The REBEL Blog: by sara aasen
29 posts
Life of a 23y/o Norwegian entrepreneur and skincare enthusiast. Founder of REBEL Skincare launching spring 2017. Follow my journey, get to know me, and gain knowledge in innovative skincare from around the world as well as start-up life. Only original photos.
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
FAQ om Indiegogo Crowdfunding Kampanjen
Hva er crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding blir oversatt til folkefinansiering på norsk, og er en finansieringsmetode for prosjekter og små bedrifter som er i en start-fase der penger er essensielt for å realiseringen av det. Om mange bidrar litt kan det fort gi liv til en ny bedrift som kan bidra til å skape arbeidsplasser, øke skatteinntekter, samt fremme samfunssutvikling.
Hvorfor skal jeg donere/støtte?
Som mange vet kreves det en del kapital for å få stablet et selskap på beina. Som nylig utdannet og uten inntektsgivende fulltidsjobb, er det begrenset med penger å hente i form av lån hos bankene, men jeg tror så mye på dette prosjektet og visjonen vår at jeg nå satset alle pengene som var igjen etter studietiden, bor hos foreldrene mine og vasker kontorer og skrubber toaletter som en deltidsjobb - men dette er en drøm jeg ikke vil gi opp! Etter hardt arbeid et halvt år er alt som står i veien å skaffe nok kapital til å fullføre minimumsorderen som er gitt av produsentene og det er derfor jeg nå spør om deres hjelp.
Kan jeg bruke VIPPS?
Du kan absolutt bruke VIPPS! Da sender du til REBEL's bedrifts nummer: 92239
Dersom du støtter $50 eller mer via VIPPS vil du automatisk komme på REBEL Wall of Fame, men ingen produkter vil bli tilsendt.
Alle monner drar, og ingen sum er for liten! :)
Kan man bare gi penger, uten å velge en perk?
Ja. Da trykker du bare på den rosa knappen over perksene der det står "BACK IT".
Hva er perks?
Perks er goder dere kan velge å motta. Ved å velge en "perk" som inneholder produkter vil det si at du forhåndsbestiller det produktet og du vil dermed motta det i postkassen til den estimerte tiden. Les mer om de ulike godene nedover på denne siden.
Hvordan forhåndsbestille produkter, og samtidig støtte REBEL i oppstartsfasen?
Du kan velge hvilken som helst pakke og i tillegg legge til en donasjon etter eget ønske i det du går videre etter man har trykket på perken man ønsker. Eller du kan velge en perk som koster $50 eller mer og dermed bli annerkjent på vår Wall of Fame.
Hva er REBEL Wall of Fame?
REBEL Wall of Fame vil i første omgang være en virituell vegg på vår nettside der alle som gav et oppstartsbidrag vil få navnet sitt. Vi har 3 varianter av denne til ulik pris og innhold. Dette er en ypperlig måte å både få produkter og samtidig bli annerkjent som bidragsyter.
Blir jeg med på Wall of Fame dersom jeg ikke velger en av de pakkene?
Dersom du velger en enkel produktpakke til $20, $30 eller $35 må du legge til en fri donasjon for å komme med på REBEL Wall of Fame slik at totalsummen blir $50 eller mer.
Alle som bidrar med $50 eller mer kommer automatisk med på listen over bidragsytere.  
Kan man være annonym?
Direkte hva går pengene til?
Pegene som samles inn her vil gå direkte til innkjøpskostnader av produktet;  selve produksjonen, samt import og distribusjon.
Vil det påkomme fraktkostnad?
Vi ønsker gratis frakt av våre produkter i Europa, så det vil det også være her! Utenfor Europa vil det påløpe en kostnad på $5 ekstra for frakt i denne kampanjen.
Når mottar jeg produktene?
Med forutsetning om at denne kampanjen går så bra som vi håper vil dere mest sannsynlig motta produktene i siste halvdel av Juni.
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi there!
The time that I have been working so hard towards for the past 2.5 months is finally here!! On Monday REBEL is launching it’s crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, and it’s the first chance for our patiently waiting fans to secure themselves the very first sheet masks! 
I am so excited I almost can’t sleep at night! I will keep you posted here on the blog so stay tuned! 
Hugs n kisses!! 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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Last Thursday I attended a gathering for entrepreneurs hosted by Gjøvik Business Development. It was very interesting and inspiring to listen to successful entrepreneurs that made a living out of doing what they are passionate about. Being in the early stages of creating a new business is very hard, and there are ups and downs almost every day.. and some days you just want to quit everything, so getting some inspirational refill and meet like-minded people in the same situation is very important, and gives me motivation to keep going!! 
Sara Aa. 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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In the VITA’s beauty magazine. Masks are definitely trending also this year, and I’m not surprised.. The only thing I’ve added in my skincare routine are sheet masks the last year, and my skin has dramatically improved and I’m super happy - so keep masking guys! 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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A while ago, in the even earlier stages of REBEL we did a shoot in New York.. and as I yesterday went through my iPhone (which has been bugging me for weeks now with the “storage is almost full” pop-up) I went down memory lane, and found these pictures that brought me back to a fun day! Nothing is better then when you have friends that got your back and makes themselves available to join your crazy ideas... #lovemygals
Sara Aa. 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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In my travel bag;
Whenever I travel I like to keep my bag as light as possible, but still covering the most essential. A good book to keep your mind occupied, yet relaxed. Headset! A must especially on the plane. Sometimes I don’t even have music on, but just wear them to keep the noise out. A good body mist to at least feel fresh even though all you want is a shower.. Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream  - a rescue for anything.. lips, skin, soar heels. A mineral powder to control oily skin. No matter where I go I always bring sunglasses. I had lasik surgery on my eyes 5 years ago, and since then I’m very sensitive to light, so that I always bring with me! Lastly, a good hand cream.. maybe the most important (except my phone...). This one is from “Other Stories” and definitely a favorite. 
Sara Aa
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
A small teaser..
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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I hope everybody had a fabulous weekend! I certainly did. I was in Stockholm to meet with REBEL’s product developers to finalize the sheet masks that are soon ready to hit the market! I couldn’t be more excited to have partnered up with Bio Sensor Laboratories. 
This weekend package design has been in focus, but we have also made a tutorial video and visited different upscale beauty salons downtown Stockholm. One of them was the amazing stylist Helene Hagman who has come up with a whole new concept where the clients come into her studio and can get a whole make-over. She has one room for styling, one for hair and make-up, one for massages and skin treatments, and a cozy kitchen for the clients to have a fika, work, or just relax. The whole place is like an apartment, with a comfortable at-home atmosphere. Helene will be one of the first to offer REBEL sheet masks and I couldn’t be more excited and happy to have such an extraordinary stylist and fellow female entrepreneur on our team!  (picture from
Sara Aa. 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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Checking in as I’m back at the office in Norway. Sun is shining on the white snow outside the window and the temperature isn’t too nasty! As for REBEL; package design is still the main focus - and as of now the color scheme is white and gold going for a classic, yet minimalistic and insta-friendly look! Haha I recently learned that word - and I think it is such a good one! At the end of this week the plan is to go to Stockholm to have a final face-to-face design meeting, so up in the air again..
I am also working on a more permanent marketing strategy as I’ve come home with new ideas and inspiration! Our Kickstarter campaign is launching soon (hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks) and then there are all sorts of logistics in terms of packaging, shipping, and eventually getting the online store/web page up and running..  so a lot is going on!
Sara Aa. 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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Here are my skincare favorites for beachy vacays. It includes:
- A salt water spray to keep those beach waves looking fresh all day. 
- Sunscreen with at least SPF 30 + a lip balm (here from Elisabeth Arden that has been a favorite for years)
- Hair oil to moisture the ends
- Mineral powder with SPF
- Razor is a must and the “Flawless” post wax and shave serum helps prevent red spots and ingrown hair. The serum is very good, but needs to be used consistently over several months before you see results. 
- I also like to bring with me a talcum powder to use post wax/shave or on the feet when wearing closed shoes. This is an excellent tip to prevent sweating.
I only have a few days left in Brazil before I’m going back to Norway for a couple of days, and then hopefully Stockholm is next! 
Sara Aa.  
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
creative people
risk takers. color outside the lines. think with their heart. make a lot of mistakes. hate the rules. work independently. change their mind a lot. dream big. 
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rebelskincare-blog · 8 years ago
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