s like d&d? Particularly in regards to transitioning, because any time there’s a magical setting the only things I ever see and things that would just make the character cis, and as a trans guy I’m not a fan of the idea that all trans people’s goal should be to become cis people.
If you want the character to have a sort of gradual physical transition with things changing according to their individual needs rather than the stereotypical “magic potion makes you as if you were cis”, then there are plenty of ways to rock that.
If you’ve got a campaign that’s fast paced and go-go-go, potions you gather ingredients for, brew, and ingest is a decent way to go about that element. Potions are pretty simple, no-nonsense, to the point, and let the process take as active a role as you want it to be, or as is appropriate given situational contexts.
If you want something that might require a bit more active attention, or take a bit more time, and you’re a magic-user, then a spell could work (one you’ve either learned, or will have the ability to learn in-game, perhaps)...how you go about describing it in game is all you, but I tend to use spells from Dragon Age as a reference point for helping put to words what the physical process is like, what it looks like, etc., namely Winter Stillness, or one of the glyph spells.
With options like the above, there’s control over what changes, how fast changes occur, etc. and I doubt a DM would have any issue with helping implement something like that when it’s to help provide a better role-play and in-character experience
With the social elements of transition, well, that’s entirely up to the needs and wishes of your character, and I’d hope that the setting your DM provides accommodates that. Whatever is in character is ideal, of course. 
If you need an example of a character that is trans in a D&D-type setting, there’s Shardra Geltl from Pathfinder, who IIRC was written by a trans woman. 
Does that help? I hope it does, I’m a little weary in the mind after a long day’s work
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Fuck yeah pride dice bags! I need a new one anyways cause my dice no longer all fit in my current bag
THATS SO RELATABLE FHDHJFJR I sewed myself a dice bag and now I have to have 2 cause i buy too many goddamn dice 😭
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thewoesofyaoi · 7 years
I had a question. There’s a ship I like with a 23 year old and a 26 year old and I’ve read some high school au’s where they make them the same age and I was wondering if that would be on the same level as aging characters to make stuff not pedophilia ? Like in canon they’re a pretty healthy friendship and have been best friends since high school so writing about them then makes sense but I’m cautious of people changing age differences for fics
Mod r and i don’t think it’s an issue. They’re already close in age, as long as you’re not like, making one of them a kid, it’s not a huge deal. I’d say it’s just the same as with any fanfic involving high school kids— you have to take into consideration the age and motivations of the author, and how the thing is written. If it’s creepy and sexual and the author is an adult, it’s gonna be bad no matter what, but I think a lot of times high school aus are written by actual teenagers or adults who write the characters age-appropriately.
De-aging adult characters specifically so you can have them doing sexual stuff as teens is super fucking gross tho
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hypersexualityfeels · 7 years
Tfw literally anything turns you on and things that u find really gross keep turning you on and also ur a gay guy n keep getting turned on by girls and questioning ur sexuality
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snazzy-specter · 5 years
When I realized Zach callison the Steven universe guy and Zach callison the guy who opened a concert I went to were the same person I was very very confused
on the one hand, I’m not shocked he opened for a concert, but also wtf 
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lgbt-aesthetics · 7 years
Could u do Troye Sivan + achillean + ocean like phone wallpaper? Tysm!
oooo I really like how these came out! Hope you do too :p
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justanothermlmblog · 7 years
I think wanting to date mothman would be more of a monster kink. Idk. A cryptid kink.
what is the truth…?
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chiqpeas · 7 years
frnkiequinn replied to your post“@ lgb folks tell me abt ur first gay kiss”
Mine was with my ex datemate (gonna count it as gay dgaf) n it was at a troye Sivan concert during talk me down and they asked if they could kiss me. It was great. The first guy I kissed was during spin the bottle at my local queer prom in may. It was slightly awkward cause I used to have a crush on him and he's the person my ex started dating right after me.
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