#friend's cat is the cutest
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miyku · 11 months ago
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gothamite-rambler · 2 months ago
Cheetahs meow like cats, I'm not kidding... So here's Jason Todd and Damian finding that out
Batman had to forcibly drag Red Hood away as he tried to pet the meowing Cheetah.
Red Hood (reaching out to the cute, but dangerous cheetah): NOOOOO! Let me pet them! They squeaky!
Batman (scolding dad voice): Stop it! They're dangerous animals!
Red Hood broke away and attempted to run back to the cheetah sanctuary. Batman managed to grab him again and dragged him away while Robin!Damian attempted to sneak over to the cheetahs as well.
Red Hood: They're big cats and friend shaped!
Batman: STOP IT! Friend shaped is not a thing! You are embarrassing me!
Red Hood (whining): This is so unfair! I knew you didn't love me.
Batman: For the hundredth time this year, protecting your impulsive ass means I love you very much! Robin, don't think about petting the cheetah either!
Robin (pouting): Dang it.
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89cats · 9 months ago
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I love you, kitten 😭
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belles1011 · 5 months ago
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months ago
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Do I angle my lil acrylic stands so it looks like they are holding hands, so I can look over at them while I work and get the tiniest lil serotonin rush?
Yes I do.
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tyunderella · 3 months ago
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look at this cutie :3 i was writing a yeonjun fic because i'm waiting for my friend to come back from work and i'm bored but he has the cutest cat... i feel like i need to show this cutie to everyone (2 people will see this post but still)
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archive-of-the-lost · 2 months ago
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞! — @tillichan
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You grew up with your cousin Anri, who is only a few years older and therefore like an older sister to you. When blue lock was close to being established, you offered, almost insisted you join her as her assistant. She didn't think you would ever be part of her job, but she couldn't deny that she could use the help with managing such a big project with only Ego who won't even do his own laundry. It took some convincing for your parents to agree, as you were still in school, but since it was paid work, it didn't take long to sway their opinion in your favor. She still doesn't know your true reason for wanting to join the project. Did you really want to help her that much? Or is it the exclusive experience of being a part of blue lock, seeing the players and blue lock as a whole grow and go closer towards the dream of Japan winning the world cup?
Duties in Blue Lock:
Besides making sure the schedule prepared for each day is being adhered to, reminding Anri of any appointments and occasionally making Ego his yakisoba for breakfast, you're in charge with helping out in one of the most important aspect of the players' soccer career: food. Before the success of the U20 match, blue lock's budget was extremely tight. Ordering catered food for 300 people every day wasn't sustainable, especially when they're being served different things based on their individual performance, so there were days when Anri had to cook food for everyone. That's where you helped out the most. The steak that Nagi didn't finish, the gyoza that was stolen from Gagamaru, you cooked them. The blue lockers aren't thankful enough for your work honestly smh.
Ego colour - Pastel green
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Parental figure: Marc Snuffy
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Friendly and less flashy than some of his colleagues, it wasn't hard for him to quickly become the most approachable master striker to you. You'd also get along best with the Ubers team, who get along pretty well like one big family and don't cause trouble by fighting (ahem PXG) or being too loud (ahem FC Barcha). You would like Snuffy for the abundance of sympathy he has for others. He gave Lorenzo a chance to get out of poverty, and has probably helped many others in Ubers too, since they like him so much. The both of you are sensitive and loving people at heart. Being a tactician, he likes playing chess with you when you both have free time. He only plays it as a hobby, so he likely loses to you often.💀
Best friend: Gagamaru Gin
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Hear me out. Your obvious love for animals and plants reminded me of Gagamaru (he's stated before that animal cruelty makes him sad and he would fight perpetrators). Blue lock is a drab place, metal walls and no windows, you just had to bring your plants along with you to the facility to keep yourself sane. Gagamaru, a nature lover, was also going insane from only having artificial grass to look at every day. When he heard about your plants in your room, he requested to see them. For morale. You had no reason to refuse, and your friendship with him started from there. His nonchalant attitude and reliable personality would be compatible with you, who values peace and comfort. He's also bad at technology, and likely doesn't know much about the internet. In this day and age, it's rare that you find someone who's just as uninterested in social media as you! He has trouble understanding people, so with your empathy and care for others, you could help him to learn to understand others.
Relationship with:
Chigiri Hyoma
At first you reminded him a bit of his older sister because you're usually fussing over everyone. Well yeah, it's your job to make sure they're in top condition, but you're also naturally kind. He was delighted to find that he has some things in common with you such as liking cats (black cats are his favourite animal) and taking care of your appearance (you and your skincare, him and his haircare). His ideal type is someone calm and understanding so it isn't long before he finds himself developing a small crush on you. Oops.
Mikage Reo
Reo isn't as friendly as he looks actually, he's only close with a few people. He doesn't interact with you much, but appreciates you and Anri working behind the scenes to make sure everything in blue lock runs as smoothly as possible. He also won't refuse you if you ask for his help with something like running an errand.
Nagi Seishiro
He can't understand why someone would invest this much time, effort and energy into taking care of others. You kind of remind him of Reo or Isagi in that way. Are you even interested in soccer? He doesn't pay much attention to others, always glued to his phone or complaining, but he salutes you for your hard work. Others are more grateful than him for how you take care of them all so. But he won't turn you away if you want to talk to him.
Hiori Yo
He genuinely wonders how you can put up with everyone in blue lock with so much patience. 💀 At one point, he thought your smile when dealing with Aiku's flirting was fake, but no, you were actually being nice and not secretly thinking of poisoning his food or something. He respects you a lot for that. Also started playfully calling you "Angel" once you started interacting with blue lockers more during the NEL when before they didn't see you much.
Isagi Yoichi
He's always nice and polite off the field so your first meeting with him went well. He even helps you when he sees you carrying heavy stuff during his free time. Based on his unfortunately short conversations with you because you're both busy, he can tell that you have good intuition and was delightfully surprised to find out you're a pro chess player. He would like to discuss soccer strategies more in depth with you in the future. But for now, talking to you while helping you carry some boxes to the office will do.
Your ideal match is...Yukimiya Kenyu!
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The charming and friendly Yukimiya would be the best match for you! His type is someone who laughs a lot and will always watch over him, so it's inevitable that he eventually falls for the girl in blue lock who cooks everyone's meals and tends to any minor injuries that need treatment. You wish to keep the peace, which he also wants to do for the most part (that's why he volunteered to room with Rin after everyone couldn't come to an agreement). Also, your angel motif complements Yukimiya and his arc that involves religion/God.
♡ The first time he met you properly was before the U20 match. Before that, he only caught glimpses of you in the hallways or medical ward. You followed Anri and Ego around, and got to be introduced to the blue lock members whom you've been taking care of in secret for the past few months. All he could think of while watching you bow sheepishly at them was "her beauty is truly remarkable".
♡ More on your beauty because after matching you with Yukimiya, I'm convinced your physical features are his ideal type appearance wise. He really likes how you're so small, and like your friends, compares your hands more often than probably normal (he's trying to flirt). Your kind and patient personality, paired with your cute dimples that appear when you smile, gives him cuteness aggression that he has to repress every time he sees you.
♡ Your job requires you to interact with a lot of people, sometimes at once, which can be hard sometimes as an introvert. Yukimiya doesn't interfere much, but he tries to make sure the others don't talk over you when you have to speak to a group. He also makes sure to keep the more flirty guys (ahem Otoya) away from you.
♡ Yukimiya also likes animals, though not to the level that you do. Still, he understands how much you like them, and reacts well to you every time you show him pictures of your pets and gush about them. He's thinking of taking you to a cat cafe the next time blue lock has a break.
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krumpkin · 23 days ago
I love this 😁😊
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 1 year ago
Okay so I saw the post about feeding cats with Legacy, and now I've got one specific sort of brain rot that I can't seem to shake. As such, I'm passing it on to you.
Foul Legacy has big Orange Cat™️ energy. Also during cat feeding time, he probably ends up with at least three orange cats blending into his floof.
Thank you for listening to my brain rot due to cute thoughts.
~ The anon who wanted Kaveh but didn't want Baizhu or Ganyu
oh you are so right about that, he's so silly and sweet
Foul Legacy also has a habit of curling up so he can watch the cats from their height, his crystalline eye glittering, and almost always a few of the cats end up walking over and plopping themselves onto his soft fluff. he chitters happily and wiggles his wings, wanting you to see but not wanting to move as to not disturb the kitties. all of them start purring when you kneel down and pet them, one hand in Legacy's thick ginger hair and the other hopping from cat to cat, scritching behind their ears. a few times he's had kittens placed directly in his hair and making little nests- the orange ones blend in quite nicely, so you always make sure that there's no cats in his fur or hair before you go back inside
sometimes though, when it rains, you let the cats inside so they have a place to stay. you'd think it'd be chaotic, but all the cats instantly make a beeline for Foul Legacy, snuggling against him and curling up on his lap before the fireplace, and he trills joyfully, carefully curling his body around the cats. they knead against his armor; he kneads his claws into the soft blanket you gave him. you sit down beside Legacy and a cat immediately trots over and curls up on your legs- no leaving now! since you can't get up, you might as well lean against your fluffy Abyssal monster and pet his hair, listening to the rain and the sound of many, many purrs as you slowly drift off to sleep
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moe-broey · 5 months ago
AND NOW FOR. SOMETHING BETTER. That tbh I DO really wanna pick up again. Something I DEF was keeping under wraps, holding it esp close to me.... but I got distracted and oh god I can't remember when I started this but it CANNOT be a year old at this point... surely it was just a bout of off-season Halloween fever.......... surely.....
REGARDLESS. HALLOWEEN DUO UPON YE (only sharing scraps/glimpses here!)
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THEMATICALLY. A bit of a mishmash between Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, but the wolf is also just your average werewolf.
This was esp early in Mani's development, me trying to get a feel for it... and I thought the coolest/funniest way to do that would be to Sothis its ass. You thought you were just a formless apparition that lives in somebody's head? WRONG. GET PHYSICAL FORMED, IDIOT. (It is worth saying, this is just one really weird uniquely cursed Halloween night. Put that thang back where it came from OR SO HELP ME.)
Also ALL of the storytelling you can do w a duo unit. Goes crazy. Goes insane. ESPECIALLY in this case, where it's just two of the "same" person. INSANE.
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Please note these are all somewhat early notes!!! And tbh Mani lore is so fucking complicated I have trouble completely capturing it, myself. So... a lot of the information here does hold up. But in some ways, I think I may do things a bit differently... maybe just the presentation of it. I have gotten to the point where Mani has some really distinct mannerisms. So I'd lean heavier into those!
I think I may end up reworking Mani's look, but it is very classic lolita inspired. (Also!! Mimics the silhouette of Moe's typical robe/bloomer look... for a Halloween alt, goes CRAZY). MEANWHILE. MOE.
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Moe..... aren't you cold.... or is the fur enough to keep you somewhat warm..?
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art-time · 1 year ago
A friend of mine’s sweet angle baby was found late yesterday on there yard in bad condition. He has a fractured pelvis and has sheared off the head of his femur. There trying to raise some money for his surgery if there is anything anyone can give please sand is to
On cash app, anything can help even if it’s one dollar.
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Here are some pictures of the sweet baby boy his name is cookie man! And he means a lot to my friend.
Please reblog to spread the word
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loevhyuck · 11 months ago
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teddybeartoji · 6 months ago
mickey there’s a good chance i’m horrifically late to the trademark ask game 💀 BUT . to me your trademark will always be knights <3333 and cats!!!! and vampires!!!!!!! and pink!!!!!!!!!!!! ily :333
YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO LATE FOR ANYTHING HERE IN LOSERVILLEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! literally never lmao you could've sent this in like a month later and i wouldn't've blinked an eye😭😭😭 BUT WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARIIII:((((((((( ILYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! KNIGHTS AND CATS AND VAMPIRES AND PINKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you put all of these four things in a blender together and then pour it into a cup and omfg you've just made a Mickey😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT'S SO PERFECTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tell me what's my trademark™️
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pelipper · 1 year ago
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two of them.
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gaybaseball-fan · 2 months ago
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youngspiritoldsoul96 · 1 year ago
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I have the cutest Scottish Fold EVER. He's always right on me. When we met to swap kitty for cash (when he was a month old) he immediately took to me as his mother, and it was pretty much happily ever after ever since. TRULY a match written in the stars. Best buds. DON'T EVER GO, JASON WATERFALLS!
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