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𝑨𝒏 𝑴/𝑴 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆. Enzo's Embrace (Tide to You #1) by Jaclyn Quinn
~ New Beginnings
~ Lots of Banter
~ Found Family
~ Friends-to-Lovers
~ Coming Out
~ Return to Coral Pointe
CONNECT → FB: Jaclyn Quinn Author | IG: jaclynquinn.books
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I'm not yours, or yes? - JOSH (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1444708601-i%27m-not-yours-or-yes-josh?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=kaikacun_kun Una normale ragazza, che non crede nell'amore e nelle favole, incontra un ragazzo che le farà cambiare idea completamente. La ragazza si ritroverà in scelte complicante con più spasimanti. Ne potrà scegliere solo uno, chi sarà il fortunato? Tra i ragazzi ci saranno litigi, e cercheranno di conquistarla con il loro fascino
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fanfic that i'm currently reading.
don't touch my hand and call it love (disini ceritanya sasuke balik ke konoha dengan ingatan yang hilang, kecuali tentang sakura) 4
Reacquaintance (cerita pdkt sasusaku setelah masa perang) 13
home is where the heart is (masih seputaran pdkt, tapi kali ini doi udah keluar buat misi dan bolak balik cuma mau nyapa sakura T.T) 9
Touch (post-war, sasusaku pasien-dokter relationship, terus sampai tentang sasuke masih proses tahanan, terus gimana mereka healing satu sama lain, love😭) 13
A Lesson For Teacher (Kakasaku friendtolovers, disini mereka berdua jadi patner di anbu, dan disini mengikutu tragedi meraka juga healing each other) 31
Unbroken (disini sakura timetravel kemasa kaka remaja-seumuran.) 4
House Calls (slow friendtolovers, ini berawal gara2 kakashi yg anti rumah sakit berujung sakura jadi buka klinik:) 13
Simple Things (hal hal kecil yang keseringan malah jadi pembawa hal yang lebih besar, disini mereka baper sendiri karena unconsiously flirting mulu😭) 9
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Un’altra fan fiction dal Writober del 2018, penso che pian piano le pubblicherò tutte. Enjoy!
Riku aveva un bel sorriso, perché era raro vederlo sorridere.
Con Sora, Riku sorrideva di più, più spesso, più intensamente. Gli occhi acquamarina si accendevano di una dolcezza insolita, morbida, dolce.
Sora indugiava spesso nel pensiero che quei sorrisi fossero merito suo. Fantasticava spesso sulle sua labbra quando si tendevano verso l'alto. Strani pensieri si facevano largo nel marasma agitato della sua mente per mostrarsi a lui in tutto il loro confusionario splendore.
Stare con Riku gli piaceva.
Stare con Riku gli piaceva.
Riku era il suo migliore amico.
Riku era il suo migliore amico.
Le parole erano le stesse, sempre le stesse, martellanti e acute come un fischio, eppure rotolavano sulla lingua, quando se le ripeteva davanti allo specchio, in modo così diverso.
Poteva la stessa parola cambiare significato a seconda di come la pronunciava?
Forse a cambiare non erano le parole, ma lui.
« Sora? » il ragazzino alzò di scatto la testa al richiamo, come un cucciolo che risponde ben volentieri alla voce del padrone. Quanto tempo era rimasto immerso nei suoi pensieri mentre intorno a lui il mondo continuava a girare?
Pian piano mise a fuoco la strada, il sole nel cielo terso, il peso dello zaino sulle spalle, i suoni allegri dei ragazzi che erano appena usciti da scuola. E poi lui, Riku. Quando uscivano da scuola la prima cosa che faceva era allentare il cravattino, che teneva sempre rigidamente stretto intorno al collo per non avere un'aria sciatta. Sempre così perfetto, il suo Riku, sempre così attento.
« Sì? » riuscì a biascicare, con svariati secondo di ritardo, come se il cervello non fosse collegato alla lingua.
Riku sorrise, scuotendo la testa. Una vampata di calore salì, piacevole e densa, lungo la schiena di Sora, che non poté fare a meno di ricambiare.
« Non hai ascoltato una parola, vero? »
Se in una cosa Sora era bravo era arrossire, in maniera dimessa, imbarazzata eppure consapevole: una cosa che faceva impazzire Riku.
Si trattenne dal ridere solo perché erano in pubblico, portando una mano davanti alla bocca per contenere la risata. Alla luce del giorno i capelli argentei sembravano bianchi come perle esposte in vetrina.
Sora sentì il cuore perdere un battito.
« Non l'ho fatto apposta! » provò debolmente a difendersi, un pigolio rosso fuoco, uscito da labbra gonfie di vergogna.
« Ci mancherebbe! » ribatté Riku. Nell'ultimo anno era cresciuto quel tanto che bastava per superare Sora, così da dominarlo dall'altro, con spalle che andavano ad allargarsi, inseguendo l'età adulta, e l'espressione matura. « Hai sempre la testa tra le nuvole. Si può sapere a cosa stavi pensando? »
“A te.” sussurrò, indecente, la voce nella mente di Sora, che però volse altrove lo sguardo. Dritto davanti a sé, lungo la strada verso casa.
« Niente di che. » fu invece la sua risposta, portandosi dietro l'orecchio un ciuffo di capelli castani. Lo faceva sempre quand'era nervoso, quello che non sapeva era che Riku conosceva a memoria tutti quei piccoli movimento.
« Niente di che. » ripeté l'albino, un mezzo sorriso sulle labbra. « Non sembra “niente di che”. Ma magari sbaglio. »
Più vicino, si fece più vicino, solo per un attimo, di qualche centimetro, tanto da toccare la spalla di Sora.
Lui batté le palpebre più velocemente, si trattenne dal voltarsi verso di lui.
« Vieni a casa mia? » chiese, a tradimento, prima che la mente, o il buon senso, potessero impedirgli di dirlo. « Per fare i compiti insieme? » aggiunse, a mo' di giustificazione.
Riku lo osservò come si osservano le cose preziose, quelle che non si possono toccare ma solo guardare da lontano. L'avrebbe rotto se solo si fosse avvicinato troppo, perché Sora, così come il cristallo, era troppo fragile.
« Sì, perché no. » con una scrollata di spalle prima di infilare le mani in tasca. Lontane da ogni tentazione, dove dovevano stare.
Sora sentì il suo cuore emettere un sospiro felice, e andò dietro all'amico trotterellando allegro.
Lontano, lungo l'orizzonte, il mare si abbatteva sulla spiaggia, e le isole minori affioravano dall'acqua alte fino a tagliare il cielo. L'odore della salsedine portato dal vento faceva frusciare i vestiti, asciugava il sudore sulla schiena. Solo qualche altra settimana: l'estate era vicina.
Da qualche parte, tra le viuzze della città, una cicala cominciò a cantare, accompagnando il passo dei ragazzi verso casa.
Chi era potuto scappare in fretta dal sole aveva trovato rifugio a casa, dentro un bar, o all'ombra di un pensilina, le strade si erano svuotate, mentre l'asfalto tremolava per il calore.
Sora ondeggiava da un piede all'altro, come ubriaco, stanco ma felice. Felice per cosa, poi? Per il sole, per il lungo pomeriggio ozioso che li aspettava, per Riku. Solo per Riku.
« Riku... » chiamò all'improvviso, senza guardarlo, neanche quando l'amico si volse, perché altrimenti non sarebbe riuscito ad andare avanti. « ...stavo pensando... » quegli occhi, quegli occhi del colore del mare. Gli venne un brivido, si morse le labbra. Non riusciva ad andare avanti neanche senza guardarlo.
Si fermò, la testa bassa, fissa sulle scarpe, sul pantalone a righe azzurre della divisa scolastica che gli stava ridicolmente troppo grande, sulla camicia bianca spiegazzata e macchiata di penna, sul cravattino dal nodo storto. Sentì sapore di sangue in bocca: aveva morso troppo forte.
« Tutto bene? » provò, preoccupato, Riku, avvicinandosi a lui quel tanto che bastava per essere troppo vicino.
Sora trattenne il fiato, strinse i pugni, il cuore gli esplodeva in petto.
“Adesso, lo devi fare adesso. Adesso!”
« Riku! » troppo forte, emise un verso frustrato. « Riku. » tentò ancora. Perché la lingua si attorcigliava in bocca? « Tu mi piaci. »
La cicala smise di cantare, il vento di soffiare, persino il sole si fermò, diventando un po' più freddo. Il mondo poteva andare in frantumi da un momento all'altro, Sora poté sentire le crepe sotto i piedi.
Riku rimase in silenzio, il volto come una maschera priva di espressioni. Cosa pensava? Cosa provava? Perché non era mai in grado di capirlo?!
Poi si sporse, lentamente, o fu solo la sua distorta percezione delle cose a farlo sembrare così lento. Quando si poggiarono sulle sue, rapide ma sicure, Sora capì di non poter più fare a meno di quelle labbra.
Dopo quel bacio, un sorriso. A Sora tutto fu chiaro: i sorrisi di Riku erano davvero sempre stati merito suo.
#riku#sora#soriku#clichè#friendtolover#writer#writing#writober2018#italianwriter#kingdom hearts#kh#boylove#trying#mybest#square enix#fanfiction#fanfictionwriter
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예쁜 그림 선물 감사합니다~!! 🙏🏻💕 #Repost @leegreeem . 예쁜 뮤비 이 장면은 꼭 그리고 싶었어요 . #스탠딩에그 #친구에서연인 #팬아트 #standingegg #friendtolover #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CCF_t0WFNqw/?igshid=18yz32vi717hs
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Something I had in my drafts.... a story about some stoners
NOT EDITED AT ALLLLLLLL You didn't mind being alone. In fact you chose it. You hated wasting your time and energy on petty friends, when you could be having much more fun alone with a couple of blunts. You would be lying if you said you didn't want a friend though. Someone close to you that will never leave. But that's just wishful thinking.
You lived alone. You and your black cat. She had a white tail and her name was Jane. She was your best friend. Her and MaryJane.
You recently moved to a new town, looking for new and fresh opportunities. You wanted a change and that's what you're getting. You were currently in your room. Everything now where it needs to be. Well the little stuff you had. You stood in front of your door mirror making sure you looked decent enough to go outside. You had on a white halter crop top and and long black skirt that had a slit all the way up your thigh. You had some fishnets on as well, with some black combat boots. The skirt was loose enough to move around in. You grabbed a big black jacket to wear outside. It was cloudy and you weren't sure if it was going to rain or not. You grabbed you bag and put a couple of pre rolled blunts and a lighter in it, along with your wallet and some other things you will need.
You heard about a park that was practically a campground. It had a huge forest on one side and the campground on the other. There was a entrance where town's people can hike and walk the trails. You wanted to find a spot to smoke. A little hideout.
Once you got there, you started heading up, you wanted a nice view. You put your earpods in to avoid anyone. You passed some people here and there. Once you almost reached the top, there was a smaller path leading into a bush, but you couldn't help it and walked down it anyways. There was a little opening off to the side and you find a perfect clearing behind the bush. It was surrounded but big and little trees. Except for the clift, where you could see the water and some cabins. You thought it was secluded enough to smoke.
You took your earphones out incase anyone were to sneak up on you. You then smoke and think. You sat on a rock and also played some soft music. It was around six pm and the sun was starting to go down. It felt way too good to be true when you looked up from your phone and seen the sun setting on the other side of the city, passed the camp site. You could practically see everything. You didn't know if it was because you were a blunt in a half, but it was just so beautiful. It gave you hope for this new city.
The lighting was really pretty, so you pulled snapchat out and started to play around with it and you smoke the rest of your second blunt. You took some selfies and post them. You even took some videos. When the lighting was really golden, you took a big hit while recording. As you were blowing out a guy popped out behind you in your video, and it scared the fuck out of you. You quickly stand up, dropping your phone in the process.
“Fuck” You look down and grab your phone. You wanted to cry when you seen that it was shattered, there was no way you were going to be able to get another one right now. You were living off of your savings right now, until you got a job.
“Shit, is it okay?” His voice was deep, making you look back at him. His hair was longer, covering his eyes a bit. But it was messy so his eyes poked through a bit. They were wide and you realized that he didn't even know you were there. You sighed and turned your phone to him.
“What do you think?” You sounded irritated and he noticed right away. He felt so bad. It was all his fault, he thought.
“I'm sorry, no one really knows about this spot, so you kind of startled me.” He looks down nervously. That gave you a second to look at him more. He had on a large button down and it was tucked it. It looked really smooth, soft, and silky. His pants were black, tight around his waist, but were extremely loose all the way down. You were confused to how he looked so good but in such loose clothing.
“I'm sorry for intruding on your area. I was getting ready to go anyways.” You put your phone in your bag and walked towards the entrance. But he quickly steps in front of it and pulls out a plastic baggy with two rellos and some nugs of weed.
“Let me smoke you down.” He smiles a bit. The vibe he gave you wasn't a dangerous one, but he still made you nervous.
“What kind of rellos?” You ask, raising your brow.
“Ew.” You cringe and you walk around him, walking down the hill.
You were almost to the entrance when a guy walks passed you, his red hair catching your eye.
“Hey, were you at the top? Have you seen a guy with longer hair, kind of baggy clothes?” He asks. His hair was parted and styled back a bit, he was in black cargo pants and an oversized black shirt.
“Um yeah. If we are thinking about the same person yeah.” You nod and turn to walk away. But his voice stops you again. “Wait, i've never seen you here before. Town isn't that big…”
“I just moved here.” You say nodding once again.
“Oh!, well I'm Jeongguk. Guessing by your eyes, you're into something I am. Match sometime?” He asks smiling at you. His eyes were so bright and hopeful.
“If you ever see me again, sure.” You turn around and walk home.
The rest of the night, you finished unpacking your clothes and ordered food, since you didn't have any food in your home yet.
You wondered if everyone in this town looked like the two guys you've seen today. If you, you needed to move ASAP because you can't handle it. You're a fool for even thinking that they were made for you. But you were highly upset that you didn't take his offer. He seemed nice, they both did. But your stubborn attitude pushed them away. You could’ve had friends.
Over the next week, you've put in over thirty job applications, just needing options. You've also managed to get your home put together. You bought a new tv and couch. But everything else you had. You just finished putting up one of your last paintings. One that you did. It was abstract. Something you did when you were really high. It was the rasta colors with black and grays added.
It was almost midnight, and you decided to go back to the spot and smoke a blunt. You hoped that since it was so late that there will be no one there.
You used the flashlight on your broken phone to make your way up. You did it quickly wanting to get there. You wanted to scream when you heard laughing. You peeked through seeing two figures there. There was a small fire and the tip of the clift, away from trees. The was soft music playing and it smelled like straight weed.
It was them.
“Are you guys always here?” You ask coming around the bush and into the secluded place. They jumped a bit and looked back at you.
“Not really in the mornings. We tend to sleep in.” Jeongguk said smiling. He stood up and walked towards you.
“Noted, I’ll come in the morning from now on.” You back away a little annoyed that you had to walk home.
“No wait! Did you already forget what you told me?” Jeongguk grabs your wrist, he pulls you gently toward the other. You didn't answer, unsure of what to say to him. “Mhmm, you said the next time I see you we can match. You look down at the other guy, with the long hair. Then back at Jeongguk.
“Right now?” You ask.
“Why not?” He shrugs. He sits on the ground, on top of a jacket he had, and he pointed at the other big rock, wanting you to sit there. You slowly sit down, unsure of this situation.
“No, fuck…” The guy on the other rock mumbles. “ I scared the fuck out of her and shattered her phone. I told her that I would smoke her down.”
“Oh damn, okay that's fine.” He grabs his backpack and pulls out supplies to roll a big Raw cone.
“It's fine. It was an accident. I brought a blunt.” You say pulling out your small clear makeup bag that contained it.
“No. Taehyung here broke your phone. The least he can do it smoke you down.” Jeongguk says passing your he joint. You sighed taking it, you gave them a soft smile. You were happy you knew both of their names now and that you didn't have to smoke your own weed. But also kind of felt nervous because they were hard on the eye, in a great fucking way. And because this weed won't be able to fix your phone. You light it and started to puff on it.
“So Yn here is new, where from?” Jeongguk asks. You frown at his words. Not wanting to discuss anything about your old town and your past there. You just keep smoking.
“Okay, well what do you like to do?” Taehyung asks. You pass the joint to Jeongguk but he waves his hand.
“All you.” He smiles.
“I like to smoke weed, and listen to music. I don't know really, it's usually just me, myself and I. But I do like shopping, I just hate going alone.” You shrug. God you sound like a loner.
“Oh same. Honestly, other than a few other things.” Taehyung nods. You felt really insecure. You hated when everyone's attention was on you. Why did they want to get to know you? You pass the joint to Jeongguk again and he actually takes it. You thank him for letting you lungs have a small break.
“So where do you live?”
“Why are you gonna stalk me?” You ask half serious. But they both laugh.
“No silly. We live together. Maybe if you live close, we can hang out” Taehyung laughs and hits the joint next.
“Well I live down the street in the first apartm-”
“ME FUCKING TOO!” Jeongguk gets up and smiles at the new found information.
Over the next couple of weeks. They were everywhere you were. They insisted on showing you everything in the town. You've tried their favorite food and you've seen all of the secret hideout. Either they were in your home or you were in theirs.
It was weird at first, since you never really hang out with people. But they made sure that you were comfortable.
Then it was like you knew them like the back of your hand. Taehyung was the big softy even though it seemed like he was quiet and edgy from the outside. Jeongguk was the serious one, he made sure to look you in the eyes all of the time, especially when he wants you to know he’s telling you the truth. It was so hard to think of them as only friends.
They took care of you, they gave you food and weed all of the time. Sadly no jobs have hired you yet.
They were too good to be true. They loved being around you, they loved your cat Jane. Words from their mouth. You always felt unsure.
One thing you hated was how touchy they were. How were you supposed to stop your heart from beating so fast when they hugged you and held you so often. How were you supposed to stop your heart from beating so fast when they helped you through some of your sad moments.
Taehyung got you a new phone and Jeongguk made some paintings for you home.
Ugh, you just feel like everything is moving so fast.
You are currently changing into pajamas, in the living room was Jeongguk waiting for you on the couch for movie night. Taehyung wasn't feeling to well. You both earlier took him some soup and books to read.
You were nervous, like always. You grabbed your soft blanket and you went into the living room. You looked over at them and smiles softly. Jeongguk sat on one side of the couch, his hair freshly dyed a berry red and his pajamas consisted of a black t-shirt and black plaid pants.
He looked over to you and smiled. He then patted the couch next to him, wanting you to sit next to him. You sighed wishing that you bought the chair that you seen at the store the other day. You walked over and sat on the other side of the couch. You propped your legs up so that he couldn't scooch any closer. He looked at you confused.
“Why don't you wanna sit next to me?”
“We are watching a movie. It's not like the view it better when i'm next to you.” You laugh it off grabbing the remote and pressing play.
“Well it is for me.” He pouts, but he grabs one of the blunts that he rolled while you were changing.
You then turned off the only light that was on other than the tv. With the lamp behind you off now, it was quiet dark You couldn't see Jeongguk that well except the tv light casting on his face. He lights the blunt and starts to smoke it.
You both watch the movie and smoke two blunts along with it. It was a comedy.
It was a time like this where you could climb onto his lap and start to kiss his soft lips. But then this is the time to also hide away and cry your pain away. You knew damn well that you weren't his type. You wish you could just get over these feelings.
Towards the end of the movie, you felt his fingers grab your foot. But you snatch it back and gave him a questioning look.
“I was going to massage your feet.” he looks at you with a ‘duh’ expression. But that just makes you laugh.
“Are you serious.” Your laugh dies out. “And just the other day Taehyung tried to give me a back massage.” You smile. “ You guys are hilarious. You should save those hands for a future girlfriend.”
“Right.” He tries to grab your feet again, but you tuck them away from him.
“Ha ha ha.” You roll your eyes. That made you realize that you just smoked two blunts and that you were indeed high as fuck. “Stop playing with me. I don't think my heart can handle it.” You were serious but made it sound like a joke. He didn't say anything back.
When the credits were rolling, you turned the lamp back on.
“So are you spending the night or going home?”
“I don't want to stay with Taehyung or I’ll be sneezing out of my ass.” He shakes his head. You shook your head at his words and gave him a little laugh.
“Whatever Gguk. Goodnight.” You say standing up. But he stops you. In fact, in a blink of an eye he was on one side of the couch to the other. His body was stuck to yours and his arms around you.
“Ill stay with you instead.” he says. You tried to stand up, and you thought he might actually let you. But instead he just pulls you back down onto his lap. He moves your body so that you were facing him.
“Jeongguk, i'm tired.”You whine, trying to get out of his hold.
“You know, I'm really happy that I met you.” He mumbles against your head.
“You both always tell me.” You sigh. You might have sounded mean, but they literally tell you this all of the time.
“I'm serious, you make me so happy.” His arms tighten around you, giving you a firm back hug.
“Why are you all sappy tonight? We watched a comedy last time I checked, not a romance.” You turn and look at him. His eyes raised and looked into yours. The whites of his eyes were slightly red, and they were lower. His hair was messy and loose since there wasn't any products in it.
He breathing got heavy, and he didn't say anything. You were stuck wondering what he was thinking. He grabbed one of your hands and brought it up to his chest. You felt his heart beating faster than normal.
“Are you too high or something?” You mumble. He sticks his tongue into his cheek.
“Wanna go out to eat tomorrow night?” He asks you softly, confusing you because he changed the subject.
“I promised Taehyung a movie night tomorrow.” You pout a bit, wanting the food.
“No, it's okay. Don't pout.” He murmurs. He grabs your face with one of his hands. With the other he leans both of you down and he buries his face into your neck.
Your eyes would've gave away your uneasiness, but thankfully his eyes were closed. One hand around your waist, holding you close and the other hand against your chest, holding your face close to his.
“G-gguk.” You whisper trying to look at him, but he just sticks his head further into your neck, hiding his face away.
“Shh, I just want to sleep with you next to me.” His words brushed against his your skin, your skin gaining shivers. This is the closest he has ever been to you.
Sure he's given lingering hugs, or his hands would hold your arm or wrist, so that you would stay close. You’d never give him your hand, you would be crossing the friendship line.
This, right now is crossing the line. But you can't just push him off and go to your room, he was in a weird mood and you didn't want to hurt his feelings. As his friend you can stay here and comfort him.
“Ill stay, but i'm not comfortable like this.” You words breaking the little silence episode that was happening. Jeongguk opened his eyes and let you go. You got up and turned off the lamp. He moved a bit so you could have more room to get comfortable. But you shake your head and hold your hand up.
“My bed is much more comfortable than this. Plus you're in Jane’s favorite sleeping area.” You say looking down at your cat sleeping soundly on the floor. Since it was dark you couldn't see what his face looked like, but he got up and grabbed your hand. You freaked and pulled him towards your room. You tried to remove your hand from his, but he quickly realized and laced his fingers with yours. Your heart was beating extremely fast as you both walked down the hall.
Once you reach your room, you've managed to let him go, you get into bed and pat the other side for him. The moonlight coming from the window shined on his face. He looked down at you with this intense gaze.
He wasn't sure if this was safe for him. Should he lay in the same bed as you? He wanted to scream at Taehyung for getting sick. He was suppose to be here tonight, to take everything to the next step. But it wasn't like he got sick on purpose. In fact he was so upset that he refused to even come to movie night, because he didn't want to get you sick.
Taehyung is the calm and soothing one, not him. He knew he could make things intense. But shit, he didn't want to scare you.
His eyes bore into yours as he grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head. He walks to the other side and climbs in. You lay down, not wanting to take up his personal space. But two hands under the cover pulls you. One of his legs go over yours and his arms hold you in. You sighed, knowing that you won't be going anywhere for the rest of the night. You calmed down and fell asleep.
The next morning, you woke up to patterns being traced up your arm, around your neck and over your face. You knew it was Jeongguk, and when his finger got to around your eyes, you opened them.
“Good morning.” His voice was rough, like he had just woken up. His leaned over you, laying on his side and his arm holding his head up. One of his legs were still over yours, partially caging you in.
“Good morning Jeongguk. You smile. He was acting the same. Still so close. Usually, if they spend the night. They sleep on the couch, or on the floor. Sometimes one of them would end up in your bed, but they wouldn't be so close. As soon as they wake up, they would be asking what you wanted for breakfast, or what type of coffee.
But now, he won't stop staring at you. Making you question how you look, after just waking up. His eyes roam over your face, landing below on your lips everyone now and then. You ask him if he wants to wake and bake, but he doesn't say anything. You ask him if he’s hungry. He just frowns and licks his lips.
Every possible reason going through your head, you wanted an answer. Why was he acting like this? You've dismissed every possible answer if it involved anything more than friends...but what if? He was still tracing patterns on your skin, looking everywhere but your eyes.
“Jeongguk…” You say his name, his head leans up towards you, his eyes catching onto yours. You lick your lips, unsure of what to say. But his eyes snap to your lips, watching you. Now your heart was beating fast.
“Do you want to kiss me?” You heart stopped then, everything was too much. You literally just said that out loud. You were getting overwhelmed. But no one would be able to tell on the outside. So you knew that you were getting yourself riled up for no reason. But this was a reason right?
Your words made his eyes pop back to yours. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. But he nods. Then it was like he let out his breath that he was holding. He nods faster, and pulls you closer, whining a bit. He leans down a bit, almost connecting your lips. But he stops.
“I can't.” his words stopped everything. Your face instantly fell into a frown. And Jeongguk knew he was fucked no matter what happens now. He can’t kiss you because he agree with Tae to wait until you all were together. He knows how easy it was to piss you off. How easy it was for you to shut everyone out.
“Get off of me then.” You voice was cold, unlike the nervous one before.
“Yn, wait.” He tries to stop you, but you pushed him off of you and you left the room. You didn’t want to be near him anymore. Not after he just embarrassed, and played with you like that. You go into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You thankfully grabbed your phone before and you hooked it up to the stereo system in your bathroom. Really like a $10 speaker. You turned it up full blast with your most hypest music and got into the shower. You didn’t want to hear him. And thankfully you couldn’t hear him banging on the door to let him in.
When you got out of the shower, and he nowhere to be found. You took a deep breath, unable to get what happened out of your mind. Now how were you supposed to be around him?
You finished getting ready for the day in a sweat suit. You had to run a few errands before going to see Taehyung. When you were out, you got some popcorn and picked up the movie he wanted. On the way home. You stopped at the Gas Station needing some gas. And some candy. Going there was a last minute thought. And you really wished you didn’t, because as soon as you got out of the car you seen Jeongguk. He was walking out of the store and his eyes went right to you. You quickly opened the door, you heard something drop and you looked back. You seen him drop the drink he had in his hand and was running towards you.
Full panic sets into you and you quickly step back around your door. Since your vehicle was taller, you had to step up. You lift your foot up and step up, and you’re spun around in place. You look at Jeongguk, and was just below your eye level since you were up.
“Jeongguk what are you doing? People are around, and you’re practically manhandling me.” you nod towards his hands on your wrists. He doesn’t say anything for a second.
“Let go of me.” You sit down in your seat. His figure not letting your legs go in.
“You don’t understand.” He mumbles. But you just scoff.
“No, I understand. You like to play with people's feelings. I should’ve known that the first time I seen you.” You push his arms off of your and you get into your car all the way.
“Yn” You slam your door in his face and left, forgetting about the gas.
Jeongguk pulls out his phone and rings Taehyung.
“Whats up Gukkie?” Taehyung still sounded a bit stuffed, but better than before.
“I fucked up.” His voice sounded painful, putting Tae on alert.
“What? What happened?” Jeongguk went on about what happened. He knew he was going to be yelled at, so he started walking down the street. Sure enough, Tae did.
Taehyung was the type to plan, he liked things done smoothly. Unlike Jeongguk, his liked to dive right in, and take what he wants. Jeongguk realized a while ago that he had to take it slow, but last night he couldn't control himself.
“Fuck, she just messaged me saying that she doenst feel good. She isn’t coming over.” Taehyung's voice saddened as his words went on. Jeongguk felt disappointed in himself.
“I'm sorry.”
“It was probably to soon anyways.”
At first you planned on avoiding them for a couple of days. But then you got a call from a grocery store from down the street. They were calling about the application you had put in, they wanted a loyal employee, because they were sick of teenagers applying and quitting. You agreed right away.
Those couple of days turned into weeks. Three to be exact. You didn't completely avoid them. They would ask to hang out, over text or facetime, but you would tell them you had to work. You wouldn't tell them where though, when they ask, you would completely change the subject. Or tell them you had to go.
You just had to box up these stupid feelings like everything else and you should be fine. Just a couple more weeks.
But, when you see a couple of hands place down cookies and chips with some waters down on the table to check out. You looked up and seen an extremely stoned Jeongguk and Taehyung. You were afraid that this was going to happen.
Taehyung's hair was a bit shorter, his eyes were red from smoking, it looks like he had red makeup around his eyes. He had a button down dress shirt, it was a bit big.
Jeongguk with a headband under his hair, a blue oversized shirt with black cargo pants. His eyes matching Taehyung's, his eyes as red as his hair.
You quickly grab their snacks and ring them up.
“Did you guys find everything okay?” You ask putting the snacks in a paper bag. They don't reply. Jeongguk hands you a fifty dollar bill before you could even say the amount. You put their bag on the counter and he grabs it along with his change.
“H-have a nice day.” You give them a small smile and quickly look down at your cash drawer and close it. When you looked back up they were already walking away. You watched them leave, you watched as Taehyung grabbed Jeongguks hand pulling him faster.
They must not of known you worked here. They really wanted to get away. You sighed, and smiled as a lady came up to check out.
Towards the end of your shift. You waited for the next cashier to come and take over. Your feet were killing you and you just wanted to get home. Since you lived down the street, you walked everyday, needing the exercise. When she comes, you give her the key to the drawer and you grab your belongings and leave. You walked out of the front sliding door and walked towards your street.
You were just about to cross the street when a familiar Jeep pulls up in front of you. You were shocked to say the least. Did they really wait until you were done with your shift? You tried to walk around but they just scooted forward. You knew you wouldn't be able to go anywhere. You sighed and got in the back seat. There was a small rolling tray with a fat blunt sitting there.
“Smoke.” Taehyung says from the driver's seat, he then turns the music up and drives. The music was too loud to even try and talk to them. So you take a lighter out of your pocket and sparked up.
You watched the scenery out of the window as Taehyung drove around. They played some of your favorite music and joined you with their own blunts. No words spoken to one another.
By the time you were down to the glass tip, he was driving down your street, your heart started beating faster and faster. Your hands getting clammy. But you just take a deep breath in, hoping to calm your nerves.
Once they pulled in, you got out and walked towards the door, avoiding them a bit longer. You didn't say anything as they followed you. You buzzed in and walked up the stairs. Once you got to your door to unlock it, their bodies didn't stop until they were up against yours. Your hand was shaking a bit, missing the keyhole a bit.
Once you got in. Taehyung shuts and locks the door, something he always bugs you about because you seem to forget to lock it a lot.
“I'm gonna go shower.” You say and quickly go to the bathroom. Thankfully they didn't follow. You quickly showered and put some shorts and an oversized shirt. You stood in your room, in your mirror, talking to yourself. Preparing yourself, for either losing them as friends, or something else entirely. You aren't sure what you're scared of more. Whatever happened, you can't be a wimp.
You took a deep breath and walked into your living room. You expected them to be sitting there talking, not standing there, in almost the same position. Except their shoes and jackets were off.
Taehyung grabs your hand and pulls you towards the couch. You both sit down, and Jeongguk follows behind. Now you were sandwiched between them.
You weren't sure if you should speak first, or wait. You knew you were mean for what you did, everybody hates being avoided. But it just happens. Now with them so close, you almost forgot how good it felt to be near them.
You gave in and leaned into Taehyung, you snuggled yourself into him, and he happily welcomed you in. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
“Jeongguk told me what happened. He didn't mean to hurt your feelings, that wasn't his intentions. You have to know that.” Taehyung's voice was soft, but it still annoyed you. Did they not see what they do to you? You leaned up a bit to look at Taehyung in the face.
“So, if I leaned up…” Which you did. Your lips were moments away when you stopped. “Wanting to kiss you, but then don't because I ‘can't’” You but more diction on can't. Showing how annoyed you were. Taehyung's face didn't help. His stoned eyes looking dead into yours, he licks his lips and he started to lean forward a bit but you back away.
Now Taehyung understands what Jeongguk meant. Being that close, is almost impossible to keep himself in control.
“I don't know what's with you guys. But I think you need to get laid or something.” You can't assume that they like you. What if they didn't like you back? You would look dumb. You look dumb for even wanting both.
Apparently your little joke didn't settle with them. You didn't notice, but Taehyung looks over at Jeongguk and nods.
“I'll see you tomorrow, you and Jeongguk need some time together.” Taehyung grabs you face softly with his hand and he kissed you softly. Before you could react he grabs his jacket and shoes and leaves.
You still sat there, stunned, frozen, unable to move. You slowly turn your head to Jeongguk who was staring back and had a little smirk on his face.
“Did you just see what he did?” You ask, your voice barely coming out above a whisper. He laughs softly and he nods. Jeongguk was so happy. Not only did Taehyung give him the chance to redo his mistake, but he kissed her first. Which is what he wanted. So now Jeongguk was free to do whatever, with your consent of course.
“I know I assume things quickly, so talk before I freak myself out.” You cheeks were on fire at the moment. You wanted to know what he was thinking, before you start thinking for him. He leans forward, facing you more.
“You know I'm not good with my words.” His sighs, he looks everywhere but you. He had a slight frown; his thinking face.
“Well you can't show me apparently.” You roll your eyes. You started counting in your head, needing to calm down. You always get so defensive. Taehyung definitely kissed you sober.
“Now-now I can.”
You eyes met his, and they were big and glowing. He made sure to keep eye contact, so you knew he was serious. If something doesn't happen soon, he was going to explode. He never felt such a weird connection. Everytime he is around you, his body lights up and his mind can't stop running.
When he first seen you, walking down the hill. He did a double take, times two. He knew a quick way to get you to be comfortable with him, is to help you out and hang out with you as much as possible. If not, he would just be in bed thinking about you. You were such a closed off person, but once he got in… he was definitely a goner. Then he realized that Taehyung felt the same way. Jeongguk and Taehyung agreed that they didn't want to be in relationship with each other, just with you. They both have been friends for so long, that they understood each other so well. Sharing would be no problem. It was all up to you.
So when you avoided not just him but the both of them, he felt like he lost someone. He hated being so dramatic.
“Why did you avoid me for so long?” He asks you changing the subject. He wanted to catch you off guard. So he can show you his separate feelings for you.Not just kiss you because Taehyung did.
“Work” You quickly say. You look away wanting him to see your bluff. But he did anyways.
“That’s not that only reason.” He grabs your hand, pulling it into his lap and holding it firmly.
“I left my old town because of an ex. I don’t deserve anyone, and the fact that you and Taehyung just fell into my life. I knew it was a bad idea from the beginning.” You looked up at him. “I avoided you for so long because I needed to get rid of this want to be near you all of the time. Get rid of this stupid ass butterflies.” When his eyes widen at your words, you looked down embarrassed. “At some point you are going to leave me and I need to be ready. I hate getting attached so fast.” Your heart felt so heavy.
A hand comes in front of your face and to the other side of your face. It pushes your face towards Jeongguk’s. He meets you halfway. Everything was so fast, but it seemed to slow down when his lips got closer and closer. His eyes were squeezed shut. When his lips were connected to yours. You panicked a little on the inside because the butterflies were back. When you started to kiss him back, that’s when he let go. With both of his hands, he grabbed you and pulled you as close as he could to himself. He kissed you so hard and fast, as if you were going to disappear. He started to slow down and he pulled away. His lips were red and starting to swell. His breathing was uneven. He leaned his forehead on yours and look you in the eyes.
“As long as you want me to be here, I’ll be here. Taehyung too, we aren't going anywhere.” His voice touched your skin. Your whole body was on fire, and you couldn't even think straight. You would probably look down, but his hands held you in place.
“Gguk-” You raised your hands up to his. Needing him not to be so close right now. You don't know what to do. But what you did know is that you really, really wanted to kiss him again. His lips stopped you from talking any further. He knew what you were going to say, that you needed to think about it, but it's only to avoid him even further.
“Stop overthinking everything.” He sighs and leans back. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere. Taehyung still had to do his magic, and use his words. He knew that you would understand and realize that what you feel is okay, you were so oblivious.
“I haven't even told you why I randomly moved to this town. Yet-”
“That doesn't mean anything. You telling me that won't change the way I feel about you, nor Taehyung.”
He was practically telling you that they both liked you, not the way he wanted to confess but it gets the job done.
At this point, anything can happen and you wouldn't be surprised. You looked up at him, feeling your cheeks burn. His hair was all crazy and his face was almost as red as his hair. His eyes were on you, waiting.
You needed to really confirm this. Confirm these feelings, then you could move on to whatever was next. You sit up, you tuck your legs underneath you and face him.
“Come here.” You say. He frowns a bit, confused. But he gets up, in the same position as you. He looked down at you, waiting. “Kiss me.”
#stonerau#taehyung#jeongguk#jungkook#jeon jeongguk#jeon jungkook#kim taehyung#tae#kpop#au#ambw#friendtolover#angst#fluff
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Sam Winchester: Wanna go on a campin’ trip?
Pairing- Jared Padalecki x Reader (You)
Pov- Jared’s
Warnings- Implied Smut at the end, Falling in love fast, Fluff, Friends to lovers
Rating- Adult Mature
Summary-Jared a bachelor asks his long time best friend if she will come with him camping/ He hopes this trip he will be able to tell her how he truly feels about her. The only thing he hopes is that she feels the same way back.
Word Count- 2,237
I asked if Y/n would like to come with me camping. Something simple. Just so I can finally get some alone time with her. Y/n of course said yes not even wanting to waste any time thinking it through. One thing that I have always loved about her, she just does without thinking, or worrying about what will happen later on. She truly does live in the moment.
“When do we leave? Where are we staying? So you know no one thinks I ran away or got kidnapped, and what would you like me to bring with me for us?” Y/n asks. So many questions I thought to myself, but still, I answered all her questions.
“We leave tonight or tomorrow kind of all depends on you. Yellowstone National Park, it’s a drive away. It’s in Wyoming. You should bring with you a sleeping bag of course marshmallows and anything else you may personally need... Oh and also bring a big, comfy blanket and pillows for if you wanna stargaze at night. Also, we will be there for a week or 2 depends on the weather and on the number of people staying at Yellowstone park.”
She was typing away on her phone during the entire time I was talking writing down what looked to be a checklist of everything she was going to need to pack and get from the store.
“We leave tomorrow! I still need to pack and go to the store to get some things I know I’ll end up needing. So how about you come by the house and pick me up say 730-8 in the morning.”
She said all with the biggest smile written across her face as if I was the first person asking her to go on a trip and do something exciting with her. Her chocolate brown eyes looking back up at me from her cell. If I was a different person, a person with no self-control, a person with no regard for others. I am telling you right now I would have just made her mine on her marble countertops. Those damn eyes were to fucking beautiful, it was like they were grabbing at my soul and going ‘Your mine now!’ They made you wanna just love and love until you had nothing left to give that person anymore.
The next morning was wonderful, waking up and knowing that I was going to pick Y/n up and we were going camping for 2 weeks. The sunrise as I drove to Y/n house was absolutely beautiful. It almost seemed unreal that was until I drove up to her house, she was sitting on her porch all of her stuff sat next to her. Her suitcase and the rest of her luggage for the trip.
When she got up it took me a few minutes, never in all the years, I have known Y/n had she looked so beautiful. A plaid shirt some shorts that really showed off her ass, and her hair up in a high pony. She was gorgeous.
“You know a picture always lasts longer!” She said seeing as I was staring at her long enough for her to make her way down her porch stairs and to my SUV.
“Maybe I will,” I said sticking my tongue out to her. I got out helping Y/n put her things into the back. The first thing she did when she got into my car grabbed her blanket and pillow climbing into a ball fall back asleep. When Y/n finally fell asleep she did so while facing me, her long eyelashes covering her cheeks perfectly, the soft murmuring coming from her.
Several Hours Later
She woke up her eyes glistened over with sleep. “Morning sleepyhead,” I said to her she rolled her eyes. “It’s actually 2:30 in the afternoon, so it’s not the morning.” She said like she had beat me in whatever game she was playing, and was also thinking I was playing. Jeez the easy banter between the two of us was always unbelievable I thought to myself.
She pulled the blanket over her shoulder placing in the back seat, but as she moved the blanket from the front to back seat it happened to hit me in my right eye. “Great Aim,” I said, she looked overseeing that my eye was watering she started to laugh at me. “Looks like you suck at dodging!” “What, I am driving Y/n I’m not supposed to be hit with objects in the car!” We bantered back and forth until eventually the joke had been milked enough and it was nothing but a recent memory. The GPS in the background times stamp said we would make it to Yellowstone Park within the next 2 hours, so Y/n picked her phone up and grabbed the free AUX cord but not before she snapped a few pictures of our surrounding areas.
“Sure just change the music!” I said sarcasm dripping from my lips, Y/n looked over at me rolling her eyes pulling the AUX cord closer to her phone, and then plugging it into her phone. The first song to come up was Cruise a song written by Florida Georgia Line, as the song began Y/n pulled her hair down from the high pony letting her hair flow down to her shoulders. After getting comfortable with her hair being on her shoulders now she turned the dial-up causing the music to vibrate the stereo in my SUV.
After doing so, she reached rolling down her window and then reached over me her back arched and ass pretty much handing out her window. If she had stayed any longer in the position I think I might have pulled over and made her body ache for me. The smell of her perfume and her body cascading over me, a small moan escaping from my lips. She looked over at me her eyebrows knitted “What was that?” She asked, “Um.. probably my tires!” I said trying to blame the very obvious moan on something completely different.
The rest of the trip was quiet music playing in the background. A smooth rest of the drive, with Y/ns light singing in the background. As we entered the park, the headlights of my SUV shining onto people's cars and their distant tents. I parked, looking around trying to see if I could find the little cabin-like building that I rented out the day pier. Y/n and I jumped out of the car walking to the back grabbing our personal belongings and walking to the front desk checking in. The only thing I hadn’t told Y/n was that I had gotten a cabin-like building father into the woods but not so far that we couldn’t see the parking lot.
We walked up the dirt path, the conversation quiet since I was trying to look for this building. Finally, we came up to a small, but cute building, Y/n looked over at me “Is this right Jare? Aren’t we supposed to be tenting this bitch up?” She asked, “Umm, first of all tenting this bitch up I love that! And yes this is the right building and see as this was the first time going camping together I’d thought you’d much rather be in a somewhat building then sleeping on the dirt and bugs being around.” I said.
The cabin only had a bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen with an island, a little living room, and a porch with a few sliding chairs. After the two of us looked around the small cabin, Y/n set her things down alongside my own. She looked around the expression of amazement crossed her face and then confusion when she noticed there was only one bedroom. I was in the kitchen packing the few food items I had packed and that Y/n had packed.
“So what’s the plan, Man?” I heard Y/n ask from behind me. I rolled my eyes at her normal antics “The plan man is to start a fire, roast some marshmallows, hopefully, smell like smoke and then go to sleep I guess we’ve got a couple of days to figure out what we wanna do during the day.” I said “FIRE!” She screamed at the top of her lungs I turned around quickly slapping my hand over her mouth “ Are you crazy? We are in the woods with other people you can’t just scream fire!” I said. She looked up at me her eyes were definitely devious almost as if she liked my hand over her mouth. The only thing that pulled me from my thought was Y/n licking my hand and then giggling when I pulled it away.
“Yes, I am definitely CRAZY jare!” She said to bring her thumbs to her temples and moving her other things while sticking her tongue. She always had a way of making me laugh. We went outside the both of us holding the necessary items to make smores and roast the marshmallows. Roasting marshmallows at 7 with the sunset in front of us only made the moment in my eye look so much more beautiful.
After several smores, and deep conversations and very deep thoughts. We walked inside leaving the fire to die eventually, The smell of smoke sticking to our clothes, Y/n took to the showers first, and afterward, I followed getting the smell of the smoke of my hair. I walked out with my sweatpants, and a blue tee on, Y/n looked over at me “So I’ll sleep on the couch it’s small enough for me.” she said Y/n had on a pair of black shorts and an oversized shirt that had some writing across the back.
“Now you know for a fact that I’m not going to allow you to sleep on that couch. We can both fit on this bed it is a queen size bed anyways.” I said smirk just enough to feel it on my face. We had actually slept in the same bed or on my couch spooned together many times over the course of our friendship. It wasn’t something that was ever a problem.
‘Fine, Jare You win this one.” Y/n said in a sad voice but automatically her eye lite up when she climbed into the soft sheets and made contact with her skin. The moan of relief and comfort. I climbed into bed after her the comfort of and relief of the sheets also making me moan.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder bringing her body closer to mine even with it being the end of summer beginning of fall. It was rather cold in the cabin, I was deep in thought when Y/n asked me a question. “Why’d you invite me to come with you?” It was a hard question to answer without giving the real truth away, so I said “I just thought you’d wanna spend some time away from everything, and just let everything fly away.” My tone serious. “We all know that’s a big fat lie, Jared,” she said back to me, still keeping the strong eye contact almost scaring me into really telling her why.
“Okay, if you think it’s a lie then you tell me why I asked you to come with me camping?” I said. Too afraid to tell her so maybe just maybe she would really know why I had asked her to tag alongside me. “You asked me to come along because you don’t wanna do this alone anymore. Look Jared you and I have been a friend for a long fucking time you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if you loved me.” The last bit of her statement was a shocker. , something that I hadn’t been ready for.
I had never thought in a million years she would guess why I had brought her with me. The silence only gave her an answer to what she was wondering. As we laid in the shared bed hand made its way to her cheek, a simple graze of my finger over her cheek. I came down to her level our eyes connecting, unlike any other time we had stared at each other.
I guess my not so confession and the fact that we were so close together got our blood both rising, so much that I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. She looked at my eyes and then my lips going back and forth for a few seconds before slamming her lips to mine. A moment that I wasn’t sure was ever going to happen, her lips god they’re smooth, plump and so damn addictive.
Somehow in the few minutes of kissing, she had placed herself on top of my lap, my hands automatically landing on her hips. Y/n pulled away from the kiss enough to reposition herself, and to say “What took you so fucking long?” I kissed her again pulling her down closer to me. “Afraid you might not feel the same?” I asked but was rather telling her. Y/n than kissed me and came back up, “Afraid? Really that’s all you got. Well, I personally think that you wanted nothing more than to be with me for the longest of time just needed me alone.” Y/n said rather quickly coming back down to nip at a stop behind my ear.
“It would help if you took sweats off you know” She with a wink.
#jared padalecki#supernatural x reader#jared x reader#supernatural fic#friendtolovers#sweetheart#cute#camping
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So this is my very first Tumblr blog if you could call it that.
Recently i got into a relationship with one of my best friends. Yes i know, nothing special about it or this happens everyday.
But neither of us ever thought we would feel this way about each other. 5 years ago i had the privilege of meeting this lady and after a month or so we became the closest of friends and no matter what the time or what we were up to, if the one needed the other we were always there for each other. After a few hartbreaks and a load of meaningless relationships from both our sides we finally realized what we've been searching for was right in front of our eyes the whole time. We understand each others pain, happiness and we know each others deepest thoughts with out even speaking of it.
So after my worst break up yet we got together and we sat on the patio and spoke about life for almost 10 hours straight and note this was only support from one friend to another.
Not long after just talking we realized what time it was so she offered to sleep over at my place since it was 11pm already. So as we headed on in we decided to watch a movie and as fate might have it, its a rom com.
So while watching the movie I let something slip out and i told her that i have had a low key crush on her for like 2 years (note this was before my last relationship).
She completely freaked out about it but not like psycotic more like happily and she mentioned that she had been feeling the same for almost 3 years..
So the next day i had to head out to the shops and i invited her for breakfast. This soon turned into a daily thing and before we knew it these meaningless little breakfasts or stay overs became a more frequent thing. We started taking each other out to dinners amd so forth, making us seen in public together.
This later turned into occasional dates it even went as far as inviting each other over for family functions as a plus one or what ever.
So about 3 months in we became more and more attached to one another realizing that this is what we both want and need, but me being insecure and not wanting to throw away the friendship we had I never really wanted to tell her exactly how i feel.
This continued for almost another 2 months and I finally pulled myself together and built up the courage to tell her and show her how i feel... We've been together for a month now and I honestly couldnt have asked for a beter woman in my life. The fact that she supports me through any and everything and constantly making a point of it to make me feel wanted in her life is more than i can ask for and i wouldnt change that for anything
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from the way he was noticing her mood, she cleared up her face. but that was a bad idea because he can easily catch her lying. so she sighed, her fingers fiddling with each other as she was getting nervous. “jungkook...” she starts, then glances up at him, “we need to talk.” she walks to the living room that was spot on empty. only a lamp displayed in sight. “its about you...” she says uneasily, “and your wedding.”
"My wedding?" Jungkook's large eyes widened further as he puzzled over your words. "What about it? Wait--don't tell me you won't be able to go?" he asked. "I already let you off bridesmaid duties, so you don't have to worry about anything and just come to enjoy the open bar." he joked. Gina had asked you to be a bridesmaid but he had quickly interfered--he was well aware that you had more than friendly feelings for him and didn't want rubbing salt in the wound. You were one of his closest and truest friends, which was why he didn't want you to be missing on his special day. "Come on, what's troubling you?"
#friendtolover!jungkook#kookiecloudgiaw#bts rp#jungkook rp#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fic#bts jungkook#bts roleplay#bts fic#bts fanfic#bts angst#bts au
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🗡️‿➹⁀🖤‿➹⁀❣️‿➹⁀🖤‿➹⁀🗡️ Pre-order Sinful Secrets for .99 and get a complimentary book from Verlene Landon! https://books2read.com/u/49QjOw Details on how to receive your ebook are in the promo poster below. #Contemporary #Anthology #FriendtoLovers #SecondChance #Romance #PreOrder 🗡️‿➹⁀🖤‿➹⁀❣️‿➹⁀🖤‿➹⁀🗡️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8m1qRFA2y5/?igshid=1w3jo1ofehibd
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#kalimba, #kalimbamusic, #kalimbacover, #talktogod, #godanswersprayer, #injesusname, #friendtolove, #godhears, #godisfaithful, #trustingod, #godisgood, #godislove, #prayer
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In The Works :)
A/N: Just wanted to pop in and say that yeah, I might take my sweet ass time writing these, but like, pls cut me some slack. My fellow writer's out there know how tragic it is to easily come up with an idea but then realize you have to write all the way up to the actual point of the story :')
;Something New - a Yuta x Fem!reader fic which includes consensual non-consent (requested)
Binky Princess - a Daddy!Jaemin x Little!reader fic which is based around CGL (requested)
Sugar Cane, Black Champagne - A sugardaddy!Johnny x neutral!reader au
Pillow Talk - A Jaemin x Fem!reader college!au which includes heavy angst, rough smut, and tooth-rotting fluff.
Dirty Secret - A camboy!Haechan x Fem!reader. Includes a lot of shameless smut 🤡
Who Is In Control? - A Dom!Youngjae x Fembrat!reader.
I Do What I Want - a Daddy!Young k x Fembrat!reader. Teehee 🤡
Dirty Habits - A badboy!Hongjoong x Fem!reader in a roommate!au. Angsty as fuck in the middle but is very soft in general.
Friends Don't Kiss - A friendtolovers!au with Sub!San x Domme!Reader
Accidents Happen - A threesome between the reader and Woosan. Pretty fluff :)
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예쁜 일러스트 선물 감사합니다~! 심쿵!! 🙈💕 #Repost @_jung_ss ・・・ 스탠딩 에그 - 친구에서 연인(friend to lover) 🐠넘 이쁘자너.....🐠 . #스탠딩에그 #친구에서연인 #팬아트 #standingegg #friendtolover #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVPzb0FDCF/?igshid=28c85hxbewaa
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When Sparks Fly - 2021
I am posting an honest review after reading an advance reader copy (ARC) of this story.
I am on the fence about this story. I came to care about the characters almost halfway through. For people approaching 30 Avery & Declan lived like they were still in a college dorm, frat house mentality. I found it annoying. They're both very messed up about relationships, due to parents, friends and cheating partners. Declan is so afraid of turning out like his parents that he becomes a one-night-stand guy. Ugh. They redeemed themselves by the end so there is a HEA. My disinterest in the main characters is the reason I've given only 3 stars.
#HelenaHunting #WhenSparksFly #StMartin'sGriffin #contemparyromance #friendtolover
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A whole new gay romance series.
I wrote After they came home during #PTSDawareness month last year, writing during covid took me sometime to get used to it.
Four the first 4 covers I chose stock pictures, that fit the characters I'm writing for, the first book up is our ex Captain Sam Richardson, the first is a friends to lovers book, or a gay for you. Rafe comes out and finds it freeing he's finally able to become himself.
There is an overarching storyline for each book, even though each book has a whole new couple or triad in each book. There is a warning on these for triggers, which is PTSD, Accidental on page suicide, it was actually going to be only a memory, I was told by my beta reader to make Sam more vulnerable for the readers, show the side of him, that show how he's dragged himself back from the bootstraps.
#newrelease #newbooks #malemaleromance #bisexual #gayromance #friendtolovers #solarflash #militaryromance
Series Name; Solar Flash.
Book 1, After We, Came Home.
Author Frances Regan
During the summer of 2072, the British Army deploys two special forces teams to Afghanistan to rescue and bring home four scientists. An IED explosion rips apart the mission.
Samuel (Sam) Richardson, Ex-Captain of the British Army's elite special forces team, SF1 lives with CPTSD, and a catalogue of guilt from losing men under his command. The need to know why an IED went off in a supposedly cleared area—that plays on his mind, over and again, the voices of the past that haunt him.
What's left of his team scatter and return to civilian life to heal.
Ten years later, Sam is slowly healing, finding solace with his best friend Raphael Taylor. A chance conversation with an old commander brings information about a new medical advancement Sam wants for his team. Though finding them sets Sam and Rafe upon a course of action that will change all their lives forever.
After we Came Home, is a Male/Male Romance.
Trigger Warnings are in the front of each book.
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#NewRelease Tour
Pieces of Us:
Sinners of Seattle Novel
MM Romance
by Claudia Burgoa
We bonded through music. We’re bound by sins.
Music might save us.
Pieces of Us by Claudia Burgoa is now live!
Music brought us together. Tragedy bonded us forever.
The Sinners of Seattle were the only family I knew.
That's where I met Ethan "Kill" Killion.
Both of us had bad childhoods. We knew all about unrequited love.
You know what they say... misery loves company.
We shared firsts.
We shared nights.
One of us fell in love. It wasn't him.
After the band broke up, Kill became the CEO of a communications firm.
Turns out, suits suit him. He's found success.
And he's getting married.
He's marrying someone who can't understand him.
Who has no idea what it's like to lose control.
Not to have a future.
I'm trying to stay sober, but it's hard when my world has crumbled.
Unrequited love can destroy you. I know.
But just one call from him reignites our spark.
Now there's no stopping it.
When things get dark, I don't care if I am shattered into pieces.
I just need one last time.
A sexy, angsty, excruciating emotional MM friends-to-lovers rockstar romance by USA Today Bestselling Author Claudia Burgoa. The first book in the Second Chance Sinners duet will leave you with a cliffhanger that might make you lose your breath.
#SinnersofSeattle #Ethan #Zeke #mmromance #SecondChanceSinners #friendtolovers #ClaudiaBurgoa #gayromance #Zethan #Angstyromance #PiecesofUs #LGTBQIAromance
@Author_ClaudiaB @valentine_pr_
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