#frigus system
moonvine-collective · 7 months
Welcome to the blog!
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Hello! We are the Moonvine collective. We are bodily over the age of 18 (we are 20), so if you are an younger system who's under 18, do not come to us/this blog with romantic feelings/intentions to us/for an headmate we have. We will not entertain that, and to be honest, we will feel uncomfortable with it, so please just don't.
We have a MDNI, please respect that.
This blog is probably going to be about our system, things we like, or just plural related things, or completely random things.
Before going into introductions, I want to be clear that you can ask us questions about did/osdd or about our system! We aren't professional's, nor will claim to be, but we have done years of research for ourselves & our own experiences to try and help out with any questions.
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Now, onto some introductions for some of our frequent fronters! (We are going to leaving out people who either dont want to be listed/shared on this post, or are littles within the system, who we don't want to share online who they are for safety reasons.)
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧❄•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙☃˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥❄‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
Frequent fronters are currently changing
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧❄•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙☃˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥❄‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
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Random things to know about us as a system!
We support the lgbtq+, all races and ethnicites, all traumagic systems (not endo systems, we have an dni with endo system) , free Palestine, any neurodivergent & disabled people, Furry's, and more, just ask if we support something and we will send a response or a post about it if we remember to.
We are bodily disabled who need to use a cane (cause we can't afford to have an wheelchair or can have one), and is also Neurodivergent ourselves.
We will be updating this after we stop having a bad mental health problem 👍
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sociomi · 4 months
Крупнейший поставщик промышленных чиллеров для охлаждения воды открывает новый офис в Москве
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Москва, Россия - Frigus Systems, лидер на рынке промышленных систем охлаждения, объявляет о запуске нового офиса в Москве. Компания Фригус специализируется на производстве и установке промышленные чиллеры для охлаждения воды по самым конкурентоспособным ценам на рынке.
Промышленные чиллеры для охлаждения воды являются необходимым оборудованием для многих отраслей промышленности, где требуется поддержание оптимальной температуры процессов. Frigus Systems предлагает широкий выбор промышленных чиллеров различной мощности и производительности, чтобы удовлетворить потребности любого предприятия.
Одним из основных преимуществ продукции Frigus Systems является высокое качество и надежность оборудования. Компания использует только самые современные технологии и материалы при производстве своих промышленных чиллеров, что обеспечивает долгий срок службы и отличную производительность.
Клиенты, которые заинтересованы в покупке промышленных чиллеров для охлаждения воды, могут посетить официальный сайт Frigus Systems по ссылке: https://frigus-systems.ru/. Здесь они смогут найти полную информацию о продукции компании и выбрать подходящую модель для своих потребностей.
Кроме того, Frigus Systems предлагает также наружные блоки для VRF системы, которые могут быть использованы в коммерческих и промышленных зданиях. Внешние блоки VRF системы Hisense позволяют эффективно охладить помещение за счет использования хладагента.
Frigus Systems - это крупнейший производитель и поставщик промышленных систем охлаждения в России. Компания предлагает широкий ассортимент продукции, включая промышленные чиллеры для охлаждения воды и наружный блок vrf системы. Миссия Frigus Systems - обеспечить клиентов надежным и эффективным оборудованием для обеспечения оптимальной температуры процессов.
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
?!?!?!?!!!!!! I’m curious!
Prowl’s mouth tasted like foam insulation and he made a face as he lifted his helm from his pillow. He needed a cube of pressed energon, or five. His helm was throbbing, worse than it normally did when he first woke up in the light-cycle. Though he still felt groggy and tired, Prowl pushed himself upright. There was a cube of coolant sitting on his table. Why? Wait. All at once his memories of the last dark-cycle replayed. The sudden surge of data hurt and he pressed the heels of his servos against his temples and hissed. When the disorientation faded with the surge, Prowl reached for the coolant and downed it in one gulp. It was a start, at least but what he really needed, to clear his helm and to actually think was pressed energon. Not for the first time Prowl thought he should just move the pressed to his berthside table. Sure, it would be socially unacceptable, but he lived alone, what did anyone else’s opinion matter anyways?
It took four cubes of the potent fuel before Prowl’s helmache faded. He had known he should not go out with those obnoxious fraggers but he was new to the station and his commander had encouraged him to go out, calling it a team bonding exercise. Was gang raping Prowl a team bonding exercise? Prowl doubted very much they had planned to just leave it at drugging him. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to prove his suspicious, apart from tweaking his doorwings, they had not done anything untowards and the semantics of doorwings was lost on Iaconians. Still, drugging Prowl was a criminal offence and he was not inclined to be passive. Passivity had never served him well.
When Prowl trusted himself, he went to a medicentre and had samples drawn of the fuel in his systems. Once he had the identity of the drug he had been spiked with, Prowl went straight to his commander to lodge a complaint. Flatfood was... dismissive, calling it a prank, calling it hazing. Seeing that he would get nowhere with him, Prowl confirmed the bar was actually in a different district than his precinct and filed a complaint with the precinct that had jurisdiction over the bar. It would still likely come to nothing, at most a slap on their wrists but it would be good for them all to know that Prowl did not play games and he did not have a sense of humour.
With the business of the matter taken care, Prowl moved on to the next task. Maybe his colleagues would not have raped him but Prowl ha no faith in their morality or their restraint. There was a nice little florist around the corner from his habsuite. He had no idea if Jazz, the bassist who had interrupted the scheme liked crystals but crystals were a traditional thank you in Praxus, a traditional apology as well. The composition mattered. Though the florist was not a Praxian the arranged was sunny and Prowl thought it conveyed the appropriate message. The bar held life music every Octav-tur and Prowl nurtured the crystals and waited for the orn to pass.
He was irritated to find himself transferred to the patrol until. Prowl brooded over it. It was loathsome that his colleagues, his would be rapists were still investigating burglaries while he had been reassigned. For the time being, Prowl fulfilled his duties and waited and hoped the precinct investigated his complaint. Perhaps when he went to deliver the crystals, Prowl could ask Jazz or Ricochet, the bartender, if the enforcers had ever asked for the security tapes. If the answer was no, Prowl would ask for them to be saved and then he would go back to the precinct and make a nuisance of himself. Prowl was very good at annoying other mechanisms. His brother had called it his particular talent and Barricade would have known best.
Finally, the ornend came and Prowl finished his shift, went home to collect the crystal and then walked over to the bar. He saw no reason to drive the short distance, and after doing nothing but ticket traffic violations for an orn, the last thing Prowl wanted to do was drive. It was another cool crisp dark-cycle. Calor had passed into Imber. Before long it would be Frigus and it would be too cold to walk without additional insulation. Prowl ruminated on the cost and the benefit of such garments for a Praxian as he opened the bar door. He had no lines rehearsed, just and thank you and...
Prowl’s optics brightened as he saw his brother standing with the bartender, Ricochet’s arm was around his waist holding him like a lover. Barricade held a little bundle in his arms, the newling chirped. Jazz turned towards him, away from the blissfully family scene. He was smiling. They were brothers, the bartender and the musician. Jazz was uncle to Barricade’s creation and Prowl... Prowl was the dirt beneath his peds.
“Jazz, a thank you,” Prowl said, forcing a false flatness to his voice as his helm throbbed. “For what you did.”
He turned and all but ran from the door. Prowl heard Barricade call his designation, to demand he never show his face, again? Through his doorwings, Prowl knew Jazz was following. To deliver Barricade’s message. Of course the family would close around the new originator. They would do whatever they could to make him happy, that was the way of things. The throbbing pain of Prowl’s helm turned into a harsh grind and he turned into the alley... by the nice florist’s shop. He did not exactly fall, neither did did he neatly sit, collapsed may have been the right glyph but language and semantic were lost on Prowl. There was nothing but a grinding, hissing, staticky pain and Prowl dug the heels of his servos into his temples, matching pain with pain. Someone snatched his wrists and pulled his servos from his helm and Prowl his and glared through his tears at Jazz.
“What’s wrong, Sweetspark?” Jazz asked.
“My helm hurts,” Prowl whined and he tried to get his servos free, to bring them back to his helm.
“Y’re okay,” Jazz crooned softly. He refused to let go of Prowl’s servos. In desperation, Prowl pushed his helm back against the cool tiles of the alley wall with all his strength. Jazz pulled him away from the wall and screeched unintelligibly. Prowl was pulled into Jazz’s lap and he tried to free his servos again. “Can ya get a cold pack? He’s burnin’ up?”
A klik, maybe, later something ice cold was pressed against Prowl’s feverish helm and he tried to bat it away but as he tried to tug and the unmovable wrist, the cold permeated his processor and it felt considerably better than the burn had. The pain and the static ebbed and Prowl’s helm lulled, lulled against Jazz’s chassis. Immediately, Prowl stiffened and Jazz clucked his glossa.
“No runnin’ off ‘til ‘m sure ya can walk.”
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a-world-in-grey · 5 years
Lucian Council Part I
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
General Overview
-The Lucian Council was not established until the reign of the Clever, about 850 years before the reign of King Regis and King Noctis. It is said that the Clever created the Council to easier manage the duties of ruling Lucis, which by that point had come to span the entirety of the continent. 
-(It is also said the Clever created the Council to give himself more free time to pursue his interests in the arts. Historians have yet to prove or disprove this hypothesis.)
-The original Council established by the Clever held 6 positions. These positions consisted of the Shield (Defense), Agriculture, Education, Finance, Health and Welfare, and Justice.
-Around 250 years later, after the Just established Insomnia as the capital of the Kingdom of Lucis, she added two more positions to the Council. Housing and Development and Foreign Affairs.
-150 or so years after that, the Warrior added the positions of the Hand (Royal Advisor) and Energy and Natural Resources to the Council, bringing the total number of seats to 10. This version of the Council would survive for the next 450 years until the Fall of Insomnia and deaths of the current Council.
-Legally, the current monarch has the power to staff their Council however  they wish. The Council’s purpose is to assist the monarch in governing the Kingdom and advise on matter in their area of expertise. Therefore, it is the monarch’s right to staff their Council with people they trust.
-Traditionally, the positions are held by the noble families of Lucis, and passed down to another family member of their choosing, typically parent to child.
-Most monarchs and their Councils come to a compromise between the two extremes. The most notable exception to this was during the reign of King Mors, who staffed his Council to his desires and often replaced members who displeased him. Many of the noble families saw their traditionally held positions given to outsiders. During King Regis’ reign, the nobles pushed to reclaim the power and influence they lost under Mors. To avoid ruffling feathers, King Regis staffed his Council far more Traditionally, but often bowed to pressure from the Council which allowed the Council much more leeway to pursue their own agendas.
-Council members can serve for life, or until replaced by the current monarch. Traditionally, councilmembers train up their successors during the first years of a new monarch’s reign, handing over the positions to the next generation. This change over can take anywhere from three to six years.
 -Council members are gifted a share of their monarch’s magic. It is very limited, usually only enough to create their own armiger. (No one bats an eye when more enterprising Council members use their armigers to cart around piles of paperwork.) However, the Councilmembers’ families are not granted magic except in exceptional circumstances.
-Families of the Council are given a residence in the Citadel, alongside the noble families. Neither the Council nor the nobles are required to live in the Citadel, but most choose to do so. Most who live outside the Citadel are young adults of college age or those without children.
-Noble children and the children of the Council receive combat training to the same standard as the royal children. It is not uncommon for royal children and noble children to share lessons and training if of a similar age and skill, which helps foster relationships between the next monarch and Council.
-Shield: The head of Lucis’ military forces, including the Crownsguard and the Royal Guard (later the Kingsglaive). Oversees the defense of Lucis, the King, and the royal family. The position is only ever held by the Shield of the King, and is left vacant otherwise, though the duties are managed by a General or other appointed military officials. Current Councilor: Lord Clarus Amicitia.
-Hand: Oversees general management and offers general advice for their monarch. Is typically more involved with the civilian side of government than the military. The position is only ever held by the Hand of the King, and is left vacant otherwise. If vacant, duties may be managed by a Royal Advisor or other appointed individuals. Current Councilor: None. Current Deputy: Royal Advisor Pelagius Scientia.
-Agriculture: Manages the food production and distribution in Lucis, as well as oversees the food safety regulations of food sourced locally as well as imported food. Current Councilor: Lord Aestas Colere.
-Education: Oversees public education and the standards for various certifications and their testing. Current Councilor: Lord Docetus Memini.
-Energy and Natural Resources: Oversees energy production and natural resource management. Current Councilor: Lord Frigus Ferum.
-Finance: Oversees general finances, the national budget, taxes and revenue, and commerce. Current Councilor: Lord Plenus Egestas.
-Foreign Affairs: Oversees training and appointments of diplomats, general foreign policy, and immigration. Current Councilor: Lord Narro Veteris.
-Health and Welfare: Oversees health safety regulations, various welfare programs, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and medical research and development. Current Councilor: Lord Salus Operis.
-Housing and Development: Oversees housing regulations and building codes, urban development, civil engineering projects, and other city planning. Current Councilor: Lady Odisse Patiori.
-Justice: Oversees the justice system. From oversight of new laws to regulations and standard for law enforcement, overseeing the appointment of judges, and correctional facilities and policies. Current Councilor: Lady Integra Aequum.
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Accomplish The Objective Of Keeping Your Food Non-Spoiled
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We all might have a fridge placed at our house and know it was such a great gadget that ever used before. Hi and hello friends, In this stuff, we are going to talk all about the fridge and say you the lg single door inverter fridge and especially LG 190 L 4 Star Inverter Direct-Cool Single Door Refrigerator would be the appropriate one for your use. We say, fridge is like that and like this and became an undeniable one from our life and yeah! Everything is okay. But it is how running it is, but how do you get started?
Artificial refrigeration began in the mid-1750s, and developed in the early 1800s. In 1834, the first working vapor-compression refrigeration system was built. The first commercial ice-making machine was invented in 1854. In 1913, refrigerators for home use were invented. The word refrigerator originates from the Latin verb refrigerare which was derived from the Latin adjective frigus, meaning cold. It is used to store the food and keep it from spoiling. The fundamental reason for having a refrigerator is to keep food cold. So, just get this ever best lg single door inverter fridge.
To know about us please visit our website - www.shrimeenakshifanhouse.com and contact us: 0452 - 438 0008.
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creativiteaa · 6 years
General Society
Despite a lot of differences, there are a handful of similarities es between deiterra, nocterra, and igcontiaterra. For example, the festivals and celebrations are consistent across the entirety of Contrariatica.
Festivals All three lands have their own form of a new year festival. In deiterra it’s the sun festival and takes place during the day which honors the army, royalty, and general successes. In nocterra it’s the moon festival and takes place mainly in the late afternoon and at night and honors peace and new beginnings. Then in igcontiaterra it’s the gratis festival (gratis means thanks) which takes place during the day and early night and it honors being thankful for safety, being away from the war, and friends and family. In all three places it’s a semi-formal festival. Next all three have the calidi festival (calidi means hot) and takes place in the beginning of June to celebrate the upcoming summer and passing spring. It’s also more casual but you still wear nicer clothes. Finally they have the friglace festival (combination of frigus meaning cold and glacies meaning ice) which takes place during the end of November to celebrate the fall and winter. Again, it’s more casual but you still wear nicer clothes.
Education Deiterra and Nocterra both have education systems. Igcontiaterra does not have normal school due to the nature of the society. Everything is taught at home there and mainly it is vocational (e.g. farming). General education in Deiterra and Nocterra (e.g. science, math) are for ages 5 to 15. Occupational school is commonly from ages 16 to 18 but can sometimes go on to age 20.
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moonvine-collective · 7 months
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Just some sysboxs we found and might post an second one before sleep before making intro posts! ~Umber
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moonvine-collective · 6 months
I personally had to deal with the system's body discomfort with being in a different body that what the brain thinks we are, (Trans male), and it fucking sucks.
Cause one moment I'm in headspace trying to help a little with something then I'm yeeted into front, Blurry as hell and feeling like I've hot hit with the worse kind of disphoria where we feel like we can't breath because we have a female body and want to do some tw shit to ourselves.
I'm glad our old co-host got clean, and we have been for 9 years of s/h, but my lord. I just wish this wasn't my job within the system for us, at least for the body. This sucks and we don't have a good fitting binder right now, so the one we do have is smaller size by one (3 instead of 4), but we have to cope or we feel so uncomfortable within our skin.
This has been my rant, I hate existing currently
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moonvine-collective · 6 months
I overheard this outside of front the other day when I was zoned the hell out so I'll share it here cause I find it funny. Bubblegum is our main Gatekeeper while Tim is an introject & Monty just exists ~Fenrir
Tim: Sleep deprivation, it’s like being drunk, but for free and without alcohol poisoning!
Bubblegum: that is not good for you, drink coffee instead
Monty: This is why your both aren't allowed to be in front without someone to watch you
Tim: No. This is why I wasn't allowed to work on cases for a month
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anon-e-miss · 7 years
World Building
Originally created for Cloak and Mask but Universal for my fiction. Glossary:
Nanoklik: second Klik: minute Bream: 8 kliks Joor: Hour Mega-cycle: Day/20 joor Orn: Week/9 mega-cycles Decaorn: 10 orn Quartex: Month, 5 orn, 45 mega-cycle Stellar-cycle: Year/450 mega-cycles/10 quartexes Vorn: 83 stellar-cycles
Comm speak -" Normal speak " Bond speak “italics”
ATS: Advanced Tactical Systems Originator: “mother”, carrier Progenitor: “father”, sire Procreator: parent Contributive spark: spark better suited to “fathering” a creations Receptive spark: spark more likely to conceive creations. To kindle, to spark, to bud: to conceive Emergence: birth Apterium: Structure of lower doorwing joint.
Months: Primarii Solomnii Kinserii Theomachius Epistii Sigmus Adaptii Aureas Coventus Mortius Seasons: Winter: Frigus Spring: Saltus Summer: Calor Fall: Imber Frigus= Mortius, Primarii, Solomnii (half) Saltus= Solomii (half) ,Kinserii, Theomachius Calor= Epistii, Sigmus, Adaptii (half) Imber= Adaptii (half), Aureas, Coventus Reproduction: Carrying: 1 vorn (83 stellar-cycles, give or take) Newling: 4 vorns Sparkling: 6 vorns per tier, 3 tiers, total of 18 vorns Youngling: 6 vorns per tier, 3 tiers, total of 18 vorns. Total minor development: 40 vorns, 3320 stellar-cycles.
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